Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Plan: 5 Examples

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Plan

Table of Contents

What is a marketing communications strategy, what is a marketing communication channel, 5 steps to create an integrated marketing communication strategy from idea to implementation.

  • Defining Objectives and Target Audience
  • Selecting Communication Channels
  • Crafting Consistent Messaging
  • Implementation and Evaluation
  • Refinement and Adaptation

Marketing Communication Strategies Examples

Advertising in integrated marketing communication strategy, direct marketing communication strategy in imc, importance of marketing communication strategy, conclusions.

In today’s hyper-connected world, a robust marketing communication strategy is paramount for any brand aiming to cut through the noise and reach its audience effectively. One of the most powerful approaches in this realm is Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Let’s delve into this strategy and explore its importance, examples, and the steps to create a winning IMC plan.

At its core, a marketing communications strategy is the blueprint that defines how a company will effectively communicate its messages to its target audience. It integrates various marketing channels to convey a cohesive brand message.

“A marketing communication strategy defines how a company communicates its messages. Channels, like TV or social media, deliver these messages.”

imc company ka business plan

A marketing communication channel refers to the specific mediums or avenues through which a company delivers its messages to its audience. These channels can be diverse, encompassing both traditional and digital platforms. Traditional channels include print media, television, radio, and direct mail, while digital channels comprise websites, social media platforms, email, mobile apps, and search engines.

Crafting a robust channel of communication within a marketing strategy involves a meticulous selection process. It’s imperative to identify the most effective channels that resonate with the target demographic. A channel that works wonders for one brand might not yield the same results for another. Hence, understanding audience preferences, behaviors, and consumption patterns is crucial in channel selection.

A well-thought-out communication marketing strategy carefully selects and optimizes these channels to ensure the message reaches the right audience at the right time. The strategy might involve a blend of various channels, creating an omnichannel experience for the audience, thereby enhancing brand visibility and engagement.

Moreover, an effective communication marketing strategy doesn’t merely focus on the selection of channels but also emphasizes the synchronization and consistency of messaging across these channels. Consistency in brand voice, tone, and message across various communication channels reinforces brand identity and fosters trust among consumers.

By leveraging an appropriate mix of communication channels and aligning them within a cohesive strategy, businesses can effectively engage with their audience, amplify brand messages, and drive desired actions, ultimately contributing to their overall marketing objectives.

imc company ka business plan

  • Defining Objectives and Target Audience : Understand the marketing communication strategy goals and the audience to tailor messages effectively.
  • Selecting Communication Channels : Choose the mix of channels that align with the audience’s preferences.
  • Crafting Consistent Messaging : Ensure the message remains cohesive across all selected channels.
  • Implementation and Evaluation : Execute the plan and continuously assess its effectiveness to make necessary adjustments.
  • Refinement and Adaptation: Stay agile and adapt the strategy based on insights gained through evaluation.

Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy combines various strategies for all marketing communication channels with IMC tactics into an omnichannel comprehensive marketing plan.</з>

The five main components of Marketing Communication include: advertising to deliver mass media communication ad messages, direct marketing for individual personalized communications, public relations (PR) for brand communications and relationships with community, online digital marketing, and offline traditional media marketing communications. Each of these components is an independent marketing strategy and a part of the overall marketing strategy. Here are these top 5 marketing communication strategy examples.</з>

Traditional and digital yet impactful, advertising remains a cornerstone of IMC. It involves strategically placing messages through various mediums to reach the intended audience. Advertising campaigns are paid media buying. Ad is a message or message sequence shown to many peaple many times at a specific time and place. Advertising strategy includes defining target audience, choosing media placement, calculating budgets and media reach, creating ad copy, launching ad campaigns, and analyzing results, and adjusting strategy. </з>

  • Advertising Communication Strategy Examples
  • Goal: Increase sales of retail products, new cellphone models.
  • Online Advertising Strategy Plan Example
  • Target Audience: people who are interested in buying a new smartphone online.
  • Digital Channel: Online ads on Instagram and Facebook 
  • Placement: NewsFeed Post and Stories
  • Budget: $1000
  • Potential Reach: 100,000 
  • Interaction Clicks: 1000
  • Message: Text + Image + Link 
  • Traditional Advertising Strategy Plan Example
  • Target Audience: people who are interested in tech and smartphones.
  • Traditional Channel: Print ad in Tech Magazine
  • Placement: Half Page
  • Potential Reach: 50,000 
  • Customer Interactions: undefined
  • Message: Text + Image 

Direct marketing involves personalized communication with potential customers, utilizing channels like personal conversations, direct sales, phone calls, emails, text messages, or targeted QR codes. Direct marketing is also known as

One-to-One Marketing or Real-Time Marketing

communications. Utilizing tools like ClearLine apps can streamline and enhance this process, ensuring seamless communication with the audience, delivering instant measurable results for any direct to consumer business.

  • Direct Marketing Strategy Example
  • Target Audience: store visitors who are interested in buying a new smartphone.
  • Channel: ClearLine marketing apps
  • Placement: text messages, SMS, email, QR codes. 
  • Budget: $79
  • Customer Interactions: 1000

imc company ka business plan

Public Relations Content Marketing and Global PR Campaigns

Public relations focus on managing the brand’s image and reputation. Content marketing and global PR campaigns play a crucial role in shaping consumer perception.

  • Public Relations Strategy Example
  • Blog posts and social media marketing
  • Press Release for news media
  • Media production and video content
  • Brand marketing campaigns
  • Social listening
  • Influencer Marketing
  • User Generated Content 
  • Events and Sponsorships
  • Partnerships and collaborations
  • Community Outreach and Supporting Programs
  • Investors relations
  • Government relations

Digital Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

In the digital age, this strategy leverages online platforms and technologies to connect with audiences, utilizing social media, websites, and targeted digital ads. Digital marketing communication strategy includes Advertising, Direct marketing, and Public relations campaigns using digital media.

Digital Marketing Communication Strategy Example

  • Online Advertising, pay per click (PPC)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Paid Social Media
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • SMS Marketing
  • QR Code Marketing

Traditional Marketing Communication Channel

Despite the digital surge, traditional methods like TV, radio, and print ads still hold sway in reaching specific demographics effectively. Traditional marketing communication strategy includes Advertising, Direct marketing, and Public relations campaigns using traditional media.

  • Out of Home Advertising (OOH). Billboards, transport ads, and signage in high-traffic areas. 
  • Digital Out-of-Home Advertising (DOOH). Digital Signature, digital billboards, transport screen ads, kiosk ads.
  • Print ads: magazines, journals, fliers.
  • Broadcast marketing: TV ads, Radio ads.

A robust marketing communication strategy is vital for businesses to convey their message clearly, consistently, and effectively. Understanding the marketing communication mix is crucial. A balanced combination of advertising, direct marketing, PR, digital marketing, and traditional media ensures a comprehensive approach.

In a dynamic marketing landscape, an Integrated Marketing Communication strategy is the linchpin for brands aiming to resonate with their audience. By embracing diverse channels, crafting compelling messages, and adapting to changing trends, businesses can carve a path towards sustained success.

imc company ka business plan


IMC Company क्या है? रियल या फेक बिज़नेस?

IMC Company Details in Hindi: आज के इस लेख में IMC Company की बात करने वाले है, जिसे IMC Business या IMC के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।  IMC Shree Tulsi इनका प्रचलित उत्पाद है, जिसका विज्ञापन शायद आपने टीवी पर भी देखा होगा।

IMC बीते कुछ सालों से अपना विस्तार कर रही है और हेल्थ से जुड़े बहुत से वादे करती आ रही है। इस लेख में IMC से जुड़े कुछ प्रमुख सवालों के जवाब मिलेंगे,।

IMC Business क्या है?

आईएमसी को IMC बिज़नेस के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, वही IMC की फुलफॉर्म “ International Marketing Corporation” है।

IMC की शुरुआत 2007 में हुई थी, जिसमे अशोक भाटिया इसके चेयरमैन और सत्यन भाटिया मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर है। IMC का मुख्य ऑफिस लुधियाना, पंजाब में है। 

imc company ka business plan

IMC एक MLM ( डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी ) है, जो हेल्थ, पर्सनल व होम केअर प्रॉडक्ट पर आधारित है। IMC IDSA (Indian Direct Selling Association) की एक मेम्बर कंपनी भी है

IMC Company Profile

Imc business plan.

IMC के बिज़नेस प्लान की बात करे, तो इससे कोई भी व्यक्ति बतौर डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर/डायरेक्ट सेलर जुड़ सकता है। जिसे यहाँ Associates भी कहा गया है। 

प्रत्येक डायरेक्ट सेलर को 2 मुख्य काम करने होते है।

  • कंपनी के प्रॉडक्ट की ख़रीदकर आगे बेचना होता है।
  • अपने नेटवर्क में नए लोगो को जोड़ना होता है। 

IMC से कैसे जूड़े?

IMC से कैसे जुड़े? तो IMC से बतौर डायरेक्ट सेलर जुड़ने के लिए, दो तरीके है।

पहला ऑफलाइन जिसमे आपको किसी भी IMC के डायरेक्ट सेलर के पास जाना है और उन्हें जरूरी जानकारी देनी है। दूसरा तरीका ऑनलाइन है, जहाँ आपको IMC की ऑफिसियल साइट पर जाकर रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म भरना है।

IMC से जुड़ने के लिए आपको

  • पासपोर्ट साइज अपनी फ़ोटो
  • और बैंक अकॉउंट डिटेल देनी है।

जुडने के बाद IMC से पहली प्रॉडक्ट खरीद कर सकते है।

IMC से जुड़े सभी डायरेक्ट सेलर को योग्यता अनुसार एक लेवल दिया जाता है। IMC में कुल 16 Associate लेवल है और हर लेवल को हासिल करने की कुछ शर्ते है।

  • Star 1 Associate
  • Star 2 Associate
  • Star 3 Associate
  • Star 4 Associate
  • Silver Star Associate
  • Gold Star Associate
  • Ruby Star Associate
  • Diamond Star Associate
  • Chairman Star Associate
  • Ambassador Star Associate
  • Crown Ambassador Star Associate
  • President Star Associate
  • Crown President Star Associate
  • Senior Crown President Star Associate
  • Director Crown President Star Associate
  • Kohinoor Crown President Star Associate

IMC Products

प्रॉडक्ट अनुसार IMC एक वास्तविक व अच्छी डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी प्रतीत होती है।

इसकी प्रॉडक्ट लिस्ट काफी बड़ी है, जिससे डायरेक्ट सेलर के पास खरीददारी के ज्यादा विकल्प मौजूद होते है।

imc products

MRP के तहत, मार्केट की तुलना में IMC के प्रॉडक्ट थोड़े महंगे जरूर है, लेकिन डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर प्राइस में औसतन 10 से 30% डिस्काउंट जरूर देखने को मिलता है।

प्रॉडक्ट की क्वालिटी और कीमत अनुसार IMC अधिकतर भारत में मौजूद डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी से बेहतर जरूर है।

IMC की प्रॉडक्ट लिस्ट नीचे दी लिंक पर क्लिक करके देख सकते है।

  • IMC Product Price List

IMC Income Plan

IMC में अलग-अलग लेवल पर अलग-अलग इनकम प्रदान की जाती है। इसमें सभी फ़ंड को मिलाकर 17 इनकम है।

  • Retail Profit
  • Accumulative Performance Incentive
  • Leadership Bonus
  • Travelling Fund
  • Chairman Star Fund
  • Ambassador Star Fund
  • Crown Ambassador Star Fund
  • President Star Fund
  • Crown President Star Fund
  • Senior Crown President Star Fund
  • Director Crown President Star Fund 0.25%
  • Kohinoor Crown President Star Fund
  • Special Meeting Fund
  • Royal Annual Bonus

