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  • Wedding Anniversary Speech For Parents



A wedding anniversary is celebrated when a couple completes a year of marriage. Anniversary refers to a notable event every year. A wedding anniversary is a date to celebrate the day of love in someone's life. Not only marriage, but every event also has its anniversary.

It is one of the celebrations that make a married couple feel about each other's togetherness and this celebration goes on more grandly as the year passes. People express their love and gratitude for their partners, with a 25th anniversary speech for parents or the 50th wedding anniversary speech for parents, which always remains a special moment.

Here, we will go through different ways of writing wedding anniversary speeches for parents. A welcome speech for a wedding anniversary is a very important part of any wedding anniversary speech. Anniversary speech for your parents includes a welcome speech for the wedding anniversary and also long and short speeches.

If anyone is a student and wants help to prepare a wedding speech , they can find the best Speech in the English language.

Long Speech on Wedding Anniversary For Parents

Good evening to everyone, today we all have gathered here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of my parents. I am very glad to say a few words about the couple that I have seen for years and gotten inspired.

My parents were one of the most adorable couples that I have ever witnessed in my life.As the year passes, their love for each other has only grown stronger from each passing year. Who knew that you both would be crazy in love after that one random wedding meet? Even though I have only witnessed only 18 of your 25 years of anniversary, I can honestly say that I’m the luckiest son in the whole world, to be brought up by a loving pair like you both.

Dad, I want to thank God that he fixed your marriage with my mother. Years have come and gone; you are always there beside each other through every situation, no matter high or low moments. You are the precious gift I have ever had. Whenever I look into your eyes, I see my world and find that it is the purest form of love that I can find.

Now all of you have witnessed a glimpse of the strong bond between my parents; I have to tell you people that I have learned a lot from my parents and have collected a lot of knowledge from them for their present and future life. They are clear examples of true love.

Mom and Dad want to thank you for giving me life and every comfort by working hard day and night. I am overwhelmed with your unconditional love and care. Without both of you, I could not understand the meaning and importance of love and family. You have taught me everything that I need to learn for my life, for what I can never say, thank you. You have helped me to shape whatever I am today. When I failed, I only found both of you behind me to encourage me positively. You both are everything for me. It did not matter how worse the situation was; both of you were there when I needed you most. Whatever you both have done for me is most appreciated in this world.

Both of you have always done good for me, which can not be returned in any form. But I can say that I love you both with all my heart. You both are my world. I want to thank you for everything and happily for the 25th anniversary of mom Dad. I hope you have a wonderful anniversary this year, and both of you have miles to go. You both deserve all the happiness, peace, and love of this world.

With all the support and love from you both, today we all stand here as a strong and healthy family. I know today wherever I am, it is all because of both of your dedication and I cannot thank you enough for providing me with everything that you possibly could. You are the one couple that I look up to and aspire to become in the coming future.

Mom, Dad, there might be many things that you both have done for me, which went unnoticed among daily chores. Today I would like to thank you for all those small sacrifices, the countless tears that you have shed for my joys. 

I have seen how you both support each other to grow and nurture yourself. This shows the virtue of your relationship and it makes it even more durable. Both of you have accepted each other's flaws and the positives; this is a kind of relationship that people admire nowadays. However, nowadays people have forgotten to adjust and accept their partner the way they are. But, you both as a couple, have taught me so.  I would also like to thank you for all those efforts, which made me feel good about some of the short vacations and numerous of the new places we have discovered. All the beautiful memories of the sites and monuments shall remain forever with me for the rest of my life. Thank you for always being there for me and not taking those short tips by yourself because I would have left alone and I couldn’t stay alone!Thank you for all those tight hugs, which lifted my mood instantly in the time of fear or sadness. And also for those sticky notes in lunch boxes of the essential tasks. Lastly, being a son I would like to say that, I would want to become a couple like you. And I would make sure that my children experience all the happiness that I have enjoyed. Now, I would like to take a moment to honour my parents and pray for their good health.  

Short Speech on Wedding Anniversary For Parents

Dear mom and dad,I won’t be able to sum up all the love and care of your union in just a single small speech. It would take me a lifetime to describe it. However, for today I will keep it a short one. I don't know how to express my emotions to both of you.

Anyhow, I know one thing for sure that you both have sacrificed a lot, throughout your life because of me, and you are the reason for whatever I am today.    Speaking about me, I don't believe in an arranged marriage, but considering the type of bond that you both share with each other, I wouldn't mind doing one now. 

You both understand so well that you don't have to say anything to each other, and make up for your mistakes. The incredible bond between both of you, makes me look up to you and your relationship. I want to thank everyone for joining us to chew on a beautiful love story that started 25 years ago. I like to see that all of you have joined us to make this day memorable. My mom and dad are so blessed that they have these ongoing relationships and friendships. Here is already love in the air, and with all the blessing and warm wishes, it gets completed.

10 Lines on Wedding Anniversary Speech For Parents

The celebration of the anniversary originated back in the time of the Roman Empire, where wives used to crown their husband after completing a year.

The two very important and primary landmarks are the 25th-anniversary celebrations which are also known as the silver jubilee and the 50th-anniversary celebration which is also known as the golden jubilee. 

Later, in the 20th century, the couple could receive a message from the monarch for their 60th or 75th anniversary in many places, just like in the US and China. 

In some places like Australia, couples could receive a congratulation letter from the governor on their 50th year of celebration or above. 

The different stages of the anniversary year are compared to the different metals in the environment.

Like the 5th year is related to wood; 15th to crystal, 25th to silver, and so on.

Presently, the couples who are unmarried also celebrate their anniversaries to mark years of their togetherness in the relationship.  

However, all kinds of celebrations have been hampered due to the pandemic.

But some of the earlier ideas like writing handwritten letters, Spending some time with your partner or preparing a meal for them never goes out of style. 

A Wedding Anniversary is a day of happiness for couples, who get a lot of love and pampering on that day. 


FAQs on Wedding Anniversary Speech For Parents

1. What is an anniversary speech?

An anniversary speech is specially written to congratulate a couple or someone on their day of love. Through an anniversary speech, one can preplan what to say on the day. You can make someone feel special through a couple of words in the speech. Through a speech, one can share their warm wishes significantly. One can also check through some websites and create an attractive speech to represent.

2. What elements must be put into an anniversary speech?

One must always be clear about what they must include in an anniversary speech because it depends on their sense of humor. Mistakes in time of creating may affect the environment of the occasion. Here are some suggestions about the element,

       i.  One must complete their speech in less than 3 minutes Because representing your speech more than that time may bore the audience.

       ii. Mention all the close family members who have been a critical part of their life. By that, one can pay respect and thanks to that person.

      iii.  Mention some sweet memories that would make your speech great to hear.

3. How Can one end the anniversary speech?

One can say 'Thank You' at the end of the speech. However, one can recite a lovely poem at the end of the speech. Performing a song can also be a great idea at the end of the speech. One can also add a love quote at the end of the speech that would help to make the speech more attractive and memorable.

4 . What is Jubilee?

When an anniversary completes its 25th year, the celebration is called the silver jubilee. After that, when the anniversary turns to the 50th year, it's called the golden jubilee. And the 70th and 80th are known as a diamond jubilee.

5. How can anyone get help from Vedantu to create a wedding anniversary speech?

In that case, the student can find their answer from any online learning platform. But Vedantu is the best among that. Vedantu is an online learning platform. From where students can take help in their studies. They give various courses, study material, NCERT, or any entrance exam-related help. Vedantu  is the best platform for CBSE, ICSE students to help their studies. In the case of preparing a speech for a wedding anniversary or any topic, students can go through the educational blogs given on the website of Vedantu.

The Bridal Tip

Celebrating Love: Crafting the Perfect Speech for Your Parents’ Wedding Anniversary

by Antoinette Barajas

As parents, the wedding anniversary is a special occasion that is celebrated with love and joy. The day marks the completion of another year in a couple’s journey together and serves as a reminder of their commitment to one another. It is an opportunity to reflect on all that has been shared between them over the years, and to express appreciation for their partnership.

For those looking to commemorate their parents’ wedding anniversary, there is no better way than with a heartfelt speech. A speech can capture all the wonderful memories and feelings associated with this milestone moment. It can show how proud you are of your parents’ union and how much they mean to you.

When preparing your speech, it is important to keep it personal by incorporating stories of your parents’ relationship or funny anecdotes about growing up with them. Letting your parents know that you are grateful for all they have done together will make them feel loved and appreciated. Also include some words of advice on how they can continue to strengthen their bond in the years ahead.

In addition to giving an emotional speech, there are further ways in which you can celebrate your parents’ wedding anniversary. Consider throwing them a small surprise party or taking them out for dinner at their favorite restaurant. You could also give them something special, such as a framed photo or a piece of jewelry that symbolizes their commitment. There are many thoughtful gifts available that will be sure to bring joy to your parent’s anniversary celebration!

No matter what you decide to do for your parent’s wedding anniversary, the most important thing is that you acknowledge this special occasion with kindness and love. With some careful preparation, you can create an unforgettable experience for your beloved parents on their special day!

Creating a Speech for My Parents’ Anniversary

Thank you all for being here to celebrate my parents’ anniversary. I am truly grateful to have such amazing and supportive parents who have been married for so many years.

My parents have taught me the importance of hard work, dedication, and persistence in life. They have shown me how to be kind and understanding, even when things don’t go as planned. Their love and support has been unwavering throughout my life, and I can never tank them enough for that.

My parents’ union has been a source of strength and comfort not just for me but also for our entire family. I am confident that their commitment to each other will continue to grow stronger with time and bring joy to all of us in the years ahead.

So on this day, I would like to wish my wonderful parents a happy anniversary! May you both be blessed with many more years of joyous marriage!


Celebrating My Parents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary

Congratulations to my wonderful parents on celebrating 50 years of marriage! It’s an incredible milestone that requires a great deal of commitment, dedication, and love. I am so proud of you both for building such a strong, lasting relationship and for all the hard work you have put into it over the years. Your example has taught me a lot about what it means to be in a loving, supportive partnership and I am grateful for that. Here’s to many more happy years together!

Wedding Anniversary Speech

A wedding anniversary speech is a great way to show your love and appreciation for the happy couple. It’s an opportunity to share your memories, express your feelings, and congratulate them on their special day. Begin by thanking everyone who has come to celebrate with the couple and welcome any guests who are visiting from out of town. You can then reminisce on how the couple met and what they have achieved together over the years. Share stories that highlight the love between them and talk abot how they have grown as individuals and as partners. Finally, end your speech with a few words of advice or wisdom for the couple, wishing them much joy in the years ahead. Congratulations!

Making Parents Feel Special on Their Anniversary

Making your parents feel special on teir anniversary is a great way to show them your appreciation. Here are some ideas to create a memorable day:

1. Send them a card or letter expressing your love and gratitude for all that they have done for you. Include anecdotes or stories about how they have impacted your life in a positive way.

2. Plan an outing with family or friends to celebrate the special occasion. This can be anything from a picnic in the park to an afternoon at the beach or an evening out at the movies or dinner at their favorite restaurant.

3. Give them gifts that remind them of happy memories together, such as photos from past trips or family gatherings, albums of favorite music, items related to hobbies they enjoy, etc.

4. Spend quality time with them by taking part in activities that you both enjoy such as playing board games, going for walks, cooking meals together, watching movies and talking about old times and current events.

5. Write a poem expressing your love and appreciation for them on this day and read it aloud during a special activity together – it could be something as simple as having coffee together in the morning or sharing ice cream cones while walking around town in the evening!

Thanking My Parents

Thanking my parents in words is somthing that I have always found difficult, as their love and support are so immense. However, I would start by expressing my deep gratitude for all of the sacrifices they have made for me throughout my life. I would tell them how much I appreciate their unconditional love and unwavering commitment to me, no matter the circumstances. I would also thank them for their guidance and wisdom, which has helped me become the person I am today. Additionally, I would thank them for teaching me important life lessons throughout my journey. Finally, I would thank them for believing in me and encouraging me to strive for success in all aspects of life.


Expressing Love to Parents

Expressing love to your parents in words is a way to show them just how much you care about them. To do this, you can use phrases like “I love you” or “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” You can also express your love by recounting special moments that you shared with them or expressing gratitude for their guidance and support. Other ways to show your parents love in words include wishing them luck on important tests or projects, sending them cards with heartfelt messages, and telling them how much they mean to you. No matter the message, expressing your love to your parents will alays be meaningful and appreciated.

Thanking My Parents for Everything

Thanking your parents for all that they do can be difficult to express in words, but it is important to make sure they know how much you appreciate them and all that they do. Start with a sincere expression of gratitude such as “Mom and Dad, I just want to say thank you for all the things you do for me.” Expressing your appreciation can be done in a variety of ways. You could give them a heartfelt hug or write them a letter, thanking them for the specific ways they have helped you. You could also surprise them with tickets to an event or buy them a gift as a token of your appreciation. Finally, take time out of your day to spend quality time with your parents and let them know how much thir presence means to you.

Starting an Anniversary Speech

Good evening everyone! It is my pleasure to be here tonight to celebrate the anniversary of two of my closest friends, _______ and _______. I have had the honor of knowing them both for _______ years, and I can honestly say I have seen firsthand how they have built a strong and lasting marriage together. So, let’s take a moment to raise our glasses in honor of their special day!

Writing a Wedding Thank You to Parents

Writing a wedding thank you to your parents is an important way to express your appreciation for their involvement in your special day. To start, take some time to think about how your parents have helped you in the planning and preparation for your wedding. Consider all the ways they have gone above and beyond to make sure everything was perfect, from providig emotional support to helping out with finances.

Once you’ve identified all the ways they’ve contributed, use this as a starting point for writing your thank you note. Be sure to include specific details and personal anecdotes in order to make it more meaningful and heartfelt. Express how grateful you are for their support, and let them know that their presence on the day made a huge difference. It’s also nice to thank them for any gifts they may have given you or if they played a role in delivering special touches such as decorations or music.

Finally, be sure to end by letting them know how much it meant to have them there on such an important milestone in your life. Your wedding thank you note should be sincere, expressing your genuine gratitude and love for them.


The Best Quotes for Anniversaries

The best anniversary quote is one that expresses the depth of your love and appreciation for your partner. The perfect quote should capture the sentiment of a long-lasting relationship and convey the special bond you share. A few examples include: “My life has been infinitely richer since I met you,” “Thank you for being my partner in this journey called life,” and “Every day I’m with you, I fall more in love than before.” No matter what quote you choose, make sure it comes from the heart and speaks to your unique relationship!

Starting a Wedding Speech: An Example

Good morning/afternoon everyone. It is a pleasure to be here on such an important day in the lives of [NAME] and [NAME]. Today is a day full of love, promise, and joy; a day when two hearts become one. We are here today to celebrate the union between [NAME] and [NAME], two people that have decided to join together in marriage. This is a beautiful and special time for them, and we are here to support and share their happiness. Let us all raise our glasses in honor of the happy couple!

Toasting a Special Anniversary

An anniversary toast is a celebratory speech that honors a special occasion, such as a wedding anniversary. When giving an anniversary toast, it’s important to express the love and appreciation for the couple and their relationship. A good anniversary toast should include words of admiration for the couple’s commitment to each other and their shared journey together. It should also acknowledge the difficulties they may have faced over the years and recognize their love as smething that has grown stronger with time. You could also mention how much you’ve enjoyed watching them grow together or share funny stories about them that showcase their love for each other. Finally, ending your toast with a heartfelt wish for many more years of happiness together is always a wonderful way to finish!

Honoring Parents: The Best Way to Show Appreciation

The best way to honor your parents is to show them respect and appreciation. Demonstrate genuine care for their well-being by spending quality time with them and engaging in meaningful conversations. Offer your help and support whenever possible, whether it’s helping them around the house or providing emotional support. Show respect for their values, beliefs, and wisdom, even if you don’t necessarily share the same views. Acknowledge their accomplishments, give them compliments, and make sure they know that you are grateful for everything they have done for you.


Showing Gratitude to Our Parents

The best way to show gratitude towards our parents is to take the time to let them know how much you appreciate them. Showing your appreciation can be done in a variety of ways, such as spending quality time together, offering help with chores or errands, expressing your love and admiration thrugh words or cards, and giving thoughtful gifts. Taking the time to recognize their hard work and dedication is one of the most meaningful ways to show your appreciation. Additionally, taking the time to listen to them and provide moral support can go a long way in making your parents feel appreciated.

Showing Unconditional Love to Parents

Unconditional love for your parents is shown in many ways. You can show them your love and appreciation by being respectful and following the rules, communicating openly, expressing gratitude for all that they do for you, spending time together, supporting their decisions, and offering help whenever needed. Additionally, you can demonstrate your love by listening to them without judgment, expressing empathy when they need it most, forgiving mistakes both yours and theirs, and taking the time to understand their point of view.

In conclusion, parents play a crucial role in the lives of their children. They provide emotional and financial support, guidance, direction, and unconditional love. They shape the values, beliefs and behaviors of their children. They are also responsible for teaching their children important life lessons such as respect, responsibility and accountability. Parents are a source of comfort, strength and stability for their children. No matter how old you get, you will always need your parents for advice and support. Therefore it is essential to appreciate them for all the hard work that they do to ensure that their children have a bright future ahead of them.

speech on mom dad anniversary

100+ Heartwarming Anniversary Quotes for Parents that’ll Melt Their Heart

Anniversary quotes for parents are more than words; they are a heartfelt tribute to a love that has weathered the storms and grown stronger with time. In this article, we’ll explore a collection of heartwarming and inspiring quotes that celebrate the enduring love and unwavering commitment of our parents.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect words to write on a card or a toast to raise at their celebration, these anniversary quotes have you covered. They’ll capture the essence of your parents’ extraordinary journey together and offer poignant reflections on love and partnership. Join us in honoring their love, legacy, and the countless memories that continue weaving the fabric of our family’s story.

  • Sweet Happy Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Sweet Happy Anniversary Quotes for Parents

It’s time to give your parents the gift of love and words on their special day. Alongside traditional gifts, a sweet, happy anniversary quote melts their heart and shows you care. Let your parents know how much they mean to you with heartfelt sentiments that make their anniversary extraordinary.

  • “You are the parents that all kids hope to have, you are the couple that all partners hope to be, and you both are the pillars of support that every family wishes it had. Happy anniversary to the best parents ever.”—Anonymous
  • “Mom and Dad, I cannot begin to describe how blessed I am to have amazing parents in my life. Seeing true love through you both makes my heart happy. As your child, I see perfection in both of you. I love you.” —Anonymous
  • “You be my glass of wine, and I’ll be your shot of whiskey.” —Blake Shelton
  • “He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where she ended and he began.” —Leo Tolstoy
  • “You are the parents that all kids hope to have, you are the couple that all lovers hope to be, and you both are the pillars of support that every family wishes it had. Happy anniversary to the best parents ever.” —Anonymous
  • “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.” —Nicholas Sparks
  • “My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.” —Anonymous
  • “Today is a very special day for people I love more than life — it’s your wedding anniversary, my beloved parents! You’ve already spent a lot of wonderful years together, and now I want to wish you to spend even more years enjoying each other and bringing joy to everyone around! Congratulations!” —Anonymous
  • “Remember the yesterdays, plan your tomorrows, and celebrate your today! Happy anniversary to a lovely couple.”—Anonymous
  • “Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is eternity.” —Kahlil Gibran
  • “Despite all the trying times you have both been through, your marriage remained strong and steadfast. When I get married someday, I hope I will have a strong and steady bond with my partner, as both of you did. I love you mom and dad. Happy anniversary!” —Anonymous
  • “All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.” —Leo Tolstoy
  •  “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other” —Audrey Hepburn
  • “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.” —Victor Hugo
  • “You two are a living example of how a couple can be committed to their love and nurture a family‘s growth year after year. Happy wedding anniversary to you!” —Anonymous
  • “It seems like I was born under a lucky star because I have such great parents. You’ve overcome many life difficulties together, and despite your love and respect for each become stronger. It’s a real wonder, and I’m happy to witness it. Congratulations on the anniversary!” —Anonymous
  • “I remember how young, beautiful, and happy you were when I was a little kid. And you know, dear parents, nothing has changed since then. You’re just the same: loving and being loved — that’s what’s important. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!” —Anonymous
  • “True love doesn’t come to you; it has to be inside you.” —Julia Roberts
  • “Most people find it hard to believe in “forever”, but seeing the never-ending love between both of you makes me believe in “forever.” Happy anniversary mom and dad!” —Anonymous
  • “Despite all the years, the trying times that you have both been through, your marriage remained strong and steadfast. When I get married someday, I hope I will have a bond stronger and steady with my partner as both of you did. I love you mom and dad. Happy anniversary!” —Anonymous
  • Funny Happy Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad

Funny Happy Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad

Turn your parents’ special day into a laughter-filled celebration with our collection of hilarious anniversary quotes. These witty and humorous quotes are the perfect way to add a touch of fun and joy to their anniversary festivities.

  • “Marriage: when a great love story meets an endless comedy script.”—Chuckles McLaughington
  • “Cheers to Mom and Dad for proving that ‘happily ever after isn’t just for fairy tales!”—Giggles O’Sullivan
  • “Being married is like having a best friend who doesn’t remember anything you say.” —Anonymous
  • “You’ve been together so long you should be granted an honorary PhD in each other! Happy anniversary.” —Anonymous
  • “Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the end, it’s all about hearts and diamonds, but sometimes, it’s also about clubs and spades!”—Chuckleberry Finn
  • “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. But whatever you two are doing is working. Stay happy and happy anniversary.” —Anonymous
  • “To the parents who’ve been together so long, they’re starting to look alike – congrats on your ‘twinning’ anniversary!”—Quirkster Quill
  • “Love is being stupid together.” —Anonymous
  • “You two have reached the level of marriage where finishing each other’s sentences is more of a warning than a romantic gesture!”—Hilarity Harrison
  • “Mom and Dad, you’ve officially become the ‘before and after picture in the marriage handbook!”—Jestin’ Jenkins
  • “Happy anniversary! Remember, a successful marriage is all about finding the person who can tolerate your quirks – and vice versa!”—Guffaw Granger
  • “I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without you two, literally! Happy anniversary.” —Anonymous
  • “You still behave like newlyweds, happy anniversary!” —Anonymous
  • “If the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I’m expecting to marry the person of my dreams and be married for the same number of years. Thank you both.” —Anonymous
  • “Here’s to the parents who never fail to keep the laughter alive, even when they can’t remember where they put their keys!”—Jokester Jennings
  • “Happy anniversary! You’ve proved that love is not just blind; it’s also a bit hard of hearing!”—Chucklesworth Charleston
  • “Marriage is like a roller coaster, and you two are definitely enjoying the ride – even if it occasionally feels like a tilt—a—whirl!”—Giggleson Goldstein
  • “To the couple who’ve shown me that love is all about finding someone to share both the sweet and the cheesy moments with!”—Hilaria Hartman
  • “Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.” —Anonymous
  • “Dad, winning Mom’s heart was actually my lucky victory. Happy anniversary!” —Anonymous
  • “Here’s to the pair who’ve proven that ‘happily married’ is not an oxymoron, but a lifelong comedy act!”—Jestful Johnson
  • Happy Anniversary Wishes to Parents from Daughter

Happy Anniversary Wishes to Parents from Daughter

In this context, people searching for “Happy Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter” are looking for meaningful messages to celebrate their parents’ enduring love story. These wishes may convey gratitude, admiration, and love, reflecting the unique bond between a daughter and her parents.

  • To my incredible ma and pa, on your anniversary, I am forever grateful for the tenderness and guidance you have given me. Your unwavering commitment to each other inspires me every single day. Happy anniversary!”
  • Mommy and Dad, as you celebrate another year connected to love and companionship, I want you to know that your romantic tale is a constant source of strength and happiness in my life. Hoping you have a joyful anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary, Mommy and Daddy! You two make a remarkable pair who taught me the value of love, respect, and perseverance. Your love tale is a symbol of true love. Congratulations, dear parents!
  • On your anniversary, I long to extend my gratitude for being the amazing role models I look up to. Your love and support have shaped me into the person I am today. Extending hearty greetings on your anniversary laden with love and joy!
  • Mom and Daddy, your love acted as a guiding light in my life. On your anniversary, let me celebrate the graceful journey you have embarked upon together. May your connection continue to grow and fill your presence on this planet with happiness. Happy anniversary!
  • As you celebrate another year of romance and togetherness, I yearn to convey my heartfelt gratitude for the unconditional love and care you have showered upon me. Happy anniversary, Mumma and Dada!
  • To my loving parents, your special anniversary is a reminder of the beautiful legacy of love you have created. Our family is now stronger and closer owing to your affection. Sending you warm wishes and lots of love on your momentous day!
  • Mom and Dad, your love, surely, has been an embodiment for me. On your grand affair, I celebrate the beautiful bond you share. Happy anniversary, my best parents in the world!
  • On this anniversary, I hope to extend my deepest love and appreciation to both of you. Your love always taught me the real significance of commitment and sacrifice. Hearty congratulations on another year of desire and togetherness!
  • To the best loving and caring parents, your anniversary is a reminder of the love legend that continues to inspire me. May your affection endure with every year that passes. Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary, you lovebirds who make my heart flutter and my smile widen. My life’s sweetest melody is your love.
  • To the couple who still holds hands, steals kisses, and dances like nobody’s watching Happy anniversary! Your love sparks inspiration, and your happiness fills my heart with joy.
  • Mom and Dad, your love fable is similar to a wonder tale, and I’m grateful to be a part of it. May your anniversary be full of giggles, hugs, and everlasting love.
  • On your remarkable day, I long to remind you of the countless bedtime stories, piggyback rides, and warm hugs you have given me. Your love tale is the foundation of my world. Happy anniversary, Mummy and Daddy!
  • Mom and Dad, you are the definition of everlasting love. Your unwavering support and affection have made our family a haven of love. Happy anniversary!
  • To the loving couple who taught me that love knows no boundaries and laughter is the best medicine, happy anniversary, mumma and dada! Your love makes every day brighter.
  • Mom and Dad, your genuine love is just like a magical storybook, and I am the lucky princess who gets to witness it every single day. Happy anniversary, my real—life fairy tale!
  • On your anniversary, I intend to extend my thanks for you being the best role models in love. Your affectionate gestures and kind words have taught me the real meaning of a happy and fulfilling relationship. Love you both!
  • To my extraordinary parents, your adoring love is just like a warm blanket that keeps us safe and cozy. Extending warm wishes for an anniversary that is packed with cuddles, kisses, and enduring love.
  • Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Son

Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Son

When it comes to celebrating the love and commitment of our parents, finding the right words to express our appreciation can be challenging. As their anniversary approaches, this collection of thoughtful quotes and wishes from a son aims to express your heartfelt congratulations and love for your parents.

