Research Methodology

  • Introduction to Research Methodology
  • Research Approaches
  • Concepts of Theory and Empiricism
  • Characteristics of scientific method
  • Understanding the Language of Research
  • 11 Steps in Research Process
  • Research Design
  • Different Research Designs
  • Compare and Contrast the Main Types of Research Designs
  • Cross-sectional research design
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research
  • Descriptive Research VS Qualitative Research
  • Experimental Research VS Quantitative Research
  • Sampling Design
  • Probability VS Non-Probability Sampling

40 MCQ on Research Methodology

  • MCQ on research Process
  • MCQ on Research Design
  • 18 MCQ on Quantitative Research
  • 30 MCQ on Qualitative Research
  • 45 MCQ on Sampling Methods
  • 20 MCQ on Principles And Planning For Research

Q1. Which of the following statement is correct? (A) Reliability ensures the validity (B) Validity ensures reliability (C) Reliability and validity are independent of each other (D) Reliability does not depend on objectivity

Answer:  (C)

Q2. Which of the following statements is correct? (A) Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis (B) Researcher must possess analytical ability (C) Variability is the source of problem (D) All the above

Answer:  (D)

Q3. The first step of research is: (A) Selecting a problem (B) Searching a problem (C) Finding a problem (D) Identifying a problem

Q4. Research can be conducted by a person who: (A) holds a postgraduate degree (B) has studied research methodology (C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability (D) is a hard worker

Answer: (B)

Q5. Research can be classified as: (A) Basic, Applied and Action Research (B) Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research (C) Quantitative and Qualitative Research (D) All the above

Q6. To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses: (A) t test (B) ANOVA (C)  X 2 (D) factorial analysis

Answer:  (B)

Q7. Bibliography given in a research report: (A) shows vast knowledge of the researcher (B) helps those interested in further research (C) has no relevance to research (D) all the above

Q8. A research problem is feasible only when: (A) it has utility and relevance (B) it is researchable (C) it is new and adds something to knowledge (D) all the above

Q9. The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as: (A) Survey Research (B) Summative Research (C) Historical Research (D) ‘Ex-post Facto’ Research

Answer: (D)

Q10. Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as: (A) Data analysis and interpretation (B) Parameter inference (C) Statistical inference (D) All of the above

Answer:  (A)

Q11. Fundamental research reflects the ability to: (A) Synthesize new ideals (B) Expound new principles (C) Evaluate the existing material concerning research (D) Study the existing literature regarding various topics

Q12. The main characteristic of scientific research is: (A) empirical (B) theoretical (C) experimental (D) all of the above

Q13. Authenticity of a research finding is its: (A) Originality (B) Validity (C) Objectivity (D) All of the above

Q14. Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite? (A) Area Sampling Technique (B) Purposive Sampling Technique (C) Systematic Sampling Technique (D) None of the above

Q15. Research problem is selected from the stand point of: (A) Researcher’s interest (B) Financial support (C) Social relevance (D) Availability of relevant literature

Q16. The research is always – (A) verifying the old knowledge (B) exploring new knowledge (C) filling the gap between knowledge (D) all of these

Q17. Research is (A) Searching again and again (B) Finding a solution to any problem (C) Working in a scientific way to search for the truth of any problem (D) None of the above

Q20. A common test in research demands much priority on (A) Reliability (B) Useability (C) Objectivity (D) All of the above

Q21. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? (A) Searching sources of information to locate the problem. (B) Survey of related literature (C) Identification of the problem (D) Searching for solutions to the problem

Answer: (C)

Q22. Which correlation coefficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence? (A) 1.00 (B) 0.6 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.3

Q23. Manipulation is always a part of (A) Historical research (B) Fundamental research (C) Descriptive research (D) Experimental research

Explanation: In experimental research, researchers deliberately manipulate one or more independent variables to observe their effects on dependent variables. The goal is to establish cause-and-effect relationships and test hypotheses. This type of research often involves control groups and random assignment to ensure the validity of the findings. Manipulation is an essential aspect of experimental research to assess the impact of specific variables and draw conclusions about their influence on the outcome.

Q24. The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called (A) Philosophical research (B) Historical research (C) Mythological research (D) Content analysis

Q25. A null hypothesis is (A) when there is no difference between the variables (B) the same as research hypothesis (C) subjective in nature (D) when there is difference between the variables

Q26. We use Factorial Analysis: (A) To know the relationship between two variables (B) To test the Hypothesis (C) To know the difference between two variables (D) To know the difference among the many variables

Explanation: Factorial analysis, specifically factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA), is used to investigate the effects of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable. It helps to determine whether there are significant differences or interactions among the independent variables and their combined effects on the dependent variable.

Q27. Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research? (A) Philosophical research (B) Action research (C) Descriptive research (D) All the above

Q28.  Action-research is: (A) An applied research (B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems (C) A longitudinal research (D) All the above

Explanation: Action research is an approach to research that encompasses all the options mentioned. It is an applied research method where researchers work collaboratively with practitioners or stakeholders to address immediate problems or issues in a real-world context. It is often conducted over a period of time, making it a longitudinal research approach. So, all the options (A) An applied research, (B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems, and (C) A longitudinal research are correct when describing action research.

Q29.  The basis on which assumptions are formulated: (A) Cultural background of the country (B) Universities (C) Specific characteristics of the castes (D) All of these

Q30. How can the objectivity of the research be enhanced? (A) Through its impartiality (B) Through its reliability (C) Through its validity (D) All of these

Q31.  A research problem is not feasible only when: (A) it is researchable (B) it is new and adds something to the knowledge (C) it consists of independent and dependent var i ables (D) it has utility and relevance

Explanation:  A research problem is considered feasible when it can be studied and investigated using appropriate research methods and resources. The presence of independent and dependent variables is not a factor that determines the feasibility of a research problem. Instead, it is an essential component of a well-defined research problem that helps in formulating research questions or hypotheses. Feasibility depends on whether the research problem can be addressed and answered within the constraints of available time, resources, and methods. Options (A), (B), and (D) are more relevant to the feasibility of a research problem.

Q32. The process not needed in experimental research is: (A) Observation (B) Manipulation and replication (C) Controlling (D) Reference collection

In experimental research, reference collection is not a part of the process.

Q33. When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is: (A) Cluster Sampling (B) Stratified Sampling (C) Convenient Sampling (D) Lottery Method

Explanation: When a research problem involves a heterogeneous population, stratified sampling is the most suitable sampling method. Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics or variables. Each stratum represents a relatively homogeneous subset of the population. Then, a random sample is taken from each stratum in proportion to its size or importance in the population. This method ensures that the sample is representative of the diversity present in the population and allows for more precise estimates of population parameters for each subgroup.

Q34.  Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as: (A) Data analysis and interpretation (B) Parameter inference (C) Statistical inference (D) All of the above

Explanation: Generalized conclusions based on a sample are achieved through statistical inference. It involves using sample data to make inferences or predictions about a larger population. Statistical inference helps researchers draw conclusions, estimate parameters, and test hypotheses about the population from which the sample was taken. It is a fundamental concept in statistics and plays a crucial role in various fields, including research, data analysis, and decision-making.

Q35. The experimental study is based on

(A) The manipulation of variables (B) Conceptual parameters (C) Replication of research (D) Survey of literature

Q36.  Which one is called non-probability sampling? (A) Cluster sampling (B) Quota sampling (C) Systematic sampling (D) Stratified random sampling

Q37.  Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in: (A) Survey method (B) Historical studies (C) Experimental studies (D) Normative studies

Q38. Field-work-based research is classified as: (A) Empirical (B) Historical (C) Experimental (D) Biographical

Q39. Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006? (A) Cluster sampling (B) Systematic sampling (C) Quota sampling (D) Stratified random sampling

Q40. The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is: (A) Applied research (B) Action research (C) Experimental research (D) None of these

Answer: (A)


Research Aptitude MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

  • 10 March 2024

Unit-1 Teaching Aptitude MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-2 Research Aptitude MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-3 Comprehension MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-4 Communication MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-5 Mathe.R and. Aptit. MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-6 Logical Reasoning MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-7 Data Interpretation MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net Unit-8 (I.C.T) MCQ Paper-1 Ugc Net Unit-9 (P.D.E) MCQ Paper-1 Ugc Net Unit-10 Higher e.s MCQ Paper-1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-1 Teaching Aptitude MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-3 Comprehension MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-4 Communication MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

Q1) Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in modern society? I to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge II to discover new things. III to write a critique on the earlier writings. V to systematically examine and critically analyze the investigations/sources with objectivity. Options: A) V, II and I B) I, II and III C) I and III D) II, III and IV

Q2) To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses: Options: A) t test B) ANOVA C) X2 D) factorial analysis

Q3) A research problem is feasible only when: Options: A) it has utility and relevance B) it is researchable C) it is new and adds something to knowledge D) all the above

Q4) Bibliography given in a research report: Options: A) shows vast knowledge of the researcher B) helps those interested in further research C) has no relevance to research D) all the above

Q5) Fundamental research reflects the ability to: Options: A) Synthesize new ideals B) Expound new principles C) Evaluate the existing material concerning research D) Study the existing literature regarding various topics

Q6) Match List-I (Interviews) with List-II (Meaning) and select the correct answer from the code given below: List -I (Interviews) a) structured interviews b) Unstructured interviews c) Focused interviews d) Clinical interviews List -II (Meaning) i) greater edibility approach. ii) attention on the questions to be answered iii) individual life experience iv) Pre determined question v) non-directive Options: A) A − (iv), B − (i), C − (ii), D − (iii) B) A − (ii), B − (iv), C − (i), D − (iii) C) A − (v), B − (ii), C − (iv), D − (i) D) A − (i), B − (iii), C − (v), D − (iv)

Q7) What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research? Options: A) To bring out holistic approach to research. B) To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain. C) To over simplify the problem of research. D) To create a new trend in research methodology.

Q8) One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to: Options: A) improve data interpretation B) eliminate spurious relations C) confirm triangulation D) Introduce new variables

Q9) The depth of any research can be judged by: Options: A) Title of the research. B) Objectives of the research. C) Total expenditure on the research. D) Duration of the research.

Q10) Research can be conducted by a person who: Options: A) has studied research methodology B) holds a postgraduate degree C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability D) is a hard worker

Q11) Which of the following statements is correct? Options: A) Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis B) Researcher must possess analytical ability C) Variability is the source of problem D) All the above

Q12) Which of the following is not the Method of Research? Options: A) Observation B) Historical C) Survey D) Philosophical

Q13) Research can be classified as: Options: A) Basic, Applied and Action Research B) Quantitative and Qualitative Research C) Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research D) All the above

Q14) The first step of research is: Options: A) Selecting a problem B) Searching a problem C) Finding a problem D) Identifying a problem

Q15) The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as: Options: A) Survey Research B) Ex-post Facto’ Research C) Historical Research D) Summative Research

Q16) Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as: Options: A) Data analysis and interpretation B) Parameter inference C) Statistical inference D) All of the above

Q17) Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence? Options: A) 0 B) 0.6 C) 0.5 D) 0.3

Q18) Action research means Options: A) Action research means B) An applied research C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem D) A research with socioeconomic objective

Q19) Research is Options: A) Searching again and again B) Finding solution to any problem C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem D) None of the above

Q20) The experimental study is based on: Options: A) The manipulation of variables B) Conceptual parameters C) Replication of research D) Survey of literature

Q21) The main characteristic of scientific research is: Options: A) empirical B) theoretical C) experimental D) all of the above

Q22) Authenticity of a research finding is its: Options: A) Originality B) Validity C) Objectivity D) All of the above

Q23) Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite? Options: A) Area Sampling Technique B) Purposive Sampling Technique C) Systematic Sampling Technique D) None of the above

Q24) Probability sampling implies: Options: A) Stratified Random Sampling B) Systematic Random Sampling C) Simple Random Sampling D) All of the above

Q25) Research problem is selected from the stand point of: Options: A) Researcher’s interest B) Financial support C) Social relevance D) Availability of relevant literature

Q26) Which one is called non-probability sampling? Options: A) Cluster sampling B) Quota sampling C) Systematic sampling D) Stratified random sampling

Q27) Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in: Options: A) Survey method B) Historical studies C) Experimental studies D) Normative studies

Q28) Field-work based research is classified as: Options: A) Empirical B) Historical C) Experimental D) Biographical

Q29) Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006? Options: A) Cluster sampling B) Systematic sampling C) Quota sampling D) Stratified random sampling

Q30) Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling? Options: A) Sample units must be clearly defined B) Sample units must be dependent on each other C) Same units of sample should be used throughout the study D) Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner

Q31) If January 1st, 2007 is Monday, what was the day on 1st January 1995? Options: A) Sunday B) Monday C) Friday D) Saturday

Q32) The research is always -(December-2008) Options: A) verifying the old knowledge B) exploring new knowledge C) filling the gap between knowledge D) all of these

Q33) The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is: Options: A) Applied research B) Action research C) Experimental research D) None of these

Q34) When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is: Options: A) Cluster Sampling B) Stratified Sampling C) Convenient Sampling D) Lottery Method

Q35) The process not needed in experimental research is: Options: A) Observation B) Manipulation and replication C) Controlling D) Reference collection

Q36) A research problem is not feasible only when: Options: A) it is researchable B) it is new and adds something to knowledge C) it consists of independent and dependent variables D) it has utility and relevance

Q37) How can the objectivity of the research be enhanced? Options: A) Through its impartiality B) Through its reliability C) Through its validity D) All of these

Q38) Action-research is: Options: A) An applied research B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems C) A longitudinal research D) All the above

Q39) The basis on which assumptions are formulated: Options: A) Cultural background of the country B) Universities C) Specific characteristics of the castes D) All of these

Q40) Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research? Options: A) Philosophical research B) Action research C) Descriptive research D) All the above

Q41) We use Factorial Analysis: Options: A) To know the relationship between two variables B) To test the Hypothesis C) To know the difference between two variables D) To know the difference among the many variables

Q42) A null hypothesis is Options: A) when there is no difference between the variables B) the same as research hypothesis C) subjective in nature D) when there is difference between the variables

Q43) The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called (December-009) Options: A) Philosophical research B) Historical research C) Mythological research D) Content analysis

Q44) Action research is Options: A) An applied research B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems C) A longitudinal research D) Simulative research

Q45) The process not needed in Experimental Researches is Options: A) Observation B) Manipulation C) Controlling D) Content Analysis

Q46) Manipulation is always a part of Options: A) Historical research B) Fundamental research C) Descriptive research D) Experimental research

Q47) A common test in research demands much priority on Options: A) Reliability B) Usability C) Objectivity D) All of the above

Q48) Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? Options: A) Searching sources of information to locate problem. B) Survey of related literature C) Identification of problem D) Searching for solutions to the problem

Q49) If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness? This will be an example of Options: A) Basic Research B) Action Research C) Applied Research D) None of the above

Q50) Normal Probability Curve should be Options: A) Positively skewed B) Negatively skewed C) Leptokurtic skewed D) Zero skewed

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-5 Mathe.R and. Aptit. MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Logical Re…

Unit-6 Logical Reasoning MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Data Inter…

Unit-7 Data Interpretation MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

Q51) If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness? This will be a example of Options: A) Basic Research B) Action Research C) Applied Research D) None of the above

Q52) Normal Probability Curve should be Options: A) Positively skewed B) Negatively skewed C) Leptokurtic skewed D) Zero skewed

Q53) Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in modern society? Options: A) To keep pace with the advancement in knowledge B) To discover new things. C) to write a critique on the earlier writings. D) to systematically examine and critically Analyze the investigations/sources with objectivity.

Q54) The correlation between two variables in which the effect of some other variable or variables on their relationship is controlled is called Options: A) Contingency coefficient of correlation. B) Multiple correlations. C) Partial correlation. D) Product-moment correlation.

Q55) What is the nature of the statement that experimental generalizations are statistical inferences; they can only attain a degree of probability somewhere along a continuum between truth and falsity? Options: A) Not wholly true B) Wholly true C) Incorrect entirely D) None of the above .

Q56) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of non-parametric statistical tests? Options: A) They can be used when data are in the forms of ranks or categories B) They yield statements of exact probabilities irrespective of the shape of the population distribution C) They are less powerful than the parametric tests. D) They can be used in situations where parametric tests are applicable

Q57) ANOVA does NOT assume that Options: A) The treatment groups are selected at random from the same population. B) The adjusted scores within groups have normal distribution. C) The treatment groups are homogeneous. D) The treatment groups are drawn from a larger population.

Q58) When large groups of interconnected facts are considered together in a consistent manner, we get a Options: A) Scientific Theory B) Critical Problem C) Combined Result D) Confirmed Fact

Q59) If in a research independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as Options: A) Experimental Research B) Non-experimental Research C) Fundamental Research D) Exploratory Research

Q60) A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while a measure based upon a sample is known as Options: A) Sample parameter B) Inference C) Statistic D) None of these

Q61) Ordinarily a good piece of research follows four phases. They are give below i) Setting of objectives ii) Analyzing data iii) Collecting data iv) Interpreting the findings Which of the following orders for these phases is correct? Options: A) (iii), (i), (iv), & (ii) B) (i), (iii), (ii), & (iv) C) (i), (ii), (iii), & (iv) D) (ii), (iv), (iii) & (i)

Q62) What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research? Options: A) To bring out holistic approach to research. B) To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain. C) To over simplify the problem of research. D) To create a new trend in research methodology.

