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A Level History Coursework Edexcel – A Guide

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  • Post date November 16, 2023
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This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History coursework for Edexcel using ideas, resources, examples and structure. This coursework is weighted towards Assessment Objective Three (AO3) 15% and Assessment Objective One (AO1) 5%. This makes it substantially different from coursework assessed under AQA or OCR. For Edexcel coursework, the focus is on differing interpretations of the past and analysis of them, alongside your own view of the events.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – Ideas, Examples and Resources

Question Format – The question that you decide to answer for the Edexcel Coursework will always use the following template.

  • Historians have disagreed about [ the chosen question, problem or issue ].
  • What is your view about [ the chosen question, problem or issue ]?

Thus, we can see that there are two parts to this coursework:

  • Part 1 – dealing with the historian’s viewpoints which is (AO3) and worth 15%
  • Part 2 – your own viewpoint which is (A01) and worth 5%  

Question Ideas, Example and Selection

There are two key points to consider when selecting a question, problem or issue for your coursework.

  • Is there enough debate around this question? – There needs to be a scholarly debate around the question or issue. This means differing views on the question from different historians. This makes it easier to select appropriate works to analyse and compare.
  • Can you access the appropriate resources? – You must use a minimum of three different key works as well as two supplementary works. Your three key works should hold opposing views about the question or issue. Let’s look at an example question to make this clear:

Historians have disagreed about the extent to which by 1924 the Russian people had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another. What is your view about the extent to which by 1924 the Russian people had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another?

  • View 1 – Tsarist Rule was more authoritarian. (C. Hill argues this)
  • View 2 – Bolshevik rule was more authoritarian. (R. Service argues this)
  • View 3 – The regimes were equally authoritarian. (R. Pipes argues this)

This is the ideal example of having three viewpoints that would be spread across the historiographical spectrum. This helps us to engage with the historical debate and hit the following criteria for the coursework:

  • analyse ways in which interpretations of the question or issue differ.
  • explain the differences you have identified.
  • evaluate the arguments, indicating which you found most persuasive and why.

You would then add to this a minimum of two supplementary works, (more is better) that would assist in helping you form your view and add weight to your analysis and arguments. Critically, you must be able to access all these resources to use them effectively in completing the coursework.  

Coursework Resources

  • Library – school, local, college, university – you should be able to borrow appropriate works.
  • Teacher – your teacher should be able to provide you with copies of appropriate resources to use.
  • JSTOR – – contains a large collection of journal articles from historical publications covering numerous topics. These will often engage in the historical debate by replying to opposing views.
  • Purchase Books – many second-hand books are available to purchase at very cheap prices through Amazon or similar sites.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – How to Research and Write

A Level History Coursework Edexcel

Researching the Coursework – When researching our coursework we use the resource record form, which acts as a bibliography to the books, articles and online resources we are using. As we go through these resources we want to make notes that help us to identify the overall argument of the historian. Key quotes or passages should be noted down, alongside a reference. If we then use this material in our write up, we can add the appropriate footnote.

Writing the Coursework – When writing our coursework we need to be aware of the total word count as well as making sure that we hit all the assessment criteria. This means dividing up the 4000 words (maximum word count) effectively between the assessment criteria. An example structure to implement this is shown in the next section.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel write

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – Structure and Planning

First section – introduction to the overall question and key works (c. 1000 words).

Introduction to the overall topic. You need to put the question into context by providing relevant information regarding what was happening at the time. You then need to define any key terms in the question.

Example from our question above – authoritarian regime would be defined as ‘a regime in which power is highly centralised and maintained regardless of popular support, with the use of repression and violence’.

Finally, you need to set out valid criteria by which the question can be judged.

Example from our question and definition above – we need to compare the Tsarist regime to the Bolshevik regime in terms of:

  • Centralisation of power .
  • Power maintained despite lacking popular support.
  • Power maintained through repression and violence.

