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11 Steps To Start A Successful Beauty Shop Business In Kenya: All You Need To Know

The beauty industry is a very lucrative market. It has been growing at an exponential rate and currently, it is the fourth largest industry in Kenya. This means that there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to enter the industry.

With the beauty shop industry in Kenya growing rapidly and seeing a lot of new players, it is a good idea to start your own beauty shop business. The beauty shops in Kenya offer many products such as cosmetics, hair care products and more. If you are interested in starting your own beauty shop business then this article will guide you through the process of setting up your own beauty shop business.


How To Start A Beauty Shop Business In Kenya

Step 1: determine what kind of business you want to start.

You need to think about what type of business you want to start so that later on you can make sure that it aligns with your goals and objectives. Make sure that it meets with all the required requirements such as location, employees and other financial requirements.

Step 2: Perform a market research

The second step is doing a market research. Doing market research is to identify the target audience for your beauty shop business. For example, if you are planning on selling skin care products , then your target audience would be women who are interested in looking younger and beautiful.

You can also find out what products they buy and how much they spend on them by conducting some surveys among people who fit into your target audience category. This will help you get a better understanding of what they want from a beauty shop and how much they are willing to pay for it.

Step 3: Find an ideal location for your beauty shop

You need to find an ideal location for your beauty shop because this will determine how much money you will end up spending on rent for the space or whether there is another option available as well which can save you some money. You can also look at other factors such as whether there is enough parking space available or if there are other places nearby where customers could be served better than if they had come directly from their homes instead.

Step 4: Determine your budget

The amount of money that you spend on your business will depend on the type of equipment, supplies and services that you offer and whether or not you have any employees. You should also consider whether or not you need a space to operate out of, such as an office or retail location.

If you have employees, then they will also need training and uniforms so that they can provide excellent customer service at all times.

Step 5: Buy or lease a space for your shop

If you’re planning on buying a property, then you’ll need to find a location that is both suitable for your business and within your budget. You should also consider how long you expect the business to last, as well as how long it will take to pay off the property’s mortgage in full.

If you’re planning on leasing instead of buying , then you’ll need to find an available space with adequate square footage and facilities that will meet your needs. You may also be required by law to get permission from the landlord before proceeding with any renovations or changes. You will need to redesign and decorate your beauty shop according to your needs. You will be required to pay the deposit for the shop and rent as well.

Step 6: Get your licenses and permits

If you want to start a beauty shop business in Kenya, you’ll need to get your licenses and permits from the county government. These are important documents that show the government that you are operating legally. You will need them to buy products wholesale and to open a bank account.

If you will be playing music for entertainment at your shop, then you also need to get licensing from the MCSK.

Step 7: Identify your Suppliers

Your beauty shop business will be a success if you can get your hands on the right suppliers. The key to getting the best suppliers is to know what you need and what they can provide. This way, you will be able to find someone who will provide the services you need at an affordable price.

The first step in finding the right supplier is by determining what you need. A good supplier will be able to provide all your needs, so make sure that they have everything you want before choosing them as your supplier. You should also find out if they are reliable, trustworthy and efficient in their work.

Once you have found a reliable supplier, it is time for you to discuss with them about your requirements and expectations from them. It is important to give a key consideration on their pricing.

Step 8: Stock your Beauty Shop

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to make sure you have everything you need before you open for business. You want to be able to walk into your new shop and feel confident that you have everything you need to give your customers what they’re looking for.

You may want to start with the basics: chairs, mirrors, sinks, and all the other furniture and equipment needed for a fully functional beauty shop. Then, work on stocking up on products. This may include;

Beauty Shop Products For Stock

-Conditioners and other hair care products

-Body lotions

-Soaps and perfumes

-Makeup including eye shadow palettes, lipsticks and eye liners

-Manicure sets including nail polishes;

-Pedicure sets including foot soaks;

-Facial masks;

-Bath salts;

-Bath bombs;

-Curlers (for both men’s and women’s hair);

-Hair dryers;

-Hair straighteners/curling irons;

-Curling tongs/flat irons/straightening tongs (for both men’s and women’s hair);

-Clippers/trimmers and many more.

Step 9: Hire Staff Members

At some point, it will become necessary for you to hire staff members who can help run things behind-the-scenes while also providing exceptional customer service towards those who come in each day or week looking for specific products related specifically towards their needs.

If you are planning to start a beauty shop business and have little or no experience in this field, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process. The good news is that there are many things you can do to ensure your success.

One of these is hiring employees and contractors who will help you with day-to-day operations. You may need to hire people who specialize in different areas such as marketing, accounting and customer service. You may also want someone with experience managing inventory or handling equipment maintenance issues such as plumbing or electrical repairs.

Step 10: Market your business

Marketing your business is the key to success, and it’s something you should start doing as soon as you have an idea for your own beauty shop. If you want to be successful in this industry, you’ll need to learn how to market your business. Here are some tips!

1. Create a Brand

You may think that creating a brand is only for big corporations with lots of money to spend on marketing. You can create a brand for your beauty shop with just a little bit of time and effort. Start by adding something personal to your business: maybe your favorite color or animal or hobby? Whatever makes it special will help you stand out from all the other shops in town.

2. Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to reach potential clients at no cost. All you need is an Instagram, Facebook or twitter account and some great photos of your products and maybe even some selfies. Use hashtags that people might search for when looking for beauty services, such as #beautycare or #mua. You can also tag other businesses that offer similar services in order to drive traffic their way too.

Takeaway: Take advantage of social media and other marketing strategies to reach your target customers

Step 11: Work on Customer Retention Plan

Customer retention is the secret to success in any business, but it’s especially important for beauty shops. In Kenya, there are a lot of people who want to be involved in the beauty industry, which means it’s easy to find another shop down the street. How do you make your shop stand out?

First, you need to make sure that your customer service is on point. This means greeting customers with a smile and making them feel welcome, even if they’re new. You can also go above and beyond by offering extra services like free samples or discounts for loyal customers, which will help them remember you when it comes time for their next visit.

Second, you’ll want to make sure that your prices are competitive with other beauty shops in the area. If you want more customers coming through the doors of your shop then there needs to be something different about how you approach your business than what other beauty shops offer. Above all, you need to sell great products.

Takeaway: Starting a beauty shop can be a rewarding experience if you approach it with planning, patience and determination.

Hair saloon

Tips to Start A successful Beauty Shop Business

Beauty shops are an essential part of the economy. They provide a service that people need and enjoy, and they can be a great source of income. If you’re thinking about starting your own beauty shop, here are some tips to help you get started:

-Make sure your location is ideal for a beauty shop. If it’s not in a good spot, or if it’s too far away from other businesses, then customers will have trouble finding it.

-Find out what kind of equipment you need for your business before purchasing any items. You may be able to get some used equipment at low cost from other salons that are closing down.

-Don’t forget about marketing. You’ll need to advertise your business before anyone knows about it—that way when people come into town looking for a new salon, they’ll find yours first.

Read: How To Import Business Goods From China

Is Beauty Shop Business profitable?

Beauty Shop Business in Kenya has been a profitable business for many years, and it continues to be a profitable business. The beauty shop business has been in existence for many decades now and has been growing steadily. t is one of the most profitable businesses around because it does not require much capital to start.

The beauty shop business is also known to be a great way to make money by women who do not have any other source of income. But now it is attracting professionals and men as well. This is because many have realized how lucrative it is.

Beauty shops can be started with very little capital, but they require some investment in equipment such as nail clippers, manicure sets, hair dryers, curling irons, combs and brushes etc. In Kenya, many beauty shops also doubles up as salons where customers come in for various treatments such as manicures, pedicures and hair styling. Most people do not know that there are different types of beauty shops which include:

Types Of Beauty Shops

• Salon: This type of business is usually run by a professional hair stylist who also offers makeup services and other beauty treatments like manicures and pedicures. The salon owner is responsible for hiring staff members who will help with all aspects of running the business.

• Beauty supply store : This type of business sells products like makeup, skin care products, nail polish, hair extensions and more to consumers who want to look their best. A beauty supply store owner can choose whether or not they want their business to offer any services like hair cuts or makeup application.

• Tanning salon : Tanning salons have been around for decades because people love having tanned skin year round. You can offer spray tanning services in addition to other tanning options such as beds or booths. You may also sell sunless tanning lotions so customers can get their glow without burning up on hot days.

• Day Spas : Day spas are great if you’re looking for a place where you can get your nails done, and maybe even try out massages, facials, and other treatments that are meant to help relieve stress.

Takeaway : If you think you can be successful in the beauty shop business, don’t hesitate to give it a try.

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beauty parlour business plan in kenya

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How to start a cosmetics business in Kenya successfully

Did you know that the global cosmetic industry is valued at $262.21 billion? Yes, and according to projections and consumer trends, this number is expected to rise even higher. The cosmetics business in Kenya hasn't been left behind. Many individuals are beauty conscious and are rapidly gravitating towards beauty products. As a result, owners of these businesses are making massive profits.

Cosmetics business in Kenya

Nothing stops you from venturing into the cosmetics business in Kenya if you have the proper knowledge and enough capital. However, looking at estimated costs, the requirements and tips on starting it would be helpful. Here is everything you need to know.

Understanding the cosmetics business in Kenya

The cosmetic industry is growing rapidly in Kenya. This has been attributed to the increasing demand for all types of cosmetic products from varied sections of the population. Therefore, if you want to venture into this industry, there is immense scope for growth.

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

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Starting a cosmetic business requires knowledge that will set your business apart. However, you need to know what to stock in the shop.

How to start a cosmetics business in Kenya

Opening a cosmetic business in Kenya is a process that requires a lot of attention. However, starting a beauty business can seem daunting. You can go far in your entrepreneurship journey with sheer determination and hard work.

Here are the tips on how to start a beauty shop business.

1. Write a cosmetics business plan

The first step when starting any business is writing a business plan. A good business plan should include the following;

  • Startup costs.
  • List of cosmetic items for the shop.
  • Risks and ways to mitigate those risks.
  • Business location.
  • Strengths and weaknesses.

If you don't know how to write a business plan, you can hire a professional to write one on your behalf. A good business plan will help you understand how it works and how you can win the competition.

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

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2. Find a suitable location for your business

A good location is suitable for the success of your business. Getting a place with high traffic and displaying your products is better. You can start in a mall or busy market. However, that option should suit your budget. Here is what to look for when searching for a suitable location:

Cosmetics business in Kenya

  • A site with a large percentage of targeted clients.
  • A place whereby there are no dominant cosmetic shops or supermarkets.
  • A place with economies of location.
  • Where there exists price competition majorly contributed by economies in sourcing and cost management.
  • A site where established cosmetics shops do not offer a variety of products to clients.

3. Choose the cosmetic products to sell

You need to understand the market of specific products and select highly profitable ones. Concentrate on products that you are familiar with so that you can plan your business well. This will make your business stand out and attract many customers.

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

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Which cosmetic products are most profitable? Fast-moving products are highly beneficial because of the stock turnover. Products such as makeup, eyeliners, manicures and pedicures are highly marketable.

Additionally, hair products like weaves and different hair brands, perfumes, skincare products and facial products are profitable.

4. Set your budget

You must plan out all startup costs and recurring expenses ahead of time. It will help you know the fraction of your profit to return to your business.

If you run out of money, you can’t operate your business and must shut down. Therefore, making your budget an essential tool in your planning.

4. Find cheap suppliers

It would be best to look for ways to minimise operational costs and maximise profits. Acquiring your products cheaply and selling them at the required market price will earn you more profits. Therefore, look for cheaper suppliers for your product.

Nairobi has some of the best prices for cosmetic products. The downtown side of the CBD, like River Road, Kamukunji Trading Centre, and Best Lady along Ronald Ngala, are the places to source products.

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

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5. Advertise your business

Creating more awareness about your unique cosmetics products would be best among your target audience. There are numerous marketing strategies you can adopt. You can use flyers, posters and customer referrals to promote your business.

A marketing plan gives you direction. It informs you how to move forward in a calculated way when selling your products to people. You can capitalise on your social media presence. It is probably the cheapest way to promote your business and reach more people.

Cosmetics business requirements in Kenya

Besides capital and an elaborate business plan, you need other requirements to run a cosmetic business successfully. The mandatory license is a single business permit that is a must-have. It can be obtained from the relevant county government offices.

Cosmetics business in Kenya

The county government charges fees depending on the size of the business. Generally, the annual fee ranges from Ksh. 3,000 to Ksh. 15,000. The other requirements os starting a cosmetics business in Kenya are as follows;

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

What is AfriSight? Here is everything that you need to know

  • Beauty products inventory
  • Stall or shop

How much investment is needed to start a cosmetic shop in Kenya?

Several factors determine the capital needed to set up the cosmetic business. The cost of starting a cosmetic shop in Kenya ranges between Ksh. 100,000 to Ksh. 500,000. Here is a breakdown of the cost of starting a medium-sized cosmetic business;

  • Beauty products inventory - Ksh 100,000
  • Furniture - Ksh 20,000
  • Salary for staff - Ksh 10,000
  • A computer and printer - Ksh 25,000
  • Advertising - Ksh 5,000
  • Licenses and permits - Ksh 20,000
  • Rent and upfront rent - Ksh 30,000
  • Electricity expenses - Ksh 1,000

What is the demand for beauty products in Kenya?