  • Mom and Dad, your caring for one another has always been accompanied by a sense of responsibility and commitment. On your anniversary, let us celebrate the unwavering love and dedication you have shown towards each other and our family.
  • As I witness another year of your love and responsibility, I am brought back to the incredible values you have instilled in me. Happy anniversary, my responsible and loving parents in the world!
  • To my responsible and loving parents, your anniversary is a celebration of the serene journey you have embarked upon together. Thanks a ton for teaching me the importance of being accountable in love. Congratulations!
  • Mom and Dad, your devotion to each other and our family has shown me the real meaning of responsibility. On your anniversary, I am keen to show my heartfelt gratitude for just being the best role models I could ask for.
  • To the couple whose love affair is a perfect blend of romance and responsibility, happy anniversary, ma and pa! Your relationship has taught me that love requires not only affection but also a sense of responsibility toward one another.
  • On your anniversary, I am recalled of the responsible and charming partnership you share. I am thankful for just being there for us and for showing me the importance of taking responsibility in all aspects of life. Saluting a blissful anniversary!
  • On your unique celebration day, I am wholeheartedly thankful for being my strong pillars in life of strength and responsibility in our family. Your love and dedication have shaped me into the person I am today. Happy anniversary!
  • To the married couple who has shown me the importance of responsibility and accountability in a relationship, happiest anniversary! Your attachment has been my compass, guiding me to make responsible choices.
  • To my incredible parents, your caring has always been my guiding light. On your anniversary, I celebrate your unwavering commitment and promise to carry forward the legacy of love you have built.
  • Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! Your love always showed me what it means to be responsible, caring, and devoted. Thanks for being my inspiration and role models.
  • On this feast, I yearn to thank a lot for raising me with love and teaching me the values of responsibility and commitment. Hoping you have a heartfelt wedding anniversary brimming with love and happiness.
  • To my lovely parents who have demonstrated to me the real meaning of responsibility and dedication, happy anniversary, mommy and dad! Your love and support have shaped me into the person I am today.
  • Ma and Dad, your anniversary is a reminder of the responsibility I have to carry forward the love and values you have instilled in me. Immensely thankful for acting like the best teachers and supporters in my life.
  • In your solemn ceremony, I hope to convey my gratitude for your constant support and guidance. Your loving and responsible partnership has set a high standard for my own relationships. Happy anniversary, dear parents!
  • To my loving and responsible parents, Happy anniversary! Your devotion to each other and our family is proof of your unwavering dedication. I hope you have a wonderful day and have many more happy years ahead.
  • Happiest anniversary to my amazing parents! Your love and responsibility have laid the foundation for a strong and united family. I’m proud to be a part of your journey.
  • On this anniversary, I wish to honor the responsible and loving parents you are. Your promise of togetherness to each other and your family is truly admirable. May your special day be marked with a rich and full time of happiness and fulfillment.
  • To my wonderful parents, your anniversary reminds me of the importance of responsibility, compassion, and love. Thankful for just being the best examples of responsible partners and loving parents. Happy anniversary!
  • To the two most incredible people I know, Happy Anniversary! Your love story continues to inspire me every day.
  • Through thick and thin, you’ve shown me the true meaning of love and dedication. Congratulations on another year of a wonderful marriage.
  • As your son, I’ve witnessed the beautiful journey of your marriage. May your love grow stronger with each passing year.
  • Meaningful Happy 50th Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Meaningful Happy 50th Anniversary Quotes for Parents

These 50th happy anniversary quotes capture the essence of your parents’ enduring romance. These quotes represent the devotion that has guided your parents through life’s ups and downs. Each quote resonates with heartfelt sentiments, providing a heartfelt touch to celebrate a remarkable occasion.

  • “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” —Helen Keller
  • “Half a century of love is a remarkable achievement. May your 50th anniversary be as golden and beautiful as your love.”—Anonymous
  • “To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.” —T. Tolis
  • “Half a century of love and togetherness—what an incredible milestone! Here’s to many more years of happiness, Mom and Dad.”—Anonymous
  • “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more.” —Angelita Lim
  • “Fifty years of marriage, and your love continues to shine brighter than ever. You are an inspiration to us all. Happy Anniversary!”—Anonymous
  • “The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone, and you fall in love, and that’s that.” —Woody Allen
  • “To the couple who have shared 50 years of life’s ups and downs, your love is a testament to the power of enduring commitment. Happy 50th Anniversary!”—Anonymous
  • “ There’s no substitute for a great love who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.” —Tom Hanks
  • “Fifty years of love, laughter, and cherished memories. Your journey together is an inspiration to us all. Congratulations!”—Anonymous
  • “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” —Plato
  • “Congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone! May your golden years together be filled with even more love and happiness.”—Anonymous
  • “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” —Lao Tzu
  • “To my incredible parents on your 50th anniversary: Your love has been the foundation of our family’s happiness. Here’s to many more years of joy!”—Anonymous
  • “True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” —Ricardo Montalban
  • “To my wonderful parents on your 50th anniversary: Your love story is a true masterpiece. May this golden milestone be just the beginning of many more beautiful chapters.” —Anonymous
  • “You don’t love someone for their looks, their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” —Oscar Wilde
  • “On your golden anniversary, I celebrate the love that has stood the test of time. Wishing you endless joy and a lifetime of beautiful moments.”—Anonymous
  • “Wishing a happy 50th anniversary to the couple who have not only built a loving family but also a lasting legacy of love.”—Anonymous

4 Special Anniversary Gifts for Parents to Celebrate Their Love

  • 1. Custom Number Of Member Wall Clock

Custom Number Of Member Wall Clock

The wall clock serves as both a functional time-telling device and a meaningful decoration. In addition to being a nice present, this personalized wall clock inspires fond recollections and discussions about family history. Your parents will be reminded of the love and joy their family offers every time they look at this exquisite watch.

  • 2. Wooden Key Holder

Wooden Key Holder

With a luxurious and classic design, this key holder showcases a timeless design that adds warmth and charm to any home decor. It is a perfect and practical gift for your parents’ anniversary. Images inserted represent each journey your parents have gone, symbolizing your parents’ strong relationship.

  • 3. Personalized Night Light

Personalized Night Light

What sets our personalized night light apart is the ability to customize it with a heartfelt message and a cherished photograph. Simply provide us with special moments of your parents—perhaps a wedding picture or a snapshot capturing a tender moment. All you do next is wait for the upcoming masterpiece shipped to you! 

  • 4. Best Personalized Camping Poster

Best Personalized Camping Poster

This poster is an ideal gift for your parents on their anniversary. It contributes to beautifying the room and celebrates their great love. The uplifting message conveys the desire for lifelong adventure and companionship. It suggests that age should never hinder one’s sense of exploration and enjoyment in one’s life.

  • 5. 50th Anniversary Gift Stone

speech on mom dad anniversary

Surprising your lovely old couple by gifting is not that hard, thanks to this sweet stone. Having a lovely picture of them and a romantic confession for the 50-year love journey makes everything. Their eyes can’t help but shed tears when seeing this gift for sure!

  • Best Christmas Gifts for Parents
  • Best Wedding Anniversary Gifts For Parents
  • Bottom Line

Your parents’ anniversary is an opportunity to show your love, gratitude, and appreciation for the stable and loving environment they’ve provided you throughout your life. Choosing the right anniversary quotes for parents and incorporating them into your celebration can make this special day even more meaningful.

In addition, we suggest some awesome gifts to give your parents on their memorable anniversary. What makes these gifts special is you can add personalization to your gift. When receiving it, your mom and dad will be moved and feel like this gift is made for them only! 

Luna Miller

I’m Luna Miller, a helpful employee at Loveable. I excel at giving great advice on birthday gifts. I love suggesting memorable experiences like concerts, spas, and getaways. As a reliable and supportive colleague, I’m always there to assist.

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Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents – Marriage Anniversary Speech

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Wedding anniversaries, like wedding, is celebrated with an equal gusto and zeal in most families. So if you are a child curiously awaiting the wedding anniversary of your parents, then do not simply while away your time by doing nothing, but prepare a special wedding anniversary speech for your parents in their honor. How does that sound? This would truly be the most special gift from your end which will be remembered by them for their lifetime.

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But how to prepare a wedding anniversary speech is an important cause of concern. But don’t you worry! As you are at the right place, you will find appropriate speech material here from short speech on wedding anniversary for parents to long speech on wedding anniversary for parents to get help with. So look through the pages and get instant help!

Speech on Wedding Anniversary for Parents

Wedding (marriage) anniversary speech for parents (mom and dad) by daughter and son.

Warm Greetings to my parents and everyone present here to make our parents’ wedding anniversary extra special!

Firstly, I would want to congratulate my parents on their wedding anniversary! Even though it’s been many years of your marriage, but it seems like you have just got married. Who knew those two college buddies will share their entire life together? Though I have witnessed only a few years of your togetherness, I can with a lot of pride say that your love is truly an inspiration for everyone around. I say this with great delight that I feel I am the luckiest daughter on this earth because despite making a lot of mistakes you have never made me feel bad about myself, but taught me right things at every walk of life. I can’t thank both of you enough for giving me this precious life and for teaching me how to become better every day.

Mom, thanks a lot for being the most patient and positive person. Thank you for imparting me moral values and making me realize the difference between right and wrong. You work so hard every single day for us and our family that it’s truly overwhelming. You have been handling both your professional and family life with such dexterity that I am setting my life goals by drawing an inspiration from you. You both are the best parents in the world. Your strength and love for each other that I feel everyday keep my world going. Thank you for all your hugs, kisses and best wishes, for putting notes in our school lunch box and for tolerating all our mischief happily.

Dad, thank you for being so protective, caring and funny. You have never brought your professional stress into our family life and most importantly, thank you for always putting mom on your priority because you made me realize that I deserve someone as caring and amazing as you are to my mom! I will always want my man to be like my dad. You are the most humble, down to earth and successful person I have ever seen. Plus you have knit our family really close with your constant love and care. Nobody could have raised us better than you, mom and dad.

Whatever I am today, whatever I have achieved till today and whatever I will achieve in future, my entire success will be dedicated to both of you. It wouldn’t have been possible without your support and love. I can thank both of you over and over again for giving me so much of love and for constantly being one of those people whom I look up to.

There are so many things that you both do for me but those things went without recognition. I may not be able to appreciate you both even with a simple thank you, but today I thank you for each and everything, for all those little things that made the entire family to stick together and to be happy as always. On this auspicious day, I thank you both for all those loving moments, for all those values that you have gifted us with and for always being there when we needed you the most. I pray to god that may your love flourish every day and you both continue to share the bliss of a conjugal life.

Once again, happy wedding anniversary mom and dad!

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Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents – 10th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

With no experience of speaking in public, I am here today, speaking in front of you all for my mom and dad on their tenth wedding anniversary. My parents have been together for what feels like forever. I am so grateful to have you as by my side and you both give perfect couple goals. You have experienced so much in these years that putting them in words is just not possible. Your anniversary is much more than diamonds and sapphires, cars and trips. All these years of your marriage have been wonderful. On every anniversary of yours, you must create new memories and save in snapshots the moments that you would cherish later.

Life after wedding changes for both the persons as they have to make certain adjustments and compromises to make their marriage work. I have seen you both putting equal efforts every day and have seen you dealing with every problem that came your way. Today, when I watch the cassette of your wedding day, I find the same charm in you guys today as you had before. You have sincerely and willingly taken the responsibility of making your marriage work by making each other your first priority not just on your anniversary day but every single day of your lives. So you must do something unique on every anniversary to make it memorable but today, I would take this opportunity to make this day unforgettable for you. All your near and dear ones have made it to this surprise party. They have flown over oceans and forests to convey their warm wishes on this auspicious occasion. I and each one of us present here, immensely love you, for you give all of us a hope to build a relationship as special as yours.

Looking at both of you today, I am reminded of a famous quote “At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” Observing you all these years, I cannot possibly deny that both of you have become incredibly good poets and your life story is the long poem that you have written together. It is a gift that is borne out of sheer love that you have for each other. You are not mere lovers but are friends, partners and mentors. You are the pillars of strength and have successfully inculcated the values of honesty, love and companionship in me as well. I am glad that I am a part of your lives and this celebration tonight.

I had thought not to say too much but I have already spoken a lot because I have seen you together taking steps forward every day and undoubtedly you have been the best couple I have seen in my life. I wish nothing but the best for your life and tonight as you embark on the next journey of your lives, we all raise our glasses for the most compatible and lovely couple in the hall.

Happy ten decades, mom and dad!

Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents – 25th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

Dear mom and dad,

There is no way to measure how much I love you. I really don’t know how to express what I hold in my heart for both of you. You both are those two individuals who have sacrificed a lot for me, who have taught me how to become a better human being and who have loved me unconditionally. In these 25 years, you both have gone through a lot but still you have never left each other alone during hard times. 25 years is a long time to stay committed to one single person with all your heart and soul but you proved it that what exactly it is to love someone. You are the reason I want to get married, you are the reason I want someone to look at me, the way dad looks at you mom. In spite of all the responsibilities, workload, health issues and other hardships, you both have raised me and _____ so well that we cannot thank you enough.

What I believe is that dad; your marriage to my mom was destined by God. Years have come and gone, you are always with each other through all those high and low moments. The greatest gift that you have given us is the love that you shower upon us when we are sad and depressed. When I look into your eyes, I know that it is the purest form of love that I can find on this earth.

Now you all have got a glimpse of the strong bond between my parents, I must tell you guys that I have learned a lot from them and have gathered treasures of knowledge from them for my present and future life. They are the true examples of making love come true.

Thanks, mom & dad for giving life to me and for laboring day and night to nourish us with your unconditional love and care. Without you, I would not have been able to understand the meaning and importance of love and family. You have taught me so many things that I can never thank you enough for and have helped shape me into what I am today. You accepted me when I failed and supported me all the way long. You loved me no matter what and you both were there when I needed you the most. Big-small things that you have done for me is something that I appreciate the most in this world.

You both have done a lot for me which cannot be returned in any form. But all I can say is that I love you with all my heart. You both are my world. I thank you for everything and happiest 25th-anniversary mom dad. I hope you have an amazing anniversary and so many more to come. You both deserve all the happiness and love of this world.

Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents – 50th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

A warm welcome to all those present here on the marriage anniversary of my mom and dad!

Thank you for joining us in ruminating over a beautiful love story that started 50 years ago. I feel blessed to see all of you have traveled long distances to join us in making this day a memorable one. I can see how blessed my mom and dad are with these continuing relationships and friendships. I can see so much of love in this room for mom dad.

Now for those, who are not familiar with me or haven’t seen me since I was too young, my name is ____. I won’t take much of your time tonight but there are some important things that I would love to say. First of all, a big congratulations to you mom and dad! Your 50 years of long journey has been full of love and inspiration for us. You are the most loving, caring and giving individuals that I have ever seen. I am sure some of you can remember how mom and dad started their journey and how they were in the beginning, how they were looking on their wedding day. Let’s leaf through those memories that have brought them where they are today, still writing more pages to remember tomorrow.

Mom, thank you so much for all your love and care that you have been showering on the entire family. Your beauty and grace clearly shows that it was easy for dad to fall in love with you. You still look so beautiful today. You gave us life and kept the entire family happy with your constant showering of love and care. As I have grown up the nature of our mother-daughter relationship has changed a lot. Now, you have become my best friend with whom I can share anything and I am thankful to you for that.

And dad, your affection and care for mom, your kindness and patience for your kids makes you the best husband and father in the world and we feel lucky to have you in our lives. You have always been my support, my backbone, my confidence and you always inspire me. You are my role model to learn from.

You are an epitome of love that taught us that marriage is not only about happiness, but also about sacrifices that you make for each other. It’s a perfect balance between the two people, two best friends. Despite all the hardships in life, there are so many lessons for us to learn from your love. You are the only reason I believe in marriage because you have shown me how beautiful it is to get married. It’s all because of your love and encouragement that has helped me in achieving my dreams. I would like to wish the best for your coming years of togetherness. There is a lot to share and thank you for, but as I said I won’t take much of your time. I hope you realize how grateful I am to have both of you as my parents.

So, a very happy anniversary mom & dad!

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Anniversary Speech to Parents: 7 Tips For Writing a Speech to Honor Your Parents

Anniversary Speech to Parents: 7 Tips For Writing a Speech to Honor Your Parents

Preparing an anniversary speech for your parents? As if public speaking wasn’t already stress-inducing enough. Now, you have to consider various memories, your parent’s unique love story, and potentially how your siblings will get involved with the speech too. 

Set your worries aside. As a professional wedding speech writer , I am here to share my seven tips for how to write a parent’s anniversary speech that will truly honor your folks. 

Tip #1: Conduct a Brainstorm Session with Your Siblings 

Whether or not you’re giving the speech alongside your siblings, it can be helpful to have a group brainstorm.

Get together and reminisce about some of your favorite memories growing up. 

Here are a few prompts to help get the ideas flowing: 

What do you admire about your parent’s relationship?

What have your parents taught you about life and love?

How did their marriage impact your own love life? 

Describe the vacations you took together. 

What was the best part of the holidays? 

How did you spend your weekends as a family?

How did your parents show you support? 

Jot down notes as everyone talks. You’ll reference these notes later in the anniversary speech writing process. 

Tip #2: Narrow Down Your Ideas and Decide on a Theme

Now that you have a list of ideas, it’s time to narrow down the list. Focus on stories you’d actually want to include in the anniversary speech to your parents. 

As you narrow down ideas, it can help to first decide on a theme. A theme is a great way to tie together several different stories in an impactful and meaningful way. 

For example, when you look at your list of ideas, what themes pop out at you?

Perhaps many of the ideas focus on how funny your parents are. In this case, their sense of play and good humor could be the theme for your speech.

This way, you could tell three completely different stories but connect them all by using this theme.

Then, you use that theme to transition from fun stories to their anniversary celebration.  

Here’s an example of what that might look like: 

“It didn’t matter if my dad was making us laugh with his John Bon Jovi impression on long road trips or if my mom just giggled every time she burned the meatloaf dinner—laughter has always filled our home.

It’s been their good sense of humor and ability to laugh together that has brought them so much joy and love for the past 50 years.

Here’s to many more years of laughter and love!” 

Tip #3: Write the Introduction

The biggest challenge when writing an anniversary speech is often with how to begin. 

Here’s a little secret: the opening line can be very simple and straight-forward. 

In fact, it should be! Don’t overthink this part or allow this section to delay the rest of the speech from being written. 

Follow this format for your introduction and you’ll be on your way:

Greet the guests

State your name

State your connection to your parents

Here are some examples:

Good evening, everyone. My name is Laura and I’m Gene and Janice’s oldest daughter. 

Welcome, everyone. I’m Bobby, the couple’s third son. 

Tip #4: Write Your First Draft and then Edit the Speech

Now that you have your opening written, it’s time to complete the first draft of your parent’s anniversary speech.

While this part can be overwhelming, you already have a theme and stories to support that theme. Now you just need to follow an anniversary speech outline to help structure the entire flow of your speech. 

Here’s a speech outline for you to reference:


Thank guests for being there

Deliver your 2 - 3 stories

Tie it into the larger theme 

End with a strong closing line for the toast 

Don’t worry about having a perfect first draft. It’s called a first draft—not a final draft. Just get your ideas down on paper using the provided structure.

Next, start the editing process so that you can achieve a more polished, presentation-ready version of the speech.

Read it out loud to see which words you could remove, how you could shorten stories to get to the point more quickly and to discover what might be missing. 

Tip #5: Practice Reciting the Anniversary Speech 

Writing the anniversary speech for your parents is really only half of the challenge. The other is being able to recite it with confidence, poise, and lots of personality. 

Here are my public speaking tips for you to reference:

Practice reciting the speech out loud three to six times before the anniversary party 

Do not try to memorize the speech. If you forget one word, you’ll get tripped up and could forget the entire speech. Instead, print the speech and read it while making eye contact with your parents and their guests. 

Do not read the speech off of your phone or a tablet. The backlight will discolor your face in photos and it looks impersonal. 

Slow down and speak more slowly than you think you need to. 

Bring lots of energy! If you normally operate at a 7, it’s time to show guests you at an 11. 

Tip #6: Know How to Use a Microphone

The volume of your voice as you deliver this speech is one of the single most important details that can make or break your performance. 

First, make sure the venue has a working microphone for you to use. If you’re giving the speech with your siblings, make sure they have enough microphones so each of you can hold one. Passing one mic between people is distracting, awkward, and can cause technical issues. 

Next, be aware of how you’re holding the microphone. You want to hold it close enough to your mouth so it can pick up your voice but you do not want to block your face. Otherwise, guests won’t be able to see you. 

Also, be aware of your movement. If you move your head from the left to the right while speaking, be sure to move the mic with you so it can pick up your voice. 

And remember, just because you have a mic, this does not mean you shouldn’t be aware of your volume. 

Speak loudly. Speak articulately. The mic will elevate what you bring to the stage. 

Tip #7: Have a Great Last Line for the Anniversary Speech

An anniversary speech is complete when you have written a strong last line.

Try to come up with a last line that in some way ties into the theme or a specific idea you noted at the beginning of the speech. This will provide emotional impact. 

Be sure to tell guests to raise a glass before you deliver this last line. This serves as a queue for them to know that the speech is coming to a close and it’s almost time to click glasses! 

Still need help writing the anniversary speech to your parents? 

As a professional wedding speech writer , I can help. Get in touch and we’ll discuss how I can write a custom and personalized anniversary speech that your parents will appreciate and feel honored to hear from you.

Love my vows Katelyn!!!! It’s such a relief to have this out of the way so I can focus on all the rest of the stuff I need to do!  You were my very favorite part of the process!! Your experience and confidence in the process took all the stress out of writing my vows!

— Natalie, Florida

I thought the process was outstanding. You did a great job communicating, and I thought the turnaround time for editing was perfect. I also thought the video interview was great in that it was personal and meaningful!

I am a storyteller, not a speechwriter. I was incredibly intimidated about writing one.

So thankful to find Katelyn to get my thoughts all in order. Very proud of how the speech came out. Looking forward to giving it!

— Jennifer Whitley, Texas

I had such a wonderful experience working with Katelyn. She truly helped mold perfect vows that I can’t wait to tell my fiancé on our wedding day!  Katelyn was friendly, sweet, and super easy to work with. I will definitely be calling her up if I have to give another speech in the near future.

— Jordanne, California

Katelyn was professional, easy to talk to, and made the interviewing process fun. She came well prepared with unexpected and thought-provoking questions to get a better understanding of our love story and who we are as a couple.

She was a pleasure to work with and made the vow writing process enjoyable.

— Kimi Kinsey, South Carolina

Working with Katelyn on my maid of honor toast was an incredible experience. She really took the time to understand my relationship with my best friend and used my responses to craft a toast that put my thoughts and feelings into words in a way that I never would have been able to do on my own.

Before working with Katelyn, I was nervous and stressed about giving (and writing) such a big, important speech. But now I’m so relieved that it’s done, and I honestly can’t wait to stand up and tell everyone exactly what my best friend means to me.

— Allyssa, New Jersey

I didn’t actually know this service existed until I discovered Katelyn! It was such a fun experience to video chat with her about my best friend who is getting married this summer.

I don’t have to stress about writing this a few weeks before my best friend’s wedding. Thank you so much and I can’t wait to read it at my best friend’s wedding!

How To Wish Your Parents A Happy Anniversary

Table of Contents:

“Today is a very special day for the people I adore more than life; it’s your wedding anniversary, my dear parents! I want to wish you many more happy years together as you continue to enjoy each other and bring joy to all who are around you! Congratulate Parents!

If your parents have been married for ten years or fifty years and you want to celebrate their milestone but you’re having trouble finding the best anniversary wishes for them, look no further because you’ll find some happy anniversary quotes for your beloved couples right here.

There is never a better time to show your parents how much you care and how much you respect them than on their anniversary. You ought to spoil and be kind to the two people in your life who selflessly sacrificed for you today.

Choose the most lovely phrases of thanks and appreciation if you’re not sure what to put in your parents’ anniversary cards (as a son or a daughter). The funniest anniversary wishes for parents are on this list, so let’s look through it now.

Anniversary wishes for parents from daughter

Do you have any wishes for the bride’s parents?

Your daughter is an amazing young lady who has lived her life in the best possible manner. My congratulations are for you both, and my best wishes, love, and blessings go out to the young lady for all she has accomplished in life. May she live a happy and joyful life.

Anniversary wishes for parents from children

In a card for your parents’ anniversary, what should you write?

Gratitude, memories, and the lessons they taught you about making love last are a few topics you might want to concentrate on for your parents’ anniversary quotes. I appreciate what a wonderful model of enduring love your parents have provided. I’ll always consider myself the luckiest child in history to have you two as parents!

Every anniversary is a big deal, whether it’s the newlyweds’ first year of blissful marriage, the hectic period between starting a family and having an empty nest, or a golden 50th party for two silver-haired sweethearts. And it’s very kind of you to send them a card to let them know you remembered.

Of course, sending anniversary greetings to a couple adds that special touch and will make their day even more joyful. If the happy couple is your parents, there is much to say when wishing them a happy anniversary, but how can you honor this awesome duo in just a few words?

So, keep that in mind, just like in a romantic relationship. Your best bet is to “Keep It Simply Sincere.

Instagram captions for parents anniversary

How should I commemorate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary?

I honor you, appreciate you, admire you, and I give you my love on this very special occasion of your 50th wedding anniversary. May you enjoy your marriage and the celebration on April 16 as well as the rest of this golden year, which may be filled with God’s blessings.

It’s a myth that until you become a parent, you can truly appreciate your own. Although I admit that until I had to do this for my own sons (parenting has significantly raised my threshold for “gross”), I probably never truly appreciated you cleaning up after me when I puked all over myself, my bed sheets, my stuffed animals, and the rug. However, there is much more to say. On this very special occasion of your 50th wedding anniversary, I’d like to share a few things that I’ve really appreciated about you both, especially your decision to stay together for so long.

I don’t know who I owe that to, whereas most kids thank their parents for giving them a psychological life. I was an “accidental” or “unplanned” outcome of a teenage girl’s decision, and while everything for which I am grateful ultimately depends on her choice, I am grateful that she thought there might be someone like you out there with whom I would be much better off. The truth is that you are the kind of couple that many people adore, the kind that motivates others with your warm welcome, generosity, and kindness to everyone. Your regular deeds of kindness affect those around you, transforming them from irrational, insensitive maniacs on the road into the kind of motorists who not only let you merge in front of them without ramming you in the rear but also pull over to lend you a hand and a smile when you need it. Because of incredibly loving parents like you, you are a couple that has a positive impact on the world. This impact can help a young woman in trouble realize that it is worthwhile to choose life for her child.

