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I loved Cape Town so much I couldn’t leave

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Cape Town visit

Somehow I missed the memo that Cape Town is the coolest city ever!

So when I stumbled off the plane from Durban, hungover as hell, I was pleasantly surprised and immediately blown away by this sprawling metropolis at the edge of the world. Holy shit Cape Town, South Africa is all kinds of pretty!

A country girl at heart, I am not usually a fan of big cities but when there are plenty of green places and designed in a way that makes me feel like I’m not in a city, I’m a fan. Cape Town luckily ticks all those boxes, and even reminded me a bit of Wellington, New Zealand where I used to live. Just with more crazy wildlife.

Cape Town visit

It spreads out all along a wild and beautiful coastline with sandy white beaches, cute little surf suburbs with the iconic Table Mountain looming above you in the background.

Downtown Cape Town is beautiful, and the harbor area is one of the nicest I’ve seen with amazing shopping OOPS. It doesn’t take a lot to understand why the most expensive real estate in Africa is here.

On my first trip over to South Africa , Cape Town was the first stop after a long conference in Durban. And trust me, I was basically sobbing when we had to leave after only 3 days. Couldn’t I just stay here the whole time?

Cape Town visit

As my time in Africa was drawing to a close, I made a hasty decision outside a market in Joburg. I wasn’t ready to leave. Have you guys ever felt that way about a place?

So I did the only sensible thing, rang the agent that booked my tickets and changed my flights giving myself an extra week and a half in Africa. First I headed out to Phinda , an amazing safari reserve, and then booked myself a ticket back to Cape Town.

Sometimes you have to listen to that inner voice when you love a place so much and can’t bear to leave. And ok, I’ll admit I’m lucky in that I had a pretty flexible schedule at the time and was able to do this. Wahoo internet jobs!

Cape Town visit

Luckily I was able to time my return to Cape Town when my friends Hecktic Travels were in town on a stopover on their way to Namibia.

Cue long dinners, cocktails in Camps Bay, road trips and photo sessions, plus lots and lots of coffee and catch ups. While Cape Town certainly has heaps of things to do, I found myself just enjoying being there, going for walks and exploring. It’s a great city just to be in, not necessarily be busy in.

Here is my little introduction to this glorious city with 10 things that helped make me fall in love with Cape Town.

Cape Town visit

1. Table Mountain

It’s no secret, I love mountains so to be a really cool and fun hip city with an amazing mountain backdrop, is definitely the best of both worlds. With straight cliffs and a long flat summit, it didn’t take long to understand its name.

We headed up first thing in the morning back through the winding streets leading to the base of the cableway, the easiest way to get to the top. There was beautiful mist layering over the town giving a great ephemeral feel to the start of the day.

As we walked out on top, I promptly lost my shit when I spotted a dassie for the first time. A fat little groundhog looking animal, it is adorable and I spent the next 20 minutes taking photos of them instead of admiring the view. Typical.

Cape Town visit

2. Dinner with a local family

For me, this was probably one of my favorite parts of our time in Cape Town.

Hosted dinners with local families is now a popular way to get to know the city.  When you are visiting a place for only a few days, it’s often quite hard to find opportunities to get to know the locals and get a glimpse into what life is really like there.

We were kindly invited to the home of a local musician who not only treated us to an amazing traditional dinner with his wife, but also rocked out with us all evening to the most beautiful music.

Cape Town visit

3. Staying at the One & Only Cape Town

It’s not every day that I get to stay in a 6 star hotel! Holy moley! If they only knew what I was really like, would they have let me in?

The One & Only Cape Town is part of the One & Only resort chain, and their South Africa property doesn’t fail to impress.

The biggest coziest bed ever complete with a pillow menu, great internet, a huge bathtub and an espresso machine – what more could I want?

Cape Town visit

I pretty much live in hotels with my job, and getting to stay in places like this is definitely a perk that comes with being a professional travel blogger.

At the risk of sounding snobby, while it was an amazing property, I didn’t feel like 6 stars to me until the first breakfast when I discovered not only champagne and oysters, order off the menu, any coffee you want, and oh, the crispy bacon or grilled bacon station.

Yes, 6 stars or sure!

Cape Town visit

4. Penguins on the beach!

My oh my! You guys know how much of a #BirdNerd I am, so when I first started researching Cape Town and realized there was a beach nearby home to a colony of penguins, I knew I had to make it happen!

Boulders Beach is near Simon’s Town is home to a colony of Africa Penguins, and they are adorable!

Cape Town visit

And luck was on my side because not only was the beautiful beach covered in penguins, there were fluffy molting babies everywhere! There is a god and he heard my prayers!

Show me the penguin babies!

I’m not going to lie, I loved it so much I went twice!

Cape Town visit

All the amazing seafood, all the time, nuff said.

Cape Town visit

6. Saturday Market

Another reason I was so happy to come back to Cape Town was that it gave me the opportunity to meet up with a few of you guys. I got an email from a kiwi expat living over in Cape Town who had spent a lot of time in Wanaka so it was a great opportunity to see the side of the city I probably wouldn’t have known about and hang out with a local.

The Oranjezicht City Farmer’s Market is super cute and in a beautiful part of town. Even though it drizzled the whole time, there were tents everywhere and so much delicious food and coffee, you hardly noticed.

This market has an amazing story – it was meant to be shut down before it was saved at the last minute and now takes place on the premier’s own gardens in Cape Town, which means its setting couldn’t be more picturesque.

Cape Town visit

7. Cape of Good Hope

I met up with the Hecks who rented a car and we hit the road for the day. First stop – back to the penguins obviously.

From there we headed to the Cape of Good Hope to live out our elementary school geography dreams. Nothing like finally laying eyes on a place you’ve heard about your whole lives, right guys?

Did I mention there are wild ostriches there? And baboons.

Run for your lives!

Cape Town visit

8. Chapman’s Peak Drive

On the way back to the city from the Cape Peninsula in the moody late afternoon light, we decided to take in the beautiful Chapman’s Peak Drive on the west coast.

I love a good road trip with friends!

And holy crap did this road not disappoint!

Cape Town visit

The 9km of road connecting Noordhoek and Hout Bay is pretty stunning.

Picture huge cliffs dropping down to the turquoise sea and crazy bends and turns with more lookouts and views than you could ever hope for. Don’t forget your camera.

As we turned the corner to head back to Cape Town, the sun began to shine through the peaks lighting up the houses below and creating those beams of light that I am obsessed with. What a way to close the trip!

Cape Town visit

9. Sunsquare Cape Town

I also wanted to mention on my second trip back to Cape Town I had to forgo the 6 star hotel for something more in my range and budget, the Sunsquare Cape Town .

Near the Gardens area of Cape Town, it’s in a really cool part of town with an amazing breakfast.

Cape Town visit

10. Sunset cruise

The perfect introduction to Cape Town is a sunset cruise in the harbor accompanied by a few breaching whales and champagne.

Sigh, Cape Town, you rock!

Have you ever felt this way about a place? Ever been to Cape Town? Ever changed your flights so that you didn’t have to leave a place?

Cape Town visit

Many thanks to V isit South Africa and Cape Town Tourism for hosting me in Cape Town. Like always, I’m keeping it real – all opinions are my own, like you could expect anything less from me. 

About the author.

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85 Comments on “ I loved Cape Town so much I couldn’t leave ”

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So nice, your Pictures made me want to go there RIGHT now ! 😉

Yay love that!

I am single

I heard so many great things about South Africa and Cape Town and dinner with a local family is definitely something I want to try one day! The penguins are so adorable 😀

Such a good way to experience the place!

As always, fab post! I love the idea of joining a dinner with locals – looked fun and a great way to mix with the locals! 🙂

Also…how on earth did you manage to get the cutest penguin pics?!

haha I made everyone wait while I took about 1000 shots of them haha

Love the photos! Cape Town is a magical city, and I’m in the same boat… not a city person either. I spent two months in Africa last year, visiting several places and I had a really hard time leaving at the end.

It’s magical, isn’t it?

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my trip to cape town essay

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Why I loved visiting Cape Town

It was love at first sight. Funily enough, just few days before I was thinking how hard it is for the new place to enchant me. There were so many great cities I was lucky to visit that now I’m more careful with naming the destination “one of the best I’ve ever been to”. But Cape Town stole my heart from the very first moment that I arrived. And in next 5 days I was falling in love more and more with it. It’s actually hard to name one reason why I went so crazy about Cape Town. It’s more a compilation of places, vibe, views, scents that alltogether made me love the city so very much.

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I’ve heard people raving about visiting Cape Town so many times that I was almost sure the place will leave me indifferent. I knew I will enjoy it but nothing more than that. And well, from the very first moment I just felt like at home there! I blame the Observatory for that too, the awesome bohemian neighborhood of Cape Town where I happened to stay. But the whole city was awesome and exploring it was a pure pleasure! Below you can see random things that I loved when visiting Cape Town

LOCATION I love mountains and I like sea. But when the place has a mix of both I’m in heaven! And Cape Town was like that: located on the shores of Atlantic Ocean, right at the footsteps of the famous Table Mountains it couldn’t be any more perfect! Even if the weather was hot, the nice wind from the ocean made discovering Cape Town bearable. The only downside of the location can be low clouds covering Table Mountain but fortunately it wasn’t the case for most of my stay there.

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BREATHTAKING VIEWS Going to the top of Table Mountain is a must in Cape Town. It’s the city’s biggest attraction and I can understand that perfectly well – as soon as I saw the view from up there I was enchanted. It’s incredible that such a wonderful nature getaway is located right in the city. From the top you can see big part of Cape Town as well as Robben Island and the Atlantic coast. There’s also a possibility to hike a little bit up there and that means even more breathtaking views. Guess I could have spent hours there, just looking at the world around me, realizing it’s not a dream and I really am there.

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AMAZING NATURE During my stay in Cape Town I could see so many incredible exotic plants, growing wildly at the top of Table Mountain or organized neatly in Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden. I must confess I’ve never been really crazy about flowers, trees and so on. I liked them, they looked nice but that was all. But what I’ve seen in and around Cape Town just amazed me. Actually in Kirstenbosch I spent much more time than expected because I just had to check every single flower and bush. I think I might have found a new interest in flowers over there!

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BOHEMIAN NEIGHBOURHOOD During my time in Cape Town I stayed in the Observatory – the bohemian area of the city. It was so great to start the day with a cup of tea on the balcony overlooking the main street and observing how the neighborhood is waking up. But it was even better to return there after the busy day of exploring Cape Town – it seemed like the life is much slower there, the place was full of quirky shops and local cafes and I felt like it’s a right place for me. I loved the Obs so much that it deserved a blog post that you can find here.

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DIFFICULT ISSUES For some reason I can’t explain difficult issues interest me, a lot. Conflicts, genocides , war, apartheid, divided cities – that’s what I like to focus on when I travel. And even if Cape Town is one of the most beautiful cities ever it also hides a dark history. The suburb with the location like from the paradise is the home to Imizamo Yetho – a big township with a dismal living conditions. You can read more about my visit in the post about the life in townships.

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In the center of the city you can find one of the “must visit” South African museums – District Six Museum. It tells the story of one neighborhood that completely disappeared during the apartheid rule. The museum is a testimony to the area and its inhabitants and visiting it is a really touching experience as it gives you the idea of the life in this terrible times.

LIVELY VIBE Wherever I was in Cape Town I could feel the city is alive. Fancy Waterfront, bohemian Observatory or cultural Long Street – they all had this special vibe that I enjoyed there so very much. I love cities where you don’t feel like a boring spots or (worst) like a museum. And Cape Town was nothing like that. The young vibe and the joyful atmosphere was remarkable and clearly present all over the city.

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COLOURFUL BO-KAAP In the center of Cape Town you can find this small colorful neighbourhood called Bo-Kaap. It was the highlight of downtown for me. The area used to be known as the Malay Quarter as the majority of inhabitants were Muslim slaves from South-East Asia. Bo-Kaap has a big historical value, is a multicultural center and well, it looks like from a fairy tale. Small houses painted in bright colours, cobbled streets and the overwhelming quietness make this place a perfect getaway from the bustling downtown. I could spend hours wandering around this place, soaking up the atmosphere of old times.

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BEACHES I might not be a big beach person as I get bored after a day of doing nothing. But beaches in Cape Town were incredible. Not only they were clean and sandy but also surrounded by breathtaking mountains that just added up to the overall picture of the place. Location on the shore of Atlantic Ocean makes the water a little bit chilly to swim in but on the other hand it gives a perfect opportunity to surf (or observe others surfing). Each afternoon I tried to spend at least an hour at the beach: in Camps Bay, Clifton or Muizenberg and it was a perfect relaxation time.

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These were the small things that put together made me fall in love with Cape Town. At first I thought that almost 5 days there might be a lot but when the time to leave came I was really sad that I have to say good bye to the city. I felt extremely good there, like I’ve been knowing the place for ages. And right now I can only wish to be back soon, not to explore more but just to chill out and enjoy the vibe of Cape Town.

If you’re considering a trip to South Africa don’t hesitate and just go, Cape Town can be a great starting point to explore the country!

Is South Africa on your bucket list? Which place did you fall in love with?


reasons to visit cape town pin (1)

If you think of visiting South Africa or just want to read more about the country take a look what else I wrote about it!

NOTE: I wrote this post in partnership with eShores but as always all opinions are 100% mine and Cape Town really is amazing!

love, kami 2

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Tiana Harris

this is great, we are going in Feb

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Dr. Vineet Sinha. Patna. India

So nicely put. Thnx for this info piece coz we r having a family trip there in Dec . This has boosted our excitement.

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Thank you. Hope you will have a wonderful trip to South Africa!

Łukasz Kędzierski

Honestly, I didn’t know that there the landscape is so beautiful

Gabriela Solowska

I think it’s not easy to get a good deal I’m afraid:-( I know that Monarch airlines fly to Funchal from London Gatwick. I went with TUI and I didn’t like it at all. But I stayed in a great hotel near Prazeres:-)

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I like that you have focused on the positives. Often one hears about the rampant crime in capetown’s grittier neighbourhoods, but friends of mine who live there say nothing has personally ever happened to them. So it is clearly a lot safer than it seems!

I think every city has bad neighbourhoods yet tourists don’t usually hang out there. Before my trip to South Africa I was slightly freaking out about the safety but as it turned out there was nothing to worry about, it was really fine!

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I’ve heard a lot about Cape Town and it’s nice to see that most of it is true. As Revati said: it’s nice that you’ve focused on the positives, it looks beautiful and feels safe, I wouldn’t mind spending a few days there! And the surroundings are lovely too!

I’m sure you’d love it! It’s an amazing city and the surroundings are even better! So many to see and do there!!

Floating My Boat

chcę tam <3

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The Educational Tourist

Interesting post! LOVE the colorful buildings – so bright and cheery. I’m with you about a beach…can not stand it – feel bored!! LOL! Thanks for the great information.

Thank you for your nice comment! One day at the beach is fine but that’s my maximum ;)

W 10 inspiracji dookoła świata

Cudowne to foto z kawiarni :)

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Heather Cole

Looks like you didn’t get thwarted by the ‘Cape Doctor’ winds too badly, beautiful pics from Table Mountain! Very jealous as ours are all shrouded in mists! Cape Town is a beautifully colourful city, and it’s so important to remember there is still darkness in so many areas that the tourists don’t often see, or realise, thanks for showing the truth. Oh, and some of the best calamari we’ve ever eaten was at Quay Four, I’d go back just for that :-)

you’re right, eating out there was a delight! And I must have been really lucky as I had an amazing view over Table Mountain every day I was there, just the Cape Point was misty and windy! Ah, I so would love to come back there!

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I’ve never really thought of visiting Cape Town, but you’ve convinced me. The history, the mountains, the water and bohemian neighourhoods, all in one? I’m sold.

me neither but then I’ve seen crazy cheap flights (350€ return from Rome) and I thought why not :) and then I loved it! I think you’d enjoy it too!

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WOW, talk about breathtaking views! I love how you can see the mountains and the ocean at the same time. I’m like you, I get bored after a day on the beach, but everything looks so good, I want to go to Cape Town now. :)

I hope you will go one day, it’s pretty amazing! and it has everything you wish for in a great city destination! :)

Dannielle Noonan

This is one of my top bucket list destinations but nobody will come with me!

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Jesper, The Biveros Effect

It really sounds and looks like an amazing place for a visit. Thank you for a nice post :)

It is incredible indeed! I was actually surprised how much I enjoyed it!

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The view from the top of the table mountain is really awesome, i am also amazed to see some 1975 car models in the city.

It was one of the most spectacular views I’ve ever seen!

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Cape Town was incredible when I went over 10 years ago now! Since then I have set up a travel business so I really hope I can do tours in South Africa one day :)

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my trip to cape town essay

A First Timer’s Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

For the first time ever, I traveled to Cape Town, South Africa this February and had the most incredible time. As a first-timer, I wasn’t fully sure what to expect. Yes, photos online looked magical, but was it really that stunning in person? A resounding yes. From the breathtaking landscapes to the vibrant culture, Cape Town is a city that truly captures the heart. In this post, I’ll be sharing my top recommendations for things to see, do, and eat in Cape Town, based on my personal experiences. If you’re planning your first trip to Cape Town, here is a first-timer’s travel guide to Cape Town, South Africa. I hope this guide will be a helpful and inspiring resource for you.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

A First Timer’s Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

A little about cape town, south africa.

Located on the southwestern coast of the African continent, Cape Town is a city of incredible diversity and natural beauty. It’s home to iconic landmarks like Table Mountain and Cape Point, as well as a rich history and culture that reflects the country’s complex past. From the bustling streets of the city center to the picturesque beaches and vineyards of the surrounding areas, Cape Town has something for everyone. As the legislative capital of South Africa, it’s also an important hub for politics, business, and tourism, attracting millions of visitors from around the world each year.

Getting to Cape Town, South Africa

Depending on where you are traveling from, there are a lot of airlines that travel to Cape Town, although you may need to do a few connections. Coming from Toronto, Canada, I flew using Ethiopian Airlines and had a short layover in Addis Ababa. I upgraded to business class for a more comfortable flight at a fraction of the cost so it worked out well. The journey was smooth and I liked the selection of food they offered. If you’re coming from the US, Delta and KLM are some of the best flights to take down there.

Traveling to Cape Town, South Africa in 2023 – Entry Requirements

If you’re planning to visit Cape Town in 2023, it’s important to be aware of any entry requirements for South Africa. As of March 2023, there are no COVID-19-related restrictions or requirements for travelers visiting Cape Town, regardless of their vaccination status. However, you should still check with your airline and the South African government website for any updates or changes to entry requirements.

