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How To Create and Assign Custom Intune Roles With PowerShell

  • Post author: Daniel Bradley
  • Post category: Microsoft Intune / Tutorials
  • Post last modified: August 7, 2023
  • Reading time: 11 mins read

Custom Intune roles are a great way to provide delegated and restricted access to resources in Intune. For example, you can prevent helpdesk users from wiping managed devices or provide reporting access to members of sales.

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create custom Intune roles using the Azure Portal and Microsoft Graph PowerShell.

To be able to run the scripts in this tutorial, you must ensure you have the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module installed. Check out my guide here to learn how.

Page Contents 

What are Intune roles?

How to create custom intune roles using the intune portal, how to create custom intune roles using powershell, assign members and scopes to intune roles with powershell.

Roles in Microsoft Intune are groups of specific permissions that can be assigned to users or user groups. The role defines what actions a user can perform in Microsoft Intune and to what devices. 

There are many types of roles available, as well as the option to create custom roles containing fine-grained permissions which I am going to cover in this tutorial. 

Intune comes with the following in-built roles:

  • Application Manager
  • Endpoint Security Manager
  • Organizational Messages Manager
  • School Administrator
  • Read Only Operator
  • Intune Role Administrator
  • Help Desk Operator
  • Policy and Profile manager

For a detailed breakdown of each role you can view the role properties from the Microsoft Intune portal:

1. Login to https://intune.microsoft.com/

2. Select Tenant administration from the left-hand menu.

Select Tenant administration

3. Select Roles .

intune custom role assignment

4. Click on the role name of the role permission you wish to view.

intune custom role assignment

5. Select Properties and on the right-hand side, you will see a list of all permissions grouped with this role.

intune custom role assignment

Let’s take a look at how to create custom roles using the Intune portal. It is convenient to create roles this way if you are creating the role as a one-off and do not need to duplicate the configuration to other tenants.

Start by following steps 1 > 3 in the above section. This will take you to the Intune role page in the admin portal.

  •  Now you are on the Intune role page, select Create .

Select Create

2. Enter a name for your custom Intune role.

intune custom role assignment

4. Scroll down the list and enable your desired Intune role actions.

Select your custom Intune role actions

5. Click Next and script the scope tabs page, then click Create .

6. You will now see your custom Intune role on the roles page. Select the Role to open up the properties.

View your custom Intune role

7. From the left-hand menu, select Assignments .

Select Assignments

8. Click Assign .

Click Assign

9. Enter a name for the role assignment.

Role assignment name

10. Click Add groups and include any groups of users for which you want this role to be assigned.

Select Add groups

11. On the scope groups tab I have selected All Devices . In the case of this setting, this defines the objects you want the assigned users to have control over. In this example, I am giving Approval Admins read-only access to all devices.

Add all devices to the assignment

12. Now click Next , the Next again and Create . You custom role has now been created and assigned.

You can also follow along the steps in my YouTube video.

To create your custom role using Microsoft Graph PowerShell, use the below script. Here are the steps to deploy the script:

  • Complete the fields next to $DisplayName and $RoleDescription to match your desired settings.
  •  There are 4 areas in the script which include the value  Microsoft.Intune_Organization_Read , you should replace this to include your desired permissions. 
  • Use the Microsoft Docs permission reference when choosing your desired permissions here .

You can apply multiple permissions in your custom Intune role, for example if you wanted include Manage Device Read and Managed Device Update permissions, you would update the Json payload as follows:

Now you have created the Role, you may notice that there are no assigned admin members or assignment scopes defined. Use the below script to define the role members and an assignment scope.

Update the script as follows:

  • Update the $DisplayName field to the desired name of your role assignment
  • Update the $AdminGroupName field to the exact name of the group that contains your target members
  • Update the $RoleName field with the exact name of the role the assignment is for

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Daniel Bradley

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Use code: MGP15 for 15% off the Microsoft Graph PowerShell for Administrators book. Available until March 31st

intune custom role assignment



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Intune – RBAC Custom roles

In this post we will discuss how to create custom RBAC roles in Intune and assign them to specific groups.

Table of Contents

Intune RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) roles refer to the predefined roles in Microsoft Intune that determine the permissions and actions that users can perform within the Intune service. RBAC allows administrators to grant appropriate levels of access and control to different users or groups based on their roles and responsibilities. In Microsoft Intune, there are several built-in RBAC roles that can be assigned to users or groups. Each role has different levels of permissions and access rights, allowing administrators to assign appropriate roles to users based on their responsibilities and requirements within the Intune environment. Additionally, Intune also provides the flexibility to create custom RBAC roles with specific permissions tailored to unique organizational needs.