These words don’t just sit there. Let me start by using my father as an example. This one never occurred to me until I moved to New England, where people speak, to put it mildly, differently. I’ll never forget the first time I noticed my father’s accent when I called home from Boston and said, “Gee, Dad is really starting to get a southern accent in the last year; he didn’t have such a strong one when I lived in Atlanta.”. A warm southern accent, however, only partially captures the depth of what Dad communicates through his voice. In stark contrast to the majority of the world, he answers the phone. While the typical response to my calls is a hurried “Hello,” which usually leads me to politely ask, “Is now an OK time to talk?”, my dad’s musical “Hello, this is Bill Wright,” makes me feel as though I’ve reached a wonderfully warm and welcoming soul. It has the ability to make me feel as though you are genuinely happy that I called. In the age of caller ID, this might not seem like a big deal, but you sounded this way even years ago, possibly when I was a telemarketer calling at dinnertime to try to sell you new vinyl siding. Every person who calls is made to feel wonderful by you. And one instance of this is through phone calls. What a generous gift you give to the world.

40th wedding anniversary wishes for parents

What’s the best way to wish your parents a happy anniversary?

“To the world’s greatest parents, I wish you a very happy anniversary. I’m so happy you two persevered in your love and overcame your challenges together. I adore you all.

How do I address a letter to my parents on their wedding anniversary? .

How do I address a letter to my parents on their wedding anniversary?

I appreciate your love and the fact that you shared my best moments of laughter with me. I appreciate you crying with me during some of my darkest moments. I appreciate your continued love for me. I appreciate everything you have done to love and support my small family, no matter where you are in the world.

We often take our parents’ years of love and care for granted as kids. In fact, we might not even be able to recall a large portion of their memories of our lives. I won’t say I never felt grateful or that I never said “thank you” or “I appreciate you” for the sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, our first steps, our first words—heck, they even taught us how to use a spoon. That is what I said. I haven’t always expressed to my parents all of my gratitude, though. To them and all of you, I would like to express my gratitude for some of the many things on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary.

We appreciate you making delicious, wholesome dinners for us every night.

I’m grateful that you gave me clothes to wear and made our house a lovely, loving place for us to live.

What do you caption the photo for your mom and dad's anniversary? .

What do you caption the photo for your mom and dad’s anniversary?

I hope your special day is filled with love and fun and that you, Mom and Dad, who are an absolute power couple, have the best day ever. I’m so proud to call you both my parents, Mom and Dad, and I hope your anniversary is just as special as you both are!

The relationship between parents and children is unique. All throughout your life, your parents have supported you, helped you become the person you are today, and experienced both happy and challenging times with you. In light of this, the anniversary of your parents’ union is a great time to express your affection and gratitude to them. Every couple should take time to celebrate their anniversary, but it is especially meaningful when the couple has children because it shows that their love has endured despite the difficulties of both parenthood and marriage. Below, we have compiled the best happy anniversary messages to bestow upon your parents, so hats off to them and celebrate their special day in style. No matter what kind of message you want to deliver, keep reading for inspiration!

Let’s go over a few of the most heartfelt, happy anniversary quotes that you can use for your parents’ card. They will always remember your thoughtful words!

Your enduring and sincere love inspires me daily. A happy anniversary to you!

How do you toast your parents on their anniversary? .

How do you toast your parents on their anniversary?

Since you both still have a ways to go, I hope you two have a wonderful anniversary this year. You two are deserving of the world’s happiness, peace, and love. We are all a strong and healthy family as we stand here together today, thanks to all of your love and support.

When a couple has been married for a full year, they commemorate their anniversary. An annual notable event is referred to as an anniversary. An occasion to commemorate the first day of love in a person’s life is a wedding anniversary. Every event has an anniversary, not just marriage.

It’s one of the occasions for celebration that helps a married couple feel closer to one another, and it gets bigger every year. A 25th wedding anniversary speech for parents or a 50th wedding anniversary speech for parents are two common ways that people show their appreciation and love for their spouses.

Here, we’ll go over several approaches to writing speeches for parents on their wedding anniversaries. Any wedding anniversary speech must include a welcome speech, which is crucial. Included in the welcome speech for the wedding anniversary, as well as long and short speeches, is an anniversary speech for your parents.

What's the best way to wish your parents a happy anniversary? .

“Happy Anniversary, parents! I want to thank you for always setting the best example and being a part of some of my favorite memories. I will always treasure and be grateful for your unwavering love and support. ” Wishing you another incredible 34 years!” cached.

How do you craft a sincere anniversary message?

How do you craft a sincere anniversary message?

General Anniversary Messages I’d like to thank you for being the most considerate, funny, and kind person I know. Another 365 days spent together, and another 365 happier days. “Happy Anniversary!” “I discover new things about you every day that I adore.

We love love at TouchNote, and we love to celebrate love. Because of this, we want to share with you some of the best messages for an anniversary card. Therefore, if you’re having trouble coming up with the right words to convey how much you value your partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, we’ve got just the message for you!

Why not pair your kind words with a lovely TouchNote card?

For keeping things straightforward, any accomplishment, and any marital status.

Do you wish someone a happy anniversary or just a happy anniversary? .

Do you wish someone a happy anniversary or just a happy anniversary?

The annual commemoration of a couple’s anniversary is known as a wedding anniversary or marriage anniversary. Although they are identical in theory, people frequently use them in various ways that aren’t the same. Marriage anniversaries are mostly used by Asians and Arabs, whereas wedding anniversaries are more common in western countries.

Wedding anniversary and marriage anniversary both refer to the yearly celebration of a couple’s anniversary. Although they are equivalent technically, people frequently use them in disparate ways. While marriage anniversaries are mostly used by Asians and Arabs, wedding anniversaries are more common in western countries.

The anniversary of a wedding is commemorated on the same day of the year that the wedding took place. It’s customary for married couples to take a quick getaway and renew their vows on this day. Renewing your vows or throwing an anniversary party for friends and family can serve as the celebration.

Couples reflect on their wedding night’s joy and happiness as they celebrate their anniversary. They spent some time together while taking a break from their regular schedule. To celebrate marriage anniversaries, gifts are given out in India.

Do you extend your best wishes to the bride's parents? .

Do you extend your best wishes to the bride’s parents?

Finding and congratulating the couple’s parents at the wedding is absolutely appropriate (and encouraged). If there isn’t a receiving line, this is particularly significant. The couple will undoubtedly appreciate your thoughtfulness and be delighted that you and their parents finally got to meet.

What do you say to your parents on your wedding anniversary? .

What do you say to your parents on your wedding anniversary?

Happy anniversary to the best couple I know, Mom and Dad! I hope your special day is full of beauty and love and that you have the most amazing anniversary filled with all the best things. I’m so proud to call you both my parents, Mom and Dad, and I hope your anniversary is just as fantastic as you both are!

The relationship between parents and children is special in its own way. Your parents have always supported you, helped you become the person you are today, and experienced both happy and challenging times with you. Therefore, the anniversary of your parents’ union is a wonderful opportunity to express your love and gratitude to them. A couple’s anniversary is always an important occasion to celebrate, and even more so when the couple is married with kids! Why? Because this couple’s love has withstood the test of time and made it through the trials and tribulations of marriage and parenthood, We’ve gathered the best happy anniversary messages to send to your parents below, so hats off to them and enjoy their special day in style. No matter what kind of message you want to deliver, keep reading to find inspiration!

Here are some of the loveliest, most considerate, and most happy anniversary quotes you can use for your parents’ anniversary card. They will always remember your kind words!

Your enduring and sincere love continually inspires me. Happy anniversary, and many more!

Do you send your parents happy anniversary texts? .

Do you send your parents happy anniversary texts?

Yes, let them know you are happy they found each other, that they’ve stayed together, and that you love them.

What is the most effective way to celebrate a wedding anniversary? .

What is the most effective way to celebrate a wedding anniversary?

Congratulations on another year spent together. Anniversary messages for a couple. An improbable fit between two pieces is to be celebrated. You two weirdos are perfect for each other. Sending love to our favorite couple on their anniversary! I wish you an anniversary as special as the love you two share.

No matter if you’ve been dating for a few years or married for a decade, an anniversary is something to celebrate. It’s a day that holds a special place in your heart (and calendar) because it marks your decision to spend the rest of your life together. Every couple has a unique way of expressing their love, ranging from sweet to humorous. When you’re writing to one of the people you care about the most in the world, striking the ideal balance between romance and thoughtfulness can seem difficult. Some happy anniversary quotes or messages can help you express your emotions if you’re having trouble coming up with what to write in an anniversary card (like one from our sister company, Snapfish).

Whether it’s your first, fourth, or fiftieth wedding anniversary, these wedding anniversary wishes can help you find the perfect words to express your love, whether you’re looking for the ideal wedding anniversary gift or wedding anniversary invitations.

There’s nothing more romantic than reminiscing on your wedding day. Remembering the vows you made and the loved ones you shared them with will help you get in touch with your romantic side. Send the love of your life happy anniversary cards from our sister company, Snapfish, and add one of these romantic anniversary messages to make it unique.

How do you write a short congratulations message? .

How do you write a short congratulations message?

General Congrats Messages Congratulations! We’re so very proud of you! Your hard work and perseverance have paid off. Congratulations! Congratulations on your well-deserved success! You’re an inspiration! Warmest congratulations on your achievement! I wish you even more success in the future.

How To Wish Your Parents A Happy Anniversary

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Anniversary Wishes For Parents

  • Anniversary & Wedding Wishes
  • Magical Words

70+ Heart-Warming Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Your Parents

  • Posted by by Rosie Liliy
  • Last updated: April 16, 2023

Anniversaries are a special time to recognize and celebrate the love of two people who have dedicated their lives to each other.

For parents, celebrating an anniversary is especially meaningful as it’s a milestone for a relationship that has built a family and provided the foundation of lasting memories.

In addition to physical gifts we can give our parents, commemorating the date with heartfelt wishes will help them relive all those beautiful moments they shared while also acknowledging how far they have come in life’s journey.

Our collection of 100 anniversary wishes for parents below will help you express your admiration and appreciation for all that Mom and Dad mean to you this milestone year.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

  • Happy Anniversary! May your love continue to grow and bring you more joy each day! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.
  • Cheers to another beautiful year together! May this new chapter bring you even greater blessing and joy. Congratulations on your anniversary! I love you both so much.
  • Two hearts that beat as one, two souls that have shared in life’s journey – wishing the two of you a very happy anniversary ! Here’s to many more years of unconditional love and growing old together. May your anniversary be filled with blissful moments!
  • Wishing you both a wonderful wedding anniversary, Mom and Dad. You are an amazing example of true love, commitment and respect for each other that I always admire. Enjoy this special day and thank you for being such brilliant parents!
  • Dear Mom and Dad, It’s been so wonderful to witness your love for each other over the years. Your anniversary gives us all a chance to reflect on how much you mean to each other and how strong your bond is. On this special day I want to thank you both for being such amazing parents and role models.
  • Your commitment and dedication to each other has been an inspiration. As you celebrate your anniversary, I hope that it is filled with love, laughter and joy – because that’s what you deserve! Looking forward to many more years of happiness for the two of you. With all my love, Your Loving Child.
  • My dearest mom and dad, together you have been a great example of unconditional love. On this special day, let me hug you both with my immense love. Happy Anniversary!
  • Your love is contagious, your bond inspiring! I am so proud that my parents are such an amazing couple. Happy anniversary to the most loving couple in the world!
  • Wishing you both a very happy anniversary. May God bless you with many more years of togetherness, love and laughter. Love you eternally!

Funny Anniversary Wishes for Parents

Funny Anniversary Wishes for Parents

  • A congratulation is in order for another year of enjoying and enduring each other’s best and worst – Happy Anniversary!
  • Here’s to another year of bickering, laughing and arguing — but most importantly, loving each other unconditionally!
  • Do you two still need an anniversary reminder, or do you just forget on purpose to get extra gifts? Happy Anniversary!
  • Kudos to another lap around the sun together – awaiting many more!
  • Roast and toast to another year of watching your love for each other blossom into something even more amazing!
  • Here’s to another year of you two making divorce look like it was never an option!
  • Bear with each other, even when the going gets tough, so you can be together forever and never “ruff”! Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!
  • Happy anniversary to the two of you! It’s been decades since your first date, and I’m so glad that you both made it this far. You make the perfect pair – like peanut butter and jelly, coffee and cream, or socks and sandals… Okay maybe not THAT last one.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, the love between Mom and Dad still stands true! From silly jokes to parties that rock, let this special day be a reminder of all the memories you’ve shared over the years as you continue your journey together through life’s ups and downs. Happy Anniversary!

Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Son

Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Son

  • Wishing a very happy wedding anniversary to my incredible parents. You have always been there for me when I needed you and I am forever grateful. Sending lots of love this special day!
  • Thank goodness for having such amazing parents like you two. I’m glad to be your son and feel blessed that I get to witness true love with my own eyes. Here’s wishing you a wonderful anniversary!
  • Happy wedding anniversary to my amazing parents. May your undying love for each other continue for eternity. Have a blessed day, mom and dad! Love, your son.
  • As your son for the last 20 years, this anniversary I thought it was time to show my appreciation! After all, if not for you two I wouldn’t be here today. Cheers to your ongoing success as parents, and thanks for letting me tag along for the ride! As your son, all I can say is that this milestone is worth celebrating. Happy anniversary!
  • May each anniversary bring more laughter, joy, and love than the last! You are an incredible couple and I’m so lucky to have you both as my parents. Wishing you all the happiness in the world now and always.
  • Happy anniversary to the world’s most epic parents! You two have been together for so long, I’m surprised you haven’t merged into one giant super-parent. It’s been a joy watching your love grow over the years and as your son, it fills me with pride.
  • Blessed be the day you two became one, and blessed even more was the day your son came along. Here’s wishing my wonderful parents a fun and joyous anniversary! May your special day be filled with plenty of smiles and hugs – because that’s what I’m made of!

Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter

Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter

  • Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! Two hearts that beat as one, two years of togetherness – it’s a beautiful thing. You’ve been an incredible example of how to love each other through anything. Seeing you share special moments together is like a warm hug for my heart. With all my love, Your daughter.
  • Ever since I was a little girl, I could always feel the unconditional love you both showed me. You’ve been my biggest supporters, mentors, and role models. I’m so blessed to have such amazing parents like you two!  Happy anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary mom and dad! May your love stay as strong, vibrant and beautiful as it has been all these years. Wishing you both a lifetime of joy, happiness and endless love on this special day. Congratulations on another year together!
  • Happy anniversary to the most loving and supportive parents a daughter could ask for!  May the love you share continue to grow and blossom.
  • Happy anniversary, mom and dad. You two are my lighthouse in this world of darkness, guiding me throughout life. May your journey be filled with purpose and blessings!
  • You two have been an amazing example of true, devoted love. On your anniversary I just want to thank you both for inspiring me and showing me how to build a beautiful relationship. Happy Anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! You two have set the bar so high for being an amazing couple. I can only hope that one day I can experience the same love like you two have. Love you always!

Anniversary Letter Messages For Parents

Anniversary Letter Messages For Parents

  • Happy anniversary to my one and only parents! You two have made it through yet another year together. Through thick and thin, you guys keep finding ways to make each other laugh. Hope you can keep that laughter going for many more anniversaries to come! Your love is true, unbreakable and just a little bit cheesy (in the most wonderful way). Thanks for showing us all how it’s done!
  • Hey Mom and Dad, It’s time to celebrate the most special day of the year – your anniversary! I’m so happy that all these years later you two are still just as in love (or more) than when you first met. I wanted to send my heartiest wishes and congrats on making it past what some might call “the seven year itch” four times in a row! After all, how else could you explain the fact that you two are still thick as thieves? Some might say it’s a miracle (but let’s be honest, I know it is because of all the arguments). But don’t worry – it’s always been makeup hugs and kisses after all. Anyways, I’m so excited to see what the future brings you both and all the amazing adventures ahead. You two are an inspiration to me – happy anniversary! Love, Your favorite child (you know it’s true) 😉
  • Ten years ago, two people said “I do” and started a journey together. I’m so glad that after all these years my parents are still going strong! If this was an episode of “The Office” my parents would be Jim and Pam. They have had it all: family vacations, noisy kids, lazy evenings on the couch, game nights, the occasional argument – but ultimately an incredible amount of love. So here’s to another 10 years of joy (but more laughter than tears!), understanding (less arguments), adventure (lots of family trips), and unconditional love. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! Cheers to many more years of happiness in the future!
  • Hooray! It’s the 10th anniversary of your marriage. Where do I even begin to express how much joy this milestone has brought me? Over the past decade, I’ve watched you grow as a couple and blossom into two lovebirds who bring out the best in each other. You’ve been there for me when times were tough, and I’m so thankful for that. In honor of your special day, I’d like to wish you a decade of uninterrupted love and laughter. May the next ten years be just as wonderful! Congratulations on 10 years of being totally jaw-droppingly awesome together!
  • Happy anniversary mom and dad! It’s been such a long, happy journey and here you are today, still together. I can’t help but marvel at how much love and patience you’ve shown in the last so many years of your marriage. You two have been through thick and thin together, managed to laugh off disagreements and remain committed to one another despite it all. Your relationship is nothing short of inspirational – the kind you see in movies and read about in books!
  • Oftentimes, I’ve wondered why you two never get into fights. I mean, they say opposites attract and all that, but you seem to be pretty much the same person! You finish each other’s sentences, eat the same food, and even wear the same clothes now and then. Well, after all these years together, I think you two must be related! So happy anniversary to my favorite aunt and uncle – who just happen to be my parents!
  • I remember the stories you told me about how you courted each other, dated for hours together and shared your deepest secrets. With every passing year, I continued to witness your love grow stronger and your bond become unbreakable. May you celebrate this special day with joy and happiness as it marks another beautiful year of togetherness. I hope that today will be filled with funny memories, lots of laughter and some more love stories to tell!
  • Zoom in, it’s been another year of your love-filled life together! And what a rollercoaster ride it has been? From heated debates to sweet cuddles and from impromptu trips to silly pranks. You two have kept the fire of your relationship burning and we are all so proud. Here’s wishing you both a very happy anniversary and a lifetime of joy, love and laughter! May the next year be even more extraordinary.

10th Anniversary Wishes For Parents

10th Anniversary Wishes For Parents

  • Happy 10th anniversary to both of you! May the next ten years be filled with happiness so bright that it dazzles like diamonds!
  • Congratulations on a decade of marriage! May you never run out of patience for each other’s quirks, and may your love always be strong enough to persevere through any obstacle that life throws your way.
  • Ugh, 10 years. That’s like a century in married couple years! Congratulations to my amazing parents on their anniversary. It’s been an incredible journey filled with so many memories and even more laughter—all thanks to you two lovebirds! Keep dancing, singing, and making each other laugh. (Oh, and don’t forget to make time for me too!) Cheers!
  • May the next decade be filled with joy, contentment, but no more grey hairs! Love you both dearly. Happy 10th anniversary!
  • Wishing you many more anniversaries filled with happy memories, cozy blankets, and good books! Keep loving each other fiercely, just like you have been doing all these years!
  • Caution! It’s the 10th anniversary of your marriage and I’m not kidding. Congratulations on being able to tolerate each other for a full decade – that’s no small feat! Here’s to hoping you make it another ten (or more).
  • Here’s to 10 years of unconditional love, laugher, and all-around good vibes! Cheers to my amazing parents for making it this far together. Can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday that Mom was pinning Dad down in the basement so he wouldn’t forget his vows during the wedding ceremony.
  • Here’s to 10 more years of Dad complaining about Mom’s cooking and Mom complaining about Dad’s snoring. Let the memories continue! Happy 10th anniversary, you two lovebirds.
  • Happy 10th anniversary to my amazing parents! It’s been a wild ride, and I’m so thankful for having you two as my mom and dad. You’ve taught me so much over the years – from how to bake a delicious chocolate cake to never giving up in life. Love you always!
  • May this anniversary be a reminder of the wonderful journey that brought us where we are today. Wishing you endless happiness and many more adventures together. Let’s raise a toast to all the good times, silly jokes and funny stories throughout our amazing years together!

25th Anniversary Wishes For Parents

  • No matter how old you get, may your love remain young and fresh like just when it was new. Wishing you two a very happy 25th wedding anniversary!!
  • It’s your day and it’s time to stand on top of world. So, happy 25th anniversary and may God bless you two with many more years of togetherness!
  • Happy anniversary mom and dad, I wish your marriage become a source of inspiration for others. Many congratulations to both of you! May this day remain special and unforgettable in your life. Wishing you many more happy anniversaries to come!
  • Falling in love and getting married is not enough to make a relationship last. Love, care, patience, respect and support are crucial for a strong bond. Mom and Dad you guys have it all! Happy 25th anniversary my loving parents!
  • You two have made us believe in the power of true love that can conquer any situation. It’s such a wonderful feeling to see you together even after so long. Happy anniversary mom and dad!
  • Do you remember when I was a child and I thought you two were the most powerful superheroes in the world? Well, here’s a reminder – Nothing has changed! Happy anniversary to my beloved parents. May your love be as timeless and invincible as Batman, fly even higher than Superman, and never run out of energy like The Flash! Love you both.
  • Time may have flown by, but your love for each other has remained strong and true. May you always look back on this day with happiness in your hearts and a twinkle in your eyes! Happy anniversary!
  • Hey Mum and Dad, 25 years ago you made a commitment to each other that’s endured through thick and thin. Even when things have been tough, your love for one another has never wavered. On this special anniversary, I’m so happy to celebrate with you both as you reach an incredible milestone.
  • May your anniversary be as special and unique as you two are! Congrats!
  • Happy anniversary to my two favorite people! Here’s hoping that your marriage is stronger than a diamond, sweeter than honey, and brighter than a sunny summer day! May this special occasion be filled with hugs and kisses, cozy cuddles, romantic moments, and lots of laughter.

50th Anniversary Wishes For Parents

  • Laugh, love and live life to the fullest! You two are an inspiration.
  • Here’s to another year of being “mom and dad,” even if you can’t agree on who wears the pants in the family. Cheers to many more years of smooches and snuggles, bickering and banter, and all the other quirks that make you two such a special couple.  May you always laugh together, learn together, and love deeply. Happy Anniversary!
  • Happy 50th Anniversary! May your days together be full of delightful surprises, joyful memories and unconditional love. Wishing you a magical day full of fun and adventure… go on and do something wild like take a hot air balloon ride (or do something else silly!) Just make sure to take lots of pictures so that you can look back on this awesome day for years to come.
  • Eighty-one years ago, two star-crossed lovers met and the rest is history. For all these years, you two have been giving us lessons in how to stay madly in love. You’re proof that soul mates exist and that together we can achieve anything! Happy anniversary! Now let’s go and double that number.
  • May the love between you two never be ruffled like feathers, but soar like eagles! May your special day bring more laughs than tears and more hugs than fears. Wishing you two another year of delightful surprises and unforgettable adventures! Happy anniversary!
  • Hearty congratulations to my sweet parents on their anniversary! It’s been a fabulous journey watching them together and I’m so happy they’re still soo much in love. I hope they continue to be each other’s greatest cheerleaders and never forget the special bond that connects them both. May this day bring lots of laughter, yummy treats, and warm hugs!
  • If marriage was a game show, you two would have won big prizes every round! Congratulations on another successful year. Happy 50th Anniversary!
  • Jeez, Mom and Dad, you’ve been together for how many years? Where did the time go?! Hopefully it flew by like a breeze since that means you two were having a blast. Here’s wishing you lots more adventures and laughter as you celebrate another year of love! Congrats on reaching this momentous milestone; may your anniversary be as sparkly and magical as the day you fell in love.
  • Cheers to my amazing parents! You two have proven that true love exists and I am grateful to be a part of your lives! So here’s to another year (or two!) of marital bliss. Let the celebrations commence! Have an unforgettable 50th anniversary. Love you both!
  • Dear mom and Dad, you two are living proof that happily ever afters exist and this anniversary is just another reminder that true love can conquer anything. So go out there, enjoy yourselves and keep having those fun-filled adventures in life. Have a fabulous anniversary!

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speech on mom dad anniversary

Rosie Liliy

Hey there, lovely couples and fellow wedding fanatics! I’m Rosie, the managing editor at Magical Day Weddings, and I’m here to make your wedding planning journey a blast! As a lifelong lover of weddings, I’ve dabbled in everything from DIY decor to event planning. I believe that every love story deserves to be told in a way that captures its essence. From heartwarming vows to tear-jerking speeches, I’m here to help you create unforgettable memories on your journey to “I do!”

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speech on mom dad anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad: 60+ Heartfelt Messages to Celebrate Their Love

As a fomer educator and mom blogger who's a mother of four, Kristin shares helpful tips and advice on a variety of topics.

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Your parents have managed to weather their fair share of storms. Through all of life's ups and downs, they have stayed the course and have lived to see another year of wedded bliss. Honor your parents' union with one of the heartfelt happy anniversary mom and dad quotes. They are nothing if not inspiration and motivation.

Funny Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad Quotes

How lucky are you to have parents with a great sense of humor? It is probably that very sense of humor that allows them to see the funnier side of life, even when everything surrounding them seems dim and dark. These funny happy anniversary quotes are guaranteed to make your parents chuckle.

  • Through your marriage, you have taught your kids to marry someone they can not live without, even if they also can't quite live with them.
  • Cheers to a pair who has given each other so many smiles and laughs and even more grey hairs.
  • Together you prove that marriage only gets easier as your hearing starts to go! You can not argue with what you can't hear.
  • Happy anniversary to a couple whose marriage is truly a work of art, full of splatters, mistakes, and chin-scratching elements, but art nonetheless.
  • If the two of you can make it this far, I know that my future partner and I will be just fine! Happy anniversary mom and dad.
  • Dad, you and mom prove that marriage is a success when you make it one more year without killing each other or landing in the clink.
  • Thank goodness you found each other because no one else on earth could put up with either of you. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to a couple who refuses to give up or give in to anything, which is likely the entire reason you are still hitched.
  • Still together! Miracles really do exist. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.
  • If raising us kids through the teenage years didn't break you two apart, then nothing probably ever will. Happy anniversary!
  • Your marriage proves the timeless quote: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Happy anniversary to a couple who hasn't yet done each other in!
  • They say love is crazy, and the two of you prove that! Happy anniversary to my nutty parents.
  • He puts up with your cooking, and you put up with his snoring. Happy anniversary to my loving and ever-tolerant parents.
  • Happy anniversary to a couple who proves that the secret to a long-lasting marriage is love, communication, respect, and earplugs.
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Sentimental Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad

Say happy anniversary to your parents with a meaningful quote straight from the heart. As you grow older, you realize the hard work and perseverance they have put into their marriage, and they deserve all the love in the world on their anniversary.

