r assignment pipe

Assignment pipe

Pipe an object forward into a function or call expression and update the lhs object with the resulting value.

An object which serves both as the initial value and as target.

a function call using the magrittr semantics.

The assignment pipe, %<>% , is used to update a value by first piping it into one or more rhs expressions, and then assigning the result. For example, some_object %<>% foo %>% bar is equivalent to some_object <- some_object %>% foo %>% bar . It must be the first pipe-operator in a chain, but otherwise it works like %>% .

%>% , %T>% , %$%

The case for a pipe assignment operator in R

David Hugh-Jones

Assignment in R

Here are two key facts about R:

  • R is pass by value ;
  • R has complex, expressive idioms for assigning to subsets.

Pass by value means that you can almost never change an object like this:

That just gives the function a copy of obj ; the original obj will be unchanged. Instead, you write:

Complex subsetting means that not just simple objects can be on the left hand side of assigments. You can also write:

This replaces the rows where condition is TRUE and the columns specified in cols . And there are lvalue functions too:

Combining these can lead to expressive, but complex, transformations:

The duplication here makes the code hard to read, and easy to break, for example by updating the subset index on the left hand side and forgetting to do the same on the right. You might prefer to break this down for legibility:

The pipe operator

R 4.1.0 introduced the native pipe operator. A simple syntax transformation converts

The x on the left enters the function on the right, as its first argument.

In terms of language capabilities, this was a no-op: R didn’t gain the ability to do anything it couldn’t already do. But by putting the subject of the code first, and operations done to it in order, the pipe can make R code much more expressive:

Pipe assignment

I’d like to propose a new pipe assignment operator for R. The pipe assignment operator would convert:

Equivalently, obj <|> do_something() can be read as obj <- obj |> do_something() .

Having this operator would make code simpler and more expressive, and reduce bugs. For example, the complex assignments above could be rewritten:

The new versions are easier to read: you only need to parse one complex expression, instead of two. And they are harder to break, because the left and right hand sides don’t need to be kept in sync.

Some evidence

How useful would pipe assignment be? I used a newly-created database of R code to look for assignments. The tables below show statistics from about 26,000 code snippets, from GitHub repositories, StackOverflow questions and R package examples ( code ). I counted what proportion of assignments were pipeable , i.e. of the form a <- foo(a, ...) . I also counted how many were complex , i.e. like a$blah <- foo(a$blah, ...) or a[subset] <- foo(a[subset], ...) .

About 4-10% of all assignments could be simplified using an assignment pipe. That is a big potential gain, because assignment is probably the single most common operation in R code. The GitHub data contains about 9000 uses of <- , of which about 900 could be simplified. For comparison, it contains about 740 uses of the function median . Even in the R examples, which are meant to be concise, 4% of assignments were of the form x <- foo(x) .

A smaller proportion of assignments are both pipeable and complex. Here are some standout cases of long, complex assignments:

Got that 😉? Note that the last expression could be rewritten as

It could be done even more simply if the pipe assignment operator had a way to pass the left hand side into multiple places. (And if there were a nice way to write anonymous function calls in R - but that’s another topic.)

StackOverflow questioners might not be good at writing simple code. What about Github? Here’s some examples:

I’m not saying duplicated variables are the only problems of this code. But duplicated variables certainly are not helping.

But even experienced R coders could benefit from this idiom. Here’s more GitHub examples, with some famous names:

Lastly, here’s some example code from R packages:

Remember, examples are meant to be short and clear!

In all of these cases, I think <|> could make the code clearer, less repetitive and more readable.

Avoiding hacks

Another advantage of an assignment pipe is that it obviates the need for hacks to get round it. One example, arguably, is dplyr’s mutate() function. Don’t get me wrong, I love dplyr and it really changed R data manipulation for the better. But one of its advantages is just that:

is easier to read than

And while mutate itself is powerful, it can only deal with one column at a time. When you want to change multiple columns, you have to use across , which looks like this:

I’m not a fan of across , I think it’s complex to read and understand (in fact, I got it wrong in the first version of the code above). But the key point is that it is a workaround for:

Implementing it

If it’s such a good idea, why don’t I submit a patch?

Simply, I can’t code C, certainly not well enough to deal with the R source.

Update : but in the spirit of laziness, impatience and hubris, here is a patch and see this commit on github . Output:

I believe that the assignment pipe could be implemented relatively simply, like the original native pipe |> , as a syntax transformation.

So, I’m hoping that R Core will consider this possibility.

Meanwhile, R users can always import the magrittr package’s %<>% operator, which does what I’m calling for:

The magrittr %<>% is not implemented at R source level, which makes it relatively slow and complex. I think the advantage of <|> is just the same as the advantage of |> versus %>% : it can be native and fast.

If you have comments or thoughts, drop me a line. I’m @davidhughjones on X, or davidhughjones on gmail.

Merry Christmas/Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year!

