Paper 3 – May/Nov 2022

The paper is normally written on the same day as Paper 2 and has a duration of 1 hour, with a maximum mark of 30, counting for 20% of the total subject grade. The paper will be broken down like this:

Every year, it is a based on a case study or scenario that changes. Here is the case study for the May/November 2020 exams.

The topic is Genetic algorithms.

To prepare for the 2022 Paper 3, please make sure you have done the following:

  • Know the key terms Ensure that you have found your own definitions for all terms in the ‘additional terminology’ on page 8 of the case study.
  • Introduction
  • The travelling salesman problem
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Initialization
  • Partially mapped crossover (PMX)
  • Order crossover (OX)
  • Cycle crossover (CX)
  • Challenges faced
  • Rehearse possible challenge answer Practice writing longer responses to the 5 challenges faced towards the end of the case study. These questions will usually be assessed using the Question 3/4 marking bands grid.

External Assessment — Paper 3 #

Paper 3 asks a number of questions related to a pre-released case study .

Here is the case study for use in May and November 2024

Case studies from other years .

The maximum number of marks you can get for Paper 3 is 30. Your Paper 3 score translates into 20% of your final HL grade, see grade boundaries .

Grade boundaries #

Computer science course has a variety of assessment components. Paper 3 is marked using markschemes and markbands and assigned a numerical mark by the external examiner. Grade boundaries are then applied to determine the overall grade on the 1-7 scale for this component.

These boundaries have no impact on your final grade. However, they may be used to estimate the difficulty of the component.

Higher Level #

IB HL Paper3 Case Study 2022 Genetic Algorithms

Case study 2020 block chain, about paper 3.

The paper is normally written on the same day as paper 2 and has a duration of  1 hour , with a  maximum   mark  of  30 , counting for  20%  of the  total subject grade . Every year, it is a based on a case study or scenario that changes.

ib computer science case study 2022

Marking Bands

ib computer science case study 2022


IB_HL_Paper3_CaseStudy_2022 by Tiberius Hodoroabă - Simion

Genetic Algorithms by 1balamanian

CASE STUDY Questions

Case study student notes.

Write Notes under the following headings

CASE Study Knowledge and understanding:

Terminology guide.

Additional Terminology

Brute force approach Combinatorial optimization Computational intractability Convergence Crossover / crossover operator Elitism Exploration vs exploitation Fitness / fitness function / fitness landscape Heuristic Hill climbing Initialization parameters Local extrema Mating pool Mutation / mutation rate Novelty search Offspring Optimization Population Premature convergence Problem space Ranking Roulette wheel selection Selection strategy Simulated annealing Stochastic universal sampling Termination condition Tour Tournament selection Truncation selection

Lesson One - Homework

Read the Case Study and summarize the introduction section

In your research so far have you come across any protocols ?

What is Section

What is a hashing function.

Hashing functions are mathematical algorithms that take inputs and generate unique outputs.

  • Hash functions turn an arbitrarily-large piece of data into a fixed-length hash output
  • They are one-to-one: the same input will always provide the same hash output
  • They are one-way functions: it's impossible to "work backwards", and reconstruct the input given a hash output.

What is a Good Hashing Function

“The essential characteristics of good hashing algorithms are determinism, noninvertibility and collision resistance.” A good cryptographic hash function is non-invertible, meaning it cannot be reverse engineered.

What is SHA256 Hash Generator

What is  sha256 hash generator.

he SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) is one of a number of cryptographic hash functions. A cryptographic hash is like a signature for a data set. If you would like to compare two sets of raw data (source of the file, text or similar) it is always better to hash it and compare SHA256 values. It is like the fingerprints of the data. Even if only one symbol is changed the algorithm will produce different hash value. SHA256 algorithm generates an almost-unique, fixed size 256-bit (32-byte) hash. Hash is so called a one way function. This makes it suitable for checking integrity of your data, challenge hash authentication, anti-tamper, digital signatures, blockchain. With the newest hardware (CPU and GPU) improvements it is become possible to decrypt SHA256 algorithm back. So it is no longer recommended to use it for password protection or other similar use cases. Some years ago you would protect your passwords from hackers by storing SHA256 encrypted password in the your data base. This is no longer a case. SHA256 algorithm can be still used for making sure you acquired the same data as the original one. For example if you download something you can easily check if data has not changed due to network errors or malware injection. You can compare hashes of your file and original one which is usually provided in the website you are getting data or the file from. SHA-256 is one of the successor hash functions to SHA-1,and is one of the strongest hash functions available.