It’s also important to note that if you’re visiting from a West African country or have recently traveled to a country where yellow fever is endemic, you may be required to provide proof of yellow fever vaccination upon arrival in South Africa. While I have one, I did not need to show it as I was traveling from Canada.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

Things to know before visiting Cape Town, South Africa

Before you pack your bags and head off to Cape Town, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Rent a car or use Uber: Cape Town is a sprawling city with plenty to see and do beyond the city center, so it’s recommended to rent a car or use Uber to get around. Uber is a popular and convenient option as it is cheaper, safer, and more reliable than traditional taxis. It’s also easy to use, and you can pay through the app.
  • English is widely spoken: While South Africa has 11 official languages, English is widely spoken and you will have no issues with language barriers when visiting Cape Town. Many people also speak Afrikaans, and you may hear Xhosa or Zulu spoken in certain areas.
  • Check if you need a visa: US, UK, and Canadian passport holders do not need a visa for stays of up to 90 days. However, it’s always a good idea to check the latest visa requirements with the South African embassy or consulate in your home country. Also, make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay.
  • Be aware of load shedding: Load shedding is a term used in South Africa for scheduled power outages. These outages are planned to reduce the demand on the power grid and prevent blackouts. If you’re visiting Cape Town during load shedding, it’s important to come prepared with a portable charger for your phone or other devices. You can check the schedule for load shedding on the website of the local utility company, Eskom.
  • The best time to visit: The best time to visit Cape Town is between November and March when the weather is warm and sunny. However, this is also peak tourist season, so expect higher prices and crowds during this time. If you want to avoid the crowds, visit during the shoulder season from April to May or September to October. The winter months from June to August are also a good time to visit if you don’t mind cooler temperatures and occasional rain.
  • Make sure to have travel insurance before you go.  In general, don’t travel anywhere without travel insurance, including on your trip to Cape Town.  Here’s  the travel insurance I use.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

The best time to visit Cape Town

Generally, for the best weather and sunshine, you should go in the summer months between November and March but keep in mind that prices are high and places might be crowded. However, from experience traveling in February, I had no issues with crowds at all, places were actually quite empty and pleasant to navigate.

In summary, the best time to travel to Cape Town is during the summer months (November to March) if you want warm and sunny weather. The shoulder season (April to May and September to October) offers pleasant weather with fewer crowds. The winter months (June to August) have cooler temperatures and occasional rain, but lower prices and opportunities for indoor activities. Ultimately, Cape Town is a year-round destination, so the best time to visit depends on your interests and preferences.

Where to stay in Cape Town

There are many hotels in Cape Town to choose from, depending on your budget, preferences, and needs. For my recent stay, I chose to book at the Rockefeller Hotel, located in the heart of Cape Town’s city center.

The hotel is conveniently located near popular attractions, restaurants, and shops, making it a great base for exploring the city. The rooms are spacious and stylishly decorated, with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable stay. Additionally, the hotel features an on-site restaurant, rooftop pool and bar, and fitness center, providing guests with a range of facilities to enjoy during their stay.

However, Cape Town has many other areas to consider, such as Camps Bay, the Southern Suburbs, and more, depending on your preferences and budget.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

Things to do in Cape Town, South Africa

If there’s one place that has an endless amount of things to do, it is Cape Town. There will not be a dull moment, and as a first-timer, it can get overwhelming knowing how to structure your days or even what you need to do on your first visit. Here are my top 10 recommendations for you.

1.) Indulge in a wine tasting experience in Stellenbosch

A wine tasting experience in Stellenbosch is a must-do activity when visiting Cape Town. Located about an hour’s drive from the city, Stellenbosch is one of South Africa’s oldest and most renowned wine regions. During my visit, I had the opportunity to taste a variety of wines at different wineries, including Oldenburg, Mitre’s Edge, and Thelema. Each winery offered a unique experience, showcasing a range of varietals and styles. Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or a casual drinker, Stellenbosch’s beautiful vineyard landscapes and diverse wineries make for an unforgettable day trip from Cape Town.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

2.) Do a Helicopter tour of the city

A helicopter ride over Cape Town is an exhilarating experience that offers breathtaking views of the city’s most iconic landmarks. During my 20-minute ride, I soared over Table Mountain, Lion’s Head, and other notable sights. The aerial perspective provides a unique and unforgettable way to appreciate the city’s natural beauty and architecture. Whether you’re looking for a romantic date idea or a thrilling adventure, a helicopter ride over Cape Town is a must-do activity.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

3.) See the African penguins at Boulders Beach

Visiting the African penguins at Boulder’s Beach is a popular activity for tourists and locals alike. The beach, located in Simon’s Town, is home to a colony of endangered African penguins. While I was not able to get up close to the penguins due to the demarcation and bridge, I still enjoyed seeing them in their natural habitat from afar. The boardwalk provides a safe and comfortable way to observe these unique creatures as they waddle along the beach and swim in the ocean. A trip to Boulder’s Beach is a fun and educational activity for all ages, and a great way to support conservation efforts for these beloved birds.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

4.) Visit Robben Island to learn about South African’s history

If you’re interested in South African history and the fight against apartheid, I highly recommend visiting Robben Island. The island is just off the coast of Cape Town and used to be a prison for political prisoners like Nelson Mandela. During the tour, former prisoners guide you through the prison and share their stories. You’ll also see the limestone quarry where prisoners were forced to work and visit Nelson Mandela’s cell, which is now a museum. Visiting Robben Island is a powerful experience that shows the struggle for freedom and equality in South Africa’s past.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

5.) Paraglide in Signal Hill

Paragliding off Signal Hill was definitely one of the highlights of my trip to Cape Town! I have to admit, I was pretty nervous at first, but facing my fear and taking the leap was truly exhilarating. As we soared high above the city, I felt like I was on top of the world, taking in the breathtaking views of Table Mountain, the ocean, and the city below. It was an experience I’ll never forget and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s up for an adventure.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

6.) Enjoy a Safari day at Aquila Game Reserve

Go on a safari adventure at Aquila Game Reserve, located just a few hours away from Cape Town. You can spot a variety of wildlife, including the Big Five, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. It’s a great way to get a taste of the South African wilderness and experience something truly unforgettable. This was one of my favorite activities and I highly recommend adding it to your Cape Town itinerary.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

7.) Explore Table Mountain by Cable Car

One of the highlights of my trip to Cape Town was taking the cable car up to the top of Table Mountain. It’s an absolute must-do for anyone visiting the city. The views from the top are breathtaking and the experience of being so high up in the clouds is exhilarating. Once at the top, I spent hours exploring the different trails and viewpoints. It’s truly a unique and unforgettable way to experience one of the world’s most iconic landmarks.

Tip: You can buy your Table Mountain Cable Car tickets in advance. Just know that it only opens everyday starting at 8am so you cannot go up before then. Hiking is however open at all times. You also cannot buy Table Mountain tickets from external websites.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

8.) Do a Cape Peninsula Tour (Cape Point and Cape of Good Hope)

One of the best ways to see the stunning natural beauty of Cape Town is by taking a Cape Peninsula tour. This full-day tour takes you along the rugged coastline of the peninsula, stopping at scenic lookout points and picturesque towns along the way. Highlights of the tour include Chapman’s Peak Drive, a winding coastal road with breathtaking views, and the Cape of Good Hope, the southwesternmost point of Africa. The Cape Peninsula tour offers a perfect mix of stunning natural beauty, fascinating history, and charming coastal towns.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

9.) Explore the colorful streets of Bo-Kaap

Exploring the colorful streets of Bo-Kaap is a vibrant and cultural experience that is not to be missed. The area is known for its bright and colorful houses, steeped in history and cultural significance. A visit to Bo-Kaap is a great way to learn about the area’s history and the culture of its residents. Like I did, you can also take it a step further by doing a Cape Malay cooking class. After exploring Bo-Kaap, head over to a home in Bo-Kaap to learn how to cook Cape Malay dishes and learn more about the culture.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

10.) Spend the day on the Llandudno Beach

Finally, spend the day on the pristine Llandudno Beach. This secluded beach is nestled between two rocky outcrops, providing a peaceful retreat from the bustling city. The crystal-clear waters and soft sand make it an ideal spot for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing. If you’re lucky, you might even spot some dolphins or whales in the distance. The beach is surrounded by stunning cliffs and offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Don’t forget to bring your sunscreen, snacks, and drinks as there are no restaurants or shops nearby. This is the perfect spot for a relaxing day in the sun.

TIP: You do not need to book anything as entry is free. I used Uber to get to Llandudno beach – it is quite far away (about 40 minutes away). One thing to note is that, if you go too early and want to return early, you may struggle to get an Uber ride back. I had to call the driver to pick me up as I waited over an hour to get an Uber back. I got there at 7am and wanted to leave at 10am.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

Where to eat in Cape Town. My recommended spots for food and drinks.

Cape Town’s culinary scene does not disappoint, and I was truly impressed by how great the food is. I got to try a lot of restaurants during my stay there and here are some of the ones I can confidently recommend.

  • Gold Restaurant. This one stands out because they have a 14-course menu of African food from different African regions, they also have live music and dance performances. In a nutshell, it is a must-have food experience in Cape Town.
  • Sevruga Restaurant. If you’re looking for a chic restaurant for brunch with views of the waterfront, this is the one. I loved having cocktails here.
  • Bilboa Restaurant in Camps Bay is a seafood lover’s dream. I also enjoyed the stunning sunset views from there. Perfect dinner location.
  • Baia Seafood Restaurant. Another great seafood spot, I enjoyed the catch of the day fish served here.
  • Boschendal Restaurant in Stellenbosch is great too. I enjoyed the Bobotie (traditional South African dish) they served there.

My favorite drinks and party place was at Ayepyep. They had some really good vibes and a mix of afrobeat, RnB and amapiano. Perfect for a night out in town.

A First Timer's Travel Guide to Cape Town, South Africa

My 7-day Cape Town Itinerary

Believe it or not when I say I got to do all of these amazing things in the space of 7 days in Cape Town. If you don’t have too much time but still want to enjoy everything Cape Town has to offer, here’s my itinerary that you can definitely steal and use for your trip.

Day one – Arrivals, settling in, dinner at the hotel’s restaurant.

Day two – Morning: Helicopter tour of the city. Lunch at Servega Restaurant. Afternoon: Boulder’s Beach to see the penguins.

Day three – Full day tour of the Cape Peninsula (Chapman’s Peak Drive, Cape Point, Cape of Good Hope).

Day four – A day trip to Stellenbosch for a wine tasting experience.

Day five – Morning: Paragliding at Signal Hill . Late Afternoon: A tour of Bo-Kaap and Cooking class in Bo-Kaap.

Day six – Full day Safari day at the Aquila Game Reserve .

Day seven – Half day tour of Robben Island .

Day eight – Departures (this day does not count in the itinerary) .

Moving around in Cape Town

Using Uber is a convenient and affordable way to get around Cape Town. The service is widely available and the fares are generally cheaper than taking a taxi. Additionally, since payment is done through the app, there is no need to worry about carrying cash or negotiating fares. However, if you prefer to have more control over your transportation, renting a car is also a viable option. Keep in mind that driving in Cape Town can be challenging, with narrow and winding roads in some areas, so it’s important to be cautious and familiarize yourself with the local traffic rules. Alternatively, you can also use the city’s MyCiti Bus service, which operates on a reliable schedule and covers many popular areas in the city.

You can book your Cape Town airport transfer here. I used this company and loved their service. They can also take you around if you want a private driver for your trip.

What to pack to Cape Town

What you pack for Cape Town largely depends on when you visit. I’ll say though, that Cape Town weather can be unpredictable, even in the summer months. While the summer features lots of sunshine, there can be moments of wind, cloud and rain so one thing you definitely want to pack is a light jacket. Here are some other things to take with you.

  • Clothing: Pack light, comfortable clothing, such as cotton t-shirts, shorts, and dresses. Also, include a lightweight jacket or sweater for cooler evenings.
  • Footwear: Bring comfortable, closed-toe shoes for walking, hiking and exploring, and a pair of sandals for the beach.
  • Sun protection: Pack a hat, sunglasses, and sunblock to protect yourself from the sun. The sun in Cape Town can be intense.
  • Toiletries: Basic toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and conditioner.
  • Medications: Pack any prescription medications you may need, and consider bringing over-the-counter remedies for common ailments.
  • Cash and cards: Bring a combination of cash and credit/debit cards. Cards are widely accepted but cash may be easier to spend.
  • Travel documents: Make sure you have a passport, visas (if required), travel insurance, and copies of important documents.
  • Camera: Don’t forget a camera or smartphone to capture memories.
  • Swimwear: Bring swimwear if you plan to visit the beach or pool.

Safety in Cape Town

Is Cape Town safe? This is a question many people ask and it is something I also wondered about. I personally had no issues in Cape Town and will share some tips below on how I stayed safe, but did want to say that safety is a global concern and no matter where you travel to, you should always be cautious. Whether it is in the US or in South Africa. Here are some safety precautions I took.

  • I traveled with my travel group and company Gojolley and there is safety in numbers. Traveling in a group helped us all stay safe and confident. If you can’t join a group tour, you can still go yourself but I recommend having a local guide or driver to take you around.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: Like everywhere you travel to, stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking alone at night, avoid isolated areas, and don’t carry large amounts of cash or valuables.
  • Don’t use your phone while walking on the street. Your phone can be snatched out of your hands. This also applies to being in traffic, winding down the glass and using your phone. Keep your phone in a bag under your seat. Be smart.
  • Watch your belongings: Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in busy tourist areas where pickpocketing can be a problem. Consider using a money belt or other secure storage option for valuables.
  • Never take all your cash or valuables with you. Only take what you need for the day.
  • Try to get a hotel with a room safe so you can put your valuables like passport, jewelry, cash and more in there.
  • Use caution when taking taxis: Official taxis are the safest way to get around, but make sure the taxi is registered and the driver has proper identification. It’s best to ask your hotel or restaurant to call a taxi for you or just use Uber.
  • Get travel insurance: Make sure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses and emergency evacuation. You can get one  here .

Cape Town is very touristy location and you will often see a lot of people in the day time. There’s not much to worry about as long as you take the regular safety precautions, stay alert and avoid dark alleys. Always share your location with a trusted family or friend.

Cape Town is a must-visit destination and there’s something for everyone. I hope this travel guide to Cape Town was helpful in planning your future trip. With its rich history, breathtaking views, vibrant culture, delicious food, and stunning beaches, Cape Town is a destination that is sure to leave you coming back for more. Don’t forget to comment below with your thoughts and let me know if you have any further questions. I wish you a fantastic trip to Cape Town, South Africa!

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One Comment

I am so happy that I came across your page! My cousins and I are planning a 6 day trip to Cape Town in September and I am so excited!! (But a little nervous for the long flight- possibly flying from the US or the UK). You gave so much information in a such a concise way, that I know would be helpful in planning our itinerary. Thank you for all the great tips and suggestions!!

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An Unforgettable Holiday in Cape Town

Raveesh Khullar

Last updated: Sep 24, 2019

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my trip to cape town essay

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On a recent holiday, I embarked on an African experience to the ‘rainbow nation’ of Cape Town. With its unique culture, experiences, cuisine, people and energy, it is one of the most iconic cities in the world. The energy level of people here is unmatchable! On my South African tour , I covered the stretch from Stellenbosch to Franschoek, with the perfect ending in Cape Town. With so many amazing experiences to recount, it’s hard to find a good starting point. Read on, and you’d agree that even a week ain’t enough!

Road Trip to Stellenbosch


It all started when my friends and I decided to set off on a road trip to Stellenbosch, a wine village in Western Cape . We drove for close to an hour on the roads of Cape Town to reach our destination, 1692 Spier. This wine farm has enjoyed a long history that dates back to 1692 and is renowned for its architecture, in particular. It is hard to miss the sculpture of "The Dying Slave" installed at Spier wine farm. A unique piece of art, it consists of nine columns at a height of 13 feet and about 225,000 pieces of stone that come together to form the image.

Exploring the Vineyard

I had a gala time exploring the massive vineyard, enjoying tours of one of the oldest farms in the region and relishing the exotic food. When I say ‘exotic’, I mean everything from different kinds of fish to Impala meat; I tasted and loved it all! A great accompaniment to this soft meat was the cheese and red wine. I went on three different tours here; an early morning cycling tour to the vineyard - just me and my cycle - exploring the vineyard and soaking in the beauty of the countryside; on the next tour, my friends and I drove to the vineyard in our hired SUV; and on the last tour, we enjoyed wine tasting as we dug into local food. But that’s not all; we also learnt the process of making wine and it was interesting to see how every flavour has an important part to play in the colour, texture and pallet of the wine.

Picnic by the Lake


Other highlights of the trip were the quad biking tour and the picnic by the lake at Rhebokskloof. Sitting by the lake, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer beauty of the surroundings, as we sipped on sparkling wine and enjoyed cheese, fresh from a dairy close by.

Heading to  Franschoek


As the trip to Stellenbosch was drawing to a close, the excitement was only building up and we were all set for our next adventure. To our surprise, we had chauffeur driver World War II vintage bikes waiting for us to take us to our next wine destination, Franschoek. The journey took close to two hours and was a scenic one.

Arriving in Cape Town


Upon arriving at our destination, we freshened up and set out to explore the beautiful property. From the many different restaurants and the art and craft centre, to the wine cellar and individually themed rooms; the hotel exuded a charm unlike any other I had ever been to. We later went to a café for coffee and enjoyed the sight of the sun setting in the backdrop.

For dinner, we were invited by the owner of the property for a lavish 11-course French meal. The night was still young, so we put on our dancing shoes and headed out to explore Franschhoek’s nightlife. A number of clubs, bars, live music venues and other entertaining avenues make this an enthralling place for the party-goers. Some of the places worth visiting are Elephant and Barrel Village Pub, Vineyard Brasserie, the Franschhoek Cellar, among others.

The next day, we drove to Cape Town, the city that has so much to offer. Upon arrival, we directly went for a city tour and took a cable car to Table Mountain for awe-inspiring views of the city! Standing true to its name, this iconic landmark is shaped like a table and has various points from where you can get clear views of the city and the ocean.  


After a cup of coffee, we headed for the highlight of the tour - a helicopter ride. It took us about 20 minutes to reach the helipad, from where we boarded our flight. I was the lucky one to play the part of the co-pilot; a little nervous, I took on this challenge and followed the instructions of the pilot. In no time we were cruising high above the clouds.


Book Your Flight to Cape Town

Visiting the 12 Apostles

After this exhilarating experience, we headed to our hotel which was located amidst the woods but not before stopping at Hudson Bay on the way. The 12 Apostles guarding the Mother City like a wall and protecting it from the strong waves and wind was a sight to behold.


Upon reaching the hotel, we freshened up and headed to Long Street to experience Cape Town’s vibrant nightlife, considered to be the best in Africa. There were numerous clubs, lounges, pubs, bars and discotheques not only of African origin but from across the globe. Our first stop was a Canadian club that played classic hits. But this was just the beginning; Irish, English and European, we explored all kinds of clubs, ending our night in a true African fashion, with reggae music. (show in restaurant image) We came back to the hotel in the wee hours of the morning to collect our luggage and headed to the airport on a high (quite literally!). The perfect end to our Africa trip; this was a holiday that will remain etched in my memory forever.

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my trip to cape town essay

David from trav... | on 31 July 2018

Great article, thanks for the tips! Indeed, South Africa has some of the most stunning landscapes on earth and is the perfect spot for an adventure! Unfortunately, the country is also tainted by violent crime and scams: Do be wary of the pickpocketing, robberies, muggings, fake tour guides, beach thefts, drink spiking, currency switcheroo, tourist prices, car pull over scam, fake airport taxi drivers, luggage theft, bogus airport employees, carjacking, car crash scams, smash and grab, ATM scams, fake police, corrupt police and many more!


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CAPE TOWN · February 9, 2024 Last Updated on March 15, 2024


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Cape Town is a beautiful port city located on South Africa’s western cape. Cape Town is the country’s oldest city and is known for its incredible topography. When you arrive you’ll be greeted by a mesmerizing coastline dotted with striking mountain ranges. The city is also known for being a vibrant, modern metropolis that is home to an array of hip, upscale restaurants, bars, hotels, and boutiques.

