Thomas Henricks Ph.D.

3 Ways to Find Your Happy Place, Wherever You Are

Managing situations, orientations, and interpretations..

Posted January 27, 2023 | Reviewed by Tyler Woods

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  • Managing emotions means managing the situations we enter, our orientations to them, and our interpretations of what occurs.
  • The most engaging situations are those where our personal qualities match well with the challenges presented there.
  • Emotions register contrasts between our judgments of what is occurring and what we feel should be occurring. We can reconsider both judgments.


“If you don’t stop complaining, I’ll slug you. You’re in the happiest place on Earth," I overheard a mother tell her child at a Florida amusement park that makes the above claim.

To be fair, the frazzled woman had several young children to manage. She was the only adult caretaker . Everyone was tired after waiting in long lines on a warm, humid day and her child was being balky about an overpriced sandwich.

Although many years have intervened, I continue to recall that tourist’s frustration because it symbolizes so much about the character of human emotions. Fully on display are “feelings about the present,” the sudden reactions and urgencies that move us into and through our daily behaviors.

Evident also, though as a backdrop, are “feelings about the future.” These are the hopes, fears, and anxieties we have about moments to come. Such dreaming and scheming—perhaps visions of going to a resort, taking a hike, or visiting friends—got us into our current situations. Now we are here.

There are also “feelings about the past.” Just as we fret about present and future concerns, so we brood about what has already occurred. Some of those occasions produce feelings of pride and gratitude ; others, regret, and shame . The mother in my example may have felt remorse about “creating a scene.” For me, as an observer, the incident was filed away, if just as something not to do in a public setting.

In any case, we should sympathize with those who seek happy places for themselves and their loved ones. Only sometimes do these visions materialize the way we wish.

Can We Manage Happiness?

In this post, I discuss our ability to regulate the feelings we have, whether these be focused on the past, present, or future. On the face of it, this is a dreadful idea. Surely, no one wants to be so robotic that they suppress the feelings that are part of our creaturely heritage. Less extremely, who wants to administer their many forms of awareness? Life is about excitement and passion, about feeling ourselves being taken to places we had not anticipated.

I acknowledge all of that. Nevertheless, many combinations of thought-behavior-feeling are essentially psychological entrapments. Spontaneity may be a gift; compulsivity is not. To be sure, we need to be well-acquainted with negative emotions like anger , fear , depression , sadness, and shame, if only so we can recognize them in ourselves and in other people. But they—or the circumstances that produce them—shouldn’t dominate us. More than that, if our goal is to have wider experiences with positive emotions (and summarily, happiness ) we should reflect on the issues involved in that quest. In that spirit, consider three challenges of emotion management .

1. Managing situations

The noted positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi argues that finding happiness commonly entails finding settings where we can operate in a focused, creative way. This deep engagement, or “flow,” is most likely to arise when our abilities match well with the kinds of challenges presented by the environment . Challenges that are too difficult for us produce anxiety ; those that are too easy lead to boredom .

Between those extremes, we have the best chance of being absorbed in what we do. For such reasons, the happiest tennis or chess matches are between players who are equally matched. Rock climbers and skiers should take on challenges appropriate to their skill levels. Golfers should play from tees that respect their skills, physical condition, and stage of life.

What this means—and this is the lesson of both successful play and work—is that we should seek situations that seem right for us rather than for other people. Skill level is only one part of this. Also important are our personal interests, values, and more general life orientations. In other words, it is appropriate to ask: Does this activity in this setting mesh with my understanding of who I am and who I can be?

For example, I’ve known people who spend their vacations in Las Vegas gambling. I don’t dispute their right to do this, but it’s not for me. The same can be said for friends who spend inordinate amounts of time in the gym or who spend as much time as possible traveling abroad. Instead, one should find ways to cultivate their own interests and aptitudes.

essay on an happy place

Such advice is hardly worth offering, except that we live in a class-based society marked by status pressures, widespread commercial advertising , and identity confusion. Most of us want to sustain the feeling that we are still “young” and have a wonderful future ahead of us. Surely, we tell ourselves, all things are possible.

A better course, or so I believe, is to find situations where we become our best selves. That means not only appropriate choice of settings and activities (indeed, some are toxic) but also encounters with stimulating, supportive people. Does the setting cultivate worthy personal qualities?

Happiness, as Csikszentmihalyi stresses, is not stasis. Neither is it “pleasure.” It is the sense that one is moving into a more interesting and deeply engaged period of life.

2. Managing orientations

Emotion is our psycho-biological reading of “how things are going.” Pointedly, that reading involves a comparison of our judgment of what is occurring and our anticipation of what should be occurring. Said differently, all of us have standards for how the world should conduct itself. Unusual or dissonant happenings make us take note. We react to things we see on television just as we do to those occurring in front of us or within our bodies.

A critical part of emotional reading then is the personal standards we bring to events. There is a range of these, from “wildest dreams” to “darkest fears.” In between are “expectations,” our most strongly supported anticipations of what is appropriate.

When events meet those expectations, we are reassured, though not especially stimulated. When they fail to meet expectations, we feel dissatisfied. When they exceed expectations—perhaps we won a lottery—we are very pleased indeed.

The pursuit of happiness involves the management of these personal orientations. To be sure, we should keep our dreams and remember our fears; but our expectations—for others and for ourselves—require ongoing adjustment.

This does not mean that we should lower those expectations. (“After all, what can you expect from human beings, particularly from older people?”) It does mean that we should keep adjusting our thinking as we add new knowledge. Ask yourself: What is reasonable to assume about the changing world we live in?

I prefer the term “orientations” (to “expectations”) because it suggests the broad range of commitments we bring to situations. What are our values, interests, and skills? What do we want from this experience? What can we contribute to it? Places are not inherently happy. It is our commitments to them that make them so.

3. Managing interpretations

In his classic book Frame Analysis, sociologist Erving Goffman claimed that the principal question confronting people in every situation is this: “What is it that’s going on here?” The answer, it seems, is far from obvious.

A comment from someone could be a straightforward description of something, but it could also be a joke, a bit of sarcasm, a criticism, a ploy, or another bit of deception , and so forth. Drawing clues from the situation, we must decide. Reading non-verbal behavior is just as difficult.

The same applies to any circumstance we are in. What should we make of this? Was the party we hosted last night a success? How should we interpret Wilson’s strange behavior at that event? Indeed, how should we think about some of the things we said and did?

So it is that we try to make sense of things. There is a place for dark interpretations (“OK, another failure on my part") and for lighter ones (“Not too bad. I’m satisfied with that.”) The honest person can see the pertinence of both views. The wise one can integrate them (“Still not where I want to be, but I can see I’m making progress.”)

The art of happiness, I would argue, is the application of the right frames of interpretation to life events. How we see ourselves—and other people—is crucial. Frequently enough, we rely on outdated ideas to process experience (perhaps stereotypes about race, class, gender , and sexual orientation we learned growing up). Sometimes, we refuse to acknowledge that we are aging and moving into new circumstances. What is “good” or “successful” for us may not be pertinent to someone else.

At bottom, the search for happiness involves these elements. Stay open to the possibilities of life but acknowledge your own limitations. Have orientations that are hopeful rather than despairing. Be as generous to others—and to yourself—as you can be. Acknowledge that circumstances mean different things to different people. Life is about coherent growth. Our emotions are simply the signifiers of our movement along that path.

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Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. New York: Harper and Row.

Henricks, T. (2012). Selves, Societies, and Emotions: Understanding the Pathways of Experience. Boulder, CO: Paradigm.

Thomas Henricks Ph.D.

Thomas Henricks, Ph.D., is Danieley Professor of Sociology and Distinguished University Professor at Elon University.

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Descriptive Essay About A Place

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Descriptive Essay About A Place

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Are you writing an essay about a place and need to know where to start?

The beauty of the world lies in its diversity, and every place has something unique to offer. A descriptive essay can bring these places alive for readers. But the question is, how do you write one?

Don't worry! We've got the right answer for you!

With a few examples and some tips on crafting your own essay, you can write it easily.

So read on to find good samples and tips to follow!

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  • 1. Understanding Descriptive Essays
  • 2. Examples of Descriptive Essay About Any Place
  • 3. Tips for Writing an Excellent Descriptive Essay About A Place

Understanding Descriptive Essays

A descriptive essay is a type of writing that aims to describe and portray an object, person, or place. The essay typically includes sensory details to help the reader imagine its contents more vividly. Descriptive essays can be written about a person , place, or other themes like nature , autumn , food , or even yourself .

A descriptive essay about a place should provide enough details for the reader to build a mental image of it. To do this, you need to include vivid descriptions and relevant information that could paint a picture in their minds.

Let's read some examples to see what a good descriptive essay looks like.

Examples of Descriptive Essay About Any Place

Here are some descriptive writing about a place examples:

Example of a Descriptive Essay About a Place

Descriptive Essay About a Place You Visited

Descriptive Essay About a Place Called Home

Descriptive Essay About a Place You Loved as a Child

Descriptive Essay About a Place of Interest I Visited

Descriptive Essay About a Favorite Place

Do you need more sample essays? Check out more descriptive essay examples t o get inspired.

Tips for Writing an Excellent Descriptive Essay About A Place

Now that you've read some examples of descriptive essays about places, it's time to learn how to write one yourself. Here are some tips on writing a great essay:

Choose The Right Topic

The topic of your essay should be something that you have a strong connection to or feeling about. It could be a place you've visited recently or a place from your childhood. Moreover, make sure that it's something that you can write about in enough detail to make your essay interesting.

Check out this blog with 100+ descriptive essay topics to get your creative juices flowing.

Gather Information

Gather as much information as possible about the topic of your essay. This will help you craft vivid descriptions and portray an accurate picture for your readers. Gather your observations, research online, and talk to people who have visited the place you're writing about.

