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  • HTML Lab Assignments

HTML Assignment and HTML Examples for Practice

Text formatting, working with image, working with link.

This is an old version of the class. Please see the 2021 version instead.

Homework 1: Html, CSS, and JavaScript

Assigned: 9/1/2020; due 9/10/2020 at 1:30pm et.

In this first assignment, you will create a tiny part of a web site. The key focus is on using html and CSS, and on dynamically building a web page using JavaScript based on a data structure. The content of the page is derived from a database, which here is just a variable in memory, but which in homework 6 will be replaced by getting the data from a real remote database, as if it was a real product list. You are not allowed to use any JavaScript packages (that is, you cannot use React, Bootstrap, jQuery, Vue, or any other library) - everything should be built "from scratch" using regular JavaScript that you write. To give you an idea of the scope of this homework, In the TA's example version , this assignment requires writing about 240 lines of JavaScript in main.js, 330 lines of CSS in styles.css, and about 225 lines of html across 4 html files.

We are calling the web site " Scotty Shirts U Illustrate (SSUI) ", and we have supplied a design for you to emulate. Therefore, this assignment does not involve designing the look of the web page, you just need to implement the design we give you. Imagine you are the software engineer at a company tasked with carrying out the design provided by the UX department. You should use appropriate, well designed, html, CSS, and JavaScript so the site renders correctly on the Chrome browser on a regular desktop computer, and the code is easy to understand and maintain.

The web site will have 4 html pages, 1 JavaScript file, 1 style file, and one database file (which is actually also a JavaScript file). You will write all of these files except the database file .  We will supply you with starter code for these files, and also with a collection of images (pictures) that you can use on the pages. You will download the file which will contain the following starter files:

  • - contains all the starter files and images. Download this file to get started.
  • index.html - the main, home page, which has links to the other pages and a few other messages and pictures.
  • products.html - the products list page. The main content on the page will be generated by JavaScript code that you write based on the database. There will be general menus on the header and footer of the products page, like to go back to the home page, and each product will link to a details page.
  • details.html - a page that shows the details of a selected product. The main content will be generated from the same database.
  • not_implemented.html - a static "not implemented yet" page, to be used for all the pages of the web site we are not implementing. Having links to this page makes the other pages look more realistic.
  • style.css - a file where you will put all the CSS for the website.
  • main.js - put all your JavaScript into this file.
  • shirts.js - a database of shirts to display on the products page. When we grade your website, we will use a different list with the same format, so you should make sure that your program works with database files with different values for the fields, different number of products (more or fewer shirts, more or fewer colors for each shirt), and with products that have various fields with missing data (like missing price, missing picture, etc.). You should make multiple versions of this file as your tests, and turn them in.
  • shirt_images/ - a folder of the images for the shirts that are mentioned in the database.
  • site_images/ - some other images you might use for the other pages, like the logo.png, the banner on the home page (home.png) and the scotty.png you can use for the not_implemented.html page.

In addition, we have supplied the following for your reference, in the examples folder of the zip file :

  • HW1-example.mp4 - a movie (3:44 min) showing how the homework should look and behave.
  • HW1-index.png - a picture of what the first page might look like.
  • HW1-products.png - a picture of what the products page might look like.
  • HW1-products-quickview.png - a picture of the optional (extra credit) Quick View at the bottom of the products page, for the second shirt.
  • HW1-details.png - a picture of what the detail page might look like. Note the cursor is hovering over the "Blue" button and its text color has changed to white from the defailt which is black .
  • HW1-not_implemented.png - a picture of the example page for all the links which are not yet implemented.

example index page

Detailed Requirements

We expect your design to look generally like the example screen shots and movie, but you do not need to be pixel-perfect. For example, it is not necessary to try to match the exact fonts, sizes, colors or spacing -- just make your site look nice. Spending extra time on the design of the look will not count for extra credit.

The styling should be generally defined by the CSS file, and not in the html file. Specifically, there should be no styling information in the html file, and the dynamicly generated content should also reference classes in the CSS file, when useful. ( Hint: but the colored buttons on the details page will need to be generated by your code based on the colors from the shirts.js file).

All of the JavaScript should be collected into the main.js file for all of the web pages.