  • Introduction
  • 1.1. First example
  • 1.2. Design principles
  • 2.1. Pipe to first-argument
  • 2.2. Pipe to dot
  • 2.3. Pipe by formula
  • 2.4. Pipe for side effect
  • 2.5. Pipe with assignment
  • 2.6. Extract element
  • 3.1. Pipe to first-argument
  • 3.2. Dot function
  • 3.3. Subsetting
  • 4.1. Argument-based pipeline
  • 4.2. Expression-based pipeline
  • Published with GitBook

pipeR Tutorial

Pipe with assignment.

Previously, we covered side effect piping, that is, if an enclosed expression that follows %>>% starts with ~ , it tells the operator to evaluate the expression only for its side effect.

Functions having side effects can be categorized into several types. We have shown side effects such as printing ( print() objects), message ( cat() , message() ), and graphics ( plot() ).

In addition to printing and plotting, one may need to save an intermediate value to the environment by assigning it to a variable (or symbol). Perhaps assignment is the most important side effect among all. Just imagine a version of R in which we cannot assign.

Therefore, assignment as a side effect deserves a set of syntax to be made easier. If one needs to assign the value to a symbol, just insert a step like (~ symbol) , then the input value of that step will be assigned to symbol in the current environment.

This syntax is probably the simplest case for an side effect. Since evaluating a symbol for side effect rarely makes sense, it is instead interpreted as assigning input value to the given symbol.

Then we can inspect the environment and see what is in it.

These two variables are exactly the intermediate results we wanted to save to the environment.

However, sometimes we don't want to directly save the input value but the value after some transformation. Then we can use = to specify a lambda expression to tell what to be saved. In pipeR v0.5, <- and more natural -> are allowed in assignment too, which may make the code more readable.

Then we can notice that summ is saved to the environment.

Like side effect expression can be a lambda expression, so can the expression being assigned following = .

Note that the all above assignment operations works purely as side effect, they do not influence the value being piped. In other words, if these lines are removed, the input value will continue piping but without being assigned to given symbol.

What if one really wants the result not only to be assigned to a symbol but also to continue the flow to the next expression?

Two methods meet the demand:

  • Use (~ symbol) after the expression for assignment.
  • Use (symbol = expression) to assign the value of expression to symbol .

Note that the second method is fresh here but it should look natural because it can be easily distinguished from (~ symbol = expression) which is only for side effect.

To verify the assignment, evaluate model .

In pipeR v0.5, the assignment operators are enabled for their job. Note that the merit of a pipeline is its readability, a contributing factor is that the functions in each step are immediately visible so that one can easily figure out what the code does. The = syntax for assignment, to some extent, weakens the readability of the code because the functions are put behind, which, by contrast, does not happen with -> used for assignment.

The (~ expression -> symbol) and (~ symbol <- expression) syntax work for side-effect assignment, and (expression -> symbol) and (symbol <- assignment) work for piping with assignment.

In addition to all above examples, the assignment feature is more powerful than has been demonstrated. The assignment operators = , <- and -> even support subset and element assignment. For example,

Then we can print the results and see the values in it.

The similar code works with -> or <- too, which can be more natural and less disturbing in pipeline.

Print results and show the values in it.

More than simply assigning values to symbols, the expression can also be setting names and others.

Now the names of numbers become the randomly sampled letters.

An Introduction to Data Analysis

When we use a functional style of programming, piping is your best friend. Consider the standard example of applying functions in what linguists would call “center-embedding”. We start with the input (written inside the inner-most bracketing), then apply the first function round , then the second mean , writing each next function call “around” the previous.

Things quickly get out of hand when more commands are nested. A common practice is to store intermediate results of computations in new variables which are only used to pass the result into the next step.

Piping lets you pass the result of a previous function call into the next. The magrittr package supplies a special infix operator %>% for piping. 12 The pipe %>% essentially takes what results from evaluating the expression on its left-hand side and inputs it as the first argument in the function on its right-hand side. So x %>% f is equivalent to f(x) . Or, to continue the example from above, we can now write:

The functions defined as part of the tidyverse are all constructed in such a way that the first argument is the most likely input you would like to pipe into them. But if you want to pipe the left-hand side into another argument slot than the first, you can do that by using the . notation to mark the slot where the left-hand side should be piped into: y %>% f(x, .) is equivalent to f(x, y) .

Exercise 2.14

A friendly colleague has sent reaction time data in a weird format:

Starting with that vector, use a chain of pipes to: extract the numeric information from the string, cast the information into a vector of type numeric , take the log, take the mean, round to 2 significant digits. ( Hint: to get the numeric information use stringr::str_sub , which works in this case because the numeric information starts after the exact same number of characters.)

2.5.1 Excursion: More on pipes in R

When you load the tidyverse package the pipe operator %>% is automatically imported from the magrittr package, but not the whole magrittr package. But the magrittr package has three more useful pipe operators, which are only available if you also explicitly load the magrittr package.

The tree pipe %T>% from the magrittr package passes over to its RHS whatever it was fed on the LHS, thus omitting the output of the current command in the piping chain. This is particularly useful for printing or plotting intermediate results:

The exposition pipe %$% from the magrittr package is like the base pipe %>% but makes the names (e.g., columns in a data frame) in the LHS available on the RHS, even when the function on the RHS normally does not allow for this. So, this does not work with the normal pipe:

But it works with the exposition pipe:

Finally, the assignment pipe %<>% from the magrittr package pipes the LHS into a chain of computations, as usual, but then assigns the final value back to the LHS.

