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Problem solving

Problem solving lesson plan

problem solving lesson plan pdf

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Problem Solving: Lesson plan

Problem solving: Presentation slides

Demonstrating your skills quick fire activity

Problem solving in practice: Interactive worksheet

Our problem solving content focuses on one of these skills and develops understanding of the six stages of problem solving, as well as identifying different types of situations in which young people might already be using these skills. Furthermore, it encourages them to use an adaptive approach, explaining that different types of problems can be approached in different ways.

The activities on this page support your teaching of these skills through an independent activity, quick activities or a full length, curriculum-linked lesson plan. 

Teaching resources:

  • Problem solving: Lesson plan and presentation slides – full lesson plan including icebreaker for use with a group of students in the classroom
  • Demonstrating your skills: Quick-fire activity  – 10 minute activity for a group of students in the classroom, can be used as an icebreaker for the lesson plan
  • Problem solving in practice: Interactive worksheet – activity for independent learning whether remote or in class

Lesson plan

(60 -75 minutes)

This lesson is designed to equip young people with an adaptable approach to solving problems, large or small. It includes a short film and scenarios that encourage development of practical problem solving skills which can be useful for learning, day to day life, and when in employment.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify problems of different scales and what is needed to solve them
  • Illustrate the use of an adaptable approach to solving problems
  • Understand that problem solving is a core transferable skill and identify its usefulness in a work setting
  • Work on a problem solving activity in a team

The lesson aims to reinforce students’ understanding of the potential future applications of this skill as they move into the world of work, particularly in an activity differentiated for an older or more able group on creating new opportunities.

Quick-fire activity

(5 - 10 minutes)

The demonstrating your skills quick-fire activity focuses on helping young people understand the key skills that are needed in the workplace, including the importance of problem solving.

Students will be asked to name the skills being demonstrated in a variety of scenarios, and identify ways they’re already using those skills in this short activity.

You might find it useful as a starter or icebreaker activity to begin a lesson, or at the end to allow students to put what they have just learnt in the Problem solving lesson into practice.

Interactive worksheet

(20 - 25 minutes)

Please note that students below the age of 14 cannot sign up for their own LifeSkills account. Any independent tasks must be printed or downloaded and provided digitally for them to complete as they are currently hosted on educator pages.

The Problem solving in practice interactive worksheet introduces some of the themes from the full lesson plan and gives students some practical strategies for problem solving, including introducing the six stages of problem solving. The worksheet can be printed or completed digitally, so can be used flexibly to give students practise putting their problem solving skills into action. You might choose to assign it:

  • As homework following the Problem solving lesson
  • For independent study
  • For remote learning

Looking for more ways to boost self confidence with LifeSkills?

Other lessons that may prove useful for students to build on these activities include the  Adaptability  and  Innovation and idea generation  lessons. Alternatively, consider encouraging them to apply their skills through  Steps to starting a business  or the  Social action toolkit .

Why not build problem solving in as a focus in your students’ wider curriculum? Refer to our  Content guide to find out how this resources can be used as part of your teaching.

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Why not try one of these next?

Staying positive (resilience)

Staying positive (resilience)

Staying positive and learning through experience are key to succeeding in challenging situations. Try this lesson and help your students succeed at work.


Good leadership styles and effective teamwork can help students excel in their future workplace. Read more about team leader skills in this lesson.

Social action toolkit

Social action toolkit

Build a comprehensive social action programme and support young people to access enriching experiences that build transferable skills for work.

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Want to create or adapt books like this? Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices.

79 Problem-Based Lesson Plan Template

Problem-based lesson plan template.

For additional information on Problem-based instruction, please visit our Teaching Strategies page of the MNSU Instructional Design Services .  In order to implement a problem-based instruction lesson in your classroom, there are a few planning steps to consider.  Fill in the blanks with your lesson-specific information in order to plan your problem-based lesson.

