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FIFA World Cup 2022

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mbappe biography malayalam

ഫൈനലിനെ ഫൈനലാക്കിയ എംബാപ്പെ ; രാജ്യം തോറ്റ കളിയിലെ രാജാവ്

മനു കുര്യന്‍, 19 december 2022, 12:32 pm ist, ആര് കപ്പടിക്കും എന്ന സസ്‌പെന്‍സ് പോലെ സുവര്‍ണപാദുകവും മെസ്സിയിലും എംബാപ്പെയിലുമായി പാസ് ചെയ്ത് ഒടുവില്‍ എംബാപ്പെയില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്നു..

mbappe biography malayalam

എംബാപ്പെയുടെ ഗോളാഘോഷം | Photo: AP

ഇ ങ്ങനെയൊരു ഫൈനലും ഇങ്ങനെയൊരു കിരീടധാരണവും വേറെയുണ്ടാവില്ല. അടിമുടി നാടകീയത നിറഞ്ഞ സാധ്യതകള്‍ മാറിമറിഞ്ഞ സസ്‌പെന്‍സ് ത്രില്ലര്‍. അര്‍ജന്റീനയും മെസ്സിയും വിശ്വവിജയികളായപ്പോഴും ആരാണ് ഫൈനലിലെ യഥാര്‍ഥ ഹീറോ. എല്ലാ കിരീടവും നേടി ലോകകിരീടത്തിലും മുത്തമിട്ട മെസ്സിയോ. അതോ ഷൂട്ടൗട്ടിനെ നെഞ്ചുവിരിച്ച് നേരിട്ട് മിശിഹയായി മാറിയ മാര്‍ട്ടിനസോ. രാജ്യം തോറ്റ കളിയില്‍ രാജാവായി വാണ എംബാപ്പെ തന്നെയല്ലെ യഥാര്‍ഥ ഹീറോ. സമ്മര്‍ദത്തിന്റെ പരകോടിയില്‍ ഒരു ചാഞ്ചല്യവുമില്ലാതെ നാല് തവണ അയാള്‍ വല കുലുക്കിയപ്പോള്‍ അര്‍ജന്റീന ഞെട്ടിത്തരിച്ച് പോയ നിമിഷങ്ങള്‍. 2014 ആവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്നുവെന്ന വിതുമ്പാന്‍ തുടങ്ങിയ ആരാധകര്‍.

ഫൈനലിനെ ഫൈനലാക്കിയത് അയാളാണ്. 80-ാം മിനിറ്റ് വരെ പന്ത് കിട്ടാക്കനിയായും ഒരു മുന്നേറ്റവും നടത്താനാകാതെ നിശബ്ദനായ എംബാപ്പെ വീണുകിട്ടിയ പൊനാല്‍റ്റി കിക്ക് എടുക്കാന്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ ഗോള്‍ഡന്‍ ബൂട്ട് മെസ്സിയുടെ കാലിലായിരുന്നു. കാറ്റിലും കോളിലും കുലുങ്ങാത്തെ എംപററായ അയാള്‍ക്ക് മുന്നില്‍ മാര്‍ട്ടിനെസ് നിരായുധനായി. പൊനാല്‍റ്റി ഗോളാക്കിയ മെസ്സിക്കൊപ്പം പൊനാല്‍റ്റിയിലൂടെ തന്നെ എംബാപ്പെയ്ക്കും ആറാം ഗോള്‍. അപ്പോഴും ഒരു അസിസ്റ്റുമായി മെസ്സി തന്നെ മുന്നില്‍. ഗോള്‍ വീണെന്ന് അര്‍ജന്റീനന്‍ താരങ്ങള്‍ വിശ്വസിച്ചുവരും മുന്നെ അയാള്‍ വീണ്ടും നിറയൊഴിച്ചു. കാവലേല്‍പിച്ചവര്‍ പോലും ഒന്ന് കണ്ണ് ചിമ്മിയ നേരത്ത് മിന്നല്‍ വേഗത്തില്‍ പോസ്റ്റിലെത്തിയ എംബാപ്പെ തൊടുത്ത കിക്ക് അതിന്റെ ടൈമിങ് ഒരു ഫൈനലിലും വേറെ കിട്ടാനില്ല. തോറ്റ ഫ്രാന്‍സിനെ അയാള്‍ തിരിച്ചെത്തിക്കുന്നു. ഗോള്‍ഡന്‍ ബൂട്ട് എംബാപ്പെയ്ക്ക് സ്വന്തമായ നിമിഷം.

പ്രതിരോധവും മാര്‍ക്കിങ്ങും എല്ലാം പൊളിഞ്ഞു പാളീസായി. ഏത് നിമിഷവും അടുത്ത ഗോള്‍ വീഴാം എന്ന സ്ഥിതി. ഇന്‍ജുറി ടൈമിന് തൊട്ടുമുമ്പ് ഗോളെന്നുറപ്പിച്ച ഷോട്ട് മാര്‍ട്ടിനസ് തട്ടിത്തെറിപ്പിച്ചു. മറിച്ചായിരുന്നെങ്കില്‍ ആ നിമിഷം അര്‍ജന്റീനയ്ക്ക് പകരം ഫ്രഞ്ച് വീരഗാഥ രചിക്കപ്പെട്ടേനെ. ഫ്രാന്‍സോ അര്‍ജന്റീനയോ ആര് എന്നതുപോലെ എംബാപ്പെയോ മെസ്സിയോ എന്ന ആകാംക്ഷയും കൂടി. എക്‌സ്ട്രാ ടൈമിലേക്ക് ആ പോരും നീണ്ടു. 108 ാം മിനിറ്റില്‍ രക്ഷനായി മെസ്സി അവതരിക്കുന്നു വീണ്ടും. ഗോള്‍ഡന്‍ ബൂട്ട് തിരികെ മെസ്സിയിലേക്ക്. ഫ്രഞ്ച് സ്വപ്‌നങ്ങള്‍ അവസാനിച്ചു എന്ന് കരുതിയ നിമിഷങ്ങള്‍. അതാ വരുന്നു വീണ്ടും പൊനാല്‍റ്റി. വീണ്ടും എംബാപ്പെ. പിഴക്കാത്ത മൂന്നാം ഗോള്‍. രണ്ടാം പെനാല്‍റ്റിയും ലക്ഷ്യത്തില്‍. ലോകകപ്പ് ഫൈനലില്‍ ഹാട്രിക് പിറക്കുന്നു. 1966 ല്‍ ഇംഗ്ലണ്ടിന്റെ ജെഫ് ഹേഴ്സ്റ്റിന് ശേഷം ലോകകപ്പ് ഫൈനലില്‍ വീണ്ടും ഒരു ഹാട്രിക്. മെസ്സിയിലേക്ക് പോയ സുവര്‍ണപാദുകം എംബാപ്പെ തിരിച്ചെടുക്കുന്നു. അയാള്‍ അത് തീര്‍ച്ചയായും അര്‍ഹിക്കുന്നു.

ആര് കപ്പടിക്കും എന്ന സസ്‌പെന്‍സ് പോലെ സുവര്‍ണപാദുകവും മെസ്സിയിലും എംബാപ്പെയിലുമായി പാസ് ചെയ്ത് ഒടുവില്‍ എംബാപ്പെയില്‍ അവസാനിക്കുന്നു. ഗോള്‍ഡന്‍ ബൂട്ടുമായി എംബാപ്പെ. ഗോള്‍ഡന്‍ ബോളുമായി മെസ്സി. ഒരു രാജാവ് ലോകകപ്പിനോട് വിടചൊല്ലിയപ്പോള്‍ ഫുട്‌ബോള്‍ ലോകത്ത് പുതിയൊരു രാജവാഴ്ച അരങ്ങേറുന്നു. ഷൂട്ടൗട്ടില്‍ ആദ്യ കിക്കെടുത്ത് വീണ്ടും എംബാപ്പെ അര്‍ജന്റീനയെ ഞെട്ടിച്ചു. കളിയില്‍ നാല് തവണ മാര്‍ട്ടിനസിനെ കീഴടക്കിയ അക്ഷോഭ്യനായ പോരാളി. മിശിഹ കിരീടത്തില്‍ മുത്തമിട്ടപ്പോള്‍ മരിയ മാലാഖയായി ചിറകുവിരിച്ചുയര്‍ന്നപ്പോള്‍ അര്‍ജന്റീനയ്ക്ക് മാര്‍ട്ടിനസ് മിശിഹയായി അവതരിച്ച മുഹൂര്‍ത്തത്തില്‍ യുദ്ധം ജയിച്ച എംബാപ്പെ എന്ന രാജാവിന് പക്ഷേ രാജ്യത്തെ രക്ഷിക്കാന്‍ അത് മതിയായിരുന്നില്ല. ഫുട്‌ബോള്‍ ലോകമെ ഇനിയുള്ള നാളുകള്‍ അയാളുടേതാകും അത് ഉറപ്പ്. 23 വയസ്സ് മാത്രം പ്രായം. കന്നി ലോകകപ്പില്‍ മാസ് എന്‍ട്രി. കിരീടധാരണം. രണ്ട് ലോകകപ്പുകളില്‍ നിന്ന് അയാള്‍ മടങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ 14 കളിയില്‍ 12 ഗോളുണ്ട്.

കഴിഞ്ഞ ലോകകപ്പില്‍ നാല്. ഇത്തവണ അത് ഇരട്ടിയായി. എട്ട്. ഇതിഹാസം പെലെയുടെ റോക്കോഡിനൊപ്പം അയാളും 12 ഗോളുമായി നില്‍ക്കുന്നു. എത്ര ലോകകപ്പുകള്‍ മുന്നില്‍ കിടക്കുന്നു. ജര്‍മ്മനിയുടെ മിറോസ്ലാവ് ക്ലോസെയുടെ 16 ഗോളിന്റെ ലോകകപ്പ് റെക്കോഡിലേക്കാണ് ഇനി അയാളുടെ യാത്ര. അടുത്ത വരവില്‍ അത് സംഭവിക്കുമോ. എംബാപ്പെ കമ്പനിയുടെ കളികള്‍ കാണാനിരിക്കുന്നതേയുള്ളൂ.

Content Highlights: Mbappe, France, Argentina wins

mbappe biography malayalam

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" Liberté, Égalité, Mbappé ." Few athletes have managed to capture the hearts and imaginations of a nation as Kylian Mbappé has done for France. In fact, many fans have playfully re-branded the country's slogan to emphasise their love for their brightest star.

Kylian Mbappé was born in Bondy, a suburb of Paris, in December 1998 to Wilfried Mbappé , a football coach of Cameroonian origin, and Fayza Lamari , a professional handball player of Algerian descent.

Kylian's footballing talent was evident from a very young age, and he quickly gained a reputation as a prodigious young talent. Mbappé began his career with the local club AS Bondy before making a move to Ligue 1 side AS Monaco in 2013. There, he made his professional debut at the young age of 16 .

The Frenchman swiftly made a mark with the southern French club. His lightning-quick pace (he has been measured as fast as 38 km/h) and goal-scoring ability played a pivotal role in Monaco's unlikely Ligue 1 title triumph in 2017 and their journey to the UEFA Champions League semifinals .

Kylian Mbappe's Rise to Stardom at PSG

In August 2017, Mbappé attracted interest from several top European clubs, including Real Madrid. However, he opted to join Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) on an initial loan deal, which later became a permanent transfer for a reported fee of €180 million , making him the second most expensive player in the history of the sport.

At PSG, the striker continued to excel and break records. He earned multiple Ligue 1 Player of the Year awards and became the club's all-time leading goal-scorer , surpassing legends like Zlatan Ibrahimovic , Edinson Cavani , and Pedro Pauleta .

In the summer of 2022, as Mbappé's contract with PSG neared its expiration, he came close to joining European giants Real Madrid . However, in the closing days of the transfer window, he pledged his future to PSG and signed a new contract, reaffirming his connection with the French fans.

"I am convinced that here I can continue to grow within a club that gives itself all the means to perform at the highest level. I am also very happy to be able to continue to evolve in France, the country where I was born, grew up, and flourished," he remarked upon signing the new contract.

The love affair with the French public faced major upheaval in the summer of 2023 when PSG listed Mbappé on the transfer market, a year before his contract was set to expire. The striker trained separately from the first team as interest from Saudi Arabia emerged.

However, the 24-year-old declined to entertain the Middle East offers and could remain in the French capital until the end of his contract in the summer of 2024.

Shining with the French national team

In addition to his impressive club career in the French league, the 1.78m striker has shone for the national team since his debut in March 2017 at 18. He played a crucial role in guiding France to victory in the 2018 FIFA World Cup , scoring four goals during the tournament, including one in the final against Croatia. His performances earned him the FIFA World Cup Best Young Player Award .

The French ace played a pivotal role in his team's quest to retain the World Cup in the winter of 2022 in Qatar, only narrowly falling short in the final against Lionel Messi's Argentina. Mbappé scored three goals in the final, earning him the Golden Boot Award after finishing as the tournament's top scorer with eight goals.

Appointed French national team captain in 2023, he may be on the brink of participating in the Paris Olympics in his hometown, a tournament he has always dreamed of being a part of.

"It was when I watched the Olympic Games in London 2012 that I realised the importance of this global event. The Games are 'THE' reference in sports, the absolute Holy Grail that every athlete aspires to compete in and experience at least once in their lifetime," he expressed in an October 2021 interview with L'Equipe newspaper.

Kylian Mbappe's Stats and Wins

French national team.