Base R has introduced a native pipe operator |> in version 4.1.0. It differs slightly from the magrittr version, e.g., in that it requires function brackets:

You can read more about the history of the pipe in R in this blog post .

2.5.2 Excursion: Multiple assignments, or “unpacking”

The zeallot package can be additionally loaded to obtain a “multiple assignment” operator %<-% which looks like a pipe, but isn’t.

It allows for several variables to be instantiated at the same time:

This is particularly helpful for functions that return several outputs in a list or vector:

The pipe symbol %>% can be inserted in RStudio with Ctrl+Shift+M (Win/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+M (Mac). ↩︎


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Awesome Ways To Use The Pipe Operator in R ( %>% package)

One need that often comes up in programming is the need to do several sequential operations on the same data. In simple cases, this is not much of a problem, but it can escalate quite quickly. When this happens, the code becomes difficult to read and nearly impossible to follow. The pipe operator in R offers a way to clean this up.

Sequential operations

The first solution you might think of, and with most programming languages it is the only solution, would be to run the operations sequentially using a second variable to preserve the contents of the original variable. In R, this solution looks something like this.

Even at this level following the logic of this code is a little tricky, because while the operations are in a specific order the variables are not. This we get harder with more operations.

Nested operations

One solution that R allows is the nesting of operations. It has the advantage of reducing the number of lines of code and variables needed. It does, however, have the disadvantage of quickly getting unreadable. The more nested operations you have the more complicated and harder to follow the code becomes.

This is just an example of two nested operations and it is already difficult to read.

The need for simplification

What is clearly needed is a better solution to this problem. The solution needs to make the code more readable and easy to follow. This means ensuring, that the code is in an easy-to-read order. Part of the problem is that nested codes required going from right to left and easy reading means reading the code from left to right. So simplifying the code requires making the change to “left to right.”

The pipe operator

Thanks to the magrittr package, R has an excellent solution in the pipe operator. The pipe operator is an R operator in the form of data %>% function1 %>% function2. It performs the same function as nesting operations, but it does so in a straightforward left to right manner. This makes the entire set of code easier to read and follow. It gets rid of the complexities of both sequential and nested operations.

How to install the magrittr package

Installing the magrittr package, it is quite simple with RStudio. In the lower right-hand window, click on the packages tab, bring up the list of available packages. If the magrittr package is not already there, click on install. Simply paste “magrittr” in the text box labeled packages, click install and the program will do the rest. Once magrittr has been installed, it will be included in your list of available packages. Then simply click the checkbox next to it to add it to your project.

How to use the pipe operator in R

Using the pipe operator, it is quite simple. It has a format of data %>% function1 %>% function2. Where the function or data before the “%>%” operator is inserted as the main argument of the function that follows it.

This is how the previous example looks using the pipe operator. It is well named since the data flows right down the pipe of this operator.

Application of the pipe operator

Here is a real-life example of chick weight over time data. This data comes with magrittr so that you can try it yourself. It provides an excellent example of just how much the pipe operator simplifies the code being used.

But at this point you are probably thinking that it is quite long, however, only six lines of it are actual code the rest is print out the data. Using pipes is a great way to tighten up your code; if you need to, you can use a magrittr cheat sheet or magrittr tutorial until you’re comfortable with the syntax.

The pipe operator in R is an extremely useful tool for simplifying code. While it is not a part of the R base packages, magrittr is a recommended add-on not only for the benefits of this code but for the data libraries found within.

magrittr A Forward-Pipe Operator for R

  • Package overview
  • Design tradeoffs
  • Introducing magrittr
  • aliases: Aliases
  • compound: Assignment pipe
  • debug_fseq: Debugging function for functional sequences.
  • debug_pipe: Debugging function for magrittr pipelines.
  • exposition: Exposition pipe
  • faq-pipe-gender: FAQ: What is the gender of the pipe?
  • freduce: Apply a list of functions sequentially
  • fseq: Extract function(s) from a functional sequence.
  • functions: Extract the function list from a functional sequence.
  • magrittr-package: magrittr - Ceci n'est pas un pipe
  • pipe-eager: Eager pipe
  • pipe_eager_lexical: Lazy and eager pipes
  • print.fseq: Print method for functional sequence.
  • tee: Tee pipe
  • Browse all...

compound : Assignment pipe In magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for R

Assignment pipe, description.

Pipe an object forward into a function or call expression and update the lhs object with the resulting value.

The assignment pipe, %<>% , is used to update a value by first piping it into one or more rhs expressions, and then assigning the result. For example, some_object %<>% foo %>% bar is equivalent to some_object <- some_object %>% foo %>% bar . It must be the first pipe-operator in a chain, but otherwise it works like %>% .

%>% , %T>% , %$%

Related to compound in magrittr ...

R package documentation, browse r packages, we want your feedback.

r assignment pipe

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Statistics Made Easy

How to Use the Pipe Operator in R (With Examples)

You can use the pipe operator ( %>% ) in R to “pipe” together a sequence of operations.