1. Develop clear and measurable learning objectives (including cognitive and behavioral objectives) – based on Bloom’s Taxonomy

  • Students will be able to {verb} {noun}.

Ex: Students will demonstrate the methods of organismal biologists, including observation, phylogenetics, experimentation, and form/function studies.

2. Identify the learning resources students will need to access at home before coming to class.  These resources are generally what you would normally do in a traditional lecture format class (lecture, videos, etc)

  • Reading materials
  • Watch instructional video xxx (name of the video) for xx minutes http://www …
  • Exercise on worksheets, if any
  • Suggest other learning resources

Ex:  Before class on Thursday, please watch instructional video #1.

Learning Resources my lesson will include:

  • __________________________________

Technology Resources I will need to create the pre-class learning resources:

3. Prepare the real-world, contextual problem that students will use to explore the content.  You can either create a problem or select one from an existing problem bank.  Follow the guidelines below for both selecting and creating a problem.

Garner’s (2010) suggested PBL problem elements:

  • The topic of concern captures the attention and interest of participating students.
  • Students are required to make judgments and decisions by analyzing a variety of options in choosing their best course of action.
  • The proposed problem has a level of complexity that involves all team members in the data gathering and decision-making phases.
  • Questions are open-ended and invite group members to participate.
  • There is a direct connection between the PBL scenario and course learning outcomes.

Students should be able to answer the following four questions when working towards a problem solution:

  • What do I know (about the problem or issue)
  • What do I need to know to solve it?
  • How do I get that information?
  • How do I apply that information to determine a solution?

You can also use created problems from resources like the University of Delaware’s PBL Clearninghouse

My problem:

Ex: (From A Principles of Organismal Biology course)

200,000 people applied to be a part of the Mars colonization project. The 40 candidates that were selected have asked you, a biologist, to describe for them what plant or animal life might exist on Mars or what life might exist on Mars eventually through colonization, adaptation, and mutation. Based on your knowledge of Earth biology, what might a Mars plant or animal look like? How could you prepare the colonist for creatures or life they might encounter?

4. Define the procedures for in-Class problem analysis that your students will be completing. Let students know if they need to bring or prepare anything before class.   The idea is to create an active learning environment where students interact with the content and the instructor acts as a guide.   Activities should scaffold the students into the problem solution.

  • Establish ground rules for participation
  • Assign discussion groups or roles in the problem-solving process
  • Students define facts and significant information surrounding the problem
  • Pose challenging questions to further discussion
  • Students define objectives and possible solutions

Activities students will complete analyzing the problem:

Technology Resources my students will need to complete the analysis:

Ex: Create a graphic organizer of your choice (graphic, infographic, flyer, blog, etc) that  illustrates the lineages of life. Categorize them by one of the following: their biodiversity, anatomy, physiology, development, behavior, biogeography, fossil record,  or ecology.  Then hypothesize how the lineage might be extended to include extraterrestrial life and add those branches to your organizer.

5. Identify any post-analysis activities that your students will be completing.

  • Shift context – students see problem or solution from another point of view
  • Follow up discussion
  • Shift time frame – “what’s next?”, “How could this situation be different?”

Activities students will complete post-analysis:

Technology Resources my students will need to complete the post-analysis activities:

Ex: Write a counterargument to your problem solution.  Take the side of those who might not agree with your conclusions.  What alternatives or arguments against your theories exist?

  • Create the assessments that you will use for determining students’ mastery of the learning objectives.
  • Formative/Summative
  • Challenging questions
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Problem solution presentations

Ex: Using what you have learned in this class, present and describe a lifeform colonist might encounter in the Martian environment. Visuals, such as a drawing, would be useful to help the colonists identify possible lifeforms. Use the scientific method to present your lifeform hypothesis.

Assessment(s) I will use in my problem-based lesson:

Technology Resources my students will need to complete the assessment(s):

7. Verify that your assessments and activities align to the learning objectives.  Do they allow your students to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning objectives?