  • Happy anniversary to a couple of love birds.
  • Your years are plenty, and your love is young at heart. Cheers to a couple who always keeps it fun and fresh.
  • Happy anniversary to a couple who continue to put their family's needs before their own and walk side by side in sacrifice and selflessness.
  • Growing up watching you both love and endure all of life's challenges has made me a better partner in my own marriage.
  • I could never have wished for better role models than the pair of you. Happy anniversary to the best!
  • Happy anniversary to a couple who has grown in love every day since they first said, "I do."
  • Happiest of anniversaries to my parents, who treat their marriage like a flower. They care for it, tend to it, and watch it grow more lovely year after year.
  • Happy anniversary to my most favorite parents!
  • Mom and dad, your love is a gift to us all.
  • Blessings to a couple whose love ages like a fine wine.
  • Happy anniversary to my parents. Your love story is the greatest romance of all time.
  • In life, there have been so many letdowns and things that I could not count on, but your marriage was never one of them. Happy anniversary mom and dad.
  • Happy anniversary to the two most special people in the world.
  • Mom and dad, your marriage is nothing if not inspirational.
  • Mom and dad, your marriage is the foundation of all that your children do. We are forever grateful that you built it strong and sturdy.
  • Happy anniversary to the people whose love encourages me to do better each and every day.
  • Happy anniversary mom and dad, from your favorite cheerleader!

Happy Anniversary to Parents Who Have Been Through the Ringer

Your parents' union has not been all roses and sunshine. Their peaks and valleys are a part of their story, their journey, and their fabric. They are not perfect, but somehow they are still standing. Pay homage to their hard marital work with one of these quotes.

  • Your paths were winding and twisted, your journey never easy, the prize of each other was worth it all. Happy anniversary, dear parents.
  • Your love is not perfect but clearly, it was always worth it. Happy anniversary to the strongest people I know.
  • You could have given up and given in, but the fire in your souls burns too strong. Cheers to another year worth being together.
  • You didn't always have much, but you always had one another. Thanks for showing us that love is really all you ever need to survive.
  • No one deserves to celebrate this day more than the two of you. You've walked through fire to get through another year, and we are all stronger because of it.
  • Your marriage is proof that just because something is hard doesn't mean that it isn't worth doing.
  • Happy anniversary to a couple who still choose each other every single day.
  • You both have chosen to have bad times together instead of good times with someone else. Celebrate your love, fighting spirit, and willingness to keep trying on this day.
  • No one said marriage would be easy, but they did say it would be worth it. Happy anniversary to my hard-working parents.
  • Every day you woke up and believed in each other, and here you are today, still married. Happy anniversary to my parents. Always believe.
  • Happy anniversary to my parents. Your marriage might be a work in progress, but important work must be done.
  • Through all of life's storms, you have been each other's lifeboat. Happy anniversary parents.
  • Never let anything come between you two. Cheers to another year of making the magic happen.
  • Your marriage has had its fair share of ups and downs, but the two of you handle the rollercoaster ride amazingly. Happy anniversary.
  • Every marriage has problems. Your willingness to solve the problems is what makes the pair of you so uniquely wonderful.
  • Difficult times don't mean a difficult life. Happy anniversary to my parents, who always pull through.
  • Your anniversary is the rainbow that appears after the storms.

Happy Anniversary Quotes for a Blended Marriage

Your biological parent and your stepparent are no different in your eyes. You love them both equally, and you sure love them together! Their love and devotion to their marriage give you faith that there truly is someone out there for everyone.

  • In a sea of strangers, you found one another and proved that true love will always find a way.
  • The two of you are an inspiration to anyone who thinks that second chances are not possible.
  • Happy anniversary to my parents. You show the world that the whole is so much more magnificent than its parts.
  • Your marriage proves that sometimes the very best things and people in life are worth waiting for. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.
  • Every day I thank my lucky stars that he asked, and she said yes. Cheers to a couple who make love look too easy.
  • Your marriage is based on respect, love, and commitment. You have shown us all how to live our lives and because of you, our own relationships will forever be strong and healthy. Happy anniversary to our role models.
  • Cheers to a couple who makes happily ever after reality and not simply a fairytale.
  • When you said your "I dos," you gave each other your hearts, and you gave us a family. We are eternally grateful for such wonderful parents.
  • Happy anniversary to two people who didn't just marry one another; they married an entire family.
  • Your marriage was one of life's most unexpected blessings. Happy anniversary.
  • Happy anniversary to my parents, who are truly soulmates.
  • Years ago, your marriage wasn't something I looked forward to, but now it makes me smile every day.
  • Happy anniversary to my parents. May your love grow stronger and more beautiful each day.

Marriage Is No Cake Walk

Couples call it quits every day, citing all sorts of reasons for divorce . Even under the very best of circumstances, marriage is no walk in the park. In 2020, nearly 40% of all marriages in the United States resulted in divorce. If your parents are celebrating another year together, know that they are putting serious work in to make that happen. On their anniversary, remind them that you appreciate their love and commitment to one another and their family, and maybe give your dad a few quotes for his wife that say I love you to get him off to a good start.

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Wedding invitations, 45+ happy anniversary quotes for parents.

Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Aug 5, 2021

Wishing your parents a happy anniversary is more than crafting a message that captures their love. It’s crafting a heartfelt testament to everything their love has built, inspired and nurtured along the way. Taking them back to the day their love began and how it has grown throughout the years can be a special way to wish them a happy anniversary. Between planning an anniversary party and picking out the anniversary invitations , you might feel a little overwhelmed finding the perfect anniversary quote for your parents.

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We’ve compiled a list of 40 anniversary quotes for parents that are worthy of representing their life-long love. This year, give your parents a gift that will touch their hearts and remind them what their love is capable of.

Whether you’re searching for sincere words to express your gratitude and appreciation or something more lighthearted, the following anniversary quotes will help you put your thoughts on paper as a perfect addition to their anniversary gifts .

Scroll through our collection of quotes or jump to a specific section that will best complete your message:

Happy Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Wedding anniversary quotes for parents, funny anniversary quotes for parents, 50th anniversary quotes for parents, anniversary wishes for parents.

As the years go by, your parents may not celebrate their anniversary like they used to. Using a happy anniversary quote in your card or on a custom canvas print may help inspire them to commemorate the occasion with the proper excitement the day deserves.

Senior Woman And Senior Man Sitting On The Sofa with happy anniversary quotes for parents overlay

  • “Mom and Dad, I cannot begin to describe how blessed I am to have amazing parents in my life. Seeing true love through you both makes my heart happy. As your daughter/son I see perfection in both of you. I love you.” -Anonymous
  • “You don’t marry someone you can live with. You marry the person who you cannot live without.” -Anonymous
  • “The only thing better than having you for parents is my children having you for grandparents. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad.” -Anonymous
  • “You two are a living example of how a couple can be committed to their love and nurture a family‘s growth year after year. Happy wedding anniversary to you!” -Anonymous
  • “Because of you both, the world knows that truth and love exist. Keep these beliefs alive and cherish one another. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!” -Anonymous
  • “You are the parents that all kids hope to have, you are the couple that all lovers hope to be and you both are the pillars of support that every family wishes it had. Happy anniversary to the best parents ever.” -Anonymous
  • “Another year to create precious memories together. Another year to discover new things to enjoy about each other. Another year to strengthen a marriage that defines forever. Happy anniversary!” -Anonymous
  • “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.” -Nicholas Sparks
  • “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.” -Victor Hugo
  • “All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.” -Leo Tolstoy

Remind your parents of the day they said, “I, do” by borrowing a few wedding anniversary quotes from famous writers and poets. The professionals have put love into words and will help you share your emotions with Mom and Dad. They might even be tempted to dig out their wedding photo album after reading your message.

Happy senior Asian couple dancing in the park in sunny day with wedding anniversary quotes for parents overlay

  • “Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Ghandi
  • “Most people find it hard to believe in “forever”, but seeing the never ending love between both of you makes me believe in “forever”. Happy anniversary mom and dad!” -Anonymous
  • “Despite all the years, the trying times that you have both been through, yet your marriage remained strong and steadfast. When I get married someday, I hope I would have a bond stronger and steady with my partner as both of you did. I love you mom and dad. Happy anniversary!” -Anonymous
  • “I remember how young, beautiful and happy you were when I was a little kid. And you know, dear parents, nothing has changed since then. You’re just the same: loving and being loved – that’s what important. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!” -Anonymous
  • “It seems like I was born under a lucky star, because I have such great parents. You’ve overcome many life difficulties together and despite it your love and respect for each became only stronger. It’s a real wonder and I’m happy to witness it. Congratulations on the anniversary!” -Anonymous
  • “Today is a very special day for people I love more than life – it’s your wedding anniversary, my beloved parents! You’ve already spent a lot of wonderful years together and now I want to wish you to spend even more years enjoying each other and bringing joy to everyone around! Congratulations!” -Anonymous
  • “He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where she ended and he began.” -Leo Tolstoy
  • “You be my glass of wine and I’ll be your shot of whiskey.” -Blake Shelton
  • “Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.” -Kahlil Gibran
  • “My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.” -Anonymous

If your parents love humor and would appreciate getting a few laughs out of your message then, you should celebrate their love with an anniversary message to make them smile. The following list of funny anniversary quotes will help you add a little humor to your celebration. Add a funny quote to a personalized anniversary gift that they’ll enjoy and cherish for years to come.

Two female women standing hand in hand as they smile at each other. Rear view of them both with the Italian countryside in front of them with a funny anniversary quotes for parents overlay

  • “Being married is like having a best friend who doesn’t remember anything you say.” -Anonymous
  • “Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.” -Anonymous
  • “Never laugh at your wife’s choices, you are one of them.” -Anonymous
  • “Love is being stupid together.” -Anonymous
  • “You still behave like newlyweds, happy anniversary!” -Anonymous
  • “Dad, winning Mom’s heart was actually my lucky victory. Happy anniversary!” -Anonymous
  • “You’ve been together so long you be granted an honorary P.H.D in EACH OTHER. Happy anniversary.” -Anonymous
  • “I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without you two, literally! Happy anniversary.” -Anonymous
  • “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. But, whatever you two are doing is working. Stay happy and happy anniversary.” -Anonymous
  • “If the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I’m expecting to marry the girl of my dreams and being married X number of years. Thanks Mom and Pops.” -Anonymous

There are certain milestone anniversaries that deserve some extra special attention and a 50th wedding anniversary is one of them. Assure your message is as golden as the traditional gifts received by using one of the following 50th wedding anniversary quotes for parents.  

Portrait of a senior couple who celebrates their anniversary at a family dinner, together with their children, grandchildren and friends with a happy 50th anniversary quotes overlay

  • “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller
  • “To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.” -T. Tolis
  • “I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you. I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” -Angelita Lim
  • “The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that.” -Woody Allen
  • “ There’s no substitute for a great love who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.” -Tom Hanks
  • “At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” -Plato
  • “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” -Lao-Tzu
  • “ True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” -Ricardo Montalban
  • “True love doesn’t come to you, it has to be inside you.” -Julia Roberts
  • “You don’t love someone for their looks, their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” -Oscar Wilde

If you’re looking for the perfect way to send well wishes to your parents for their special anniversary, look no further. We’ve collected our favorite anniversary wishes for parents so you know exactly what to write in an anniversary card . These anniversary wishes are also perfect if you’re planning an anniversary party for the pair and would like a sweet message to add to your anniversary party invitations . Find them below:

A senior African American Couple takes a selfie during their workout with happy anniversary wishes for parents overlay

  • “Happy Anniversary to the parents that inspire me every day. Best wishes to you two for all the years to come.” – Anonymous
  • “Wishing you both continued love and happiness for many years to come. Happy Anniversary!” – Anonymous
  • “Best wishes today and all the days to come. Happy Anniversary to the both of you!” – Anonymous
  • “You both inspire me every day to be the best version of myself that I can be and to always treat those I love with respect and kindness. Best wishes for the years ahead.” – Anonymous
  • “I can’t tell you how often I’m inspired by the love you two share together. Sending you all my well wishes for the coming years.” – Anonymous
  • “Wishing you a happy Anniversary, a happy marriage, and many years of good health to enjoy it with!” – Anonymous
  • “Sending you my well wishes and congratulations as you show us all what it means to build a wonderful marriage.” – Anonymous
  • “It’s so many years later and yet the two of you are still the perfect example of what a happy, blissful marriage looks like. Thank you for always being my shining example. Best wishes for your anniversary.” –Anonymous

Additional Anniversary Quotes For Parents

There’s no need to feel overwhelmed when it comes to what to write in an anniversary card for your parents. Writing a personalized message that reflects your relationship with them will make their day just that much more special. And if you liked this list of anniversary quotes for parents and your looking for similar guides, make sure to check out our additional resources:

  • Anniversary Gifts
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  • Personalized Gifts for Her
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70+ anniversary quotes & wishes for parents.

The bond that parents and children share is one of a kind. Your parents have been there for you all of your life, shaped you into the person you are today, and shared both the good times and the difficult moments together. With that said, your parents’ wedding anniversary is the perfect occasion to shower them with words of love and praise. A couple’s anniversary is always an important occasion to celebrate, and even more so when the couple is married with kids! Why? Because this couple’s love has withstood the test of time, and made it through the trials and tribulations of marriage and parenthood. So, hat’s off to your parents - celebrate their special day in style! Below, we have compiled the best happy anniversary messages to bestow upon your parents. Keep reading to find inspiration, no matter what kind of message you wish to convey! 

Happy Anniversary Quotes for Parents from Children

Let’s run through some of the sweetest, most thoughtful, happy anniversary quotes that you can include in your parents’ anniversary card. They will cherish your kind words forever!

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

Everyday, I’m so inspired by your long-lasting and genuine love. Wishing you a lovely anniversary! 

  • Mom and Dad, congratulations on another year of love, laughter, and memories. May your love continue to grow and flourish for many more years to come. Happy anniversary!
  • Congratulations on another year of love and companionship. You two are the real-life example of a perfect love story, and I feel so lucky to be a part of it. 
  • Mom and Dad, as you celebrate another year of marriage, I want you to know that your love has always been a guiding light in my life. 
  • To my parents, who have proven that love is not just a four-letter word but a lifelong adventure. Cheers to another year of happily ever after!

To the most wonderful parents in the world, thanks for always being there for me and for loving so selflessly. Today is your special time to focus on your love, so I hope you both celebrate your anniversary in style!

To the best parents a girl could ask for, happy anniversary from the bottom of my heart! I hope your special day is as lovely as you both are. 

To my lovely and kind parents, do you know how special you both are to me? Well on your anniversary, I want to share this with you! All my love, your daughter. 

What did I do to have been blessed with the most loving parents? I’m not sure, but I sure am grateful! Lots of love, your daughter.

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Son 

To my loving parents, thank you both for shaping me into the man I am today. Everyday I am grateful for your support and kindness. Wishing you endless happiness on your special day and forever! 

A love like yours is hard to come by, so hold on to it strong. Wishing you a great day on your special anniversary. Love, your son. 

To the most special people in my life, my loving parents! I hope you have a wonderful anniversary and get spoiled on this special day. Love, your son. 

To my dear parents, my hope for today and forever is that you have the best time - because you deserve it! Happy anniversary. All my love, your son. 

Your love and strength inspire me on a daily basis. Now, take some time to cherish this special love and commemorate the occasion. Happy anniversary! 

  • Happy anniversary to the two people who have given me endless love, support, and guidance. Your unwavering love for each other inspires me everyday. I hope you have a beautiful anniversary celebration filled with joy and love.
  • Mom and Dad, on your special day, I want to express how grateful I am to have you as my parents. Your love for each other has taught me so much about what it takes to have a lasting and meaningful relationship. I wish you all the happiness and love in the world – on your anniversary, and always.

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Elderly Couples

Happy anniversary, you old lovebirds! Your long lasting and beautiful love inspires me every day. 

Warmest wishes to the wonderful two of you on your special anniversary. 

Another year, another great reason to celebrate your love together! Happy anniversary. 

Can’t believe it’s been so many years of love. Happy anniversary, and here’s to many more!

Your love together continues to thrive! Did you know, you two are my inspiration? Hope you have a wonderful anniversary full of fun celebrations together! 

You two are my inspiration! I hope your long-lasting love continues to last. Happy anniversary! 

I hope when I get to your age, I’m still as full up with love as you two! Happy anniversary, I hope you both have the loveliest day. 

How has your love withstood the test of time? If you have any pointers, please let me know! Happy anniversary, sending you all my love on your special day. 

Happy anniversary to the most loving couple I know! I hope your day is filled with love and fun. 

Happy anniversary to the best couple I know. Your love is eternal, and I hope your special day is filled with countless blessings. 

25th Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad 

25 years together is a massive accomplishment, so celebrate your Mom and Dad’s love together with a heartfelt message. You can take inspiration from any of the examples below:  

Here’s to 25 years of you two! Your enduring love never fails to amaze me and make me proud of my amazing parents. Happy anniversary!

Mom and Dad, you two make half a century of being together seem like a breeze! Happy golden jubilee.

Mom and Dad, your love shines so bright and makes me proud everyday. I hope you have an amazing anniversary filled with joy!

Happy quarter-of-a-century together! I hope your anniversary is as special as you both are. 

25 years together deserves a HUGE celebration! So I hope you two do just that. Happy anniversary, mom and dad! 

I don’t think anything can compare to the love that you two share. Have an amazing anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Happy anniversary to an absolute power couple, AKA, Mom and Dad! I hope your special day is full of love and fun. 

  • Mom and Dad, I hope the years you have ahead are just as awesome as the years that have gone by. Happy you-day!

25 years together is no small feat. So take the time to acknowledge the love, work, and effort you’ve both put in to build a special life together. Happy anniversary!

Mom and Dad, I feel incredibly grateful to call you my parents and watch your love blossom throughout the years. Happy anniversary! 

50th Anniversary Quotes for Parents

50 years together, wow! Celebrate a half-century’s worth of love by including one of the touch messages to your parents from the list below: 

Here’s to 50 years of the best parents, and the best partners! Your enduring love is inspirational. Happy anniversary!

Mom and Dad, you make 50 years of marriage look easy-peasy! Happy anniversary to the most special parents. 

50 years together deserves a very special anniversary celebration! Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! 

I can’t think of anything quite as special as your everlasting love. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad, have the best day!

Mom and Dad, your love is so infectious and lights me up everyday. I hope you have an incredible anniversary filled with all the best things!

Happy anniversary to the best couple I know, AKA, Mom and Dad! I hope your special day is full of beauty and love. 

Mom and Dad, I’m so proud to call my parents, and I hope your anniversary is just as awesome as you both are! 

Happy half-a-century together! Now, that’s something to celebrate, happy anniversary! 

Mom and Dad, I feel incredibly grateful to call you my parents and watch your love grow throughout the years. Happy anniversary! 

50 years together certainly calls for some big celebrations. So take the time to celebrate in style together today. Happy anniversary!

75th Anniversary Quotes for Parents

75 years of love…incredible! Your parent’s 75th anniversary together is official #couplegoals so treat them like royalty on this important milestone with a heartfelt message: 

Did somebody say 75 years?! You two inspire me to be a better partner each and every day. Happy anniversary, you lovebirds! 

Warmest wishes to a wonderful duo on your special day. I hope it’s filled with as much love and care as you have shown me throughout the years! 

I’m so impressed by so many years of love together. Happy anniversary, to the sweetest parents!

75 years calls for a beautiful anniversary celebration. Hope you have a wonderful anniversary full of fun celebrations together! 

75 years together…you two are my inspiration. Happy anniversary! 

I hope when I get to your age, I’m celebrating 75 years with my loved one! Happy anniversary, my beloved parents. 

75 years together ain’t too shabby! Happy anniversary to the best couple I know, sending you all my love on your special day. 

I hope your day is filled with just as much love and fun as you both bring to my life. Happy anniversary! 

Long Lasting love may be hard to come by, but you two make it look easy. Happy anniversary to the best couple I know. 

Romantic Movie Quotes to Include in Your Parents’ Anniversary Wishes  

Are your parents' movie buffs? If so, surprise them with the addition of a movie quote:

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.” - Moulin Rouge

“It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.” - Good Will Hunting 

“In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you.” - Juno

“You are, and always have been, my dream.” - The Notebook 

“Some people are worth melting for.” - Frozen 

“Love is passion, obsession, someone you can’t live without. If you don’t start with that, what are you going to end up with?” - Meet Joe Black

“I love you. You complete me.” - Jerry Maguire

“It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together.” - Sleepless in Seattle

“To me, you are perfect.” - Love Actually 

“I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love.” - The Vow

“You should be kissed often, and by someone who knows how.” - Gone With The Wind

“Everything I have ever done, I’ve done for you.” - Great Expectations 

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Your love story is like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. We enjoy seeing you love and fight with each other. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!

You two are a living example of how two nutty people can come together and be even nuttier as one. Happy wedding anniversary to you! 

Happy anniversary, my wonderful parents. All these years of marriage have worn you two out, I think it’s time to go to Vegas and have some fun! 

Happy anniversary to my dear parents. Keep annoying each other for eternity, you keep us all entertained!

99% of being married is just shouting ‘WHAT?’ from other rooms. Happy anniversary! 

It is remarkable how long we have tolerated each other for.

Marriage: when dating goes too far. Sounds like you guys! Happy anniversary.  

Sorry, no refunds! Happy anniversary!

You are both getting old and wrinkly, but that doesn’t mean you can’t party, so go have some fun! Happy anniversary! 

Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener. Happy anniversary. 


We hope you have loved gathering some inspiration to make your parents’ anniversary celebrations that extra bit special. Looking for the perfect card for your message? Go the extra mile with Lovepop’s collection of stunning cards.

Here are some gorgeous anniversary options to choose from:   Turtley in Love Pop-Up Card : If your parents love a good pun and a giggle, make them smile with a Turtley in Love Pop-Up Card . 

Are your parents big movie fans? Surprise them with this Disney and Pixar Up My Greatest Adventure Pop-Up Card . Carl and Ellie sit in their armchairs holding hands on the front cover of this pop-up design. “You are my favorite adventure” is written below them, surrounded by hearts and colorful balloons - how romantic!

Do your parents love their fluffy friend? What dog lover wouldn’t want to be greeted with an adorable pair of 3D pups?! Tell him ‘’I wuff you’’ with this cute Love Dogs Pop-Up Card .  

Who doesn’t love a good bouquet?! This Wildflower Bouquet including intricate chrysanthemums, warm poppies, and sweet daisies, is guaranteed to delight your parents on their special anniversary day. 

With every petal made by hand from premium paper, this Handcrafted Paper Roses with Butterfly Pop-Up Card will last a lifetime. It also includes an intricate, and one-of-a-kind monarch butterfly pop-up card - the perfect gift to light up your parents’ anniversary day.  

Shop for anniversary cards here!

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65+ Best Wedding Anniversary Poems For Parents

Celebrate your parents’ beautiful journey through thoughtful words.

Adam Levon Brown is an author of 15 books of poetry and the winner of 2019 Blue Nib Chapbook Award. He was shortlisted for the Erbacce Prize for Poetry thrice. His poetry works have been translated into Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, and Afrika... read full bio

Shivank is an experienced professional with a passion for writing, editing, and research. With a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from IEL, Dehradun, he previously worked as a production editor... read full bio

Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in... read full bio

Image: Shutterstock

Parents’ wedding anniversary is a special day for a child since it was the day when your parents united in a bond of true love. Hence, you may make this day even more special by sending an anniversary poem for parents or planning a surprise for them as an ode and tribute to them.

On this wonderful occasion, treasure, celebrate, and honor your parents with some sweet yet special anniversary wishes that they would cherish. You may do this with the help of thoughtful and sentimental poems and couplets that you may get printed on a T-shirt, mug, or photo frames to present to them. You may also pen down the poems on a note and stick them to a bouquet.

Keep browsing to discover some beautiful and adorable wedding anniversary poems, and choose the right one for your parents.

Wedding Anniversary Poems To Greet Parents

Let your parents cherish the feeling of togetherness on this special day. Send a cute gift along with a sweet wedding anniversary rhyme.

1. For my parents

Happy anniversary to the most wonderful couple I know, You guys are great together that you don’t have to show, That you love each other so much, Without any ways or touch, Salute to my parents and the love, I am really blessed that both of you are my parents, Stay blessed, Happy wedding anniversary!

2. Today on this day

Today on this special day, I wish hope and pray, That you both stay together this way, May you receive all the happiness, I wish that your love grows stronger, I wish you stay blessed and nothing goes wrong, Happy anniversary to the best parents !

3. Your love is true

Image: IStock

Your love can set an example for many to come The respect that you guys have for each other Is never lost in time It’s always there The things which go unknown And things which I do see I just have one thing on my mind That both of you together are like ecstasy So stay in love till the end of time Proud to call you mine! Happy Anniversary mom and dad!

4. Love is forever in time

Love is forever and this is not a thought, You have taught me that true love exists Both of you have given new definition to love Both of you have respected each other in life Helped each other in struggle and strive So I also respect my parents for the same Stay in love forever Happy anniversary to both of you! Both are really the chosen few!

5. Happy Anniversary

We never know Or fully realize How sweet and kind our parents are, How gentle and how wise

We simply take for granted, From day to passing day, Each sacrifice they make for us In their own loving way.

But then we grow and finally learn, The way that children do for How much their love has really meant, How thoughtful they’ve been, too –

And so this comes with all the thanks You both deserve and more. For there aren’t two dearer parents Than the one this card’s for Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad

6. Forever Love

A wedding is a ceremony, a promise to be together forever till death do you part. Today is the day you celebrate this, We want you to know what blessing it is to see you two together amidst all the wounds. We love you so much, and we want you to have a very happy anniversary full of blessed good cheer.

7. Best Wishes On Your Anniversary

Your love gives me hope For all the rest of us Your love taught me How to share, how to laugh How to show someone you care Your love is the example I hope To set one day You always got through the hard times Together, as a team I’m so lucky to have you both in my life Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

8. Celebration Of True Love

I never knew two people Could love each other As deeply and as truly as The two of you love. You are the ultimate example Of what love should look like You’re passionate and playful You’re friends until the end You fight for each other You overcome every obstacle Placed in front of you With love and understanding I love your love and both of you More than words can say Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad I wish you a hundred years more on this day!

