Mengenal Problem Solving Facilitator Perusahaan

Setiap perusahaan pasti kerap mengalami krisis, yang sudah tentu akan berafiliasi terhadap kelanjutan usaha sebuah perusahaan. Bagi perusahaan terbuka, tentu hal ini akan berefek pada kepercayaan stakeholder dan para investor. Disnilah dibutuhkan, inisiatif seorang Public Relations (PR) untuk menjaga kepercayaan ditengah krisis yang dialami perusahaan.

Kesadaran seperti ini, juga dapat diartikan sebagai peluang yang baik bagi seorang PR dalam sebuah perusahaan untuk memainkan perannya. Terlebih dengan era kemajuan teknologi media seperti sekarang ini, semua orang akan dengan mudah dan cepat mendapatkan dan menyampaikan informasi krisis ke seluruh penjuru. Berita mengenai krisis, isu miring, atau pun berita negatif akan dengan cepat menyebar ke mana-mana. Teknologi internet yang kini menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kita menyebabkan mudahnya memperoleh informasi.

Pada dasarnya ada dua macam kemungkinan krisis. Pertama, yang bisa diperhitungkan, dan kedua, yang tidak bisa diperhitungkan. Yang bisa diperhitungkan, berkaitan erat dengan karakteristik atau bidang kegiatan yang digeluti oleh suatu organisasi. Sedangkan yang tidak bisa diantisipasi adalah krisis eksternal yang juga sama-sama berbahaya.

Perusahaan harus membentuk tim khusus yang dapat membantu memecahkan masalah, baik dari segi strategi bisnis maupun dari segi membangun kepercayaan positif pada publik. Seorang PR biasanya akan lebih besar porsinya dari segi membangun kepercayaan publik. Pada bagian ini, menjadi hal yang cukup penting untuk kelanjutan usaha sebuah perusahaan.

Seorang PR harus mampu membuat strategi untuk mempertahankan kepercayaan publik, melalui penyampaian yang baik dan mudah dicerna. Karena dari sini, akan berefek juga pada minat investor untuk membantu perusahaan di tengah krisis yang tengah di alami. 

Tugas utama yang harus dilakukan oleh tim krisis adalah melakukan identifikasi krisis dan menentukan langkah-langkah apa yang harus dilakukan. Semua tim harus bisa menjelaskan pesan-pesan komunikasi yang sudah disepakati. Tim manajemen krisis harus menghindari pernyataan off the record .

Selain itu, penting juga bagi PR untuk membuat strategi dalam berhubungan dengan media. Karena hal demikian akan menjadi salah satu kunci penting, bagaimana PR dapat mengambil peranannya dengan baik.

Selain media, stakeholder lainnya juga penting untuk dihadapi secara khusus. Banyak pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan krisis pasti akan diajukan oleh pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Tim juga harus bisa menjelaskan hal yang sama kepada stakeholder.

Untuk memuluskan program PR, bisa pula dihadirkan pihak ketiga yang dianggap kompeten dan netral. Pihak ketiga ini bisa perorangan maupun organisasi yang dianggap bisa memberikan opini yang independen, namun menguntungkan.

Disinilah peranan lobbying yang seharusnya selalu dilakukan oleh PR menjadi sangat berarti. Pentingnya peranan PR dalam menghadapi isu atau krisis jelas tidak bisa diragukan lagi. Pasalanya, isu yang di diamkan begitu saja akan semakin berkembang dan krisis akan semakin membesar.(DD)


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Apa Itu Problem Solving? Ini Pengertian, Tujuan, & 5 Metodenya

September 26, 2023

apa itu problem solving facilitator

Di masa ini, problem solving adalah salah satu skill yang wajib dimiliki karyawan, terutama pemimpin dan manajer. Ada banyak manfaat problem solving , mulai dari mempermudah pengambilan keputusan hingga meningkatkan efisiensi. Tapi apa itu problem solving sebenarnya? Apa saja skill problem solving yang perlu Anda kuasai?

Dalam bahasan kali ini, kita akan membahas dengan lengkap tentang problem solving , tujuan, manfaat, dan berbagai metodenya. Yuk, scroll ke bawah untuk tahu kelanjutannya!

Apa itu Problem Solving ?

Problem Solving adalah Hal Penting dalam Sebuah Tim

Memahami apa itu problem solving adalah hal fundamental yang harus dipahami siapapun, terutama yang baru masuk ke dunia kerja atau ingin naik jenjang karir. Tanpa pemahaman dan skill problem solving yang mumpuni, seseorang akan mengalami kesulitan saat bekerja, apalagi jika lingkungan kerjanya penuh tekanan.

Menurut buku The Executive Guide to Improvement and Change , pengertian problem solving adalah kemampuan mendefinisikan masalah, menentukan sumbernya, membuat skala prioritas, menyusun alternatif-alternatif solusi, dan mengimplementasikannya sesuai kebutuhan. Singkatnya, problem solving adalah kemampuan menemukan masalah dan memecahkannya dengan baik.

Agar proses pemecahan masalah terlaksana, ada beberapa karakteristik problem solving yang wajib dipenuhi, yaitu:

  • Interaksi antara pihak-pihak terlibat, misalnya antar karyawan dalam satu divisi, lintas jabatan, atau antara atasan dan bawahan.
  • Terdapat diskusi yang diselenggarakan dengan efektif, sistematis, dan menghasilkan progres, baik secara formal, semiformal, atau informal.
  • Informasi lengkap dan valid, penyampai dapat mempertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya.
  • Saling membimbing dan melatih dari pihak berpengalaman ke yang kurang berpengalaman.

Berdasarkan karakteristik di atas, kita dapat menemukan bahwa peran pemimpin sangat vital dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Agar proses problem solving terselesaikan, pemimpin tidak boleh egois atau terlalu longgar pada rekan-rekan yang membantunya mengambil keputusan.

Tujuan Problem Solving

Tujuan problem solving adalah untuk menyelesaikan masalah secepatnya dengan hasil terbaik

Setelah mengetahui apa itu problem solving , kali ini kita akan membahas beberapa tujuan problem solving dalam perusahaan, di antaranya adalah:

  • Melatih kemampuan karyawan untuk menghadapi masalah
  • Melatih karyawan dalam menemukan langkah-langkah terbaik untuk mencari solusi dari masalah yang ada
  • Melatih karyawan bagaimana cara bertindak dan apa yang harus dilakukan dalam situasi baru
  • Melatih karyawan untuk lebih berani dalam mengambil keputusan terbaik
  • Melatih karyawan untuk meneliti suatu masalah dari berbagai sudut pandang dan kemungkinan yang ada

Sementara itu, melatih skill problem solving bagi diri sendiri juga sangat penting. Sebab pada faktanya, keahlian ini tidak hanya berguna di dunia kerja, tapi juga dalam aspek-aspek lain kehidupan.

Sebagai contoh, Anda adalah seorang karyawan berusia 24 tahun dengan tanggungan orang tua dan 3 adik. Selain itu, Anda juga punya keinginan punya rumah dan kendaraan di usia 30 tahun. Supaya tanggung jawab dan impian tercapai, Anda melakukan proses problem solving dan menemukan solusi bahwa Anda harus punya side hustle supaya bisa menabung sekaligus tetap membantu ekonomi keluarga.

BACA JUGA: Manfaat Menerapkan Teamwork Karyawan di Perusahaan Anda

  Tahapan Problem Solving

Tahapan Problem Solving dalam Sebuah Tim

Setelah memahami apa itu problem solving dan tujuannya, di bawah ini terdapat beberapa tahapan untuk menerapkan metode problem solving . Jika Anda merasa belum punya skill problem solving mumpuni, cara-cara di bawah ini dapat membantu Anda berlatih.

1. Mendefinisikan Masalah

Tahapan pertama problem solving adalah dengan mendefinisikan, mengurai, dan menyusun kembali satu per satu masalah pokok yang sedang terjadi. Meskipun masalah-masalah tersebut tampak banyak, usahakan untuk menemukan inti dari semua masalah tersebut.

Jika Anda sedang bekerja di perusahaan, pastikan untuk mengajak rekan kerja dan orang lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat mendengar masalah dari berbagai perspektif dan menemukan titik masalah.

2. Menentukan Sumber/Dalang Penyebab Masalah

Setelah masalah utama ditemukan, tahapan selanjutnya problem solving adalah menyelidiki sumber masalah tersebut. Apakah masalah timbul karena sistem? Orang-orang terlibat? Atau komunikasi yang kurang efektif? Dengan menemukan jawaban dari pertanyaan semacam itu, Anda dan tim dapat melakukan brainstorming sumber masalah, sebelum mencari solusinya.

3. Menentukan Prioritas Masalah

Dalam satu kali brainstorming , Anda dan rekan-rekan barangkali akan menemukan lebih dari satu masalah untuk dipecahkan. Namun demikian, memaksakan diri menyelesaikan semua masalah dalam satu waktu sangat tidak efisien. Bukannya tuntas, bisa-bisa Anda dan tim justru tidak akan memecahkan satu pun masalah.

4. Mengembangkan Solusi Alternatif

Claire Cook – penulis terkenal asal Amerika Serikat – pernah berkata, “Jika plan A tidak berhasil, ingatlah masih ada 25 huruf untuk dijadikan rencana ( plan B, C, D, dan seterusnya”. Alternatif-alternatif rencana seperti ini juga perlu Anda siapkan jika sewaktu-waktu solusi utama tidak bekerja.

5. Mengimplementasikan Solusi dan Mengevaluasinya

Tahapan terakhir pada proses problem solving adalah mengimplementasikan solusi sesuai kesepakatan bersama. Setelah sudah menemukan solusi terbaik, maka Anda tinggal menyusun strategi penerapan, membagikannya kepada tim anggota, dan menindaklanjuti solusi yang sudah diputuskan.