Maverick Learning and Educational Applied Research Nexus Copyright © 2021 by Minnesota State University, Mankato is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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problem solving lesson plan pdf

Second Step® Sample Lessons

Complete sets of materials from select Second Step curricula, the Second Step® Bullying Prevention Unit, and the Second Step® Child Protection Unit are available for Early Learning through Grade 8.

Digital Programs

Classroom kits.

Bullying Prevention Unit (Available for Kindergarten–Grade 5)

Child Protection Unit (Available for Early Learning–Grade 5)

Out-of-School Time (Available for Kindergarten–Grade 5)

Available for Kindergarten through Grade 8 Explore samples from all grades below


__Lesson 18: Apologizing Can Help __

grade k lesson screen

In this lesson, students will learn about apologizing as a way of showing kindness and as a tool for problem-solving in a variety of scenarios. Lesson Plan (PDF) Lesson Presentation

Lesson 9: Feeling Frustrated

grade 1 lesson screen

In this lesson, students will learn which clues tell them when others might be frustrated, and a new way to feel calm when they’re feeling frustrated themselves. Lesson Plan (PDF) Lesson Presentation

Lesson 16: The Way to Say a Problem

grade 2 lesson screen

In this lesson, students will start learning to be better problem-solvers by managing strong feelings and stating problems without blame. Lesson Plan (PDF) Lesson Presentation Lesson Handout (PDF)

Lesson 14: Asking Questions

grade 3 lesson screen

In this lesson, students will learn about asking questions to find out how someone else is feeling and to understand what their friends might want or need. Lesson Plan (PDF) Lesson Presentation Lesson Handout (PDF)

Lesson 17: Saying It Respectfully

grade 4 lesson screen

In this lesson, students will learn how to consider another person’s point of view and to say what they want or need in a respectful way. Lesson Plan (PDF) Lesson Presentation Lesson Handout A (PDF) Lesson Handout B (PDF)

Lesson 17: When? Where? Who?

grade 5 lesson screen

In this lesson, students will learn how to identify when and where to work on solving a problem, and who should be included. Lesson Plan (PDF) Lesson Presentation

Unit 4, Lesson 23: Respectful Communication

Grade Six, Lesson 23 example

In this lesson, students will learn ways to communicate during a conflict to keep it from escalating through reflecting on their own experiences, defining respectful communication, and practicing using language that will help resolve conflicts. Sample This Lesson Lesson Plan (PDF) Student Handout (PDF)

Unit 3, Lesson 18: Practicing Positive Self-Talk

Grade 7, Lesson 19 example

In this lesson, students will learn how to use positive self-talk to reframe challenging situations, including discussing why it isn’t always easy to see the positives and practicing noticing the positive things in their everyday lives. Sample This Lesson Lesson Plan (PDF) Student Handout (PDF)

Unit 2, Lesson 10: Environmental Factors that Contribute to Bullying

Grade 8, Lesson 10 example

In this lesson, students will learn how the physical layout of and rules within a space can make bullying and harassment more likely to happen, from identifying environmental factors to discussing rules and regulations within their own school community. Sample This Lesson Lesson Plan (PDF) Student Handout (PDF)

Available for Early Learning through Grade 5 Explore samples from all grades below

Early Learning

Weekly Theme 6: Asking for What You Need or Want

weeklytheme card

Weekly Theme Card

takehome activity

Take-Home Activity

Brain Builder: Stop and Start

Brain Builder: Stop and Start

el music note

”How to Learn Song”

EL Listening Rules

Listening Rules

feelings cards

Feelings Cards

Lesson 2: Focusing Attention

Kindergarten Lesson Sample card

Weekly Lesson Card

Kindergarten Following Through Card

Following Through Card

Kindergarten Listening Rules

“The Learner Song”