9. Dedicated to Best Mom And Dad

Today we celebrate The love of two of the greatest people on the planet Together your love and life made one Has given me life and love and a home full of memories I won’t soon forget Thank you two for showing me How much love can be spent How many laughs can be shared And how many trials and tribulations Can be overcome throughout the years I love you both, Happy anniversary and here’s to many more!

10. Sparkling Anniversary

Growing up you showed us What love should look like All these years later Both of you still have that sparkle In your eyes When you look at each other Happy anniversary Mom and Dad May your love be as lasting as the Stars in the sky

11. Happy Anniversary

You’ve been married so long it seems For me, it’s been forever But what does it feel like for you? Has it been such a long endeavor? Or does it feel like yesterday You just said your vows And then in the blink of an eyes You were in the now? We love you both lots And want you to wish you both Happy Anniversary!

12. Dedicated To Wonderful Parents

Happy anniversary to my wonderful parents You’ve been married so long now It seems like forever ago That you both said your vows But here you are now Both still so in love What was it then That you were thinking of? Did you think you’d have kids And be so happy still? And when looking at each other Still feel a familiar thrill?

13. True Meaning Of Love

We often are told That we learn by example And if that’s really the case Then I’ve had a prime sample Of the true meaning of love You don’t see on the screen Absent of the costumes or drama Staged from scene to scene But a trust and compassion Built on love far more than cursory That has you led to yet another anniversary! Happy anniversary, mom and dad!

14. Best Example Of A Perfect Couple

You are the perfect example Of what parents should ideally be. You are also the perfect example Of how a married couple should be. We are the perfect example Of how a nice family should be. This is the perfect example Of how a cute anniversary wish should be. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!

15. On Your Wedding Anniversary

To the mother who taught me How to be girly and sweet, To the dad who taught me How to be strong and never cheat, I wish you a happy anniversary, I wish that you remain happy and healthy, I wish that you stay like this forever as a couple Beautiful, loving, caring, and, of course, wealthy.

16. Blessings Of The Anniversary

Every time you wanted to surprise me, You did so very secretly. Every time you wanted to teach me a lesson, You did so very cautiously. Every time you had to dream for me, You did so very ambitiously. Even when you fought in front of me, You did so very healthily. God must have planned something amazing for me To select parents for me so appropriately. I love you both, and I know you love me; I wish you a happy anniversary.

17. Splendid Anniversary

If it weren’t for your wedding day, There would be no anniversary. And if you didn’t get married There would also be no me. This makes your anniversary twice as special And calls for a party. As you raise a toast and dance the night away, I hope you have a splendid anniversary.

18. Years Of Togetherness

I consider myself so lucky To have parents who share Such a good chemistry Of love, respect, and care

When I think of my life I feel nothing but happiness Thank you both for making Life’s journey so priceless Happy anniversary!

19. Rekindling Years Of Love

I know you want to spend time today With each other without any interruption But I will take just two minutes of your time To make a sweet declaration I love you for being my parents And the kind of friends that you have been Super cool mums and dads like you I haven’t yet come across or seen Have an awesome wedding anniversary Rekindle your love for each other As I bask away in the pride Of having the world’s best father and mother.

20. To The Most Fabulous Couple

To mom and dad… I’m glad to celebrate Your anniversary If not for your union There would be no me Have an awesome time Today and forever

Don’t do anything stupid To let your ties sever You are an awesome And a fabulous couple On this anniversary May your happiness double.

21. I Hold You In High Esteem

The fact still remains That I hold you both in high esteem. You might wonder why this sudden confession of the truth From a son who hardly shows any emotion. The heavens will never pardon me Nor will the earth feel any pleasure toward me If on your anniversary today – Not just an ordinary one but your silver anniversary – I keep my mouth shut against the truth That you have affected my life in no less than positive ways Giving me memories I will forever cherish. I love you, mom and dad.

22. Prayers For Your

I pray for the rains And petition the heavens for the sun To shower blessings upon my dear parents And lighten up their day. Happy Anniversary!

23. Loving Pair

It takes two special people, To make a loving pair. There’s a joy just being around you, A feeling we love to share.

We send anniversary wishes to you, For years of joy and pleasure. May each year keep getting better, With memories to treasure.

— Joanna and Karl Fuchs

24. Anniversary Joy

Your anniversary is a time For sharing your affection; It’s quite obvious the two of you Have quite a deep connection.

We send glad congratulations And heartfelt wishes, too, For joyful happiness and love In everything you do.

— Joanna Fuchs

25. Time to Reflect

On your anniversary, It’s time to reflect on all the joy Your marriage has brought you over the years. Remember your wedding day? Your wedding photos show Your affection, your passion, The bond you feel with one another. Since that day, Many more pleasures have come to you Because you chose to love each other. As you reminisce, Let those fond, happy memories Strengthen your commitment To love and care for each other… Forever. Happy anniversary, mom and dad!

26. Best Marriage

Your anniversary marks the day When you both said “I do.” The two of you became as one, A marriage bright and new.

Now time has passed; your love is strong; You passed the early test. Your tender bond grows with passing time; Your marriage is the kind that’s best!

27. On Mom Dad’s Anniversary

A poem for my dear Mom and Dad on their wedding anniversary: Love undertaken with but a shy glance, Blossomed into the sweetest romance. On this blessed anniversary, May you continue the dance.

28. Happy Anniversary Lovelies

We simply take for granted, From day to passing day,

Each sacrifice they make for us In their own loving way.

But then we grow and finally learn, The way that children do,

How much their love has really meant, How thoughtful they’ve been, too

And so this comes with all the thanks You both deserve and more.

For there aren’t two dearer parents Than the one this card’s for

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

29. True Meaning Of Commitment

You have shown the world the meaning of commitment, truth, and love. Thank you for centering your marriage on the truly important things. Have the best anniversary celebration yet, Mom and Dad!

30. Greetings On Special Day Of Love

It is time to celebrate The anniversary of a couple so great. You both are made for each other; You both make the perfect mother and father. I know today is your special day; I love you, Mom and Dad, is all I want to say. Happy anniversary. — Unknown

31. It’s all the love it is

A remarkable journey of love it is A remarkable tale of love I have seen the love that kept you both Bonded forever in this life It is nothing fake and thing to strive Its just pure from the start Yes the love is pure from the heart! On this special day mom and dad Wish you a very happy anniversary! Stay in love forever!


32. Your Marriage Is Golden

A partnership like yours is rare; Fifty years you’ve been together! You’ve always been a loving team, In sunny and stormy weather. Nothing can tarnish your lasting love; At 50 years, you’re gold. Your affection shines as you go through the years, With each other to love and to hold.

33. Eternal love

Love abides in a groom and bride. Marriage is life, a husband and wife . A nuptial journal reads love eternal; Above or nether, you hold love together. May your anniversary bless you, Mom and Dad.

34. Best Anniversary Wishes To Best Parents

Love and marriage Has been a long and difficult road. Faith has been your carriage, God has lightened your load. Together you have progressed To your eighteenth year, With the words of God Whispering in your ear. Your one life together Has you both united, But the joys to come Have just been sighted. I love you both For being young at heart And making an oath Never to depart. You belong Side by side, Your passion strong With nothing to hide. God bless you two, Mom and Dad.

—Heather Dossey

35. On Your Special Day

This special anniversary wish That comes with love to you Brings warm and heartfelt thanks For all the thoughtful things you do It also comes to let you know You both mean more each day To everyone your lives have touched In such a loving way.

36. It’s Your Wedding Anniversary

How fortunate we are today As we take the opportunity to say… Privileged we are to share yet another year all together Proud of our wonderful parents – may your love last forever You faced your challenges… yet gave up… never Always striving towards mutual respect and understanding Now we see the secret to a marriage based on giving, not only demanding Not yours was the example to undermine and scorn Instead into love and kindness we were born Vehemently you have held onto your marriage Ever determined to stay together through time and its passage Resolute and purposeful you have led by example Shown us all the way to a marriage incredible And so, Mom and Dad, we need to share Resounding Happy Anniversary for your love and care Yours is indeed a marriage quite rare

37. A Journey Together

Hands in hands, through every ups and downs, You have proved that your love has no room for frowns. Through laughter and tears, side by side, Your love is a pure bond that you cannot hide. In each other’s embrace, a lifetime spent, Two souls intertwined, wherever they went. On this special day, let’s cheer, For a love story that’s oh so dear.

— Trisha Chakraborty

38. A Golden Journey Through Marriage

It started with a simple ring, You became husband and wife, You progressed to being parents And you’re still best friends for life.

You’ve traveled through life together Enjoying years of wedded bliss We congratulate you on reaching the Golden And we toast your happiness. — Jon Bratton

39. Two Hearts In An Anniversary Celebration

It takes two special people, To make a loving pair. There’s a joy just being around you, A feeling we love to share. We send anniversary wishes to you, For years of joy and pleasure. May each year keep getting better, With memories to treasure. — Joanna and Karl Fuchs

40. Special Day’s Wish

Although this is your special day To share with one another, It’s special, too, for everyone Who love you, Dad and Mother That’s why so many loving thoughts Come with this wish for you For everything to make this day Just perfect for you two! Happy Wedding Anniversary With Love. — Unknown

41. A Tribute To Your Years Of Love

‘Tis your wedding anniversary How much time has passed between two of you In love so true In devotion so pure In honor so mutual Needless to say, Your kind of marriage is rare Having lived through these years in affection and care. — Unknown

42. Here’s To Celebrating Your Love

Shout, neighbors and friends! Make merry, dear colleagues and well-wishers For my priceless parents, One in heart and spirit Have broken the jinx And are alive to tell the story. — Unknown

43. Heartfelt Wishes For Your Anniversary

On your anniversary today, I wish you well. It is because of you two That I was able to come out of my shell. On your anniversary today, I wish you the best. I promise to do all it takes To make your lives a lifelong fest. Happy anniversary! — Unknown

44. Time to Celebrate your Blissful Union

It’s time to celebrate the day of your blissful union, The day when preface of my life actually begun, And since then you’ve both stood together as one, Even if problems in life threatened to be a million, You’ve preached by example, feel second to none, When every time your patience eventually won, Our confidence in your faith kept multiplying by billion, Can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done… But I do have good wishes weighing more than a ton, Specially for your anniversary; May you’ve a lot of fun! —Unknown

45. You seemed Best Parents when I was a kid…

When I was a kid, I used to think, I’ve got the best parents in the world… Now that I’ve grown up, and met so many people, Known so many kids and so many parents… I’m more sure than ever, that I was so right… I have got the best parents in world indeed! I love you a lot, And I will keep trying to be worthy of you. Happy Anniversary. —Unknown

46. A Tribute To Your Priceless Lover

Your worth is more than that of gold Which is known to everybody You don’t need anniversaries For proving that to anybody Your love is more valuable Than silver or platinum For apart from being a cool couple You both are parents simply awesome Happy anniversary. — Unknown

47. A Tribute To An Everlasting Love

The only few words that come to mind When I think of total happiness Is the smiling picture of you both Free of all sorrow and distress The only visual that comes to mind When I think of matrimony Dear mom and dad, is you And your beautiful journey Enjoy your anniversary! — Unknown

48. Celebrating Decades Of Love

From family holidays to Sunday roasts To precious days and special toasts From camping trips in the rain To driving each other completely insane You two have made it through it all And conquered problems big and small Another year to add to the few And we owe our blessed childhood to YOU! — Unknown

49. Endless Love

Without being too complimentary… YOU TWO COMPLETED HALF A CENTURY! 50 years of memories treasured and undoubtedly plenty patience measured You’ve grown together through life and love With 5 decades going over and above A perfect example of how to commit Either that or it’s just too late to quit. — Unknown

50. The Enduring Journey Of Your Love

In love’s warm embrace, you both have grown, Twenty years of a journey, together you’ve known. Through joys and sorrows, your bond does endure, A love so deep, so strong, and so pure. In laughter and tears, you’ve found your way, Side by side, come what may. Through every season, your love does bloom, Happy anniversary, in this sacred room. Love you, Mom and Dad. — Unknown

51. Marriage Anniversary

In all these years of marriage, you’ve built a life, Through all the joy and occasional strife. Together you’ve grown, as a couple so strong, Your love is a melody, a beautiful song. Through thick and thin, you’ve been side by side, With love and laughter as your constant guide. On this special day, we honor you, dear parents, Happy anniversary, your love’s brilliance apparent. — Unknown

52. The Eternal Light Of Your Love

In a world where love’s a fleeting flame, You two have shown it’s more than just a game. With each passing year, your love has grown, A bond of strength and beauty all your own.

As I stand here today, I’m filled with pride, To celebrate the love you’ve never tried to hide. Through the ups and downs, the joy and tears, Your love has conquered all, dispelling fears.

For years you’ve walked this path as one, Facing life’s challenges, having so much fun. With every passing day, your love has soared, A testament to the vows you both once swore.

Mom and Dad, you’re an inspiration to us all, Teaching us that love can stand tall. Through thick and thin, you’ve held on tight, Guiding us with love’s eternal light. Happy Anniversary! — Unknown

53. Eternal Love

Your love is a beacon in the darkest night, A guiding star, forever burning bright. Through the seasons of life, you’ve stood strong, A love story that’s sung in every song.

Through the years, your love has only grown, A testament to the seeds of love you’ve sown. You’ve weathered storms and danced in the rain, Proving that love can overcome all pain.

So here’s to many years of a love so pure, A love that will forever endure. May your days be filled with laughter and cheer, As you celebrate another wonderful year.

On this special day, as you renew your vow, Know that your love is a wonder, and how! To Mom and Dad, who’ve shown us the way, Happy anniversary, on this special day! — Unknown

54. Love’s Symphony

In the symphony of life, you took the lead, Fifteen years ago, you planted love’s seed. Now, the music of your love fills the air, A melodious tune, so precious and rare.

Each note represents a moment you’ve shared, The joys you’ve embraced, the burdens you’ve bared. Together you’ve composed a beautiful song, A love so enduring, so steadfast and strong.

With each passing year, the symphony grows, The harmony deepens, and the love still flows. On this anniversary, we applaud your duet, For a love story, we’ll never forget. — Unknown

55. Love’s Eternal Garden

In the garden of love, you’ve sown the seeds, Twenty years of nurturing, tending to needs. Your love has blossomed, like flowers in bloom, A fragrant garden, dispelling all gloom.

Through the seasons of life, your love has thrived, In this garden of love, your hearts are tied. With each passing year, new blooms appear, A love that’s grown stronger, crystal clear.

As you celebrate this anniversary day, In love’s eternal garden, you both stay. May your love continue to bloom and grow, In the beautiful garden, where your hearts flow. — Unknown

56. The Book of Love

Fifty chapters, each year a page, In the book of your love, a timeless stage. Each chapter filled with moments so dear, A love story that’s crystal clear.

Through the pages of joy and through despair, Your love story is a treasure beyond compare. With each turning page, the story unfolds, A tale of love that never grows old.

On this anniversary, we celebrate the plot, Of parents who gave all they’ve got. May the next chapter be just as bright, In the book of love, you continue to write. — Unknown

57. A Journey of Love

Fifteen years have come and gone, Since that day when you became one. In this journey, you’ve found your way, Through every night and every day.

Through stormy seas and sunny skies, Your love has grown, and it’s no surprise. For in your hearts, a fire burns bright, Guiding you through each day and night.

You’ve built a life that’s filled with grace, A home where love finds its rightful place. Through ups and downs, you’ve stood as one, Fifteen years of love, second to none.

May this anniversary be a special treat, For parents so wonderful, loving, and sweet. With admiration, we say cheers to you, May your love continue to shine and renew. — Unknown

58. Fifteen Years Of Enduring Grace

Fifteen years ago, you took the chance, To embark together in a timeless dance. The threads of your love wove a tapestry, A masterpiece of grace and harmony.

In this tapestry, every color’s bright, Symbolizing your love’s enduring light. Each stitch and pattern tells a tale, Of a love so strong, it will never fail.

Through laughter, tears, and everything in between, Your love has stayed strong, forever seen. On this anniversary, we celebrate you two, For the beautiful tapestry of love you’ve come to. — Unknown

59. Love’s Lighthouse

Twenty-five years ago, you set sail, On a journey of love, without fail. Your love has been a guiding light, Through the darkest of storms, and the blackest of night.

In love’s vast ocean, you found your way, Navigating life’s challenges, come what may. Your bond is a lighthouse, steadfast and true, Guiding us all, in all that we do.

On this anniversary, we celebrate your love’s might, For parents like you, shining so bright. May your love’s beacon forever endure, Guiding us always, of that we’re sure. — Unknown

60. The Symphony Continues

All these years of music, you’ve composed so well, In the symphony of love, you both excel. Each note and chord, a testament to grace, A melody of love that we can embrace.

With every year that passes by, Your love’s symphony continues to fly. The crescendos of joy, the solace in sorrow, In love’s grand symphony, there’s always tomorrow.

As you celebrate this anniversary day, May your love’s music forever play. For parents like you, so sweet and dear, Your symphony of love, we hold near. — Unknown

61. A Love Unfolds

Twenty years of love, like a storybook, Each chapter a journey, every page a look. Through the pages of life, you’ve turned with care, A love story so beautiful, beyond compare.

With every chapter, your love has grown, In this book of life, your story’s well-known. May the next chapter bring even more delight, In this love story, so pure and bright.

On this anniversary, we celebrate you two, For the love story, you continue to renew. With each passing year, the plot unfolds, In the book of love, where your story’s told. — Unknown

62. Love’s Eternal Flame

Several years ago, you lit a flame, A love so strong, it’s never been the same. Through all of life’s trials and tribulations, Your love has endured, a beacon of salvation.

In the darkest of nights, your love’s the light, Guiding us through, with all its might. This anniversary marks a milestone, it’s true, For parents like you, so loving and true.

May your love’s flame continue to burn, In the years ahead, as you both discern. With warmth and brightness, your love’s the same, An eternal flame, in love’s sweet name. — Unknown

63. Love’s Masterpiece

A masterpiece so fine, A work of art, a precious design. With every stroke of love’s gentle hand, You’ve created a masterpiece, oh so grand.

The colors of joy, the shades of grace, In love’s masterpiece, we find our place. Through every season, your love does shine, In this portrait of love, so divine.

On this anniversary, we stand in awe, Of parents who inspire, without a flaw. May your love’s masterpiece forever remain, A testament to love, in heart and brain. — Unknown

64. A Love That Endures

With each passing day, your love does bloom, A beautiful garden, never to consume. Through the seasons of life, your love does thrive, In your journey together, you both continue to drive.

On this special day, we celebrate you, For parents like you, so pure and true. May your love story forever persist, In the hearts of all, it will always exist. — Unknown

65. Love’s Melody

In love’s sweet symphony, you take the lead, A melody of love, born of a precious seed. Through the highs and lows, your song prevails, In the music of your love, our hope sails.

With every note, your love story plays, A harmonious tune in all your days. Through every verse and refrain, it’s clear, Your love is a song we all hold dear. — Unknown

66. An Unwavering Love Story

Through life’s winding roads, you’ve walked together, In fair or stormy weather. Your journey of love, an enduring tale, In your love, we all set sail.

With every step, your bond grows stronger, In the face of adversity, you last even longer. On this anniversary, we tip our hat, To parents like you, who’ve always shared and cared.

May your journey continue, hand in hand, In love’s embrace, forever you stand. Through every twist and turn, you remain, A testament to love’s enduring gain. — Unknown

67. The Portrait Of Your Love

In the gallery of life, your love’s on display, A timeless portrait, in a special way. With each brushstroke of kindness and care, Your love is a masterpiece, so rare.

Through the colors of joy and shades of grace, In love’s portrait, we find our place. Through the canvas of time, your love shines through, In this gallery of love, all because of you.

On this anniversary, we celebrate your art, For parents like you, it warms every heart. May your love’s portrait forever be, A source of inspiration, for all to see. — Unknown

68. Love’s Eternal Flame

In the book of love, you’ve penned a story, Of endless love and boundless glory. Your love’s flame, an eternal fire, In the darkest of nights, it never tires.

With every chapter, your love does grow, In this book of life, your story we know. On this anniversary, we turn the page, In your love’s story, we all engage. — Unknown

69. Love’s Journey Continues

In this beautiful journey, you both partake, A love story that no one can forsake. Through all the seasons, you’ve remained, A love so true, it can’t be contained.

With every sunrise and each twilight’s glow, Your love continues to blossom and grow. On this special day, we simply say, Happy Anniversary, in every way. — Unknown

Note: The poems in this collection are not original works of MomJunction but have been sourced from various authors. No claim of ownership is being made by us. Credit has been given wherever the details were available. If you are the original author of any poem and wish to have it credited or removed, please contact us . We value the creative rights of authors and will address your request promptly.

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some creative ways to honor my parents on their anniversary?

Creating a scrapbook of old pictures, throwing a surprise party, taking them to their old house or town, and gifting them something memorable or with a verse or couplet of your own are possible ways to honor your parents on their anniversary.

2. How can I make the poem meaningful and memorable for my parents?

Keeping the poem simple, including personal details, writing it from the heart, and delivering it to them in person can help make the poem meaningful and memorable for your parents.

3. What is the importance of expressing love and appreciation through an anniversary poem for parents?

Commemorating your parents’ anniversary through a heartfelt poem holds immense significance. It provides an opportunity to honor their enduring love and unwavering dedication toward each other and the family. It can also help you acknowledge your parents’ sacrifices and effortlessly express your adoration for them. Above all, an anniversary poem embellished with heartwarming words and phrases lets parents know your deep feelings, which helps strengthen the parent-child bond.

4. What are some tips for writing the anniversary poem for parents?

Reflect on your parents’ journey together to draft a personalized poem. Highlight their distinctive connection and the attributes that make their relationship extraordinary. Infuse the poem with genuine emotions and express gratitude and adoration for them. Incorporate specific details and imagery to make the poem more engaging and relatable. Choose a tone and style that aligns with your parents’ personalities and your relationship with them. Finally, dedicate ample time to revise and polish the poem to effectively showcase your parents’ unconditional love for each other and you.

The wedding anniversary of your parents is a special occasion that you and your family celebrate together. Make it memorable by arranging a party at home or planning a family trip. To add more joy and make them feel more special, share a wedding anniversary poem with them. These wedding anniversary poems for parents can help you express how much you love, respect, and admire them. So pick a wedding anniversary poem for parents you like, send it to them and make their special day even more memorable.

Infographic: Making Your Parents’ Anniversary Special At Home

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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36 Lovely Wedding Anniversary Poems For Parents

Dedicate heartwarming romantic poems to your parents' love on their wedding anniversary.

John Ryan De Oca is a relationship expert with six years of experience in coaching people and helping them achieve their desired outcomes with a mind-body-soul approach. He aims to transform how his clients feel about themselves and make th... read full bio

Sneha has a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relations... read full bio

Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reput... read full bio

Image: Shutterstock

If your parents have a long, happy marriage, then they deserve more than just a milestone anniversary gift. A thoughtful anniversary poem for your parents can lift their spirits and make them feel special and strengthen their forever love. Celebrate their special day with lots of laughter, cherished memories, food, gifts, and a poem that will touch their hearts. This article lists 36 sweet anniversary poems for parental love. Scroll down to check out the poems that celebrate their love and togetherness and to express your gratitude for them!

In This Article

36 Heart-Melting Anniversary Poems For Parents

1. to the most fabulous couple.

To mom and dad… I’m glad to celebrate Your anniversary If not for your union There would be no me Have an awesome time Today and forever Don’t do anything stupid To let your ties sever You are an awesome And a fabulous couple On this anniversary May your happiness double.

2. Your Marriage Is Golden

A partnership like yours is rare; Fifty years you’ve been together! You’ve always been a loving team, In sunny and stormy weather. Nothing can tarnish your lasting love; At 50 years, you’re gold. Your affection shines as you go through the years, With each other to love and to hold.

3. Love Is Forever In Time

Love is forever and this is not a thought; You have taught me that true love exists. Both of you have given a new definition to love; Both of you have respected each other in life, Helped each other in struggle and strife. So, I also will respect my parents for the same. Stay in love forever! Happy anniversary to both of you! You both are really the chosen few!