  • FIFA World Cup 2018 winner
  • UEFA Nations League 2021 winner
  • FIFA World Cup 2018 Best Young Player Award
  • UEFA Nations League 2021 Top Scorer: 2 Goals
  • UEFA Nations League 2021 Top Assist: 2 Assists

Club career

  • French Ligue 1 Champion x6: 2017 (Monaco), 2018 (PSG), 2019 (PSG), 2020 (PSG), 2022 (PSG), 2023 (PSG)
  • French National Cup x3: 2018 (PSG), 2020 (PSG), 2021 (PSG)
  • French League Cup x2: 2018 (PSG), 2020 (PSG)
  • French Community Shield x4: 2019 (PSG), 2020 (PSG), 2021 (PSG), 2023 (PSG)
  • French Ligue 1 Player of the Year x4: 2019 (PSG), 2021(PSG), 2022 (PSG), 2023 (PSG)
  • French Ligue 1 Top Scorer x5: 2019 (33 goals - PSG), 2020 (18 - PSG), 2021 (27 - PSG), 2022 (28 - PSG) and 2023 (29 - PSG)
  • French Ligue 1 Top Assist 2022: (17 Assists - PSG)

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Kylian Mbappé goals, records, stats and claims to fame: How brilliant is the Paris and France star?

Monday, January 2, 2023

Article summary

UEFA.com celebrates how far the striker has come since bursting onto the scene in the UEFA Champions League and international football.

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Article body.

Kylian Mbappé has come an awfully long way since making his UEFA Champions League debut as a fresh-faced 17-year-old in September 2016. UEFA.com charts the Paris and France striker's rise.

Mbappé's goals and appearances

International: 66 appearances, 36 goals UEFA club competition: 60 appearances, 40 goals Domestic competition: 239 appearances, 178 goals

Statistics up to 11 January 2023

Mbappé's claims to fame

Mbappé on the bench as Monaco take on Tottenham

Monaco • Mbappé was ten days shy of his 16th birthday when he played his first game in UEFA competition, coming on for the final 30 minutes of a 3-1 home loss to Zenit in the UEFA Youth League .

• A year and a day later, he made his debut in a senior UEFA club competition, being introduced for the last 34 minutes of a 4-1 UEFA Europa League group stage loss at Tottenham . His side were already 3-0 down when Mbappé came off the bench, but he did provide the assist for their goal.

• UEFA.com first wrote about him in February 2016, when he was our 'Weekly Wonderkid' , quoting his father and manager Wilfried as saying: "He's more than passionate [about football] – he's crazy. I work in football and he almost puts me off it because he's always into it 24/7. He watches everything; he can watch four or five matches in a row."

• Did not score in his first three Champions League games (hardly surprising as he had just 25 minutes of playing time in total), making his breakthrough at the fourth time of asking 40 minutes into a 5-3 UEFA Champions League round of 16 defeat at Manchester City .

• Ended that 2016/17 Champions League campaign with six goals as Monaco reached the semi-finals, and struck 15 Ligue 1 goals in 29 appearances.

Kylian Mbappé on signing for Paris, alongside father Wilfried and his brother Ethan, who also joined the club in 2017.

Paris • Scored his tenth Champions League goal in a 3-1 defeat at Bayern München in December 2017, becoming the youngest player to reach that mark at the age of 18 years 350 days.

• Mbappé reached new heights in 2018/19 with a career-high 33 league goals in only 29 games as Paris stormed to the title. He was voted Ligue 1 Player of the Year after topping the goalscoring charts, ending 11 clear of the pack.

• He has scored two UEFA Champions League hat-tricks, both of them away from home; in a 5-0 win at Club Brugge in October 2019 and in a 4-1 success at Barcelona in the 2020/21 round of 16 . He scored a penalty in the return leg of that tie to eclipse Lionel Messi as the youngest player to hit 25 goals in the UEFA Champions League, aged 22 years 80 days, though Erling Haaland has since broken that record.

• Signed a new contract with Paris in May 2022 having risen to second place behind Edinson Cavani in the list of the club's record goalscorers. He became the third player to finish as Ligue 1's leading marksman four seasons in a row but the first to finish as both top scorer and top assist provider (17) in top-flight history.

• By the end of the 2021/22 season, Mbappé had won five Ligue 1 titles (one with Monaco, four with Paris) and three French Cups (all with Paris), as well as helping the capital side reach their first UEFA Champions League final in 2020, where Paris lost 1-0 to Bayern in Lisbon .

• Eclipsed Cavani as the club's all-time top scorer in European competition with his 31st goal in 48 Champions League games for Paris during the 1-1 draw at home to Benfica in October 2022 .

• Scored five goals in France's successful 2016 UEFA European Under-19 Championship campaign in Germany. Team-mate Jean-Kévin Augustin outscored him with six, but both players were picked out as ones to watch by UEFA.com's editorial team on site .

• Became the second youngest player ever to feature for France's senior side when he made his debut against Luxembourg in March 2017. His maiden international goal came in a 4-0 success against the Netherlands five months later.

• Another record fell as he became the youngest French goalscorer in World Cup history at the age of 19. Joined Pelé as the only teenager to score in a World Cup final as France beat Croatia 4-2 to win the 2018 edition and was voted Best Young Player of the tournament.

• Tasted further international glory when France scooped the 2020/21 UEFA Nations League but Les Bleus were unable to retain the World Cup in 2022, losing the final to Argentina on penalties after a thrilling 3-3 draw. Mbappé was the tournament's top scorer with eight goals and became only the second player in history to score a hat-trick in the final (after England's Geoff Hurst in 1966). His four World Cup final goals (across two finals) is an all-time record.

What he says

Mbappé has spoken to UEFA.com on several occasions, and famously allowed us to sit in on a conversation between him and French astronaut Thomas Pesquet in the run-up to UEFA EURO 2020. Here's what he had to say about his career so far when we spoke to him in spring 2021 :

On his motivation : "Every time I step onto the pitch, I tell myself I'm the best, and yet I've played on the same pitch as [Lionel] Messi and Cristiano [Ronaldo], and they're better players than me! They've done a billion more things than me, but in my head I always tell myself that I'm the best because then you're not putting limits on yourself and you're trying to give the best version of yourself."

On winning the World Cup in 2018 : "Normally, winning a World Cup is the pinnacle of your career. It's something you work for at your club: you spend a few years there and you get to 27, 28, and the World Cup comes around when you're at your peak. I was lucky enough to get stuck into it straight away and win it at 19, and that's going to help me for when there'll be other tests."

On his happy place : "For me, the Champions League holds a very important place. We've lost at different stages, we've suffered. If I win it, there'll be a lot of emotion. Even though the World Cup is the Holy Grail, for me, at club level, the Champions League is the best. The Champions League is, as the song says, for 'les meilleures équipes' (the best teams)."

On his ambitions : "I've never said I was going to be the greatest player in history, but I've never put limits on myself. If I get to a certain level, I'm not going to stop myself by putting a barrier up, like: 'If I get there, then that's it, that's my maximum.' No, I try to push my boundaries and see where that takes me. For the moment, it's working well for me, and I'll keep doing that until the end of my career."

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Kylian Mbappe: The incredible, inevitable rise of a superstar as he leaves PSG

There is a famous photograph of Kylian Mbappe as a 14-year-old at home in Bondy on the outskirts of Paris, sitting on his bed in a room plastered with posters of his hero Cristiano Ronaldo .

When talking about the extraordinary rise of a young athlete, from humble beginnings to the biggest stages in world sport, we are almost duty-bound to suggest there is no way he could have imagined what lay ahead back then: lighting up the Champions League for Monaco and signing for Paris Saint-Germain in a €180million ($198million, £155 million) deal at 18, winning the World Cup at 19, scoring a hat-trick for France in a World Cup final at 23, becoming PSG ’s record goalscorer at 24 and now seemingly heading towards fulfilling another ambition by joining Real Madrid at 25 after informing PSG he is leaving the club at the end of the season.

But Mbappe was certain. One of his first coaches recalls him memorising and belting out La Marseillaise as a six-year-old “because one day I will play for the France team”.

Around that time, a family friend bought him a model of Real Madrid’s stadium to indulge or perhaps mock his insistence the Bernabeu was his destiny. Mbappe responded by forcibly telling him, “No, one day I will take you there.”

Then there is the story of how, in a classroom at Monaco’s youth academy, he and his peers were given an assignment to design a magazine cover.

They were all sufficiently self-absorbed to put themselves on the cover. But Mbappe’s submission stood out not just because, for once, he was immersed in a classroom assignment but because, rather than a football or fashion magazine, he had imagined himself (“Kylian Mbappe: El Maestro”, the best young player in the world) on the front page of Time, seemingly underlining an ambition to transcend the sport.

The world is full of young footballers who are utterly convinced they will make it to the very top. Some of them have the talent to back up their confidence. But few of them even come close to fulfilling their presumed destiny. Only a tiny proportion make the big time. Only one can emerge as, it increasingly appears, the dominant footballer of his generation.

In the dressing room at Lusail Stadium in Doha, Didier Deschamps was reading the riot act.

France were 2-0 down to a Lionel Messi -inspired Argentina at half-time in the 2022 World Cup final and the coach flew into an uncharacteristic rage, telling his players, “You’re not there!” and adding the difference between their opponents and themselves was that “they are playing in a f***ing final and we’re not.”

Some of the players sat quietly, looking sullen. But Mbappe jumped to his feet. “It’s a World Cup final, it’s the match of a lifetime!” he yelled. “We cannot do worse than we did (in the first half). We return to the field. Either we let them play or we increase the intensity, we get into the duels and we do something else, guys.

“It’s a World Cup final! We’re down by two goals. We can come back. Guys, this is every four years!”

Mbappe was 23 years old, the second-youngest player in France’s starting line-up. But youth has never lessened his sense of destiny. To borrow a memorable line uttered by former Arsenal striker Ian Wright about Bukayo Saka and, before that, by Loki in The Avengers, he is burdened with glorious purpose.

What happened next in Doha was extraordinary. With time running out, Mbappe converted a penalty to reduce the deficit and then, 97 seconds later, struck a powerful volley to equalise. In stoppage time, he cut infield, leaving Argentinian defenders trailing in his wake, and hit a rising shot that was deflected just over the crossbar, denying him what would surely have been the most dramatic hat-trick in football history.

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He was a young man on a mission: another ice-cool penalty to equalise after Argentina went 3-2 up in extra time and another two mesmerising high-speed, high-octane dribbles of the type that leave you wondering if the guy is for real.

Of course, it ended up being Messi’s night and Messi’s tournament , the crowning glory to end all crowning glories.

But it was also the night that removed any remaining doubt as to his heir apparent.

Within six months, Messi departed the European stage for good, leaving Paris Saint-Germain for Inter Miami . Not quite an abdication, but, with Messi heading to Major League Soccer and his great rival Cristiano Ronaldo taking residence in the Saudi Pro League , it felt like the stage had been cleared.

“Many great players who have shaped the history of football have left Europe this summer and we are entering a new era,” Mbappe said in an interview published in the latest issue of GQ.

The Mbappe era? He will believe so, particularly now he is surely heading for Madrid.

He has scored 243 goals in 290 appearances for PSG, winning five Ligue 1 titles to add to the one he won at Monaco, but there has always been the sense of a player who, for once in his life, has found himself having to wait to fulfil his destiny on the very biggest stage in club football.

At Real Madrid, he would have precisely that.

In December 2012, the night before his 14th birthday, Mbappe received an invitation to visit Real Madrid for a trial.

He was already enrolled at Clairefontaine, the French Football Federation’s training centre for elite young players, and attracting interest from half the clubs in Ligue 1 as well as from Chelsea where, as this piece memorably details , his mother Fayza Lamari was riled by the suggestion that he come back for a second trial.

“No, we won’t come again,” she told an interpreter to inform the Chelsea coaches. “Tell them, ‘If you want to sign him, you sign him now. In five years’ time you will come back for him for £50 million.’ Translate that!”

The trip to Madrid was a different matter. Mbappe, unusually, was star-struck. He and his parents were greeted at the airport by the great Zinedine Zidane , then on the club’s technical staff, who addressed him by name and offered him a ride in his car. Mbappe marvelled at the leather upholstery and flew into a panic, asking Zidane whether he should take off his shoes. Zidane laughed.

He was given a tour of the club’s vast training complex, where he was introduced to Ronaldo. There is a photograph of the two of them: the teenage wannabe looking shy and awkward next to his hero. It might have been artistic licence, but in “Je M’Appelle Kylian Mbappe”, the autobiographical graphic novel he released in 2021, Mbappe appeared to suggest Zidane was the man behind the camera.

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At the time, Mbappe called it the best weekend of his life. It only strengthened his resolve to play for Madrid, but his family were committed to finding a club in France to launch his career.

PSG were interested, but the most persuasive overtures initially came from Caen and Lens. Caen’s first offer led his father, Wilfried, to ask why they were “trying to catch a shark with a fishing rod”. They raised their offer and eventually agreed a deal, but the board wouldn’t ratify it. Aghast at this decision, the recruitment department resigned en masse.

In the end, Monaco emerged as the favoured destination. It was the summer of 2013 and, at a time when the club’s Russian owner Dmitry Rybolovlev was splashing the cash on Joao Moutinho, James Rodriguez and Radamel Falcao , the signing of a 14-year-old on a youth contract generated few headlines.

But he was certain they would come — even if others kept warning him he had to change.

If there were doubts over Mbappe, they concerned his attitude. That confident, driven nature and that boundless energy brought challenges.

Whenever family friends, teachers and coaches have spoken about him as an adolescent, they have alluded to hyperactive tendencies.

An early assessment of his behaviour concluded that he was “gifted” but that he might struggle to follow a “normal” education programme. There was difficulty establishing whether he was left or right-handed. In L’Equipe’s documentary “Kylian Mbappe: Hors Normes”, one of his secondary-school teachers, Nicole Lefevre, recalls him as “borderline hyperactive”.

It is unclear whether this was suggested in a medical sense or more generally, but Mbappe has admitted to being a difficult pupil. In his first-person article for the Players’ Tribune in 2022, he apologised to teachers and recalled “coming home from school one day with nine different warnings from the principal”.

