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  • Essays Books
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CSS Essay Past Papers

Download css past papers for compulsory subject essay from 2000 to 2021 updated. | for more past papers please explore the past papers section..

Writing an essay is a crucial component of the C.S.S. Competitive Examination.

Syllabi for C.S.S. Competitive Examination 2016 & Onwards in its Scheme of CSS Competitive Examination provides the following instructions relating to the Essay Paper: “Candidates will be required to write one or more Essay in English. A wide choice of topics will be given.

Candidates are expected to reflect comprehensive and research-based knowledge on a selected topic. Candidate’s articulation, expression, and technical treatment of style of Essay writing is examined.”

Last few years performance of candidates in English Essay paper under CSS Competitive Examination has not been as satisfactory as in other papers. Some of the extracts from the examiners’ reports, highlighting the weaknesses and common mistakes in essay writing, are reproduced below for the general information and guidance of the candidates.

CSS Essay Paper 2000

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How to Collect notes for writing a great CSS essay?

‘Essay writing’ is one of the key papers which determines a candidate’s overall score in the CSS Exam. However, most of the candidates scores less in this paper due to less literary and scholarly writing skills. An essay paper has ten topics out of which candidates must choose one. The CSS Essay word limit ranges between 2500-3500 words on the topic.

Essentials of Essay Writing

Candidates need to ensure the following essentials for writing high scoring CSS Essay

  • Structure of an essay
  • Expressions of Ideas-Principles of a standard essay
  • Outline of an essay
  • Grammatical Accuracy and English proficiency with ample vocabulary

Structure of an Essay

The CSS essay exam is not just about jotting down points and writing random thought haphazardly. A standard essay constitutes majorly of three parts:

Introduction/Background The introductory part should compel and introduce the topic to the reader.

Body The candidate should use one paragraph to write about one aspect of the topic in body

Conclusion The last one or two paragraphs must summarize the whole essay highlighting the major aspects .

Collecting notes for CSS Essay Exam

Now that we have covered the essentials and structure of an essay but the question remains there that how to collect material for CSS essay? Following are some of the sources of material for CSS English Essays.

  • Essays written by experts in famous newspapers and magazines. Understand and get an idea of how they frame the ‘Introduction’ and Conclusion Passage. Jot down the main points and make your CSS Essay notes out of it.
  • To Collect CSS Essay notes candidates should consult official documents like Quarterly reports of SBP, Economic Survey of Pakistan, treaties and agreements.
  • To attain high scoring CSS Essay , candidates should also gather notes from the reports of international agencies like WB, IMF, ADB, UN and USAID.
  • For Islamic related essays candidates can read and make CSS Essay notes from Friday features in Dawn Newspaper.
  • Current Affairs which is a bimonthly print magazine of culture, politics and arts. Each issue of the magazine has insightful analysis and reporting.

Books for high scoring CSS essay

Aspirants can also consult the following books of essays for CSS 2021

  • High Scoring CSS Essays 2020 Edition
  • How to write great essays by Lauren Starkey
  • Better Writing Now by Francie D. Galko
  • CSS English Essay Online Preparation Series
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Published December 08, 2021 • Updated October 28, 2022

Modern Techniques for Writing Better CSS

CSS has come a long way since the early days of web development, when tables and various other hacks were used for layout and positioning. Today’s developers can enjoy writing CSS that works in all major browsers, without having to bend over backwards to implement tricky layout requirements. Not only does this make it easier to create dynamic layouts, but it also allows you to ship smaller (and simpler) stylesheets by removing unnecessary cruft. In this article, we’ll look at various scenarios where modern techniques can reduce the complexity of your code and allow you to write better CSS.

Table of Contents

1. chaining selectors with :is.

A common task in CSS is to apply some styling to multiple selectors. Perhaps you want to apply the same styling to an element’s focus, hover, and ARIA states, like for a navigation link:

For each new selector, you need to repeat the base selector ( .nav-link ). While that may not seem like a big deal in this isolated example, it does add up the more you have to write CSS like this. It’s even more verbose if you need to chain additional modifiers, like with :not :

The dev experience is not quite as bad in Sass thanks to the ampersand operator:

But you still end up shipping the same amount of output CSS. It would be nice if we could cut down on the repetition and only specify the primary selector once. And it turns out that we can!

All major browsers now support the :is pseudo-class function . It accepts a comma-separated list of selectors to match, allowing you to write fewer lines of CSS to accomplish the same task as before.

Here’s what our earlier example would look like if we were to use :is :

This selector will match all elements with the nav-link class that also have a :focus pseudo-class, a :hover pseudo-class, or an aria-current attribute equal to "page" . This allows you to consolidate all of your styling for the element under a single selector.

We can also refactor the second example, where we chained additional modifiers with :not :

This is great because it means that we don’t have to repeat any intermediate classes or pseudo-classes—we only need to list them once and chain an :is to supply an additional list of selectors to match.

The :is pseudo-class function is even nicer in Sass since you don’t need to retype the base selector at all and can just leverage the ampersand operator:

Finally, it’s worth noting that while all of the examples so far looked at chaining :is to a base selector, you can actually just use :is on its own. For example, the following CSS uses :is to target the direct descendants of certain parent selectors:

Without :is , you’d end up repeating yourself quite a bit:

:is , Specificity, and Forgiving Selectors

There are two points worth noting about :is .


First, :is assumes the highest specificity from among its argument list. This means that it’s ideal for situations where all of the selectors you’re listing have the same specificity. That’s the case in the first example we saw, where all of the selectors share class specificity :

But in the following toy example, the overall specificity of :is ends up being higher due to the presence of an ID in the selector list, so future selectors with lower specificity will be overridden:

In this example, the div ends up having a background color of red , not blue , because the ID in the first selector increases the overall specificity of the selector.

Forgiving Selector Parsing

Second, :is uses forgiving selector parsing , meaning that if one of the selectors you’ve listed happens to be invalid, the whole argument list won’t be invalidated. Here’s an example:

:is will still parse the argument list and apply the styling to the element if the valid selector (in this case, :focus ) is encountered.

2. Safe Global Defaults with :where

Like :is , :where is a forgiving pseudo-class function that accepts a comma-separated list of selectors to match. So we could’ve actually done this in the first example I showed:

However, those two code samples are not identical. The only difference between :is and :where is that :is assumes the highest specificity from among its selector set, whereas :where always resolves to a specificity of zero.

In other words, this:

Has the same specificity as this:

Even this complicated and unwieldy selector has a specificity of zero:

This makes :where better suited if you want to rely on the cascade for overrides. In fact, one great use case for :where is to declare global CSS resets or defaults that are guaranteed to always have the lowest possible specificity (zero). For example, Elad Schechter uses this technique in his modern CSS reset to define safe defaults for certain elements. Here’s what that might look like in practice:

All of the selectors in this stylesheet have a specificity of zero, making it possible to override them with any other valid selector later on (or even earlier in the stylesheet!) without having to artificially increase the specificity of those other selectors.

It’s true that you should be declaring your resets first as a best practice anyway, and rarely will you ever want to style elements using just tag names elsewhere in your stylesheet (e.g., if you’re using the BEM methodology ). But :where at least gives you some level of assurance that the styles you’ve defined are never going to run into any specificity conflicts.

Additionally, as Adam Argyle notes in his article on :is and :where , the zero-specificity nature of :where could prove useful in CSS libraries, allowing users to override any particular bit of styling from the library with custom CSS.

3. RTL Styling with Logical Properties and Values

If your app isn’t internationalized and only supports a single locale (like en-US ), then you probably don’t find yourself differentiating between left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) text directionality when writing CSS. So you can safely use properties like margin-left and padding-right , text alignment values like left and right , absolute positioning, and so on.

But if your app is internationalized and needs to support multiple locales, then it’s a completely different story. In the so-called RTL locales —like Arabic, Hebrew, and various others —text flows from right to left rather than from left to right. As a rule of thumb, this means that most other visual elements on the page need to mirror themselves and flow in the same direction as the text (although there are rare exceptions to this rule).

The traditional approach to RTL styling is to first write your CSS from an LTR perspective and then scope the RTL styling using the attribute selector and the dir attribute . This typically involves using physical properties and values , which refer to a fixed cardinal direction (“top”, “right”, “bottom”, and “left”). Here’s an example of how that might be done:

In LTR mode, our element has a left margin. In RTL mode, it needs to have a right margin. So we unset the left margin and apply the same value as a right margin. This works because the LTR and RTL rulesets are mutually exclusive (and the RTL version has a higher specificity). But this gets very tedious and repetitive the more you have to do it, and you end up having to ship way more CSS than you actually need.

Below are a few more examples of physical properties that you’ve probably used:

  • margin-[top|right|bottom|left]
  • padding-[top|right|bottom|left]
  • border-[top|right|bottom|left]

However, instead of using physical properties and values, we can take advantage of the fact that CSS also supports logical properties and values , which refer to semantic regions—like “start” and “end”—that automatically respect the page’s text direction. For example, the following yields the same result as before but with significantly fewer lines of CSS:

Logical properties typically consist of three parts: the property name ( margin ), the writing mode direction ( block vs. inline ), the generic location ( start or end ), and the sub-property in question (e.g., color , width , etc.). So a property like border-left-color would become border-inline-start-color . In LTR mode, start translates to left . In RTL mode, it translates to right . Both versions of the UI look just as you’d expect them to, but you only need to write a single ruleset to accommodate both.

Of all the recent improvements to CSS, the introduction of logical properties is probably one of my favorites. Even if your app doesn’t currently support RTL, you can still use logical properties and values because they work seamlessly for LTR, with the added benefit of future-proofing your app in case you ever do internationalize it. There are no downsides to using logical properties; all it requires is a shift in perspective.

You won’t appreciate the savings from this kind of a refactor until you have to do it in a large code base. Just this year, I put in a PR at work to use logical properties and values (since our app supports RTL), and I ended up removing nearly 700 net lines of unnecessary CSS.

Logical CSS Examples

There are many logical properties and values that you can use. The following sections list some of the most common and widely available logical CSS properties, as well as how they relate to their physical counterparts. However, it’s worth noting that certain physical properties and values do not have logical equivalents. Two examples include transform translations and box shadow offsets.

Padding, Margins, Borders

As we saw in an earlier example, you can replace physical margins, padding, and borders with logical properties that automatically respect RTL and vertical writing modes. The following table summarizes some of these naming patterns.

If you’re listing individual border properties, the logical naming does tend to get verbose. But it’s certainly less verbose than having to maintain two sets of styling: one for LTR and another for RTL.


Absolute, relative, and fixed positioning can also be achieved with logical properties:

Width and Height

In case you need to support vertical writing modes, you have the following logical properties:

Note that this does not affect RTL styling since width is symmetrical. It’s just another set of logical properties worth noting.

Logical Values

4. writing fewer media queries with clamp.

Another common requirement is to have elements change their styling between two breakpoints, perhaps for font sizing:

Certain layout changes cannot be achieved without media queries. But for numerical properties—like spacing, font sizing, dimensions, and so on—you may actually want to scale the value linearly between two breakpoints rather than having it jump from one discrete value to another. Fortunately, if you write modern CSS, you can take advantage of the clamp utility function to declare values that scale fluidly between a minimum and a maximum.

How clamp Works

clamp is a CSS function that takes three arguments: a minimum value, a preferred value, and a maximum value (in that order):

It attempts to return the preferred value, so long as that value lies between the minimum and maximum. If the preferred value overshoots, clamp returns the maximum. If the preferred value undershoots, clamp returns the minimum. Hence the name—the preferred value is clamped between a ceiling and a floor. Under the hood, this is equivalent to chaining the min and max functions separately.

At first glance, clamp may not seem useful, especially if you consider an example like this:

In this case, clamp will always return 16px since that’s a static value. Where clamp really shines is when you give it a dynamic preferred value . And one way to do that is to use viewport units ( vw ), where 1vw is defined to be one percent of the current viewport width. If the viewport is 400px wide, then 1vw evaluates to 4px . The keyword here is “evaluates”—whenever the viewport width changes, the browser needs to recompute the value and resolve it to a CSS pixel. And this is the key ingredient that allows us to replace media queries with linearly interpolated values.

The best way to understand how this works is to visualize it. Check out Adrian Bece’s Modern Fluid Typography Editor to get a better feel for how clamp works:

Adrian Bece's Fluid Typography editor tool. A sidebar contains toggles and inputs for root font size, min size, max size, and fluid size. The main content region shows a plot of the clamping function, which starts at a y-intecept corresponding to the minimum, extends horizontally for a few units, and then scales linearly up to a maximum.

So, if we set our preferred value in vw units, clamp will guarantee that it never falls outside the bounds of the min and max, while the nature of viewport units will allow the value to scale fluidly between those two endpoints. Here’s an example:

  • The element’s font size should be at least 1rem .
  • The element’s font size should be at most 1.25rem .
  • The element’s preferred font size is 0.45vw + 0.89rem .

Keep in mind that while the examples I showed here are for font sizing, clamp can be applied to any numerical properties, including padding, margin, borders, and much more. I encourage you to experiment with clamp to see if it’s right for your designs.

5. Simplifying Layouts with Gap

Before CSS grid, the only viable option for creating dynamic layouts on the web was Flexbox. But it had one major limitation: lack of support for gaps. Whereas design tools supported the notion of gaps, CSS did not, and most stylesheets relied on margins to space flex children apart. This usually involved inconvenient hacks to exclude the last flex item from the selector list:

But there was no way to exclude the last row of the flex layout from getting bottom margins, meaning your flex layout had unnecessary spacing underneath it. Sure, you could offset this with negative margins at the layout level . But at that point, you end up having to write too much CSS to accomplish such a seemingly simple task.

Nowadays, this is no longer an issue because Flexbox gaps are supported in all major browsers . Safari used to be the odd one out and held the web back for a while, but it’s supported Flexbox gaps since version 14.1. This means that unless you need to support older browsers, you can easily get away with writing simple and declarative CSS like this:

Alternatively, you could use grid, which also supports gaps and auto-wrapping columns:

Either way, you no longer have to worry about the spacing at the edges of the layout—the browser automatically performs these calculations for you and spaces the children accordingly to distribute the gap only between adjacent siblings. If your layout doesn’t need to wrap, there won’t be any unnecessary spacing along its outer edges. Moreover, since flex and grid layouts automatically flip themselves for RTL, this makes them perfect for creating RTL-safe layouts since you don’t have to worry about text directionality.

6. Aspect Ratio Sizing with aspect-ratio

Let’s say you want an element to have square dimensions, like if you’re creating the famous 3x3 grid layout for an image gallery.

Prior to the introduction of the CSS aspect-ratio property, you’d typically use the percentage padding trick to create responsive squares:

Alternatively, you could use custom properties to keep the element’s width and height in sync. The main disadvantage of this approach is that you cannot use responsive sizing since you’re setting explicit dimensions:

But now that aspect-ratio is supported in all major browsers , you can use it to express the relationship between an element’s width and height much more intuitively:

Maybe you then decide to give the square an explicit width and allow its height to match:

Or maybe it participates in a grid layout and receives its width from the grid formatting context:

Either way, you get a square shape that scales responsively.

One of my favorite things about aspect-ratio is how it can be used to compose utility classes with additional properties, like this handy class for circles:

There are many other applications of the aspect-ratio property that are worth exploring. One example is to responsively size embedded media, like for YouTube videos. Another is a performance enhancement: aspect-ratio plays a key role in preventing layout shifts when you set a width and height on images with HTML attributes.

CSS Is Only Getting Better

While new frameworks and libraries are born every minute, CSS will always be here to stay, and it’s only getting better each year. CSS has many promising developments on the horizon, including leading-trim , container queries , relative colors , and many other exciting features. Now is one of the best times to be writing CSS. And the more you learn about the language, the more you’ll be able to simplify your styling and write cleaner CSS.

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CSS Times

CSS Essay Writing and Acing Strategies (By: Saeed Wazir)

CSS Essay Writing and Acing Strategies (By Saeed Wazir)

“To write is human, to edit is divine.” — Stephen King

Writing is both physical and mental endeavor. Apparently, writing an essay seems to be very difficult. Why writing a paragraph, a mini essay or a full-fledged essay are challenging and grueling task given the fact aspirants to competitive exams are university graduates? Is it due to the complex phenomenon of English as a second language or the problem lies with the very education system and teaching methodologies?

A million dollar question is: Why students join 5-marla academies or a single classroom for acing CSS English essay , in particular, and the rest of the subjects, in general? Based on my practical experience in CSS English classes , majority of students are graduates from well-reputed universities seeking tutorship and teaching desperately. Does it signify that teachers at the level of higher education are either unwilling or incapable of equipping students for the insurmountable future challenges or students due to lack of interest and career counseling miss on important philosophical and practical dynamics of their studies ?

ESSAY writing is a struggle between a writer and a topic.

Keeping in view students’ inherent needs and common difficulties, I have decided to come up with pragmatic, practicable and comprehensive techniques, strategies and plans for acing Essay and Précis papers in a systematic way. They are as follows:

Table of Contents

I. Understanding the syllabus and requirements of the Essay and Précis papers

The first and foremost duty of any aspirant is to read the syllabus designed by the FPSC thoroughly and carefully. CSS essay writing is, in terms of syntax and semantics, is fundamentally different from other academic exams. The paper of Précis and Composition comprises grammar, vocabulary, passage, précis, narration ,voices, correction, etc. All these important concepts require methodical and smart strategies to master as they are being taught from the very prep classes.

II. Decoding the salient differences between journalistic and essay writing

Due to extensive reading of newspapers, magazines, research papers and treatise ,aspirants inculcate media, press and journalistic writing norms which are fundamentally different from an academic essay writing requirements. CSS essay writing is based on standardized, formal and correct English rules and regulations. Faced with barrage of questions in CSS English classes and on social media, I have come up with iron-clad, water-tight differences between the two genres of writings.

A. Journalistic writing 1. An advanced, calibrated and up-front ‘executive summary’— a series of discussion 2. Headings and sub-headings 3. Bullet points 4. Focus on the 5-Ws format-‘who, what, where, when and why’ 5. All information is delivered in the first paragraph 6. No attempt to summarize 7. No conclusion Due to immense significance, Essay is dealt in Roman III rather than B.

III. Overall Essay layout as per FPSC/CSS standard: Essay writing Stages: The Writing Process

On the contrary, CSS ESSAY writing is different from journalistic writing altogether .The following differences are enough for understanding.

A. Invention or Pre-writing 1. Understanding the Assignment 2. Setting limits a. Length b. Purpose c. D. Audience d. Occasion e. Knowledge 1. Moving from subject to topic 2. Getting started: Free writing 3. Focusing on a topic: Questions for probing 4. Brainstorming 5. Making an informal outline 6. Formulating a thesis a. Implying a thesis b. Arriving at a thesis B. Stage Two: Arrangement 1. Formal outline-Numbering a. Romans b. Capital letters c. English digits d. Small letters

1. Introduction a. Stating thesis statement b. Creating interest c. Introducing subject

2. Body a. Unity of thought b. Cohesion and coherence c. Well-developed and sufficiently supported d. Pattern of development-Cause and effect format

3. Conclusion

C. Stage Three: Drafting and Revision 1. Compiling and writing one’s initial draft 2. Carefully revising essay 3. Meticulously revising one’s rough draft 4. Systematically revising the second draft 5. Clinically reviewing the final draft

IV. Selection of relevant materials for mastering and learning the skills and demands of the papers

Most importantly, the papers are set in manners that focus on cognitive and mental aspects of candidates who sit this exam. They study cheap, regurgitated and commonly available stuff which results in lack of clinical and holistic understanding of complex, intricate aspects of style(writing norms) and subjects matter(knowledge base).

V. Understanding key terminologies and writing norms Different forms of discourses in the FPSC essay paper

Note: I will write full articles on Expository, Argumentative, Narrative, Descriptive and Cause and Effect essays separately on the pages of CSS Times .

A. Exposition or Expository for of discourse 1. Forms used in Expository Writing a. Descriptive/definition b. Process/sequential c. Comparative/contrast d. Cause/effect e. Problem/solution f. Classification 2. Major features of exposition a. Anecdotes b. Comparisons c. Quotations d. Statistics e. Descriptive details f. Definitions g. Charts and graphs(Avoid this in CSS essay)

A. Argumentation 1. Deduction argument(Syllogism-From general to specific) 2. Induction argument (Hypothesis- From specific to general) 3. Evidence and its features a. Relevant b. Representative c. Sufficient

B. Description 1. Types of description a. Objective description –literal picture of one’s subject b. Impressionistic/subjective description-personal vision or one’s emotional response 2. Types of descriptive language a. Objective language – Precise and factual language b. Descriptive language -Rich and suggestive language –striking phrases or vivid comparisons –Figures of speech 3. Selection of details –Displaying details not telling events

C. Narration 1. Narrative details 2. Narrative variety 3. Narrative order

D. Topic dissection in terms of theoretical and practical aspects 1. Meaning-Literal meaning or strict verbal interpretation 2. Spirit- the real meaning or intention 3. Range- Relevance 4. Direction clarity- a general way in which something is developed; a trend or tendency 5. Organization-Unity of thought

VI. Failure to understand Thesis Statement and Topic Sentence

A. What thesis statement is? 1. Single statement in opening paragraph 2. Writer’s position or explanation 3. Claim and its support B. What thesis statement is not? 1. A question 2. An announcement 3. A known fact C. Requirements of thesis statement 1. Purpose a. Expository b. Analytical c. Argumentative 1. Thesis and body support each other 2. Specific and clear language

D. What is topic sentence 1. The first(usually) sentence in a paragraph 2. Mini-thesis for the paragraph 3. Provide a sketch of the essay’s argument 4. Introduce the topic of the paragraph 5. Most important sentence in a paragraph/ a focus sentence 6. Identify the main idea and point of the paragraph 7. Supporting details in the 8. Not be too general or too specific

VII. Understanding linguistic technicalities and sensitivities

These are the most essential building blocks of a sentence. They bring about heightened impact, persuasion, effectiveness and rhetorical gracefulness. Due to lack of systematic studies and internalization of their implementation in rigorous writing sessions, they render essay writing uninteresting, patchy and unconvincing. The following aspects of stylistic spectrum should be mastered in true letter and spirit.

A. Grammar 1. Parts of speech 2. Tenses 3. Sentences and types 4. Punctuations 5. Narration and voices 6. Sentence Correction

B. Vocabulary

Vocabulary tends to be currency of communication .Poor, offensive and collocationally-misplaced vocabulary is considered one of the major causes of failure, says the FPSC reports. Diction, sugar-coated words and idiomatic items embellish one’s writing resulting in uniqueness and dynamism .The following aspects must be improved from all angles.

1. GRE words 2. Idioms 3. Pair of words 4. Proverbs 5. Analogy 6. One word substitutions 7. Synonyms and antonyms 8. Phrasal verbs 9. Phrases 10. Grouping of Words

VIII. Grueling, continued and systematic writing practice

A. Daily paragraph writing

First of all, understanding paragraph writing is important. My strategy in classes is I make my students write 40 paragraphs,10 on introduction,10 on body and 10 on conclusion. At a later stage,10 paragraphs are written in a fashion that encompass introduction, body and conclusion. When students master the art of paragraph writing, they feel at ease to start writing small,mini essays successfully.

B. Mini essay writing

Mini essays serve as an important link between paragraph and full-fledged essay. Due to inadequate knowledge and inherent fear of writing correct English, students consider full essay writing a herculean task. To make it easy, it’s better to write mini essays comprising 5,6 or 7 pages.

C. Full-fledged essay writing

After mastering the art of paragraph and mini essay writhing, students take the challenge of professional and prolific essay writing head-on. They deem writing as an interesting activity rather than boring and complex phenomenon.

D. Practicing comprehension reading

According to Hari S. Truman, “if you cannot convince them, confuse them. This is pertinent when it comes to reading. Comprehension passage warrants thorough understanding and errors-free language. The most important strategy is to practice any solved samples and compare them with each other. E. Practicing précis writing This is the most important pillar of academic writing.It is better to understand its principles and practice as many passages as possible.

IX. Getting your writings checked by CSS English expert or any person having understanding of writing norms

According to experts of creative writing ,to write 10 pages it is required to read 500 pages( a bit exaggeration).Writing is an evolutionary process and calls for continued reading and proper checking, evaluation and assessment from English language experts. Getting scripts checked pave the way for prolific and professional language skills.

X. Major errors committed in essay writing

Now I am going to first bifurcate errors in two broad sections and then put them in general categorization for complete understanding. Some errors are forgivable while others are unforgivable. Errors are bound to happen, but their magnitude and occurrence should not blur the chances of getting at least pass marks. Blunders are to be avoided.

A. Semantics/Content Mistakes/Knowledge base/Subject matter

1. Materials and contents do not match the topic 2. Flawed, wrong structure 3. An absence of thesis statement

B. Syntax/Style of writing/Stylistic Issues

1. Habitually using repetitive words and expressions 2. Failure to differentiate between informal or too formal writing 3. Unprofessional and improper sentence structure

C. General categorization of errors 1. Spelling mistakes 2. Subject-verb agreement 3. Punctuations misuse 4. Run-on sentences 5. Sentence fragments 6. Wordiness 7. Squinting modifiers 8. Adjective/adverb confusion 9. Pronoun Confusion 10. Double negative 11. Dangling construction 12. Sequences of tense 13. Mechanical error with a quotation 14. Small and capital letters 15. Faulty sentence structure 16. Sentence Sprawl 17. Split Infinitives

These errors need to be rectified and should be avoided in writing.

XI. Four golden rules for acing the FPSC essay paper

A. Answering and understanding the topic holistically B. Using one’s own words C. Supporting statement with evidence D. Observing word limit

XII. Self-evaluation and self-assessment once the task of writing an essay is finished

A. Thesis statement

1. Make sure the following requirement are fulfilled

a. Clear and specific b. Thesis signposts the direction your essay follows c. Thesis is consistent with the body of d. essay e. Ideas and information do not digress from the original direction and range

B. Body Paragraphs

1. Unified 2. Coherent 3. Well developed 4. Particular pattern of development 5. Facts or examples or smoother transitions 6. All the points support your thesis

C. Introduction and conclusion 1. They reinforce your thesis in their entirety

D. Sentences

1. Effective 2. Interesting 3. Varied in length and 4. Structure

1. Accurately express your ideas

Note:When all the above-mentioned requirements are fulfilled,it is guaranteed you have written cogent and telling piece of writing.

XIII. Suggested readings

  • Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy
  • Practical English Usage by Michael Swan
  • Exploring the World of English by S.Saddat
  • Wren and Martin (HSEG&C)
  • Good Essay Writing by Peter Redman
  • 600+Common Mistakes T.J.Fitikides(Common Mistakes in English)
  • Authentic books and extensive readings

Tailpiece: This piece of writing is dedicated to my parents who stand by be me through thick and thin despite many challenges. The only thing they say to me is: Move on, forget about the colorful past and architect your own destiny. Hands off great mom!

About the author

essay writing in css

Saeed Wazir

Saeed Wazir mentors students of CSS Essay, Précis and Current Affairs and specializes in English literature, language and linguistics from NUML. He has perused Media studies at NUST. He qualified PMS three times in a row. He serves at federal universities as marking instructor. He has been mentoring CSS English students for the last seven years and runs Facebook page: CSS Essay, Précis with Saeed Wazir. He is based in G 9/2 ,Islamabad and runs special batches of CSS Essay Précis both On-Campus and Online. He could be reached at csspms55@gmail. com and WhatsApp plus Phone no 03450997822. He contributes to CSS Times, Daily Times, Dawn, Foreign Policy and IPRI. He evaluates Online Essays, Précis and Comprehension.

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  • Sep 17, 2023

Mastering Essay Writing: Essential Types of Essays for CSS Aspirants

The Central Superior Services (CSS) examination in Pakistan is a rigorous test of knowledge and skills, and one of its most challenging components is the essay paper. Aspiring civil servants need to demonstrate their ability to express themselves coherently and persuasively on a range of topics. To help you prepare effectively, this guide will explore the different types of essays commonly encountered in the CSS examination, along with examples to illustrate each type.

essay writing in css

1. Expository Essays

Expository essays require you to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and present a clear and concise explanation of a subject. Here's an example topic:

Topic : The Impact of CPEC on Pakistan's Economy

Example : "The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has emerged as a game-changer for Pakistan's economic landscape. Through an analysis of infrastructure development, trade prospects, and job creation, this essay will elucidate how CPEC has the potential to significantly boost Pakistan's economy."

2. Persuasive Essays

In persuasive essays, you must take a stance on an issue and use logical arguments, evidence, and rhetorical devices to convince your reader. Here's an example topic:

Topic : The Importance of Water Conservation in Pakistan

Example : "In a nation plagued by water scarcity and climate change, the need for water conservation has never been more urgent. By examining the current water crisis, its impacts on agriculture, and successful conservation practices worldwide, this essay aims to persuade readers of the necessity of immediate action."

3. Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essays are similar to persuasive essays but also require you to acknowledge opposing viewpoints and refute them. Here's an example topic:

Topic : Social Media's Influence on Pakistani Youth

Example : "While social media platforms provide unprecedented connectivity and opportunities for self-expression, it's crucial to acknowledge their potential negative effects. By addressing concerns about addiction, privacy, and misinformation, this essay will argue that a balanced approach to social media usage is necessary for the well-being of Pakistani youth."

4. Analytical Essays

Analytical essays require you to examine a topic in-depth, breaking it down into its components and offering insights. Here's an example topic:

Topic : The Political Landscape of Pakistan

Example : "To comprehend Pakistan's political dynamics, we must dissect the roles of major political parties, historical influences, and electoral systems. This essay will provide an analytical overview, shedding light on the complexities and challenges that shape the country's political landscape."

5. Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays allow you to paint a vivid picture of a subject through sensory details and vivid language. Here's an example topic:

Topic : A Journey Through Hunza Valley

Example : "Hunza Valley, nestled in the heart of the Karakoram Range, captivates the soul with its majestic peaks, lush orchards, and serene lakes. This descriptive essay aims to transport you to this breathtaking destination, exploring its natural beauty and rich culture."

6. Narrative Essays

Narrative essays allow you to tell a personal story or anecdote while conveying a larger message or lesson. Here's an example topic:

Topic : My Experience Volunteering in a Rural Pakistani Village

Example : "Stepping into the remote village of Kotla, I embarked on a transformative journey of empathy and self-discovery. Through this narrative essay, I'll share my encounters with the resilient people of Kotla and the profound impact of my volunteer work."

Mastering the art of essay writing is a crucial skill for CSS aspirants in Pakistan. By understanding the different essay types and practicing your writing regularly, you can confidently approach the essay paper in the CSS examination. Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and exploring various essay topics to prepare effectively for this important exam component. Good luck with your CSS journey!

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How to write an effective CSS essay?

Photo of Muhammad Munib Rasool

CSS essay writing might seem daunting at first, but with proper organization and attention to detail you can compose an informative essay that effectively expresses your ideas. Here are some steps to help get you underway:

Select a Topic:

Carefully consider writing a css essay prompt or assignment and decide on a topic before beginning your writing assignment. Make sure that you comprehend any potential questions or topics before getting started.


Take time to consider your topic and write down any ideas that come to you, no matter how rough or incomplete.

Create an Outline : Arrange your ideas into an outline to help visualize the structure of your passage and keep you on track as you write. An outline can also serve to keep your thoughts organized while keeping you writing on track.

Write an Introduction: An effective introduction should introduce the topic and provide some background information, while including a thesis statement that informs your readers what your writing will cover.

Write the Body of Your Essay:

Your essay’s body should build and support your thesis statement, with each paragraph covering one idea or point and providing evidence to back them up.

Write Your Conclusion:

Your conclusion should summarise and restate the main points of your essay while providing your reader with a final thought or message.

Edit and Revise: Once you have your first draft finished, take some time to go over and edit and revise it. Look out for any errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation; ensure your writing flows logically while clearly communicating your ideas.

Consider these steps and you should be on the way to writing an outstanding essay!

Visit our website for more essay writing experience, we cover all type of essay related to css and pms exam. Thanks cssessays.com

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  • November 20, 2023
  • Best in Pak , Big Questions , CSS Past Papers

CSS Essays, CSS Solved Essays, PMS Essays, PMS Solved Essays, CSS 2024, CSS 2025, PMS 2024, PMS 2025, Sir Syed Kazim Ali,

CSS Essays up till 2023

The CSS essay and precis papers have been a nightmare for thousands of aspirants. However, since 2015, these papers have started eroding the future of 95% of aspirants each year, not because of aspirants but because of academies, young qualifiers, and inept teachers. They teach students only tips and tricks rather than teaching them the proper way of writing an essay: how to break the chosen topic down, how to write the thesis statement, what is a relevant and coherent outline, what the topic sentence is, and how to write it; how to articulate thoughts and give specific pieces of evidence to support them; and how to connect sentences or give transitions between them. However, to qualify for the essay paper, aspirants must understand the basics to differentiate between essay writing and daily conversation. For example, in your everyday conversation with your friends and family, you make assertions, and they understand because they know you and never challenge you to give reasons for your statements. On the other hand, the CSS examiner, who reads and evaluates your essays, does not even know you and needs support, reasons, and arguments for each of your assertions. 

Qualifying for the CSS and PMS English essay and precis papers moves around writing skills. Writing is the primary tool that helps an aspirant present his thoughts on the given topic on the exam paper. Therefore, cracking English essay and precis papers requires an aspirant to have good written communication skills. However, that greatly depends upon how rationally, analytically, and logically an aspirant writes and transfers his viewpoints and ideas to the examiner. Competitive aspirants think memorizing facts, figures, and data alone will help them crack these papers. Moreover, aspirants build an analytical approach by learning quality books and content alone; they do not even practice and learn to give their thoughts words. As a result, despite having a great deal of knowledge regarding subjects, aspirants cannot transfer their ideas to the examiner satisfactorily and fail the papers. Therefore, if you need to pass the CSS and PMS essay papers, you must communicate effectively and provide evidence for any point or claim you make. Simply, whoever learns how to support his ideas with specific and relevant reasons usually qualifies for the essay paper easily.

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How Can These Solved Essays Help Me Prepare & Qualify for the Essay Paper?

All essays published on the Cssprepforum website have been attempted by Sir Syed Kazim Ali’s students, who either qualified for the CSS or PMS examinations or scored the highest marks in the essay papers. The essays are uploaded to help other CSS & PMS aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns to qualify for the essay paper. Reading these essays with great consideration, from the outline to thesis statement and introduction to conclusion, can help you understand how to crack the essay topic, build a thesis statement, write an introduction, and present your arguments based on the thought process. The activity will also help you in several ways:

Developing a Strong Foundation in English Grammar and Usage

Sir Syed Kazim Ali is known for his in-depth English grammar and usage knowledge. His students’ essays can help you build a solid foundation in these areas, essential for writing clear, concise, and grammatically correct essays.

Enhancing Your Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

The CSS English Essay Paper requires strong critical thinking and analytical skills. Sir Syed Kazim Ali’s teaching methods, present in the solved essays, can help you develop these skills by encouraging you to analyze complex issues, form well-structured arguments, and support your claims with evidence.

Improving Your Essay Writing Skills

Being Pakistan’s best CSS and PMS English essay teacher, Sir Syed Kazim Ali has extensive experience teaching essay writing. His students’ essays guide you through the process of crafting a well-structured essay, from developing a thesis statement to organizing your arguments and providing relevant evidence.

Expanding Your Vocabulary and Knowledge Base

A strong vocabulary and broad knowledge base are crucial for writing compelling essays. These essays can help you expand your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of various topics, enabling you to write informative and insightful essays.

Who is Sir Syed Kazim Ali?

Sir Syed Kazim Ali is a known English language writing coach, grammarian, educationist, and author. He is the founder of Cssprepforum , an online education platform that provides preparation for the Central Superior Services (CSS) and Provincial Management Services (PMS) exams to thousands of aspirants. He is also the founder of Howfiv , an online learning management system (LMS) used by millions of students in Pakistan and worldwide. Sir Syed Kazim Ali is known for his innovative and effective teaching methods. He has helped thousands of students improve their English language skills and succeed in competitive exams such as the CSS, PMS, GRE, GAT, SAT, GMAT, etc. He is a passionate advocate for education and social development. He believes that education is the key to unlocking the potential of individuals and societies. He is actively involved in various educational and social development projects and committed to making a difference in the lives of others.

He is Pakistan’s top CSS and PMS English essay and precis teacher with the highest success rate of his students. The way he explains and simplifies the concepts no other English teacher across the country can do. He knows that CSS and PMS aspirants’ approach to learning the English language is different, and over the years, he has developed a unique teaching methodology that helps his students crack English essays and precis papers easily. His online creative English writing sessions give aspirants the skills and confidence to get the best possible exam results. He focuses on aspirants’ exam’s critical areas, helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses, and equips them with the writing skills they need to correctly and confidently express their thoughts and opinions.

Click on any link to start reading the solved essays

1- * Inter-Cultural Communication is Panacea to Avoid 3rd World War *

Inter-Cultural Communication is Panacea to Avoid 3rd World War

2- * I Fall Upon The Thorns of Life, I bleed! *

I Fall Upon the Thorns of Life, I Bleed!

3- * Frailty Thy Name is Woman *

Frailty Thy Name Is Woman Essay

4- * The Controversial Issues of Feminism and the Contemporary Women’s Rights Movements *

The Controversial Issues of Feminism and the Contemporary Women’s Rights Movements

5- * Inter-Cultural Communication is Panacea to Avoid 3rd World War (2nd Essay) *

Intercultural Communication is Panacea to Avoid 3rd World War

6- * Uni-polar, Bipolar or Multi-polar: New Direction of the World *

Unipolar, Bipolar or Multipolar: New Direction of the World Essay

7- * Pakistani Women Have the Same Chances as Men *

Pakistani Women Have the Same Chances as Men.

8- * Social Media Has Destroyed Real Life Communication *

Social Media Has Destroyed Real Life Communication

9- * It Matters Not What Someone Is Born, But What They Grow To Be *

It Matters Not What Someone is Born, but What They Grow to Be

10- * Artificial Intelligence has Overstepped its Bounds *

Artificial Intelligence has Overstepped its Bounds

11- * Children Must be Taught How to Think, not What to Think *

Children Must be Taught How to Think, not What to Think

12- * The War on Terror has Contributed to the Growing Abuse of Human Rights *

The War on Terror has Contributed to the Growing Abuse of Human Rights

13- * The Cost of Inaction is Greater than the Cost of Action *

The Cost of Inaction is Greater than the Cost of Action

14- * Both Parents Should Assume Equal Responsibility in Raising a Child *

Both Parents Should Assume Equal Responsibility in Raising a Child

15- * Instruction in Youth is Like Engraving in Stone *

Instruction in Youth is like Engraving in Stone

16- * People Have Become Overly Dependent on Technology *

People Have Become Overly Dependent On Technology

17- * A Friend Walks in When Everyone Else Walks Out *

A Friend Walks In When Everyone Else Walks Out

18- * Feminism is Not Really a Third World Issue *

Feminism Is Not Really a Third World Issue

19- * Cooperation, Not Competition, Leads the World Towards Peace and Prosperity *

Cooperation Not Competition Leads the World Towards Peace and Prosperity

20- * I Do Not Agree with What You Have to Say, But I Will Defend to Death Your Right to Say It *

I Do Not Agree With What You Have To Say, But I Will Defend To Death Your Right To Say It

21- * Development is About Transforming Lives of People Rather Than Economy of a State *

Development Is About Transforming Lives of People Rather Than the Economy of a State

22- * Governance Crisis in Pakistan: Need for Reforms and Institutional Building *

Governance Crisis in Pakistan: Need for Reforms and Institutional Building

23- * Education in Pakistan has Failed to Achieve Efficient Human Resource *

Education in Pakistan has failed to Achieve Efficient Human Resource

24- * Advancement in Science and Technology is the Gateway to the Economic Prosperity of a Country *

Advancement in Science and Technology is the Gateway to the Economic Prosperity of a Country

25- * Boys Will be Boys *

Boys Will Be Boys

26- * Digital Democracy: Social Media and Public Participation *

Digital Democracy: Social Media and Public Participation

27- * The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter it *

The Threat of Global Warming and the Ways to Counter it

28- * Democracy and Illiteracy Do Not Move Together *

Democracy and Illiteracy Do Not Move Together

29- * Classrooms Decide the Future of the Nations *

Classrooms Decide the Future of the Nations

30- * The Fool Speaks, and the Wise Listen *

The Fool Speaks, and the Wise Listen

* For more Essays Click on the Links Below *

* CSS Solved Essays *


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  • Practice essay writing for CSS exam

Learn and practice online (through Zoom) the art of essay writing for the CSS 2025 & PMS 2024 exams

Only 20 aspirants will be given admission to this session., course objective: enabling the aspirant to write a clear, precise, relevant, and effective essay in css or pms exams..

The skills you will learn and practice: Rules of outline writing; a variety of introductory, conclusory and body paragraphs.

The types of essays you will learn and practice: concrete and reflective (proverbial and quotation-based) essays – Expository, Argumentative, Persuasive, Comparison, Exception, Main theme with multiple variables, Negation affirmation, etc. with practice assignments and evaluations

  • The session will commence in April 2024.
  • Duration of the course: 3 months 
  • Lectures: Two days a week (Monday and Thursday).
  • The class will commence at 8 PM (duration 1-3 hours)
  • With access to each video lecture for 24 hours


  • You will be given assignments 2 days a week. 
  • You will return the solution in PDF format.
  • The feedback will be in the form of text or voice.
  • A variety of tasks are given to sharpen your writing skills.

Admission criteria:

1. a good command of english grammar and sentence structures., 2. the aspirant must have studied grammar and essay writing rules from any mentor or must have completed “basic to pro” video course available on our website (if you have not learnt these, join basic to pro video course now)., 3. for admission in the practice session, the aspirant will have to pass the entry test in which his grammar and writing skills will be tested..


Fee: Lumpsum: 25,000 or three equal instalments of Rs. 9,000 a month. 

Register yourself now, whatsapp: 0312-786-2515, login with your site account.

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