4. The Gift Of Love

“Mom and dad, Over the years You’ve taught me many things But the greatest gift you’ve given me Is the gift of love The unconditional love you’ve held for me That you learned from one another And that I’ve learned from you Is something I will always cherish As you’ll always cherish each other.” – Anonymous

5. On This Day Of Love

“My dear mom and dad My dearest mom and dad I feel so elated today on this day of love Yes it’s your anniversary I know But I am equally excited And I really want to show And make it special for you guys So, I would do much more and keep it a surprise Happy anniversary mom and dad! Stay blessed and in love forever!” – Anonymous

6. What Love Should Look Like

“Growing up you showed us What love should look like All these years later Both of you still have that sparkle in your eyes When you look at each other Happy anniversary Mom and Dad May your love be as lasting as the stars in the sky.” – Anonymous

7. Their Love Grew Strong

“I am feeling so happy today, I am feeling so good this day, As today is the day my wonderful parents got married, Today is the day their love grew strong, So let me wish you both with a wonderful song, Happy wedding anniversary you both, Always stay blessed and in love!” – Anonymous

8. Who Have Given Me Life

“Happy anniversary to the two most important people I know The people who have given me life And helped me grow I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me So I hope you take this day to celebrate with glee.” – Anonymous

9. You Have Defined What True Love Is

“I think I am the I am the luckiest one on this planet As I have proud parents like you Who have been there for each other every time Who have defined what true love is So, here are my wishes sealed with a kiss For my parents so dear to me Wishing you both a very happy anniversary ! Stay in love forever!” – Anonymous

10. Your Love Is Everything

“I have grown up in a home filled with love and warmth Thanks to you both, I know what love should be I want to wish you a happy anniversary Mom and Dad Your love is everything I hope to have someday.” – Anonymous

11. You Did It Together

“Happy anniversary To my favorites, mom and dad It’s an easy thing to say for me But I do wonder Does it feel like it’s been forever? Or just like yesterday? In the end you did it together And you made it here Happy anniversary!” – Anonymous

12. You Guys Are Great Together

“Happy anniversary to the most wonderful couple I know, You guys are great together that you don’t have to show, That you love each other so much, Without anyways or touch, Salute to my parents and the love, I am really blessed that both of you are my parents, Stay blessed, Happy wedding anniversary!” – Anonymous

13. Bonded Forever In This Life

“It’s all the love it is A remarkable journey of love it is A remarkable tale of love I have seen the love that kept you both Bonded forever in this life It is nothing fake and thing to strive Its just pure from the start Yes the love is pure from the heart! On this special day mom and dad Wish you a very happy anniversary! Stay in love forever!” – Anonymous

14. Love Keeps Growing

“When I look at both of you, I see your love for each other in your eyes and every day, it keeps growing Happy anniversary.” – Anonymous

15. The Bond You Share Is Beyond Love

“I’ve never known two people as close as the two of you. You love and laugh and learn, and though you fight and argue too, it doesn’t matter at the end of the day because you are strong and caring and the bond you share is beyond love and I love you both for your love and daring. Happy anniversary!” – Anonymous

16. Love Is The Answer

“Although you had a rocky road at times Your actions displayed the answer To the age-old question of what love is You both love each other even though time has passed And you both have changed over the years All I have left to say is Happy anniversary, mom and dad” – Anonymous

17. Your Love Is The Example

“Your love gives me hope For all the rest of us Your love taught me How to share, how to laugh How to show someone you care Your love is the example I hope To set one day You always got through the hard times Together, as a team I’m so lucky to have you both in my life Happy anniversary, mom and dad!” – Anonymous

18. Together Your Love And Life Made One

“Today we celebrate The love of two of the greatest people on the planet Together your love and life made one Has given me life and love and a home full of memories I won’t soon forget Thank you two for showing me How much love can be spent How many laughs can be shared And how many trials and tribulations Can be overcome throughout the years I love you both , Happy anniversary and here’s to many more!” – Anonymous

19. What True Love Means

“Your love inspires me, it tells me what true love means and I look up to you guys for a perfect example of love and you are always one.” – Anonymous

20. You Took A Vow To Love

“Who knew that when you met, You’d be where you are now, And on that fateful day, You stood and took a vow. To love honor and cherish, To ride the storms of life, To stay faithful and devoted, When you became husband and wife. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.” – Anonymous

21. Love Is Forever

“Love is forever in time Love is forever and this is not a thought, You have taught me that true love exists Both of you have given new definition to love Both of you have respected each other in life Helped each other in struggle and strive So I also respect my parents for the same Stay in love forever Happy anniversary to both of you! Both are really the chosen few!” – Anonymous

22. So Much Love And Care

“Happy wedding anniversary to the most wonderful couple I know, You guys are simply amazing, So much love and so much care, Today this day I did a special payer, To keep you guys happy forever, May you always stay in bliss, And separate never, Stay in love and blessed, Happy anniversary!” – Anonymous

23. Love Grows Stronger

“Today on this special day, I wish hope and pray, That you both stay together this way, May you receive all the happiness and gay, I wish that your love grows more strong, I wish you stay blessed and nothing goes wrong, Happy anniversary to the best parents!” – Anonymous

24. True Love Exists In Life

“How happy I am How happy I am feeling today, I really can’t state or say, Looking at both of you, I feel that true love does exist in life, The passion of your love, In support and strive, Mom and dad please stay this way, As I would like to say Happy anniversary and stay blessed!” – Anonymous

25. You Are The Ultimate Example

“I never knew two people Could love each other As deeply and as truly as The two of you love. You are the ultimate example Of what love should look like You’re passionate and playful You’re friends until the end You fight for each other You overcome every obstacle Placed in front of you With love and understanding I love your love, and both of you More than words can say Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad I wish you a hundred years more on this day!” – Anonymous

26. Celebrate Your Love Together

“You taught me right from wrong, You taught me honor and pride, I could not ask for better parents, Who have always been right by my side. Today’s your anniversary, Celebrate your love together, My wish for you is all the joy, That you can share, forever! Hope you have a lovely day.” – Anonymous

27. Love Can Set An Example

“Your love is true Your love can set an example for many to come The respect that you guys have for each other Is never lost in time It’s always there The things which go unknown And things which I do see I just have one thing on my mind That both of you together are like ecstasy So stay in love till the end of time Proud to call you mine! Happy anniversary mom and dad!” – Anonymous

28. Your Love Is Just Perfect

“Such a blessed day Such a blessed couple both of you are, Your love is just perfect as can be in life Both of you value each other And that is one thing that makes it prime Glad to have you both in my life My super adorable mom and dad Happy anniversary mom and dad! Stay blessed and in love forever!” – Anonymous

29. Indeed For One Another

“I will take a cue I will take a cue from both of you When I get married in life and new Of all the sacrifices you made to work And keep the relationship going strong Indeed to one another you guys belong So stay in love forever my parents Happy anniversary mom and dad! Stay blessed!”

30. You Guys Are One Of A Kind

“I think Whenever I think of the word love, My parents always come to my mind You guys are really great, You guys are one of a kind, So good to see you both in bliss, Always stay happy together this way, As I wish and pray, Sealed with a kiss, Happy wedding anniversary!” – Anonymous

31. Everything In Life Can Be Conquered With Love

“You have that in you Mom and dad you have set an example, That everything in life can be conquered with love The true emotions of being together Without any shove I salute both of you for your true dedication in love Stay blessed in love and forever Happy anniversary to both of you! Have a day filled with love!” – Anonymous

32. You Both Are Like The Pillars Of Strength

“You both stay blessed You both are like the pillars of strength, Of all the things so might, There may be many arguments, But that in spite, Your love has won over you And, that just makes the two of you So adorable together, Stay blessed! Wish you happy anniversary!” – Anonymous

33. The Love You Share Is Truly Rare

“On your special day On your special day mom and dad I would like to confess That both of you are truly the best The love and the care that you share Is indeed and truly rare, I am glad to have you both in my life A reason enough for me to survive Happy anniversary mom and dad! Stay blessed!” – Anonymous

34. A Love Like Yours Is Special

“A marriage like yours, Is special and rare, A life of happiness, You both share. The time you have together, A beloved precious life, No couple deserve it more, Mom and dad, husband and wife. With love on your anniversary.” – Anonymous

Seeing your parents complete fifty years together is a milestone to be celebrated with pomp. Here are some poems you can dedicate to them on their special day.

50th Anniversary Poems for Parents

35. nifty fifty.

Our family’s full of joy because You’re celebrating your fiftieth; And as your kids, we want to say As parents, you’re the “niftieth!”

On your golden anniversary, We hope you have lots of fun. We’re happy for you, and for us, because In the parent lottery, we won!

– Joanna Fuchs

36. A Golden Couple

Half a century ago, they say, A wonderful marriage began that day. Two beautiful people joined as one, And worked together to make living fun.

We celebrate now those fifty years; We raise our glass and give three cheers: To partners in life in both work and play, It’s our pleasure to share your golden day.

Happy 50th Anniversary!

Infographic: 3 Heart Touching Wedding Anniversary Poems For Parents

Every marriage is special and unique in its own way. But haven’t we all learned how to make a marriage work from our parents? Then why not thank them and make their wedding anniversary special with heartfelt poems? Here are 3 heart-touching wedding anniversary poems that will shine brighter than any other gift on their special day as life partners. Surprise your parents with these poems curated to suit every unique couple. Check out the infographic below.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Celebrating marriage by sending anniversary poems to your parents is a special way to let them know how you feel about them on their special day. It makes for a simple yet lovely gesture to express what they mean to you on their big day that marks their enduring love and commitment. Giving words to your feelings through these poems will not only make their day memorable but also strengthen your beautiful relationship even more. Pick a poem from the ones listed above to make your parents’ anniversary memorable with your sweet gesture through these inspirational anniversary poems!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I write a personalized anniversary poem for my parents?

While writing a personalized poem might seem like a tough task, you can always share a fond memory of yours about them, the beautiful moments that make you appreciate them as partners in life, or even the top reasons you cherish their bond so much.

How can I incorporate humor into an anniversary poem for my parents?

Mentioning a certain funny incident or sharing light-hearted memories can be an easy and fun way to incorporate humor in rhyming anniversary poems for the love that lasts.

How do I express gratitude and appreciation for my parents in an anniversary poem?

To express gratitude and appreciation, use words that convey your thankfulness and regards towards your parents. You can try saying, “Thank you for being the most incredible parents, I feel proud to be your child!”

How do I choose the tone and mood of an anniversary poem for parents?

Since it is a happy occasion of the beautiful years of wedlock of your parents, choose a happy and affirmative tone and mood for an anniversary poem for parents.

Should I include advice or words of wisdom in an anniversary poem for parents?

No, you should not include advice or words of wisdom. Instead, try expressing your love and showcase how your parents are an ideal couple and a great inspiration for you.

How do I convey the importance and significance of my parents’ relationship in an anniversary poem?

To convey the importance and significance of your parents’ relationship, personalize the poem and add memories about their special days spent together. Include lines about their beautiful wedding journey and pray for an even more joyous future.

Key Takeaways

  • Parents serve as inspiring examples of true love and commitment, offering valuable lessons for future relationships and this can be expressed beautifully through wedding anniversary poems.
  • These poems symbolize the long lasting love, companionship, and understanding between parents and their children, melting their hearts with love.
  • Wedding anniversary poems serve as a thoughtful gift that can make your parents feel loved and appreciated on their special day.

Image: Dall·E/StyleCraze Design Team

Want a heartfelt way to celebrate your parents’ anniversary and make them smile? Check out this beautiful poem to highlight their love and devotion for each other!

John Ryan De Oca Relationship Expert

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Quotes & Wishes

The sweetest happy anniversary wishes, quotes, and poems for parents.

  • BY Halla Edna
  • March 8, 2024

Anniversary wishes for parents are on the agenda, friends! 50 years is more than half a lifetime, this is considered an important milestone and is celebrated grandly by many people. With the full presence of children, grandchildren, family members, and close friends of the couple, it will create many beautiful memories and an unforgettable mark for each person.

The 50th wedding anniversary is also known as the Golden Wedding to symbolize the preciousness and steadfastness of family love and commitment throughout half a century.

Are you planning to cheer grand anniversary wishes for your parents? Don’t forget to include the lovely wishes below that 365Canvas has collected!

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Anniversary Wishes for Parents

Among all types of emotions, maternal love and paternal love are unique because they originate from before we are born. It is the only love, unchanging and eternal.

Celebrate their love by crafting a unique wish that resonates with your sentiments and your relationship with your parents. Your mind might not know how to write anniversary wishes for parents but let your heart take the lead and spill out your love and reverence for them on their silver jubilee.

Show your affection and gratitude to them on their anniversary wishes for parents – a long journey that your parents have gone through together. The emotions rising inside you can make it difficult for you to speak, let 365Canvas prepare meaningful anniversary wishes for your parents on your behalf!

  • “Happy anniversary to the two most wonderful people in my life! Your love is an inspiration, and your commitment to each other is truly admirable. May your journey together continue to be filled with joy, laughter, and countless cherished moments. Here’s to many more years of love and happiness!”
  • “Congratulations on reaching another milestone in your beautiful journey together! Your love has been a guiding light for our family, and I am grateful for the strong foundation you’ve built. May your anniversary be a celebration of the love that has grown stronger with each passing year. Wishing you both endless joy and many more anniversaries to come!”
  • “To the incredible couple who taught me the true meaning of love and commitment, happy anniversary! Your unwavering love and support for each other have been a source of strength for our family. May this special day be a reflection of the beautiful journey you’ve shared, and may the years ahead be filled with continued love, laughter, and countless cherished moments. Here’s to the loving bond that you both share, and to many more years of happiness together!”
  • “Wishing you a happy anniversary, a happy marriage, and many years of good health to enjoy it with!”
  • “Happy Anniversary to the parents that inspire me every day. Best wishes to you two for all the years to come.”
  • “May every year that passes bring you closer to one another. Stay happy and in love, guys. Happy anniversary!”
  • “I wish you more love, joy, and happiness in your life. You deserve all the good things in the world. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.”
  • “There are no two dearer parents than you, mom and dad. May your anniversary give you all the happiness and joy that you both deserve. Happy anniversary!” 
  • “You both inspire me every day to be the best version of myself that I can be and to always treat those I love with respect and kindness. Best wishes for the years ahead.”
  • “In this world of fake promises, you two are examples of true love and dedication. I wish someday I will have a happy married life for these many years. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Mom and Dad, you have a most special marriage, one that breathes Love and is spoken by the soul and felt by the heart. Best wishes as you celebrate another year of joy”
  • “I wish that your anniversary will bring you many more happy and loving memories. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. Happy anniversary, mom and dad!”
  • “Dear mom and dad, congratulations on another year of togetherness. You both are the synonym of love. Never be apart from each other. May God bless this beautiful union always!”
  • “My dear parents, you are showing us that “happily ever after” does come true. May your anniversary be filled with many precious moments as you celebrate a marriage filled with love”
  • “To the best mom and dad in the world, I wish you a very happy anniversary. I’m really very glad that you stayed strong in your love and overcame your obstacles together. I love you guys!”
  • “It’s so many years later and yet the two of you are still the perfect example of what a happy, blissful marriage looks like. Thank you for always being my shining example. Best wishes for your anniversary.”
  • “Dear mom and dad, your beautiful bond inspires me every day and makes me believe in the magical power of true love. As your daughter/son, I am blessed to have the two most perfect parents in the world. May your love increase tenfold for the many years to come. Happy Anniversary!”

>>> See more: Anniversary gift idea

Happy Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Since we were still drops of blood in the womb, our parents have given us respect, protection, and love more than anything else. And from that moment on, the father’s merit and mother’s kindness have existed. When we are born, our cries are also the ultimate happiness of our parents.

So, make your anniversary wishes for parents extremely happy again with happy wishes on their 50th wedding anniversary.

  • “On your anniversary, I celebrate the beautiful love story that you two share. Your commitment, understanding, and unwavering love have been the pillars of our family. Wishing you another year of joy, laughter, and endless love. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!”
  • “As you celebrate another year of togetherness, may your love continue to grow stronger and your bond deepen. Your journey together is a testament to the power of enduring love. Happy anniversary to the amazing couple who raised me with love and taught me the true meaning of commitment.”
  • “Happy anniversary to the couple who exemplifies the essence of a happy and lasting marriage. Your love has been a source of inspiration for us all. May this special day be filled with warmth, laughter, and the joy that comes from a lifetime of shared moments. Cheers to many more years of happiness, Mom and Dad!”
  • “Thanks, Mom and Dad, for setting an extraordinary example of lifelong love.”
  • “Marriage is the golden ring in a chain whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is Eternity.” – Kahlil Gibran
  • “You’re the parents all kids hope to have. Don’t know how I got so lucky, but thank you for being an amazing couple, awesome parents, and two of the best people I know.”
  • “Most people find it hard to believe in “forever”, but seeing the never ending love between both of you makes me believe in “forever”. Happy anniversary mom and dad!”
  • “Despite all the years, the trying times that you have both been through, yet your marriage remained strong and steadfast. When I get married someday, I hope I would have a bond stronger and steady with my partner as both of you did. I love you, mom and dad. Happy anniversary!”
  • “I remember how young, beautiful and happy you were when I was a little kid. And you know, dear parents, nothing has changed since then. You’re just the same: loving and being loved – that’s what important. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!”
  • “It seems like I was born under a lucky star because I have such great parents. You’ve overcome many life difficulties together and despite it your love and respect for each became only stronger. It’s a real wonder and I’m happy to witness it. Congratulations on the anniversary!”
  • “Today is a very special day for people I love more than life – it’s your wedding anniversary, my beloved parents! You’ve already spent a lot of wonderful years together and now I want to wish you to spend even more years enjoying each other and bringing joy to everyone around! Congratulate Parents!

>>> See more: Best anniversary gift

50th Wedding Anniversary Quotes for Parents

When they were children, everyone wanted them to do well and study well to make their parents happy and make them proud. In any situation, parents are usually the people you want to share with. Over time, your parents will age. The image of your parents is filled with worry, fearing that one day they will leave you forever.

So, let’s cherish the present moments together and send these anniversary wishes for parents that show your respect and love for them!

  • “Congratulations on reaching this remarkable milestone, Mom and Dad! Fifty years of love, laughter, and shared memories is an incredible achievement. Your enduring commitment to each other is an inspiration to us all. May your golden anniversary be filled with joy and may the coming years continue to bless you with happiness and togetherness.”
  • “Happy 50th anniversary to the couple who defines the meaning of everlasting love. Your journey together has been a tapestry of beautiful moments woven with threads of commitment and understanding. As you celebrate this incredible milestone, may your hearts continue to beat as one, and may the golden years ahead be filled with even more love and happiness.”
  • “Fifty years of love, devotion, and shared dreams—what a magnificent journey you both have had! Happy golden anniversary, dear parents. Your enduring commitment to each other is a shining example of true love. May this special day be a reflection of the joy you’ve brought into each other’s lives, and may the next fifty years be filled with continued bliss and cherished moments.”
  • “True love doesn’t come to you, it has to be inside you.” -Julia Roberts
  • “It takes 50 years to turn marriage into gold! Happy wedding anniversary!”
  • “Fifty golden years together filled with sharing, love and trust. Congratulations!”
  • “To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.” -T. Tolis
  • “Today your marriage has completed half-century, with all the love and sanctity! Happy wedding anniversary!”
  • “We wonder how you came about a love so worthy and thoughtful with whom to live the rest of your life. Congrats.”
  • “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” -Lao-Tzu
  • “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller
  • “You don’t love someone for their looks, their clothes or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” -Oscar Wilde
  • “May every moment spent together bring a smile to your faces and strength for more 50 years together. Happy Golden Anniversary!”
  • “50 years and still going strong is a great achievement. Keep loving each other like day one. Many more to come. Happy 50th Anniversary.”
  • “Happy golden anniversary to the #1 couple in the world. I am looking forward to celebrating the next fifty years of marriage with you. Happy anniversary!”
  • “That magical number 50 Is special as it shows the love and commitment. it shines Golden for both of you. We wish you a Happy Golden Anniversary!”
  • “There’s no substitute for a great love who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.” -Tom Hanks
  • “The heart wants what it wants. There’s no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that’s that.” -Woody Allen
  • “True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.” -Ricardo Montalban

>>> See more: Anniversary gift for couple

Funny Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Parents’ contributions to giving birth and nurturing their children are a priceless and immeasurable treasure. Therefore, when children become adults, they need to always remember and appreciate that sacrifice, and at the same time, repay and take care of their parents fully.

To show that, you can organize a 50th wedding anniversary for your parents. However, don’t forget to attach witty wishes below to fill your family with laughter.

  • “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! Fifty years of putting up with each other deserves a standing ovation. You’re the real MVPs of marriage. Cheers to many more years of tolerating each other’s quirks and making us laugh with your love!”
  • “Congratulations on another year of love, laughter, and putting up with each other’s nonsense! You two are proof that marriage is not for the faint of heart but for the strong-willed and the sense-of-humor-equipped. Here’s to surviving each other for all these years!”
  • “Happy anniversary to the dynamic duo! Fifty years of wedded bliss—or maybe it’s just 25 years of wedded bliss and 25 years of ‘agreeing to disagree.’ Either way, you’ve mastered the art of compromise, or at least pretending to. Keep up the good work, and here’s to more years of hilarious disagreements and love!”
  • “Love is being stupid together.”
  • “You still behave like newlyweds, happy anniversary!”
  • “Never laugh at your wife’s choices, you are one of them.”
  • “Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life.”
  • “A love like yours is hard to find, but fortunately, I know your address.”
  • “I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without you two, literally! Happy anniversary.” 
  • “Dad, winning Mom’s heart was actually your lucky victory. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Being married is like having a best friend who doesn’t remember anything you say.”
  • “I love you both, even when you guys get wrinkly and old. Enjoy your special day, mom and dad.”
  • “Today’s your anniversary! You are just an odd couple, but you make a perfect pair. Happy special day!”
  • “Happy anniversary mom and dad. It’s time you two go on a vacation and make peace with each other.”
  • “You’ve been together so long you be granted an honorary P.H.D in EACH OTHER. Happy anniversary.”
  • “I have been foolish, I have been crazy. But this is all because I have parents like you. Happy anniversary, guys!”
  • “Congratulations to the funniest and friendliest mom and dad in this world on their happy anniversary. I love you both!”
  • “Happy anniversary to my dear parents. Keep annoying each other for eternity. You are the funniest parents in this world.”
  • “Two love birds, your three children, and a mortgage – that makes us all a special family. Happy anniversary to our beloved parents.”
  • “The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. But, whatever you two are doing is working. Stay happy and happy anniversary.”
  • “I’m tired of choosing sides between you two. Please, stop annoying each other and make a peace agreement on this extraordinary day!”
  • “Watching you two is like watching a romantic comedy on screen. I’m proud of you, dear parents. Congratulations on your anniversary!”
  • “Your love story is nothing less than a Tom and Jerry cartoon. We enjoy seeing you love and fight with each other. Happy anniversary, mom and dad!”
  • “If the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I’m expecting to marry the girl of my dreams and being married X number of years. Thanks, Mom and Pops.”
  • “Every year, we celebrate this day of your union. But I still wonder why you both married each other in spite of being so opposite. Happy anniversary!”
  • “It’s really sad that today you can’t celebrate a special anniversary. Well, because you have a special lovey-dovey every day. Happy anniversary to my beloved parents!”
  • “I deserve a trophy because I know it’s your anniversary. Are you thinking to give a reward? Why not go outside our dear ward? Happy wedding anniversary!”

>>> See more: Couple anniversary gift

Anniversary Poem for Parents

Besides expressing love with sweet anniversary wishes for parents are a more perfect choice than ever. Most of the time, poetry will be lighter and more emotional, easier to reach people’s hearts, especially older parents. Send your anniversary wishes for parents these beautiful poems on their 50th wedding anniversary!

>>Related: 25th Anniversary Quotes and Wishes

  • “Fifty years of love, hand in hand, Mom and Dad, a love so grand. Through ups and downs, you’ve stood strong, A testament to where true love belongs. Happy anniversary, a golden embrace, Your love story, time can’t erase. May the years ahead, sweet and true, Bring endless joy, just like you two.”
  • “In the book of love, a chapter so divine, Mom and Dad, your story truly shines. Fifty years of shared dreams and delight, A love so strong, a guiding light. Through the seasons of life, you’ve danced, In each other’s arms, a love enhanced. Anniversary wishes, heartfelt and true, To the couple whose love is forever anew. May the years ahead be just as sweet, With love that makes each moment complete. Happy anniversary, a golden embrace, To the parents who’ve painted love’s grace.”
  • “In the garden of time, your love has bloomed, Fifty years of memories, beautifully groomed. Through life’s journey, hand in hand, Together you’ve walked, a love so grand. The pages of your story, etched in gold, A love story that will never grow old. Anniversary cheers to you, dear parents, For the love that’s been our truest inheritance. May the years ahead be filled with delight, With love that continues to take flight. Happy anniversary, a celebration so grand, To the couple who’ve built love on solid sand.”
  • “Love undertaken with but a shy glance Blossomed into the sweetest romance On this blessed anniversary May you continue the dance”
  • “Love abides in a groom and bride. Marriage is life, a husband and wife. A nuptial journal reads love eternal Above or nether, you hold Love together May your anniversary bless you, Mom and Dad”
  • “Warm as summer and fresh as spring Oh! the songs of love your hearts sing I pray for more love for the pair of you May your dreams and wishes come true Happy Wedding Anniversary mom and dad!”
  • “How many times have you sat down to the table Shared joy and sorrow, laughter, and tears? How many times have you held one another close Gained love and support as you conquered the years? May there be many more wonderful years, Mom and Dad.”
  • What is traditional for a 50th wedding anniversary?

As the Golden Wedding, gifts during this holiday are often related to gold. You can choose gold jewelry gifts to give to your loved ones. In addition, you can order a pair of gold rings engraved with the name of the 50th anniversary of wedding as a gift for your parents to remember this special day!

  • Why do we wear gold for 50th anniversary?

The 50th wedding anniversary is known as the Golden Wedding, so people often wear yellow outfits or gold jewelry to show appreciation for their current married life. Not only that, it also gives each other optimism for the 51st year and beyond.

  • What is the theme for 50th anniversary?

50 years of wedding represents a beautiful and lasting love for half a century. It represents the perseverance, loyalty, love and unwavering solidarity between two people over the past 50 years. It is an important milestone in married life, showing that love can last and develop for a long time. 

Because it’s called the Golden Wedding, decoration ideas for the 50th anniversary tend to tend to be decorated with gold or similar colored items. You can combine it with gray to make the layout look more stylish and eye-catching

Final Words

The golden wedding is also an opportunity for couples to reassess the process they have gone through and review the successes, difficulties and happiness they have shared with each other over the past 50 years. It is also an opportunity for children and relatives to congratulate and thank the two of them for creating a happy and stable family.

Say “I love you, Mom and Dad” every day, so that your children’s love becomes the most beautiful expression of human affection. Don’t forget to convey your gratitude and respect with the anniversary wishes for parents that 365Canvas has supported you in the article above!

Anniversary Wishes: What To Write In An Anniversary Card

February 20, 2024, 14 heartfelt anniversary poems for him and her, february 16, 2024, 50 romantic and funny anniversary quotes for her, march 18, 2024, anniversary quotes for him: 101 happy anniversary quotes for husband and boyfriend (2024), february 27, 2024, sign up for the 365canvas newsletter..

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Giving an anniversary or wedding speech? Do this to make it memorable

If you’re the one chosen to deliver an unforgettable anniversary or wedding speech in front of family and friends, don’t let the special occasion rattle you. instead, follow this simple advice..

Last weekend I had the honor of delivering a speech and offering a toast during a small family gathering to celebrate my parents’ 60 th wedding anniversary.

My No. 1 goal?

To make the speech and the toast memorable.

You may be facing the same challenge if you’ve been asked to write and deliver a personalized anniversary or wedding speech – either at an intimate gathering among family or at a reception with several hundred guests in attendance.

Creating just the right anniversary or wedding speech can seem intimidating at first.

You begin to visualize the event and realize that all eyes will be on you the moment you stand up to speak.

The stakes are high: The happy couple and every guest in the room will expect to hear a speech that’s entertaining, uplifting and memorable.

How can you make it so?

To write and deliver an anniversary or wedding speech that everyone remembers, start by deciding on a single message.

One point that you want everyone to take with them long after the evening is over.

Here’s the speech I delivered last weekend, crafted around a single message.

Good evening, everyone.

I’d like to take a minute to personally thank each and every one of you for being here tonight to celebrate Mom and Dad’s 60th wedding anniversary.

In a few moments, we’re going to enjoy a champagne toast and some anniversary cake.

Before we do, I’d like to share a reflection with all of you.

speech on mom dad anniversary

For a couple’s first anniversary, the traditional theme is paper.

Think of it as a blank slate for a young couple to write their own story.

A gentle reminder that a yearlong marriage has not yet stood the test of time.

Year five is traditionally celebrated with a gift made out of wood.

So Dad – quick – think back:

On June 25, 1965, did you make something for Mom out of walnut wood, I wonder?