His mother, a coordinator in the recreation department in Bondy’s local authority, was frequently summoned to school. She would be angry to hear of misbehaviour but she often sought to remind his teachers that he was “special”, not just a wayward kid.

She tried to engage him in other activities: swimming, visiting the Louvre, even taking up the transverse flute. But despite his ability in the classroom and a flair for languages — achieving fluency in English and Spanish — he had a one-track mind. Anything that got in the way of his football ambitions was unwelcome.

Stories of gifted young athletes being restless in the classroom, disengaged from their studies, are nothing new. But a hyperactive, distracted nature, struggling with discipline, is often cited in relation to a player’s struggle to fulfil his or her potential.

Whether right or wrong, the established narrative with Mbappe is that his nature made him unstoppable.

But Mbappe was not a model pupil in the sporting arena either. Those who coached him in his early days at AS Bondy recall him being like a “sponge”, able to soak up and retain information as well as show an innate understanding of technical instructions and positional concepts, but even at Clairefontaine and his academy days at Monaco he remained an individualist rather than a conformist. Dribble, shoot and score. Dribble, shoot and score. Dribble, shoot and score.

He was the most gifted among La Generation ’98 but his progress at Clairefontaine was not unblemished. Gerard Precheur, the former director of the academy, spoke in that L’Equipe documentary about a work ethic which was “not always well perceived by his coach at the time and by his comrades” and “could be taken as complacency, but I would say that it was not the case.”

Football-wise, the biggest battle the young Mbappe had was with Bruno Irles, who coached Monaco’s under-17 team. Irles felt the youngster lacked the right level of application. “The goal was really to show him what he was missing: what he had as a strong point and what he was missing for the high level,” the coach said.

“We said to him, ‘Yes, this is good, that’s good’ but I didn’t feel he was very receptive to comments that would have been constructive for him. At a certain point, pointing out what was wrong with his game and pointing out that there were ways to progress differently, … it became a bit tense around that.”

More than a bit tense. The relationship between player and coach disintegrated. His mother demanded a meeting with Monaco’s sporting director Luis Campos, warning that the youngster’s talent was being stifled and he would leave if he was not shown more respect. Mbappe ended up being allowed to train away from Irles, who quietly moved on at the end of the season to take up a position at AC Arles-Avignon.

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Back on track, Mbappe was drafted into Monaco’s B team at the age of 16 and then, soon afterwards, the first-team squad. In December 2015, aged 16 years and 347 days, he made his professional debut, breaking Thierry Henry’s record to become the youngest first-team player in Monaco’s history.

And by this stage of his development, emerging from adolescence, his precocity, self-assurance and boundless energy were making him appear unstoppable.

Mbappe had just broken into Monaco’s first-team squad when Arsene Wenger first set eyes on him. “When I saw him the first time, I said, ‘It’s Pele!’,” the former Monaco and Arsenal manager recalled a few years later.

Even now, more than six decades on from the 1958 World Cup, the late, great Pele remains the gold standard when talking about teenage football prodigies making a grand entrance onto the game’s biggest stage.

Cristiano Ronaldo was extravagantly gifted, if inconsistent, when he joined Manchester United from Sporting Lisbon at 18. Messi’s talents were mesmerising when he began to establish himself in Barcelona ’s first team around the same age, but there was a physical fragility that he had not yet fully overcome. Mbappe? At 17 he already looked ready, mentally and certainly physically, to test himself at elite level.

In the summer of 2016, after France were agonisingly beaten on home soil by Portugal in the European Championship final, Mbappe excelled, scoring five goals, as their under-19 won their age-group title in Germany. Even if he was eclipsed in that tournament by his team-mate Jean-Kevin Augustin , but while the latter has struggled to fulfil his potential, Mbappe was about to go from strength to strength.

His performances for Monaco in the first half of that 2016-17 season drew rave reviews in France and comparisons with Henry as well as admiring glances from clubs further afield. But the matches that brought his talents to a wider audience came against Manchester City in the last 16 of the Champions League, scoring a goal in both legs and terrorising the Premier League ’s defence with his pace.

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“Mbappe …,” Pep Guardiola said after the first leg, shaking his head. “He is so fast.”

The forward scored three times over two legs against Borussia Dortmund in the quarter-final, ending that season with 26 goals in all competitions for Monaco and forcing his way into the France senior squad, becoming the youngest debutant for Les Bleus since Maryan Wisniewski more than six decades earlier.

“It is quite remarkable what he has been doing, how calm and mature he is,” said France coach Didier Deschamps. “What makes him such a strong player, apart from his ability, is the way he always remains calm. That is very rare for someone his age.”

In the space of 12 months, Mbappe had gone from being a potential “next big thing” to a player all the leading clubs wanted. Barcelona were extremely keen, particularly when Neymar left for PSG. Arsenal and Liverpool both made serious enquiries to his entourage in the summer of 2017, with Arsene Wenger meeting him to try to persuade him to move to London. Both Manchester clubs showed interest. But the clubs pushing hardest were Real Madrid and PSG.

Madrid were strong favourites, confident that he would jump at the opportunity to move to the Spanish capital. Their offer of €180million (€150million guaranteed, €30million linked to future success) was accepted by Monaco. In an interview with Canal+, Vadim Vasilyev, Monaco’s vice-president at the time, recalled telling Mbappe, “We have received an offer that was impossible to refuse, from the club of your dreams, so tell me your answer.”

But Mbappe’s negotiations with Madrid proved problematic. His father Wilfried wanted guarantees about playing time — not easy with Karim Benzema and Cristiano Ronaldo joined by Gareth Bale, Lucas Vazquez and Marco Asensio — and expected Mbappe to be among the club’s highest earners. At a meeting in California, where Madrid were on pre-season tour, Wilfried told the Spanish club’s hierarchy PSG had offered more money and more guarantees selection-wise. Relations were strained.

To the surprise of many, Mbappe ended up joining PSG. The French club had already broken the world transfer record to sign Neymar for €222million that summer, so they proposed a deal where he would move on a season-long loan from Monaco before making a permanent €180million transfer at the end of the season. “This is the project that will help me develop while I win titles,” he declared. Real Madrid could wait.

Along with Neymar’s move to Paris, Mbappe’s transfer caused deep disquiet among European football’s elite. Almost immediately UEFA announced a formal investigation into PSG’s finances, “particularly in light of its recent transfer activity”. The investigation was closed 10 months later with UEFA saying that PSG’s finances “will remain under scrutiny”.

But there was a more wholesome angle to the deal. At 18 years old, Mbappe was coming home.

Shortly after being paraded in front of the media at the Parc des Princes on September 6, 2017, Mbappe got into a car and was driven from Paris’s leafy western suburbs, around La Peripherique to the north-east, back to where it all began: back to Bondy, back to “le 93”, le neuf-trois.

You can take the boy out of Bondy. But Mbappe has always said you cannot take the Bondy out of the boy.

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“In Bondy, you learn values that go beyond football,” he wrote in his Players Tribune article in 2020. “You learn to treat everyone the same, because you’re all in the same pot. You all dream the same dream. In Bondy, in the 93, in the banlieues, maybe there is not a lot of money, it’s true. But we are dreamers. We’re born that way, I think. Maybe it’s because dreaming doesn’t cost much. In fact it’s free.”

And so, in an event laid on by Nike, a €180million teenager kicked a ball around with boys and girls who shared his dreams. Overlooking them, on the side of a building, was a huge mural declaring Bondy to be “ville des possibles”, town of possibilities.

The 93rd departement, Seine-Saint-Denis, has the highest proportion of immigrants and the highest poverty rate. According to INSEE (France’s national institute of statistics and economic studies), 28.6 per cent of Bondy’s 50,000-plus residents live below the poverty line.

Like so many of those economically challenged neighbourhoods in the sprawling Parisian suburbs, it is also a breeding ground for football talent . Three members of the France squad at the 2022 World Cup, Mbappe, William Saliba and Randal Kolo Muani , are from Bondy.

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At AS Bondy, where he took his first steps as a footballer under his father’s tuition, Mbappe’s legacy is enormous.

“He’s so influential, particularly among the youngsters,” says Ahmed Fettah, who coaches one of the girls’ teams. “My son looks to Mbappe. My daughter wasn’t attracted to football at first, but she too has been inspired by Mbappe and by some of the women’s players, so now she also comes here to play.

“It’s like there’s a fashion effect, the effect that comes from the success of Mbappe and all these players. Among the West African and Arabic people in the suburbs, it’s inspirational.”

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On June 16 2018, still a teenager, Mbappe stood in the tunnel at the Kazan Arena before France’s opening game of the 2018 World Cup against Australia .

“Look at us,” he said to his team-mate Ousmane Dembele as they prepared to walk out. “The boy from Evreux and the boy from Bondy. We’re playing at the World Cup.”

He was still only 19. But by the time he left Russia a month later, he was a world champion, scoring four goals (including two against Messi’s Argentina in the last 16 and one in the final against Croatia ) as France won the trophy for the second time. He was the first teenager to score in a World Cup final since Pele in 1958. “Welcome to the club,” the great Brazilian declared.

It wasn’t just the goals. His performance against Argentina was breathtaking. Michael Cox revisited it four years later as part of his Reconsidered series for The Athletic and concluded that, if anything, it was even better than had been remembered.

He likened one Mbappe run, to win a penalty for France’s opening goal, to watching “a Formula 1 driver deploying DRS”. “But it’s about more than that,” Cox wrote. “It’s about the fact that Argentina are utterly terrified of him.”

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Some felt the game in Kazan signalled a changing of the guard, with the sun setting on Messi’s international career and his World Cup aspirations, replaced in the sporting firmament by a new football phenomenon more than a decade his junior.

It didn’t quite work out that way; Messi would have a rather significant say in Qatar four years later, aged 35. But Mbappe’s status as the leader of the next generation seemed secure.

The final at Luzhniki Stadium was a strange occasion. So often over the previous three decades, World Cup finals had been tense encounters between two teams frightened of making a mistake. In 2018, by contrast, there were thrills and spills galore. It was an entertaining match rather than a great one, but Mbappe’s goal, swept past Danijel Subasic from the edge of the penalty area to put France 4-1 up and put the outcome beyond doubt, will live long in the memory.

“We’ve just watched the purest thing in sports,” Brian Phillips wrote in The Ringer. “A story that ends: and the kid went out and did it .

“The grand narrative of soccer is written in heaven by a group of angelic hippopotami — they wear togas— and we’ve just watched them start a new page.”

Remember how, in that classroom assignment during his time at Monaco’s academy, Mbappe imagined himself on the front page of Time?

In October 2018 he made it there for real, the cover star for Time’s “next generation leaders” issue, which highlighted “the faces who will shape the world in years to come”.

He felt it surreal. “My life has been totally upside-down,” he told the magazine.

At the same time, he could hardly have been better prepared for the demands of modern superstardom. He grew up in the age of social media. He felt certain he was destined for the top. Nothing really seemed to faze him or blow him off course. Although his parents separated, his family network remained a source of solidity, strength and support, helping to keep his feet on the ground.

He told Time he felt he “might have missed out on something” due to his fame. “I did not have the moments of so-called normal people during adolescence, like going out with friends, enjoying good times.”

mbappe biography malayalam

Instead, he had been forced to do his growing up in public. But, he said, “I’m happy. I’m living the life I always dreamed of.”

It hasn’t all been plain sailing. If everything went right for him at the 2018 World Cup, then Euro 2020 was a different matter entirely: just three shots on target (and no goals) in 390 minutes of football before he was thwarted by Switzerland goalkeeper Yann Sommer in a penalty shoot-out as France were eliminated in the first knock-out round.

In a vignette that reflected some of the turmoil within the France camp at that tournament, television footage caught midfielder Adrien Rabiot’s mother Veronique exchanging words with Mbappe’s father in the stands, saying the penalty miss was “embarrassing” and should bring him down a peg or two.

The fallout was worse than that. Mbappe received racist abuse on social media and was deeply unhappy that the French Football Federation didn’t show him more support.

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, he said he had told Noel Le Graet, the FFF’s then-president, “I cannot play for people who think I’m a monkey.” Ultimately he decided to continue playing for France “because it is a message to the young generation to say, ‘We are stronger than that.’”

There was also a death threat spray-painted on his mural in Bondy in January 2022, seemingly in response to a slight dip in PSG’s results. They still won Ligue 1 by a 15-point margin that season, with Mbappe scoring 39 goals in all competitions. But, with European success still elusive, dissatisfaction is rarely far from the surface.

At times in recent years PSG has resembled a circus — or at very least a soap opera. Mbappe has called it a “divisive club” that “can attract gossip”.

He flourished alongside Neymar for a time, but the longer they spent in the same forward line and the same dressing room, the more difficult their relationship became. Messi’s arrival in 2021 was an extra complication, on the field and off it.

Mbappe’s relationship with PSG has been strained. There has been a long-running dispute over the club’s use of his image for commercial gain. “PSG is a big club and a big family,” he said last year, irked that an interview with him had been used as a voiceover in video to promote season tickets. “But it is certainly not Kylian Saint-Germain.”

At times it looks that way. The enormous new contract he signed in 2022 , to stay at PSG for another two years, gave him a voice to be heard by the club hierarchy when discussing football strategy. The appointment as sporting director of Campos, who backed him at Monaco, was seen as a nod to the club’s star player — though Mbappe has maintained he “will not go above the role of a footballer”.

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On and off the pitch, Mbappe became the dominant personality in a team that also included Messi, Neymar and Sergio Ramos . He was scoring goals by the bucketload and earning huge sums of money in a trophy-winning team in a city he loves. But PSG couldn’t keep him happy.

To borrow a line from U2, they gave him everything he ever wanted. It wasn’t what he wanted.

