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Coursera: Machine Learning (Week 3) [Assignment Solution] - Andrew NG

Coursera: Machine Learning (Week 3) [Assignment Solution] - Andrew NG

Recommended Machine Learning Courses: Coursera: Machine Learning    Coursera: Deep Learning Specialization Coursera: Machine Learning with Python Coursera: Advanced Machine Learning Specialization Udemy: Machine Learning LinkedIn: Machine Learning Eduonix: Machine Learning edX: Machine Learning Fast.ai: Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders
  • ex2.m - Octave/MATLAB script that steps you through the exercise
  • ex2 reg.m - Octave/MATLAB script for the later parts of the exercise
  • ex2data1.txt - Training set for the first half of the exercise
  • ex2data2.txt - Training set for the second half of the exercise
  • submit.m - Submission script that sends your solutions to our servers
  • mapFeature.m - Function to generate polynomial features
  • plotDecisionBoundary.m - Function to plot classifier's decision boundary
  • [*] plotData.m - Function to plot 2D classification data
  • [*] sigmoid.m - Sigmoid Function
  • [*] costFunction.m - Logistic Regression Cost Function
  • [*] predict.m - Logistic Regression Prediction Function
  • [*] costFunctionReg.m - Regularized Logistic Regression Cost
  • Video - YouTube videos featuring Free IOT/ML tutorials

plotData.m :

Sigmoid.m :, costfunction.m :, check-out our free tutorials on iot (internet of things):.

predict.m :

Costfunctionreg.m :, 62 comments.

coursera week 3 programming assignment

how could you do this please explain me...

coursera week 3 programming assignment

What explanation you want? Please be more specific.

How can i download these files?

You can copy the the code from above code sections.

Hi Akshay, Please may I have theses files as well: ex2.m ex2 reg.m ex2data1.txt ex2data2.txt submit.m mapFeature.m plotDecisionBoundary.m

You can get those files from Coursera assignments. I don't have those with me now.

can you please tell me what you did by this grad = (1/m)* (X'*(h_x-y));

coursera week 3 programming assignment

its the simplified version of derivative term d/d0*j0 which we call gradient. check the formula once and you will understand it

this means:- take the transpose of feature matrix X(i.e X') and multiply it with the difference of matrices h_x and y i.e the matrix with sigmoid outputs and the result matrix(y). Finally multiply the end product with 1/m , where m is the number of training examples. This is the vectorized implementation of the code that's actually way more lengthier to implement using loops.

Hi, can you please explain the predict function?

In this gradient decent the number of iteration are not specified so how is the gradient decent working? can someone please explain?

I used the exact code at the end but I'm still getting 65/100 not able to figure out the reason

Did you figure out the reason yet?

Hi !! why didn't you use sum() function for grad even why formula contains that ?

sum() is used for the summation in the formula. But here while coding for grad computation: grad = (1/m)* (X'*(h_x-y)); Here We are doing matrix multiplication which itself consist of "sum of product". So, no need of external sum function. Please try to do it on paper by yourself, you will get clear idea. Thanks

we have learned that Z= theta transpose X then why are using Z=X multiplied by theta in the above codes ?

When we are calculating z(small z) for a single sample, then it is z=theta' * x. (here small x) But When you do the same computation for all the samples at the same time then we call it as Z (Capital Z). Z = X * theta. (Here Capital X) Try to do it using pen-paper, you will get clear understanding.

coursera week 3 programming assignment

Hii, thanks for your help mr. Akshay. I had this one doubt about predict.m function: I tried coding for predict function in the following way: h_x = sigmoid(X*theta); if (0<=h_x<0.5) p=0; elseif (0.5<=h_x<=1) p=1; endif I know I did it in a long way but the accuracy that I am getting 60.00. Your code gave me the accuracy 89.00. Can you please help me understand what's wrong with this and what's the exact difference between your code and mines'?

P is a matrix with dimensions m x 1. Solution: You can put your code in a "for" loop and check the value of each element in h_x and accordingly set the value of each element in p. It will work.

coursera week 3 programming assignment

hey bro it says z not defined why???

