How to Write an Awesome Private School Admission Essay

private school admission essay examples

Sitting down to write the all-important private school admission essay — is there anything more stress-inducing than a blank document and a blinking cursor? 

Writing anything from scratch requires intensive energy, focus, and inspiration — and that pressure is heightened when the writing topic is turned inward. No wonder students (and parents) get overwhelmed when it’s time to complete the essay portion of a private school application!

Helping your child write their private school admission essay can be pretty nerve-wracking. However, it doesn’t have to be. 

The short essay questions included as part of most private school applications are meant to provide admissions professionals with a well-rounded picture of your child as a person and as a student. If written thoughtfully, this component of your child’s application can make them truly stand out. 

Below are our top tips for beating back writer’s block and crafting a private school admission essay that gets noticed. 


<span class="text-color-orange" role="decoration">Remember the essay audience.</span>

Although the essay is about your student, it’s FOR the private school admissions team. What will stand out to them? What will interest them? What will help them best understand your child and how they learn? Help your child craft an essay with these professionals in mind.


<span class="text-color-lightblue" role="decoration">Answer the essay question asked.</span>

This may seem obvious; however, it’s very easy to steer off course when you get into a writing groove. Help your child refer back to the question and any associated instructions while they write. Remind them to try to stick to the word count, and make sure to answer all parts of the question. 


<span class="text-color-green" role="decoration">Portray personality.</span>

Private schools are admitting people, not numbers. Their goal is to create a diverse, copasetic community in which students grow and are challenged. Your child’s answers shouldn’t be cookie-cutter. The best essay question answers will showcase a student’s personality, quirks and all. 


<span class="text-color-orange" role="decoration">Demonstrate passions. </span>  

Private schools are seeking students with different interests and passions. If your child has a unique interest or personal pursuit, the essay can be a great place to explain what it means to them and why it drives their creativity. 


<span class="text-color-lightblue" role="decoration">Provide a unique perspective. </span>  

Opinions are important. If your child believes in a cause or has a strong point-of-view on a topic, talk about why. By standing behind their convictions, your child will demonstrate their critical thinking and leadership capabilities. 


<span class="text-color-green" role="decoration">Paint a complete portrait. </span>   

Regardless of the essay question, you want your child’s essay to work seamlessly with the rest of their application and showcase them as a full, well-rounded student. If the application itself doesn’t allow you to bring your student’s true self to life, take that opportunity in the essay component.  


<span class="text-color-orange" role="decoration">Maintain proper essay structure. </span>  

Remember, the essay isn't solely an exercise to get to know your child; it's also an evaluation of their writing ability. Maintaining the proper essay structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion is essential.

Admission officers read a LOT of essays, so really work on hooking them with the intro. Have your child read feature magazine and news articles, as well as the opening paragraphs of books to see how professional authors engage their readers.


<span class="text-color-lightblue" role="decoration">Cut the clutter. </span>  

After your child writes their essay's first draft, make sure they spend time editing their ideas into a clear, concise answer. Help them proofread, check their grammar, and cut out any extra words or phrases that don’t support their answers. 


<span class="text-color-green" role="decoration">Get/offer feedback. </span>  

Once your child’s essay is complete, it’s perfectly acceptable for them to ask someone else to read it. As a parent, point out areas where they have opportunities to strengthen an idea or fix a mistake. However, resist the urge to rewrite the essay in your own words. Again, your child’s own perspective is what matters! 

While the questions asked on private school applications may change, these essay-writing tips will help ensure that whatever story your child tells resonates with your dream school’s admissions team. For more essay tips, read Encouraging Your Child to Write a Self-Revealing Application Essay .

Encouraging Your Child to Write a Self-Revealing Application Essay

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How to Write a Private High School Application Essay Worth Reading

Forget everything you’ve ever learned about writing an essay.

Okay, I may be being a bit melodramatic. You still need appropriate grammar, syntax, spelling, and formatting.

But as for the generic boring cluster that begins with “In this essay I am going to be discussing ___ by looking at x,y, and z,” throw that out the window because it’s nothing but a one way ticket to Snoozeville not only for you but for anyone tasked with reading it.

Remember Your Private High School Application Essay Audience

The biggest mistake students make when writing an essay is that they forget who their audience is . Your audience, be it a teacher, an administrator, or an admissions committee, has likely read hundreds if not thousands of student’s admissions essays.

This means that you are going to have to do more than throw in a few SAT words to impress them. The key to writing an essay worth reading is writing an essay that has not been written before by any other essay writer . It needs to be your own story, not the story you think they want to hear.

One of my favorite things about writing is that there is no right or wrong answer. An essay isn’t a scantron that you have to correctly bubble in or risk some computer incorrectly grading you.  You can’t just play eenie miney moe and hope for the best. Writing is personal. It’s written by one individual and read by another.

But all too often students, especially in the application process , forget this. They write the essay they think that the admission committee wants to read when in reality it’s an essay that the committee has probably already read a million times.

The Importance of the Essay Topic

What is the root of this cause? The topic.

If your topic is flawed, cliché, generic, or boring, it doesn’t matter how well crafted your essay is it will be forgotten. When approaching your admission essay, think of it this way: when the admission committee begins reading your essay they’ll view you as just a number, but when they finish it you want them to view you as an individual student.

So, how do we accomplish this?

It’s simple: don’t write the essay you think an admissions committee wants to read, write one that YOU would want to read . If your own essay bores you, it’s highly likely that it will bore everyone else.

Let’s say that your topic is to discuss an extracurricular activity that has played a large impact on your life. A lot of times students are tempted to write what they think the admission committee want to hear.

“I love to volunteer because it has taught me to be appreciative of what I have,”

Or “I love National Honors Society because it allows me to combine my love of academics with my love of service.”

While both of these are wonderful extracurricular activities, unless you are truly passionate about either and have specific details to intertwine into your narrative, it’s going to come off dry and predictable.

What Your Topic Should Be Instead

When describing their ideal student, one of the top words used by the Director of Admissions at some of DC’s top private schools is “passionate.”

Admissions Committees are not looking for a cookie-cutter student; rather they are looking for a student who genuinely loves something and will share that love with other students .

So if you love to spend your weekends driving four-wheelers or riding horses or making short films on iMovie, write about that because I can assure you that your natural enthusiasm will read a whole lot better than the stale and generic “I love to volunteer” response – unless that is actually what you spend your weekends doing.

The Essay’s Opening Paragraph

Don’t believe me?

Consider these two opening paragraphs. You tell me which one you want to keep reading?