A must-visit bucket list destination, you could spend days exploring the city of Cape Town, taking in the cultural melting pot that it is – bar hopping, dining at great restaurants, visiting art galleries, sipping cocktails and swapping stories with travelers from all over the globe. Outside the city, Cape Town offers incredible hiking trails, beautiful beaches, unique road trip destinations, and world-class wineries in the nearby Cape Winelands. 

Cape Town is very affordable (by American standards) which is a huge draw for many travelers. Sun-seekers from around the world flock to Cape Town in the summer months (December – March) to enjoy the incredible weather and live like kings on a modest budget.

This was my first time visiting South Africa and I fell in love with Cape Town instantly. The city has a very special, vibrant energy and the locals are fun, welcoming, and yes – very attractive . 

Based on my experience, here’s my ultimate guide to Cape Town with everything you need to know to have an unforgettable experience in South Africa’s “mother city.”

Where To Stay In Cape Town: The Best Areas, Hotels & Airbnbs

The best trips usually start with amazing accommodations. They don’t have to be expensive, but they do have to have a special “wow” factor that makes them memorable.

On my trip to Cape Town, I was spoiled with staying at some of the best hotels in the city and the Cape Winelands. I also stayed at vacation rentals, and I loved each of these accommodations for different reasons. Before I dive into the details of these, let’s talk about what areas to stay in, especially for a first-time trip to Cape Town.

The Best Areas To Stay At In Cape Town

Cape Town has an array of different neighborhoods to explore, which can also make it challenging to choose the perfect place to stay. Many of the good hotels and vacation rentals can be found along the coastline. Sea Point, Camps Bay, the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Green Point, and the downtown city center are all great neighborhoods to stay in while visiting Cape Town.

Sea Point is the most centralized area, and probably the most ideal spot to stay on a first-time trip to Cape Town. I stayed here for the first two nights of my trip and loved the location.

Sea Point is a lively, affluent suburb with great beaches that offer tidal pools, kids’ playgrounds, and the Sea Point Promenade, a popular walking route that traces the coastline. Sea Point also offers an array of great restaurants, bars, and shops. During summer (December – March) they often have fun street festivals. There happened to be one going on the day I arrived which was a perfect way to start my trip!

Camps Bay is another ideal spot to stay during a trip to Cape Town. I stayed here and loved the peacefulness of feeling slightly removed from the city while having access to everything close by. 

Camps Bay draws crowds to its namesake beach, known for its fine white sand, natural rock swimming pool and views of the beautiful Twelve Apostles mountains. Along the ocean, you’ll find a small promenade mall selling fashion and beachwear, and posh seafood restaurants, cute cafes, and terraced cocktail bars overlooking the ocean.

Victoria & Alfred Waterfront and Green Point are right next to each other, situated around the port. This is a busy commercial area, so I chose not to stay here during my trip, but it is a great spot to stay if you want to have easy access to a lot of the city’s amenities. If you’re staying in this area you can easily walk to the Cape Town Stadium, the Tow Oceans Aquarium, and the Cape Town Cruise Terminal . 

There are also an array of great restaurants, bars, and hotels in this area. I shared a few of the best hotels below in the hotel section. This is also a great place to go shopping at the V&A Waterfront .

The City Center is Cape Town’s vibrant business and commercial heart and is the place to stay if you want to be in the midst of the action. It offers a mix of chain stores, surf shops, fashion boutiques, parks, gardens, and tons of hotel and dining options from casual pizzerias to upscale bistros.  

Cape Town locals know how to party and the city center is the place to be if you want walkable access to all the best bars and clubs where you can dance until the sun comes up. 

Llandudno is a beautiful seaside suburb just outside of Cape Town. It’s only about a fifteen-minute drive to Sea Point from Llandudno but it feels like a million miles away. Llandudno has access to great hiking and gorgeous beaches, all within walking distance from the community but it doesn’t have much by way of restaurants.

If you stay in Llandudno, be prepared to drive to nearby Haut Bay or Camps Bay for shops and food. You can catch Ubers from here but sometimes it can take a while to get one. I had to hitchhike once while staying here because the Uber took so long – no joke.

Hout Bay is a great area to visit for the day but a little out of the way. They do have some great restaurants. I loved Dunes Beach Restaurant & Bar which offers upscale Cape Code vibes, right on the sand with beautiful views, great drinks, and excellent food.

If you want to escape the city and have an amazing luxury experience I suggest splurging on a stay at Tintswalo Atlantic which is just a few minutes from Haut Bay and offers a unique, hidden gem, luxury experience.

Where I Stayed In Cape Town

These are the hotels and vacation rentals that I stayed at in Cape Town and loved . 

Tintswalo Atlantic

Boasting an extraordinary location, just a short drive from town yet nestled within Table Mountain National Park, this luxury hideaway is arguably the best hotel in Cape Town. Tintswalo Atlantic offers a secluded getaway for guests to enjoy a private beach, an outdoor swimming pool overlooking Hout Bay, impeccable service, and excellent dining and spa offerings.

Tucked away against a hillside, down a private winding road, it’s a little bit of a trek to get to Tintswalo Atlantic and that is one of the best things about this exclusive 5-star hotel. Once you’ve arrived, you feel like you’ve arrived . 

The property is intimate and magical and the staff is incredible. Each of the ten individually decorated bungalows is situated on the water’s edge and offers a private deck, an ocean-view soaking tub, and sparkling views of Hout Bay. A stay at Tintswalo Atlantic is well worth the price for the world-class service and amenities you’ll experience.

Tintswalo goes above and beyond to make guests feel pampered so it’s popular for special occasions and celebrations among both visitors and locals. During your stay you’ll enjoy sunset canapés and cocktails, a welcome bottle of wine waiting in your room, a lavish breakfast and other luxury touches. 

I loved everything about my stay at Tintswalo Atlantic , especially drifting off to sleep watching moonlight dance across the sparkling bay, while listening to the sound of waves peacefully lapping against the shore. Paradise found.

La Cotte Farm

You can’t visit Cape Town without wine tasting in the Cape Winelands, and while there are many wonderful hotels to choose from, I highly suggest La Cotte Farm . Ideally located just outside the small, picturesque town of Franschhoek, La Cotte offers the rural charm of a working wine farm paired with modern-day luxury.

I spent two blissful days and nights at La Cotte and my only complaint is that it was not long enough. I’ve been all over the world and I generally prefer beach hotels, but La Cotte Farm instantly stole my heart with its unpretentious, yet glamorous style, along with the beauty and peacefulness of the property.

La Cotte exudes old world meets French countryside luxury. The design of this hotel is impeccable. Every thoughtful detail blends effortlessly together creating a sophisticated, upscale yet welcoming atmosphere.

I stayed in a pool bungalow and a private pool cottage and both were wonderful. There isn’t a bad room at La Cotte  and you can not beat the gorgeous property landscaped with lush gardens, walking paths, and vineyards set against a mesmerizing mountain backdrop.

If you’re looking for a special place to have a wedding or celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, La Cotte Farm is the perfect boutique hotel to book in the Cape Winelands.

Camps Bay Retreat

Ideally situated overlooking Camps Bay, Camps Bay Retreat is an eclectic and charming four-star hotel that offers a mix of traditional ocean-view rooms and small jungle bungalows, tucked away in the forest but still overlooking the sea.

I loved how unique this property is. It feels like you are on safari, staying in a jungle, but you are across from the ocean with sweeping ocean views. I also loved that this hotel is within walking distance to Camps Bay Promenade where you’ll find great seafood restaurants, bars, and shops. 

I highly suggest booking a room with a private hot tub at Camps Bay Retreat to fully relax, unwind, and enjoy this special property.

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Sea Point Airbnb

I stayed at this charming Modern 2 Bedroom Condo in the heart of Sea Point for the first two nights of my trip. You can’t beat the location of this place and it was stylish, spacious, and spotlessly clean. The check-in process was also easy and the host was very communicative and helpful. It also felt very safe with 24/7 security. 

I loved that you could walk to the beach and tons of great restaurants, bars, and shops from this condo. My favorite amenity was the rooftop pool area that offers amazing views of Lions Head Mountain on one side and the city and ocean on the other. I would definitely stay here again.

Llandudno Airbnb

This small, beachside community reminds me a little bit of Malibu. It’s incredibly peaceful and beautiful and has a gorgeous white sandy beach with good waves – there was even a surf contest going on while I was there.

There are no street lights, restaurants, or shops in Llandudno but the town has some of the most expensive residential properties in South Africa. After staying here for three nights it’s easy to see why. Llandudno is magical. And while the homes here are expensive, it’s possible to find affordable vacation rentals.

I stayed at the Tranquil Beach Sunset Retreat which is a little studio that rents for around $100 a night in high season, and I loved it. The studio itself is not fancy but it has sweeping ocean views. I spent days here just staring at the sea being reminded that every day we get to be alive is a gift and how lucky we are to have so many beautiful places like this around the world to discover during our lives.

The Best Hotels In Cape Town

These are 14 of the best hotels in Cape Town . I’ve organized them by luxury, mid-range and budget to help you choose the best hotel for you and your group.

Best Luxury Cape Town Hotels

  • Tintswalo Atlantic – Located just a short drive from Hout Bay Beach and Chapmans Peak, this luxury hideaway is arguably the best hotel in Cape Town offering a secluded getaway for guests to enjoy a private beach, an outdoor swimming pool overlooking Hout Bay and world-class service, dining, spa offerings.
  • La Cotte Farm – Centrally located in the picturesque town of Franschhoek, La Cotte Farm is an ideal place to stay when visiting the Cape Winelands . I spent two blissful nights here during my trip and it quickly became one of my favorite hotels. La Cotte Farm excuses unpretentious old-world glamour and charm in an incredibly beautiful, peaceful setting. My only complaint is that two nights here were not enough.
  • Camps Bay Retreat – Ideally situated overlooking Camps Bay, Camps Bay Retreat is an eclectic and charming four-star hotel that offers a mix of traditional ocean-view rooms and small jungle bungalows and bungalows, tucked away in the forest but still overlooking the sea. I stayed here during my trip and loved it. I suggest booking a room with a hot tub to fully enjoy the views from this amazing property.
  • Gorgeous George – This chic boutique hotel is located in the city center and offers a small but popular rooftop pool area and sunbathing deck. This is also a great spot for cocktails, brunch or lunch!
  • Ellerman House – This luxury hotel is located in Bantry Bay near the beach and close to the Bo Kaap Museum and Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa. The hotel has 13 individually furnished rooms with sea views and balconies. There are also two luxury villa options, which can both sleep up to six people.
  • Silo Hotel – With 28 individually furnished rooms, this luxury resort situated on the V&A Waterfront has unique room options, including a royal suite that can sleep four with large windows, a penthouse one-bedroom apartment, and rooms with bay views.
  • Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa – This family-friendly hotel in Oudekraal is close to Camps Bay Beach and Table Mountain. The hotel has 70 rooms, an outdoor swimming pool, an onsite spa and two onsite restaurants.
  • Belmond Mount Nelson – Located just a two-minute walk from Kloof Street in downtown Cape Town , this highly-rated hotel offers guests a complimentary breakfast, two outdoor swimming pools, a poolside bar, and four onsite restaurants.
  • One&Only Cape Town – Family-friendly, 5-Star Resort located on the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.

Mid-Range Cape Town Hotels

  • More Quarters Hotel – This hotel offers guests the choice of a one or two-bedroom apartment. The one-bedroom apartment can sleep up to two people, and the two-bedroom apartment has space for four. The aparthotel has a fitness center, a bar and a full breakfast option.
  • Victoria and Alfred Hotel – Located near the cruise terminal, this waterfront hotel is just a short walk from the Two Oceans Aquarium and the Cape Town Stadium.
  • Pod Camps Bay – Complete with mountain and ocean views, the hotel has 17 rooms, with premium comforts such as bedding and heated floors. The hotel is located close to Camps Bay Beach and Clifton Bay Beach.

Budget Cape Town Hotels

  • Once In Cape Town – This hotel offers guests the choice of two restaurants, including brunch and happy hour options. The hotel also has a garden and terrace area.
  • Radisson Red Hotel – This eco-certified hotel is close to the Cape Town Cruise Terminal and Cape Town Convention Center. The hotel also has an outdoor swimming pool with sun loungers and a rooftop terrace.
  • Ace Hotel – Located on the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront with beautiful views of Lions Head.

Top Things To Do In Cape Town

With everything from historical sites, incredible hikes, a thriving nightlife scene and wonderful beaches, Cape Town has something for everyone. Here are 11   of the best things to do in Cape Town .

1) Explore Off The Beaten Path 

When you’re visiting Cape Town for the first time you should of course some of the popular tourist attractions; They’re popular for a reason. But there is so much to do in Cape Town that is off the beaten path. 

Everyone does Lion’s Head but have you heard of the shipwreck hike from Sandy Bay Beach? Sandy Bay is located in Table Mountain National Park, just a short, pretty walk from Llandudno. From there you can hike up the dunes to be rewarded with amazing views of Sandy Bay on one side (pictured below) and Hout Bay on the other.

If you hike further along the ridge you will reach the point where you’ll see an amazing shipwreck, Ou Schip, peaking out of the sea. From there you can head down a lower path back to Sandy Bay Beach which is a beautiful, peaceful white sand beach. It’s also a nude beach so be prepared for a potential free show!

The entire hike takes less than two hours and is fairly easy so it’s a great way to get some exercise and explore off the beaten path.

2) Take The Cable Car Up To Table Mountain

A trip up the cable car to Table Mountain is a must when visiting Cape Town. The cable car scales the side of Table Mountain and offers gorgeous, sweeping views from the top.

This is a great place to watch the sunset over the city and surrounding areas.

3) Do The Iconic Lion’s Head Hike

There are endless options to escape the city, but one of the best ways is to explore the mountains and national parks. Lion’s Head is one of the most popular hikes in Cape Town.

This hike is challenging but once at the top, you’ll be rewarded with a killer view.

4) Visit The Cape Winelands

You can’t visit Cape Town without going to wine tasting in the Cape Winelands District, so I suggest renting a car for a few days and spending two to three nights in Franschhoek. As I mentioned above, Franschhoek is a small, picturesque town located just a little over an hour from Cape Town.

La Cotte Farm is a wonderful place to stay during your time in the Winelands and you must go wine tasting on the Franschhoek Wine Tram . Beyond great wines, South Africa also has excellent, affordable MCC – aka champagne . The only difference between the South African MCC and Champagne is where the grapes are grown.

My favorite wineries in the Cape Winelands were La Motte (the oyster and MCC pairing are a must), Richard Branson’s winery  Mont Rochelle (beautiful grounds), Klein Goederust (locally owned with amazing MCC) and Grande Provence Estate (more delicious oysters and MCC plus a very art gallery).

5) Enjoy A Scenic Helicopter Flight

One of the best ways to see Cape Town is from above! A helicopter flight over Cape Town offers stunning city and Cape views. You can take a 12-minute helicopter tour along the coast, taking in breathtaking views of the stadium, neighborhoods and natural landmarks.

6) Visit The Kirstenbosch Botanic Garden

The Kirstenbosch Botanic Garden is one of nine National Botanical Gardens administered by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). This garden is home to an extensive collection of African plants and has designated trails for exploring the gardens.

7) Relax On A Beach Or Cold Plunge

Cape Town has incredible beaches. Some of the best ones are Camps Bay Beach, Boulders Beach (to see the Penguins), Clifton, Long Beach, Bakhoven Beach, Simon’s Town, and Sandy Bay Beach (pictured below). 

But consider yourself warned about the chill factor of the sea here. Cape Town is located on the Atlantic seaboard of the Western Cape. What does this mean for the ocean temperature? Translation – the water is freezing! I’m a surfer and a surf instructor so I pride myself on being pretty tough but the water was so cold I was only able to jump in for 10 seconds before I was scrambling out shivering. 

If you like to cold plunge , this is the place to do it. Many people cold plunge daily in the natural tide pools at Saunders Beach on Bantry Bay. For the record, I think those people are nuts, but while you’re in Cape Town you might as well live on the edge and try a natural cold plunge.

8) Go On Safari

Head to the Gondwana Game Reserve , just five hours outside the city. Here, you will find ‘The Big Five,’ African lions, elephants, leopards, Cape buffalos and rhinoceros. This reserve is committed to conservation and is beautiful and has excellent guides.

9) Visit The Bo Kaap Neighbourhood

The Bo Kaap neighborhood is located at the bottom of Signal Hill. This neighborhood is filled with colorful houses dating back to the 1760s. The town has a museum in one of the oldest buildings in the city.

This is a great place to walk around and enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants.

10) First Thursdays

If you’re visiting Cape Town during the first week of the month you have to check out First Thursdays . On the first Thursday of every month, they throw a giant street party across Cape Town. You can walk between the galleries, restaurants, and bars and everything is open until very late. 

I visited Cape Town at the beginning of December and got to experience First Thursday. It was so fun! Cape Town knows how to party and the energy in the city for this event is intoxicating. 

10) Take a Cape Point Road Trip

Cape Point is located within the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve and has a historical lighthouse and sweeping ocean views. The drive between Cape Point and Cape Town is incredible.

On the drive, you’ll see Muizenberg, Kalk Bay, Simon’s Town, Boulders Beach, Sentinel Peak, and Champman’s Peak Road.

Best Tours To Take In Cape Town

  • Embark on a round-trip journey aboard the Table Mountain Cable Car from Cape Town to the summit of Table Mountain.
  • Experience the beauty of Cape Town with a 12-minute helicopter tour along the coast, featuring stunning views of the stadium, neighborhoods and natural landmarks.
  • Discover Cape Town’s history and culture on a guided bike tour . See the colorful homes in Bo-Kaap and the iconic Green Point Stadium, and learn from an expert guide.
  • Experience breathtaking views of Cape Town’s Atlantic coastline, Lion’s Head, Signal Hill, and Camps Bay during a guided tandem paragliding flight .
  • Explore the breathtaking scenery of Witzands Aquifer Nature Reserve with a guided quad biking adventure  just outside of Cape Town.

Best Fine Dining Restaurants In Cape Town

With farm-to-table and sea-to-table as the norm in Cape Town, there are plenty of incredible restaurant options. I was very impressed by how good the food is. I did not have one bad meal the entire 10 days I was in Cape Town.

The city is a global melting pot, so every type of food is available an affordable price. Here are 10 of the best fine dining options in Cape Town.