The beauty industry in the country is a booming sector with plenty of growth opportunities. The market for beauty products and services in Kenya is estimated at a whopping Ksh. 20 billion . Therefore, it is one of the most attractive markets for investors.

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

List of corporate gifting companies and platforms in Kenya

Interestingly, the industry has seen steady growth over the past few years. It also continues to present new trends that can be capitalised on. Technology is also playing a significant role in shaping the future of this sector.

The cosmetics business in Kenya is, without a doubt, one of the best ventures. Every year, millions of dollars are spent on beauty and cosmetic products. There is also a lot of hype and buzz surrounding the products. Therefore, with the right plan and enough capital, you can invest in it.

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

Tuko.co.ke also shared a list of logistics companies in Kenya . The country has different types of logistics companies. They range from giant multinational corporations like Maersk Kenya Limited to startups like Twiga Foods and Glovo.

These companies in Kenya move goods around the country and globally. If you want to transport your items nationally or internationally, these are the companies you should use.

Source: TUKO.co.ke

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Succeeding in Style: How to Start A Salon Business in Kenya

Discover the essential steps to turn your dream into a reality by setting up and running a successful professional beauty salon business in kenya..

Carson O.

  • Register a legal business
  • Get Capital; Ksh.100,000+
  • Get a good location.
  • Purchase inventory, furniture and decor.
  • Remember to work on shelves and plumbing.

Are you looking forward to starting a beauty salon business but still can’t get your head straight on what you need to open such a business? If so, this post will answer most of the questions you have about this venture by taking you through how to start and run a professional beauty salon business in Kenya. All you need to do is stick to the end as we dive in.

Let’s get started!

What is a beauty Salon?

A beauty salon is simply a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work. In such places, clients get their hair done, alongside other popular services such as makeup, manicure, pedicure, etc. Beauty salons could also be referred to as beauty parlours, depending on your preference.

What do you need to start a beauty salon business?

To start a beauty salon/parlour business in Kenya, you will need:

claim deal

1. Register a legal business

All businesses in Kenya are required by law to be registered under the Registrar of Companies. You will need to register a sole proprietorship which will cost you Ksh.950 for a name search and approval.

Further, you will need to obtain a single business permit from the county government offices. The cost of the permit will depend on the size of your business and analysis from your area ward rep. A small salon will cost Ksh5,000 – Ksh15,000 per year to license.

Depending on the county you choose to establish your business, you may also be required to acquire a health permit and a music license (MCSK) if you will play music in your parlour.

2. Get a Business Plan

You may be wondering, “Do I need a business plan to start a beauty parlour in Kenya?”

Well, YES and NO .

You see, getting a business plan has been shown to improve the chances of success for your business. However, let’s face it! You probably won’t lock yourself in your bedroom for one month working on a business plan.

Business plans help a great deal especially if you are seeking to start an extra-large enterprise that will need funding from traditional banks or government agencies. If this is what you looking forward to, then a business plan is a must-have.

Here is how you will benefit from a business plan:

  • Setting Clear Objectives – A business plan helps you define your goals and objectives for the laundromat. It allows you to outline what you want to achieve, whether it’s financial targets, customer satisfaction goals, market share objectives, or expansion plans.
  • Understanding the Market – A comprehensive business plan involves market research, enabling you to gain insights into the local demand for laundry services, identify your target customer base, and assess the competition.
  • Financial Planning – A business plan requires you to estimate the costs involved. This includes expenses for equipment, lease or purchase of premises, utility bills, staff wages, maintenance, marketing, and more.
  • Marketing and Promotion Strategies
  • Securing Funding or Partnerships

However, if your goal is to set up a small to moderate-scale beauty parlour, then there are many alternatives to business plans that will yield the same results.

One such example is mapping out a  feasibility-viability-desirability  map that will help you identify if people will want your product or service, and if would you make any money out of it.

3. Look for Capital

Starting a beauty salon will need a minimum capital investment of Ksh.100,000. The larger the capital, the larger your venture will be.

Note, however, that the amount of capital you invest in your startup is not directly proportional to the level of success you will achieve.

Success in any business has its own set of rules as discussed in this post.

– How profitable is a salon business?

According to Kuza-One , salons have a net profit of 16% per month. Going by this rule, a small salon will yield Ksh16,000 per month and even more as it grows and expands.

On a global scale as depicted by sharpsheets.io , the profit margin of a beauty salon is around 8.2%. However, depending on the management, the profit margin can vary between 2% and 17%.

4. Get a good Location

A good physical location for your salon is critical to the success of your venture. When deciding to choose a particular place over another, there are a few things that you’ll need to keep in mind:

  • Choose a space that will suit your needs: For instance, ask yourself whether you will have employees or you’ll run the business alone. If your answer is the latter, then a smaller space may be ideal for you.
  • Prime area = Prime Cost: This means that if you choose to rent out a stall in the middle of town, you will likely encounter high rental fees, electricity and water bills. Note, however, that you don’t need an expensive room to succeed. You can acquire a space anywhere else as long as it is accessible.
  • Make sure your location equally accommodates people travelling from different distances to your parlour .
  • Accessible Parking: Make sure that your clients have adequate parking space. This will act as a bonus in attracting new clientele.
  • Work on Plumbing: Salons and beauty parlours depend on water and with this, you will need to install sinks and proper drainage systems. If you are low on your budget, you can choose to rent out a place that was previously a salon as it may still have its plumbing in place.

#5. Furniture and Décor

Whether you like it or not, a beauty salon must exude beauty as clients walk in and with this, you must work on your furniture and décor.

Successful beauty salons often choose a colour scheme for their parlours that may also prove beneficial in branding and marketing. As you work on this, just remember not to overspend here.

This should be the least of your worries as you set up your new salon.

Nevertheless, as you work on furniture and décor, focus on purchasing durable furniture and proper lighting for your space.

6. Purchase Inventory

Here is an exhaustive list of what you will need to purchase as you set up your salon business:

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

a) Hair Care Products

B) nail care:, c) skin care:, e) salon furniture and equipment:, f) salon supplies and accessories:.

Remember, these quantities and prices are approximate and may vary based on your specific needs and preferences. It’s always a good idea to research local suppliers and compare prices to find the best deals for your beauty salon in Kenya.

This article has delved into all you need for you to start and run a successful salon business in Kenya. By following the guidelines stipulated in this post, you will be on the right track as you set up your business.

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How to start a salon business in Kenya that makes money

how to start a beauty salon business - How to start a salon business in Kenya that makes money

Beauty salons and hair salons are everywhere! From major towns to rural areas down to school halls and residential estates you will hardly miss a salon.

The secret is because this type of business makes good money especially if done correctly. Have you been wondering how to start your own salon or whether or not it’s a nice business for you?

This guide will show you exactly how to start a salon business in Kenya, one that makes profit.

It costs as low as Ksh 50,000 or even lower to start your own beauty salon and realize profits. Some salons, especially the ones operated by a single person can cost cheaper than that.

People, especially women, love looking good.

C’mon no one wants to go to work with some unkempt hair or rugged face or shaggy appearance. Salons are beauty zones. Psychology says that being good looking not only boosts your confidence but also attracts opportunities for you.

That’s why everyday people visit salons to get their hair done, nails polished, skin ‘tonned’ or just say to look good.

See also: How To Start a Barber Shop in Kenya | Kinyozi Business Idea

A salon business falls in the service industry category and that means that there are little overhead costs incurred compared to other types of businesses, say in the product industry.

Types of salon businesses you can start

Salons come in all types and sizes. From simple one-person kiosks to big beauty parlors or a hybrid of diffetent services.

There’s even a new trend of makeshift salons coming up. These ones don’t need you to have a store or room or heavy equipment for operations.

You just need to have skills (i.e know how to plate and style hair) and have a few equipment like combs, brushes and hair lotions and you are good to go. They are operated by a single person who visit clients home to offer their services.

If you don’t have any capital but know how to style hair then this is the best business you can start even from the comfort of your home.

There are also

  • small salons –those that are found in local areas or informal settlements,
  • middle-class salons –these ones target the middle class earners and,
  • Executive salons –sometimes also reference to as posh salons and target high-end clients.
  • Hybrid salons –these may be a combination of anything.

Types of Salons

Salons are categorized into different types based on the services they offer.

  • Boutique salon
  • Speciality salon
  • Beauty school

How to start a salon business in Kenya

Before you even think on how to start your own salon business in Kenya there are certain things you need to keep in mind. These are:

Business plan

  • Staff/personnel

How to start a salon business in Kenya

It goes without saying that a business plan is essential for your business. The first step on how to start a salon business in Kenya is to create a business plan.

With a business plan you will be able to know the requirements, operations and expectations of your business.

A business plan also helps you secure funding if you want to apply for loans or funding from outside investors. It shows investors how serious you are with your business and if your plan of starting a salon in Kenya is feasible.

Even if you won’t require outside funding we strongly advise you to write down your business plan as this will be like your business cheat sheet especially during the first days.

Salons fall in the service industry and you will therefore need adequate skills to offer such services. You will need to know how to style hair, curl or braid, cut hair and everything else you would want to offer.

If you don’t have the requisite skills you can choose to enroll for hair styling or beautician programmes at your local college. They typically cost an average of Ksh 20,000 per term and you’ll be good to go.

Similarly, you may choose to hire other people with skills to help you run the business. Keep in mind that adding staff may bring along additional costs to your business.

Whatever route you choose we strongly advise that you get to know enough information about your business. You cannot operate a business that you are conversant with unless you are planning to fail.

The main equipment needed will be hair sinks, blow-dryers, towels, lotions, combs, and cosmetic and cleaning equipment.

These equipment can be purchased brand new or you can buy slightly used ones at cheaper prices. The former are costly but durable.

A number of things will affect your capital requirements.

These include the location you intend to set up your business, your choice of equipment, size of the salon and additional services you intend to offer.

Some areas are expensive to rent premises or run businesses while others are cheaper.

Similarly if you choose to open a high-end salon then be prepared to cough out a lot more than if you were to start with a smaller salon.

With that said the average costs of starting a small salon (having one or two attendants) ranges from 50,000 on the lower side and could go upto Ksh 500,000 or more.

If you don’t have much capital and would like to operate alone as single attendant you can choose to start a make-shift salon or visit clients at their homes.

For this you will only require around Ksh 10,000 for basic equipment like combs, brushes, shampoos, etcetera.

Licences and permits

Each county in Kenya requires you to have a single business permit from the local county council office for you to operate your business. A single business permit can cost anywhere from Ksh 3000 to Ksh 15,000 depending on your county.

Counties such as Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu are known to charge higher since they have major towns and cities.

Other licences include health permits, fire safety licenses and advertising permits though some of them may not be required.

The location you choose to start your business will greatly influence the success of your business.

On one side it is expensive to start a business in big towns and urban centers. This is because the cost of rent and buying equipment is higher there.

However these are also the best places to run businesses because they command a lot of customers.

On the other hand it is cheaper to start and run a business in the rural areas. Rent is lower, licenses are also cheaper and county requirements are less stricter.

But turning profits in the rural areas may be difficult especially if your intention is to run a high-end salon.

Services to offer

Depending on the type of salon you wish to operate you can decide to put any one or more of the following services;

  • Hair styling
  • Hair cutting or barbering
  • Hair conditioning and relaxing
  • Weaving and curling
  • Blow-drying/blowouts
  • Nail polish
  • Manicure and pedicure
  • Body waxing
  • Massage services

Apart from these you can offer additional services like mobile money, pick-up station for online shops like Jumia, hair dressing college and such.

Are salons profitable

The answer is Yes. They are very profitable especially if you have a good business plan, proper marketing skills and know how to price your services. As a matter of fact you control your pricing according to the services you are offering.

10 important steps on how to start a salon business in Kenya

Starting a salon business in Kenya could be the best and most profitable businesses idea for you. Here is a summary of the steps to follow:

Total cost: Ksh 100,000 0

1. Validate your idea

Find out whether or not your idea is feasible and viable.

2. Acquire necessary skills

You will need to learn important skills for your business like plating, barbering, curling, styling, etc.

A good business management.

3. Create a business plan

A business plan will help you outline the important details and operations of your business.

It will also help you secure funding from investors and bank loans.

4. Acquire capital

You can get capital from your own savings, bank loans, bootstraps, investors or grants

The amount of capital needed depends on how exactly you want your business to be.

5. Decide on location

Choose your location, type of room, renovations and floor space.

Consider security and accessibility to the business.

6. Buy necessary equipment

They include furniture, dryers, sinks, towels, cosmetics and cleaning equipment.

You can save on costs by going for cheaper but original equipment.

7. Get necessary licenses and permits

You will need to get your single business permit from your local county council and other permits as necessary.