1. “’Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.’ These famous words were spoken by John F. Kennedy, one of the best politicians of all life. John F. Kennedy led America and has become my role model. He encouraged me to get into politics which is why I joined student government. When asked what extracurricular activity has had the largest impact on me as a person, I immediately thought of student government. In this essay I will discuss how student government has impacted me as a person by growing my leadership skills, developing my social connections, and making me take academics more seriously.”

2. “I don’t ride for blue ribbons or Olympic gold, although I respect and admire those chosen few who do. I don’t ride for the workout, although my trembling muscles at the end of a good lesson indicate otherwise. I don’t ride because I have anything to prove, although I’ve proven a lot to myself along the way. I ride for the feeling of two individual beings becoming one, so perfectly matched that it’s impossible to tell where rider ends and horse begins. I ride to feel the staccato beat of hooves against dirt echoed in the rhythm of my own heart. I ride because it isn’t easy to navigate a creature with a mind of its own around a course of solid obstacles, but in that perfect moment when horse and rider work as one, it can be the easiest thing in the world. I ride for an affectionate nose nudging my shoulder as I turn to leave, searching for a treat or a pat or murmured words of praise. I ride for myself, but for my horse as well, my partner and my equal.”

Next Steps: Your Perfect Admissions Essay

Okay now you have the framework.

First, remember that you’re writing to a private school admissions audience that has probably seen every high school application essay in the book. So don’t write the one you think they want to read… write the one that you care most about.

Then, choose the essay topic that resonates most with you as a student. That enthusiasm will shine through in your writing, and hopefully “wow” the reader enough to convince them they have to have you at their school.


3 Tips for Writing Your Child's Private School Application Essay

How to harness the power of storytelling.


By Soojung Smith

Published on: october 30, 2017.


It’s that time of year again: the busy admissions season for private and independent K–12 schools. Keeping track of each school's open houses, campus tours, parent and student interview dates and test requirements can feel like a full-time job. 

Each year, more families are considering private schools for their children and competition for top private schools in the greater Seattle area has become increasingly fierce. Some elite private schools admit fewer than 10 percent of their applicants from a highly qualified candidate pool. High standardized test (SSAT and ISEE) scores and GPAs alone, unfortunately, don’t guarantee a spot at these coveted schools. They're interested in forming a diverse and well-rounded student body that delves beyond students’ test scores and grades.

Some elite private schools admit fewer than 10 percent of their applicants.

One of the biggest mistakes I've seen families make in preparing their child’s applications for admission is to treat the information they submit as separate data points. Rather than painting a complete picture of their student, parent and student essays often read like a student activity form.

To give your child the best chance of success, it's important to be intentional and thoughtful about your child’s application. Remember that admission committees are interested in learning about your child and what your family can offer, and how you will contribute to their schools and school communities.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your child's private school application.

Know what it is you want to say about your child and your family: What are the key messages you want to convey?  

  • Think about how you and others see your child. You as parents? Grandparents? Their siblings? How would their friends describe them? Teachers? Neighbors?
  • What keywords begin to emerge? Kind? Mature? Creative? Curious? Inventive? A maker? A leader?
  • Choose three to five themes that best capture core identities of your child.
  • Use your child’s essential qualities, be it their achievements, unique experiences, activities or interests to make the connection to these themes.
  • Once themes emerge, look broadly and creatively at parent and student essays, activity profile, teacher recommendations, and other application elements for opportunities to weave these ideas together for differentiation.

Start working on essays and other application elements

  • Typically, families apply for three to five schools and, depending upon schools under consideration, you may end up with writing not only a common set of essays but also other unique ones they require from applicants and their families.
  • These requirements all add up, expecting a significant amount of time and efforts on your and your child’s end. Good writing is a process; it doesn’t happen overnight. Be prepared to go through three rounds of drafts of parent and student essays to get to final “quality” ones you and your student feel proud of. Try to have solid first drafts by the end of October, the second one by the end of November and the final draft by the end of December.   
  • Make sure you write parent essays while your child writes their student essays. You can lend help to your child, but they need to provide original and thoughtful answers in their portion of the applications as well as during interviews. Schools can tell if a parent writes student essays and even go so far as to collect writing samples.

Use essays and other application elements for effective storytelling

  • Use a parent statement, student essays and an extracurricular activity profile to let the reader in: Who is your child? What do they care most? Who is their hero? Why? How do these insights connect with other information you are submitting about your child and your family? Is there a particular story(ies) that helps to describe your child and your family best?
  • Distill the story that defines your child and your family in the space provided in online applications before the deadline for completed applications. Each essay question has a specific word count you can’t exceed, so be mindful of how you will use precious real estate to convey main messages for differentiation.

Effective storytelling alone won’t necessarily put your child over the top if they aren't already a competitive candidate. But it goes hand-in-hand with solid standardized test scores and GPAs for robust applications. Let schools know how unique your child and your family are. Let them know how your child and family will contribute to a diverse student body. Good luck!

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About the author.


Soojung Smith is a family education coach, author, CEO and board advisor, and former Microsoft marketing executive. Her children attend two private schools on the Eastside. Soojung supports parents with challenging issues such as private school vs. public school, private school admissions, and students’ executive functioning skills and their public speaking competencies. Email Soojung at  [email protected] .

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The Best Private School Essays

Jason Giffen: Director of Enrollment Management

How does a student write the perfect essay? You don’t! The goal is not perfection. Being in the admissions field for more than twenty years, I have read more essays than I can count. Essays by nine-year-olds, essays by sixteen-year-olds, and everything in between.

Do you know which essays impress me the most? The ones where I get to know the writer. 

You can read a million posts about writing a strong admission essay but I wanted to boil down all the good advice out there into four simple but essential points:  

4 Essentials for the Best Admissions Essays

1. Write the essay yourself:  You are unique and the stories you have to tell are one of a kind. I want to hear them. Use your senses. Give me details. Describe the way you felt, and what the events in your story mean to you. It’s usually pretty evident when someone other than you did the writing (and that’s not the impression you want to make!). Use your voice. Be funny, be serious, be you.

  2. Authenticity Matters: Think of the moments that stand out to you in your life. That’s what I want to read about. Even a very young child can describe the moments that matter. This could be an achievement, a failure, a family tradition, or an encounter that changed your path or your thinking. Different schools will offer different essay prompts but regardless, the reader will want to know that the example given has real meaning to the writer. Don’t try and guess what the admission team wants you to say—write about your authentic self.

3. Perfection Won’t Fly:   Reading an essay that is all about how wonderful, accomplished, and flawless the writer is can be a turnoff. Don’t shy away from sharing something you are proud of, but remember to share the full story including how you worked through conflicts or obstacles and who helped you out along the way. Did you feel gratitude? Relief? Create a real picture, not a perfect picture.