Tidak berhenti sampai disitu, ada baiknya jika Anda bisa mengumpulkan masukan dari anggota tim atau pihak-pihak yang terlibat dan melakukan evaluasi dari penerapan solusi tersebut.

Pada setiap tahapan untuk menyelesaikan masalah, dibutuhkan beberapa skill problem solving yang mumpuni. Seperti kemampuan menganalisis, kemampuan berdiskusi, hingga penentuan prioritas.

BACA JUGA: Jenis Kepemimpinan Dalam Perusahaan. Anda Termasuk yang Mana?

Metode Problem Solving

Metode Problem Solving Terbaik untuk Perusahaan

Dalam proses problem solving , ada beberapa metode yang dapat Anda gunakan, di antaranya adalah:

1. Linear Thinking

Metode problem solving pertama yang dapat Anda terapkan adalah linear thinking . Penggunaan metode ini sangat sederhana, yaitu dengan menekankan pada pertanyaan “mengapa” agar bisa menemukan akar permasalahan. Setelah akarnya ditemukan, Anda bisa menggunakan data-data lama dan solusi yang ada untuk diterapkan.

Linear thinking adalah salah satu metode problem solving paling tradisional dan mudah dilaksanakan. Kelemahannya, linear thinking hanya cocok untuk menghadapi masalah yang pernah dihadapi sebelumnya, tapi tidak sesuai jika masalahnya sama sekali baru.

2. Design Thinking

Berbeda dengan linear thinking , dalam apa itu problem solving penggunaan design thinking lebih menekankan pendekatan dari sisi user . Untuk memulainya Anda bisa mencoba untuk berempati kepada user yang sedang menghadapi masalah.

Proses Metode Design Thinking menurut Stanford

Kemudian setelah Anda mengetahui apa masalah yang dihadapinya, Anda bisa menggunakan skill problem solving yang dimiliki untuk membuat beberapa gambaran atau prototype yang dapat diuji untuk menemukan solusi dari masalah tersebut.

3. Creative Problem Solving

Ketika kita membahas apa itu problem solving , maka Anda perlu menciptakan keseimbangan antara logika dan kreativitas. Anda bisa menggunakan kreativitas untuk mencari tahu apa penyebab masalah yang terjadi dan kemudian mengembangkan solusi yang inovatif.

Metode creative problem solving tidak hanya seputar brainstorming atau ide-ide gila yang out of the box . Tetapi Anda juga perlu fokus untuk mendapatkan ide sebanyak-banyaknya dari proses tersebut.

4. Solution-based Thinking

Metode problem solving keempat yang dapat Anda terapkan adalah solution-based thinking , yaitu metode pemecahan masalah dengan berfokus pada solusi-solusi yang dapat dipastikan keberhasilannya.

Jika dibandingkan, solution-based thinking tampak seperti pertengahan antara linear thinking dan creative problem solving . Dari segi kecepatan, metode solution-based sama terfokusnya seperti linear thinking . Akan tetapi, dari segi fleksibilitas ide, solution-based thinking menggunakan pendekatan brainstorming seperti creative problem solving .

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai apa itu problem solving , tujuan, dan metode-metodenya. Skill problem solving adalah salah satu keahlian paling dicari di dunia kerja. Bagi perusahaan, karyawan dengan kemampuan memecahkan masalah adalah aset berharga, baik untuk masa sekarang atau masa depan.

Apakah perusahaan Anda sedang mencari karyawan berkualitas tersebut? Kesulitan menemukan platform penyedia SDM dengan skill problem solving tingkat tinggi? Pasang iklan lowongan kerja Anda di KitaLulus dan jemput anggota tim impian Anda sekarang juga!

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apa itu problem solving facilitator

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Problem Solving: Pengertian, Proses, dan Metodenya

Problem solving adalah proses penyelesaian suatu masalah.

Tiffany Revita - 24 February 2023

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Problem solving merupakan salah satu skill penting yang diperlukan dalam dunia kerja. Pasalnya, problem solving berkaitan erat dengan kemampuan seseorang untuk memecahkan masalah dan menemukan solusi terbaik sebagai bentuk penyelesaiannya.

Namun, problem solving tidak hanya berguna untuk diterapkan dalam hal pekerjaan saja, tetapi juga dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan suatu masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Lantas, bagaimana prosesnya dan seperti apa metode yang digunakannya?

Simak penjelasan selengkapnya dalam artikel ini!

Apa Itu Problem Solving ?

Pada dasarnya, problem solving adalah sebuah cara untuk menemukan solusi dari sebuah masalah. Menurut Oemar Hamalik, problem solving merupakan suatu proses mental dan intelektual dalam menemukan masalah.

Kemampuan ini berkaitan dengan berbagai hal, seperti kemampuan mendengar, menganalisa, meneliti, kreativitas, komunikasi, kerja tim, hingga pengambilan keputusan. Tujuannya, agar sebuah masalah dapat dipecahkan secara efektif berdasarkan data serta informasi yang akurat.

Proses Problem Solving

Dalam prosesnya, ada empat tahapan dasar problem solving , yakni:

1. Mengidentifikasi Masalah

Langkah pertama dalam proses problem solving adalah mendefinisikan sebuah masalah berdasarkan gejala yang ada. Pasalnya, sebuah masalah biasanya dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor.

Faktor-faktor tersebut harus diuraikan terlebih dahulu dengan cara identifikasi agar penyelesainnya dapat dilakukan dengan baik.

2. Menemukan Solusi Terbaik

Problem solving bertujuan untuk menemukan solusi terbaik atas sebuah masalah. Untuk mendapatkan hal tersebut, diperlukan pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai masalah tersebut agar dapat terselesaikan secara efektif.

3. Melakukan Evaluasi

Evaluasi merupakan tahap paling akhir dalam proses problem solving . Dalam tahap ini, solusi yang sudah diputuskan sebelumnya dapat diterapkan. Namun, hal tersebut tidak hanya sampai di situ saja, karena solusi tersebut juga harus ditindaklanjuti agar dapat menyelesaikan masalah secara menyeluruh.

Metode Problem Solving

1. brainstorming.

Brainstorming merupakan metode problem solving yang paling banyak digunakan oleh orang-orang. Pasalnya, metode ini efektif untuk digunakan sebagai pemecahan masalah melalui solusi kreatif.

Prosesnya adalah setiap orang harus menyampaikan ide-ide maupun pendapat yang kemudian dapat diolah menjadi satu solusi utama.

2. 6 Thinking Hats

Dalam metode ini, setiap orang akan mencoba memberikan penyelesaian terhadap suatu masalah dari beragam perspektif. Caranya adalah dengan mengelompokkan ide-ide yang ada ke dalam daftar pro-cons. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa melihat ide mana yang memiliki kelebihan yang paling banyak.

3. The 5 Whys

Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara meng-highlight masalah yang ingin dipecahkan. Kemudian, cari tahu jawaban mengenai “mengapa” masalah tersebut bisa terjadi sebanyak lima kali hingga kamu mendapatkan jawaban yang objektif tentang pertanyaanmu.

4. Lightning Decision Jam

Metode ini memungkinkanmu untuk menulis berbagai hal, mulai dari tantangan, kekhawatiran, hingga kesalahan dalam sebuah catatan kecil. Dengan hal tersebut, kamu bisa memilih masalah mana yang ingin diselesaikan terlebih dahulu dengan melihatnya dari sudut pandang baru. Dengan begitu, penyelesaian masalah dapat dilakukan secara tertatur.

5. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Terakhir, metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis setiap elemen dari strategi bisnis serta kemungkinan-kemungkinan buruk yang akan terjadi. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa menemukan solusi dari masalahmu serta langkah preventif untuk mencegahnya secara lebih mudah.

Nah, itulah penjelasan mengenai problem solving . Dari penjelasan di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa problem solving merupakan kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dilakukan dengan proses yang cukup panjang.

Tags: Problem Solving proses problem solving metode problem solving


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Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions

Discover key facilitation skills with our guide to effective solutions. Boost your team's productivity and problem-solving capabilities today!

In the confluence of group dynamics and problem-solving, facilitation stands as a key catalyst driving collective efforts towards tangible solutions. Myriad organizational contexts demand skillful guidance to navigate through the complex web of ideas, perspectives, and potentials that coexist within any group aiming for consensus and effective action. This blog post is crafted to usher facilitators into realms of higher efficacy, offering a robust compendium of insights and methods that steer towards successful outcomes. The role of a facilitator is not to dominate but to elevate group potentials, acting as the bedrock upon which effective solution methods are constructed and realized.

Encompassing the essence of problem-solving facilitation, we will delve deeply into the facilitator's guide, characterizing the indispensable skills and strategies that empower facilitators to shape group interactions with finesse. Through the lens of practical experience and academic rigor, we will explore the vital components and techniques ensuring facilitation is not just a passive act but rather a deliberate orchestration towards achieving collaborative triumphs.

For those seeking to amplify their facilitation skills, I also offer additional resources and training opportunities. Whether through a problem solving course or an online MBA course , these educational pathways offer a structured and comprehensive approach to mastering the facilitator's artistry. Join me in this endeavor to refine our craft and guide our groups to the pinnacle of problem-solving success.

Understanding the Role of a Facilitator

Defining the facilitator's role in group dynamics.

Facilitation is an artful blend of leadership and service, in which the individual at its helm operates within group dynamics to foster an environment conducive to open communication and productive collaboration. Crucial to this role is the capacity to navigate through the intricacies of interpersonal relations while keeping sight of the collective goal. A facilitator's key responsibility is to enable all members to contribute effectively, ensuring that ideas, regardless of their source, are given due consideration in the journey toward an agreed-upon destination.