8. Decide on services to offer

Whether it is braiding or barbering or massaging you will need to decide on your main services and then add additional services.

Offering additional services can positively impact your income.

9. Hire staff

You can run the business on your own or higher additional talent to help you.

Keep in mind that hiring people increases your costs of operations.

10. Launch your business

After you have completed all the necessary steps it is time to launch your salon business.

Remember to always explore new ideas for your salon!

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Do you think that starting a salon business in Kenya is the best idea for you? Are salon businesses profitable in Kenya?


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81 How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya

Home » Business » How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya?

How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya?

Real estate property values may fall, retirement funds may diminish, economies of scale can collapse, and exotic viruses may spread unchecked. But starting a salon business in Kenya is one of the best ideas.

But despite humanmade and natural disasters, what we can all agree on that stays stagnant is the fact that hair still grows, and hair care is still important.

So, it doesn’t matter what condition the economy of the world is in.

It’s always an excellent opportunity to consider how to start a salon business in Kenya because the prospects for “shear” success in the country are excellent.

And the reason is that many of the services & equipment offered by salons can’t be copied at home, or at least not duplicated well.

There are three primary methods by which you can positively impact to start a salon business in Kenya.

You can start a hair salon business by working under someone else’s well-respected name (which guarantees a good reputation from the jump).

It also provides you with extensive marketing tools (like advertising campaigns).

You can purchase an already existing salon venture from someone who is on their way out of the industry.

You can establish your salon and buy new equipment using your own money, allowing your ingenuity, hard work, and optimism win out.

What services are typically offered in hair salons?

Before we get into the multitude of things that go into how to open a beauty salon business in Kenya.

So let’s take a look at the numerous services that you need to start considering.

The most popular services involve haircutting as well as skillful hair styling.

This includes the more unique hairstyles made with blow dryers, curling irons, hair and scalp treatments with hair braiding being another area of its own.

Most salons tend to focus primarily on this particular service.

But there’s no reason you can’t offer it to your salon as a bonus.

However, it is a very time-consuming service, and many salons tend to have two or more stylists on hand for this kind of work.

Finally, there is also hairstyling specifically for special events like weddings.

It is important to note that these services are on the premise that you will be establishing a full-service salon in Kenya.

However, take into consideration that the number of special services & equipment you provide need not be as thorough.

And can be limited by the proficiency of the help you hire, the training you can offer, and your overall financial budget.

Getting started:

1. formal training for staff and employees.

These days, nine months of beauty school in Kenya is not sufficient to teach.

And fully coach young hairdressers to meet industry requirements and fulfill consumer demands in the cut-throat salon market.

Also, especially if they want to work in upscale salons, charging upscale prices.

This is because the beauty school curriculum is to simply prepare young hairdressers with the basic skills needed to qualify.

They don’t tend to teach students all the skills they’ll need to thrive in an adapting and competitive business environment successfully.

Lack of hands-on mastery—especially when it comes to skillful haircut & styling methods, proper equipment use, good customer relations.

And a number of other crucial skills— can make it a difficult industry to thrive in successfully.

This is why the need to start your salon’s training program has been growing of late and is a cost-effective and valuable way to develop young talent.

Who’ll meet customer demands without compromising your high-quality services and client retention efforts?

Suppose you can find a local professional who has all these skills.

On a day to day basis, they can slowly train your other inexperienced hairdressers to build self-confidence and gain valuable hands-on work experience.

All while working in a relaxed and professional salon environment.

2. Put together a solid business plan

A salon business plan effectively allows an entrepreneur well to develop a solid action plan for a building.

To grow, or to revive a salon venture in Kenya or anywhere for that matter.

For instance, a new salon business plan involves factors such as company image, salon location, equipment costs, hair care services, and pricing.

As well as assessing competitor positioning and future growth.

Typically, a business strategy is put down into a written document and is basically like a roadmap.

The business plan must illustrate current status, expected needs, projected results of new business, and every aspect of venture needs to describe.

This does help you navigate through your business and find achievable ways to reach your goals.

The most advisable way to make use of it is to set dates on your calendar to review and revise it quarterly.

This keeps you in line as you aim to meet your salon’s business goals.

And also means that if you need to get a bank loan in the future.

You’re well prepared to answer any of the important questions they are sure to ask.

For those who need to start, here’s what’s usually cover in a typical business plan:

  • Brand image, future goals, and prospects
  • What makes your venture unique, as compared to your competitors
  • Financial goals
  • Estimated running costs services, equipment purchases, pricing strategy, and revenue streams
  • Target market and what attracts them
  • Positioning and marketing strategy

This might look like a long, tedious list.

Still, given all the extra details like equipment costs, wages, etc…

You need to get start your salon business strategy in tip-top shape and provide you with the best chance to face Kenya’s local competition in the booming salon industry successfully.

On average, starting a salon in Kenya will require a capital of roughly KES 75,000 to KES 150,000.

This is where the value of having a salon business plan comes very handy and pays dividends.

Many entrepreneurs get their projects financed by Kenya’s local banks or venture capitalists after they show promising and concrete business plans.

Plus, if you have the necessary collateral, credit history, and evidence of business stability, you can visit a local provider.

Some of the available bank and commercial lenders you can pursue include:

  • Equity Group Holdings.
  • Housing Finance Company (HFC) Ltd.
  • Family Bank.
  • Chase Bank.
  • Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB).
  • Barclays Bank.
  • Standard Chartered Bank.

However, if you are unable or unwilling to go through the lengthy process of meeting potential lenders or no collateral to support your application.

Then there’s also a number of digital financing options available to small business enterprises in Kenya.

Some of these local mobile/web-based financing options include; M-Shwari, M-Co-op Cash, KCB M-Pesa, Equitel, Tala, Saida, Zidisha, etc.

These are alternatives that are easier to qualify for and offer much quicker loan approval turnaround times, compared to going for the traditional bank route.

4. Licensing & Permits

If you plan on setting up a salon business in Kenya, you have to follow all the legal procedures.

The permits that are issued are for the identification and registration of a business.

Having a certified salon business reduces the risk of closure by allowing you to have a smooth running of your salon business without facing harassment from the local county council officials.

On average, a single business permit in Kenya will cost you about KES 15,000.

5. Location

It is best to locate your Kenyan salon somewhere with high foot traffic for the best possible visibility.

However, this means that the cost of these areas translates to high rent prices and probably goodwill requirements.

Location is also of utmost importance because it can also influence the salon’s ability to market itself.

A salon business based on an active road is more likely to be noticed and garner new clients than a business in an unnoticeable side street.

Moreover, a salon’s location can affect the competition it faces from other hairdressers in the same area.

For instance, basing your salon business in an upscale Kenyan neighborhood like Muthaiga or Karen might have hairdressers.

That has over time already but a loyal clientele, while locating in a slightly less high end.

Still, bustling locations such as South C, Westlands or Parklands, can allow you to capture new prospective clients easier.

6. Equipment

When trying to figure out the things needed to start a salon.

You don’t necessarily have to buy a lot of equipment and products.

As all you need are the basic hair cutting and styling essentials.

You will also need to purchase salon equipment like; sinks, chairs, wall-mounted mirrors, and reception furniture, such as a desk and sofas or seating for clients who are waiting for their appointments.

When it comes to getting all this, the costs can tend to add up.

So make sure you factor all this into your startup costs.

In regards to the furniture, the best thing to do is spare no expense in purchasing quality seating since these are essential in keeping your clients comfortable.

And guarantees that they have a relaxed experience in your salon.

Here’s a simple and general breakdown of the cost of salon equipment in Kenya:

  • Hairstyling chairs/barber chairs – KES 20,000.
  • Hairstyling tools – KES 30,000.
  • Shampoo bowls: KES 10,000.
  • Water heater: KES 3,000.
  • Towels and aprons – KES 3,000.
  • Transport and miscellaneous – KES 5,000.

You can source all this beauty salon equipment and more from reputable salon suppliers in Kenya.

Do not forget to perform comparison shopping before complete your equipment purchases as you should ensure that you are receiving quality equipment that you and your staff can use for a long time to come.

7. Customer Service

In today’s competitive and changing business market, as a salon entrepreneur.

One of the primary factors you must consider to kick off your business successfully is finding and keeping committed.

So people who share your vision and genuinely want to exceed your own and your clients’ expectations.

This is such a crucial and important factor to keep in mind as your salon’s future.

And growth depends heavily on your staff members’ dependability and efficiency in regard to work performance.

They have to satisfy and in some cases, exceed their client expectations in order to keep them coming back and encourage referrals for customers’ friends, relatives, and business associates.

After all, post-of-mouth referrals will always be your cheapest and best form of advertising.

Especially in Kenya’s salon industry dominated primarily by customer satisfaction.

8. Availability

Although you may still be in the budding stages of planning your new salon.

You should also consider some of the specific operational issues that can normally affect the success of your given venture.

To start with, you have to take into consideration the number of hours of operation carefully that will allow you to accommodate the maximum number of customers on a business day.

It’s pretty common knowledge that the beauty business isn’t a typical 9-to-5 kind of gig.

Generally speaking, start a salon business in Kenya tend to be open seven days a week and even on some holidays.


This is primarily because being a service business, and salons cater to their clientele when they are available.

It’s during the late evenings, weekends, or holidays that are often the only time a busy professional or mother can get away for some personal hair care.

Typically, hair salons in most Kenyan localities are open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, six days a week.

Most of the time, Sunday and holiday hours often are the same as those of other local businesses and generally run from noon to 5 P.M.

Moreover, around noon and early evening hours can be the busiest times for salons.

This is something you need to keep in mind when recruiting staff and hairstylists.

As you need employees who are willing to work flexible work hours and aren’t inconvenienced by the late schedules at times.

9. Pricing your services

Another important part of starting a salon in Kenya is pricing your services appropriately.

If they are too expensive, then you’ll limit the number of people who can afford them.

If the prices are set too low, you’ll end up limiting your profit potential and risking the salon business.

You also have to consider that demographics and location can also influence your salon business prices.

If the location is in areas such as Lavington, Runda, Karen, or Muthaiga.

Which primarily comprised of high earning families in high-end homes with more disposable income.

Then you can comfortably price your services accordingly.

However, if the given locality primarily comprises of a low to middle class demographic like Kitengela, South C, Kawangware, etc..

Then you’ll have to concentrate instead on basic haircutting, affordably priced braiding services, and manicures.

Moreover, you need also to remember that setting prices in the salon industry goes beyond just visiting other hairdressers in your target market and pricing your services, so they’re competitive.

Rather, you must also consider other factors that will influence your prices.

This includes; equipment costs, labor and supplies, overhead, and profit.

Labor costs for salons generally cover, salary, and benefits for your employees with your salary also included as a part of this cost.

This cost can come as a price per hour fee or as a monthly wage to start a salon business in Kenya.

So it can vary depending on what business model suits you best.

And the amount of time it takes your workers to cut hair, braid, or conduct other hair care services.

This is where having a salon business plan once again comes extremely handy.

10. Promotion and Advertising

Next on your initial list of things to focus on is presenting your salon & equipment services to prospective clients and advertising them to reach your target well demographic.

One of the best ways of doing this is by creating a salon services & equipment menu.

This should handle the moment you determine what services you plan to offer and how much you intend to price them.

Moreover, since it can give potential clients, it can also be used as an advertising tool to generate pre-opening buzz about the salon business.

Other marketing tactics you can use include; utilizing social media, offering promotional discounts, etc.

Additionally, you can also think of getting someone to help you design a logo for the salon.

It can be on your equipment, salon signs, promotional materials, etc.

It should have a unique design to stand alone without the name of your salon attached.

It’s best to pick something that effectively evokes your brand visibly when prospective clients see it.


A question you may now be asking yourself is, is starting a salon business in Kenya is a good business?

If executed well, a startup a salon in Kenya can net you up to Sh240,000 per year on average, so yes, it is.

However, do keep in mind that in the end, salons are all about image.

You need to start focussing on this in the beginning.

The clients are also all about the image when they’re seeking out services.

Try not to set your salon’s image according to your personal preference.

But instead, pick something that defines your target customer and builds an image that will appeal to them.

You want clients you click with, who appreciate your services, value your hair equipment, and are happy to spend money and spread the good word to friends.

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10 Tips For Starting Cosmetics Business in Kenya

There’s something extremely satisfying about having your own cosmetics business in Kenya. That’s why I am motivated to write this article on 10 Tips For Starting Cosmetics Business in Kenya. The cosmetics industry is growing every single year here in Kenya. The demand for all types of cosmetic products is ever increasing from varied sections of Kenyan population

Cosmetics industry in Kenya includes a vast array of businesses such as anti-aging clinics, aromatherapy, beauty salon, beauty spa, cosmetic store, hair salon and even makeup artists are part of it. If you are planning to start a cosmetic business, there is an immense scope for growth, provided you proceed in a planned way.

According to marketresearch.com, the global cosmetic market is expected to garner $429.8 billion by 2024. Such statistics clearly reveal that there is plenty of business opportunities in the cosmetic industry. This also shows that your small cosmetic business can start making profit shortly.