As the years go on, the themes for wedding anniversary gifts get a little more interesting, and the traditional gifts a bit more valuable:

  • There’s tin or aluminum to mark year 10 …
  • Crystal for year 15 …
  • And china for year 20.

The 25th is remembered with silver.

And the 50th with precious gold.

But the diamond – the diamond! – is reserved exclusively for couples that have made their love last for 60 years.

Like Mom and Dad.

In case you didn’t know, that’s

  • 720 months …
  • 3,120 weeks …
  • 21,900 days …

More than half a million hours of togetherness.

A rare feat.

speech on mom dad anniversary

If there was a geologist among us tonight, he or she might regale us with stories about the physical properties of a diamond.

Diamonds are amazing.

Because of their bright luster, they twinkle and sparkle.

They disperse white light into reds, greens and blues.

They are chemically resistant – and a perfect conductor of heat.

They are the ultimate mineral – the hardest substance in nature! – for one simple reason.

Their bonds are strong.

Really, really strong.

I’m no geologist, but I know this:

That diamonds are made of carbon.

Each carbon atom in a diamond is surrounded by – and powerfully connected to – four other carbon atoms.

There’s nothing else in nature like it!

These carbon-atom connections are the strongest type of chemical bonds.

Each tightly bound arrangement repeats itself in three dimensions, over and over again, like billions of spools connected to billions of rods in a Tinkertoy set – only much, much tinier.

This molecular structure makes diamonds hard – durable! everlasting! – because their bonds are strong.

And that’s exactly what we’re celebrating tonight with Mom and Dad on their diamond wedding anniversary.

Strong bonds.

The strongest bonds take YEARS to develop.

In the case of a diamond?

It takes millions of years!

In the case of Mom and Dad?

Their bonds began to form when Dad saw Mom for the first time around 1945, when they were about 13 years old in Indiana.

Dad remembers it.

Because HIS dad had something that MOM’s dad really needed:

A new part for their broken washing machine.

It was a part that couldn’t be found anywhere else since World War II was still going on, and many things you needed were hard to come by.

speech on mom dad anniversary

Years later, when Mom was a high school senior, she ran into Dad at her high school prom.

She thought Dad was a good-looking guy!

But there was just one problem:

He was dating Mom’s best friend Betty.

In 1952 when Dad went into the Army, Betty was still in the picture off and on.

But it wasn’t serious.

So when a country boy got sweet on Betty, and told Jerry he ought to move along, Dad saw opportunity!

And took it as a sign.

He made a new decision.

From his barracks in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Dad started writing letters to Mom back in Oldenburg.

He wanted to take a chance on Eileen: a nice girl who was nice looking. Quiet. Not loud-mouthed or wild.

Mom wrote back.

By then, she was working as a medical secretary for Dr. Daly’s office right next door to the red brick house she grew up in.

Whenever Dad came home on leave, they saw each other here and there.

She thought Jerry was pretty neat!

Cool. Polite. Respectful.

And still VERY good looking.

speech on mom dad anniversary

But by then?

Dad had gotten just a little “too cool.”

At least by Mom’s standards.

They tried to keep dating.

But it was Mom who broke it off.

In 1955, Dad left for Purdue University to study civil engineering, and Mom went about her business at the doctor’s office, going on blind dates every once in a while.

They didn’t correspond.

And they didn’t see each other anymore.

speech on mom dad anniversary

He stopped in for a minute.

Just to say hi.

Mom was stunned.

Her first thought?

Dad was MORE handsome.

MORE dignified.

But more importantly?

He’d grown up.

Mom could tell.

This is it! she thought.

So they started dating again.

Only a few months later – in December of 1959 – after a romantic evening of dancing at the Coonhunters Lodge in Batesville, Indiana, Dad pulled off on the side of the road and presented Mom with a diamond ring.

There weren’t any words.

And she knew.

speech on mom dad anniversary

I always cared for her.

If I was going out with another girl, I was always comparing that girl to Eileen.

She never got out of my mind.

The wedding was six months later, on a gorgeous summer Saturday, June 25, 1960.

At 9 o’clock in the morning at Holy Family Catholic Church in Oldenburg, Jerry and Eileen made their sacred promises to each other.

Their guests – mostly family – were treated to a sit-down dinner at Hillcrest Country Club in Batesville.

And on Monday morning, Mom and Dad took off for a weeklong honeymoon in Escanaba and Mackinaw Island, Michigan.

Everyone here tonight knows the rest of the story.

For all of us are part of it.

And – as the story goes – they lived happily ever after.

Which brings us to today.

To tonight.

And to our toast.

To Mom and Dad … Grandma and Grandpa … Jerry and Eileen:

Love that is true never grows old.

Wishing you God’s abundant blessings, continued good health and profound happiness on your diamond anniversary.

Cheers to 60 years!

If you have the honor of delivering an anniversary or wedding speech this year, you may spend a lot of time early on fretting about what you want to say.

But there’s no need to fret if you follow this simple advice:

Decide on a single message – and craft your entire speech around that message.

If you have a story that has nothing to do with your message, it doesn’t belong in your anniversary or wedding speech. By sticking with one theme – one point – you will find it much easier to decide what to leave in and what to cut out.

In my experience, once you land on that all-important single message, everything else will fall into place.

You will definitely feel less overwhelmed and much more inspired.

And before you know it?

Your speech will begin to write itself.

(Don’t believe me? Just try it!)

You may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

If you need help finding just the right words for an upcoming wedding or anniversary speech, work with an award-winning speechwriter and speech coach .

Contact teresa zumwald today .

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Established in 1989, Zumwald & Company, LLC is a certified Women’s Business Enterprise providing speechwriting, speech coaching, executive communications, and speaking and training.

Our mission

To innovate one-on-one with brilliant leaders eager to tell stories that not only communicate − but resonate.

Every resonating story told by every brilliant leader inspires an action to lead a change.

We help leaders innovate so they resonate when they communicate. TM


TERESA ZUMWALD CEO, Speechwriter, Executive Speech Coach & Storyteller


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100 Unique Happy Anniversary Wishes For Mom and Dad

Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad : A parent’s love is whole, no matter how many times it is divided. So when it is their special day of the year, make sure to make it more beautiful and heartwarming for them with your loving wishes. Celebrate their love by crafting a unique wish that resonates with your sentiments and your relationship with your parents. Your mind might not know how to write anniversary wishes but let your heart take the lead and spill out your love and reverence for them on their silver jubilee.

A wedding anniversary is always a happy occasion and if it is your parent’s wedding anniversary then you should have lots of happiness to share with them. After all, it is one of the days when you have an opportunity to show your respect, gratitude, and deep love feelings, which you carry in your heart for your parents. You may take help from these happy anniversary wishes for parents that are too appropriate to convey your parents’ good wishes on their happy moment of the wedding anniversary. Let’s take a look through these amazing anniversary wishes for parents and choose the best one to share with your Mom and Dad.

Happy Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad

  • 1 Happy Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad
  • 2 Happy Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad
  • 3 Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad from Son
  • 4 Anniversary Wishes For Mom and Dad From Daughter
  • 5 25th Anniversary Wishes For Mom and Dad
  • 6 Silver Jubilee Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad
  • 7.1 Related Links:
There are no two dearer parents than you, mom and dad. May your anniversary give you all the happiness and joy that you both deserve. Happy anniversary!
I pray to God for the light of love to never stop glowing! My warm wishes to both of you.
I hope this wonderful marriage between you two lasts for another thousand years. You two have always been the greatest parents in the world. Happy Anniversary!
You two make me realize true love does happen! Whatever I am today is only because of both of you. It’s my honor that I’m your son! Happy anniversary.
I hope the love story between the two of you never ends! Congratulation on your anniversary! Take love from your daughter.
Congratulations on passing one more year in loving each other and creating memories together. Many more to come for sure. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!
I feel so lucky to have you as my parents. Wishing you a happy anniversary!
You are definitely the cutest couple ever. You two have made my life beautiful with your love. May God bless both of you in the coming years. Happy anniversary!
Love kept you together for all these years and made my childhood awesome. Thank you for being the perfect parents. Happy anniversary!
I wish that your anniversary will bring you many more happy and loving memories. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. Happy anniversary, mom and dad!
Your anniversary is also a day of thanksgiving because of the year that has passed and the challenges that have been overcome. Thank you for loving each other and giving us a happy family. Happy anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad

Today is the wedding anniversary of two most beautiful couple I’ve ever seen. Congratulations mom and dad! Every parent should be like you. I’ll always remember your sacrifices for us. May this day be repeated many times in your life!
Thank you for marrying each other because if you didn’t marry each other, we would never have such a beautiful mom and a responsible dad. Happy Anniversary!
Congratulation on another year of love and happiness. Wishing many more years and milestones of happiness to come! Happy anniversary mom and dad from your son.
Nobody cared for us like Mom and nobody protected us like Dad. On this day, we wish both of you a very happy and romantic anniversary!
When we look at you two, we see the flair of happiness in your eyes. You are the most perfect and the happiest couple in the world. Happy anniversary!
You have proved to the entire world that true love does exist and nothing can damage or destroy it if two people are committed to each other. Happy anniversary!
Year after year, the love you share only grows stronger and sturdier, nurturing and keeping the family closer. Happy anniversary, mom and dad.
Thanks to both of you for making me feel like I’m the princess of the house. You never failed to put a smile on my face on my bad days. Wishing you the happiest anniversary!
A special wish for a special couple. Mom and Dad, you are my star. I miss you on your Anniversary even if I am too far. Celebrate yourself and your love today.
Your anniversary day is our Thanksgiving Day – to thank you for getting married, giving us birth and being the amazing parents that you are. Happy anniversary.
We, your children, are the reason why you have a happy family. But you, our parents, are the reason why we have a happy life. Happy anniversary to you both.
Dear mom and dad, congratulations on another year of togetherness. You both are the synonym of love. Never be apart from each other. May God bless this beautiful union always!

Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad from Son

Dear Mom and Dad, you are guys are cute, and we are proud to have you as our parents. Anniversary, may the love keeps on growing between two of you.
In the era of divorce and doubt, your love and commitment can be a true example for many people. I feel lucky to be your son. Wishing you love and happiness on your special day!
Congratulation on your wedding anniversary, my lovely mom and dad. Thanks for supporting me on my bad days. Pray for me so that your son makes both of you proud one day.
Happy wedding anniversary to the most wonderful parents in the world! I love you both.
I wish to have a good marriage and a wonderful son like yours one day. Happy anniversary, mom and dad! Stop scolding me in public; I’m a big boy now!
Mom and dad, today I’m proud because I belong to such a romantic and lovable parent in the world. Wishing you a happy and enjoyable anniversary!
Happy anniversary to my darling Mom and Dad, you guys are amazing. A perfect partner and an inspiring parent. We all love you a lot.
True love never fades away. Thank you for showing me the true nature of love. Someday, I wish to have a happy married life like you. Happy anniversary!
Parents who love each other are blessings for their kids. I am thankful because I grew up in a home that was full of love and happiness. Happy marriage anniversary!
The love you two share has not only provided me with a peaceful home but also with a joyful life. Happy anniversary. You are the best couple in the world.
For me, you two are the angels from heaven. Only angels could love each other so truly and make a home for their kids that feels like heaven.
Congratulations, mom and dad for sticking with each other all these years like super glue. Please, share with me the secret formula that I could apply to mine! Have the best anniversary!
There are so many good things to learn from you two. I feel proud of you. People should look up to you and see what true love is like!
A home is where you parents are whether we are at hotel together celebrating your anniversary or home, the point is to be together. Happy anniversary homies!

Anniversary Wishes For Mom and Dad From Daughter

You two are the strength, inspiration, and guide to every step of my life. You two are the true example of love to me. Happy anniversary, mom and dad!
On the bad days, you both became the strength of each other. I’m a responsible girl today because you two taught me the values of life. Cheers to another year of your togetherness!
You both should consider me as a blessing as I’m the cutest token of your love! Happy anniversary to the coolest parents in the world. May the days ahead be as amazing as ever!
I pray to God that he blesses you with the kind of love that only draws you closer to each other by every year. Happy anniversary from your daughter!
I know it’s a very special day for both of you. But since I’m your daughter, the day is just as much special to me as you. So. I wish both of you a heartfelt happy anniversary!
You two are the source of my happiness. Thank you for being the reason for my smile. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!
You have spent so many years in loving each other and caring for each other, yet you have not grown tired of each other. For me, this is true love. Happy Anniversary!
I am indeed blessed to have such loving parents. The love that both of you share only burns even brighter with each passing year. Happy anniversary to the coolest parents ever.
Your anniversary has made me realize that a movie is not the only place where a lover gets married, have kids, make a loving family and live a perfect life. Happy anniversary.

25th Anniversary Wishes For Mom and Dad

Congratulations on your 25th anniversary dad and mom! You are a perfect example of a perfect love, and I’m really grateful for looking at this example for all my life. Now I know what is right and what is wrong. Wishing you all the best.
Most people find it hard to believe in “forever”, but seeing the never ending love between both of you makes me believe in “forever”. Happy 25th anniversary mom and dad!
It’s always difficult to hold on to each other especially in times of difficulty. You have come this far because of the love and trust you have for each other. Wishing you a wonderful 25th anniversary super parents.
I know you fight, but never in front of me. I know you argue, but not in a way that your kids can see. I know you have your differences, but you keep them private. I know you have problems, but you don’t let them affect your fate. To my parents whose commitment and love is so true, I wish a happy 25th anniversary to both of you.
Couples like you need to be paraded down the streets so everyone can see what true love really looks like. Congratulations sweet parents on your Silver Jubilee.
Congratulations on the silver jubilee of your wedding! Always stay happy and blessed!
Dear mom and dad, thanks for all the patience and sacrifice in keeping the family together. Happy 25th anniversary!
Happy 25th anniversary! You guys are still a wonderful couple even after all these years. Wishing you be happy as like as you do these years!
So many things your 25 years of marriage has thought, Specially how difficult situations are fought! Happy wedding anniversary!
Most kids find it hard to figure out what they truly want their future to look like. For me, I have known what I want my future to look like – just like your present. Happy 25th anniversary, my lovely parent!
25 years you have lived together like a fairy tale, I wish your relationship has a long way to sail! Happy Anniversary!
Most people find it hard to believe in “forever”, but seeing the never-ending love between both of you makes me believe in “forever”. Happy 25th-anniversary mom and dad!
LOVE is meant to be FOREVER. But in real life, it takes many a sacrifice and unlimited patience to make it happen. Congratulations dad and mum on your 25th anniversary.
Whenever this day comes, we cannot help but reminisce and feel grateful for all that you have survived as husband and wife. I know that it has not been easy over the years, but it’s also a testament that true love survives. Happy 25th anniversary to you, mom and dad!

Silver Jubilee Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad

Everyone is jealous of me because I have you as my parents! The way you interact and connect with each other is amazing. Somehow you manage to find each other interesting after all these years. I hope someday I’ll feel something like this too. I wish you the best as you celebrate your 25th anniversary!
You fought over lots of things which you never showed in front of us. You have had differences that tried to tear you apart, but instead of giving it all up, you stood your ground, make it work and compromised with each other. To my ever amazing mom and dad whose commitment is unfaltering like the mountain, I say a happy 25th anniversary!
I wish that your anniversary will bring you many more happy and loving memories. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world. Happy 25th anniversary, mom and dad!
To the best mom and dad in the world, I wish you a very happy silver jubilee. I’m really very glad that you stayed strong in your love and overcame your obstacles together. I love you guys!
I wish you both joy, success, and the best of luck on our silver anniversary. You’re my role model and i’m glad to be called your son. Happy 25th wedding anniversary dad and mom!
Happy 25th wedding anniversary to you mum and dad, since the time we were small the love between you was eminent. Today it is a happy day for all of us. May God continue to bless your times together
25 years and your bonding is still the same as before! Together, you faced many ups and downs and today is the golden 25 years of that togetherness! Happy 25th anniversary, my dear parents.
I wish your 25th anniversary brings more joy, happiness, and love in your life. I want to see this never-ending love story go on forever. Happy 25th anniversary to both of you!
Happy 25th Anniversary to the parents that inspire me every day. Best wishes to you two for all the years to come.

Golden Anniversary Quotes for Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad, you both are an inspiration to us all. You have taught us that love must be taken care of with respect, care and forgiveness. This is to we love you. Happy 50th Anniversary!
Dear parents, i’m extremely proud of you two. You’ve made me believe that marriage is something that will work if two people really love each other. It’s amazing. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary, I love you very much.
Your anniversary is also a day of thanksgiving because of the year that has passed and the challenges that have been overcome. Thank you for loving each other and giving us a happy family. Happy 50th anniversary!
Happy golden anniversary to the best parents in the world. I am looking forward to celebrating your next fifty years of marriage with you. Happy 50th anniversary!
All that I am is because of the two of you. On your very special day, I want to let you know that you mean the world to me. Happy 50th anniversary, mom and dad!
Happy golden wedding anniversary, when the world shouts that marriage cannot work, I look at you two and then I remember that it can work as long as you make the right choices and be true to your commitments. Congratulations on your golden jubilee dear parents.
Dear Mom and Dad, you are the founder of the most beautiful family. I always want to thank you for giving me such a wonderful home and everything which I desired. Happy 50th anniversary to you.
I’m truly honored to have parents whose love survived everything. Nothing can stand in your way. I admire your marriage and wish you to always remember why you said “I do” many years ago. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary!
Despite all the years, the trying times that you have both been through, yet your marriage remained strong and steadfast. When I get married someday, I hope I would have a bond stronger and steady with my partner as both of you did. I love you, mom and dad. Happy silver jubilee anniversary!
You are the parents that all kids hope to have, you are the couple that all lovers hope to be and you both are the pillars of support that every family wishes it had. Happy 50th anniversary to the best parents ever.
Even a bespoke vintage wine can’t match the beautiful texture and sweet flavor of your twenty five years long marriage. Congratulations dad and mom on your 50th wedding anniversary.

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70+ Anniversary Wishes For Parents(Mom-Dad) From Daughter

Parents are the pillars of a family, and their anniversary is an occasion to celebrate their love and commitment to each other. As a daughter, it is a time to reflect on the beautiful memories they have created together and show gratitude for their unwavering support and love.

Anniversary wishes for parents from a daughter are a heartfelt way to express love and appreciation for the sacrifices and dedication they have put into their marriage. Whether it’s a milestone anniversary or just another year of love and togetherness, expressing love and gratitude through anniversary wishes is a beautiful way to honor the bond between parents and daughter.

In this blog, we will share some sweet, emotional, and funny anniversary wishes for parents from daughter to help you celebrate this special occasion with your beloved parents.

  • 1 Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter
  • 2 Parents’ Anniversary Quotes from Daughter
  • 3 Emotional Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter
  • 4 Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad from Daughter
  • 5 Funny Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter
  • 6 Anniversary wishes for parents from daughter in law
  • 7 FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

Anniversary wishes for parents from daughter are messages, greetings, or quotes that express love, appreciation, and gratitude towards a daughter’s parents on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. These wishes serve as a way to honor the bond between parents and daughter and celebrate the enduring love and commitment of the couple.

Whether it’s a milestone anniversary or just another year of togetherness, these wishes are a heartfelt way to mark the occasion and show love and appreciation for the sacrifices and dedication of the parents. These wishes can be sweet, emotional, or funny and are a meaningful way to express love and gratitude towards parents.

  • Happy anniversary to the best parents in the world!
  • Cheers to a love that has stood the test of time!
  • May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing year!
  • Happy anniversary to the perfect match and the ultimate parenting team!
  • You are the epitome of true love and commitment!
  • Your love story continues to inspire me every day!
  • Congratulations on reaching another milestone in your beautiful journey!
  • Happy anniversary to my favorite couple in the world!
  • Your love is a true testament to the power of partnership and teamwork!
  • Thank you for showing me what it means to love and be loved unconditionally!

Parents’ Anniversary Quotes from Daughter

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

Anniversary wishes for parents from daughter are messages expressing love, appreciation, and gratitude towards parents on their wedding anniversary. These wishes honor the bond between parents and daughter and celebrate the enduring love and commitment of the couple.

  • “Happy anniversary to my loving and devoted parents!”
  • “Thank you for being the perfect example of what love truly is.”
  • “Wishing you both a lifetime of love, happiness, and togetherness!”
  • “Congratulations on another year of marriage and a love that grows stronger with time.”
  • “Your love and commitment to each other is an inspiration to all of us.”
  • “May your love story continue to inspire us all for many years to come.”
  • “You have built a beautiful life and family together, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.”
  • “You are the best parents anyone could ask for, and your love for each other is one of the reasons why.”
  • “May your love for each other continue to shine as bright as ever.”
  • “Your love and support for each other is the foundation of our family, and I am so grateful for it.”

Emotional Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

Emotional anniversary wishes for parents from daughter are heartfelt messages expressing deep love, appreciation, and gratitude towards parents on their special day. These wishes are a meaningful way to honor the bond between parents and daughter and celebrate their enduring love and togetherness.

  • Mom and Dad, your love for each other is a true testament to what a successful marriage should be. Thank you for showing me the importance of commitment, patience, and unconditional love. Happy anniversary!”
  • “As I grow older, I realize how much your love and support has helped shape the person I am today. On this special day, I want to thank you for being the best parents and the strongest couple I know. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Your love has been a constant source of comfort and strength for me. I am so grateful to have parents who love each other unconditionally and who have taught me the value of true love. Happy anniversary!”
  • “It’s not every day that you come across a love like yours. Your unwavering commitment to each other has been an inspiration to me and has taught me what true love really means. Happy anniversary to the most loving parents in the world.”
  • “Mom and Dad, your love has been the foundation of our family, and I cannot imagine where I would be without it. Your marriage is a beautiful example of what true love looks like, and I am so grateful to be a part of it. Happy anniversary and many more to come!”

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad from Daughter

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

  • “Wishing you both a happy anniversary and many more years of love and togetherness. You are the best parents in the world, and I am so lucky to have you.”
  • “Happy anniversary to the two most wonderful people I know. Your love has always been a source of comfort and inspiration to me, and I hope your special day is filled with joy and laughter.”
  • “Congratulations on another year of love, happiness, and commitment. Your marriage is a true inspiration to me, and I am so proud to be your daughter.”
  • “You two have been through thick and thin, and your love has never wavered. You are a true example of what a successful marriage should be, and I am so grateful to have you as my parents. Happy anniversary!”
  • “May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Your marriage has been an inspiration to me, and I am so blessed to have parents who love each other as much as you do. Happy anniversary!”
  • “Congratulations on another year of making beautiful memories together. You are the perfect example of what a loving and supportive marriage looks like. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!”
  • “Your marriage is proof that true love exists. Your commitment to each other and our family is unparalleled, and I am so grateful to have you both in my life. Happy anniversary and many more to come!”
  • “Happy anniversary to the two people who have always been there for me through thick and thin. Your love has been a constant source of strength and inspiration, and I hope your special day is as beautiful as your love.”
  • “Your marriage has been a beautiful journey filled with love, laughter, and joy. You are the perfect team, and I am so proud to be your daughter. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!”
  • “Your love for each other is a beautiful example of what true love looks like. You have built a beautiful life and family together, and I am so grateful to have parents like you. Happy anniversary and many more to come!”

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Funny Anniversary Wishes for Parents from Daughter

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

  • “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! I’m still amazed you managed to put up with each other for this long.”
  • “Congratulations on another year of marriage, Mom and Dad! I hope your love for each other continues to grow stronger than your love for coffee.”
  • “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! Here’s to another year of pretending to be interested in each other’s hobbies.”
  • “Cheers to the two people who have managed to tolerate each other’s quirks for all these years! Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!”
  • “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! I’m still trying to figure out how you managed to find each other in the pre-internet era.”
  • “Wishing my favorite couple a happy anniversary! Here’s to another year of bickering, nagging, and pretending to be mad at each other.”
  • “Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! I’m so glad you found each other before swiping right became a thing.”
  • “Congratulations on another year of marriage, Mom and Dad! You two are like wine and cheese, only you get better with age and smellier.”
  • “Happy anniversary to the two people who have successfully raised a child who is just as weird as they are.”
  • “Mom and Dad, you are the true definition of #RelationshipGoals – weird, quirky, and utterly in love. Happy anniversary!”

Anniversary wishes for parents from daughter in law

Anniversary Wishes For Parents From Daughter

  • “Wishing the best in-laws in the world a very happy anniversary. Your love and commitment to each other have been an inspiration to me.”
  • “Congratulations on another year of love and togetherness. Your marriage is a beautiful example of what true love looks like, and I am grateful to be a part of your family.”
  • “Happy anniversary to the two people who make marriage look easy. Your love and respect for each other is a testament to what a successful marriage should be.”
  • “May your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing year. Your marriage has been a source of comfort and inspiration to me, and I am grateful for your example.”
  • “Your love for each other is a beautiful example of what true love looks like. Wishing you a happy anniversary and many more years of happiness together.”
  • “Happy anniversary to my amazing in-laws. Your marriage has stood the test of time, and I hope your love for each other continues to flourish.”
  • “Your love and commitment to each other is an inspiration to us all. Wishing you a happy anniversary and many more years of happiness and togetherness.”
  • “Happy anniversary to the two people who have welcomed me into their family with open arms. Your love and kindness have made me feel like a true daughter.”
  • “Congratulations on another year of making beautiful memories together. Your marriage is a true inspiration, and I am grateful to be a part of your family.”
  • “Wishing the happiest of anniversaries to the two people who make me believe in true love. Your marriage is a beautiful example of what a successful and loving partnership should be.”

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

  • What should I write in an anniversary card to my parents from daughter?

Answer: You can write a heartfelt message expressing your love, appreciation, and gratitude towards your parents, and congratulate them on their special day. You can also include some personal memories or stories that showcase the love and bond between your parents and yourself.

  • What are some emotional anniversary wishes for parents from daughter?

Answer: “Happy anniversary to my wonderful parents who have shown me the true meaning of love, commitment, and sacrifice. Thank you for being my guiding light and for always being there for me. I love you both more than words can express.”

  • How can I make my parents’ anniversary special as their daughter?

Answer: You can plan a surprise party, make a handmade gift, create a photo album of memorable moments, write a special poem, or prepare their favorite meal. You can also organize a family vacation or a special outing to commemorate their anniversary.

  • What are some funny anniversary wishes for parents from daughter?

Answer: “Happy anniversary, mom and dad! Thank you for showing me that marriage is not just about love, but also about putting up with each other’s quirks and habits. You both deserve a medal for surviving each other for so long!”

  • What are some unique ways to celebrate my parents’ anniversary as their daughter?