Hi, I think you are doing this assignment in Octave and that's why you are facing this issue. Chethan Bhandarkar has provided solution for it. Please check it out: https://www.apdaga.com/2018/06/coursera-machine-learning-week-2.html?showComment=1563986935868#c4682866656714070064 Thanks

coursera week 3 programming assignment

I have copy the exact code for plotData.m , and all the others program worked very well but I am still getting 70/100. Can you tel what's the problem ?

Can you tell me , how can I run "ex2" script in console ?

hi I want to clarify few things from you, I have read in regression, these are few important points which have not been covered in andrew ng regression topic, how to find how significant your variable is, significance of p value and R^2 (R-square) values. I would like to know more about them. kindly share some sources.

HI, The line code reg_term = (lambda/(2*m)) * sum(theta(2:end).^2); in costFunctionReg function, can you explain more about this part theta(2:end) , what does it mean and how did you deduce it,

sir,please explain me predict.m function I used for i=1:size(X,1) if sigmoid(X*theta)>=0.5 p=sigmoid(X*theta); end as well as, h_x = sigmoid(X*theta); for i=1:size(X,1) if (0<=h_x<0.5) p=0; elseif (0.5<=h_x<=1) p=1; end but i am getting 40 accuracy it is working only with your code.why sir?

Hi there, I am trying the the same code as yours of sigmoid() function but each time it is getting an error saying that 'z' undefined near line 6 column 18 error: called from sigmoid at line 6 column 5 what to do please help me out..

Hello Akshay, It'd be great if you kindly share the code for "fminunc" in this week's files(wherever needed), coz i don't understand that particular function well, neither did i get its solution anywhere else on internet.

Hi Ankit, Sorry but I don't have the code for "fminunc".

grad(2:end) = (1/m)* (X(:,2:end)'*(h_x-y))+(lambda/m)*theta(2:end); can u please explain this..

Hey it says my plot is empty can someone help?

I am facing this type of problem in matlab , what can i do ? how to fix that n where ?? 'fminunc' requires Optimization Toolbox. Error in ex2 (line 99) fminunc(@(t)(costFunction(t, X, y)), initial_theta, options);

In sigmoid error in line 6 (the preallocated value assigned to variable 'g' might be unused) what should i do

How's value of 'g' is unused. 'g' is nothing but output of sigmoid function. If you are getting some msg, it must be warning not error. So, don't worry about it, keep it as it is. (But I don't think you should get any kind of warning like this). line 6, is called initialization of variable.

Hi Akshay can you please explain why we use this X(:,2:end) and theta(2:end) instead of plain X and theta??

It's because as per the theory in videos, We don't apply regularization on theta_0. Regularization is applied from theta_1 onwards. and that's why 2 gradients. 1st corresponding to theta_0 and other for theta_1 onwards.

And also why use two gradents?

Good day sir, im new in this course...i could not fully understand the assignment in week 3...as i enter my code...i think still in error..

please explain the predict function

Predict function is fairly simple. You have implemented your gradient and now you just have to predict whether the answer will be 1 or 0... So, what will you do is check for the result > 0.5. If it is above the 0.5, then prediction will be true (1), otherwise false (0)

@Hassan Ashas Thank you very much for your explanation.

costfuntion is not returning the scalar value, it is returning the 1*100 matrix.

Hello Akshay, I keep getting this error for the costFunctionReg.m file: syntax error >>> reg_term = (lambda/2*m)) * sum(theta(2:end).^2); ^ What is the problem here I do not understand. Thank you

Opening and closing brackets are not matching you code. NOTE: check the brackets are "2*m" YOUR CODE: reg_term = (lambda/2*m)) * sum(theta(2:end).^2); WORKING CODE: reg_term = (lambda/(2*m)) * sum(theta(2:end).^2);

Hello Akshay, While computing cost function I am getting so many outputs

You should only get [J, grad] as a output of costFunction & costFunctionReg.