It was a surprise — not least to Real Madrid — when Mbappe extended his contract at PSG in May 2022.

He had allowed his deal to run down to the final weeks, surely the prelude to a move to Spain. But no, he and his entourage spurned Madrid’s advances once again to stay with PSG, a two-year contract with the option (his option) to extend to June 2025.

The French club’s hierarchy made great play of his new contract, parading him around the Parc des Princes wearing a shirt with “Mbappe 2025” on the back.

But the following summer Mbappe informed the PSG leadership he would not be renewing his deal to 2025, let alone beyond. That put the club in a situation where, unless they cashed in on him immediately, they were at risk of losing him on a free transfer at the end of this season.

PSG were willing to sell him to Madrid for the right price. But matters were complicated when Al Hilal offered a world-record €300m (£259m, $332m) transfer fee to try to take him to Saudi Arabia and, on top of that, a reported €1million-a-week salary.

PSG accepted the transfer bid, but Mbappe said he was not willing even to discuss the transfer — his heart and mind set, seemingly, on joining Real Madrid as a free agent this summer.

He began the new campaign as persona non grata at PSG , omitted from the club’s pre-season tour of Japan and South Korea and again when the Ligue 1 programme began against Lorient. But he was then reinstated to the squad — the club accepting the futility of a stand-off — and embarked on what has so far been his most prolific season at PSG, averaging more than a goal a game.

But the longer he has stayed at PSG, the more he has looked like a player ready for a new challenge. He spoke last summer of PSG having hit a “glass ceiling” in the Champions League — beaten once in the final, once in the semi-final and four times in the round of 16 since he joined the club — but perhaps something similar could be said of his own career. As well as winning the Ligue 1 title six times (once at Monaco), he has been the league’s player of the year in four of the past five seasons and leading scorer in each of the last five.

It comes back to something which, according to “Je M’Appelle Kylian Mbappe”, his mother said when he was weighing up whether to join PSG or Madrid in the summer of 2017: “You’re a genius at football, Kylian. Aren’t you going to be bored in Ligue 1?”

Bored is the wrong word. But the dream has always been Real Madrid.

He will likely be moving to Spain at the age of 25, a little later than he had sometimes hoped but entirely in keeping with the career path he outlined as a child: first Clairefontaine, then Ligue 1, then Real Madrid.

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It was similar with Cristiano Ronaldo when he, aged 24, moved there in 2009. It had seemed like Ronaldo’s destiny for two or three years before that — every summer a drawn-out transfer saga — but the timing was perfect. He had already won his first Champions League title and Ballon d’Or at Manchester United, but it was in Madrid that he joined the ranks of the sport’s immortals, a nine-year spell in which he scored 450 goals, becoming the club’s all-time top scorer, and winning both the Champions League and Ballon d’Or on another four occasions.

Campos sees parallels between the two. “They are the same,” he said. “They are born to be champions, to be stars, to win the most beautiful things.”

He told France Football as far back as 2018 that Mbappe “at 60 per cent (of his potential) is already one of the best in the world. Imagine him at 100 per cent. You imagine. He will be amazing.”

Even now, there is still a feeling that Mbappe has another level he can reach when he surely lands in Madrid: the way Ronaldo did, the way Jude Bellingham has done since his arrival from Borussia Dortmund last summer.

Not every world-class player has what it takes to thrive at the Bernabeu and to live with the intensity of a spotlight that turns footballers into superstars.

But it is the spotlight Mbappe has craved his whole life since looking up at his bedroom walls and wanting to emulate Ronaldo — and become not just a great footballer but the leader and the face of a new sporting generation.

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Oliver Kay

Before joining The Athletic as a senior writer in 2019, Oliver Kay spent 19 years working for The Times, the last ten of them as chief football correspondent. He is the author of the award-winning book Forever Young: The Story of Adrian Doherty, Football’s Lost Genius. Follow Oliver on Twitter @ OliverKay

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Kylian mbappé biography: learn about the rising star’s life and achievements.

Kylian Mbappé | KreedOn

Table of Contents

Kylian Mbappé Lottin (born December 20, 1998) is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captains the France national team. Regarded as one of the best players in the world, he is known for his exceptional dribbling, speed, and finishing.

Kylian Mbappé Biography

Early life and career.

7 years ago.. a 12 years old Kylian Mbappé : r/pics

Mbappe was born in Paris and raised in Bondy, a suburb with a working-class, mostly immigrant population. His father, Wilfried, is originally from Cameroon and is a football coach and his agent. His mother, Fayza Lamari, is of Algerian Kabyle origin and was a former handball player.

Mbappé started playing football at the age of six for AS Bondy, the local club where his father was a coach. His exceptional talent was quickly recognized, and at the age of 11, he joined the Clairefontaine academy, the French national football academy.

In 2015, at the age of 16, Kylian Mbappe made his professional debut for Monaco. He quickly established himself as a key player for the club, scoring 26 goals in 60 appearances in his first two seasons. In 2017, he helped Monaco win the Ligue 1 title and reach the Champions League semi-final.

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Rise to Stardom

Mbappe | KreedOn

In 2017, at the age of 18, Mbappé signed for Paris Saint-Germain for a transfer fee of €180 million, making him the second-most expensive player of all time and the most expensive teenager. He has since become a key player for PSG, winning four Ligue 1 titles, three Coupe de France titles, and two Coupe de la Ligue titles.

In 2018, Mbappé played a starring role for France in the World Cup, scoring four goals and helping his team win the tournament. He became the first teenager since Pelé to score in a World Cup final.

Mbappé has continued to excel at the international level, scoring 36 goals in 63 appearances for France. He is the captain of the national team and is expected to lead them to success in the coming years.

Playing Style

Mbappe;s playing style | KreedOn

Mbappé is a versatile forward who can play on either wing or through the center. He is known for his incredible pace, dribbling skills, and finishing ability. He is also a very intelligent player who is able to read the game and make quick decisions. Kylian Mbappe and the World Cup: A Prodigy’s Ascent to Footballing Royalty

Kylian Mbappé’s name and the World Cup are forever intertwined. His journey on the global stage has been nothing short of extraordinary, marked by record-breaking achievements, breathtaking displays of skill, and a relentless pursuit of greatness.

Early Brilliance and a Teenage Dream (2018)

Kylian Mbappe | KreedOn

Kylian Mbappé’s World Cup debut at the age of 19 in 2018 was nothing short of electrifying. He announced his arrival on the grandest stage with electrifying pace, dazzling dribbles, and an unerring eye for goal.

  • He became the youngest French player to score at a World Cup, breaking a record that had stood for 60 years.
  • He scored four goals throughout the tournament, including a crucial strike in the final against Croatia, making him the second-youngest player ever to score in a World Cup final after the legendary Pelé.
  • His performances earned him the prestigious FIFA Young Player Award, solidifying his status as a rising star in world football.

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Golden Boot and Hat-Trick Heroics (2022)

Kylian Mbappe wins Golden Boot | KreedOn

Despite France falling short of defending their title in 2022, Kylian Mbappé once again dazzled on the world stage. He was a force to be reckoned with, showcasing his matured game and leadership qualities.

  • He won the Golden Boot award, scoring a staggering eight goals throughout the tournament, including a stunning hat-trick in the final against Argentina.
  • His hat-trick, the first in a World Cup final since Sir Geoff Hurst in 1966, was a display of individual brilliance and fighting spirit, even though France ultimately lost in a penalty shootout.
  • He was awarded the Silver Ball, recognizing him as the second-best player of the tournament.

Impact of Kylian Mbappé

Impact | kreedon

Kylian Mbappé’s World Cup journey is not just about individual accolades; it’s about inspiring a generation of young footballers and leaving an indelible mark on the sport.

  • He has become a global icon, a symbol of athletic excellence and youthful exuberance.
  • His performances have injected fresh energy into French football, rekindling hope and pride in the national team.
  • He has shown that age is just a number when it comes to achieving greatness on the biggest stage.

Looking Ahead

Mbappe | KreedOn

With two World Cups already under his belt and a seemingly endless potential for further exploits, Mbappé’s World Cup story is far from over.

  • He is poised to lead France in the 2026 World Cup in North America, aiming to add another championship title to his already impressive collection.
  • His hunger for goals, his relentless drive to improve, and his infectious enthusiasm promise to keep fans around the world enthralled for years to come.

Kylian Mbappé’s World Cup journey is a testament to his talent, dedication, and unwavering passion for the beautiful game. He is modern-day footballing legend in the making, and his impact on the World Cup stage is sure to be felt for generations to come.

Most Goals in Football | The Pinnacle Players in Football's Hall of Goal Scoring Fame - KreedOn

Kylian Mbappé’s Achievements

World Cup Final 2018 | KreedOn

Mbappé is already one of the most successful footballers in the world, and he is still only 25 years old. He has the potential to become one of the greatest players of all time. He is also a role model for young people around the world, and his success shows that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

Here are some of Kylian Mbappé’s achievements:

  • Ligue 1 Champion (5 times)
  • Coupe de France Champion (3 times)
  • Coupe de la Ligue Champion (2 times)
  • Champions League Runner-up (1 time)
  • FIFA World Cup Champion (1 time)
  • Golden Boot winner at the 2022 FIFA World Cup
  • Kopa Trophy winner (2017)
  • Raymond Kopa Trophy winner (2017)
  • Golden Boy award winner (2017)
  • France Football Ballon d’Or nominee (4 times)

Mbappé is an exceptional footballer who has achieved great things at a young age. He is a role model for young people around the world and is sure to continue to achieve great things in his career.

Net Worth of Kylian Mbappé

Net Worth | KreedOn

According to Celebrity Net Worth , Kylian Mbappé, possesses a net worth of $180 million and is recognized as one of the highest-earning soccer players globally. At the age of 19, Kylian accumulated approximately $25 million from both his salary and endorsement deals. Presently, he receives a base salary of $53 million annually, along with an additional $10 million from endorsements, resulting in a total pre-tax income of $63 million per year.

Social Media of Kylian Mbappé

          View this post on Instagram                       A post shared by Kylian Mbappé (@k.mbappe)
Une soirée mémorable. 🙏🏽🇫🇷 @equipedefrance pic.twitter.com/7AYLWcaCxL — Kylian Mbappé (@KMbappe) November 18, 2023
Un immense honneur pour moi d’avoir eu la chance de te côtoyer et croiser la route de ta carrière légendaire. Un homme en or avec des précieux conseils que je garderai avec moi toute ma vie. Bonne route et surtout MERCI 🇮🇹👑 @gianluigibuffon pic.twitter.com/u3x9X2ARHl — Kylian Mbappé (@KMbappe) August 2, 2023
The king of football has left us but his legacy will never be forgotten. RIP KING 💔👑… pic.twitter.com/F55PrcM2Ud — Kylian Mbappé (@KMbappe) December 29, 2022

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Kylian Mbappé is currently 25 years old.

Kylian Mbappé is renowned for his exceptional speed and acceleration during soccer matches. His impressive abilities have been measured at a speed of 36 km/h (22.4 mph), establishing him as one of the swiftest players globally. In a notable instance during the 2018 World Cup, Mbappé managed to cover a distance of 64 meters in just 6.7 seconds, surpassing four defenders in the process.

Kylian Mbappé resides in an opulent suburban residence located in Paris, France. In 2018, he acquired the property for €6.5 million ($7.7 million). The mansion boasts six bedrooms, a swimming pool, a cinema room, a spa, and a gym, providing a lavish living experience for Mbappé.

Kylian Mbappé is known by multiple nicknames, including “KM7”, “Donatello”, and “The Second Prince of Monaco”. Among these, the most widely recognized is “Donatello”, which was affectionately bestowed upon him by his former teammate Benjamin Mendy. Mendy drew a resemblance between Mbappé and the character from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Mbappé has embraced this nickname and even features a turtle emoji on his Instagram bio as a nod to it.

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19-year-old soccer star Kylian Mbappé just helped win France the World Cup — here's what you need to know about him

  • 19-year-old Kylian  Mbappé  became only the second teenager in history to score in a World Cup final on Sunday as he helped France beat Croatia 4-2.
  • Mbappé has been groomed for soccer greatness since he was a child , coming from a family of athletes in the Paris suburbs.
  • Brazil legend Pel é acknowledged Mbappé's historic feat on Sunday.

Kylian  Mbappé helped France clinch its second-ever World Cup title on Sunday, scoring the fourth goal for France in its 4-2 win over Croatia.

It was one of  four goals the young star scored in the 2018 World Cup for France. Mbappé also led Les Bleus to their early victory over Peru, 1-0, and scored twice against Argentina in the round of 16.

Some are just getting to know the teenager, but the truth is 19-year-old  Mbappé has already had quite an impressive career, starting when he was a babe.

Growing up in the northern Parisian suburb of Bondy,  Mbappé practically lived at the local soccer club, where soccer pros asserted he was a star from day one. 

" He was here as a baby when his father was a player and a coach," AS Bondy President Atmane Airouche told the BBC .  "He was always here and learning about football, even as a toddler."

Mbappé's dad Wilfried, originally from Cameroon, is a soccer coach who started working with Mbappé when he was just a tot. His mother, Algerian-born Fayza Lamari, was also an impressive athlete, playing Division 1 handball in Bondy in the late 1990s and early 2000s. 

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Mbappé's own generation is no exception to the sporty family tradition. His  adopted older brother, Jirès Kembo,  plays professionally for Turkey , and his little brother Ethan, seven years younger than Kylian, is a member of Paris Saint-Germain's under-12 team .

A teenage dream

Former coach Antonio Riccardi said Mbappé  was already leaps and bounds above the other kids when he started working with him at age six: "Kylian could do much more than the other children," Riccardi told the BBC. "His dribbling was already fantastic and he was much faster than the others."

By age 12,  Mbappé was training at France's premiere Clairefontaine football center. At 14, he was playing with Monaco's professional club, even before completing his high school diploma at age 17. 

