How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]

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Plenty of job-seekers spend weeks, and even months, looking for a job. It can be a slow and demoralizing process where you don’t get a single response after dozens of applications.

This is where perfecting your CV can make a real difference.

Your CV is the document that could open the door to your dream job. If you get it right, you can expect interview calls left and right.

But how can you make sure you have a job-winning CV?

Well, we have an answer.

And while it may be a little bit long, it’s worth every second of your time. 

If you want to perfect your CV, you have to grease up your elbows, get your reading glasses, and make sure every little detail is polished to perfection. Once you do that, believe us – it’s going to be worth it.

By building the perfect CV, you’re investing in yourself, and you’re increasing your chances of landing your next gig.

And our article is here to help!

We’re going to guide you through everything you need to know about making a CV, such as:

  • The 7 Steps to Writing a CV
  • 13+ Helpful Tips to Enhance Your CV
  • 19 Real-Life CV Examples for Different Professions

…and much more!

So, let’s get into it.

Do You Need a CV or a Resume?

You might have noticed that when you’re applying for a job, some employers ask for a CV, while others prefer your resume.

But how do the two differ?

The answer depends on where you’re from.

In most of the world, including all of Europe and Asia, a CV and a resume are the same thing and are often used interchangeably. So if you’re applying for a job that asks for a CV, you should know that it’s the same as a resume.

Now, if you’re applying for a job in North America, it’s a bit different.

In the United States , a resume is a one-page summary of your skills and professional experience.

Meanwhile, a CV is a lot more detailed. Curriculum vitae is the Latin term for “course of life,” and it’s meant to include all your experience so far, including all levels of education, publications, projects, and more.

Typically, a CV is only required in the US and Canada when you’re applying for an academic or research position. Unlike a resume, which should only be one or two pages at most, an academic CV can be as long as necessary.

This guide is going to focus on how to write a CV for a regular job search. If you need to write an academic CV for a position in academia, check out our article for that instead.

How to Make a (Perfect!) CV

Most job-seekers use the default Word templates to create their CVs.

The problem here is that those default templates are often bland and don’t make your CV stand out. You want your job application to immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention, not blend in with the rest.

Setting up your CV template is also a very time-consuming process.

You’ll spend hours trying to make your CV’s contents fit within the template’s layout. And then, just when you’re at the finish line, you make one tiny tweak, and the whole thing gets completely messed up.

Now you’re back to where you started, looking for a CV template that’s easier to work with.

So why not take a shortcut?

Just use our CV builder and skip the hassle. Novorésumé lets you create a one-page CV for free, and it’s super easy to customize.

And the best part?

All of our CV templates are created in cooperation with hiring managers from around the world to make sure your CV is industry-ready, stylish, and optimized for the Applicant Tracking Systems ( ATS ) that most companies use.

Here’s how one of our CVs and one made with a regular text editor template compare with each other:

novoresume vs text editor

What to Include in Your CV

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. So, what goes into a CV , exactly?

Now, there is no golden rule, and not every CV has the same sections. A lot depends on your level of experience and what exactly you’re applying for.

Let’s look at the most common sections you can choose from.

  • Contact information
  • CV Summary or objective
  • Work experience
  • Certifications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Personal Projects
  • Volunteer Experience

We’re going to look at each of these sections and guide you through writing them, step by step.

#1. Choose the Best CV Format

Before you start filling in the contents of your CV, you have to make sure it’s going to be reader-friendly and look good. 

The first thing hiring managers notice is what your CV looks like, and then decide whether to read it. So, this is your chance to make a strong first impression.

This is where your CV format comes in.

Like with resume formats , there are three different formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological. This is by far the most popular CV format among hiring managers worldwide, so it’s the best choice for most job-seekers.
  • Functional. This CV format focuses more on skills than work experience. It’s a good choice if you’re just getting started with your career and have little to no experience.
  • Combination. The combination CV format is a great choice for experienced job-seekers with a very diverse set of skills. It’s useful if you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in several different fields and you want to show all that in your CV.

So, which one should you choose?

In 99% of cases, you want to stick to the reverse-chronological CV format . It’s the most popular format, and it’s what hiring managers expect to see.

For this reason, the rest of this article will teach you how to make a reverse-chronological CV.

And Don’t Forget About Your CV’s Layout

Your CV’s layout is just as important as its format.