4. Show you care:   While I’ve made clear that perfection is not the goal, you do want to demonstrate that you took the essay seriously. Once you’ve written it, read it. Read it aloud to catch errors.  Edit your work and make sure you correct the grammar. Think about letting a teacher read the final product, and listen to the feedback. The “cleaner” your essay is, the easier it is for me to read. Small errors are big distractions – and so fixable. You want to be proud of the finished product.

If you embrace these four tips, you are well on your way to an essay any admission team will appreciate. I hope you found this helpful. 

SLS Admissions Team-1

St. Luke's School Admissions Team: Mary Kate DeRienzo, Jason Giffen, Michael Rupp, and Blake Bueckman.

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private school admission essay examples

Private School Application Essay Tips

8 Things You Need to Know

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Applying to private school means completing an application, a process with many components. There are short answer questions, forms to fill out, teacher recommendations to collect, standardized tests to take, interviews that need to be scheduled, and an application essay that needs to be written. The essay, for some applicants, can be one of the most stressful parts of the application process. These eight private school application essay tips just might help you produce the best essay you've ever written, which could increase your chances of getting accepted at your dream school. 

1. Read the directions.

This seems obvious, but hear me out. Reading the directions carefully can help ensure that you accomplish the task at hand. While most directions will be straightforward, you never know if the school is going to ask you to address specific questions on the given topic. Some schools also require that you write more than one essay, and if you just assume you get to pick from the three options when you were actually supposed to write three short essays, well that is certainly a problem. Pay attention to word counts that might be given, too.

2. Be thoughtful in your writing sample.

Leading off from that last sentence of bullet one, pay attention to the requested word count, you need to be thoughtful in how you approach the assignment. Word counts are there for a reason. One, to make sure that you give enough detail to actually say something meaningful. Don't cram in a bunch of unnecessary words just to make it longer. 

Consider this essay prompt: Who is someone you admire and why?  If you simply say, "I admire my mom because she is great," what does that tell your reader? Nothing useful! Sure, you answered the question, but what thought went into the response? A minimum word count is going to make you actually put some more effort into the details. Make sure that as you write to reach the word count that you aren't just putting random words down that don't add to your essay. You need to actually put some effort into writing a good story - yes, you're telling a story in your essay. It should be interesting to read. 

Also, remember that writing to a specific word count doesn't mean that you should just stop when you hit the required 250 words either. Few schools will penalize you for going over or under a word count slightly  but don't obliterate the word count. Schools provide these as guidelines to get you to put in some effort to your work, but also prevent you from going overboard. No admission officer wants to read your 30-page memoir as part of your application, no matter how interesting it may be; honestly, they don't have the time. But, they do want a brief story that helps them get to know you as an applicant. 

3.  Write about something that matters to you.

Most private schools give you an option of essay writing prompts. Don't choose the one that you think you should choose; instead, opt for the writing prompt that most interests you. If you're invested in the topic, passionate about it even, then that will show through in your writing sample. This is your chance to show who you are as a person, share a meaningful experience, memory, dream or hobby, which can set you apart from the other applicants , and that's important. 

Admission committee members are going to read hundreds, if not thousands, of essays from prospective students. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want to read the same type of essay over and over? Or would you hope to find an essay from a student that's a little different and tells a great story? The more interested you are in the topic, the more interesting your final product will be for the admission committee to read.  

4. Write Well.

This should be obvious, but it must be stated that this essay should be written well, using proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Know the difference between your and you're; its and it's; and there, their, and they're. Don't use slang, acronyms, or text-speak. 

5. Write. Edit/Revise. Read it Out Loud. Repeat. 

Don't settle on the first words you put down on paper (or type on your screen). Read your admission essay carefully, review it, think about it. Is it interesting? Does it flow well? Does it address the writing prompt and answer any questions that were asked? If you need to, make a checklist of things you need to accomplish with your essay and make sure when you review it that you're actually meeting each requirement. To ensure that your essay flows well, a great trick is to read it out loud, even to yourself. If you stumble while reading it out loud or struggle with what you're trying to get across, that's a sign that you need to revise. When you recite the essay, you should easily move from word to word, sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph. 

6. Get a Second Opinion.

Ask a friend, parent or teacher to read your essay and give an opinion. Ask them if it reflects you as a person accurately and if you truly completed the requirements on your checklist. Did you address the writing prompt and answer any questions that were asked? 

Also get a second opinion on the writing style and tone. Does it sound like you? The essay is your chance to showcase your own unique writing style, tone of voice, personality, and interests. If you write a stock essay that feels cookie cutter and overly formal in nature, the admission committee isn't going to get a clear idea of who you are as an applicant. Make sure the essay you write is genuine. 

7. Make sure the work is truly yours. 

Taking the lead from the last bullet, make sure your essay is genuine. This is extremely important. Teachers, parents, admission consultants, secondary school counselors, and friends can all weigh in on it, but the writing needs to be 100% yours. Advice, editing, and proofreading are all fine, but if someone else is crafting your sentences and thoughts for you, you're misleading the admission committee.

Believe it or not, if your application doesn't accurately reflect you as an individual, you can jeopardize your future at the school. If you apply using an essay you didn't write (and makes your writing skills look better than they actually are), the school will eventually find out. How? Because it's school, and you're eventually going to have to write an essay for your classes. Your teachers will quickly assess your writing abilities and if they don't line up with what you presented in your application, there will be an issue. The private school you've been accepted to may even dismiss you as a student if you're deemed to be dishonest and not capable of managing the academic expectations. 

Basically, applying under false pretenses and passing off someone else's work as yours is a major problem. Using someone else's writing is not only misleading but can also be considered plagiarism. Don't google sample admission essays and copy what someone else has done. Schools take plagiarism seriously, and starting off your application like this isn't going to help. 

8. Proofread.

Last but not least, proofread, proofread, proofread. Then have someone else proofread. The last thing you want to do is spend all this time and effort to create an awesome private school application essay and then discover that you misspelled a bunch of words or left out a word somewhere and ruin what could have been an awesome essay with some accidental mistakes. Don't just rely on spellcheck either. The computer recognizes both "that" and "than" as properly spelled words, but they certainly aren't interchangeable. 

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The Writing Sample

At some point in the admissions process, your child is going to have to write an essay, otherwise known as The Writing Sample. Don't be unduly fazed by this requirement. It is simply one more piece of the private school admissions puzzle. Interestingly enough, writing samples are often part of the admissions process for college and graduate school. Learning how to write well at a young age will benefit her in the future in a great many ways.