Make sure to research the topic thoroughly so you can provide accurate and detailed descriptions. Read up as much as you can about the history of the place, and any interesting facts or stories about it.

Structure Your Essay

Outline your descriptive essay before beginning to write so all points flow logically from one to another throughout the entire piece.

Make sure to include a strong introduction and conclusion, as well as several body paragraphs that help support your main points.

Include Sensory Details

Use sensory language by including details such as sights, smells, tastes, sounds, etc. This helps to engage readers and transport them into the setting of your essay.

When writing a descriptive essay, make sure to include vivid descriptions that involve all five senses. This will help create a more engaging and immersive experience for your readers.

Use Vivid Language

Make sure to use strong and powerful words when describing the place you're writing about. Use metaphors and similes to bring your descriptions to life and make them more interesting for readers.

Proofread Your Essay

Proofreading is an important step in any writing process, especially when it comes to descriptive essays. Make sure to check for any typos or spelling errors that may have slipped through in your writing.

You also need to make sure that the flow of your essay is logical and coherent. Check if you've used a consistent point of view throughout, and make sure that all ideas are well-supported with evidence. 

Follow these tips and examples, and you'll be well on your way to writing a great descriptive essay.

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descriptive essay

My Happy Place Essay Example

There is a specific place that I am automatically drawn to that rain or shine, I always want to go to. You could say this is my happy place. It would have to be my favorite spot in the whole world. Even though it’s about 2 1/2 hours away, I don’t mind the drive at all because it’s totally worth it. As soon as I get to my favorite place, I jump out of the car to smell the fresh salty air. I usually go with my friends and family. We stay for about four or five hours, which in reality feels like a millisecond. As soon as we all get out, we pick a spot to set up our umbrella and cooler for our day packed with relaxation.

Once we get set up, I put on sunscreen to protect my skin from the harmful UV rays from the sun, because no one ever likes the post-beach day sunburn. After I put sunscreen on I lay my towel down and dig my toes into the sand. The waves crashing onto the shore makes me feel as if I’m floating in the clouds of relaxation. Although I’m not a big fan of the sand, it would still have to be my favorite place to go. 

There’s a lot you can do here. When I visit I usually like to walk or ride bikes along the water. They have lots of other activities you could do, you could go surfing, snorkeling, or ride the bus to see the island. After we do all the fun activities, we sometimes get an ice cream cone from Two Scopes on the corner, I usually get strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone. Once we get ice cream, we walk up the pier and watch the Dolphins jump up out of the water.

I love coming here even during the colder months out of the year. This is around the time when the baby turtles lay eggs and hatch. I still enjoy going here to sit on the sand, maybe do some paperwork or read a book. It has a relaxing and calming atmosphere that I really enjoy. Although I haven’t been in a while because of the pandemic, I still find myself longing to get to the beach. All the things the island offers have made Anna Maria Island beach my favorite place that is full of happiness and relaxation.

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Happy Place

Recap, summary & spoilers.

The Full Book Recap and Chapter-by-Chapter Summary for Happy Place by Emily Henry are below.

Quick(-ish) Recap

The two-paragraph version: a group of college friends - Harriet, Sabrina, Cleo, Kimmy, Parth and Wynn - meet up at a vacation home in Maine for the week, and Sabrina and Parth announce that they're having a small wedding at the end of the week. Harriet and Wynn have recently broken their engagement and the others don't know. They decide to wait until after the wedding to prevent derailing the week and the wedding. Harriet is still in love with Wyn, but they have been long distance since he decided to move home to Montana to care for his mother. He is also happier there. After a week of struggling with their feelings, Harriet and Wyn finally address how they broke up because even though they have strong feelings for each other and love each other, Wyn is happier in Montana, and Harriet needs to finish her residency in California.

Meanwhile, Sabrina gets in a fight with the group because she feels like they are growing apart and she's the only one keeping them together. In her despondent state, she also walks out on Parth. Additionally, Sabrina already knew about Harriet's breakup, and she accuses Harriet of being apathetic about their friendship and her relationship with Wyn. Harriet realizes she never "learned how to fight" and that she does want to fight for her relationship with Wyn. Harriet and Wyn talk out some things, and Harriet says she's doesn't like being a doctor. She dislikes never having energy for anything else and mainly did it for her parents. She offers to move to Montana. However, Wyn tells her that she needs to figure out what she wants because just following him around wouldn't be enough for her. Sabrina makes up with the group, with them reminding her that conflict doesn't mean they can't resolve things and won't be in each others' lives forever. They remind her that just because her parents let her down all the time, doesn't mean that others like Parth will and that he's there to stay. Sabrina and Parth get married. Harriet is about to board the flight home, but realizes that Wyn is wrong and just scared -- she's not unsure at all about what she wants. She finds Wyn, and they agree to go home to Montana together.

In Chapters 1-10 , a group of college friends - Harriet, Sabrina, Cleo, Kimmy, Parth and Wynn - get together at a vacation home in Maine for the week. The problem is, Harriet and Wyn have broken their engagement, and they haven't told the rest of the group yet. Before they can get everyone else up to date, Sabrina and Parth announce that they're engaged and having the wedding here at the end of the week. When Sabrina talks about how nervous she is about marriage and what an inspiration she considers Harriet and Wynn's relationship to be, the two of them agree that announcing their breakup could risk derailing the weekend and the wedding. The group has also been coming up to Sabrina's family's vacation home during the summer since they met, but the house is being sold so this is will be their final trip to the house.

Meanwhile, the book traces back through the beginnings of their friendship. Harriet, Sabrina and Cleo were assigned as roommates, and Sabrina met Parth in a pre-law course. When Parth's roommates moved out, the three women moved in. Then, when Harriet left to study abroad, Wyn was returning from studying abroad and replaced Harriet. Wyn and Harriet meet that summer and there's romantic tension.

When the school year resumes, Parth has now graduated and has gone off to law school at Fordham in NYC. Wyn has to stay in college an extra year after failing to meet the graduation requirements. So, he and the three women all move into a new apartment together. Harriet's feelings for Wyn deepen, though still nothing happens between them.

In Chapters 11-21 , in present day, Tuesday afternoon, Harriet and Wyn get locked in the wine cellar together by accident. She asks him if he's seeing anyone but he gets upset at the question, referencing her own relationship with someone else. Things are tense with them that night as they sort of revenge-flirt with one another until they agree to a truce. On Wednesday, the group goes to see a double-feature, gets high and rides a Ferris Wheel at the town's annual Lobster Fest. Afterwards, they go home and run into the pool and Harriet and Wyn kiss. They go back to their room and start to take things further, but Wyn stops it, saying he doesn't want to hurt her.

Meanwhile, the book continues to flash back to reveal their history. The summer before graduation, Harriet and Wyn share a kiss in the wine cellar at the house. They proceed to secretly hook up. The four of them all move to New York - Harriet and Sabrina for med school and law school at Columbia, respectively, Cleo joins an urban farm in NYC, and Wyn moves as well. All five of them share an apartment together. Harriet and Wyn's hookup continues. After a few months, they go on a date, exchange "I love you"s and announce their relationship to the group. Ten months in, she meets his family in Montana and falls in love with them, too. When Cleo moves to Brazil, Wyn and Harriet move into an apartment together. Harriet is blissfully happy. Wyn proposes.

Chapters 22-29 . In present day, on Thursday, there is some tension between Sabrina and Cleo. Sabrina had wanted to visit her farm last month, but Cleo had cancelled the visit, saying they were too busy. Sabrina brings it up again, still wanting an invite, and Cleo is getting increasingly irritated.

Meanwhile, in more flashbacks, after the proposal, Harriet and Wyn travel to Indiana to tell her family. The visit is stilted, and her parents are cold, as usual. Her mom disapproves of the marriage, saying that he doesn't seem right for Harriet, who is training to be a brain surgeon. She thinks Wyn is someone who seems like he will move back to his hometown and just want to focus on raising a family. Afterwards, Harriet suggest holding off on the wedding and when residency starts she knows it'll have to wait until after that's over.

Then, Wyn's father dies. Wyn is plunged into a dark place and doesn't want to talk about it. Harriet is very busy with work. Then, Wyn's mother is diagnosed with Parkinson's. They go to see her for a few days, and Wyn seems happy for the first time in a while. When Harriet heads back, Wyn decides to stick around for a month, but after a month that gets extended as well. Harriet is busy, and she becomes close to some fellow residents. There are some missed phone calls when Wyn calls. Finally one night one of Harriet's friends, Martin, tries to kiss her. She stops it and immediately tells Wyn, but he responds by saying that their relationship isn't working. He breaks up with her over the phone and sends her stuff back two days later.

In present day, on Friday, Harriet and Wyn find a bakery to pick up a cake for the wedding. Harriet asks Wyn about a text she saw accidentally and it turns out he's been building and selling high end furniture very successfully. She tells him how proud of him he is. That night, Harriet finally asks Wyn about their breakup. He says initially he was depressed, felt like he wasn't good enough for her and all her brilliant friends and felt like she didn't care when she was too busy for him and started missing his phone calls. Now, he's on medication and happy at home and he's feeling better. He understands now that she does care and love him, and that he still has feelings for her and loves her -- but it still doesn't change anything. He's finally happy in Montana. She needs to be in California for the next few years and that's what right for her.

Chapters 32 - 40 . Friday night, Sabrina wants to get matching tattoos to commemorate their final trip to the house. These summer trips with her family had been the bright spot in her lonely childhood with her neglectful parents. Now, the house is being sold and she's watching her friend group grow apart. She wants the tattoo as a reminder and to keep them bonded. Harriet tells her no and finally explains that she and Wyn have broken up and she doesn't want matching tattoos with him. Sabrina reveals that she already knew they were broken up (Parth figured it out a few weeks ago due to seeing their message history on Wyn's phone) -- and that she's been trying to help them get back together. Harriet is furious because this week has been torture for her. Sabrina in turn accuses Harriet of being apathetic about their friendship and her relationship with Wyn. Cleo also feels Sabrina has forced this week on them, and they part angrily.