Cosmetics Business in Kenya

Cosmetics business in Kenya has many new and established competitors in any given market. New cosmetics products are launched regularly and your business has to counter them. So, a wisely crafted marketing strategy becomes essential part of starting the business. Let’s take a look at the 10 Tips For Starting Cosmetics Business in Kenya

1. Create a Workable Plan

Have you ever asked yourself why cosmetics businesses fail?

It’s not for lack of customers. The cosmetics market in Kenya has grown every single year for the last decade – including following the COVID19 pandemic.

That means that each year there are more and more customers wanting and needing cosmetics. It therefore goes without saying that the real reason cosmetics businesses fail is the same reason as most other businesses – lack of a workable plan.

Even if you’re starting a cosmetics business from home, a business plan is so important to your success because it’s a roadmap for you to follow.

Creating a Workable business plan is challenging, yes. But it also saves you lots of time, hassle, and money down the road. By making all your decisions ahead of time, you can make sure you’re not missing anything, and really come to understand your business.

Also, if you’re going to open a cosmetics storefront, you’ll need a business plan to show banks or investors for financing.

Your cosmetics store business plan should include an overview of your business, but should also get specific.

  • What’s the mission and objectives of your store?
  • Who is your target market?
  • What is your startup cost?
  • How much do you expect to make your first year? Your second year?
  • What does your competition look like?
  • Do you have a marketing plan?

Your business should guide you in effectively running your business plan after you’ve launched your company, so do not skip over it!

2. Decide On The Location

You have the option of starting your cosmetic business from your house in your initial days. Another option is to lease a premise. Getting a premise on lease is expensive for small business owners who are starting up. A cheaper alternative is to rent space in a laboratory in town where you can test and make your cosmetic products. You need to find a location that is cheap in cost for starting your business.

Ideally, you want to set up your store in affluent areas where disposable income is high, prompting more sales from customers who can afford to look their best. However, if you’re competing on price, then perhaps you want to cater to low-budget neighborhoods as a discount beauty supply store.

3. Choose A Niche

Choose your area of specialization in which you have some experience of manufacturing or selling of cosmetic products. For example, you should know something about selling organic makeup, special effect makeup or mineral cosmetics and lip care products.

Concentrate on the area of cosmetics that you are familiar with so that you can plan your business well. Narrow down your area of cosmetics speciality or interest. Do not try to sell or manufacture too many things at the same time in the initial days of your business.

Moreover, by choosing your niche, you can concentrate on creating impressive marketing material such as designing flyers, Business cards and brochure that targets a specific set of your consumers.

Read Also: Best Selling Products in Kenya To Invest In Today

4. Set a Budget

Kindly note that your budget should be part of your business plan.

You need to plan out all startup costs and recurring expenses ahead of time so that you know how much money you have to put back into your business or into your marketing campaign. If you run out of money, you can’t operate your business and have to shut down, making your budget an important tool in your business kit.

So, How much does it cost to open a cosmetics business? Well, again that depends on what type of business model you adopt.

If you intend to open a cosmetics business from home, your costs will be lower. Really, your only required costs will be the kit you buy from the cosmetics company.

But then there are recommended costs. Get yourself a website. And business cards. Print flyers, if you can. Perhaps you’d like to invest in a local magazine such as Pulse and get yourself featured? Or Facebook’s local awareness ads?

Some costs to consider when starting a cosmetics business include (in no particular order!):

  • Business permits

You’ll have more needs, but this list should get you started.

To really understand everything, you need to go observe the most successful cosmetics business in your area and copy whatever you can from their business.

5. Decide Which Products or Service to Offer

How do you decide what products or services to offer? Well, again that depends on your business model. But it also depends on you!

What are you really great at? What do you have a passion for?

Basically, you’re asking yourself what is the Unique selling point? What can you offer that nobody else can? Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s your service, maybe it’s your experience ans so on. Figure it out and create a business out of it.

Once you know what you want to sell, you need to find out what your customers want to buy. It’s far more important. So go talk to friends, family, customers, potential customers, and even strangers on the street. Find out what they’re interested in! A simple online survey will also do.

In Kenya today, people are looking for sustainable, organic, and anti-aging products. It’s not just women looking at cosmetics anymore, but men, too.

Men now represent a huge growing market in the industry which should absolutely be focused on. Popular products include: Concealer, Skin care products, Mascara, Lipstick, Hair care, Eyeliner, Mineral cosmetics, Special effects makeup

There’s no limit to what you can find a market for. As men become more rugged, there’s even the opportunity to sell high-end beard and mustache products.

Don’t be afraid to explore, but remember to check with your potential clients first to understand if there’s a market for what you want to sell.

You can’t sell every product, or you’ll go broke simply by ordering stock. Keep in mind, many big companies have minimum orders, so when you place an order for an item, you’re anticipating being able to move every piece of your order.

6. Find Reputable Suppliers

What equipment do you need to open a cosmetics store?

An online store will only need a web designer and a wholesale cosmetics supplier. As a home-based business, you will have everything you need directly from your company, which is the biggest perk.

Research what supplies you’ll need – and where to get them from – ahead of time. This saves time and hassle down the road. Don’t be afraid to shop around for the best prices.

7. Sell Your Products Online

An effective option for starting your own cosmetics business in Kenya is to sell the products online. Most of your valued customers these days search and shop on the web. You must create an e-commerce store to sell your special cosmetics products. Selling your product online implies that you will attract the customers with the lowest possible prices.

But make sure that your eCommerce website design is memorable and user-friendly. Such a website must showcase impressive images of your cosmetics products. All the details such as descriptions of the products, ingredients, prices and contact information must be clearly mentioned. Users should be able to navigate your web pages conveniently.

8. Promote Your Cosmetics Business

Without customers, your business cannot survive. So it’s critical to promote your cosmetics business in order to bring in new and returning customers. When starting a cosmetic company or a hair salon, you must pay attention to create more awareness about your special cosmetics products among your target audience.

You should explore all the places such as events taking place in your city, and visit beauty parlors to market your company’s products. You can also think of giving some demonstrations to the consumers to highlight the qualities of your products.

Most importantly, create a dedicated social media page for your cosmetic products and fill it with many images of the products and descriptions. In fact, you should create a page on every popular social channel such as Twitter and Facebook to convey your brand message.

Engage your audience by posting interactive and useful content about the products you manufacture or sell.

9. Develop A Marketing Plan

A good marketing plan gives you a direction about how to move forward in a calculated way at the time of selling your products to the people. Your well thought of strategy regarding pricing, costs and an effective way to sell your cosmetics items will guide you during your efforts to enhance your reach in the niche market.

10. Test Your Products

Before you start selling your cosmetic products, test those unique items. Give some sample products to the people in your neighbor, relatives and friend circle. Having a practical test of the products is always desirable to know beforehand about how rest of the people and your target audience will respond.

Opening (and running) a cosmetics business in Kenya is a lot of work.

But if you do it right, it’s not only rewarding, it’s a lot of fun.

You get to be your own boss and brighten people’s lives on a daily basis!

Remember your cosmetic business must have a wise marketing plan and some funds to start with. Take advice from your family and friends. Create memorable graphic designs such as logos, business cards, websites and brochures to make a lasting impression on your potential clients and public.

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This was really helpful,thank you

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How To Start A Nail Parlour In Kenya Easily For Profits Now

How To Start A Nail Parlour In Kenya Easily For Profits Now

Beauty adds one’s confidence and brightens smiles. Many ladies in the modern world like their nails done by specialists in order for them to look amazing. This creates a demand for starting a nail parlor in Kenya in order to serve the society at large.

An added advantage about this business is that it requires minimum capital to start yet it has high returns at the end of the tunnel.

Let me show you how to start nail Parlour in Kenya that will help you become successful:

 Step 1: Draft a strategic nail Parlour business plan in Kenya that will act as your guide in the beginning and management of your business.

Step 2: Conduct a thorough market research in order to identify your target market and know whether nail parlor business is worth investing in.

Step 3: Locate an ideal location which will help you get variety of customers at your doorstep.

Step 4:Obtain business permits and licenses to avoid landing in trouble with the local authorities.

Step 5:Launch your nail parlor business immediately after everything is set.

Step 6:Market your business mainly through advertisements in order to make your brand well known in the country.

This is the legal process that you will use on how to start a nail parlor Nairobi or any other place in Kenya. Also use simple nail parlor designs in Kenya in order to minimize your capital.

In the end, nail parlor business is a very profitable business that only requires minimum amount of capital Besides, you need passion and determination in order to make your business thrive to its level best.

Invest today in nail parlor business and you will not regret. Without forgetting, ensure your nail parlor business plan is effective to avoid confusion and downfall in the near future.

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how to start a salon business in kenya

Executive Summary: The hair salon business plan outlines the creation of a new hair salon that will offer high-quality services to customers in the area. The salon will be equipped with the latest hair styling equipment and staffed by experienced and knowledgeable hairstylists. The salon will offer a range of services including haircuts, hair styling, hair coloring, and other beauty treatments.

Market Analysis: The hair salon industry is growing rapidly, with more and more people becoming interested in hair styling and beauty treatments. The demand for hair services has been increasing, especially among young people and working professionals who are looking for a convenient and affordable way to maintain their hair.

Target Market: The target market for the salon will be young adults and working professionals who are looking for a convenient and affordable hair styling solution. The salon will be located in a busy commercial area that is easily accessible and close to public transportation. The salon will also offer online booking and a loyalty program to attract and retain customers.

Services: The salon will offer a range of hair styling and beauty treatments, including haircuts, hair coloring, hair styling, and other beauty treatments. The salon will use high-quality products and equipment to ensure that customers receive the best possible service.

Marketing Strategy: The salon will use a variety of marketing strategies to reach its target market and promote its services. The salon will use social media, local advertising, and word of mouth to spread the word about its services. The salon will also offer a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and encourage them to recommend the salon to their friends and family.

Financial Plan: The salon will require an initial investment of $100,000 to cover the costs of equipment, supplies, rent, and staffing. The salon will generate revenue through the sale of hair services and beauty treatments, as well as through the sale of hair care products. The salon will aim to achieve a profit margin of 25% within its first year of operation, with projections for continued growth in the future.

Operations Plan: The salon will be owned and operated by an experienced hairstylist who has a strong background in the hair styling industry. The salon will be staffed by a team of experienced and knowledgeable hairstylists who will provide high-quality services to customers. The salon will use an online booking system to manage appointments and a point of sale system to process transactions.

Conclusion: The hair salon business plan outlines the creation of a new hair salon that will offer high-quality services to customers in the area. The salon will use a combination of marketing strategies, experienced staff, and high-quality products and equipment to attract and retain customers. With a strong focus on customer service and satisfaction, the salon is poised for success in the competitive hair styling industry.

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

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How to Start a Cosmetics Business in Kenya [Full 2024 Guide]

How to Start a Cosmetics Business in Kenya [Full 2024 Guide]

The cosmetics industry in Kenya is thriving, with a growing consumer base that values beauty and personal care products. As a result, starting a cosmetics business in Kenya can be a lucrative venture, if you have the right strategies and knowledge. 

To be honest, the cosmetics industry is pretty competitive. If you don’t understand what you are doing, it is very likely that you will fail. That is why I highly recommend doing research to fully understand the beauty and cosmetics business in Kenya before you can invest your money. 

If you don’t know where to start, keep reading. This article provides a step-by-step guide on starting a successful cosmetics shop in Kenya, from market research to financial management and growth. I also reveal the beauty products in Kenya that have the highest demand, where to buy them, and what to sell in your cosmetics shop. 

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Let’s start with some important questions. 

How Much Do I Need to Start a Cosmetics Business in Kenya?

Generally, you would need between KSh50,000 to as high as 1 million Kenyan shillings to start a successful cosmetics business in Kenya. However, the cost can vary depending on various factors, such as the scale of your operations, the location of your store, and the specific products you plan to sell.

Here is a detailed breakdown of how much investment you will need  to start a cosmetics shop in Kenya:

  • Business registration: Approximately KES 10,000 – KES 20,000
  • Trade license: Varies depending on the county, ranging from KES 5,000 – KES 20,000
  • Health and beauty permits: Approximately KES 5,000 – KES 15,000
  • Rent: The cost of renting a commercial space can vary significantly depending on the location, size, and desirability of the area. In Nairobi, for example, rental prices can range from KES 20,000 – KES 100,000 per month or more.
  • Cosmetics products: The cost of inventory will depend on the range and quantity of products you wish to sell. I recommend you start with a smaller selection and expand as your business grows. A rough estimate for initial inventory could be KES 50,000 – KES 500,000 or more.
  • Packaging materials: Factor in the cost of packaging materials such as bottles, jars, labels, and packaging boxes.
  • Shelving and displays: Depending on the size and layout of your cosmetics shop, the cost of shelving and displays can range from KES 20,000 – KES 100,000.
  • Point-of-sale (POS) system: A basic POS system can range from KES 20,000 – KES 50,000, depending on the features you require.
  • Website development: If you plan to sell your cosmetics online, consider the cost of website development and maintenance. This can range from KES 5,000 – KES 20,000 or more.
  • Marketing materials: Budget for marketing materials like business cards, flyers, and signage, which can cost approximately KES 10,000 – KES 30,000.
  • Employee salaries: The number and type of employees you hire will depend on the size of your business. Budget for salaries, including sales associates, cashiers, and potentially a store manager.
  • Utilities : Estimate costs for electricity, water, and other utilities you will need for your store.
  • Factor in business insurance to protect your assets and mitigate potential risks.
  • You may need professional assistance for legal and accounting matters.

The figures I have provided here are mostly estimates and can vary based on your specific circumstances. Also, you might not need everything on this list. For instance, you might decide to forego things like stuffing and marketing expenses until the business turns a profit.

That’s why you will need to conduct thorough market research, create a detailed business plan, and consult with professionals in the industry who can help you develop a more accurate estimate for starting your cosmetics business in Kenya.

Examples of Items to Sell in a Cosmetics Shop in Kenya

A cosmetics shop in Kenya can offer a wide range of products to cater to different customer needs and preferences. 

Here are some examples of items that you can consider selling in a cosmetics shop in Kenya:

  • Facial cleansers
  • Moisturizers
  • Serums and treatments
  • Lipsticks and lip glosses
  • Makeup brushes and tools
  • Conditioners
  • Hair masks and treatments
  • Hair oils and serums
  • Hair styling products (e.g., gels, mousses, sprays)
  • Hair accessories (e.g., hairbrushes, combs, hairbands)
  • Perfumes for men and women
  • Body sprays and mists
  • Perfumed lotions and creams
  • Body washes and shower gels
  • Body lotions and moisturizers
  • Body scrubs and exfoliators
  • Bath salts and bath bombs
  • Hand and foot creams
  • Nail polishes (regular and gel)
  • Nail treatments (e.g., strengtheners, cuticle oils)
  • Nail polish removers
  • Nail tools and accessories (e.g., nail files, buffers, cuticle pushers)
  • Shaving creams and gels
  • Aftershaves
  • Men’s facial cleansers and moisturizers
  • Men’s grooming kits
  • Organic skincare products
  • Natural and herbal remedies
  • Organic hair care products
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable cosmetics
  • Makeup bags and organizers
  • Makeup brushes and sponges
  • False eyelashes and adhesive
  • Beauty blenders

When deciding what to sell in your cosmetics shop, consider the diverse needs of your customers and stock a variety of brands and price ranges to accommodate different budgets. Again, conduct some market research and keep up with the latest trends to ensure that you only offer fast-moving beauty products in Kenya.

10 Steps to Starting a Profitable Cosmetics Business in Kenya

  • Conduct Market Research and Planning
  • Meet Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  • Source Suppliers and Products
  • Create a Business Plan
  • Set up the Business
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Sales and Distribution Channels
  • Operational Management
  • Customer Service and Retention
  • Financial Management and Growth

Before diving into the cosmetics business, you must conduct thorough market research and planning. This will help you understand the target market in order to cater to the needs and preferences of your customers.  Start by analyzing demographics, consumer behavior, and trends in the local market. Next, assess existing competitors and their products to identify gaps and opportunities. Finally, you will need to identify a niche within the cosmetics industry that aligns with your interests and target market. To do this, look for unmet consumer needs and develop a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets your business apart from competitors. Later in this guide, we will cover the most profitable niches to try, so keep reading.

It is very important that your cosmetics business complies with the legal and regulatory requirements in Kenya. So, begin by registering your business with the relevant authorities. While doing this, ensure to choose an appropriate business name and structure, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, or limited company. READ THIS GUIDE: How to Register a Business in Kenya the Right Way After registering your business, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate your cosmetics business legally. This includes health and safety permits, a business permit, and product registration and certification to ensure that your products meet quality standards.

Finding reliable suppliers is crucial for your cosmetics business. So, you’ll need to research and identify local suppliers Kenyan who offer high-quality cosmetics products. If you are interested, I added a short list of some reputable cosmetics wholesalers in Kenya later in this guide.   Alternatively, you can import products from reputable international suppliers if you have the connection. When sourcing products, prioritize quality and compliance. To do this, ensure that your suppliers have appropriate certifications and conduct product testing. You should also conduct supplier evaluations and negotiations to establish strong and reliable partnerships. If you are wondering where to buy cosmetics wholesale in Kenya, I have a list of suppliers you can try towards the end of this guide. 

Developing a comprehensive business plan in Kenya is essential for the success of your cosmetics business. To start, define your business goals and objectives clearly. Next, create a marketing strategy that encompasses branding, positioning, pricing, and promotional strategies. Don’t forget to pay careful attention to financial planning and budgeting. Estimate your startup costs, including product procurement, marketing expenses, and operational costs. Finally, create a forecast of your revenue and expenses to gauge profitability and sustainability.

Now it’s time to solidify your plan. First, consider the location and infrastructure of your cosmetics business. You will need to choose a suitable physical location if you plan to have a retail store. Alternatively, explore online options by creating a professional website and utilizing e-commerce solutions. After settling on a location, procure the necessary equipment and supplies for your business. To improve efficiency, you can implement inventory management systems to keep track of stock levels and ensure efficient product management.  Also, don’t forget to invest in packaging materials and display fixtures to create an appealing visual presentation.

Building a strong brand presence is crucial for the success of your cosmetics business in Kenya. To kickstart your marketing efforts, create a memorable brand identity that resonates with your target market. You can also develop a professional website and establish active social media profiles to connect with potential customers. Next, implement effective marketing strategies to reach your target audience. One way to do this is by utilizing content marketing by creating engaging and informative content related to cosmetics.  Alternatively, you can collaborate with influencers and beauty bloggers to expand your reach and participate in trade shows and events to showcase your products and connect with industry professionals.

In order to distribute your product and reach customers effectively, you will need to establish a sales channel. Sales channels are simply the methods that you use to get your cosmetic products to customers who need them. If you have a physical store, invest in an attractive retail setup that reflects your brand image. Alternatively, leverage online sales platforms and e-commerce solutions to reach a wider customer base. Another way is to collaborate with distributors and retailers to expand your product reach. To do this, build relationships with wholesalers who can distribute your products to retailers. Finally, you can partner with beauty salons or spas to showcase and sell your cosmetics products.

Operational management entails hiring the right people and using effective tools to run your beauty and cosmetics shop in Kenya. Start by identifying key roles and responsibilities you will need to run the business.  Next, hire the right people and then conduct training programs to equip your staff with product knowledge and excellent customer service skills. After hiring staff, you will need to implement effective inventory management systems to track stock levels, streamline reordering processes, and minimize wastage. 

Providing excellent customer service is crucial for customer satisfaction and retention. As I mentioned in the previous step, you need to train your staff to engage with customers professionally and address their needs effectively. You should also have a system in place to handle complaints and process returns efficiently. I also recommend implementing a rewards program or loyalty scheme to build customer loyalty. While doing that, always engage with customers through newsletters or personalized offers.  Most importantly, maintain a positive and interactive relationship with your customer base to foster loyalty and keep your customers coming back.

Tracking your financial performance is crucial to ensure the profitability and growth of your cosmetics business. You want to maintain accurate accounting records and regularly analyze your financial statements. Also, identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions based on financial insights. On top of effectively managing your finances, you should also plan for business growth by identifying opportunities for expansion. For instance, you can explore new product lines, target new customer segments, or consider opening additional store locations. If necessary, secure additional funding through loans or investments to support your growth plans.

Is a Cosmetics Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes, generally, a cosmetics business is profitable in Kenya. According to Kuzabiashara, the cosmetics business has a profit margin of up to 40%. 

However, the profitability of a cosmetics business in Kenya, like any other business, depends on several factors. 

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Market Demand: The demand for cosmetics in Kenya can be influenced by factors such as fashion trends, cultural preferences, and consumer purchasing power. Therefore, conducting market research to understand the target market’s preferences and needs is crucial for success.
  • Competition: The cosmetics industry in Kenya can be competitive, with both local and international brands vying for market share. That is why you should assess the competition and identify unique selling points or niche markets that can set your business apart.
  • Product Selection: Offering a wide range of high-quality and in-demand cosmetics products can attract customers and enhance profitability. To maximize your profits, source products from reputable cosmetics suppliers in Kenya and maintain a diverse inventory that caters to different customer segments.
  • Pricing and Profit Margins: To make more money with a cosmetics business, you need to determine appropriate pricing strategies. Consider factors such as product costs, overhead expenses, and market dynamics when setting prices. Generally, you want to maintain a healthy profit margin while remaining competitive.
  • Marketing and Branding : To create awareness and drive sales, you need effective marketing and branding strategies. Utilize various marketing channels, such as social media, influencer partnerships, and traditional advertising, to reach your target audience.
  • Distribution Channels: As I mentioned previously, you need to establish efficient and reliable distribution channels to effectively deliver products to customers and improve your profit margins. This can include physical retail outlets, e-commerce platforms, or partnerships with local retailers.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that your cosmetics business complies with all relevant regulations, such as product safety standards, labeling requirements, and licensing obligations. Failure to comply with regulations can result in penalties or business disruptions that will significantly affect your profits.

Ultimately, the profitability of your cosmetics business will rely on a combination of factors such as market demand, competition, product selection, pricing strategies, marketing efforts, and operational efficiency. In order to build a successful and profitable venture, you will need to focus on thorough research, planning, and adaptability.

How to Identify a Profitable Cosmetics Niche 

There are many cosmetics business ideas in Kenya that you can try. However, in order to identify a niche that suits your objectives, you require research, market analysis, and an understanding of consumer preferences. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to identify a profitable niche:

  • Research the Market: Start by researching the cosmetics market in Kenya. Understand the current trends, customer preferences, and fast-moving cosmetic products. Look at the existing competition and identify gaps or untapped areas.
  • Identify Target Customers : Determine your target customers based on demographics, preferences, and buying behavior. For instance, you could target working professionals, teenagers, or specific ethnic groups with unique cosmetic needs.
  • Assess Consumer Needs: Analyze the needs and desires of your target customers. Are there specific skin concerns, hair types, or beauty rituals that are popular in Kenya? Look for gaps in the market where customers are not adequately served or where there is a lack of variety.
  • Consider Cultural Factors: Kenya has diverse ethnic groups, each with its own beauty rituals and preferences. You can take advantage of this cultural diversity by catering to specific ethnic markets by offering products that cater to their unique needs. For example, you could focus on natural hair care products for women with Afro-textured hair.
  • Evaluate Competitors : Study your competitors operating in the Kenyan cosmetics market. Start by looking for gaps in their product offerings or areas where they are not meeting customer demands. Once you know their weaknesses, differentiate your business by providing something unique or offering a better value proposition .
  • Sustainability and Natural Ingredients : Customers are increasingly becoming conscious of sustainability and natural ingredients. So, consider offering eco-friendly or organic cosmetics that align with the growing demand for sustainable products.
  • Local Sourcing: Kenya has a rich biodiversity, and customers often appreciate products made with local ingredients. Therefore you can incorporate traditional Kenyan ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, or aloe vera into your product line to attract customers who value locally sourced products.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Develop a USP that sets your business apart from competitors. It could be offering personalized consultations, exceptional customer service, or a focus on cruelty-free products. Find a way to stand out and provide value to your customers.

Most Profitable Cosmetics Products in Kenya

Usually, the profitability of beauty products in Kenya will vary depending on factors such as brand reputation, marketing strategies, distribution channels, and production costs. Additionally, consumer preferences and market trends can change over time, affecting your profit margins.. 

That said, some products are generally more profitable than others.

Here is a list of some cosmetic products that have historically been known to be profitable in Kenya:

  • Skincare products: Skincare products, such as moisturizers, serums, and anti-aging creams, have consistently been in high demand in Kenya. This is because consumers are increasingly investing in skincare routines and products that cater to specific skin concerns.
  • Makeup: Certain makeup products have high-profit margins, particularly those that many consumers consider must-haves. Examples include foundations, concealers, mascaras, and lipsticks. 
  • Fragrances: Perfumes and colognes have been a lucrative segment of the cosmetics industry for a long time. Premium fragrances, particularly those from luxury brands, often command high prices and can be highly profitable.
  • Haircare products: Haircare products are generally very profitable in Kenya. Shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, and styling products have a steady demand. Additionally, specialized products for specific hair types or concerns, such as curly hair or damaged hair, often have a loyal customer base.
  • Beauty tools and devices : Products such as facial cleansing brushes, hair straighteners, curling irons, and home beauty devices (e.g., LED masks, microcurrent devices) can offer higher profit margins.
  • Natural and organic products: With the growing consumer demand for clean and natural beauty products, cosmetics formulated with natural and organic ingredients have seen increased profitability. This includes skincare, makeup, haircare, and even personal care products like deodorants and toothpaste.

Tips to Be Successful with a Cosmetics Business in Kenya

Running a successful cosmetics business in Kenya requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a solid understanding of the market. 

Here are some tips to help you achieve success:

  • Research the market: Start by conducting thorough market research to understand the demand for cosmetics in Kenya. Identify your target audience, their preferences, and their purchasing behavior. Also, analyze your competitors to identify gaps in the market that you can fill.
  • Develop a unique brand: Differentiate your cosmetics business by developing a unique brand identity. This includes a compelling brand name, logo, packaging, and overall brand image. Create a brand story that resonates with your target audience and communicates the value of your products.
  • Choose quality products: Invest in high-quality cosmetics that meet the expectations of your customers. Source your products from reputable suppliers or consider developing your own product line. Ensure your products are safe, cruelty-free, and comply with relevant regulations and standards.
  • Build an online presence: In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business. So, create a professional website and leverage social media platforms to showcase your products, engage with customers, and build a loyal following. You can do this by creating high-quality visuals and engaging content to attract and retain customers.
  • Offer excellent customer service: Provide exceptional customer service to stand out from your competitors. First, train your staff to be knowledgeable about your products and provide personalized recommendations to customers. Also, respond promptly to customer inquiries and address any concerns or issues promptly and professionally.
  • Establish strategic partnerships: Collaborate with complementary businesses, such as salons, beauty influencers, and fashion bloggers, to expand your reach and increase brand awareness. On top of that, you can offer exclusive discounts or joint promotions to attract new customers and gain credibility in the industry.
  • Attend trade shows and events : Participate in local trade shows, beauty expos, and community events to showcase your products to a wider audience. This will allow you to network with industry professionals, gain exposure, and connect with potential customers and business partners.
  • Embrace e-commerce: Offer an online shopping option to cater to customers who prefer the convenience of purchasing cosmetics online. Set up a secure and user-friendly e-commerce platform that provides detailed product information, secure payment options, and efficient shipping and delivery services.
  • Monitor trends and adapt: Stay up-to-date with the latest beauty trends, customer preferences, and industry developments. Continuously evolve your product offerings to meet changing demands and introduce new products that align with current market trends.
  • Focus on marketing and advertising: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your cosmetics business. For instance, you can utilize a mix of online and offline marketing channels, including social media advertising, influencer collaborations, print media, and local events.

The Bottom Line 

Starting a cosmetics business in Kenya requires careful planning, market research, and strategic execution. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can establish a successful beauty business that caters to the needs of Kenyan consumers.

 Remember to stay committed, adapt to market trends, and prioritize customer satisfaction to ensure the long-term success of your venture.

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L.K. Nathans

L.K. Nathans

I am a personal finance enthusiast and digital marketer. My work here is to help you navigate your financial journey and achieve your main money goals. Through Omoka Digital, I provide practical tips, strategies, and insights on budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. My aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions and improve your financial well-being.

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How to Start a Nail Parlor Business in Kenya

how to start a nail parlor business in Kenya

In the 21st century, beauty standards have changed compared to the past years. Today beauty is not only practiced by women but by men too, like getting a pedicure and manicure done. Making the nail parlor business a lucrative venture. Today, you’ll learn how to start a nail parlor business in Kenya. 

An added advantage of this business is that it requires minimum startup cost, yet it has high profits. Now starting a nail parlor business is not the major problem, but how to run the business. 

You need to be familiar with all the beauty aspects and have a passion for beauty. This post will cover what it takes to get started with a nail parlor business in Kenya

Below are steps you can follow to start and run a profitable nail parlor business in the country. 

Draft a Nail Parlor Business Plan

If you’re planning to set up a nail parlor business, you should write a business plan. A business plan should act as your guide in the beginning and management of your business. Things you should include in your plan are;

  • Business Location.
  • Service to offer. 
  • Starting capital.

Related: How to Start a Dry Cleaning and Laundry Business in Kenya

Identify a Strategic Business Location

The success or failure of any business depends on its location. Renting out space in places where the parlor is visible is highly advisable. You should find a business location in an area with heavy traffic. For example, you can open a nail parlor next to a bus stop or a place where people gather to unwind. 

Also, you may decide to open a mobile nail business so you can get to where your clients are. This will allow you to reach clients who might not have the time to come to your business premises. You can go to people’s workplaces to offer manicure and pedicure services.

Starting a mobile nail parlor business is less expensive than starting a fixed location business. Reasons, you don’t have to rent and brand business premises or purchase furniture.

Obtain Business Licenses 

To operate a legal nail parlor business; you’ll need to acquire a single business permit from the offices of the county government.  The cost of a business permit will depend on your business size, which the area ward representative will analyze. 

Permits for a small nail parlor cost from Ksh.5000 to Ksh 15,000 yearly.

Design Your Interior

It’s optional to renovate the space you rent out, but if you’re planning to give your workspace a personal touch, you’ll need a budget of around Ksh.10,000 to Ksh.20,000. Interior styling is among the things that new small business owners do not often consider. 

However, renovating your place of work contributes to branding.

Get The Necessary Equipment

No business is complete without the necessary equipment nail parlor business is no exception. You’ll need several equipment to run your nail parlor but can get them at affordable wholesale prices.

The table below shows the basic equipment and items to start a nail parlor business in Kenya:

Get Started 

Now you’ve already a suitable business location, acquired the necessary licenses, furnished your workspace and purchased basic equipment, and hired personnel to help you. So what next? It’s time to set up your business.

The first thing to follow should be implementing an effective marketing strategy that will help you get clients. This can include handing out flyers, offering discounts to your first clients, creating a social media business page, installing an outdoor advertisement sign, and, depending on your budget, you can hold a grand opening event.

Cost of Starting Nail Palour Business In Kenya

The starting capital of a nail parlor business depends on the size and location of the business. If your suggested area is a busy town, the capital could be higher than in a small town.

A small and mobile nail parlor business will cost you approximately Ksh. 20,000. While in a fixed location, you’ll require at least Ksh. 50,000. But it’s advisable to start small and keep expanding.

Is Nail Parlour Business Profitable in Kenya?

With a suitable location, the nail parlor business is a profitable venture. Due to the increased demand for pedicure and manicure services, the business has a ready market. Operating a fixed location and a mobile nail parlor will increase your business returns.

You will be able to serve even those clients who might not be able to visit your business.

Factors to Consider BeforeStsrting Nail Parlour Business

If you are planning to start a nail parlor business, there are some things you need to consider in advance to ensure the business’s success. These things include. 

Expertise in the Industry

The nail technician’s abilities have given women the power to feel beautiful and boat their confidence levels. As a nail technician looking to set up a nail parlor, you must have some experience in this field.

Know How To Find Customers

It’s essential to prioritize time to figure out about your clients. Pay closer attention to their identities, where they reside, and what qualities they look for in a successful nail parlor. It’s essential to try and meet your customers’ demands as they are the ones who will be paying for your service.

After getting a better idea of how to find regular clients, ensure your parlor provides ideal customer service. Running a nail parlor that provides excellent customer service will boost loyalty from your clients. 

Analyze Your Competitors: 

To run a successful business, you must examine your competitors closely. Every business wants to provide distinctive services or products to stand out from the competition in their field. 

Spend time researching some of the most booming nail parlors in your locality to discover what makes their service unique. Also, closely look at the prices your competitors are charging their services to help you determine a reasonable price for your nail parlor services.

Conduct Business Analysis

A business analysis process will help you identify needs within the nail parlor field and find solutions to how your services can meet these needs to ensure customer satisfaction. The insights you should include in your research are;

  • Nail parlor demographics in your business area.
  • Opportunities that haven’t been fully exploited, like the rising demand for at-home services in allocation with no mobile nail services.
  • Competitors in your locality and their market target.
  • Trends in the nail parlor industry. 

Doing a thorough business study will help you identify gaps in the market that your nail parlor can exploit to increase revenues and become successful. Conducting this research will allow you to provide services that will set your nail parlor apart from the competition.


Nail parlor offers a wide array of services. Determine the type of services your nail parlor will offer apart from manicure services. Make a list of those services you offer, along with a price list, time estimates, and any included services( like a brief massage after a pedicure).

Determine the nail products you’ll use for a standard pedicure and if you’ll offer packages and sell products regularly. 

Bottom Line 

Nail parlor is a wise and timely business venture with a lot of potential and only requires a minimum amount of capital. This business is a profitable venture with a strategic location and good customer flow.

However, you need passion and determination to thrive in this business. I hope this guide on how to start a nail parlor business in Kenya has answered your questions on how to get started.

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Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon Glucklich

6 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Looking for a free,  downloadable hair and beauty salon sample business plan Word doc  or  PDF  to help you create a business plan of your own? Bplans has you covered.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to find a sample business plan that exactly matches your business. Whether you’re launching an upscale, full-service salon in a bustling city or a neighborhood barbershop, the details will be different, but the bones of the plan will be the same.

Are you writing a business plan for your salon because you’re seeking a loan? Is your primary concern building a clear roadmap for growth? Either way, you’re going to want to edit and customize it so it fits your particular company.

No two salons are alike. Your business model will be different if you’re renting space to independent hairstylists, rather than taking on employees, for example. So take the time to create your own financial forecasts and do enough market research so you have a solid plan for success.

  • What should you include in a hair and beauty salon business plan?

Your hair and beauty salon business plan doesn’t need to be hundreds of pages—keep it as short and concise as you can. You’ll probably want to include each of these sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Company summary and funding needs
  • Products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Management team
  • Financial plan

One of the things that makes a salon business plan different from some service-based business plans is that you might decide to offer a combination of products and services.

Maybe you’ll sell shampoo, beard oil, or other cosmetics and beauty products, in addition to offering services like haircuts, manicures, or massages. If that’s the case, make sure you include your ideas for upselling products to customers to increase the value of every appointment you book.

Here’s an example of a salon business plan outline.

Hair and beauty salon sample business plan outline.

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  • The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan

1. Executive Summary

The  executive summary  provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

Your salon’s mission statement should describe its purpose and what sets it apart from competitors. For example, you may aim to offer a personalized experience for each customer or provide eco-friendly hair and beauty services.

The keys to success are the factors that will help your salon thrive. These may include a prime location, hiring experienced staff, excellent customer service, or a unique product and service range.

2. Company Summary and Funding Needs

The company summary offers a detailed overview of your salon, including its legal structure , location, and history. Also, it highlights your salon’s funding needs if you are seeking financial support.

Clearly state how much funding you need, what you will use it for, and how it will benefit the salon. For instance, you may need funds to renovate the premises, purchase equipment, or boost marketing efforts.

3. Salon Products and Services

This section should detail the products and services your hair or beauty salon will offer. These may include haircuts, hair treatments, manicures, pedicures, massages, and beauty treatments.

If you plan to retail beauty products such as shampoos, conditioners, or skin care items, include this information too. Highlight any unique services or products that differentiate your salon from competitors.

4. Salon Marketing Plan and Analysis

Your marketing plan should outline the strategies you will use to attract and retain customers. These strategies might include social media advertising, loyalty programs, partnerships with local businesses, and special promotions.

Additionally, you should conduct a thorough market analysis. Understand your target customers, their preferences, and their spending habits. Identify your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can differentiate your salon.

5. Salon Management Team

The management team section provides information about the salon’s key personnel. This could include the salon owner, managers, stylists, beauticians, and other staff members. Highlight their roles, responsibilities, qualifications, and experience.

If you plan to rent chairs to independent stylists rather than hiring employees, describe how this arrangement will work and the advantages it offers for your business.

6. Financial Plan and Forecasts

Your financial plan should present detailed financial projections, including revenue, costs, and profitability. Include a cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. This section should clearly demonstrate the salon’s potential profitability and financial viability.

Also, outline your pricing strategy. How have you priced your services and products, and how do these prices compare with competitors? What are your wage costs, and how will they affect your profitability?

7. Appendix

The appendix includes any additional supporting documents that complement your business plan. This might be market research data, lease agreements, employee contracts, or licensing and permit documents.

While not always necessary, the appendix can provide valuable context and proof to support your business plan’s content.

  • Crafting a Successful Salon Business Plan: Key Considerations

Understanding your target clientele’s needs is crucial to writing a hair or beauty salon business plan that you can put into action. To ensure your business plan is the foundation of a growing operation rather than just checking boxes, ask yourself whether you’re taking these considerations into account.

1. Comprehensive Services Offering

In the beauty industry, customer preferences vary significantly, and staying versatile in your offerings can help cater to a broader clientele. Include a wide range of services that cater to different demographics. You may also consider offering unique or specialized services that distinguish your salon from others.

2. Pricing Strategy

Pricing can make or break your salon. Competitive pricing attracts customers, but your pricing should also cover your costs and ensure profitability. Effective market research can help you understand the average cost of services in your area, which you can use to set your prices competitively.

3. Salon Atmosphere

The ambiance of a salon plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Consider factors like décor, cleanliness, and customer service when planning your salon.

4. Staff Training and Expertise

Quality service is crucial in the hair and beauty industry since word-of-mouth exposure from existing clients is a major driver of new business. Investing in ongoing staff training ensures that your team stays updated with the latest trends, techniques, and customer service skills.