As should be apparent from the movie and screen shots, here are the required behaviors:

  • Every page should contain a header containing the logo, the company name: Scotty Shirts U Illustrate (SSUI), and a top navigation menu containing T-SHIRTS, HOODIES, CREATE YOUR OWN, ABOUT US, and YOUR ACCOUNT. The logo should link to the index (home) page, T_SHIRTS should link to the products page, and all of the other links should go to the not_implemented page. These should all be defined in the html of each page (with the styling in the CSS file). (By the way, yYou will be creating the page for "CREATE YOUR OWN" in homeworks 2 and 3).
  • Similarly, every page should have a footer containing Contact Us, Site Map, Privacy Policy, Careers, Reviews, and an optional "Designed by <yourname> ". All of these should link to the not_implemented page (except the "Designed...").
  • All clickable elements should indicate they are clickable with some kind of hover behavior. For example, the top menu items in the example display a red bottom border, and all the other buttons change the text color on hover.
  • index (main) page: The center of the index page should contain the home.png image and two text boxes with amusing content.
  • products page: Besides the header and footer information, the rest of the content of this page should be generated from the data in the shirts.js file. You should iterate through that list, and create an entry for each item. The entry on the products page should list at least the main picture, the name, how many colors it is available in, and a button to see the details. Clicking on that button or on the picture should take the user to the details page. (The "Quick View" button is optional extra credit - see below.) Note that the layout of the entries should work for any number of shirts, from 1 up to say 20 shirts and any reasonable laptop window width. ( Hint: make different versions of the shirts.js file that have different numbers of entries, and make sure your products page still works.) However, it is not necessary for this page (or any other) page to be "responsive" (like changing the size or content of the entries based on the window width) - that is extra credit.
  • Hint: you need to transfer the information about which product was selected from the code on the products.html to the details.html page, so the details page knows which item in the data to display. Each html page defines its own JavaScript address space, so you can't just use a global variable. The standard options are to use the localStorage JavaScript feature ( setItem in the code on the products page, and getItem on the details page), as explained in lecture. Alternatively, you can pass the parameter in the URL that invokes the details page.
  • not-implemented page should alert the user that the page isn't implemented yet. It does not need to have any header, footer or links. The user can get off this page using the browser's back button.

Extra Credit

  • As shown in the example, you can add a " Quick View " link to each shirt on the products page, that shows some of the information avaialble on the details page. This can be shown at the bottom as in the example, or as a popup. The user should be able to close the Quick View (the "Close" button in the example; if you use a popup, it should also have an "X" to close it), and it should also link to the details page (clicking on the picture in the example Quick View). [Up to +5 extra credit, out of 100]
  • You can make your pages be responsive . This means that as the width decreases, the page rearranges. For example, at the width for a phone, you should change the header and foot menus into using the "hamburger icon", like the class web page does ( hint : the class web page uses bootstrap to do this, but you are not allowed to use any libraries, so you will have to code this directly using a @media entry in the css file). You might also change how the products page is layed out. [Up to +5 extra credit, out of 100]

In addition to your code, you need to have a README file, which can be in plain text, Microsoft Word, pdf, or .md format, which should contain:

  • a description of your testing, including describing any extra shirts.js files you turn in.
  • any extra credit work you did.
  • anything else of interest in your design or implementation.

To submit this assignment, you will host your code in a private Github repository, post it to a public link using Netlify , and submit this link to Canvas. The following sections will walk you through the process of doing this.

Setting Up Your Github Repo

(See pictures below. Click on a picture for a larger view.)

  • Go to Github and Sign In/Sign Up.
  • On the left side bar, click the "new" button next to "repositories".
  • Name your repository "SSUI-homeworks", set it's visibility to private , and add a README file (this will be the README file mentioned at the beginning of this section).
  • Click the settings button for the repository, then from there click "Manage access" on the left navigation bar, and click "Invite a Collaborator". Add the following usernames: bradamyers, cemery1, lxieyang . ( Hint : you need to add each of us separately, and you need to click twice - once to confirm who it is, and a second time to actually add us.)
  • We recommend downloading Github Desktop to easily edit your code locally and commit changes to Github. Once downloaded and connected to your account, from your "SSUI-homeworks" repository click the "Code" button and "Open with Github Desktop" and follow the instructions to create a local copy of the repo on your computer.
  • Copy the starter code into your local folder ( note: do not copy the folder itself , copy only the contents, so the html files are at the top level of the repository). As you build your site, commit your changes using Github Desktop.