That night, Harriet realizes that Sabrina is right about her not fighting for what she wants. She never learned how to fight. By trying to avoid conflict all the time, she's also pushed people away. Harriet goes to Wyn to tell him she wants to fight and figure things out and that she doesn't want him to leave. They have sex. The next morning, they talk out some things, and Harriet says she's doesn't like being a doctor. She dislikes never having energy for anything else and mainly did it for her parents. She offers to move to Montana. However, Wyn tells her that she shouldn't do that. Instead, she needs to figure out what she wants because just following him around wouldn't be enough for her.

Cleo tells Harriet that she's pregnant, and she's been busy with baby stuff which is why she didn't have the capacity to host Sabrina. Harriet encourages her to tell Sabrina, but when they go looking for her, Parth tells them that he and Sabrina got into a fight and she left. They search for Sabrina and find her at the chapel where her parents once got married. Sabrina makes up with the group, with them reminding her that conflict doesn't mean they can't resolve things and won't be in each others' lives forever. They remind her that just because her parents let her down all the time, doesn't mean that others like Parth will and that he's there to stay. Sabrina and Parth get married.

Harriet is about to board the flight home, but realizes that Wyn is wrong and just scared -- she's not unsure at all about what she wants. She's about to leave the airport, but Wyn shows up looking for her. They talk and agree to go home to Montana together. The book ends with them having their Save the Date pinned on the fridge, and Harriet being happy and ready to figure out what's in store for her.

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Chapter-by-Chapter Summary


At a summer home in Knott’s Harbor, Harriet Kilpatrick relaxes with her girlfriends from Mattingly College. She, Sabrina Armas and Cleo were matched up by the housing system. Sabrina is a “born-and-raised Manhattan heiress”, while Cleo is a painter and her parents are a well known music producer and famous essayist. Harriet’s parents are a teacher and a receptionist. They were a happy, joyful and loving group of friends.

It was the happiest Harriet had ever been, until she met Wyndham “Wynn” Connor .

After a bumpy flight, the small plane lands, and Harriet, a brain surgeon two years into her residency, is excited to see her college friends again, people she only sees infrequently now that they all live in different places. Sabrina, a lawyer, shows up to pick her up from the parking lot, and they drive to Sabrina’s family’s summer home where they’ll all be gathering that week. Cleo and her girlfriend Kimberly “Kimmy” Carmichael are already there. They run a farm together. Sabrina’s boyfriend Parth Nayak , also a lawyer, is there, too.

As they enter the kitchen, Harriet is surprised to see Wynn there.

Harriet and Wynn were previously engaged but her friends don’t know that they broke up. Also, he wasn’t supposed to be here. Before Harriet can say more, Sabrina informs the group that her family is planning on selling the house next month. The group is sad about this being their last get-together in a place where they’ve shared so many important memories.

Then, Sabrina and Parth announce their engagement. As everyone ooos and ahhhs over the ring, Sabrina talks about how inspiring it is that Harriet and Wynn have made it work despite being long distance. Also the wedding is talking place here at the end of this week.

With that Harriet is very aware of how she and Wynn are both “trapped” here since neither of them are going to be able to leave if the plan is to attend the wedding.


Harriet thinks back to how they met Parth and Wynn. Sabrina had taken an international law class with him, and he’d told her he needed new roommates. So, the three of them had agreed to replace his previous roommates who had graduated or were studying abroad. Parth was known for throwing great parties, but he’s also kind and positive.

Harriet was only there for one semester. In the Spring, she left to study abroad in London while the roommate who was studying abroad returned to swap places with her. This turned out to be Wynn, who she met finally when summer rolled around, she returned and went to Maine to vacation at Sabrina’s summer house. He was sent to pick her up and drive her back.

On the car ride, they flirt gently, though he mentions that he has rules about not dating friends since things can get messy that way. Harriet also knows Sabrina has a crush on him. Still, the romantic tension is clearly there.

In present day, Sabrina lets them know that Cleo and Kimmy offered to take the room with two twin beds, so Wynn and Harriet are in the big bedroom with one bed.

When they’re finally alone, Wynn explains that Sabrina had given him a hard time about not coming because it was going to be their last vacation there. He tried to reach out to Harriet to let her know and left a voicemail. Harriet thinks about how she blocked his number so she never got the voicemail.

They talk about what to do, and agree that they should let Sabrina and Parth’s engagement be the focus for tonight, and then they can tell the group that they’ve split up tomorrow. Harriet thinks about how hurt she’d been when he’d broken things off with her and sent her things back. She’d been in denial and had told him she wanted to wait to tell them together. Later, he’d also wanted to wait to tell people since he knew his mother would be upset if she found out.

Harriet lives in San Francisco. Wynn has been living in Montana, running the family furniture repair business and helping to take care of his mother. The arrangement was originally supposed to be temporary, just until Wynn’s younger sister finished grad school and moved home.

Now, they talk about guidelines on how to behave until they tell their friends the truth.

In their bedroom, the bathroom’s tub and glass shower are both out in the open, which worries Harriet. Meanwhile, Sabrina has an elaborate week planned out for them with a detailed personal itinerary for each person.

They all go for a swim and Parth talks about how he’d been asking Sabrina to marry him for a year, but she didn’t agree to it for a long time. Finally a month and a half ago, Sabrina planned her own elaborate proposal with a scavenger hunt and asked him to marry her and he said yes. Sabrina had explained to him that she’s always known it was him but it was hard for her to believe it was possible it could work because of her parents’ divorce.

When Harriet runs to the bathroom, Wynn follows her and comes in after her to talk. He says that they can’t tell everyone they broke up tomorrow. Sabrina’s already nervous about marriage and keeps talking about how Harriet and Wynn are an inspiration to her. He’s worried they’re going to derail the week and the wedding. Harriet suggests that Wynn talk to Parth and decide based on how that goes how to proceed. In the meantime, Wynn slips the engagement ring back on her finger.

Harriet thinks back to that Maine getaway where she first met Wynn. She continued to feel an attraction to him after meeting him. One day, he comes and ask her why she’s always cleaning when he’s around, and she says it relaxes her when she’s anxious. He gently teases her about being anxious around him, but later he also admits that she makes him a little nervous. They talk about their respective parents and recent relationships. He lets her know he’s not interested in Sabrina.

Tuesday morning, Harriet wakes up in a blind panic when she sees that she’s wearing Wynn’s shirt and assumes that they slept together. Wynn corrects her saying she was doing body shots and threw up on her own shirt and he eventually had to carry her back to the room where they most definitely did not sleep together.

Their conversation is interrupted by Kimmy excitedly reminding everyone that it’s time for “Grocery Gladiators” — a competitive grocery-shopping game they like to play.

At the grocery store, Kimmy’s team (her, Parth and Wynn) are going as fast as possible, while the other team (Harriet, Sabrina and Cleo) are taking their sweet time. They’ve already each drawn from a bowl the items their team is assigned to locate. Harriet’s team chats about how Kimmy is managing to have that much energy despite drinking so much the night before. Cleo comments that she made her drink a bunch of water before bed and muses that she’s surprised Wynn didn’t do the same for Harriet.

Afterwards, they head to a bookstore. When Cleo and Harriet are alone, they talk about Sabrina’s upcoming nuptials. Cleo feels like there’s been something off about Sabrina lately. Last month, Sabrina and Parth had wanted to visit Cleo and Kimmy, but Cleo had to decline since things were too busy. Cleo says Sabrina still seems upset about it.

Cleo also says things are still really busy for them. Originally, she and Kimmy were going to leave this trip early, but with Sabrina planning the wedding for the end of the week now they can’t and are scrambling.

After everyone checks out, Wyn tells Harriett that he talked to Parth last night, and he thinks they should wait until the week is over to tell everyone about their broken engagement. Harriet also notices that Wyn has purchased a coffee-table book, which is completely unlike him. He’s never been one to spend money and certainly not on something like that. She also thinks about all the texting Wyn seems to be doing and wonders if he is seeing someone.

Harriet thinks back to their senior year. Parth was a year above them, so he has graduated and is off at Fordham in New York for law school. Wyn was Parth’s year but failed to meet his graduation requirements so he needs another year to finish things up. So, Wyn is now living with Harriet, Cleo and Sabrina in their new apartment. Harriet finds herself giving her heart to Wyn, though she tries not to.

As they make plans for after graduation, Harriet and Sabrina get into Columbia’s med school and law schools. Meanwhile, Cleo decides to forego the MFA program she was originally planning on enrolling in and is going to be working at an urban farm in NYC. Wyn was already planning on living in New York, working at a bookstore and doing furniture repair. So, the four plan to be living together again after graduation.

Next on the itinerary is a picnic at Acadia National Park. As they get ready to leave, Sabrina asks someone to fetch a specific bottle of wine from the wine cellar. Harriet goes to look for it, and Wyn joins her shortly after, but neither of them can locate it. Then, they realize the door locks automatically and that they’re trapped in the wine cellar. Neither of them brought their phones with them, and the plan was to take two cars, so the four of them could potentially all have left without them already. There’s a panel on the wall that could open the door, but they don’t know the code.

Harriet asks Wyn about the coffee table book that he bought, but Wyn is feeling claustrophobic and freaking out a little. Harriet tries to calm him down. She reminds him of the time they all played sardines at the house to try to get his mind off of the situation. She talks about how that was the first time they kissed. When he’s calm, she asks him about the coffee table book again and if he’s dating someone, but he gets upset. He hints that he thinks Harriet has her own “other person” to worry about. Their conversation is interrupted by Sabrina, who has come looking for them.

For dinner, Harriet puts on a sexy, red “Getting Back Out There” dress, also known as her “Vengeance” dress”.