Q63) One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to: Options: A) improve data interpretation B) eliminate spurious relations C) confirm triangulation D) introduce new variables

Q64) The depth of any research can be judged by: Options: A) Title of the research. B) Objectives of the research. C) Total expenditure on the research. D) Duration of the research.

Q65) Research can be conducted by a person who: Options: A) has studied research methodology B) holds a postgraduate degree C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability D) is a hard worker

Q66) Which of the following statements is correct? Options: A) Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis B) Researcher must possess analytical ability C) Variability is the source of problem D) All the above

Q67) Suppose you have a glass of milk and with a measuring glass you continue to add half a c. c. of plain tea at every step, till your friend reports a change in judgment in the colour of the milk. The quantity of tea added, has just crossed what is just termed as Options: A) Illusion B) Absolute Threshold C) Color Blindness D) Just Noticeable Difference

Q68) Suppose one Experimenter (E) in psychology firmly believes that Brahman in children are inherently superior to the Harijan children. Naturally he would never think of home environment as an explanation. This is a very obvious example of Options: A) Experimenter’s Bias B) Subject’s Bias C) Stimulus Error D) Response Error

Q69) Which one of the following approaches tries to analyze human behaviour in terms of stimulus-response units acquired through the process of learning, mainly through instrumental conditioning? Options: A) Cognitive Approach B) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach C) Stimulus-Response-behaviouristic Approach D) Existential Approach

Q70) The approach which has its roots in Gestalt Psychology is popularly Known as Options: A) Holistic Approach B) Stimulus-Response-behaviouristic Approach C) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach D) Cognitive Approach

Q71) Which approach emphasizes the role of instinctual processes and their modification in the course of interaction with the society? Options: A) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach B) Cognitive Approach C) Holistic Approach D) Stimulus-Response-behaviouristic Approach

Q72) Which approach placed emphasis on human existence–the need to establish a sense of personal identity and to build meaningful links with the world? Options: A) Cognitive Approach B) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach C) Holistic Approach D) Existential Approach

Q73) Which of the following is not the Method of Research? Options: A) Observation B) Historical C) Survey D) Philosophical

Q74) Research can be classified as: Options: A) Basic, Applied and Action Research B) Quantitative and Qualitative Research C) Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research D) All the above

Q75) The first step of research is: Options: A) Selecting a problem B) Searching a problem C) Finding a problem D) Identifying a problem

Q76) To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses: Options: A) t test B) ANOVA C) X2 D) factorial analysis

Q77) A research problem is feasible only when: Options: A) it has utility and relevance B) it is researchable C) it is new and adds something to knowledge D) all the above

Q78) Existentialism tries to reach modern man, offer him help in terms of clarifying his values, work out a meaningful and purposive existence. Psychologists who shaped this approach were Options: A) Rollo May, R. D. Laing and Erick Fromm B) G. W. Allport, R. B. Catell and H. J. Eysenk C) Erickson and Sulliva D) Piaget, Bruner and Witki

Q79) The system which still survives very nearly in its rigid forms is Options: A) Cognitive Approach B) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach C) Holistic Approach D) Existential Approach

Q80) Which approach tells us that under normal conditions the Organism is not a passive recipient of stimuli but an active, seeking and striving entity trying to master the environment and also master itself? Options: A) Organism, Holistic and Self Approaches B) Dynamic and Psychoanalytic Approach C) Cognitive Approach D) Existential Approach

Q81) Bibliography given in a research report: Options: A) shows vast knowledge of the researcher B) helps those interested in further research C) has no relevance to research D) all the above

Q82) Fundamental research reflects the ability to: Options: A) Synthesize new ideals B) Expound new principles C) Evaluate the existing material concerning research D) Study the existing literature regarding various topics

Q83) The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as: Options: A) Survey Research B) Ex-post Facto’ Research C) Historical Research D) Summative Research

Q84) Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically know as: Options: A) Data analysis and interpretation B) Parameter inference C) Statistical inference D) All of the above

Q85) Psychologists are sometimes interested to study consciousness even though they have no method of observing it directly except by using Options: A) “Inference” as the only tool B) “Experimentation” as the only tool C) “Observation” technique D) Introspection” technique

Q86) The term “unconscious motivation” describes the key idea of Options: A) Structuralism B) Functionalism C) Psychoanalysis D) behaviour ism

Q87) The psychologists who are especially concerned with increasing the efficiency of learning in school by applying their psychological knowledge about learning and motivation to the curriculum are popularly known as Options: A) Experimental Psychologists B) Clinical Psychologists C) Physiological Psychologists D) Educational Psychologists

Q88) The experimental study is based on: Options: A) The manipulation of variables B) Conceptual parameters C) Replication of research D) Survey of literature

Q89) The main characteristic of scientific research is: Options: A) empirical B) theoretical C) experimental D) all of the above

Q90) Authenticity of a research finding is its: Options: A) Originality B) Validity C) Objectivity D) All of the above

Q91) Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?(December-2007) Options: A) Area Sampling Technique B) Purposive Sampling Technique C) Systematic Sampling Technique D) None of the above

Q92) Probability sampling implies: Options: A) Stratified Random Sampling B) Systematic Random Sampling C) Simple Random Sampling D) All of the above

Q93) According to Lindquist, how many types of experimental designs possible Options: A) five B) six C) seven D) eight

Q94) Who of the following has edited a survey of educational research? Options: A) kothari B) Buch C) Yashpal D) Aryabhatta

Q95) The polluted facts can lead to the birth of Options: A) Error free research B) human sorrows C) good research D) polluted research

Q96) Photocopy of books is not considered appropriate, as it is Options: A) violation of intellectual property B) difficulty for reading C) and act of plagiarism D) both B and C

Q97) Research problem is selected from the stand point of: Options: A) Researcher’s interest B) Financial support C) Social relevance D) Availability of relevant literature

Q98) Which one is called non-probability sampling? Options: A) Cluster sampling B) Quota sampling C) Systematic sampling D) Stratified random sampling

Q99) Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in: Options: A) Survey method B) Historical studies C) Experimental studies D) Normative studies

Q100) Field-work based research is classified as: Options: A) Empirical B) Historical C) Experimental D) Biographical

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-8 (I.C.T) MCQ Paper-1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-9 (P.D.E) MCQ Paper-1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-10 Higher e.s MCQ Paper-1 Ugc Net

Q101) The research papers are written to Options: A) communicate the research B) become popular in the society C) gain a lot of money D) None of the above

Q102) Which one of the following generally does not participate in concurrence? Options: A) intelligent and curious person B) ignorant and dull persons C) highly expert person in that field D) low quality research scholars

Q103) In the assessment of personality, the normative and objective method refers to Options: A) The use of sophisticated techniques for measuring the accuracy of a person’s perception of reality. B) Prediction of behaviour on the basis of intensive interviewing. C) Prediction of behaviour on the basis of data from personality tests. D) The use of projective techniques.

Q104) Which is the best format to use if content and material gathered for certain number of students by different interviews have to be compared in a piece of research? Options: A) Projective B) Structured C) Unstructured D) Analytical.

Q105) What best describes the Likert technique of attitude measurement? Options: A) Subjects indicate whether they agree with each of a series of attitude statements which are equally spaced along an attitude continuous B) Subjects indicate on five point scales the extent of their agreement with a set of attitude statements C) Subjects judge a particular concept on a series of bipolar semantic scale D) Subjects response to an open-ended interview are coded by content analyst.

Q106) What can increase the power of a statistical test? Options: A) Decreasing the size of the sample B) Avoiding the use if the null hypothesis C) Designing for small error effects D) Avoiding random sampling.

Q107) Which is not the effective way of controlling a nuisance variable in a experimental design? Options: A) Excluding the variable as one of the factors in the experiment B) Exercising statistical control C) Random assignment of subjects D) Holding the nuisance variable constant for all subjects.

Q108) What are the types of Descriptive Research? Options: A) Survey Test B) Questionnaire Survey C) Interview Survey D) All of the above .

Q109) Who has defined Ex-Post Facto Research by saying that it is a systematic scientific exploration in which the scientist (researcher) does not have direct control on the independent variable? Options: A) Fred Karlinger B) George J. Mouly C) John W. Best D) W.S. Monroe.

Q110) What are the types of variables? Options: A) Independent variables B) Controlled variables C) Both of them D) None of these.

Q111) What is the difference between Laboratory Experiment and Field Experiment? Options: A) Difference of place B) Difference of samples C) Difference of variables D) All of the above

Q112) Which experiments are more popular in Educational Psychology? Options: A) Laboratory Experiments B) Field Experiments C) Field Studies D) Historical Researches.

Q113) In some developed countries like U.S A. and U.K. many psychologists are engaged for diagnosing learning difficulties and trying to remedy them. These psychologists are popularly called Options: A) School Psychologists B) Social Psychologists C) Experimental Psychologists D) Industrial Psychologists

Q114) Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006? Options: A) Cluster sampling B) Systematic sampling C) Quota sampling D) Stratified random sampling

Q115) Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling? Options: A) Sample units must be clearly defined B) Sample units must be dependent on each other C) Same units of sample should be used throughout the study D) Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner

Q116) If January 1st, 2007 is Monday, what was the day on 1st January 1995? Options: A) Sunday B) Monday C) Friday D) Saturday

Q117) The research is always -(December-2008) Options: A) verifying the old knowledge B) exploring new knowledge C) filling the gap between knowledge D) all of these

Q118) The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is: Options: A) Applied research B) Action research C) Experimental research D) None of these

Q119) When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is: Options: A) Cluster Sampling B) Stratified Sampling C) Convenient Sampling D) Lottery Method

Q120) Today, private and public organizations also apply psychology to problems of management and employee training, to supervision of personnel, to improving communication within the organization, to counselling employees and to alleviating industrial strife. The applied psychologists who do this work are sometimes called Options: A) Personnel Psychologists B) Organizational Psychologists C) Experimental Psychologists D) Social Psychologists

Q121) A person who uses the particular psychotherapeutic techniques which originated with Sigmund Freud and his followers is called Options: A) A psychoanalyst B) A psychiatrist C) A child psychologist D) A clinical psychologist

Q122) Finding the causes of behaviour from a number of observations is called Options: A) Inductive reasoning B) Observational technique C) Deductive reasoning D) Introspection

Q123) The clinical method is ordinarily used only when people come to psychologists with Options: A) Social problems B) Personal Problems C) Organizational problems D) Internal problems

Q124) The process not needed in experimental research is: Options: A) Observation B) Manipulation and replication C) Controlling D) Reference collection

Q125) A research problem is not feasible only when: Options: A) it is researchable B) it is new and adds something to knowledge C) it consists of independent and dependent variables D) it has utility and relevance

Q126) How can the objectivity of the research be enhanced? Options: A) Through its impartiality B) Through its reliability C) Through its validity D) All of these

Q127) Action-research is: Options: A) An applied research B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems C) A longitudinal research D) All the above

Q128) The basis on which assumptions are formulated: Options: A) Cultural background of the country B) Universities C) Specific characteristics of the castes D) All of these

Q129) The technique of regulating various variables in an experiment is called Options: A) Independent Variable B) Dependent variable C) Experimental control D) Controlled variable

Q130) Psychologists with the Biological perspective try to relate behaviour to functions of Options: A) Body B) Mind C) Soul D) Unconscious

Q131) A little girl Leny pushed Bapula, her brother, off his tricycle. She learned to behave this way because the behaviour paid off in the past, in other words, she learned to act aggressively in certain situations because she was rewarded for such behaviour in the past. With which perspective, a psychologist can study this type of problem? Options: A) Biological Perspective B) Behaviour al Perspective C) Cognitive Perspective D) Social Perspective

Q132) The perspective which is concerned with characteristic changes that occur in people as they mature is known as Options: A) Developmental Perspective B) Biological Perspective C) Humanistic Perspective D) Psychoanalytic Perspective

Q133) A key psychodynamic idea is that when unconscious impulses are unacceptable or when they make us anxious; to reduce anxiety, we use Options: A) Defence Mechanisms B) Super ego C) Instincts D) Dreams

Q134) The distinction between a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist is that Options: A) A clinical psychologist normally holds a PhD. or MA degree or Psy. D. (Doctor in Psychology) and a psychiatrist holds an MD degree B) A clinical psychologist holds a Ph. d. degree in Psychology and a psychiatrist holds both Psy. D. degree and Ph. d. degree C) A clinical psychologist holds a special degree in Psychology and a psychiatrist holds a Ph. d. degree in Psychology D) A clinical psychologist has a special training in psychotherapy and a psychiatrist holds m. a. degree in Psychology

Q135) The Subject “Psychology” was formally recognized in Germany in the year Options: A) 1789 B) 1668 C) 1879 D) 1897

Q136) Which of the following is/are true about Expost Facto Study? Options: A) The investigators attempt to trace an effect which has already occurred to its probable causes B) The effect becomes dependent variable C) The investigators have no direct control over such variables D) All of these

Q137) The per capita income of India from 1950 to 1990 is four times. This study is Options: A) Social B) Horizontal C) Longitudinal D) Factorial

Q138) Which of the following is the most essential characteristic of a research worker? Options: A) Sympathy B) Open mindedness C) Patience D) Emotional control

Q139) Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research? Options: A) Philosophical research B) Action research C) Descriptive research D) All the above

Q140) We use Factorial Analysis: Options: A) To know the relationship between two variables B) To test the Hypothesis C) To know the difference between two variables D) To know the difference among the many variables

Q141) A null hypothesis is Options: A) when there is no difference between the variables B) the same as research hypothesis C) subjective in nature D) when there is difference between the variables

Q142) The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called Options: A) Philosophical research B) Historical research C) Mythological research D) Content analysis

Q143) Action research is Options: A) An applied research B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems C) A longitudinal research D) A longitudinal research

Q144) The decline of the British Empire should have spelt the decline of English. This statement is a/a Options: A) fact B) advice C) opinion D) prejudice

Q145) To study the relationship of family size with income a researcher classifies his population into different income slabs and then takes a random sample from each slab. Which technique of sampling does he adopt? Options: A) Random Sampling B) Stratified Random Sampling C) Cluster Sampling D) Systematic Sampling

Q146) Which of the following is the most read page of a thesis? Options: A) Title page B) Table of contents C) Abstract D) Research Design

Q147) The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of Options: A) Replication B) Formulation of hypothesis C) Hypothesis testing D) All of the above

Q148) To study Abnormal Psychology means, to study mainly the nature of Options: A) Conscious Mind B) Unconscious Mind C) Subconscious Mind D) Normal Mind

Q149) Sigmund Freud is regarded as the father of Options: A) Psychoanalysis B) Behaviour ism C) Functionalism D) Gestalt Psychology

Q150) A single-case experimental design in which the response to a treatment is compared to baseline occurring before and after the treatment is called what? Options: A) Single-case design B) Multiple-baseline C) Changing-criterion D) None of the above

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q151) A literature review requires Options: A) Planning B) Good & clear writing C) Lot of rewriting D) All of the above

Q152) Which of the following is true about good hypotheses? Options: A) It is formulated in a way such that it can be tested by the data B) There is a limited scope and it should not have global significance C) It is precise, specific and consistent with most known facts D) none of the above

Q153) Which of the following is true about footnote? Options: A) it is essential in report writing B) it is not much essential in the report writing C) it is not at all essential in report writing D) it is never used in report writing

Q154) The process not needed in Experimental Researches is (December 2009) Options: A) Observation B) Manipulation C) Controlling D) Content Analysis

Q155) Manipulation is always a part of Options: A) Historical research B) Fundamental research C) Descriptive research D) Experimental research

Q156) Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence? Options: A) 1 B) 0.6 C) 0.5 D) 0.3

Q157) Action research means Options: A) A longitudinal research B) An applied research C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem D) A research with socioeconomic objective

Q158) Research is Options: A) Searching again and again B) Finding solution to any problem C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem D) None of the above

Q159) A common test in research demands much priority on Options: A) Reliability B) Usability C) Objectivity D) All of the above

Q160) Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? Options: A) Searching sources of information to locate problem. B) Survey of related literature C) Identification of problem D) Searching for solutions to the problem

Q161) While editing primary data, we have just to notice the information contained in the questionnaire is Options: A) Homogeneous B) consistent C) complete D) All of the above

Q162) Which of the following statements is correct about validity and reliability? Options: A) When internal validity is high, external validity is low B) When internal validity is high, there is no change in external validity C) When internal validity is high, external validity is also high D) All of the given options

Q163) In a single-case design, you hope that the behaviour of the participants prior to the administration of a treatment condition is …….. Options: A) Not highly variable B) Highly variable C) Moving at a steep rate of change D) None of the above

Q164) Which design would use analysis of covariance during data analysis? Options: A) Non-equivalent comparison-group design B) Interrupted time-series design C) Changing criterion design D) All of the above

Q165) For the first time, the word ‘Psychology’ was used by Options: A) Rudolf Goeckel B) Sigmund Freud C) William James D) E. B. Titchener

Q166) The literal meaning of ‘Psychology’ is Options: A) Science of behaviour B) Science of Soul C) Science of Consciousness D) Science of Mind

Q167) Rudolf Goekle used the word ‘Psychology’ for the first time in Options: A) 1590 AD B) 1950 AD C) 1095 AD D) 1509 AD

Q168) Psychology as the ‘Science of Mind was defined by Options: A) Psychoanalysis B) behaviourists C) Functionalists D) Ancient Greek Philosophers

Q169) Scientific Psychology came into existence during Options: A) 19th Century B) 20th Century C) 18th Century D) 17th Century

Q170) E. B. Titchener (1867-1927) defined ‘Psychology’ as the science of Options: A) Soul B) Mind C) Experience D) Conscious Experience

Q171) J. B. Watson defined ‘Psychology’ as the science Options: A) Soul B) Behaviour C) Mind D) Consciousness

Q172) The unit of Sociology is the ‘Group’, whereas the unit of Psychology is the Options: A) Stimulus B) Individual C) Animal D) Institution

Q173) The branch of psychology which (teals with the study of animal behaviour is known as Options: A) Social Psychology B) Abnormal Psychology C) Differential Psychology D) Comparative Psychology

Q174) The father of ‘Experimental Psychology’ is Options: A) Wilhelm Wundt B) Sigmund Freud C) CG. Jung D) E. B. Titchener

Q175) Hypothesis refers to Options: A) The outcome of an experiment B) A conclusion drawn from an experiment C) A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter D) A tentative statement about the relationship

Q176) Statistics is used by researchers to Options: A) Analyze the empirical data collected in a study B) Make their findings sound better C) Operationally define their variables D) Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended

Q177) An observation of a dependent variable response prior to any attempt to change this response is known as the …….. Options: A) Flat line B) Baseline C) Variance D) Reverse

Q178) The most frequently used quasi-experimental design is the …….. design. Options: A) Non-equivalent comparison-group B) Interrupted time-series C) Changing-criterion D) Regression discontinuity

Q179) A baseline …….. Options: A) Is used as the standard against which change induced by the treatment is assessed B) Is the occurrence of a response in its freely occurring or natural state C) Is first obtained prior to the administration of a treatment D) All of the above are true

Q180) Psychology was defined as the “Science of Behaviour ” by Options: A) Functionalists B) Structuralisms C) Gestalt Psychologists D) Behaviourists

Q181) Which of the following options are the main tasks of research I Modern society? I to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge II to discover new things. III to write a critique on the earlier writings. V to systematically examine and critically analyze the investigations/sources with objectivity. Options: A) IV, II and I B) I, II and III C) I and III D) II , III and IV

Q182) Match List-I (Interviews) with List-II (Meaning) and select the correct answer from the code given below: Options: A) A − (iv), B − (i), C − (ii), D − (iii) B) A − (ii), B − (iv), C − (i), D − (iii) C) A − (v), B − (ii), C − (iv), D − (i) D) A − (i), B − (iii), C − (v), D-(iv),

Q183) Any systematically organized body of verified knowledge about a certain class of facts and events is known as Options: A) Science B) Experiment C) Hypothesis D) Fact

Q184) Psychology is Options: A) A social Science B) A Natural Science C) A Biological Science D) Both Natural and Social Science

Q185) Why is it important to change one variable at a time in single case designs? Options: A) Changing one variable allows isolation of the cause of the change B) Changing more than one variable at a time confounds those independent variables C) Both A and B are true D) None of the above

Q186) Researchers can attempt to eliminate the threat of bias from the selection-maturation effect in the non-equivalent comparison-group design by matching experimental and control participants on important variables. Options: A) True B) False C) Neither True nor False just a statement D) None of the above

Q187) Group comparison designs are always superior to single-case designs. Options: A) True B) False C) Neither True nor False just a statement D) None of the above

Q188) When you are confident that the experimental manipulation produced the changes you measured in the dependent variable, your study probably has good …….. validity. Options: A) Internal B) External C) Causal D) Construct

Q189) Identifying a factor to be measured by placing units or categories on a scale to differentiate varying degrees of that factor and describing these units in some manner is known as Options: A) A checklist. B) A schedule, C) A test. D) A rating scale.

Q190) If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness, it is an example of Options: A) Basic research. B) Action research. C) Applied research. D) Fundamental research.

Q191) In case of ANOVA if there are no treatment effects at all, then F-ratio will be Options: A) Zero. B) 1 C) -1 D) Any value between 1.0-1%.

Q192) What is the nature of F-test? Options: A) Essentially a two-tailed test B) Essentially a one-tailed test C) Can be one-tailed as well as two-tailed depending on the hypothesis to be tested D) Can never be a one-tailed test.

Q193) Who developed Method of equal appearing intervals forming the basis of constructing attitude scales? Options: A) Likert B) Thurstone and Chave C) Bogardus D) Guttman.

Q194) Mr. Ali has conducted an extensive review of the literature and has deductively reasoned a hypothesis about his problem on the basis of this review. Which type of a research plan is Mr. Ali likely proposing? Options: A) Qualitative B) Ethical C) Both quantitative and qualitative D) Quantitative

Q195) The directors of a graduate program in educational research wish to see what types of jobs their graduates take after they finish their program. They randomly sample students from the program and have them fill out questionnaires with items asking about the types of jobs they have had. They also are asked to describe the roles they play in their current positions. This project is best described as having what kind of objective Options: A) Descriptive B) Predictive C) Explanatory D) None of the above

Q196) When research is done to test hypotheses and theories about how and why phenomena operate as they do, then the primary purpose of such research is Options: A) Descriptive B) Predictive C) Explanatory D) None of the above

Q197) The variable the researcher matches to eliminate it as an alternative explanation is called a(n) …….. variable Options: A) Matching B) Independent C) Dependent D) Partial

Q198) Which of the following is not a longitudinal design? Options: A) Panel B) Cross-sectional C) Trend D) Both A and C are longitudinal designs

Q199) Researcher selects only 25 members as a sample from the total population of 20, 000, and considers Options: A) He was guided by his supervisor B) He was a good researcher C) The population was Homogeneous D) None of the above

Q200) The title page of a research synopsis must be Options: A) attractive B) organized C) aesthetic D) logical

field work based research is classified as mcq

Unit-5 Math e .R and. Aptit. MCQ Paper – 1 Ugc Net

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q201) The positive correlation between teachers’ salaries and the price of liquor is…….. Options: A) Spurious B) Due to a third-variable C) Nonspurious D) Both A and B

Q202) Which of the following is considered a special case of the general linear model? Options: A) A variable B) Partial correlation C) Analysis of covariance D) Both b and c

Q203) When a researcher starts with the dependent variable and moves backwards, it is called …….. Options: A) Predictive research B) Retrospective research C) Exploratory research D) Descriptive research

Q204) The method of working multiple hypotheses refers to a technique for identifying rival explanations. Options: A) True B) False C) Neither True nor False just a statement D) None of the above

Q205) GLM refers to which of the following? Options: A) General Logic Model B) General Limited Model C) General Lab Model D) General Linear Model

Q206) In which of the following year Council of scientific and industrial research Society was constituted as an autonomous society Options: A) 1940 B) 1942 C) 1962 D) 1950

Q207) The objectivity of the research is enhanced Options: A) Through its impartiality B) through its reliability C) through its validity D) All of the above

Q208) Which of the following is the basic purpose of pre-test interview in this case study? Options: A) To identified the potential problem B) To know the sample size C) To develop the questionnaire D) To use agency representative

Q209) Which one of the following sampling type is used in operations test to select the units? Options: A) Simple random sampling B) Cluster sampling C) Quota sampling D) Judgment sampling

Q210) Which one of the following sets is the measure of central tendency? Options: A) Mean, standard deviation, mode B) Mean, median, standard deviation C) Arithmetic mean, median, mode D) Standard deviation, internal validity, mode

Q211) What is an attitude scale with five points on it varying from strongly approved to strongly disapproved? Options: A) Likert type B) Thurstone type C) Bogardus type D) Guttman type.

Q212) What is an attitude scale in which each item’s value is calculated by finding out the mean or median of the ratings of a large number of judges on an eleven-point rating scale? Options: A) Thurstone type B) Guttman type C) Bogardus type D) Likert type.

Q213) Which of the following situations calls for the use of a ratio-scale? Options: A) researcher waits to assert that the two persons X and V differ in their attitudes towards nationalization of education B) He wishes to state that the attitude of one person ‘X’ is more favourable than that of ‘Y’ C) He wishes to make a statement that as compared to Y, ‘X’ is much more in favour of nationalization than he is, as compared to ‘Z’ D) He wants to show that ‘X’ is twice as much in favour of Nationalization as ‘Y’.

Q214) Which one of the following is regarded as the very breath of an experiment? Options: A) Independent Variable B) Dependent Variable C) Controlled Variable D) Experimental Control

Q215) In lab experiment the effect of Variables is controlled to evaluate the causal relationship. Options: A) Extraneous B) Moderate C) Intervening D) All of the above

Q216) Internal validity refers to . Options: A) Researcher’s degree of confidence. B) Generalizability C) Operationalization D) All of the above

Q217) Which one of the following is not a step in non-experimental research? Options: A) Determine research problem and hypotheses B) Analyze data C) Interpret results D) All are steps

Q218) If a research finding is statistically significant, then …….. Options: A) The observed result is probably not due to chance B) The observed result cannot possibly be due to chance C) The observed result is probably a chance result D) The null hypothesis of “no relationship” is probably true

Q219) A researcher is doing a study of peer groups in middle school. She interviews 5 girls and 5 boys. She is doing a grounded theory study; hence, she decides to generate her codes as she scans through her transcriptions of her data. These codes are labelled Options: A) A priori codes B) Post hoc codes C) Inductive codes D) Master list codes

Q220) Research concerned with the derivation of generalizations of broad applicability and only secondarily with any practical value is called Options: A) Applied research. B) Fundamental research. C) Action research. D) Practical research.

Q221) Which of the following is not relevant to analysis of the research problem? Options: A) Isolating the variables that are involved in the problem and clarifying their relationships B) Accumulating the facts that might be related to the problem C) Attending seminars on research methodology D) Proposing various relevant explanations (hypothesis) for the cause of the difficulty.

Q222) Opinionnaire is defined as a special form of inquiry to collect Options: A) The opinion of a sample of population on certain facts. B) To quantify, analyze and interpret the collected data. C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B

Q223) Sociometry is a technique for describing Options: A) Social relationships that exists between members of a group. B) Attractions or repulsions between individuals. C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B

Q224) Importance of Sociometry lies in Options: A) To have an idea of the group at a glance, to form appropriate groups of students for various projects and activities. B) To find out the changes taking place in the group structure and qualities of leadership appreciated by the group. C) To compare one group with the other to help the guidance worker by acquainting him with the pupil relationships. D) All of the above .

Q225) In case of true experimental research the investigator is always required to make a compromise between which of the following four is not correct? Options: A) Internal validity and external validity B) Contrived setting and natural setting C) Randomization and manipulation D) Control of extraneous variables and building the correlated variable into design.

Q226) While writing a research report investigators mostly arrange items in Bibliography in Options: A) Heading like – books, periodicals, newspaper reports, public documents and miscellaneous. B) In a single alphabetized list. C) Both A and B D) Neither A nor B

Q227) When researchers refer to a significant difference, they mean that the Options: A) Scores of two groups shows great variability. B) Experimental results have social importance. C) Results of a study occurred by chance. D) Results of a study can be replicated by another similar study.

Q228) Free Association in Psychoanalysis means Options: A) Allowing a subject to talk freely. B) Focused interview. C) A structured interview. D) None of the above.

Q229) There is only person who has defined Educational Research. He is Options: A) John W. Best. B) W.M. Travers. C) George Mouly. D) None of these.

Q230) Who said “Educational Research is that activity which is directed toward development of science of behaviour in educational situation?” Options: A) f. l. Whites B) W.S. Monroe C) W.M. Travers D) j. w. Best.

Q231) Which is not a characteristic of Science? Options: A) Science employs hypothesis B) Science is based on facts C) Science is not free from emotional bias D) Science uses quantitative methods.

Q232) What is not the reason underlying the importance of research in education? Options: A) It is a tool for verifying, testing and validating knowledge B) it is a potent means of creating new knowledge C) It has moved to the centre of the behaviour al sciences D) It provides answers to many problems faced by educators.

Q233) What is not essential about a research problem? Options: A) It should be amenable to research B) It should be significant C) It should lead to new knowledge D) It should lead to theory building.

Q234) In a normal distribution, 100 per cent of observations are covered by the following Options: A) 3.09 s. B) 3 s. C) 2s D) s

Q235) What can Statistics do? Options: A) Prove anything B) Disprove anything C) Neither prove nor disprove anything-is just a tool D) None of these.

Q236) Who said, Statistics has been defined as “The Science of Counting”? Options: A) Bowley B) Galton C) Stephen King D) RA. fisher.

Q237) On what is placed reliance in most investigations? Options: A) Secondary data B) Primary data C) Both primary and secondary data D) None of these.

Q238) What is true about Secondary data? Options: A) Should never be used B) Should be used after careful scrutiny C) No scrutiny is required while using it D) While scrutinizing, only thing to see is who collected it.

Q239) To which aspect are related questioning assumptions underlying the problem? Options: A) Identifying the problem B) Defining the problem C) Analyzing the problem D) Stating the problem.

Q240) What does description of the research problem NOT include? Options: A) Background of the study B) Theories on which it is based C) Assumptions underlying it D) Review of research done.

Q241) Which of the following is the least helpful to locating and analyzing problems? Options: A) Exploring the literature in an area of interest B) Discussing with the research guide C) Examining every day experiences D) Critical analysis of the existing theories and practices.

Q242) Sarah is a qualitative researcher studying how children and parents interact in Head Start Centres. As she examines her data (videotapes and transcripts), she jots down notes concerning the interactions, generating hypotheses, suggesting relationships among categories of information she is examining and so on. This process of jotting notes as she examines the data is called Options: A) Memoing B) Transcription C) Facesheet coding D) Drawing diagrams

Q243) Qualitative data analysis is still a relatively new and rapidly developing branch of research methodology. Options: A) True B) False C) Neither True nor False just a statement D) None of the above

Q244) The process of marking segments of data with symbols, descriptive words, or category names is known as …….. Options: A) Concurring B) Coding C) Colouring D) Segmenting

Q245) What is the cyclical process of collecting and analyzing data during a single research study called? Options: A) Interim analysis B) Inter analysis C) Inter-item analysis D) Constant analysis

Q246) Which of the following is/are necessary condition(s) for causation? Options: A) The relationship condition B) The temporal antecedence condition C) The lack of alternative explanation condition D) All of the above

Q247) Which of the following is the weakest experimental design? Options: A) One group pretest-posttest design B) Quasiexperimental design C) Two group posttest only design D) Ex post facto design

Q248) The development of a solid foundation of reliable knowledge typically is built from which type of research? Options: A) basic research B) action research C) evaluation research D) orientational research

Q249) Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of premises? Options: A) rationalism B) deductive reasoning C) inductive reasoning D) probabilistic

Q250) Which of the following statement is correct? Options: A) research, objectives can be worded in question form. B) research, objectives can be worded in statement form. C) Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis D) All of the above

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q251) The difference between experimental research and historical research in the process of Options: A) the formulation of the hypothesis B) the testing of hypothesis C) replication D) All of these

Q252) The research is always Options: A) verifying the old knowledge B) exploring new knowledge C) filling the gap between knowledge D) All of these

Q253) In every field research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of knowledge but discoveries are rare because Options: A) research is a continuous critical investigation B) it is not common to be able to think beyond a grooved channel C) sustained experimental work needed for discoveries is not easily forthcoming D) most people lack depth of Knowledge needed for it

Q254) What makes people to undertake research? Options: A) Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems. B) Desire to get a research degree along with it consequential benefits. C) Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work. D) All of these

Q255) A satisfactory quantitative method should not possess one of the following qualities: Options: A) Appropriateness B) Measurability C) Comparability D) Flexibility

Q256) A big bag contains an equal number of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins. If the total amount in the bag is 35 , how many coins of each type are there? Options: A) 15 B) 18 C) 20 D) 25

Q257) A research problem is not feasible only when Options: A) it is researchable B) it is new and adds something to knowledge C) it consists of independent and dependent variables D) it has utility and relevance

Q258) If the sample drawn doesn’t specify any condition about the parameter of the population. It is called Options: A) selected statistics B) distribution free statistics C) census D) None of these

Q259) Which opinion is not correct? Options: A) Education is a subject of concurrent list of VII schedule of Constitution of India B) University Grants commission is a statutory body C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of concurrent list D) Indian Council of Social Science Research is a statutory body related to research in social sciences

Q260) A dogma is different from a theory in respect of any one of the following? Options: A) Experimental verification B) Conviction C) Assumption D) Acceptability

Q261) All are the examples of qualitative variables except: Options: A) religion and castes B) sex C) observation D) interest of the subject

Q262) Which of the following is not a step of research? Options: A) Selecting a topic B) Framing research questions C) Surveying the research topic D) None of these

Q263) What is the full form of abbreviation HFT used in research? Options: A) Holzman Inkblot Test B) Holfkins Issac Test C) Higher Intelligence Test D) Hinds Informative Test

Q264) In order to produce a quality of research, it depends on Options: A) use of high technology B) available facilities C) training in research methodology D) dedication on the part of researcher

Q265) Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS among male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006? Options: A) Cluster sampling B) Systematic sampling C) Queen sampling D) Stratified random sampling

Q266) Which of the following is/are the examples of qualitative variable? Options: A) Religion and Caste B) Sex C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of these

Q267) Which of the following is/are components of ethical research? Options: A) Disclosure B) Understanding C) Competence D) All of the above

Q268) Probability sampling implies: Options: A) Stratified Random Sampling B) Systematic Random Sampling C) Simple Random Sampling D) All of the above

Q269) The research guide requires which of the following essential qualities? Options: A) Subject matter expertise B) Methodological expertise C) Inter-disciplinary expertise D) All of these

Q270) Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite? Options: A) Area Sampling Technique B) Purposive sampling Technique C) Systematic sampling technique D) None of these

Q271) The quality of research is judged by the Options: A) experience of researcher. B) Depth of the research. C) Methodology followed in conducting the research. D) Relevance of research.