Characteristics of a Successful Facilitator

Impartiality and the art of managing personal biases.

Central to the toolkit of a successful facilitator is the virtue of impartiality . In guiding groups, one must master the art of managing personal biases, creating a space where decisions are not swayed by the facilitator's inclinations but are rather the product of collective reason. This task demands a high degree of self-awareness and introspective acumen.

Skills in active listening and effective communication

Ingrained deep within the fabric of facilitative excellence are the skills in active listening and effective communication . Adept facilitators exert effort to fully comprehend the ideas presented before them, inviting clarity and fostering a sense of value in each participant. Curling around the tendrils of understanding, their communication must be clear, paced, and resonant with the group's frequency, ensuring that every member follows the discourse without impediment.

Adaptability and Emotional Intelligence

Adaptability alongside emotional intelligence equips a facilitator with a profound flexibility to pivot as group dynamics fluctuate. The capacity to sense the emotional undercurrents and respond with empathy allows for the navigation of complex, human-centric landscapes. It is within this flux that the facilitator's hand gently guides the collective towards cohesion and collaborative ingenuity.

How a Facilitator Can Foster a Collaborative Environment

Creating a collaborative environment is akin to cultivating a rich soil from which the seeds of ideas may sprout and flourish. A facilitator's adeptness in nurturing discussion, encouraging respectful dialogue, and bridging differences lays the infrastructure for mutual understanding and the co-creation of knowledge. By setting ground rules and maintaining a safe space for expression, facilitators become gardeners of group synergy, allowing for the cross-pollination of perspectives and the emergence of innovative solutions.

Foundations of Effective Solution Methods

Setting clear objectives and outcomes.

At the genesis of every group endeavor lies the crucial phase of setting clear objectives and outcomes. An effective facilitator must shoulder the responsibility to crystallize the vision, articulating the group's desired future with precision and motivating participants to align their efforts accordingly. This process establishes a shared direction, providing a compass by which all subsequent ideas and actions can be measured and guided.

The Process of Identifying Stakeholder Needs and Expectations

Within the group's ecosystem, every stakeholder carries distinct needs and expectations that must be understood and respected. The facilitator's duty in this regard is to conduct a thoughtful analysis, engaging with each member or representative to capture their voice and integrate their interests into the larger tableau of collective objectives. Such inclusivity ensures that the multitude of stakeholder perspectives forms the bedrock of the group's endeavors, setting the stage for genuine buy-in and commitment.

Strategies for Prioritizing Issues and Challenges within the Group

As groups navigate the multifaceted landscape of issues at hand, a systematic approach to prioritizing challenges becomes imperative. Facilitators must employ strategies that encourage critical assessment and discernment, providing frameworks by which the group can distinguish between the urgent and the important. Emphasizing consequential impacts and potential leverages, the facilitator's strategic lens helps to direct the group's energy towards the most pivotal points of intervention.

Techniques for Encouraging Participation and Inclusivity

Creating an inclusive atmosphere that entices all members to partake and contribute meaningfully is a testament to a facilitator's expertise. Employing techniques such as round-robin sharing, structured brainstorming, and small group breakouts can democratize the floor, allowing each individual to share their perspectives without the overshadowing presence of dominant voices. It is this harmonization of participation that yields a rich tapestry of thoughts and solutions representative of the group's collective genius.

Facilitation Techniques for Enhancing Engagement

Utilizing open questions and probing techniques.

To unearth the depths of group wisdom, a facilitator must be adept in the use of open questions and probing techniques. By posing queries that invite expansive thinking, the facilitator encourages participants to venture beyond surface-level responses and delve into more profound reflections. Skillful probing can illuminate hidden assumptions, challenge entrenched beliefs, and pave the way for innovative thinking, thereby propelling the group towards a more comprehensive understanding and novel pathways of action.

Promoting Creative Thinking and Ideation

The oxygen that fuels the fire of innovation within groups is creative thinking. Facilitators play a crucial role in fostering an environment where imagination is not only permitted but prized. Techniques such as encouraging metaphorical thinking, utilizing thought experiments, and embracing design thinking methodologies embolden participants to step outside their cognitive confines and generate ideas that possess the potential to revolutionize their collective efforts.

Methods to Build Consensus

Voting systems and their application.

Forming consensus is an intricate dance of aligning diverse viewpoints into a coherent pattern. In facilitating this process, voting systems can serve as impartial mechanisms by which groups can gauge collective inclinations. Whether utilizing dot voting, ranked choices, or a simple show of hands, these methods bring democratic principles into the fold, offering a quantifiable measure of the group's consensus or highlighting areas that demand further deliberation.

Techniques for balancing disparate viewpoints

A proficient facilitator is a maestro in the art of balancing disparate viewpoints, weaving them into a tapestry that represents the group's multifaceted thinking. Approaches like reflective listening, restating and summarizing points of contention, and identifying common values can create bridges between differing perspectives, crafting a middle ground where agreement can be cautiously fostered and cherished.

Using Visual Aids and Other Tools to Clarify Ideas

The clarity of an idea is often enhanced by its visualization. In this regard, facilitators can leverage visual aids such as flow charts, mind maps, or infographics to crystallize concepts for the group. These tools act as focal points around which dialogue can revolve, serving to eliminate ambiguity and foster a shared understanding. The adept use of such aids can transform abstract discussions into tangible visions, engendering collective clarity and advancing the group towards actionable conclusions.

Problem-Solving Facilitation in Practice

Step-by-step approach to guiding groups through problem-solving, introduction to problem identification.

Problem-solving facilitation commences with a meticulous approach to problem identification. Facilitators must guide groups through the critical process of defining the problem at hand, ensuring that the issue is clearly articulated and understood by all participants. This foundational step establishes the stage upon which all subsequent problem-solving endeavors are constructed.

Encouraging diverse solutions

Once the problem landscape has been thoroughly mapped, the facilitator's role is to encourage the exploration of a diversity of solutions. This is achieved by nurturing an environment of non-judgment where creativity can breathe freely, and even the most unorthodox ideas are welcomed for consideration. It is within this expansive ideation space that the potential for groundbreaking solutions is unlocked.

Navigating the decision-making process

Guiding a group through the decision-making process requires a facilitator's adroit navigation, balancing analysis with intuition, fostering consensus while mitigating conflicts, and ensuring that the selected solution is both effective and practical. The facilitator's capability to maintain engagement and focus during this phase is pivotal to arriving at a decision that embodies the collective intelligence and commitment of the group.

Case Studies Demonstrating Problem-Solving Facilitation

Analysis of real-world facilitation scenarios.

Reflection upon case studies and real-world scenarios enhances the understanding of problem-solving facilitation in action. Analyzing the trajectories of successful facilitation instances provides rich learning fodder, offering glimpses into the strategies, techniques, and attitudes that contributed to their outcomes. These narratives not only offer a repository of applied knowledge but also inspire adaptation and innovation in future facilitation challenges.

Lessons learned from past facilitation experiences

Drawing from the well of past facilitation experiences is intrinsically educational for both fledgling and veteran facilitators. Valuable lessons emerge from introspecting on what worked, what failed, and the continuous evolution of best practices. Acknowledging past shortcomings and successes is integral to honing one's craft, perpetuating a cycle of experiential learning that enriches the facilitator's capacity to guide groups effectively.

Successful Facilitation Strategies

The balance between leading and following in facilitation.

The alchemy of facilitation exists in the balance between leading the group and following its natural course. Successful facilitation is not marked by overt control but by a keen sense of when to guide and when to let the group's inherent wisdom surface. This delicate equilibrium enables the group to own its process while benefiting from the facilitator's structured approach, ensuring that outcomes are both organically conceived and strategically sound.

Conflict Resolution Techniques for Facilitators

Inevitably, conflicts arise within groups, and the methods by which a facilitator addresses these frictions can make or break the problem-solving process. Expertise in conflict resolution is thus indispensable, encompassing active listening, empathy, neutral language, and the mediation of differing interests to unearth win-win scenarios. These techniques serve to defuse tension, foster understanding, and maintain group cohesiveness, thereby preserving the collective's problem-solving momentum.

Time Management and Maintaining Group Focus

Facilitators are timekeepers and focus enhancers, directing the group's energies towards productivity within the confines of the available hours. Effective time management involves setting a pace that balances thorough exploration with the necessity for progress, while maintaining group focus demands an ever-vigilant eye on objectives and the adept redirection of conversations that stray. Mastering these aspects ensures that group sessions are not only rich in content but also culminate in decisive outcomes within practical timeframes.

Measuring Success and Achieving Tangible Outcomes

The ultimate gauge of a facilitation's success is the achievement of tangible outcomes that reflect the group's objectives. This entails establishing clear criteria for success upfront, continually assessing progress, and facilitating the translation of abstract ideas into actionable steps. Successful facilitators not only steer groups to a conclusion but also ensure the path forward is marked by implementable strategies that manifest agreed-upon solutions into reality.

In this exploration of the facilitator's guide to effective solutions, we've traversed the terrain of the facilitator's role, the foundational approaches to effective solution methods, the nuances of engaging facilitation techniques, the intricacies of guiding problem-solving, and strategies that beget facilitation success. The confluence of these elements personifies the craft of facilitation—a craft that is simultaneously an art and a science, requiring finesse, intuition, and systematic methodology.

The journey of a facilitator is one of continuous learning and growth, requiring unwavering commitment to self-improvement and the evolution of one's approach. As facilitators, we are encouraged to reflect deeply on the insights presented, integrate them within our practice, and thereby elevate our ability to shepherd groups to realize the full breadth of their potential.

As we close this guide, I extend an invitation to all facilitators to share their experiences and insights into the ever-evolving art of facilitation. Your stories and perspectives are invaluable additions to this collective knowledge base, and I encourage all to engage in further discussions that enrich our communal understanding.

