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How to Write a Good Essay in a Short Amount of Time

Last Updated: March 7, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 16 testimonials and 80% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 899,940 times.

Sometimes, you need to be able to write a good essay in a short amount of time for a timed exam, such as the Advanced Placement exams in high school. At other times, you might find yourself in the uncomfortable situation of having to write an essay fast because you procrastinated or let it sneak up on you. Although an essay written at the last minute will almost never be as good as an essay you spent more time on, putting together a decent essay quickly is still feasible. With a little planning and a lot of hard work, you can write an essay that’s good (or good enough!) in just a short time.

Doing the Prep Work for Your Essay

Step 1 Develop a plan.

  • Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses when devising your plan. [1] X Research source For example, if you are a good researcher but not great at editing, spend less time on the research section in favor of spending more time on the revising section.
  • Make sure to schedule breaks for yourself to refresh your brain and recharge yourself.
  • An example of a plan for a one-day essay writing project might look like this:
  • 8:00 – 9:30 – Consider an essay question and argument for the topic.
  • 9:30 – 9:45 – Take a short break.
  • 10:00 – 12:00 – Conduct research.
  • 12:00 – 13:00 – Outline the essay.
  • 13:00 – 14:00 – Take a lunch break.
  • 14:00 – 19:00 – Write your essay.
  • 19:00 – 20:00 – Take a dinner break.
  • 20:00 – 22:30 – Revise and copy edit your essay.
  • 22:30 – 23:00 – Print and prepare your essay submission. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Consider the essay question.

  • Make sure you understand what the question is asking for! If you provide a summary when the essay prompt asked you to “analyze,” you’re unlikely to do very well.
  • If you don’t have an essay topic, choose a subject that interests you and consider the essay question afterward. You are more likely to write a good essay on a topic that you’re interested in.

Step 3 Develop your argument or thesis statement.

  • If you don’t have much experience with your topic, it might be difficult to develop an argument. You can still consider your argument and then use your research to support or refute the claims you want to make.
  • A good exercise to help you quickly figure out your essay question and argument is to write “I am studying (choose a topic) because I want to know (what do you want to know) in order to show (this is where your argument goes).”
  • For example, “I am studying the medieval witch trials because I want to know how lawyers employed evidence in their cases in order to show that the trial process influenced modern medical techniques and legal practices.”
  • Consider counter-arguments in order to strengthen your essay.

Step 4 Research your essay topic.

  • Since you don’t have a lot of time to write, focus on one or two places where you can do research. For example, the library and internet offer many different options for sources. [5] X Research source
  • Just make sure that you use reliable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, government and university websites, and newspapers and magazines written by professionals. Don’t use personal blogs, obviously biased sources, or sources that don’t have professional credentials.
  • You can draw upon information you know to speed up the research process. Simply find a (reliable!) source to support it and include it in your sources. [6] X Research source
  • Doing preliminary research online can point you to sources in a library such as books and journal articles. It can also point you in the direction of web sources including newspaper article archives or other research on your topic.
  • If you're reading books, "gut" the book to get through it quickly and move on to other sources. To "gut" a book, skim the introduction and conclusion to find the main arguments, and then pick a few details from the body of the book to use as evidence. [7] X Research source
  • Take notes on your research sources. These will show that you’ve legitimately researched the topic while giving credit to the person who forwarded the idea. [8] X Research source This is especially important if you plan to use direct quotes and will also help you add footnotes and bibliographic information to your essay without having to look them up in the sources.

Step 5 Write an outline of your essay.

  • Structure your outline as you will your essay, with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • The more detail you put into your outline, the easier and more quickly you can write the essay. For example, instead of just writing a basic paragraph about the body, flesh it out into bullet points or sentences that presents argument and supporting evidence. [10] X Research source

Writing an Untimed Essay

Step 1 Set a fixed amount of time to write.

  • Nothing will keep you from finishing an essay on time like goofing off online or ending up watching eight straight hours of Cartoon Network. Turn the TV off, switch your phone to silent, and exit out of Facebook and other social media/chat sites.
  • Make sure you have all your material nearby when you start to write. Getting up to fetch a book or a piece of paper or a snack will eat into your precious time.

Step 2 Write a catchy...

  • The most important part of your introduction is your argument or thesis statement. This tells the reader the point your trying to make in the essay. [13] X Research source
  • Write a “hook” that will grab the reader’s attention to start, then introduce the argument with a few relevant facts woven into the narrative. End by stating how you will demonstrate your points. [14] X Research source
  • An example of a hook could be, “People say Napoleon had a complex because of his size, but he was actually an average height for the time in which he lived.”
  • It's sometimes helpful to write the introduction after you have written the body so you know how to introduce the topic and your arguments best. [15] X Research source
  • A good rule of thumb is to not have the introduction be more the 10% of your essay. Thus, for a five page essay, you shouldn’t write more than one paragraph. [16] X Research source

Step 3 Write the body of the essay.

  • Pick two to three main points to help make your argument or thesis statement. Any fewer and you won’t have enough evidence for your argument and any more may make you not explore each point thoroughly enough. [18] X Research source
  • Keep your evidence to support the main points concise. Going off on explanatory tangents will cost you precious time.
  • Support your main points with the evidence compiled during your research. Make sure to explain how the evidence supports your claims! [19] X Research source
  • If haven’t reached your word limit, pick a main point and conduct more research on it to expand on your point. [20] X Research source

Step 4 Write as clearly as possible.

  • Avoid "fat" language when you write. Text that includes long prepositional phrases, passive verbs, and paragraphs that don't further your argument waste time that you could spend writing or revising your essay.

Step 5 Allow yourself to “free-write” to optimize your time.

  • Free-writing can also help you overcome writer’s block that results from not knowing how to say something. If you’re struggling with getting the wording of an idea just right, write it as well as you can and come back to it later.

Step 6 Write the essay conclusion.

  • The essay conclusion should also be relatively short. Aim for the conclusion to be 5-10% of your essay’s total length.
  • Aim to do more in your conclusion than just restate your thesis and the evidence you used. You could acknowledge the limitations of your argument, suggest a direction for future research, or expand the relevance of your topic to a wider field.
  • Just as you drew in reader with good introduction, end your conclusion with a sentence that make a lasting impression on your reader. [24] X Research source

Step 7 Revise and proofread your essay.

  • Re-read the entire essay. Make sure that you are still arguing the same thing at the end of the essay that you are at the beginning. If not, go back and adjust your thesis.
  • Make sure that your paragraphs build on one another and don’t feel haphazard. You can use transitions and strong topic sentences to help you draw connections between your paragraphs.
  • Spelling and grammar are the easiest mistakes to revise, but they cost you a lot of reader goodwill if you don’t fix them. [25] X Research source

Writing a Timed Essay

Step 1 Plan your work.

  • Read the prompt carefully! If the question asks you to take a position, take one. If it asks you to evaluate the events that led to the downfall of Rome, don’t just give a summary of Roman history. [26] X Research source
  • Jot down an idea map. You probably won’t have time to make a formal outline. However, having an idea of the main points that you want to touch on and how they relate will help you structure the essay. If you can’t figure out how to connect your main points, that’s a sign you need to think a little bit more before you start writing.
  • Figure out your argument. Once you’ve noted down some main points, figure out what you want to say about them. Even timed essays need a unified argument or thesis.

Step 2 Time your writing strategically.

  • For example, you wouldn’t want to spend the same amount of time and effort on a 3-paragraph essay question worth 20% as you would a 2-page essay question worth 60%.
  • If you see a question that you feel will be more difficult for you, it could be a good idea to tackle it first. This will get the hard stuff out of the way while you’re still fresh.

Step 3 Cut the fluff.

  • If you notice that your introductory paragraph starts with something broad or hugely general, such as “Throughout the history of time, humans have been fascinated by science,” cut it.
  • Don’t put anything in a timed essay that doesn’t support your point. If you are talking about the importance of religious belief in modern society, don’t dilute your point by also referencing socialism, Hollywood, and banana farming.

Step 4 Explain connections between evidence and claims.

  • Claim. This is the main argument of the paragraph. It is probably located in your topic sentence.
  • Evidence. This is the supporting detail that proves your claim.
  • Explanation. This connects the evidence back to your claim and explains why the evidence proves what you say it does.
  • If anything in your paragraph doesn’t fit one of these three elements, it’s a good sign you don’t need it in the paragraph.

Step 5 Leave time to revise.

  • Does the essay actually demonstrate and support what your thesis says is the main argument? It’s not uncommon for ideas to evolve as you write. If this has happened, tweak your thesis accordingly.
  • Do the paragraphs flow smoothly from one to the next? Timed essays don’t have the same standards that regular essays do, but your reader should still be able to follow your argument in a logical progression without feeling yanked around or lost.
  • Do you offer a conclusion that sums up your argument? Don’t leave the essay hanging without a conclusion. Even if it’s very brief, a conclusion will help your essay feel complete.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Transition words such as "furthermore", "indeed", and "in fact" can make your flow better. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't fluff up your essay too much. A reader will want you to get to the point as quickly as possible. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • When starting a new paragraph, don't forget to indent. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

If you need to write a good essay in a short amount of time, try to plan your argument and avoid distractions while you're writing. Before you start your essay, decide your thesis statement or the main argument you want to make. This will help you narrow down your research and write the essay quicker. Find a quiet place to work, turn your phone off, and avoid any other distractions. Make sure you schedule short breaks to avoid burn out. If you get stuck, write whatever you can, even if you think it’s really bad or doesn’t make sense. It will be much easier to edit once you’ve gotten the words on the page. Make sure you leave a few hours to revise and spellcheck your essay. For more tips from our Teaching co-author, including how to write a timed essay, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Barker Underground

Writing advice from the harvard college writing center tutors, the nuclear option: how to write a paper the night before it’s due.

by Sam Berman-Cooper

We’ve all been in this situation. 7pm. Paper due tomorrow at noon. No draft. No outline. No time machine. What do you do, what do you do?

Have no fear! Here are a few Quick Tips you can follow to avert disaster.

1. Ask yourself: Have I done the reading? If your answer is “no” go on to step 2. If you answer is “yes,” ask yourself “what are 4 or 5 interesting facts about the reading? If you cannot produce said facts, you answered incorrectly. You may have “done” the reading, but in practice, you may as well have not. Go on to step 2. If you are confident in your mastery of the necessary reading, ask yourself “do I have a good idea to write about?” If your answer is “no,” go to step 3. If your answer is “yes,” go on to step 4.

2. Accept the fact that you are not going to hand in your paper on time. Accept that this is not the end of the world. Email your TF (or whoever is grading your paper) and tell him/her that your paper will be late and you have no valid excuse. Without notification, he/she will be confused as to where your paper is, and probably more irritated than if you had been upfront about it. Go on to step 3.

3. Go over your readings with a pen or a highlighter. Figuring out an idea to write about should be your first priority as you read. Take your time and think carefully about the authors’ arguments. There is no such thing as a good paper without a good idea. Once you’ve decided what you want to argue, go on to step 4.

4. To quote the immortal Douglas Adams: Don’t Panic . You’ve done the readings and you have an idea. It may be that you can still get a good grade. Even if you can’t, just think how many assignments you are going to do here in four years. One average grade won’t kill you (or your chances of making mad bank).

5. DO NOT plagiarize. Let me repeat that. DO NOT even consider plagiarizing. You will get caught. You will get Ad-Boarded. It will go on your record. You will regret it.

6. Figure out exactly how much time you have between NOW and the time your paper is due . Do not try to work straight through. You will get less and less efficient (and worse and worse at writing) if you refuse to take breaks.