Error - theta may not be defined , predict function

hi i have a doubt i took theta as [zeros(n+1),1] it is giving me 0 and i cant submit the assignment can you specify initial value of theta and theta and values of X. i am totally confused

nothing is working here every time it is showing >> plotData error: 'y' undefined near line 14 column 12 error: called from plotData at line 14 column 5 >>

J = (1 / m) * sum ((- y. * Log (h_x)) - ((1-y). * Log (1-h_x))) the log representation in this equation means ln isn't it? So, shouldn't we write it as log (1-h_x) / log (10).

I made it this way: function [J, grad] = costFunctionReg(theta, X, y, lambda) %COSTFUNCTIONREG Compute cost and gradient for logistic regression with regularization % J = COSTFUNCTIONREG(theta, X, y, lambda) computes the cost of using % theta as the parameter for regularized logistic regression and the % gradient of the cost w.r.t. to the parameters. % Initialize some useful values m = length(y); % number of training examples % You need to return the following variables correctly J = 0; grad = zeros(size(theta)); % ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ====================== % Instructions: Compute the cost of a particular choice of theta. % You should set J to the cost. % Compute the partial derivatives and set grad to the partial % derivatives of the cost w.r.t. each parameter in theta [J, grad] = costFunction(theta, X, y); feats = theta(2:end); J = J + lambda / (2 * m) * (feats' * feats); grad(2:end) = grad(2:end) + lambda / m * feats; % ============================================================= end

My question is about the solved subroutine 'plotDecisionBoundary.m' Line 20 : plot_y I didn't understand the definition of this Infact how this particular code helped to plot the decision boundary! Please explain..

so in cost function grad is basically you doing gradient descent right? but what is the use of 1/m? i'm really confused sorry

While calculating cost function, we are doing sum (summation) operation over 'm' samples. And then dividing it by 'm' in order to scale the output (as a scaling factor).

Muje 55 marks hi aa rahe he mane code bhi sahi likha he phir bhi...logistic regression cost and regularised logistic regression gradient dono me 0 marks he..

i really confused in assignment, i enjoyed all the stuff that prof.Ng doing buat why it turns out to become nightmare when im face the programming assignment? In the cosfunctionreg.m why you put grad(1) = (1/m)* (X(:,1)'*(h_x-y)); whats this mean? grad(2:end) = (1/m)* (X(:,2:end)'*(h_x-y))+(lambda/m)*theta(2:end); what grad(2:end) mean?

These 2 lines are for calcuating gradient with regularization. since we don't add regularization term to 1st entry. (we have to write 2 seperate lines of code for it)

Hi dear Akshay. I'm trying to submit week 3 assignment but I keep seeing the error: !! Submission failed: unexpected error: Error: File: costFunctionReg.m Line: 22 Column: 3 Invalid expression. Check for missing or extra characters. Can you help me out?

I am getting a syntax error in exercise "CostfunctionReg.m" at grad(1) = (1/m)* (X(:,1)'*(h_x-y)); please tell me why am i getting this error. yes i am running it in octave but please don't tell me to go through the another link . please just tell me the issue.

!! Submission failed: Index exceeds array bounds. Function: getResponse LineNumber: 132of submitWithConfiguration

Here in the cost function though y and log(h_x) both have the same dimensions (mx1), how the dot product is possible between them?

We are not doing the dot product of y and log(h_x) while calculating cost function. Multiplication represented by dot astrix (.*) means element wise multiplication in matlab. Eg. -y.*log(h_x) Please check the code once again.

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coursera week 3 programming assignment

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coursera week 3 programming assignment

  • R Programming - Week 3 Assignment
  • by Ken Wood
  • Last updated over 3 years ago
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R Programming Project 3

github repo for rest of specialization: Data Science Coursera

The zip file containing the data can be downloaded here: Assignment 3 Data

Part 1 Plot the 30-day mortality rates for heart attack ( outcome.R )

coursera week 3 programming assignment

Part 2 Finding the best hospital in a state ( best.R )

Part 3 ranking hospitals by outcome in a state ( rankhospital.r ), part 4 ranking hospitals in all states ( rankall.r ).


vickkiee commented Jul 7, 2020

Thank you for your solution

Sorry, something went wrong.

ghost commented Jul 15, 2020 • edited by ghost

The course isn't for the student's learning ability but for student's cheating ability. This course didn't teach me or explain me to find the solution to solve the assignment; in contrast, it encouraged me to google and copy other's code. I am feeling that I am in the wrong course. I am about to quit. I have no idea why JHU and instructor created irresponsible course like this.


sushilsushil commented Jul 18, 2020

Yo everyone feels the same way. I didn't like the constant saliva sound of that guy. Very poor course design too.