github step 1: make a new repo

Hosting Your Site on Netlify

  • Once you finish your site, go to Netlify . (You can also start doing this much earlier as a way to test your site if you want.)
  • Log in to Netlify using your Github account. ( Hint : use the Log in button on the first page even if you haven't used Netlify before. Then use the black GitHub button. Then "Authorize netlify" when asked.)
  • Click on "New Site from Git", select "Github" under "Continuous Deployment" and allow access to your Github account (again). You may be prompted to install Netlify.
  • Search for your repository name, and click on it. Then click "Deploy Site".
  • Find your site's URL, and submit this to Canvas by the deadline.

github step 1: make a new repo

Turning In to Canvas

Turn in the following things to Canvas by 9/10/2020 at 1:30pm ET:

  • Your site's URL
  • The link to your Github Repo

We will also check the timestamp of your last Github commit to ensure this was completed on time.

CS255: Introduction to Cryptography

Homework #1:   many time pad.

Code-1 Exercises

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Basics of HTML and CSS (homework)


Folders and files.

  • HTML 100.0%

HTML Tutorial

Html graphics, html examples, html references.

Links are found in nearly all web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page.

HTML Links - Hyperlinks

HTML links are hyperlinks.

You can click on a link and jump to another document.

When you move the mouse over a link, the mouse arrow will turn into a little hand.

Note: A link does not have to be text. A link can be an image or any other HTML element!

HTML Links - Syntax

The HTML <a> tag defines a hyperlink. It has the following syntax:

The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination.

The link text is the part that will be visible to the reader.

Clicking on the link text, will send the reader to the specified URL address.

This example shows how to create a link to

By default, links will appear as follows in all browsers:

  • An unvisited link is underlined and blue
  • A visited link is underlined and purple
  • An active link is underlined and red

Tip: Links can of course be styled with CSS, to get another look!

HTML Links - The target Attribute

By default, the linked page will be displayed in the current browser window. To change this, you must specify another target for the link.

The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document.

The target attribute can have one of the following values:

  • _self - Default. Opens the document in the same window/tab as it was clicked
  • _blank - Opens the document in a new window or tab
  • _parent - Opens the document in the parent frame
  • _top - Opens the document in the full body of the window

Use target="_blank" to open the linked document in a new browser window or tab:

Absolute URLs vs. Relative URLs

Both examples above are using an absolute URL (a full web address) in the href attribute.

A local link (a link to a page within the same website) is specified with a relative URL (without the "https://www" part):


HTML Links - Use an Image as a Link

To use an image as a link, just put the <img> tag inside the <a> tag:

Link to an Email Address

Use mailto: inside the href attribute to create a link that opens the user's email program (to let them send a new email):

Button as a Link

To use an HTML button as a link, you have to add some JavaScript code.

JavaScript allows you to specify what happens at certain events, such as a click of a button:

Tip: Learn more about JavaScript in our JavaScript Tutorial .

Link Titles

The title attribute specifies extra information about an element. The information is most often shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element.

More on Absolute URLs and Relative URLs

Use a full URL to link to a web page: 

Try it Yourself »

Link to a page located in the html folder on the current web site: 

Link to a page located in the same folder as the current page: 

You can read more about file paths in the chapter HTML File Paths .

Chapter Summary

  • Use the <a> element to define a link
  • Use the href attribute to define the link address
  • Use the target attribute to define where to open the linked document
  • Use the <img> element (inside <a> ) to use an image as a link
  • Use the mailto: scheme inside the href attribute to create a link that opens the user's email program

HTML Link Tags

For a complete list of all available HTML tags, visit our HTML Tag Reference .

HTML Exercises

Test yourself with exercises.

Use the correct HTML to make the text below into a link to "default.html".

Start the Exercise

Video: HTML Links




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Homework for UCLA Computer Science 131, spring 2024

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Submit your homeworks electronically on Bruin Learn .