इन सभी इनकम को पाने के लिए कुछ शर्ते और लक्ष्य होते है, जिन्हें पूरा करना जरूरी होता है।

हर महीने इन फ़ंड को हासिल करने के लिए सभी शर्तो को हर महीने पूरा करना होता है।

उदाहरण , अगर कोई Director Crown President Star Fund पाना चाहता है, तो उसे हर महीने डाउनलाइन में 1.5 करोड़ BV की खरीद करवानी ही होगी। यानि कि डाउनलाइन में औसतन 2 से 3 करोड़ रुपये की प्रॉडक्ट खरीद प्रतिमाह लगातार 3 महीने करानी ही होगी और 2 लाख GBV सहित 13 सुपर स्टार डाउनलाइन वाली शर्त भी 3 महीने तक पूरी करनी होगी।

उसके बाद चौथे महीने से यह फ़ंड मिलता है और अगर 5 महीने शर्ते पूरी नहीं कर पाते है, तो यह फ़ंड बंद हो जाता है।

डायरेक्ट सेलिंग गाइडलाइन  के कारण अब IMC समेत किसी भी MLM कंपनी में जुडने की फीस नहीं देनी होती है। लेकिन इसके बदले आपको IMC के प्रॉडक्ट नियमित खरीदने होंगे।

IMC से जुडने के लिए आपके पास आधार-कार्ड होना चाहिए। अगर आप 18 वर्ष के कम उम्र के है, तो अभिभावक की जानकारी दे सकते है। इसके अलावा पेन-कार्ड और बैंक अकाउंट की जानकारी IMC को देनी होगी।

हाँ, IMC में आपको लोगों को जोड़ना होता है। लेकिन ऐसा जरूरी भी नहीं है, इसमें आप सिर्फ रीटेल प्रॉफ़िट भी कमा सकते है, सिर्फ IMC के प्रॉडक्ट MRP पर आगे बेचकर। लेकिन अगर आप MLM से अच्छी इनकम चाहते है, तो लोगों को जोड़ना बेहद जरूरी है।

नहीं, IMC एक प्रमाणित नेटवर्क मार्केटिंग कंपनी है, जो प्रॉडक्ट आधारित और पूरी तरह से लीगल कंपनी है, इसे पिरामिड स्कीम या पोंजी स्कीम फ्रॉड नहीं कह सकते है। लेकिन कई लीडर डायरेक्ट सेलिंग में फ्रॉड करते है, जो बड़ी कमाई के झुठे वादे करते है, तो उनसे दूर रहे।

हाँ, डायरेक्ट सेलिंग गाइडलाइन के अंतर्गत IMC के प्रॉडक्ट 30 दिन के अंदर वापस देकर कंपनी से पैसा रिफ़ंड पा सकते है। लेकिन IMC से खरीदे प्रॉडक्ट रिटर्न की अवस्था यानि पैक होने चाहिए।

IMC से कितना पैसा कमा सकते है, यह पूरी तरह से आप पर निर्भर करता है, कि आपकी टीम कितनी बड़ी और एक्टिव है। बाकी आमतौर पर IMC जैसी MLM कंपनी में सफल होने में 3 से 4 साल लगातार मेहनत करनी पड़ती है, उसके बाद ही अच्छी इनकम की संभावना रहती है। वही MLM में सफलता दर मात्र 0.4% है।

11 thoughts on “IMC Company क्या है? रियल या फेक बिज़नेस?”

Agar IMC company car product itna mahanga hai hi aur bahar ka itna sasta hai hi Tu kaun kharidega IMC product Jaise a IMC ka almond ayal aur aur bhej aaj ka almond oil 100 IMC ka almond oil 325 aur bajaj car 63 rupay ka almond oil Kitna fark hai isme is se Accha glaze trading India private limited hi iska product market se milta julta product hai

नमस्कार सर जी, वैसे तो आपने पूरे परिश्रम से सामग्री जुटाकर यह अमूल्य जानकारी हमें प्रदान की है इसके उपरान्त भी थोड़ा विश्लेषण और विस्तार से करते तो यह लेख और उपयोगी या कहें बहुपयोगी हो सकता था। अस्तु! आपका प्रयास प्रशंसनीय है। पुनश्च हार्दिक धन्यवाद। आपका ही एच आर सिंह

imc m ager join hu to muhje esme kaise befit tel me

Imc kis system per kaam karti hai.

Generation plan, MLM h certified h completed aur IDSA ki sadasya bhi hai.

The cost of MIC’s Products is high rather than the other company’s products, then how? and why? Will people buy the products of MIC !

Imc products bahut ache h but price bahut jyada ache h. IMC ka pen ₹ 12 h auro ka ₹ 10 to wo hammare paise hi lekar aur hume hi de rhi h

Thank you sir, bohot atcha laga imc ki baate. Good imc.


Thanks sir for your guideline

Aapne super star associate ki bat hi nahi bataya h.

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integrated marketing communications planning team

Guide to creating an integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan

  • by Performance Marketer Team
  • 22 November 2022
  • 3 minute read

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a strategic approach that involves harmonizing and synchronizing all marketing and communication efforts, tools, channels, and resources within an organization. By seamlessly blending various elements of the marketing mix, IMC aims to create a unified and impactful program that effectively reaches and engages both consumers and other key stakeholders.

This comprehensive approach entails coordinating advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, social media, branding, and other communication methods, ensuring that they work together synergistically towards a common goal. By integrating these diverse components, IMC enables companies to deliver a consistent and cohesive message across multiple touchpoints, reinforcing their brand identity and enhancing the overall customer experience.

At its core, IMC strives to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities by eliminating silos and fostering collaboration between different departments and teams. It recognizes that customers interact with brands through various channels and touchpoints, and seeks to create a seamless and immersive brand experience across all these interactions. By doing so, IMC aims to build strong and enduring relationships with customers, increase brand loyalty, and drive business growth.

In essence, integrated marketing communications is a strategic framework that enables companies to leverage the power of synergy and coordination to deliver a compelling and unified message to their target audience, ensuring that their marketing efforts are optimized and impactful.

What is an integrated marketing communications plan?

A complete integrated marketing communications plan incorporates every element of the marketing mix in order to present a unified message to target audiences and other company stakeholders. Integrated marketing is based on the master marketing plan, which should include all the components of the marketing mix. The foundation of an integrated marketing communications program consists of a careful review of the company’s image, target customers, and the markets in which buyers are located. Advertising programs are then built on this foundation, as are other elements of the promotional mix. Achieving integrated, marketing communications can become more complex when deployed at a global scale, due to larger national and cultural differences in target markets.

4 stages in designing an effective integrated marketing communications system

  • Identify, coordinate, and manage all forms of integrated marketing communication. Bring all of the communication elements together under one umbrella. This includes advertising, promotions, direct mail, digital marketing and e-commerce programs, public relations, sponsorships, and other marketing activities. During this stage of IMC development, the marketing team must be sure that all communications deliver a unified message and speak with one voice. A theme should also be present in the logos, colors, letterhead, and every other message the company sends. The goal is to make sure there’s consistency in and synergy among all communication channels.
  • Examine communications from the perspective of the customer. The marketing team should review every contact method, also known as a brand touch points , that might influence customers as they form opinions and make decisions about the company. The goal is to ensure external communications match internal communications. The integrated marketing communications umbrella covers every internal and external group that might affect perceptions of the company and its products.
  • Gather integrated marketing communications performance marketing data to make better decisions. Continuously identify and evaluate the impact of communications. Use customer data insights to help drive strategic planning and analyze the return on investment. It’s also important to adjust and optimize marketing campaigns and communications when data insights highlight areas for improvement.

The role of corporate imagine in IMC

Effective marketing communications is based on a clearly defined corporate image. The image summarizes what the company stands for, and how well its position has been established. The goal of image management is to create a consistent impression in the minds of customers and key stakeholders. A strong corporate image creates a major competitive advantage, and can make the difference in a choice between competitors.

Benefits of having a consistently strong visual brand image:

  • Give assurance about the purchase when the buyer has little or no previous experience with a good or service, or is making the purchase in an unfamiliar setting
  • Reduce search time and purchase decisions
  • Enhances company revenue, and builds longer term loyalty when the image also matches or exceeds expectation

It’s important to remember that what consumers believe about a firm is far more important than how company officials view the image. The image of being projected must accurately portrayed the organization and coincide with the good and services being offered.

  • integrated marketing communications
  • integrated marketing communications imc
  • integrated marketing communications plan

Performance Marketer Team

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imc company ka business plan

IMC Business Plan

दोस्तों नमस्कार आज हम IMC Business Plan के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं, IMC business plan क्या हैं?, आईएमसी का income plan कैसा है और आपको इससे इनकम कैसे आती है? साथ यह भी जानेंगे की आखिर आईएमसी में लोग लाखों रूपये महीने कैसे कमा रहे हैं? यहाँ ज्यादा कमाई कैसे की जाती है? अगर आप नये हैं तो आपको यह इनकम प्लान पहली बार में पूरी तरह से समझ आ जाये यह जरुरी नही है, इसलिए आप केवल सुपर स्टार लेवल तक की जानकारी ले लेवें और इसके आगे के लिए आप अपने upline या जिनसे आप join हो रहे हैं उनसे पूरी जानकारी ले लीजिये। यदि आप पूरा प्लान देखना चाहते हैं तो निचे IMC Business Plan in Hindi PDF Download लिंक दी गयी है। इसे पढने से पहले आपको पता होना चाहिए की IMC क्या है? और आपको आईएमसी बिज़नेस क्यों करना चाहिए? इस बारे में हमने पहले ही जानकारी दे दी है।

Table of Contents

IMC Company Profile : IMC Business Plan

IMC एक प्राइवेट लिमिटेड कंपनी हैं इसका full form, International Marketing Corporation है। ये कंपनी अपना बिज़नेस खुद करती है यानी IMC ने अपनी कंपनी के प्रोडक्ट्स अपने Associates के द्वारा सेल करवाती हैं,IMC ने एक बढ़ा सा नेटवर्क बना रखा है और उसी नेटवर्क के मध्य से IMC Business मे अपने प्रोडक्ट्स बेचकर अपना बिज़नेस करती है। आज हम IMC Business Plan के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं,

Here’s the information presented in table chart format:


IMC को ज्वाइन कैसे करे

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों इस कंपनी में जुड़कर कंपनी में काम करने के लिए आपकी आयु 18 वर्ष या उससे अधिक होना जरुरी है। इसमें ज्वाइन होने के लिए आपको इस कंपनी की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाके ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण कर सकते है। जिसके बाद आपको कुछ जरुरी जानकारी डालना होगा जैसे नाम, पता, मोबाईल न. आदि इसके बाद आपके मोबाइल पर एक OTP आएगा जिसको डाल कर आप वेरिफिकेशन प्रोसेस पूरा कर लेंगे। अब अपना अकाउंट एक्टिवटे करने के लिए आपको कुछ मह्त्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज अपलोड करने होंगे जैसे पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो, PAN कार्ड, आधार कार्ड, एड्रेस प्रूफ ताकि आपका अकाउंट पूरी तरह से बन सके।

IMC Business के फायदे

  • स्वयं का बिज़नेस वो भी बिना किसी investment के
  • IMC के प्रोडक्ट में 30% तक डिस्काउंट
  • परफॉरमेंस इंसेंटिव – 10-30% तक
  • स्पेशल इंसेंटिव अवार्ड 17% तक
  • लीडरशिप बोनस 15%
  • सुपर स्टार फण्ड – 3%
  • मीटिंग फण्ड – 2%
  • ट्रेवलिंग फण्ड – 4%
  • मोटरबाइक फण्ड – 4%
  • कार फण्ड – 2%
  • हाउस फण्ड – 2%
  • चेयरमैन स्टार फण्ड – 2%
  • एम्बेसडर स्टार फण्ड – 1%
  • क्राउन एम्बेसडर स्टार फण्ड – 1%
  • प्रेसिडेंट स्टार फण्ड – 0.5%
  • क्राउन प्रेसिडेंट स्टार फण्ड – 0.5%
  • सालाना रॉयल्टी बोनस – 5% तक