  • La Petite Colombe – With a series of tasting menus, this restaurant has several options, including a reduced menu, vegetarian, chefs’ experience, and a vegetarian chefs’ experience menu. The restaurant is located in Franschhoek.
  • Belly of the Beast – With just a 30-seater restaurant, Belly of the Beast offers an incredible tasting menu with ingredients sourced from local sustainable producers. There is no menu or set number of courses; you must show up and trust that you will be served incredible dishes.
  • Chefs Warehouse – Maison – This restaurant has a relaxed contemporary country feel, serving farm-to-table food while supporting local suppliers and serving a seasonal menu.
  • Galjoen – Serving just 24 people at a time, this exclusive restaurant serves South African sustainably sourced seafood. They have a tasting menu and are open for lunch and dinner.
  • The Pot Luck Club – Located on the top floor of the Silo of The Old Biscuit Mill, this restaurant offers an innovative menu and an incredible brunch on Sunday.
  • Chefs Warehouse – Tintswalo Atlantic – Set at the water’s edge, this restaurant sources local farm to table ingredients and freshly caught local fish. They serve a five-course menu of small plates with plenty of seafood dishes. I ate dinner here during my stay and loved everything!
  • Salsify – With sweeping Atlantic Ocean views, this restaurant is inspired by nature, and the menu is driven by the season with a seasonal inspired menu. This restaurant is also unique because it is located within a restored national monument.
  • Fyn – One of the city’s most popular dining establishments, this restaurant offers a unique take on Japanese African cuisine. The menu provides a dining experience and has a plant-based menu option and a pescatarian lunch menu.
  • Kloof Street House – This restaurant is in a Victorian House on Kloof Street. This hotel is a great dining spot for Sunday lunch, live jazz sessions, or cocktails in the garden.
  • Chefs Warehouse – Beau Constantia – Located in wine country, this restaurant offers incredible views of terraced vineyards and a four-course set menu.

Best Breakfast and Lunch Spots In Cape Town

Cape Town offers a great breakfast culture, with many hip cafes and coffee shops. Here are ten of the city’s best coffee shops, and breakfast and lunch spots.

  • Dunes Beach Restaurant & Bar – Upscale Cape Code vibes, right on the sand in Hout Bay with beautiful views, great drinks, excellent food (see photo below), and good service.
  • Truth Coffee – This coffee shop specializes in selecting the world’s most exclusive coffees and has won many awards for its coffee shop. Along with offering some incredible coffee, this cafe has a bakery with bread made from locally sourced ingredients.
  • Tribe Coffee – Located in the heart of Cape Town, this cafe is just a short walk from the Woodstock train station and offers incredible coffee.
  • Jason’s Bakery – This cafe in Green Point offers fresh baked goods daily.
  • Hesheng – This Chinese restaurant offers authentic cuisine with a great price tag. This family-run and freshly made Chinese dishes make for a great lunch option.
  • Obi – Located on Long Street, this restaurant offers some of the city’s best ramen and sushi.
  • Bo-Kaap Deli – Located within the brightly colored Bo-Kapp neighborhood, this cafe offers sweet and bakery items.
  • Una Mas – This modern Mexican restaurant in Sea Point is perfect for brunch and cocktails. Of course, they also serve tequila and authentic Mexican food.
  • La Motte – Located in the Franschhoek Valley, this restaurant has fine wines and is in a picturesque setting. It also has a fantastic bakery with freshly baked products and freshly brewed coffee.
  • Gorgeous George – This boutique hotel in downtown Cape Town is a swanky spot for brunch or lunch.
  • Clarke’s – Everything served in this establishment is made from the bakery items to produce. They offer a superb all-day breakfast complete with croissants and ample breakfast options.

Best Bars In Cape Town

Cape Town offers plenty of great bar options. Whether you are looking for a casual drink or you to experience the city’s best nightlife, here are ten of the best bars in Cape Town .

  • Power and The Glory – This cozy hangout is in Tamboerskloof and has a relaxed atmosphere with a large selection of drinks.
  • Dark Horse – Complete with cocktails, including a Pimms cocktail and Amaretto Sour, and an extensive wine and beer menu.
  • The Drinkery – This contemporary speakeasy offers classic cocktails, a unique craft beer menu, and skilled and friendly bartenders.
  • Tommy’s Chop Shop – Located on Canterbury Street, this bar offers a relaxed atmosphere and superb drinks.
  • Only Fools – Fun local hang in Sea Point, serving good burgers and beer plus cocktails. They also have a fun ladies’ restroom wallpapered entirely with Britney Spears’ photos (see below).
  • Chinchilla Camps Bay – Set right above the beach on the Camps Bay strip, this bar is the perfect place to enjoy a cocktail and watch the sunset.
  • The Waiting Room – Situated in the CBD, this bar hosts regular events on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. This is also an after-work favorite for local workers.
  • The Village Idiot – This is where locals like to enjoy a drink or two. This vintage bar is open-air with a balcony and significant events in the summer. Open from Wednesday to Saturday with a daily happy hour, this bar is excellent for a drink with your friends or family.
  • The Stack – Located in the center of the Gardens, this bar has an extensive cocktail and drinks menu.
  • The Silo Hotel Bar – This bar has one of the best rooftops in the city, which is perfect for watching the sunset with a cocktail.
  • Gorgeous George – This chic boutique hotel is located in the city center and is a great spot for cocktails.

How To Get Around Cape Town

The best way to get around Cape Town is via Uber, car, or scooter. You can also use the My CitiBus service. The bus service has an app; you can purchase a transport code from any station, which can be topped up.

Cape Town is also quite walkable. If you’re staying in Sea Point, for example, you can walk to an array of restaurants, bars, and shops as well as the promenade, beach, and other nearby areas such as Bantry Bay.

Language, Currency, Safety, Style & Load Shedding

Here are the basics of what you need to know when you are visiting Cape Town for the first time.

Cape Town is a stylish city . I’d compare the style to what people wear in West Los Angeles – hip beach attire during the day. At night people dress up if they are going out to a nice dinner or a club, just like people do in LA. 

How To Get To Cape Town

Cape Town International Airport (CPT) is the only airport serving the city and the second busiest airport in South Africa after Johannesburg. The airport has direct interantional flights from London, Dubai, Amsterdam, Doha, Singapore, Newark and Washington-Dulles. The Cape Town airport is just 12 miles from the city center and Ubers are easy to get into town.

The Cape Town Airport is a fairly small, clean, nice airport. From my experience, there can be long delays at check-in so when you are returning home be sure to arrive early. 

Best Time Of Year To Visit Cape Town

During the winter in South Africa (June – September), Cape Town tends to be rainy and windy, with southeast winds blowing in from the ocean.

The best time to visit Cape Town is summertime (December – March). While not as warm, shoulder seasons can also be nice in Cape Town. Early autumn (April- May) and late spring (October -November) are good times to visit as well.

Ultimate Guide To Cape Town Wrap Up

I visited Cape Town at the beginning of December and fell in love with it the moment I arrived. It’s a bold claim but after such an amazing experience there, Cape Town has quickly become one of my favorite cities in the world. Cape Town is beautiful, the people are beautiful, there is so much to do and see, it has an amazing energy, plus it’s very affordable.

I’m officially hooked and will be planning another trip to Cape Town soon. I hope my article has inspired you to book a trip to CT as well!

If you’re interested in visiting other areas in this beautiful country, you can check out all our South Africa articles for inspiration, or our 2024 Girls Getaway Destinations for other destination ideas.

We hope that this article has inspired you to visit Cape Town. If you have questions or advice to share with our readers, please leave them in the comments below.

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Read More About South Africa

  • Meet a Quieter Side of South Africa: The Garden Route
  • South African Road Trip
  • 10 Awesome Things To Do In Cape Town
  • Discovering Cape Town, South Africa
  • South African Safari In The Karoo, Eastern Cape

We Are Travel Girls Co-Founder Vanessa Rivers Connect with Vanessa Website | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest |  YouTube 

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6-Day Cape Town Itinerary: A Complete Guide To Visiting The Motherland


Cape Town features stunning landscapes, a rich history, and a vibrant culture, which captivates travelers from all over the world. If you’re thinking about visiting the South African capital, this post will come in handy.

I assembled the ultimate 6-day Cape Town itinerary that includes must-do activities and attractions, as well as some relaxing time and night-out adventures. Keep on reading to discover all the things you can do during your Cape Town trip.

Here is your ultimate Cape Town itinerary to explore the best of South Africa’s capital!

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Best Time To Go To Cape Town?

View from Cape Point and must on any Cape Town itinerary.

Before we begin this Cape Town itinerary it’s important to discuss the best time to visit Cape Town, which depends on your expectations for the trip. In general, Cape Town has a Mediterranean climate, with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. 

The summer months (December to February) offer long sunshine days, great for outdoor activities, beach days, and exploring the city both during the day and at night. On the other hand, summer brings loads of tourists which can create big crowds and an increase in hotel and flight prices. 

Autumn (March to May) and spring (September to November) are excellent seasons to enjoy Cape Town without too many tourists and with the perfect weather for outdoor activities. As for winter (June to August), you can expect cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall, but in general, it is a great time to enjoy wine tasting in the Cape Winelands. 

How Many Days Do You Need In Cape Town?

I recommend you book a “long trip” to Cape Town, around 5-6 days, to properly explore the city. This way you’ll have plenty of time to visit iconic attractions, eat as much as you want, and still have some time to relax.

Where To Stay in Cape Town?

Deciding where to stay when traveling can be a stressful process, which is why this section will help you out. Here’s a brief description of the most popular neighborhoods and what they offer:

Camp’s Bay is known for its beautiful beach and stunning views of the Twelve Apostles mountain range. If you’re a luxury traveler or beach enthusiast, then Camp’s Bay is a go-to choice.

Sea Point offers a laid-back atmosphere with stunning views, excellent for all kinds of travelers. Whether you’re looking for beachfront hotels or self-catering apartments, Sea Point has plenty of options to choose from. During my Cape Town trip I stayed in Sea Point and it was in walking distance to shopping, cafes, restaurants, and most importantly the beach!

Green Point

Close to the V&A Waterfront and the city center, Green Point is a vibrant neighborhood known for its trendy bars, cafes, and proximity to attractions like the Green Point Urban Park and Cape Town Stadium.

V&A Waterfront

The V&A Waterfront features a wide range of hotels, restaurants, shops, and entertainment options. What’s great about this area is that you can easily walk to many of Cape Town’s attractions like the Two Oceans Aquarium, and the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa.

When choosing where to stay in Cape Town, make sure to consider key factors such as the time of the year you’re traveling, your preferences, and, most importantly, your budget.

I always use booking.com to find a hotel that matches my budget when I travel. It helps me search for the best location wherever I go.

How To Get Around Cape Town

You might have a long list of places to go in Cape Town, but how do you get to them? Let’s talk about how to get around Cape Town so you can have an idea of what to expect and how much money you should set aside for commuting.

Uber is widely available in Cape Town and offers a convenient and affordable way to get around the city, especially if you’re traveling short distances or late at night. You know the drill with Uber, simply add the details of your starting point and destination and the app will give you a fixed price.

Uber in Cape Town is cheap. I took a 30-minute trip and my cost with tip was around $13 USD. 

Renting a car gives you the freedom to explore Cape Town and its surroundings at your own pace. Many international car rental companies operate in the city, and driving is relatively easy, with well-maintained roads and clear signage. You can rent a car at the airport after you’ve landed or book a car in advance through a rental company.

Is Cape Town Safe?

I went solo as a female traveler and can confirm that Cape Town is safe. But, you should always be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night, if possible, in uncrowded areas. Avoid looking too lost or like a typical tourist, and always keep your belongings close to you.

I also recommend wearing comfortable and casual clothes and nothing flashy. You will stick out tremendously. 

Overview Cape Town Itinerary

  • Day 1: Bokaap, Marine Tour, V&A Waterfront
  • Day 2: Aquila Game Reserve, Sea Point Promenade
  • Day 3: Cape Peninsula
  • Day 4: Table Mountain, Kloof Street
  • Day 5 Cape Winelands
  • Day 6: Lion’s Head, Camp’s Bay

6-Day Cape Town Itinerary

Cape town itinerary day 1.

my trip to cape town essay

Consider waking up early on your first day in Cape Town and begin with a one-of-a-kind breakfast. The perfect place for that is Bo-Kaap Deli, a little corner that features delicious dishes and pastries for affordable prices. 

After this, it is time to explore the nearby architecture and admire the beautiful colorful homes. You can take a walking tour and learn about the history of this neighborhood. 

Marine Tour

In the afternoon, take a marine tour and get close to Cape Town’s marine life, including dolphins, starfish, penguins, and sea lions. This was one of my favorite things to do in Cape Town and I would do it again when I return. 

my trip to cape town essay

To conclude your day, stroll through the V&A Waterfront and do shopping for yourself and you can purchase some souvenirs as well. You could easily spend a whole day here. It’s huge! 

Be sure to have dinner at Den Anker, a well-known Belgian restaurant loved by the locals in the V&A Waterfront. I recommend grabbing a table outside on the waterfront. Keep your eyes open because wildlife will be peeping out of the water. Be sure to order the local fish, Kingkilp, a white fish similar to Snapper. 

Cape Town Itinerary Day 2

Aquila game reserve.

my trip to cape town essay

You can’t miss an opportunity to go on a proper Cape Town safari and Aquila Game Reserve is the perfect place to enjoy a wonderful day admiring the wildlife closely.

There are different types of safari you can choose, such as half-day, full-day, and overnight safari. Here you can admire the big 5, lions, elephants, buffalos, leopards, and rhinos, in a family-friendly and luxurious space.

After a day filled with incredible wildlife and plenty of pictures taken, I recommend you head over to the stunning park, Sea Point Promenade for a peaceful stroll while admiring the sunset. Don’t forget to stop by Mojo Market and indulge yourself in a feast there! 

Cape Town Itinerary Day 3

On this day of your Cape Town trip, you’ll be thrilled to join a Cape Peninsula guided tour . This will take a whole day in this Cape Town itinerary. You will visit numerous popular spots along the peninsula. What I enjoyed most about this tour was being able to visit numerous spots in one day. There were even a few places I returned to during my visit. 

Muizenberg Beach

my trip to cape town essay

First on the list is Muizenberg Beach, where you will see the colorful beach huts and the stunning coastline. It does get crowded during the summer months so be prepared. 

my trip to cape town essay

 Kalk Bay is an adorable fishing town and a wonderful gem to visit. Here you will have time to walk around and shop at the many quaint shops. Here is also the local’s favorite for fish and chips at Kaulky’s being the best in all of Cape Town. Do walk along the pier and be greeted by the sea lions. You can catch this swimming in the bay or sunbathing on the pier. If you plan on visiting another day, I highly suggest you dine at Olympia Cafe. Their croissants are some of the flakiest I have had, even better than the ones I had in Paris ! 

Boulder’s Beach

my trip to cape town essay

A Cape Town itinerary wouldn’t be complete without visiting Boulder’s Beach. Get cozy with the penguins, but be sure to keep a healthy distance! If you plan to visit arrive early or buy your tickets in advance online as the queue gets long. It’s open every day from 8 AM to 5 PM. 

my trip to cape town essay

Next, the tour continued at Cape Point, one of the most pristine places on the planet.  Driving through the park you will encounter ostriches, baboons, and more. Be sure to take the short hike to the New Cape Point Lighthouse. The views of the coastline as you approach the top are simply amazing. It can be windy, so ladies I suggest you wear shorts under your dresses if you plan on wearing one. Admission to Cape Point is $5 USD. Be sure to visit the website for opening hours as they vary depending on the season. 

Chapman’s Peak Drive

One of the most stunning drives you could ever take is the 9-kilometer route, Chapman’s Peak Drive. This 593-meter-high extension has 114 curves along the Atlantic coast and has the best scenery you will see in Cape Town. They do drive on the left side of the road, so plan accordingly when coasting this road. You could end up on the wrong side and have only a side mountain view and not the coast. The tolls to drive through Chapman’s Peak Drive are less than $5 USD, and credit cards are accepted. 

Gin Tasting

To conclude this tour you will end with a local gin tasting. For gin lovers, you will be pleasantly surprised by how delicious the gin is in South Africa. 

Cape Town Itinerary Day 4

Table mountain.

my trip to cape town essay

If there’s something you must do while in Cape Town it is take a cable car ride to the top of Table Mountain to enjoy the best views of the city and its surroundings. Table Mountain also has a wide range of activities you can enjoy before or after your cable ride, such as exploring its gift shop, enjoying a nice meal at its stunning open-air venue, and hiking.

There are two queues at Table Top Mountain. The first one is to purchase your ticket and the other is for the cable car. The lines are long if you don’t arrive early, so be sure to purchase your ticket in advance to skip to the cable car line. Admission to Table Mountain varies from $15- 20 USD depending on the time of day you arrive. Also, be sure to check weather conditions before going. If the wind speeds are high the cable cars close. 

Kloof Street

Once you’re done with this, head over to Kloof Street, and walk through the trendy boutiques, cafes, and eateries. Consider grabbing a meal at a local hotspot at the Dark Horse. Indulge in their delicious tapas-style menu and carefully crafted cocktails. 

Cape Town Itinerary Day 5 

my trip to cape town essay

Did anyone say wine tasting? Take a wine tour and discover the award-winning wines of the Cape Winelands with visits to Muratie Stellenbosch, Le Pommier, Eikehof, and Fairview, and enjoy a nice glass of wine with stunning views of the vineyards.

Here’s a quick breakdown of each:

  • Muratie Stellenbosch : Located in the Knorhoek Valley north of Stellenbosch and dates back to 1685. It is a cozy winery and they make you feel at home. There is a restaurant on the premises and an adorable boutique to do some shopping.
  • Le Pommier : Located on Helshoogte Pass, the main route between Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, and features excellent wine tastings. It is also a hotel, so if you want to drink a little more you can stay overnight and wake up to the mountains.
  • Eikehof : Nestled in the shade of lush green old oak trees alongside the R45, and has a lot of different options to choose from, such as 3-wine tasting and mouth-watering platter degustations. This by far was my favorite winery I visited. As you’re tasting the owners make sure to visit every table, so you do feel like a welcomed guest.
  • Fairview : A farm that’s located in the Paarl mountain range, and hosts plenty of South African producers of excellent wine and cheese. They have unusual pairings with sauces, wine, and cheese that will be an explosion of flavors on your tastebuds.

You can also have a hop-on-hop-off experience in the Winelands as well. Due to circumstances, I wasn’t able to experience this excursion, but always an excuse to return to Cape Town. 

With the hop-on-hop-off experience, you can choose between 5 different lines taking you to numerous wine estates. It’s very flexible and you can create your Cape Town itinerary for the wineries you would like to visit and eat for the day. 

Cape Town Itinerary Day 6

Lion’s head.

To finish off this incredible Cape Town itinerary, I recommend you hike up the 669-meter Lion’s Head for breathtaking views of Cape Town and the Atlantic Ocean. It is located between Table Mountain and Signal Hill, so you don’t need to travel a lot to get there. Expect to hike close to 90 minutes to reach the top. Be sure to hike in a group and not alone. For inexperienced hikers be sure to book a tour for this trek. 

my trip to cape town essay

After this incredible hike, head over to Camp’s Bay for a well-deserved meal at The Codfather—Al Pacino reference, noted . It is a nice place with a friendly and cozy atmosphere and some of the freshest fish you’ll try in Cape Town. Be sure to make reservations in advance as they do get booked rather quickly. 

Some rooftops worth visiting while there are Baptiste Rooftop Bar & Lounge and Chinchilla.

Cape Town Itinerary Final Words

I hope this one-week in Cape Town itinerary helps you plan your trip properly, as well as give you an idea of how much you can explore each day. Cape Town is truly a wonderful place you should add to your travel bucket list! 

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  • Africa Captions
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3 Things I Love About Cape Town, South Africa

  • Published on January 25, 2015
  • // Updated on Mar 17, 2018
  • // in Africa , Destinations , Featured , South Africa
  • // This post may contain affiliate links, read our disclaimer.

Before setting out on my trip to Cape Town, I could never have imagined just how great an experience it would be. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with the “Mother City”.