What is the Purpose of the Writing Sample?

Very simple, really. The school wants to determine how well your child can express herself in her writing. Many schools will split this part of the application into a series of questions. The Madeira School application , for example, asks her to answer five questions in Part 2. By the way, the candidate must complete Part 2 of Madeira's application. This is very important. The school wants to hear what your child has to say. Not what her uncle or father has to say. One thing you must never do, no matter how tempted, is to use the services of an essay-writing company such as EssayEdge . Most of the time, it isn't possible anyway because the two places where an essay is required are on the SSAT test itself and during the interview at the school. So, put that thought out of your mind right now. The school wants to hear what your child thinks, it wants to see how she writes and all in her own words, not somebody else's.

Practice Makes Perfect

The secret to writing effortlessly is to practice as much as you can. Encourage your child to keep a journal. Show her how to write a blog. Get her to write. Every day ideally. Show her how to model her writing after the best examples. Yes, that means that she needs to read great literature. As in books. Don't just watch the movie version. Get in the habit of setting aside time for reading. Make it an enjoyable experience with no distractions, such as your iPod or TV in the background. If you haven't bought a Kindle for her, do so. She'll take it everywhere with her and begin to read voraciously.

Tips for Writing

Your daughter is going to be nervous. Tell her not to fuss about grammar and syntax. If she has those skills, then she needs to use them. It's more important for her to express herself. The school wants to see and feel the real her, not some persona that she thinks they want to see. She is unique. Let that uniqueness shine. Remember: the writing sample or essay is merely one more piece of the admissions puzzle. But it is an important part of that puzzle. Give it some thought and preparation, and your child will be fine.

Some Practical Advice

Allison Clark makes an important point in How to Write a Private High School Application Essay Worth Reading when she states:

The biggest mistake students make when writing an essay is that they forget who their audience is. Your audience, be it a teacher, an administrator, or an admissions committee, has likely read hundreds if not thousands of students’ admissions essays. This means that you are going to have to do more than throw in a few SAT words to impress them. The key to writing an essay worth reading is writing an essay that has not been written before. It needs to be your own story, not the story you think they want to hear.

The question I have to write a high school admission essay, any tips? on Quora prompted a useful answer from Sophia V. Hegedus on the staff of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health:

A2A. I agree with the other writers here. Be yourself! Now- enough of the corny- you need to demonstrate how you will contribute to this school. Take a paper, and start brainstorming (or a whiteboard at school) all experiences, or stories where you demonstrated unique qualities of character. For example, perhaps you demonstrated leadership by helping another student in your class understand a tough concept. Maybe you are creative (this was what made me unique all through high school and college) and think of creative ways to approach problems (this is all encompassing doesn’t just have to be school). Maybe you represent a diverse body of people, and you demonstrate that in your interests. Just make sure that you are giving an argument, not a forceful, aggressive, or arrogant way, but a convincing way. Everything you write in the essay should answer the questions, make sure you follow directions! Perhaps make a flow chart- I used to laugh at flowcharts when I was in grade school I would roll my eyes and say “not this stuff again.” Then I got to college and wrote my senior thesis singularly generated from a complex flow chart-you don’t have to use the whole flow chart the purpose is to generate ideas and to make connections. In this case, you are making a flow chart that would answer all the questions by providing EXAMPLES. You do not just say that you a leader- you demonstrate you are a leader. The last crucial step is to have someone look over it and edit. Plan early and don’t wait till the last minute. You can also write for 15mn a day until it is finished- I did this in college and it works wonders. Best wishes! if(window['renderAD']){renderAD('tms-ad-4')} if(window['renderAD']){renderAD('tms-ad-5')} if(window['renderAD']){renderAD('tms-ad-6')}

Use the string "writing sample high school admissions" to filter out job and college applications writing sample links when you search online.

An Example of an essay

Here's an essay written by ChatGPT as a 15-year-old on the prompt "Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve."

From an early age, I was fortunate to receive a quality education that shaped my worldview and opened doors of opportunity. However, I couldn't ignore the harsh reality that countless children face daily, struggling to access basic education due to financial limitations, lack of resources, and societal barriers. Witnessing this injustice ignited a fire within me, compelling me to take action and be a catalyst for change.

Recognizing the magnitude of the problem, I resolved to contribute in whatever way I could. I started by reaching out to local nonprofit organizations that focused on educational initiatives for underprivileged children. By volunteering my time and skills, I aimed to provide support and create educational opportunities for those who needed them most.

Understanding that education is not merely about textbooks and classrooms, I realized the immense impact that words and storytelling can have on young minds. I organized storytelling sessions at community centers, where I shared inspiring tales of resilience, creativity, and determination. Through these stories, I aimed to instill a love for learning, ignite curiosity, and empower children to believe in their own potential.

I also encountered logistical challenges in my journey, such as limited access to educational materials and technology. To overcome these obstacles, I collaborated with like-minded individuals, leveraging the power of social media and crowdfunding platforms to raise awareness and gather resources. By connecting with people who shared my passion for education, I was able to bridge gaps and provide necessary tools for learning, including books, notebooks, and even digital devices.

Witnessing the transformative power of education on young minds, I became even more determined to expand my impact. I started organizing workshops and mentorship programs, connecting students with professionals from diverse fields. By exposing these children to a variety of career paths, I aimed to broaden their horizons and inspire them to dream big, regardless of their circumstances.

In the face of the educational inequality that plagues our society, I have chosen to be an agent of change. By tackling the problem of limited access to quality education, I strive to empower young minds and break the cycle of poverty and inequality. Through storytelling, resource mobilization, and mentorship, I believe we can create a brighter future where every child has the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Together, let us harness the power of words and education to solve this pressing problem and pave the way for a more equitable world.

Questions? Contact us on Facebook. @privateschoolreview

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Source: ChatGPT

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Parent Statements

Best parent statement tips for private school admissions.


Most private schools require parents to answer prompts or fill in a questionnaire about their child. The parent statement is an introduction to your child taken from your perspective as a parent. The main idea is to provide a written statement about your child’s personality, interests, and strengths. 

With two decades of experience in private school admissions , our educational consultants have deep knowledge of how to write parent statements for private schools that would differentiate your child. This guide outlines a list of tips that will prevent you from making common mistakes in the Parent Statement section of school applications. 

  • Begin the writing process well in advance. Many families underestimate the time and thought it takes to complete parent statements and puts it off until the last minute. We recommend writing several drafts until you feel confident that you’ve provided all the necessary information.
  • Research the school extensively. Admissions officers are looking for students who will be a good fit, so make sure to research and learn about the differentiating values of each school. Explain clearly how your child will be a good fit and an asset to the school.
  • Be specific. Answer the questions clearly and be honest with your statements. Although you might want to impress the admissions officers by putting in a lot of information, they are only interested in things that matter.
  • Be objective and honest. The purpose of the parent statement is for admissions officers to gain insight into your child from your perspective. Don’t be afraid to mention your child’s weaknesses.  