ये सारे बोनस आपको परसेंटेज के रूप में कंपनी के टर्नओवर के आधार पर कैलकुलेट होते हैं।और आपको मिलता रहता हैं, जैसे-जैसे आपका लेवल बढ़ता जाता है आपको इसमें अलग-अलग प्रकार के बोनस मिलते जाते हैं।

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों जैसा की आप जानते हैं की IMC का बिज़नेस प्लान डायरेक्ट सेलिंग पर निर्भर करता है यानी की जो भी डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर या एसोसिएट होते है उनको इसमें ज्वाइन होने के बाद कुछ प्रोडक्ट्स खरीदने होते है और साथ ही उन प्रोडक्ट्स को आगे बेचना होता है। जब वह प्रोडक्ट को आगे जिसको भी बेचेंगे वह डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर की टीम में जुड़ जायेगा, अगर साफ शब्दों में कहु तो आपके निचे आप जिन 2 लोगो को ज्वाइन कराएंगे वो डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर या एसोसिएट के रूप में आपकी डाउनलाइन में जुड़ते है और कंपनी के प्रोडक्ट्स की सेल् इसी प्रणाली पर होती है।

IMC Business Plan में BV PBV GBV PGBV क्या हैं?

imc company ka business plan

BV – IMC प्लान में BV यानी Business Volume बोला जाता है, हर प्रोडक्ट को एक नंबर दिया जाता है, और इसी के आधार पर कमीशन मिलता है और कंपनी में जितने भी Levels और Profits होते है वो इसी BV के आधार पर दिया जाता है यानि की किस Distribute को कितना प्रॉफिट हुआ और उसे कौन सा लेवल मिलना है ये इसी BV के आधार पर निर्धारित होता है ।

PBV – जब कोई Associate किसी भी प्रोडक्ट को अपनी Associate Id के द्वारा खरीदता है तो वो उसका निजी Personal Business Volume (PBV) होता है। इसे ही PBV कहते हैं।

GBV – कंपनी में किसी भी Associate ने अभी तक जो BV कमाया है वो उस Associate का Group Business Volume (GBV) होता हैं।

PGBV – कंपनी में किसी भी Associate ने जो उसने दूसरी Downline में कमाया है और जो उसका Personal BV है वो आपका Personal Group Business Volume (PGBV) होगा।

IMC से पैसे कैसे कमायें?

दोस्तों उम्मीद करता हूँ की अभी तक आप समझ गए होंगे की IMC Business Plan क्या हैं अब बात करते हैं इसके इनकम plan के बारे में, और जानते हैं की

IMC से पैसे कैसे मिलते हैं:

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों जैसे ही आपकी Free Joining हो जाती हैं उसके बाद आपको एक USER ID मिलती है। IMC के किसी भी STORE या तहसील डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर से आप आप अपनी ID बता कर आप 10% से 30% तक का डिस्काउंट लेकर Product ले सकते हैं। जब भी आप अपनी ID के माध्यम से प्रोडक्ट खरीदते हैं तो आपको हर प्रोडक्ट पर कुछ BV Points मिलते हैं जिन्हें Business Volume कहते है। ये BV हर महीने पॉइंट के रूप में जुड़ते जाते हैं और ये कभी कम नही होते हैं, दोस्तों आप ज्वाइन हो जाते हैं उसके बाद आप अपने साथियो, दोस्तों और अन्य लोगों को प्रोडक्ट की गुणवक्ता और बिज़नस के बारे में जानकारी देकर उन्हें भी कंपनी में अपनी डाउनलाइन के रूप में जोड़ सकते हैं। और इसी तरह आप अपनी टीम बना सकते हैं। आपके द्वारा जोड़े गए लोग और आपकी टीम कहीं भी कभी भी IMC के प्रोडक्ट खरीदते हैं तो उसका कमीशन आपको मिलेगा। आपके डाउनलाइन के सदस्य जब भी प्रोडक्ट खरीदते हैं तो उनको भी BV मिलेगा साथ ही उतना ही BV आपके ID पर जुड़ जायेंगे। आपकी और आपके टीम की खरीदी पर जितने BV Points होते हैं उसी के आधार पर ही आपके लेवल और INCOME की गणना की जाती है। IMC के इनकम प्लान या बिज़नेस प्लान को समझने के लिए सबसे पहले BV, PBV, GBV जैसे कुछ शब्दों को समझना होगा तो आइये इनके बारे में जानते हैं:

imc company ka business plan

Short Form Full Form Meaning BV Business Volume प्रोडक्ट पर कुछ Points मिलते हैं जिन्हें BV कहा जाता है। PBV Personal Business Volume स्वयं की ID पर ख़रीदे गये प्रोडक्ट्स की BV को PBV कहते हैं GBV Group Business Volume एसोसिएट के डाउनलाइन और टीम के द्वारा बनाये गये BV PGBV Personal Group Business Volume आपकी डाउनलाइन और स्वयं के द्वारा बनाये गये BV IMC Business Performance Incentive चलिए दोस्तों अब जानते हैं की कितने BV पर आप कौन से Level Achieve करेंगे:

BV Income Level : IMC Business Plan

  • BV Level Name Commission Percentage
  • 1001 Star 1 10%
  • 7501 Star 2 15%
  • 25001 Star 3 20%
  • 60001 Star 4 25%
  • 100001 Super Star 30%

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों 10% से 30% तक के लेवल Basic levels होते हैं, इसके बाद Silver Star Associate, Gold Star, Ruby Star जैसे लेवल आते हैं जिनकी जानकारी निचे दी गयी है। एक बार जब आप किसी लेवल को प्राप्त कर लेते हैं तो फिर आपका लेवल बढ़ता ही रहेग।

दोस्तों आप जल्दी से जल्दी लेवल अचीव करें इसके लिए कम्पनी की तरफ से कुछ ऑफर्स भी दिए गये हैं जिन्हें आप शॉर्टकट भी कह सकते हैं जिनसे आप जल्दी से लेवल पा सकते हैं जैसे:

फ़ास्ट सुपरस्टार: दोस्तों अगर में कहु तो यह सुपर स्टार बनने का सबसे आसान तरीका है। इसे भी अब प्लान के साथ जोड़ दिया गया है। इसके अनुसार यदि आप एक ही महीने में 60001 BV कर लेते हैं तो आप 30% कमीशन के लेवल को प्राप्त कर लेते हैं।

IMC Business की Income कैसे Calculate करें?

जब आप और आपके द्वारा आपकी डाउनलाइन में जोड़े गए मेंबर्स मिलकर 1001 BV कर लेते हैं तो आप 10% लेवल पर पहुँच जाते हैं। तो आपके BV का कुल 10% आपकी Income होगी। इसी तरह जब आप और आपकी टीम मिलकर 7501 BV बना लेते हैं तो आपकी इनकम 15% हो जाती है। इसी तरह हर महीने की BV आपके अकाउंट में जुड़ते जाते हैं और जब आप 100001 BV पर पहुँच जाते हैं तो इस लेवल को Super Star Level कहा जाता है जहाँ 30 प्रतिशत इनकम होती है और आपको Super Star फण्ड मिलने शुरू हो जाते हैं।

IMC Business Plan in Hindi 2023

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों IMC कंपनी में कई लोग लाखों रूपये महीने की इनकम करते हैं, पर मन में सवाल आता हैं की आखिर ऐसा कैसे होता है? दरअसल Super Star Level तक बेसिक इनकम होती है, इसके बाद असली कमाई शुरू होती है। आप इस लेवल तक पहुँचते-पहुँचते इस बिज़नस को अच्छी तरह सीख जाते हैं। अब आप अपनी डाउनलाइन को बिज़नस करना सिखाते हैं और उनको भी Super Star Level तक ले जाने में मदद करते हैं। इससे आप आगे के Level को पार कर पाते हैं। दोस्तों यही नहीं इसके आगे और भी कई सारे levels होते हैं आइये जानते हैं उनके बारे में

Qualified Super Star

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों जैसे ही आप 30% level तक पहुँचते हैं आपकी कई लोगों की टीम बन जाती है और पूरी टीम मिलकर जब एक ही महीने में 30,000 PGBV करते हैं तो आप उस महीने Qualified Super Star बन जाते हैं। यहाँ पर आपको Super Star Bonus मतलब की कंपनी टर्नओवर का 3% कमीशन मिलता है।

Silver Star Associate (33%)

दोस्तों जब आपके टीम मतलब आपकी डाउनलाइन में एक व्यक्ति Qualified Super Star बन जाता है और इसके अलावा 20,000 PGBV कर लेते हैं तो आप Silver Star Associate सिल्वर स्टार बन जाते हैं। दोस्तों यहाँ पर आपका कमीशन level पहले से बढ़कर 33% हो जाता है। और आपको लीडरशिप बोनस मिलता है। इसके अलावा Travelling Fund (4%) भी मिलता है ।

Gold Star Associate (36%)

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों जब आपकी डाउनलाइन के दोनों साइड में दो Qualified Super Star बन जाते हैं और इसके अलावा 20,000 PGBV कर लेते हैं तो आप इस लेवल को प्राप्त कर लेते हैं। इसके साथ साथ आप 36% प्रतिशत प्रॉफिट प्राप्त करेंगे, और आपको लीडरशिप बोनस, Travelling Fund (4%),BIKE FUND (4%) दिया जाता है।

Ruby Star Associate (39%)

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों इस लेवल तक पहुँचने के लिए आपके डाउनलाइन की अलग-अलग लेग्स में कम से कम 3 Qualified Super Star होने चाहिए। जैसे ही आप इस लेवल तक पहुँचते हैं आपको 39% प्रॉफिट प्राप्त मिलेगा साथ साथ लीडरशिप बोनस, ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%), बाइक फण्ड (4%), कार फण्ड (2%) और मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

imc company ka business plan

Diamond Star Associate (42%)

दोस्तों इस लेवल तक पहुँचने के लिए आपके डाउनलाइन की अलग-अलग लेग्स में जब 4 Qualified Super Star हो जाएँ तो आप डायमंड स्टार बन जाते हैं। 42% प्रॉफिट लेवल प्राप्त करेंगे, तो आपको लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) दिया जाता है।

Chairman Star Associate (45%)

दोस्तों इस लेवल तक पहुँचने के लिए आपके डाउनलाइन की अलग-अलग लेग्स में 5 Qualified Super Star हो जाएँ तो आप चेयरमैन स्टार बन जाते हैं। इस लेवल में आप 50% प्रॉफिट लेवल प्राप्त करेंगे, और कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

Ambassador Star Associate Award

ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए एसोसिएट के नीचे उसी महीने 6 अलग लेग में 6 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 40000 GBV और 10 लाख GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए। आपको 45.5 % प्रॉफिट मिलता है। और साथ ही कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

Crown Ambassador Star Associate Award

दोस्तों ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए आपके नीचे उसी महीने 7 अलग लेग में 7 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 75000 GBV और 20 लाख GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए तो उसे चौथे महीने से प्रॉफिट मिलता है। आपको 46% प्रॉफिट मिलता है। और कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

President Star Associate Award

दोस्तों ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए आपकी डाउनलाइन में नीचे उसी महीने 8 अलग लेग में 8 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 125000 GBV और 35 लाख GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए तो उसे चौथे महीने से प्रॉफिट मिलता है। आपको 46.5 % प्रॉफिट मिलता है। और कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

Crown President Star Associate Award

दोस्तों ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए आप के नीचे उसी महीने में 9 अलग लेग में 9 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 200000 GBV और 50 लाख GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए तो उसे चौथे महीने से प्रॉफिट मिलता है। आपको 47% प्रॉफिट मिलता है। और इसके साथ कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