You should now have a complete introduction to the topic (1 paragraph)

Introduction to the debate by placing each of the key works in the historiographical debate. You can also place your supplementary works on the historiographical line here. (1 paragraph)

Set out the arguments in extended detail from the three key works. What are the historians’ views on this question? (1 paragraph)

Show how the arguments from each of the key works differ or are like one another. (1 paragraph)

Summary of the views of the key works. (1 paragraph)

Second Section – Explaining why the key works differ from one another (c. 1000 words)

Introduction – You need to set out three valid criteria to explain why the key works differ. Why is it that the historians’ arguments differ? There are several different potential criteria that could be used here: When was the work written? What sources and evidence did they use? Have they defined the key terms of the question differently? Have they defined the criteria to answer the question differently? Do they have different scopes of enquiry? What is the purpose of the work? What is the historians background and view?

Example from our question – The historians have defined the key term to answer the question differently – C. Hill has focused on authoritarian being defined as lacking popular support. R. Service is more focused on authoritarian being defined through repression. R. Pipes is mostly focused on authoritarian being defined as a centralisation of power.  

The historians have defined the key term ‘authoritarian’ differently. (1 paragraph)    

Paragraphs – This is where you use the criteria set out from the introduction to this section. You want one paragraph per item of criteria that we are judging the key works on.

Example from our question – one paragraph regarding how the historians have defined the key term ‘authoritarian’ differently.

Then you need to consider the three works in terms of the criteria set out for that paragraph. Show why there are differences in the key works regarding that criteria and how that leads the historian to arrive at their interpretation. Use evidence to support your points. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each criterion)

Conclusion – Brief conclusion that offers a summary of why the key works are different. (1 paragraph)

Third Section – Your own viewpoint on the question (c. 1000 words)

Brief introduction of your own viewpoint and line of argument that will be taken, remembering to re-instate the criteria by which the question can be judged . (1 paragraph)

Paragraphs that set out your own view on the question. This is where you should be using the criteria set out in your introductions. You want one paragraph per item of criteria.

Example from our question – one paragraph regarding ‘centralisation of power’.

Then you need to bring evidence and analysis to assess the criteria being judged. You can also use the key works and the supplementary works in this section to help you. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each criterion)

Conclusion that reaches a judgement on the question and follows your line of argument that has flowed throughout. (1 paragraph)

Fourth Section – Evaluation and Judgement of the key works and of the question (c. 1000 words)

Go through each of the key works and make a judgement on how convincing and valid the arguments from the historians are compared to the criteria. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each key work)

Form an overall judgement on the question and an overall judgement on which of the key works is most convincing. These should broadly align together. (1 paragraph)   

How To Improve Further at A Level History

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AS and A-level History

  • Specification
  • Planning resources
  • Teaching resources
  • Assessment resources
  • Introduction
  • Specification at a glance
  • 1A The Age of the Crusades, c1071–1204
  • 1B Spain in the Age of Discovery, 1469–1598 (A-level only)
  • 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603
  • 1D Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy, 1603–1702
  • 1E Russia in the Age of Absolutism and Enlightenment, 1682–1796 (A-level only)
  • 1F Industrialisation and the people: Britain, c1783–1885
  • 1G Challenge and transformation: Britain, c1851–1964
  • 1H Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855–1964
  • 1J The British Empire, c1857–1967
  • 1K The making of a Superpower: USA, 1865–1975
  • 1L The quest for political stability: Germany, 1871–1991
  • 2A Royal Authority and the Angevin Kings, 1154–1216
  • 2B The Wars of the Roses, 1450–1499
  • 2C The Reformation in Europe, c1500–1564 (A-level only)
  • 2D Religious conflict and the Church in England, c1529–c1570
  • 2E The English Revolution, 1625–1660
  • 2F The Sun King: Louis XIV, France and Europe, 1643–1715 (A-level only)
  • 2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801
  • 2H France in Revolution, 1774–1815 (A-level only)
  • 2J America: A Nation Divided, c1845–1877
  • 2K International Relations and Global Conflict, c1890–1941 (A-level only)
  • 2L Italy and Fascism, c1900–1945
  • 2M Wars and Welfare: Britain in Transition, 1906–1957
  • 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953
  • 2O Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918–1945
  • 2P The Transformation of China, 1936–1997
  • 2Q The American Dream: reality and illusion, 1945–1980
  • 2R The Cold War, c1945–1991
  • 2S The Making of Modern Britain, 1951–2007
  • 2T The Crisis of Communism: The USSR and the Soviet Empire, 1953–2000 (A-level only)
  • Component 3: Historical investigation (non-exam assessment) (A-level only)

Scheme of assessment

  • Non-exam assessment administration
  • General administration

AS and A-level Scheme of assessment

Find past papers and mark schemes, and specimen papers for new courses, on our website at

The AS specification is designed to be taken over one or two years with all assessments taken at the end of the course. The A-level specification is designed to be taken over two years with all assessments taken at the end of the course.