This operator is most commonly used with the dplyr package in R to perform a sequence of operations on a data frame.

The basic syntax for the pipe operator is:

The pipe operator simply feeds the results of one operation into the next operation below it.

The advantage of using the pipe operator is that it makes code extremely easy to read.

The following examples show how to use the pipe operator in different scenarios with the built-in mtcars dataset in R.

Example 1: Use Pipe Operator to Summarize One Variable

The following code shows how to use the pipe ( %>% ) operator to group by the cyl variable and then summarize the mean value of the mpg variable:

From the output we can see:

  • The mean mpg value for the cars with a cyl value of 4 is 26.7 .
  • The mean mpg value for the cars with a cyl value of 6 is 19.7 .
  • The mean mpg value for the cars with a cyl value of 8 is 15.1 .

Notice how easy the pipe operator makes it to interpret the code as well.

Essentially, it says:

  • Take the mtcars data frame.
  • Group it by the cyl variable.
  • Then summarize the mean value of the mpg variable.

Example 2: Use Pipe Operator to Group & Summarize Multiple Variables

The following code shows how to use the pipe ( %>% ) operator to group by the cyl and am variables, and then summarize the mean of the mpg variable and the standard deviation of the hp variable:

  • For cars with a cyl value of 4 and am value of 0, the mean mpg value is 22.9 and the standard deviation of the hp value is 19.7 .
  • For cars with a cyl value of 4 and am value of 1, the mean mpg value is 28.1 and the standard deviation of the hp value is 22.7 .

Once again, notice how easy the pipe operator makes it to interpret the code as well.

  • Group it by the cyl and the am variables.
  • Then summarize the mean value of the mpg variable and the standard deviation of the hp variable.

Example 3: Use Pipe Operator to Create New Variables

The following code shows how to use the pipe ( %>% ) operator along with the mutate function from the dplyr package to create two new variables in the mtcars data frame:

  • The new mpg2 column contains the values of the mpg column multiplied by 2.
  • The new mpg_root column contains the square root of the values in the mpg column.
  • Create a new column called mpg2 and a new column called mpg_root .

Related: How to Use the transmute() Function in dplyr

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to use other common functions in R:

How to Use the Tilde Operator (~) in R How to Use Dollar Sign ($) Operator in R How to Use “NOT IN” Operator in R How to Use %in% Operator in R

r assignment pipe

Hey there. My name is Zach Bobbitt. I have a Master of Science degree in Applied Statistics and I’ve worked on machine learning algorithms for professional businesses in both healthcare and retail. I’m passionate about statistics, machine learning, and data visualization and I created Statology to be a resource for both students and teachers alike.  My goal with this site is to help you learn statistics through using simple terms, plenty of real-world examples, and helpful illustrations.

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The tidyverse style guide

4.1 introduction.

Use %>% to emphasise a sequence of actions, rather than the object that the actions are being performed on.

Avoid using the pipe when:

You need to manipulate more than one object at a time. Reserve pipes for a sequence of steps applied to one primary object.

There are meaningful intermediate objects that could be given informative names.

4.2 Whitespace

%>% should always have a space before it, and should usually be followed by a new line. After the first step, each line should be indented by two spaces. This structure makes it easier to add new steps (or rearrange existing steps) and harder to overlook a step.

4.3 Long lines

If the arguments to a function don’t all fit on one line, put each argument on its own line and indent:

4.4 Short pipes

A one-step pipe can stay on one line, but unless you plan to expand it later on, you should consider rewriting it to a regular function call.

Sometimes it’s useful to include a short pipe as an argument to a function in a longer pipe. Carefully consider whether the code is more readable with a short inline pipe (which doesn’t require a lookup elsewhere) or if it’s better to move the code outside the pipe and give it an evocative name.

4.5 No arguments

magrittr allows you to omit () on functions that don’t have arguments. Avoid this feature.

4.6 Assignment

There are three acceptable forms of assignment:

Variable name and assignment on separate lines:

Variable name and assignment on the same line:

Assignment at the end of the pipe with -> :

I think this is the most natural to write, but makes reading a little harder: when the name comes first, it can act as a heading to remind you of the purpose of the pipe.

The magrittr package provides the %<>% operator as a shortcut for modifying an object in place. Avoid this operator.

Assignment pipe


Pipe an object forward into a function or call expression and update the 'lhs' object with the resulting value. Magrittr imported function, see details and examples in the magrittr package.

None, used to update the value of lhs.

The assignment pipe (%<>%) is not found when installing only the tidyverse

According to the magrittr tidyverse page “The easiest way to get magrittr is to install the whole tidyverse” , but the assignment pipe (%<>%) is not found when installing only the tidyverse (1.2.1).

This statement ( “The easiest way to get magrittr is to install the whole tidyverse” ) is misleading and non-consistent with other information from tidyverse.org .

It is not misleading if you are aware of the difference between "installing" and "loading" a package in R (they are not the same).

That’s true.