Senior Crown President Star Associate Award

दोस्तों ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए आपकी डाउनलाइन में नीचे उसी महीने 11 अलग लेग में 11 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 200000 GBV और 1 Cr. GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए तो उसे चौथे महीने से प्रॉफिट मिलता है। आपको 47% प्रॉफिट मिलता है। साथ में कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

Director Crown President Star Associate Award

ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए एसोसिएट के नीचे उसी महीने 13 अलग लेग में 13 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 200000 GBV और 1.5 Cr. GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए तो उसे चौथे महीने से प्रॉफिट मिलता है। इस अवार्ड में आपको 47% प्रॉफिट मिलता है। साथ में कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

Kohinoor Crown President Star Associate Award

दोस्तों ये अवार्ड पाने के लिए आपकी डाउनलाइन में आप के नीचे उसी महीने 16 अलग लेग में 16 क्वालिफाइड सुपर स्टार एसोसिएट होने चाहिए साथ ही महीने 200000 GBV और 2 Cr. GBV लगातार तीन महीने तक होने चाहिए तो उसे चौथे महीने से प्रॉफिट मिलता है। इस अवार्ड में आपको 47% प्रॉफिट मिलता है। साथ ही कार फण्ड (2%) हाउस फण्ड (2%) चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%) लीडरशिप बोनस ट्रैवेलिंग फण्ड (4%) बाइक फण्ड (4%) मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है।

दोस्तों इससे आगे और भी Retail Profit और Accumulative Performance Incentive कमाने का भी मौका मिलता है इससे आगे समझते है।

रिटेल प्रॉफिट (Retail Profit)

IMC Business Plan: दोस्तों जब भी कोई IMC को ज्वाइन करेगा तब IMC उसे 30% का रिटेल प्रॉफिट देगी मतलब वो कोई भी Product IMC Business 1 से खरीदेगा उसे उसके ऊपर 30% का डिस्काउंट मिलेगा। जैसे अगर कोई सामान 100 रूपए का हैं वह उसे 30 प्रतिशत के डिस्काउंट पर 70 रूपए का पड़ेगा अगर डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर चाहे तो उस सामान को एमआरपी रेट पर बेच कर वो 30% प्रॉफिट भी कमा सकता है।

Accumulative Performance Incentive

जब आपकी नीचे में जुड़ा हुआ Associate कोई लेवल क्वालीफाई करता है तो उसका और उसके एसोसिएट का Percentage Difference का जितना भी अमाउंट होगा वह आपको Incentive के रूप में मिलता है।

IMC Business Plan in Hindi PDF

दोस्तों अगर आप IMC Business का पूरा बिज़नेस प्लान PDF हिंदी में डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं। डाउनलोड करने के लिए निचे दिए गये >> DOWNLOAD PDF << पर क्लिक

IMC Product Price List: IMC प्रोडक्ट लिस्ट

imc company ka business plan

MRP (Maximum Retail Price), DP (Distributor Price), and BV (Business Volume) as of May 2023:

MRP (Maximum Retail Price), DP (Distributor Price), and BV (Business Volume):

BABY CARE: MRP (Maximum Retail Price), DP (Distributor Price), and BV (Business Volume):

HEALTH CARE: MRP (Maximum Retail Price), DP (Distributor Price), and BV (Business Volume):

Agriculture & Veterinary

Food Products

Garments and Apparels

Accessories and Promotional Tools

Books and Literature

दोस्तों उम्मीद करता हूँ के इस ब्लॉग में आपको IMC Business Plan के बारे में समझ आ गया होगा की इस प्लान में कैसे इनकम करते हैं और इससे जुड़कर हम कितना प्रॉफिट कमा सकते हैं, अगर आपका कोई भी सवाल इससे जुड़ा हो तो आप कमेंट जरूर करें और ये पोस्ट अपने दोस्तों और साथियो और अन्य लोगो को भी शेयर करें जिससे वो भी IMC Business Plan के बारे में जान सके |

क्या IMC Business Planसे जुड़ने के लिए कोई शुल्क देना पढता है ?

नहीं, IMC किसी भी प्रकार का शुल्क नहीं लेती आप एक एसोसिएट के रूप में जुड़कर काम करके पैसे कमा सकते है।

IMC क्या है?

IMC एक डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी है, जिसमे जुड़कर लोग प्रोडक्ट खरीद कर पैसा कमाते हैं

IMC के फाउंडर कौन हैं?

IMC के फाउंडर डॉक्टर अशोक भाटिया और सत्यन भाटिया हैं जिन्होने वर्ष 2007 में इसकी शुरूवात की थी।

क्या IMC भारत की कंपनी है?

हाँ, IMC भारत की कंपनी है जो अपने खुद के आयुर्वेदिक प्रोडक्ट्स का व्यापार करती है।

IMC रियल और फ्रॉड क्या हैं?

जी हाँ दोस्तों IMC एकदम रियल कंपनी हैं


आप सभी का आपकी अपनी वेबसाइट में स्वागत है मुझे बिज़नेस, पढाई, और जनरल नॉलेज के बारे में पढ़ना और उसकी जानकारी देना बहुत पसंद है इसी लिए मैंने ये वेबसाइट बनायीं है आप सभी अपना प्यार इस पर बनाये रखे धन्यवाद

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IMC Business Plan in Hindi-IMC बिज़नेस क्या है? PDF के साथ


IMC का Business Plan अब और भी आसान हो गया है, क्योंकी कंपनी ने अपने बिज़नेस प्लान में बहुत बड़ा बदलाव किया है. IMC बीते कुछ सालो में अपना विस्तार तेजी से कर रही है.

इस लेख में IMC से जुड़ी महत्वपूर्ण सवाल जैसे IMC बिज़नेस क्या है? IMC के फायदे क्या है?  इसका इनकम प्लान क्या है? IMC प्रोडक्ट क्या है?  पर चर्चा की गई है.

Table of Contents

IMC क्या है?

इस का फुल फॉर्म “International Marketing Corporation” है. इस अनुसार इसका पूरा नाम “International Marketing Corporation Private Limited” है.

IMC की शुरुआत 2007 में हुई थी. अशोक भाटिया इस कंपनी के चेयरमैन है और इसके मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर सत्यन भाटिया है. IMC का मुख्य कार्यालय लुधियाना, पंजाब में है.

यह डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी के अंतगर्त आती है. इसके अधिकतर प्रोडक्ट हेल्थ केअर पर आधारित होते है.यह IDSA (Indian Direct Selling Association) की मेंबर कंपनी है.

  • लीगल डायरेक्ट सेलिंग (MLM) कंपनी लिस्ट 

IMC बिज़नेस प्लान क्या है?

इसमें लोगो को बतौर डायरेक्ट सेलर के रूप में जुड़ना होता है, जिसे IMC में  Associates भी कहाँ जाता है.

जहाँ प्रतेक Associates को कंपनी के प्रोडक्ट को खरीदना और आगे बेचना होता है इसके साथ अपने डाउनलाइन में नए लोगो को जोड़ना और एक नेटवर्क बनाना होता है. इन्ही दो कामो पर इनकम होती है और उसे इनकम प्लान के द्वारा हिसाब किया जाता है.

IMC से कैसे जुड़े? (How to join IMC in Hindi?)

इसका इनकम प्लान देखने से पहले हम इससे जुड़ना कैसे है वो जान लेते है. डायरेक्ट सेलिंग में जुड़ने के दो तरीके होते है:

  • आप ऑफलाइन भी IMC से जुड़ सकते है इसके लिए आपको IMC के डायरेक्ट सेलर के पास जाना है और उन्हें अपनी कुछ जानकारी देनी है.
  • ऑनलाइन भी आप इससे जुड़ सकते है इसके लिए आपको IMC के ऑफिसियल साईट पर जा कर रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म भरना है.

IMC से जुड़ने के लिए आपको

  • पासपोर्ट साइज़ फ़ोटो
  • और बैंक अकाउंट डिटेल देनी होती है.

IMC Business जॉइन करने के फायदे

  • बिना किसी इंवेस्टमेंट के खुद का बिज़नेस
  • IMC के प्रोडक्ट पर 40% तक का डिस्काउंट
  • स्पेशल इंसेंटिव अवोर्ड 17% तक
  • परफॉर्मेंस इंसेंटिव 10-35% तक
  • लीडरशिप बोनस-13%
  • Traveling फण्ड-2%
  • सुपर स्टार फण्ड-2%
  • मोटरबाइक फण्ड-2%
  • Car फण्ड-2%
  • House फण्ड-2%
  • चेयरमैन स्टार फण्ड-2%
  • एम्बेसडर स्टार फण्ड-1%
  • क्राउन एम्बेसडर फण्ड-1%
  • प्रसीडेंट स्टार फण्ड-1%
  • क्राउन प्रेसिडेंट स्टार फण्ड-0.5%
  • सालाना रॉयल्टी बोनस-4%

जो उपर दिया हुआ है वो सारे परसेंटेज कंपनी के टर्नओवर के अनुसार कैलकुलेट की जाती है. जैसे-जैसे आपका लेवल बढ़ेगा आपको अलग-अलग प्रकार से फण्ड मिलना शुरू हो जायेगा.

IMC से पैसे कैसे कमाए? (IMC Income Plan in Hindi)

इस में फ्री जोइनिंग होती है.

  • जोइनिंग होने के बाद आपको एक User ID दी जाएगी. IMC के किसी भी स्टोर से अपनी ID बता कर आप 10-40% तक डिस्काउंट में प्रोडक्ट खरीद सकते है.
  • जब भी आप अपनी ID से प्रोडक्ट खरीदेंगे तो आपको कुछ पॉइंट मिलेंगे जिसे Business Value (BV) कहा जाता है.
  • ये BV हर महीने जुड़ते जाते है और कभी भी कम नही होते है, आसान शब्दों में कहें तो ये Accumulate होते रहते है.
  • आप अपने जान पहचान के लोगो को भी अपने डाउनलाइन में जोड़ सकते है और एक अच्छा  नेटवर्क (टीम)  बना सकते है.
  • आपके टीम के लोग कहीं भी IMC से प्रोडक्ट खरीदेंगे तो आपको उसका कमीशन मिलेगा.
  • आपके डाउनलाइन यानि आपकी टीम जब भी प्रोडक्ट खरीदेगी तो उन्हें भी BV मिलेगा साथ ही जितना BV उन्हें मिलेगा उतना आपके ID पर जुड़ जायेगा.
  • आपकी और आपके टीम की Total BV Point के आधार पे ही आपके लेवल और इनकम का कैलकुलेशन होगा.

हम इसे Chart द्वारा समझते है:-

10% से 35%  तक के लेवल Basic Level है, इसके बाद Silver, Gold, जैसे लेवल आते है जिनकी जानकारी निचे दी गई है.

इनकम कैसे कैलकुलेट करे?

  • जब आप और आपकी डाउनलाइन मिलकर 1001 BV कर लेती  है तो आप 10% लेवल अचीव कर लेते है. इसमें आपको BV का 10% इनकम मिलता है.
  • जब आप और आपकी टीम मिलकर 75001 BV कर लेती है तो आपकी इनकम 20% हो जाती है.
  • इसी तरह हर महीने की BV आपके ID में जुडती जाती है और जब आप 150001 BV कर लेते है तो आप Super Star Level पर पहुँच जाते है, जहाँ आपको 35% इनकम मिलता है.

IMC में बड़ी Income कैसे आती है?

आपको पता होगा की कुछ लोग IMC Business Plan से लाखो कमाते है और आप सोचते है की ये इतना कैसे कमाते है, तो चलिए जानते है इसके बारे में.