BouNaj commented Jul 25, 2020

I share the same feeling. I was frustrated the content does in no way prepare you to do anything of the sort the assignments require.


Chiagozie-Umeano commented Aug 4, 2020

I thought I was the only one having this difficulty in writing code and functions. Was feeling bad for choosing this course, we are not properly taught how to write these codes. I have being feeling to quit the course..


abduljan71 commented Aug 7, 2020

Hey, I am with it. I am doing the same. The course itself does not help you that much for you to understand and do your own coding. I feel very bad.


shaunkok64 commented Aug 16, 2020 • edited

Thank you for your solution. I am glad that there are so many people feeling the same. As I don't have any knowledge regarding coding in general and I wanted to take this course to learn something new such as Data Science. This course could be great if designed properly but the course is not that learner friendly, in some cases even people with experience with coding may not able to cope it and this has led me thoughts to quit. This course are expecting learners to do their own coding without giving guidance to learners. WHY! There are so little guidance given to readers until I had to Google Search for answers. I need to take sometime to study it after I have passed this.


Gareeeb7 commented Aug 27, 2020

Utha re ba ba uthle Coursera ko

Thanks for your Solution


Fahad-98 commented Aug 30, 2020

How do I submit my assignment.


SaneClouxz commented Sep 14, 2020

How do I submit my assignment. It's a multi choice quiz which you'll solve using the functions provided in this solution.


nfabregas commented Sep 25, 2020

Same here. The problem is simple: the course don't give you the tools and knowledge that someone with no experience with code needs to do the Assignments. It looks like assignments are from another course.

100% agree with D-Se:

Coursera lecture: "The drivetrain of a car looks like this" Swirl: "A car can move hurr durrr" Assignment: "build a car and test it, or else fail the course"


anikvh commented Sep 25, 2020

I agree with the comments above, there is a huge gap between the lectures and the assingments. Thank you so much for sharing this!


Songsuperjing commented Sep 27, 2020

love the above comments. so true.


Arnab-eco commented Oct 8, 2020 • edited

I totally agree with the comments. Unfortunately, The instructor thinks that everyone is a master level programmer. His presentations lack the necessary insight. His assignments are way over the mark. I understand that if someone can complete these assignments, they can learn a lot. But frankly, it's like asking someone to write a novel after teaching them how to read. The swirl exercises do teach the basics, but is absolutely hopeless as it doesn't even allow us to make the smallest changes to a code.


benthecoder commented Oct 18, 2020 • edited

I'm glad many are learning this specialization even today, I was hoping if anyone can direct me to any discord servers or like reddit groups to talk about the assignments, for discussions and to learn from each other. Thanks! And yea the assignments are crazy hard, but to be fair the coursera courses can't fit everything into their videos, so i believe it's encouraged to find ways to create a solution for yourself with the abundance of resources online.

is this part wrong? return(dt[order(state, get(outcome), hospital name ) , head(.SD, num) , by = state , .SDcols = c("hospital name")])

I can't seem to get the right answers with this part. Anyone has a revision of this part of the code?


siyangni commented Nov 26, 2020 • edited

This course is just designed to make me feel bad. I was in the honor's college while I was a senior, now I am getting my master in sociology. Throughout my academic career so far I've never Googled anyone else's assignment. And this course makes me do this for every assignment!!!!!! By the way, I have a decent knowledge of programming where I gain from learning Python. I thought this class would be easy for me (after quickly going through the lecture videos), yet from the first assignment I began to scratch my head for an answer.