Intune Built-In Roles

Let’s suppose that we want to give specific permissions on Intune to a user or a user group. That could mean to allow users to view device info, perform specific actions such as wipe or delete or import Autopilot hashes. Although, Intune, as mentioned above, provides us with specific built-in roles, we can create our own to meet specific requirements that may arise.

intune custom role assignment

As we can see there are many built-in roles, such as Intune Role Administrator (Intune admin -> very powerful role) and Help Desk Operator. To see the specific actions allowed for each role we can click the desired role and explore its properties.

intune custom role assignment

Custom Role Creation

Let’s suppose that we want to create a new custom role to allow a specific user group to be able to perform specific actions related to Windows devices on Intune platform.

The actions that we want to be allowed are:

  • Read device information
  • Upload device hardware hash
  • Perform sync actions

The below Microsoft articles provide us with useful information:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) with Microsoft Intune
  • Custom role permissions

Let’s create the role. First navigate to Intune portal and the Tenant Admin blade. Click Roles and create.

intune custom role assignment

Give a name and a description to your custom role and proceed further.

Now we can see all the available permissions. Scroll through them to familiarize yourself with them.

intune custom role assignment

By looking at the permissions the first one that interest us is the Device compliance policies one. We would like to allow the members of Device support group to read (! only read, not edit) the compliance policies of a device. Select Yes at the Read permission.

intune custom role assignment

The autopilot part of the RBAC custom role requires the enablement of several permissions as shown below. Just to mention here that the process of creating a custom role is a trial and error process since several tries are required before achieving the desired result.

intune custom role assignment

The next action that we want to allow is reading the managed devices information and state. To do this we have to allow Read permission in the Managed devices section.

intune custom role assignment

Finally the sync action can be allowed by enabling the remote tasks sync devices task.

intune custom role assignment

After selecting the desired permissions, select a scope tag if needed, and create the role.

intune custom role assignment

Now that the role is created we have to assign it to a user group. Open the role and click Assign.

intune custom role assignment

Give a name and a description to the role.

intune custom role assignment

In the next step select the user group that you want to assign the role to. It is imperative to mention here that the users in the selected group should have an Intune license assigned. I created a user group named “Intune – Device Support Group” for this role.

intune custom role assignment

At the next stage we have to select the Scope Groups, which essentially corresponds to the items that this role will be able to manage. The scope group can be:

  • Specific device or user group (we choose device or user group depending on the permissions type)
  • All devices

In this case we choose all devices, since we want our users to have visibility and the ability to manage all of our devices. A more strict approach would be to limit the devices by selecting a specific device group such as a group containing only Windows devices etc.

intune custom role assignment

The assignment is now ready.

intune custom role assignment

In this post we created a custom role that allows specific user group to view device information, perform sync actions and upload Autopilot hardware hash.

References and documentation:

  • Create a custom role in Intune
  • Assign a role to an Intune user

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Intune scope tags and role-based access control explained

For larger Intune environments a solid role-based access implementation becomes crucial to ensure a secure administration. But how does Intune role-based access control (RBAC) work in combination with scope tags and how to get started? This post gets you covered with explanations and practical examples.

Role-based access control within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem #

Within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, Microsoft provides Azure AD administrative roles to administrate services like Exchange (Exchange administrator), SharePoint (SharePoint administrator), Intune (Intune administrator) and so on.

As you can see Azure AD provides (usually) only one role which grants full administrative access over a service. You can configure more fine-grained controls within the service itself - that’s where the RBAC controls of the respective service kick in.

To give you another example: You might have a 1 st or 2 nd level support department which needs permissions to perform remote actions on Intune managed devices. Instead of assigning them the Azure AD Intune Administrator role, it’s more convenient to assign them a fine-grained Intune RBAC role which delegates exactly the permissions needed.

As the name already indicates Intune related roles only live within the Intune tenant and cannot be managed from AAD and vice-versa:

AAD vs Intune roles

Azure AD administrative roles with Intune permissions #

Along with the “Intune Administrator” the “Global Administrator” role is as of today the only role which grants write access to the Intune service. You can find an exhaustive list which covers also roles with read access within this Microsoft docs article: Azure Active Directory roles with Intune access .

Intune roles #

The Intune service comes with a predefined set of built-in roles . These role definitions are immutable which means that you cannot edit permissions, display-names or descriptions.

If you want to customize a role you can duplicate your desired built-in role which then becomes a “custom role”.

You can manage all Intune roles and RBAC settings under the “Tenant administration” -> “Roles” blade:

Intune RBAC settings

Example use cases #

Imagine a small to medium company with a central IT which provides all services.

If you have use cases like:

  • Members of the 1 st level support should be able to perform device actions (reset, retire, lost-mode) and assign mobile apps
  • Members of the 2 nd level support should be able to modify device configurations and create mobile apps

that’s where an Intune role assignment to the repective groups (1 st and 2 nd level support) will be sufficient.