  • दरअसल Super Star लेवल तक तो बेसिक इनकम होती है, असली इनकम इस लेवल के बाद शुरू होती है. Super Star तक पहुचने के बाद आप इस बिज़नेस को अच्छी तरह से समझ जायेंगे.
  • जब आप अपने डाउनलाइन को बिज़नेस करना सिखाते है और उनको भी Super Star लेवल तक पहुँचने में मदद करते है तो इससे आप भी आगे का लेवल अचीव करेंगे.

Qualified Super Star

  • जब आप 35% लेवल तक पहुँच जाते है तो आपकी कई टीम बन गई होती है और जब पूरी टीम मिलकर एक महीने में 30000 BV कर लेती है तो आप उस महीने क्वालिफाइड Super Star लेवल अचीव कर लेते है.
  • यहाँ पर आपको Super Star फण्ड मिलना शुरू हो जाता है

Silver Star Associate (38%)

  • जब आपके डाउनलाइन में एक व्यक्ति Super Star क्वालिफाइड और 30000 Total BV कर लेता है आप Silver Star लेवल पर पहुँच जाते है.
  • आपका कमीशन लेवल 38% हो जाता है.
  • लीडरशिप बोनस और ट्रेवलिंग  फण्ड (2%) भी  मिलना शुरू हो जाता है.

Gold Star Associate (41%)

  • जब आपके डाउनलाइन में अलग-अगल लेग में दो  Super Star क्वालिफाइड और 25000 PGBV प्राप्त कर लेते है तो आप इस लेवल पर पहुँच जाते है.
  • 41% प्रॉफिट मिलता है.
  • लीडरशिप बोनस
  • ट्रेवलिंग फण्ड (2%) और बाइक फण्ड (2%) दिया जाता है.

Ruby Star Associate (44%)

  • इस लेवल को अचीव करने लिए आपके डाउनलाइन के अलग-अलग लेग में 3 Super Star क्वालिफाइड होने चाहिए.
  • 44% प्रॉफिट मिलेगा
  • ट्रेवलिंग फण्ड (2%)
  • बाइक फण्ड (2%)
  • कार फण्ड (2%) और मीटिंग फण्ड (0.5%) दिया जाता है.

Diamond Star Associate (47%)

  • इस लेवल को अचीव करने लिए आपके डाउनलाइन के अलग-अलग लेग में 4 Super Star क्वालिफाइड होने चाहिए.
  • 47% प्रॉफिट मिलता है.
  • हाउस फण्ड (2%)

Chairman Star Associate (50%)

  • चेयरमैन स्टार बनने के लिए आपके डाउनलाइन के अलग-अलग लेग में 5 Super Star क्वालिफाइड होने चाहिए.
  • 50% प्रॉफिट मिलता है.
  • चेयरमैन फण्ड (2%)

इससे आगे भी कई लेवल होते है, जैसे Ambassador Star, Crown Ambassador, President Star, Crown President और सबसे टॉप लेवल को कोहिनूर कहा जाता है.

IMC Business Plan PDF 

अगर आप IMC बिज़नेस प्लान का PDF डाउनलोड करना चाहते है तो निचे दिए बटन पर क्लिक करके डाउनलोड कर सकते है.

IMC के प्रोडक्ट क्या है?

अगर आप IMC से जुड़ रहें है तो आपको IMC Product list जरुर देखना चाहिए. क्योंकी प्रतेक MLM कंपनी में अगर प्रोडक्ट किफ़ायती नही है, तो कंपनी से जुड़ने का कोई फायदा नही है.

आप IMC का प्रोडक्ट प्राइस लिस्ट यहाँ क्लिक करके देख और डाउनलोड कर सकते है.

IMC के प्रोडक्ट लिस्ट में हेल्थ केअर, पर्सनल केअर, ग्रोसरी के प्रोडक्ट है. कीमत की बारे में बात करे तो IMC 100 ml Almod Haire Oil की MRP 325 रूपए है और Almond Oil की सबसे प्रसिद्ध कंपनी Bajaj Almond Oil 100 ml की कीमत 63 रूपए है.


IMC से जुड़े या नही

इस कंपनी से जुड़ने का फैसला आपका होना चाहिए. IMC भारतीय डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी है और इसका इनकम प्लान भी अच्छा है, लेकिन समझने में अन्य डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी के प्लान से थोड़ा मुश्किल है.

प्रोडक्ट की बात करे, तो IMC का प्रोडक्ट ओवर-प्राइस है, इसलिए प्रोडक्ट के मामले में भी IMC इतनी प्रभावित साबित नही है.

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  • Modicare Business Plan in Hindi

हमे उमीद है, की IMC Business पर हमारा यह पोस्ट पसंद आया होगा और आपको IMC बिज़नेस प्लान (IMC Business Plan in hindi)   समझ आ गया होगा.

अगर आपका कोई भी सवाल या सुझाव IMC Business Plan पर है, तो Ccomment करके हमे जरुर बताएं.

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5 thoughts on “IMC Business Plan in Hindi-IMC बिज़नेस क्या है? PDF के साथ”

IMC se to achha Vestige Company hai kyoki vestige mai Product saste milte hai.

Sasta to abhi bhi use kar rhe ho achchha khao kam Khao

IMC product quality is very good Shree Halldi and Himalayan Berry juice it’s result is good..

Hamen bhi IMC mein jurna hai

Imc join karna asan hai lekin hame yah bhi pata hona chahiye ki yadi ham imc ko chhodana chahe to kaise chhode,? Kya imc me dainik jeevan me upyog hone wali cheeje jaise –namak, mirchi, masale, kul milakar kirana ka saman bhi milta hai?

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Integrated Marketing Plan

Section Breakdown

Marketers rely on integrated marketing communication (IMC) to effectively launch successful marketing campaigns . There’s no better place to start than with a well-thought-out IMC plan to meet their marketing goals. This chapter will break down the sections of a comprehensive IMC plan, guiding how to create a plan that fits specific objectives, and includes a sample IMC plan at the end.

The topics that this section will go over include:

  • Understand the importance of crafting an IMC plan
  • Comprehend the components of a comprehensive IMC plan
  • Apply practical tips to be able to build an IMC plan

An Open Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Copyright © by Andrea Niosi and KPU Marketing 4201 Class of Summer 2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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IMC Business Plan In Hindi | Imc Company क्या हैं

IMC Business Plan In Hindi आइएमसी कंपनी इंडिया में बहुत दिनो से चल रहा हैं इसमें हजारों लाखों लोग जुड़कर काम कर रहे हैं और अच्छा इनकम भी ले रहा हैं । इस पोस्ट में हम कंपनी के बारे में और कंपनी की बिजनेस प्लान के बारे में अच्छे से जानकारी करेंगे तो चलिए जानते हैं

Table of Contents

Imc क्या हैं imc full form क्या हैं, आइएमसी कंपनी mca data, imc business plan & imc income plan, 1 retail प्रॉफिट up to 30%, imc new business plan 2021 pdf.

आइएमसी एक डायरेक्ट सेलिंग कंपनी हैं इस कंपनी में कोई भी व्यक्ति ज्वाइन कर सकते हैं और कंपनी के प्रोडक्ट्स को सेल करके यह कंपनी में अपना टीम बनाके अच्छा इनकम ले सकते हैं,

आइएमसी Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA) के मेंबर भी हैं जिस कारण से यह कंपनी भारत सरकार की डायरेक्ट सेलिंग गाइडलाइन के साथ साथ डायरेक्ट सेलिंग एसोसिएशन के गाइडलाइन की हिसाब से काम करता है इसलिए इस कंपनी में लोग बहुत Trust के साथ काम करते हैं जोकि बहुत अच्छी बात है

IMC Full Form क्या हैं? आइएमसी फुल फॉर्म International Marketing Corporation होता हैं, IMC की शुरुआत 2007 में हुई थी. अशोक भाटिया इस कंपनी के चेयरमैन है, इसके मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर सत्यन भाटिया है. IMC का मुख्य कार्यालय लुधियाना पंजाब में है

CIN: U15490PB2013PTC038243 Company Name: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED ROC Code: RoC-Chandigarh Registration Number: 038243 Company Category: Company limited by Shares Company SubCategory: Non-govt company Class of Company: Private Authorised Capital(Rs): 150000000 Paid up Capital(Rs): 100000000 Date of Incorporation: 31/12/2013 Registered Address: INSIDE GURU NANAK DEV BHAWAN NEAR BHARAT NAGAR CHOWK LUDHIANA PB 141008 IN ।

आइएमसी में सभी इनकम को लेने के लिए सबसे पहले अपको कंपनी में ज्वाइन होना होता हैं उसके बाद कंपनी में आपका एक आईडी नंबर बनता हैं उसी आईडी से आपको कंपनी में काम करना होता हैं उसके बाद आपको एक एक करके सभी तरह की इनकम मिलना शुरू हो जाते हैं बस उसके लिए कंपनी के प्लान के हिसाब से काम करना होता हैं, बिना काम के कोई भी इनकम आपको नही मिलता हैं

आइएमसी में Total 19 तरह से इनकम लिया जा सकता हैं जैसा कि आप नीचे देख सकते हैं

1, Retail Profit Up to 30% 2, Accumulative Performance Incentive 10-30% 3, Special Incentive Award up to 17% 4, Leadership Bonus up to 15% 5, Super Star Fund 3% 6, Meeting Fund 2% 7, Traveling Fund 4% 8, Motorbike Fund 4% 9, Car Fund 2% 10, House Fund 2% 11, Chairman Star Fund 2% 12, Ambassador Star Fund 1% 13, Crown Ambassador Star Fund 1% 14, President Star Fund 0.5% 15, Crown President Star Fund 0.5% 16, Sr. Crown President Star Fund 0.5% 17, Director Crown President Star Fund 0.25% 18, Kohinoor Crown President Star Fund 0.25% 19, Royal Annual Bonus Up to 5%

अब इन सभी इनकम प्लान को एक एक करके अच्छे से जानते और समझते हैं

आईएमसी कंपनी में ज्वाइन होने पर आपको एक आईडी नंबर मिलते हैं जिस आईडी से आप कंपनी की कोई भी प्रोडक्ट खरीदते हैं तो आप को वो प्रोडक्ट्स डिस्काउंट प्राइस में मिल जाते हैं, हर प्रोडक्ट के ऊपर अलग-अलग डिस्काउंट मिलते हैं टोटल आपको 30% तक डिस्काउंट मिलते हैं जिसे आप बाजार में या किसी को भी एमआरपी एनी मैक्सिमम रिटेल प्राइस पर सेल कर सकते हैं जिससे आपको 30% तक प्रॉफिट हो सकता है

आगे की जो भी इनकम प्लान हैं उसे आप नीचे दिए गए पीडीएफ में देख सकते हैं अपको आइएमसी कंपनी के सभी इनकम प्लान अच्छे जानने को और समझने को मिल जायेगा

> Network Marketing Me Safal Kaise Ho सफलता प्राप्त करने की 5 जरूरी नियम > Network Marketing में लोग असफल क्यों हो जाते हैं ? > Achhe Salesman Ke Khubi अच्छा सेल्समेन के पास क्या खूबी या गुण होनी चाहिए

More Details Visite IMC Official Website & Pdf Source:

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Health And Nutrition


Agriculture And Veterinary


Personal Care


Food Product


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Our most loved products.

Although each & every IMC Product is FABULOUS yet several are FANTABULOUS

Shri tulsi

Basil (Tulsi) is considered as Queen Of Herbs. Tulsi is full of nutritional properties like vitamins, minerals. It is beneficial for people of every age group. Tulsi is quite beneficial in keeping the infections away. It is full of properties like anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, anti viral, anti allergic and anti diseases. As many as 60 types of Tulsi are found in the world. In India, five types of Tulsi named Ram Tulsi, Shyam Tulsi, Van Tulsi, Nimbu Tulsi and Vishnu Tulsi are normally used. Shri Tulsi of IMC is also extracts of these five type of Tulsi plants. Tulsi is beneficial for 200 diseases such as flu, dengue, fever, cough, cold, joint pains, blood pressure, obesity, allergies, hepatitis, diabetes, urinary ailments, vaat, nosebleed, swelling in lungs, ulcer, stress, lack of semen, fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting etc. Shri Tulsi is beneficial for heart. Its regular consumption helps control the blood pressure. It also helps prevent heart attack and stroke.