They head to the same restaurant they’d gone to the very first time they’d vacationed out here. At the time, Harriet had been preoccupied with a guy named Byrant that wasn’t going well. She’d felt sad and lonely, but Sabrina and Cleo had been there for her and she never really felt lonely like that again.

In present day, Cleo is starting to pick up on the fact that something is off with Harriet. Harriet finally tells Cleo that she and Wyn had a fight, relieved to be able to share a tiny portion of something resembling the truth. Over dinner, Cleo talks about how things are going well at the farm and their co-op is maxed out, so demand is good. They also talk about how Kimmy fit in so easily with their group from the very beginning.

Harriet flirts with Wyn, but in more of a vindictive way. As they all start to drink, Wyn pulls Harriet aside.

Privately, they briefly talk about how each of them is sort of vindictive-angry-flirting with one another, but nothing is resolved. It continues as the night goes on. Finally at the end of the night, they agree to a truce.


Harriet thinks back to the time following graduation. Over the summer, Harriet and Wyn had shared their first kiss in the cellar, and they’d proceeded to continue secretly seeing each other. Then, they’d all proceeded to move into an NYC apartment together as planned. Harriet and Wynn’s hookups ramp up.

After months of this, they go on a date. He admits to her he’s scared that people like him more until they get to know him and find out that he’s a little boring. She tells him that she disagrees and that he’s not boring. They exchange “I love yous”, and they finally tell their friends about their relationship.

Wednesday morning, Sabrina bounds in to let Wyn and Harriet know that they are late for breakfast. They groggily awake and eventually head out the door to Bernadette’s, a greasy diner, where they sit outside on the patio. They talk about the upcoming wedding, and Sabrina says it’ll just be the six of them, plus a minister. They’ll do a bigger wedding next year, but not now.

The sound of thunder makes Sabrina suddenly become sullen when she realizes they won’t be able to go sailing. Harriet suggests that instead of focusing on everything going exactly as planned, they should each choose one activity they really want to do and make it happen. If they all do their activities then, they can consider the week a success. They agree to keep their goals secret until after they meet it.

With their sailing plans derailed, the group decides to go to the Roxy theater to watch a double feature, Salem’s Lot and Return to Salem’s Lot.

Watching the movie, Harriet has the feeling of being too close to Wyn. She feels the heat between them but her mind also shifts to their quick 4-minute breakup and the ways he let her down. And then to other things. She gets up to go to the bathroom.


Harriet recalls going to Montana to meet Wyn’s parents, Gloria and Hank , and sisters, Lou and Michael , ten months into their relationship. They are warm and inviting. He’s from a small town and Harriet learns that he was prom king, though he’s dismissive of it. They stay for four days and she falls in love with him all over again and with his family. Wyn is very happy at home, and they have a wonderful time together.

When she finishes up in the bathroom, she runs into Wyn. They chat and Harriet asks about how Wyn’s family is doing, though his mom is still not doing great. Harriet is still in touch with his mom who also doesn’t know they’ve broken up.

Wyn tells her that he realized something yesterday, which is that the thing that happened with this other guy is not why they broke up. He says that he was just in a dark place and “didn’t know how to fix it”. She tells him that she’s not with that guy. Wyn also tells her he’s not seeing anyone.

Harriet thinks about how Wyn has always been fond of being home. He tells her how he didn’t realize how happy he would be just living at home and being with his family.

Jn the theater they eat weed gummies. After the movies, the rain has stopped and people are in the streets for the first night of the annual Lobster Fest. High and hungry, they walk around enjoying the festivities. The group goes to ride the Ferris wheel and memories pop up in Harriet’s head. Like the night be proposed, when his dad passed away, when they broke up. He asks to see photos from the pottery class she’s been taking. There’s one she named Hank after his dad, and he asks if he can give it to his mom.

As the ride ends, Cleo and Kimmy are high and getting rowdy. One of them throws a bra at Harriet.

When they get back, the group has a sudden urge to jump in the pool. In the water with Wyn, she tips her face up to kiss him.

Wyn kisses her back, and then it’s a tangle of hands. After the swim, they head back to the room and start to take things further, but then he stops it. He says he doesn’t want to hurt her more.


Harriet thinks back to her and Wym’s first apartment in New York. A few weeks ago, Cleo had announced she was going to go work at an organic farm in Belize. As a result, the gang lets the lease end. Unable to find an appropriate apartment for four, and they split up.

Parth and Sabrina visit to help “christen” their new apartment. Harriet is happy living with Wynn. Happier than she’s ever been, and he proposes. She says yes, and he gives her a ring. That summer in Maine, the group throws them an engagement party.

On Thursday, they go sailing. Sabrina brings up again the aborted visit to Cleo and Kimmy’s farm, and yet again they don’t attempt to extend another invitation. Both parties are getting irritated.


Wyn and Harriet go to visit her parents and sister in Indiana. They greet Wyn stiffly, and the conversation at dinner is stilted. Her parents don’t seem to recall anything she told them about him. Later, when they’re alone, Harriet asks mom what she thinks of Wyn. Her mom tells her that Wyn seems sweet, but isn’t the type of person she saw her ending up with. Her mom says that he seems like the type of guy who just wants to move home and have children.

Instead of things like macaroni art and childhood photos, Harriet’s parents display her degree with a an empty frame waiting for her med school degree. She describes the tense atmosphere in the house as a child and the constant reminder of things her parents sacrificed for them.

That night, Wyn reaffirms his love for her, telling her that she makes everything better for him.

Sabrina continues to be upset over that morning’s tension, but the others reminisce about their past trips. They spend the day hiking and sailing and hanging out be the shore. When it starts to get late, they get back on the boat to sail back.

When the topic of weddings come up, Sabrina mentions that a tiny wedding was how her parents got married. They weren’t married when Sabrina’s mother got pregnant. Instead, they married when she was four. They were here vacationing and drove down the coast to a small chapel. However, they divorced three years after, and her father took up with a Norwegian model. Her mother used her as a support system until she started dating as well.

From what Harriet knows, Sabria’s summers here in Knott’s Harbor “were the lone bright spot in a lonely childhood, the only place either of her parents truly had time for her.”

The group then asks Wyn and Harriet about their own wedding plans, and Wyn says he would’ve been fine getting married at a courthouse or a drive though chapel in Vegas, but that’s not what Harriet wants. Harriet thinks to herself that she only wants him.

Thursday night is Taco Thursday. Harriet goes up to change and accidentally sees a message on Wyn’s phone from his mom saying: “The longer you wait, the worse it will be. You have to tell her, Wynnie” and her mind searches for what this might be referring to.


After her mom’s comments, Harriet holds off on planning the wedding, hoping her mother would see that she was wrong and that she’d have her support. When she finished med school, they planned to do it after her residency because of how busy she’d be.

Then one morning, Wyn’s father Hank passes away.

When Friday rolls around, Harriet suggests to Sabrina that they should make some preparations for the wedding tomorrow so it’s more of a “proper” wedding, like finding a photographer and cake. Sabrina suggests a mini bachelor/bachelorette party, etc. They give each other two hours for everyone to do what they can to make these things happen.

Wyn and Harriet go to sort out the cake, but the local bakery only offers Happy Birthday cakes. Wyn tells her to inscribe “Happy birthday, wicked pissah” as an inside joke on the cake.

As they head back, Wyn points out that Harriet is pulling away from him. When she protests, they end up kissing until she demands to know what the text message his mom sent was about.

Reluctantly, he shows her that he’s been making high end furniture, like a massive oak table that he sold for $15,000. He says he’s been getting a steady stream of requests. Then he tells her that back in San Francisco, when he said that he was doing an upholstery job, he was actually doing an apprenticeship. He was embarrassed to tell her in case it went poorly.

She tells him how proud she is of him. He offers to make her a table. She asks why his mother was worried, and he says that it’s because she doesn’t realize they’re broken up and his mother thinks that Harriet is waiting for him to go back.

After his father’s death, Wyn is not eating or sleeping well, so Harriet suggests postponing the wedding. Months pass and Wyn seems to continue falling apart. Meanwhile, Harriet is working long hours doing her residency and the two of them have little time together.

Harriet knows something is wrong, but Wyn evades telling her any specifics. Then, Wyn’s mother gets diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Harriet and Wyn go to Montana to see her, and Wyn seems alive again being home around his family. Harriet goes back after the weekend, but Wyn decides to stick around for a month. The day before his scheduled return, his mother breaks her wrist, so his trip gets extended again.

Harriet continues to be busy with work and making new friends she’s made from the hospital – Martin, Grace, and Taye . She misses some of Wyn’s calls. He visits her over the holidays, but then he leaves again.

One night, Martin drives her home. When she gives him a hug, he kisses her. She’s too shocked at first to react, but then she pushes him away. Harriet calls Wyn immediately after to confess what happened, and Wyn responds that their relationship “isn’t working anymore”. The call is short and two days later she receives a box of her stuff in the mail.

Harriet thinks about how she never got concrete answers about why Wyn broke up with her. It’s been months and she hasn’t been able to let go. She goes to find him outside and admits that their breakup is killing her and she doesn’t understand how he’s so happy without her.

He tells her that it he was just in a dark place and feeling lost and feeling not good enough. He says she also didn’t seem like she cared about him when she went off with her friends and it felt right to him that she should go be with other smart people and he should stop fighting the life that makes sense for him. He didn’t want to drag her into a life she didn’t want. He ended it quickly because he was scared of changing his mind. He says he’s been depressed and he’s taking medicine for it.

He says he’s feeling better now and feels like he has more room to love her, but he also feels like everything is the same in that she’d he happier living a different life than his. He says he goes back and forth between wanting to be with her even though it won’t change anything and wanting to let her go because he doesn’t want to hurt her.

They both talk about how they still feel like they belong to each other, but Harriet thinks to herself that “But does it even matter that we belong to each other when we can’t be with each other? Our lives are immovably separate.” Wyn is happy in Montana, and Harriet has years left in California before she’s done with residency.