Advanced use cases #

Larger companies or companies with decentralized IT departments organized by business regions like EMEA, APAC… could have advanced use cases like:

  • The support team of EMEA should be able to perform device actions only on EMEA devices
  • The support team of EMEA should only be able to modify EMEA device configurations and not global configurations

We need more fine-grained controls to identify which resources belong to EMEA. And these controls are called “Scope tags”.

Intune scope tags #

What’s an Intune scope tag?

A scope tag assigns an Intune configuration (e.g. device configuration, compliance policy, mobile app or managed device) to one or more specific management scope(s). {: .notice}

You can imagine a scope tag like a “virtual Active Directory organizational unit (OU)” - to each Intune object you assign a scope tag it would reside within that OU. In Active Directory terminology we would then “Delegate permissions” to a specific group which can manage objects within that OU - that’s exactly what Intune role assignments and scope tags do (hypothetically).

Intune scope tags explained

Default tag #

By default, all Intune entities which are created from a user without an Intune role (which means it was either an Intune Administrator or Global Admin) get automatically assigned this built-in scope tag. Every object in Intune needs to have at least one scope tag assigned.

What about accounts without an Intune role? #

Azure AD administrative roles with Intune permissions which don’t have an Intune role assigned always preserve permissions based on the AAD role on all resources no matter to which scope they belong.

Scope tag inheritance #

  • An admin which got an Intune role with scope tag(s) assigned will inherit the scope tag(s) to all resources he creates
  • Apple VPP tokens will inherit all scope tags from the VPP-token level to the mobile apps

Configurations supporting scope tags #

All except the following resources in Intune currently support scope tags:

  • Windows ESP profiles
  • Corp Device Identifiers
  • Autopilot Devices
  • Device compliance locations
  • Jamf devices

List from microsoft docs .

Assignment of Intune roles and scope tags #

To assign a role you can customize the following options:

  • Azure AD Group which will have the role assigned
  • Here you can add specific groups which can be managed by this role
  • Selected groups ->
  • All users -> Admins can create “All user” assignments but cannot perform any device-related tasks
  • All devices -> Admins can manage all device properties and tasks including assignments but cannot perform user-related tasks
  • All users and all devices -> Admins can can can manage and target all devices, users and AAD groups
  • controls over which scope the role is valid
  • if you don’t specify a scope it’s valid across all scopes (whole Intune tenant)

Real-world example #

To come back to our advanced role assignment example about EMEA - we need to do the following steps to implement Intune RBAC for the EMEA team:

Assign intune scope tag to device

  • Make sure to include the “EMEA” scope tag within the role assignment

Members of the “gs-aad-apac-intuneoperators” AAD group have now permissions according to the custom Intune role “EMEA operators” role over all Intune objects which have the “EMEA” scope tag assigned.

An EMEA user which owns the custom Intune role will only see the devices and configuration profiles with the EMEA scope tag assigned:

Intune scope tags explained

  • If APAC needs the same permissions like EMEA on APAC resources we can just add a new role assignment and use the APAC scope tag and AAD group
  • Peter van der Woude wrote a great post about this
  • disable the “assign” permissions in the custom role
  • specify the Azure AD groups where they should be able to target in the role assignment under the “Scope (Groups)” setting

Additional notes #

License requirements #.

Using Intune roles did require an active Intune license assigned to the admin. This changed with the 2006 release which was rolled-out in Juni 2020. You can disable the license requirement in your tenant:

Intune role license requirement

But keep in mind that for MFA / Conditional Access an Azure AD Premium P1 plan is still required.

Verify assigned Intune permissions #

You can easily verify Intune permissions assigned to your account by visiting Tenant Administration -> Roles -> My permissions:

View assigned permissions

Conclusion #

Intune offers very fine-grained control to administrate a tenant with Intune (custom) roles and scope tags. For smaller environments and especially companies with a central IT working with scope tags might overdo the cake but for larger decentralized tenants these are welcome features to reduce the load on the central IT team. Whereas Intune Intune roles can be very helpful to assign the right permissions to 1 st and 1 nd level support teams.

Happy Intune RBAC-ing.

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Step 10: Create and assign a custom role

  • 5 contributors

In this Intune topic, you'll create a custom role with specific permissions for a security operations department. Then you'll assign the role to a group of such operators. There are several default roles that you can use right away. But by creating custom roles like this one, you have precise access control to all parts of your mobile device management system.

Use the information provided in this series of topics to try and evaluate Microsoft Intune. When you're ready, follow the complete process to set up Intune. For more information, see Set up Microsoft Intune .

If you don't have an Intune subscription, sign up for a free trial account .


  • To complete this evaluation step, you must create a group .

Sign in to Intune

Sign in to Intune as a Global Administrator or an Intune Service Administrator. If you have created an Intune Trial subscription, the account you created the subscription with is the Global administrator.

Create a custom role

When you create a custom role, you can set permissions for a wide range of actions. For the security operations role, we'll set a few Read permissions so that the operator can review a device's configurations and policies.

Adding a role in the Intune roles All roles pane.

  • Under Add custom role , in the Name box, enter Security operations .
  • In the Description box, enter This role lets a security operator monitor device configuration and compliance information.

Set Read value for Corporate device identifiers.

  • Choose Device compliance policies > Yes next to Read > OK .
  • Choose Device configurations > Yes next to Read > OK .
  • Choose Organization > Yes next to Read > OK .
  • Choose OK > Create .

Assign the role to a group

Before your security operator can use the new permissions, you must assign the role to a group that contains the security user.

  • In Intune, choose Roles > All roles > Security operations .
  • Under Intune roles , choose Assignments > Assign .
  • In the Assignment name box, enter Sec ops .
  • Choose Member (Groups) > Add .
  • Choose the Contoso Testers group.
  • Choose Select > OK .
  • Choose Scope (Groups) > Select groups to include > Contoso Testers .
  • Choose Select > OK > OK .

Now everyone in the group is a member of the Security operations role and can review the following information about a device: corporate device identifiers, device compliance policies, device configurations, and organization information.

Clean up resources

If you don't want to use the new custom role anymore, you can delete it. Choose Roles > All roles > choose the ellipses next to the role > Delete .

In this quickstart, you created a custom security operations role and assigned it to a group. For more information about roles in Intune, see Role-based administration control (RBAC) with Microsoft Intune

To continue to evaluate Microsoft Intune, go to the next step:

Step 11: Create an email device profile for iOS/iPadOS

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Implementing RBAC in Intune

By implementing RBAC in Intune you can configure who can see what and perform which actions in Intune. This can be achieved by using RBAC in Intune. For example you can use it to configure the following situations:

  • Help desk employees can only view devices, but are not allowed to remove devices from Intune.
  • The system engineer from the London office is only able to view and edit configuretions and devices for the London office and not the office in Amsterdam or New York.

In the roles, you configure what permissions a user has within Intune. These roles can be applied on two levels. First you have the Azure Active Directory roles with Intune access. Examples of these roles are the Global and Intune administrator. These roles are assigned in Azure and provide rights in Intune. Roles which have been assigned in Azure cannot be limited by Intune RBAC rules. Second there are the roles which are assigned in Intune. Using these roles you can assign rights to specific parts in Intune for situations described above. In Intune you can use the Built-in roles, but you can also create custom roles where you can control which permissions a user will get in Intune.

In addition to roles, a key component in RBAC is the application of scopes. A role only defines what a member of that role is allowed to do within Intune, but you may also want to limit the policies or devices that the user is allowed to see or change. You can do this by assigning scope tags and scope groups.  By applying scope tags you can specify which resources can be seen by a member. For example, if you only want to show the device profiles of the London office you can add a tag to these profiles. By using scope groups, you can define which users or devices are allowed to be managed by a member. For example, if a member is only allowed to assign policies to a particular group, then you can assign this group as the scope group.

Implementing RBAC

Assigning a role consists of several steps. It begins with selecting a role or creating a custom role. Next, an assignment of the role is made. The third step is to assign the admin group. Once that is done a scope can be assigned ranging from a single group to all users/devices. The last step is to select the resource tags that should be visible to the members.

intune custom role assignment

In this demonstration I will show how to create a custom role and assigning it to a member group. I will create a role based on the “Help Desk Operator” role for the 2nd line support. This role will then be assigned to scope for a specific office location (Amsterdam Office). This ensures that support staff will only be able to manage policies and devices for this location.

Creating a custom role

1. Login to the MEM admin center and select Tenant administration -> Roles -> All roles or click here. Either select an existing role and press “Duplicate” or press “+ Create”.  I will select the “Help Desk Operator” role and press “Duplicate”

intune custom role assignment

2. Enter the name for the new role and an (optional) description. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

3. Edit the permissions for example allow the assigning of Device configurations. This will allow members of the role to add or remove device configuration assignments to (scope) groups. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

4. Assign an additional Scope tag or change the default Scope tag to the new role. By default, the “default” scope tag is added to all untagged objects that support scope tags. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

5. Create the new role by pressing the “Create” button.

intune custom role assignment

Tagging resources

By default, role members see all intune resources. As indicated under “Scopes” you can modify this by tagging resources. To do this, a Tag must first be created and then added to the resources that are allowed to be seen by members.

6. Select Tenant administration -> Roles -> Scope (Tags) or click here . Press “+ Create” to create a new Scope tag.

intune custom role assignment

7. Enter a name for the new scope tag and press “Next”

intune custom role assignment

8. Select the group(s) containing the devices you want to assign the new scope tag.

intune custom role assignment

9.Press “Create” to add the new Scope tag to Intune.

intune custom role assignment

10. Now we need to assign the Scope tags to the resources. Because I’ve created a scope tag for the Amsterdam Office, I will associate the tag to the resources associated to the Amsterdam Office. In this demo there are only two device configuration profiles associated to the Amsterdam Office.

intune custom role assignment

11. Edit the both device configuration profiles and add the scope tag. Press “Review + save” to save the added tag.

intune custom role assignment

Assign a role

In this step we are going to assign the the new “2nd Line Support” role to members of the 2nd Line support. I have already created a security group “2nd Line Support Amsterdam” containing all second line support employees for the Amsterdam Office. These employees will only be able to manage devices and resources with the “Amsterdam Office” tag. You can use the same role for multiple assignments with different tags and admin members. In this way, for example, you could support multiple locations.