With plenty of history to captivate historians, an over-abundance of wine farms to entertain wine lovers, numerous mountains and hills to keep hikers happy, a vibrant night life and plenty of animal farms and volunteering opportunities to satisfy the eco-friendly traveller, Cape Town truly is one of the world’s top, travel destinations.

my trip to cape town essay

You will experience a multitude of delicious and unique, South African cuisine, as diverse in taste as in its heritage. Some of these delightful dishes include, the infamous vetkoek (literal translation is “fat cake”), fried bread dough often filled with spiced, ground beef which is similar to the Dutch oliebollen, biltong (dried meat similar to jerky), Cape Malay curry which is known for combining sweet and savoury flavours (a dish influenced by Indonesian and Indian people arriving in the country around the 18 th  century) and possibly the most important, the traditional Braai (a South Africanism for BBQ).

Don’t miss the opportunity to sample a tasty ostrich burger or a crocodile steak, and with over 3000 km of coast line, South Africa also boasts a fantastic selection of fresh seafood. Food lovers will surely appreciate that there’s something for everyone to enjoy in Cape Town.

Looking for things to do in Cape Town? Check out the Travelling Chilli’s 17 Top free things to do in Cape Town

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With so much diversity and plenty to see and do, Cape Town truly is a paradise for all sorts of travellers. Below you can find my top three favourite things I love about Cape Town.

The Sheer Beauty Of Cape Town

Cape Town is located in one of the most idyllic locations in the world, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean (not to be missed are the stunning Camps Bay and Clifton beaches, with their clear blue water and sandy, white beaches) and the iconic Table Mountain (recently voted as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature); it definitely has the most beautiful surroundings of all the cities I’ve ever laid eyes on.

my trip to cape town essay

After a 45 minute hike which included some easy climbing (steps and chains along sections of the route, suitable for most people) I enjoyed a serene moment while watching the sunset over Cape Town from the top of Lion’s head (a hill closely located to Table Mountain). This lofty vantage point provides spectacular views of the city bowl, Sea Point, Table Mountain and Camps Bay, and on this particular evening with the landscape all awash with the golden/pink colours of yet another gorgeous sunset, with the fog slowly dissipating over the ocean and the city gradually lighting up, I couldn’t help thinking “Life doesn’t get any better than this?”.

my trip to cape town essay

Table Mountain is never really out of your sight, and will show up in many photographs, but the city has so much more to offer, from the magnificent V&A Waterfront to the beautiful Chapman’s Peak drive.

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When in Cape Town, it is a must to hire a car and drive around the Cape Peninsula. I was fortunate to have a local (my boyfriend!) show me around and introduce me to all the hidden and not so hidden gems of the Cape Peninsula. I drove on the astonishing Chapman’s Peak Drive, a mountain pass, coastal road (a toll road with payment from a certain point, and only if you want to complete the full drive to or from Noordhoek) connecting Hout Bay and Noordhoek. With stunning sea views on one side and steep cliffs on the other side, Chapman’s Peak Drive is worth every Rand you pay.

Looking for another great drive in South Africa? Check out Stingy Nomad’s guide to things to do on the Garden Route

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Other beautiful mountain passes I explored include Sir Lowry’s Pass (when travelling to or from Hermanus) and Du Toitskloof Pass (when travelling between Paarl and Worcester). Watch out for baboons, who for some reason, never wanted to make an appearance when I was passing by.

Wine Tasting And Wine Farms Around Cape Town

South Africa is one of the most famous wine producing countries in the world and after visiting many of the well known and established wine farms around Cape Town (Constantia, Stellenbosch, Franschhoek) including Groot Constantia, Nederburg, Spier and Boschendal, I can safely say, they sure do know their craft. I’ve always had a preference for red wines, but after visiting the Durbanville Hills farm, I have finally found a white wine I like: Durbanville Hills Chardonnay. If you ever find yourself in the vicinity, make sure to buy a bottle and enjoy a glass on their immaculately decorated terrace.

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Most of the wine farms are tailored towards visitors, both international tourists as well as locals, and many are very popular as wedding venues. Almost all the farms have a restaurant (some more than one), beautiful, manicured gardens (with some offering picnic baskets) and stunning views of the vineyards and surrounding mountains. I come from a rainy, “grey”, European country, so an outdoor venue on one of these farms, surrounded by lush gardens, vineyards and sunshine (best time is between September and April), sounds like the perfect wedding to me.

The Numerous Activities In And Around Cape Town

Apart from being one of the most beautiful cities in the world and persuading me that white wine can be tasty, you’ll never be bored when visiting/living/passing through Cape Town. I lived in Cape Town for 2 months, and I still haven’t seen all this city has to offer.

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I’ve strolled through the beautiful Kirstenbosch botanical gardens, been paragliding over Cape Town and swimming with Penguins at Boulder’s Beach and even witnessed the often treacherous waters surrounding the Cape of Good Hope, where sailors from times long since passed had battled the ruthless waves in an attempt to circumnavigate the Cape of Storms while journeying from Europe to India.

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If you’re looking for something more relaxing, there are several shopping centres around Cape Town, a handful of museums, and plenty of beautiful beaches where you can watch surfers gliding on the waves.

my trip to cape town essay

I set foot in Cape Town with an open mind. I didn’t devour any guidebooks or peruse the internet to get a glimpse of what I was supposed to experience. I did this on purpose. I had no clue what to expect, I wanted to be surprised. And I was not disappointed…


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25 responses.

Excellent post, beautifully written with breathtaking photos! 🙂 As someone who resides in Cape Town, I think you really captured all the finest aspects of the Mother City.

My favourite city is naturally Cape Town but East London one of my fave South African cities! 🙂

Thank you Tamlyn! I really enjoyed my time in Cape Town and I hope to be back soon. I’ve never been to East London, but there is still so much to see, so hopefully next time I can check it out 🙂

Hello, I enjoyed very much reading you. I see that you are now living in Vancouver. I used to live there and thought it was one of the most beautiful places in the world. I may have the opportunity to choose between living in Cape Town or in Montréal. I know it is hard to compare such different places, but what do you think? If you had the choice, what would you choose? And what do you prefer, life in Vancouver or life in Cape Town? Cheers, Laurent

Great article and photos. A few years ago I spent my birthday in Cape Town. We went to Kirstenbosch and started hiking up and, before we knew it, we had climbed Table Mountain. One of my best birthdays ever. I’d love to get back there with my family – hopefully in the next year or two.

Thank you Eric 🙂 We were thinking of hiking Table Mountain, but we ended up taking the cable car. We did hike Lion’s head, which was one of my highlights!

Hi Lies great to know you had great fun in and around Cape Town. You are and traveled very well. I am happy to see you did what people love to do.

So many people visiting Cape Town go on guilt trips. And you did not. Great.

You like a braai. The best thing ever. Cold glass of Cape Town’s best wine and a braai with friends as the sun sets.

Thanks for sharing.

And next time, let us arrange accommodation for you 🙂

Johan Horak

Hi Johan! Thank you for your comment. I loved my time in Cape Town and hope to return soon. I’ll make sure to check out your accommodation when the time comes 🙂

Anytime you can see penguins is a reason to love a place!

Penguins and elephants. Oh and cheetahs! I love them all 🙂

Your post just got me super excited for my upcoming trip to South Africa! I can’t wait to see it all, especially those adorable penguins.

Hi Katrina! When are you visiting South Africa? The penguins were so cute, make sure to pay them a visit!

Nice post! I’ve never heard of Table Mountain before but it looks absolutely stunning!! And swimming with those penguins at the beach is reason enough for me to put Cape Town on my list.

I once heard it said, the world’s most beautiful cities are San Francisco, Perth… and Capetown. I’ve been to the first two; I just need to follow you to the third.

Aw, love the penguins! Cape Town is high up on the places I want to visit. Your photos show exactly why.

I’ve never been but the sheer natural beauty of Capetown has been luring me in. You’ve given me some new options to enjoy once I finally get there.

anywhere that has penguins in the wild is destined to become my favorite city- which means i need to get my butt to cape town!

im not sure i have a favorite city… but some i really like are new york (ok, typical i know), pittsburgh, bogota, riga, kiev, bishkek, yerevan, oslo, helsinki… yea, i seem to be unable to pick just one!! i guess im lucky to have had favorable travel experiences to each 🙂

Nice post! Definitely sounds, and looks, like a great destination.

Thanks for this. I’m visiting SA next year or in 2018 so I’ll pin this for advice when the moment comes!

Love reading this! A must on my list too. Where can I stay that I can be close to the penguins and hike up to see amazing sunset.

Loved this blog! My 14 year old daughter and I are totally in love with South Africa. Counting down the days until we return again in November, I enjoy reading blogs and adding new experiences to our itinerary. Agree there is so much to do and see in Cape Town. Have you ever taken a foodie tour? It is a great way for New visitors to get familiar with the city and fill their tummies with local rats! And BoKaap, such a colorful neighborhood!

Uh, spellchecker strikes again. My previous post should have read local eats, not rats. Yikes.

There’s no other place I’ve seen that has such strong connections with the area. Appreciate the article

how much all of that will cost?

very good blog, very useful for the information and the structure of the writing style, I will come back again for more information

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Do you like travelling?  Describe a vacation which you have recently had and why it is so memorable..

Last year, I went on a summer vacation to South Africa and enjoyed sightseeing in the capital city of Cape Town.

I spent ten carefree days in this charismatic city and had an absolute ball .  I joined a group on a sightseeing bus to see the splendid sites which cost me next to nothing as I got the privilege of being a student.

First stop was Table Mountain where I ascended to the summit by cable car.  The views were simply spectacular across the Atlantic Ocean.

Afterwards, I visited the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront.  I was surprised to learn that it was so named as a result of Queen Victoria’s second eldest son, Alfred, visiting there as a sailor in 1860 at the time when South Africa was a British colony.

For sure, there was never a dull moment in Cape Town.  I was mesmerized by the brilliant beauty of the architecture of the historic buildings and got blown away by the superb scenery as well as the majestic mountains and beautiful sandy beaches all within its environs .

Needless to say, I indulged in some souvenir shopping at Greenmarket Square and wondered around the city’s charming cobblestone streets in the old quarter.

I ventured off the beaten track a few times where I met vendors selling their wares and had a pleasure to embrace true African culture and cuisine.

Before my time was up , I took a boat excursion to Robben Island and learnt about the life in detention of Nelson Mandela there for so many years.

My trip to Cape Town was truly tremendous .  Sightseeing to its sites will live long in my memory.

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The ultimate guide to exploring Cape Town like a tourist

The ultimate guide to exploring Cape Town like a tourist

With travel restrictions easing, and South Africa off the dreaded “red list” of many countries, tourists are returning to our splendid shores. Here’s where they can play and stay this summer season — and where you can be a tourist in your own city.

It’s happening. Things are finally looking up on the visitor front. This past December, the Mother City saw an increase in visitors, with Cape Town International Airport reporting a recovery of 66% for domestic and 29% for international arrivals compared with 2019.

Alderman James Vos, City of Cape Town Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Growth, says judging by demand, this upward trajectory will continue for travel to Cape Town and South Africa. This bodes well for February, considered the “second” peak season in South Africa, and the Western Cape.

Tasso Evangelinos, CEO of the Cape Town Central City Improvement District (CCID), says, “Having won the Telegraph Travel Readers Award for ‘The Greatest City in the World’ in 2018 and the 2021 Travel + Leisure Award for the best destination in the Middle East and Africa, Cape Town – and its vibrant CBD – is the perfect destination for explorers and other travellers keen to make up for the hiatus of the past two years.”

He adds that it’s imperative to support the hospitality industry, as well as homegrown businesses, right now. “It’s been devastating to see the ongoing impact of the pandemic and the travel bans on businesses in the Cape Town CBD. And now that South Africa’s COVID-19 restrictions have been eased yet again, now is the moment to have an adventure in our historic, beautiful Central City. It’s open for business!”

Here’s a guide to exploring your city like it’s the very first time:

Walking on sunshine

The best way to absorb the true spirit of Cape Town is through walking tours. As a qualified tour guide, Lesley Cox specialises in helping visitors imbibe the sights and sounds of the city through stimulating walking tours. Relaxed and informative, these on-foot excursions come highly recommended. Choose from Heritage City Centre, the Castle of Good Hope, the Company’s Garden and other themed tours, such as Memorial Art in the City Centre.

  • Website/Bookings: www.capetownwalkingtours.com
  • Contact: [email protected]

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Share a drink with Gorgeous George

Created out of two beautifully restored heritage buildings, Gorgeous George is a strong contender for the title of trendiest hotel bar in the city. Boasting incredible views, a fantastic restaurant, a rooftop bar, and pool that seems hand-crafted by the Gods of Summer themselves, Gorgeous George is where friends come to stay and play – and toast to the holidays!

  • Website/Reservations: www.gorgeousgeorge.co.za
  • Location: 118 St Georges Mall, Cape Town

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A no-fuss bus

If you are looking for something a little less boisterous then look no further. Taking a Red Bus Tour allows you to sit, relax and explore all that the CBD has to offer. With optional audio guides and the ability to hop on and off at your will, the tours are incredibly customisable. You can choose from a range of packages for kids and adults, including a Hop on Hop Off Tour between the CBD and the V&A Waterfront. Whether you want to spend your time sightseeing, sampling the local arts, culture and food scenes or mixing it up, taking a bus has never been this fun. It’s the perfect way to be a tourist in your own hood.

  • Website/Bookings: www.citysightseeing.co.za
  • Location: 81 Long Street, Cape Town. 

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You deserve it, darling

While not an adventure per se, this is definitely the perfect way to kick off a successful year! Southern Sun The Cullinan offers signature spa experiences that are both indulgent and unique, creating the perfect symmetry of luxury and well-being. There is no better way to enjoy your holiday than by enjoying therapeutic massages, cleansing facials, and invigorating body treatments. Each element of a spa visit to The Cullinan is designed to stimulate the senses and get you ready for 2022.

  • Website/Bookings: www.tsogosun.com
  • Location: 1 Cullinan Street, Cape Town

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Food, glorious food

Nowhere else in South Africa will you find such an eclectic collection of gastronomic delights. Widely considered to be the nation’s capital of food, Cape Town is where you can find everything, from exquisitely crafted meals by award-winning chefs like Luke Dale Roberts, to glorious gatsbys. If you throw a stone in any direction, it will crash through the window of a culinary experience that could change your life or at the very least give you a beautiful new food baby. The Cape could be called the culinary capital of summertime delights.

Where to get the greatest gatsby:


Strapped into a chair 146 metres above the City Bowl, everything about Cape Town looks serene, like a landscape painting brought to life. For a few moments, you are on top of the world and the view from up there is gorgeous. Like all good things though, those moments are fleeting and before you know it you are plunging back down to Earth on the thrill ride that brought you up there. This is the internationally renowned Sky-Hi Ride at Hotel Sky, and it is one of only three comparable experiences in the world.

  • Website/Bookings: www.sky-hiride.capetown
  • Location: 9 Lower Long Street, Cape Town
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Leigh-Anne (@leighannetoyo)

Peruse the public art

Few things are more pleasurable than enjoying a low-speed amble through the CBD, soaking up all the arts and culture that the Mother City has to offer. As an art and design tour specialist offering public and private tours, Kate Crane Briggs of Culture Connect hosts tours that are the ‘walk of the town’. Focused primarily on design and architecture, heritage, and social history, Briggs’ tour is a fantastic way to reacquaint yourself with the CBD.

  • Website/Bookings: www.cultureconnectsa.com

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Hone your craft

Calling all crafters! Meet cool people and socialise while creating something beautiful. Join the Craft Circle and bring your embroidery kit, clay toolbox, sewing machine, sketchbook or whatever you fancy. The three-hour sessions are hosted on Wednesdays by Andie Reeves, a teacher, textile artist and owner of the Cape Town Craft Club.

  • Website/Bookings: www.capetowncraftclub.wordpress.com
  • Location: 136 Bree Street, Cape Town

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 Also read:

Look! Sharks, whales, dolphins and more devour Cape Town’s abundant ocean buffet

Picture: Culture Connect / Instagram 

Article written by Robyn Simpson

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Why You Should Visit Cape Town

Cape Town

Freelance Writer - instagram.com/andrewthompsonsa

Cape Town , on the southwestern tip of the African continent, needs little introduction. It’s known as the budget-friendly city that has it all, from award-winning wine farms and urban mountains to pristine beaches and a vibrant city centre. In case you need further persuading, here are some reasons why you should visit Cape Town at least once in your life.

The history is remarkable and moving.

Cape Town has a long, important and sombre history. The Khoi-San who lived undisturbed across the southern reaches of the continent for hundreds of years were devastated by arriving colonialists. The arriving settlers brought changes to the face of Cape Town, some of which are still visible in various buildings and monuments. The same is true for the country’s apartheid years, and with the likes of Robben Island , Bo-Kaap and District 6, among many other important sites, it’s a moving place from which to start an exploration into the country’s history.

Robben Island

The summer sunshine and windless winters

Cape Town’s mediterranean climate is sublime in the summer months. With 8pm sunsets and consistent temperatures in the mid-20s, you’ll find it hard to stay indoors for too long. The winters are wet and tend to get a bad rap, though every few days, the clouds do clear to present you with sublime, wind-free blue-sky days, and even on the coldest days the temperatures seldom slip below the mid-teens.

It’s the culinary capital of South Africa

Take a look at any list of the country’s top restaurants and you’ll notice one thing: it will primarily feature establishments located in the Cape. The city is home to some of the country’s best and most inventive chefs, and there are throngs of talented young restauranteurs producing impressive meals in trendy settings. Whether you’re looking for the most memorable evening possible, or simply a high-quality meal in a unique establishment – usually with an impressive view to boot – Cape Town has you covered.

Chefs Restaurant in Cape Town

The wine is among the best (and cheapest) in the world

Cape Town’s climate lends itself to perfect grape-growing conditions. There are dozens of beautiful estates that are worth visiting, even if you’re not a huge fan of wine. But those who enjoy the odd glass are in for a treat: Cape wines punch well above their weight, and they often cost considerably less than those from other parts of the world.

Groot Constantia Manor House

There’s an epic mountain above the city

This might seem an obvious one, but certainly, anyone who’s lived in Cape Town for more than a few weeks does start to take it for granted. But there’s a beautiful, large, flat-topped mountain, called Table Mountain , serving as the ultimate backdrop to the city. There are dozens of ways to enjoy this natural feature, with hikes that traverse the rugged slopes on all sides and even a cable car that’ll get you to the summit. Whether you choose to explore this incredible mountain on foot, by cable car or simply marvel at it from the city centre, there’s no denying that it’s almost worth visiting Cape Town for this alone.

Table Mountain from the V&A Waterfront

There’s a thriving art scene

The recent opening of the Zeitz Mocca , a spectacular contemporary art museum in the heart of the city, has catapulted the city into the global art scene. Although this new museum is among the best in the world, there are dozens of other smaller niche galleries that provide an impressive foundation to the city’s creative scene. And on the first Thursday evening of every month, you’re free to walk the streets and pop in to many participating establishments at no cost.