Online Tool Click Here

what is Immutable transaction

What is an immutable transaction.

Immutability is used to denote something which can never be modified or deleted. In a blockchain, it refers to the logs of transactions, which is created by consensus among the chain’s participants. The basic notion is this: once a blockchain transaction has received a sufficient level of validation it can never be replaced or reversed or edited.

Now let us see how blockchain attains immutability.

If a miner tries to change a transaction from history, he will have to re-mine all the blocks from that block till the current block and this will have to be reflected in every copy of the ledger in the network. Miners will have to rebuild the merkle tree of the block in which the transaction is present and redo all the proof of work for that block.

Now, since the next block stores the hash of this block, the next block will also have to be re-mined. This is because the next block will have to be edited with the new “previous block hash”. This change will result in a different block hash. The new block hash might result in a hash that does not match the set difficulty level. Thus, this block will also have to be re-mined.

What about the new blocks being added every 10 minutes?

The computing power required to achieve this is enormous and probably only theoretical.

what is a trapdoor function

What is a merkle tree ( also known as a binary hash tree ), what is  a merkle tree.

In very simple terms, a Merkle Tree is a way of structuring data that allows a large body of information to be verified for accuracy both extremely efficiently and quickly. They have become a crucial component of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency,

The Merkle Tree has been around since 1979, when a man named Ralph Merkle was at Stanford University. Merkle wrote a paper titled “A Certified Digital Signature” during his time at Stanford, and unknowingly created a major component of blockchain. In his paper, Merkle described a brand new method of creating proofs. Essentially, Merkle designed a process for verifying data that would allow computers to work much faster than before

A Merkle Tree Example

Let’s imagine that there were four transactions performed on one block: A, B, C, and D. Each transaction is then hashed, leaving us with:

The hashes are paired together resulting in:

These two hashes are hashed together to give us our Merkle Root: Hash ABCD. In reality, a Merkle Tree is far more complicated than this (especially when you consider that each transaction ID is 64 characters long) but this should give you an idea as to how the algorithms work and why it is so effective. 

ib computer science case study 2022

The implementation of Merkle trees in blockchains has multiple effects. It allows them to scale while also providing the hash-based architecture for them to maintain data integrity and a trivial way to verify the integrity of data .

Slide Shows & Lessons

Paper 3 long question.

Paper 3 always ends with a long discussion question. The time is one hour so allow 2 minutes per point, for example if the Long question   is for 12 points allocate 23 minutes. If short question is for 4 mark allocate 8 minutes. This will help ensure you spend the correct amount of time on each question.

=== Long Question (12 marks) ===

- Suggestions for the responses --- … USE TECHNICAL VOCABULARY whenever possible and sensible. … Your response to this question(s) should be 1-2 pages long, depending on the size of your writing. … and it must be completed within 20-30 minutes, as there are other questions on the exam. … Hence, you may only give partial responses to each part of the question. … Be sure to address ALL parts of the question(s), albeit briefly, rather than one part in depth. … Keep in mind that there are no "RIGHT" answers, but there are better and worse answers.

Computer science

Computer science previously formed a subject in group 5 of the Diploma Programme curriculum but now lies within group 4. As such, it is regarded as a science, alongside biology, chemistry, design technology, physics, environmental systems and societies and sports, exercise and health science.

 This group change is significant as it means DP students can now select computer science as their group 4 subject rather than having to select it in addition to mathematics as was previously the case. 

The IB computer science course is a rigorous and practical problem-solving discipline. Features and benefits of the curriculum and assessment of are as follows: 

Learn more about computer science in a DP workshop for teachers . 

Computer science subject brief

Subject briefs are short two-page documents providing an outline of the course. Read the standard level (SL) and/or higher level (HL) subject brief below. 

ib computer science case study 2022

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2023 case study

ib computer science case study 2022

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 The case study
  • 3 Every term in the case study
  • 4 Markscheme for case study
  • 5 Previous years case studies
  • 6 References

Introduction [ edit ]

Higher-level students must write 3 papers. The case study is the third paper. Every year, the case study discusses a different topic. Students must become very very familiar with the case study . The IB recommends spending about a year studying this guide.