Q272) The study in which the investigators attempt Options: A) Survey Research B) “Ex-post Facto” Research C) Historical Research D) Summative Research

Q273) Which of the following is/are step/steps of Research plan? Options: A) Objectives of the study B) Review of literature C) Research hypothesis D) All of these

Q274) What is/are the objectives of workshop in research? Options: A) Consideration of alternative research models through the presented different model programmes B) Defining and refining of problem to help researcher C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of these

Q275) Research can be conducted by a person who: Options: A) Has studied research methodology B) Holds a postgraduate degree C) Possesses thinking and reasoning ability D) Is a hard worker

Q276) Independent variables are not manipulated in Options: A) Normative research B) ex-post facto researches C) Both of the above D) None of these

Q277) Who said that members of the same species are not alike? Options: A) Darwin B) Herbert Spencer C) Best D) Good

Q278) A researcher divides the populations into PG, graduates and 10 + 2 students and using the random digit table he selects some of them from each. This is technically called Options: A) stratified sampling B) stratified random sampling C) representative sampling D) none of these

Q279) A researcher divides his population into certain groups and fixes the size of the sample from each group. It is called Options: A) stratified sample B) quota sample C) cluster sample D) all of the above

Q280) Field study is related to Options: A) real life situations B) experimental situations C) laboratory situations D) none of the above

Q281) Attributes of objects, events or things which can be measured are called Options: A) qualitative measure B) data C) variables D) none of the above

Q282) An example of scientific knowledge is Options: A) authority of the Prophet or great men B) social traditions and customs C) religious scriptures D) laboratory and field experiments

Q283) Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as Options: A) statistical , inference of external validity of the research B) data analysis and interpretation C) parameter inference D) all of the above

Q284) A researcher selects only 10 members as a sample from the total population of 5000 and considers it good because Options: A) he was a good researcher B) he was guided by his supervisor C) the populations was homogeneous D) all of these

Q285) Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite? Options: A) Area sampling technique B) Purposive sampling technique C) Systematic sampling technique D) None of the above

Q286) he research antagonistic to ex-post facto research is Options: A) experimental studies B) normative researches C) library researches D) all of the above

Q287) The experimental study is based on the law of Options: A) single variable B) replication C) occupation D) interest of the subject

Q288) A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as Options: A) sample parameter B) inference C) statistic D) none of these

Q289) The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is Options: A) taken randomly B) fixed by quota C) representative to the population D) purposive

Q290) Which of the following is a non-probability sample? Options: A) Quota sample B) Simple random sample C) Purposive sample D) (a) and (c) both

Q291) Independent variables are not manipulated in Options: A) normative researches B) ex-post facto researches C) both of the above D) none of the above

Q292) The process not needed in experimental researches is Options: A) observation B) controlling C) manipulation and replication D) reference collection

Q293) A teacher encounters various problems during his professional experiences. He should Options: A) resign from his post in such situations B) do research on that problem and find a solution C) avoid the problematic situations D) take the help of the head of the institution

Q294) A researcher selects a probability sample of 100 out of the total population. It is Options: A) a cluster sample B) a random sample C) a stratified sample D) a systematic sample

Q295) Area (cluster) sampling technique is used when Options: A) population is scattered and large size of the sample is to be drawn B) population is heterogeneous C) long survey is needed D) (a) and (C)

Q296) Validity of a research can be improved by Options: A) eliminating extraneous factors B) taking the true representative sample of the population C) both of the above measures D) none of these

Q297) Who is regarded the father of scientific social surveys? Options: A) Darwin B) Booth C) Best D) None of these

Q298) All are example of qualitative variables except Options: A) religion and castes B) sex C) observation D) interest of the subject

Q299) Formulation of hypothesis may not be necessary in Options: A) survey studies B) fact finding (historical) studies C) normative studies D) experimental studies

Q300) Logic of induction is very close to Options: A) the logic of sampling B) the logic of observation C) the logic of the controlled variable D) none of the above

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q301) The probability of a head and a tail of tossing four coins simultaneously is Options: A) 42583 B) 42370 C) 42461 D) 23377

Q302) While writing research report a researcher Options: A) must not use the numerical figures in numbers in the beginning of sentences B) must arrange it in logical, topical and chronological order C) must compare his results with those of the other studies D) all of the above

Q303) The per capita income of India from 1950 to 1990 is four times. This study is Options: A) social B) horizontal C) longitudinal D) factorial

Q304) If you are doing experiment on a large group of sample which method of controlling will you adopt? Options: A) matching B) randomization C) elimination and matching both D) elimination

Q305) A good hypothesis should be Options: A) precise, specific and consistent with moist known facts B) formulated in such a way that it can be tested by the data C) of limited scope and should not have global significance D) all of these

Q306) All causes non sampling errors except Options: A) faulty tools of measurement B) inadequate sample C) non response D) defect in data collection

Q307) For doing external criticism (for establishing the authenticity of data) a researcher must verify Options: A) the signature and handwriting of the author B) the paper and ink used in that period which is under study C) style of prose writing of that period D) all of the above

Q308) Survey study aims at: (i) knowing facts about the two existing situation (ii) comparing the present status with the standard norms (iii) criticizing the existing situation (iv) identifying the means of improving the existing situation Options: A) (i) and (ii) only B) (i), (ii), and (iii) C) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) D) (ii) and (iii) only

Q309) The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of Options: A) replication B) the formulation of the hypothesis C) the hypothesis testing D) all of the above

Q310) A research problem is feasible only when Options: A) it is researchable B) it is new and add something to knowledge C) it has utility and relevance D) all of these

Q311) Hypothesis cannot be stated in Options: A) null and question form terms B) declarative terms C) general terms D) directional terms

Q312) Total error in a research is equal to Options: A) sampling error + non-sampling error B) SQRT [(sampling error) + (non -sampling error)]^2 C) only sampling error D) sampling error * 100

Q313) The validity and reliability of a research will be at stake when Options: A) The author who is the source of information is biased, incompetent or dishonest B) The incident was reported after a long period of time from that of its occurrence C) The researcher himself is not competent enough to draw logical conclusions D) All of the above

Q314) Seeing a very big rally it was reported that JD will win the election, the conclusion was based on: Options: A) random sampling B) cluster sampling C) systematic sampling D) purposive sampling

Q315) Study the table which shows the income of five persons, and answer the question that follows? Options: A) There has been an increase in the income of A but slight and steady decline in the income of B from 1960 to 1990 B) D and E have at least one property uncommon C) Percentage increase of A is higher than E D) C has fluctuating trend in his income

Q316) The review of the related study is important while undertaking a research because Options: A) it avoids repetition or duplication B) it helps in understanding the gaps C) it helps the researcher not to draw illogical conclusions D) all of above

Q317) Studying the social status of a population a researcher concluded that Mr. X is socially backward. His conclusion is Options: A) wrong B) right C) inaccurate D) biased Note

Q318) In order to augment the accuracy of the study a researcher Options: A) should increase the size of the sample B) should be honest and unbiased C) should keep the variance high D) all of these

Q319) Which of the following is a primary source of data? Options: A) Personal records, letters, diaries, autobiographies, wills, etc. B) Official records governments’ documents, information preserved by socialreligious organizations etc C) Oral testimony. of traditions and customs D) All of the above

Q320) A researcher wants to study the future of the Congress in India. For the study which tool is most appropriate for him? Options: A) Questionnaire B) Schedule C) Interview D) Rating scale

Q321) It is an example of negative correlation: Options: A) an increase in population will lead to a shortage of food grains B) poor intelligence means poor achievement in school C) corruption in India is increasing D) poor working condition retards output

Q322) The other name of independent variable for an experimental research is/are Options: A) treatment variable B) experimental variable C) manipulated variable D) all of the above

Q323) Which of the following is not the characteristic of a researcher? Options: A) He is a specialist rather than a generalist B) He is industrious and persistent on the trial of discovery C) He is not inspirational to his chosen field but accepts the reality D) He is not versatile in his interest and even in his native abilities

Q324) Bibliography given in a research report Options: A) helps those interested in further research and studying the problem from another angle B) makes the report authentic C) Both (a) & (b) D) none of the above

Q325) Collective psychology of the whole period is a theory which Options: A) can explain all phase of historical development B) means the psychology of the whole society C) means psychological approach of data collection D) all of the above

Q326) If the sample drawn does not specify any condition about the parameter of the population, it is called Options: A) selected statistics B) distribution free statistics C) census D) none of the above

Q327) Research is born out of Options: A) human curiosity B) human requirements C) natural incidents D) None of these

Q328) Which of the following is the first step of research? Options: A) Identification of subject B) Identification of nature of problem C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of these

Q329) The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is Options: A) taken randomly B) fixed by quota C) representative to the population D) purposive

Q330) Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (Formerly Indian Lac Research Institute) is at ——— Options: A) Lucknow B) Kolkata C) Ranchi D) New Delhi

Q331) Discussion Method can be used when: Options: A) The topic is very difficult B) The topic is easy C) The topic is difficult D) All of the above

Q332) A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should organize: Options: A) Conference B) Seminar C) Workshop D) Lecture

Q333) Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research? Options: A) Research is systematic B) Research is not a process C) Research is problem oriented D) Research is not passive

Q334) Which of the following statement is correct? Options: A) Discoveries are researches B) Researches lead to discovery C) Invention and Research are related D) None of the above

Q335) Which of the following statement is correct? Options: A) In research, objectives can be worded in question form. B) In research, objectives can be worded in statement form. C) Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis D) All of the above

Q336) If in a research independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as Options: A) Experimental Research B) Non-experimental Research C) Pure or Fundamental Research D) Exploratory Research

Q337) Which of the following is not a characteristic of research? Options: A) Systematic B) Objective C) Logical D) Perspective

Q338) Certificate for copy right waiver is generally given in Options: A) thesis writing B) paper C) article D) books

Q339) For Knowledge Lessons Options: A) Glover’s Scheme Is Used B) Herbart’s Five-Stage System Is Used C) Garry’s Scheme Is Used D) None Of These

Q340) Which Of The following Is Responsible For Uniformity In Curriculum At Higher Level In India? Options: A) University Grants Commission. B) National Council For Educational Research And Training C) Human Resource Development Ministry. D) All India Council For Technical Education.

Q341) Central Soil Salinity Research Institute is situated at Options: A) Kasargod B) Karnal C) Gulmarg D) Gwalior

Q342) A researcher wants to study the future of the Congress-I in India. For the study which tool is most appropriate for him? Options: A) Questionnaire B) Schedule C) interview D) Rating scale

Q343) The important pre-requisites of a researcher in sciences, social sciences and humanities are Options: A) laboratory skills, records, supervisor, topic B) Supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience C) archives, supervisor, topic, flexibility in thinking D) topic, supervisor, good temperament, pre-conceived notions

Q344) The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of Options: A) replication B) formulation of hypothesis C) hypothesis testing D) All of the above

Q345) The depth of any research can be judged by: Options: A) title of the research. B) objectives of the research. C) total expenditure on the research D) duration of the research.

Q346) Formulation of hypothesis may not be necessary in Options: A) survey studies B) fact finding (Historical) studies C) normative studies D) experimental studies

Q347) Hypothesis cannot be stated in Options: A) null and question form terms B) declarations terms C) general terms D) directional terms

Q348) Which of the following statement is correct? Options: A) Discoveries are researches B) Researches lead to discovery C) Invention and Research are related D) None of the above

Q349) Which of the following statement is correct? Options: A) In research, objectives can be worded in question form. B) In research, objectives can be worded in statement form. C) Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis D) All of the above

Q350) Research can be conducted by a person who: Options: A) has studied research methodology B) holds a postgraduate degree C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability D) is a hard worker

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q351) Independent variables are not manipulated in Options: A) normative research B) ex-post facto researches C) both of the above D) None of these

Q352) For a proposition to be true it is necessary that it should have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT Options: A) it must be objective B) it must be in tune with accepted beliefs. C) it must be consistent. D) it must be testable.

Q353) The quality of research is judged by the Options: A) experience of researcher. B) depth of the research. C) methodology followed in conducting the research. D) relevance of research.

Q354) The study in which the investigators attempt Options: A) Survey Research B) Ex-post Facto’ Research C) Historical Research D) Summative Research

Q355) Which of the following is/are step/steps of Research plan? Options: A) Objectives of the study B) Review of literature C) Research hypothesis D) All of these

Q356) What is/are the objectives of workshop in research? Options: A) Consideration of alternative research models through the presented different model programmes B) Defining and refining of problem to help researcher C) Both (a) and (b) D) None of these

Q357) Which one of the following is a non-probability sampling Options: A) Purposive Sampling B) Cluster Sampling C) Stratified Random Sampling D) Simple Random Sampling

Q358) The research guide requires which of the following essential qualities? Options: A) Subject matter expertise B) Methodological expertise C) Inter-disciplinary expertise D) All of these

Q359) Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite? Options: A) Area Sampling Technique B) Purposive Sampling Technique C) Systematic Sampling Technique D) None of these

Q360) If you are doing experiments on a large group of samples which method of controlling will you adopt? Options: A) Elimination B) Elimination and matching C) Randomization D) Matching

Q361) Probability sampling implies: Options: A) Stratified Random Sampling B) Systematic Random Sampling C) Simple Random Sampling D) All of the above

Q362) Who among the following considered hypothesis as an assumption or preposition? Options: A) George H. Landenberg B) Gorgy G. Moore C) Stephan Hawking D) Alber D. Nero

Q363) Which of the following is/are components of ethical research? Options: A) Disclosure B) Understanding C) Competence D) All of the above

Q364) Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006? Options: A) Cluster sampling B) Systematic sampling C) Queen sampling D) Stratified random sampling

Q365) The F-test Options: A) is essentially a two tailed test. B) is essentially a one tailed test. C) can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis. D) can never be a one tailed test.

Q366) What is the full form of abbreviation HFT used in research? Options: A) Holzman Inkblot Test B) Holfkins Issac Test C) Higher Intelligence Test D) Hinds Informative Test

Q367) In order to produce a quality of research, it depends on Options: A) use of high technology B) available facilities C) training in research methodology D) dedication on the part of researcher

Q368) Who among the following used the term “variance” for the first time? Options: A) j. l. Bayerd B) j. l Murphy C) R.A. Fisher D) Rudi Shawn

Q369) Which of the following is a purposive sampling? Options: A) Random probability sampling B) Stratified random sampling C) Cluster sampling D) Deliberate sampling

Q370) The first question that a researcher interested in the applicable for statistical techniques to his problem has to ask Options: A) whether the data could be quantified B) whether appropriate statistical techniques are available C) whether analysis of data would be possible D) whether worthwhile inferences could be drawn

Q371) Which of the following is not a step of research? Options: A) Selecting a topic B) Framing research questions C) Surveying the research topic D) None of these

Q372) Which opinion is not correct? Options: A) Education is a subject of concurrent list of VII schedule of Constitution of India B) University Grants commission is a statutory body C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of concurrent list D) Indian Council of Social Science Research is a statutory body related to research in social sciences

Q373) A dogma is different from a theory in respect of any one of the following? Options: A) Experimental verification B) Conviction C) Assumption D) Acceptability

Q374) All are the examples of qualitative variables except: Options: A) religion and castes B) sex C) observation D) interest of the subject

Q375) A research problem is not feasible only when Options: A) it is researchable B) it is new and adds something to knowledge C) it consists of independent and dependent variables D) it has utility and relevance

Q376) If the sample drawn doesn’t specify any condition about the parameter of the population. It is called Options: A) selected statistics B) distribution free statistics C) census D) None of these

Q377) When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is Options: A) Cluster Sampling B) Stratified Sampling C) Convenient Sampling D) Lottery Method

Q378) Which of the following is a characteristic of a researcher? Options: A) He is a specialist rather than generalist. B) He is industrious and persistent on the trail of discovery. C) He is not operational to his chosen filed but accepts the reality. D) All of these

Q379) The difference between experimental research and historical research in the process of Options: A) the formulation of the hypothesis B) the testing of hypothesis C) replication D) All of these

Q380) The research is always Options: A) verifying the old knowledge B) exploring new knowledge C) filling the gap between knowledge D) All of these

Q381) In every field research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of knowledge but discoveries are rare because Options: A) research is a continuous critical investigation B) it is not common to be able to think beyond a grooved channel C) sustained experimental work needed for discoveries is not easily forthcoming D) most people lack depth of knowledge needed for it

Q382) What makes people to undertake research? Options: A) Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems. B) Desire to get a research degree along with it consequential benefits. C) Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work. D) All of these

Q383) Which of the following statement is correct? Options: A) objectives should be pin-pointed B) objectives can be written in statement or question form C) another word for problem is variable D) all the above

Q384) A satisfactory quantitative method should not possess one of the following qualities: Options: A) Appropriateness B) Measurability C) Comparability D) Flexibility

Q385) The process not needed to experimental research is Options: A) Observation B) Manipulation and replication C) Controlling D) Reference collection

Q386) The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is Options: A) Applied research B) Action research C) Experimental research D) None of these

Q387) Quality of research depends on Options: A) use of high technology B) available facilities C) training in research methodology D) dedication on the part of researcher

Q388) A researcher undertakes Options: A) to verify what has already been established B) to refute what has been accepted as a fact C) to describe and explain a new phenomena D) to do one or the other of the above

Q389) Which of the following is not an example of a continuous variable? Options: A) Family size B) Intelligence C) Height D) Attitude

Q390) Which of the following phrases is not relevant to describe the meaning of research as a process? Options: A) Systematize Activity B) Objective Observation C) Trial and Error D) Problem Solving

Q391) If a sample is drawn without specifying the parameters of selection, then this is known as: Options: A) random sampling B) distribution free statistics C) systematic sampling D) quota sampling

Q392) Which of the following doctrines supports the process of scientific development? Options: A) Realistic education B) Idealistic education C) Naturalistic education D) None of these

Q393) Which one of the following is not correct? A belief becomes a scientific truth when it Options: A) is established experimentally. B) is arrived by logically. C) is accepted by many people D) can be replicated.

Q394) The process not needed in Experimental Researches is Options: A) Observation B) Manipulation C) Controlling D) Content Analysis

Q395) The technique of research where a researcher or investigator studies the whole population with respect to certain sociological and psychological variables is known as Options: A) Field experiment B) Field study C) Ex-Post facto study D) Survey Research

Q396) If as a researcher, you do not get a satisfactory explanation to certain occurrences Options: A) you give a damn to it perhaps it is not worth knowing. B) you would wait until I come across a right person who may explain it to me. C) you would visit a nearby research could be find out whether an answer could be obtained. D) you would not be at rest until you get an appropriate explanation.

Q397) Action research is Options: A) An applied research B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems C) A longitudinal research D) Simulative research

Q398) For conducting study relating to the family size and per capita income in our country, a researcher divides the whole population of the region into different income groups and then takes random samples from each group. Options: A) random sampling B) levelled random sampling C) group sampling D) patterned sampling

Q399) Which of the following is necessary for Personal Interview in survey research? Options: A) Accessibility of the respondent B) Cognition C) Motivation of the respondent D) All of these

Q400) The type of evaluation research which reflects that different discussion are made: Options: A) process evaluation B) outcome evaluation C) control evaluation D) All of the above

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q401) Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms? Options: A) Socio-economic Status B) Marital Status C) Numerical Aptitude D) Professional Attitude

Q402) The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called Options: A) Philosophical research B) Historical research C) Mythological research D) Content analysis

Q403) A null hypothesis is Options: A) when there is no difference between the variables B) the same as research hypothesis C) subjective in nature D) when there is difference between the variables

Q404) The main characteristic of scientific research is: Options: A) empirical B) theoretical C) experimental D) all of the above

Q405) Which of the following are true about Research / Options: A) Research requires skills of writing and reproducing the report. B) Research requires that the researcher has full expertise of the problem being studied and replicable. C) Research is characterized by systematic, objective and logical procedures. D) All of these

Q406) Which of the following are the functions of social science research? Options: A) Discovery of new facts and their interpretation. B) Policy formulation for further development. C) Diagnosis of problem and their analysis. D) All of these

Q407) What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research? Options: A) To bring out holistic approach to research. B) To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain. C) To over simplify the problem of research. D) To create a new trend in research methodology.

Q408) Which of the following is not matched correctly? Options: A) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre-Trombay B) Antarctica Research Centre —Goa C) National Sugar Institute —Kolkata D) Raman Research Institute –Chennai

Q409) Which department had less than 10 % of employees all through the year 1999 to 2004? Options: A) Purchase B) Sales C) Accounts D) Research

Q410) One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to: Options: A) improve data interpretation B) eliminate spurious relations C) confirm triangulation D) introduce new variables

Q411) The experimental study is based on: Options: A) The manipulation of variables B) Conceptual parameters C) Replication of research D) Survey of literature

Q412) A researcher is generally expected to Options: A) Study the existing literature in a field. B) generate new principles and theories. C) synthesize the ideas given by others. D) evaluate the findings of a study.

Q413) The word research is derived from Options: A) French word B) Spanish word C) Latin word D) Greek word

Q414) In every field, research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of knowledge but discoveries are rare because Options: A) research is a continuous critical investigation B) it is not common to be able to think beyond a proved channel C) sustained experimental work needed for discovery is not easily forthcoming D) most people lack the depth of knowledge needed for it.

Q415) Which of the following is not a characteristic of research? Options: A) Systematic B) Objective C) Logical D) Perspective

Q416) The step of experimental method is Options: A) Selection and definition of a problem B) Survey of the related literature C) Experimental design D) All the above

Q417) Which one of the following research methods, have the similarity in nature when compared in relation to sample, control and validity of inferences? Options: A) Experimental and Ex Post Faco method B) Historical and Philosophical method C) Survey and Experimental method D) None of the above

Q418) The propounded of the law of single variable is Options: A) James S.Will B) Thomas Hobbes C) William Kant D) Dewey

Q419) In correlation design of Ex Post Facto Research, we study Options: A) The variable which has been measured in advance and will be work as an causative factor for second variable B) The second variable which is going to be measured and will work as a causative factor for antecedent variable C) The third variable which cannot be measured but work as a causative factor for first and second variable D ) All the above three situations and occurrence of variables

Q420) According to Lindquist the types of experimental design are Options: A) Six B) Four C) Two D) None of the above

Q421) Case-study collects the data from the following sources Options: A) From individual B) From Anecdotal records C) From Government documents D) From all the above

Q422) The need of philosophical research method is desired in Options: A) Philosophy related researches B) All the researches involved in exploring the aims of social sciences C) Explorations of Atma and Paramatma D) Determining the role and extension of philosophy

Q423) The problem for the research related to metaphysics can be Options: A) What is meant by existence B) What are the qualities of the existence of the objects C) How knowledge of individuality of the objects can be realised D) All the above

Q424) The characteristic of survey method is Options: A) To solve the problems at local level B) To enhance the body of knowledge C) To solve the present problems D) All the above

Q425) The steps of historical research method are Options: A) To identify the problem B) To collect the data C) To criticise the data D) All the above

Q426) The meaning of variable is Options: A) The quality having different values B) The nature of happening which influences other happenings through its presence C) Both of the above D) None of the above

Q427) Generally variable are of Options: A) Two types-Independent and dependent variable B) Three types-Independent, dependent and Intervening variables C) Four types-Independent, dependent, Intervening and control variables D) None of the above

Q428) In Epistemology, the following problem can be solved Options: A) What is known to the brain beyond the knowledge of its own ideas B) How do the knowledge ‘becomes objective as well as subjective simultaneously C) What is the criteria of judgement of Truth and False D) All the above are correct

Q429) The characteristics of experimental method is Options: A) It follows the law of single variable B) It is the laboratory method of research and has borrowed from pure sciences C) It follows the scientific method D) All the above statements are correct

Q430) The following steps of case-study have been jumbled with each other 1.Focus of study 2. Identification of Cause effect symptoms 3. Remedy for adjustment 4. Follow-up programme 5. Data collection The correct sequence in above steps is codes: Options: A) 1, 5, 2, 3 and 4 B) 1, 4, 5, 2 and 3 C) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 D) 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1

Q431) Descriptive study is related with Options: A) Survey research method B) Experimental research method C) Case study method D) All the above

Q432) The objective of Descriptive Research is Options: A) To identify and focus on the present conditions B) To study the subject on phenomenon in a speedy manner C) To collect the facts D) All the above

Q433) The main types of case study are Options: A) Four B) Five C) Six D) Not at all

Q434) The meaning of Crossed Reaction Experimental Design is Options: A) Such an experimental design where all the reactions are carried out with the subjects in a sequential fashion B) Such where the subject related errors are eliminated an experimental design C) Both of the above are correct D) None of the above are correct

Q435) Generally the external and internal validity is present in the inference, we get from Options: A) Experimental method B) Survey method C) Ex Post Facto method D) None of the above

Q436) The contribution of case-study is Options: A) In study and data collection of a case related to caste, age, sex, religion, problems, intellectual level, socio-economic status etc. B) In evaluating of historical facts related with persons or case C) In study of institutionalized groups and families D) In all the above studies

Q437) The limitation of case-study is Options: A) It has subjectivity B) It is difficult to formulate assumptions C) It is difficult to employ complex statistical methods D) All the above are correct

Q438) The survey method is classified on the basis of Options: A) The nature of variable B) The measurable class or group C) The source of data collection D) All the above

Q439) The objective of case-study is Options: A) Remedial B) Diagnostic C) Educational D) All the above

Q440) The fundamental assumption of experimental method is related with Options: A) Law of single variable B) Law of two variable C) Controlled conditions D) Intermediary variables

Q441) The meaning of the Historical method of research is Options: A) To employ scientific method in order to study the historical problems B) To establish relationship between historical facts and current events C) To make specific investigation of the past events D) All the above

Q442) The steps of the Historical method of research are given in a jumbled state. Select them in a scientific order from the following options 1. Identification of the problem. 2.Criticism of data 3. Interpretation of data 4. Collection of data Options: A) 1, 4, 3 and 2 B) 1, 2, 3 and 4 C) 1, 3, 2 and 4 D) 4, 3, 2 and 1

Q443) Case-study method denotes Options: A) The study of a case in its vicinity B) The extensive study of a ‘Case’ C) The cumulative study of a case D) All the above

Q444) Which one of the following is not a type of experimental method? Options: A) Single-group experiment B) Parallel-group experiment C) Rotational group experiment D) Residual group experiment

Q445) The control in Survey method is required Options: A) To a great extent B) To a less extent C) To a normal extent D) Not at all

Q446) Survey method is associated with Options: A) Those exercises which are continued regularly B) Those processes which are continued regularly C) The experiences which have been already realised D) All the above

Q447) The advantage of Random Replication Design is Options: A) It controls almost all types of errors B) It studies the effects of the institutions simultaneously C) It employs in social science researches vigorously D) All the above are correct

Q448) The position of sample in Survey method is Options: A) Essential B) Partial C) Constant D) None of the above

Q449) The important characteristics of the survey method is Options: A) It is capable for collecting data from a large group (population) simultaneously B) Here the work is being carried out on pre-determined problem C) The aims of this method are fixed and specific D) All the above statements are correct

Q450) The types of Historical method are Options: A) Descriptive and Analytical B) Historical-Constitutional and Reporting C) School survey and social surveys D) Survey Examination-Questionnaire survey

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q451) The meaning of ExPost Facto Research is Options: A) The research carried out after the incident B) The research carried out prior to the incident C) The research carried out along with the happening of an incident D) The research carried out keeping in mind the possibilities of an incident

Q452) In order to carried out a study on Juvenile delinquents, the best method is Options: A) Ex-Post Facto method B) Case-Study method C) Experimental method D) Genetic method

Q453) The criteria of a good case-study is Options: A) Continuity B) Completeness of the data C) Validity of the data D) All the above

Q454) The wrong statement in relation to experimental method is Options: A) Observation under controlled condition is experiment B) It is method of effective control of variables C) Careful observation of a phenomenon under controlled conditions D) It is an useful method in laboratories

Q455) On the basis of the nature, of variable the types of survey method are Options: A) Stratified survey and survey researches B) Sample and population related researches C) Surveys through Questionnaire and interviews D) All the above

Q456) The experimental method is Options: A) A method for verifying a hypothesis B) A method deriving inferences C) A variable controlling method D) None of the above

Q457) In ExPost Faco research the position of the variable is Options: A) Generally the Independent variable happened before the research B) The researcher begins with single dependent and independent variables C) And after it he studies the possible relation in a regressed form D) All the above

Q458) According to Mouly, the type of research methods is Options: A) Historical method B) Survey method C) Experimental method D) All the above methods

Q459) Ethics is related with Options: A) Beliefs of the person B) Nature of Law C) Civic principles and rights D) All the above

Q460) Ex Post Faco method of research is associated to Options: A) Sample B) Control C) Validity related with inferences D) All the above

Q461) The internal validity related with inferences is associated to Options: A) Ex Post Faco method of research B) Experimental method of research C) Both of the above D) None of the above

Q462) Which of the following method is free from the difficulties related with sampling, control and validity of inferences? Options: A) Historical method B) Philosophical method C) Experimental method D) Survey method

Q463) The Historical method is related with Options: A) The history oriented researches only B) The researches of history and Archaeology C) The historical researches conducted in all the disciplines D) None of the above is correct

Q464) Which one of the characteristic is not related to survey method of research? Options: A) It organises scientific principles B) It is comparatively more difficult and changeable C) It requires imaginary planning D) It is not related with person’s qualities

Q465) The information’s to be collected in survey method are related to Options: A) Present position B) Aims of the research C) The attainment of the aim of the research D) All the above

Q466) The characteristic feature of a workshop is Options: A) To attain the higher cognitive and Psychomotor objectives of the research B) To comprehend the theoretical and practical aspects of the research C) To explore the possibilities of applied aspects of the research D) All of the above

Q467) In a seminar the main function of the president of a specific session is Options: A) To coordinate the activities in that session B) To exercise his power to control the debatable discussions between Speakers and Audience C) To maintain as disciplining agency D) All of the above statements are correct

Q468) The main objective of organizing a workshop is Options: A) To improve the skills of the researchers in order to solve the specific problem B) To impart practical training to the researchers C) To make perfect the researchers in an area of research D) All of the above

Q469) Generally the format of research resembles with Options: A) A long essay B) A synopsis C) A writing technique D) A report preparing method

Q470) Generally in all researches, an abstract of each article has been prepared which focuses upon Options: A) The central theme of the research paper B) The research-innovation employed in research paper C) The effective conclusions of the research paper D) All of the above

Q471) The compulsion of publication of research paper is Options: A) Only for University Teachers B) Only for Central University Teachers C) For all the teachers in higher education institutions D) Cannot say

Q472) The advantage of Seminar is Options: A) The attainment of higher Cognitive and Affective objectives of the research B) The development of democratic values C) The formation of good learning habits D) All of the above

Q473) Symposium is Options: A) Intellectual entertainment B) Hearty entertainment C) T.V. related entertainment D) Research with entertainment

Q474) In colleges, universities the promotion on the post of Reader under the Personal Promotion Scheme, the required minimum number of published papers is Options: A) 3 to 5 B) Only one C) Only two D) None of the above

Q475) The research is a Options: A) Honest investigation B) Passive investigation C) Investigation for showing scholarship D) Investigation in the interest of society

Q476) The affective objective of seminar is Options: A) To incorporate the qualities of patience and tolerance in the researcher B) To appreciate the research inferences C) To incorporate emotional stability and motivation in the researcher D) All of the above statements are correct

Q477) The research papers writing methodology has slight variations in reference to Options: A) The standards maintained by research journals B) The interests of the researchers C) The research traditions D) All of the above statements are correct with slight variations

Q478) The main Psycho-motor objective of the workshop is Options: A) The expertise of formulating research design B) The ability of selection and determining of the problems C) The skills of construction of research apparatus D) All of the above

Q479) In present time the Seminars are organised Options: A) For promoting the teachers B) For revamping teachers with research potentialities C) For converting low grade teaches into higher grades D) None of the above

Q480) Seminar is a Options: A) The process of promoting the reflective level B) The process of nurturing the higher cognition C) The interactional process of thinking D) All of the above are true

Q481) The UGC has made it compulsory for every teacher to participate in Seminars because Options: A) The teacher is the nation builder B) The teacher is awakening the nation C) The teacher is the transmitter of democratic values D) The teacher is the builder of young generation

Q482) The process of writing a research paper is Options: A) Scientific B) Unscientific C) Original D) None of the above

Q483) Conference is a Options: A) Provision to discuss on serious matters B) Adequate solution of research problems C) Wider manipulation of research inferences D) All of the above

Q484) Generally, in a research conference the peoples call for Options: A) Conducting classical discussions B) Giving guidance C) Harassing the new researchers D) Showing personal powers by the experts

Q485) Seminar provides the following opportunity to a researcher Options: A) Expression of feelings B) Exchange of ideas C) Spontaneous learning D) All of the above

Q486) In organization of a workshop, the following cognitive objective is primarily included Options: A) To search the solutions for complicated problems B) To discuss the Socio-philosophical aspects of the research C) To determine the research methods D) All of the above

Q487) Generally the objective of organizing a workshop is Options: A) To develop the research attitude in the researchers B) To tell about the research methodology to the neo-researchers C) To impart practical training of conducting research D) None of the above

Q488) The Seminar can be organized Options: A) In a class B) In a school C) In a district level D) At all the levels

Q489) The limitations of a research workshop are Options: A) Need of extra time B) Extra emphasis on practicality C) Need of specific research material D) All of the above

Q490) The research paper and the research article are Options: A) Two separate name of one and same thing B) First is factual and later a theoretical in nature C) First is having survey background the later is experiment in nature D) B and C are the correct statements

Q491) The human resources of a workshop is Options: A) Organiser-Coordinator-Expert B) Organiser-Coordinator-Expert-Participant C) Organizer-Coordinator-Expert Researcher D) None of the above

Q492) The research papers are written in order to Options: A) Gain name and fame B) Communicate the research C) Get promotions D) None of the above

Q493) The advantages of preparing the research paper is Options: A) The exchange of ideas related to research B) The familiarity with the research approaches C) The awareness about present researches D) All of the above

Q494) The advantage of Conference is Options: A) Development of democratic values B) Guidance of new-researchers C) Mutual exchange of ideas D) All of the above

Q495) The affective objective of the workshop is Options: A) The awareness towards recent (emerging) problematic areas in the field of research B) The activation towards immediate problems C) The expertise in the field of research D) All of the above

Q496) The aim of symposium is Options: A) To develop the knowledge about current problems and the capacity to identify them B) To take decision about the problems related to research topics C) To seek advice of the experts in the area D) All of the above

Q497) The constituents of a seminar are Options: A) Organizer-Chairman-Speakers-Participants B) President-Chairman-Workers C) Chairman-Participant only D) None of the above