12. Go to the newly created “2nd Line Support” role and select “Assignments”. Press “+ Assign” to create a new assignment.

intune custom role assignment

13. Enter a name for the assignment and add a (optional) Description. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

14. Select the admin groups these are the groups containing the administrators you want to assign the role to. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

15. Select the Scope Groups for the role assignment. You can also select all devices/users if you don’t want to use scope groups. The Scope Groups are the groups which can be managed by the members of the Admin group(s) in the previous step. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

16. Add the scope tag(s) of the resources that should be allowed to be seen by the admin group. Press “Next” to continue.

intune custom role assignment

17. Review your settings and press “Create” to create the role assignment.

intune custom role assignment

Test RBAC in Intune

Now let’s see what happens when you try to log in with a member of the admin group. For this test I will use the user Hank who is a member of the security group “2nd Line Support Amsterdam”.

18. Whoops an error… If you try to log in with a user immediately after creating the role assignment, you may get an error. It takes about 5 minutes for the role assignment to be processed. Grab a coffee and be patient.

intune custom role assignment

19. After some extra time, we try again. The error message disappeared. When we look at “All devices” you can see that Hank only sees the 2 devices which are member of the security group “Devices Amsterdam Office”.

intune custom role assignment

20. Now let’s have a look at the Compliance policies. Because no compliance policies are tagged, Hank does not see any of the 9 configured compliance policies.

intune custom role assignment

21. Let’s take a final look at the Configuration profiles. Hank only sees the two profiles which have been tagged (step 11). The Intune administrator sees all configured Configuration profiles.

intune custom role assignment

22. Let’s test the scope groups and see what happens when Hank tries to assign a configuration profile to a group that is not configured as a scope group (step 15). Hank can select the group, but as soon as he tries to save the change he gets an error message. When he tries the same thing with a scope group it goes well.

intune custom role assignment

Using RBAC in Intune, you can solve most security challenges. However, there still remain certain resources that you cannot provide a scope tag such as:

– Devices -> Compliance policies -> Locations – Devices -> Windows -> Windows Enrollment -> Enrollment status page – Devices -> Windows -> Windows Enrollment -> Devices (Autopilot) – Devices -> Enroll devices -> Corporate device identifiers – Jamf devices in Intune

In addition, it is not currently possible to scope the uploading of Autopilot devices. This is only possible if you are a Global or Intune administrator. But except for these exceptions, RBAC in Intune will be sufficient for most organizations.

1 thought on “ Implementing RBAC in Intune ”

intune custom role assignment

thanks. tried your guide and it is working great. however it is not working for app configuration when navigate to an android device. the app configuration section of an android device will keep showing loading. however it is working ok when navigate to app > app configuration. not sure if it is a bug or my configuration issue.

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How to Create Custom RBAC Role in Intune for LAPS Password Administrator

Windows Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) from Microsoft allows you to manage and rotate local administrator passwords on Windows devices. A custom RBAC role in Intune is required if you want to delegate password administration to help desk members. The password administration for Windows LAPS includes retrieving the password for a Windows device from the Microsoft Intune console and rotating the password for a device based on requirements.

Let’s go through the below post to understand the steps required to delegate LAPS password administration to IT help desk by creating a custom Role Based Access Control (RBAC) role.

Create Azure AD Group

Create azure rbac custom role to view password, assign azure ad custom role, create custom rbac role in intune for laps password administration, laps password administrators – experience, related posts.

An Azure AD group is required to simplify the Intune RBAC roles. The user who needs to work on Windows LAPS password administration can be simply added to this AAD group to get all necessary access. Follow the below steps to create an Azure Active Directory group.

  • On the Azure portal, go to Azure Active Directory > Groups and click on New Group

Create Azure AD Group

  • Group Type : Security
  • Group Name : Provide group name as per your organization naming standards
  • Azure AD roles can be assigned to the group : Select Yes.
  • Membership Type: Assigned
  • Members : Add the user if you want to add any at this point of time.

Click on Create to create AAD group.

Create Azure AD Group

  • Click Yes on the message box.

Create Azure AD Group

The next step is to create a custom AAD role to view Windows LAPS password. As of now Windows LAPS is in preview and no built-in role available in Azure AD for this. To view password details, your account must have one of the following Azure Active Directory permissions:

  • microsoft.directory/deviceLocalCredentials/password/read
  • microsoft.directory/deviceLocalCredentials/standard/read

Follow the below steps to create a custom RBAC role in Azure AD.