What are the key principles outlined in a Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions?

Understanding the facilitator's role.

Facilitators shoulder the crucial task of guiding groups. Their work ensures focused dialogue and decision-making. They navigate group dynamics with grace. Effective solutions often emerge from such careful stewardship.

Key Principles for Effective Facilitation

Clarity in purpose.

Clarity stands as the foundation of facilitation. The facilitator must understand the group's goals. This understanding shapes the entire process.

Neutral Stance

Facilitators must exhibit neutrality. They guide without influencing outcomes with personal bias. Objectivity allows for balanced discussions.

Active Listening

Listening acts as a critical tool. It communicates respect and understanding. The facilitator acknowledges all contributions.

Skilled Questioning

Questions can unlock deeper insights. Facilitators use them to steer conversations. They also encourage reflective thinking.


Flexibility remains a vital trait. The facilitator must adjust to shifting group dynamics. Adaptation is key to maintaining progress.


Building agreement bridges divergent viewpoints. The facilitator fosters consensus through inclusive practices. All voices matter in decision-making.

Conflict Resolution

Conflicts may arise. A skilled facilitator recognizes tensions early. They then use techniques to address conflicts constructively.

Time Management

Time is precious during facilitation. The facilitator ensures the group adheres to schedules. Efficiency contributes to effectiveness.

Fostering Participation

Engagement drives productive discussions. The facilitator encourages participation from all members. Diverse input enriches outcomes.

Creating Safe Spaces

Safety is essential for openness. Participants need a secure environment for sharing. The facilitator sets a respectful tone.

Following a Structured Process

Structure aids in managing sessions. An effective facilitator outlines clear processes. These guide activities and discussions.

Continuous Improvement

Facilitators seek growth. They reflect on practices and solicit feedback. Improvement informs future facilitation.

Implementing Principles in Practice

These principles provide a roadmap. They assist facilitators in delivering effective solutions. Facilitators commit to ongoing learning and refining skills. The guide exists to enhance group outcomes. It serves as a compass for facilitating with integrity and purpose.

How does a facilitator's guide contribute to problem-solving in a group setting?

The role of a facilitator's guide.

In group settings, problem-solving can prove challenging. A facilitator's guide becomes a vital tool. It offers structure to deliberations. Through it, facilitators direct discussions efficiently.

Structure and Focus

A guide promotes a structured approach. It outlines objectives clearly. Participants understand expectations before they begin. Each step has pre-set questions. These spark relevant dialogues. Thus, the group stays on task.

Empowering Participants

The guide also empowers group members. It includes activities that encourage equal participation. All voices gain a chance to surface. Diversity becomes an advantage, not a hindrance.

Disagreements often emerge during collaboration. The guide provides conflict resolution strategies. Facilitators address divisive issues promptly. They employ outlined techniques. As a result, the group preserves its cohesion.

Creativity and Innovation

Creativity in problem-solving is crucial. The guide suggests brainstorming sessions. It also proposes other creativity-spurring methods. These techniques break conventional thinking patterns. Fresh ideas flourish.

Monitoring Progress

Progress evaluation is easier with a guide. It contains checkpoints after each phase. Facilitators and participants review accomplishments. They can adjust their strategies if necessary. Continuous improvement becomes part of the problem-solving process.

In essence, a facilitator's guide secures effective group problem-solving. It ensures focus, supports participation, and navigates conflicts. It also inspires new solutions and monitors progress. The group thus finds its path to resolution more clearly and quickly.

Can you elaborate on the approaches a facilitator should adopt as guided by the Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions?

Understanding facilitator roles.

Facilitators guide group processes. They ensure efficient meetings. Their role is essential. Effective facilitation insures collective solutions. The Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions provides crucial strategies. These strategies foster successful outcomes. They target group dynamics optimization. A facilitator needs to adopt multiple approaches. The guide underlines these approaches.

Establishing the Environment

First, one must establish trust. Trust promotes open dialogue. Transparency is key here. Facilitators set the scene. This entails a welcoming atmosphere. Without trust, participation falters. Active listening becomes the first tool. It conveys respect. It validates participant contributions.

Building Relationships

Building relationships involves personal investment. Cohesiveness stems from these connections. Facilitators act as bridges. They bridge diverse opinions. Their goal is common understanding. The guide suggests continuous engagement. This fosters a supportive environment.

Inclusivity shapes effective facilitation. All views merit consideration. The guide emphasizes diverse input. Facilitators must encourage quiet voices. They balance the conversation. Techniques vary per situation. Workshops may need breakout sessions. Large groups may use polling. Participation nurtures a sense of ownership.

Guiding the Process

Facilitators navigate group discussions. They keep groups on track. Their expertise manages time well. They ensure topic adherence. They prevent derailment. Group energy guides their actions.

Encouraging Creativity

Creativity unlocks potential. Facilitators stimulate imagination. They propose brainstorming. They suggest role-plays. Open-ended questions spark ideas. They encourage risk-taking. Mistakes become learning opportunities. This approach fosters innovation.

Structuring Decision-Making

Structured decision-making is crucial. Choices drive progress. Facilitators promote consensus-building. They respect majority decisions. Sometimes they must facilitate voting. They guide toward actionable solutions.

Managing Conflict

Conflict is inevitable. Facilitators handle it delicately. They remain neutral. They diffuse tensions. They seek common ground. Emotions require acknowledgment. The guide advises patience. Dispute resolution skills are necessary. These skills must be honed.

Ensuring Accountability

Outcome tracking is vital. It validates the process. It encourages responsibility. Milestones guide the group. Progress needs measurement. Facilitators record decisions. They document action plans. This leads to transparent follow-ups.

Reflecting and Learning

Continuous improvement defines facilitation. Each session offers insights. Reflective practice is imperative. Facilitators must self-assess. Feedback informs next steps. It refines skills. Learning is an ongoing journey.

In conclusion, facilitators must wear many hats. Each role they play is pivotal. Adaptability is their asset. The Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions is their compass. It leads them through uncharted group dynamics. Their approaches shape effective outcomes. The guide ensures that facilitation remains an artful science. It empowers facilitators. It turns group potential into reality.

A middle-aged man is seen wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His hair is slightly tousled, and he looks off to the side, suggesting he is deep in thought. He is wearing a navy blue sweater, and his hands are folded in front of him. His facial expression is one of concentration and contemplation. He appears to be in an office, with a white wall in the background and a few bookshelves visible behind him. He looks calm and composed.

He is a content producer who specializes in blog content. He has a master's degree in business administration and he lives in the Netherlands.

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apa itu problem solving facilitator

Mengenal Apa itu Problem Solving, Manfaat dan Contohnya

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita sering dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang perlu diselesaikan. Dalam hal ini, kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah atau problem solving adalah suatu keterampilan yang sangat penting. 

Saat ini masih banyak orang yang meremehkan tentang bagaimana cara problem solving yang baik dan benar. Padahal faktanya, problem solving yang buruk bisa berdampak buruk pula. Seperti salah dalam mengambil keputusan besar, hingga perkelahian karena perbedaan pendapat.

Nah, karenanya penting untuk memahami tentang apa itu problem solving, manfaat, hingga cara menerapkannya. 

  • 1 Apa Itu Problem Solving?
  • 2.1 1. Identifikasi Masalah
  • 2.2 2. Pengumpulan Informasi
  • 2.3 3. Analisis
  • 2.4 4. Pengembangan Solusi
  • 2.5 5. Pemilihan Solusi
  • 2.6 6. Implementasi
  • 2.7 7. Evaluasi
  • 3.1 1. Pengembangan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis
  • 3.2 2. Peningkatan Kreativitas
  • 3.3 3. Meningkatkan Efisiensi
  • 3.4 4. Peningkatan Keterampilan Komunikasi
  • 3.5 5. Kepercayaan Diri
  • 3.6 6. Pengambilan Keputusan yang Lebih Baik
  • 4.1 1. Saat Menumpahkan Air
  • 4.2 2. Perencanaan Perjalanan
  • 4.3 3. Konflik dengan Rekan Kerja
  • 4.4 4. Memecahkan Masalah Matematika
  • 5 Mau Mengasah Kemampuan Problem Solving?

Apa Itu Problem Solving?

Problem solving adalah proses kognitif yang melibatkan pemecahan masalah atau menemukan solusi untuk situasi atau permasalahan tertentu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kita dapat menyebutnya sebagai “pemecahan masalah.” 

Ini melibatkan pemikiran kreatif, analitis, dan kemampuan untuk mengatasi hambatan. Proses ini umumnya dilakukan untuk mengatasi situasi yang memerlukan solusi, baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam berbagai konteks, seperti pekerjaan atau pendidikan.

Tahapan Problem Solving

Proses problem solving terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu:

1. Identifikasi Masalah

Tahap pertama adalah mengidentifikasi masalah dengan jelas. Ini melibatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang sifat masalah, penyebabnya, dan dampaknya. Identifikasi masalah yang tepat adalah kunci untuk memulai proses pemecahan masalah.

2. Pengumpulan Informasi

Setelah masalah diidentifikasi, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan. Informasi ini bisa berasal dari berbagai sumber, termasuk observasi, penelitian, atau wawancara. Pengumpulan informasi membantu dalam memahami akar masalah dan faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi.

3. Analisis

Tahap analisis melibatkan pemikiran kritis dan kemampuan untuk menghubungkan fakta-fakta yang ada. Pada tahap ini, informasi yang telah dikumpulkan dievaluasi dengan cermat untuk memahami sifat masalah secara lebih mendalam.

4. Pengembangan Solusi

Setelah analisis, langkah berikutnya adalah mengembangkan berbagai solusi yang mungkin. Pada tahap ini, kreativitas sangat diperlukan. Solusi yang dihasilkan mungkin bersifat konvensional atau inovatif.

5. Pemilihan Solusi

Dari berbagai solusi yang ada, tahap ini melibatkan pemilihan solusi terbaik yang paling memungkinkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Keputusan ini harus didasarkan pada analisis yang baik.

6. Implementasi

Solusi yang dipilih kemudian diimplementasikan. Ini melibatkan tindakan nyata untuk memecahkan masalah. Pada tahap ini, perencanaan yang matang dan pelaksanaan yang efektif penting.

7. Evaluasi

Setelah implementasi, hasilnya dievaluasi. Dalam tahap ini, perlu diperiksa apakah masalah telah terselesaikan atau perlu perubahan lebih lanjut. Evaluasi juga membantu dalam menilai keberhasilan proses pemecahan masalah.

Baca Juga: 5 Metode Problem Solving dan Tips Menghadapi Tantangannya!

Manfaat Problem Solving

Pemecahan masalah memiliki banyak manfaat, terutama dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan berbagai bidang lainnya. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat utama dari kemampuan pemecahan masalah:

1. Pengembangan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

Pemecahan masalah melibatkan analisis mendalam, evaluasi, dan pemikiran kritis. Ini membantu seseorang untuk menjadi pemikir yang lebih baik dan mampu mengambil keputusan yang lebih baik.

2. Peningkatan Kreativitas

Dalam upaya mencari solusi, pemecahan masalah mendorong seseorang untuk berpikir secara kreatif. Ini dapat menghasilkan solusi yang inovatif dan tidak konvensional.

3. Meningkatkan Efisiensi

Dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang baik, tugas-tugas sehari-hari dapat diselesaikan dengan lebih efisien. Ini menghemat waktu dan sumber daya.

4. Peningkatan Keterampilan Komunikasi

Proses problem solving sering melibatkan berdiskusi dan kolaborasi dengan orang lain, yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi. Ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal.

5. Kepercayaan Diri

Menyelesaikan masalah dengan sukses dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri seseorang. Mampu mengatasi masalah memberikan rasa pencapaian dan kepuasan pribadi.

6. Pengambilan Keputusan yang Lebih Baik

Kemampuan pemecahan masalah membantu seseorang dalam membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Dengan analisis yang baik, keputusan yang diambil lebih mungkin membuahkan hasil yang positif.

Dalam rangkaian kehidupan sehari-hari, manfaat pemecahan masalah ini menjadikan keterampilan ini sangat penting. Mulai dari mengatasi masalah sederhana seperti memperbaiki keran yang bocor, hingga menyelesaikan masalah kompleks dalam dunia bisnis, problem solving adalah keterampilan yang bermanfaat.

Baca Juga: Analytical Thinking: Skill yang Paling Dibutuhkan di Dunia Kerja!

Contoh Problem Solving di Kehidupan Sehari-hari

Untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik, berikut beberapa contoh problem solving dalam kehidupan sehari-hari:

1. Saat Menumpahkan Air

Saat kamu menghadapi tumpahan air di lantai dapur. Kamu akan mengidentifikasi masalahnya, mengambil kain untuk membersihkannya (solusi), dan masalah terselesaikan.

2. Perencanaan Perjalanan

Saat kamu ingin merencanakan liburan keluarga. Dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang destinasi, transportasi, dan akomodasi, kamu dapat mengembangkan rencana perjalanan yang optimal.

3. Konflik dengan Rekan Kerja

Saat kamu memiliki konflik dengan rekan kerja. Dengan berbicara dengannya dan mencari solusi bersama, kamu dapat mengatasi konflik tersebut.

4. Memecahkan Masalah Matematika

Seorang siswa dihadapkan pada soal matematika yang sulit. Dengan menganalisis soal dan mencari rumus yang sesuai, siswa dapat menyelesaikan soal tersebut.

Baca Juga: Mengenal Apa itu Leadership dan Sikap yang Harus Dimilikinya

Mau Mengasah Kemampuan Problem Solving?

Nah, sekarang Arkawan sudah pahan kan, tentang apa itu problem solving? Jika Arkawan masih bingung atau bahkan ingin mendalami keterampilan tentang problem solving ini, mungkin pelatihan problem solving dari Arkademi ini bisa membantumu!

Pada dasarnya, dalam dunia kerja kita tidak hanya perlu mengasah skill teknikal saja. Softskill seperti problem solving yang satu ini juga sangat dibutuhkan dalam pekerjaan bidang apapun.

Dengan mengidentifikasi masalah, mengumpulkan informasi, menganalisis, mengembangkan solusi, dan mengimplementasikannya, kita dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan dengan efektif di dunia kerja.

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Teknik analisis data: pengertian, jenis, dan tahapannya, ketahui berapa gaji data analyst dan jenjang kariernya.

04 Mar 2022

Apa itu problem solving manfaat dan penerapannya.

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Masalah dapat didefinisikan sebagai situasi atau tantangan yang memerlukan tindakan atau pemecahan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Dalam hal ini, masalah dapat didefinisikan sebagai proses kognitif yang melibatkan identifikasi, pemahaman, dan penyelesaian suatu masalah.

Proses penyelesaian masalah dimulai dengan pengenalan masalah, kemudian analisis masalah untuk mengetahui penyebabnya dan solusi yang mungkin. Setelah itu, langkah-langkah konkret diambil untuk menerapkan solusi tersebut, dan hasilnya dievaluasi untuk memastikan bahwa masalah telah diselesaikan secara efektif.

Dalam penyelesaian masalah, berbagai keterampilan dapat diperlukan, termasuk kreativitas, pemikiran kritis, pengambilan keputusan, dan kemampuan untuk membangun dan menguji solusi. Ini adalah proses penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi. Kemampuan untuk mengatasi masalah dengan efektif dapat membantu seseorang mengatasi masalah, mencapai tujuan, dan membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.

Bagaimana Proses Problem Solving Terjadi?

Untuk mengatasi masalah atau situasi tantangan, seringkali seseorang menggunakan proses penyelesaian masalah. Pada tahap pertama, masalah diidentifikasi. Ini berarti masalah dikenali dengan jelas. Setelah itu, analisis masalah dilakukan untuk memahami sumber masalah, serta akibatnya. 

Pada tahap ketiga, ide kreatif digunakan untuk menghasilkan berbagai alternatif solusi. Setelah itu, evaluasi solusi dilakukan untuk menentukan solusi terbaik berdasarkan hasilnya. Tahap berikutnya adalah menerapkan solusi melalui rencana tindakan yang jelas, dan terakhir, evaluasi hasilnya. 

Proses penyelesaian masalah membantu orang mengatasi masalah dengan cara yang terorganisir dan efektif, menghasilkan solusi yang lebih baik, dan membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.

Manfaat Problem Solving

Manfaat Problem Solving

Delapan berikut adalah manfaat utama dari memiliki kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah yang perlu kamu tau:

1. Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah  

Manfaat utama problem solving adalah kemampuan untuk mengatasi masalah dengan lebih efektif. Seseorang yang telah memiliki kemampuan pemecahan masalah akan dapat menghadapi tantangan dengan lebih percaya diri, mencari solusi yang lebih baik, dan mengurangi tingkat stres yang dihadapi ketika menghadapi masalah.

2. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pengambilan Keputusan

Proses analisis dan evaluasi yang dikenal sebagai penyelesaian masalah membantu orang membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dalam kehidupan pribadi dan profesional, seperti memilih karir, investasi, atau keputusan-keputusan penting lain dalam hidup.

3. Meningkatkan Kreativitas 

Saat menghadapi masalah, seseorang seringkali harus berpikir kreatif untuk menemukan cara baru untuk menyelesaikannya. Hal ini dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan kreatif dan inovasi.

4. Meningkatkan Komunikasi 

Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal, penyelesaian masalah sering melibatkan kerja tim, di mana orang harus berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan orang lain.

5. Meningkatkan Produktivitas

Dengan memecahkan masalah secara efektif, individu dan kelompok dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi, yang berkontribusi pada pencapaian tujuan dan hasil yang diinginkan.

6. Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri 

Mengatasi masalah dengan sukses dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri seseorang. Ini karena mereka sadar bahwa mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk menghadapi tantangan.

7. Pengembangan Karier

Dalam konteks karir, kemampuan pemecahan masalah sangat dihargai. Orang yang memiliki kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang baik memiliki kemungkinan lebih besar untuk mencapai kesuksesan di tempat kerja.

8. Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup 

Kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup seseorang. Ini karena kemampuan pemecahan masalah memungkinkan orang untuk mengatasi masalah yang mungkin menghalangi mereka dari mencapai tujuan dan kebahagiaan pribadi mereka.

Oleh karena itu, mempelajari kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah adalah langkah yang bagus untuk membangun diri sendiri dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara keseluruhan.

Penerapan Problem Solving di Kehidupan

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, memecahkan masalah berarti mengatasi berbagai situasi dan masalah. Pertama-tama, penting untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dengan jelas. Ini berarti merumuskan masalah dengan tepat, menemukan sumbernya, dan memahami bagaimana masalah tersebut akan mempengaruhi kehidupan kita. Misalnya, beban kerja yang berlebihan adalah masalah jika seseorang mengalami stres karena terlalu banyak tugas yang harus mereka selesaikan.

Analisis dilakukan setelah masalah ditemukan. Ini mencakup mengumpulkan informasi, memikirkan solusi yang mungkin, dan memahami akibat dari setiap solusi. Orang mungkin perlu mempertimbangkan contoh di atas atau meminta bantuan rekan kerja.

Selanjutnya, langkah ketiga adalah membuat dan menerapkan solusi. Ini mencakup membuat rencana tindakan yang jelas, mengambil tindakan konkrit untuk mengatasi masalah, dan dengan konsisten mengikuti rencana tersebut. Mengatur prioritas tugas, menggunakan alat manajemen waktu, atau berbicara dengan atasan tentang cara memberikan tugas yang lebih seimbang adalah beberapa solusi untuk beban kerja yang berlebihan.

Terakhir, refleksi dan evaluasi adalah langkah penting dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Setelah penerapan solusi, sangat penting untuk menilai apakah masalah telah diselesaikan dengan baik dan apakah solusi itu efektif. Jika hasil yang diinginkan belum dicapai, orang harus siap untuk merevisi rencana dan mencari solusi yang lebih baik atau perbaikan.

Problem solving membantu orang mengatasi masalah dengan lebih baik, mengurangi stres, meningkatkan kualitas hidup, dan membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Ini juga membantu mereka tumbuh dalam keterampilan penting yang mereka miliki secara pribadi dan profesional. Problem solving dapat menjadi alat yang kuat untuk menghadapi masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari jika dilakukan dengan cara yang sistematis dan berpikir kritis.

Sampoerna University

Sampoerna University adalah sebuah universitas terakreditasi penuh di Indonesia yang menawarkan pilihan terbaik bagi mereka yang mencari pendidikan internasional unggul. Kami adalah universitas swasta, non-denominasi, nirlaba yang berlisensi dan terakreditasi oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. 

Sampoerna University menawarkan berbagai program sarjana dan magister di bidang-bidang seperti bisnis , teknologi informasi , kreativitas dan desain , serta studi kelas dunia. Universitas ini menempatkan fokus pada pendekatan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan berorientasi pada industri, dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa berhasil dalam karir mereka.

Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang inklusif dan mendukung bagi mahasiswa, dengan dukungan fasilitas modern dan fakultas yang berkualitas. Kami juga memberikan beasiswa dan program bantuan keuangan untuk mendukung aksesibilitas pendidikan bagi mahasiswa berprestasi.

Dalam beberapa tahun sejak didirikan, Sampoerna University telah menjadi pilihan pendidikan tinggi yang menarik bagi calon mahasiswa di Indonesia. Dengan pendekatan pembelajaran yang inovatif, koneksi industri yang kuat, dan fokus pada pengembangan karir, kami memiliki tujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang siap menghadapi tantangan dunia kerja.

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apa itu problem solving facilitator

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apa itu problem solving facilitator

  • Table of Contents
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  • Facilitation of Community Processes
  • Community Health Assessment and Planning
  • Section 2. Developing Facilitation Skills

Chapter 16 Sections

  • Section 1. Conducting Effective Meetings
  • Section 3. Capturing What People Say: Tips for Recording a Meeting
  • Section 4. Techniques for Leading Group Discussions
  • Main Section

What are facilitation skills?

Community organizations are geared towards action. There are urgent problems and issues we need to tackle and solve in our communities. That's why we came together in the first place, isn't it? But for groups to be really successful, we need to spend some time focusing on the skills our members and leaders use to make all of this action happen, both within and outside our organizations.

One of the most important sets of skills for leaders and members are facilitation skills. These are the "process" skills we use to guide and direct key parts of our organizing work with groups of people such as meetings, planning sessions, and training of our members and leaders.

Whether it's a meeting (big or small) or a training session, someone has to shape and guide the process of working together so that you meet your goals and accomplish what you've set out to do. While a group of people might set the agenda and figure out the goals, one person needs to concentrate on how you are going to move through your agenda and meet those goals effectively. This is the person we call the "facilitator."

So, how is facilitating different than chairing a meeting?

Well, it is and it isn't. Facilitation has three basic principles:

  • A facilitator is a guide to help people move through a process together, not the seat of wisdom and knowledge. That means a facilitator isn't there to give opinions, but to draw out opinions and ideas of the group members.
  • Facilitation focuses on  how people participate in the process of learning or planning, not just on  what gets achieved
  • A facilitator is neutral and never takes sides

The best meeting chairs see themselves as facilitators. While they have to get through an agenda and make sure that important issues are discussed, decisions made, and actions taken, good chairs don't feel that they have all of the answers or should talk all the time. The most important thing is what the participants in the meeting have to say. So, focus on how the meeting is structured and run to make sure that everyone can participate. This includes things like:

  • Making sure everyone feels comfortable participating
  • Developing a structure that allows for everyone's ideas to be heard
  • Making members feel good about their contribution to the meeting
  • Making sure the group feels that the ideas and decisions are theirs, not just the leader's.
  • Supporting everyone's ideas and not criticizing anyone for what they've said.

Why do you need facilitation skills?

If you want to do good planning, keep members involved, and create real leadership opportunities in your organization and skills in your members, you need facilitator skills. The more you know about how to shape and run a good learning and planning process, the more your members will feel empowered about their own ideas and participation, stay invested in your organization, take on responsibility and ownership, and the better your meetings will be.

How do you facilitate?

Meetings are a big part of our organizing life. We seem to always be going from one meeting to the next. Other parts of the Tool Box cover planning and having good meetings in depth. But here, we're going to work on the process skills that good meeting leaders need to have. Remember, these facilitation skills are useful beyond meetings: for planning; for "growing" new leaders; for resolving conflicts; and for keeping good communication in your organization.

Can anyone learn to facilitate a meeting?

Yes, to a degree. Being a good facilitator is both a skill and an art. It is a skill in that people can learn certain techniques and can improve their ability with practice. It is an art in that some people just have more of a knack for it than others. Sometimes organization leaders are required to facilitate meetings: thus, board presidents must be trained in how to facilitate. But other meetings and planning sessions don't require that any one person act as facilitators, so your organization can draw on members who have the skill and the talent.

To put it another way, facilitating actually means:

  • Understanding the goals of the meeting and the organization
  • Keeping the group on the agenda and moving forward
  • Involving everyone in the meeting, including drawing out the quiet participants and controlling the domineering ones
  • Making sure that decisions are made democratically

How do you plan a good facilitation process?

A good facilitator is concerned with both the outcome of the meeting or planning session, with how the people in the meeting participate and interact, and also with the process. While achieving the goals and outcomes that everyone wants is of course important, a facilitator also wants to make sure that the process is sound, that everyone is engaged, and that the experience is the best it can be for the participants.

In planning a good meeting process, a facilitator focuses on:

  • Climate and environment
  • Logistics and room arrangements
  • Ground rules

A good facilitator will make plans in each of these areas in advance. Let's look at some of the specifics.

Climate and Environment

There are many factors that impact how safe and comfortable people feel about interacting with each other and participating. The environment and general "climate" of a meeting or planning session sets an important tone for participation.

Key questions you would ask yourself as a facilitator include:

  • Is the location a familiar place, one where people feel comfortable? Face it, if you're planning to have an interactive meeting sitting around a conference table in the Mayor's office, some of your folks might feel intimidated and out of their environment. A comfortable and familiar location is key.
  • Is the meeting site accessible to everyone? If not, have you provided for transportation or escorts to help people get to the site? Psychologically, if people feel that the site is too far from them or in a place they feel is "dangerous," it may put them off from even coming. If they do come, they may arrive with a feeling that they were not really wanted or that their needs were not really considered. This can put a real damper on communication and participation. Another reminder: can people with disabilities access the site as well? Ensure the meeting site is accessible to all. 
  • Is the space the right size? Too large? Too small? If you're wanting to make a planning group feel that it's a team, a large meeting hall for only 10 or 15 people can feel intimidating and make people feel self-conscious and quiet. On the other hand, if you're taking a group of 30 folks through a meeting, a small conference room where people are uncomfortably crunched together can make for disruption: folks shifting in their seats, getting up to stretch and get some air. This can cause a real break in the mood and feeling of your meeting or planning session. You want folks to stay focused and relaxed. Be sure to choose a room size that matches the size of your group.

Logistics and Room Arrangements

Believe it or not: how people sit, whether they are hungry and whether they can hear can make or break your planning process. As a facilitator, the logistics of the meeting should be of great concern to you, whether you're responsible for them or not. Some things to consider are:

  • Chair arrangements: Having chairs in a circle or around a table encourages discussion, equality, and familiarity. Speaker's podiums and lecture style seating make people feel intimidated and formal. Avoid them at all costs.
  • Places to hang newsprint: You may be using a lot of newsprint or other board space during your meeting. Can you use tape without damaging the walls? Is an easel available? Is there enough space so that you can keep important material visible instead of removing it?
  • Sign-In sheet: Is there a table for folks to use? Would it be helpful to provide nametags?
  • Refreshments: Grumbling stomachs will definitely take folks' minds off the meeting. If you're having refreshments, who is bringing them? Do you need outlets for coffee pots? Can you set things up so folks can get food without disrupting the meeting? And who's cleaning up afterwards?
  • Microphones and audio-visual equipment: Do you need a microphone? Video cameras? Be sure to have someone set up and test the equipment before you start. 

To build a safe as well as comfortable environment, a good facilitator has a few more points to consider. How do you protect folks who are worried their ideas will be attacked or mocked? How do you hold back the big talkers who tend to dominate while still making them feel good about their participation? Much of the answer lies in the Ground Rules.

Ground Rules

Most meetings have some kind of operating rules. Some groups use Robert's Rules of Order (parliamentary procedure) to run their meetings while others have rules they've adopted over time. When you want the participation to flow and for folks to really feel invested in following the rules, the best way to go is to have the group develop them as one of the first steps in the process. This builds a sense of power in the participants ("Hey, she isn't telling us how to act. It's up to us to figure out what we think is important!") and a much greater sense of investment in following the rules. Common ground rules are:

  • One person speaks at a time
  • Raise your hand if you have something to say
  • Listen to what other people are saying
  • No mocking or attacking other people's ideas
  • Be on time coming back from breaks (if it's a long meeting)
  • Respect each other

A process to develop ground rules is:

  • Begin by telling folks that you want to set up some ground rules that everyone will follow as we go through our meeting. Put a blank sheet of newsprint on the wall with the heading "Ground Rules."
  • Ask for any suggestions from the group. If no one says anything, start by putting one up yourself. That usually starts people off.
  • Write any suggestions up on the newsprint. It's usually most effective to "check -in" with the whole group before you write up an idea ("Sue suggested raising our hands if we have something to say. Is that okay with everyone?") Once you have gotten 5 or 6 good rules up, check to see if anyone else has other suggestions.
  • When you are finished, check in with the group to be sure they agree with these Ground Rules and are willing to follow them. 

Facilitating a meeting or planning session

The facilitator is responsible for providing a "safe" climate and working atmosphere for the meeting. But you're probably wondering, "What do I actually do  during the meeting to guide the process along?" Here are the basic steps that can be your facilitator's guide:

Start the meeting on time

Few of us start our meetings on time. The result? Those who come on time feel cheated that they rushed to get there! When latecomers straggle in, don't stop your process to acknowledge them. Wait until after a break or another appropriate time to have them introduce themselves.

Welcome everyone

Make a point to welcome everyone who comes. Don't complain about the size of a group if the turnout is small! Nothing will turn the folks off who  did come out faster. Thank all of those who are there for coming and analyze the turnout attendance later. Go with who you have.

Make introductions

There are lots of ways for people to introduce themselves to each other that are better than just going around the room. The kinds of introductions you do should depend on what kind of meeting you are having, the number of people, the overall goals of the meeting, and what kind of information it would be useful to know. Some key questions you can ask members to include in their introductions are:

  • How did you first get involved with our organization? (if most people are already involved, but the participants don't know each other well)
  • What do you want to know about our organization? (if the meeting is set to introduce your organization to another organization)
  • What makes you most angry about this problem? (if the meeting is called to focus on a particular problem)

Sometimes, we combine introductions with something called an "ice breaker." Ice breakers can:

  • Break down feelings of unfamiliarity and shyness
  • Help people shift roles--from their "work" selves to their "more human" selves
  • Build a sense of being part of a team
  • Create networking opportunities
  • Help share participants' skills and experiences

Some ways to do introductions and icebreakers are:

  • In pairs, have people turn to the person next to them and share their name, organization and three other facts about themselves that others might not know. Then, have each pair introduce each other to the group. This helps to get strangers acquainted and for people to feel safe--they already know at least one other person, and didn't have to share information directly in front of a big group at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Form small groups and have each of them work on a puzzle. Have them introduce themselves to their group before they get to work. This helps to build a sense of team work.
  • In a large group, have everyone write down two true statements about themselves and one false one. Then, every person reads their statements and the whole group has to guess which one is false. This helps folks get acquainted and relaxed.
  • Give each participant a survey and have the participants interview each other to find the answers. Make the questions about skills, experience, opinions on the issue you'll be working on, etc. When everyone is finished, have folks share the answers they got.

When doing introductions and icebreakers, it's important to remember:

  • Every participant needs to take part in the activity. The only exception may be latecomers who arrive after the introductions are completed. At the first possible moment, ask the latecomers to say their name and any other information you feel they need to share in order for everyone to feel comfortable and equal.
  • Be sensitive to the culture, age, gender and literacy levels of participants and any other factors when deciding how to do introductions. For example, an activity that requires physical contact or reading a lengthy instruction sheet may be inappropriate for your group. Also, keep in mind what you want to accomplish with the activity. Don't make a decision to do something only because it seems like fun.
  • It is important to make everyone feel welcome and listened to at the beginning of the meeting. Otherwise, participants may feel uncomfortable and unappreciated and won't participate well later on. Also, if you don't get some basic information about who is there, you may miss some golden opportunities. For example, the editor of the regional newspaper may be in the room; but if you don't know, you'll miss the opportunity for a potential interview or special coverage.
  • And don't forget to introduce yourself. You want to make sure that you establish some credibility to be facilitating the meeting and that folks know a bit about you. Credibility doesn't mean you have a college degree or 15 years of facilitation experience. It just means that you share some of your background so folks know why you are doing the facilitation and what has led you to be speaking up.

Review the agenda, objectives and ground rules for the meeting

Go over what's going to happen in the meeting. Check with the group to make sure they agree with and like the agenda. You never know if someone will want to comment and suggest something a little different. This builds a sense of ownership of the meeting and lets people know early on that you're there to facilitate  their process and their meeting, not your own agenda.

The same is true for the outcomes of the meeting. You'll want to go over these with folks as well to get their input and check that these are the desired outcomes they're looking for. This is also where the ground rules that we covered earlier come in.

Encourage participation

This is one of your main jobs as a facilitator. It's up to you to get those who need to listen to listen and those who ought to speak. Encourage people to share their experiences and ideas and urge those with relevant background information share it at appropriate times.

Stick to the agenda

Groups have a tendency to wander far from the original agenda, sometimes without knowing it. When you hear the discussion wandering off, bring it to the group's attention. You can say "That's an interesting issue, but perhaps we should get back to the original discussion."

Avoid detailed decision-making

Sometimes, it's easier for groups to discuss the color of napkins than the real issues they are facing. Help the group not to get immersed in details. Suggest instead, "Perhaps the committee could resolve the matter." Do you really want to be involved in that level of detail?

Seek commitments

Getting commitments for future involvement is often a meeting goal. You want leaders to commit to certain tasks, people to volunteer to help on a campaign, or organizations to support your group. Make sure adequate time is allocated for seeking commitment. For small meetings, write people's names down on newsprint next to the tasks they agreed to undertake.

One important rule of thumb is that no one should leave a meeting without something to do. Don't ever close a meeting by saying "We'll get back to you to confirm how you might like to get involved." Seize the moment! Sign them up!

Bring closure to each item

Many groups will discuss things ten times longer than they need to unless a facilitator helps them to recognize they're basically in agreement. Summarize a consensus position, or ask someone in the group to summarize the points of agreement, and then move forward. If one or two people disagree, state the situation as clearly as you can: "Tom and Levonia seem to have other feelings on this matter, but everyone else seems to go in this direction. Perhaps we can decide to go in the direction that most of the group wants, and maybe Tom and Levonia can get back to us on other ways to accommodate their concerns." You may even suggest taking a break so Tom and Levonia can caucus to come up with some options.

Some groups feel strongly about reaching consensus on issues before moving ahead. If your group is one of them, be sure to read a good manual or book on consensus decision making. Many groups, however, find that voting is a fine way to make decisions. A good rule of thumb is that a vote must pass by a two-thirds majority for it to be a valid decision. For most groups to work well, they should seek consensus where possible, but take votes when needed in order to move the process forward.

Respect everyone's rights

The facilitator protects the shy and quiet folks in a meeting and encourages them to speak out. There is also the important job of keeping domineering people from monopolizing the meeting or ridiculing the ideas of others.

Sometimes, people dominate a discussion because they are really passionate about an issue and have lots of things to say. One way to channel their interest is to suggest that they consider serving on a committee or task force on that issue. Other people, however, talk to hear themselves talk. If someone like that shows up at your meeting, look further ahead in this chapter for some tips on dealing with "disrupters."

Be flexible

Sometimes issues will arise in the meeting that are so important, they will take much more time than you thought. Sometimes, nobody will have thought of them at all. You may run over time or have to alter your agenda to discuss them. Be sure to check with group about whether this is O.K. before going ahead with the revised agenda. If necessary, ask for a five-minute break to confer with key leaders or participants on how to handle the issue and how to restructure the agenda. Be prepared to recommend an alternate agenda, dropping some items if necessary.

Summarize the meeting results and needed follow-ups

Before ending the meeting, summarize the key decisions that were made and what else happened. Be sure also to summarize the follow-up actions that were agreed to and need to take place. Remind folks how much good work was done and how effective the meeting hopefully was. Refer back to the objectives or outcomes to show how much you accomplished.

Thank the participants

Take a minute to thank people who prepared things for the meeting, set up the room, brought refreshments, or did any work towards making the meeting happen. Thank all of the participants for their input and energy and for making the meeting a success.

Close the meeting

People appreciate nothing more than a meeting that ends on time! It's usually a good idea to have some "closure" in a meeting, especially if it was long, if there were any sticky situations that caused tension, or if folks worked especially hard to come to decisions or make plans.

A nice way to close a meeting is to go around the room and have people say one word that describes how they are feeling now that all of this work has been done. You'll usually get answers from "exhausted" to "energized!" If it's been a good meeting, even the "exhausted" ones will stick around before leaving.

Facilitator skills and tips

Here are a few more points to remember that will help to maximize your role as a facilitator:

Don't memorize a script

Even with a well-prepared agenda and key points you must make, you need to be flexible and natural. If people sense that you are reading memorized lines, they will feel like they are being talked down to, and won't respond freely.

Watch the group's body language

Are people shifting in their seats? Are they bored? Tired? Looking confused? If folks seem restless or in a haze, you may need to take a break, or speed up or slow down the pace of the meeting. And if you see confused looks on too many faces, you may need to stop and check in with the group, to make sure that everyone knows where you are in the agenda and that the group is with you.

Always check back with the group

Be careful about deciding where the meeting should go. Check back after each major part of the process to see if there are questions and that everyone understands and agrees with decisions that were made.

Summarize and pause

When you finish a point or a part of the meeting process, sum up what was done and decided, and pause for questions and comments before moving on. Learn to "feel out" how long to pause -- too short, and people don't really have time to ask questions; too long, and folks will start to get uncomfortable from the silence.