Guess what? the following courses for this specialization are just no better. At first sight I thought the instructors may have problems with their pedagogy. After going through several courses of JHU's Data Science Specialization, I highly doubt it's not just pedagogy, it is their attitude. There is no way the three instructors who should be incredibly smart people cannot find the embarrassingly obvious large gap between the course material and the assignments/quizzes in every one of their courses. And they rush through every course in this specialization. I paid for those courses though! I really want to file a complaint on Coursera.


amingraphy commented Nov 28, 2020

I agree the course it useless. Instead I started learning by reading a time-consuming textbook, called "discovering statistics using R". I even think the material provided by Roger Peng are not all in the same basic level. He doesn't teach basic tools of R, but then he jumps to using multi-core computation on your computer to speed up the calculation! It is just ridiculous


DanEscasa commented Dec 30, 2020 • edited

Thanks for the hard work. I chose not to shorten the unwieldingly long column names, just used switch :

outcome <- switch(outcome, "heart attack" = "Hospital.30.Day.Death..Mortality..Rates.from.Heart.Attack", "heart failure" = "Hospital.30.Day.Death..Mortality..Rates.from.Heart.Failure", "pneumonia" = "Hospital.30.Day.Death..Mortality..Rates.from.Pneumonia", NULL) if (is.null(outcome)) { stop(" : invalid outcome") }

<rant> Isn't there a way to preserve the indentation in a code block? </rant>

As to Roger Peng's teaching, I was looking for a functional programming-oriented approach. He still treats it like a procedural language. I should write up something on that in codementor.io


charlenelch13 commented Jan 3, 2021

Thank you so much for the sharing!! It is sooo helpful! I had zero knowledge about programming before taking this course. I feel frustrated about learning the logics from the course materials. They are so vague and not supported by daily examples. I don't know how they can assume students to know how to finish the assignments... Thank you for guiding me!!


EmilieWaite18 commented Mar 23, 2021

I have never been so frustrated by anything. I have had to look up every single answer to these assignments.


anaidcandido commented Jun 1, 2021

Many thanks for sharing!! I also thought I was the only one struggling with the course but I'm "glad" to see is the course itself. Now I am able to analyze and compare what I was doing. Thanks a lot!


yeho-bt commented Jun 13, 2021

Hmmmm, I am not alone feeling like this.


jdpm93 commented Oct 5, 2021

I have the same problem, the gap between the lessons, swirl, and the assigments is horrible and frustrating. some excercises require the use of things never covered in the videos or swirl, I see that many have sent feedback but they are not taking action on this, also the video lessons need to be updated it's 2021 and the videos were recorded in 2015. this is insane. Thank you for sharing.


codobene commented Dec 16, 2021

truth is, the world is not meant for everyone to be kept alive - it just needs the upper 10% of people that manage this course well. Same is true for jobs in general, stock market, etc etc get it quickly, or work overtime to compensate for your idiocy, or become social darvinism's fish food.

i blindly copy code that I find here, fail to reproduce anything, and take drugs. good night. good luck!


Juanvelz commented Mar 24, 2022

These people should learn how to teach before offering a course. On the other hand, they know very well how to discourage students.


emakello commented Mar 27, 2022

The essence of taking an online course is to learn skills that can help you in your career or academics. While the courses are stimulating, it makes no sense to bring assignments that discourage rather than encourage learners. Some people like me had never coded before and I spend hours trying to do this thing without success. I wish there was someone who could teach coding from scratch without assuming any prior knowledge.


cfsobral commented Jan 22, 2023

Thank you for help. I believe that the course already expects us to look for solutions like this one from mGalarnyk, otherwise it would not make sense to pass on an assignment of this complexity for beginners to do, because many like me would get frustrated and give up the course, as I read in some comments made here. Thank you mGalarnyk


Doc-OmSa commented Apr 9, 2023

Thanks mGalarnyk. I have a feeling that this course is definitely not for beginners, unlikely for intermediates as well. The assignments are too advanced. I have been struggling to understand functions. I am a beginner having taken the Google Data Analutics course previously. This is too advanced. Would likely leave. Just wanted to ask if there are better courses more suitable for someone who is a beginner and going to intermediate level? An other platform?


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Programming Assignment: Mapping key-values to Dictionary data structures Solution

Programming Assignment Mapping key-values to Dictionary data structures Solution

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course: Programming in Python by Meta Week 3 | Programming Assignment: Mapping key-values to Dictionary data structures Solution with you..