This page will help you organize and understand the 2023 case study . Here are some external resources:

  • I have found a wonderful resource here, which may help you .
  • There is another good collection of resources here
  • here is an reddit with some links

The case study [ edit ]

Click here for the full pdf case study for 2023

Every term in the case study [ edit ]

  • Please visit our programming page to see a list of terms involved in Machine learning .

Markscheme for case study [ edit ]


Previous years case studies [ edit ]

  • Click here for the 2022 case study
  • Click here for the 2020 and 2021 case study
  • Click here for the 2019 case study
  • Click here for the 2018 case study
  • Click here for the 2017 case study
  • Click here for the 2016 case study

References [ edit ]

  • ↑

Devote time and attention to gaining knowledge of (an academic subject), especially by means of books

Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation.

Paul Baumgarten

Computer Scientist, teacher, freelance programmer and self confessed geek

ib computer science case study 2022

  • Classes IB Diploma CompSci IGCSE CompSci MYP Digital Design Coding club
  • Resources Python Java Javascript C++ Raspberry Pi

IB Diploma Computer Science

Welcome to my teaching notes for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Computer Science course.

  • Course introduction (November 2020)
  • Course syllabus
  • Schedule for Year 12 (class of 2023)
  • Schedule for Year 13 (class of 2022)

Units & key resources

  • Unit 1: Systems design
  • Unit 2: Computer architecture
  • Unit 3: Networks
  • Unit 4a: Java notes
  • Java Exam Tool Subset (JETS) (previous syllabus but still very relevant)
  • Codingbat and video introduction
  • Video: What's happening in a while loop
  • Video: For loops with arrays
  • Video: How functions work (Python)
  • Video: Exceptions
  • Unit 4b: Teaching notes
  • Search & sort algorithm animations
  • IB pseudocode (exam version)
  • IB pseudocode (additional detail)
  • Unit 5 (& D4): Abstract data structures (HL only)
  • Unit 6: Resource management (HL only)
  • Unit 7: Control systems (HL only)
  • OOP part 1 - concepts
  • OOP terminology check
  • OOP part 2 - programming
  • IA handbook 2020
  • IA proposal
  • IA technology stacks 2022
  • IA client nomination form)
  • Past IA's (STC students only)
  • Case study (HL only)
  • Extended essay (optional)

IB assessment outline

Other ib teacher websites.

Other IB CS teacher websites. Feel free to check them out!

  • Chris Coetzee, Dartford Grammar School, UK
  • Michael Brooke, St Julian’s School
  • Bill MacKenty, American School of Warsaw
  • Robert Griffiths, Colegio Gran Bretaña, Bogotá
  • Wikibooks, various authors

Other resources

Online programming courses & lectures

  • Video lectures from various universities
  • edX: Introduction to Java Programming – Part 1 (25 hours)
  • coursera: Object Oriented Programming in Java Specialization (13 hours for course 1, 24 hours for course 2, 25 hours for course 3, don't worry about course 4)
  • Introduction to Programming Using Java, Eighth Edition (online, free edition) by David Eck

If you come across any other site worth adding to the list, please let me know!

IB CompSci Hub

For HL students only , the third exam involves doing research on a topic that is released by the IBO every year.

Here is what the moderator suggests in preparation for this exam:

Higher Level Paper 3 is a paper that demands significant research on the part of the candidate , guided, of course, by the class teacher. When it comes to answering questions, the focus throughout the paper is on the depth of understanding of the subject material. This is not a paper that can be answered successfully with general knowledge acquired through brief encounters with the material, but only through a well-planned course which places sufficient emphasis on the candidates’ own responsibility to research the case study in depth.

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to plan for this paper a year in advance. One possible way to start is to get the students to contextualize the various terms and ideas , many of which will initially be unfamiliar. Getting the class to construct mind maps linking these terms and ideas is one possibility. Dividing up the additional terminology amongst the class and setting them research over their vacation is another. It is envisaged that research undertaken outside of the classroom will feature heavily.