Things get physical, but they don’t have a condom so he performs oral sex on her instead.

That night, Sabrina takes them to a tattoo parlor. She wants to get a group tattoo. However, the group gently tells her they don’t want to. As they continue to push back, Sabrina gets upset. She feels like her family is getting rid of the one place that made her happy and their friend group is growing apart. She says Cleo won’t find time to let her visit and Harriet is too busy to call her back.

Finally, Harriet decides she needs to come clean. She says that she doesn’t want to get a matching tattoo with Wyn since they’ve broken up and she doesn’t want the constant reminder.

Sabrina doesn’t seem shocked, instead she says she thought they were back together and were working things out.

It turns out Parth figured out weeks ago that they had broken up when he saw Wyn’s phone and the two clearly hadn’t been communicating for months, and he told Sabrina.

Suddenly it occurs to Harriet that Sabrina engineered this to get them back together and she’s angry. Sabrina says she was trying to help, but Harriet says that this week has been torture. Sabrina accuses her of not being willing to fight for what she wants.

Cleo also says that she was to busy for this but Sabrina manipulated them into it. Sabrina responds that if she left everyone to their own devices then they’d never see each other and just grow apart. Cleo starts saying that things are different now and Sabrina should stop trying to relive the “glory days”. Harriet can see how upset Sabrina is when Cleo says that. She tells Cleo to leave if she wants to.

Cleo decides she and Kimmy are going to stay in the guesthouse for the night to get some space.

Afterwards, Harriet feels defeated. She feels like she hasn’t been good enough – as a friend to Sabrina and Cleo, as a the brilliant doctor her parents want her to be, as a partner to Wyn. She thinks about what Sabrina said about not being willing to fight for what she wants.

Harriet tells Wyn that she doesn’t want him to leave. She wants him to stay and she wants them to argue and figure things out. He says it seemed like she didn’t care about the wedding and Harriet tells him she just didn’t want to push him when it was clear he was grieving.

She tells him that she doesn’t like he’s hurt and doesn’t tell her so she has to guess at what he’s thinking instead. They talk more and have sex that night.

On Saturday, Harriet wakes up while Wyn is still sleeping. She goes into the village and runs into Cleo and Kimmy. Harriet apologies for not telling them about the breakup. Cleo tells her she understand why she didn’t, she was in denial and didn’t want to make it real.

Cleo then says that she’s pregnant. She hasn’t wanted to host Sabrina at the farm since they are really busy dealing with baby-related craziness. Harriet reassures her that when she tells Sabrina, that she will understand.

Before she heads back, Harriet picks up some matching T-shirts and aviators for Sabrina as a peace offering. Then, Harriet recalls that Sabrina had written in a “personalized surprise” on her itinerary for 9AM at a location nearby. She goes and sees it’s a pottery class. She thinks of how hard Sabrina works to keep their group together and how thoughtful she is.

Wyn soon shows up looking for her. He joins her in pottery making. As they’re doing it, Harriet tells them that she doesn’t like being a doctor. Wyn asks her why she never said anything about it before to him. Harriet says that she was ashamed since he’d followed her across the country so she could pursue this.

Then she suggests going to Montana, but he pushes back saying that she can’t just what other people want her to and that she wouldn’t be happy just following him around.

They go back to the house and everything is quiet. Parth tells them that he and Sabrina got into a fight and she stalked off. He tells them that he’s been waiting for her to back out and thinks that she mostly agreed to it because she wanted an anchor when she felt like the other parts of her life were splintering apart.

Harriet tells Parth that Sabrina is just scared. Unlike the others, in Harriet and Sabrina’s homes, disagreements didn’t get resolved. It just meant someone left and didn’t come back or resulted in divorce or got calloused over.

The group splits up to go looking for Sabrina. After checking everywhere, Harriet has the idea to go to the chapel where Sabrina’s parents got married. They find Sabrina there. Sabrina says she scared of what’s going to happen to their friendship if Harriet and Wyn break up. She feels like this group is part of their relationship and if Harriet is letting go of him, then she’s going to let go of all of them.

But Harriet tells her it’s not true and that she’ll remain a part of her for life. Cleo then tells Sabrina about her pregnancy.

Before they head back, Sabrina admits to herself that she does really want to marry Parth.

That Saturday afternoon, Sabrina and Parth get married, with a sunflower bouquet and birthday cake. The photographer takes photos of them hanging around the pool. They drink champagne and cider and have pizza delivered.

Wyn is sleeping when Harriet wakes up. She knows he would want her to wake him but she doesn’t have it in her to say goodbye. Instead, she heads down and has Sabrina drive her to the airport.

Sitting in the airport she envisions the life they would have in Montana, and it crystalizes for her that she’s sure it’s what she wants. She realizes that Wyn is just scared that it won’t be enough for her and that he doesn’t trust that she will love him forever. But she knows what she wants.

She begins to leave the airport, but runs into Wyn arriving at the airport. She tells him that he’s right and she shouldn’t do what other people want, but it’s also not up to him to tell her what she wants. She says that she wants to be with him, and she’ll figure out the rest.

Wyn admits that he is scared but he wants to be with her, too. They agree to go home to Montana together.

Harriet withdraws from her residency program and tells her parents. They are shocked and want to come see her, but she says no. Also, she’s found a job at a pottery studio. She says that working as a doctor doesn’t allow her to have the type of life she wants where she has energy for her friends, to try new things or just to decorate her apartment. She tells them she’s in Montana.

Harriet texts her sister, Eloise . She’s shocked when Eloise mentions that she’s seeing a therapist and that she let her mom deal with her own feelings about it. As they text, Eloise also admits that she’s always resented Harriet because she felt like she was just like her parents.

As time passes, her Dad comes around to the idea, though her mom is tougher. One day they talk and her mom admits that she feels like she gave up everything to be with their father, and she’s terrified Harriet will end up feeling the same way. Harriet says that she is happy, but more importantly she doesn’t feel like she chose this life for Wyn, she feels like she chose it for herself.

In the final chapter, Harriet is now living in Montana, their Save the Date attached to the fridge. Her mind wanders to the sacrifices her parents made for her, but she also thinks of how she needs to find her own happiness.

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Bookshelf -- A literary set collection game

Harriet and Wyn have been the perfect couple since they met in college—they go together like salt and pepper, honey and tea, lobster and rolls. Except, now—for reasons they’re still not discussing—they don’t. They broke up five months ago. And still haven’t told their best friends.

Which is how they find themselves sharing a bedroom at the Maine cottage that has been their friend group’s yearly getaway for the last decade. Their annual respite from the world, where for one vibrant, blissful week they leave behind their daily lives; have copious amounts of cheese, wine, and seafood; and soak up the salty coastal air with the people who understand them most.

Only this year, Harriet and Wyn are lying through their teeth while trying not to notice how desperately they still want each other. Because the cottage is for sale and this is the last week they’ll all have together in this place. They can’t stand to break their friends’ hearts, and so they’ll play their parts. Harriet will be the driven surgical resident who never starts a fight, and Wyn will be the laid-back charmer who never lets the cracks show. It’s a flawless plan (if you look at it from a great distance and through a pair of sunscreen-smeared sunglasses). After years of being in love, how hard can it be to fake it for one week…in front of those who know you best?

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essay on an happy place

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The Composition of Happiness

Eng 1101 / hus 1101 learning community (fall 2014).

The Composition of Happiness

My Happy Place

Although it may sound boring my happy place is definitely my room. I tried to think of different places I have visited recently and in my past and although I have been to some interesting places in New York City, my room is my happiest. It’s the only place I have my own space and I can do whatever I want. I like having my own space and a place to think or just relax and my room is the perfect place for me to do that. Of course sometimes I want to get out and do things but I never get tired of coming home to my room! I have everything I could ever need to survive in there! I can watch movies, blast my music, read, eat etc.

When I was younger I always had to share rooms with my sister. We had bunk beds then we both had our individual beds but we were still in the same room. We don’t have a big age difference but we still both needed our space. Especially since at the time we were sharing we were at that stage where we hated each other. We spent so much time together it was unbearable! (only kidding) But now that we each have our own space to do what we want and breathe, we are really close. How ironic. I think this is another thing that contributes to me loving my room so much.

What makes being in my room enjoyable besides what I already stated is when my friends or cousins come over. Although they touch all my stuff, we always have fun whether it’s watching movies or just talking about stuff that’s bothering us or currently going on with us. We always find something to do when they come over.

I get tired of things easily so I change my room around a lot. My dad has painted my room at least 3 times in the past like 2 years. I always move my bed and dressers around simply because since I spend so much of my time in here whether it’s doing work or hanging out, i’m gonna get tired of seeing it the same exact way. I actually enjoy changing my room around because I change everything from sheets to the stuff I have on my walls or around my room. Everything is up to me and how I decide I want it to look which is cool. The only thing I don’t change in my room is it’s scent. Whether it’s fall or not my favorite scent is apply cinnamon. Although it’s usually thought of as a fall aroma, I have it in my room year around whether it’s spray or candles.

My room is just me. Everything about it is me as a person and who I am. I think it describes me well. It may sound weird or dramatic but it is. As much time as I spend in here I would only imagine it should. Although there are some beautiful historical places in NYC, this is why my room is my favorite.

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Happy Place: Summary and Characters Explained

By: Author Luka

Posted on Last updated: March 31, 2024

Categories Book Summary , Character Analysis

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Note: the following discussion guide contains spoilers, as well as references to critical plot points and detailed character analysis for Happy Place by Emily Henry.

In Emily Henry’s novel Happy Place , published in 2023, we follow the story of Harriet Kilpatrick, a surgical resident who avoids conflicts, and Wyn Connor, her soulmate and ex-fiancé.