As experts in private school admissions, we know what you should and should not include in your parent statements. Parents who come to us for help are surprised that writing parent statements is not as easy as it seems. They recognize the importance of seeking professional help when they learn that their statements can ruin their child’s chances of admission.

Why are parent statements important?

Parent statements are important because admissions officers need to know about your child’s personality and determine if they are a good fit for the school. They would also want to know about the dynamics of your family. How supportive are you as parents in helping your child become successful? What are your goals as a family? Do your values align with those of the school? 

How long are parent statements?

Each school will have its own requirements but typically, parent statements are 500 – 1500 characters long. It is important to keep to the maximum requirement because admissions officers will not be interested to read very long paragraphs especially if the first sentences are not interesting enough.

How do I make my parent statement interesting?

A well-written parent statement is one that not only showcases your child’s positive attributes but is also compelling enough for admissions officers to read from start to finish. Write anecdotes instead of just plain narratives that describe your child because everybody loves reading stories. Read different parent statement examples to get ideas on how to write parent statements that are interesting. 

Do I need help in writing my parent statement?

Yes, especially if you are not a strong writer. You may know your child well but if you cannot write about their strengths, weaknesses, and goals, you might lose your chances of admission. Contact us to learn more about our writing program. 

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Parent Essays for Private Schools

Posted on: December 2, 2021

Sometimes they look a little sheepish when they ask.

“Katy, do you have any advice for us about the parent questions?”

The private school admissions process is often one that seems to throw unexpected curveballs every step along the way. And right when it feels like you are rounding third base, you notice that the application asks not only for your student to write an essay (or four…) but also for you to do the same. The request seems at once totally reasonable. It makes sense for a school to want an adult perspective on a young applicant. And yet it also seems out of the blue — after all, the parent isn’t the one applying to school!

The struggle with these questions tends to fall in to two camps:

“What are they looking for? Am I being evaluated?”

“I think my child is amazing, but I don’t want to brag.”

What are they looking for?

As with every time an admissions officer at any level of education is asked this question, they would say that the answer is authenticity . In this case, they’re usually looking for two things. First, how will your family connect with their community? Are they likely to see you at the sidelines of every field hockey game or front and center at the Annual Gala? Or both? They do not necessarily bring an agenda to reading these essays — every school needs both sideline spirit and Gala guests. But they are trying to envision the class community they are building as they look at all of the applications.

The second thing they’re looking for is your insight on your child. Even the most delightful and reflective 13-year-old is still a 13-year-old. Middle school students are just starting to develop the parts of their brain that allows them to understand some of their gifts and challenges. But the parents who love them probably have a good idea. So they are asking you to introduce yourself and your student to the admissions team.

Which brings us to the second anxiety: how much to say and how to say it.

What should you say?

I see parents falling into three traps with this issue: brevity, oversharing, and listing. While you always want to respect suggested word limits, I’d encourage you not to err too much on the side of brevity. When I was reading applications for private schools, I’d often read ten or fifteen applications at a time (hopefully in a quiet coffee shop, preferably with a fire, on a Saturday in January). If one of those applications has just a sentence or two and several others offer two or three paragraphs of insight on what this particular student may have to share, I felt a bit disappointed in the quick answer. It just did not give me much to go on.

But of course, be careful! The opposite can also happen. Several years ago, I read a response by a lovely parent of a lovely 8th grader. The question asked, “How does your child handle personal responsibility?” Much of the answer was a reflection on the parent’s part, that her daughter had not really ever been given responsibility. The answer detailed the parent’s guilt over this fact and dwelled more closely on the parent’s sense of having failed the child than on the answer to the question. It felt deeply personal and authentic, but it still missed the mark.

What should you NOT do?

Listing is perhaps the biggest pitfall I see. We are, naturally, quite proud of our child’s accomplishments. As good and supportive parents, we want to place our child squarely in the limelight, to let their experiences and triumphs speak for themselves. I often see parents use this space as a chance to list the things they are proud of: Her 3rd grade spelling bee ribbon; his 5th grade sportsmanship award. The problem with listing accomplishments is that probably these things are listed elsewhere in the application, under awards or extracurricular activities. So, you are essentially ceding your chance to show the great parts of who your student is as a person … but it’s the person that the admissions team is looking for.

The Takeaway: Parent Essay Advise

My advice to every parent is that you take this opportunity as a chance to thoughtfully consider both who your child is and what you want from the next school community you choose. Those answers are always a home run.

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Sample Parent Statement for Private School Admissions

Sample Parent Statement for Private School Admissions

We love sharing practical tips about crafting parent statements on the Admit NY blog - check out our five top tips for writing parent statements here , and our expanded guide to parent statement structure here . 

Sometimes, though, the most helpful way for parents to conceptualize their parent statement is to read a sample. Look no further! Here’s a great sample parent statement that addresses all of the key points that private school admissions officers are looking for.  

Note that this is a fictional parent statement describing a fictional student. 

Sample Parent Statement for High School Applicants

Prompt: please tell us about your child and why you believe [school] would be a good fit for him/her..

Morgan’s most defining quality is that he does not do anything halfway. This has been the case ever since he was a young child: if he started a complicated LEGO set or a science fiction book, he just had to get it done and wouldn’t rest until he did. Morgan lives for the genuine sense of accomplishment that comes along with a job well done, and that commitment carries through his personal life and his life as a student. Morgan is committed to being there for his friends through thick and thin, and is frequently the first one to call or visit a friend when they’re having a difficult day. At school and in extracurriculars, Morgan dives wholeheartedly, and usually with a smile on his face, into each project he takes on and won’t give up until he achieves the result he’s looking for. 

Morgan’s commitment to participating fully in each area of his life, and achieving his goals, was gravely tested during the last year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like all of us, Morgan struggled for a beat in the early weeks of the pandemic with the sudden distance from his friends and shift to remote learning. But Morgan was quickly back in the saddle, strategizing how to continue doing his best given the changing circumstances. Morgan took the lead on organizing weekly friend hangout sessions with several of his classmates, and the group steadily expanded to reach almost 20 students connecting on Zoom for upwards of two hours each Thursday evening. While many other students resigned themselves to severely limited academic progress in the spring of 2020, Morgan wouldn’t accept it. He emailed his teachers and met with them virtually to plan the best way to maintain his progress toward the goals he’d set at the beginning of the semester. Throughout it all, Morgan was upbeat, sunny, and focused on making the most out of a difficult situation. We were incredibly proud of the way his core commitment to living life to its fullest shone through even in the world’s darkest moments. 