Brain Builder: Follow, Follow

Brain Builder: Follow, Follow

Kindergarten Skills for Learning Poster

Skills for Learning Poster

Kindergarten takehome activity

Lesson 11: Showing Care and Concern

Grade 1 Lesson Sample card

Brain Builder: Clap and Wait

G1 following through Card

Empathy Poster

G1 take home activity

Lesson 17: Solving Problems, Part 1

Grade 2 Lesson Sample card

Skills for Learning

Brain Builder: Sentence Switcheroo

Brain Builder: Sentence Switcheroo

Grade 2 How to calm down poster

How to Calm Down Poster

Grade 2 Problem-Solving Steps Poster

Problem-Solving Steps Poster

Grade 2 song video screen

“The Empathy Song”

Grade 2 takehome activity

Problem Solving with Anthony

Lesson 8: Accepting Differences

Grade 3 Lesson Sample card

Brain Builder: Common Ground

Grade 3 Empathy Poster

Student Handout

Lesson 15: Handling Put Downs

Grade 4 Lesson Sample card

Teaching the Lesson Card

Grade 4 Student Handout

Lesson 15 Video (Parts 1 & 2)

calm down video screen

“Calm Down” Music Video

Lesson 21: Dealing with Peer Pressure

Grade 5 Lesson Sample card

Lesson 21 Video (Parts 1, 2 & 3)

step up video screen

“Step Up” Music Video

Bullying Prevention Unit

Available for Kindergarten through Grade 5 Explore samples from Grades 2 and 5 below

Lesson 3: Refusing Bullying

lesson samples

Lesson Samples

Classroom Activity

Classroom Activity

Take-Home Activity

Addy’s Story

lesson samples

Noah and Olivia

Child Protection Unit

Available for Early Learning through Grade 5 Explore samples from Early Learning and Grades 2 and 5 below

Weekly Theme 3: Safe and Unsafe Touches

weekly theme samples

Weekly Theme Samples

EL classroom activity

Ways to Stay Safe Poster

el music note

“The Safety Rules Song”

el music icon

“Stop and Think”

Lesson 3: Safe and Unsafe Touches

lesson samples

“Three Ways to Stay Safe”

Lesson 3: Unsafe and Unwanted Touches

lesson samples

“I’m in Charge” Music Video

Out-of-School Time

Available for Kindergarten through Grade 5 Explore samples from Kindergarten and Grade 1 below

Kindergarten–Grade 1

Unit 1, Topic 2: Facing Challenges with Confidence

problem solving lesson plan pdf

In this activity from the Growth Mindset & Goal Setting unit for Kindergarten–Grade 1, kids learn three strategies that can help them work through challenges and then use those strategies to build a tower from 10 random items.

Free Resources

Bullying Prevention Resources

Free Activities

Early, Open, Often

Abierto y a menudo

ParenTeen Connect


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  1. Problem Solving Lesson Plan

    Lesson plan. (60 -75 minutes) This lesson is designed to equip young people with an adaptable approach to solving problems, large or small. It includes a short film and scenarios that encourage development of practical problem solving skills which can be useful for learning, day to day life, and when in employment.

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    not a book of sample math lesson plans. There are oodles of math lesson plans available on the Web and from other sources. By and large these lesson plans have three weaknesses: 1. They are not personalized to the individual strengths and weaknesses of the teacher, the teacher's students, and their culture. 2.

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    In order to implement a problem-based instruction lesson in your classroom, there are a few planning steps to consider. Fill in the blanks with your lesson-specific information in order to plan your problem-based lesson. 1. Develop clear and measurable learning objectives (including cognitive and behavioral objectives) - based on Bloom's ...

  6. PDF Problem Solving Guide

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    Concepts and Definitions. Step 1: stop - pay attention to your warning signs - There are three kinds of warning signs to consider: Physical reactions; Risk thoughts; and Risk feelings. Step 2: think - reduce your risk - Be quiet and get space either physically or mentally, and calm down by taking a deep breath, counting or self-talk.

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    can use problem solving to teach the skills of mathematics, and how prob-lem solving should be presented to their students. They must understand that problem solving can be thought of in three different ways: 1. Problem solving is a subject for study in and of itself. 2. Problem solving is an approach to a particular problem. 3.