On the other hand, what is the explanation that the assignment pipe ( %<>% ) is working in some instances without loading the magrittr packages (just the tidyverse )? For example:

I'm not getting your point, tidyverse simply doesn't load magrittr (and the documentation doesn't says that it does), beacuse library(tidyverse) only loads the core tidyverse packages, what is the confusing part?

Please check the previous two examples and concentrate on that part when only the tidyverse is loaded.

In first example the %<>% pipe was not working. But in case of second example ( test_funct() ) the %<>% pipe is working. What is the reason for the different behavior?

Here is the code:

You are right, %<>% is found when used in a pipe flow with %>% , even if magrittr is not directly loaded.

Created on 2019-06-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9000)

I am really not sure why. I would assume that when used in a pipe flow with %>% , the %<>% operator is parsed by %>% operator and understand how to deal with it.


This inconsistent behavior of the pipe operators is contradicting the principle behind the tibbles (and in general the tidyverse): “The whole point of tidy data is to store variables in a consistent way…"

I think, you are right. Let's take a look at AST:

Created on 2019-06-28 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

The way I understand this, when %<>% is called, magrittr namespace is found because %>% is present.

Without %>% AST looks like this:

And namespace is not loaded most likely.

Just in case, using two non-exported functions from magrittr fails as well, so I would put my money on the fact that pipe is re-exported:

EDIT : Actually, this example is more illuminating, I think:

This version fails because when %T>% is called there is no magrittr namespace to look at.

Only ˋ%>%ˋ is reexported. You need to load package magrittr for other operators.

They are evaluated from left to right. That is why pipe is evaluated first, and tee-pipe after that. At the point when tee-pipe is evaluated, there is no magrittr namespace anymore on a search path and it fails. When pipe is evaluated second, tee pipe (or any other pipe from magrittr ) are enclosed in pipe and therefore magrittr namespace is on the search path.

What we can learn from that is re-exported functions do not load namespace into memory or rather it persists only until pipe is evaluated and then goes away.

This topic was automatically closed 21 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.


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Navigating the data pipes: an r programming journey with mario bros..

Posted on April 18, 2024 by Numbers around us in R bloggers | 0 Comments

r assignment pipe

Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom

In the vast and varied landscape of data analysis, navigating through complex datasets and transformation processes can often feel like an adventure through unknown lands. For those who embark on this journey using R, there’s a powerful tool at their disposal, reminiscent of the magical pipes found in the iconic Mushroom Kingdom of the Mario Bros. series: piping.

Just as Mario relies on green pipes to travel quickly and safely across the kingdom, data scientists and analysts use piping in R to streamline their data processing workflows. Piping allows for the output of one function to seamlessly become the input of the next, creating a fluid and understandable sequence of data transformations. This method not only makes our code cleaner and more readable but also transforms the coding process into an adventure, guiding data from its raw state to insightful conclusions.

The concept of piping in R, introduced through packages like magrittr and now embraced in base R with the |> operator, is a game-changer. It simplifies the way we write and think about code, turning complex sequences of functions into a straightforward, linear progression of steps. Imagine, if you will, entering a green pipe with your raw data in hand, hopping from one transformation to the next, and emerging with insights as clear and vibrant as the flag at the end of a Mario level.

In this journey, we’ll explore the tools and techniques that make such transformations possible, delve into the power-ups that enhance our piping strategies, and learn how to navigate the challenges and obstacles that arise along the way. So, let’s jump into that first green pipe and start our adventure through the data pipes of R programming.

Jumping Into the Green Pipe

Entering the world of r piping.

In the world of R programming, the journey through data analysis often begins with raw, unstructured data. Just as Mario stands at the entrance of a green pipe, pondering the adventures that lie ahead, so do we stand at the precipice of our data analysis journey, ready to transform our data into insightful conclusions. The tool that enables this seamless journey is known as piping. Piping, in R, is symbolized by operators such as %>% from the magrittr package and the native |> introduced in R version 4.1.0.

The Basics of Pipe Travel

To understand the power of piping, let’s start with a simple example using R’s built-in mtcars dataset. Imagine you want to calculate the average miles per gallon (MPG) for cars with different numbers of cylinders.

Without piping, the code might look fragmented and harder to read:

However, with the magic of the %>% pipe, our code transforms into a clear and linear sequence:

This sequence of operations, akin to Mario hopping from one platform to the next, is not only more readable but also easier to modify and debug.

Level Up: Exploring the magrittr and Base R Pipes

While the %>% operator from the magrittr package has been widely celebrated for its clarity and functionality, the introduction of the native |> pipe in base R offers a streamlined alternative. Let's compare how each can be used to achieve similar outcomes:

  • Using magrittr’s %>%:
  • Using base R’s  |>:

Each pipe has its context and advantages, and understanding both allows us to choose the best tool for our coding journey.

The Power-Ups: Enhancing Your Journey

In the Mario Bros. universe, power-ups like mushrooms, fire flowers, and super stars provide Mario with the extra abilities he needs to navigate through the Mushroom Kingdom. Similarly, in the world of R programming, there are “power-ups” that enhance the functionality of our pipes, making our data analysis journey smoother and more efficient.