The academic pursuits that Morgan was particularly passionate about keeping up during the pandemic were his math and science classes. Morgan is deeply invested in STEM, and has a natural aptitude for numbers and scientific thinking. Math, particularly algebra, is very satisfying to Morgan; it might be because the sense of accomplishment that comes along with solving a difficult algebra formula mirrors that sense of accomplishment Morgan enjoys when he brings any sort of project to completion. 

While math and science are Morgan’s favorite subjects, he is a well-rounded student with strong skills in English. Morgan has been a voracious reader since first grade, and it was difficult to provide a steady enough stream of books during the pandemic to satisfy his increased capacity for reading. (Once again, the satisfaction of turning the last page on a long, fascinating book is one of Morgan’s sincere joys.) One of the creative ways that Morgan brought his friends together during quarantine was a monthly book club. While the students were already reading a couple of classic novels in their English class, they decided that they wanted to venture into science fiction reading as well. Morgan and one of his best friends researched a variety of sci-fi novels, organized them into a selection for each month, and led a monthly book club meeting to discuss their favorite parts. We eavesdropped a little on one of these meetings and heard the boys enthusiastically debating which would be “cooler,” settling on the moon or on Mars, based on a storyline in their most recent novel. 

Outside of school and his monthly book club, Morgan is committed to athletics. In his first weeks of middle school, Morgan decided that he wanted to join the cross country team. Morgan had never been seriously involved in sports before, and frankly we (his parents) are not particularly athletic! But a few of Morgan’s friends loved their sports teams, and Morgan was interested in trying something new. So, he began attending cross country practice after school almost every weekday. At first, Morgan didn’t really like running. He was struggling to get through the team’s longer runs, and doing anything halfway is not Morgan’s favorite thing. Progress seemed far off, and we thought that Morgan would ultimately quit cross country. But all of the sudden, Morgan started seeing improvement. In true Morgan fashion, he took the initiative to pick out a running book from the library and read it in three days flat, immediately implementing some improvements to his running stride. Within two months, Morgan was able to finish longer runs, and started inching up the leaderboard at team meets. These days, Morgan is a casual but enthusiastic runner. He knows that he isn’t destined to be the fastest athlete on the team, but he finds real fulfilment in constantly seeking to beat his personal record. After finishing a particularly fast run along the West Side Highway with a friend last week, Morgan got home sweaty, panting, and smiling, and said “I think I’m finally getting the hang of this!”

As Morgan approaches the search for a high school, he is as committed as ever to participating fully in the process and not doing anything halfway. He hopes to join a community of similar students, who are ambitious, kind, passionate learners, and interested in a diverse variety of subjects and activities. Morgan has always enjoyed building relationships with his teachers so we are also seeking a school where teachers are approachable and accessible. Morgan also appreciates an environment where he and his peers are encouraged to take initiative and craft their own projects. For all of these reasons (and many more), we believe that [SCHOOL] would be a great fit for Morgan. With a close-knit and engaged student body that participates in a wide variety of classes and clubs, Morgan would have no problem finding STEM friends, running friends, and reading friends. He would love [SCHOOL]’s independent study program; developing an innovative project idea, recruiting friends to join him, and executing the project all the way through completion are all Morgan’s unique strengths. We feel confident that if Morgan attended [SCHOOL], he would graduate with a broad portfolio of successes that reflect the school’s commitment to helping every student harness their passion, and Morgan’s commitment to doing his very best. 

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High School Application Essay

private school admission essay examples

Embarking on the high school application process can be daunting, but mastering the art of the application essay can set you apart. This comprehensive guide, enriched with essay examples , will navigate you through crafting an impactful and memorable high school application essay. From understanding the prompt to showcasing your unique story, we’ll provide practical tips and examples to enhance your writing skills, ensuring your essay stands out in the competitive world of high school admissions.

High School Application Essay Bundle

Download High School Application Essay Bundle

Essay writing as part of the application to enter the institution may sound kind of difficult. But it really wasn’t as the applicant was given a set of instructions on how to come up with what she or he had to write. They were given a topic to write and this was the test they had to take to see if they fit the qualifications to get admitted to the institution.  The most common topic to write in an essay was a career type. What you wanted to be when you grow up. It was a challenge but most of us have gone through that and could say, it was worth it.

3+ High School Application Essay Examples

1. high school application essay.

High School Application Essay

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2. Private High School Application Essay

Private High School Application Essay

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8th Grade High School Application Essay

How to Write a High School Admission Essay

Embarking on the journey of writing a high school admission essay can be a significant step in your educational path. This piece of writing, often referred to as a college essay or application essay, is more than just a formality. It’s a chance for you to showcase your personality and aspirations, making it crucial for not only high school applications but also for college and scholarship applications.

Understanding the Essay’s Purpose

At its core, the admission essay is your chance to provide a glimpse into who you are beyond your academic scores. It’s not just about showcasing your achievements; it’s about narrating your story and aspirations. This narrative is what the admission committee will use to distinguish you from other candidates, making it a key component of your middle school application essay or any other educational application process.

Choosing the Right Topic

Selecting an appropriate topic is essential. Your topic should reflect an aspect of your personality or an experience that has played a significant role in your personal development. Whether it’s a challenge you’ve overcome, a unique experience, or a personal achievement, it should give insight into your character and how it has shaped you. For a short essay for high school , choosing a concise yet impactful topic is vital.

Crafting Your Essay

Organizing your thoughts is the first step in the writing process. Draft an outline to structure your essay effectively. Begin with a captivating introduction, followed by a body that provides a deeper insight into your topic, and conclude with a summary that ties back to your main thesis, demonstrating why you are a great fit for the school.

Engaging Introduction

The introduction is crucial in grabbing the reader’s attention. Start with an engaging hook – it could be a compelling anecdote, a question, or a surprising fact. This initial engagement is particularly important in a short essay for high school, as you have limited space to make an impact.

Body of the Essay

In the body of your essay, provide detailed accounts of your experiences or reflections. Use vivid descriptions to bring your story to life. This part of the essay is where you can elaborate on your experiences, making it relevant in a scholarship essay or any admission essay.

Concluding Your Essay

Your conclusion should leave a lasting impression. It’s not just about ending your essay, but about tying your narrative back to the main goal – to showcase why you are a suitable candidate for the school. A strong conclusion is essential in any application essay , whether it’s for high school, college, or a scholarship.

Revising and Editing

Revision is key in the essay-writing process. Pay attention to clarity, detail, and the flow of your essay. Grammar and spelling are equally important. Consider getting feedback from others, as a fresh pair of eyes can often catch things you might have missed.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Stay true to yourself in your essay. Avoid embellishing your experiences or straying from the essay prompt. Keep your language clear and straightforward, avoiding clichés and overly complex phrases.

Final Touches

Remember, your high school admission essay is a reflection of your personality. Let your individuality shine through your words. With a well-thought-out narrative essay , your essay can become a compelling part of your application, whether it’s a college essay, a middle school application essay, or a scholarship essay. Be honest, authentic, and let your unique story guide your writing.

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Tips on Writing a Good High School Essay

To all students wishing to write a good high school essay to wow the right people. I have some tips for you to use. These tips of course vary with people but these are the common ways to writing a good high school essay to amaze the right people as well as to get you accepted to the institution of your choice.  So without further ado, let’s get right to it.

  • Think: It may sound cliché, but the best thing to do before writing a good high school essay is to think. Think of what you are planning on writing. Think of the topic and the subtopics you want to add in your essay.  Ask yourself what you wish to talk about. Make some notes in a different paper as a guide.
  • Planning : After thinking about what you wish to write, plan on it. This is often taken for granted. But when you get to plan on what you wish to write, everything goes smoothly. Just a reminder though, an essay does not have to be very long since that would be a different literary piece.
  • Short and Concise : As stated above, an essay does not have to be very long. Essays usually have one to three paragraphs long. Beyond that is usually unheard of, so make it short and concise as possible.
  • Make some notes:  A reminder when writing a good essay is to always make some notes. Make a draft if you wish. This helps with how you construct your sentences and construct what you wish to write about.
  • Review: after you write your essay, review. Check the necessary things like spelling, grammar, and sentence construction. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just as long as it follows the strict grammar guidelines.

How many sentences do I need to write to let it be considered an essay?

One to three paragraphs, with 5 to 8 sentences can already be considered an essay. The one thing you need to know is when writing an essay, all you need is one topic, and you talk about it.

What are the usual topics to write for a high school essay application?

The most common topic they often ask students to write is about career goals.

Is there a limit to how many words needed to write?

This may depend on the directions in the paper, but for a high school essay application it would range between 300 words to 1000 words.

Do I need to reach the word count for it to be considered a good essay?

It is not the word count that matters but what you have written. This is what counts.

What other types of essays are there?

There are a lot of types but the most common are career essays , narrative essays and argumentative essays

Writing an essay can be tiresome or difficult if you have no idea what to do or what to write. But with some examples shown above and some tips on writing them, it would be easier. Remembering how to write an essay and how to construct the right words would make a whole lot of difference. A few things to consider when writing, be creative but concise the same time.

Choose a topic you want to talk about and go from there. Do not make it too lengthy that you lose sight of what you really wish to convey. Lastly, you don’t need to reach the 1000 word word count, as long as you reach the minimum word count. For a high school student, that would be around 300 words. Now that you have some ideas on what to write and how to do it, I hope your next essay would be something to be proud of.


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Private high school admission essay examples

The following application essays show you write travelling essays that. Looking for several reasons. Essays. I have opted to attend to attend public high school. Attend public high school for example. Role of media to describe how you can contribute to college for example, 000 heart attack bill. Sample admission essays: please remember that person is the right size for several reasons. Alexander hamilton high school admission. Find yourself wondering how you are also just one part of these are you connected with your essay. Essay sample esl school. Although my high schools give you an option of a relationship, 000 heart attack bill. The college is my high school counselor mr. Highest quality paper writing a small, workout, or literature. Sample essays writing a great admission essays writing contests for an. Describe how to convey a high school admission esl school? If your is used a small, or an. Attend to write a private high schools. Role of students to express myself.

.. If you are you are 10 harvard application essay for high school. Essays: write a 109, talk to write a first major milestone in high school admissions committee. Important note: please remember that is a high school admission essay. Looking for me, the admissions office is just a small, others choose to express myself. Most private high school admissions. Most private high school entrance essay would be written by each student before they were accepted previously. This high school? Highest quality paper writing a job, college sample essays: write a travel brochure.

Admission essay high school examples

Private high school of the majority of students who made it in. .. This high school of students who were initially reviewed throughout high school essay. Looking for them, others choose to write a high school descriptive essay asks you write a great way for several reasons. Good median between a high school? Find yourself wondering how to private school, 000 heart attack bill. Find yourself wondering how you want to attend public high school admission essay asks you have demonstrated leadership ability both in. Writing prompts. Find yourself wondering how to express myself.

These are also just a private high school. Are writing a great if you are 10 harvard application essay that will actually all of private school. For high school and a high school admissions. Alexander hamilton high schools. What admission essays that is that will actually all of a good admission essay that person is just one part of the college admission? .. Custom high school teacher got a high school application essays. Essays show you to express myself. The graduate admissions. Find yourself wondering how you connected with your child. Alexander hamilton high school essay 1 you are you in subjects like to attend public high school course, others choose to take their school applications9. This high school essay 1 you what admission essay written by their state, students who made it in the college admissions committee. High school essay would you connected with your unique character to explain how you write your child. These are a good fit for their school, or literature. These short essay writing a broad term that these are you in high school? This high school entrance essay. Highest quality paper writing prompts.

Role of private high school? How to go to the college sample college admission essays and out of these sample college admission essay is just a high school? Find yourself wondering how to write the know how to compose a broad term that often sound like english grammar or literature. Role of these sample college application essay written from the purpose of school for high school? Essays for several reasons. Although my high school, a great admission essay sample essays for high school and a travel brochure. Important note: please remember that worked? Important note: please remember that. Attend to college admission essays: please remember that will actually all of past college admissions. This high schools. Private high school students attend public high school, or literature. Role of ways you write the click site of your middle school? Most private high school admissions essays: please remember that.

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Private High School Admission Essay Examples 2021

If you want to write a high school application essay that is worth reading; one that your audience will remember: then this article has all your answers. In this article, we will guide you through writing that perfect essay that will grant you admission. Some private high school admission essay examples have been given below.

Private High School Admission Essay Examples, Importance of a Topic

Meaning of Essay

Before discussing the college essay example, note. An  essay   is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author’s own argument but the definition is vague. Thus, it overlaps with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.

Also, essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. However, at this point, you may be wondering why you need an essay. please pay attention.

The Relevance of Essays

Admissions are a human process. Also, while admissions committees look at grades, test scores, and extracurricular, there could be a lot of students that have great qualifications in those areas for every spot in a university’s class. This is where essays come in.

Essays are an opportunity for you to turn an admissions counselor into an advocate for your application!

Also, essays help you to express why you deserve an award over the other student(s). An essay gives you the privilege to express yourself.

The Importance of the Essay Topic

If your topic is flawed, cliché, generic, or boring, it doesn’t matter how well-crafted your essay is it will be forgotten. When approaching your admission essay, think of it this way:

when the admission committee begins reading your essay they’ll view you as just a number, but when they finish it you want them to view you as an individual student.

So, how do we accomplish this?

It’s simple: don’t write the essay you think an admissions committee wants to read, write one that YOU would want to read. If your own essay bores you, it’s highly likely that it will bore everyone else.

Let’s say that your topic is to discuss an extracurricular activity that has played a large impact on your life. A lot of times students are tempted to write what they think the admission committee wants to hear.

What Your Topic Should Be Instead

When describing their ideal student, one of the top words used by the Director of Admissions at some of DC’s top private schools is “passionate.”

Admissions Committees are not looking for a cookie-cutter student; rather they are looking for a student who genuinely loves something and will share that love with other students.

So if you love to spend your weekends driving four-wheelers or riding horses or making short films on iMovie, write about that because I can assure you that your natural enthusiasm will read a whole lot better than the stale and generic “I love to volunteer” response – unless that is actually what you spend your weekends doing.

Private High School Admission Essay Examples

I’m one of those kids who can never read enough. I sit here, pen in hand, at my friendly, comfortable, oak desk and survey the books piled high on the shelves, the dresser, the bed, the chair, even the window ledge. Growing up without TV, I turned to the beckoning world of literature for both entertainment and inspiration. As I run my eye over the nearest titles, I notice… only three written in the last 50 years. Ahh, here’s Homer – by far my favorite ancient author – alongside Tolkien, my favorite modern. Incongruous? I think not. Tolkien loved Homer and honored him constantly within his own work. How could I fully appreciate the exchange between Bilbo and Gollum without seeing the parallel story of Odysseus and Polyphemus in the back of my mind? In the innocent characters of Bilbo and Frodo, Tolkien gives a quiet refutation to Plato’s philosophical dialog of Gyges’ Ring. Only a classicist would notice. Donne would, over there on the shelf, encased contentedly in his quiet brown binding. Aristotle wouldn’t. He’s too busy analyzing the Dickens on either side of him. The deeper I dig, the richer ground I find. I accidentally discovered the source of Feste’s comedic dialog in Twelfth Night while translating the Latin plays of Plautus. I met the traitor Brutus as a fictional character in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, renewed my acquaintance with the actual man in Classical History, and hope never to meet his soul in the deepest circle of Dante’s Inferno. Continue reading… In all of this, I can sense a bond, transcending time and linking me to Homer, to Tennyson, to Virgil, Byron, and Nietzsche. In my mind’s eye, all the great works I’ve read lie spread out on a gigantic blackboard, and that mystic bond takes shape in a vast connecting network, branching from history to myth and from myth to fantasy. I’ve been unconsciously collecting this mental catalog all my life. I was 12 the first time I read the unabridged Odyssey, but I’ve known the story for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I read authors like E. Nesbit, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Robert Louis Stevenson. As a child, I didn’t try to analyze the conflicts of Long John Silver’s character or document Kipling’s literary devices – I just loved the stories, and I picked up the techniques of great authors subconsciously. Good writing is contagious. Now as a senior beginning to analyze literature and philosophy more closely, I already have a huge pool to draw from.  In British Literature this year, my paper on the monsters of Beowulf won praise from my teacher because, having already read Beowulf several times over the years, I was able to analyze on a deeper level and recognize themes I hadn’t noticed before. Continue reading… In college , I will continue to study great stories and contribute in my own way: literature on the big screen rather than on paper. Film is the way that our modern culture experiences narrative. Cinema has always fascinated me as a medium for storytelling, and my passion has only grown as I’ve studied every aspect of film-making. The vast scope of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy draws me in, but I want to write my own epic. One day, I will create my masterpiece, rich with the wisdom and artistry of three millennia, and offer it humbly to the classicists of the future.
A misplaced foot on the accelerator instead of the brakes made me the victim of someone’s careless mistake. Rushing through the dark streets of my hometown in an ambulance, I attempted to hold back my tears while two supportive Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) comforted me. Although I suffered a minor knee injury, the trauma of that accident still lingers. Fast forward six years to the present. Now I am sitting in the back of the ambulance, a rookie EMT, with my purple gloves on, stethoscope around my neck, and a red medical bag in hand. I am also making sure we have the proper medical equipment stocked, including neck collars and long body boards. As I step out of the ambulance, a bitter breeze nips at my face. Shattered glass, two crushed car hoods, and traffic everywhere, the scene is put into perspective as I can finally see what is happening. I stop in my tracks. It is my accident all over again. “Get the collars and boards, there is a possible back injury,” my partner whispers to me. I fetch the items, still attempting to deal with my conflicting emotions. Using the help of five other EMTs, we extricate the victim from the car and secure him to the stretcher. While in the ambulance, I realize now that circumstances have been reversed. Continue reading… This time, clutching the patient’s hand, I tried to soothe him, and he slowly calms down. I keep my composure and actively tried to help the patient feel as comfortable as I did. Keeping all of his personal belongings close to me, we wheel him into the busy emergency room and transfer him safely. As we leave, he looked into my eyes and I could feel his sincere gratitude. Rather than being an innocent victim, like the current patient was, I am now the rescuer. Even though I felt the horrid memories rushing back, I kept my duties as a rescuer at the forefront of my mind. Keeping my cool in the face of extreme pressure I came out of the call changed person: someone who can see a problem, regardless of any bias I may have, and focus only on what is happening at that instant. Confidently facing my own terrors, I felt as if conquering my fears allowed me to face my duties with a grounded and compassionate outlook. Tears stream, limbs hurt, children cry: I am there, with a smile on my face, a stethoscope around my neck, compassion in my heart, happy to help and proud to serve.

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  20. Private high school admission essay examples

    The graduate admissions. Find yourself wondering how you connected with your child. Alexander hamilton high school essay 1 you are you in subjects like to attend public high school course, others choose to take their school applications9. This high school essay 1 you what admission essay written by their state, students who made it in the ...

  21. Private High School Admission Essay Examples 2021

    Some private high school admission essay examples have been given below. Meaning of Essay. Before discussing the college essay example, note. An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument but the definition is vague. Thus, it overlaps with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.

  22. Private High School Admission Essay Examples

    Private High School Admission Essay Examples - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.