7. Figure out what kind of essay you are writing (lens essay, research paper, etc.) and Check THE WRITING CENTER BLOG for templates. For example, check out Emily’s post for tips on how to write a good lens essay.

8. Quickly create a schedule to accommodate your personal writing process. I like to make very detailed outlines and spend less time drafting and revising. If I have 12 hours to do a close-reading paper (critical analysis of one source or one author), my schedule might look like this:

a. Midnight-1:00am: Use a Writing Center Blog Post to help create a very loose outline – just a vague thesis, ideas for topic sentences, 3- 5 body paragraphs, and possibly a conclusion.

b. 1:00-2:30am: Close-read/re-read relevant parts of the text to find quotes/evidence and flesh out each body paragraph. Add each quote (with its page number/source) to the outline.

c. 2:30-3:00am: Take a break. Get some food, maybe do some jumping jacks. In the short term, 15-20 minutes of exercise is proven to be more effective for waking you up than a 15-20 minute powernap.

d. 3:00-3:45am: Write a thesis statement and introduction . This is the most important part of your essay, so take your time.

e. 3:45-7:00am: SLEEP!!! I cannot stress this part enough. You will have a much clearer mind and work much better and much faster if you get some sleep cycles in.

Check out this page on typical sleep cycles to help you plan your nap. Deep Sleep and REM sleep are particularly important for processing information and feeling alert and energetic when you wake up. If you set your alarm to go off during DEEP SLEEP (stages 3+4) you will probably feel groggy (and not much better at writing) when you wake up. Try to get a least one full cycle (3 hours) and time your naps to not wake up during periods of Deep Sleep.

f. 7:00-7:30am: Shower/eat . Showering will help you wake up, plus it will give you time to think about what you want to say. Don’t go without food. Your mind is a machine, and it needs fuel!

g. 7:30-10:00am: Write your body paragraphs. Follow your outline as closely as possible. This is GO TIME , when the heart of your essay comes to life. You should feel a little pressure at this point, but that’s a good thing – it will make you work faster. As long as your outline includes all the evidence you need, the real work is done. Now you’re just translating bullet points into sentences.

h. 10:00-10:15am: Another break. Stop thinking for a little while. You will feel better.

i. 10:15-11:00am: Write a conclusion and start re-reading/revising . Keep your eyes out for sentences that seem unclear, points that need a little more evidence, spelling and grammar; any problem that can be solved with a quick fix.

j. 11:00-Noon: Final revision. Double-check all your sources and look for carelessly placed words and grammatical errors. Save, print, staple. You have successfully completed an essay in 12 hours. After class, pass out for as long as possible!

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10-Page Essay Due Tomorrow? Don’t Panic, We are Here to Help



In most cases, students get late and they pull off an amazing assignment at the last minute. However, when the paper is too large, they may fail to. If you have a 10-page essay due tomorrow, this article explores the options you have.

In this guide, we explore the things to do when you find yourself with such a large paper in the evening or at night on the even of the due date. While not all are applicable, they are the best shot you have at delivery within the deadline.

Get a Brilliant 10-page Essay done!

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Let our essay writing experts help you get that A in your next essay. Place your order today, and you will enjoy the benefits.

What to do When you Have a Ten-page Essay Due Tomorrow? 

A 10-page paper or an essay due tomorrow can happen to anyone. You should always start it as soon as possible.

the due date

If you have a 10-page essay due tomorrow, the best solution for you is to complete it with an expert essay writer who is seasoned to write it within such a short deadline.

You can also contact your professor to extend your deadline or consult with your peers for help.

While these options are good, each is appropriate in different situations. Whenever you find yourself in this situation, you can follow the following steps to get the best possible ten-page essay in a short time:

1. Get Ready to Write

You have very little time, and your mind should be ready to write. 

Most students in these situations are always stressed. Relax a little. Deep breathing can help lower your blood pressure and relax. Turn on some soothing music that can help you feel calm and in control.

Read the Assignment’s Instructions

A clear understanding of the assignment is key if you want to complete it in a short period. Find keywords that will help you realize the goal of your paper. Avoid asking your instructor questions about an essay due the next day.  

Research the Topic

With limited time, search for sources that will be more helpful. Use the university library and web pages. These are the easiest ways to gather information on a topic. Find the sources that relate best to your topic.

Pick a few pieces of Evidence

Working on a tight deadline will not let you do extensive research. Pick a few pieces of evidence that will help you support your essay arguments.

2. Write your Paper

Begin with the thesis statement.

The thesis statement answers the question of your paper. To write a thesis, pose a question about your topic statement and answer it using a declarative statement. 

Write an Outline

Outlines are key to making sure that your paper is organized. Outlines include the subject for each paragraph of your paper and the thesis statement. Include references, too, to avoid hunting them down later.

Write the body of your paper 

Every paragraph should relate to the thesis. Paragraphs should start with a topic sentence which should be followed by a support sentence. The transition from one paragraph to another should be smooth. 

Write the Introduction

writing the introduction

Always write the introduction when you know how your arguments flow throughout the essay. Make it informative. It serves as the reader’s roadmap on what is in your essay. 

Cite the sources

Use your assignment guidelines to write the sources you wrote on the outline. APA, MLA, and Chicago are the most used citation methods.

3. Put in the Final Touches

Edit the paper.

Make sure that you have explained your ideas extensively and the word choice is good. Check for any errors, whether grammatical, spelling, or mechanical.

Review the guidelines and finish

Make sure that your essay catches all required components. If so, your paper is good and can be submitted. 

Need Help with your Homework or Essays?

Causes for having delayed a paper undone up to today.

Some students are just lazy. They will spend their days doing nothing instead of doing their assignments. They mostly find themselves out of time and can’t beat the deadline set for the submission of the paper. 

Delayed paper causes

Missed class

Students who miss classes may not even be aware whether there is a paper they are supposed to do.

Others may find it hard to complete if what was covered in that class was to guide the students on how to go about the paper.

Homework burden

Students are involved in a lot of units in school. If they have homework in most of these units, they may find it hard to complete all of them, causing delayed submissions.  

n fact, most students cite too much workload as the reason for seeing essay writing help. Most of our clients who can’t write their college essays cited the homework burden as their main challenge.

If students fall sick their bodies may become weak and reduce their concentration levels and the ability to do a good amount of academic work in a day. This makes it hard for students to complete their assignment papers in time. 

Family Issues

Family issues can also cause delays in paper submissions. Some students are forced to care for their siblings if their parents are always working. Managing the family and school work is hard and may reduce the time they set aside for schoolwork. 

Poor time management

If a student fails to manage their time well they are likely to delay the submission of the paper. The student will not know what to do at what time and is likely to end up with shoddy work that they feel they can’t submit over the fear of getting low grades. 

Tight Deadlines

Technical papers require a lot of attention. Students may find the set deadlines too soon to complete them. 70% of our student customers admit that they hire college essay writers because of tight deadlines or they forgot the assignment.

Students may have planned their time well but then fail to complete the paper on time due to the extensive research and detailed arguments needed in technical papers to present a solution to a problem.

Why we are the Best to Write your Urgent Paper

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Friendly Support team

Our website is user-friendly. Navigation through everything on the website is easy.

The customer service is reliable and available whenever needed. All your queries are solved in a friendly way while maintaining professionalism. 

Cheap Essay writing

Our prices are fair to all our customers. Prices change depending on the work type, length, and the deadline that our customers set for our work. 

Expert Essay writers

Our writers are professional and experienced to ensure that the work that our clients get is of high quality. All of our writers have rich educational backgrounds and are specialized in different fields.

They ensure they provide quality plagiarism-free work. We are here to help even if you can’t write your college essay or any other type of homework.

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To prove this, you can review different customer reviews on our website. Our social media ratings are good too. Our Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and, Facebook pages have good ratings. 

Money-back guarantee

We offer a money-back guarantee. In case you receive a poor paper from us, you can get a refund. You can also ask for a revision in case the work provided has some mistakes and has not reached the high level you wanted. 

Why you Should Hire us to Write your Urgent Essays

Why hire us

Essays delivered fast

We only specialize in essays. Once you place an order you will get it back before the deadline you set or on the deadline date.

If you are having time management problems order essays with us and receive them back on set deadlines.

Plagiarism-free work

The work we provide is unique and well researched.

We are aware that plagiarized work can negatively impact a student’s performance.

This is why all our writers strive to provide plagiarism-free work to all our clients. 

Chance to cover up your flaws

If you are not a good essay writer, you can hire our professional essay writers. They will write the essay for you, and you will have better work to show. Your work is well-edited and proofread

You do not have to worry about anything. They add their style, and you will have something unique compared to others.

You can concentrate on other constructive activities besides being overwhelmed by the hustle of pinning down words, explaining concepts in your own words, and looking for grammatical errors.

Give your essays to our professional writers and complete everything within your deadline. You will end up with something better than what you could have come up with on your own. 

Josh Jasen working

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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How to Write an Essay

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How To Write An Essay

‍ Start by thoroughly analyzing the question to grasp its essence. Define your central argument or thesis. Support your argument with a combination of solid evidence, logical reasoning, and references to scholarly works. Ensure the essay is well-organized, presenting ideas coherently. Maintain clear and concise writing throughout. Finally, accurately cite all sources and evidence used, adhering to appropriate academic referencing standards.

All you need to know about essay writing is right here. So, let’s take some consistent baby steps.

Read through our guide until the end, and in time, you’ll become an exceptional essay writer, and the process will become automatic and natural to you. ‍ ‍

Pre-writing Tips

Get to know pre-writing tips to help you figure out how to write a good essay. Before you start writing, consider all of the following without skipping any steps:

  • Truly understand your task : Make sure you grasp what the essay task is asking.
  • Brainstorming : You can try to use techniques like mind mapping and freewriting to let yourself generate ideas in a free flow.
  • Create an outline : You’ll save yourself some time and effort by outlining. This helps you structure your ideas and main points.
  • Consider your audience : Make sure you remember who you’re writing for.

Lay the groundwork for your essay writing by considering the points above. If you want a smoother process, then work smart and not hard. 

Learning The Importance of Essay Structure

Structure and adaptation are important when it comes to figuring out how to write a good essay.

Organizing Your Essay Writing Process Effectively

Make sure that your college essay is well-structured. This is crucial, and it ensures you are presenting your arguments as logically and comprehensively as possible. You need your ideas to flow smoothly and to engage your audience. 

By organizing your essay, you convey your ideas logically and creatively. This boosts your power to not just inform but to persuade as well. Master how to write an essay in an organized manner, and you've already mastered half of it.

Adapt To Different Prompts

Adapting to various prompts involves fitting your writing to the specific requirements. Do this by remembering these tips: 

  • Analyze the prompt.
  • Identify the essay type and topic.
  • Tailor your writing style, tone, and approach to the criteria.

If you need help to write an essay don't forget Studyfy, since you'll find plenty of writing help on the platform.

Picking Your Topic

Picking the right topic is a crucial element in how to write a compelling essay. The right topic captures your audience’s interest easily. Moreover, the right topic also resonates with YOU. Still confused? If you need help writing an essay, you know where to go.

And please, do be mindful of the following: 

  • Consider what you’re interested in and what you already have prior knowledge of.
  • Take into account who your audience is.
  • Take into account the essay’s purpose and aim.
  • Make sure that your chosen topic is actually manageable to write but also allows for in-depth analysis and exploration.

Creating A Good Title

If you want to draw your audience in from the get-go and if you want to come off strong, after choosing your topic, you’ll want to create a captivating title. It should be engaging and relevant. Does this confuse you? You can send a “ write my essay ” order on Studyfy right now, and it’s off your hands and into an expert’s hands.