5. Digital Presence

Although word of mouth is one business driver, many of today’s customers research online before visiting a salon. Having a strong online presence, including a well-designed website, effective search engine optimization and active social media accounts, can significantly boost your business.

  • Download your free hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF

Download this  hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF  for free right now, or visit Bplans’ gallery of more than  550 sample business plans  if you’re looking for more options.

There are  plenty of reasons  salon business owners can benefit from  writing a business plan —you’ll need one if you’re seeking a loan or investment.

Even if you’re not seeking funding, the process of thinking through every aspect of your business will help you make sure you’re not overlooking anything critical as you grow.

Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

Check out LivePlan

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How to Start a Salon Business in Kenya

beauty parlour business plan in kenya

Self-employment is a sure way to financial independence . Starting a salon business in Kenya will help you become your own boss and generate an income for you. If you have hairdressing skills, opening a salon is a great business idea . You need to know the different hairstyles, possess hairdressing skills and have startup capital to start one. 

Acquire Hair Dressing Skills

You might argue that an inborn talent for hairdressing is enough to start a salon, but that's not the case. You will need to undergo training to acquire the necessary hairdressing skills. Customers will come back if you offer them excellent services. Hair and beauty care training costs between Ksh 15,000 and Ksh 25,000 per term. If you can't afford the cost of training, you can opt to hire trained employees.

Write a Hairdressing Salon Business Plan

Like any other business, it is best to develop a business plan when starting a hair salon. The business plan will help you achieve your objectives , satisfy your customers, and make profits. That is not all. A business plan will also help you set priorities, develop accountability, and manage change.

A good hair salon business plan should include the price of the necessary equipment.  Salon equipment costs should be covered in the business plan. If you want to run a successful salon, you need to purchase high-quality equipment. However, the costs depend on your budget . 

1. Adjustable Salon Styling Chairs

You need to ensure your customers are comfortable while you are doing their hair. Adjustable salon styling chairs cost around Ksh 2,000. If you have a tight budget , you can start with Kenpoly chairs that go for as little as Ksh 650 each. You can start with what you have and expand with time. 

2. Hairdryer and Blow dryer

Almost every successful salon has a hairdryer for drying hair. A new hairdryer costs between Ksh 12,000 and Ksh 30,000. You can opt to buy a second-hand dryer for Ksh 7,000. Some customers prefer the blow-dryer, whose price ranges between Ksh 4,000 and Ksh 15,000. Therefore, make sure you have both.  

3. Hair Styling Station

A hairstyling station is a metallic or wooden structure with a mirror, compartments, and drawers. It is best to have a styling station with a mirror so that your customers can see how you are making their hair. The average cost of a hairstyling station is Ksh 20,000.  Apart from that, make sure you know different Kenyan hairstyles and have salon station ideas. 

4. Miscellaneous Items

For the salon's efficient running, you will need items like cosmetics , conditioners and shampoos, combs and brushes, towels, hair chemicals, and aprons. The costs depend on the quality of the items.

Hairdressing equipment suppliers in Nairobi are mostly established businesses such as Salon Quip, House of Braids, Salon Warehouse, and Prestige Global Link Ltd. It is essential to include the services you will offer in your business plan .

  • Nails: pedicures, manicures, and polish
  • Skincare: facials, massage, and body waxing.
  • Hair services : conditioning, relaxers, cuts, weaving, curling, and shampooing

Read also: Lucrative business ideas in Kenya.

Other Requirements for a Hair Styling Station

Apart from the above-mentioned items, you also need to have the following items in your hair salon business:

  • Hairdressing towels
  • Salon station mirrors 
  • Hairdressing hair dryers

How Much Does It Cost to Open a Salon in Kenya?

The cost of starting a salon business in Kenya depends on the size and location of the business. You will need to invest around Ksh 100,000 for a medium-sized hair salon business in a town. The following is a startup capital breakdown:

  • Hairstyling chairs - Ksh 25,000
  • Hairstyling tools - Ksh 30,000
  • Water heaters - Ksh 5,000
  • Towels and aprons - Ksh 3,000
  • Shampoo bowls - Ksh 10,000
  • Miscellaneous  - Ksh 5,000
  • Permits and licenses - Ksh 10,000

Choose a Strategic Location for the Salon Business 

Choosing a strategic location plays a critical role in the success of your business. Your budget also dictates your business's location. When selecting a business location for your hair salon business, choose one with high traffic. You can decide to set up your business in a building, mall, or close to higher learning institutions. 

For business consultancy, strategic planning, organizational development, market research, financial management & accounting, risk management and business plan writing at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through a phone call  0728 621 138  or  WhatsApp , or email:  [email protected]

Obtain a Hair Salon Business License

Kenyan business legal laws require that all businesses secure licenses and permits before commencing operations. You need the following licenses for a salon business:

  • Single Business Permit. You can obtain a single business permit from the County government offices. The prices for single-business permits vary from one County to the other. The size of the business also determines the cost of a single business permit. Its cost ranges between Ksh 3,000 and Ksh 10,00 for a hairdressing business.
  • Fire Safety Certificate. Salons require heating, and an accident can happen and cause a fire outbreak. You need to have equipment like fire extinguishers in your salon. It is best to acquire a fire safety certificate from the County government offices.  
  • Health Certificate. Clients like getting services in a clean environment. Therefore, make sure that your salon complies with health requirements to get a health certificate. You can get one from private and government hospitals for between Ksh 400 and Ksh 1,000.

Running a successful hair salon business requires passion, commitment, and the ability to plan well. Hairdressing businesses are among the most competitive businesses in Kenya . To make more profits, you need to go the extra mile and stand out from the competition.

You can decide to offer hairdressing services from your clients' homes or open a shop.  Make sure to keep up with current trends in the industry. Also, build a good reputation, and you are sure to run a successful business. 

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Salon Business in Kenya: How You Can Start Small & Build An Empire In Months

November 7, 2015 Published by: James Keru -->

If you enjoy styling hair, performing manicures and making other people look good, opening your own hair salon could be the best decision you make in your life. You only need to start small, build a clientele and grow big slowly as word about your good services and talent spreads. Does this sound like something you’d like to do? Keep reading the next few lines.

Hair Salon Business in Kenya

Salon business can be done anywhere in the country although big towns tend to provide the best growth opportunities. If you’re in the rural areas, then locating your business in a busy market center is highly recommended.

Step 1: Getting Started

Of course, if you’re going to rely on your own manpower to run the business you need to be trained in matters of beauty. Alternatively, you can hire a trusted salonist and take up the managerial role.

Then you need to buffer up your savings just so your business has enough fuel to run on. The least amount required to get off the blocks is Ksh.100,000 which is a very conservative estimate for those who really want to start small.

Step 2: Shop, book and prepare your premises

It is best to locate your business premises in an area with high foot traffic for maximum visibility. This however means you have to contend with high rent prices and probably goodwill requirements.

A room of 500 square feet will be adequate for a small set up. Rent prices may vary from as much as Ksh100 per square feet in Westlands Nairobi, Ksh25 per square feet in Machakos, to as little as Ksh10 per square feet in upcountry shopping centers. Basically you should set aside Ksh20,000 as premises charges for starting.

You will also need to call in a carpenter for a typical salon fitout. This will cost you an extra Ksh20,000.

Step 3: Shop, evaluate and buy salon equipment

The kind of equipment you purchase will depend on the amount of capital you want to invest and the types of services you want to offer. For starters, a budget of Ksh60,000 would help in finding some basic equipment. In that case, your equipment list will look something like this:

(a)Adjustable chair – Ksh20,000 each

(b)Hair dryer – Ksh12,000

(c)Plastic chairs – Ksh750 per pc

(d)Flat iron – Ksh3,000

(e)Water heater – Ksh3,000

(f)Water storage tank – Ksh1,000

(g)Cerriotti Blow dryer – Ksh2,000

(h)Towels and aprons – Ksh1,500

(i)WAHL Kinyozi machine – Ksh3,500

(j)Sink seat (Local made) – Ksh10,000 est

(k)Transport and miscellaneous – Ksh3,250

TOTAL Ksh60,000/=

You can shop for these equipment and supplies the Perida Business Center along Dubois Road Nairobi, Supermarkets or Best Lady shops in a town near you. Alternatively you can shop online on OLX or Jumia.

Additional equipment you will need to buy as your business expands include: imported sink seats, steamer, sterilizer, foot spa, trolley, towel warmer and a TV set.

Step 4: Get licensed

You will require a single business permit from your county government to operate. The cost of it will depend on the size of your business and from an analysis from your area ward rep. A small salon will cost Ksh5,000 – Ksh15,000 per year to license.

Step 5: Get Started

Open your shop, do a good job and success will follow. Use the first 20 months to build a name for yourself and also to expand your establishment by re-injecting your capital. You can even hire more workers and pay them on commission.

How much to invest

You can start with as little as Ksh100,000 and keep re-injecting your profit as the business grows.

How much profit

Typically, salons have a net profit of 16% per month. Going by this rule, a small salon can earn you Ksh16,000 per month and even more as it grows and expands. That is sufficient to double your initial investment in just one year.

Where to get customers

Apart from the usual walk-in customers, you can market to your “chama” friends. Word of mouth marketing and referrals are your best bets.

It is  not that difficult to start your own hair salon in Kenya even if you have a small budget. All you need to do is put lots of hard work and perseverance in addition to scanning your competition and offering better services.

The potential for a salon is enormous. You can make millions. You can employ many people. Most importantly, you get to earn as you do something you love.

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Make In Business

How to Start a Beauty Parlour – Business Plan Sample

beauty parlour business plan

“When you look good, you feel good.” This is the tagline for any beauty parlour or salon business. You help people look good, enhance confidence and self-esteem and let them live a fulfilled life. And this is not limited to women. Even men have the interest and potential to look good and create an impression in the minds of the onlookers.

A beauty parlour is profitable business. Lot of customers be it men or women are using beauty services. It is a booming business and attracts customers of most age groups. From adolescent girls to women of all sections, beauty parlours and salons are a hit and widely used.

Moreover, it is about your passion and interest level. If you love beauty and passion and always try to look good and make others look good, then you should try your hands in this business. You can start beauty salons business with very little or no investment.

Beauty Salon Business Plan

For all those new into this business industry and are looking for business plan, there are certain important factors one should keep in mind before starting a beauty parlour, they are as follows:-

Industry Overview

Oh, another beauty parlour that is so-so typical like the others? If you are stopping yourself from starting this business because of this reason, then please conduct a detailed industry overview and competitor analysis before you sit down to plan. 

There could be a hundred beauty salons in your city, but remember that people are increasing and they are looking out for different and efficient services each time. So, if you offer something unique to these customers. They would love to visit your salon and switch from the existing one. Hence, do an elaborate industry overview and explore the current beauty parlours in your area. You don’t have to study statistics, but if you notice what they offer, you can surely understand how you can frame your marketing and customer service strategies. 

You can figure out whether there is a need for another beauty salon in your area or not. Accordingly, you can position your salon in another city or another region where demand exists for a good salon. If opening another beauty salon in your area is stifling the existing scenario and increasing the competition unnecessarily, you should not do the same. 

Similarly, competitor analysis helps you a lot in constructing your salon framework. Why do customers visit a particular salon often? Maybe, their staff is trained and excellent, or they use high-quality beauty products and have advanced treatment procedures. As you study each parlour, you can incorporate several effective practices in your salon. 

Executive Summary

This component of the business plan will be all about the summary of the proposed business organization, including the name, location, and other significant details. 

  • The name of the company/beauty salon – Try something creative, it should be simple, but words such as cute, nice, young lady, pretty woman are common. So, think of something out-of-the-box. It could be one word, but you can make it elegant, but don’t use ‘elegant.’ 
  • The types of beauty products for sale (if any) and the various beauty parlour services offered by the salon – it could be haircutting, waxing, threading, hair and body spa, manicure, pedicure, massages, aromatherapy, perming, straightening, hair colouring and many more. 
  • You can even add services such as training newbies and adding them into your team or providing them with a valid certificate to start their own job or business. 
  • The main motto of the beauty parlour – of course, you want your customers to look good, cute, and beautiful, but you can also add additional and special services. For instance, you can focus on using organic and natural products only for skin and hair, and no artificial products will be in your parlour. Or you can provide the services at affordable costs and not levy heavy charges on the customers  as the other parlours do. 
  • Moreover, you can focus on employee welfare too and provide them with relevant benefits. Client satisfaction is your ultimate motive, but you will also check whether your staff is happy while working with you or not. If not, you will alter the compensation structures and work culture accordingly. 
  • You can also participate in beauty contests, shows, and association meetings as a brand owner. 

Products and Services 

Mostly, beauty salons offer services to men and women with respect to their beauty, skin, hair, leg, and hand care. Here are the checklist for services that you can offer:-

  • Waxing 
  • Haircutting, colouring, perming, straightening, curling, ironing. 
  • Keratin hair treatment. 
  • Manicure, pedicure, foot and hand spa, and massages. 
  • Training of new staff. 
  • Sale of beauty products and accessories. 
  • Sale of makeup products. 

