psychology personal statement cambridge

How to write a great personal statement

Student Admissions & Access

psychology personal statement cambridge

Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell us more about yourself and why you are interested in studying your chosen subject. In this article, we offer you some tips and advice on how to start building your personal statement and make the best impression with your application.

Where to start

Don’t let the blank page put you off. Just start writing and try not to overthink it - you can always change and refine your statement later.

You might want to begin by thinking about the following questions to help you make a list of what to include:

  • What do I know about the course and its modules?
  • Why do I want to study the subject?
  • What do I like about the subject?
  • What do I already know?
  • What have I read, watched or attended that is relevant to the subject?
  • What excites me about the subject?
  • What are my academic strengths?
  • What makes me a good fit for studying this course?

Start turning your list into sentences. Think about how each thing in your list relates to your subject, and start to form concise sentences. Aim to organise the sentences into paragraphs and form a logical structure to make a case for your suitability for the course.

Aim for one idea per sentence, and one major theme per paragraph. If you can, try to tie it all together with common themes and ideas. For example, you may have learned a topic during your A Levels, then read a book about it and independently researched more about the theory, which sparked some ideas and questions of your own. You may have read a number of books on a similar theme - think about any parallels or contrasts between them.

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psychology personal statement cambridge

Draft, draft, draft

Get everything down on paper first. Then go back to draft and start to rework it. Don’t let your personal statement become a long list of ideas – that was your starting point. Think about the most important points you’ve made, and work on developing those. Remember that sometimes, less is more. At this point, you may have to delete whole sections, so don’t become too attached to what you have written.

When working on your draft, try to be clear and concise – remember, you only have limited space.

psychology personal statement cambridge

The beginning at the end

Often it’s easier to write the main body of your statement first, and come back to the opening later. The first sentence should really show your enthusiasm for the course, so talk about something that excites you.

In conclusion…

Don’t forget your conclusion. Try to tie everything together at the end, and finish on a positive note that leaves the admissions tutor with a positive impression. If you approach your personal statement as a short academic essay about yourself and your motivations, we should be left with a clear sense of where your passion lies and your suitability for the course.

Check before you submit

Before you submit your application, it’s a good idea to carefully proof your personal statement and to share it with someone else – that could be a family member, friend or teacher. You don’t always have to follow their advice, it’s personal after all, but you may find that they have some good ideas and they might spot mistakes you’ve missed.

psychology personal statement cambridge

  • Show your passion, don’t just tell us.
  • Be yourself and sound like yourself – you don’t have to use the thesaurus for every word!
  • Make sure you can talk about everything in your personal statement in detail, as you’ll be asked about it at your interview.
  • Link any extra-curricular activities to your study – maybe your part time job taught you time management or communication skills.
  • Make sure it relates to the course you have applied for.
  • Check your spelling and grammar, and use clear, plain English.
  • Avoid sweeping, general statements, make every word count.

Watch this video from UCAS for some more great tips to get you started:

If you choose to apply to cambridge, we can’t wait to find out all about you.

psychology personal statement cambridge

The information in this article is correct at the time of publishing. Last reviewed July 2023. For more information about applying to the University of Cambridge, visit our website .

U2 Tuition

Unlocking Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS) at Cambridge: Interview Preparation, Personal Statement and Tips

Welcome, aspiring minds, to our blog designed exclusively for prospective students applying to study Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS) at Cambridge ! If you find yourself endlessly fascinated by the complexities of human behaviour and yearning to understand the intricacies of the human mind , then you are in the right place to start your academic journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the application process, providing invaluable insights, tips, and resources to help you secure a coveted spot on the PBS Tripos . Whether you're captivated by the realms of psychology, sociology, or anthropology, we are here to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to help you ace that application.

PBS application cambridge

What is Psychological and Behavioural Sciences?

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, commonly referred to as PBS, is a captivating field of study that delves into the intricacies of the human mind and behaviour. Rooted in empirical research and theoretical frameworks , this multidisciplinary discipline seeks to comprehend the complexities of cognition, emotions, social interactions, and mental processes that shape human actions. At Cambridge University, the Psychological and Behavioural Sciences programme offers a captivating exploration into various branches of psychology, equipping students with the knowledge and analytical skills to address real-world challenges. It is distinct from some of the other psychology degrees that can be compared on the UCAS Website .

As a blend of science and humanity, PBS fosters a profound understanding of individuals and societies, paving the way for meaningful contributions to the well-being and advancement of humanity. Throughout your journey in this course, you will delve into topics like cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and neuroscience , among others. These areas of study will empower you to unravel the mysteries of the human psyche and gain insights into the complexities of human behaviour.

What Kind of Careers Can I Get With a PBS Degree?

A PBS degree leaves you with a several different career paths to explore upon graduating which is why is remains a popular and diverse option for students looking to span the bridge between the humanities and the sciences . You can compare stats from The Student Room in order to understand some of the routes available. In the realm of academia, a PBS degree can lead to research and teaching positions at universities, enabling individuals to contribute to the field and shape future generations' understanding of human psychology. Additionally, careers in clinical psychology, counselling, and therapy await those with a PBS background, as they can provide invaluable support and interventions for individuals facing mental health challenges. Moreover, PBS graduates find opportunities in human resources, marketing, and market research , utilising their insights into human behaviour to enhance organisational performance and consumer interactions. Non-profit organisations, social work, and public policy roles also value PBS graduates' expertise, as they can address societal issues and advocate for positive change. Ultimately, a PBS degree offers a wide range of rewarding career paths, allowing graduates to make a meaningful impact on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

PBS Personal Statement

How to Write the Perfect PBS Personal Statement

Crafting a standout personal statement for your Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS) application at prestigious universities like Cambridge is an essential step towards securing your place. Your personal statement provides a unique opportunity to showcase your passion for PBS, academic potential, and suitability for the course.