You are expected to do your homeworks by yourself. You can share ideas and discuss general principles with others in the class, but all the code that you submit must be your own work; do not share your homework code with others, and do not look for previous solutions by using a search engine or visiting sites like GitHub. Please see Grading for more details. Consult a TA or the instructor if you have any questions about this policy.

Your programs must behave robustly . Among other things, this means they must avoid arbitrary limits on the length or number of any data structure, including symbols, strings, and line length. It is OK to impose a non-arbitrary limit, e.g., because your computer runs out of memory or because of the limited range of the Java int type, but it is not OK to impose an arbitrary limit, e.g., a limit of at most 255 characters in a symbol.

Please stick to coding styles used in the course material rather than inventing your own style, as this saves work for the grader.

Assignments are due by 23:55 on the specified date (i.e., five minutes before midnight).

Assignments and the schedule are tentative and may be adjusted as the quarter progresses.

The midterm is scheduled for Thursday, 2024-05-02, in lecture.

The final exam is scheduled as per the registrar.

Please see the grading policy for how assignments are treated when late.

The factorial of a positive number N is defined as the product 1*2*3*...*N.

For example, factorial of 5 is 1*2*3*4*5 = 120, and factorial of 10 is 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10 = 3628800

Q1: Write a program to compute the factorial of a number using for-loops.

Example output

  • You will accept a number N as a command line argument
  • Your program will print the factorial of N as output
  • You do NOT need to handle bad input (i.e. negative numbers, non-integer arguments etc.)

Q2: Now write the same program without using loops (hint: use recursion)

The fibonacci sequence is a sequence that beings with 1, 1, and continues such that each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The sequence goes as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...

Q3: Write a program to compute the N-th fibonacci number.

  • Your program will print the N -th Fibonacci number as output

Q4: Now write the same program without using loops (hint: use recursion)

Submission Instructions

Homeworks will be individual work, however, you may consult with your peers.

Create your workspace as shown on the Get Started page.

Save your homework submission under the names fact.c , fact2.c , fib.c , fib2.c under your cs113 directory.

  • See how to Write Your First C Program for hints on how to read command line arguments, convert them into integers, and print to the screen.
  • Use the atoi function to convert a string argument to an integer.
  • Use the printf function to print to the screen
  • If that doesn't work, log into the machine from another SSH window and run killall fact (replace fact with the name of your program)
  • If even that doesn't work, email [email protected]

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Homework 1: Welcome to Python

Due : Part I due at 11pm on Wednesday, January 9 (nothing to turn in). Due : Part II due at 11pm on Friday, January 11. Submit via this turnin page.

This assignment will familiarize you with the Python programming language and the IDLE editor, which you will use throughout the quarter.

Python is an easy-to-use but powerful programming language that is particularly well-suited to quickly creating small programs.

IDLE is more than just an editor; it is a simple but powerful IDE, or "integrated development environment", which lets you edit, run, navigate, and debug Python code.

Part I: Get started with Python

Follow the CSE 140 instructions for installing Python . Do this even if you already have a version of Python installed on your computer — for CSE 140, you will want a specific Python installation, namely Enthought Python Distribution.

Read (and follow along with!) a short tutorial for IDLE . (You could also try another short tutorial for IDLE , but that is optional.)

Optionally, follow the first parts of a Python tutorial .

There is nothing to turn in for Part I of the assignment.

Part II: Programming exercises

Download the file .

For problems in this homework, you will edit your local copy of the file. You may do your work by editing and running (we recommend this approach), or by typing code at the Python interpreter and copying it into the appropriate part of when you are satisfied with it. When you have completed this homework, running the file should compute and print the answers to all the problems.

Don't forget to include documentation (source code comments, on a line starting with # ) as appropriate in file .

Problem 1: Roots

Compute the larger root of the quadratic equation 13 x 2 +78x-5083.

Compute and print both roots of the quadratic equation x 2 -5.86 x+ 8.5408.

Hint: recall that the roots of a quadratic equation ax 2 +bx+c are x=

Hint: use the math.sqrt function to compute the square root. (If you are using the Python interpreter, you need to first do import math . This already appears in the file that you will be editing, so everything is already set up for you if you are working within that file.)