Answer: You can organize a surprise renewal of vows ceremony, create a personalized video message from family and friends, write a letter expressing your love and appreciation towards them, or gift them a special piece of jewelry or artwork. You can also plan a special adventure or experience, such as a hot air balloon ride or a wine tasting tour.

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Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

Wedding anniversaries, like wedding, is celebrated with an equal gusto and zeal in most families. So if you are a child curiously awaiting the wedding anniversary of your parents, then do not simply while away your time by doing nothing, but prepare a special wedding anniversary speech for your parents in their honor. How does that sound? This would truly be the most special gift from your end which will be remembered by them for their lifetime.

But how to prepare a wedding anniversary speech is an important cause of concern. But don’t you worry! As you are at the right place, you will find appropriate speech material here from short speech on wedding anniversary for parents to long speech on wedding anniversary for parents to get help with. So look through the pages and get instant help!

Speech on Wedding Anniversary for Parents

Wedding (marriage) anniversary speech for parents (mom and dad) by daughter and son.

Warm Greetings to my parents and everyone present here to make our parents’ wedding anniversary extra special!

Firstly, I would want to congratulate my parents on their wedding anniversary! Even though it’s been many years of your marriage, but it seems like you have just got married. Who knew those two college buddies will share their entire life together? Though I have witnessed only a few years of your togetherness, I can with a lot of pride say that your love is truly an inspiration for everyone around. I say this with great delight that I feel I am the luckiest daughter on this earth because despite making a lot of mistakes you have never made me feel bad about myself, but taught me right things at every walk of life. I can’t thank both of you enough for giving me this precious life and for teaching me how to become better every day.

Mom, thanks a lot for being the most patient and positive person. Thank you for imparting me moral values and making me realize the difference between right and wrong. You work so hard every single day for us and our family that it’s truly overwhelming. You have been handling both your professional and family life with such dexterity that I am setting my life goals by drawing an inspiration from you. You both are the best parents in the world. Your strength and love for each other that I feel everyday keep my world going. Thank you for all your hugs, kisses and best wishes, for putting notes in our school lunch box and for tolerating all our mischief happily.

Dad, thank you for being so protective, caring and funny. You have never brought your professional stress into our family life and most importantly, thank you for always putting mom on your priority because you made me realize that I deserve someone as caring and amazing as you are to my mom! I will always want my man to be like my dad. You are the most humble, down to earth and successful person I have ever seen. Plus you have knit our family really close with your constant love and care. Nobody could have raised us better than you, mom and dad.

Whatever I am today, whatever I have achieved till today and whatever I will achieve in future, my entire success will be dedicated to both of you. It wouldn’t have been possible without your support and love. I can thank both of you over and over again for giving me so much of love and for constantly being one of those people whom I look up to.

There are so many things that you both do for me but those things went without recognition. I may not be able to appreciate you both even with a simple thank you, but today I thank you for each and everything, for all those little things that made the entire family to stick together and to be happy as always. On this auspicious day, I thank you both for all those loving moments, for all those values that you have gifted us with and for always being there when we needed you the most. I pray to god that may your love flourish every day and you both continue to share the bliss of a conjugal life.

Once again, happy wedding anniversary mom and dad!

Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents – 10th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

With no experience of speaking in public, I am here today, speaking in front of you all for my mom and dad on their tenth wedding anniversary. My parents have been together for what feels like forever. I am so grateful to have you as by my side and you both give perfect couple goals. You have experienced so much in these years that putting them in words is just not possible. Your anniversary is much more than diamonds and sapphires, cars and trips. All these years of your marriage have been wonderful. On every anniversary of yours, you must create new memories and save in snapshots the moments that you would cherish later.

Life after wedding changes for both the persons as they have to make certain adjustments and compromises to make their marriage work. I have seen you both putting equal efforts every day and have seen you dealing with every problem that came your way. Today, when I watch the cassette of your wedding day, I find the same charm in you guys today as you had before. You have sincerely and willingly taken the responsibility of making your marriage work by making each other your first priority not just on your anniversary day but every single day of your lives. So you must do something unique on every anniversary to make it memorable but today, I would take this opportunity to make this day unforgettable for you. All your near and dear ones have made it to this surprise party. They have flown over oceans and forests to convey their warm wishes on this auspicious occasion. I and each one of us present here, immensely love you, for you give all of us a hope to build a relationship as special as yours.

Looking at both of you today, I am reminded of a famous quote “At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.” Observing you all these years, I cannot possibly deny that both of you have become incredibly good poets and your life story is the long poem that you have written together. It is a gift that is borne out of sheer love that you have for each other. You are not mere lovers but are friends, partners and mentors. You are the pillars of strength and have successfully inculcated the values of honesty, love and companionship in me as well. I am glad that I am a part of your lives and this celebration tonight.

I had thought not to say too much but I have already spoken a lot because I have seen you together taking steps forward every day and undoubtedly you have been the best couple I have seen in my life. I wish nothing but the best for your life and tonight as you embark on the next journey of your lives, we all raise our glasses for the most compatible and lovely couple in the hall.

Happy ten decades, mom and dad!

Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents – 25th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

Dear mom and dad,

There is no way to measure how much I love you. I really don’t know how to express what I hold in my heart for both of you. You both are those two individuals who have sacrificed a lot for me, who have taught me how to become a better human being and who have loved me unconditionally. In these 25 years, you both have gone through a lot but still you have never left each other alone during hard times. 25 years is a long time to stay committed to one single person with all your heart and soul but you proved it that what exactly it is to love someone. You are the reason I want to get married, you are the reason I want someone to look at me, the way dad looks at you mom. In spite of all the responsibilities, workload, health issues and other hardships, you both have raised me and _____ so well that we cannot thank you enough.

What I believe is that dad; your marriage to my mom was destined by God. Years have come and gone, you are always with each other through all those high and low moments. The greatest gift that you have given us is the love that you shower upon us when we are sad and depressed. When I look into your eyes, I know that it is the purest form of love that I can find on this earth.

Now you all have got a glimpse of the strong bond between my parents, I must tell you guys that I have learned a lot from them and have gathered treasures of knowledge from them for my present and future life. They are the true examples of making love come true.

Thanks, mom & dad for giving life to me and for laboring day and night to nourish us with your unconditional love and care. Without you, I would not have been able to understand the meaning and importance of love and family. You have taught me so many things that I can never thank you enough for and have helped shape me into what I am today. You accepted me when I failed and supported me all the way long. You loved me no matter what and you both were there when I needed you the most. Big-small things that you have done for me is something that I appreciate the most in this world.

You both have done a lot for me which cannot be returned in any form. But all I can say is that I love you with all my heart. You both are my world. I thank you for everything and happiest 25th-anniversary mom dad. I hope you have an amazing anniversary and so many more to come. You both deserve all the happiness and love of this world.

Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents – 50th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

A warm welcome to all those present here on the marriage anniversary of my mom and dad!

Thank you for joining us in ruminating over a beautiful love story that started 50 years ago. I feel blessed to see all of you have traveled long distances to join us in making this day a memorable one. I can see how blessed my mom and dad are with these continuing relationships and friendships. I can see so much of love in this room for mom dad.

Now for those, who are not familiar with me or haven’t seen me since I was too young, my name is ____. I won’t take much of your time tonight but there are some important things that I would love to say. First of all, a big congratulations to you mom and dad! Your 50 years of long journey has been full of love and inspiration for us. You are the most loving, caring and giving individuals that I have ever seen. I am sure some of you can remember how mom and dad started their journey and how they were in the beginning, how they were looking on their wedding day.  Let’s leaf through those memories that have brought them where they are today, still writing more pages to remember tomorrow.

Mom, thank you so much for all your love and care that you have been showering on the entire family. Your beauty and grace clearly shows that it was easy for dad to fall in love with you. You still look so beautiful today. You gave us life and kept the entire family happy with your constant showering of love and care. As I have grown up the nature of our mother-daughter relationship has changed a lot. Now, you have become my best friend with whom I can share anything and I am thankful to you for that.

And dad, your affection and care for mom, your kindness and patience for your kids makes you the best husband and father in the world and we feel lucky to have you in our lives. You have always been my support, my backbone, my confidence and you always inspire me. You are my role model to learn from.

You are an epitome of love that taught us that marriage is not only about happiness, but also about sacrifices that you make for each other. It’s a perfect balance between the two people, two best friends. Despite all the hardships in life, there are so many lessons for us to learn from your love. You are the only reason I believe in marriage because you have shown me how beautiful it is to get married. It’s all because of your love and encouragement that has helped me in achieving my dreams. I would like to wish the best for your coming years of togetherness. There is a lot to share and thank you for, but as I said I won’t take much of your time. I hope you realize how grateful I am to have both of you as my parents.

So, a very happy anniversary mom & dad!

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speech on mom dad anniversary

“All Of The Wannabes”: Groom’s Parents Deliver The Most Insulting Speech, Think It’s Funny

Weddings are supposedly among the happiest moments of a person’s life. They’re a special occasion shared with friends, family, and the person they intend to spend the rest of their days with. 

But not all ceremonies are beautiful tearjerkers. There are disastrous exceptions, much like today’s story courtesy of Reddit user honey-smile. It was their firsthand account involving the groom named Jon, who had to sit through an insulting speech from his own parents. To make matters worse, the old couple also made rude remarks to some of the guests.

It can be difficult to have sharp-tongued parents

Image credits: Getúlio Moraes (not the actual image)

In this story, the groom endured harsh words from both his mother and father during his big day

Image credits: oneinchpunchphotos (not the actual image)

Such behavior from parents can be greatly damaging, experts say

It’s not clear whether or not the groom went through the same cycle of verbal attacks from his folks when he was young. But as pointed out by New York-based psychologist Dr. Asa Don Brown , a parent’s constant belittling of their children can be as damaging as physical or sexual abuse. 

What’s more problematic is that the damages caused by such harsh treatment aren’t easily seen. 

“But, with no bruises to spot, pediatricians, teachers, and family members may have trouble recognizing these and other forms of psychological abuse,” he wrote in an article for the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.  

“Not only are there no obvious physical scars, there is no universally agreed-upon definition of what constitutes psychological maltreatment of children, and a fine line can exist between not-so-great parenting and outright abuse.” 

Dr. Brown also reiterated the importance of immediate care for a child who had endured a lot of chastising from their parents and the potential consequences if not taken care of. 

“The urgency for aid is crucial to the child’s recovery. If you avoid seeking out aid, the child may harbor resentment. Likewise, the type of aid may, and will vary, depending upon the type, frequency, longevity, and the overall duration of the event.” 

Image credits: Mario Schafer (not the actual image)

Emotional abuse from parents carries over until later in life

There’s a chance that the groom in this story could carry any resentment he may have harbored into his later years of life. A few people shared their stories with author Peg Streep, who published them in Psychology Today . Many of them were already in their mid-life at the time the article came out. 

A 43-year-old woman named Becca shared her experience dealing with a “bully” and “control freak” father and a mother who “staunchly” defended his actions. According to her account, her mother considered her father’s put-downs as “a way of keeping us from getting too full of ourselves.” 

“I t has taken me years to really understand that loving someone doesn’t require you to lose your soul and that how she treated me was about her, not me. I still have trouble trusting people and feeling safe,” Becca said. 

Others experience their parents’ resentment for their existence. As a woman named Julia explained, her birth “was the cause of all hardship and strife.”  

“That was the family story, and they have never deviated from it, not in 50 years. I am still the source of all their disappointments, large and small, and that is part of their bond. In a weird way, their marriage has thrived, because they had someone to blame for their occasional unhappiness from the very start.”

Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual image)

The speech concluded with a compliment (sort of)

Image credits: honey-smile

The original poster shared more details for added context, but most commenters felt bad for the groom

“All Of The Wannabes”: Groom’s Parents Deliver The Most Insulting Speech, Think It’s Funny

Travis Kelce calls Harrison Butker 'great person,' won't 'judge him by his views'

speech on mom dad anniversary

Travis Kelce has weighed in on his teammate's controversial comments.

Kelce addressed Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's May 11 speech at Benedictine College during Friday's episode of his "New Heights" podcast , which he hosts with his brother Jason Kelce. And the KC tight end seemed to agree with quarterback Patrick Mahomes , who spoke out about the commencement address earlier this week.

During Butker's 20-minute speech at the private Catholic liberal arts school in Atchison, Kansas, he protested Pride month, transgender people, working women and how President Joe Biden handled the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I cherish him as a teammate. I think Pat said it best where he is every bit of a great person and a great teammate," Travis Kelce said.

The University of Cincinnati alum added that anyone he has introduced Butker to has been treated with "respect and kindness" from the kicker. Kelce also said he disagrees with Butker's religious views but doesn't believe he should judge his teammate based on his opinions.

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"When it comes down to his views and what he said at (the commencement speech), those are his," Kelce added. "I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids. And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.”

Travis Kelce discussed home life with mom and dad in light of Harrison Butker speech

The tight end explained how growing up in Northern Ohio helped him to appreciate people's differences.

“I grew up in a beautiful upbringing of different social classes, different religions, different races and ethnicities, in Cleveland Heights, and that’s why I love Cleveland Heights for what it was,” he said. "It showed me a broad spectrum, just a broad view of a lot of different walks of life."

The three-time Super Bowl champion also discussed his own family dynamic, stating both his parents,  Donna and Ed Kelce , worked and contributed to the home.

"Both my mother and my father made home what it was,” Kelce continued. “They were homemakers, and they were providers, and they were unbelievable at being present every single day in my life. That was a beautiful upbringing for me. I don't think everyone should do it the way that my parents did, but I certainly, sure as hell, thank my parents and love my parents for being able to provide and making sure that home was what it was."

Jason Kelce, the former Philadelphia Eagles center and UC alum, echoed his brother, stating there will always be opinions that people will disagree with.

"Make no mistake about it, a lot of the things he said in his commencement speech are not things that I align myself with. But, he’s giving a commencement speech at a Catholic university, and, shocker, it ended up being a very religious and Catholic speech," Jason Kelce said.

The duo ended the conversation by saying in the NFL, you have to be able to put your differences aside and work as a team.

"That's the beauty of team sports. That's the beauty of the NFL," Travis Kelce said.

Harrison Butker’s commencement speech: Wives should stay at home. His mom’s a medical physicist

Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker

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Harrison Butker is a three-time Super Bowl champion and one of the most accurate field-goal kickers in NFL history.

As such, the Kansas City Chiefs kicker was given a platform to express his views as the commencement speaker at Benedictine College .

The devout Christian used the opportunity to give some radical thoughts and controversial opinions during a 20-minute speech delivered at the ceremony honoring the 485 students graduating from the Catholic private liberal arts school in Atchison, Kan., on Saturday.

Butker took shots at gender roles, abortion, President Biden and Pride month during his Benedictine address. Now the NFL appears to be distancing itself from the 28-year-old.

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity,” Jonathan Beane, NFL senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said in a statement emailed to The Times. “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Jerry Seinfeld in a blue robe and graduation cap standing behind a wooden podium that says "Duke"

Entertainment & Arts

What’s the deal with Jerry Seinfeld? His Duke University address sparks student walkout

Duke University enlisted Jerry Seinfeld to deliver its 2024 commencement speech, but a group of pro-Palestinian student protesters refused to stay for his punchline.

May 13, 2024

At Benedictine, Butker told the male graduates to “be unapologetic in your masculinity” and congratulated the female graduates on their “amazing accomplishment.” He went on to tell the women that he “would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”

Butker then told those women that “my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I’m on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.”

Butker — whose mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, is a medical physicist at Emory University’s Winship Cancer Institute in Atlanta, where she’s worked since 1988 — then started getting choked up.

“I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me,” Butker said, “but it cannot be overstated that all my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.”

That statement was met with 18 seconds of enthusiastic cheers and applause. Butker continued praising his wife and her role in their family.

“She’s the primary educator to our children. She’s the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and a father. She is the person that knows me best at my core and it is through our marriage that, Lord willing, we both will attain salvation.”

LOS ANGELES-CA-MAY 10, 2024: USC valedictorian Asna Tabassum receives her diploma on stage beside Dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Yannis C. Yortsos at the Galen Center in Los Angeles on May 10, 2024. (Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

Silenced USC valedictorian walked the stage and the crowd reaction was anything but silent

Diplomas will be handed out Friday during individual school events for graduating seniors at USC.

May 10, 2024

During his opening remarks, Butker stated that “things like abortion , in vitro fertilization , surrogacy , euthanasia, as well as a growing support for the degenerate cultural values and media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.”

He also said that Biden “has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people it appears you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.”

At one point, Butker mentioned the word “pride” — then clarified that he wasn’t talking about “the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify Him.”

The comment, a jab at the LGBTQ+ community that celebrates Pride month every June, received a few chuckles from the audience.

When Butker finished his address, the crowd rose for an ovation. Susannah Leisegang , a former Benedictine track and field athlete who graduated Saturday with a degree in graphic design, said she was among the handful of people who did not stand.

“Some of us did boo — me and my roommate definitely did,” Leisegang said in a video she posted on TikTok . “There was a standing ovation from everyone in the room, except from me, my roommate and about 10 to 15 other women. You also have to keep in mind this was at a Catholic and conservative college, so a lot of the men were like, ‘F— yeah!’ They were excited. But it was horrible. Most of the women were looking back and forth at each other like, ‘What the f— is going on?’”

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 24: Abortion rights supporters rally outside the Supreme Court on April 24, 2024 in Washington, DC. The Supreme Court hears oral arguments today on Moyle v. United States and Idaho v. United States to decide if Idaho emergency rooms can provide abortions to pregnant women during an emergency using a federal law known as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act to supersede a state law that criminalizes most abortions in Idaho. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

Supreme Court to pregnant women: Good luck with that

Forget the ‘split court’ garbage. This Supreme Court is not going to protect even emergency abortions. Here’s what you need to know.

April 25, 2024

Leisegang pointed out that she is 21 and has a job lined up in her field.

“Getting married and having kids is not my ideal situation right now,” she said. “So, yeah, it was definitely horrible and it definitely made graduation feel a little less special, knowing I had to sit through that and get told I’m nothing but a homemaker.”

Other members of the graduating class who participated in the ceremony have shared a variety of opinions on Butker’s speech. Elle Wilbers, 22, a future medical school student, told the Associated Press she thought Butker’s reference to the LGBTQ+ community was “horrible.”

“We should have compassion for the people who have been told all their life that the person they love is like, it’s not OK to love that person,” she said.

Kassidy Neuner, 22, who plans to teach for a year before going to law school, told the AP that being a stay-at-home parent is “a wonderful decision” but “it’s also not for everybody.”

“I think that he should have addressed more that it’s not always an option,” she said. “And, if it is your option in life, that’s amazing for you. But there’s also the option to be a mother and a career woman.”

Two women pose back to back while carrying helmets in front of a red Ford truck.

Company Town

Hollywood’s stunt-driving industry is dominated by men. These women are fighting for change

Olivia Summers and Dee Bryant are building a team of all-women stunt drivers to make the stunt-driving industry more inclusive.

April 10, 2024

ValerieAnne Volpe, 20, who graduated with an art degree, told the AP she thought Butker said things that “people are scared to say.”

“You can just hear that he loves his wife,” Volpe said. “You can hear that he loves his family,” she said.

Butker has not commented publicly since the address. His previous social media posts are being used by people leaving comments both blasting and supporting his remarks. reports that all images of Isabelle Butker have been removed from her husband’s X and Instagram feeds in recent days.

Benedictine has not publicly addressed Butker’s controversial statements and did not immediately respond to multiple messages from The Times. The college’s social media feeds have been flooded with angry comments regarding Butker’s speech, and the comment section for the YouTube video of it has been disabled.

An article on Benedictine’s website about the commencement ceremony had initially referred to Butker’s speech as “inspiring.” The uncredited piece includes a reworked version of Butker’s “homemaker” quote that does not include that word, with no indication that the quote had been altered.

Football on grass stadium on college or high school campus. Bleachers background. No people. Daytime.

California high school football team refuses to play against girls, even after settling Title IX lawsuit

Despite settling a Title IX lawsuit, Santa Maria Valley Christian Academy again didn’t allow its high school football team to play against an opponent with female players.

Oct. 5, 2023

The Chiefs did not respond to a request for comment from The Times. Tavia Hunt, wife of Chiefs owner Clark Hunt , appeared to express her support for Butker in a lengthy Instagram post Thursday.

“Countless highly educated women devote their lives to nurturing and guiding their children,” she wrote. “Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make them hateful; it simply means they have a different opinion. Let’s celebrate families, motherhood and fatherhood.”

Gracie Hunt, 25, one of Clark and Tavia Hunt’s three children was asked about Butker’s speech Friday on “ Fox & Friends .”

“I can only speak from my own experience, which is I had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us as kids growing up,” Gracie Hunt said. “And I understand that there are many women out there who can’t make that decision but for me in my life, I know it was really formative in shaping me and my siblings to be who we are.”

Asked if she understood what Butker was talking about, Hunt said, “For sure, and I really respect Harrison and his Christian faith and what he’s accomplished on and off the field.”

A petition calling for the team to release the kicker because of his comments has received more than 185,000 signatures. Eight petitions supporting Butker appear on the site as well. One has more than 11,000 signatures while the rest have fewer than 800 each.

The Chargers poked fun at Butker on Wednesday in their schedule-release video, which is modeled after “The Sims” video game. In the video, Butker’s likeness is shown baking a pie, scrubbing a kitchen counter and arranging flowers.

should we REALLY make our schedule release video in the sims? yes yes yesyes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yesye yes yes yes yes yesyes — Los Angeles Chargers (@chargers) May 16, 2024

The official X account for Kansas City also appeared to attempt putting a humorous spin on the matter, posting a “reminder” that Butker lives in a different city Wednesday night before deleting it and posting an apology .

Earlier in the week on X, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas appeared to defend Butker’s right to express his views .

Grown folks have opinions, even if they play sports. I disagree with many, but I recognize our right to different views. Nobody should have to stick to anything. Varied and shall I say—diverse—viewpoints help the world go round. — Mayor Q (@QuintonLucasKC) May 14, 2024
I think he holds a minority viewpoint, even in this state and the bordering one. I also believe more athletes, if freer to speak, would stand up for the voices of many marginalized communities. I hate “stick to sports” when used to muzzle Black athletes. I’m with consistency. — Mayor Q (@QuintonLucasKC) May 14, 2024

Last year, Butker gave the commencement address at his alma mater, Georgia Tech, advising the graduates to “ get married and start a family .”

VATICAN, ITALY-May 2019-Pope Francis meets with members of The Papal Foundation on Friday, and thanks them for their support and for spreading the Gospel message of hope and mercy. The Papal Foundation is comprised of American Catholics who dedicate financial resources to supporting the Pope and various projects throughout the world, including Catholic leader Tim Busch, forth from the left, waving to the Pope. (Handout)

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speech on mom dad anniversary

Chuck Schilken is a sports reporter on the Fast Break team. He spent more than 18 years with the Los Angeles Times’ Sports Department in a variety of roles. Before joining The Times, he worked for more than a decade as a sports reporter and editor at newspapers in Virginia and Maryland.

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    Short Speech on Wedding Anniversary For Parents. Dear mom and dad,I won't be able to sum up all the love and care of your union in just a single small speech. It would take me a lifetime to describe it. However, for today I will keep it a short one. I don't know how to express my emotions to both of you.

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    Happy anniversary. -Dear mom and dad, thanks for all the patience and sacrifice in keeping the family together. I am the luckiest not to experience the pain of a divorced family because you have both worked so hard to keep the marriage. -Our family owes its happiness to the strong bond you both share. Happy anniversary!

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  5. Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents

    Wedding (marriage) Anniversary Speech for Parents - 10th Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents. With no experience of speaking in public, I am here today, speaking in front of you all for my mom and dad on their tenth wedding anniversary. My parents have been together for what feels like forever. I am so grateful to have you as by my side ...

  6. Anniversary Speech to Parents

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  7. Wedding Anniversary Speech for Parents in English for Students and

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  9. 70+ Heart-Warming Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Your Parents

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  11. 400+ Happy Anniversary Wishes For Parents

    Happy anniversary!". "May every year that passes bring you closer to one another. Stay happy and in love, guys. Happy anniversary!". "Another year of love, laughter, and beautiful memories. Your marriage is a shining example of what makes parents special - unwavering support and endless love. Happy anniversary!".

  12. 45+ Happy Anniversary Quotes for Parents

    Assure your message is as golden as the traditional gifts received by using one of the following 50th wedding anniversary quotes for parents. "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that's everything." -T. Tolis. "I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you.

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    Happy anniversary! Mom and Dad, you make 50 years of marriage look easy-peasy! Happy anniversary to the most special parents. 50 years together deserves a very special anniversary celebration! Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad! I can't think of anything quite as special as your everlasting love. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad, have the best day!

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  16. 36 Lovely Wedding Anniversary Poems For Parents

    Both of you have given a new definition to love; Both of you have respected each other in life, Helped each other in struggle and strife. So, I also will respect my parents for the same. Stay in love forever! Happy anniversary to both of you! You both are really the chosen few! 4. The Gift Of Love.

  17. Anniversary Wishes For Parents

    Best wishes for your anniversary.". "Dear mom and dad, your beautiful bond inspires me every day and makes me believe in the magical power of true love. As your daughter/son, I am blessed to have the two most perfect parents in the world. May your love increase tenfold for the many years to come. Happy Anniversary!".

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    Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad Messages. Happy anniversary to the most loving and caring parents in the world. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day. Wishing a very happy anniversary to the couple who inspires me every day. Thank you for showing me the meaning of true love and commitment.

  19. Giving an anniversary or wedding speech? Do this to make it memorable

    Here's the speech I delivered last weekend, crafted around a single message. # # # Good evening, everyone. I'd like to take a minute to personally thank each and every one of you for being here tonight to celebrate Mom and Dad's 60th wedding anniversary. In a few moments, we're going to enjoy a champagne toast and some anniversary cake.

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    Wedding Anniversary Speech For Parents. Dear mom and dad, With no experience of speaking in public, I am here today, speaking in front of you all for my mom and dad on their 25 th wedding anniversary. My parents have been together for what feels like forever. I am so grateful to have you as by my side and you both give perfect couple goals.

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    Happy anniversary. I hope the love story between the two of you never ends! Congratulation on your anniversary! Take love from your daughter. Congratulations on passing one more year in loving each other and creating memories together. Many more to come for sure. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!

  22. 70+ Anniversary Wishes For Parents (Mom-Dad) From Daughter

    These wishes honor the bond between parents and daughter and celebrate the enduring love and commitment of the couple. "Happy anniversary to my loving and devoted parents!". "Thank you for being the perfect example of what love truly is.". "Wishing you both a lifetime of love, happiness, and togetherness!". "Congratulations on ...

  23. @caydenandcobie

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