Begin by giving yourself ample time to brainstorm and plan your personal statement. Reflect on what drives your interest in PBS and the specific areas within the field that captivate your curiosity. Consider any relevant academic experiences, extracurricular activities, or personal encounters that have shaped your passion for understanding human behaviour, cognition, and emotions. Emphasise how your strong mathematical and scientific skills have perfectly complemented your fascination with empirically studying human behaviour. Share examples of research projects, experiments, or data analysis where you applied these abilities to gain valuable insights into psychological phenomena. This demonstrates your ability to approach psychological research with rigour and precision. As well as including statistics and data make sure you include your own critical thinking as this type of thinking is something your supervisors will be also looking for you to display later at interview.

It is important to illustrate your academic curiosity by discussing books, research papers, or documentaries that have enriched your understanding of PBS beyond the standard curriculum. Highlight any independent research projects you have undertaken and delve into the methodologies used, findings, and the impact of your research. This evidence of intellectual curiosity will impress the admissions tutors and illustrate your potential as a PBS student. Showcase your dedication to PBS by discussing additional literature, journals, or articles (Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink is a great place to start) you have explored outside of your academic requirements. Analyse the content and provide critical insights, demonstrating your ability to engage with complex ideas and theories.

We have an entire blog dedicated to writing a standout Psychology Personal Statement here .

Some Useful PBS Reading Suggestions

Plus recommendations from Christ’s and Kings.

"Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman - A renowned psychologist explores the two systems that drive the way we think, offering insights into human decision-making and behaviour.

"The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" by Oliver Sacks - Oliver Sacks is one of the most famous neurologists of the last century, and he dedicated his life to study and explore the brain’s strangest pathways. In his most extraordinary book, he writes profound and breath-taking accounts of patients with bizarre neurological conditions, and how these relate to the neuroscience, psychology and philosophy. How does our brain tell what is real and what is not? What happens when someone forgets their last 20 years of life? What is the essence of consciousness?

We run a fantastic research project centred on Oliver Sacks’ seminal text via our co-curricular division, Minds Underground . We run one-to-one question-oriented sessions, to begin to answer some of these exciting questions. This project is ideal for a student between Year 10 - 13 interested in the fields of Neuroscience, Medicine, and/or Psychology, who is excited to explore these subjects from a unique perspective, mentored by a Cambridge graduate tutor who has a Masters in Cognitive Neuroscience and is currently undertaking a PhD in Psychiatry. By carrying out this in-depth reading project, the student not only learns new ideas in these fields but will also gain skills in critical analysis of scientific studies, communication skills as well as learn how to hold academic discussions which will be essential for any future Oxbridge PBS application. Enquire here for more details (N.B. This is a paid-for opportunity - tutorials are from £75/h, though you are able to split the cost with a classmate!)

"The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg - Duhigg investigates the science of habits and how they shape our behaviours and daily routines.

"The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement" by David Brooks - Brooks explores the complexities of human behaviour, love, and personal growth through a fictional story intertwined with scientific research.

Research Papers:

"The Stanford Prison Experiment" by Philip G. Zimbardo - A landmark study on the psychological effects of perceived power and authority, conducted in a simulated prison environment.

"The Nature of Prejudice" by Gordon W. Allport - A classic work on the origins and dynamics of prejudice, providing valuable insights into social psychology.


" Inside Out" (2015) - An animated film that creatively explores the emotional and cognitive development of a young girl through anthropomorphic emotions.

"The Brain with David Eagleman" (2015) - A documentary series hosted by neuroscientist David Eagleman, delving into the complexities of the human brain and behaviour.

"The Century of the Self" (2002) - A four-part BBC documentary series by Adam Curtis, examining the influence of psychoanalysis and psychological techniques on society and consumer culture.

When discussing these, try to avoid vague statements and generalities; instead, provide specific examples and concrete evidence to support your claims. Use real-life experiences to highlight your skills and achievements, painting a vivid picture of your capabilities. Take, for instance, "The Stanford Prison Experiment" - You could talk about how engaging with this landmark research not only illuminated your understanding of human behaviour under unique circumstances, but also honed your analytical skills in interpreting complex experimental methodologies. You could talk about the experiment's ethical implications and its broader societal significance, as well as how this enhanced your ability to critically assess and articulate intricate psychological concepts. This hands-on engagement with influential studies should demonstrate your capabilities and commitment to Psychological and Behavioural Studies to admissions tutors.

pbs course cambridge

How to Ace the Cambridge Psychological Behavioural Sciences Interview

The PBS interview is an exciting opportunity to showcase your passion for the subject and demonstrate your academic potential. While the prospect of an interview might feel nerve-wracking, with the right preparation and mindset, you can excel and leave a lasting impression on the interviewers. It is important to note here that no specific subject prerequisites are required to pursue PBS. The goal of the interviewer is to discover your aptitude, enthusiasm, and critical thinking skills in Psychology, as the interview style may vary as well between colleges .