Himalayan Berry

Himalayan Berry

As per local people of Leh, Sanjivani Booti (Herb) taken by Shri Hanuman ji is Himalayan Berry. Himalayan Berry is also known as Sea Buckthorn fruit or Sanjivani Booti (Herb). Himalayan Berry ( Sanjivani Herb) is found amongst thorny bushes near Sindhu River in Leh where the temperature goes up to (-) 40 degree celsius and the oxygen level remain quite low. God has created Sanjivani Herb with plentiful oxygen so that people may meet out their oxygen requirements. Himalayan Berry contains anti ageing, anti oxidant properties which may be defined as anti diseases properties. It is a powerhouse of oxygen, vitamins especially vitamin c and minerals. There is 4 to 100 times more Vitamin C in Himalayan Berry as compared to any fruit or vegetable. That's why it is considered as the biggest source of Vitamin C. As Compared to Indian Gooseberry, Himalayan Berry contains 20 times more Vitamin C. It is filled with more than 400 nutrients like Vitamin C, A, E, B1, B2 and various minerals & amino acids. It is beneficial for people of every age group. This juice helps in keeping healthy, active & alert and a long-lived person. In real sense, Himalayan Berry is a Super Fruit. It helps keep the mental, physical and sexual weaknesses away. It also helps fight various health ailments relating to liver, heart, obesity, blood pressure and diabetes.

Aloe Vera Fibrous Juice

Aloe Vera Fibrous Juice

Aloe Vera Fibrous Juice is a natural, pure and energy providing product which helps in keeping the health better and to keep the weakness away. It's like a nectar as it helps fighting digestive disorders, ousting the toxins from body and enhancing immunity. Aloe Vera consists of more than 200 nutrients including 20 essential minerals, 8 essential amino acids, 14 additional amino acids, enzymes and 12 vitamins. Apart from these, Aloe Vera contains Lignin and Saponin which are beneficial for cleansing our intestines. Other herbal ingredients enriched in Aloe Vera Juice like Indian gooseberry, basil, ginger and sweet basil are helpful in protecting from various health issues.

Aloe Jyoti

With the growing use of technology, our eyes are constantly engaged in consuming TV, mobile or laptop screens. Along with this the growing pollution, further depletes the retina and lenses. Aloe Jyoti Plus is a herbal eye care range, which helps prevent from various damages of the eyes including myopia, hypermetropia, as well as cataract. Apart from keeping eyes clean and healthy, it helps in shielding from pollution and excess exposure to sunlight. It cleanses and moisturizes the eyes.

Started with the vision to provide indigenous and eco friendly products to the community at large, all the while aiming to preserve the natural resources of our country, IMC has evolved as the face of unmatched Herbal and Ayurvedic products. IMC came into being with a mere range of 18 products which slowly multiplied into health and nutrition,agriculture and veterinary, skin care,personal care , home care, baby care, and food products. Garments and books also added in the diverse portfolio of IMC.

Our extensive range of herbal products include the best haldi drops for immunity in addition to thebest tulsi drops for cold . Our women well being section consists of herbal medicines for women health as well as cotton sanitary napkins for worriless days. You can also buy aloevera juice and other syrups to control sugar along with other Ayurvedic medicines that are meant to treat diabetes. We have myriad of products in our skincare section as well, including the best facewash for acne skin or oily skin type. The organic harvesting products are also a hit along with various other products.

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  • Skyscrapers
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Moscow-City – The Moscow International Business Center

  • 3 years ago

The Moscow Intenational Business Center

Moscow-City is an iconic location for life and work in Russia’s capital. Enormous skyscrapers, business centers, the best restaurants and retail spaces – all this is concentrated in one place. The ultramodern Moscow-City towers are truly striking in their outward appearance, and the layout of the apartments inside and the fantastic views that can be seen from the higher floors are nothing short of impressive.

This skyscraper compound, often referred to as Moskva-City, is the Russian take on Manhattan, where businessmen strike multi-million dollar deals daily while ordinary life goes on next door. Its state of the art spaces offer the ultimate convenience. The infrastructure of this business district is so well-developed that anyone can find something interesting for themselves here: from residential apartments to boutiques, clubs, exhibitions and more.

When the foundations for the Moscow-City skyscrapers were laid, a special kind of concrete was used, the properties of which are amplified by many times compared to standard concrete. Even in the event of a plane crashing into one of the buildings, the structural integrity of the towers will be preserved.

The architects of the Moscow-City Business Center have created a unique locality that has integrated into itself the hub of the capital’s business life and a whole ensemble of historical monuments. Anyone can admire the beauty of these skyscrapers from within or without the compound. There are also a number of apartments for sale or rent available in the MIBC itself. But first, let’s have a look at some more interesting facts about the financial core of Russia’s capital.

  • 1 How It All Began
  • 2.1 Moscow-City Central Core
  • 2.2 Tower 2000
  • 2.3 Evolution Tower
  • 2.4 Imperia Tower
  • 2.5 Moscow Tower and St. Petersburg Tower
  • 2.6 Steel Peak Tower
  • 2.7 Federation Tower
  • 2.8 Mercury City Tower
  • 2.9 OKO Tower Complex
  • 3.1 Afimall City Shopping Center
  • 3.2 Bagration Bridge
  • 3.3 Expocentre Fairgrounds
  • 4 Renting and Buying Real Estate in Moscow-City

How It All Began

The history of Moscow-City goes all the way back to 1992. The government of Moscow at the time wanted to bring into existence its own skyscrapers like the ones in London or New York. And the idea caught on. In 1992 the project for the construction of the huge “Moscow-City” MIBC compound was enthusiastically approved, kick-starting the painstaking preparatory works. The original intention was that the skyscrapers would only house office space. However, as time went on, the towers began to welcome in ordinary residents who wanted to live on the territory of this business and finance hub.

Moscow-City is undoubtedly a city within a city. Its grandeur is mind-boggling. It is perfect in every way: from location to infrastructure. And today, anyone can get a feel of the atmosphere of the “capital city” of Russia’s business world – many of the apartments in Moscow-City are available for rent. Any citizen of Russia and even nationals of other countries can make use of these offers.

What It’s Like in 2021

Today Moscow-City is not just a magnificent and fascinating sight, but also a real hub for the work, life and leisure of thousands. Its infrastructure is organized in such a way that there is no need to leave the territory of the “city within a city” at all. This business district contains everything one may need for work and recreation. And if one does decide to venture out into the larger metropolis, the MIBC’s three subway stations make this remarkably simple to do.

Moscow-City stands on the Presnenskaya Embankment . Each of the buildings in the district has a name, which simplifies its identification. Some of the buildings form complexes that are united under one name, such as the Neva Towers and the Naberezhnaya Tower complex of two skyscrapers and one high rise. There are a total of 16 towers in the MIBC, of which the most popular are:

  • Moscow-City Central Core;
  • Tower 2000;
  • Evolution Tower;
  • Imperia Tower;
  • City of Capitals (Moscow Tower and St. Petersburg Tower);
  • Steel Peak Tower;
  • Federation Tower;
  • Mercury City Tower;
  • OKO Tower Complex.

Moscow-City Central Core

This is the most complex building within the MIBC compound. Its total floor area is a whopping 1 476 378 sqft (450 000 m²). It consists of two massive parts, each of which boasts a truly impressive infrastructure. The underground part includes 3 Moscow Metro stations, a parking lot for automobiles and a shopping mall. The aboveground part houses a concert hall and a hotel.

Tower 2000 is a skyscraper having 34 stories. Its total floor area is 200 318 sqft (61 057 m²), most of which is office space. The key feature of this skyscraper is its direct connection to the Bagration Bridge, which has its own shopping arcade. The tower has everything one may need while working here, including a large parking lot and several restaurants.

Evolution Tower

This elegant structure is 836 feet (255 m) high – that’s a whole 54 stories! The total floor area here is 554 462 sqft (169 000 m²). The Evolution Tower’s key feature is that it has its own Wedding Hall. This skyscraper houses large office spaces, a parking lot and several restaurants.

Imperia Tower

MIBC’s Imperia Tower is the undeniable focal point of the MIBC’s business life. Its height is 784 feet (239 m), which means one can hold conferences and resolve key business matters on the 59 th floor! And that really is amazing! The tower has everything: offices, hotels, restaurants and parking lots. But if you want a truly unforgettable experience, visit the viewing platform! It is situated on the 58 th floor and a simply astounding view of Moscow can be seen from it.

Moscow Tower and St. Petersburg Tower

The Moscow and St. Petersburg Towers are the chief representatives of the MIBC. The Moscow Tower has 76 stories and is 990 feet (302 m) high, while the St. Petersburg Tower has 65 stories and stands 843 feet (257 m) tall. Both towers offer fantastic views of the capital city.

Most of the floors of these two skyscrapers are taken up by luxurious sky apartments. There are also several recreational and entertainment centers, office spaces, restaurants, etc.

Steel Peak Tower

Also known as the Eurasia Tower of Moscow-City, this supertall skyscraper has a total of 680 912 sqft (207 542 m²) of floor space. Most of this is taken up by offices, and the rest – by residential quarters (around 65 616 sqft or 20 000 m²). The tower also houses a number of the greatest restaurants, studios and shopping centers.

Federation Tower

The Federation Tower is a complex of two skyscrapers, known as Tower East and Tower West. Tower East is the second highest building in Europe (the first is a skyscraper recently erected in the city of St. Petersburg). Its height is a colossal 1 223 feet (373 m) and that makes 95 stories! Tower West, on the other hand, is noticeably shorter at 794 feet (242 m).

The Federation Tower is a multifunctional complex.

Mercury City Tower

The Mercury City Tower skyscraper is widely known as one of the tallest buildings in Europe. Its height is 1 112 feet (339 m) and it has 75 stories. It is multifunctional by concept, holding within its walls shopping centers, offices and all kinds of other spaces. It is also possible to rent apartments here.

OKO Tower Complex

The OKO Tower Complex consists of two towers – the North Tower (49 stories and 803 ft or 245 m in height) and the South Tower (85 stories and 1 155 ft or 352 m in height).

Each of the MIBC’s tower complexes has its own recreational and entertainment areas, restaurants and parking lots. The top floors of most of these buildings contain luxurious fully-furnished apartments. At night, the towers shine with bright lights, while inside them the panoramic windows reveal astounding views of Moscow. This breathtaking view of the capital of Russia is why visiting Moscow-City is a must!

What Not to Miss

There are many interesting landmarks within the Moscow-City compound, but three of them are truly deserving of special attention:

  • The Afimall City Shopping Center;
  • The Bagration Bridge with two galleries and a shopping arcade;
  • The Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Afimall City Shopping Center

The Afimall City Shopping and Entertainment Center is located in Moscow-City’s Central Core. It is divided into 4 zones, each with its own theme – one for every season of the year. The shopping center houses the biggest indoor fountain found worldwide. The height of this watery wonder is 118 feet or 36 meters.

The shopping and entertainment center contains everything one might expect from one of the largest centers of its kind:

  • Retail brand stores;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Game rooms;
  • and Restaurants.

The main recreational space is roofed with a giant transparent dome, which is an impressive sight to behold.