Assessments and certification for the AS specification are available for the first time in May/June 2016 and then every May/June for the life of the specification.

Assessments and certification for the A-level specification are available for the first time in May/June 2017 and then every May/June for the life of the specification.

These are linear qualifications. In order to achieve the award, students must complete all exams in May/June in a single year. All assessments must be taken in the same series.

Assessment is designed to elicit extended responses and offers the opportunity for students to draw together and demonstrate their understanding of historical terms, concepts and the skills of analysis and evaluation, developed across the full course of study.

All materials are available in English only.

Courses based on these specifications should encourage students to:

  • develop their interest in, and enthusiasm for, history and an understanding of its intrinsic value and significance
  • acquire an understanding of different identities within society and an appreciation of aspects such as social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity, as appropriate
  • build on their understanding of the past through experiencing a broad and balanced course of study
  • improve as effective and independent students and as critical and reflective thinkers with curious and enquiring minds
  • develop the ability to ask relevant and significant questions about the past and to research them
  • acquire an understanding of the nature of historical study, for example that history is concerned with judgements based on available evidence and that historical judgements are provisional
  • develop their use and understanding of historical terms, concepts and skills
  • make links and draw comparisons within and/or across different periods and aspects of the past
  • organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways, arguing a case and reaching substantiated judgements.

Assessment objectives

Assessment objectives (AOs) are set by Ofqual and are the same across all AS and A-level History specifications and all exam boards.

Weighting of assessment objectives for AS History

Weighting of assessment objectives for a-level history, assessment weightings.

The marks awarded on the papers will be scaled to meet the weighting of the components. Students' final marks will be calculated by adding together the scaled marks for each component. Grade boundaries will be set using this total scaled mark. The scaling and total scaled marks are shown in the table below.

Structure of question papers

There are two components of assessment in this AS History specification. Component 1 assesses candidates’ understanding of breadth and of historical interpretations. Component 2 assesses understanding of depth and of the value of primary sources.

Component 1

The examination paper for this component is designed to test students’ ability in relation to AO1 and AO3. There are two sections to the paper.

In Section A there will be a compulsory question which tests students’ ability to analyse and evaluate the views of historians (AO3). Two extracts will be provided, containing contrasting historical interpretations linked to a broad issue or development. In response to the question students will be required to assess and arrive at a judgement about which interpretation is more convincing. In doing so, they must apply knowledge and understanding of the historical context to these arguments and interpretations; deployment of knowledge that does not relate to the extracts will, however, not be credited. The question is worth 25 marks.

In Section B, two questions will be set of which students answer one. Either question tests AO1 and is designed to test historical understanding over an extended period. The focus of these questions will be, as appropriate, on causation, change, continuity, similarity and significance over time. Either question will be in the form of a judgement about an issue or development and students are required to analyse and evaluate the judgement. The question carries 25 marks.

Component 2

The examination paper for this component is designed to test students’ ability in relation to AO1 and AO2. There are two sections to the examination paper.

In Section A there will be a compulsory question which tests students’ ability to analyse and evaluate the value of primary sources (AO2). Two primary sources will be provided. In response to the question, candidates will be required to make an assessment of the value of the sources in relation to an event or issue. The question is worth 25 marks.

In Section B, two questions will be set of which students answer one. Either question tests AO1 and is designed to test historical understanding in depth. The focus of these questions will be, as appropriate, on causation, change, continuity, similarity and significance in relation to a narrow issue or development. Either question will be in the form of a judgement about an issue or development and students are required to analyse and evaluate the judgement. The question carries 25 marks.

The questions in Section B, in order to test AO1 in its entirety, will have a range of foci both in any one paper and over time. Thus, in addition to targeting the generic qualities of organisation, analysis, evaluation and judgement, questions will also test the range of foci in the AO: cause, consequence, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance. Consistent with the nature of historical analysis, a single question may require students to demonstrate understanding of more than one of these perspectives.

The knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities tested at AS reflect those tested at A-level, but are at a standard that reflects what can be expected from students at the end of the one year of study and comprises the first part of the equivalent specified A-level content. In this way co-teachability of the AS specification alongside the A-level specification is facilitated.

At A-level, there are three assessment components. Component 1 assesses students’ understanding of breadth and of historical interpretations. Component 2 assesses understanding of depth and of the value of primary sources. Component 3 is a Historical Investigation (non-exam assessment).

There will be a compulsory question in Section A testing students’ ability to analyse and evaluate the views of historians (AO3). Three extracts will be provided, containing historical interpretations linked to a broad issue or development. Students will be required to identify the arguments and evaluate them. In doing so, they must apply knowledge and understanding of the historical context to these arguments and interpretations; deployment of knowledge that does not relate to the extracts will receive no credit. This question carries 30 marks.

Section B will contain three essay questions of which students are required to answer two. Each essay tests AO1 and assesses historical understanding of developments and issues within a broad and coherent chronology, covering a minimum of 20 years. The focus of these questions will be, as appropriate, on understanding causation, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance over time. Thus, questions with a narrow focus, such as those focused on specific events, will not be set. Each question in this section carries 25 marks.

It is advised that students should spend one hour on the compulsory question and 45 minutes on each of the essay questions.

In order to ensure that students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the breadth component over the whole period, the balance of questions on the breadth paper will be as follows:

  • Where the compulsory question is based on Part 1 of the content, Section B will contain one essay on Part 1 of the content, or one which overlaps Parts 1 and 2 and two questions on Part 2 of the content.
  • Where the compulsory question is based on Part 2 of the content, Section B will contain one essay on Part 2 of the content, or one which overlaps Parts 1 and 2 and two questions on Part 1 of the content.
  • Where the compulsory question overlaps Parts 1 and 2 of the content, Section B will contain one question on Part 1 of the content, one question on Part 2 of the content and one from either Part 1 or 2 depending on the overall balance of the paper.

The essay questions in Section B, in order to test AO1 in its entirety, will have a range of foci both in any one paper and over time. Thus, in addition to targeting the generic qualities of organisation, analysis, evaluation and judgement, questions will also test the range of foci in the AO: cause, consequence, change, continuity, similarity, difference and significance. Consistent with the nature of historical analysis, a single question may require students to demonstrate understanding of more than one of these perspectives.

In Section A there will be a compulsory question testing students’ ability to analyse and evaluate the value of primary sources to an historian studying a particular issue or development (AO2). Three sources will be set for evaluation. In their assessments, students are expected to evaluate the sources, considering, for example, provenance, style and emphasis and the content of the sources. Students must deploy knowledge and understanding of the historical context when making their assessments and, in doing so, must avoid generalised comment about the value of sources without reference to context. Deployment of knowledge that does not relate to the sources will receive no credit. This question carries 30 marks.

Section B will contain three essay questions of which students are required to answer two. Each essay tests AO1 and is designed to test historical understanding in depth, by a focus on events, issues and developments and the interrelationships of various perspectives as they apply to the question. Each question in this section carries 25 marks.

Component 3

Students must complete a Historical Investigation. This tests AO1, AO2 and AO3. The Historical Investigation must:

  • be independently researched and written by the student
  • take the form of a question in the context of approximately 100 years that does not duplicate content within option chosen for Components 1 and 2
  • be presented in the form of a piece of extended writing of between 3500 and 4500 words in length, with a limit of 4500 words
  • draw upon the student's investigation of sources (both primary and secondary) which relate to the development or issue chosen and the differing interpretations that have been placed on this.

The Historical Investigation carries 40 marks.

The centre must complete a non-examined assessment (NEA) title approval form no later than 20 October in the year before the intended completion of the A-level course. The form must detail the title and date range of the proposed historical investigation for each student. The teacher must state which examined components will be studied. This form must be submitted to AQA for review. AQA will check that the proposed historical investigation title, when combined with the examined components, meets the following requirements:

  • the proposed title is set in the context of approximately 100 years
  • there is no overlap with the content of the options studied for the examined components
  • all three components together cover a chronological range of at least 200 years

AQA will inform the centre if any historical investigation title does not meet the requirements and the focus for the non-examined assessment will need to be changed.

Failure to comply with these requirements will invalidate the student’s entry and no A-level result will be issued.

It is therefore vital that the teacher ensures that all requirements are met. If a student changes their historical investigation title, a new form should be completed.

On completion of the NEA, each student must also complete a Candidate Record Form (CRF) detailing the options studied for the examined components. The student must sign this form. The teacher must counter sign the CRF and this declaration will confirm that the historical investigation complies with the NEA title approval form and has adhered to all requirements.

The CRF must be sent to the moderator at the same time as marks for the NEA are submitted. The moderator will check that all course requirements have been met.

If the requirements have not been met, then the entry will be invalid and no result issued.

Copies of all the documentation, including the NEA proposal form and guidance on submission procedures are available from the AQA website at

Further guidance is available from the History subject team: [email protected]

coursework a level history

History Coursework: how to Choose the Best Question

  • Dr Janet Rose
  • June 13, 2020

So, just when you thought your first A-level History year was over and you could relax before tackling next year, you have to think about your history coursework. This will be the non-exam assessment (NEA) or Historical Investigation.  It can cause a lot of angst amongst students but taking some time and thinking it through carefully before you start can make the world of difference.

1. Choose to study something interesting for your history coursework

If you have the chance to choose whichever topic you like for your history coursework and set your own question, or if you are given a list of different topics, choose one you are genuinely interested in. You will be working on this piece for months, so it makes sense to choose something that will hold your interest.

2. Make sure there are no clashes with your other topics

In practice, there are constraints set by the various exam boards to make sure that your topic does not overlap with the components you are already studying for your A level or Pre U. Your exam centre (school, college or independent centre) will need to have your question approved by the exam board and they will not approve a topic with an obvious overlap. For example, if you are already studying the Tudors for AQA, it is unlikely that you can  study a topic set in England between 1485 to 1603. Therefore, if you are setting your own question, ask yourself if it overlaps in date or topic with one of your components. If it does, you will need to find an alternative. Each exam board has slightly different rules, so check on their website to see what the rules are for your exam board.

3. Find your source material early

For your history coursework, you will need to find two types of source material – primary and secondary:

P rimary sources are those that were written at the time and you will also need to find a range of these to support your investigation. To achieve high marks you should look for a variety of primary sources, for example, a letter, a report, a painting, a speech etc.

Secondary sources are scholarly books or articles by historians, or what the a-level exam boards call ‘interpretations.’ this means that your investigation will only be viable if historians have written about the topic and, preferably, argued over it. you will need to understand the arguments that provide a framework for your chosen topic. historians call this the historiography..

Therefore, the question you set yourself will only be able to achieve high marks if you make sure there are both secondary sources (scholarly argument) and primary sources (original material) to support your investigation. If you cannot find these, you should re-think your question.

History Coursework

4. Remember you actually have to answer the question!

It sounds really obvious – but remember that you actually have to answer the question you set yourself!  You need to choose something that is achievable in the time frame and gives you a good chance of success. A good question will give you a framework within which to research and write – you are looking for something that is not too vague nor too wide.

You also need something that you can address in the historical time frame (e.g. around 100 years for AQA) and a topic that you can analyse and evaluate in approximately 3, 500 words (check the word limit for your own exam board). In practice, any question that is too wide, too vague or unlikely to be achievable should be vetoed either by your school/college/independent centre or the exam board. However, this will waste your valuable time and is not totally foolproof, so choose an achievable project to give yourself a fighting chance of achieving that elusive A grade.

5. Choose a good format for your history coursework question

The standard ‘for and against’ question format will always be a good choice and will give you a framework within which to set your investigation. There are various ways to word such a question e.g. ‘How far…’, To what extent…’ ‘Within the context of … how important was…’ which will give you a clear framework and a direction for your investigation. Keep it simple is good advice here. Remember, though, to define your framework by including the date range in your question. For example ‘Within the context of 1790 to 1890, how important was…?’

Done well, the NEA or Personal Investigation will teach you a huge amount about how historians work, how sources are used and how to construct an argument. This will help you enormously when you come to the final exams and it can be a very valuable contribution to your qualification. It can also be enjoyable as it is your first chance to ‘do’ some real historical research. Choose your question with care and you automatically give yourself a head start.

Exam Board History Coursework Guidance

AQA Guidance

Cambridge Pre U Guidance

OCR Guidance

Edexcel Guidance

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  • The same A Level qualification you’d get in school, all online
  • Rated Excellent on Trustpilot from 10,000+ student reviews
  • Unlimited support from your expert tutor
  • Learn at your own pace and set your own schedule
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Why is this course right for you?

Have you ever wondered how the past has shaped the present? Our A Level History course unveils a fascinating treasure trove of characters, ideas and events.

It'll take you through 200 years of history, looking the industrialisation of Britain and democracy and Nazism in Germany.   You’ll also do your own historical investigation on a topic of your choice.

Our uniquely flexible course means that  even if you're working full-time or caring for family, you can fit learning around your busy life.

Your A Level History will be a stepping stone to further education, a fulfilling career - and a better future.

Course Details for A Level English Literature

Entry requirements.

You don’t need any previous qualifications to take this course, but GCSE History is advised.

You must be based in the UK in order to enrol and sit your exams.

If English is your second language, we recommend you have an IELTS 5.5 or equivalent, but we’re happy to review your case on an individual basis.

Course Content

This online course will teach you the AQA History A Level syllabus (7042).

You'll cover 4 themes:

  • The impact of industrialisation: Britain, c1783-1832
  • The Age of Reform: Britain, 1832-1885
  • The Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
  • Nazi Germany, 1933-1945

For in-depth details of what you’ll explore though each theme, download our A Level History course guide.

A Level Exams

Please note that you’re responsible for booking your exams, and that you must be based in the UK to sit them.

You’ll arrange to sit them at a UK school or college roughly 6 months before your chosen exam date.

There are 2 exams for the AQA History A Level syllabus (7042):

  • Paper 1: Breadth study with interpretations
  • Paper 2: Depth study

One piece of coursework will also contribute to your grade:

  • Independently researched enquiry in which you'll analyse and evaluate historical interpretations

As an approved AQA centre, we'll supervise, authenticate and mark your coursework. You'll sit your exams at your chosen exam centre.

Your coursework fees of £169.75 are additional to the course cost. You'll also pay exam centre fees directly to your chosen exam centre.

Payment Options

Spread the cost with our flexible 0% interest* payment plans

Check Blue Circle 45

Get started right away with a low deposit

User Card Blue 45

Company funding – we can invoice your employer directly


Check out our affordability calculator

ICS Learn student reviews

85X85 Stephanie Sauvarin

‘My tutor has been really great, responding quickly to every query I've sent with a full in-depth explanation of everything I've needed to know. I'm thinking about taking up another A Level with ICS Learn!’ - Stephanie Sauvarin

85X85 Geraldine Morgan

‘I work full-time so I enjoy the flexibility and independence of learning outside the classroom. The tutors respond very quickly to any queries, and you can also connect with others studying the same subject which is really useful.’ - Geraldine Morgan

85X85 Abigail Robinson

‘The course fits in very conveniently with the other 3 A Levels that I'm taking at sixth form. ICS Learn has not only helped with my academic confidence, it’s made me feel that I can achieve my dreams.’ - Abigail Robinson

Meet your Tutors

  • Get help from your personal History tutor
  • Contact your tutor online or arrange a phone call
  • All our tutors are qualified teachers and subject specialists
  • Complete marked mock exams to ensure you're well-prepared for the real thing
  • Access a CV builder, interview simulator and 1000+ career resources through our Career Hub

A Level FAQs

Why should i study with ics learn.

We’re the world’s most experienced online learning provider, having been pioneers in flexible learning for 130 years.

We're rated Excellent from more than 10,000 independent student reviews.

We make it easy to shape learning around your life with our flexible schedule, unlimited support, and interest-free payment plans.

That's why every year, we help thousands of students like you get the A Levels they need to succeed.

Is this the same A Level qualification I'd get in school?

Yes, it’s exactly the same.