Problem 2: Reciprocals

Use a for loop to print the decimal representations of 1/2, 1/3, ..., 1/10, one on each line.

Problem 3: Triangular numbers

Use a for loop to compute the 10th triangular number. The n th triangular number is defined as 1+2+3+...+ n . (You can also compute the n th triangular number as n *( n +1)/2. Use this formula to double-check that your loop is correct.)

Hint: This outline is an almost-complete solution. You only have to replace each ellipsis by an expression.

Your solution must not mention the number 10, except in the n = 10 line. Your solution can use n , but not 10 . In other words, your code (after the n = 10 line) should work for any value of n .

Bigger hint: First, write your solution as an explicit sum:

Then, convert that formula into an initialization statement and 10 sums.

Finally, convert the 10 lines of code into a for loop.

Problem 4: Factorial

Use a for loop to compute 10!, the factorial of 10. Recall that the factorial of n is 1*2*3*...*n.

The first line of your solution will be n = 10 . After that, your solution should not use 10 again, though your solution will use n . In other words, your code (after the n = 10 line) should work for any value of n .

Hint: Your answer will be similar to your answer to "Problem 3: Triangular numbers".

Problem 5: Multiple factorials

Write code to print the first 10 factorials, in reverse order. In other words, write code that prints 10!, then prints 9!, then prints 8!, ..., then prints 1!. Its literal output will be:

The first line of your solution should assign a variable numlines to 10 , and then the rest of your solution must not use 10 anywhere.

Hint: Use two nested for loops. The outer loop sets the value of n to the values numlines , numlines-1 , numlines-2 , ..., 1 , in succession. Then, the body of that loop is itself a loop — exactly your solution to "Problem 4: Factorial" , without the first line n = 10 that hard-codes the value of n .

Problem 6: Sums of reciprocals of factorials

Compute the following value:   1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! + ... + 1/10! The value should be close to e (≈ 2.71828), the base of the natural logarithms.

Hint: The easiest way to solve this is with two nested for loops. It is possible, but tricky, to compute this using only one for loop. That is not necessary for this assignment.

Hint: Copy your solution to "Problem 5: Multiple factorials", then modify it. Rather than printing the factorials, you will add their reciprocals to a running total, then print that total at the end.

Hint: don't try to work the very first "1 +" into your loop; do it outside the loops (either at the very beginning or the very end of the outer loop).

Submit your work

You are almost done!

Double-check that running your entire file produces output for each problem in the assignment, and that you have commented out any extraneous output (which you may have used for debugging, for example).

At the bottom of your file, state which students or other people (besides the course staff) helped you with the assignment, or that no one did.

At the bottom of your file, in the "Reflection" part, reflect on this assignment. What did you learn from this assignment? What do you wish you had known before you started? What would you do differently? What advice would you offer to future students?

Submit the following files via this turnin page.

Answer a survey about how much time you spent on this assignment.


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    2024-05-24. Homework 5 (Scheme) 2024-06-03. Homework 6 (Rust) 2024-06-05. Project (Python) - no late submissions after 2024-06-07. The midterm is scheduled for Thursday, 2024-05-02, in lecture. The final exam is scheduled as per the registrar. Please see the grading policy for how assignments are treated when late.

  21. Homework 1

    Homework 1. From CS113. Contents. 1 Factorial; 2 Fibonacci; 3 Submission Instructions; 4 Hints . Factorial . The factorial of a positive number N is defined as the product 1*2*3*...*N. For example, factorial of 5 is 1*2*3*4*5 = 120, and factorial of 10 is 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10 = 3628800 Q1: Write a program to compute the factorial of a number ...

  22. Homework 1: Welcome to Python

    Homework 1: Welcome to Python. Homework 1: Welcome to Python. Due: Part I due at 11pm on Wednesday, January 9 (nothing to turn in). Due: Part II due at 11pm on Friday, January 11. Submit via this turnin page. This assignment will familiarize you with the Python programming language and the IDLE editor, which you will use throughout the quarter.


    Prealgebra. Download Book (PDF) Download TOC (PDF) Prealgebra is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for a one-semester prealgebra or basic math course.The book's organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles.