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Published by Ronan Noe Modified over 9 years ago

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reported speech


Sep 09, 2014

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REPORTED SPEECH. CONTENTS. I. DEFINITION II. BASIC RULES 1. Tense changes a. Basic tense changes b. Other tense changes 2. Time and place changes 3. Pronoun changes 4. Reporting Verbs 5. Use of 'That' in reported speech 6. Indirect Questions III. PRACTICE. I. DEFINITION.

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Presentation Transcript

CONTENTS • I. DEFINITION • II. BASIC RULES 1. Tense changes a. Basic tense changes b. Other tense changes 2. Time and place changes 3. Pronoun changes 4. Reporting Verbs 5. Use of 'That' in reported speech 6. Indirect Questions • III. PRACTICE

I. DEFINITION • Reported speech (also known as indirect speech) refers to a sentence reporting what someone has said. It is almost always used in spoken English. • Reported speech doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn't have to be word for word. • When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too. "I'm going to the cinema". He said he was going to the cinema.

II. BASIC RULES When changing from quoted speech to reported speech, several changes occur.  In all sentences, the quotation marks and the comma immediately before the first quotation mark are removed.  Next, the word "that" is usually inserted after the reporting verb (say, ask, told, etc.)  Then, the subject pronoun is changed so that the meaning of the quote is not changed.  Lastly, the tense of the verb is changed, or shifted.  She said, "I'm teaching English online." She said she was teaching English online.

1. Tense changes a.Basic tense changes As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense (the tense on the left changes to the tense on the right):

b. modals Modal verb forms also sometimes change: Note - There is no change to; could, would, should, might and ought to.

Things are slightly more complicated with imperatives.

You can use the present tense in reported speech if you want to say that something is still true i.e. my name has always been and will always be Lynne You can also use the present tense if you are talking about a future event.

2. Time and place changes Time and place references often have to change: • If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to fit in with the time of reporting.

Examples: • I went to the theatre last night.He said he had gone to the theatre the night before. • I'm staying here until next week. He said he was staying there until the following week. • In addition if you report something that someone said in a different place to where you heard it, you must change the place (here) to the place (there). Example:

3. Pronoun changes • In reported speech, the pronoun often changes. For example: You also need to be careful with personal pronouns.They need to be changed according to the situation. You need to know the context. For example, there is possible confusion when you try to change reported speech to direct speech: She said she'd been waiting for hours. (Is she one person or two different people?) I told them they would have to ask permission. (Are we talking about two groups of people or only one?)

4. Reporting Verbs • Said, toldand asked are the most common verbs used in indirect speech. • We use “asked”to report questions: I asked Lynne what time the lesson started. • We use “told” with an object. Lynne told me she felt tired. • We usually use “said” without an object. Lynne said she was going to teach online. If “said” is used with an object we must include “to” Lynne said to methat she'd never been to China.

There are many other verbs we can use apart from said, told and asked. These include: Using them properly can make what you say much more interesting and informative. For example: He asked me to come to the party:

5. Use of 'That' in reported speech • In reported speech, the word “that” is often used. He told me that he lived in Greenwich. • However, “that” is optional. He told me he lived in Greenwich. • Note – “That” is never used in questions, instead we often use “if”. He asked me if I would come to the party.

6. Indirect Questions • Use verbs of speech for questions (asked, wondered, enquired, wanted to know, tried to find out, etc.) • Use question words (where, when, who, why, how, etc) instead of “that” • Change verb tenses, pronouns, and time expressions (just like reported statements) • Use question word + subject + verb word order (unlike a direct question)question word + subject + verb • He asked when they would arrive. • My friend asked if I was coming

THE END KOOL!!! THANKS FOR your Attention!!

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Reported Speech




'WHAT DO YOU DO?' 'I OWN A SHOP WITH ECO FOOD' - she said proudly




what did i ask? What did she reply? (click on the stars to find out)


what are the rules of reporting questions?

Do you like me? -> I asked him if he liked me Przytaczając pytania ogólne używamy 'if' albo 'whether' (czy). Przytaczane pytanie ma szyk zdania twierdzącego. Pamiętaj też o 'cofnięciu' czasu!W pytaniach szczegółowych zachowujemy zaimek pytający:When did you break up with her? ->-> I asked him when he had broken up with her.


what did i ask my friend?report and click on the icon to check :-)

Call me! - she askeddon't eat gluten ;-) - she warned me.

if you need help with reported speech

Do you think everything the mansaid was appropriate?Report it and check on the next page

I went out on a date was the first date.This is what i heard from my date:

- What's your job?- What food do you like?- Are you allergic to cats?- Do you have a boyfriend?- How old are you?- Kiss me.- Could you pay for me?- Don't talk so much.- Who are you texting? Stop that!