Programming Assignment: Mapping key-values to Dictionary data structures


So far you have learned that Python has different techniques to modify a given iterator sequence such as list or dictionary using comprehensions, map() function and so on. Now you will be utilising what you have learned. Let’s say you have a list of employee data for the Little Lemon company. You want to create login accounts for the employees and you will create usernames for these employees in the first example.

You also want to update the roster for these employees on the calendar and want easy access to their initials and employee IDs, as they are all unique. To get that, in the second example, you will create a dictionary with the required information.


  • Step 1: Open the comprehensions.py file
  • Step 2: Implement the to_mod_list() function by using the map() function to apply mod() to all elements within employee_list. Assign the result of it to a new variable called map_emp. Convert map_emp to a list and return it.

The mod() function returns a string value for example such as “Lisa_Cold Storage” from the dictionary passed to it.

  • Step 3: At this point you should have a list of the values such as: “Lisa_Cold Storage” mentioned above. But that is no good for a username with the whitespace present in it. Implement the generate_usernames() method by using list comprehension and the replace() over mod_list to replace all spaces (” “) with underscores (“_”). Return the resulting list.
  • Step 4: We want to create a dictionary that stores employees’ first initials and IDs. Implement map_id_to_initial() by using dictionary comprehension over the employee_list to create a dictionary where each key is the first letter of an employee’s name and the value is the employee’s ID.
  • Step 5: Run the script by opening the terminal and executing the command
  • python3 comprehensions.py

Copy and paste this code..


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Greetings, Hey i am Niyander, and I hail from India, we strive to impart knowledge and offer assistance to those in need.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Learn to program: the fundamentals - assignment 3, no printing, a3 problem domain: word search game, terminology in this handout.

  • A board is a list of list of str , such as [['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']] .
  • A words list is a list of str such as ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO']
  • is_valid_word : checks whether a word that player guessed is in the words list.
  • make_str_from_row : creates a string from the list of single character strings representing a row. Hint: look at how this is used by board_contains_word_in_row .
  • make_str_from_column : creates a string from the list of single character strings representing a column. Hint: this may be helpful for board_contains_word_in_column .
  • board_contains_word_in_row : checks whether a word occurs in any of the rows of the board. This function has been implemented in the starter code.
  • board_contains_word_in_column : checks whether a word occurs in any of the columns of the board. Hint: see board_contains_word_in_row .
  • board_contains_word : checks whether a word occurs in any of the rows or columns of the board.
  • word_score : calculates the score that a correctly guessed word earns. A word that is only 1 or 2 letters long earns 0 points, a word that is 3-6 letters long earns 1 point per letter, a word that is 7-9 letters long earns 2 points per letter, and a word that is 10 or more letters long earns 3 points per letter.
  • update_score : adds the score that a correctly guessed word earns to a player's score.
  • num_words_on_board : counts how many words from the words list appear on a particular board.
  • read_words : creates a words list made up of the words from a file. Hint: to test this function, you should open a file such as wordslist1.txt and pass the open file as an argument to this function. 
  • read_board : creates a board made up of the rows of letters from a file. Hint: to test this function, you should open a file such as board1.txt and pass the open file as an argument to this function. 

coursera week 3 programming assignment

Assignment 3.3 | Week-5 | Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) By Coursera

Assignment 3.3 | Week-5 | Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) By Coursera

Coursera Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) Week 5  Assignment 3.3 

 Question:    3.3  Write a program to prompt for a score between 0.0 and 1.0. If the score is out of range, print an error. If the score is between 0.0 and 1.0, print a grade using the following table:

Score Grade

>= 0.9 A

>= 0.8 B

>= 0.7 C

>= 0.6 D

If the user enters a value out of range, print a suitable error message and exit. For the test, enter a score of 0.85.

Assignment 3.3 | Week-5 | Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) By Coursera

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    The above questions are from " Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) " You can discover all the refreshed questions and answers related to this on the " Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) By Coursera " page. If you find the updated questions or answers, do comment on this page and let us know. We will update the answers as soon as possible.