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    thinking and problem-solving skills to survive being stranded on a desert island. Procedure Set the scene by drawing a boat on the board. Tell the students to imagine that they are on the boat and to suggest what they are doing there. Then, draw lightning on the board. Explain that the boat has been hit by a storm and has started taking on water.

  12. PDF Thinking for a Change

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    5.7.2 Decide when and how to break a problem into simpler parts. 5.7.9 Note the method of finding the solution and show a conceptual understanding of the method by solving similar problems. Performance Objectives: o When given a problem, students will find patterns to solving 3 out of 4 times. o When given a problem, student will break it down ...

  14. PDF Alternative Lesson Plans for Problem Solving Learning Activities

    This set of generic lesson plans is therefore. provided to add some variety in the way these activities are conducted. Each time a. lesson plan includes a problem-solving learning activity, you can conduct that activity. using any one of these generic plans. Every problem-solving leaning activity will include at least the following items: (1) the.

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    Problem-Solving Strategies: In our counseling/social skills group and in the classroom setting, we often focus on helping a student develop his or her individualized coping and problem-solving skills. I thought it would be very timely for this weeks lesson to focus on effective ^hands on problem-solving and communication skills.

  16. PDF Handbook of Activities on Life Skills

    Problem Solving, Decision Making, Coping with Stress and Coping with Emotions. These activities aim to empower the trainees to understand, internalize and apply life skills in their day to day life. We are thankful to all employers who have hired MAST graduates and participated during faculty trainings for sharing their experiences.

  17. PDF Problem-Based Instructional Task Lesson Plan Guidelines Pre-requisite

    Characteristics: • Effective guiding questions - in the task and by the teacher. • Student-to-student communication. • High level of student engagement Teacher will: • Guide the students to work out the tasks, problems, and activities themselves, instead of the teacher and text presenting already-worked-out examples.

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    Critical Thinking Exercise 2.1: Talk Through an Everyday Problem. Critical Thinking Exercise 2.2: Problems and Riddles. Activity 2.3: Compound Remote Associates Problems. Activity 2.4: Divergent Thinking with the Alternative Uses Task. Critical Thinking Exercise 2.3: Reflecting on Incubation and Expertise.

  20. Problem-Solving Steps

    Introduction. (10 minutes) Bring students together in a circle, either seated or standing. Bring blocks with you to the circle. Show the student the blocks and ask them to watch you build a tall castle. After you build it, bring out two figurines that you would like to play with in the castle. Say out loud, "Hmm....there seems to be a problem.

  21. Second Step Sample Lessons

    Grade 6. Unit 4, Lesson 23: Respectful Communication. In this lesson, students will learn ways to communicate during a conflict to keep it from escalating through reflecting on their own experiences, defining respectful communication, and practicing using language that will help resolve conflicts. Sample This Lesson. Lesson Plan (PDF)

  22. PDF Problem Based Learning Lesson Template

    to analyze their own problem solving strategies. Requires the ability to use higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and creation of new knowledge. Creates cognitive conflict Select cases with information that makes simple solutions difficult: while the solution may address one

  23. Problem Solving Lesson Plan

    This lesson plan outlines a third grade math lesson on problem solving. The lesson will use various activities in stations to teach students how to analyze problems, formulate plans, determine solutions, justify answers, and evaluate the problem solving process. Students will work in groups rotating through different problem solving tasks using task cards, online games, Jenga, and anchor ...

  24. Outstanding Maths Lesson for Interview/Lesson Observation Problem

    An exceptional maths problem solving lesson, complete with written lesson plan and interactive slides. ... 83.52 KB pdf, 127.15 KB docx, 19.63 KB ppt, 2.91 MB. An exceptional maths problem solving lesson, complete with written lesson plan and interactive slides. Crafted to engage and challenge high-ability Year 5/6 students, this lesson offers ...