After eight years of dating, they quietly separate and call off their engagement, keeping it a secret from their friends. During the annual gathering at their cherished cottage in Maine, known as their “happy place,” Harriet and Wyn decide to pretend they are still in love for the sake of their friends.

However, as they navigate this charade, the difficulty of faking their engagement and concealing their true feelings becomes increasingly challenging.

Happy Place by Emily Henry


The book achieved New York Times bestseller status and garnered recognition as a Most Anticipated Book of 2023 by BuzzFeed, Elle, Southern Living, and Reader’s Digest.

In this guide we will go through the complete summary and characters explained for Happy Place by Emily Henry.

Have a wonderful book club discussion! ✨

Summary  |  Characters Explained | Characters List

Ending Explained | Book Club Questions

Happy Place Summary

Harriet Kilpatrick, a 30-year-old surgical resident facing exhaustion, anticipates her annual summer vacation at the cottage in Knott’s Harbor, Maine – their designated “happy place.” Joining her are friends Sabrina, a lawyer and heiress who owns the cottage; Sabrina’s boyfriend Parth; Cleo, an artsy farm owner; and Cleo’s girlfriend Kimmy.

Six months prior, Harriet’s fiancé of eight years, Wyn Connor, ended their relationship in a brief phone call. Despite the heartbreak, they agree to keep the breakup a secret from their friend group. When Harriet arrives at the coastal cottage, she is shocked to find Wyn pretending they are still together. Furious, she had planned to reveal their breakup to everyone. However, Sabrina drops the bombshell that this is the last summer in the cottage, as her father is selling it.

Additionally, Sabrina and Parth plan to marry that weekend. Wyn explains he was invited to the wedding by Sabrina and Parth, and unable to decline, he and Harriet decide to maintain the facade of being a couple for the week. They commit to displaying the same affection as before, fearing their friends will become suspicious otherwise.

Throughout Lobster Fest, ocean excursions, and nostalgic visits, Wyn’s uncertainty about the breakup becomes evident. However, when he questions Harriet’s happiness, she struggles to admit her sense of loss.

Flashbacks unveil the origins of their friendship in college, where Harriet, Sabrina, and Cleo formed tight bonds. Harriet and Wyn’s romantic connection grew over the years, leading to their engagement. The couple moved to San Francisco for Harriet’s residency, but challenges arose when Wyn faced difficulties in finding employment and dealt with family issues in Montana. The distance strained their relationship, and Wyn broke up with Harriet after misconceptions about a kiss with her friend Martin.

In the present, as Sabrina and Parth’s wedding approaches, Harriet and Wyn confront the issues that led to their breakup. Wyn reveals his struggles with depression after his father’s death and feeling inadequate in Harriet’s ambitious world.

In contrast, Harriet admits her pursuit of surgery to please her parents, despite her stress and unhappiness. She finds solace in pottery, and Wyn encourages her to prioritize personal happiness over societal expectations. This revelation rekindles their romance against the backdrop of their friends’ wedding celebration.

While reveling in the festivities of Lobster Fest, cruising the open sea, dancing, and revisiting cherished locales, Wyn exhibits uncertainty about their past split. When he probes Harriet about her contentment, she hesitates to concede the void she felt in his absence.

Journeying back to their roots, the flashbacks unveil the collegiate meeting of Harriet, Sabrina, and Cleo. Harriet, hailing from a reserved family with a distant older sister, found solace in her college roommates. The trio later shared a residence with Sabrina’s law-school associate Parth and his friend Wyn.

The affinity between Harriet and Wyn swiftly evolved into an intense, fervent love. Meanwhile, Cleo delved into farming with her spirited partner Kimmy, and Sabrina and Parth pursued law studies in New York. Eventually, Wyn proposed to Harriet, leading them to relocate to San Francisco for her residency.

In the city, challenges surfaced as Wyn grappled with job hunting and yearned for his close-knit Montana family. Following the passing of Wyn’s father, Hank, he returned to Montana to support his mother, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Despite Harriet’s attempts to stand by Wyn, the geographical distance strained their connection. When Harriet shared an intimate moment with her residency friend Martin, Wyn interpreted it as betrayal, resulting in their breakup.

Fast-forward to the present, as Sabrina and Parth’s wedding looms, Harriet and Wyn revisit their past and delve into the reasons behind their split. Wyn divulges that he terminated the relationship, feeling he hindered the ambitions of the intelligent Harriet.

Conversely, Harriet admits she lacked genuine enthusiasm for being a surgeon, merely pursuing it to appease her hardworking parents. Battling fatigue, stress, and surgery-related apprehensions, Harriet finds solace in pottery, a medium allowing her to create without the weight of expectations.

Wyn, contentedly situated in Montana, crafting tables from tree slabs in his father’s carpentry shop, applauds Harriet’s newfound passion. He urges her to pursue happiness as a potter, favoring fulfillment over the misery of surgical obligations. Their shared appreciation for pottery rekindles their romance.

The day prior to Sabrina’s wedding, she insists that everyone get matching tattoos. Cleo, however, staunchly refuses, leading to a heated altercation. Accusations fly as Sabrina and Cleo criticize Harriet for her perceived communication breakdown and emotional distance. Harriet, in defense, reveals the recent breakup with Wyn, pleading that her demanding residency has consumed her time and energy. Sabrina, feeling unappreciated, lashes out, claiming she’s the only one putting effort into their friendship.

The following morning, over coffee, Harriet and Cleo reflect on the evolution of their friendship. Cleo discloses her inability to get a tattoo due to her pregnancy. Back at the cottage, Sabrina is mysteriously absent. After a search, they discover her in tears at the coastal chapel. Apologies are exchanged, and they collectively celebrate Cleo’s pregnancy, vowing to prioritize their bond. The intimate wedding of Sabrina and Parth unfolds along the coast.

Embracing a pivotal decision, Harriet decides to resign from her surgical residency, despite initial disapproval from her parents. She stands firm, shedding her people-pleasing tendencies, and declares her intention to become a potter. With time, her parents come around and offer their support. Harriet relocates to Montana to be with Wyn, and the couple sets a date for their wedding, reveling in their newfound joyous haven.

Happy Place Characters Explained

Harriet kilpatrick.

Harriet Kilpatrick, the central character in the story, is a 30-year-old woman driven by a desire to help others.

Despite her brilliance, she finds herself in a medical career not of her choosing but to repay her parents for their sacrifices. This conflict between familial expectations and her own desires underscores her indecisiveness.

Harriet’s aversion to conflict stems from her upbringing, shaped by a household where disagreements were handled through yelling and silence. This avoidance of conflict has profound consequences in her relationship with Wyn, as she fails to express her true emotions during challenging times.

Throughout the novel, Harriet undergoes significant growth, becoming more open, vulnerable, and decisive. She confronts Wyn about her dissatisfaction with her career, admits to distancing herself from friends due to fear of losing him, and defies her parents’ wishes by quitting her medical residency.

These pivotal moments reflect Harriet’s journey of self-discovery and her realization of the importance of authenticity in both personal and professional aspects of her life.

Wyn Connor, Harriet’s love interest in the story, is portrayed as a sweet, caring, and outdoorsy individual with a penchant for carpentry. Raised in a loving family in Montana, Wyn grapples with feelings of inadequacy, often comparing himself to his accomplished sisters.

Despite his self-deprecating tendencies, Wyn’s thoughtfulness shines through in his actions, from considering others’ needs during shopping to taking on household responsibilities without prompting. Similar to Harriet, Wyn avoids conflict and suppresses his emotions, a trait that evolves as the story progresses.

Harriet’s deep love and encouragement play a pivotal role in Wyn’s journey of self-discovery, helping him overcome his insecurities and realize his worth. Their relationship becomes a catalyst for mutual growth, with Wyn finding happiness in returning home, caring for his mother, succeeding in a business venture, and ultimately rekindling his connection with Harriet. Wyn and Harriet’s complementary qualities and their transformative journey contribute to the emotional depth of the novel.

Sabrina, a secondary character and one of Harriet and Wyn’s closest friends, brings a dynamic and organized presence to their social circle. Her type-A personality and fashionable demeanor make her a leader in the group, often taking charge and initiating contact.

Sabrina’s caring nature is evident, as she deeply values her friendships and resists any changes that may affect their dynamics. Her character arc centers around overcoming the fear of growing apart, symbolized by the sale of her family’s summer home and the shifts in her relationships, particularly after Harriet and Wyn’s breakup.

Sabrina’s struggle to accept change and relinquish control becomes a poignant theme in the story. In a pivotal scene, her tearful confession in the chapel serves as a catalyst for Cleo and Harriet to reevaluate and strengthen their friendships.

Comparatively, Sabrina’s personality contrasts with Harriet and Wyn, who undergo individual journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. While Harriet learns to be open and decisive, and Wyn overcomes feelings of inadequacy, Sabrina grapples with the challenge of accepting the inevitability of change in relationships.

Cleo, a secondary character in the story, stands in contrast to her friend Sabrina, embodying qualities that contribute to the depth and dynamics of the group. Artistic, wise, and ecologically-minded, Cleo engages in deep, meaningful conversations and follows her intuition, setting healthy boundaries that become evident during conflicts.

Unlike Harriet, Cleo is unafraid of conflict but handles it with articulation and kindness, as seen in her disagreement with Sabrina over the tattoo parlor. Her role in the group is pivotal, providing an insightful perspective that challenges the others to accept the natural evolution of friendships.

Cleo’s personal growth unfolds as she grapples with concerns about her identity, acknowledging worries about perceived lack of fun without drinking and fears of being a stern mom compared to her partner. However, with Harriet’s support, Cleo learns to value her strengths and accept her maternal style.

In comparison to Sabrina’s need for control and Harriet’s conflict-avoidance, Cleo’s ability to navigate conflict with empathy and self-awareness showcases a different yet essential approach to interpersonal dynamics. Cleo’s role in the narrative contributes to a nuanced exploration of friendship, identity, and personal development, enhancing the overall richness of the story.