Magrittr’s Magic Mushrooms: Additional Features

The magrittr package doesn't just stop at the %>% pipe operator; it offers several other functionalities that can significantly power up your data manipulation game. These include the compound assignment pipe operator %<>%, which allows you to update a dataset in place, and the tee operator %T>%, which lets you branch out the pipeline for side operations. Think of these as the Super Mushrooms and Fire Flowers of your R scripting world, empowering you to tackle bigger challenges with ease.

  • Example of  %<>%:

r assignment pipe

  • Example of  %T>%:

The Fire Flower: Filtering and Selecting Data

Just as the Fire Flower gives Mario the ability to throw fireballs, the dplyr package (which integrates seamlessly with magrittr’s piping) equips us with powerful functions like filter() and select(). These functions allow us to narrow down our data to the most relevant pieces, throwing away what we don't need and keeping what's most useful.

  • Filtering data:

This process of filtering and selecting is like navigating through a level with precision, avoiding obstacles and focusing on the goal.

Side Quest: Joining Data Frames

Our data analysis journey often requires us to merge different data sources, akin to Mario teaming up with Luigi or Princess Peach. The dplyr package provides several functions for this purpose, such as inner_join(), left_join(), and more, allowing us to bring together disparate data sets into a unified whole.

Boss Level: Grouped Operations

Finally, much like facing a boss in a Mario game, grouped operations in R require a bit of strategy. Using the group_by() function from dplyr, we can perform operations on our data grouped by certain criteria, effectively handling what could otherwise be a daunting task.

Avoiding Goombas: Debugging Your Pipe

In the realms of the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario encounters various obstacles, from Goombas to Koopa Troopas, each requiring a unique strategy to overcome. Similarly, as we navigate through our data analysis pipeline in R, we’re bound to run into issues — our own version of Goombas and Koopas — that can disrupt our journey. Debugging becomes an essential skill, allowing us to identify and address these challenges without losing our progress.

Spotting and Squashing Bugs

Just as Mario needs to stay vigilant to spot Goombas on his path, we need to be observant of the potential errors in our pipeline. Errors can arise from various sources: incorrect data types, unexpected missing values, or simply syntax errors. To spot these issues, it’s crucial to test each segment of our pipeline independently, ensuring that each step produces the expected output.

Consider using the print() or View() functions strategically to inspect the data at various stages of your pipeline. This approach is akin to Mario checking his surroundings carefully before making his next move.

The ViewPipeSteps Tool: Your Map Through the Mushroom Kingdom

The ViewPipeSteps package acts like a map through the Mushroom Kingdom, providing visibility into each step of our journey. By allowing us to view the output at each stage of our pipeline, it helps us identify exactly where things might be going wrong.

To use ViewPipeSteps, you'd typically wrap your pipeline within the print_pipe_steps() function, which then executes each step interactively, printing the results so you can inspect the data at each point.

In this example, print_pipe_steps() would allow us to see the dataset after filtering and then again after selecting specific columns, helping us spot any issues at each stage.

You can also use another feature of this package, its addin. You just need to select pipe you want to check, find and click addin’s function “View Pipe Chain Steps” and voila!

r assignment pipe

Navigating Complex Pipes: When to Use Warp Pipes

Sometimes, our data processing tasks are so complex that they feel like navigating through Bowser’s Castle. In these situations, breaking down our pipeline into smaller, manageable segments can be incredibly helpful. This approach is similar to finding secret Warp Pipes in Mario that allow you to bypass difficult levels, making the journey less daunting.

For instance, if a particular transformation is complicated, consider isolating it into its own script or function. Test it thoroughly until you’re confident it works as expected, then integrate it back into your main pipeline. This method ensures that each part of your pipeline is robust and less prone to errors.

Bowser’s Castle: Tackling Complex Data Challenges

As we near the end of our journey in the Mushroom Kingdom of R programming, we face the ultimate test of our skills: Bowser’s Castle. This chapter represents the complex data challenges that often seem as daunting as the fire-breathing dragon himself. However, just as Mario uses his skills, power-ups, and a bit of strategy to rescue Princess Peach, we’ll employ advanced piping techniques, performance considerations, and the power of collaboration to conquer these challenges.

Advanced Piping Techniques

To navigate through Bowser’s Castle, Mario must leverage every skill and power-up acquired throughout his journey. Similarly, tackling complex data tasks requires a sophisticated understanding of piping and the ability to combine various R functions and packages seamlessly.

  • Using purrr for Functional Programming :

One way to enhance our piping strategies is by integrating the purrr package, which allows for functional programming. This approach can be particularly powerful when dealing with lists or performing operations on multiple columns or datasets simultaneously.

This example splits the mtcars dataset by cylinder count and then applies a summarization function to each subset, showcasing how purrr can work in tandem with dplyr and piping to handle complex data operations.

Boss Battle: Performance Considerations

In every final boss battle, efficiency is key. The same goes for our R scripts when facing large datasets or complex transformations. Here, the choice of tools and techniques can significantly impact performance.