This paper clearly rewards those students who are prepared to research in depth the various areas in the relevant case study and who are able to demonstrate their understanding in the examination. This should be made clear to

Because this website is no longer updated regularly, please see this website for details on the most recent Paper 3 Case Study: Block Chain Case Study 2020-2021

Note that the 2021 case study is a repeat of the 2020 case study (see the front page of the case study for confirmation)

Paper 3 Practice Papers + Guide + Slides (2024)

ib computer science case study 2022

This guide includes all of the content that you need to know for Paper 3 of the IB Computer Science HL exam. In addition, 2 practice papers with sample answers are included, written by an experienced IB Computer Science teacher.

Also included are the slides from the Youtube video on this topic.

Note: This corresponds to the 2024 Case Study: Rescue Robot.

Click here to see a preview.

Study Guide, 2 Practice Papers w/ Answers, Slides

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News & Insights

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How to Invest in OpenAI's ChatGPT (Updated 2024)

ib computer science case study 2022

April 08, 2024 — 04:30 pm EDT

Written by Melissa Pistilli for Investing News Network  ->

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is one of the latest technological breakthroughs in the artificial intelligence (AI) space. But is there a good investment case for a technology that has become so controversial?

This emerging technology is representative of a niche subsector of the AI industry known as generative AI — systems that can generate text, images or sounds in response to prompts given by users.

Precedence Research expects the global AI market to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19 percent to reach US$2.57 trillion by 2032. Just how much of an impact OpenAI’s ChatGPT will have on this space is hard to predict, but S&P Global suggested in December 2023 that the total market revenue of generative AI as a whole will see a CAGR of 57.9 percent through 2028, increasing from US$3.7 billion last year to US$36.36 billion in 2028.

“The key trend last year was the rise of generative AI, and 2023 will go down as one of the most exciting years for AI yet! With the launch of ChatGPT late in 2022, the true scale of its disruptive potential was more realized across the world in 2023,” said Naseem Husain , senior vice president and exchange-traded fund (ETF) strategist at Horizons ETFs. “Its success has sparked a wave of generative and chat AI models, from Midjourney to Grok.”

Of course, OpenAi has also generated a lot of controversy, such as fears over job destruction and targeted disinformation campaigns . And let’s not forget the odd and abrupt, however brief, ousting of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman .

Many lawsuits have emerged as well. Multiple news outlets , including the the New York Times , have launched copyright lawsuits against OpenAI, and some of the plaintiffs are also seeking damages from the private tech firm’s very public partner Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT ). Additionally, the Authors Guild, which represents a group of prominent authors , launched a class-action lawsuit against OpenAI that is calling for a licensing system that would allow authors to opt out of having their books used to train AI, and would require AI companies to pay for the material they do use.

With all of that said, there's still a lot of excitement surrounding generative AI technology. Many investors are wondering if it's possible to invest in OpenAI's ChatGPT, and if there are other ways to invest in generative AI. Here the Investing News Network (INN) answers those questions and more, shedding light on this new landscape.

​What is OpenAI's ChatGPT?

Created by San Francisco-based tech lab OpenAI, ChatGPT is a generative AI software application that uses a machine learning technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to emulate human-written conversations based on a large range of user prompts. This kind of software is better known as an AI chatbot.

ChatGPT learns language by training on texts gleaned from across the internet, including online encyclopedias, books, academic journals, news sites and blogs. Based on this training, the AI chatbot generates text by making predictions about which words (or tokens) can be strung together to produce the most suitable response.

More than a million people engaged with ChatGPT within the first week of its launch for free public testing on November 30, 2022. Many were in awe of the chatbot’s seemingly natural language capabilities, not only in terms of understanding questions, but also because of its human-like responses. Users felt as if they were having a conversation with a human.

Besides being an excellent conversation partner, ChatGPT can write engaging short stories , develop catchy marketing materials, solve complicated math problems and even create code in various programming languages.

Based on this success, OpenAI has created a more powerful version of the ChatGPT system called GPT-4 , which was released in March 2023. It is currently only available to paid ChatGPT subscribers and Microsoft Copilot users .

This iteration of ChatGPT can accept visual inputs , is much more precise and can display a higher level of expertise in various subjects. Because of this, GPT-4 can describe images in vivid detail and ace standardized tests.

Unlike its predecessor, GPT-4 doesn't have any time limits on what information it can access; however, AI researcher and professor Dr. Oren Etzioni has said that the chatbot is still terrible at discussing the future and generating new ideas. It also hasn't lost its tendency to deliver incorrect information with too high a degree of confidence.

​What is Elon Musk's relationship to OpenAI?

Elon Musk behind the word

DIA TV / Shutterstock

OpenAI was founded in 2015 by Altman, its current CEO, as well as Tesla's (NASDAQ: TSLA ) Elon Musk and other big-name investors, such as venture capitalist Peter Thiel and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. Musk left his position on OpenAI's board of directors in 2018 to focus on Tesla and its pursuit of autonomous vehicle technology.

A few days after ChatGPT became available for public testing, Musk took to X , formerly known as Twitter, to say, “ChatGPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI.” That same day, he announced that X had shut the door on OpenAI’s access to its database so it could no longer use it for RLHF training.

His reason: “OpenAI was started as open-source & non-profit. Neither are still true.”

Furthering his feud with OpenAI, Musk filed a lawsuit against the company in March 2024 for an alleged breach of contract. The crux of his complaint was that OpenAI has broken the "founding agreement" made between the founders (Altman, Greg Brockman and himself) that the company would remain a non-profit. Altman and OpenAI have denied there was such an agreement and that Musk was keen on an eventual for-profit structure.

​Is ChatGPT revolutionary or hype?

Is ChatGPT a revolutionary technology or just another hyped-up tech fad that will flop, much in the way of Google Glass or the Segway ? It may be too early to tell, but as with any new technology, there are plenty of wrinkles to iron out.

One of the most challenging bugs to fix before ChatGPT can be deployed more widely is the chatbot’s propensity to respond with “plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers," admits OpenAI .

Remember, its selection of which words to string together are actually predictions — not as fallible as mere guesses, but still fallible. Even the latest 4.0 version is “ still is not fully reliable (it “hallucinates” facts and makes reasoning errors),” says the company, which emphasizes that users should exercise caution when employing the technology.

Indeed, ChatGPT's failings can have dangerous real-life consequences. Among other negative applications, the tech can be used to spread misinformation, carry out phishing email scams or write malicious code. What’s more, the AI-based technology is prone to racial and gender-based biases. Not only has this language learning model contributed to the human-like quality of its responses, but it has also picked up on some of humanity’s shortcomings.

“ChatGPT was trained on the collective writing of humans across the world, past and present. This means that the same biases that exist in the data, can also appear in the model,” explains Garling Wu , staff writer for online technology publication MUO, in a September 2023 article. “In fact, users have shown how ChatGPT can give produce some terrible answers, some, for example, that discriminate against women. But that's just the tip of the iceberg; it can produce answers that are extremely harmful to a range of minority groups.”

On the flip side, an August 2023 study by the University of East Anglia identified a left-wing bias in ChatGPT. Researchers at the school said their work shows that ChatGPT "favors Democrats in the U.S., the Labour Party in the U.K., and president Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party in Brazil," according to Forbes.

There’s also the fear among teachers that the technology is leading to an unwelcome rise in academic dishonesty, with students using ChatGPT to write essays or complete their science homework.

“Teachers and school administrators have been scrambling to catch students using the tool to cheat, and they are fretting about the havoc ChatGPT could wreak on their lesson plans,” writes New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose .

Despite these concerns, we’re likely to see new iterations of ChatGPT — hopefully without the aforementioned bugs — as OpenAI has the backing of tech giant Microsoft.

Why is Microsoft investing in OpenAI? ​

Hand holding phone with OpenAI technology on it in front of Microsoft logo.

Ascannio / Shutterstock

Since 2019, Microsoft has invested at least US$3 billion in OpenAI to help the small tech firm create its ultra-powerful AI chatbot, as reported by New York Times technology correspondents Cade Metz and Karen Weise.

Microsoft announced in mid-January 2023 that as part of the third phase of its partnership with OpenAI, it will make "a multiyear, multibillion dollar investment." Although the company hasn't disclosed the total amount of its latest spend, reports at the time indicated that US$10 billion is on the table . According to a February article from Reuters , OpenAI was recently valued at US$80 billion, meaning Microsoft's US$10 billion move would be huge. However, as of late 2023 there were rumors that OpenAI has only received a fraction of that purported investment.

How could Microsoft benefit from its investment? It seems the tech giant is hopeful advancements in generative AI may increase revenues for its Azure cloud computing business, as OpenAI officially licensed its technologies to Microsoft in 2020. Indeed, Pitchbook has described the deal as an “ unprecedented milestone ” for generative AI technology.

The strength of Microsoft’s confidence in OpenAI’s Altman was definitely on display in late November, when it quickly moved him to the payroll of its advanced AI research team after he was fired from OpenAI . Barely a week passed before Altman was back at the helm of OpenAI with major board changes, including the addition of Dee Templeton , Microsoft's vice president of technology and research partnerships and operations, as a non-voting observer.

​What's the future of OpenAI and ChatGPT?

The ChatGPT 3.5 platform is free to use, and can be accessed via the web. Those with an iPhone or iPad can also use ChatGPT through an app , and an Android version launched in July 2023 . OpenAI also launched a paid subscription, ChatGPT Plus for business use , in August 2023. ChatGPT Plus gives users access to the newest iteration, GPT-4.

In addition to Microsoft's use of the ChatGPT technology as part of Copilot, other companies are working with OpenAI to incorporate the technology into their platforms, including Canva, Duolingo (NASDAQ: DUOL ), Intercom, Salesforce (NYSE: CRM ), Scale, Stripe, and Upwork (NASDAQ: UPWK ).

As uptake increases, generative AI technology is replacing humans in the workplace, and will likely continue doing so in a number of fields, from content creation and customer service to transcription and translation services, and even in graphic design and paralegal fields. However, humans are hitting back, as evidenced by recent lawsuits launched against OpenAI and Microsoft. As mentioned, a growing group of prominent authors is suing the creator of ChatGPT and its financial backer for infringing on their copyright by using their books without permission to train the language models behind ChatGPT and other AI-based software.

The New York Times has also taken a stand by taking OpenAI and Microsoft to Manhattan Federal Court.

"Defendants seek to free-ride on the Times's massive investment in its journalism by using it to build substitutive products without permission or payment," states the complaint . "There is nothing 'transformative' about using the Times's content without payment to create products that substitute for the Times and steal audiences away from it."

What about the long-term goals for OpenAI and ChatGPT? Metz of the New York Times believes the end game is “artificial general intelligence, or AGI — a machine that can do anything the human brain can do.”

In keeping with this end goal, OpenAI made a major move by acquiring an AI creative firm with a deep talent bench, Global Illumination , in mid-August 2023. "Global Illumination is a company that has been leveraging AI to build creative tools, infrastructure, and digital experiences," states OpenAI on its website .

"The team previously designed and built products early on at Instagram and Facebook and have also made significant contributions at YouTube, Google, Pixar, Riot Games, and other notable companies."

In November 2023, OpenAI decided to give customers without coding skills the ability to create customized versions of its chatbot and access to large data sets for training. “OpenAI wants people to start innovating using the chatbots and creating special chatbots,” Hod Lipson, an engineering and data science professor at Columbia University, told CNBC .

Chatbot creators will eventually have the ability to share their custom chatbots through OpenAI’s GPT Store. “They’re really trying to create a marketplace, which will allow companies and people to innovate and play around with this incredible form of AI that they’ve just unleashed,” Lipson added.

What is Google's Bard AI?

Google logo beside the words

Carl DMaster / Shutterstock

While ChatGPT has been generating major buzz, it's definitely not the only chatbot out there.

Notably, Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOGL ) subsidiary Google launched its answer to ChatGPT in March 2023. Known as Bard AI , the chatbot is built on Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (or LaMDA). Google CEO Sundar Pichai has described Bard as an “experimental conversational AI service … (that) seeks to combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge with the power, intelligence and creativity of our large language models.”

As with ChatGPT, users can key in a query, request or prompt and Bard will provide a human-like response. One way in which Bard may have had a leg up on the original ChatGPT is that the latter could only use data up to 2021, while the former can access up-to-date information online; this is less relevant now that GPT-4 no longer has this limitation.

However, Bard's ability to access current data hasn’t spared it from ChatGPT’s biggest folly: confidently stating misinformation as fact. The Verge reported that when asked about new discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope, Google’s Bard “made a factual error in its very first demo.”

In early in 2024, Google launched the latest iteration of its Bard Advanced AI chatbot with a new name, Gemini AI. The new version is powered by Google's Gemini Ultra large language model.

​Which stocks will benefit the most from AI chatbot technology?