Bagration Bridge

Bagration Bridge with its upper and lower galleries has a shopping center all of its own and was the first structure to be built as part of the Moscow-City business district. Its lower gallery is a shopping arcade and its upper gallery is an open-air viewing platform with a spectacular view of the MIBC and the Moskva River. The hall of the bridge houses the 23 foot tall sculpture called “Tree of Life”. Having gone through the bridge via either one of its two galleries, a pedestrian would find themselves standing right on the Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Expocentre Fairgrounds

The Expocentre Fairgrounds exhibition venue is located at the very heart of the capital. The first exhibition held at the Expocentre happened all the way back in 1959, much earlier than the MIBC was erected. Today it is the venue of many interesting events.

Exhibitions with very diverse themes are regularly held at this complex. An up-to-date schedule can be found on the official webpage of the Expocentre. The events can be free or fixed-price entry, depending on their type.

Renting and Buying Real Estate in Moscow-City

Moscow-City is not only a work and business hub, but also a residential neighborhood. Any citizen of Russia can rent or buy apartments or elite sky lounges here. The variety of residential real estate available inside the skyscrapers is impressive, including options for any pocket. The following buildings in the MIBC contain residential blocks:

This skyscraper has a mirror glass façade which reflects the passing clouds. Just imagine how beautiful that looks! Anyone can buy an apartment in the Federation Tower. Such properties are not only a good investment, but also a mark of prestige. The average price of residential real estate here is 45 million rubles for an apartment with a total floor area of 334 sqft (102 m²). The average price of a square meter (3.28 square feet) is in the range of 650 to 700 thousand rubles. There are two- and three-room apartments available in the Federation Tower, each with its own loggia. As for rent, the minimum price of one month’s stay in a three-room apartment in this skyscraper is 300 000 rubles per month.

The Mercury City Tower skyscraper welcomes citizens from all parts of Russia. This building is no less tall than the world-famous Dubai skyscrapers. Living in its apartments is a delight. The minimum cost of an apartment in the Mercury City Tower is 75 million rubles. The average price of a square meter (3.28 square feet) is 800 thousand rubles. And for those looking for a lower price point, some of the properties are also available for rent – in this case you will pay a minimum of 250 thousand rubles per month.

The Imperia Tower is a key cluster of interesting offers. The best options for buying and renting apartments within the MIBC can all be found in this skyscraper. The lowest price of a residential apartment here is 40 million rubles. A square meter (3.28 square feet) in a luxurious apartment in the Imperia Tower currently costs 600 thousand rubles, while the price range of the listings available for rent in this skyscraper is from 350 thousand all the way up to 1 million rubles per month.

This complex, standing on a faceted or “crystal” base, is an architectural engineering project boasting spectacular design. Behind its impressive façades is an abundance of penthouses and apartments having floor areas in the range of 262 sqft (80 m²) to 984 sqft (300 m²). The minimum price of an apartment in the OKO Tower Complex is 40 million rubles (the price of a square meter (3.28 square feet) is 500 thousand rubles). You can rent an apartment here starting from 400 thousand rubles per month.

City of Capitals

The City of Capitals is an exemplary architectural complex. Its sum appearance gives the impression of a huge city. Inside its walls are spacious apartments available for purchase and rent. This complex is considered to be especially prestigious. The prices of apartments here start from 50 million rubles, while the minimum cost of renting is 400 thousand rubles per month.

Please note! The price of real estate available for purchase or rent depends on: the tower, the floor, the total floor area, the furnishings and/or interior design, and other factors.

The key advantages of buying/purchasing real estate in Moscow-City are:

  • Favorable location;
  • Convenient transportation links;
  • Well-developed infrastructure;
  • High safety level;
  • Efficient architecture;
  • Panoramic windows.

Buying real estate in Moscow-City is very much a rational decision, most appealing to those who value the ultimate level of comfort. The residential apartments here boast impressive interior design solutions executed in the contemporary style.


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Moscow International Business Centre (MIBC)

The Moscow International Business Centre (MIBC) is an ambitious engineering project in the centre of Moscow. The site is

Estimated Investment

$12 billion

Construction Started

Moscow, Russia

Project Type

Business complex (city within a city)

CITY JSC, Moscow City Government

imc company ka business plan

The Moscow International Business Centre (MIBC) is an ambitious engineering project in the centre of Moscow. The site is on an old urban area near the river embankment. The goal of the project is to create a new business district within the city.

The whole complex is to be built on a 100ha site (divided into 30 plots) designated for new development on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. The management company for the project is CITY Joint Stock Company (CITY JSC), a company first set up in 1992 as a collaboration between the Russian government and private investors.

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The project was first launched in the early 1990s but has been stalled for much of the last 10 years due to a lack of investment. In 2003 the project started to attract investment again and has been gaining momentum ever since.


The first major building constructed in the MIBC project on Plot 1 was the Bagration Bridge (pedestrian bridge) and mall, completed in 1999. The second project was the Tower 2000 office complex, a multi-use business complex begun in 1996 and completed in 2001. The building is 106m high and has 30 storeys above ground and four storeys below. The total floor area of the complex is 60,000m².

The underground area contains parking garages, restaurants, retail areas and a fitness centre. Floors 3–15 and 17–26 are business offices while floors 8 and 27 have a media centre, large exhibition hall and piano bar.

The business areas are served by structured cable network, fibre optic cable, satellite broadcasting, Wi Fi and ADSL Internet access, automatic digital telephone exchange with integration of services, local broadcasting system, municipal broadcasting network, electric timing system, data collection and processing system, audio and video systems, simultaneous interpreting system, conference system, video projection system and security systems including biometric access control and a monitoring system.

The tower also has a central air conditioning system, auxiliary exhaust ventilation system, cooler and heat supply systems, Uninterruptible Power Supply system (UPS), automatic fire security system, automatic volumetric fire-fighting system, sprinkler system and automatic smoke removal system.

The general contractor for the tower was Promstroytechnologia-M Company Ltd. The facade of the tower, which is made of glass and structured concrete, was constructed by Transwall Technology. The tower is equipped with 17 computerised rapid elevators, supplied and installed by Schindler Aufzuege AG, and an outer panoramic elevator, supplied and installed by Kone Lifts. The exterior lighting equipment was supplied and installed by Thorn.


The sites designated by plots 2 and 3 are now to be developed as the Moscow Wedding Palace and City Square. This will include a city square, an underground retail complex and a 14 storey multipurpose complex, which will include the Wedding Palace, banquet halls, restaurants, shops and a hotel.

The developer is Capital City Developments. The architect is Mosproject – 2. The construction started in 2005 and is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2007.


The Aquapark leisure complex was started in 2002 and was completed in 2005. The site occupies a 1.74ha area adjacent to Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. It includes:

  • Complex of swimming pools, water mountains and leisure attractions, restaurants and cafes and retail areas (24,352m²)
  • Five-star, 30-storey hotel complex (54,640m²) built on a six-storey podium containing retail areas, restaurants and nightclubs
  • Parking to accommodate 425 vehicles (13,050m²)
  • The aqua park will be connected with a mooring on the Moscva River

The developer of the complex was Aqua-City Palas Company Ltd. The project required an estimated investment of $230 million. The general contractor was Liard Stroy Ltd and the designers were Mosproekt-2 of Russia and Tkhomesto Engineering of Finland.


A large underground complex containing the central core of the MIBC, an underground mall and two metro stations is located on these plots. Construction started in late 2001 on the 5.1ha site and was completed in mid-2004. The complex has a total floor area of 150,000m² and includes:

  • 35,000m² shopping mall
  • 20,000m² multi-purpose performance complex
  • 10,000m² dancing complex
  • 15,500m² sports and leisure complex
  • 30,000m² ‘Wonderful World of Entertainment’ theme park
  • 7,000m² restaurant complex
  • 30,000m² hotel

The complex developer was CITY JSC and the designers were Mosproekt-2. The construction engineers were Bovis Europe and Jones Lang Lassale of the UK.


This project involves the construction of two connected tower blocks and a dome. The towers will be of 73 and 62 storeys high, with a 16-storey domed building containing an atrium. Connecting the buildings will be a podium building with three storeys above ground and 4–6 below ground.

The lower levels of each tower will be for office space (200,000m²), while the upper levels (above 80m) will be residential and the dome will be used as a retail area. The investment for the project is $250 million.

The developer is Capital Group; the construction engineers are Bouygues Construction and the architects are Erick van Egeraat Associated Architects of Holland. Construction has been underway since 2005 and the project is scheduled for completion in mid-2007.


This project involves the construction of a new office and apartment complex consisting of three A-Class buildings 16 (86m), 27 (135m) and 52 (250m) storeys high, with a total floor area of 220,000m². The construction began in mid-2003 on the 2.55ha site with the smallest of the three buildings.

The first building was completed in autumn 2004. Enka, a Turkish construction company , is carrying out the development and construction. Enka has invested a total of $150 million so far. Work is continuing on the other two buildings with completion expected in 2007.


The major project on these plots will be a 300m, 75-storey, mixed-use tower block with over 204,000m² of floor space. The facilities will include commercial and government offices, residential areas, retail space, leisure and health centres and a four-star hotel.

Offices will occupy the floors 4–45, while apartments are on floors 48–66. The building was designed as a two-tier skyscraper, 30 floors in the first tier and 37 in the second one. The second floor of the building will be occupied by a casino. The 47th floor will be occupied by a gymnasium.

The designers for the project are Swanke Hayden Connell Architects and the investors are Techinvest, who are investing $270 million. The contractors for the construction are Summa, a Turkish development company. Groundwork was carried out by Kaskatas. Construction on the building started in the third quarter of 2004 with completion scheduled for late 2006.


The Federatsiya (Federation) office complex is to consist of two towers, one 57 storeys high and the other 87 storeys (345m), and a podium. The 87-storey tower will hold offices and the 57-storey tower will include residential apartments and a hotel. The total floor area of the complex will be 240,000m².

The podium will have three to five levels and 30,000m² of floor space and will contain retail areas, banking facilities, cafes, restaurants and leisure facilities. The complex will have 14 lifts built between the two towers, including four ‘Shuttle’ round-observation lifts.

Stroimontage and NIKoil Financial Group will invest more than $500 million in the project. The architects for the project are P Schweger, S Tchoban and A Asadov of Germany. Stroimontage is the general contractor for the project. Construction started in April 2004 and the complex is scheduled for completion by 2008.


Plots 2 and 3 are owned by the Moscow City Government and original plans were for the new City Hall and Dumas (Parliament) buildings to be located there. However, these buildings will now occupy Plot 15.

The construction on Plot 15 consists of four 70-storey interconnected 308.4m buildings. The project started in November 2005 and will be finished by the end of 2007.

It is expected that all government administration will be accumulated in the new complex to provide better organisation, allowing the buildings currently in use to be sold.

The four skyscrapers will be connected by several two storey bridges between towers and eight storey bridges at the top. The highest bridges will be built in shape of letter ‘M’ for ‘Moscow’.


Plans for a 600m-tall tower to be built in Moscow to designs by British architect Sir Norman Foster were released in March 2006. ST Towers is the developer behind the project and is part of the ST Group.

The Russia Tower will be more than 50% higher than the Empire State Building and is to be built within the Moskva-City development on Plot 16 near the site’s border with the Third Ring Road. It will overshadow the 430m Federation Tower under construction at Moskva-City, which developers say will be the tallest building in Europe when it is completed in 2008.

The 420,000m² tower is a striking design comprising three blade-like structures arranged in a trefoil-like plan around a central core and tapering sharply toward the top, with part of the steel structure exposed on the outside like an exoskeleton.

Described by the architect as a vertical city, the tower is to house parking and retail space on nine underground levels, a public ice rink on the first floor under a spacious, pyramidal atrium, a hotel with serviced apartments above, 24 floors of office, high-end apartments on the top levels and a public observation deck at the very top. The resident population of the tower could be 25,000.

The Russia Tower is billed as an environmentally friendly project, maximizing natural ventilation and lighting, with solar cells, the collection of rainwater and snow to reduce water demand and the recycling of energy between areas with varying levels of demand. In addition, atria several floors high are to be spaced throughout the building’s central core and decorated with plants, providing the luxury apartments on the upper floors with private gardens in the sky.