During the interview, your interviewers will aim to understand your genuine interest in the subject. They will ask questions that encourage you to demonstrate your insights and thoughtful reflections on Psychology. Prepare to discuss real-world applications of the subject and express your passion for the field. You will be asked a range of questions that covers content in your personal statement, critical thinking exercises, analysis of research methodologies, thoughts on some pre-reading, or statistical analysis.

The interviewers will likely refer to your personal statement during the interview, so be thoroughly familiar with its content. Be ready to elaborate on any points you mentioned and expand on your experiences, academic interests, and extra-curricular activities. Reflect on your motivations for choosing PBS and be prepared to discuss the specific areas that intrigue you within the field.

Think of the interview as an opportunity to display your aptitude and enthusiasm for studying Psychology. Interviewers may invite you to develop ideas from subjects you have previously studied, especially if you have expressed a particular interest. Additionally, they may present you with graphs or tables to comment on, offering a platform for further exploration rather than trick questions.

The interview process at Cambridge can resemble a 'supervision,' where you experience small-group or individual teaching. Your interviewer seeks to understand whether you are the kind of student they would love to teach. Demonstrating your flexibility in thinking , making good use of prompts, and engaging in dynamic discussions will leave a positive impression.

Interviewers prioritise your capacity to understand scientific concepts and your ability to develop and apply ideas. They are less concerned about what you already know and more interested in your potential to thrive in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences. Avoid rehearsed answers, as genuine and thoughtful responses are highly valued.

Be prepared for a two-part interview at most colleges. One interview may delve into scientific aspects, while the other could take a more general approach. Remember, Cambridge is not seeking students with all the answers; instead, they are searching for individuals who are keen to learn, can talk through their thought process and who exhibit the potential to flourish on the course.

PBS Sample Oxbridge Interview Questions

Plus some more questions here .

N.B. If some of these seem unfamiliar to you, don’t worry! In an Oxbridge interview, interviewers will very often provide clues or teach some relevant content to allow you to better understand the question at hand. They want to see how you cope with unfamiliar material - what would you be like to teach in a supervision setting? Don’t be afraid to ask questions or say, ‘It might be this…or this…’, showing your thought process so the interviewer can tell you if you are on the right track.

How do psychologists distinguish between "nature" and "nurture" when studying human behaviour, and what are the implications of this distinction for psychological research?

Discuss the concept of cognitive dissonance and its relevance in understanding human decision-making and behaviour.

Can you provide an example of a psychological study that utilised experimental design, and critically evaluate its strengths and limitations?

Describe the principles of classical conditioning and how they might apply in real-life scenarios, such as learning and addiction.

How do social psychologists explain the phenomenon of group conformity, and how might it impact individual behaviour and decision-making?

Discuss the concept of "working memory" and its significance in understanding cognitive processes and human learning.

How can evolutionary psychology shed light on human mating preferences and behaviours, and what are some potential criticisms of this approach?

Explain the "nature of mental representations" in cognitive psychology and its implications for memory, language, and problem-solving.

In the context of developmental psychology, describe the stages of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development and provide an example of a child's behaviour at each stage.

Discuss the challenges of using self-report measures in psychological research and how researchers address issues of reliability and validity.

The journey of applying for a Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS) degree is a rewarding and challenging experience. Through meticulous planning and expert guidance, aspiring students can position themselves for success in this exciting field of study. The blog has provided valuable insights into crafting a standout Cambridge PBS application, excelling in the interview, and crafting a compelling Psychological and Behavioural Sciences personal statement. Good luck with your application, and don’t forget to get in touch if you feel there is anything else that should be added to this blog!

Are You Looking For an Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tutor?

At U2 Tuition , we have an exceptional team of Cambridge mentors specialising in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS). Our experienced PBS tutors work closely with each student, understanding their strengths and areas for improvement, and hosting personalised tutoring sessions tailored to their specific needs. From assisting with admissions test preparation (if applicable) to crafting compelling PBS personal statements and preparing for Psychological and Behavioural Sciences interviews, our comprehensive support equips students with the skills and knowledge for success.

The Process:

Experienced PBS Tutors: We pair PBS candidates with a tutor who has studied Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at Cambridge. Their deep familiarity with the admissions process allows them to guide you through personal statement curation, admissions test (if applicable) and interview preparation. Depending on qualifications and experience, we provide a range of application tutors for you to choose from.

Informal Diagnostic Session: We recommend beginning with a 1.5-hour informal diagnostic session to informally assess your current performance level for the application. Following this, we provide a detailed feedback report and structure a customised preparation plan.

Focused Tutorial Sessions: Our tutorial sessions primarily focus on material that can be discussed in your personal statement and during interviews. Tutors help you refine your interests within the PBS course, expose you to various approaches and new concepts, and guide you in your reading and subject exploration.

You can decide the frequency of sessions with your tutor. We offer both ad hoc sessions and structured full preparation programmes, including co-curricular opportunities such as research projects and Oxbridge mock interview days .

Our sessions are priced from £75/h + VAT.

How to Secure Your Place at Oxford for Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (PPL)

Understanding the oxbridge english interview: insights from an oxford english graduate.

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How To Write A Personal Statement For Psychology

Writing a personal statement for a psychology course in the UK can be a daunting task. Your personal statement is an opportunity to highlight your achievements, experiences, and goals, and to showcase your fit for a specific programme or institution.

It is an important part of your application and can be the deciding factor in whether or not you are accepted. 

Many students want to study psychology in the UK since it has one of the best universities in the world. Also, many international students are applying to UK universities every year. In total, around 60000 students study psychology in the UK.

In this blog post, we will provide tips and guidelines on how to write a compelling personal statement for a psychology degree and university. We will also discuss common mistakes to avoid and give some examples to help you get started preparing for your university application.

What is a personal statement for psychology?

A personal statement for psychology is a written document that is typically submitted as part of a UCAS application in the UK.

It is an opportunity for you to show your unique background, experiences, how strong the secondary school education you have, and your interests, and to explain how these have prepared you for a career in psychology.

In your personal statement, you should highlight your passion for psychology and your goals for the future. This part is very important for admission tutors at universities.

You should also write about a relevant research project or work experience, as well as any relevant coursework or extracurricular activities. 

However, the personal statement for psychology needs to be a very well-written and thoughtful reflection of your strengths and goals and should demonstrate your readiness to pursue a degree in psychology.

Recommended guides:

  • How To Write A Dentistry Personal Statement
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a Masters Degree
  • How to Write a Personal Statement for a PhD
  • UCAS Personal Statement:
  • Tips for Personal Statement for the University
  • How to Write a Personal Statement That Stands Out

What makes a good personal statement for psychology

Writing a good personal statement for psychology can be intimidating, but this is the most important part of your university application process. You will have only one chance to grab the attention of very detailed admission tutors.

When creating your personal statement for psychology, it’s essential to focus on your passion and demonstrate your desire to pursue an undergraduate degree in psychology. To make your application stand out, be specific and provide concrete examples of your experiences and accomplishments.

It’s also essential to use a clear and concise writing style, avoiding jargon – this is something that is not appropriate for university admission tutors. And don’t forget to carefully edit and proofread your statement to ensure it’s error-free and presents a polished, professional image.

Finally, make sure to tailor your statement to the specific psychology programme applying for. Since you will study Psychology, you can choose from many programmes. See the list below. 

Consider the values and goals of the programme, and explain how your experiences and interests align with these. Asking a friend or family member to review your statement before submitting it can also be helpful. Also, you can hire a professional writer to proofread your application.

Check out our UCAS-specific guide: Perfect your application with these useful guides.

  • UCAS Reference Letter
  • UCAS Tariff Points Table: How does it work [Example table]
  • UCAS Application: Process and Deadlines Explained in Details
  • UCAS Extra 2023: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide
  •   UCAS Clearing
  • UCAS Application Process for International Students  

How to structure a psychology personal statement

Well-written psychology personal statements increase your chances of getting a place on your desired course and help you stand out from other applicants.

Learning what to include and how to structure your psychology personal statement can improve its quality. As a general framework for your psychology personal statement, we have included some steps below.

Research before starting writing 

Ensure that you are familiar with any specific guidelines or information that needs to be included in your psychology personal statement.

For example, formatting advice, examples of the kind of experience that would be relevant to mention, or what they are looking for in candidates may be included. Your writing can be guided and informed by this information.

Outline ideas on paper 

Prepare a brief outline of what you want to discuss in your psychology personal statement. An introduction to yourself, your experiences (shown in an example), your knowledge, research projects (if you have it), important skills, and why you are interested in this particular course might be included.

The outline can help you plan the structure and content of your personal statement.

Write an amazing personal statement introduction

You will have the first opportunity to demonstrate to admission tutors why you are the best candidate for a psychology course during your introduction.

Stand out while staying on topic by highlighting what makes you unique in terms of your skill sets, experience, and passions.

Engage Tutors with your statement

The opening sentences of your personal statement are crucial in making an impact on admission tutors. To capture their attention and interest, try starting with punchy, short, and relevant sentences that stand out and create a smooth flow for the reader.

Experiences, skills, and interests in psychology

A personal statement is much more than a representation of yourself. It emphasises why the psychology course is appropriate for you.

Highlight to university members why you’re interested in psychology and what abilities you’ll bring to your studies to achieve.

Always back up your views with real-world examples from your own life, whether it’s a personal experience, something you witnessed secondhand, or something you read about that inspired you to pursue this job.

Make a clear conclusion

An excellent conclusion to your psychology personal statement , like the start, may create a lasting influence on the tutors . Try to cover all of the essential arguments you’ve raised in a clear, succinct manner. Show why you want to study a specific course at a university.

Stick to the subject and avoid using fluffy, long boring sentences. Make sure you leave the admission tutor in a good, enthusiastic tone so that they end your statement with a positive view.

Check to spell and proofread errors

Before you submit your UCAS personal statement , be sure to thoroughly proofread it for any grammar or spelling errors. Reading it out loud or having someone else read it for you can help catch mistakes.

Keep in mind that a successful psychology personal statement is clear , informative , and personal , so avoid using overly long sentences and aim for a professional yet energetic tone.

Highly recommended to read:

  • Applying To Medicine in the UK
  • Writing a Winning Medical Personal Statement

Tips for writing your psychology personal statement

1. start early.

Writing a psychology personal statement is a time-consuming process if the writing is not your “thing”, so it’s essential to start early . This will allow you to brainstorm ideas, gather materials, and revise your statement multiple times before submitting it.

2. Understand the Purpose of the Personal Statement

Before you begin writing your personal statement for the UCAS application , it’s important to understand the purpose of the statement. A personal statement for psychology university should:

  • Explain your motivations for pursuing a degree in psychology
  • Describe your research interests and career goals
  • Highlight your relevant experiences and achievements
  • Demonstrate your fit for the subject and school you are applying to

3. Follow the Prompt

Most programmes will provide a prompt or guidelines for creating your psychology personal statement. It’s important to follow these guidelines closely and address all of the points requested in the prompt. If the programme doesn’t provide a prompt, you can use the list above as a general guide.

4. Be Specific and Personal

A personal statement should be specific and personal. Avoid vague or general statements, and focus on specific experiences, A-levels, subjects, achievements, and goals.

Use concrete examples to illustrate your points and help the reader understand your motivations and interests.

5. Use a Clear and Cohesive Structure

Psychology personal statement should be well-organised and easy to follow. Use a clear and cohesive structure to help the reader understand your story and the progression of your experiences and goals.

Don’t use headings or subheadings to divide your statement into sections. Use transitional phrases to help connect your ideas.

6. Edit and Proofread

Once you have completed a personal statement, it’s important to take the time to edit and proofread your work. Check for typos, grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes, and make sure your statement is clear and concise.

You can ask a trusted friend, family, alumni student, teacher from the same subject or professional tutor to review your application for feedback and suggestions.

7. Avoid Common Mistakes

There are several common mistakes to avoid when writing a personal statement for a psychology course:

  • Failing to follow the prompt or guidelines
  • Being too general or vague
  • Focusing too much on your weaknesses
  • Using overly technical language or jargon
  • Submitting a statement that is too long or too short
  • Not including experience and example

8. Use Examples to Illustrate Your Points

To make your personal statement more engaging and memorable, use examples to illustrate your points. This can help the reader better understand your motivations, interests, and goals, and it can help bring your statement to life.

9. Show, Don’t Tell

When working on your personal statement, use descriptive language and action verbs to show interest, rather than tell, the reader about your experiences and achievements. This can help paint a vivid picture for the reader and make your statement more engaging and memorable.

Advice From Psychology Students

Here is advice from students who have undergraduate degrees.  

I structured it by introducing myself first and then talking about my passion for psychology. I then talked about my experiences and how they adapted me for my studies, before talking about why I wanted to come to USW and study Psychology. – First-year student Keira
If I was to do it all again, I would talk more about my current interest in Psychology and read around this subject, as I think this would have demonstrated initiative and real passion. – First-year student Keira

Here in our Psychology personal statement examples section, we have amazing samples you can use as guidance for yours. Make sure you check them before you start perfecting your application for UCAS .

Psychology Courses to Apply In The UK

A list of psychology degrees available for undergraduate applicants in the UK are:

  • Child psychology
  • Clinical 
  • Developmental 
  • Educational 
  • Experimental 
  • Forensic  
  • Social 
  • Sport 
  • Criminal 

Final Thoughts

Preparing a personal statement for psychology is a vital part of the university application process. It’s your first contact with admission tutors as a future student.

A compelling personal statement focuses on your passion for psychology and your future goals, provides specific examples of your experiences and achievements, and it’s tailored to the specific course you are applying for. 

With these tips and guidelines in mind, you can start preparing for an application that will increase your chances of getting accepted.

Most universities in the UK recommend that a personal statement for psychology be around 4,000 characters or 47 text lines long.

In your personal statement, you should include your passion for psychology and your future goals, any relevant research, coursework, or extracurricular activities, and how these experiences have prepared you for a career.

psychology personal statement cambridge

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Personal Statement Tips

Personal statement examples psychology personal statements.

Discover personal statement examples written by students accepted onto psychology and related courses. Read through the examples to help shape your own personal statement.

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Hear from our Oxbridge Mind Alumni

Anonymous reviewer.

A bit about you

I knew I wanted to study at Cambridge from when I was very young, and when I got top GCSE scores, I started to think seriously about applying to Cambridge.

How did you find the programme?

My sister found the course online and suggested I give it a go. I had been struggling to pass Cambridge Interview at that point, so thought a tutor could be helpful.

How did it help with your Oxbridge application?

The tuition was excellent, and having the same materials across both my tutors was really helpful.

I wanted to apply to study at Cambridge as a mature student, but having been out of education for so long, I didn’t want to do the application by myself.

It was just fantastic. The tutors were excellent, and all the resources were incredibly useful. I really appreciated my tutor helping me to weave my life experience into the Interview answers and finding ways to link that to Cambridge.

I think it really did. It made me much more confident about applying and that I was a good candidate for Cambridge.

I knew I wanted to go to Cambridge, but as an international student, I didn’t want to risk doing the application myself, and although my school offered some help, none of my teachers had been to Oxford themselves so I wasn’t confident they would be able to advise me well.

A friend of mine used their other company, Medic Mind, a few years ago to help with his Medicine interview and then started working for them as a tutor. He was the one that recommended Oxbridge Mind to me and I started right away.

Definitely. Being in Singapore meant that I needed lessons to be flexible in my time zone, and the tutors were able to do that for me. I used a lot of the online resources as homework and self study materials, especially before my Oxbridge Interview.

I attended an outreach programme at Oxbridge when I was in Year 9, and decided then that I wanted to study there. I settled on Cambridge when I was in Year 11.

I was getting good enough scores in my practice, but I was nervous about the Interviews and not very confident in writing a good enough Personal Statement. I was able to address these concerns using the Oxbridge Mind programme.

It just helped me to better understand what they were looking for in a candidate and how to best show that I was that. The Personal Statement review was useful, and I actually ended up getting 3 checks done in the end, because I kept being given so many notes and I wanted to check I had done it correctly.

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Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements

Your Personal Statement is the first demonstration of your character that the admissions teams at Oxford and Cambridge will see. Your perfect Personal Statement can only be written by yourself as it has to convey exactly who you are, why you want to study at Oxbridge and why you deserve to be there. But that doesn't mean help isn't available. There are many things to learn that can improve the effectiveness of your statement when implemented correctly. One of the best ways to get a deeper understanding of what makes a good Personal Statement is to read successful statements that have transferable qualities. This page features over 25 Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements from a whole variety of subjects. Read through them and learn what makes them so good (as well as the mistakes that some make), so that you can create a strong base for your own writing.

Why are Personal Statements Important?

Your personal statement is essentially you introducing yourself to the Oxbridge admissions teams and explaining why you should be given an offer on their courses. It’s a piece of writing that will have a lasting impact throughout the application process, so you need to make the best first impression.

The admissions teams aren’t just interested in the achievements that you have made or the grades you have earned; they are looking for applicants with the right attitude for the course. They need applicants who can go the extra mile, have a true understanding of the subject and have the qualities needed to become successful in their chosen field. All of these things can be expressed in a well-written personal statement.

How To Prepare for your Personal Statement

Your personal statement may not be prepared for in the same way as an entrance exam, but there are still things you can do both before and during the writing process.

Firstly, it’s a good idea to view examples of successful personal statements, such as the 25 + available below. It helps to view those related to your chosen subject, but there are still benefits to looking through as many as possible. 

Beyond this, learning specific techniques and advice from experts will also help. Our Premium Oxbridge Programmes provide a wide variety of support, including books and courses, all of which are designed to help you write the perfect personal statement. View our courses page to find out everything that we can do to help your application. 

Download our FREE 80-Page Personal Statement Starter Guide

We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you’ll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. 

To access all this for free, just enter your name and email address and you’ll be sent the guide directly to your inbox. 

Successful Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

Successful humanities personal statements, cambridge law ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, oxford law ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford law & french ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford economics & management ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge economics ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, cambridge land economy ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge classics ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford classics ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, cambridge pbs ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, oxford psychology ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge philosophy ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford ppe ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge english ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, oxford english language & literature ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford modern languages ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford geography ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford history ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, successful science personal statements, cambridge medicine ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford medicine ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, cambridge veterinary medicine ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, kcl dentistry ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆, cambridge natural sciences (bio) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, cambridge natural sciences (phy) ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford physics ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford chemistry ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, cambridge engineering ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, oxford engineering ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, cambridge maths & physics ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, oxford computer science ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆, personal statement posts from our blog.

  • The Ultimate UCAS Personal Statement Guide
  • Personal Statement Cheat Sheet
  • How to Write an Oxbridge Personal Statement
  • Common Personal Statement Mistakes
  • How to Plan your Personal Statement
  • How to Make Your Personal Statement Stand out

Successful Personal Statement For Economics & Management At Oxford

Writing an Economics and Management Personal Statement for Oxford? If so, you’re in the right place! In this post, we go through a REAL Personal Statement submitted to UCAS for a candidate wishing to study E&M at Oxford.

Successful Personal Statement For Law At Oxford

Read through a successful Law Personal Statement for Oxford with a full analysis by Oxbridge Tutors. Find out why the Personal Statement helped the candidate to receive an Oxford offer.

Successful Personal Statement For PPE At Oxford

Writing a PPE Personal Statement for Oxford? If so, you’re in the right place! In this post, we go through a REAL Personal Statement submitted to UCAS for a candidate wishing to study PPE at Oxford.

Successful Personal Statement For Medicine At Oxford University

Writing a Medicine Personal Statement for Oxford? If so, you’re in the right place! In this post, we go through a REAL Personal Statement submitted to UCAS for a candidate wishing to study Medicine at Oxford.

Successful Personal Statement For Medicine At Cambridge

Writing a Medicine Personal Statement for Cambridge? If so, you’re in the right place! In this post, we go through a REAL Personal Statement submitted to UCAS for a candidate wishing to study Medicine at Cambridge.

Successful Personal Statement For Veterinary Medicine At Cambridge

Read through a successful Veterinary Medicine Personal Statement for Cambridge with a full analysis by Oxbridge Tutors. Find out why the Personal Statement helped the candidate to receive a Cambridge offer.

Successful Personal Statement For Philosophy At Cambridge

Read through a successful Philosophy Personal Statement for Cambridge with a full analysis by Oxbridge Tutors. Find out why the Personal Statement helped the candidate to receive a Cambridge offer.

Successful Personal Statement For Modern Languages At Oxford

Writing a Modern Languages Personal Statement for Oxford? If so, you’re in the right place! In this post, we go through a REAL Personal Statement submitted to UCAS for a candidate wishing to study Modern Languages at Oxford.

Successful Personal Statement For Psychological and Behavioural Sciences At Cambridge

Read through a successful Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Personal Statement for Cambridge with a full analysis by Oxbridge Tutors. Find out why the Personal Statement helped the candidate to receive a Cambridge offer.

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We work with a limited number of students each year to ensure we can provide the best support suited for their particular needs.

Our Programmes have a structured syllabus, however, we tweak elements of the syllabus so the student is able to gain the most out of our support.

As we work with a limited number of students, we have a limited number of places available for enrolment on each Programme.

The best way to find out whether there are still places available is by booking a free consultation here or contacting us via Livechat, where our expert Admissions Consultants will be able to advise you further.

We do have ideal start times at points throughout the year, however, the syllabus can be adapted to suit your particular start time if you are accepted onto the Programme. Our Admissions Consultants can help you understand the Programme timeline in your specific case – all you need to do is ask.

First and foremost, we assess whether the potential student has the right academic capabilities and profile to be realistically accepted to study at Oxford or Cambridge.

Secondly, we assess whether the student is capable and willing to put in the time required to create a strong application for Oxbridge.

Finally, we assess the student’s attitude and reasoning behind applying to Oxford or Cambridge. This is one of our most important considerations.

If a student has below-average (but still realistic) grades for Oxford and Cambridge, but the correct attitude, we would consider accepting them onto our Programme. Unfortunately, if the inverse is the case, it’s unlikely the student would be accepted onto the Programme.

UniAdmissions is committed to giving the very best service to every student. Our talented tutors are the key to the excellent service we pride ourselves on, passing on not only their expertise, but also their enthusiasm to inspire the next generation to succeed.

All tutors are either current senior students, recent graduates or from a professional background. Our selection process ensures only the best tutors work for us, in roles most suited to their skill-sets.

You’ll get access to all of our online resources, including various UniAdmissions published books, our masterclasses, admissions test question banks and much more. All of our resources are filled with powerful strategies and techniques to help you prepare, improve and boost your score.

Of course, our Oxbridge Premium Programmes also grant you 1 – 1 Tuition hours and invitations to both of our preparation courses.

Tuition sessions are held online via video chat. Times for these sessions are arranged between you and your tutor to best meet your needs. 

In exceptional cases, in-person tuition may be offered. 

As much as you like! Although we do offer rough guidelines for how to use your tuition hours, you are more than welcome to dedicate more or less than the recommended amount to your personal statement if you wish to do so. 

The UniAdmissions Portal is where you will find all of the support and resources for your Programme.

You can think of the Portal as the hub of all the materials included within your Programme. If you are ever looking for a relevant book, an online course, course dates or anything along those lines, the Portal is very likely to be your answer.

However, the Portal also houses your programme curriculum, which guides you through each stage of the admissions process through the use of your resources. The Portal automatically tracks what you’ve completed and provides support if you’re falling behind in certain areas. 

You can also use the Portal to get in touch with our team at any point.

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Psychology personal statement example (oxbridge).

Psychology has always been a part of my life, as I have Asperger's syndrome. I have always noticed how other people behaved differently from me.

I've repeatedly wondered what makes this happen and that's how I ended up being interested in psychology. I began to wonder what makes some people more sympathetic than others.

At school, when I was younger, I always preferred to do things by myself than to work with a group, because it was better and faster for me. Because of that, their feelings for me were not very sympathetic. I then realised that sympathy is connected with similarity in personality and gestures.

Also, I noticed that sympathy increases the frequency of contact with some people, especially if there's a common task to do.

To prove my theory to myself, I began to behave like my peers, and it really affected my level of sympathy. I enjoyed this result very much and it strengthened my interest in psychology.

Later, I read an article on psychology that described various studies about what determines whether a person likes you.

I have read many articles and books on psychology. My favorite is Robert Cialdini's book "Influence: Science and Practice". I remember while reading this book that I didn't realise how easily I was being manipulated by others.

Since then, whenever I see someone trying to sell a product, I recall the techniques described in this book, that this person uses, and how people are so easily manipulated. Also, after reading about all the techniques, I tested them on friends, with various results.

Of course, I realize that most of the research cited there was carried out 20-30 years ago, and that in psychology, a lot of ideas could have changed. In the future, I would also like to carry out such experiments to discover new rules of social influence.

The working of our brain also seems to me not to be so straightforward (particularly after reading "The man who mistook his wife for a hat" by Oliver Sacks). I am constantly wondering what the brain's capabilities are and what we can achieve by improving it regularly, so I decided to take a memory course.

Thanks to the right exercises I was able to improve my working memory considerably and felt that my brain was working at a higher speed than usual.

It was rewarding to realise that by actively using my imagination while learning I was able to learn faster and longer.

I also learned useful mnemonic techniques like the 'substitute method', or the 'memory palace'. I consider the memory palace to be a very valuable mnemonic technique because I was able to memorize almost everything in a relatively short time.

What's more, this amazing technique shows the seemingly unlimited potential of our brain.

Recently I've done some voluntary work, helping people with cognitive impairments. It was quite an experience.

I had a lot of opportunities to observe how they behave, although I wasn't informed about their disabilities. The biggest problem for me was normal communication with those people.

I was practically forced to use nonverbal communication, so I improved my use of it a little. Although those people barely understood me, I noticed that they had learned specifc patterns of behaviour on the click/wrrr basis.

For example, every time I smiled one of them burst out laughing. Thanks to that I also knew when they were hungry, because then they opened their mouth. This experience taught me to be even more patient and responsible.

As for my other interests, in my free time I really enjoy the music of Chopin, and film music. I am a student at a music school. I play the piano and the saxophone and I have won some local competitions.

Even here psychology helps me, because I've learnt that I can practise playing my instrument in my imagination, which gives surprisingly good results.

I also like spending time solving maths problems. I am sure that such experiences, and my practical involvement with psychology will support me during the course for which I am applying.

Profile info

There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

I got an offer from UCL and a rejection from Oxford.

This personal statement is unrated

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    My Cambridge personal statement lol. In this video I read and break down my UCAS personal statement, which got me 5 offers from Cambridge, UCL, Bath, St. And...

  10. PDF CUSU's Guide to Personal Statements and Wider Reading

    Personal statements play varying roles in the admissions process at Cambridge, and we know that the level of support in writing these varies massively across the country. As such, the personal statement is not used to make decisions about applications, but can be used as a stepping stone or basis for interviews in some subjects.

  11. Psychology Personal Statement Advice

    The University of Bristol highlights five elements of a strong, academically focused psychology statement: Ensure it is well structured and well written. Give details of any specific interests or ambitions you have that relate to the content of the course. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for psychological research as a focus for academic study.

  12. Psychology personal statements

    These psychology personal statements are written by real students. Among them you will find personal statements that have formed part of successful applications to universities such as Royal Holloway, Aberystwyth and Aberdeen. Bear in mind, these personal statements are presented in exactly the way they were originally submitted to Ucas.

  13. Psychology Masters Personal Statement Sample

    This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Psychology. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement. The effects of psychological trauma can be diffuse and difficult to treat, with wide-ranging causes and an unfortunate range of symptoms. Having witnessed first-hand the consequences ...

  14. How To Write A Personal Statement For Psychology

    Tips for writing your psychology personal statement 1. Start Early. Writing a psychology personal statement is a time-consuming process if the writing is not your "thing", so it's essential to start early. This will allow you to brainstorm ideas, gather materials, and revise your statement multiple times before submitting it. 2.

  15. Psychology Personal Statement

    Our Oxbridge tutors have first-hand knowledge of writing personal statements for a wide range of programmes, including Oxbridge Psychology. They can assist you in writing a powerful and successful Cambridge Psychology and Oxford Psychology personal statement, ensuring that you include key elements and write in the appropriate tone. GET STARTED.

  16. Exemplar Psychology Personal Statement with annotations from ...

    Discover expert advice from successful Oxbridge applicants to write a flawless personal statement. Learn effective techniques to incorporate Psychology seamlessly. Master concise, persuasive writing and enhance time management skills. Increase your chances of securing a place at Oxford or Cambridge.

  17. Successful Personal Statement For Psychology At Oxford

    We have developed an 80-page E-Book filled with expert Personal Statement Advice. Inside, you'll find guides on planning and writing your personal statement, as well as our full collection of 25+ Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. Download our FREE 80-page. Personal Statement starter guide.

  18. Psychology Personal Statement Examples

    Psychology Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare. London (Greater) · 88% Recommended. Explore Ravensbourne University London. North West England · 97% Recommended. Explore University of Chester. East Midlands Region · 93% Recommended. Explore University of Leicester.

  19. Psychology Personal Statement Example 2

    This personal statement was written by zoffyfi for application in 2013. zoffyfi's university choices University of St Andrews Cambridge University. Green: offer made Red: no offer made. zoffyfi's Comments. I got an offer from all of the 5 universities I applied to, but I'm not sure if it's thanks to the personal statement or my grades.

  20. Cambridge Psychology Interview Tutoring

    Oxbridge Interview Tutoring. 1. Following the successful submission of an application, the student is paired with a Cambridge Psychology Interview tutor who is an expert in their field. 2. Your Cambridge Psychology Interview tutor will assist you in developing a personal study schedule for the interview during your first lesson. 3.

  21. Successful Personal Statement For Philosophy At Cambridge

    Oxbridge Psychology 24/25 Entry; Oxbridge English 24/25 Entry; Oxford Human Sciences 24/25 Entry; Oxbridge History 24/25 Entry; ... Read through a successful Philosophy Personal Statement for Cambridge with a full analysis by Oxbridge Tutors. Find out why the Personal Statement helped the candidate to receive a Cambridge offer.

  22. Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements

    Successful Oxbridge Personal Statements. Your Personal Statement is the first demonstration of your character that the admissions teams at Oxford and Cambridge will see. Your perfect Personal Statement can only be written by yourself as it has to convey exactly who you are, why you want to study at Oxbridge and why you deserve to be there.

  23. Psychology Personal Statement Example (Oxbridge)

    For example, every time I smiled one of them burst out laughing. Thanks to that I also knew when they were hungry, because then they opened their mouth. This experience taught me to be even more patient and responsible. As for my other interests, in my free time I really enjoy the music of Chopin, and film music.