Other than companies directly tied to generative AI technology, which stocks are likely to get a boost from advances?

There are several verticals in the tech industry with indirect exposure to AI chatbot technology, such as semiconductors, network equipment providers, cloud providers, central processing unit manufacturers and internet of things.

Some of the publicly traded companies in these verticals include:

  • Graphics processing unit leader Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA )
  • The world's largest semiconductor chip manufacturer by revenue, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (NYSE: TSM )
  • Computer memory and data storage producer Micron Technology (NASDAQ: MU )
  • Digital communications firm Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO )
  • Networking products provider Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR )
  • Semiconductor producer Marvell Technology Group (NASDAQ: MRVL )
  • Cloud-computing Amazon Web Services' parent company Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN )
  • Bluechip multinational technology company IBM (NYSE: IBM )
  • Major semiconducter chip manufacturer Intel (NASDAQ: INTC )

While most companies specializing in generative AI remain in the venture capital stage, there are plenty of AI stocks for those interested in the space. INN's article 5 Canadian Artificial Intelligence Stocks , ASX AI Stocks: 5 Biggest Companies , and 12 Generative AI Stocks to Watch as ChatGPT Soars includes some examples.

Investors who don’t like to put all their eggs in one basket can check out these 5 Artificial Intelligence ETFs . And if you’re looking for a more general overview of the market, INN has you covered with How to Invest in Artificial Intelligence . You can also take a look back at the market in 2023 with our AI Market 2023 Year-End Review , or read projections for AI this year in our AI Market Forecast: 3 Top Trends that will Affect AI in 2024 .

​FAQs for investing in OpenAI and ChatGPT

When will openai go public.

So, can you invest in OpenAI itself? The company is not currently a publicly traded stock; however, if Microsoft does take a large position in the company, investors will be able to gain indirect exposure to OpenAI by purchasing Microsoft shares.

For those seeking direct exposure, be on the lookout for news of an initial public offering (IPO). As of late-March 2024, there are no plans for an OpenAI IPO on the horizon.

How is OpenAI funded?​

OpenAI raised US$11.3 billion over six funding rounds from 2016 to January 2024.

The three top investors are technology investment firm Thrive Capital, venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and revolutionary technology investment firm Founders Fund.

​What is the market value of ChatGPT/OpenAI?

OpenAI has a market valuation of US$80 billion as of February 2024. The company’s 2023 revenue had reached US$2 billion mark in December 2023 to join the ranks of Google and Meta (NASDAQ: META ).

Does ChatGPT use Nvidia chips?

ChatGPT’s distributed computing infrastructure depends upon powerful servers with multiple graphics processing units (GPUs). High-performance Nvidia GPU chips are preferred for this application as they also provide excellent Compute Unified Device Architecture support.

​Will ChatGPT cause another GPU shortage?

Most likely not. The type of GPUs used for machine learning models like ChatGPT are different from other types of GPUs, including those used to power gaming systems or crypto mining.

​Can ChatGPT make stock predictions?

A University of Florida study recently highlighted the potential for advanced language models such as ChatGPT to accurately predict movements in the stock market using sentiment analysis. During the course of the study, ChatGPT outperformed traditional sentiment analysis methods, and the finance professors conducting the research concluded that “incorporating advanced language models into the investment decision-making process can yield more accurate predictions and enhance the performance of quantitative trading strategies.”

When to expect ChatGPT 5?

OpenAI filed a trademark application for ChatGPT-5 in mid-July 2023, which hinted that the next iteration of the generative AI technology is currently under development. There were rumours the company planned to complete training for ChatGPT-5 by the end of 2023, which did not materialize. Its anyone's guess when we may see its launch, but most likely not before Q3 2024 .

While PC Guide notes that OpenAI did release GPT-4V and GPT-4 Turbo in Q4 2023, there is little sign that ChatGPT-5 is close to market. However, the publication did share that, "In a March 2024 interview on the Lex Fridman podcast, Sam Altman teased an “ amazing new model this year ” but wouldn’t commit to it being called GPT 5 (or anything else)".

This is an updated version of an article first published by the Investing News Network in 2023.

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Securities Disclosure: I, Melissa Pistilli, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article.

Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. The opinions expressed in these interviews do not reflect the opinions of the Investing News Network and do not constitute investment advice. All readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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