Here are a few pointers to remember: 

  • Create a title that’s relevant to your essay’s thesis but is also capturing/engaging. The first impression you give to your readers can set the whole tone for how they take in your essay.
  • Be concise but also descriptive. Find the good middle. 

Building Your Thesis, Body, and Conclusion

Writing an essay can be rewarding once you get the hang of it. If you learn and apply effective ways to construct and write its parts, you can truly create something impressive. The three central pillars of your essay are your thesis, body, and conclusion.

Whether you're writing admissions essays, five paragraph essay, argumentative essays or other types of college essays, the paragraph structure is very similar for any particular topic.

Like acts of a play, each part is vital. We’re going to learn the exact ways in which you can write great theses, bodies, and conclusions. Read carefully. 

Crafting a Compelling Central Argument - Guiding Your Essay's Direction

Good essay writing means starting with an effective and well-thought-out thesis statement. Think of your thesis statement as a compass. It serves to guide your writing. It needs to be clear and have conviction. Remember these pointers when making one: 

  • Zero in on the best potential “core” idea : After brainstorming, you should have a list of ideas you can sift through. Find the best one with the most potential to develop.
  • Take a stance while being informative : Thesis statements should represent your stance. They don’t merely inform. It needs to open up to debate or a perspective you want to prove/convey in the entirety of your essay. 
  • Be precise and engaging : Be specific but engaging at the same time when writing your thesis statement.
  • Remain flexible : When you write, remember that the topic has a chance of evolving or changing. Your thesis should reflect/change with it. If you need to refine it as you write, you should. Just make sure it’s relevant/related to what you’re writing.

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How To Write A Great Academic Essay Body: The Main Arguments

  • Start with a Topic Sentence, setting the paragraph's focus like a mini-thesis.
  • Elaborate on the Topic Sentence.
  • Present Supporting Evidence.
  • Examine and Interpret the Evidence.
  • Establish how it supports your main argument.
  • Conclude with a Transition to the next point.

Your body paragraphs are where you’ll develop your arguments that support your thesis. This is where you will present evidence and examples in a cohesive and impactful way through your writing. Always reference back to your thesis statement so as not to go off-topic. Remember these pointers: 

  • Arrange your points logically : This means ensuring each paragraph transitions seamlessly to the next. By structuring logically, you strengthen your arguments and persuasiveness, and you remain coherent. You convey your ideas smoothly to the reader. 
  • Develop each point completely : You should finish exploring and developing a point in its wholeness. Use evidence, present strong examples, and show the reader your unique stance/thoughts on the argument. 
  • Use transitions : For seamless reading, use academically approved transition words, like “Furthermore” or “Additionally.” 

The foundation of learning how to do an essay properly is by understanding that each part of the essay is a cohesive whole. To provide context means to glue the first sentence to the main argument and, for example, tie the main stages with transitional phrases.

How To Write An Essay: Ending with Impact

Another crucial element of how to write essays effectively is writing a strong conclusion. You should reinforce your thesis statements and your main points in this part. Here is what you need to remember: 

  • Revisit your thesis statement : Rephrase, reiterate and showcase your developed arguments.
  • Emphasize key findings and thoughts : Rewrite and recap the key points in your college essay to help your audience retain your core arguments.
  • Conclude with a strong thought : Conclude with a call-to-action, idea, or provocative question that encourages the reader to explore the topic of your essay even after they’ve read your entire paper.
  • Keep it concise : Be concise and focused in your conclusion. Don’t introduce new information. 

Bonus Tips: Improving Your Style and Argumentation

We’ve gone through all the main information you’ll need for essay writing, but you should know some of these additional tips to truly step up your writing game. Another way to step up your writing game is to consider Studyfy’s admission essay writing service and other writing services. Let’s dive deeper into bettering your style and arguments.

Becoming A Master Persuader

To become a true master at essay writing and never need help with writing an essay, you’ll want to practice the art of persuasion. You want to sway and influence your readers by engaging them deeply in your arguments. Remember these points: 

  • Analyze your audience : When tailoring your voice and writing for your audience, you should also tailor your ARGUMENTS to them so they resonate. Try to speculate your audience’s perspectives, values, beliefs, and thought patterns. This will give you a deeper insight when developing your arguments. 
  • Use strong opening sentences : Make sure to grab your readers’ attention right from the start. 
  • Persuasive language : Using words and sentences that foster a sense of importance and urgency and ignite curiosity. Integrate persuasive language throughout your essay, like call-to-actions, emotional appeals, rhetorical questions, inclusive language, and testimonials. 

Appeal to Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

When writing an essay, a good way to strengthen your argumentation is to appeal to ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) in your readers. Take a look at these pointers: 

  • Establishing credibility (appealing to ethos) : Use reliable sources, cite experts, use strong evidence, and use testimonials. By showing your audience you're backing up your arguments with credible facts, you strengthen your persuasion power. 
  • Connect on an emotional level (appealing to pathos) : When you have their heart, you have them. Use vivid language, relatable anecdotes, and examples, and tap into the power of emotion.
  • Logical reasoning is powerful (appealing to logos) : Using facts and logical points to present clear data and statistics can strengthen your argument significantly. An argument that has solid evidence is hard to deny. 

Bonus Tips: Empowering Your Writing Skills

When pondering on how to make an essay better, it’s important to look beyond the obvious advice. In this section, we remind you to go above and beyond. Let’s find out some additional techniques that you can apply to your essay writing to improve it even further.

Infusing Your Voice Into Your Writing

Overwhelmed by the amount of things you need to learn for essay writing? You can always pay for essay services and get a professional’s help any time. Now, to infuse your voice into your essay writing, take note of these pointers:

  • Be authentic and share your perspective : Your beliefs, experiences, and values should not be completely avoided when writing. If relevant to the topic, your stance can provide a fresh and new angle on your essay, and it can help your essay stand out.
  • Do not be afraid to be creative : Play with language by using metaphors, descriptive language, similes, and other literary tools. It makes your writing memorable and enjoyable when done right.


If you need help with writing an essay to make it better, try to integrate interdisciplinary concepts into your writing. Cross-referencing other fields like history, psychology, science, and literature to provide deeper insights into your arguments can strengthen your essay. Ensure your references add to your arguments, and don’t go off-topic.

Develop Flexibility In Perception

Another way to empower your writing skills and determine how to write an excellent essay is to view and present arguments and statements from different angles. This niche skill is invaluable. If you learn how to master it, you can be a very persuasive writer. Find ways to examine and defend both sides of a topic. Present counter-arguments, and so on.

This requires a lot of practice to use effectively but is easily one of the best things you can develop in essay writing and life. Usually, an argumentative essay is a successful essay if its body paragraphs create a basic structure of opposing context for a specific topic. Your writing process and your introduction paragraph can open the way for the entire essay to delve into opposing topics.

Make sure to do proper research, develop a good idea about what the topics are different or similar to, and, for example, explain your main thesis in a few paragraphs. A clear thesis makes the main body almost write itself - in any type of essay, including an argumentative essay.

Bonus Tips: Remaining Ethical In Writing

Remaining ethical and upholding integrity and credibility in your essay writing is key to passing academia since your professors will double-check your work to make sure you haven’t engaged in cheating. How do you write an essay while remaining ethical? Let’s find out.

How To Avoid Plagiarizing

You’ll need to avoid plagiarizing completely. The degree of punishment you can get for plagiarizing will vary from institution to institution, with some proving to be more lenient while others will be less forgiving. Need help? Try Studyfy’s custom essay writing service and get an expert writer to help you.

 Remember these points to save yourself the grief: 

  • Remember : Plagiarism isn’t only copying text; it’s also using other people’s data, ideas, concepts, and so on without properly crediting them. 
  • You SHOULD paraphrase : Master paraphrasing by reinterpreting the information you’ve examined. Use your own words. 
  • Improve research and note-taking skills : If you research effectively and take notes on the data you collect, it will be easier to distinguish your original ideas from your resources.

Essay Checklist

If you’ve read everything thoroughly and applied what’s been stated in our guide, you should be much better at writing essays. To further improve your experience, here’s an essay checklist you can use to make sure you’ve done everything you need to. 

Remember to focus on the formatting issues as well, including common mistakes, passive voice, too much everyday experience, and ambiguous word choice.

Checklist Item

  • Strong and Clear Thesis Statement
  • Effective Introduction
  • Well-developed Arguments
  • Evidence and Support
  • Paragraph Structure
  • Transitions
  • Strong Conclusion
  • Correct Citations and References
  • Plagiarism-free
  • Editing, Proofreading, and Revision
  • Complied With Word Count
  • Correct Formatting

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Which key elements make up a strong essay structure?

A strong introduction that grabs the audience and introduces the thesis statement effectively. A body that presents ideas and arguments that support the thesis. A conclusion that sums up the main points of the essay and reintroduces the thesis in light of the arguments stated. This is how to write an essay in English effectively.

How do I write a clear and strong thesis statement?

If you’re asking yourself, “How do I write an essay that has a strong thesis statement?” We remind you to narrow your ideas and zero in on a key idea. This idea should be specific, and it should be an idea that you can fully develop and explore.

This blog is here to provide guidance and ease the essay writing process - we're here for you from the moment you start writing to the moment you reach the central point and reach the next paragraph.

What can I do to ensure my essay is engaging and persuasive?

Be sure your introduction is compelling and uses strong, active verbs. Your arguments should be presented logically, and you should back them up with strong evidence. Make sure to use persuasive language like rhetorical questions, analogies, metaphors, inclusive words, call-to-actions, etc. Varying sentence structures will keep readers interested.

To keep the reader on the hook, most essays use clever paragraphs, a clear thesis, a robust main body, and a polished final draft.

What’s the best way to write an essay?

The best way to write a college essay is to be prepared. Read our guide thoroughly and give yourself enough time to write the whole essay. Don’t start at the last minute. 

When you begin writing, your writing process is in its first draft. What's important is that you remember that an essay outline is not the final essay, and your college essay can change and adapt as you go. Whether an introductory paragraph, main points or conclusion paragraph, make sure to catch the reader's attention and lead with concrete examples.

And don't forget to focus on editing. Double-check the line spacing, structure, outline, number of paragraphs, word choice, and the cohesion of the final paragraph.

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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

By gabrielle zevin, tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow analysis.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

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Few books have a title as unique as Gabrielle Zevin's Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow . Over the course of thirty years and across multiple states, the novel follows Sam Masur , a junior at the prestigious Harvard University. One day, Sam meets a girl on the platform of a subway called Sadie Green . The two initially pretend not to see each other, but they eventually form a bond and partnership which will catapult both of them into superstardom. But their success is undermined by human emotion, betrayal, and gross overambition.

In Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow , Zevin aimed to further explore how gaming "is a kind of storytelling." Zevin herself is an avid gamer and wanted to reflect her passion in the novel. Zevin also desired to tell the story of people who "create[d] experiences out of the stories and things that [humans] consume." And the story of Sam and Sadie is certainly that.

Zevin was also interested in telling two coming-of-age stories: the coming-of-age of Sadie and Sam and the coming-of-age of the gaming industry, which some had once considered to be not worth any time or respect.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is also reflective of shifting cultural trends in gaming throughout the 30 years the novel takes place over, as well as advancements in technology over the course of the same time period.

But Zevin's book is also rooted in history and the works of people like William Shakespeare and interestingly, Karl Marx , one of the originators of the idea for Communism. A deeply complex book, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a meditation on video games, content, relationships, and perhaps most importantly, what it means to be human.