  • On the Azure portal , navigates to Azure Active Directory > Roles and administrators , and click on “ New custom role “

Create Azure AD role

  • On the next page, provide role name, description and click on Next .

Intune rbac roles

  • On the Permission page, search for microsoft.directory/deviceLocalCredentials and select the permissions from the result.

Create Azure AD role

  • On the Review + create page, review the details and click on Create .

intune rbac custom role

We have created an Azure AD custom role in the last step. Now this role needs to be assigned to Azure AD Group which we created earlier.

  • On the Role and Administrator page, search for AD group you created for LAPS and click on the group.

Assign Azure AD Role | rbac intune

  • Click on Add Assignments .

Assign Azure AD Role

  • Scope type : Directory
  • Select members : Select the AAD group you created for LAPS password administrators.
  • Click on Next

Assign Azure AD Role

  • On the Add assignments > Settings page, select Active in Assignment type, provide the justification, and click on the Assign button.

Assign Azure AD Role

  • The role is now assigned to the AAD group. You can see the details in the Assignment blade.

Assign Azure AD Role

We will now create a custom RBAC Intune role for LAPS password administration. This role allows user to access “Local Admin Password” blade for a device, view and rotate local admin password.

  • On the Microsoft Intune admin center, navigate to Tenant administration > All roles and click on Create

Custom RBAC Role in Intune

  • On the Basic page, provide the profile name and description for Intune rbac roles. click on Next .

Intune RBAC Role

  • Manage Device:  Read
  • Organization:  Read
  • Remote tasks:  Rotate Local Admin Password

Intune RBAC Role

  • On the Review + create page, review the details and click on Create.

Intune RBAC Role

  • The Intune rbac custom role is now created and you can see the same in All roles . Click on the newly created role to assign the role to Azure AD group.

Intune RBAC Role

  • On the Assignments page, click on Assign link.

Intune RBAC Role

  • On the Add Role Assignment > Basics page, provide the name and description for role assignment and click on Next .

Intune RBAC Role

  • On the Admin Groups page, click on Add groups and select the AAD group you created for LAPS administrators.

Intune RBAC Role

  • On the Scope Groups, select All Devices and click on Next.

Intune RBAC Role

  • On the Review + create page, review the settings and click on Create.

Intune RBAC Role

The Intune rbac roles assignment steps are now completed. Users who are part of the Azure AD group can now able to view local admin password for a device. They can also rotate/change the password if required.

When LAPS Administrator logon to Intune console, they can access Local admin password blade and view local admin password.

Intune Windows LAPS

They can also access Rotate local admin password option by clicking on 3 dots at top right. The other options are grayed out in the below screen as we have granted only LAPS password administration privilege to Azure AD group. If the same user is part of other roles, they would be able to perform other actions as well based on the permissions they have.

Intune LAPS Rotate Local admin password

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Bring Azure AD PIM and Intune Roles together

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Microsoft Intune comes with a set of roles for role based access controls. The issue has been that these roles could only be assigned as permanent roles on a users or a group. Now with a new feature in Azure AD that gives us management capabilities for privileged access Azure AD Groups we can mitigate on this missing capability with Intune roles. In this post we will go through the steps needed to have Azure AD PIM control on any of the built-in or custom roles in Intune.

Requirement for this setup up is that you have Azure AD Premium P2 license and you have onboarded to Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.

The steps we need to get this working is as follows:

Role Assignable Group

Why do we need to have a special group type for this you ask. This group type is meant to be used for assigning users to Azure AD Roles, and only Global Admins and Privileged role admins can manage these groups. It can be delegated with assigning group owners if needed. The caveat is that a single Azure AD Tenant can have a maximum of 200 role assignable groups. The other reason is that we are only able to bring role assignable groups into PIM.

Go into AzureAD and create a new group and select Yes Azure AD roles can be assigned to the group. (This can not be changed later)

Role Assignable Group

Do not add any members or roles to the group at this stage.

Bring the group into Privileged Identity Management (PIM)

Now that we have our group we need to bring this group into PIM. We do that by open up the group we created in Azure AD and go to Activity -> Privileged access (preview)

intune custom role assignment

You will be redirected to this step after onboarding is completed.

intune custom role assignment

Assign the group to the role in Intune

Now we have the group ready for our Intune built-in role. This can not be assigned from Azure AD so go to https://endpoint.microsoft.com and select Tenant Administration – Roles

intune custom role assignment

Now we select the corresponding role to the group we created. I am using Read Only Operator as an example. Select the role and click on Assignments – Assign.

intune custom role assignment

Select the corresponding pim enabled group under the Admin Groups tab.

intune custom role assignment

We do want this role to be Read Only for all of Intune, so lets select All Users and Devices under Scope Groups.

intune custom role assignment

I don’t use scope groups, but that could also be used here. For now click Next on the Scope tags tab. On the review and create tab you can verify your settings.