Happy Place Characters List

  • Role: Protagonist, Wyn’s ex-fiancé
  • Relationships: Best friends with Cleo and Sabrina
  • Role: Love interest, Harriet’s ex-fiancé
  • Role: Best friend of Harriet, Partner to Kimmy
  • Traits: Artistic, wise, ecologically-minded, empathetic, and quiet
  • Role: Partner to Cleo
  • Role: Best friend of Harriet, Fiancé to Parth
  • Traits: Organized, fashionable, type-A, caring, direct socialite
  • Role: Fiancé to Sabrina

Additional Notes:

  • Harriet, Cleo, and Sabrina form a close-knit trio of best friends, navigating the complexities of life and relationships.
  • Wyn’s relationship with Harriet serves as a central focus of the narrative, with his character evolving alongside Harriet’s.
  • Cleo and Kimmy’s partnership adds diversity to the relationships within the group, contributing to the novel’s exploration of identity and personal growth.
  • Sabrina and Parth’s engagement introduces another layer of relationships and dynamics within the friendship circle.

Which character did you like the most in the novel? Happy reading! ❤️

Reba McEntire Fans Say They "Cannot Wait" After Seeing the First Clip of Her New Show

Happy's Place will premiere on NBC in the fall.

preview for Reba Looks Back At Her Most Iconic Moments

Instead, the 69-year-old country singer is heading back to the small screen for a starring role on a new sitcom, Happy's Place. The show, set for a fall premiere on NBC, follows the story of Bobbie (Reba), who inherits her father’s restaurant, only to discover that she has a business partner and surprise half-sister.

Happy's Place will be a reunion of sorts for Reba and Melissa Peterman, who starred together in Reba from 2001 to 2007 (the series is now available to stream on Netflix).

But that's not the only familiar face on the new series! Reba's boyfriend, Rex Linn , also stars as the restaurant's short-order cook. Rex is no stranger to acting, with credits in TV shows like Young Sheldon, Better Call Saul, Big Sky, CSI: Miami, and dozens more.

NBC shared the first clip of the new series on Instagram, and fans are already excited about its debut. They left comments like, "I’m dying to watch this 😍😂🙌," "OHHHHHH my goooooooooosh, I can't wait! I just freakin LOVE Reba and Melissa together! literally comedy gold! 💝💙 and then you add Rex! 🤯 ," and "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ratings powerhouse incoming." NSYNC star Lance Bass chimed in with a series of clapping emojis.

NBC hasn't given an exact release date, but we know how we'll be spending our Friday nights this fall!

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Happy Place Background

By emily henry.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own.

Written by people who wish to remain anonymous

Emily Henry's Happy Place was published in 2023 by publisher Berkley. With every one of her novels, Henry aims to create a book that will appeal to everyone—men and women alike. Her novels are often filled with relatable themes that speak to what it means to be human. Happy Place is no exception, as it deals with the power of love and the impacts long-time relationships can have on you and the people around you.

The novel follows Harriet and Wyn, college sweethearts who go to their friend's cottage in Maine every year during the summer so that they can get together, rest, recharge, and catch up. In the past, the two had gone as a couple. However, they broke up before their trip. Nevertheless, they decide to head to the trip and pretend to be a couple. During the trip, the two clash with each other. They also begin to question whether they still have something they could base a relationship on. Should they have broken up, the question? What would it be like to get back together?

Upon publication, Happy Place earned Henry another spot on the New York Times bestseller list. However, this time, Happy Place became the #1 bestselling book in the United States, a rare feat for an author. The financial success of her novel was buttressed by favorable reviews from critics, who gave her novel rave reviews. For instance, Kirkus Reviews opined that Happy Place is "A wistfully nostalgic look at endings, beginnings, and loving the people who will always have your back."

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Happy Place Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Happy Place is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Study Guide for Happy Place

Happy Place study guide contains a biography of Emily Henry, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Happy Place
  • Happy Place Summary
  • Character List

essay on an happy place

essay on an happy place

Reba McEntire's new sitcom “Happy's Place ”takes her back to her comedic roots

The show will have her reuniting with "Reba" costar Melissa Peterman.

The queen of country music is returning to comedy.

Reba McEntire will star in the sitcom Happy’s Place , a series about a woman who inherits her father Happy's restaurant — Happy's Place — but discovers she must share it with the half-sister she never knew she had, played by Hocus Pocus 2 ' s Belissa Escobedo.

The trailer also reveals McEntire reuniting with Reba costar Melissa Peterman . She plays a bartender and friend at Happy's Place who gets caught up in the bickering and resentment as McEntire's Bobbie and Escobedo's Isabella learn to work together after the revelation that their father had a couple of families.

"It's whole new characters, a whole new scenario and a lot of our same team," Peterman told Entertainment Weekly . "The dynamic is gonna be that dynamic that we have, that natural one."

Related: Melissa Peterman celebrates reuniting with good friend Reba McEntire for new sitcom Happy's Place

It has been 17 years since Reba ended its six-season run, which began in 2001. While McEntire hasn't starred in a sitcom since then, she hasn't been dormant. In addition to her legendary music career, McEntire has appeared in films, voiced animated characters, and had recurring roles in Young Sheldon and Big Sky .

McEntire has also been a judge on The Voice for the last two seasons. Earlier this week, NBC announced that McEntire will return for the show's 26th season after shooting down rumors that she was planning an exit. She will be joined in the judge's chairs by returning judge Gwen Stefani as well as newcomers Snoop Dogg and Michael Bublé .

Related: Reba McEntire responds to rumors she's leaving The Voice: 'This is not true'

Sign up for Entertainment Weekly's free daily newsletter to get breaking TV news, exclusive first looks, recaps, reviews, interviews with your favorite stars, and more.

NBC hasn't revealed a release date for Happy's Place , but it will arrive at some point this fall.

Read the original article on Entertainment Weekly .

Reba McEntire and Belissa Escobedo in 'Happy's Place'

Check out the first trailer for Reba McEntire's upcoming NBC sitcom 'Happy's Place'

essay on an happy place

"The Queen of Country Returns to Comedy" boasts the first trailer for Reba McEntire's upcoming sitcom "Happy's Place."

In a prelude to what Reba fans will experience next fall, NBC revealed the one-minute sneak peek for the Oklahoma native's return to series television Tuesday night as Reba was fulfilling her coaching duties on "The Voice" Season 25 .

Reba confirmed last month to The Oklahoman that filming was completed in April for the pilot episode of "Happy's Place," which will co-star Belissa Escobedo, Melissa Peterman , Pablo Castelblanco, Tokala Black Elk and Rex Linn .

Last week, NBC announced that it has given a series order for the new sitcom “Happy’s Place,” a multi-camera series that will kick off a new weekly comedy block for the network.

How does Reba McEntire's new sitcom 'Happy's Place' reflect her real life?

With "Happy's Place," the Golden Globe-nominated actress and Country Music Hall of Fame singer is now in the restaurant business on TV as well as in real life.

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The new show stars Reba as Bobbie, who inherits her father’s Tennessee bar, Happy's Place, when he dies. Her character is less than thrilled when she learns she has a new business partner: the younger half-sister she never knew she had, played by "Blue Beetle" star Escobedo.

Peterman co-stars as Gabby, a longtime bartender at the tavern who wishes she was Bobbie’s sister, while Linn, Reba's actor boyfriend and fellow Oklahoman, plays a taciturn cook named Emmett, according to Deadline .

Deadline also reports that "Yellowstone" actor Black Elk, a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and a direct descendant of the Lakota holy man Black Elk, has been cast as a kindly waiter with handyman skills named Takoda.

Castelblanco ("Alaska Daily") plays Steve, the restaurant's accountant who does his work at the bar and dislikes change.

Reba told The Oklahoman she hopes to bring her real-life experience to the new TV show: She opened in early 2023 her eponymous home-state restaurant Reba's Place in a 100-year-old building in downtown Atoka .

"I have a lot more knowledge about running a restaurant and a tavern than before, so, yeah, I think it'll help," said Reba , who grew up on an Atoka County ranch in nearby Chockie.

The country music superstar, whose "Reba" theme song "I'm a Survivor" remains a familiar and relatable anthem, said she hopes to incorporate her music into the new sitcom, too. The new "Happy's Place" trailer is set to a remixed version of Reba's signature hit "Fancy."

"Music will always be there," she said.

'Happy's Place' cast, collaborators

Reba and Peterman became friends when they co-starred in the still-beloved 2001-2007 TV series "Reba."

But theirs isn't the only "Reba" reunion happening on "Happy's Place." "Reba" executive producers Kevin Abbott, Michael Hanel and Mindy Schultheis are back together for the new project alongside a new addition to the creative team, Julie Abbott.

Kevin Abbott also is the new series' writer, while Reba is listed among the executive producers.

"My crew, my producers and my showrunner, we've been working for a long time. Ever since 2006, when 'Reba' got canceled, we've been trying to find another story," Reba told The Oklahoman in an one-on-one interview behind the scenes at April's Western Heritage Awards in Oklahoma City.

"My showrunner Kevin Abbott, his wife, Julie, was the one that came up with this idea — and we ran with it. And NBC loved it enough to for us to do a pilot, and we hope to find out real soon if we get to run forward a little further with it."

“Happy’s Place” is produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.

The "Reba" reunion on "Happy's Place" comes as McEntire's eponymous series, for which was she was nominated for a 2004 Golden Globe for best actress in a musical or comedy TV series, remains a hot title. All episodes of the six-season show are now streaming on Hulu , and the series debuted earlier this month on Netflix .

'Happy's Place' TV show premiere

"Happy's Place" will debut as part of the 2024 fall schedule coming to NBC. The show is set to air at 7 p.m. Fridays on the network.