Be aware of your own behavior

Take a break to calm down if you feel nervous or are losing control. Watch that you're not repeating yourself, saying "ah" between each word, or speaking too fast. Watch your voice and physical manner. (Are you standing too close to folks so they feel intimidated, making eye contact so people feel engaged?) How you act makes an impact on how participants feel.

Occupy your hands

Hold onto a marker, chalk, or the back of a chair. Don't play with the change in your pocket!

Watch your speech

Be careful you are not offending or alienating anyone in the group. Use swear words at your own risk!

Use body language of our own

Using body language to control the dynamics in the room can be a great tool. Moving up close to a shy, quiet participant and asking them to speak may make them feel more willing, because they can look at you instead of the big group and feel less intimidated. Also, walking around engages people in the process. Don't just stand in front of the room for the entire meeting.

Don't talk to the newsprint, blackboard or walls--they can't talk back!

Always wait until you have stopped writing and are facing the group to talk.

Dealing with disrupters: Preventions and interventions

Along with these tips on facilitation, there are some things you can do both to prevent disruption before it occurs to stop it when it's happening in the meeting. The most common kinds of disrupters are people who try to dominate, keep going off the agenda, have side conversations with the person sitting next to them, or folks who think they are right and ridicule and attack other's ideas.

Preventions. Try using these "Preventions" when you set up your meeting to try to rule out disruption:

Get agreement on the agenda, ground rules and outcomes. In other words, agree on the process. These process agreements create a sense of shared accountability and ownership of the meeting, joint responsibility for how the meeting is run, and group investment in whether the outcomes and goals are achieved.

Listen carefully. Don't just pretend to listen to what someone in the meeting is saying. People can tell. Listen closely to understand a point someone is making. And check back if you are summarizing, always asking the person if you understood their idea correctly.

Show respect for experience. We can't say it enough. Encourage folks to share strategies, stories from the field, and lessons they've learned. Value the experience and wisdom in the room.

Find out the group's expectations. Make sure that you uncover at the start what participants think they are meeting for. When you find out, be clear about what will and won't be covered in this meeting. Make plans for how to cover issues that won't be dealt with: Write them down on newsprint and agree to deal with them at the end of the meeting, or have the group agree on a follow-up meeting to cover unfinished issues.

There are lots of ways to find out what the group's expectations of the meeting are: Try asking everyone to finish this sentence: "I want to leave here today knowing...." You don't want people sitting through the meeting feeling angry that they're in the wrong place and no one bothered to ask them what they wanted to achieve here. These folks may act out their frustration during the meeting and become your biggest disrupters.

Stay in your facilitator role. You cannot be an effective facilitator and a participant at the same time. When you cross the line, you risk alienating participants, causing resentment, and losing control of the meeting. Offer strategies, resources, and ideas for the group to work with, but  not opinions.

Don't be defensive. If you are attacked or criticized, take a "mental step" backwards before responding. Once you become defensive, you risk losing the group's respect and trust, and might cause folks to feel they can't be honest with you.

"Buy-in" power players. These folks can turn your meeting into a nightmare if they don't feel that their influence and role are acknowledged and respected. If possible, give them acknowledgment up front at the start of the meeting. Try giving them roles to play during the meeting such as a "sounding board" for you at breaks, to check in with about how the meeting is going.

Interventions. Try using these "Interventions" when disruption is happening during the meeting:

  • First try to remind them about the agreed-on agenda. If that doesn't work, throw it back to the group and ask them how they feel about that person's participation. Let the group support you.
  • Go back to that agenda and those ground rules and remind folks of the agreements made at the beginning of the meeting.
  • It's better to say what's going on than try to cover it up. Everyone will be aware of the dynamic in the room. The group will get behind you if you are honest and up -front about the situation.
  • Try a humorous comment or a joke. If it's self-deprecating, so much the better. Humor almost always lightens the mood. It's one of the best tension-relievers we have.
  • Try one or more of these approaches : Show that you understand their issue by making it clear that you hear how important it is to them. Legitimize the issue by saying, "It's a very important point and one I'm sure we all feel is critical." Make a bargain to deal with their issue for a short period of time ("O.K., let's deal with your issue for 5 minutes and then we ought to move on.") If that doesn't work, agree to defer the issue to the end of the meeting, or set up a committee to explore it further.
  • Use body language. Move closer to conversers, or to the quiet ones. Make eye contact with them to get their attention and covey your intent.
  • In case you've tried all of the above suggestions and nothing has worked, it's time to take a break, invite the disruptive person outside the room and politely but firmly state your feelings about how disruptive their behavior is to the group. Make it clear that the disruption needs to end. But also try to find out what's going on, and see if there are other ways to address that person's concerns.
  • Confront the disruptive person politely but very firmly in the room. Tell the person very explicitly that the disruption needs to stop now. Use body language to encourage other group members to support you. This is absolutely the last resort when action must be taken and no alternatives remain!

Online Resources

Facilitating Political Discussions from the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education at Tufts University is designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. The materials are broken down into "modules" and facilitation trainers can use some or all of them to suit their needs.

Inclusive Facilitation for Social Change  from FSG provides assistance in facilitating inclusive meetings to create effective and empowering experiences for everyone involved.

Making Meetings Work  from the Collective Impact Forum is a blog post from Paul Schmitz discussing lessons we can apply to ensure that meetings are purposeful, engaging, and advance our work in ways that people anticipate with enthusiasm instead of dread.

Print Resources

Auvine, B., Dinsmore, B., Extrom, M., Poole, S., & Shanklin, M. (1978). A manual for group facilitators . Madison, WI: The Center for Conflict Resolution.

Bobo, K., Kendall, J., & Max, S., (1991). A manual for activists in the 1990s . Cabin John, MD: Seven Locks Press.

Nelson-Jones, R. (1992). Group leadership: A training approach . Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Schwarz, R. (1994). The skilled facilitator: Practical wisdom for developing effective groups . San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


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  1. Problem Solving: Arti, Proses, Contoh, Manfaat, dan Tips ...

    Metode problem solving lain yang bisa kamu gunakan bersama rekan kerja adalah the 5 whys. Dalam metode ini, kamu cukup meng-highlight masalah yang akan dipecahkan. Lalu, tanyakan pada dirimu dan tim “mengapa” masalah tersebut bisa terjadi. Setelah itu, terus tanyakan “mengapa” atau “why” sebanyak 5 kali.

  2. Mengenal Problem Solving Facilitator Perusahaan - Annual ...

    Mengenal Problem Solving Facilitator Perusahaan. 25 March 2017 by Admin. ilustrasi | Setiap perusahaan pasti kerap mengalami krisis, yang sudah tentu akan berafiliasi terhadap kelanjutan usaha sebuah perusahaan. Bagi perusahaan terbuka, tentu hal ini akan berefek pada kepercayaan stakeholder dan para investor.

  3. Apa Itu Problem Solving? Ini Pengertian, Tujuan, & 5 Metodenya

    Setelah mengetahui apa itu problem solving, kali ini kita akan membahas beberapa tujuan problem solving dalam perusahaan, di antaranya adalah: Melatih kemampuan karyawan untuk menghadapi masalah. Melatih karyawan dalam menemukan langkah-langkah terbaik untuk mencari solusi dari masalah yang ada.

  4. Problem Solving: Pengertian, Proses, dan Metodenya

    Metode Problem Solving. 1. Brainstorming. Brainstorming merupakan metode problem solving yang paling banyak digunakan oleh orang-orang. Pasalnya, metode ini efektif untuk digunakan sebagai pemecahan masalah melalui solusi kreatif. Prosesnya adalah setiap orang harus menyampaikan ide-ide maupun pendapat yang kemudian dapat diolah menjadi satu ...

  5. Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions | IIENSTITU

    Facilitator's Guide to Effective Solutions. 23 December 2023. In the confluence of group dynamics and problem-solving, facilitation stands as a key catalyst driving collective efforts towards tangible solutions. Myriad organizational contexts demand skillful guidance to navigate through the complex web of ideas, perspectives, and potentials ...

  6. Mengenal Apa itu Problem Solving, Manfaat dan Contohnya

    Untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik, berikut beberapa contoh problem solving dalam kehidupan sehari-hari: 1. Saat Menumpahkan Air. Saat kamu menghadapi tumpahan air di lantai dapur. Kamu akan mengidentifikasi masalahnya, mengambil kain untuk membersihkannya (solusi), dan masalah terselesaikan. 2.

  7. Apa itu Problem Solving? Arti, Metode dan Cara Meningkatkan

    Pemecahan masalah atau problem solving adalah soft skill yang kini mulai menjadi kriteria umum untuk calon karyawan. Karena itulah, Anda perlu mengetahui seluk beluknya dari kemampuan ini, misalnya metode yang bisa digunakan dalam memecahkan masalah. Beberapa metode yang bisa digunakan dalam problem solving adalah: 1. Brainstorming.

  8. 6 Problem-Solving Techniques for Facilitation Sessions - LinkedIn

    6 Improve continuously. The sixth and final step in any problem-solving session is to improve continuously based on the results and feedback. This is where you want to identify gaps, challenges ...

  9. Apa itu Problem Solving? Manfaat dan Penerapannya

    Manfaat Problem Solving. Delapan berikut adalah manfaat utama dari memiliki kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah yang perlu kamu tau: 1. Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah. Manfaat utama problem solving adalah kemampuan untuk mengatasi masalah dengan lebih efektif. Seseorang yang telah memiliki kemampuan pemecahan masalah akan dapat menghadapi ...

  10. Chapter 16. Group Facilitation and Problem-Solving | Section ...

    A facilitator is a guide to help people move through a process together, not the seat of wisdom and knowledge. That means a facilitator isn't there to give opinions, but to draw out opinions and ideas of the group members. Facilitation focuses on how people participate in the process of learning or planning, not just on what gets achieved