- What's your job? - He asked me what my job was. - What food do you like? - He wanted to know what food I liked - Are you allergic to cats? - He asked me if I was allergic to cats. - Do you have a boyfriend? - He asked me if I had a boyfriend - How old are you? - He wanted to know how old I was - Kiss me. - He told me to kiss him! - Could you pay for me? - He asked if I could pay for him. - Don't talk so much. - He told me not to talk so much. (Seriously??) - Who are you texting? Stop that! - He wanted to know who(m) I was texting. He ordered me to stop.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Choose a picture from the website below.With a partner write a dilogue to it, including:- 6 questions- 6 sentences- 2 imperativesPost both the picture and the dialogue on Teams

An exercise

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Direct Indirect Reported Speech - PPT rule + exercises - Bundle

Direct Indirect Reported Speech - PPT rule + exercises - Bundle

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11 August 2021

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Resources included (2)

ESL Direct Indirect Reported Questions & Orders - PPT rule + exercises

ESL Direct Indirect Reported Questions & Orders - PPT rule + exercises

ESL Direct Indirect Reported Speech (statements) - PPT rule + exercises

ESL Direct Indirect Reported Speech (statements) - PPT rule + exercises

Need to explain Reported Statements, Questions and Reported Orders to your ESL students? Do it with ease and fun using this Bundle! No prep resource. Just point, click and teach!

After reading the examples, students work out the rule and then practice it doing the exercises. The presentations are full of humor and help the students learn with fun.

This bundle contains:

✓ PPT Reported statements (how to form Reported speech in all tenses + exercises) ✓ PPT Reported questions and orders (general and special questions)

What is inside?

✓ Slides for explaining the rule ✓ Slides with exercises

★ The answer keys are included. All rules and explanations are in English. ★

These PPTs are fully editable.

Who are these presentation for?

The presentations are designed for ESL|ELL|EFL teachers, who work with pre-intermediate or intermediate students (secondary or high school). This PPT also works well with adults.

How do such presentations work?

• Students look at the examples, read them, comment upon the form | the structure and work out the rule themselves. • The teacher clicks and the rule appears. Students compare their guesses with actual rule. • Then comes the time for practice. In exercises students have to fill in the missing words using the prompts \ make up dialogs using the pictures.

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man in a suit and red baseball cap in front of a crowd of people

Trump praises fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter during rally speech

Ex-president calls Hopkins’s cannibalistic Lecter ‘late, great’ while condemning ‘people who are being released into our country’

Donald Trump on Saturday praised the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter “as a wonderful man” before segueing into comments disparaging people who have immigrated into the US without permission.

The former president’s remarks to political rally-goers in Wildwood, New Jersey, as he challenges Joe Biden’s re-election in November were a not-so-subtle rhetorical bridge exalting Anthony Hopkins’s cannibalistic Lecter in Silence of the Lambs as “late [and] great” while simultaneously condemning “people who are being released into our country that we don’t want”.

Trump delivered his address to a crowd of about 80,000 supporters – according to one estimate from a Wildwood city spokesperson – under the shadow of the Great White roller coaster in the 1950s-kitsch seaside resort 90 miles (145km) south of Philadelphia. The crowd began thinning considerably as Trump spoke, a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote on X in a post that contained video of people leaving the site of the rally.

The occasion served for Trump to renew his stated admiration for Lecter, as he has done before, after the actor Mads Mikkelsen – who previously portrayed Lecter in a television series – once described Trump as “a fresh wind for some people”.

Among other comments, Trump on Sunday also repeated exaggerations about having “been indicted more than the great Alphonse Capone”, the violent Prohibition-era Chicago mob boss.

Trump since the spring of 2023 has grappled with four indictments attributing more than 80 criminal charges to him for attempts to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election he lost to Biden, retaining classified materials after his presidency and hush-money payments to an adult film actor which prosecutors maintain were illicitly covered up.

The trial over the hush money is set to enter its fourth week of witness testimony on Monday.

Yet Capone was indicted at least six times before his famous 1931 tax evasion conviction.

Trump nonetheless used the occasion to call the charges against him “bullshit”, with spectators then chanting the word back at him.

The Philadelphia Inquirer noted that the former president’s supporters had poured into Wildwood in “pickup trucks decked out in Trump flags” from up and down the east coast.

According to the outlet, hundreds of people set up camp overnight on the boardwalk to get into the event.

“The country is headed in the wrong direction,” Kelly Carter-Currier, a 62-year-old retired teacher from New Hampshire, told the Inquirer. “So, hopefully, people will get their shit together and vote the right person in. And if they don’t, I don’t know. World War III?”

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On the other hand, New Jersey Democrats dismissed the significance of the event.

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill said many of the Trump supporters expected would be from out of state. “Jersey is not going to be a welcoming place for Trump,” Sherrill said.

Sherrill’s fellow New Jersey Democrat Andy Kim, a congressman running for the US Senate, said that generalized apathy toward government helped Trump’s support.

“I hope people recognize that he is not somebody that has an agenda that’s going to lead to a better type of politics,” Kim said.

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  • Donald Trump
  • US politics
  • Republicans

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