From Monaco,  Mbappé moved to the Paris Saint-Germain club this summer, becoming the  most expensive teenager the soccer world has ever seen. It cost the team a whopping 180 million euros (more than $210 million USD), bonuses not included, to seal the deal with  Mbappé , according to ESPN .

Mbappé made history on Sunday, becoming just one of two teenage players ever to score in a World Cup final. The other, Brazilian legend Pel é,  played in the 1958 final at age 17. He took Sunday's news in stride, writing on Twitter that "If Kylian keeps equalling my records like this, I may have to dust my boots off again..."

The young star is part of a new crop of players on the French national team this year. And he is not the only one of them who hails from the Parisian suburbs. The gritty, concrete blocks of the northern "banlieue" made headlines as scenes of angry riots in 2005, and the largely minority, working-class neighborhoods are still known as pockets around the city where unemployment and violence can remain high. Residents argue that life in the suburbs is still not equal .

But at least eight of the 23 players on the French World Cup team were born and raised in the banlieue, according to a recent count by  The New York Times . 

Around Paris, kids proudly wear  Mbappé jerseys, and odes to him are emblazoned in ads on the Stade de France: 

—Alexandra Ma (@AlexandraMa15) July 15, 2018

After he won on Sunday, Mbappé said this is only the beginning.

"I want to do even better things," he told reporters , in French. "But being world champion is a good start." 

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Watch: What it takes to be a World Cup soccer player

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Kylian Mbappé

#7 Kylian Mbappé

Footballer of the Year

  • Date of birth/Age: Dec 20, 1998 (25)
  • Height: 1,78 m
  • Position: Centre-Forward
  • Caps/Goals: 77 / 46

Last update: Dec 18, 2023

Detailed stats of Kylian Mbappé

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National team career.

Kylian Mbappe Biography: Childhood, Career and Achievements

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Quick facts about kylian mbappe, key facts about kylian mbappe, kylian mbappe’s childhood, early years and start of career of kylian mbappe, kylian mbappe's career, how much does mbappe earn per year club and sponsors, what other businesses mbappe has, or has invested in, what are kylian mbappe's biggest achievements.

Kylian Mbappe is one of the world’s biggest soccer talents, already at his young age he has won a FIFA World Cup, is the face of French soccer and Ligue 1. Mbappe comes from a strong soccer family and today is one of the most electric and one of the world’s most expensive soccer players at PSG.

Kylian Mbappe is a professional French soccer player who plays the forward position at Paris Saint-Germain and France’s national team. Mbappe is known for his speed, dribbling, and one-on-one skills. He began his career at French club Monaco before a high profile move to PSG, where he has stayed since. On the French national team, Mbappe has already won the FIFA World Cup and UEFA Nations League titles.

  • His full name is Kylian Adesanmi Mbappe Lottin.
  • He was born on December 20, 1998, in Paris, France.
  • He is the son of the Cameroonian Wilfried Mbappe and Algerian Fayza Lamari.
  • His father was a professional soccer coach and his mother is a lawyer and former handball player.
  • Mbappe’s dad is also his agent, much like his teammate Neymar. 
  • Mbappe has two brothers. An adopted brother Jirès Kembo Ekoko and Ethan Mbappé, both are soccer players. 
  • Mbappe’s nickname is Donatello, it was given by his PSG teammates.

Kylian Mbappe Lottin grew up in Paris, France, and while he went to a private Catholic school in the French town of Bondy, many of his teachers claimed him to be a talented but unruly student. Mbappe grew up watching AC Milan as his family were fans of the historic Serie A side, while he was a fan of Real Madrid. Later Mbappe would reveal he loved watching Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo Nazario and Cristiano Ronaldo.

As a boy Mbappe played for AS Bondy, a team coached by his father. At Bondy the future French World Cup winner was praised for his dribbling and finishing skills. Mbappe also played on teams that were much older than his age group and his talent was undeniable.

Mbappe’s great talent eventually had him move to the Clairefontaine academy, where his skilled play and impressive explosiveness caught the eye of clubs like Real Madrid, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City and Bayern Munich. Mbappe was asked to train with the Real Madrid U-12 and visit the club. At 14, he was given a trial at Chelsea but eventually chose to start his career at Monaco.

After signing his first pro contract with Ligue 1 side Monaco, Mbappe began his career at 16-years-of-age, and would score his first pro goal in a 3–1 win over Troyes at the age of 17. Mbappe began showcasing his great talents in his second season at the club scoring 26 goals in 44 games. He recorded his first hat trick against Rennes in the Coupe de la Ligue round of 16 in a 7-0 result. 

At 18 years of age, Mbappe scored his first Ligue 1 hat trick against Metz, becoming the youngest first team player to score a hat trick since 2005. Mbappe showcased his talents in that season’s UEFA Champions League, especially in a match against Manchester City. In the end he would help Monaco win Ligue 1 for 2016-17 and finish runner up in the Coupe de France.

Signing with PSG 

Entering the 2017-18 season, Paris Saint-Germain saw the striker’s unquestionable talent and were able to get him on loan with an option to buy. Mbappe would join a team full of stars, including Uruguay’s Edinson Cavani and Brazilian Neymar. That first season with PSG the gifted French forward would win yet another Ligue 1 crown. 

The following season PSG activated Mbappe’s purchase option and he became one of the most expensive teenagers, as well as the second most expensive player in the world, as his transfer fee was in the range of €145 million plus €35 million in add-ons. Mbappe’s numbers only continued to improve at PSG with his best season coming in 2020-21: he scored 42 goals in 47 games.

A 2021/22 season full of rumors

Last year Mbappe was the subject of a lot of transfer talks to Real Madrid as he was coming up on his contract year. Despite the French club signing Lionel Messi, and having Neymar and Mauro Icardi, it was Mbappe who carried much of the attacking weight at PSG. Mbappe would finish the season with 39 goals in 46 games. 

In his 5 years at PSG, the French superstar has scored 171 goals in 217 games. Mbappe has helped PSG win 11 championships and came in second in the UEFA Champions League in 2019-20.

Despite a huge push by Real Madrid to sign him in the summer, Mbappe decided to stay at PSG until 2025 by signing a new contract. On France’s national team, the striker is the nation’s biggest star.

Kylian Mbappe earned his first cap for France in 2017 against Luxembourg, and scored his first goal on his fifth cap against the Netherlands in the Stade de France. The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia it was Mbappe’s coming out party.

Mbappe and the French National team

France would become World Cup champions in 2018, and on their way to soccer’s biggest prize, Mbappe scored against Peru, played his best match against Argentina in the round of 16 scoring two goals, and added one in the exciting final against Croatia. 

After winning the FIFA World Cup, France would go on to win the UEFA Nations League 2020-21, where Mbappe scored four goals. In a total of only 57 appearances for France, Mbappe has scored 27 international goals. The striker has collected a total of 14 titles between his career with Monaco, France, and PSG.

Mbappe is reported to earn a salary of roughly 20.7 million euros annually . His new PSG contract has raised his salary tremendously and it also coincides with new sponsorship deals that increase his net worth. 

The PSG star also earns around $13 million yearly from endorsements with Nike, Video Game company EA Sports and Hublot. For the 2022 World Cup, Mbappe’s public image will only increase as he is one of the faces of the tournament.

As of June 2022, Mbappe became an investor and ambassador for the NFT fantasy sport platform Sorare. He is also a partner in the Sports agency WME, and he founded Zebra Valley , a content creation agency that focuses on sports, music, art and many other topics.

Despite his young age, the French forward is one of the most decorated soccer players in his age group. Having won the World Cup already, he has dominated Ligue 1 with both Monaco and PSG. Here is an overview of some of his individual achievements. 

  • UEFA European Under-19 Championship Team of the Tournament: 2016
  • UNFP Ligue 1 Player of the Year: 2018–19, 2020–21, 2021–22
  • UNFP Ligue 1 Young Player of the Year: 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19
  • UNFP Ligue 1 Team of the Year: 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2020–21,2021–22 
  • UNFP Ligue 1 Player of the Month: April 2017, March 2018, August 2018, February 2019, February 2021, August 2021, February 2022 
  • UEFA Champions League Squad of the Season: 2016–17, 2019–20, 2020–21
  • UEFA Champions League Team of the Season: 2021–22
  • FIFA FIFPro World11: 2018, 2019
  • Golden Boy Award: 2017
  • FIFA World Cup Best Young Player Award: 2018
  • FIFA World Cup Dream Team: 2018
  • Kopa Trophy: 2018
  • IFFHS Men's World Team: 2018, 2021
  • French Player of the Year: 2018, 2019 
  • UEFA Team of the Year: 2018 
  • Ligue 1 Top Goalscorer: 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22
  • Ligue 1 Top assist provider: 2021–22
  • Globe Soccer Best Player of the Year: 2021
  • Onze de Bronze: 2019
  • UEFA Nations League Finals Golden Boot: 2021


Mbappe is clearly one of the up and coming soccer players today, he along with Manchester City’s Erling Haaland are poised to be the soccer stars of the next decade. They will surely take the place left behind by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. 

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Kylian Mbappé facts for kids

  • Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23:00, 9 December 2023 (UTC).

† Appearances (Goals).

Kylian Mbappé Lottin (born 20 December 1998) is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captains the France national team . Regarded as one of the best players in the world, he is renowned for his dribbling abilities, exceptional speed, and finishing.

Born in Paris and raised in nearby Bondy , Mbappé began his senior club career in 2015 with Monaco , where he won the Ligue 1 title in the 2016–17 season. In 2017, aged 18, Mbappé signed for Paris Saint-Germain on an eventual permanent transfer worth €180 million, making him the second-most-expensive player and most expensive teenage player of all time. With PSG, he has won five Ligue 1 titles and three Coupes de France, including a domestic quadruple in the 2019–20 season, while also leading the club to its first ever UEFA Champions League final in 2020. He is the club's all-time top goalscorer and ranks third of all time in assists.

At international level, Mbappé made his senior debut for France in 2017, at age of 18. At the 2018 FIFA World Cup , Mbappé became the youngest French player to score at a World Cup, as well as the second teenager, after Pelé , to score in a World Cup final . He finished as the joint second-highest goalscorer as France won the tournament; he went on to win the FIFA World Cup Best Young Player and French Player of the Year awards for his performances. At the 2022 FIFA World Cup , France reached the final again; Mbappé won the Golden Boot and Silver Ball and set the record for most goals scored in World Cup finals by scoring a hat-trick .

Mbappé finished in third place for the 2023 Ballon d'Or and was runner-up for the 2022 The Best FIFA Men's Player award. He was named to the FIFA FIFPro World11 in 2018, 2019 and 2022, the UEFA Team of the Year in 2018 and the UEFA Champions League Squad of the Season in 2016–17 , 2019–20 , 2020–21 and 2021–22. He was awarded the Golden Boy in 2017, the Kopa Trophy in 2018, and was shortlisted for the Laureus World Sportsman of the Year in 2019 and 2023. Mbappé has been named Ligue 1 Player of the Year a record four times, and has finished as the Ligue 1 top scorer for a joint-record five seasons; in the 2021–22 season, he became the first player to finish as both Ligue 1 top scorer and top assist provider. In 2023, he was among Time ' s 100 most influential people in the world, and was ranked third on the Forbes list of the world's highest-paid athletes.

Early career

2015–16: development, 2016–17: breakthrough and league title, 2017–18: world record transfer and domestic treble, 2018–19: ligue 1 player of the year, 2019–20: domestic quadruple and european final, 2020–21: third time top scorer, 2021–22: player of the year and contract extension, 2022–23: all-time psg top goalscorer, 2023–24: continuation despite rumoured departure, 2014–2018: youth level and senior debut, 2018–2021: fifa world cup triumph, 2021–2023: nations league title and second consecutive world cup final, 2023–present: captaincy and euro qualification, style of play, personal life, media and sponsorship, philanthropy, international.

Kylian Mbappé Lottin was born on 20 December 1998 in the 19th arrondissement of Paris and was raised in Bondy , Seine-Saint-Denis , in the northeastern suburbs of Paris . His father, Wilfrid  [fr] , is originally from Cameroon , and, as well as being his agent , is a football coach. His mother, Fayza Lamari, is of Algerian Kabyle origin and is a former handball player. He has a younger brother, Ethan, who plays in the Paris Saint-Germain Academy. Their older adoptive brother, Jirès Kembo Ekoko, is a former professional footballer.

As a child, Mbappé went to a private Catholic school in Bondy, where he was considered academically gifted but unruly. At 15, he began taking Spanish lessons, and eventually became fluent in the language. Among Mbappé's idols growing up were Zinedine Zidane , Cristiano Ronaldo , Neymar , Ronaldinho , Lionel Messi , Ronaldo Nazario , Eden Hazard and Thierry Henry . As a child, Mbappé received Robinho's AC Milan shirt as a gift from his nanny's family, who were supporters of the Italian club. However, Mbappé aspired to play for Real Madrid .

Club career

Mbappé began his career at AS Bondy, being coached by his father, Wilfrid. Another of his youth coaches at AS Bondy, Antonio Riccardi, stated,

The first time I coached him was when he was six years old. You could tell he was different. Kylian could do much more than the other children. His dribbling was already fantastic and he was much faster than the others. He was the best player I've ever seen in 15 years coaching here. In Paris, there are many talents but I'd never seen a talent like him. He was what we call a 'crack' (the best).

Eventually, Mbappé moved to the Clairefontaine academy, putting in a host of impressive performances leading to numerous French clubs, and Real Madrid, Chelsea , Liverpool , Manchester City and Bayern Munich , attempting to sign him. At the age of 11, Real Madrid invited him to train with their under-12s and visit the club's facilities. At age 14, he travelled to London after an invite from Chelsea, playing a match for their youth team against Charlton Athletic .