The layout is what determines whether your CV looks organized or cluttered, whether it ends up being too short or too long, and ultimately, if it’s boring and unimpressive or attention-grabbing and easy on the eyes.

Here are some CV layout tips you should keep in mind:

  • Keep it to one page. You should only go for a two-page CV if you’re sure you can’t summarize yourself on one page. Don’t waste precious space on your CV on your life story – no one’s going to read it!
  • Use clear and consistent section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers so the hiring manager can easily navigate through your CV. Keep the colors and font size consistent so your CV is easy on the eyes.
  • Leave ample white space. Without the right amount of white space, your CV will end up looking cluttered with information. Just set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your text fits just right on the page.
  • Pick a professional font. We’d recommend sticking to a font that’s professional but not overused. For example, fonts like Ubuntu, Roboto, Lora, or Overpass. Avoid Times New Roman, and never use Comic Sans.
  • Choose the correct font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11-12 pt for normal text and 14-16 pt for section titles. This helps keep your details clear and keeps the hiring manager from having to squint to read your CV.
  • Save it as a PDF file. Make sure to save your CV as a PDF file, unless the employer specifically requests a different file format. You don’t want to risk sending your CV in as a Word file and messing up your document’s formatting after you put in all that hard work.

Another thing you need to consider is whether you’re going for a classic-looking CV template or something modern .

If you’re pursuing a career in an industry like law , banking , or finance , you might want to stick to a traditional CV template.

But if you’re applying to a startup where individuality and innovation are part of the company's values, you can pick a creative CV template .

traditional vs modern cv

#2. Add Your Contact Information

Once you’ve done formatting your CV, you need to start filling it up with the right information .

The contact information section is easy to fill but important to get right. After all, even if you have the most impressive CV, it’s not going to matter much if the hiring manager can’t contact you.

So, neatly place your contact information at the top of your CV in a designated CV header , so the hiring manager can spot it right away. 

Make sure you triple-check everything in this section so that there are no typos and everything is up to date.

Must-Have Information

  • Full name. Place this at the top of the page. The preferred format here is listing your first name and then your family name. (e.g.: John Smith, instead of Smith, John.)
  • Email address. Use an email address that’s professional and easy to spell, like a combination of your names. (E.g.: [email protected])
  • Phone number. Add a reliable number where the hiring manager can easily reach you. Include the country dial code if you’re applying internationally.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, make sure to specify so on your CV.

Optional Information

  • Job title. Include your professional title underneath your name. Write it down word for word, whether it’s “Digital Marketing Specialist” or “Senior Copywriter.” Just don’t make up job titles like “Marketing Wizzard” or use funny job-title buzzwords .
  • Social media. As long as it’s relevant, you can add links to any social media or other website that can help your case. For example, having a complete and optimized LinkedIn profile can increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • Portfolio. If you’re looking for a job as an illustrator or other artistic position, you should provide a link to your portfolio. On the other hand, if you’re a software developer, you could include a link to your GitHub account instead.

It’s also important to know what information not to disclose on your CV.

This varies from country to country, so make sure to check what the common practices and laws around these are in the specific place where you’re applying for a job.

  • Date of birth. Unless this is explicitly requested in the job ad, the hiring manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and it could even lead to age-based discrimination.
  • Unprofessional email address. Your quirky, old childhood email address doesn’t belong on your CV. Instead of [email protected], use a mature [email protected] email address.
  • Headshot. (USA, UK or Ireland) In most English-speaking countries, it might even be illegal to include a picture of yourself on your CV . However, including a picture is the norm in most of Europe and Asia. Make sure to check the regulations for each specific country or industry you’re applying to before sending in your CV.

Now let’s look at an example of what a CV’s contact information section looks like:

cv summary example

#3. Write an Attention-Grabbing CV Headline

Research says that, on average, hiring managers look at CVs for up to six seconds at most!

That sounds a little harsh, right?

You spend days—weeks even—crafting the picture-perfect CV that represents you in a nutshell. 

And what does the hiring manager do?

They glance it over for a few seconds (if you’re lucky!) and move on. 

As unfair as that might be, how exactly are you supposed to capture someone’s attention in a matter of seconds?

This is where adding a brief paragraph at the top of your CV comes in.

Your CV headline should be right next to (or above) your contact information so that it’s the first thing the hiring manager reads.