Inside Zeitz MOCAA Atrium

The bars and clubs suit a variety of tastes and budgets

Cape Town has a diverse nightlife scene that should tick all the boxes for anyone who wants to have a night on the town. There are dozens of quirky bars and clubs that would merit a place in any big international city. There’s a slew of establishments serving costly cocktails and craft beers, a couple with truly unbeatable views and prices to match and several in between that offer a great atmosphere and reasonable prices.

my trip to cape town essay

It has one of the most vibrant CBDs in South Africa

The Cape Town central business district is one of the most vibrant and liveable in the country. Where other CBDs have pockets of brilliance, Cape Town has embraced the city as its true heart. This means that you can have the best of the urban lifestyle, with local coffee shops, late-night bars and constant energy, and mix it with all the natural attractions that the city has to offer.

The beaches are unbeatable

There are beaches galore in Cape Town. The city’s set in the middle of two bays, and the shorelines on each offer something different. There are surfing beaches, those perfect for sunsets, some that are chillingly cold but beautifully located and others that offer somewhat warmer waters. And the best part is that at any given time, a great beach is seldom more than a few minutes’ drive away.

Camps Bay

You can return home with some money in your bank account

In spite of all the above, the city is still remarkably cost-effective. South Africa’s undervalued Rand means most foreign currencies give you an instant advantage. Sure, there are high-end experiences and luxurious hotels that’ll empty even the fattest wallets, but with a bit of careful planning, it’s possible to have an incredible holiday that may even have you returning home with a bit of change.

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10 Reasons to Visit Cape Town

By chris june 12, 2017.


Coming Soon: South Africa!

For a long while now, Shadows of Africa has specialised solely in East African destinations such as Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania.

However, this year sees our company expanding into some of Southern Africa's hottest destinations such as Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Today, we're looking at one of South Africa's most popular destinations: Cape Town!

Introducing Cape Town

Cape Town is one of South Africa's most cosmopolitan and vibrant cities.

A city blessed with natural beauty in spades, Cape Town compliments its many blessings from Mother Nature by being a diverse and fascinating city in its own right.

From the heights of Table Mountain to the dramatic stretches of coastline, Cape Town’s wonderful weather year-round makes it a popular destination for beach lovers and wine aficionados alike.

Its world-famous Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and Green Point Park compliment these natural blessings wonderfully. The nearby Boulders Penguin Colony is also a popular spot due to its cute but loud jackass penguins.

Cape Point Cape Town

A proudly multicultural city, Cape Town blends Afrikaner, native, and European sensibilities in an intoxicating blend of architectural, musical, and culinary styles. The colourful neighbourhood of Bo-Kaap perhaps best epitomizes this, but the city’s diverse roots can be seen in every bar, restaurant, and boutique. Elsewhere, museums such as the South African Jewish Museum and the District Six Museum offer more quantifiable insights.

Day trips from Cape Town include visits to the world-renowned wine regions such as Stellenbosch, whale-watching from the shoreline at Hermanus , experiencing the stark beauty of Clifton Beaches , and exploring the wonders of the Garden Route – one of South Africa’s most picturesque drives.

There is no shortage of things to do in Cape Town .

Below, we've highlighted ten of the most appealing reasons to visit this breathtaking city!

Table Mountain

Defining the Cape Town cityscape, Table Mountain is one of the most instantly recognisable landmarks in the entire world.

Far more than just a mountain, Table Mountain has attracted more than 25 million visitors since it opened as a tourist attraction in 1929.

Its panoramic views of Cape Town and its surrounds are without a doubt its bigger draw card, but there is more to the mountain than simply soaking in the vista. The Table Mountain Cable Car offers up stunning views en route to the mountaintop, where you can take in a 360 degree view of the city, Table Bay, and the rest of the national park.

The more adventurous can choose to take guided or unguided hikes along the mountain’s three hiking trails, and abseiling is also on offer.

For those with kids or with less adventurous tastes, a restaurant, WiFi lounge, and a number of boutique stores also offer something to do.

Cape Town is home to some of Africa's most beautiful beaches.

From the sunbathing haven that is Clifton Beaches to the penguin playground of Boulders Beach, there is an abundance of options for those wanting to work on their tans and have a little fun in the sun.

What gives Cape Town such a unique variety of beaches is the fact it marks the point where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. A beach on the western Cape is something entirely different to one on the eastern side.

You could spend a week in Cape Town and not manage to fully explore all of its beaches!

Robben Island

South Africa's apartheid history is an element of the nation's past that cannot be overlooked, and many visitors to the rainbow nation are interested in learning more about this dark period. Visitors to Cape Town can learn more about this period with a visit to Robben Island.

A UNESCO World Heritage site, Robben Island served as a prison for over two hundred years – most famously housing inspirational South African president, Nelson Mandela.

Established as a prison by the Dutch in the 17 th century, Robben Island has a rich and sordid history as a maximum security prison, whaling port, and leper colony. As if these weren’t dark enough, the island is also a notorious site for shipwrecks.

Robben Island is primarily visited by those wishing to learn more about its history as a prison and to follow in the footsteps of its most famous prison, Nelson Mandela. Multimedia tours and explorations of the former prison facilities offer an education into South Africa’s apartheid history.

Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens

Boasting as 'the most beautiful garden in Africa', Cape Town's Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens definitely has a right to the claim.

Situated on the eastern side of Table Mountain, this luscious green paradise is a haven of cool in sometimes hot Cape Town.

Far more than just a garden, the 528 hectare estate is home to a startling variety of plants, birds, and animals.

The Colours of Bo-Kaap

A former township that was once known as the Malay Quarter, colourful Bo Kaap is now one of the trendiest districts in an already trendy city.

Perfectly exemplifying the multiculturalism that makes South Africa "The Rainbow Nation", Bo-Kaap is a perfect place to see a different side of South African life.

Whether you're taking a Cape Malay cooking class, exploring the bustling markets, or immersing yourself in the region with a homestay - there's plenty to see and do.

Wine Tourism

South African wine is rightly viewed as some of the finest wine in the world, and Cape Town is right on the doorstep of South African wine country.

The Cape Winelands is home to some of the nation's most scenic wine country.

With eighteen official wine routes (and two brandy routes), this historic region is an area of exotic flavours, breathtaking landscapes, and delicious foods just begging to be explored.

Duck out of Cape Town for a day of wine tasting or extend your stay in one of the region's many gorgeous B&Bs and boutiques.

Whale Watching

It's not just Big Five Safaris that draw tourists to South Africa every year. You can have a fascinating wildlife experience beneath the waves as well!

Every year, Southern Right Whales and Humpback Whales make their migration into the warm Cape waters where they put on a spectacular show for those in attendance.

A huge variety of tour operators are on hand to help in arranging Cape whale watching tours , and Shadows of Africa is here to help you find the absolute best whale watching experience.

Shark Diving

For those with a taste for adventure, shark diving in Cape Town is one of the more extreme wildlife experience you'll ever have.

It takes a special kind of crazy to lower yourself into the deep blue waters with man-eating Great White Sharks, but for those with a taste for it, there are plenty of operators willing to lower you into the cage for an up close and personal shark encounter.

Hit the Garden Route

Stretching for a shade under 300 kilometers, South Africa's famous Garden Route nonetheless packs in an astonishing variety of landscapes, wildlife, and activities.

The scenic coastal drive is dotted with isolated beaches and lagoons, towering mountain ranges, ancient forests crisscrossed with hiking trails, rivers to kayak, and towns to explore. The drive itself could be done in a single day – but visitors often take several days or even weeks to do the route justice.

Highlights along the way include the Garden Route National Park for hiking and marine wildlife, Robberg Nature & Marine Reserve for its rugged coastline, the stunning views of Knynsa Lagoon, and private reserves such as Knysna Elephant Park or Botlierskop Private Reserve for a more up close animal experience.

Cape Town is a perfect starting (or ending) point for your Garden Route experience!

Take a day trip to see the penguins and seals

Whales and sharks might not be your cup of tea, but there are friendlier marine animals to see without even having to set foot on a boat.

Boulders Beach is a haven for the young and the young at heart wanting to see Africa's adorable jackass penguins,

If you'd like the chance to see or even swim with Cape Fur seals, a visit to Seal Island is also a great option.

And so much more!

We've highlighted ten of our favourite things to do in Cape Town here, but there are certainly far more than ten!

Speak with your Shadows of Africa safari expert to learn more about how you can make Cape Town a part of your African experience!

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my trip to cape town essay

30+ Best Things to Do in Cape Town, South Africa (2024)

W elcome to your go-to guide to Cape Town, a city that promises diverse and unforgettable experiences for every traveler. Whether you’re planning to explore the majestic Table Mountain or indulge in the renowned Cape Winelands, this guide has got you covered, complete with travel tips and accommodation advice. There is no shortage of fun things to do as you see the Cape. 

Situated in South Africa’s Western Cape, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the coast, Cape Town is a unique blend of cultures and cuisines, offering a vibrant scene that attracts culinary enthusiasts worldwide.

It’s not just a haven for food lovers with some of the best restaurants; its picturesque landscapes make it a paradise for adventurers and a budding hotspot for digital nomads, thanks to its thriving café culture and co-working spaces.

Cape Town is an incredible city and has been a dream destination for so many. Now, we invite you to explore the top 30 experiences that make Cape Town a city that enchants every visitor.

So, let’s dive in and uncover the magic that makes Cape Town a must-visit, continually captivating the hearts of travelers worldwide.​​

Need a perfect 5-day Cape Town Itinerary? Check out my post here!

Top Attractions in Cape Town

Cape Town is a blend of stunning landscapes and vibrant cultural attractions. Situated between the magnificent Table Mountain and the azure Atlantic Ocean, it offers a harmonious blend of natural splendor and urban charm.

Essential stops include the Table Mountain National Park, where a cable car ride unveils panoramic views, and the bustling V&A Waterfront, a shopping, dining, and entertainment hub.

The historic Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, is a significant marker of South Africa’s history. At the foot of Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens provides a serene retreat amidst lush greenery. For beach enthusiasts, Clifton and Camps Bay offer pristine sands and a vibrant beach culture.

Cape Town Travel Guide

Embarking on a Cape Town adventure necessitates thoughtful planning to enjoy its diverse experiences fully. From the vibrant streets of Bo-Kaap to bustling markets showcasing local crafts and cuisines, there’s something for everyone.

Depending on the season, the city offers varied attractions; summer is ideal for beach outings and vibrant nightlife, while winter presents opportunities for whale watching and exploring the Winelands.

Transportation options, including Ubers, rental cars, and public buses, facilitate easy exploration of the city’s gems. Accommodation varies, from luxurious resorts to budget-friendly hostels catering to diverse travelers.

Popular Cities in Cape Town

Surrounding Cape Town are smaller cities and suburbs, each offering unique attractions. 

Stellenbosch, in the heart of the Cape Winelands, is a paradise for wine lovers, boasting numerous vineyards and wine-tasting tours.

Simon’s Town, home to the South African Navy, combines beautiful landscapes with historic attractions, including the renowned Boulders Beach, inhabited by African Penguins. Nearby, Hermanus offers prime whale-watching between June and November.

Muizenberg, known for its colorful beach huts and surf spots, exudes a relaxed beach atmosphere. These neighboring cities enrich the Cape Town experience, offering a blend of cultural and natural adventures, making day trips a worthwhile addition to your itinerary.

Things to Do in Cape Town

1. summit table mountain.

Embarking on the journey to summit Table Mountain is akin to stepping into a living postcard. Dominating Cape Town’s skyline, this iconic landmark offers a thrilling adventure that promises breathtaking panoramic views at every turn of your ascent.

Whether you hike up its challenging trails or opt for the convenient cable car ride, reaching the top of Table Mountain is a rewarding experience.

As the sun sets, the mountain transforms into the perfect spot to gaze upon the vast ocean and the enchanting realms of the Western Cape. To enhance your experience, consider booking a private guide for a tailored adventure.

Pro Tip: Remember to pre-book your tickets to avoid the queues, especially during the high season from late November to February.

2. Hiking Table Mountain

For the spirited and resolute, hiking Table Mountain offers an exhilarating challenge that promises unparalleled rewards.

This adventure is not for the faint-hearted; it demands a moderate to advanced level of hiking proficiency, with over 4 hours to reach the summit and return.

Platteklip Gorge stands out among the popular routes, offering a 1.5 to 3-hour hike amidst breathtaking scenery. Other favored trails include the Skeleton Gorge and Nursery Ravine, guiding you through a 5-mile trek with a significant elevation gain of 2,100 ft.

Remember, safety comes first: never hike alone, and carry ample water to stay hydrated throughout your adventure.

3. Make Your Way Around the V&A Waterfront

Step into the vibrant world of the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, affectionately known as the V&A, a picturesque seaside neighborhood that embodies the spirit of Cape Town.

Here, every moment celebrates life, offering a delightful array of experiences that cater to every taste and preference. From indulging in gourmet cuisine to exploring quaint shops and engaging in lively social interactions, the V&A promises a well-spent day.

Take advantage of a spin on the iconic Cape Wheel, a giant Ferris wheel that offers stunning city views. Also, visit the Watershed, where local artisans showcase exquisite crafts and creations.

4. Explore the Colorful Bo-Kaap Neighborhood & Museum

Step into the vibrant heart of Cape Town as you explore the colorful Bo-Kaap neighborhood and museum. Wander through hilly streets adorned with houses that boast a riot of bright colors, a delightful sight that promises to uplift your spirits.

Despite its small size, this neighborhood is significant in history, being the birthplace of the Afrikaans language and a fascinating cultural crossroads.

As you stroll, feel the rich tapestry of cultures that have intertwined here over centuries, making it a living historical landmark. Don’t miss the museum, where you can delve deeper into the captivating stories that shaped this unique area.

5. Take in Chapman’s Peak Drive

Prepare yourself for a drive that promises a journey and an experience that’s etched in your memory forever.

Chapman’s Peak Drive, affectionately known as “Chappies,” offers a panoramic paradise with winding roads between the rocky coastline and cliffs.

As you navigate through the curves, each turn unveils a more breathtaking view than the last, making it a photographer’s dream. Remember to pull over at the viewpoints to soak in the majestic vistas of the Atlantic Ocean.

This drive promises a golden, unforgettable spectacle, whether at sunrise or sunset.

6. Stroll The Oceanside Sea Point Promenade

Begin your stroll at the vibrant Sea Point public pool, a popular starting point for locals and tourists alike. From here, make your way down to the picturesque coast, where the rhythmic sound of waves creates a soothing backdrop for your walk.

The promenade is a hive of activity frequented by joggers, bikers, and dog walkers, all soaking in the refreshing sea breeze.

If you’re in the mood for a bit of speed, you can rent bicycles or electric scooters available at various points, adding a dash of velocity to your coastal exploration. It’s the perfect way to immerse yourself in the vibrant local life while enjoying stunning ocean views.

7. Visit The Penguins at Boulders Beach

Embark on a delightful journey to Boulders Beach, near the quaint Simon’s Town. This pristine haven, part of the Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area, promises an enchanting encounter with the adorable African Penguins.

Always immaculately maintained, the beach offers a perfect backdrop to watch these charming creatures frolic in their natural habitat.

Visitors can enjoy an unobstructed view from the designated viewing point at Boulders Beach, accessible via three wheelchair-friendly boardwalks.

Pro Tip: While seeing these cute birds might be tempting, remember to maintain a safe distance to avoid their surprisingly sharp beaks.

8. Hike Lion’s Head For The Sunrise

Kickstart your day with an exhilarating hike up Lion’s Head to catch the sunrise, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink.

Sitting 670 meters above sea level, this popular trail is a favorite among families and couples, offering a moderate challenge and a chance to bond over the breathtaking landscape.

As you ascend, you’ll be greeted with unparalleled views of iconic beaches like Camps Bay and Sea Point, nestled below in all their morning glory.

Lion’s Head, a majestic peak standing proudly beside Table Mountain, offers a 360-degree panoramic spectacle that’s simply unforgettable.  

9. Hit Up a Few Markets

Cape Town is home to various farmers’ markets, each offering a unique blend of fresh produce, artisanal products, and vibrant culture. Here are some top-notch options you shouldn’t miss:

  • Oranjezicht City Farm Market: Nestled beside the V&A Waterfront, this market is a haven for organic produce lovers. It operates every Saturday, offering a delightful range of fresh vegetables, fruits, and homemade goods.
  • Neighbourgoods Market: Situated in the Old Biscuit Mill, this market is a hotspot for food enthusiasts every Saturday. From gourmet dishes to craft beers, it’s a place where culinary dreams come true.
  • Earth Fair Market: With locations in Tokai (Wednesday and Saturday) and St Georges Mall (Thursday), this market is known for its wide array of quality products, including organic foods, baked goods, and more.
  • The Blue Bird Garage Food and Goods Market: Located in Muizenberg, this Friday market is a great place to unwind with food stalls, craft beers, and live music.
  • Cape Point Vineyards Community Market: If you find yourself in Noordhoek on a Thursday, this market offers a picturesque setting to enjoy a variety of gourmet food stalls complemented by the vineyard’s exquisite wines.

Each market has its unique vibe, offering a delightful glimpse into Cape Town’s vibrant community and food scene. Make sure to check them out for a taste of the local culture!

10. Head To The Beach

Cape Town, affectionately known as the Mother City, is a haven of picturesque beaches that beckon locals and tourists alike to immerse themselves in the city’s coastal charm.

Each beach, unique in its own right, offers a distinct experience, ranging from vibrant beachfront promenades to tranquil sunset spots.

Whether you’re seeking the bustling atmosphere of popular spots or the serene embrace of secluded bays, Cape Town’s beaches promise unforgettable moments. Let’s take a virtual tour to explore the pristine sands and azure waters that await you.

Camps Bay Beach

  • Vibe: Vibrant and bustling, a favorite among locals and tourists alike.
  • Features: White sandy beaches with palm trees, backed by the majestic Twelve Apostles mountain range.
  • Amenities: Many trendy cafes, restaurants, and bars along the beachfront promenade.
  • Activities: Sunbathing, volleyball, and picnicking.
  • Tip: Arrive early to secure a good spot, especially during summer.

Llandudno Beach

  • Vibe: Tranquil and secluded, offering a more peaceful beach experience.
  • Features: Nestled between granite boulders and surrounded by lush greenery, it’s a picturesque, relaxing setting.
  • Amenities: Limited amenities, so bring along snacks and drinks.
  • Activities: Surfing, sunbathing, and romantic sunset walks.
  • Tip: The parking area is relatively small, so try to visit during off-peak hours.

Sunset Rock

  • Vibe: Quiet and serene, a hidden gem for sunset enthusiasts.
  • Features: Elevated rocky outcrops offering stunning views of the sun setting over the ocean.
  • Amenities: None; it’s all about the natural beauty here.
  • Activities: Photography, sunset viewing, and contemplative solitude.
  • Tip: Bring a blanket and snacks to enjoy a peaceful sunset picnic.

Kloof’s Corner

  • Vibe: Adventurous, a popular spot among hikers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Features: A hiking trail that leads to a viewpoint offering breathtaking panoramic views of the coastline.
  • Amenities: None. Be sure to bring water and snacks for the hike.
  • Activities: Hiking, photography, and bird-watching.
  • Tip: Start your hike early in the morning to avoid the afternoon heat.

Signal Hill

  • Vibe: Relaxed and family-friendly, a popular spot for picnics and strolls.
  • Features: Offers panoramic views of the city and the ocean, with well-maintained picnic spots.
  • Amenities: Parking is available, with several benches and picnic spots.
  • Activities: Picnicking, kite flying, and enjoying the view.
  • Tip: It’s a popular spot for watching the Noon Gun, a historic time signal in Cape Town.