In July 2013, at the age of 14, Mbappé joined the youth academy of Monaco , signing a three-year contract. The club had beat competition from Real Madrid and Zinedine Zidane, who was "very involved" in efforts to sign him.

In October 2015, Mbappé was brought in by Leonardo Jardim to be a mainstay in Monaco's reserve team, but his level of skill and maturity prompted his promotion to the main squad after just three weeks. He made his first team debut two months later, on 2 December 2015, in a 1–1 Ligue 1 home draw against Caen , replacing Fábio Coentrão after 88 minutes. Mbappé therefore became Monaco's youngest-ever first-team player, aged 16 years and 347 days, breaking the previous record set by Thierry Henry in 1994.

On 20 February 2016, Mbappé scored his first goal for the club's first team, a stoppage-time goal in a 3–1 league win over Troyes at the Stade Louis II; at the age of 17 years and 62 days, he became the youngest first-team goalscorer in Monaco's history—once again displacing Henry in the process. On 6 March 2016, Mbappé signed his first professional contract, a three-year deal, tying him to Monaco until June 2019. In an interview with CNN , Vadim Vasilyev, AS Monaco's vice-president, stated that he knew early on that Mbappé was a "phenomenon".


Mbappé scored the first hat-trick of his first-team career on 14 December 2016, in a 7–0 home win over Rennes in the Coupe de la Ligue round of 16 – the first hat-trick scored by any Monaco player in the competition since Sonny Anderson in 1997. On 11 February 2017, Mbappé scored the first Ligue 1 hat-trick of his career in a 5–0 home win over Metz ; at 18 years and two months, he became the youngest player to score a league hat-trick since Jérémy Ménez did so for Sochaux back in 2005. On 21 February, Mbappé scored Monaco's second goal in the 40th minute of a 5–3 loss away to Manchester City in the UEFA Champions League round of 16. It was his first European-competition goal, and he became the second-youngest French scorer in Champions League history, behind only Karim Benzema . On 5 March, Mbappé scored two first-half goals in a 4–0 home win over Nantes to bring his Ligue 1 career tally to ten goals, becoming the youngest player in the previous thirty years to reach the ten-goal mark in the league. On 11 March, he scored a goal in a 2–1 home win over Bordeaux , registering his seventh goal in his previous four league starts.

On 15 March 2017, Mbappé scored Monaco's opening goal in the second leg of the Champions League round of 16 tie with Manchester City. Monaco went on to win 3–1, and with the aggregate score being tied 6–6, advanced to the quarter-finals thanks to the away goals rule . In the quarter-finals against Borussia Dortmund , Mbappé won a penalty and scored two goals as Monaco won the first leg 3–2 at the Westfalenstadion . In the second leg at home, he opened the scoring as Monaco won 3–1 and advanced to the semi-finals. They were eventually eliminated from the Champions League following a 4–1 loss on aggregate to Juventus , with Mbappé scoring his team's lone goal in the second leg. Mbappé ended the 2016–17 season with 26 goals from 44 matches in all competitions, as Monaco won the Ligue 1 title. He credited fellow Monaco striker Radamel Falcao as a key influence on him throughout the season, giving him the space to express himself and teaching him to be "calm" and "serene" during the game.

Paris Saint-Germain

On 31 August 2017, Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) announced the signing of Mbappé from Monaco on loan with a mandatory purchase option of €180 million. According to PSG's assistant sporting director Luis Ferrer, the shift in Mbappé's decision to join the club was partly thanks to a "convincing" speech given by manager Unai Emery at the Mbappés' home over the summer. The €180 million fee made Mbappé the most expensive teenager ever and the second-most-expensive player ever (behind teammate Neymar ), and broke the record for the largest transfer within a domestic league. He was handed the number 29 shirt upon arrival in the French capital.

On 8 September 2017, Mbappé made his PSG debut in a 5–1 Ligue 1 win away at Metz, scoring a goal. Four days later, he recorded his first European goal for the club in a 5–0 UEFA Champions League group stage away defeat of Celtic . He starred in PSG's 3–0 victory over Bayern Munich in the second group game of the Champions League, setting up goals for Edinson Cavani and Neymar, the latter seeing him taking out a defender with a feint by rolling the ball under his foot. On 6 December, Mbappé scored his tenth career Champions League goal in a 3–1 defeat to Bayern Munich, becoming the youngest player to reach that mark, at the age of 18 years and 11 months. Having already won his first league title with the club, on 8 May 2018, Mbappé featured in PSG's 2–0 win over Les Herbiers in the Coupe de France final.

2019-07-17 SG Dynamo Dresden vs. Paris Saint-Germain by Sandro Halank–088

In July 2018, Mbappé was given the number 7 jersey for the upcoming season with PSG, taking up the squad number left vacant by Lucas Moura . Sporting the hashtag #K7LIAN, Mbappé stated, "I keep trying to progress on the pitch and I think that, for me, it was the right time to change number. It is something of an affirmation. The No. 7 shirt is a legendary one and many greats have worn it. I hope that I will be able to do this number justice on the pitch."

In his first appearance of the season, Mbappé scored twice in the last 10 minutes as PSG won 3–1 against Guingamp in Ligue 1. In the following league game, the front three of Mbappé, Cavani and Neymar all scored in a 3–1 win over Angers at home, with Mbappé – starting his first game of the season – scoring from a volley and setting up Neymar to score the third. On 1 September, he scored and assisted in a 4–2 away win over Nîmes, but was sent off for the first time in his career with a straight red card in injury time, after shoving Téji Savanier in retaliation for a late challenge from behind, for which Savanier was also sent off. Regarding his sending-off, Mbappé told reporters after the match, "If I had the chance to do it over again, I would do the same thing. I will apologise to the supporters and everybody, but I cannot tolerate this sort of thing." On 8 October, Mbappé scored four goals in just 13 minutes in a 5–0 home victory over Lyon and became the youngest player (at 19 years and 9 months) to score four goals in one game in Ligue 1 over the last forty-five seasons. On 3 December, Mbappé was the inaugural winner of the Kopa Trophy, which is awarded by France Football to the best under-21 player in the world.

On 19 January 2019, Mbappé was one of two players (the other being Cavani) to score a hat-trick in a 9–0 win over Guingamp, breaking a record PSG had set the previous season. On 12 February, he scored a goal in a 2–0 win over Manchester United at Old Trafford in the Champions League round of 16. On 2 March, he scored twice in a 2–1 away win over Caen to reach his 50th goal with the club. On 6 March, PSG lost 3–1 at home against Manchester United and was subsequently knocked out from the Champions League on the away goals rule. On 21 April, he scored a hat-trick in a 3–1 win against Monaco, netting his first goals against his former club. PSG finished the season as Ligue 1 champions, with Mbappé winning the Player of the Year award, while also finishing the season as the top goalscorer with 33 goals.

2019-07-17 SG Dynamo Dresden vs. Paris Saint-Germain by Sandro Halank–616

On 3 August, Mbappé scored in a 2–1 win over Rennes to capture his first title of the 2019–20 season, the Trophée des Champions. He then scored again in PSG's opening Ligue 1 match of the season, a 3–0 home win over Nîmes on 11 August. On 22 October, he came off the bench and scored a perfect hat-trick in a 5–0 away win over Belgian side Club Brugge in the Champions League; at the age of 20 years and 306 days, he became the youngest player ever to score at least 15 goals in the competition.

On 1 May 2020, PSG were crowned Ligue 1 champions after the season had been called off amid the COVID-19 pandemic; at the time of the league's premature suspension, PSG were in first place, with a twelve–point lead over second–placed Marseille . Mbappé finished the 2019–20 season as joint-top scorer in Ligue 1 with 18 goals, along with Monaco's Wissam Ben Yedder; however, Mbappé was assigned the title due to his higher goals-per-game ratio. On 24 July, in the Coupe de France final against Saint-Étienne , Mbappé was forced off after sustaining an injury following a challenge from Loïc Perrin, who was sent off; PSG won the match 1–0, although Mbappé was ruled out of the Coupe de la Ligue final, which PSG went on to win, completing a domestic treble . He returned to action in the Champions League quarter-final against Atalanta on 12 August, coming on a substitute, and assisting Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting's match–winning goal in injury time. PSG eventually suffered a 1–0 loss to Bayern Munich in the Champions League final on 23 August.

Mbappé missed the first three matches of the season after contracting COVID-19 while being on international duty. He returned to action on 20 September 2020, in a 3–0 away win against Nice , and scored a goal from a penalty kick. On 28 October, Mbappé recorded two assists, both for Moise Kean , in a 2–0 Champions League group stage victory against İstanbul Başakşehir. In doing so, he became the player with the most assists in the competition since the beginning of the 2017–18 edition , with his tally adding up to fourteen over the four seasons. In a Ligue 1 match against Montpellier on 5 December, Mbappé scored his 100th goal for PSG, becoming only the fifth player to achieve the feat for the Parisian club. In his side's final Champions League group match, Mbappé scored his first two goals of the European campaign against Başakşehir, as PSG won 5–1 and qualified for the knockout phase as group winners. He also became the youngest player in Champions League history to reach twenty goals (although this record would then be surpassed by Erling Haaland later on in the same season).

On 16 February 2021, Mbappé became only the third player, after Faustino Asprilla and Andriy Shevchenko , to score a Champions League hat-trick against Barcelona , doing so in PSG's 4–1 round of 16 win at the Camp Nou . Mbappé's hat-trick also saw him overtake Pauleta 's total of 109 goals to become PSG's third-highest scorer, with only Cavani (200 goals) and Zlatan Ibrahimović (156 goals) getting more for the club. On 27 February, Mbappé scored twice in a 4–0 away win against Dijon, becoming the first player to score five braces in the Ligue 1 season. In the second leg against Barcelona on 10 March, Mbappé scored from the spot in a 1–1 draw at the Parc de Princes, as his side advanced to the quarter-finals 5–2 on aggregate. Mbappé's penalty was his 25th Champions League goal, surpassing opponent Lionel Messi as the youngest player to reach this milestone, at 22 years and 80 days. Adding to his hat-trick from the first leg, Mbappé additionally became the first player to score four goals against Barcelona in a single Champions League season.

In the first leg of the Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich on 7 April, Mbappé scored two goals, helping his team to a 3–2 win at the Allianz Arena , PSG's first victory in Munich since 1994. The French club later progressed to the semi-finals to be eventually eliminated by Manchester City: the forward missed the second leg due to a calf injury. On 19 May, Mbappé scored once and assisted the second in the Coupe de France final against his former club Monaco, as PSG won 2–0 to claim their first major trophy of the season. He ended the Ligue 1 campaign with 27 goals, becoming the top scorer for the third consecutive season, although PSG missed out on the Ligue 1 title – it was the first time in Mbappé's career where he did not win the league after four consecutive successes. Mbappé ended the season by receiving the Ligue 1 Player of the Year award and being included in the Ligue 1 Team of the Season.

Mbappe Messi Neymar

On 14 August 2021, prior to Paris Saint-Germain's opening home match of the 2021–22 season against Strasbourg , Mbappé was booed by the Parc des Princes amidst rumours that he wanted to sign for Spanish club Real Madrid. The match ended in a 4–2 victory for the Parisians, with the forward setting up three of his team's goals. He scored his first goal of the season in a 4–2 away win against Brest six days later. In the following match against Reims on 29 August, in which Lionel Messi notably made his debut for PSG, Mbappé scored a brace in a 2–0 Rouge-et-Bleu victory. On 24 November, he scored in a 2–1 Champions League defeat to Manchester City at the City of Manchester Stadium . On 7 December, he scored two goals in a 4–1 Champions League home win over Club Brugge. The goals, which were his 30th and 31st in the Champions League, made him the youngest player to reach this milestone in the history of the competition.

On 12 December 2021, Mbappé scored twice against Monaco in Ligue 1 to reach a century of league goals for PSG. At 22 years and 357 days old, he became the youngest player to score 100 goals for a single team in the French top-flight since Opta began recording data in the 1950–51 season. On 3 January 2022, Mbappé scored his first hat-trick of the season in a 4–0 Coupe de France win over Vannes . On 11 February, he scored the winning goal in stoppage time in a 1–0 league win over Rennes, a feat he repeated four days later, in a 1–0 Champions League victory over Real Madrid in the first leg of the round of 16. He scored another goal in the second leg, making him the second-highest goalscorer in Paris Saint-Germain's history; however, his team was knocked out following a 3–1 defeat at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium .

On 21 May 2022, Mbappé extended his contract with PSG until 2025, despite speculations of a possible transfer to Real Madrid, which prompted La Liga officials to file a complaint to UEFA regarding accumulating losses of PSG in the previous years. Mbappé himself reportedly called and spoke to Real Madrid's president Florentino Pérez , telling him that he would not be signing for Real Madrid. According to Sky Sports , the financial details of Mbappé's contract included a monthly wage of £4 million, making him the highest-paid player in the world. Mbappé and PSG also reportedly secured a signing-on figure in the region of £100 million. In the hours following the forward's contract extension, he scored a hat-trick in a 5–0 win over Metz, to finish the season with 28 goals as top scorer for the fourth consecutive season. He became the third player to finish as Ligue 1's top scorer for four seasons in a row. Mbappé also provided 17 assists in the season, becoming the first player to finish as both top scorer and top assist provider in the league's history.

Messi Neymar Mbappé PSG 2022

On 13 August 2022, Mbappé scored his first goal of the season for PSG in a 5–2 home victory over Montpellier, after having missed a penalty earlier in the match. Eight days later, he scored his first hat-trick of the season in a 7–1 away win over Lille . His first goal in the match was clocked at eight seconds, making it the second-fastest goal ever scored in Ligue 1 history, tenths of seconds later than Michel Rio's goal for Caen against Cannes in 1992. On 6 September, Mbappé scored a brace in PSG's opening Champions League fixture against Juventus, securing a 2–1 home victory for the Parisians. On 11 October, he scored a penalty in a 1–1 Champions League draw at home to Benfica , becoming the leading goalscorer for PSG in European competitions with 31 goals. However, the match was played in the backdrop of media reports that Mbappé wanted to leave PSG in the January transfer window, rumours which he denied, saying, "I'm very happy. I never asked for my departure in January."