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Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Study Guide for Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow study guide contains a biography of Gabrielle Zevin, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
  • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Summary
  • Character List

we ... an essay tomorrow

Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Macbeth’s ‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow’ Speech

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

Macbeth’s speech beginning ‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow …’ is one of the most powerful and affecting moments in Shakespeare’s tragedy. Macbeth speaks these lines just after he has been informed of the death of his wife, Lady Macbeth, who has gone mad before dying (off stage). You can find our fully plot summary of the play here and our analysis of Macbeth here.

In this post, we’re going to consider Macbeth’s ‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow’ speech, looking closely at the language and imagery.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

Spoken upon hearing of the death of his wife, Macbeth’s speech from towards the end of this play, Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy, has become famous for its phrases ‘full of sound and fury / Signifying nothing’ and ‘Out, out, brief candle!’

In summary, Macbeth’s speech is about the futility and illusoriness of all life and everything we do: we are all bound for the grave, and life doesn’t seem to mean anything, ultimately. He is responding to the news that Lady Macbeth is dead here; it’s the beginning of the end for him.

There is, in fact, a couple of lines preceding ‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow’, which explicitly address the news that Lady Macbeth has died. But they are ambiguous. Upon being told by Seyton ‘The Queen, my Lord, is dead’, Macbeth replies: ‘She should have died hereafter: / There would have been time for such a word’.

What does he mean by this? Is Macbeth simply saying, ‘She would have died at some point anyway’ (thus paving the way for his ensuing meditation on the futility of all human ambition, since it all leads to the grave)? Or is he saying, ‘It would have been better if she had died later’?

The second line, ‘There would have been time for such a word’ (i.e. the word ‘dead’), inclines us towards the latter: Macbeth appears to be saying that it would have been preferable for Lady Macbeth to die peacefully after all of the conflict and battle. There would have been time to say their goodbyes and for him to mourn properly. Not so in the heat of battle (which Macbeth is when he hears the news).

Lady Macbeth’s death, then, prompts Macbeth to reflect upon the futility of all of his actions: his ‘overweening ambition’, which has spurred him on to commit murder (and murder of a king , no less) and take the kingdom for himself, has all been for nothing now he is truly alone, with most of the lords rallying to Macduff and standing against Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth was the one who urged her husband to murder Duncan, and now she has died, having been pricked by her conscience over what they have done. (In her last scene in the play, Lady Macbeth is observed sleepwalking and miming the washing of her hands: her conscious mind may repress it, but her unconscious, as Freud would later argue , forces the truth to come out.)

As with much of the rest of the play, the lines spoken in verse are an example of blank verse : unrhymed iambic pentameter .

But look at how the simplicity and dulling repetition of the first line, containing just five words (three of them the same) gives way to a line containing nine small (or ‘petty’) words:

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day …

In other words, the days of our lives creep at a slow rate, with  petty  meaning small here. Note the repetition (tomorrow, day to day) to reinforce the laboriousness and repetitiveness of the passing of time, as well as the slight anger in the plosive alliteration of  petty pace .

To the last syllable of recorded time;

In other words, until the very end of the world, the apocalypse, where all time ceases to be.

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death.

And every day that has already occurred in the past has only brought fools one day closer to their deaths. More alliteration, with  dusty death  inviting the actor playing Macbeth to highlight and emphasise the harsh  d  sounds.

Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more.

Life is like a candle which burns for a short while only, so Macbeth argues that it should just be put out, since it will soon be ‘out’ anyway. He then likens life to an actor who comes out onto the stage, struts his stuff, says his lines for an ‘hour’, and then disappears again.

It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

Continuing the idea of life as an actor upon a stage for an hour only, Macbeth develops this, thinking about plays, illusion, stories, and fictions: life is like a story, but a bad story, told by someone too stupid and blustering to say anything of significance. In short, what is the point of anything, when a man’s life appears to achieve nothing? Duncan is dead; Banquo is dead; Lady Macbeth is dead; and Macbeth seems ready for his own death, now all appears lost.

‘Sound and fury’ is a more interesting phrase than it first appears: it’s an example of hendiadys , a curious literary device whereby one idea is expressed by two ‘substantives’ (specifically, nouns or adjectives). These two substantives are joined by the word ‘and’. In Macbeth’s phrase, ‘sound and fury’ are not two distinct phenomena, but more intimately joined: what ‘sound and fury’ means here is something like ‘furious sound’.

It is part of the power of this speech that Macbeth’s language conveys his disordered mental state, the fact that he is overcome by the pointlessness of his whole endeavour, and – because he cannot escape his own mind – of life itself.

4 thoughts on “A Summary and Analysis of Macbeth’s ‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow’ Speech”

Is ‘dusty death’ hendiadys as well?

Is the entire speech a raving example of mixed metaphors? Count them all. Does that indicate Macbeth has lost control of his expression? Has his vaulting ambition o’er leapt the tropic barrier? Has he borrowed the robes of a manic philosopher?

Sound and fury. Sound implies noise, a criticism of Macbeth’s content. Fury, that links to an odd aspect of this speech. It moves through emotional registers: contemplative and introspective, anger at what history leads us to understand, grief at what the moment has become, death’s waiting room. How an actor, reader treats those last three words, in a trailing voice or shouting at fate or somewhere in between, colors all that’s gone before.

Most people will disagree, but this speech at the turn to the 17th C. anticipates 19th C existentialism’s we come from nothing, nothing we do matters, and we go to nothing.

Nothing endures to this day.

It is appropriate that this speech, expressing total demoralisation, should be prompted by the death of Macbeth’s wife. In the unavoidable battle to come, it is Macduff, whose own wife – and children – Macbeth has had murdered, who, driven by righteous rage, finally dispatches the tyrant.

In answer to Don’s comment I disagree about “mixed metaphors”. There is certainly a rich profusion of metaphors, but my idea of a mixed metaphor is where one metaphor contains contradictory images – a classic example being “If you have a spark of charity in your heart, for heaven’s sake, water it and let it grow.” Sorry to sound pedantic!

You note the two previous lines referring to the death of Lady Macbeth. Also worth noting maybe is the line afterwards when a messenger enters: [Enter messenger] Macbeth : Thou comest to use thy tongue; thy story quickly. Macbeth now turns from the reflections on the meaning of life to his daily routine of battle and slaughter, without missing a beat! The “tale told by an idiot” is followed up by a “story” told by “a messenger”. The story of course is highly idiotic too: Birnam Wood is moving! However idiotic, the tale and the story must go on.

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Sample Essay About Tomorrow

If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don’t wait for tomorrow, tomorrow still comes. But have you ever wondered what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is the moment of time which we get after waking up in the morning, is the familiar time circle which repeats each 24 hours. Tomorrow is unpredictable, is the series of questions which led us forwards one day more, be one day older but still have no idea of getting what and losing what. Tomorrow is the miserably hard position when we have to work, think and fight.

Tomorrow is like a blank page of paper.

We may let it be empty, may scrawl something on it or may make it become a masterpiece. So, how tomorrow is depends on ourselves. But how many of us can live really meaningfully and completely for tomorrow? Tomorrow … I will ignore all the sorrows of yesterday because we can not change what belongs to the past. Tomorrow… I will love and esteem each happy moment of my life.

Although they are short, they are the most valuable gifts I get in this world. And it’s my pleasure to share them with others… Tomorrow… I will face the challenges with all my bravery and confidence, will exert myself to the utmost to overcome the obstacles.

After All Tomorrow Is Another Day

I will not be afraid of the failures because, at least, failure today will be the lesson for success of mine in the future. Tomorrow… I will open my soul and my mind to be in harmony with others.

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“ Very organized ,I enjoyed and Loved every bit of our professional interaction ”

I’m ready to forgive my friends’ mistake. I don’t hope I’m perfect and the same as my friends. Tomorrow… I will make my life happy by myself, will do whatever I like: I will listen to my favorite music, go out with friends, go around to have a view of life… yes, the happiness comes from not only the big things but also the small ones. Tomorrow…

I will try to discover and study the new things, change my boring lifestyle. This life is plentiful and I will make use all of its tastes. I will try to live as well as possible… In the hard positions, optimism, belief and hope are the great power source helping us overcome the obstacles upwards to the best things. Being optimistic, we can have a happy and filled with laughter life. So, my friends, let’s be happy and always smile with what life gives us. And, finally, Don’t wait for tomorrow but go towards it. Instead of waiting, let build it so that we can have our own really beautiful tomorrow.

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Sample Essay About Tomorrow. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-essay-tomorrow-another-day/

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NPR suspends veteran editor as it grapples with his public criticism

David Folkenflik 2018 square

David Folkenflik

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NPR suspended senior editor Uri Berliner for five days without pay after he wrote an essay accusing the network of losing the public's trust and appeared on a podcast to explain his argument. Uri Berliner hide caption

NPR suspended senior editor Uri Berliner for five days without pay after he wrote an essay accusing the network of losing the public's trust and appeared on a podcast to explain his argument.

NPR has formally punished Uri Berliner, the senior editor who publicly argued a week ago that the network had "lost America's trust" by approaching news stories with a rigidly progressive mindset.

Berliner's five-day suspension without pay, which began last Friday, has not been previously reported.

Yet the public radio network is grappling in other ways with the fallout from Berliner's essay for the online news site The Free Press . It angered many of his colleagues, led NPR leaders to announce monthly internal reviews of the network's coverage, and gave fresh ammunition to conservative and partisan Republican critics of NPR, including former President Donald Trump.

Conservative activist Christopher Rufo is among those now targeting NPR's new chief executive, Katherine Maher, for messages she posted to social media years before joining the network. Among others, those posts include a 2020 tweet that called Trump racist and another that appeared to minimize rioting during social justice protests that year. Maher took the job at NPR last month — her first at a news organization .

In a statement Monday about the messages she had posted, Maher praised the integrity of NPR's journalists and underscored the independence of their reporting.

"In America everyone is entitled to free speech as a private citizen," she said. "What matters is NPR's work and my commitment as its CEO: public service, editorial independence, and the mission to serve all of the American public. NPR is independent, beholden to no party, and without commercial interests."

The network noted that "the CEO is not involved in editorial decisions."

In an interview with me later on Monday, Berliner said the social media posts demonstrated Maher was all but incapable of being the person best poised to direct the organization.

"We're looking for a leader right now who's going to be unifying and bring more people into the tent and have a broader perspective on, sort of, what America is all about," Berliner said. "And this seems to be the opposite of that."

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Conservative critics of NPR are now targeting its new chief executive, Katherine Maher, for messages she posted to social media years before joining the public radio network last month. Stephen Voss/Stephen Voss hide caption

Conservative critics of NPR are now targeting its new chief executive, Katherine Maher, for messages she posted to social media years before joining the public radio network last month.

He said that he tried repeatedly to make his concerns over NPR's coverage known to news leaders and to Maher's predecessor as chief executive before publishing his essay.

Berliner has singled out coverage of several issues dominating the 2020s for criticism, including trans rights, the Israel-Hamas war and COVID. Berliner says he sees the same problems at other news organizations, but argues NPR, as a mission-driven institution, has a greater obligation to fairness.

"I love NPR and feel it's a national trust," Berliner says. "We have great journalists here. If they shed their opinions and did the great journalism they're capable of, this would be a much more interesting and fulfilling organization for our listeners."

A "final warning"

The circumstances surrounding the interview were singular.

Berliner provided me with a copy of the formal rebuke to review. NPR did not confirm or comment upon his suspension for this article.

In presenting Berliner's suspension Thursday afternoon, the organization told the editor he had failed to secure its approval for outside work for other news outlets, as is required of NPR journalists. It called the letter a "final warning," saying Berliner would be fired if he violated NPR's policy again. Berliner is a dues-paying member of NPR's newsroom union but says he is not appealing the punishment.

The Free Press is a site that has become a haven for journalists who believe that mainstream media outlets have become too liberal. In addition to his essay, Berliner appeared in an episode of its podcast Honestly with Bari Weiss.

A few hours after the essay appeared online, NPR chief business editor Pallavi Gogoi reminded Berliner of the requirement that he secure approval before appearing in outside press, according to a copy of the note provided by Berliner.

In its formal rebuke, NPR did not cite Berliner's appearance on Chris Cuomo's NewsNation program last Tuesday night, for which NPR gave him the green light. (NPR's chief communications officer told Berliner to focus on his own experience and not share proprietary information.) The NPR letter also did not cite his remarks to The New York Times , which ran its article mid-afternoon Thursday, shortly before the reprimand was sent. Berliner says he did not seek approval before talking with the Times .

NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust

NPR defends its journalism after senior editor says it has lost the public's trust

Berliner says he did not get permission from NPR to speak with me for this story but that he was not worried about the consequences: "Talking to an NPR journalist and being fired for that would be extraordinary, I think."

Berliner is a member of NPR's business desk, as am I, and he has helped to edit many of my stories. He had no involvement in the preparation of this article and did not see it before it was posted publicly.

In rebuking Berliner, NPR said he had also publicly released proprietary information about audience demographics, which it considers confidential. He said those figures "were essentially marketing material. If they had been really good, they probably would have distributed them and sent them out to the world."

Feelings of anger and betrayal inside the newsroom

His essay and subsequent public remarks stirred deep anger and dismay within NPR. Colleagues contend Berliner cherry-picked examples to fit his arguments and challenge the accuracy of his accounts. They also note he did not seek comment from the journalists involved in the work he cited.

Morning Edition host Michel Martin told me some colleagues at the network share Berliner's concerns that coverage is frequently presented through an ideological or idealistic prism that can alienate listeners.

"The way to address that is through training and mentorship," says Martin, herself a veteran of nearly two decades at the network who has also reported for The Wall Street Journal and ABC News. "It's not by blowing the place up, by trashing your colleagues, in full view of people who don't really care about it anyway."

Several NPR journalists told me they are no longer willing to work with Berliner as they no longer have confidence that he will keep private their internal musings about stories as they work through coverage.

"Newsrooms run on trust," NPR political correspondent Danielle Kurtzleben tweeted last week, without mentioning Berliner by name. "If you violate everyone's trust by going to another outlet and sh--ing on your colleagues (while doing a bad job journalistically, for that matter), I don't know how you do your job now."

Berliner rejected that critique, saying nothing in his essay or subsequent remarks betrayed private observations or arguments about coverage.

Other newsrooms are also grappling with questions over news judgment and confidentiality. On Monday, New York Times Executive Editor Joseph Kahn announced to his staff that the newspaper's inquiry into who leaked internal dissent over a planned episode of its podcast The Daily to another news outlet proved inconclusive. The episode was to focus on a December report on the use of sexual assault as part of the Hamas attack on Israel in October. Audio staffers aired doubts over how well the reporting stood up to scrutiny.

"We work together with trust and collegiality everyday on everything we produce, and I have every expectation that this incident will prove to be a singular exception to an important rule," Kahn wrote to Times staffers.

At NPR, some of Berliner's colleagues have weighed in online against his claim that the network has focused on diversifying its workforce without a concomitant commitment to diversity of viewpoint. Recently retired Chief Executive John Lansing has referred to this pursuit of diversity within NPR's workforce as its " North Star ," a moral imperative and chief business strategy.

In his essay, Berliner tagged the strategy as a failure, citing the drop in NPR's broadcast audiences and its struggle to attract more Black and Latino listeners in particular.

"During most of my tenure here, an open-minded, curious culture prevailed. We were nerdy, but not knee-jerk, activist, or scolding," Berliner writes. "In recent years, however, that has changed."

Berliner writes, "For NPR, which purports to consider all things, it's devastating both for its journalism and its business model."

NPR investigative reporter Chiara Eisner wrote in a comment for this story: "Minorities do not all think the same and do not report the same. Good reporters and editors should know that by now. It's embarrassing to me as a reporter at NPR that a senior editor here missed that point in 2024."

Some colleagues drafted a letter to Maher and NPR's chief news executive, Edith Chapin, seeking greater clarity on NPR's standards for its coverage and the behavior of its journalists — clearly pointed at Berliner.

A plan for "healthy discussion"

On Friday, CEO Maher stood up for the network's mission and the journalism, taking issue with Berliner's critique, though never mentioning him by name. Among her chief issues, she said Berliner's essay offered "a criticism of our people on the basis of who we are."

Berliner took great exception to that, saying she had denigrated him. He said that he supported diversifying NPR's workforce to look more like the U.S. population at large. She did not address that in a subsequent private exchange he shared with me for this story. (An NPR spokesperson declined further comment.)

Late Monday afternoon, Chapin announced to the newsroom that Executive Editor Eva Rodriguez would lead monthly meetings to review coverage.

"Among the questions we'll ask of ourselves each month: Did we capture the diversity of this country — racial, ethnic, religious, economic, political geographic, etc — in all of its complexity and in a way that helped listeners and readers recognize themselves and their communities?" Chapin wrote in the memo. "Did we offer coverage that helped them understand — even if just a bit better — those neighbors with whom they share little in common?"

Berliner said he welcomed the announcement but would withhold judgment until those meetings played out.

In a text for this story, Chapin said such sessions had been discussed since Lansing unified the news and programming divisions under her acting leadership last year.

"Now seemed [the] time to deliver if we were going to do it," Chapin said. "Healthy discussion is something we need more of."

Disclosure: This story was reported and written by NPR Media Correspondent David Folkenflik and edited by Deputy Business Editor Emily Kopp and Managing Editor Gerry Holmes. Under NPR's protocol for reporting on itself, no NPR corporate official or news executive reviewed this story before it was posted publicly.

  • Katherine Maher
  • uri berliner

Primary election updates: Biden and Trump won't be in Pennsylvania on primary day; where to drop off your mail ballot

Pennsylvania's primary election is tomorrow, with Republicans and Democrats voting on several races.

Abraham Meth returns his mail-in ballot at a dropbox outside the Pelbano Recreation Center on Bustleton Avenue in Northeast Philadelphia Monday, the day before Pennsylvania primary election day.

Pennsylvania's primary election is Tuesday. While both parties' nominees are set in the marquee presidential and Senate races, voters will also weigh in on a competitive race for attorney general, other row offices, U.S. House, and the state House and Senate .

If you still need to return a mail ballot, here's where to drop it off .

President Joe Biden was up close and personal in Pennsylvania . He hopes it can help him win in November.

Pennsylvania House Democrats took a step toward expelling State Rep. Kevin Boyle . Boyle had faced a warrant for his arrest , but Philadelphia police withdrew it Monday .

Catch up on  all the races and candidates with our voters guide .

Chester County judge denies county GOP request that could have blocked some ballots

A Chester County judge rejected a legal motion from local Republicans that could have blocked some mail ballots from counting in Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary.

Chester County County Court of Common Pleas Judge Anthony Verwey said the Republican Committee of Chester County’s request for an injunction against the county election board would amount to “preemptively disenfranchising voters.”

Philly police withdraw warrant for State Rep. Kevin Boyle’s arrest

The Philadelphia Police Department has withdrawn the arrest warrant issued last week for State Rep. Kevin Boyle , according to multiple law enforcement sources, after officials learned Monday that there is no active Protection From Abuse order that he could have violated.

The withdrawal raised a host of questions, and came just a day before the primary election in which Boyle is seeking an eighth term to represent parts of Northeast Philadelphia.

Pa. voters who haven't returned mail ballots yet should plan to deliver them in person

Pennsylvanians who have not yet returned their mail ballot for Tuesday’s primary should plan to deliver it in person, Pennsylvania Secretary Al Schmidt said in a briefing Monday.

“It’s now too late to put your ballot in the mail and be sure that it will be returned in time,” Schmidt said, noting ballots can be returned to drop boxes or directly to election offices.

Pennsylvania's primary election is Tuesday. Don't expect to see Biden or Trump.

Pennsylvania's primary election is Tuesday, but don't expect to see Joe Biden or Donald Trump anywhere in the commonwealth.

Biden, a frequent guest in Pennsylvania , is traveling to Tampa Tuesday, a week before the state's six-week abortion ban is scheduled to take effect, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Philly 2024 ballot question on registered community organizations, explained

Philadelphia voters will see one question on their ballots Tuesday, asking: Should the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to require the city to provide for the indemnification and defense of registered community organizations in connection with claims made against them arising directly out of their lawful participation in the city’s zoning variance process?

What does it mean?

Republican lawsuit could block some mail ballots from being counted in Chester County

Chester County Republicans have filed a lawsuit against the county’s election board ahead of Tuesday’s primary that could block some mail ballots from being counted.

The suit also seeks to strike down a rule blocking party committee members running for reelection from serving as poll watchers on Election Day.

Mail ballot delays in Montgomery County frustrate voters

With the primary election looming on Tuesday, 183 missing ballots were delivered Saturday to Montgomery County voters, after a delay that complicated an already challenged voting situation because Passover starts on Monday evening.

A Postal Service spokesperson said the ballots were delivered from the Jenkintown post office.

Where to drop off your mail ballot

President Joe Biden ordering an Italian hoagie at a Philadelphia Wawa can only mean one thing: There’s an election around the corner. In this case, it’s the Pennsylvania primary Tuesday.

Here’s what to know about your mail ballot — this is only pertinent to people who already applied to vote this way. For those who did not, it’s in-person voting for you. Find your polling place here.

Pa. Treasurer Stacy Garrity campaigned with Trump this month. Two Democrats are vying to take her on in the fall.

When Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity took the podium at a Lehigh County campaign event for former President Donald J. Trump this month, the Republican incumbent framed the election as an existential battle.

“Every election that goes by that we don’t get Republicans in office, our state, and our country get closer and closer to being lost,” Garrity told the crowd of thousands.

What you need to know to vote in Pennsylvania’s primary

The Pennsylvania primary is right around the corner, taking place on Tuesday.

Although Pennsylvania is considered a critical swing state in this year’s presidential election, its voters hold less sway in each party’s primary. That’s because the state holds its primary relatively late in the process, in late April.

Pennsylvania primary election voters guide

Primary elections are held to determine who will represent each political party in the general election. Pennsylvania holds closed primaries, meaning that only members of a political party can vote in its primary. 

Pennsylvanians will select their parties’ nominees for president, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state House and Senate, state attorney general, and other state row offices. These primaries will set up November matchups, which could tip the balance of power in both Harrisburg and Washington.

'A rip the band-aid off quarter': Here's what Wall Street expects from Tesla earnings amid an epic stock skid

  • Tesla is set to report first-quarter earnings results after the market close on Tuesday.
  • The earnings report comes amid a sharp stock decline for Tesla, with shares down 43% year to date.
  • Detailed below is what four Wall Street firms expect from Tesla's upcoming earnings report.

Insider Today

Tesla has a lot to prove when it reports its first-quarter earnings results after the market close on Tuesday.

The company has been hammered by a barrage of negative news over the past month.

From a big first-quarter delivery miss , to a recall of 4,000 Cybertrucks , to a potential big shift away from a low-cost Model 2 toward a robo-taxi, Tesla CEO Elon Musk will have to calm the nerve of investors who have experienced painful volatility in recent weeks.

Tesla stock hit a new 52-week low on Monday at $138.80 . The stock is down 43% year to date and off 66% from its record high, reached in November 2021.

Here's what Wall Street expects from Tesla when it reports its first-quarter earnings results on Tuesday.

Barclays: 'Facing an investment thesis pivot'

Barclays said in a note last week it expected Tesla's earnings call to be a negative catalyst for the stock as investors came to terms with the company's potential strategic redirection away from a low-cost Model 2.

"Facing an investment thesis pivot and a sea of uncertainty, this Tesla call is extra highly anticipated," a Barclays analyst, Dan Levy, said. "Expect negative catalyst."

Levy said he thought Tesla's closely watched first-quarter gross margins would be below consensus estimates on Wall Street.

"Moreover, we expect little commentary from Tesla to dissuade investors that near-term fundamentals remain weak," Levy said. "FCF may be negative, marking the first quarter since 1Q20 of negative FCF. There could be some shock factor to this result."

Finally, Levy said that while investor questions on the call would be largely focused on Tesla's long-term strategy, "these questions may be unanswered."

Barclays rates Tesla at "neutral," with a $180 price target.

Bank of America: 'Results matter, but growth factors may matter more'

Bank of America said Tesla's headwinds were well known and likely fully reflected in the stock price. That will make the company's commentary about the state of electric-vehicle demand and its growth plans all the more important.

That could set the stock up for a positive price reaction, a recent note from the bank said.

"Despite near term pressures, the unveiling of future growth drives has the potential to support the stock," Bank of America said. "Results matter, but growth factors may matter more."

While the bank doesn't expect Tesla to make any big product announcements during its earnings call, it could provide some hints on the highly anticipated robo-taxi event scheduled for August 8. Tesla could also reiterate its intention to launch a low-cost Model 2 in 2025 or 2026, which would likely be met with a positive price reaction in the stock.

Bank of America rates Tesla at "neutral," with a $220 price target.

Wedbush: 'A rip the band-aid off quarter'

The Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said Tesla's upcoming earnings report was "a moment of truth" for the company, according to a recent note.

Ives said the environment for Tesla was reminiscent of the challenges and uncertainty the company faced in 2015, 2018, and 2020, but it could result in a loss of long-term shareholders.

"This time is clearly a bit different as for the first time many long time Tesla believers are giving up on the story and throwing in the white towel," Ives said.

It's crucial, Ives said, for Musk to confirm that a low-cost Model 2 is still on the company's product road map. He added that first-quarter results would likely take a back seat to any updates on the company's long-term vision.

"While we and the Street are expecting a rip the band-aid off quarter and a softer outlook, Musk needs to do 5 things on the conference call to start to change the narrative in the Tesla story," Ives said. "If Musk is flippant again and there is no adult in the room on this conference call with no answers then darker days are ahead."

You can read more about those five things Ives said Tesla must do on the earnings call here .

Wedbush rates Tesla at "outperform," with a $300 price target.

JPMorgan: '>10% global layoff undermines hypergrowth narrative'

Tesla's recent layoffs suggest the company's long-term growth prospects are dwindling, a recent note from JPMorgan said.

The bank said: ">10% global layoff undermines hypergrowth narrative and should further dispel notion big 1Q delivery miss was somehow supply-driven." 

Instead, Tesla's big first-quarter delivery miss was likely driven by a concerning decline in demand for electric vehicles, the note said.

And the company's premium valuation is at substantial risk if growth is stuttering.

"Despite Tesla shares falling -61% from the all-time high reached in November 2021, its market capitalization is still equivalent to the combined $593 billion valuation of the world's two largest automakers, Toyota and Volkswagen, plus General Motors and Ford, despite those automakers collectively delivering over 30 million vehicles in 2023 vs. Tesla less than 2 million," JPMorgan said. "Clearly, valuation remains extremely demanding."

JPMorgan rates Tesla at "underweight," with a $115 price target.

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People taken into custody at NYU as pro-Palestinian campus protests escalate across U.S.

NYPD arrests Pro-Palestinian protesters as demonstrations spread from Columbia University to others

Rising tensions on campuses

  • Multiple people were taken into custody tonight at New York University, city officials confirmed, adding that officers responded to the campus after university officials requested police. The number was unclear.
  • Police officers arrested protesters who had set up an encampment on Yale University ’s campus in support of the Palestinian cause. In total, 47 students were issued summonses, the university said.
  • In New York City, classes at Columbia University were held virtually today amid reports of antisemitic and offensive statements and actions on and near its campus.
  • Last week more than 100 Columbia students were arrested after the administration called police to report the students as a danger to campus. NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell told the student newspaper that there were no reports of violence or injuries and that the students were "peaceful, offered no resistance whatsoever."
  • Pro-Palestinian encampments have also been established at the University of Michigan, New York University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt.
  • The escalated tension comes ahead of this evening's start of the Jewish holiday of Passover.

Coverage on this live blog has ended. Follow the latest news on the campus protests here.

Cal Poly Humboldt in California closes campus after occupation of building

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Phil Helsel

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, said campus is closed through Wednesday after protesters demonstrating against the war in Gaza occupied Siemens Hall on the campus in Arcata.

“The University is deeply concerned about the safety of the protestors who have barricaded themselves inside the building. The University is urgently asking that the protestors listen to directives from law enforcement that have responded and to peacefully leave the building,” it said in a statement.

It asked the campus community to avoid the area of the building, "as it is a dangerous and volatile situation."

Cal Poly Humboldt has an undergrad enrollment of around 5,800. Humboldt is on the California coast in the northwestern part of the state, near the Oregon border.

MIT students demand school call for cease-fire

The Associated Press

Prahlad Iyengar, an MIT graduate student studying electrical engineering, was among about two dozen students who set up a tent encampment on the school’s Cambridge, Massachusetts, campus Sunday evening. They are calling for a cease-fire and are protesting what they describe as MIT’s “complicity in the ongoing genocide in Gaza,” he said.

“MIT has not even called for a cease-fire, and that’s a demand we have for sure,” Iyengar said.

He also said MIT has been sending out confusing rules about protests.

“We’re out here to demonstrate that we reserve the right to protest. It’s an essential part of living on a college campus,” Iyengar said.

Police 'ready' to remove protesters again at NYU's request: NYPD official

A New York Police Department deputy commissioner tonight shared the letter sent by New York University to the police department asking police to clear Gaza war protesters from its Manhattan campus who refused to leave.

Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry also on social media said that if called upon, the NYPD would do it again.

"There is a pattern of behavior occurring on campuses across our nation, in which individuals attempt to occupy a space in defiance of school policy,” Daughtry wrote on X . “ Rest assured, in NYC the NYPD stands ready to address these prohibited and subsequently illegal actions whenever we are called upon.”

Police took multiple people into custody at NYU’s Gould Plaza while clearing the protesters, the police department said. The number of those arrested, as well as charges, were not available from police early Tuesday.

The letter from NYU posted by Daughtry said the protesters refused to leave and that the university considered them to be trespassers and asked for police help.

Fountain Walker, head of NYU Global Campus Safety, said on social media that the university had given the demonstrators until 4 p.m. to leave. Walker said that barricades had been breached and “we witnessed disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing behavior that has interfered with the safety and security of our community.”

Columbia to offer hybrid learning for classes on main campus until summer

Classes at Columbia University’s main campus will be hybrid, if the technology permits it, until the end of the spring semester, Provost Angela V. Olinto said in guidance to the Manhattan institution, which has had demonstrations over the war in Gaza.

Faculty with classes equipped with hybrid technology “should enable them to provide virtual learning options to students who need such a learning modality,” she wrote.

Those without should hold classes remotely if students request it, she wrote. The guidance applies to the university’s main campus in Morningside Heights.

There have been large demonstrations over the war in Gaza, and last week over 100 people were arrested there after the university asked the NYPD to remove protesters who occupied a space on campus for more than 30 hours.

Columbia President President Minouche Shafik said in a letter to the university community today that "I am deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus."

"The decibel of our disagreements has only increased in recent days," Shafik said. "These tensions have been exploited and amplified by individuals who are not affiliated with Columbia who have come to campus to pursue their own agendas. We need a reset."

She added that "over the past days, there have been too many examples of intimidating and harassing behavior on our campus" and that antisemitic language will not be tolerated.

Barnard offers suspended students a deal

Barnard College says it has offered the students who were suspended after a 30-hour encampment protest at Columbia last week a way to get off interim suspension.

The students were suspended after police cleared the encampment, set up in support of Gaza, on April 18. New York police arrested more than 100 people.

Barnard President Laura Ann Rosenbury said in a letter today that “the vast majority of the students on interim suspension have not previously engaged in misconduct under Barnard’s rules.”

“Last night, the College sent written notices to these students offering to lift the interim suspensions, and immediately restore their access to College buildings, if they agree to follow all Barnard rules during a probationary period,” Rosenbury said.

If they do, the incident will not appear on transcripts or reportable student disciplinary records, she said.

More than 108 people were arrested during the demonstration, authorities have said.

Students mark Passover with interfaith Seders

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Alicia Victoria Lozano

Tavleen Tarrant

BERKELEY, Calif. — Jewish students have organized interfaith Passover Seders at the Gaza solidarity encampments at college campuses across the U.S.

solidarity encampments

Photos and videos from Columbia University in New York City and the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor were shared online and show students in keffiyeh scarves, surrounded by tents, sitting down to a Passover Seder.

A spokesperson for the Jewish Voice for Peace chapter at the University of California, Berkeley, said the group would also be hosting a Seder.

“A lot of us had other plans for our first-night Seder, but we want to observe Passover with our community,” said a spokesperson for Berkeley’s chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace. “It’s a strange time dealing with the story of Passover.”

N.J. man charged with hate crime in break-in at Rutgers Islamic center

A 24-year-old New Jersey man has been charged with a federal hate crime and accused of breaking into an Islamic center on the campus of Rutgers University this month, federal prosecutors said today.

Jacob Beacher, of Somerset County, is charged with one count of intentional or attempted obstruction of religious practice and one count of making false statements to federal authorities, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey said in a statement .

Beacher is accused of breaking into the Center for Islamic Life at the New Brunswick campus around 2:40 a.m. April 10.

He broke through the glass pane of a rear door to unlock it, an FBI special agent wrote in an affidavit associated with the criminal complaint, and then allegedly damaged religious artifacts and stole a Palestinian flag.

Around $40,000 in damage was done, the affidavit says. When he was questioned, Beacher said he was the person in surveillance video near the center, but he denied breaking into the building, the FBI agent wrote.

A suspected motive is not described in the affidavit. A federal public defender listed in court records as representing Beacher did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Court records show Beacher was being held in custody.

U.S. Holocaust Museum calls on colleges to address ‘shocking eruption of antisemitism’ on campuses

The U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., today called on colleges to do more to address what it called a “shocking eruption of antisemitism” on campuses due to tensions over the war in Gaza.

“Demonstrators at Columbia University calling for Jews to return to Poland — where three million Jewish men, women, and children were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators — is an outrageous insult to Holocaust memory, a failure to appreciate its lessons, and an act of dangerous antisemitism,” the Holocaust Museum said in a statement .

“America is hardly the Third Reich, but the Holocaust teaches the dangers of pervasive societal antisemitism, and awareness of this history must guide our actions in the present,” it said. “Nazi ideology was official state policy, but it found a  receptive audience  on university campuses based on well established contempt towards Jews.”

In  a letter shared yesterday on social media , Chabad at Columbia University said students have had offensive rhetoric hurled at them, including being told to “go back to Poland” and “stop killing children.”

Demonstrators taken into custody at NYU

New York police said they took multiple people into custody at New York University tonight after the university called police and requested the removal of demonstrators.

How many people were taken into custody was not immediately clear. Video from the Manhattan campus showed police with helmets and batons and warning people to leave.

NYU said on social media earlier that protesters had until 4 p.m. to leave Gould Plaza after barricades were breached and after “we witnessed disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing behavior that has interfered with the safety and security of our community.”

Video tonight showed some demonstrators chanting “NYPD KKK” and “shame on you.”

The NYPD arrested more than 100 people last week at a Gaza protest encampment at Columbia University, also in Manhattan. Columbia had also requested police assistance, officials said.

Jewish students march in solidarity

BERKELEY, Calif. — Jewish students at several college campuses are marching in solidarity with demonstrators calling for an end to the war in Gaza and the divestment of universities from Israeli companies.

At the University of California, Berkeley, in the San Francisco Bay Area, members of the local Jews for Peace chapter camped alongside pro-Palestinian protesters on the Mario Savio steps, named after a founding member of the Free Speech Movement.

A spokesperson for the group, which plans an interfaith Passover Seder tonight, said members are there to "protect" the free speech of anti-war demonstrators.

At the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, Jews for Peace members held signs that read "Jews say no to genocide" and "Anti Zionism is not antisemitism."

Columbia student organizers condemn hate; NYPD says arrests will be made 'if there is a crime'

Doha Madani

Michael Gerber, the deputy New York police commissioner for legal matters, told reporters that officers would step in if crimes were committed on or around Columbia University's campus as some Jewish students express fear for their safety.

He said that includes "harassment or threats or menacing or stalking or anything like that that is not protected by the First Amendment."

Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, one of the student groups organizing the protest, condemned hate and bigotry in a statement yesterday. The statement blamed nonstudents outside the encampment for inciting harmful incidents over the weekend.

"We have been peaceful," the statement said. "We follow in the footsteps of the civil rights and anti-war movements in our quest for liberation."

Barnard faculty member calls for suspensions to be lifted

Barnard University faculty member Jackie Orr was out with protesters today “because of an unfolding genocide in Gaza” and to show support for students and staff members.

Orr said she was there specifically to join calls for Barnard and associated Columbia University cancel the suspensions of students who were suspended last week after they refused to leave an encampment to show support for Gaza.

The Barnard students have been evicted from their dorms, dining halls and classrooms and all of campus, she said.

“We’re here to demand that the universities immediately unsuspend those students — over 50 students at Barnard are without housing, without access to the classrooms and the faculty, without access to food,” Orr said.

Orr said it is the responsibility of faculty members to stand for students and support the speech of all students.

“The only students whose political speech and activism has been surveyed, targeted and punished have been students who have been speaking in solidarity with Palestine and students who have been speaking and acting forcefully against a genocidal war,” she said.

Barnard and Columbia, across the street from each other in Manhattan, have a partnership and students share facilities.

Patriots owner Kraft says he won’t support Columbia until changes made

New England Patriots owner and Columbia University alumnus Robert Kraft said today he will no longer support the university “until corrective action is taken."

Image: Detroit Lions v New England Patriots

In a statement , Kraft, who graduated from Columbia in 1963, said the university “is no longer an institution I recognize.”

“I am deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country. I am no longer confident that Columbia can protect its students and staff and I am not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken,” he said.

“It is my hope that Columbia and its leadership will stand up to this hate by ending these protests immediately and will work to earn back the respect and trust of the many of us who have lost faith in the institution,” he said.

Pro-Palestinian student group at Harvard says it has been suspended

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Dennis Romero

The Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee said on its social media platforms today that it has been suspended by the institution.

Harvard's public affairs and communications office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The group, also known as Harvard for Palestine, has helped organize protests on campus in solidarity with pro-Palestinian encampments and protests at Columbia University, Yale and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The organization National Students for Justice in Palestine said on X the suspension at Harvard was "intended to prevent students from replicating the solidarity encampments" across the country.

Columbia undergraduate students approve referendums on divestment, ending ties to Tel Aviv

Columbia College, the undergraduate liberal arts school at Columbia University, voted to approve three referendums today calling on the school to divest from Israel as well as cut its ties to Tel Aviv.

According to the student-run Columbia Spectator , the three referendums urged the school to divest funding from Israel, end its dual-degree program with Tel Aviv University and close its Global Center in Tel Aviv. The votes are an indicator of the student's wishes but do not change university policy.

A university spokesperson told the Spectator that the school "welcomes and embraces the Israeli students, faculty, and staff on our campus."

"We are proud of our students and military veterans from Israel and around the world whose experience adds considerable value to the classroom and beyond,” the spokesperson said.

UC Berkeley becomes first West Coast campus to join call for solidarity

BERKELEY, Calif. — Dozens of students gathered on the Savio Steps, named for Mario Savio, the leader of the 1960s Free Speech Movement, at the University of California, Berkeley, today to protest the Israel-Hamas war and the UC system’s investments in companies that do business with Israel.

Protesters said they planned to set up an encampment on campus as UC Berkeley became the first West Coast university to join a call for solidarity among colleges across the country to show their opposition to Israel’s military action in Gaza.

The Savio Steps lead to Sproul Hall, which housed the offices of the chancellor and administrators in the 1960s and were occupied by students from the Free Speech Movement. 

The movement is considered the first mass act of  civil disobedience  on a U.S. campus in the ’60s as students demanded the school lift a ban on on-campus political activity and secure their right to free speech and academic freedom.

UC Berkeley Students Hold Rally In Support Of Gaza

‘We’re going to keep demanding for a free Palestine,’ Yale protester says after arrests

The arrests of 47 students at Yale University this morning will not dissuade people from calling for the Ivy League school to disclose its investments and divest from companies linked to war or weapons, a student vowed today.

“This morning, the cops completely ambushed us. It was 6:40 a.m.; most people were still asleep,” Yale protester Chisato Kimura told NBC Connecticut .

Demonstrators had been gathering on Beinecke Plaza on the campus in New Haven all last week, and Kimura said that when their demands of Yale went unanswered, they began taking up space with people and tents on the plaza over the weekend.

“We’re going to keep demanding for a free Palestine,” Kimura said. She said some of the people arrested had already returned to protests by this afternoon.

Kimura said that the protesters want Yale to make it clear that it is not investing in ways connected to weapons or war but that Yale has refused their request for disclosure. “We don’t want to be complicit as students,” she said.

“I don’t know what Yale was thinking when they arrested the students, but if they thought they were going to shut us up or make us quiet — I mean, it completely backfired,” Kimura told NBC Connecticut as a rally was being held.

Yale said in a statement that it repeatedly warned students that continuing to violate university policies could result in action that included arrest and that it tried to negotiate with students to leave the plaza without success. It said that negotiations ended at 11:30 p.m. and that today Yale issued summonses to people who refused to leave voluntarily. 

Yale also said that it "became aware of police reports identifying harmful acts and threatening language used against individuals at or near the protest sites," some by people from Yale and some from outsiders. Several hundred people were at the plaza over the weekend, the university said.

Michigan students establish encampment in heart of campus

Protesters at the University of Michigan renewed their criticism of Israeli warfare today by erecting an encampment in the heart of the Ann Arbor campus, on the Diag, or Diagonal Green.

The protest was organized in part by the group Transparency Accountability Humanity Reparations Investment Resistance, better known as the TAHRIR Coalition.

Earlier in the day students marched along the Diag chanting, "If you don't get no justice, we don't get no peace."

The coalition's main goal is university divestment from companies or funds that support Israel's war in Gaza, home to a population that has faced mass displacement since Hamas militants' Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel.

The university has addressed the demand previously, with Regent Michael Behm saying in late March: "The endowment has no direct investment in any Israeli company. What we do have are funds that one of those companies may be part of a fund. Less than 1/10 of 1% of the endowment is invested indirectly in such companies."

University of Michigan police did not immediately respond to a request for information about its response to today's actions on campus.

Biden condemns antisemitic protests, 'those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians'

Alexandra Bacallao

Zoë Richards

Reporters asked Biden in Triangle, Virginia, this afternoon for his message to protestors and whether he condemned antisemitic demonstrations on college campuses.

“I condemn the antisemitic protests; that’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that," Biden told reporters.

“I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians,” he added.

The comment appeared to be a reference to an effort announced last year to initiate partnerships between the departments of Justice and Homeland Security   and campus law enforcement agencies to track hate-related threats and supply schools with federal resources to combat a rise in antisemitism.

Rep. Ilhan Omar praises solidarity movement on campuses

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., praised the solidarity emerging as campuses across the country protest the Israel-Hamas war after faculty at Columbia University staged a walkout over the administration’s crackdown.

“On Thursday, Columbia arrested and suspended its students who were peacefully protesting and have now ignited a nationwide Gaza Solidarity movement,” Omar wrote on X. “This is more than the students hoped for and I am glad to see this type of solidarity.”

Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, was arrested participating in the protests and suspended from Columbia’s nearby sister school, Barnard College. Omar said she was “enormously proud” of her daughter.

Hirsi  told MSNBC  she believed the school targeted for suspension students who were speaking to the media. She denied the protest encampment on campus was threatening, describing it as a “beautiful” community and saying students held Shabbat during that time.

Columbia courses go virtual as protests continue; faculty stage walkout in support

Students at Columbia University are on their sixth day of camping out on the school's South Lawn, a re-creation of an anti-war demonstration students held in 1968 opposing U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

Columbia President Nemat “Minouche” Shafik said today that classes would be held virtually and that school leaders would be coming together to discuss a way to bring an end to “this crisis.” The original 1968 protests lasted roughly a week before police forcibly removed students in full-scale police riots , alumnus Oren Root described in an opinion essay.

A large group of faculty members staged a walkout today in support of students. Students were arrested last week when the school administration asked police to remove students, citing a threat to safety, though NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell told the Columbia Spectator that the protestors were peaceful and "offered no resistance whatsoever."

The Columbia encampment has inspired similar demonstrations at other campuses, including New York University, Yale University and the University of California, Berkeley. Protesters have also gathered outside the gate to Columbia University, where antisemitic incidents and aggressive crowds have been reported.

Pro-Palestinian supporters arrested at encampment on Yale plaza

Marlene Lenthang

Police officers   today arrested protesters who had set up an encampment on Yale University’s campus   in support of the Palestinian cause,   one of a  growing number of American universities  where there have been demonstrations surrounding the Israel-Hamas war.

After a third night of camping out, Police officers arrested protesters in support of the Palestinian cause  on Yale University’s campus on April 22, 2024.

Protesters had been on their third night of camping out to urge Yale to divest from military weapons manufacturers, the  Yale Daily News  reported.

Officers gathered at the protest site at Beinecke Plaza shortly before 7 a.m. Monday   and were   seen approaching the encampment and “flipping up the entrances to the tents,” the school paper wrote on X.

Then officers issued a warning for students and journalists to leave or they’d be arrested. Minutes later, the school paper wrote on X that police were arresting people.

In total, 47 students were issued summonses, Yale said in a  statement  today.  

Read the full story here.

A high-energy crowd at NYU

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People gathered in front of New York University's Stern School of Business to protest on Gould Plaza this afternoon. The crowd maintained high energy while chanting “free Palestine." The group also held a communal prayer and observed a moment of silence for those who have died in Gaza.

Image: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Set Up Tent Encampment At New York University

New York police were on the scene.

A few people gathered across the street, with at least one person holding an Israeli flag.

Karely Perez, an NYU alumna, said she joined the protest to show her support for the student organizations behind the encampment.

“Once the students start getting mad, things start to change,” she said.

Perez said she was proud of the students and added that although the encampments on university campuses are new, pro-Palestinian activism has always existed at schools like NYU.

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Tesla Will Solve Autonomy 'Even If I Got Kidnapped By Aliens Tomorrow,' Says Elon Musk As He Reveals Talks With 'Major Automaker' For FSD Licensing

Tesla, Inc . TSLA is in discussions with “a major automaker” to license its  Full Self-Driving (FSD) software , CEO  Elon Musk  revealed on Tuesday, adding that the technology will eventually enable true autonomous driving.

Integration and Timeline:  While integrating FSD into competitor vehicles requires minimal effort (utilizing compatible cameras, inference computers, and the software license), deployment will take time, Musk said. 

“I think we have a good chance we do sign a deal this year, maybe more than one. But yes, it would be probably three years before it’s integrated with a car,” Musk said. The delay in deployment, company CFO  Vaibhav Taneja  said, will not be due to delay from Tesla but due to the work that rival automakers have to do in terms of design changes to integrate the software.

Tesla’s Ambitions:  Despite its name, FSD currently requires active driver supervision and doesn’t offer full autonomy. However, Musk remains optimistic that Tesla will eventually achieve true autonomy, comparing self-driving cars to elevators that transport passengers to their destinations.

“Even if I got kidnapped by aliens tomorrow, Tesla will solve autonomy, maybe a little slower, but it would solve autonomy for vehicles at least,” Musk said. “If somebody doesn’t believe Tesla is going to solve autonomy, I think they should not be an investor in the company.”

“I mean, we’re putting the actual auto in automobile,” he added later on the call.

Shifting Stance:  In Tesla’s previous quarter’s earnings call, Musk stated the company hadn’t  secured any FSD licensing deals  because competitors didn’t believe “it’s (FSD) real quite yet.” Now, Musk predicts that without FSD capability, consumers won’t purchase cars in the future. “License it or nobody will buy your car,” he warned.

Regulatory Hurdles:  Deploying autonomous vehicles hinges on both technological advancement and regulatory approval. 

Tesla’s Director of Autopilot software,  Ashok Elluswamy , believes regulatory hurdles might be minimal if sufficient data proves the safety advantages of autonomous cars over human-driven vehicles. 

Other  autonomous car companies  have also been clearing the regulatory path for Tesla, Elluswamy said, referring to  Alphabet Inc ‘s  Waymo .

Check out more of Benzinga’s Future Of Mobility coverage by  following this link .

Read More: Tesla Exec Says 1,000 Cybertrucks A Week Prove 4680 Cell Production Isn’t A Bottleneck: ‘We Expect To Stay Ahead…’

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What Sentencing Could Look Like if Trump Is Found Guilty

A black-and-white photo of Donald Trump, standing behind a metal barricade.

By Norman L. Eisen

Mr. Eisen is the author of “Trying Trump: A Guide to His First Election Interference Criminal Trial.”

For all the attention to and debate over the unfolding trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan, there has been surprisingly little of it paid to a key element: its possible outcome and, specifically, the prospect that a former and potentially future president could be sentenced to prison time.

The case — brought by Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, against Mr. Trump — represents the first time in our nation’s history that a former president is a defendant in a criminal trial. As such, it has generated lots of debate about the case’s legal strength and integrity, as well as its potential impact on Mr. Trump’s efforts to win back the White House.

A review of thousands of cases in New York that charged the same felony suggests something striking: If Mr. Trump is found guilty, incarceration is an actual possibility. It’s not certain, of course, but it is plausible.

Jury selection has begun, and it’s not too soon to talk about what the possibility of a sentence, including a prison sentence, would look like for Mr. Trump, for the election and for the country — including what would happen if he is re-elected.

The case focuses on alleged interference in the 2016 election, which consisted of a hush-money payment Michael Cohen, the former president’s fixer at the time, made in 2016 to a porn star, Stormy Daniels, who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump. Mr. Bragg is arguing that the cover-up cheated voters of the chance to fully assess Mr. Trump’s candidacy.

This may be the first criminal trial of a former president in American history, but if convicted, Mr. Trump’s fate is likely to be determined by the same core factors that guide the sentencing of every criminal defendant in New York State Court.

Comparable cases. The first factor is the base line against which judges measure all sentences: how other defendants have been treated for similar offenses. My research encompassed almost 10,000 cases of felony falsifying business records that have been prosecuted across the state of New York since 2015. Over a similar period, the Manhattan D.A. has charged over 400 of these cases . In roughly the first year of Mr. Bragg’s tenure, his team alone filed 166 felony counts for falsifying business records against 34 people or companies.

Contrary to claims that there will be no sentence of incarceration for falsifying business records, when a felony conviction involves serious misconduct, defendants can be sentenced to some prison time. My analysis of the most recent data indicates that approximately one in 10 cases in which the most serious charge at arraignment is falsifying business records in the first degree and in which the court ultimately imposes a sentence, results in a term of imprisonment.

To be clear, these cases generally differ from Mr. Trump’s case in one important respect: They typically involve additional charges besides just falsifying records. That clearly complicates what we might expect if Mr. Trump is convicted.

Nevertheless, there are many previous cases involving falsifying business records along with other charges where the conduct was less serious than is alleged against Mr. Trump and prison time was imposed. For instance, Richard Luthmann was accused of attempting to deceive voters — in his case, impersonating New York political figures on social media in an attempt to influence campaigns. He pleaded guilty to three counts of falsifying business records in the first degree (as well as to other charges). He received a sentence of incarceration on the felony falsification counts (although the sentence was not solely attributable to the plea).

A defendant in another case was accused of stealing in excess of $50,000 from her employer and, like in this case, falsifying one or more invoices as part of the scheme. She was indicted on a single grand larceny charge and ultimately pleaded guilty to one felony count of business record falsification for a false invoice of just under $10,000. She received 364 days in prison.

To be sure, for a typical first-time offender charged only with run-of-the-mill business record falsification, a prison sentence would be unlikely. On the other hand, Mr. Trump is being prosecuted for 34 counts of conduct that might have changed the course of American history.

Seriousness of the crime. Mr. Bragg alleges that Mr. Trump concealed critical information from voters (paying hush money to suppress an extramarital relationship) that could have harmed his campaign, particularly if it came to light after the revelation of another scandal — the “Access Hollywood” tape . If proved, that could be seen not just as unfortunate personal judgment but also, as Justice Juan Merchan has described it, an attempt “to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election.”

History and character. To date, Mr. Trump has been unrepentant about the events alleged in this case. There is every reason to believe that will not change even if he is convicted, and lack of remorse is a negative at sentencing. Justice Merchan’s evaluation of Mr. Trump’s history and character may also be informed by the other judgments against him, including Justice Arthur Engoron’s ruling that Mr. Trump engaged in repeated and persistent business fraud, a jury finding that he sexually abused and defamed E. Jean Carroll and a related defamation verdict by a second jury.

Justice Merchan may also weigh the fact that Mr. Trump has been repeatedly held in contempt , warned , fined and gagged by state and federal judges. That includes for statements he made that exposed witnesses, individuals in the judicial system and their families to danger. More recently, Mr. Trump made personal attacks on Justice Merchan’s daughter, resulting in an extension of the gag order in the case. He now stands accused of violating it again by commenting on witnesses.

What this all suggests is that a term of imprisonment for Mr. Trump, while far from certain for a former president, is not off the table. If he receives a sentence of incarceration, perhaps the likeliest term is six months, although he could face up to four years, particularly if Mr. Trump chooses to testify, as he said he intends to do , and the judge believes he lied on the stand . Probation is also available, as are more flexible approaches like a sentence of spending every weekend in jail for a year.

We will probably know what the judge will do within 30 to 60 days of the end of the trial, which could run into mid-June. If there is a conviction, that would mean a late summer or early fall sentencing.

Justice Merchan would have to wrestle in the middle of an election year with the potential impact of sentencing a former president and current candidate.

If Mr. Trump is sentenced to a period of incarceration, the reaction of the American public will probably be as polarized as our divided electorate itself. Yet as some polls suggest — with the caveat that we should always be cautious of polls early in the race posing hypothetical questions — many key swing state voters said they would not vote for a felon.

If Mr. Trump is convicted and then loses the presidential election, he will probably be granted bail, pending an appeal, which will take about a year. That means if any appeals are unsuccessful, he will most likely have to serve any sentence starting sometime next year. He will be sequestered with his Secret Service protection; if it is less than a year, probably in Rikers Island. His protective detail will probably be his main company, since Mr. Trump will surely be isolated from other inmates for his safety.

If Mr. Trump wins the presidential election, he can’t pardon himself because it is a state case. He will be likely to order the Justice Department to challenge his sentence, and department opinions have concluded that a sitting president could not be imprisoned, since that would prevent the president from fulfilling the constitutional duties of the office. The courts have never had to address the question, but they could well agree with the Justice Department.

So if Mr. Trump is convicted and sentenced to a period of incarceration, its ultimate significance is probably this: When the American people go to the polls in November, they will be voting on whether Mr. Trump should be held accountable for his original election interference.

What questions do you have about Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial so far?

Please submit them below. Our trial experts will respond to a selection of readers in a future piece.

Norman L. Eisen investigated the 2016 voter deception allegations as counsel for the first impeachment and trial of Donald Trump and is the author of “Trying Trump: A Guide to His First Election Interference Criminal Trial.”

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  9. Essay

    Tomorrow I will have the opportunity to appear before the same committee and share what we have learned as we battle this ancient hatred at Columbia University. Oct. 7 was a day, like Sept. 11...

  10. Sample Essay About Tomorrow Free Essay Example

    4254. If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow still comes. But have you ever wondered what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is the moment of time which we get after waking up in the morning, is the familiar time circle which repeats each 24 hours. Tomorrow is unpredictable, is the series of questions which led...

  11. Opinion

    Why Aren't We Saving the Urban Forests? April 22, 2024, 5:03 a.m. ET. Aaron Hardin. Share full article. By Margaret Renkl. Ms. Renkl is a contributing Opinion writer who covers flora, fauna...

  12. Opinion

    We Regulate a Tiny Fraction of the 12,000 'Forever Chemicals.'. There's a Better Way. Dr. Blackburn teaches creative nonfiction writing at the University of Chicago. When I was 12 years old...

  13. Chaos in Dubai as UAE records heaviest rainfall in 75 years

    Chaos ensued in the United Arab Emirates after the country witnessed the heaviest rainfall in 75 years, with some areas recording more than 250 mm of precipitation in fewer than 24 hours, the...

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    Ms. Cheney, a Republican, is a former U.S. representative from Wyoming and was vice chairwoman of the Jan. 6 select committee in the House of Representatives. On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court...

  16. NPR Editor Uri Berliner suspended after essay criticizing network : NPR

    NPR suspended senior editor Uri Berliner for five days without pay after he wrote an essay accusing the network of losing the public's trust and appeared on a podcast to explain his argument. Uri...

  17. Pennsylvania primary election 2024: Date, candidates, races, live updates

    The Pennsylvania primary is right around the corner, taking place on Tuesday. Although Pennsylvania is considered a critical swing state in this year's presidential election, its voters hold less sway in each party's primary. That's because the state holds its primary relatively late in the process, in late April. Show more.

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    Tesla stock hit a new 52-week low on Monday at $138.80. The stock is down 43% year-to-date and is off 66% from its record high reached in November 2021. Advertisement. Here's what Wall Street...

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  20. People taken into custody at NYU as pro-Palestinian campus protests

    Stay tuned for live updates and comprehensive news coverage of the ongoing student protests at Columbia and other universities. Get the latest developments, reactions, and analysis as the...

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    Bragg is arguing that the cover-up cheated voters of the chance to fully assess Mr. Trump's candidacy. This may be the first criminal trial of a former president in American history, but if...

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