Reba's upcoming sitcom will lead off a new NBC comedy hour, followed by the Season 3 return of fan-favorite “Lopez vs. Lopez,” starring comedic actor George Lopez, at 7:30 p.m. Friday. The hit newsmagazine “Dateline NBC” will cap the evening from 8 to 10 p.m. Fridays.

All new series will stream next day on Peacock, along with the rest of NBC’s entertainment lineup.

Fans can expect to see Reba on NBC at least three days a week starting in autumn: Along with "Happy's Place," the "Queen of Country" is coming back to "The Voice" for Season 26.

The Oklahoma native, who initially joined "The Voice" coaching panel last year for its Season 24 , will be back on the Emmy-winning series next season alongside fellow returning coach (and Sooner State transplant) Gwen Stefani and coaching newcomers Snoop Dogg and Michael Bublé .

Billed as the most-watched alternative series, “The Voice” will return for its 26th season in fall, with the hit singing competition airing from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays and 8 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays on NBC.

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essay on an happy place

JEE Advanced 2024: Important instructions, admit card and other details

Iit madras is conducting the joint entrance exam (jee) advanced 2024 today, may 26. the examination consists of two papers, paper 1 and paper 2, held in two shifts. paper 1 commenced at 9 am and will conclude at 12 pm, while paper 2 is slated to take place from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm..

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JEE Advanced 2024: List of banned items, important instructions here

  • JEE Advanced 2024 is being held today
  • Nearly 1.91 lakh candidates are appearing for the JEE Advanced 2024 this year
  • The final answer key and results will be declared online on June 9

The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Advanced 2024 is being conducted today, May 26, by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, comprising two papers conducted in two shifts. Paper 1 is being held from 9 am to 12 pm, followed by Paper 2 from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

The examination will cover topics from physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Candidates are reminded to bring a printed copy of their admit card for entry into the examination hall. The admit cards can be downloaded from the official website,


Candidates appearing for the JEE Advanced 2024 exam must adhere to a strict set of regulations regarding prohibited items within the examination centre. Among the items not allowed are watches, mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, earphones, microphones, pagers, health bands, and any other electronic gadgets. Additionally, candidates are barred from bringing any printed, blank, or handwritten papers, log tables, writing pads, scales, erasers, geometry or pencil boxes, pouches, calculators, pen drives, electronic pens, scanners, wallets, handbags, cameras, and goggles. Compliance with these guidelines ensures the integrity and fairness of the examination process.

This year, 3 additional cities were included as exam centres for JEE (Advanced) 2024, as stated on the website. Candidates had the option to select from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Kathmandu alongside other existing cities.

According to an announcement by IIT Madras, feedback and comments on provisional answer keys for the JEE Advanced 2024 examination will be accepted from June 2 to June 3.

NBC's fall schedule includes Reba McEntire's 'Happy's Place' and 'Brilliant Minds' drama

essay on an happy place

NBC has added three new series this fall, including two new comedies – the hospital mockumentary “St. Denis Medical" and Reba McEntire's sitcom return in "Happy's Place."

Heck, yes! Country music icon McEntire, a coach on NBC's "The Voice" for the past two seasons, is back with a TV comedy for the first time since WB's "Reba," which ran from 2001 to 2007. "Happy's Place" features McEntire as Bobbie, who inherits her father’s restaurant and discovers her new business partner is the half-sister, Isabella (Belissa Escobedo), she never knew she had.

Melissa Peterman, who starred in "Reba," has a spot in "Happy's Place" as McEntire's best friend and co-employee. The multi-cam sitcom will also feature McEntire's real-life boyfriend Rex Linn, who will play a short-order cook.

"Happy's Place" will air Friday nights after "Lopez and Lopez," the comedy starring the father-daughter team of George and Mayan Lopez, which NBC renewed for Season 3 earlier this month.

McEntire will pull double NBC duty with "Happy's Place" and as a coach on "The Voice" as "The Voice" has been renewed for season 26.

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Which TV shows are renewed or canceled, And why we're pausing Save Our Shows poll for 2024

“St. Denis Medical” stars Wendi McLendon-Covey, Allison Tolman and David Alan Grier as medical staff keeping their sanity at an understaffed Oregon hospital. The comedy will air Tuesday nights before "Night Court," which was renewed for Season 3 earlier this month.

Rookie drama "The Irrational," starring "Law & Order" and Broadway veteran Jesse L. Martin as a behavioral scientist working high-stakes cases, was renewed for its second season to complete the Tuesday night lineup.

NBC's third new series is the medical drama "Brilliant Minds," starring Zachary Quinto (Spock from the "Star Trek" movie franchise) as a neurologist working with his team exploring the last great frontier – the human mind – while also dealing with their own relationships and mental health. "Brilliant Minds" will air Monday nights after "The Voice."

NBC's returning stable of shows remains markedly consistent, with co-creator Dick Wolf's stacked lineup returning to Wednesday nights: "Chicago Med," "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago P.D." Thursday night will feature the return of Wolf's "Law & Order" and "Law & Order: SVU", along with the Shanola Hampton-led missing-person drama "Found," which is back for Season 2.

Among the missing: Wolf's "Law & Order: Organized Crime," starring Christopher Meloni as Det. Elliot Stabler, will move from NBC to Peacock, the sibling streaming service, for Season 5.

NBC had already canceled the Jon Cryer comedy "Extended Family" after one season, the drama "Quantum Leap" after two seasons, and the drama "La Brea" after three seasons (the series finale aired Feb. 23).

Big Ten and Notre Dame college football will continue to anchor NBC's Saturday night, with "NBC Sunday Night Football" fortifying Sunday.

The "Suits" spinoff "Suits LA" has shot a pilot that was not ready for fall scheduling consideration. A schedule placement decision on the show will be made in the near future.

Also in the near future, a major comedy milestone. “Saturday Night Live” will mark its 50th anniversary with a 2025 celebratory weekend culminating in a live three-hour special. Despite the famed title, the prime-time special will air on Sunday, Feb. 16.

NBC's fall schedule

Monday:  8, The Voice; 10, Brilliant Minds

Tuesday:  8, St. Denis Medical ; 8:30, Night Court; 9, The Voice; 10, The Irrational

Wednesday:  8, Chicago Med; 9, Chicago Fire; 10, Chicago P.D.

Thursday:  8, Law & Order; 9, Law & Order: SVU; 10, Found 

Friday:  8, Happy's Place ; 8:30, Lopez vs. Lopez; 9, Dateline NBC 

Saturday:  7:30, Big Ten Saturday Night / Notre Dame Football (also live on Peacock) 

Sunday: 7, Football Night in America; 8:20, NBC Sunday Night Football (also live on Peacock) 

(All times EDT/PDT; new shows in  bold , new time slots in  italics )

Happy Place

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54 pages • 1 hour read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

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Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 1-7

Chapters 8-14

Chapters 15-20

Chapters 22-28

Chapters 29-35

Chapters 36-40

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Discussion Questions

Genre Context: Romance Trope of Pretending To Be in Love

The romance genre has many tropes, such as enemies to lovers, fake relationships, love triangles, opposites attract, and forbidden love. Tropes are used because they offer a comforting, predictable experience for readers, who often gravitate to these stories because they have a formulaic plotline and a happy ending. A take on the fake relationship trope , Happy Place puts the broken up Harriet and Wyn in the position of pretending to still be in love so as not to dampen the joyful mood of Sabrina and Parth’s surprise wedding. This setup pushes Harriet and Wyn into working through their conflicts with vulnerability, allowing them to grow individually with their dreams and goals, and bringing them closer together than before.

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Rudy Giuliani is served indictment papers at his own birthday party after mocking Arizona attorney general

PHOENIX — Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes on Friday announced that Rudy Giuliani had been served with the notice of his indictment in connection with an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona.

The announcement came less than two hours after a social media post from Giuliani taunted Mayes for failing to deliver his indictment. The notice was served to Giuliani during a celebration in Palm Beach, Florida, for his 80th birthday.

In a now-deleted post on X, Giuliani taunted Arizona authorities. “If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning; 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” Giuliani posted Friday night. Accompanying the message was a photo of Giuliani smiling with six others and balloons arranged behind them.

An hour and 14 minutes later, Mayes responded to Giuliani ’s post , writing, “The final defendant was served moments ago. @RudyGiuliani, nobody is above the law.”

Giuliani, 79, turns 80 on May 28 and was enjoying an early birthday celebration in Palm Beach on the night he was served, according to social media activity . By the end of the night, “Happy Birthday to You” wasn’t the only music the former New York City mayor had to face.

Rudy Giuliani.

The party was hosted by Caroline Wren, an adviser to Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake.

Ted Goodman, a spokesperson for Giuliani, said Wren was unperturbed by the birthday bash bust-up. “The mayor was unfazed by the decision to try and embarrass him during his 80th birthday party. He enjoyed an incredible evening with hundreds of people who love him — from all walks of life — and we look forward to full vindication soon,” Goodman said in a statement to NBC News.

Others indicted in the “fake electors” case are further along in their legal proceedings. On Friday morning, former Trump attorney John Eastman pleaded not guilty to charges related to an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona. Eleven other defendants are slated to be arraigned on Tuesday.

The Arizona “fake electors” scheme isn’t the only controversy Giuliani has faced in the wake of efforts to overturn the 2020 election. In December 2023, Giuliani was hit with a $148 million verdict for defaming two Georgia election workers.

essay on an happy place

Alex Tabet is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

essay on an happy place

Vaughn Hillyard is a correspondent for NBC News. 


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    Get unlimited access to SuperSummaryfor only $0.70/week. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Happy Place" by Emily Henry. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

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  28. Happy Place Background

    Get unlimited access to SuperSummaryfor only $0.70/week. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Happy Place" by Emily Henry. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  29. Rudy Giuliani gets indictment papers at birthday party after mocking

    By the end of the night, "Happy Birthday to You" wasn't the only music the former New York City mayor had to face. Rudy Giuliani in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 15. Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images