On 23 January 2023, Mbappé became the first PSG player to score five goals in a match, including a ten-minute hat-trick, in a 7–0 rout of Pays de Cassel in the Coupe de France round of 32. On 26 February, he scored two goals and assisted another as PSG defeated Marseille 3–0 in Le Classique. He thus became the club's joint all-time top goalscorer with 200 goals, equalizing Edinson Cavani's record. In the following match, a 4–2 win over Nantes, he scored his 201st goal for PSG, taking the throne as the club's leading scorer. He ended the Ligue 1 campaign with 29 goals, to become the top scorer for the fifth consecutive season, as PSG won their record 11th Ligue 1 title. The forward also ended the season by receiving the Ligue 1 Player of the Year award for the fourth consecutive season, and featuring in the Ligue 1 Team of the Season.

On 13 June 2023, via an official statement released through Agence France-Presse , Mbappé announced his decision not to renew his contract with PSG, which was set to expire in June 2024; according to him, the club had been informed about his decision since 15 July 2022. In response to an article published by Le Parisien about his reported desire to join Real Madrid in the upcoming summer window, Mbappé tweeted that the rumours were "lies", reaffirming his intention to "continue at PSG next season, where [he is] very happy". However, during the unveiling of new manager Luis Enrique on 5 July 2023, PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi clarified the club's stance on Mbappé, stating that "if [he wants] to stay [...] he [needs] to sign a new contract". On 21 July, Mbappé was excluded from PSG's preseason tour in Japan. After much speculation surrounding his future at Paris Saint-Germain, a statement from the club on 13 August 2023 confirmed Mbappé's reintegration into the first team. This followed "constructive and positive discussions" between the player and the club ahead of their match against Lorient .

Mbappé eventually made his first appearance of the 2023–24 season in a 1–1 draw away to Toulouse on 19 August, scoring his team's only goal, PSG's first of the season. On 26 August, he scored his 150th and 151st Ligue 1 goals for the club as PSG beat Lens 3–1 at home. On 19 September, Mbappé scored PSG's first Champions League goal of the season in a 2–0 win over Borussia Dortmund. He scored the opening goal in a 3–0 win over AC Milan on matchday three of the competition on 25 October. On 11 November, Mbappé scored his first hat-trick of the season in a 3–0 win over Reims, lifting PSG to the top of the Ligue 1 table. On 28 November, Mbappé scored an penalty eight minutes into stoppage time, to salvage a 1–1 draw against Newcastle and keep PSG in the Champions League.

International career

Kylian Mbappe celebrating - March 2018 (cropped)

In July 2016, Mbappé scored five times for France as they won the 2016 UEFA European Under-19 Championship. His second-half brace in the 3–1 victory over Portugal in the semi-finals had helped his team reach the final. He was included in the competition's Team of the Tournament.

Mbappé was called up to the senior France squad for the first time to face Luxembourg and Spain in March 2017. He made his debut on 25 March against the former side, coming on for Dimitri Payet in the 78th minute of a 3–1 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification away win. In doing so, he became the second youngest player ever (only behind Maryan Wisniewski) to feature for France, at 18 years, three months and five days of age. On 31 August 2017, Mbappé scored his first senior international goal in a 2018 World Cup qualification match against the Netherlands . He scored twice in a friendly against Russia in March 2018.

Kylian Mbappé World Cup Trophy

On 17 May 2018, Mbappé was called up to the France squad for the 2018 World Cup in Russia. On 21 June 2018, he scored his first World Cup goal in Les Bleus ' 1–0 group stage win over Peru . This made him the youngest French goalscorer in World Cup history, aged 19. On 30 June 2018, he was named man of the match in a 4–3 win over Argentina in the round of 16, having won a penalty for his team and scored two goals. Mbappé was the second teenager to score two goals in a World Cup match after Pelé in 1958 . In a post-match press conference, he stated: "It's flattering to be the second one after Pelé but let's put things into context – Pelé is in another category." On 15 July, Mbappé scored with a 25-yard strike against Croatia in the 2018 World Cup final , with France gaining a 4–2 win. He became the second teenager, after Pelé, to score in a World Cup final: moreover, having scored four goals in the tournament, he received the FIFA World Cup Best Young Player Award. Pelé congratulated him on social media, saying quote, "welcome to the club".

On 11 June 2019, Mbappé scored his 100th career goal in a 4–0 away win over Andorra in Euro 2020 qualifying. On 5 September 2020, Mbappé scored the only goal for France in a 1–0 UEFA Nations League win against Sweden . However, two days after the game, he tested positive for COVID-19 . He returned to play for France in a 7–1 victory against Ukraine on 7 October 2020, scoring a goal. One week later, he scored the match-winning goal in a 2–1 win against Croatia. France topped their Nations League Group and qualified for the 2021 UEFA Nations League Finals.

UEFA Euro 2020 was postponed for a year because of the COVID-19 pandemic . On 18 May 2021, Mbappé was included in the France squad for UEFA Euro 2020, his second major international tournament. On 15 June, he scored a goal and assisted another one, both of which were later deemed to be offside, in a group stage match against Germany . On 28 June, he provided the assist for Karim Benzema's first goal in France's match against Switzerland in the round of 16. After a 3–3 draw, the game went to a penalty shoot-out; Mbappé failed to score the decisive fifth penalty, and France were eliminated from the tournament. The forward failed to score in any of the four games France played in the competition.

Mbappé 25032021

In the Nations League semi-final on 7 October 2021, Mbappé assisted Benzema and later scored a goal himself from the penalty spot to help France come from behind and defeat Belgium 3–2. In the process, he made his 50th appearance for Les Bleus at 22 years and nine-and-a-half months. Three days later, in the final against Spain, he once again set-up Benzema to tie the match, and later scored the 2–1 winning goal for France to clinch their first title. With two goals and two assists in the Nations League Finals, Mbappé was awarded the competition's Golden Boot, known as the "Alipay Top Scorer Trophy."

On 13 November, Mbappé scored his first goals in the 2022 World Cup qualifiers by finding the net four times in an 8–0 win over Kazakhstan , as France booked their place for the tournament's finals. His super hat-trick, which included a 32-minute first half hat-trick, was his first one in an international match, as well as the first competitive hat-trick scored for France since Dominique Rocheteau in 1985. Three days later, Mbappé scored and served his fifth assist for Benzema in a row in a 2–0 away win over Finland in the last World Cup qualifier.

2022 FIFA World Cup France 4–1 Australia - (8)

France kicked off their 2022 FIFA World Cup campaign in Qatar against Australia on 22 November 2022. In the match, Mbappé was involved in three of France's goals in a 4–1 victory; he was in the build-up for the second goal, scored the third – a header from an Ousmane Dembélé cross, and assisted Olivier Giroud for the fourth goal. Four days later, Mbappé scored both of France's goals in a 2–1 victory over Denmark , securing qualification to the knockout stages and thus breaking the "World Cup Champions' Curse". In the knockout round of sixteen against Poland , Mbappé scored two more goals, the first into the roof of the net from 16 yards and the second being a curling strike into the top corner, in a 3–1 win.

After featuring in France's wins against England and Morocco , respectively, in the quarter and semi-finals, Mbappé became only the second player in history to score a hat-trick in a World Cup final, scoring three goals against Argentina in the 2022 World Cup final. The Albiceleste had a 2–0 lead with just over ten minutes remaining, before the Frenchman scored twice in two minutes, the second being a volley after playing a one-two with Marcus Thuram. In extra time , Argentina would take the lead again, thanks to Mbappé's PSG teammate Messi, before the forward scored a penalty to make it 3–3, at just four minutes from the end of extra time. The match went to a penalty shoot-out ; Mbappé scored his penalty, but France lost following misses by Kingsley Coman and Aurélien Tchouaméni. Mbappé secured the tournament's Golden Boot with eight goals, and became the sixth all-time top goalscorer in World Cup history with twelve goals, tied with Pelé. Having scored a goal in the 2018 final, Mbappé also became the outright top goalscorer in World Cup finals, with four goals, and his hat-trick was the first in a men's final since Geoff Hurst for England in 1966.

On 21 March 2023, following the international retirement of Hugo Lloris , manager Didier Deschamps named Mbappé the new captain of France ahead of their UEFA Euro 2024 qualifying campaign. Three days later, in his first match as captain, he led France to a 4–0 victory over the Netherlands, by assisting Antoine Griezmann 's goal and scoring a brace. On 19 June, Mbappé scored a penalty in a 1–0 win over Greece , his 40th goal for Les Bleus . On the same night, he also became the youngest player to make 70 appearances for France. On 13 October, Mbappé scored two goals for France in a 2–1 win over the Netherlands, securing qualification to UEFA Euro 2024 . He also surpassed Michel Platini to become France's fourth all-time top scorer. On 18 November, Mbappé scored a hat-trick and provided three assists in a 14–0 victory over Gibraltar , France's largest-ever victory. His third goal of the match, a long-range shot from "40 metres out", was his 300th career goal. He also surpassed Griezmann as France's third all-time top scorer, reaching 46 goals.

Player profile

Kylian Mbappe 2017

A versatile forward, Mbappé often plays as a winger , and is capable of playing on either flank, due to his ability with both feet. He is capable of cutting into the centre onto his stronger right foot from the left wing, and of creating chances and providing assists for teammates from the right thanks to his vision. He is also able to play in the centre as a main striker , due to his composure, clinical finishing, and eye for goal.

A highly skillful player, Mbappé is known for his dribbling ability, as well as his explosive acceleration, agility, quick feet, first touch, link-up play and creativity when in possession of the ball, as demonstrated by his use of elaborate feints, such as step overs, or sudden changes of pace or direction to beat opponents in one-on-one situations. He is highly regarded for his pace and close ball control when dribbling at speed, as well as his movement, tactical intelligence, and ability to beat the defensive line by making attacking runs into space both on and off the ball. His ability to time his runs enables him to stretch opposing defences, making him a dangerous offensive threat on counter-attacks.

During the beginning of his career, Mbappé was compared to various greats in the history of football. He was described by Arsène Wenger as a "huge football talent" who "has similar qualities" to Thierry Henry. His talent and stand-out performances for France at the 2018 World Cup also led him to be compared to Pelé in the media. Former France international Nicolas Anelka said that Mbappé's ability to run at defences reminded him of Ronaldo 's performances at the 1996 Olympics, and that Mbappé had the characteristics of a "world-class player".

Mbappé is a practising Christian. In a 2018 interview with Time , he spoke about the sacrifices he made as a teenager to focus on his football development: "I did not have the moments of so-called normal people during adolescence, like going out with friends, enjoying good times." But despite missing out on a "normal" life, Mbappé states he is "living the life he always dreamed of".

Just over four years after making his professional debut, he had over 50 million followers on Instagram . As of 2023, he has over 100 million followers on Instagram. While he admits his "life has been totally turned upside down" since he first entered the spotlight, he says he is "happy". He is fluent in French, English, and Spanish.

Outside football

Mbappé has a sponsorship deal with sportswear and equipment supplier Nike . In 2017, aged 18, he partnered with the brand to launch his own football boots, the Kylian Mbappé Nike Hypervenom 3. In 2018, he unveiled the Nike Mercurial Superfly VI boots, which were inspired by the R9 Mercurial boots of former Brazilian striker Ronaldo. In 2018, Swiss watchmaker Hublot signed Mbappé as a global ambassador.

Mbappé has featured in EA Sports ' FIFA video game series : on FIFA 18 , he had the highest potential rating of 94. His trademark goal celebration – posing with his arms folded and hands tucked under his armpits – was inspired by his younger brother Ethan, who would celebrate in this manner when beating Kylian at FIFA. The celebration was first inserted in FIFA 19 . Mbappé featured as the cover star of FIFA 21 , making him the youngest to appear on the cover solo.

In 2023, he was included by Time among the 100 most influential people in the world; in the same year, he was ranked third in the Forbes list of the world's highest-paid athletes.

Kylian Mbappé receives the best young player award at the 2018 Football World Cup Russia

On 22 February 2018, Mbappé was joined by former African strikers George Weah and Didier Drogba in a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and FIFA president Gianni Infantino at the Élysée Palace in Paris, which focused on a sports development project in Africa. Mbappé stated that the development of African sport is important to him due to his parents' African origins.

On 28 January 2019, Mbappé donated $34,000 (around £26,000) to a crowdfunding campaign to finance a private search mission to find football player Emiliano Sala , whose light aircraft had gone missing over the English Channel a week earlier. Later, on 10 February 2019, Mbappé donated a further £27,000 to the GoFundMe campaign created to fund the search for the plane's still-missing pilot, David Ibbotson.

On 19 November 2021, Mbappé and Chinese diver Zhang Jiaqi became godfather and godmother, respectively, to two baby pandas at Beauval Zoo, as part of a campaign to raise awareness about the species.

Career statistics

Kylian Mbappé 2018

  • Ligue 1 : 2016–17
  • Coupe de la Ligue runner-up: 2016–17
  • Ligue 1: 2017–18, 2018–19, 2019–20, 2021–22, 2022–23
  • Coupe de France : 2017–18, 2019–20, 2020–21; runner-up: 2018–19
  • Coupe de la Ligue: 2017–18, 2019–20
  • Trophée des Champions: 2019, 2020
  • UEFA Champions League runner-up: 2019–20
  • UEFA European Under-19 Championship: 2016
  • FIFA World Cup : 2018 ; runner-up: 2022
  • UEFA Nations League : 2020–21
  • UEFA European Under-19 Championship Team of the Tournament: 2016
  • Ligue 1 Player of the Year: 2018–19, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23
  • Ligue 1 Young Player of the Year: 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19
  • UNFP Ligue 1 Team of the Year: 2016–17, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23
  • UNFP Player of the Month: April 2017, March 2018, August 2018, February 2019, February 2021, August 2021, February 2022, November/December 2022, February 2023, October 2023
  • UEFA Champions League Team of the Season : 2016–17 , 2019–20 , 2020–21, 2021–22
  • FIFA FIFPRO World 11: 2018, 2019, 2022
  • Golden Boy: 2017
  • FIFA World Cup Golden Boot: 2022
  • FIFA World Cup Silver Ball: 2022
  • FIFA World Cup Young Player Award: 2018
  • FIFA World Cup Dream Team: 2018
  • Kopa Trophy: 2018
  • IFFHS Men's World Team: 2018, 2021, 2022
  • IFFHS World's Best Top Goal Scorer: 2022
  • French Player of the Year: 2018, 2019, 2022
  • UEFA Team of the Year: 2018
  • ESM Team of the Year: 2022–23
  • Ligue 1 top goalscorer: 2018–19, 2019–20, 2020–21, 2021–22, 2022–23
  • Ligue 1 top assist provider: 2021–22
  • Globe Soccer Best Player of the Year: 2021
  • Onze de Bronze: 2019
  • UEFA Nations League Finals Golden Boot: 2021
  • Knight of the Legion of Honour: 2018
  • List of association football families
  • List of Paris Saint-Germain F.C. records and statistics
  • France national football team records and statistics
  • This page was last modified on 12 April 2024, at 15:11. Suggest an edit .
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The Story of Kylian Mbappé

Article by: Mitchell Grimes

Thu, Oct 28.21

Kylian Mbappé Lottin was born on the 20th of December 1998, 6 months after France had conquered the world at the 1998 World Cup. Mbappé  was born in Paris, France to parents Wilfried Mbappé , from Cameroon & Fayza Lamari Mbappé  from Algeria.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kylian Mbappé (@k.mbappe)

Kylian Mbappé and his family lived just outside of Paris in Bondy, known for its large, working-class, non-white communities, synonymous with riots and social strife, thought of as breeding grounds for crime where he began playing football at age 6, under Antonio Riccardi. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by AS Bondy Foot (@asbondyfoot)

‘The first time I coached him was when he was six years old. You could tell he was different. Kylian could do much more than the other children. His dribbling was already fantastic and he was much faster than the others. He was the best player I've ever seen in 15 years coaching here. In Paris, there are many talents but I'd never seen a talent like him. He was what we call a 'crack' (the best).’ 

After impressing at AS Bondy, Mbappé moved to the Clairefontaine academy - an academy for the best young players in France, The academy is one of thirteen élite academies located in and around France that are supervised by the French Football Federation (FFF) and has produced the likes of Nicolas Anelka, Olivier Giroud, Blaise Matuidi, & Thierry Henry. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by FFF Académie Clairefontaine (@fff_academie_clairefontaine)

Whilst at the academy, Mbappé was drawing attention from some of the biggest clubs in the world with; Real Madrid, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City and Bayern Munich all attempting to sign the youngster and by age 11 had been invited to train with Real Madrid. 

3 years later he travelled to London to play a match with Chelsea’s youth team but ultimately settled at AS Monaco for the 2015/16 season, with them presenting a clear path for Mbappé into the first team. 

Kylian started in Monaco’s b-team but was promoted to the main squad within just 3 weeks and made his first team debut in December 2 months later against Caen at age 16, becoming Monaco’s youngest ever first-team player, beating the record previously set by Thierry Henry. 

In February, Mbappé scored his first goal for Monaco, becoming the club’s youngest ever goal scorer, again beating out Thierry Henry. A month later in March he signed his first professional contract at Monaco, keeping him at the club for a further 3 years. 

Mbappé continued to impress in his second season at Monaco, scoring his first hattrick in December 2016 in the French domestic cup, the Coupe de la Ligue, becoming the first Monaco player to score a hattrick in the competition since 1997. A few months later in February Mbappé scored his first-ever Ligue 1 hat-trick, the youngest player to score a Ligue 1 hat-trick since Jeremy Menez in 2005. 

A few weeks later, Mbappé became the 2nd youngest French player in history to score in the UEFA Champions League, behind Karim Benzema and in March, Mbappé scored two first-half goals in the 4–0 Ligue 1 home win over Nantes to bring his Ligue 1 career tally to ten goals and become the youngest player in the last 30 years to hit the Ligue 1/Division 1 ten-career-goals mark. 

Mbappé went on to score 26 goals in the 2016/17 season and won the Ligue 1 title at just 18 years of age. 

At the start of the 2017/18 season, Mbappé signed for PSG on loan with an obligation to buy which was exercised later that year at €180 million. PSG faced tough competition for the 19 year-olds signature, fighting off Real Madrid with the promise of first-team football. 

Mbappé scored on his Ligue 1 debut in Paris, and then 4 days later on his Champions League debut for PSG. On 6 December, Mbappé scored his 10th Champions League goal in a 3–1 defeat to Bayern Munich and became the youngest player to reach that mark at the age of 18 years and 11 months. 

Having won his first league title with the club, on 8 May 2018, Mbappé played as PSG won 2–0 against Les Herbiers VF to clinch the 2017–18 Coupe de France. 

In France’s 2018 World Cup campaign, Mbappé became the nations youngest ever Goalscorer in World Cup history with a strike against Peru. He was also the 2nd ever teenager to score two goals in a match at the World Cup since Pele in 1958 in a 4-3 win over Argentina. 

On the 15th of July Mbappé scored in the World Cup final, also becoming the 2nd teenager to do so since Pele. France won 4-2 over Croatia with Mbappé being named the young player of the tournament, conquering the world at 19. 

The next season Mbappé would go on to announce himself as one of the best players in the world, winning the league again with PSG, winning the golden boot with 33 league goals and was the Ligue 1 player of the year. He also became the youngest player in nearly 50 years to score 4 goals in one game, which he did against Lyon in just 13 minutes. 

In 19/20 he became the youngest player ever to score 15 goals in the Champions League at 20 years and 306 days and won back to back Ligue 1 golden boots. PSG won the league again and completed a domestic treble, winning the Coupe de France and the Coupe de la Ligue. 

Mbappé continued to break records in 20/21, scoring his 100th goal for PSG, only the fifth player to do that in history and became the youngest player ever to score 20 goals in the Champions League. Mbappé  also became just the third player in history to score a hat-trick against Barcelona in the Champions League. 

Mbappé  won his 3rd consecutive Ligue 1 Golden Boot award with 27 goals for the season which had not been done since Jean-Pierre Papin in the early 90s. 

It had all been smooth sailing for Kylian up until Euro 2020. He scored against Germany in the group stages though it was ruled offside. France drew 3-3 with Switzerland after extra-time, with the match going to penalties, Mbappé missed the decisive spot-kick handing Switzerland the win, failing to score across the whole tournament. 

Kylian has seemingly bounced back from the Euros disappointment, scoring the winning penalty in the recent Nations League triumph for France and starting the season well for PSG. 

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  1. Kylian Mbappé

    Kylian Mbappé Lottin (born 20 December 1998) is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and captains the France national team.Regarded as one of the best players in the world, he is known for his dribbling, speed, and finishing.. Born in Paris and raised in nearby Bondy, Mbappé began his senior club career in 2015 with Monaco, where he won ...

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  4. ഫൈനലിനെ ഫൈനലാക്കിയ എംബാപ്പെ ; രാജ്യം തോറ്റ കളിയിലെ രാജാവ്, Mbappe

    ആര് കപ്പടിക്കും എന്ന സസ്‌പെൻസ് പോലെ സുവർണപാദുകവും ...

  5. Kylian Mbappe

    Kylian Mbappe (b. 1998) is a French football (soccer) player whose speed and goal scoring as an attacker have made him a dominant force in European club competition. In 2022 he became the first player in football history to score four goals in his World Cup finals appearances.

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  7. Kylian Mbappé Biography

    Birthday: December 20, 1998 ( Sagittarius) Born In: Paris, France. Kylian Mbappé Lottin was born on December 20, 1998, in Bondy, Paris, France, to Wilfried Mbappé and Fayza Lamari. He is of mixed ethnicity as his father is of Cameroonian origin, while his mother, a former handball player, is of Algerian origin.

  8. Kylian Mbappé

    Kylian Mbappé's 2022-2023 season was marked by a hat-trick in the World Cup final against Argentina, a first since 1966. 'Kik's' once again left his mark on the league by finishing as top scorer, Player of the Year, and winning the French league title for the sixth time. Furthermore, he became Paris Saint-Germain's all-time leading ...

  9. Kylian MBAPPÉ

    Kylian Mbappe's Rise to Stardom at PSG. In August 2017, Mbappé attracted interest from several top European clubs, including Real Madrid. However, he opted to join Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) on an initial loan deal, which later became a permanent transfer for a reported fee of €180 million, making him the second most expensive player in the history of the sport.

  10. Kylian Mbappé goals, records, stats and claims to fame: How brilliant

    Paris • Scored his tenth Champions League goal in a 3-1 defeat at Bayern München in December 2017, becoming the youngest player to reach that mark at the age of 18 years 350 days. • Mbappé ...

  11. Kylian Mbappé

    Kylian Mbappé. Kylian Mbappé Lottin ( French: [kiljan (ə)mbape]; born 20 December 1998) is a French professional footballer. He plays as a forward for Paris Saint-Germain and the France national team. At the age of 19, he has been marked the best young player in the world. [2] [3]

  12. Kylian Mbappe Biography, Career Info, Records & Achievements

    Kylian Mbappe Lottin is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for the France National Football Team and Paris Saint-Germain. He was born on 20 December 1998 in Paris. Follow ...

  13. Kylian Mbappe: The incredible, inevitable rise of a superstar

    Mbappe was 23 years old, the second-youngest player in France's starting line-up. But youth has never lessened his sense of destiny. To borrow a memorable line uttered by former Arsenal striker ...

  14. Kylian Mbappe

    BBC Sport picks out the seven things you need to know about Mbappe and his meteoric rise... 1. He is the second most expensive player in history. In 2017, Mbappe joined PSG, initially on loan ...

  15. Kylian Mbappé Biography: Learn about the Rising Star's Life and

    Mbappe was born in Paris and raised in Bondy, a suburb with a working-class, mostly immigrant population. His father, Wilfried, is originally from Cameroon and is a football coach and his agent. His mother, Fayza Lamari, is of Algerian Kabyle origin and was a former handball player. Mbappé started playing football at the age of six for AS ...

  16. Kylian Mbappé: The Rise of a Football Superstar

    Discover the inspiring journey of Kylian Mbappé, one of the world's most talented footballers. From his humble beginnings to his meteoric rise in the world o...

  17. Who Is Kylian Mbappé, the 19-Year-Old French Soccer Star on the Rise

    Kylian Mbappe at the 2018 World Cup. Getty Images By age 12, Mbappé was training at France's premiere Clairefontaine football center. At 14, he was playing with Monaco's professional club, even ...

  18. Kylian Mbappé

    Do you want to know how Kylian Mbappé performs in different competitions, seasons and clubs? Check out his detailed stats on Transfermarkt, the leading website for football market values and transfers. You can also compare his data with other players and see his national team achievements.

  19. Kylian Mbappé

    Kylian Mbappé Lottin was born on December 20, 1998, in Paris, France. His father was an immigrant from Cameroon. His mother was of Algerian descent. Mbappé grew up in the Parisian suburb of Bondy, where he was introduced to soccer at an early age. His father was a coach and director for the local club AS Bondy, and Mbappé competed on the ...

  20. Kylian Mbappe Biography: Childhood, Career and Achievements

    He was born on December 20, 1998, in Paris, France. He is the son of the Cameroonian Wilfried Mbappe and Algerian Fayza Lamari. His father was a professional soccer coach and his mother is a lawyer and former handball player. Mbappe's dad is also his agent, much like his teammate Neymar. Mbappe has two brothers.

  21. Kylian Mbappé Facts for Kids

    Kylian Mbappé Lottin was born on 20 December 1998 in the 19th arrondissement of Paris and was raised in Bondy, Seine-Saint-Denis, in the northeastern suburbs of Paris. His father, Wilfrid [fr], is originally from Cameroon, and, as well as being his agent, is a football coach. His mother, Fayza Lamari, is of Algerian Kabyle origin and is a ...

  22. Why the 'unstoppable' Kylian Mbappé now wears the crown as ...

    CNN —. At just 23, Kylian Mbappé has won more in his short career than most players are ever able to achieve. He's already claimed five domestic titles in France, scored 250 career goals and ...

  23. The Story of Kylian Mbappé

    Kylian Mbappé Lottin was born on the 20th of December 1998, 6 months after France had conquered the world at the 1998 World Cup. Mbappé was born in Paris, France to parents Wilfried Mbappé, from Cameroon & Fayza Lamari Mbappé from Algeria. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kylian Mbappé (@k.mbappe) Kylian Mbappé and his family lived just outside of Paris in Bondy, known ...

  24. Ethan Mbappé

    Early life. Born in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, Mbappé was raised in a footballing family, with brother Kylian and adopted brother Jirès Kembo Ekoko both having professional football careers. Their father is Cameroonian and their mother is of Algerian origin. Club career. Mbappé followed in both of his older brothers' footsteps by joining local side AS Bondy in 2015.

  25. List of Malayalam films of 2024

    The List of highest-grossing Malayalam films released in 2024, by worldwide box office gross revenue, are as follows. The rank of the films in the following depends on the worldwide gross. Denotes films still running in cinemas worldwide