  • Vectorization Over Loops : Whenever possible, use vectorized operations, which are typically faster and more efficient than loops.
  • data.table for Large Data and dtplyr as a Secret Power-Up : The data.table package is renowned for its speed and efficiency with large datasets. But what if you could harness data.table's power with dplyr's syntax? Enter dtplyr, a bridge between these two worlds, allowing you to write dplyr code that is automatically translated into data.table operations behind the scenes. To use dtplyr, you'll wrap your data.table in lazy_dt(), then proceed with dplyr operations as usual. The dtplyr package will translate these into data.table operations, maintaining the speed advantage without sacrificing the readability and familiarity of dplyr syntax.

This approach can significantly reduce computation time, akin to finding a secret shortcut in Bowser’s Castle.

The Final Power-Up: Collaboration and Community

Mario rarely faces Bowser alone; he often has allies. In the world of data science and R programming, collaboration and community are equally valuable. Platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and RStudio Community are akin to Mario’s allies, offering support, advice, and shared resources.

Sharing your code, seeking feedback, and collaborating on projects can enhance your skills, broaden your understanding, and help you tackle challenges that might initially seem insurmountable.

Lowering the Flag on Our Adventure

As our journey through the Mushroom Kingdom of R programming comes to a close, we lower the flag, signaling the end of a thrilling adventure. Along the way, we’ve navigated through green pipes of piping with %>% and |>, powered up our data transformation skills with dplyr and purrr, and avoided the Goombas of bugs with strategic debugging and the ViewPipeSteps tool. We've collected coins of insights through data visualization and summarization, tackled the complex challenges of Bowser's Castle with data.table and dtplyr, and recognized the power of collaboration and community in our quest for data analysis mastery.

Our expedition has shown us that, with the right tools and a bit of ingenuity, even the most daunting datasets can be transformed into valuable insights, much like Mario’s quest to rescue Princess Peach time and again proves that persistence, courage, and a few power-ups can overcome any obstacle.

But every end in the Mushroom Kingdom is merely the beginning of a new adventure. The skills and techniques we’ve acquired are not just for one-time use; they are the foundation upon which we’ll build our future data analysis projects. The world of R programming is vast and ever-evolving, filled with new packages to explore, techniques to master, and data challenges to conquer.

So, as we bid farewell to the Mushroom Kingdom for now, remember that in the world of data science, every question answered and every challenge overcome leads to new adventures. Keep exploring, keep learning, and above all, keep enjoying the journey.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. May your path through the world of R programming be as exciting and rewarding as a quest in the Mushroom Kingdom. Until our next adventure!

r assignment pipe

Navigating the Data Pipes: An R Programming Journey with Mario Bros. was originally published in Numbers around us on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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  1. Pipe in R with Examples

    r assignment pipe

  2. The Pipe-Operator

    r assignment pipe

  3. Using Pipe (%>%) Operator to Simplify Your Code in R Programming

    r assignment pipe

  4. R Video 24: How to use "pipe" operator in R

    r assignment pipe

  5. Pipes in R Tutorial For Beginners

    r assignment pipe

  6. Lesson R-10: The Pipe Operator in R

    r assignment pipe


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  1. Assignment pipe

    The assignment pipe, %<>%, is used to update a value by first piping it into one or more rhs expressions, and then assigning the result. For example, some_object %<>% foo %>% bar is equivalent to some_object <- some_object %>% foo %>% bar. It must be the first pipe-operator in a chain, but otherwise it works like %>%. See also %>%, %T>%, %$%

  2. How do you end a pipe with an assignment operator?

    Why isn't the magrittr %<>% assignment pipe working with R's native pipe (|>) Hot Network Questions Finding a nilpotent, infinite, f.g., virtually abelian, irreducible integer matrix group Safely grounding 120V AC device Bag of Devouring Rules (Strength over Athletics) ...

  3. The Four Pipes of magrittr

    The Assignment Pipe (% >%) This one is fairly simple: it just reassigns the result of the pipe chain to the starting variable. > x <- c(1,2,3,4) > x %<>% sum > x [1] 10. Note that this only seems to work for sure it's the first operator in the sequence. (There may be trickier cases, but I didn't really investigate them.)

  4. Pipes in R Tutorial For Beginners

    Updated Dec 2022 · 25 min read You might have already seen or used the pipe operator when you're working with packages such as dplyr, magrittr ,... But do you know where pipes and the famous %>% operator come from, what they exactly are, or how, when and why you should use them? Can you also come up with some alternatives?

  5. Understanding the native R pipe |>

    ), the {magrittr} pipe %>% is an infix operator that pipes (moves) what is written on the left-hand side (LHS) of the pipe into the first argument of the function on the right-hand side (RHS) of the pipe. Since R is prone to expressions with many nested parentheses, piping allows one to reason about code from left to right (as when writing in ...

  6. R: Assignment pipe

    Assignment pipe Description. Pipe an object forward into a function or call expression and update the lhs object with the resulting value. Usage lhs %<>% rhs Arguments. lhs: An object which serves both as the initial value and as target. rhs: a function call using the magrittr semantics.

  7. The case for a pipe assignment operator in R

    Assignment in R Here are two key facts about R: R is pass by value; R has complex, expressive idioms for assigning to subsets. Pass by value means that you can almost never change an object like this: do_something(obj) That just gives the function a copy of obj; the original obj will be unchanged. Instead, you write: obj <- do_something(obj)

  8. Pipe with assignment

    Pipe with assignment. Previously, we covered side effect piping, that is, if an enclosed expression that follows %>>% starts with ~, it tells the operator to evaluate the expression only for its side effect. Functions having side effects can be categorized into several types. We have shown side effects such as printing ( print () objects ...

  9. Pipes in R Tutorial For Beginners

    This tutorial will give you an introduction to pipes in R and will cover the following topics: Pipe Operator in R: Introduction Short History of the Pipe Operator in R What Is It? Why Use It? Additional Pipes How To Use Pipes in R Basic Piping Argument Placeholder Re-using Placeholder for Attributes Building Unary Functions

  10. 2.5 Piping

    2.5.1 Excursion: More on pipes in R. When you load the tidyverse package the pipe operator %>% is automatically imported from the magrittr package, ... Finally, the assignment pipe %<>% from the magrittr package pipes the LHS into a chain of computations, as usual, but then assigns the final value back to the LHS. x <-c ...

  11. Awesome Ways To Use The Pipe Operator in R ( %>% package)

    # pipe operator in R - example (assignment pipe r) > a = 3.14159 > a %>% seq(10,3) %>% round(3) [1] 3.142 6.142 9.142. This is how the previous example looks using the pipe operator. It is well named since the data flows right down the pipe of this operator. Application of the pipe operator. Here is a real-life example of chick weight over time ...

  12. compound: Assignment pipe in magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for R

    The assignment pipe, %<>%, is used to update a value by first piping it into one or more rhs expressions, and then assigning the result. For example, some_object %<>% foo %>% bar is equivalent to some_object <- some_object %>% foo %>% bar. It must be the first pipe-operator in a chain, but otherwise it works like %>% . See Also %>%, %T>%, %$%

  13. How to Use the Pipe Operator in R (With Examples)

    The pipe operator simply feeds the results of one operation into the next operation below it. The advantage of using the pipe operator is that it makes code extremely easy to read. The following examples show how to use the pipe operator in different scenarios with the built-in mtcars dataset in R.

  14. 4 Pipes

    There are three acceptable forms of assignment: Variable name and assignment on separate lines: iris_long <- iris %>% gather(measure, value, -Species) %>% arrange(-value) Variable name and assignment on the same line: iris_long <- iris %>% gather(measure, value, -Species) %>% arrange(-value) Assignment at the end of the pipe with ->:

  15. The new R pipe

    R 4.1.0 is out! And if version 4.0.0 made history with the revolutionary change of stringAsFactors = FALSE, the big splashing news in this next version is the implementation of a native pipe. The new pipe The "pipe" is one of the most distinctive qualities of tidyverse/dplyr code.

  16. R: Assignment pipe

    Assignment pipe Description. Pipe an object forward into a function or call expression and update the 'lhs' object with the resulting value. Magrittr imported function, see details and examples in the magrittr package. Arguments. lhs: An object which serves both as the initial value and as target. rhs:

  17. The assignment pipe (%<>%) is not found when installing only the

    That is why pipe is evaluated first, and tee-pipe after that. At the point when tee-pipe is evaluated, there is no magrittr namespace anymore on a search path and it fails. When pipe is evaluated second, tee pipe (or any other pipe from magrittr) are enclosed in pipe and therefore magrittr namespace is on the search path.

  18. keyboard shortcut for assignment pipe (%<>%) in RStudio?

    keyboard shortcut for assignment pipe (%<>%) in RStudio? Asked 2 years, 10 months ago Modified 2 years, 1 month ago Viewed 756 times Part of R Language Collective 2 Does the assignment pipe %<>% from magrittr package have a keyboard shortcut in RStudio? If not, how can I add it? rstudio asked Jun 5, 2021 at 6:21 Malvika 61 6

  19. 6 Life-Altering RStudio Keyboard Shortcuts

    This article is part of a R-Tips Weekly, a weekly video tutorial that shows you step-by-step how to do common R coding tasks. ... You can easily add the Pipe %>% in any spot you'd like! Perfect for data wrangling with dplyr. 3: Insert The Assignment Operator [Alt + -] My code has tons of assignment operators. This is a simple, ...

  20. r

    3 Answers Sorted by: 64 It's the same shortcut. If you install the latest version of the IDE, and go to the Global Options window, select "Code" and you'll see an option for "use native pipe operator, |>". Select that for the shortcut to take effect. answered Aug 5, 2021 at 14:24 Phil 7,857 3 37 73 5

  21. Navigating the Data Pipes: An R Programming Journey with Mario Bros

    Welcome to the Mushroom KingdomIn the vast and varied landscape of data analysis, navigating through complex datasets and transformation processes can often feel like an adventure through unknown lands. For those who embark on this journey using R, there's a powerful tool at their disposal, reminiscent of the magical pipes found in the iconic Mushroom Kingdom of the Mario Bros. series ...