You’ll sit the same A Level history exams at the same time as all the other students in the UK, and you’ll receive the same results, transcript and qualification.

Your A Level will be accepted by universities, colleges and employers worldwide, exactly as if you'd studied in school or college.

Your qualification is accredited by AQA, the largest A Level awarding body. They set and mark the exams for around half of all A Levels taken in the UK each year.

When can I start my course?

Right away! There’s no need to wait until September to enrol – you can begin your course at any time.

Once you enrol, you’ll be able to log in to your course and get started by the next working day.

What will I need to study this course?

We recommend you source the following textbook as there are references to it within the course:

  • Ailsa Fortune, Industrialisation and the people: Britain, c.1783–1885 (OUP, 2015)

How will I be supported?

  • Unlimited support
  • 24/7 access to the Student Community, your all-in-one online learning platform
  • Interactive online learning broken down into easy-to-follow units
  • Practice tests and mock exams marked by your tutor
  • Student forums so you can connect and share advice with other English students
  • Friendly student services team, so you’re never more than a message or phone call away from a helping hand

You'll also have unlimited lifetime access to our Career Hub, giving you thousands of resources to help you impress employers, master critical business skills, and build your dream career. It includes:

  • A CV and cover letter builder
  • An interview simulator
  • An elevator pitch builder
  • Career and work psychology assessments
  • In-depth industry and employer profiles
  • 350+ employer films with practical advice from hiring managers
  • 1000+ short courses, articles and videos on key career skills like negotiating a raise and leading a team

You can take a sneak peek at the Career Hub by signing up for free  here .§

How do I book my exam?

Roughly 6 months before your chosen exam date, you should book your place at an exam centre to take the AQA History A Level syllabus (7042) exam.

Your exam centre could be a school or college that's also submitting its own students for the exam, or it could be a private exam centre. Our partner centre,  Tutors & Exams , offers various discounts to ICS Learn students and has nine exam venues across the UK, including: Belfast, Bolton, Coventry, Doncaster, High Wycombe, Romford, St Neots, Taunton and Wimbledon.

AQA publish  a list of exam centres  that may accept private candidates. This won’t cover every available centre, so if there’s nothing shown in your area, we recommend contacting local schools and colleges directly.

Please note that you can't sit AQA A Level exams outside the UK.

Your exam fees aren’t included in the course cost as they’re paid directly to the exam centre. They’ll vary depending on which centre you choose.

How do I enrol?

If you’d like to pay in full, you can enrol online using the ‘Add to Basket’ button at the top of the page.

If you’d like to set up an interest-free* payment plan, get in touch with our A Level Advisors on 0800 015 3326. You can also verify that your course is budget-friendly when you use our handy affordability calculator . 

If you have any disabilities which you think might affect your studies or assessments, please tell your Course Advisor before you enrol so we can advise you on whether reasonable adjustments can be made to accommodate your needs.

What is a Student Course Summary?

Student Course Summaries are monthly reports we create (per subject) for both students and parents who want to remain in the know with any of the following throughout their course: 

  • Access History: tells you how many days within the month the student has logged in and how many days they've viewed the course. 
  • Submitted Assignments/Mock Exams: documents what assignments have been submitted, as well as when it was submitted, how many times the assignment has been attempted, and what grade they received. 
  • Help Requests: this will show the correspondence between the student and the tutor, any questions that have been asked and what the tutor's response was. 
  • Course News Forum: this is where students and parents can find Tutor Comments and updates on things such as Live Webinar sessions, or exam booking info.

The fee for this monthly report is a one-off price, no matter how many courses a student is enrolled in, and the fee can be integrated into your flexible payment plan. Keep in mind, however, that this fee is entirely separate from the multibuy discount. 

How can I pay for my course?

If you’re funding the course yourself , our flexible 0% payment plans* allow you to spread the cost with interest-free* monthly instalments. If your employer is funding all or part of your course , we can invoice them directly for your course fees – just let your course advisor know and we’ll arrange everything.

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† Pass rate based on all ICS Learn A Level History students' results in 2023.

  • A Level History

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Programmes & Qualifications

Cambridge international as & a level history (9489).

  • Published resources

Access to History for Cambridge International AS Level: International History 1870-1945

Endorsed by Cambridge Resources align to the syllabus they support, and have been through a detailed quality assurance process.

International History, 1870-1945 for Cambridge International AS Level History

Modern europe 1750-1921 for cambridge international as level history, the history of the usa, 1820-1941 for cambridge international as level history.

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Tutor Support Included

Learning remotely doesn’t mean you’re on your own! You’ll be able to message your tutor through our industry-leading learning platform.

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Flexible Payment Options

Enrol today from £9.99 deposit & spread the cost over 24 months

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Learn At Your Own Pace

Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for two years so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

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Study wherever and whenever you want. You’ll have access to your course for one year so you can fit your learning around your other commitments.

A-Level History - exams not included

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  • SALE Savings End Midnight Tuesday 9th April

This course at a glance

  • Gain a deeper understanding of critical analysis
  • Study the Industrialisation of Britain in the 18th & 19th Centuries
  • Learn about the changing geopolitical landscape of Europe in the 20 th Century
  • Complete this A Level in as little as 6 months
  • Allows you to progress to university level study
  • Study around your existing commitments

Studying your A-Level

History at A-Level is an opportunity to build on your existing knowledge of History.

You will learn how to critically analyse sources and historic accounts and put forward structured arguments.

During your course you will study:

  • The Industrialisation of Britain between 1783 and 1885.
  • Democracy and Nazism in Germany between the first and second World Wars (1918-1945).
  • You will also carry out a historical investigation about a 100 year period of your choice.

As you explore each of these units, you will develop a keen eye for detail, identifying critical moments in the course of history.

You will be challenged to test the robustness of your sources through problem-solving and argue in a structured and balanced way.

Upon completion of the course you will have the demonstratable knowledge required to take your study of history to degree level and beyond.

Getting Started

learndirect is a national leader in distance learning courses. That means you don’t have wait for the post, as all of your course materials can be found in a convenient online portal.

As soon as you enrol with us you can start studying your History A-Level. There’s no need to wait for ‘term’ to start. There are no term dates or class times, just your desire to learn and achieve.

This gives you the flexibility to study when it works for you. You can plan your studies around your existing commitments rather than the other way around. The only specific deadline to work towards is your exam – exam sittings are held once per year in May or June.

But distance learning doesn’t mean you’re doing it by yourself. From the moment you start your course, you will have a tutor assigned to help you. They will provide advice and guidance during your studies. They will also be marking your assignments and giving you comprehensive feedback.

This enables you to make continual, positive progress throughout.

Pursuing your career

An A-Level in History can allow you to go on to study History, Social Sciences or Humanities at university. However, your desired university will have entry requirements so be sure to check the grade required in this and associated subjects.

As you progress through your course, you will study the following modules:

  • Introduction to History
  • Industrialisation and the people: Britain, c1783-1885
  • Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918-1945
  • Historical Investigation
  • Requirements

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements, but a GCSE or IGCSE in this subject would be beneficial.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes to complete the course is 2 years.

Exams required

Exams are not included.

Is Membership Required?

No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Extension Rules

£40 for six months, maximum of twice. If expired more than six months ago, or have already had two extensions, then they need to restart the course and pay again.

Course Fees

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

At the end of each unit you will find a Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA). This is completed online and submitted to your tutor. Once assessed your tutor will return your work complete with its final grade and feedback. Once you’ve successfully passed each assignment you’ll be ready to take your exam!


If you decide to take the A-Level exam at the end of this course and pass, you will have gained an A-Level in History. This will enable you to progress to further and higher education programmes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a-level history hard, what topics are in history a-level, what can you do with a history a-level, can you study history a-levels online, is the exam included in this online a-level history course.

  • Description

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Course Options:

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  • Including exams

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    A Level History Coursework Edexcel - Structure and Planning First Section - Introduction to the overall question and key works (c. 1000 words) Introduction to the overall topic. You need to put the question into context by providing relevant information regarding what was happening at the time. You then need to define any key terms in the ...

  2. Edexcel History A Level Coursework structure and guidance

    A video giving an overview of the Edexcel A Level History coursework, which makes up 20% of the overall A Level grade.Introduction to video (including a joke...

  3. Cambridge International AS & A Level History (9489)

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  14. A Level History Course

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