1. (PDF) An HIV epidemic is ready to emerge in the Philippines

    case study about hiv in the philippines

  2. INFOGRAPHIC: HIV epidemic in the Philippines

    case study about hiv in the philippines

  3. The HIV epidemic is worsening in the Philippines, but what are we doing

    case study about hiv in the philippines

  4. HIV/AIDS Statistics in The Philippines

    case study about hiv in the philippines

  5. hiv case study ppt

    case study about hiv in the philippines

  6. Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry: May 2017 Report ~ Living with HIV in

    case study about hiv in the philippines


  1. The Philippine Stigma Index Study Report 2019

    5) When it comes to accessing health care services, more respondents in the 2019 survey re-ported that it was their decision to get tested compared to 2010 survey (80% vs. 56%) . Simi-larly, the percentage of those who were tested without their knowledge went down from 30% in 2010 to 15% in 2019.