11. Taste Wines in Constantia

Imagine yourself wandering through the lush vineyards of Constantia, the birthplace of South Africa’s wine industry, with the majestic mountains embracing you in the backdrop.

Your companion on this journey? A glass of exquisite wine embodies centuries of viticulture heritage, adding a touch of elegance to your expedition.

This isn’t a mere day out but a voyage through time, witnessing the rich tapestry of wine-making traditions that have graced this region since the 1600s.

I highly recommend indulging in the legendary Vin de Constance, a golden nectar that narrates tales of royalty and grandeur with each sip. It’s not just a wine tasting but a rendezvous with history, promising an experience that’s nothing short of unforgettable.

12. Drive Along the Cape Peninsula

Set out on a picturesque adventure as you navigate the breathtaking landscapes of the Cape Peninsula. Renting a car is your ticket to freedom, allowing you to discover the region’s natural splendors at your own pace.

The journey promises encounters with craggy mountains, mesmerizing turquoise waters, and untouched white sand beaches. Don’t miss the vibrant atmosphere of Kalk Bay, the tranquil shores of Fish Hoek, and the historic charm of Simon’s Town. The Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point are both must-see destinations. These iconic landmarks offer breathtaking views, from the rugged cliffs and pristine beaches to the diverse wildlife and fascinating shipwreck stories.

Each stop offers a unique slice of the peninsula’s beauty, making for a day of unforgettable exploration and scenic wonders.

13. Paragliding From Lion’s Head or Signal Hill

For adrenaline junkies seeking the thrill of a lifetime, paragliding from Lion’s Head or Signal Hill is an unmissable experience in Cape Town.

Imagine soaring like a bird, with the majestic Table Mountain as your backdrop and the expansive blue sea stretching as far as the eye can see.

Whether you’re launching from the rugged peaks of Lion’s Head or the gentle slopes of Signal Hill, the rush of wind and the weightlessness will leave you exhilarated.

Guided by experienced instructors, this adventure promises safety alongside heart-pounding excitement, making for an unforgettable sky-high journey over the city’s iconic landscapes.

14. Go on a Safari Game Drive

Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with a safari drive in the heart of South Africa’s mesmerizing landscapes.

Just a short 2-hour trip from Cape Town is Karoo, a semi-arid geographic region that hosts great game drives for those seeking a quick day trip or overnight stay. 

Check out Aquila Safari, one of the better-known lodges that offer half- and full-day game drives. For those staying overnight, you can choose between their lodges or cottages. You are provided three meals at their restaurant, inclusive of your stay. They have a spa if you’d like a relaxing massage after a long day under the hot sun. 

Take the chance to witness the majestic Big Five in their natural habitat, a truly unforgettable experience that brings you face-to-face with the wild heart of South Africa.

15. Join a Free Walking Tour

Discover the rich tapestry of Cape Town’s history and culture by joining a free walking tour. With flexible starting times at 11:00, 14:00, and 16:20, you can choose a tour that fits your schedule.

Each time slot offers two distinct tours departing separately, allowing you to pick the one that piques your interest. Opt for the “Historic City Tour” to delve into the city’s storied past or the “Apartheid to Freedom Tour” to understand the journey towards liberation.

Alternatively, explore the vibrant Bo-Kaap neighborhood with its dedicated tour. Book your adventure at Free Walking Tours Cape Town and embark on a 1.5-hour journey of discovery.

Pro Tip: I recommend tipping them R200-400 to show your appreciation for their effort.

16. Go Surfing/Kitesurfing

Dive into the vibrant surf culture of Cape Town by riding the waves at renowned beaches such as Llandudno, Big Bay, and the legendary Dungeons.

(Museum of Contemporary Art Africa)

Whether you’re a seasoned surfer or a newbie eager to learn, the city’s coastline offers a variety of waves to suit every skill level. For those keen on kitesurfing, the strong winds provide the perfect conditions for an exhilarating session.

To make the most of your surfing or kitesurfing adventure, consider booking with reputable companies like Surf Emporium or High Five Kitesurf School , which offer lessons and equipment rentals to ensure a safe and thrilling experience on the water.

17. Do a Whale-Watching Tour

Prepare yourself for a mesmerizing encounter with the ocean’s gentle giants on a whale-watching tour. The coastal waters of South Africa are a playground for these majestic creatures, offering you the chance to witness their grace and might up close.

From July to November, the coastline comes alive with breaching whales, a spectacle that is nothing short of magical.

I highly recommend booking your tour with “Southern Right Charters,” known for their responsible tourism practices and exceptional onboard amenities. Their experienced guides will provide insightful commentary, enhancing your whale-watching experience.

Remember to bring your camera to capture the breathtaking moments when these magnificent beings breach the water’s surface, offering a display of nature’s grandeur that you’ll cherish forever. Check out their offerings and book your tour on their website .

18. Snorkel With Seals

Dive into a world of aquatic wonder at a petite island in the picturesque Hout Bay, where you can snorkel with a vibrant colony of cape fur seals. These playful and furry locals are ready to share their underwater paradise with you.

For 2.5 hours, priced at $54.39 USD, you can immerse yourself in the clear waters, observing and interacting with the seals responsibly and ethically.

It’s more than just a snorkeling experience; it’s a chance to connect with Cape Town’s charming marine life in their natural habitat. Head over to book with Snorkel With Seals, and let these delightful creatures welcome you with their infectious enthusiasm!

19. Kayak With Dolphins in Table Bay

Picture yourself smoothly gliding across the tranquil waters of Table Bay, the majestic Table Mountain forming a breathtaking backdrop. Your companions on this journey? A pod of playful dolphins adds a sprinkle of magic to your kayaking adventure.

This isn’t a figment of imagination but a tangible, exhilarating experience awaiting you in Cape Town. I highly recommend using Kaskazi Kayaks for this adventure, a company renowned for offering tours where you can witness these graceful creatures in their natural habitat.

It’s not just a tour but a testimony to the harmonious coexistence between humans and the vibrant marine life that adorns our oceans, promising an unforgettable experience.

20. Explore Cape Winelands

Embarking on a journey through the Cape Winelands is a must for any wine enthusiast visiting South Africa. The region, comprising Stellenbosch and Franschhoek, is renowned for its exceptional grapes and unique weather patterns. It is one of the premier wine destinations globally.

Visitors are welcomed with open arms, treated to generous pours and affordable tastings that showcase the rich variety of wines, including the distinctive Pinotage, a South African exclusive.

Among the notable vineyards are Tokara Wine Estate , known for its splendid views, and the picturesque Babylonstoren in Paarl. For a hassle-free experience, consider joining an organized tour, which often includes convenient transportation from Cape Town.

Pro Tip: You can also take part in the cycling tour through Cape Town Winelands, which is a great way to enjoy the views while getting some exercise.

21. Franschhoek Wine Tram

Embark on a delightful journey with the Franschhoek Wine Tram, your gateway to the enchanting world of the Cape Winelands. This hop-on, hop-off experience invites you to discover the region’s renowned vineyards at your own pace.

Spend your day indulging in the exquisite flavors of local wines, strolling through picturesque vineyards, and delving deep into the secrets of wine-making with captivating cellar tours.

Complement your wine-tasting adventure with world-class cuisine that promises to tantalize your taste buds.

Getting there is a breeze; opt for a convenient Uber, rent a car, or book a tour with round-trip transportation, making your wine escapade seamless and enjoyable.

22. Take a Scenic Helicopter Flight

Elevate your Cape Town adventure by indulging in a scenic helicopter flight. Numerous companies offer this exhilarating experience, allowing you to capture stunning photographs from a vantage point like no other.

Imagine soaring high above the city, with breathtaking aerial views of the iconic Table Mountain and the majestic Cape of Good Hope unfolding before you.

For a reliable and exceptional experience, we recommend booking your aerial adventure with Cape Town Helicopters . Their seasoned pilots and well-maintained fleet promise a safe and unforgettable journey through the skies of this beautiful city.

23. Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens

Nestled at the foot of the iconic Table Mountain, the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens offer a tranquil escape into nature’s embrace.

Here, you can immerse yourself in a world adorned with a rich tapestry of African plant life, where walking paths invite you to explore breathtaking landscapes and exotic flora.

It’s the perfect spot for a leisurely afternoon where you can lose yourself in the captivating beauty of the great outdoors. If you find yourself in Cape Town during the summer months (November – March), seize the opportunity to attend a Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concert.

Experience live music in a magical setting where nature’s beauty forms the perfect backdrop. Learn more about these enchanting concerts here , especially with the BYOB policy.

24. Take The Ferry to Robben Island

Step back in time as you take a ferry to Robben Island, a place echoing the stories of the arduous battle against apartheid. Your journey begins at the vibrant V&A Waterfront, where you’ll board a ferry to this historic island.

Upon arrival, air-conditioned tour buses await to transport you through the poignant chapters of South Africa’s history.

Guided by former inmates, you’ll gain a deep understanding of the struggles endured here, enriched by comprehensive historical insights provided by an English-speaking guide.

The highlight of your visit is the museum, once a prison, where Nelson Mandela spent many defining years of his life.

25. Go for a Sunset Cruise

A catamaran sunset cruise in Cape Town is a delightful experience that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. As the sun starts to dip below the horizon, there is nothing like the beauty of watching it slowly disappear beneath the ocean’s surface. The view of the surrounding mountains and beaches from the water is breathtaking, and on a clear evening, you are likely to have an unobstructed view of Table Mountain. 

During your cruise, the crew will provide drinks and snacks while you relax and soak up the sights. The boat’s gentle swaying motion and calm atmosphere make it an ideal spot for conversation or relaxation. As the sun sets, savor some of Cape Town’s renowned cuisine while music plays in the background – this will surely add more magic to your evening! 

The best part about a catamaran sunset cruise in Cape Town is that everyone can enjoy it. Whether you are looking for something romantic or want to get away from daily life for a few hours, everyone can find something special about this experience. With its stunning views and tranquil atmosphere, a catamaran sunset cruise in Cape Town promises to be an unforgettable experience!

26. Go Shark Cage Diving

Dive into the adventure of a lifetime in Gansbaai, the undisputed shark diving capital of the world. This exhilarating experience doesn’t require any scuba diving certification or special qualifications.

All you need is the courage to hold your breath and step into the cage, coming face-to-face with the majestic Great White Sharks that rule these waters.

But don’t worry, if diving isn’t your thing, the surface viewing offers a spectacle just as breathtaking, allowing you to witness the grandeur of these creatures from the boat’s safety.

Gansbaai Shark Diving Trips are available every day, weather permitting. To secure your spot on this unforgettable adventure, I recommend visiting sharkdiving.co to book your adventure.

27. Try Amazing Restaurants

Embark on a gastronomic adventure in Cape Town by visiting these remarkable restaurants, each offering a unique dining experience:

Chef’s Warehouse :

Dive into a culinary wonderland at Chef’s Warehouse, where every dish is a masterpiece. Renowned for tapas-style dining, the restaurant offers a daily changing menu showcasing the freshest local ingredients.

The open kitchen allows you to witness the artistry that goes into crafting each dish, making your dining experience interactive and memorable.

You can transport yourself to Greece without leaving Cape Town. Ouzeri is a Greek taverna in the city’s heart that serves traditional dishes with a modern twist.

The restaurant exudes an inviting atmosphere, accentuated by its al fresco dining and relaxing ambiance. Enjoy delicious small plates such as dolmades and spanakopita paired with refreshing craft cocktails. I recommend you try the Kouros Sour; it is divine.


Step into the vibrant world of African cuisine at Emazulwani. This hidden gem offers a diverse menu that celebrates the rich culinary traditions of the continent. From hearty stews to flavorful grills, each dish is a testament to the restaurant’s commitment to authenticity.

The vibrant atmosphere, adorned with African art and crafts, offers a warm and welcoming setting, making it a perfect place to immerse yourself in the local culture.

28. Visit Zeitz Contemporary Art Museum

Embark on a cultural journey at the Zeitz Contemporary Art Museum, Africa’s beacon of modern art. Nestled within a transformed grain silo, the museum is a masterpiece, boasting intricately designed windows and staircases that are artworks in their own right.

Dedicate a half-day to explore the rich tapestry of contemporary art that graces its halls, offering a feast for both eyes and soul.

While there, seize the opportunity to visit the luxurious Silo Hotel, perched atop the museum, where a night’s stay starts at a lavish $1,000, marrying art and opulence in a unique blend.

29. Cape Point Nature Reserve

Venture into the wilds of Cape Point Nature Reserve, a spectacular site where you can experience some of the most stunning landscapes in South Africa.

Here, you can explore the untouched beauty of nature as you walk among rolling hills and pristine beaches. With its diverse range of flora and fauna, from rare antelopes to dolphins, this is one of the most magical places in Cape Town.

The best way to capture its beauty is by taking a tour of the reserve, where you can explore the many trails and savor a picnic with views of breathtaking scenery. Don’t forget to visit the historic lighthouse at Cape Point for panoramic views of this wild wonderland.

30. Visit a Cape Dutch Manor House

As you step into the grandiose world of a Cape Dutch manor house, take a journey through time. This type of architecture is unique to Cape Town and is inspired by Dutch gables combined with local building techniques. The result is an exquisite product of centuries-old traditions.

The most fascinating way to explore this style is by taking a tour of Groot Constantia, one of the city’s most famous Cape Dutch estates. This historic site offers charming gardens and a well-preserved manor house, each offering a window into a world that has been carefully preserved for centuries.

Tours are available daily, providing you with an unforgettable experience. Remember to try the delicious wines while you’re there!

Tips for Visiting Cape Town Attractions

Embarking on a journey to Cape Town is a thrilling adventure, and to make your experience truly unforgettable, we’ve curated a list of essential tips for navigating the city’s most iconic attractions with ease and enjoyment.

Best Time To Visit Cape Town

Envision setting forth on a tranquil adventure to Cape Town, a city where each season unveils a new facet of its alluring beauty. Your perfect moment to visit? It intricately depends on your desires and the experiences you seek in this vibrant metropolis.

From our perspective, the prime time to immerse yourself in the wonders of Cape Town spans from December to April, the summer months in the southern hemisphere.

However, it might be wise to sidestep the peak periods of Christmas and New Year to truly enjoy the city’s essence without the hustle and bustle. January, a bustling and pricey month, could also be avoided to ensure a serene and budget-friendly experience.

February emerges as the golden period, where the summer vibrancy is still palpable, yet the city gradually transitions out of its peak season.

Following suit, March and April present themselves as excellent choices, offering splendid weather and a respite from the crowds, allowing you to explore Cape Town in its full glory but with tranquility.

How To Get To Cape Town

Navigating your way to the heart of Cape Town is a breeze, with several convenient options at your disposal. The Cape Town International Airport (CPT), situated approximately 20 km from the bustling city center, serves as your gateway to this vibrant city.

Depending on your exact destination within Cape Town, the journey from the airport might extend by 30 minutes, so plan accordingly. While various modes of transportation are available, many visitors find Uber the most economical and convenient choice.

Not only is it a popular service in the area, but it also offers affordability that is hard to beat – a trip from the picturesque Sea Point to the airport, for instance, generally costs around R237, roughly equivalent to $13 USD.

If you prefer steering the wheel yourself, renting a car for your stay is a fantastic option, allowing you the freedom to explore the city at your own pace.

How To Get Around Cape Town

Navigating through the picturesque landscapes and vibrant neighborhoods of Cape Town is a vital part of your adventure. Here, we explore the most convenient and popular modes of transportation that the city has to offer:

Uber/Rideshare Apps

In Cape Town, rideshare apps like Uber have become a popular choice for locals and tourists. These apps offer a safe, reliable, and affordable way to traverse the city without the hassle of finding parking spaces in busy areas.

Download the app on your smartphone, and you’ll have quick access to rides wherever you are in the city.

Get a Rental Car

Renting a car is a fantastic option for those who prefer more autonomy in their travels. It not only allows you the freedom to explore the city at your own pace but also makes it easier to visit the picturesque locales that are off the beaten path. This will give you access to more places to see in Cape Town in a shorter time. 

I recommend using Discover Cars to scout for the best deals. This platform compares prices from various rental car agencies in the area, generally helping you save substantially in the long run.

Public Bus System

Taking the public bus is an excellent choice if you want to immerse yourself in the local culture. Cape Town boasts a well-maintained and efficient bus system connecting all major city parts.

It’s not only a cost-effective way to get around but also gives you a chance to experience the city like a local, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere and perhaps discovering some hidden gems along the way.

Acquaint yourself with the different routes and schedules to maximize this transportation option.

Where To Stay in Cape Town

Embarking on a journey to the expansive city of Cape Town can initially seem overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure about the best locales to settle in. But fret not; I’m here to guide you through the prime neighborhoods that have enriched my visits to this vibrant city.

This locale often evokes a sense of affordability akin to a budget-friendly San Diego for visitors.

It stands out as a secure area in contrast to the bustling Central Business District (CBD), offering numerous dining options and a stunning seaside promenade that eliminates the need for a vehicle.

It has become my preferred destination for leisurely summer getaways lasting approximately three months.

Central Business District/Kloof:

Positioned east of Signal Hill, extending around the famous Kloof Street towards Lion’s Head, this region is a hub for modern eateries, bars, and lively nightlife.

Despite its vibrant atmosphere, be prepared for a denser urban setting, slightly removed from the coastal charm. It stands as the premier choice for those seeking an energetic nightlife.

Nestled between the hills and the sea, Camps Bay offers a luxurious retreat with a picturesque backdrop, albeit at a higher price range.

While it houses a few establishments, anticipate a longer commute, especially during peak hours, to reach the CBD for a wider variety of amenities. It’s the ultimate destination for those yearning for a tranquil seaside retreat away from the urban hustle.

Green Point:

Situated between Sea Point and the Waterfront, this residential enclave is renowned for its lush surroundings, featuring numerous public parks and the iconic Cape Town stadium. It is an excellent base for digital nomads or those seeking a homely atmosphere.

Dewaterkant/V&A Waterfront:

This area is a hotspot for tourists and is close to the vibrant activities at the V&A Waterfront. While there might be better choices for extended stays, particularly for digital nomads, it offers excellent walkability, making it a favorite for short-term vacationers.

I have meticulously selected the top 4 hotels in Cape Town, South Africa, each offering a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and picturesque views, promising an unforgettable stay.

  • The Silo Hotel: Situated atop the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, this luxury hotel offers rooms with a blend of industrial and elegant designs, providing breathtaking views of the V&A Waterfront, the city, and Table Mountain.
  • Cape Grace Hotel: Nestled on a private quay between the vibrant V&A Waterfront and the tranquil yacht marina, this hotel offers a blend of modern luxury and traditional Cape culture, making it a unique place to stay.
  • Ellerman House: Perched on the slopes of Lion’s Head, this boutique hotel offers an exclusive and serene retreat with panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, complemented by a fine art gallery and a world-class wine cellar.
  • Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa: Located near Table Mountain National Park, this hotel offers a tranquil escape with stunning ocean views, luxurious rooms, and a range of spa treatments, making it an ideal choice for a relaxing getaway.