Q498) The characteristic of symposium is Options: A) To develop the comprehensive understanding of about the specific problems of research and its various dimensions B) To give freedom to express their ideas by the speakers as well as the audience C) To impart training for higher order of thinking D) All of the above

Q499) Generally, in conference one of the following do not participate Options: A) Expert B) Researcher C) Ignorant D) Curious person

Q500) The step of research workshop is Options: A) The presentation and explanation of the topic B) The practice of following an approach C) Follow-up and evaluation of a topic D) All of the above

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q501) The research paper does not has its advantage when it does not Options: A) Improve the goal-oriented researches B) Present for wider criticism of his inferences C) Nourish the wider causes of the society D) Imparts fame at regional and national levels

Q502) The term ‘workshop’ borrowed in the field of research from Options: A) Engineering B) Drama-house C) Technology D) None of the above

Q503) Generally it has been witnessed that the compulsion of writing a research paper has generated anomaly because Options: A) Every teacher does not possess the proper aptitude for writing a research paper B) Every teacher does not have desirable qualities for writing a research paper C) Each teacher does not possess the scientific attitude to carry out the research D) All the above statements are correct

Q504) Symposium is a Options: A) A well organised group of a few speakers with large audience B) Arrival at the certain goal through mutual exchange of ideas C) Process of taking decisions in a group D) All of the above

Q505) Generally research papers have been given more weightage instead of research articles because these will be Options: A) Based on data B) Incorporated with statistics C) Both of the above D) None of the above

Q506) Generally in a research conference the following person is not present Options: A) Permanent member B) Common person C) Expert D) Chairman of Conference

Q507) The background of the research paper may be Options: A) Philosophical B) Historical C) Contemporary D) None of the above

Q508) The basic requirement for preparing a research paper is Options: A) The research orientation of the person B) The research skills in the person C) The research attitudes in the person D) All of the above

Q509) The main cognitive objective of seminar is Options: A) To develop critical and analytical capacities in a researcher B) To develop observational and experiential presenting capabilities in a researcher C) To develop synthetic and evaluation related abilities in a researcher D) All of the above are correct statements

Q510) The central role in workshop is of Options: A) The Director B) The Expert C) The Participants D) All of the above

Q511) The primary aim of organising the Seminar is Options: A) Attaining knowledge B) Communication of research inferences C) The exhibition of research creativity D) None of the above

Q512) The research papers are generally prepared by Options: A) The research scholars B) The research supervisors C) The scientists D) All of the above

Q513) Generally research papers are presented abundantly in Options: A) Seminars B) Journals C) Symposiums D) All of the above

Q514) Research conferences can be conducted at Options: A) Regional level B) National level C) International level D) All of the above level

Q515) Which one of the following is NOT a type of Seminar? Options: A) House-committee B) International Seminar C) National Seminar D) Focal Seminar

Q516) To become unscientific, it is sufficient Options: A) Irrelevant arguments B) Prejudices C) Disagreement D) All the above

Q517) The research is always Options: A) Exploring new knowledge B) Verifying the old knowledge C) Filling the gap between the knowledge D) Including all the above

Q518) The Theoretical aims of research is Options: A) Explanatory B) Qualitativeness C) Quantitativeness D) Inferential

Q519) Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research? Options: A) Philosophical research B) Action-research C) Descriptive research D) All the above

Q520) The analysis of the term ‘Anusandhan’ gives two words Options: A) A+nusandhan B) An+usandhan C) Anu+sandhan D) Au+nsandhan

Q521) In Hindi language the term Anusandhan refers to Options: A) Follower of an aim B) Preying of an aim C) Attain the aim D) Become goal-oriented

Q522) The term Anusandhan in Hindi has been borrowed from Options: A) The advantageous aims used in archery training in olden days B) The objectives employed in modern Rifle Shooting competitions C) Both of the above analogous and true in terminology’s perspective D) Both are the heterogeneous and not related with the term in question

Q523) A research should be Options: A) Objective B) Valid C) Reliable D) All the above

Q524) On the basis of contributions made, all the researches can be classified as Options: A) Fundamental-Applied-Action Research B) Experimental-Historical-Philosophical C) Longitudinal and Cross-sectional D) None of the above

Q525) Research is based upon Options: A) Scientific method B) Experiments C) Scientists D) Genera principles

Q526) Research is an honest effort carried out through insight’. Options: A) Best B) Watson C) Cook D) None of the above

Q527) The factual aims are most important in Options: A) Historical researches B) Behavioural researches C) Theoretical researches D) Philosophical researches

Q528) Generally the data of the research is Options: A) Quantitative only B) Qualitative only C) Both of the above analogous and true in terminology’s perspective D) None of the above

Q529) Researches are generally treated as ‘Identity symbols’ of a nation because Options: A) Researches reflect the progress of a nation B) Researches focus on human development C) Researches help in acquiring international prestige D) All the above

Q530) A researcher should possess Options: A) Scientific attitude B) Scientific thinking C) Scientific feelings D) Scientific behaviour

Q531) Factual aims of research has the quality of Options: A) Descriptive nature B) Foundation on human values C) Cause-effect relatedness D) All the above

Q532) The principles formulated by the Fundamental research are used in Options: A) Applied researches B) Philosophical research C) Action researches D) None of the above

Q533) Action-research is Options: A) An applied research B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems C) A longitudinal research D) All the above

Q534) In Longitudinal approaches primarily the researches are related with Options: A) Temporal sequence B) Eugenics C) Sample D) None of the above

Q535) The basic need of a research is Options: A) In preparation of a project B) In guidance C) In economic planning D) In sitting in library

Q536) Which of the following statement matches with that of Mouly? Options: A) Research is a process in which Exploratory procedure(method) has been employed B) The application of Scientific method foe experimentation and interpretation intellectually for solving the problems is called a research C) Research is an intensive formal and organised procedure D) Research can be defined in the form of study method of problem-solving

Q537) The characteristics of a research is Options: A) Serious and intensive study B) Wisdom C) Based on standardized conclusions D) All the above

Q538) Generally the formulation and progress of new knowledge have been carried out through Options: A) Fundamental researches B) Experimental researches C) Historical researches D) None of the above

Q539) If you are interested to perceive yourself as a ‘Scientist’ then what sort of changes will you prefer in yourself? Options: A) Registration for Ph.D. Degree B) Training under the guidance of a scientist C) Full of scientific excitement D) Development of scientific attitude

Q540) The aims of research is Options: A) Factual B) Verifiable C) Theoretical D) All the above

Q541) On the basis of the approach the classification of researches has taken birth(emerged from) Options: A) Biological sciences B) Pure sciences C) Psychology D) None of the above

Q542) If you are employing scientific method for solving a problem and interpretation of the results, then this process is called Options: A) Scientific B) Self-satisfying C) Complementary to personal objectives D) None of the above

Q543) The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called as Options: A) Historical researches B) Philosophical research C) Mythological research D) None of the above

Q544) The single difference between Longitudinal and cross-sectional researches is Options: A) In Longitudinal researches are working on single group of subject for long term duration while in cross-section, the immediate results have been derived after selecting a sample B) In Longitudinal researcher the researcher should have more patience to work than in cross-sectional researches C) The Longitudinal researches have been generally carried out under the specific situation and with specific persons but it is not carried out in crosssectional researches D) All the above differences are correct

Q545) The need of objective observation is Options: A) In performing experiment B) In research C) In normal behaviour D) In all the situations

Q546) When a person deriving all the conclusions through observation and experimentation in his routine life. In this way the person can be treated as a Options: A) Scientist B) Good citizen C) Intellectual person D) Normal person

Q547) Reliability in the fundamental quality of a research which also reflects Options: A) Validity B) Verifiability C) Purity of data D) Superiority

Q548) When a research is repeated under the similar controlled conditions, such research is called as Options: A) Reliable B) Unreliable C) Changeable D) Dynamic

Q549) Ganga Action Plan’-is a Action Research plan because it has Options: A) To attained a definite goal B) To finished in a scheduled time C) A define socio-economic order D) All the above

Q550) The meaning of generalization is Options: A) To normalize special quality B) To implement the research conclusion at the larger level C) To give advantages of research to normal person D) None of the above

field work based research is classified as mcq

Q551) Research approaches are Options: A) Longitudinal and cross-sectional B) Oblique and horizontal C) Long and short section D) None of the above

Q552) Longitudinal Approach is related with Options: A) Long term researches B) Transverse researches C) Horizontal researches D) All the above

Q553) Cross-sectional researches are fundamentally related with Options: A) Sample B) Statistics C) Tendencies D) Eugenics

Q554) The survey research are classified under the Options: A) Fundamental researches B) Experimental researches C) Both of the above D) None of the above

Q555) Research in the method of study of the problems, where the solutions of the problems have been carried out through given facts.’ The statement is given by Options: A) Munroe B) Best C) Watson D) Cook

Q556) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a research? Options: A) Irrelevant data collection B) Irrelevant data analysis C) Irrelevant conclusions D) All the above

Q557) The new values and principles establishes through Options: A) Philosophical research B) Natural researches C) Human motivation D) Social situations

Q558) If you are repeating the mistake again and again then you are called a Options: A) Excellent researcher B) Excellent forgetter C) Foolish person D) Normal person

Q559) In order to imbibe the quality of ‘Prediction’ in a research, it should be Options: A) Completed on the basis of solid data B) Based on one’s own self-preferences C) Resultant of an astrologer D) Carried out in order to satisfy the public opinion

Q560) The main condition which should be followed by research is Options: A) Honest exploration B) Knowledge of facts and principles C) Standardized findings and conclusions D) All the above

Q561) The research is(in reference to human nature) Options: A) An attitude of inquiry B) A method of formulating principles C) A systematic and intellectual work D) A scientific method

Q562) Generally a scientist’s observations related to Experiment and testing are based on Options: A) Scientific principles B) House hold rules C) Self-imagination D) Self-experiences

Q563) McGrath and Watson have defined research as Options: A) User of exploratory method B) A intellectual exploration C) Use of scientific method for analysis D) Problem-solving

Q564) The classification of the scheme of Black Board Operation can be carried out under Options: A) Philosophical research B) Experimental researches C) Action researches D) None of the above

Q565) The research reporting should be carried out Options: A) In a scientific way B) In an imaginary way C) Through copying D) Through discussion among the scientists

Q566) The content edited in Encyclopaedia is Options: A) Primary source B) Secondary source C) Continuous source D) Infinite source

Q567) The main parts of the Body of Research Synopsis are Options: A) Title Page-Trunk-Posterior part B) Title Page and Main Body C) Title Page and Posterior Part D) None of the above

Q568) The significance of preface in a Research thesis is Options: A) To pay obeisance B) To get freedom from gratitude of the supervisor C) To become a little bit emotional at this occasion D) To take blessing of the family members

Q569) Evidences in research collect from Options: A) Primary and secondary sources B) Pure and applied sources C) Active and passive sources D) None of the above

Q570) There exists a single most important difference between the reference and bibliography Options: A) The references have the actual page numbers B) The references have the last name of the person(Surname) on its first priority C) The references have the minute details in order to verify them D) All the above are correct

Q571) The advantage of Research report writing in a scientific manner is Options: A) Global Standardization B) Global Communication C) Global Awakening D) Global Welfare

Q572) In which of the following objective’s achievement , the related literature is Options: A) In defining the problem B) In formulating the problem C) In selection of the tool D) In exploration of the inferences

Q573) The method of Research reporting should be Options: A) Scientific B) Ethical and attractive C) Personal D) Favourable to globalisation

Q574) Reference serves the purpose Options: A) The authenticity of the given content B) Of insightful decision making by the researcher C) Of giving ornamental value to the research D) If exhibits the great achievements of the piece of research

Q575) The devaluation of Research proposal will take place when Options: A) You will try to give extra importance to certain person B) You will become unbiased for all the persons who have directly or indirectly contributed in your work C) You will be giving thanks to persons in the light of your personal relations D) You will make a justice with all the persons

Q576) Generally the synopsis of the research is compared with human body. Inspite of the differences existed in its different parts, it must have Options: A) Uniformity B) Equality C) Functional continuity D) None of the above

Q577) The importance of Graphs and figures in a Research thesis is Options: A) They produce the perceptual quality in a research B) They enhance the aesthetic sense in a research C) They enhance the spontaneity to researched faith D) All the above

Q578) In order to prepare a Research report the quality desired in a researcher is Options: A) Skill-oriented capabilities B) Scientific Attitude C) Mental Balance D) All the above

Q579) Year Books contains the detailed content of Options: A) A specific year only B) A year only C) Derails of specific issues on annual basis D) Can’t say

Q580) Generally in the last pages of each thesis there is a provision of writing suggestions and recommendations, because Options: A) It enhances your repute as a great scholar B) It communicates the best researcher’s qualities in your C) It gives authenticity to your research work D) It is mere a tradition

Q581) When a Research worker do not has the desired ability of reporting of research, then the work carried out by him, will be of Options: A) Low grade quality B) Good grade quality C) Excellent grade quality D) Can’t say

Q582) There is a need for the qualities of labelling, page-numbering and refinement in the graphical figures in a researcher Options: A) Specific qualities B) Artistic qualities C) Appreciative qualities D) Painter’s qualities

Q583) The Research design is related to Options: A) Sample selection B) Formulation of Experimental design C) Selection and construction of the tool D) All the above

Q584) In order to ensure maximum acceptability of data analysis and its interpretation, the help should be taken from Options: A) Statistics B) Graphs and diagrams C) Computer floppy D) Appreciable typing

Q585) The title page of Research thesis should be Options: A) Brief and meaningful B) Scientific and logical C) Aesthetic and attractive D) All the above and ‘Catchy’.

Q586) The advantage of the Survey of Related literature is Options: A) It is like a back-bone of the research B) It helps in formulating objectives and hypotheses of the research C) It helps in preparation of research design D) All of the above are true

Q587) The justifiable scientific list of all references is called Options: A) Index B) Bibliography C) Reference D) Neo book reference

Q588) Generally when you are interested to limit the length of preface the judicious practice observed is that Options: A) You delete the name of supervisor from it, B) You delete the name of Clerk from it C) You delete the name of family members from it D) You delete the name of nearest relatives from it

Q589) The middle part of the Research Synopsis prepares Options: A) The middle most part of research B) The partial part of research C) The complete part of research D) It is difficult to infer

Q590) Before preparing your Research report you consult with Options: A) Your supervisor B) Your elder colleagues C) Your predecessor’s works D) All the above

Q591) The words of preface should be Options: A) Multi meaningful B) Full of emotions C) Balanced, alert and humble D) In ornamental words

Q592) The main part of the research is Options: A) Title page B) Trunk region C) Posterior region D) All the above parts

Q593) What will you put on top priority while giving the suggestions in your research? Options: A) The difficulties you have faced during your research work B) The limitations of your research work C) The futuristic improvements to be carried out by other researches D) All the above

Q594) In priorities of the Research synopsis, one can include Options: A) Title Page, Table of Content, and Index of Tables B) Title Page and List of Graph only C) Title Page and Supervisor’s Certificate only D) None of the above

Q595) The Title page of a Research synopsis should be Options: A) Attractive B) Organised C) Aesthetic D) Logical

Q596) The beauty of the Research thesis can be enhanced Options: A) By keeping aesthetic sense in its typography B) By giving good charts, flow diagrams and systematic graphs C) By keeping its excellent binding and title page D) All the above

Q597) In Research thesis the importance of introduction is Options: A) It imbibes the importance of problem in it B) It determines the direction of survey related to problem C) It explains the objectives of the problem D) All the above

Q598) The importance of research suggestions is Options: A) It gives required source of energy to the researchers in future B) It helps in saving of time of the new researchers by helping in identifying the problems C) It in satiated the knowledge thirst of the new researcher D) It helps in copying by other researcher

Q599) In primary sources we include Options: A) Hand written manuscripts only B) The original writings of the authors C) Direct collection from the thesis D) All of the above

Q600) When a thesis has been submitted in order to attain a degree or related contain objective, the supervisor’s certificate has been produced because Options: A) It ensure the quality of research B) It gives name and fame to the worker C) It gives clearance from all foundations D) It ensures authenticity of the research work

field work based research is classified as mcq

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112 Research Aptitude Questions with Answers


Research Aptitude

This post consists more than 100 questions from Research Aptitude from previous years UGC NET papers. this will help you to understand the pattern of questions comes under this section. Generally 5 out 50 questions comes from Research Aptitude. New syllabus issued by the NTA is given in this post. this post also highlight the questions from each years. try to solve the questions.

Best of luck for your NTA UGC NET  preparation.

Questions from Paper1 2016 to 2006 old papers.

 Research: Meaning, Types, and Characteristics, Positivism and Postpositivistic approach to research.  Methods of Research: Experimental, Descriptive, Historical, Qualitative and Quantitative methods.  Steps of Research.  Thesis and Article writing: Format and styles of referencing.  Application of ICT in research.  Research ethics.