Depending on your level of experience, your CV headline can be either a CV summary or an objective.

CV summary

Both your CV summary and objective are your first attempt at grabbing the hiring manager’s attention. Make sure you use clear language so that the hiring manager doesn’t have to read your headline a few times to understand it—because they simply won’t read it.

Think of this as your elevator pitch. You need to convince the hiring manager to give you a shot within those six seconds of skimming your CV. 

But if you’re not sure whether to use a CV summary or a CV objective, here’s a rundown of each:

As the name suggests, a CV summary is a brief recap of your career so far. If you do it right, it can show the hiring manager that you’re a qualified candidate in two to three sentences.

Here’s what your CV summary should include:

  • Your job title and the amount of experience you have so far.
  • A few of your greatest professional accomplishments or responsibilities.
  • Your most impressive skills that match the job.

Now, let’s look at a well-written CV summary:

Professional and creative architect with 10 years experience in developing construction drawings, 3D models, and doing design rendering. Served as a project architect at company X and won an honorable mention as a staff architect at XYZ Construction Awards 2023.

Usually, we recommend that job-seekers with work experience use a CV summary. 

But if you’re a recent graduate , an entry-level professional, or you’re going through a career change, a CV objective might be a better choice.

CV Objective

A CV objective is meant to express your professional goals and aspirations and tie them in with your academic background and any relevant skills you might have for the position.

It’s two to four sentences long, and unlike a CV summary, a CV objective tells the hiring manager what your motivation is, so it’s the go-to CV headline for candidates with no work experience .

Here’s an example of what a student’s CV objective might look like:

Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Finance, equipped with strong analytical and mathematical skills. Eager to launch my career in banking at XYZ Bank, where I can apply my knowledge gained through coursework and internships to help clients achieve their financial goals.

#4. Show Off Your Work Experience (the Right Way!)

You’ve made it this far, and now it’s time to really show the hiring manager that you’ve got what it takes for the job.

Your work experience section is the main section of your CV, and it’s where most hiring managers will jump when looking at your job application. 

It’s also the deciding factor in whether you’ll get hired or not.

So, let’s start by showing you how to format your work experience correctly:

  • Job title/position. Your job title goes on top of each work experience entry you include on your CV.
  • Company name/location/description. Name the employer and include the general location, such as the city and state/country where you worked. In some cases, you can also briefly describe the company, particularly when the organization isn’t well-known.
  • Dates employed. Add the approximate period of time that you were employed at each company. Don’t give exact dates; the standard format here is mm/yyyy.
  • Achievements and responsibilities. What you did while employed is the core of each work experience entry. List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points instead of paragraphs, so they’ll be easier for the hiring manager to read at a glance.

While it might sound straightforward, it can be tricky to sum up your work experience in just a few bullet points.

Most people just list their responsibilities next to the position.

While this approach is okay, it can only take you that far. Hiring managers likely know exactly what your responsibilities and day-to-day tasks were in your previous job. It’s your achievements they really care about.

So, you should take advantage of the work experience section to make it clear how you took the company from point A to point B.

Here’s an example of what a well-written CV’s work experience looks like:

well-written CV work experience section

Your work experience entries should always be listed in reverse chronological order, starting with more details about your most recent job and working their way back to the past.

CV Tips for Listing Work Experience

  • Quantify your achievements. Whenever possible, always include concrete data that backs up your accomplishments. These can be percentages, budget amounts, or the amount of time a specific task or achievement took you to accomplish.
  • Tailor your CV to the job ad. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific job ad. Pay close attention to the requirements and focus on information that shows how you meet the employer’s needs.
  • Incorporate keywords. Beating the ATS can take a little more effort. Add enough relevant keywords from the job ad so your CV makes it in front of a hiring manager.
  • Use powerful action words. The hiring manager is bored of reading what you “managed” and what you were “responsible for.” Instead, make your CV sound more interesting by using powerful, attention-grabbing words, like facilitated, spearheaded, designed, conceptualized, etc.

Looking to write the perfect ATS-proof CV ? Check out our guide here.

#5. Skills Section on Your CV

Next, it’s time to consider your skills.

Along with your work experience, the skills on your CV make up 90% of the hiring decision .