Ways To Tour Cape Town

  • City Sightseeing Bus: The hop-on-hop-off city sightseeing bus is convenient for exploring Cape Town’s major attractions. With various routes available, it covers landmarks like Table Mountain, Camps Bay, and the V&A Waterfront, offering informative audio commentary in multiple languages.
  • Guided Walking Tours: Discover the hidden gems of Cape Town through guided walking tours. These tours often cover historic districts like Bo-Kaap and the city center, offering insights into the city’s rich history and culture.
  • Cycling Tours: For the environmentally conscious traveler, cycling tours offer a great way to explore the city. Whether it’s cycling along the Sea Point Promenade or through the vineyards of Constantia, it’s a healthy and eco-friendly way to tour Cape Town.
  • Helicopter Tours: Experience Cape Town differently with a helicopter tour. These tours offer breathtaking aerial views of landmarks like Table Mountain, the Twelve Apostles, and the stunning coastline.
  • Boat Tours: Embark on a boat tour to witness the marine life around Cape Town. From whale-watching tours in Hermanus to seal snorkeling adventures in Hout Bay, these tours offer a unique maritime experience.
  • Wine Tasting Tours: The Cape Winelands region’s lush vineyards and historic estates are a must-visit for wine enthusiasts. Many companies offer guided tours where you can indulge in wine tastings and learn about the wine-making process.
  • Adventure Tours: For adrenaline junkies, Cape Town offers a range of adventure tours, including shark cage diving in Gansbaai, paragliding from Lion’s Head, and abseiling down Table Mountain.
  • Cultural Tours: Engage with the local communities through cultural tours. These tours often include visits to townships to learn about the local culture and traditions and interact with the residents.
  • Self-Drive Tours: Rent a car and explore Cape Town at your own pace. The scenic drives like Chapman’s Peak Drive offer stunning ocean views and mountains, making for a memorable road trip.
  • Gastronomic Tours: Explore Cape Town’s culinary scene through gastronomic tours. These tours take you to various eateries, markets, and restaurants where you can savor local delicacies and learn about South African cuisine.

Remember to choose a tour that aligns with your interests and allows you to explore Cape Town in a way that resonates with you.


What are the top 6 attractions in cape town.

The top 6 attractions in Cape Town are Table Mountain, Robben Island, V&A Waterfront, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Cape of Good Hope, and Boulders Beach, famous for its penguins.

What is Cape Town famously known for?

Cape Town is famously known for its stunning natural scenery, including Table Mountain and picturesque coastal landscapes. It’s also renowned for its rich cultural heritage and history, notably its role in the struggle against apartheid, as well as its vibrant food and wine scene.

How can I spend 3 days in Cape Town?

In three days in Cape Town, you can visit Table Mountain and the V&A Waterfront on day one, explore Robben Island and the city on day two, and take a Cape Peninsula tour to see the Cape of Good Hope and Boulders Beach penguins on day three.

What to do in Cape Town for 6 days?

For a 6-day Cape Town itinerary, you can follow the 3-day plan mentioned above and additionally explore Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, visit the District Six Museum, take a wine tour in Stellenbosch or Franschhoek, and enjoy a day in Hout Bay and drive along Chapman’s Peak Drive.

How many days do you need in Cape Town?

At a minimum, you should plan to spend 3-4 days in Cape Town to see the main attractions. For a complete experience and to explore the surrounding areas, consider staying for 6-7 days.

What is the most beautiful place in Cape Town?

Many consider Table Mountain to be the most beautiful place in Cape Town, since it offers spectacular panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. Other contenders include the Cape Peninsula, with its dramatic coastal scenery, and Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden.

What is the best month to go to Cape Town?

The best time to visit Cape Town is during the South African summer, which falls between November and March. December to February is particularly popular for its warm weather, but Cape Town’s mild climate makes it a year-round destination.

Why is Cape Town worth visiting?

Cape Town is worth visiting for its stunning natural beauty, diverse cultural experiences, historical significance, and world-class food and wine scene. It offers a unique blend of outdoor adventures, cultural exploration, and relaxation.

Do I need a car in Cape Town, South Africa?

While a car can be convenient for exploring the outskirts of Cape Town, it’s not strictly necessary within the city itself. Public transportation and taxis are readily available for getting around the urban areas.

Can you get around Cape Town without a car?

Yes, you can get around Cape Town without a car. The city has a well-developed public transportation system, including buses and minibus taxis. Ridesharing services like Uber are popular and convenient options too.

What is unique to Cape Town?

Cape Town’s uniqueness lies in its stunning natural landmarks, such as Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope, its rich history tied to the struggle against apartheid, its diverse cuisine influenced by various cultures, and its thriving wine industry.

Is Cape Town walkable?

Parts of Cape Town, especially the city center and waterfront areas, are walkable. However, to explore the broader metropolitan area and natural attractions, you may need a vehicle to reach certain places.

What is the best way to travel in Cape Town?

The best way to travel in Cape Town depends on your itinerary. Public transportation, taxis, and ridesharing services are suitable for urban exploration, while car rentals or guided tours are recommended for venturing further.

What is the coldest month in Cape Town?

The coldest month in Cape Town is typically July, which is during the South African winter.

How do people dress in Cape Town?

Cape Town’s dress code is generally casual and relaxed. Lightweight clothing is suitable for summer, while layers are necessary in cooler months. In more formal settings or upscale restaurants, business-casual attire is appropriate.

Is it expensive to visit Cape Town?

The cost of visiting Cape Town can vary widely depending on your choices. While some attractions and activities are affordable, others, like fine dining and wine tours, can be relatively expensive. Overall, Cape Town offers options for various budget ranges.

The post 30+ Best Things to Do in Cape Town, South Africa (2024) appeared first on Malcolm Travels .

Here is a comprehensive guide to the best places to see and the best things to do while visiting beautiful Cape Town, South Africa.

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  • Five things to consider when planning a trip to Cape Town

20 September 2016

When planning your holiday to Cape Town, it is important to bear in mind the basics to ensure a holiday with no unwanted surprises. Here are our top tips to consider when visiting the Mother City:

1. Pack for the Cape weather

Cape Town weather can be unpredictable – it could be sunny in the morning but pouring with rain by the afternoon, so be prepared.  Although Cape Town gets most of its rain in winter (June to August) and the days are generally cold during these months, glorious sunny days are not uncommon. In summer, the days are generally warm (and often very hot in January and February), but as soon as the infamous South Easter picks up in the evening you will want to put on something warm. To live like a local during your stay and without any wardrobe regrets,  a make sure you carry a jacket or raincoat.

Sun hats are always a must for visiting Cape Town (Image: City Sightseeing.)

2. Know how much bang you’ll get for your buck

The South African rand represents excellent value for many international visitors, but that doesn’t mean everything is cheap. Always bear in mind the exchange rate to be sure you don’t break the bank. Roadside craft traders will often negotiate on their price – decide how much you would like to spend and try to stick to that. Bargaining is not common at formal markets and certainly not in shops.

Browse the local markets for great souvenirs (Image: City Sightseeing.)

3. Make the most of the many attractions on offer

Whether you are visiting Cape Town for a foodie getaway, adrenalin fix or family holiday, the city will cater to all your needs. Did you know that Cape Town has scooped the best city award in the 2015-16  Telegraph Travel Awards  for the fourth year straight? The City Sightseeing red bus provides a great introduction to the city and surrounds, allowing you to hop on and off at different attractions. Also, there is a  Travel Depot  in the heart of the city where you can get help from tourism providers to plan your dream holiday.

See all the iconic sights Cape Town has to offer (Image: City Sightseeing.)

4. How to get around Cape Town’s tourist sites

Cape Town is user-friendly when it comes to transport. The City Sightseeing red bus is, of course, the best way to get to Table Mountain and other iconic attractions. You have the option of buying one- or two-day tours. Walking is a good and safe option during daylight hours in the city bowl, and at the V&A Waterfront and beach promenades. As in any big city, avoid isolated or dark areas and don’t conspicuously carry valuables. Some great  walking tours  are available year-round.

The City Sightseeing red bus is a great transport option to get around Cape Town efficiently (Image: City Sightseeing.)

5. Make some local friends

South Africans have a reputation for being warm and approachable and Cape Town is a very friendly city.  Wherever you go, you are likely to be welcomed with broad smiles and banter. Do engage with the locals – you might make some new friends.

Chat to friendly locals (Image: City Sightseeing.)

Top travel tip:

Hop on the City Sightseeing red bus for the best way to experience Cape Town. Tickets cost R90 for kids and teenagers up to 17 and R190 for adults, with a special discount if you buy online.

Buy tickets here.

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+27 21 511 6000 [email protected]

36 Auckland Street, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7420

Copyright © City Sightseeing South Africa 2024

My Trip to Cape Town

Michael Kaiser

Chairman, DeVos Institute of Arts Management

If you have never been to Cape Town -- especially during summertime there -- you are missing out on one of the world's great cities. It is a far trip from most places on earth; it takes twenty or more hours to get there from Washington, D.C. But it is worth every minute of the journey.

Table Mountain, wine country, the beach and a vibrant arts culture are all to be enjoyed. The a cappella singing, opera and ballet, vivid theater productions, and dynamic visual arts are abundant. A visit to Robbin Island, where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated, reminds us in a most moving fashion of the country's ugly history in the 20th century and the way it is rebuilding its economy and its spirit in this one.

I have been coming to Cape Town, and other South African cities, to teach arts management for over 15 years. The city has never seemed so vibrant. This June and July the World Cup of soccer will be hosted in South Africa, with eight of the matches taking place in a new stadium in Cape Town. The city has improved infrastructure and tourist services including hotels, roads, restaurants and the airport to serve the hundreds of thousands of visitors who are expected.

In my teaching sessions, one unfortunate fact emerged: for most South Africans, the planning for the World Cup ends with the final match on July 11. The world ends the next day.

This has an effect on all members of the community, including the arts community. Everyone is building for this June and July; I did not hear of many plans for arts programming for 2011 or beyond.

It is this type of boom and bust planning that decimates arts organizations, especially those in areas where the arts have yet to create a firm funding infrastructure.

So many arts groups are thriving now. They are hiring staff, adding performances, building on the excitement and the economic stimulation caused by this greatest of world sporting events (sorry, Super Bowl).

But what happens the following month or year? Do all of the funders simply turn their attention away from the arts and to other ventures? Must the arts world retreat after its most successful year ever?

Good artistic planning extends for years. The most successful arts organizations, from every perspective, will be those that have a great plan for this year, but equally exciting programs planned for 2011, 2012 and beyond. They will be the ones that build consistently on the foundation established this year. They will keep their sponsors, build their audiences, enhance reputations and grow in a smoother and more sustainable manner.

At this point, there appears to be little that is special planned for Cape Town in the hangover year of 2011. Couldn't the arts fill this void? Isn't this an opportunity to become a more vital part of the local and national agenda?

I imagine this is not a problem unique to arts organizations or to Cape Town. But it is frustrating nonetheless in this amazing city.

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My first visit to South Africa

My first visit to south africa .

How does someone terrified of flying conquer this fear? Well, if they’re anything like me, they travel to South Africa!

After 20+ hours of traveling with bated breath and clutched hands, the flight attendant announced our impending arrival in Johannesburg. These magic words brought a sigh of relief and I turned to Lilly, my traveling companion and African Travel’s Director of Operations, who happens to share my fear of aeronautics. We did it! I dared to peek out the window and was rewarded with the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever encountered. It was instantaneous love.

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During our stay in Johannesburg, we toured Soweto, visited Liliesleaf, and wandered through Mandela’s Square. Soweto – which is an acronym for “South Western Townships” – was my favorite; a melting pot of culture and history, rich with stories of the past and scars from the struggle against apartheid. The township was originally created to house black laborers and ensure segregation, but Soweto today is a land of democratic leadership, vibrant color and surprising juxtaposition.

Soweto’s history is apparent on every corner, but the township has created several memorials to honor their difficult past. We visited the Hector Pieterson Memorial and Museum, which commemoratives 12-year-old Hector Pieterson who was shot in 1976 during what was meant to be a peaceful protest of high school students against the mandatory use of Afrikaans in the black schools. We also visited Nelson Mandela’s home, now a museum, paying homage to his dedication to promoting human rights, democracy, reconciliation and tolerance.

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This part of the journey was poignant and bittersweet. We shed a tear for the suffering of the past, but left with smiles on our faces and hope in our hearts as South Africa’s future is bright.

The “Mother City” of Cape Town was next on our list, and I cherished every single minute. Even sitting in traffic was a lovely experience, as the scenic drive to The Twelve Apostles Hotel was truly breathtaking. In all, we enjoyed five days and four nights of Cape Town’s legendary culture and hospitality, touring all the surrounding areas that make this destination a must-visit. The Cape of Good Hope, Table Mountain, and the Winelands were among our adventures – believe me when I say that nothing can compare to savoring a glass of world-class wine while soaking up legendary panoramic landscapes.

my trip to cape town essay

  As a spectacular finale, we spent three days and two nights in the Thornybush Reserve, which is a small private game reserve adjacent to Kruger Park in the northeastern region of South Africa. Our guide introduced us to a bevy of animals from the moment we landed; we were greeted by a warthog at the airport, and on our first game drive we saw three of the Big Five! There is something incredibly special about the bush and witnessing dozens of majestic animals roaming free in their natural habitat. Thornybush is known for its Big Five viewing, and twice-daily game drives are available in the morning and evening.

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my trip to cape town essay

I was also impressed with the trackers and rangers, who skillfully navigate the bush without any directions or signs. The only traffic jam we encountered was a herd of elephants blocking the road, which was a nice change from the gridlocked congestion I’m used to back home. On our final night we were treated to a beautiful outdoor dinner in the bush, and we stopped on the way back to the lodge to do some stargazing. I have never seen so many stars in my life – it was truly an unforgettable experience that drove home just how small we really are.

my trip to cape town essay

The day we departed, the entire staff came to send us off, which is just the kind of heartwarming gesture I learned to expect from the South Africans. This journey was so much more than anything I ever could have imagined – it was the trip of a lifetime, one that I will cherish to the end of my days.



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    What a way to close the trip! 9. Sunsquare Cape Town. I also wanted to mention on my second trip back to Cape Town I had to forgo the 6 star hotel for something more in my range and budget, the Sunsquare Cape Town. Near the Gardens area of Cape Town, it's in a really cool part of town with an amazing breakfast. 10. Sunset cruise

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    Day 1: Climb Table Mountain. There's no way any Cape Town itinerary is omitting this one from the list. Table Mountain is easily the most famous landmark and a climb to the top is a must. This is what the city does best - allowing you easy access to some of the best hikes and most picturesque viewpoints.

  10. Sightseeing in Cape Town

    SIGHTSEEING IN CAPE TOWN - DESCRIBE A RECENT VACATION. On April 26, 2020 April 26, 2020 By mrcibubur In Describe Things, IELTS and TOEFL, Teaching. This is an IELTS or TOEFL talk for between two and five minutes. Keyword vocabulary is highlighted. ... My trip to Cape Town was truly tremendous.

  11. 10 Essential Tips for Your First Visit to Cape Town

    Stay close to the city centre. If it's your first visit to Cape Town, you'll want to stay close to the urban action. Though charming accommodation pictures may lure you out to suburbs like Big Bay, Blouberg, Muizenberg, Kalk Bay and the Winelands, the reality is that the outlying suburbs are relatively sleepy and quite hard to get to ...

  12. Descriptive Essay About Cape Town

    707 Words3 Pages. Located on the south western tip of Africa, the magnificent City of Cape Town is well-recognized as one of the most spectacular, awe-inspiring places on the earth. Offering a wide array of attractions, breathtaking sights and endless fun-filled activities, it is considered as one of the best destination for vacations.

  13. The Perfect 4 Day Cape Town Itinerary for First Timers (2023)

    Cape Town Itinerary Day 2: Robben Island and The Waterfront. On day 2 of your Cape Town itinerary, book a morning tour to Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years. The tours of the prison are given by former inmates, so the history that you will experience is quite moving. Make sure to book your tickets online ahead of time.

  14. The ultimate guide to exploring Cape Town like a tourist

    Tasso Evangelinos, CEO of the Cape Town Central City Improvement District (CCID), says, "Having won the Telegraph Travel Readers Award for 'The Greatest City in the World' in 2018 and the 2021 Travel + Leisure Award for the best destination in the Middle East and Africa, Cape Town - and its vibrant CBD - is the perfect destination for explorers and other travellers keen to make up ...

  15. Descriptive Essay About Cape Town

    Descriptive Essay About Cape Town. 740 Words3 Pages. Part A: My eyes could not resist the beauty radiating off this magnificent city. Cape Town is the mother city of South Africa home to 3.75 million unique people. The city is full of exquisite scenes. During the exploration era in 1488 Bartolomeo Dias a Portuguese explorer found Cape Town on ...

  16. Why You Should Visit Cape Town

    It has one of the most vibrant CBDs in South Africa. The Cape Town central business district is one of the most vibrant and liveable in the country. Where other CBDs have pockets of brilliance, Cape Town has embraced the city as its true heart. This means that you can have the best of the urban lifestyle, with local coffee shops, late-night ...

  17. 10 Reasons to Visit Cape Town

    Table Mountain. Defining the Cape Town cityscape, Table Mountain is one of the most instantly recognisable landmarks in the entire world. Far more than just a mountain, Table Mountain has attracted more than 25 million visitors since it opened as a tourist attraction in 1929. The view from atop Table Mountain is one to be remembered.

  18. Personal Narrative: My Trip To Cape Town

    Personal Narrative: My Trip To Dallas. 395 Words | 2 Pages. This year during college summer break, my friends planned a trip to Dallas, TX to visit the place, where former US President "John F Kennedy was assassinated. President Kennedy was shot dead on November 22,1963 by Lee Harvey, Oswald. Dallas is a three-hour long drive from Houston, TX.

  19. 5 Reasons to Visit Cape Town

    From the West Coast, Cape Peninsula, to False Bay, a trip to one of our beaches is bound to be memorable. Cape Town boasts 8 internationally acclaimed Blue Flag status beaches, including Bikini Beach, Camps Bay, Clifton 4th Beach, Fish Hoek, Llandudno, Melkbosstrand, Muizenberg and Silwerstroom. These beaches have been awarded Blue Flag status ...

  20. 30+ Best Things to Do in Cape Town, South Africa (2024)

    Muizenberg, known for its colorful beach huts and surf spots, exudes a relaxed beach atmosphere. These neighboring cities enrich the Cape Town experience, offering a blend of cultural and natural ...

  21. Five things to consider when planning a trip to Cape Town

    Here are our top tips to consider when visiting the Mother City: 1. Pack for the Cape weather. Cape Town weather can be unpredictable - it could be sunny in the morning but pouring with rain by the afternoon, so be prepared. Although Cape Town gets most of its rain in winter (June to August) and the days are generally cold during these months ...

  22. My Trip to Cape Town

    My Trip to Cape Town. In my teaching sessions, one unfortunate fact emerged: for most South Africans, the planning for the World Cup ends with the final match on July 11. The world ends the next day. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site.

  23. My first visit to South Africa

    It was instantaneous love. During our stay in Johannesburg, we toured Soweto, visited Liliesleaf, and wandered through Mandela's Square. Soweto - which is an acronym for "South Western Townships" - was my favorite; a melting pot of culture and history, rich with stories of the past and scars from the struggle against apartheid.

  24. Essay

    After making the long and silent drive through the night from Cape Town, we arrived in Durban on a grey and rainy day and I remember thinking that even then, the city had an unmistakable charm to it.