The construction of the tower is expected to cost about $1.5 billion; of this about $150 million to $200 million would be supplied by ST Towers. Plans for the tower have been approved and it should be finished by about 2010. Construction has not yet started.


The multipurpose complex will include two towers (80 and 78 floors), with a common underground space for parking. The high tower will contain office premises and the second tower will be a hotel.

The complex will also contain a roof-top restaurant with a panoramic view, cafes and bars, conference halls and billiard club. The architect is Skidmore, Owinds, and Merrill LLP. No dates have yet been announced.


An office complex is being developed on this plot by ZAO Severnaya Bashnya. The Northern Towers will consist of three buildings – two 12-storey and one 29-storey. These will contain 135,000m² of floor space.

The architect is Project Institute 2 and the construction engineer is Bau Holding Strabag AG (Austria). Interior design in the building will be carried out by ABD Limited, and legal services with regard to lease documents are provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The first phase of Northern Tower is scheduled for shell and core delivery by the fourth quarter of 2006. The marketing and leasing campaign has already started. Raiffeisenbank has agreed to become the first tenant of the complex.

Northern Tower will feature spectacular atriums, prime office premises and a multi-level parking for 688 cars. There will also be a multi-functional conference hall for up to 200 people, banking premises, restaurants and cafes, a fitness centre with a swimming pool operated by Reebok, a professional dental clinic and a beauty parlour.


The power supply for the new MIBC has been a subject of much contention among foreign investors. The complex requires an efficient power distribution system operating at 20kV rather than the more typical 10kV.

CITY JSC and power supplier Mosenergo JSC put forward a proposal in 1999 to the Moscow City Government to develop a new power network for the MIBC, mini-metro, metro junction core, Eurostation and Sheremetyevo-Moscow Rapid Transit System.

The power and heat supply for the MIBC will be provided from three sources: the Mosenergo power station ‘SS-CITY-1’; the district heat and power station ‘Krasnya Prsnya’; and the MIBC power plant on Plot 7A, which entered its first phase of construction in 2002–2003 and is now well into its second phase with completion expected in 2006.

Having established the power supply sources, the next part of the project was the bulk power and distribution network to support the MIBC. Phase 1 of the MIBC power plant has seen the construction of a Gas Turbine Unit (GTU) and Heat and Power Plant (HPP) with a capacity of 50MW and a substation with two transformers for 110V from 20kV and 110V from 10kV and two 63MVA distribution units. The next phase will see an increase of capacity up to 100MW.

The developers of the power plant are CITY JSC and CITY-ENERGO Company Ltd. The contractors for the project are Liard-Stroy Ltd and the designers of the plant were Mosproekt-2 and VNIPI Energoprom.


The Moscow–Sheremetyevo line is the first phase of the RTS to connect the three satellite airports to the centre of Moscow. This first line, 34.3km in length, will provide interconnectivity between the airport, regional centres and urban junctions and also interconnect with the existing municipal transport system. The project was started in 2001 and eight stations were planned. This stage is now complete.

The developer for the RTS is CITY JSC in collaboration with the City of Moscow; the designer is SNC Lavalin of Canada. The Phase 2 section of the project to extend the line to cover Vnukovo Airport was started in 2004 and is now nearing completion (scheduled to open in 2007).

The RTS development not only concerns rail links to the new commerical centre of Moscow but it is also a development in its own right. The Plot 11 development will include the construction of the new Moscow transport terminal uniting the RTS, three lines of the underground and the intercity bus terminal.

The complex will include transport stations with waiting rooms, boarding areas for VIPs, a hall of customs inspection, left-luggage offices, a 342 room hotel and ticket offices.

For this section of the development Citer Invest B.V. of the Netherlands is the developer, Behnish and Behnish Architekten of Germany are the architects. The investment is $200 million and construction is underway with an expected completion in 2007.


A mini-metro line was also constructed to provide transportation within the MIBC and to connect with the historical centre of Moscow. There are three stations, one constructed in Phase 1 of the project and two in Phase 2. The three stations are Dorogomilovskaya, International and Moscow – City.

The length of the line is 5.85km. The engineering and transport contractors were Metrogiprotrans JSC. The line along with the International and Moscow – City stations came into operation in September 2005.

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Appvion Stock Plan Revives Some Claims of Flawed Transfer (1)

By Jacklyn Wille

Jacklyn Wille

The employee stock ownership plan of bankrupt paper company Appvion Inc. on Tuesday had part of its case revived against former corporate directors and financial advisers it says mishandled a decades-old transaction that swapped workers’ 401(k) assets for stock in the company.

The plan has viable claims based on the alleged post-2012 conduct of multiple defendants, including State Street Bank & Trust Co., Reliance Trust Co., and various Appvion corporate directors and officers, the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held. The plan’s allegations—that the directors and officers acted carelessly because they had an incentive to artifically inflate ...

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The spiraling 246m high Evolution Tower is located on plots 2-3 of Moscow-City high-rise business district on Presnenskaya Embankment of Moscow river. New multi-function center occupies the territory of 2.5ha in area, 2ha of which is a landscaped terraced civic plaza, the integral part of the new city piazza, the central open public space of Moscow-City business downtown.

ivic plaza includes 10m high ceremonial stairs (leading from embankment and pedestrian Bagration Bridge to the higher terraced levels) as well as landscaped areas with green lawns, trees, water features, travellators and feature lightboxes.

Evolution Tower

Location: Moscow, Russia

Typology: High-Rise, Office, Mixed-Use

Years: Construction 2011-2014

Status: Built

Height: 246m

Design team: GORPROJECT  (2011-2015), 

RMJM Scotland Ltd 

(original concept 2005-2007)

Under the piazza levels the 2-storey retail mall connects the Evolution Tower with metro station and pedestrian bridge over Moscow river, thus integrating the new development into the large Moscow-City district, the Europe's newest and most ambitious high-rise cluster (7 of 10 highest European skyscrapers ae located here), housing over 4 million square meters of office and retail areas with associated transport and engineering infrastructure.   

The Evolution Gallery mall houses food court and 6,000m2 family entertainment and educational center for various children activities (the first center of that kind in Moscow). 

The 82,000m2 office tower has 52 levels rotated 3 degrees each floor with overall twist reaching 156 degrees clockwise. With world’s largest innovative cold-bent glazing the tower façade provides seamless floating reflection that rotates the panoramas of Moscow skyline vertically, where the reflected clouds moving up enhance the dynamic visual impact of the twisted tower, an unprecedented optical effect in the world architecture.  The Crown with supporting steel structure made of two twisted arches provides the helipad at the very top as well as the open observation roof decks at Levels 51-52 featuring the best panoramas of Moscow riverside with views towards the historical center. 

From the very beginning the developer and architects have set an ambitious task to create a recognizable and symbolic tower, the new icon of contemporary Moscow.  The sculptural DNA-shaped twisting tower symbolizes the evolution spiral with the white façade ribbon wrapping over the roof in a form of 90-degree twisted infinity symbol, which speaks of philosophical concept of evolution and celebrates the development of human civilization. From spiraling onion domes of St. Basil to the iconic Tatlin Tower concept the Russian architecture was obsessed with idea of spiral. The simple and innovative design was based on principles of twisting square-shaped floor plates with vertical structural RC frame supported by a central core and 8 columns with continuous beams and 4 spiraling columns at the corners. 

The proposed structural scheme with cantilevered continuous RC beams and cantilevered floor slabs  picking up the overhangs from the twisted floor plates appeared to be simple, efficient and economical. The complex sculptural tower façade envelope was built using the innovative cold-bent glazing with flat double glazed units cold-formed in 3D within the aluminum frame under its own weight to avoid stepping in geometry. This approach appeared to be both more energy-efficient and more cost-efficient solution in comparison to the stepped curtain wall units previously applied in some twisted unitized facades. 

The multifunctional architectural glass by Guardian significantly reduces the solar gain whilst providing the double glazed unit thermal performance equal to standard triple glazed unit normally used in Moscow to withstand harsh winter conditions. The use of innovative TWIN elevators by ThyssenKrupp saved 2 shafts within the core (10 TWINs instead of 12 double-deckers in the original concept) and contributed to the overall project sustainability with lesser power consumption per passenger. Other sustainable design features include green roofs over the retail mall and integrated coil floor heating under landscaped civic piazza levels using the return water in winter to melt the snow and ice for the safety of pedestrians. The reinforced concrete formwork by PERI, including self-climbing ACS formwork specially designed for the twisting corner columns, allowed to achieve the impressive speed of RC frame construction of 6 days per floor due to perfect site logistics by Renaissance Construction as main contractor. 

All innovative design solutions and optimizations secured the delivery of this fairly unique skyscraper within the project plan and almost within the budget of the standard ‘benchmark’ high-rise building. This turned out to be a major achievement of the design and construction teams. 

The organic twisting silhouette dominates on its background of extruded glass towers greatly contributing into the overall composition of the high-rise Moscow-City cluster. The development delivered a significant open public space on the landscaped roof of the retail mall, thus providing the perfect mix of business uses with public and social activities of the civic plaza and the mall with its food court and core family entertainment function. The synergy of that mix with large underground car-park complemented by the direct link to the metro station and pedestrian bridge as means of main public transportation secured the successful project completion with the recent entire tower acquisition. Bold shape and timeless aesthetics as added values brought by its unique architecture materialized in a commercial success of this project with the tower being fully acquired for corporate headquarters even in the context of oversupply in the Moscow office market. The outstanding quality of architecture and its fine detailing, state of the art building services and communications of Class A office Tower together with the highest level of transport accessibility  (direct access to metro station from the lobby, large car-parking, proximity to boat pier and helipads) make this property very attractive for tenants and visitors. The beautiful riverside panoramas from offices are complemented by green roof and water features of the large 2ha terraced civic piazza as the main recreational outdoor space with direct link from the office tower lobby. 

The highest quality of façade cladding, glazing, vertical transportation and MEP equipment from leading European and international suppliers provided the truly Class-A office environment with the luxury of minimalist spirit in the architecture of the new landmark on the Moscow skyline. Even before its completion the sculptural spiral of Evolution Tower, more often appearing in commercials, posters and magazines, became a new icon for modern Moscow as the symbol of its business ambitions and fast development. The Evolution Tower also became the monument to the courage of its developer (Snegiri Group) and investors, who built the great deal of trust with architects, engineers and contractors by investing their efforts and funds in a challenging adventure of designing and building the unique and innovative skyscraper for the capital of Russia. 

Evolution Reflections

Evolution Reflections

Philipp nikandrov.

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The Crackdown on Student Protesters

Columbia university is at the center of a growing showdown over the war in gaza and the limits of free speech..

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Nicholas Fandos

Produced by Sydney Harper ,  Asthaa Chaturvedi ,  Olivia Natt ,  Nina Feldman and Summer Thomad

With Michael Simon Johnson

Edited by Devon Taylor and Lisa Chow

Original music by Marion Lozano and Dan Powell

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

Columbia University has become the epicenter of a growing showdown between student protesters, college administrators and Congress over the war in Gaza and the limits of free speech.

Nicholas Fandos, who covers New York politics and government for The Times, walks us through the intense week at the university. And Isabella Ramírez, the editor in chief of Columbia’s undergraduate newspaper, explains what it has all looked like to a student on campus.

On today’s episode

Nicholas Fandos , who covers New York politics and government for The New York Times

Isabella Ramírez , editor in chief of The Columbia Daily Spectator

A university building during the early morning hours. Tents are set up on the front lawn. Banners are displayed on the hedges.

Background reading

Inside the week that shook Columbia University .

The protests at the university continued after more than 100 arrests.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

Research help by Susan Lee .

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Nicholas Fandos is a Times reporter covering New York politics and government. More about Nicholas Fandos



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