So, you want to make sure that your skills show that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

There are two types of skills you should include on your CV:

  • Hard Skills. These are measurable abilities that can range from using Photoshop to being able to solve complex mathematical equations. They’re directly related to your tasks.
  • Soft Skills. Also known as personal skills, these are a mix of communication skills , personal traits, career attributes, and more. They can include leadership, critical thinking, and time management , just to name a few.

Here’s what your skills section would look like on your CV:

skills section on a cv

Follow these tips to format this section perfectly:

  • Separate hard and soft skills. Keep your hard skills separated from your soft skills to make your CV easier to navigate.
  • Tailor CV skills to the job ad. Carefully read the job ad and find out what the employer’s requirements are. Add any of the listed skills that you do have to your CV.
  • Add experience levels for hard skills. Categorize your hard skills by proficiency so the employers know what to expect from you and how much training you might need.
  • Include transferable skills. Regardless of the job you’re applying for, you probably have tons of skins that can come in handy for the position you’re applying for.

Wondering what skills to mention on your CV? Check out our list of 101+ essential skills for inspiration!

#6. Education Section on Your CV

Another important part is the education section of your CV. 

Here’s how you should format it:

  • Program Name. Your major and degree type should be listed first. (E.g.: “B.A. in Business Administration” )
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution. (E.g.: “New York State University” )
  • Dates Attended. Use a mm/yyyy format for the dates you attended. (E.g.: “08/2008 - 06/2012” )
  • Location. If your university is less well-known, you can also add the location. (E.g.: “Stockholm, Sweden” )
  • GPA. Use the appropriate grading system for the country you’re applying to work in. (E.g.: In the USA, it would be “3.9 GPA” )
  • Honors. Add any honors and distinctions you’ve been given. (E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude )
  • Achievements. You can mention interesting papers you’ve written, projects you’ve done, or relevant coursework you’ve excelled in.
  • Minor. “Minor in Psychology”

Let’s look at what this section can look like in practice:

education section on a CV

You’ve got the basics now! Now, here are a few tips to keep in mind to perfect this section:

  • If you’re making a CV as a student and don’t have any work experience yet, you can list your education section at the beginning of the page instead.
  • You can add your expected graduation date if you’re still pursuing your degree.
  • If you already have relevant work experience, just keep this section short and sweet.
  • Recent graduates can expand on their education more and add optional information like projects, classes, academic achievements, etc.
  • Always list your degrees in reverse chronological order, starting with your highest degree on top. Your highest and most recent degree is usually enough, so if you have a Master’s degree that’s relevant to the job, there’s no need to mention your earlier degrees.
  • Don’t add your high school degree to your CV if you already have a university degree. It doesn’t have as much weight, and you can use the space for something else.
  • Only mention your GPA if you had an impressive academic career. Anything below a 3.5 GPA doesn’t need to be on your CV.

Are you in the process of applying for college? Check out our guide to writing a college application CV to wow that admissions officer!

#7. Leverage Optional CV Sections

So far, we covered the most important CV sections that are mandatory for any job application.

Now, it’s time to take a look at the optional sections that can help you stand out.

Optional CV sections aren’t the biggest game-changers for your job hunt , but they’re a great option if you have some leftover space and want to spice up your application.

These include:

  • Certifications. Continuous learning leaves a great impression on hiring managers. If you don’t have work experience in the field yet, showing you’ve taken the first step, such as a Coursera or Google Certificate, can show your genuine interest in the specific field.
  • Awards and recognitions. Your CV is the best place to show off. Include any awards or acknowledgments, such as a hard-to-come-by scholarship .
  • Publications. Whether you’re a freelance writer or a distinguished academic, relevant publications are always impressive. Make sure to include a link so the hiring manager can read your work.
  • Languages. Being able to communicate in more than one language is always a bonus, so include your foreign languages and add your level of proficiency for each on your CV.
  • Personal projects. If you worked on a mock software product during university or you run your product review YouTube channel, you can add it to your CV.
  • Volunteer experience. Studies show that listing volunteer experience can increase your chances of getting hired, especially if you have less work experience. Volunteering shows you like meaningful work, which means you’re more likely to be a loyal employee.
  • Hobbies and interests. While it’s still debated if hobbies or interests should ever make it onto a CV, adding a bit of extra information about yourself can give the hiring manager insight into you as a person and make you stand out. Some hobbies can even back up your skills, such as painting, which proves your creativity.
  • Extracurricular activities. If you don’t have much experience outside of school, any clubs and activities you took part in can show employers how you honed certain skills or managed your time.