Add your users as Eligible members of the group

Our group now includes this role and we can assign users to the and they will automatically get the role applied. We are using PIM to assign users as eligible to this group. Go to privileged identity management in the portal. https://endpoint.microsoft.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_PIMCommon/CommonMenuBlade/aadgroup This should now show our group that we created earlier.

intune custom role assignment

Click on the group to go and go to Assignments.

intune custom role assignment

Click on Add assignments and select members you want to add. Check settings to verify it is set to Eligible and not Active. Maximum allowed eligible duration is 1 year.

intune custom role assignment

Now the configuration is completed. Lets test this out. Log on to endpoint.microsoft.com with a user you added to the group. The user interface should show that you don’t have access.

intune custom role assignment

Now go to Tenant Administrator and select Azure AD Privileged Identity Management and click on My roles.

intune custom role assignment

Here you will find Privileged access groups where the user will see what groups is eligible. Click on activate.

intune custom role assignment

Give a reason for your activation (if configured by your PIM admin) and click on Activate. The activation might take some time to complete and the browser windows will refresh when it is done.

intune custom role assignment

When the process completes the user should be in the group. The user will probably have to log out and log in again to have the role activated in the portal. After logging back in the interface looks like this.

intune custom role assignment

To verify further, go to Tenant Admin – Roles – My Permissions

intune custom role assignment

With this we have PIM capability for the built-in Intune roles. After the current timeslot times out, the user will automatically leave the group and lose the permission/role given. To reactivate, repeat the process.

References on docs

  • Management capabilities for privileged access Azure AD groups
  • Use cloud groups to manage role assignments in Azure Active Directory
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) with Microsoft Intune

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Jan Ketil Skanke

Jan Ketil is an Enterprise Mobility MVP since 2016 and are working as a COO and Principal Cloud Architect at CloudWay in Norway. He has been in the industry for more than 20 years working for both Microsoft Partners and Microsoft. He loves to speak about anything around Enterprise Mobility and Secure Productivity. He is also the lead for the community conference Experts Live Norway. Jan Ketil has presented at large industry conferences like Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft Ignite The Tour, Microsoft Inspire, Experts Live Europe, Techmentor HQ (3rd best session 2019) and NIC Conference in Oslo.

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Great post, thanks. One issue I have is doing it this way does not the display the optiont o make the activation/eligibility permeant. Doing PIM role assignments through PIM directly allows for this, doing it through Intune does not.

Is it possible to use PIM with the Intune role assignment directly through PIM so I can get the permanent option?

The reason for doing it like this is that Intune Roles does not directly support PIM.

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How to manage Microsoft 365 user role assignments and administrative units

  • Role assignments
  • Administrative Units

This article provides guidance on how to manage Microsoft 365 user role assignments and administrative units. The article is also available on my podcast and Youtube channel .

View this article as a how-to video on Youtube.

You need to manage existing user roles, create new custom user roles and assign users and groups to existing roles in Microsoft 365 . You need to also manage Microsoft 365 administrative units.

In this how-to article, we will show you how to manage Microsoft 365 user role assignments and administrative units.

Role assignments #

From within the Microsoft 365 Admin Center portal, you can assign ‎ Azure AD‎ built-in roles to users who need access to other admin centers and resources in ‎ Azure Active Directory‎, such as users, groups, and apps which use ‎Microsoft Graph‎ API. The following groups of user role assignments can be made from the Admin Center portal.

  • Azure AD role assignments
  • Exchange Online role assignments
  • Intune role assignments

intune custom role assignment

In the next steps, we will show you how to assign the Global Administrator Azure AD role to a user and group. Follow the steps below to assign the Global Administrator role to a user or group.

  • Navigate to https://admin.microsoft.com and authenticate as a global admin user.
  • On the left pane, expand the "Roles" section and click on "Role assignments". On the main section click on the "Global Administrator" role. On the popup form on the right, you should be able to review the general properties of the role in question. On the permissions tab, the system lists details of the permissions which are assigned with the role in question.
  • On the "Assigned" tab, you can assign users or groups to the role in question. Click on "Add Users" and then "Add Groups" to add a user and group respectively to the specific role.
  • To run the Azure portal as a specific Azure AD user role, tick on the checkbox next to the role and click "Run As". This will show you the view of the Azure portal as if you had logged in via a user with the role in question.
  • To compare permissions of user roles, tick on two or more roles and then click on "Compare Roles". In the next screen, you should see a tabular comparison of the permissions assigned to each of the compared roles. You can also click on "Export comparison" to export the comparison matrix of the selected roles.