Mission and Vision

It sounds weird to draft a mission and vision of a beauty parlour, but if you take this business seriously, you can certainly craft a meaningful and realistic mission and vision for your organization. 

Your mission – To provide beauty salon services to the clients professionally and at reasonable prices and fulfilling their flexible beauty requirements all the time. They can come up with some demands and expectations, and you need to tweak your services a little to serve them. 

Your vision – To establish brand presence in the city, open more outlets and attract more clients to the salon. To train new staff and transform them into confident employees. To help people enhance their image in society through beauty and appearance. 

Business Structure

A concrete and realistic business structure helps a beauty parlour to run its activities smoothly. Hence, you need to hire a competent and qualified workforce for the business operations. Following is the sample business structure, but it can vary, depending upon your requirements and volume of transactions. 

  • CEO – They will be responsible for all the activities of a beauty salon. 
  • Manager – They handle all the salon operations, direct staff, communicate with clients, make daily decisions. 
  • Accountant – They are responsible for all the accounting transactions, financial analysis and reporting, and forecasting tasks. 
  • Front Desk Representative – They are like the face of the salon. They need to be disciplined and friendly to interact with the clients daily and resolve their queries instantly. 
  • Hair Stylists. 
  • Beauty Stylists. 
  • Interns. 

The number of stylists and interns depends on the size of your beauty salon and the number of customers you plan to handle. 

SWOT Evaluation

Sounds cliché, but SWOT analysis is a classic technique of determining a prospective business’ potential. Let us check for the beauty salon business. 

Strengths – You have an excellent team. It is trained, qualified, and is humble enough to deal with the customers well. This could be your strength, for sure. The placement of the salon is at a prime location. This is another plus-point as the customers can easily notice the salon and drop in for quick yet efficient service. 

Weaknesses – Since it is a new salon, it will take time to spread the word and convince them to try your services. Competition is significant and imprinting the brand is taking time. 

Opportunities – You have a specific niche (for example, haircuts or manicures), and this differentiates and makes you stand out in the beauty industry. Moreover, you can focus on important aspects such as usage of organic and paraben-free products, usage of more natural ingredients in the beauty treatments, and a plastic-free environment in the salon. 

Threats – A similar type of salon opening up in the same area poses the biggest threat to your business. Moreover, if your staff is not co-operative enough or quits, you can face a hard time finding new, efficient ones. 

Market Analysis and Target Audience

In this component, let us first discuss the market analysis part. Beauty trends are always in. No one will stop trying to look good, and hence, you can explore maximum opportunities in this field. You can check for the latest trends in the market. Women are looking for more interesting hairstyles; they want curls and straightened hair and colouring and keratin treatment. You can explore it. Moreover, you can find women who love manicured hands and nails, so you can start a nail fixing section in your salon. 

Men and women will never stop looking good no matter whether the economy goes down or a pandemic hits the planet. Hence, be optimistic and give your best in the type of services you offer to them. 

The next part is the target audience. If your salon is unisex, you can have both men and women customers. However, if you target a specific gender, you can still have an adequate number of customers in your salon. 

You can target:

  • Males and females working in corporate, banks, and other organizations. 
  • Self-employed men and women. 
  • Mothers, housewives, teenagers, college-going students, and even school students who want to get a haircut done. 

Since there is intense competition in the beauty industry, it is your job to add services of different types to attract more customers. You need to make your workforce strong and better compared to the other entrants and existing beauty businesses in the industry. 

Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and Promotion Plans For Beauty Salon

Since there is increasing competition, it becomes inevitable to plan out marketing and promotion strategies beforehand. Following are a few techniques you can incorporate: 

  • Advertising in the local print media and placing ad banners at the relevant places of the city. 
  • Introducing the business to corporate organizations through letters, brochures, and pamphlets. You can even connect with corporate sectors to have their employees as your clients. 
  • Listing of the business in the yellow directories and on several online platforms and channels. Your business should be physically and digitally visible to the customers. 
  • Running online ad campaigns on Google and other social media platforms where paid advertising is permissible. 
  • Preparing beauty packages at discounted rates for different clients to let them enjoy plenty of services at reasonable prices. 
  • Direct marketing of services. This is done mainly through pamphlets and brochures to the public on the street or by dropping them at clients’ places. 
  • Sponsor digital media influencers and TV programs to let them publicize your products and services. 
  • Using social media platforms in an optimized manner. 
  • Creating a website that is easily navigable and accessible for the clients. They should be able to book online appointments for the parlour services. 
  • Participating in corporate social responsibility and other relevant practices. 

Pricing Plans

Prices need to be competitive and not too high. If you plan to lower the prices of your services compared to other beauty salons, you do not need to compromise or lower the quality of the products used for treatment. Several parlours use this technique and end up losing good clients as they lose trust in the salon. If your prices are high and as per the industry, ensure that you provide consistent and excellent quality to the customers. The quality should be at par with the prices. Try to offer discounts on packages and important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries. Payments should be accepted through all modes. 

Start-up Budget

Following are the expenditure items that vary from country to country in terms of charges: 

  • Business incorporation fees. 
  • Permits, licenses, insurance. 
  • Amount needed to buy or lease a space for the salon. 
  • Costs of equipping the salon with the requisite equipment such as waxing heaters, steamers, dryers, chairs, front office desk, parlour beds, linen, and so on. 
  • Official website creation charges. 
  • Additional expenses such as printing brochures and ad banners. 
  • Salaries to employees. 
  • Costs of beauty products required for treatment and resale. 

You can generate this capital through savings, borrowings, or loans from genuine financial institutions and banks. 

Expansion Plan

You can start advisory and consultancy services in relation to the beauty salon. You can expand it and create a separate section for nail fixation or spa or aromatherapy. You can even start an image consultancy firm if you have the requisite qualifications and licenses. 

The above beauty parlour business plan is complete and can be changed as per your requirements and budget. 

Starting a beauty parlor involves researching your local laws and regulations, finding a space to lease or purchase, purchasing salon equipment and supplies, and marketing your business.

Depending on your location, you may need a cosmetology or barber license, a business license from your city, a health permit from your local health department, and a sales tax permit from your state.

Basic supplies include a washbasin, hair cutting tools, salon furniture, mirrors, applicators, shampoo, conditioner, and styling products.

The cost of opening a beauty parlor depends on factors such as location, size of the space, and lease cost. Generally, you should plan to spend at least $10,000 to get up and running.

Make sure you provide excellent customer service, keep up with trends, offer competitive pricing and promotions, and use the best products available.

In most cases, you will need to hire employees in order to operate a successful business. You may need to hire hairdressers, receptionists, and assistants depending on the type of services you offer.

Developing an online presence can go a long way in helping you attract customers. Create a website, list your services on multiple directories, create social media accounts, and use email marketing to reach potential customers.

Some common services offered by beauty parlors include manicures, pedicures, body waxing, eyebrow threading, facial treatments, makeup applications, and hair coloring and styling.

Most businesses are required to purchase liability insurance to protect them against lawsuits or other financial losses. Depending on your location and the services you offer, you may also need to purchase additional coverage such as workers’ compensation insurance.

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  4. Nail Parlor Business in Kenya: How to Start Small and Build Your Beauty

    In Nairobi, depending on the street and proximity of your space from the road, prices vary from Ksh. 60,000 on the higher side to Ksh. 18,000 to Ksh. 10,000 on the lower side excluding goodwill. You also need to set aside an extra Ksh. 20,000 to Ksh. Ksh. 30,000 to hire a carpenter and interior designer to revamp the space to fit a nail salon.

  5. Starting A profitable Salon Business In Kenya In 2024

    To open a salon business in Kenya, you need between Kshs 50,000 and Kshs 2,000,000. You can specialize in hairstyling, nail art, makeup, massage therapy, or skincare. Alternatively, you can combine any of these options to increase your profitability. According to a study, a salon owner can earn Kshs 2,000 to Kshs 10,000 daily.

  6. Succeeding in Style: How to Start A Salon Business in Kenya

    To start a beauty salon/parlour business in Kenya, you will need: - Advertisement - 1. Register a legal business. All businesses in Kenya are required by law to be registered under the Registrar of Companies. You will need to register a sole proprietorship which will cost you Ksh.950 for a name search and approval. ... "Do I need a business ...

  7. How to Start a Successful Salon Business in Kenya

    The salon industry in Kenya is one of the most lucrative and competitive sectors in the country. According to a report by McKinsey, the beauty market in Kenya is valued at over KES 20 billion and is expected to grow annually by 7.62% until 2027.. This means that there is a huge demand for salon services and products, as well as a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to venture into ...

  8. How to start a salon business in Kenya that makes money

    Licences and permits. Each county in Kenya requires you to have a single business permit from the local county council office for you to operate your business. A single business permit can cost anywhere from Ksh 3000 to Ksh 15,000 depending on your county. Counties such as Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu are known to charge higher since ...

  9. How To Start A Salon Business In Kenya Easily For Profits

    Step 2: Draft a solid salon business plan that will be your guide through the entire process of your business. Step 3: Obtain the licenses and permits by following the legal procedure to prevent inconveniences from the local authorities. Step 4: Locate your salon in a strategic place where you will attract more clients at your doorstep.

  10. How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya?

    You need to get start your salon business strategy in tip-top shape and provide you with the best chance to face Kenya's local competition in the booming salon industry successfully. 3. Funding. On average, starting a salon in Kenya will require a capital of roughly KES 75,000 to KES 150,000.

  11. How to Start a Nail Salon Business in Kenya

    Requirements for Starting a Manicure and Pedicure Business in Kenya. The following are the requirements you need and their prices to start a nail parlour in Kenya. Nail file and clippers kit - Ksh 2,000. Acrylic nail kit - Ksh 10,000. 5 Nail cleanser bottles - Ksh 500 each.

  12. 10 Tips For Starting Cosmetics Business in Kenya

    7. Sell Your Products Online. An effective option for starting your own cosmetics business in Kenya is to sell the products online. Most of your valued customers these days search and shop ...

  13. How To Start A Nail Parlour In Kenya Easily For Profits Now

    Step 1: Draft a strategic nail Parlour business plan in Kenya that will act as your guide in the beginning and management of your business. Step 2: Conduct a thorough market research in order to identify your target market and know whether nail parlor business is worth investing in. Step 3: Locate an ideal location which will help you get ...

  14. how to start a salon business in kenya

    how to start a salon business in kenya Executive Summary: The hair salon business plan outlines the creation of a new hair salon that will offer high-quality services to customers in the area. The salon will be equipped with the latest hair styling equipment and staffed by experienced and knowledgeable hairstylists.

  15. How to Start a Cosmetics Business in Kenya [Full 2024 Guide]

    Here is a detailed breakdown of how much investment you will need to start a cosmetics shop in Kenya: Business Registration and Licenses: Business registration: Approximately KES 10,000 - KES 20,000. Trade license: Varies depending on the county, ranging from KES 5,000 - KES 20,000.

  16. Kenyan's Multi-Billion Beauty Industry Changing Fortunes

    The beauty and hair industry in Nairobi has experienced a steady growth over the past few years, with many joining the business. The Kenyan beauty industry is currently valued at Ksh580 billion, while the hair industry is valued at Ksh132 billion. The industry has become Kenya's investment hub, almost like the new estate, with many Kenyan ...

  17. How to Start a Nail Parlor Business in Kenya

    To operate a legal nail parlor business; you'll need to acquire a single business permit from the offices of the county government. The cost of a business permit will depend on your business size, which the area ward representative will analyze. Permits for a small nail parlor cost from Ksh.5000 to Ksh 15,000 yearly.

  18. Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

    The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan. 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

  19. How to Start a Salon Business in Kenya

    The cost of starting a salon business in Kenya depends on the size and location of the business. You will need to invest around Ksh 100,000 for a medium-sized hair salon business in a town. The following is a startup capital breakdown: Hairstyling chairs - Ksh 25,000. Hairstyling tools - Ksh 30,000. Water heaters - Ksh 5,000.

  20. Salon Business In Kenya: How You Can Start Small & Build An Empire In

    Step 4: Get licensed. You will require a single business permit from your county government to operate. The cost of it will depend on the size of your business and from an analysis from your area ward rep. A small salon will cost Ksh5,000 - Ksh15,000 per year to license. Step 5: Get Started.

  21. How to Start a Beauty Parlour

    This component of the business plan will be all about the summary of the proposed business organization, including the name, location, and other significant details. The name of the company/beauty salon - Try something creative, it should be simple, but words such as cute, nice, young lady, pretty woman are common.

  22. Beauty Parlour Business Plan Kenya

    Beauty Parlour Business Plan Kenya. Choose level that suits you best: 656. Finished Papers. COMPANY. 1 (888)499-5521. >. View Property. 4423Orders prepared.

  23. Beauty Parlour Business Plan Kenya

    Progressive delivery is highly recommended for your order. This additional service allows tracking the writing process of big orders as the paper will be sent to you for approval in parts/drafts* before the final deadline. What is more, it guarantees: 30 days of free revision; A top writer and the best editor; A personal order manager.