  • A researcher intends to explore the effect of possible factors for the organization of effective mid-day meal interventions. Which research method will be most appropriate for this study? (1) Historical method                 (2) Descriptive survey method (3) Experimental method          (4) Ex-post-facto method
  • Which of the following is an initial ma n datory requirement for pursuing research ? (1) Developing a research design (2) Formulating a research question (3) Deciding about the data analysis procedure (4) Formulating a research hypothesis
  • The format of thesis writing is the same as in (1) preparation of a research paper/article (2) writing of seminar presentation (3) a research dissertation (4) presenting a workshop / conference paper
  • In qualitative research paradigm, which of the following features may be considered critical ? (1) Data collection with standardized research tools. (2) Sampling design with probability sample techniques. (3) Data collection with bottom-up empirical evidences. (4) Data gathering to take place with top-down systematic evidences.
  • From the following list of statements identify the set which has negative implications for ‘research ethics*: (i) A researcher critically looks at the findings of another research. (ii) Related studies are cited without proper references. (iii) Research findings are made the basis for policy making. (iv) Conduct of practitioner is screened in terms of reported research evidences. (v) A research study is replicated with a view to verify the evidences from other researches. (vi) Bom policy making and policy implementing processes are regulated in terms of preliminary studies. Codes (1) (i), (ii) and (iii)             (2) (i).(iii)and(iv) (3) (ii),(iv)and(vi) (4) (i), (iii) and (v)
  • In a research on the effect of child-rearing practices on stress-proneness of children in completing school projects, the hypothesis formulated is that ‘child rearing practices do influence stress-proneness’. At the data-analysis stage a null hypothesis is advanced to find out the inability of research hypothesis. On the basis of the evidence available, the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.01 level of significance. What decision may be warranted in respect of the research hypothesis ? (1) The research hypothesis will also be rejected. (2) The research hypothesis will be accepted. (3) Both the research hypothesis and the null hypothesis will be rejected. (4) No decision can be taken in respect of the research hypothesis.


  • Which of the following statements is not true in the context of participatory research ? (1) It recognizes knowledge as power. (2) It emphasises on people as experts. (3) It is a collective process of enquiry. (4) Its sole purpose is production of knowledge,
  • Which of the following statements is true in the context of the testing of a hypothesis ? (1) It is only the alternative hypothesis, that can be tested. (2) It is only the null hypothesis, that can be tested. (3) Both, the alternative and the null hypotheses can be tested. (4) Both, the alternative and the null hypotheses cannot be tested.
  • Which of the following are the basic rules of APA style of referencing format ? (a) Italicize titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays (b) Invert authors’ names (last name first) (c) Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals (d) Alphabetically index reference list Select the correct answer from the codes given below : (1) (a) and (b)              (2) (b), (c) and (d) (3) (c) and (d)               (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
  • Which of the following are the characteristics of a seminar ? (a) It is a form of academic instruction. (b) It involves questioning, discussion and debates. (c) It involves large groups of individuals. (d) It needs involvement of skilled persons. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : (1) (b) and (c)               (2) (b) and (d) (3) (b), (c) and (d)        (4) (a), (b) and (d)
  • A researcher is interested in studying the prospects of a particular political party in an u area. What tool should he prefer for the study ? (1) Rating scale      (2) Interview    (3) Questionnaire (4) Schedule
  • Ethical norms in research do not involve guidelines for : (1) Thesis format                 (2) Copyright (3) Patenting policy              (4) Data sharing policies
  • Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of research are correct ? (a) Research refers to a series of systematic activity or activities undertaken to find out the solution of a problem. (b) It is a systematic, logical and an unbiased process wherein verification of hypothesis, data analysis, interpretation and formation of principles can be done. (c) It is an intellectual enquiry or quest towards truth. (d) It leads to enhancement of knowledge. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : (1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (b), (c) and (d) (3) (a), (c) and (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
  • A good thesis writing should involve : (a) reduction of punctuation and grammatical errors to a minimum. (b) careful checking of references. (c) consistency in the way the thesis is written. (d) a clear and well written abstract. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (2) (a), (b) and (c) (3) (a), (b) and (d) (4) (b), (c) and (d)
  • Jean Piaget gave a theory of cognitive development of humans on the basis of his : (1) Fundamental Research  (2) Applied Research (3) Action Research (4) Evaluation Research
  • “Male and female students perform equally well in a numerical aptitude test.” This statement indicates a : (1) research hypothesis(2) null hypothesis (3) directional hypothesis (4) statistical hypothesis
  • The conclusions/findings of which type of research cannot be generalized to other situations ? (1) Historical Research (2) Descriptive Research (3) Experimental Research (4) Causal Comparative Research
  • Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire ? (a) Writing primary and secondary aims of the study. (b) Review of the current literature. (c) Prepare a draft of questionnaire. (d) Revision of the draft. Select the correct answer from the codes given below : (1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (a), (c) and (d) (3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)


  • The core elements of a dissertation are (A)    Introduction; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Conclusions and Recommendations (B)    Executive Summary; Literature review; Data gathered; Conclusions: Bibliography (C)    Research Plan; Research Data; Analysis: References (D)    Introduction; Literature Review; Research Methodology, Results; Discussion and Conclusion
  • What is a Research Design ? (A)    A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory. (B)    The choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods. (C)    The style in which you present your research findings e.g. a graph. (D)    A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.
  • ‘Sampling Cases’ means (A)    Sampling using a sampling frame (B)    Identifying people who are suitable for research (C)    Literally the researcher’s briefcase (D)    Sampling of people, newspapers, television programmes etc.
  • The frequency distribution of a research data which is symmetrical in shape similar to a normal distribution but center peak is much higher, is (A)    Skewed         (B)   Mesokurtic (C)    Leptokurtic (D)   Platykurtic
  • When planning to do as social research, it is better to (A)    approach the topic with an open mind (B)    do a pilot study before getting stuck into it (C)    be familiar with literature on the topic (D)    forget about theory because this is a very practical
  • When academicians are called to deliver lecture or presentation to an audience on certain topics or a set of topics of educational nature, it is called (A)   Training Program    (B)    Seminar (C)    Workshop            (D)    Symposium
  • The research approach of Max Weber to understand how people create meanings in natural settings is identified as (A) positive paradigm (B) critical paradigm (C) natural paradigm (D) interpretative paradigm
  • Which one of the following is a non-probability sampling ? (A) Simple random (B) Purposive (C) Systematic (D) Stratified
  • Identify the category of evaluation that assesses the learning progress to provide continuous feedback to the students during instruction. (A) Placement (B) Diagnostic (C) Formative( D) Summative
  • The research stream of immediate application is (A) Conceptual research (B) Action research (C) Fundamental research (D) Empirical research
  • Who among the following, propounded the concept of paradigm ? (A) Peter Haggett (B) Von Thunen (C) Thomas Kuhn (D) John K. Wright
  • In a thesis, figures and tables are included in (A) the appendix (B) a separate chapter (C) the concluding chapter (D) the text itself
  • A thesis statement is (A) an observation (B) a fact (C) an assertion (D) a discussion


31..The sequential operations in scientific research are (A) Co-variation, Elimination of Spurious Relations, Generalisation, Theorisation (B) Generalisation, Co-variation, Theorisation, Elimination of Spurious Relations (C) Theorisation, Generalisation, Elimination of Spurious Relations, Co-variation (D) Elimination of Spurious Relations, Theorisation,Generalisation, Co-variation.

  • In sampling, the lottery method is used for (A) Interpretation (B) Theorisation (C) Conceptualisation (D) Randomisation
  • Which is the main objective of research ? (A) To review the literature (B) To summarize what is already known (C) To get an academic degree (D) To discover new facts or to make fresh interpretation of known facts

34.Sampling error decreases with the (A) decrease in sample size (B) increase in sample size (C) process of randomization (D) process of analysis

  • The principles of fundamental research are used in (A) action research (B) applied research (C) philosophical research (D) historical research
  • A research paper (A) is a compilation of information on a topic. (B) contains original research as deemed by the author. (C) contains peer-reviewed original research or evaluation of research conducted by others. (D) can be published in more than one journal.
  • Which one of the following belongs to the category of good ‘research ethics’? (A) Publishing the same paper in two research journals without telling the editors. (B) Conducting a review’ of the literature that acknowledges the contributions of other people in the relevant field or relevant prior work. (C) Trimming outliers from a data set without discussing your reasons, in a research paper. (D) Including a colleague as an author on a research paper in return for a favour even though the colleague did not make a serious contribution to the paper
  • Which of the following sampling methods is not based on probability? (A) Simple Random Sampling (B) Stratified Sampling (C) Quota Sampling (D) Cluster Sampling
  • Which one of the following references is written as per Modem Language Association (MLA) format? (A) Hall, Donald. Fundamentals of Electronics, New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India, 2005 (B) Hall, Donald, Fundamentals of Electronics, New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India, 2005 (C) Hall, Donald, Fundamentals of Electronics, New Delhi, – Prentice Hall of India, 2005 (D) Hall, Donald. Fundamentals of Electronics. New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India, 2005
  • A workshop is (A) a conference for discussion on a topic (B) a meeting for discussion on a topic. (C) a class at a college or a university in which a teacher and the students discuss a topic. (D) a brief intensive course for a small group emphasizing the development of a skill or technique for solving a specific problem.
  • A working hypothesis is (A) a proven hypothesis for an argument. (B) not required to be tested (C) a provisionally accepted hypothesis for further research (D) a scientific theory


  • Which one of the following is an indication of the quality of a research journal ? (A) Impact factor (B) h-index (C) g-index (D) i10-index
  • Good ‘research ethics’ means (A) Not disclosing the holdings of shares/stocks in a company that sponsors your research. (B) Assigning a particular research problem to one Ph.D./research student only. (C) Discussing with your colleagues confidential data from a research paper that you are reviewing for an academic journal. (D) Submitting the same research manuscript for publishing in more than one journal.
  • Which of the following sampling methods is based on probability ? (A) Convenience sampling (B) Quota sampling (C) Judgement sampling (D) Stratified sampling
  • Which one of the following references is written according to American Psychological Association (APA) format? (A) Sharma, V. (2010). Fundamentals of Computer Science. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill (B) Sharma, V. 2010. Fundamentals of Computer Science. New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill (C) Sharma.V. 2010. Fundamentals of Computer Science, New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill (D) Sharma, V. (2010), Fundamentals of Computer Science, New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill
  • Arrange the following steps of research in correct sequence : 1. Identification of research problem 2. Listing of research objectives 3. Collection of data 4. Methodology 5. Data analysis 6. Results and discussion (A) 1-2-3-4-5-6 (B) 1-2-4-3-5-6 (C) 2-1-3-4-5-6 (D) 2-1-4-3-5-6
  • Identify the incorrect statement : (A) A hypothesis is made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigations. (B) A hypothesis is a basis for reasoning without any assumption of its truth. (C) Hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. (D) Scientific hypothesis is a scientific theory.
  • The research that aims at immediate application is (A) Action Research (B) Empirical Research (C) Conceptual Research (D) Fundamental Research
  • When two or more successive footnotes refer to the same work which one of the following expressions is used ? (A) ibid (B) (C) op.cit : (D) loc.cit.
  • Nine year olds are taller than seven year olds. This is an example of a reference drawn from (A) Vertical study (B) Cross-sectional study (C) Time series study (D) Experimental study
  • Conferences are meant for (A) Multiple target groups (B) Group discussions (C) Show-casing new Research (D) All the above
  • Ex Post Facto research means (A) The research is carried out after the incident (B) The research is carried out prior to the incident (C) The research is carried out along with the happening of an incident. (D) The research is carried out keeping in mind the possibilities of an incident.
  • Research ethics do not include (A) Honesty (B) Subjectivity (C) Integrity (D) Objectivity


  • A hypothesis is a (A) law (B) canon (C) postulate (D) supposition
  • Suppose you want to investigate the working efficiency of nationalised bank in India, which one of the following would you follow ? (A) Area Sampling (B) Multi-stage Sampling (C) Sequential Sampling (D) Quota Sampling
  • Controlled group condition is applied in (A) Survey Research (B) Historical Research (C) Experimental Research (D) Descriptive Research
  • Workshops are meant for (A) giving lectures (B) multiple target groups (C) showcase new theories (D) hands on training/experience
  • Which one of the following is a research tool ? (A) Graph (B) Illustration (C) Questionnaire (D) Diagram
  • Research is not considered ethical if it (A) tries to prove a particular point. (B) does not ensure privacy and anonymity of the respondent. (C) does not investigate the data scientifically. (D) is not of a very high standard.
  • A research paper is a brief report of research work based on (A) Primary Data only (B) Secondary Data only (C) Both Primary and Secondary Data (D) None of the above
  • Newton gave three basic laws of motion. This research is categorized as (A) Descriptive Research (B) Sample Survey (C) Fundamental Research (D) Applied Research
  • A group of experts in a specific area of knowledge assembled at a place and prepared a syllabus for a new course. The process may be termed as (A) Seminar (B) Workshop (C) Conference (D) Symposium
  • In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by (A) Statement of Objectives (B) Analysis of Data (C) Selection of Research Tools (D) Collection of Data


  • Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms ? (A) Socio-economic Status (B) Marital Status (C) Numerical Aptitude (D) Professional Attitude
  • A doctor studies the relative effectiveness of two drugs of dengue fever. His research would be classified as (A) Descriptive Survey (B)Experimental Research (C) Case Study (D) Ethnography
  • The term ‘phenomenology’ is associated with the process of (A) Qualitative Research (B) Analysis of Variance (C) Correlational Study (D) Probability Sampling
  • The ‘Sociogram’ technique is used to study (A) Vocational Interest (B) Professional Competence(C) Human Relations (D) Achievement Motivation
  • Action research means (A) A longitudinal research (B) An applied research (C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem (D) A research with socioeconomic objective
  • Research is (A) Searching again and again (B) Finding solution to any problem (C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem (D) None of the above
  • A common test in research demands much priority on (A) Reliability (B) Useability (C) Objectivity (D) All of the above
  • Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process ? (A) Searching sources of information to locate problem. (B) Survey of related literature (C) Identification of problem (D) Searching for solutions to the problem
  • If a researcher conducts a research on finding out which administrative style contributes more to institutional effectiveness ? This will be an example of (A) Basic Research (B) Action Research (C) Applied Research (D) None of the above
  • Normal Probability Curve should be (A) Positively skewed (B) Negatively skewed (C) Leptokurtic skewed (D) Zero skewed


  • A null hypothesis is (A)    when there is no difference between the variables (B)    the same as research hypothesis (C)    subjective in nature (D)    when there is difference between the variables
  • The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called (A)   Philosophical research    (B)   Historical research (C)   Mythological research    (D)   Content analysis
  • Action research is (A)    An applied research (B)    A research carried out to solve immediate problems (C)    A longitudinal research (D)    Simulative research
  • The process not needed in Experimental Researches is (A)   Observation    (B)   Manipulation (C)   Controlling    (D)   Content Analysis
  • Manipulation is always a part of (A)   Historical research    (B)   Fundamental research (C)   Descriptive research    (D)   Experimental research
  • Which correlation co-efficient best explains the relationship between creativity and intelligence ? (A)   1.00    (B)   0.6 (C)   0.5    (D)   0.3
  • How can the objectivity of the research be enhanced ? (A) Through its impartiality (B) Through its reliability (C) Through its validity (D) All of these
  • Action-research is : (A) An applied research (B) A research carried out to solve immediate problems (C) A longitudinal research (D) All the above
  • The basis on which assumptions are formulated : (A) Cultural background of the country (B) Universities (C) Specific characteristics of the castes (D) All of these
  • Which of the following is classified in the category of the developmental research ? (A) Philosophical research (B) Action research (C) Descriptive research (D) All the above
  • We use Factorial Analysis : (A) To know the relationship between two variables (B) To test the Hypothesis (C) To know the difference between two variables (D) To know the difference among the many variables


  • The research is always – (A)    verifying the old knowledge (B)    exploring new knowledge (C)    filling the gap between knowledge (D)    all of these
  • The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is: (A)    Applied research    (B)     Action research (C)    Experimental research (D)    None of these
  • When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is: (A)    Cluster Sampling    (B)     Stratified Sampling (C)    Convenient Sampling    (D)    Lottery Method
  • The process not needed in experimental research is : (A)    Observation   (B)     Manipulation and replication (C)    Controlling    (D)    Reference collection
  • A research problem is not feasible only when : (A)    it is researchable (B)    it is new and adds something to knowledge (C)    it consists of independent and dependent variables (D)    it has utility and relevance
  • Research problem is selected from the stand point of : (A)    Researcher’s interest (B)    Financial support (C)    Social relevance    (D)    Availability of relevant literature
  • Which one is called non-probability sampling ? (A)    Cluster sampling    (B)     Quota sampling (C)    Systematic sampling    (D)    Stratified random sampling
  • Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in : (A)    Survey method    (B)     Historical studies (C)    Experimental studies     (D)    Normative studies
  • Field-work based research is classified as : (A)    Empirical (B)     Historical (C)    Experimental    (D)    Biographical
  • Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006 ? (A)    Cluster sampling    (B)    Systematic sampling (C)    Quota sampling    (D)    Stratified random sampling


  • Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as : (A)    Data analysis and interpretation (B)    Parameter inference (C)    Statistical inference (D)    All of the above
  • The experimental study is based on : (A)    The manipulation of variables      (B)     Conceptual parameters (C)    Replication of research    (D)    Survey of literature
  • The main characteristic of scientific research is : (A)    empirical    (B)     theoretical (C)    experimental    (D)    all of the above
  • Authenticity of a research finding is its : (A)    Originality (B)     Validity (C)    Objectivity    (D)    All of the above
  • Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite ? (A)    Area Sampling Technique                (B)     Purposive Sampling Technique (C)    Systematic Sampling Technique    (D)    None of the above
  • To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses : (A)    t test (B)    ANOVA (C)    X 2 (D)    factorial analysis
  • A research problem is feasible only when : (A)    it has utility and relevance (B)    it is researchable (C)    it is new and adds something to knowledge (D)    all the above
  • Bibliography given in a research report : (A)    shows vast knowledge of the researcher (B)    helps those interested in further research (C)    has no relevance to research (D)    all the above
  • Fundamental research reflects the ability to : (A)    Synthesize new ideals (B)    Expound new principles (C)    Evaluate the existing material concerning research (D)    Study the existing literature regarding various topics
  • The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is known as : (A)    Survey Research (B)    ‘Ex-post Facto’ Research (C)    Historical Research (D)    Summative Research


  • Research can be conducted by a person who : (A) has studied research methodology (B) holds a postgraduate degree (C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability (D) is a hard worker
  • Which of the following statements is correct ? (A) Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis (B) Researcher must possess analytical ability (C) Variability is the source of problem (D) All the above
  • Which of the following is not the Method of Research ? (A) Observation (B) Historical (C) Survey (D) Philosophical- all are research methods
  • Research can be classified as : (A) Basic, Applied and Action Research (B) Quantitative and Qualitative Research (C) Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research (D) All the above
  • The first step of research is : (A) Selecting a problem (B) Searching a problem (C) Finding a problem (D) Identifying a problem
  • Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in modern society ? (I) to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge. (II) to discover new things. (III) to write a critique on the earlier writings. (IV) to systematically examine and critically analyse the investigations/sources with objectivity. (A) IV, II and I   (B) I, II and III (C) I and III                   (D) II, III and IV
  • Match List-I (Interviews) with List-II (Meaning) and select the correct answer from the code given below: List – I (Interviews)                       List – II (Meaning) (a) structured interviews            (i) greater flexibility approach (b) Unstructured interviews      (ii) attention on the questions to be answered (c) Focused interviews                (iii) individual life experience (d) Clinical interviews                 (iv) Pre determined question (v) non-directive Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii) (C) (v) (ii) (iv) (i) (D) (i) (iii) (v) (iv)
  • What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research? (A) To bring out holistic approach to research. (B) To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain. (C) To over simplify the problem of research. (D) To create a new trend in research methodology.
  • One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to : (A)improve data interpretation          (B) eliminate spurious relations (C) confirm triangulation                     (D) introduce new variables
  • The depth of any research can be judged by : (A) title of the research. (B) objectives of the research. (C) total expenditure on the research. (D) duration of the research.