In the next steps, we will show you how to assign the Organization Management Exchange Online role to a user and group, as well as how to create a new custom Exchange Online role. Follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to the "Exchange" tab under the "Role Assignments" section.
  • Click on the "Organization Management" role. On the popup form on the right, you can review the general settings of the role under the "general" tab. Under the "Permissions" tab, you can review in detail the available permissions of the role in question.
  • Under the "Assigned" tab, you can assign a user or group to the role in question. Click "Add" and choose the user or group to assign to the role.
  • You can also create a custom Exchange Online role by ticking the checkbox next to the role which will be used as the template for the new role. Then click on "Copy role group". This will take you to a wizard to create your new custom role. On the "Set up the basics" page, fill-in the name, description and write scope of the new role and click Next.
  • Select the roles to add to the ‎new custom role group. Roles define the scope of the tasks that the members assigned to this role group have permission to manage.
  • Select the users to assign to this role group. They'll have permissions to manage the roles that you assigned in the previous step.
  • Review your selections and click Finish.

In the next steps, we will show you how to assign Intune roles. Assign ‎Intune‎ roles to specialists who need to view or manage ‎Intune‎ data, devices, or services. These roles can only be assigned to users who have a license that includes ‎Intune‎. Follow the steps below.

  • Under the "Role assignments" section, navigate to the "Intune" tab. If you need to export existing assignments, click on the "Export assignments" button.
  • Click on the Intune role you wish to edit assignments of. On the "General tab" you can review the general settings of the role in question. On the "Permissions" tab you can see in detail all permissions of the role in question.
  • To assign users to the Intune role, under the "Assigned" tab click on "Add". This will take you to the "Set up the basics" wizard. Fill-in a name and description and click Next.
  • Select the security groups that contain the users you want to become admins for the role. Click Next.
  • Select a built-in security group like 'All users', or search for and select security groups which contain the users and devices that the ‎Intune role can manage.
  • You can optionally add tabs which limit the specific Intune policies, apps and devices that the admins can see. Click "Next".
  • Review all your assignment settings and click "Finish".

Administrative Units #

Now we will move on to show you how to create and manage Microsoft 365 Administrative Units. Units let you sub-divide your organization into any unit that you want, and then assign specific administrators that can only manage that unit. For example, you can assign the Helpdesk Administrator role to a regional support specialist, so they can manage users only in that region.

intune custom role assignment

Carry out the following steps:

  • Under the "Roles" section, click on "Administrative Units". Click on "Add Unit" to add a new administrative unit.
  • Provide a name and Description of the new administrative unit and click "Next". Administrative units let you limit admins to manage users for a specific department, region, or any segment that your organization defines. Start by giving the administrative unit a name and description that will let other admins know its purpose.
  • Choose "Add up to 20 users and groups" or "Upload users" if you need to bulk upload a large number of users to be linked to the new administrative unit. If you choose "Add up to 20 users and groups", then click on "Add Users" or "Add Groups" to add the desired users to the administrative unit and click Next. The administrators assigned to this unit will manage the settings for these users and groups. Adding groups doesn't add users to the unit, it lets the assigned admins manage group settings. You can only add up to ‎20‎ members individually or you can bulk upload up to ‎200‎ users. If you need to add more, you can edit this unit to add them.
  • Assign admins to scoped roles. The following roles are the only roles that support administrative units. Authentication Administrator Cloud Device Administrator Groups Administrator Helpdesk Administrator License Administrator Password Administrator SharePoint Administrator Teams Administrator Teams Device Administrator User Administrator.

Select a role and then assign admins to it. The admins that you assign to roles in this step will manage the members of this administrative unit.

  • Review your selections and click "Finish". The new administrative unit has been created. You can always edit its properties by clicking on the Administrative Unit name. From that page you can edit the administrative unit's members and role assignments.
  • You can also edit the name and description of an administrative unit by ticking the checkbox next to the administrative unit name and clicking on "Edit name and description".

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  7. Intune

    The assignment is now ready. In this post we created a custom role that allows specific user group to view device information, perform sync actions and upload Autopilot hardware hash. References and documentation: Role-based access control (RBAC) with Microsoft Intune; Create a custom role in Intune; Assign a role to an Intune user

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    On the Admin Groups page, click on Add groups and select the AAD group you created for LAPS administrators. On the Scope Groups, select All Devices and click on Next. On the Review + create page, review the settings and click on Create. The Intune rbac roles assignment steps are now completed.

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    Requirement for this setup up is that you have Azure AD Premium P2 license and you have onboarded to Azure AD Privileged Identity Management. The steps we need to get this working is as follows: Create a role assignable group for the role in question. Bring the group into Privileged Identity Management (PIM) Assign the group to the role in Intune.

  15. How to manage Microsoft 365 user role assignments and administrative units

    Follow the steps below to assign the Global Administrator role to a user or group. Navigate to https://admin.microsoft.com and authenticate as a global admin user. On the left pane, expand the "Roles" section and click on "Role assignments". On the main section click on the "Global Administrator" role.

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