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field work based research is classified as mcq

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5.9: Field Research

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  • Lumen Learning

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the three types of field research: participant observation, ethnography, and case studies

Field Research

The work of sociology rarely happens in limited, confined spaces. Sociologists seldom study subjects in their own offices or laboratories. Rather, sociologists go out into the world. They meet subjects where they live, work, and play. Field research refers to gathering primary data from a natural environment without doing a lab experiment or a survey. It is a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method. To conduct field research, the sociologist must be willing to step into new environments and observe, participate, or experience those worlds. In field work, the sociologists, rather than the subjects, are the ones out of their element.

The researcher interacts with or observes a person or people and gathers data along the way. The key point in field research is that it takes place in the subject’s natural environment, whether it’s a coffee shop or tribal village, a homeless shelter or the DMV, a hospital, airport, mall, or beach resort.

A man is shown taking notes outside a tent in the mountains.

While field research often begins in a specific setting , the study’s purpose is to observe specific behaviors in that setting. Field work is optimal for observing how people behave. It is less useful, however, for understanding why they behave that way. You can’t really narrow down cause and effect when there are so many variables to be factored into a natural environment.

Many of the data gathered in field research are based not on cause and effect but on correlation. And while field research looks for correlation, its small sample size does not allow for establishing a causal relationship between two variables.

Parrotheads as Sociological Subjects

Several people in colorful T-shirts and leis are shown talking and drinking in an outdoor tiki bar setting.

Some sociologists study small groups of people who share an identity in one aspect of their lives. Almost everyone belongs to a group of like-minded people who share an interest or hobby. Scientologists, Nordic folk dancers, or members of Mensa (an organization for people with exceptionally high IQs) express a specific part of their identity through their affiliation with a group. Those groups are often of great interest to sociologists.

Jimmy Buffett, an American musician who built a career from his top-10 song “Margaritaville,” has a following of devoted groupies called Parrotheads. Some of them have taken fandom to the extreme, making Parrothead culture a lifestyle. In 2005, Parrotheads and their subculture caught the attention of researchers John Mihelich and John Papineau. The two saw the way Jimmy Buffett fans collectively created an artificial reality. They wanted to know how fan groups shape culture.

What Mihelich and Papineau found was that Parrotheads, for the most part, do not seek to challenge or even change society, as many sub-groups do. In fact, most Parrotheads live successfully within society, holding upper-level jobs in the corporate world. What they seek is escape from the stress of daily life.

At Jimmy Buffett concerts, Parrotheads engage in a form of role play. They paint their faces and dress for the tropics in grass skirts, Hawaiian leis, and Parrot hats. These fans don’t generally play the part of Parrotheads outside of these concerts; you are not likely to see a lone Parrothead in a bank or library. In that sense, Parrothead culture is less about individualism and more about conformity in a group setting. Being a Parrothead means sharing a specific identity. Parrotheads feel connected to each other: it’s a group identity, not an individual one.

In their study, Mihelich and Papineau quote from a book by sociologist Richard Butsch, who writes, “un-self-conscious acts, if done by many people together, can produce change, even though the change may be unintended” (2000). Many Parrothead fan groups have performed good works in the name of Jimmy Buffett culture, donating to charities and volunteering their services.

However, the authors suggest that what really drives Parrothead culture is commercialism. Jimmy Buffett’s popularity was dying out in the 1980s until being reinvigorated after he signed a sponsorship deal with a beer company. These days, his concert tours alone generate nearly $30 million a year. Buffett made a lucrative career for himself by partnering with product companies and marketing Margaritaville in the form of T-shirts, restaurants, casinos, and an expansive line of products. Some fans accuse Buffett of selling out, while others admire his financial success. Buffett makes no secret of his commercial exploitations; from the stage, he’s been known to tell his fans, “Just remember, I am spending your money foolishly.”

Mihelich and Papineau gathered much of their information online. Referring to their study as a “Web ethnography,” they collected extensive narrative material from fans who joined Parrothead clubs and posted their experiences on websites. “We do not claim to have conducted a complete ethnography of Parrothead fans, or even of the Parrothead Web activity,” state the authors, “but we focused on particular aspects of Parrothead practice as revealed through Web research” (2005). Fan narratives gave them insight into how individuals identify with Buffett’s world and how fans used popular music to cultivate personal and collective meaning.

In conducting studies about pockets of culture, most sociologists seek to discover a universal appeal. Mihelich and Papineau stated, “Although Parrotheads are a relative minority of the contemporary US population, an in-depth look at their practice and conditions illuminate [sic] cultural practices and conditions many of us experience and participate in” (2005).

Here, we will look at three types of field research: participant observation, ethnography, and the case study.

Participant Observation

In participant observation research, a sociologist joins people and participates in a group’s routine activities for the purpose of observing them within that context. This method lets researchers experience a specific aspect of social life. A researcher might go to great lengths to get a firsthand look into a trend, institution, or behavior. Researchers temporarily put themselves into roles and record their observations. A researcher might work as a waitress in a diner, live as a homeless person for several weeks, or ride along with police officers as they patrol their regular beat.

Although these researchers try to blend in seamlessly with the population they study, they are still obligated to obtain IRB approval. In keeping with scholarly objectives, the purpose of their observation is different from simply “people watching” at one’s workplace, on the bus or train, or in a public space.

Waitress serves customers in an outdoor café.

At the beginning of a field study, researchers might have a question: “What really goes on in the kitchen of the most popular diner on campus?” or “What is it like to experience homelessness?” Participant observation is a useful method if the researcher wants to explore a certain environment from the inside.

Field researchers simply want to observe and learn. In such a setting, the researcher will be alert and open minded to whatever happens, recording all observations accurately. Soon, as patterns emerge, questions will become more specific, observations will lead to hypotheses, and hypotheses will guide the researcher in shaping data into results.

Some sociologists prefer not to alert people to their presence. The main advantage of covert participant observation is that it allows the researcher access to authentic, natural behaviors of a group’s members. The challenge, however, is gaining access to a setting without disrupting the pattern of others’ beha vior. Becoming an inside member of a group, organization, or subculture takes time and effort. Researchers must pretend to be something they are not. The process could involve role playing, making contacts, networking, or applying for a job. Whenever deception is involved in sociological research, it will be intensely scrutinized and may or may not be approved by an institutional IRB.

Once inside a group, participation observation research can last months or even years. Sociologists have to balance the types of interpersonal relationships that arise from living and/or working with other people with objectivity as a researcher. They must keep their purpose in mind and apply the sociological perspective. That way, they illuminate social patterns that are often unrecognized. Because information gathered during participant observation is mostly qualitative, rather than quantitative, the e nd results are often descriptive or interpretive. This type of research is well-suited to learning about the kinds of human behavior or social groups that are not known by the scientific community, who are particularly closed or secretive, or when one is attempting to understand societal structures, as we will see in the following example.

Nickel and Dimed (2001, 2011)

Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich con ducted participation observation research for her book Nickel and Dimed . One day over lunch with her editor, Ehrenreich mentioned an idea. How can people exist on minimum-wage work? How do low-income workers get by? she wondered aloud. Someone should do a study. To her surprise, her editor responded, Why don’t you do it?

That’s how Ehrenreich found herself joining the ranks of the working class. For several months, she left her comfortable home and lived and worked among people who lacked, for the most part, higher education and marketable job skills. Undercover, she applied for and worked minimum wage jobs as a waitress, a cleaning woman, a nursing home aide, and a retail chain employee. During her participant observation, she used only her income from those jobs to pay for food, clothing, transportation, and shelter.

She discovered the obvious, that it’s almost impossible to get by on minimum wage service work. She also experienced and observed attitudes many middle and upper-class people never think about. She witnessed firsthand the treatment of working class employees. She saw the extreme measures people take to make ends meet and to survive. She described fellow employees who held two or three jobs, worked seven days a week, lived in cars, could not pay to treat chronic health conditions, got randomly fired, submitted to drug tests, and moved in and out of homeless shelters. She brought aspects of that life to light, describing difficult working conditions and the poor treatment that low-wage workers suffer.

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America , the book she w rote upon her return to her real life as a well-paid writer, has been widely read and used in many college classrooms. The first edition was published in 2001 and a follow-up post-recession edition was published with updated information in 2011.

About 10 empty office cubicles are shown.


Ethnography is the extended observation of the social perspective and cultural values of an entire social setting. Ethnogra phies involve objective observation of an entire community. British anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski, who studied the Trobriand Islanders near Papua New Guinea during World War I, was one of the first anthropologists to engage with the communities they studied and he became known for this methodological contribution, which different from the detached observations that took place from a distance (i.e., “on the verandas” or “armchair anthropology”).

Although anthropologists had been doing ethnographic research longer, sociologists were doing ethnographic research in the 20th century, particularly in what became known as The Chicago School at the University of Chicago. William Foote Whyte’s Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum (1943) is a seminal work of urban ethnography and a “classic” sociological text.

The heart of an ethnographic study focuses on how subjects view their own social standing and how they understand themselves in relation to a community. An ethnographic study might observe, for example, a small U.S. fishing town, an Inuit community, a village in Thailand, a Buddhist monastery, a private boarding school, or an amusement park. These places all have borders. People live, work, study, or vacation within those borders. People are there for a certain reason and therefore behave in certain ways and respect certain cultural norms. An ethnographer would commit to spending a predetermined amount of time studying every aspect of the chosen place, taking in as much as possible.

A sociologist studying a tribe in the Amazon might watch the way villagers go about their daily lives and then write a paper about it. To observe a spiritual retreat center, an ethnographer might attend as a guest for an extended stay, observe and record data, and collate the material into results.

The Making of Middletown: A Study in Modern U.S. Culture

In 1924, a young married couple named Robert and Helen Lynd undertook an unprecedented ethnography: to apply sociological methods to the study of one U.S. city in order to discover what “ordinary” people in the United States did and believed. Choosing Muncie, Indiana (population about 30,000), as their subject, they moved to the small town and lived there for eighteen months.

Ethnographers had been examining other cultures for decades—groups considered minority or outsider—like gangs, immigrants, and the poor. But no one had studied the so-called average American.

Recording interviews and using surveys to gather data, the Lynds did not sugarcoat or idealize U.S. life (PBS). They objectively stated what they observed. Researching existing sources, they compared Muncie in 1890 to the Muncie they observed in 1924. Most Muncie adults, they found, had grown up on farms but now lived in homes inside the city. From that discovery, the Lynds focused their study on the impact of industrialization and urbanization.

They observed that the workers of Muncie were divided into business class and working class groups. They defined business class as dealing with abstract concepts and symbols, while working class people used tools to create concrete objects. The two classes led different lives with different goals and hopes. However, the Lynds observed, mass production offered both classes the same amenities. Like wealthy families, the working class was now able to own radios, cars, washing machines, telephones, vacuum cleaners, and refrigerators. This was a newly emerging economic and material reality of the 1920s.

Early 20th century black and white photo of a classroom with female students at their desks.

As the Lynds worked, they divided their manuscript into six sections: Getting a Living, Making a Home, Training the Young, Using Leisure, Engaging in Religious Practices, and Engaging in Community Activities. Each chapter included subsections such as “The Long Arm of the Job” and “Why Do They Work So Hard?” in the “Getting a Living” chapter.

When the study was completed, the Lynds encountered a big problem. The Rockefeller Foundation, which had commissioned the book, claimed it was useless and refused to publish it. The Lynds asked if they could seek a publisher themselves.

As it turned out, Middletown: A Study in Modern American Culture was not only published in 1929, but also became an instant bestseller, a status unheard of for a sociological study. The book sold out six printings in its first year of publication, and has never gone out of print (PBS).

Nothing like it had ever been done before. Middletown was reviewed on the front page of the New York Times . Readers in the 1920s and 1930s identified with the citizens of Muncie, Indiana, but they were equally fascinated by the sociological methods and the use of scientific data to define ordinary people in the United States. The book was proof that social data were important—and interesting—to the U.S. public.

Institutional Ethnography

Institutional ethnography is an extension of basic ethnographic research principles that focuses intentionally on everyday concrete social relationships. Developed by Canadian sociologist Dorothy E. Smith, institutional ethnography is often considered a feminist-inspired approach to social analysis and primarily considers women’s experiences within male-dominated societies and power structures. Smith’s work challenges sociology’s exclusion of women, both academically and in the study of women’s lives (Fenstermaker, n.d.).

Historically, social science research tended to objectify women and ignore their experiences except as viewed from a male perspective. Modern feminists note that describing women, and other marginalized groups, as subordinates helps those in authority maintain their own dominant positions (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, n.d.). Smith’s three major works explored what she called “the conceptual practices of power” (1990; cited in Fensternmaker, n.d.) and are still considered seminal works in feminist theory and ethnography.

Sometimes a researcher wants to study one specific person or event. A case study is an in-depth analysis of a single event, situation, or individual. To conduct a case study, a researcher examines existing sources like documents and archival records, conducts interviews, or engages in direct observation and even participant observation, if possible.

Researchers might use this method to study a single case of, for example, a foster child, drug lord, cancer patient, criminal, or rape victim. However, a major criticism of the case study method is that a developed study of a single case, while offering depth on a topic, does not provide broad enough evidence to form a generalized conclusion. In other words, it is difficult to make universal claims based on just one person, since one person does not verify a pattern. This is why most sociologists do not use case studies as a primary research method.

However, case studies are useful when the single case is unique. In these instances, a single case study can add tremendous knowledge to a certain discipline. For example, a feral child, also called a “wild child,” is one who grows up isolated from other human beings. Feral children grow up without social contact and language, which are elements crucial to a “civilized” child’s development. These children mimic the behaviors and movements of animals, and often invent their own language. There are only about one hundred cases of “feral children” in the world.

As you may imagine, a feral child is a subject of great interest to researchers. Feral children provide unique information about child development because they have grown up outside of the parameters of “normal” child socialization and language acquisition. And since there are very few feral children, the case study is the most appropriate method for researchers to use in studying the subject.

At age three, a Ukranian girl named Oxana Malaya suffered severe parental neglect. She lived in a shed with dogs, and she ate raw meat and scraps. Five years later, a neighbor called authorities and reported seeing a girl who ran on all fours, barking. Officials brought Oxana into society, where she was cared for and taught some human behaviors, but she never became fully socialized. She has been designated as unable to support herself and now lives in a mental institution (Grice 2011). Case studies like this offer a way for sociologists to collect data that may not be collectable by any other method.

  • Modification, adaptation, and original content. Authored by : Sarah Hoiland for Lumen Learning. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Research Methods. Authored by : OpenStax CNX. Located at :[email protected]:5y6RWnGd@14/Research-Methods . License : CC BY: Attribution . License Terms : Download for free at[email protected]
  • Section on content analysis, Introduction to Sociology 2e. Authored by : William Little. Provided by : BC Open Textbooks. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution


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    4. Field-work based research is classified as: (A) Empirical (B) Historical (C) Experimental (D) Biographical. Answer: A. 5. Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006? (A) Cluster sampling (B) Systematic sampling (C) Quota sampling

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  5. B.Com / BBA - University of Calicut

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  8. 5.9: Field Research - Social Sci LibreTexts

    Rather, sociologists go out into the world. They meet subjects where they live, work, and play. Field research refers to gathering primary data from a natural environment without doing a lab experiment or a survey. It is a research method suited to an interpretive framework rather than to the scientific method.

  9. What is Field Research: Definition, Methods, Examples and ...

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