Trying to write your first CV as a college freshman ? Check out our detailed guide to learn how!

13+ Expert CV Tips

You’ve got the gist of how to make a CV. Now, it’s time to make it really stand out from the crowd!

Follow these exclusive CV tips to take your CV game to the next level:

  • Make sure that the professional title underneath your name matches the job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers usually hire for several roles at once, so this can give them a cue about which job you’re after, and help things go smoother.
  • Always mention promotions from your previous roles. Your work experience entries should highlight the specific achievements that helped you earn them.
  • Use Laszlo Bock’s formula to describe your achievements: accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z . This takes your work experience to the next level and clearly shows the hiring manager how you can contribute to their team.
  • List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points. This makes your CV easier to read, and it’s likelier that the hiring manager will see your impressive achievements while skimming through.
  • Avoid personal pronouns like “I” or “me,” and never refer to yourself by name. Try an altered third person, such as “managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.” in place of “I managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.”
  • The ATS might reject your CV unless the sections are named correctly.  For example, names like “career history” or “expertise” should be  “work experience” and "skills", respectively. It also makes it easier for the hiring manager to find what they’re looking for when reading your CV.
  • Only include important keywords from the job ad , not all of them. The keywords you use, such as relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences need to make sense in context since you want to get past the ATS and impress the hiring manager.
  • If you don’t have much relevant work experience, highlight your transferable skills . These can come from personal projects or extracurricular activities and help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Use color strategically to make headings, bullet points, or key elements you want to highlight really pop. Just don’t use too much of it – the information on your CV should be more impressive than the design.
  • Skip the line “references available upon request.” The hiring manager knows that they can request references from you, so don’t waste valuable CV space telling them they can.
  • Your CV should be optimized for mobile devices. Hiring managers tend to use their mobile phones as often as desktop computers, and having your CV saved to a PDF file can ensure that your formatting stays the same across any device.
  • Remember to change the name of the CV file you plan to send. It should include your name and the position you’re applying for. Skipping this small detail can leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.
  • Try reading your CV out loud when you’re finished writing it. You might notice awkward phrases or spelling mistakes that you would have otherwise missed.
  • Tools like DocSend can track your CV. Use it to get a notification whenever a hiring manager opens your CV, and to even track how long they spend looking at it.

3 Types of CVs

If you apply everything we’ve talked about so far, you should have a perfectly well-rounded CV. You’re prepared to take on the job market!

But just in case you aren’t sure what a great CV looks like, here are some examples of different types of CVs that you can use for inspiration.

#1. Graduate CV Example

graduate cv example

Check out our full guide to writing a student CV here.

#2. Academic CV Example

academic cv example

Check out our full guide to writing an academic CV here.

#3. Executive CV Example

executive cv template

19 CV Examples for Different Jobs

Knowing how to write a CV is one thing, but making a CV that stands out is something entirely different. Without inspiration, even top career experts might stumble on a roadblock or two.

Check out the following effective CV examples for specific jobs to get a better sense of what a good CV looks like:

#1. Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse CV here.

#2. Data Scientist CV Example

Data Scientist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data scientist CV here.

#3. Business Analyst CV Example

Business Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business analyst CV here.

#4. Digital Marketing CV Example

Digital Marketing CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing CV here.

#5. Software Engineer CV Example

Software Engineer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer CV here.

#6. Construction Project Manager CV Example

Construction Project Manager CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a construction project manager CV here.

#7. Customer Service CV Example

Customer Service CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service CV here.

#8. High School CV Example

High School CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school CV here.

#9. Student CV Example

Student CV Example

#10. Server CV Example

Server CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a server CV here.

#11. Actor CV Example

Actor CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an actor CV here.

#12. Web Developer CV Example

Web Developer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a web developer CV here.

#13. Engineering CV Example

Engineering CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineering CV here.

#14. Computer Science CV Example

Computer Science CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a computer science CV here.

#15. Architect CV Example 

Architect CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an architect CV here.

#16. Data Analyst CV Example

Data Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data analyst CV here.

#17. Remote Job CV Example

Remote Job CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a remote job CV here.

#18. Sales Associate CV Example

Sales Associate CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales associate CV here.

#19. Receptionist CV Example

Receptionist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist CV here.

Want to see more examples? Check out our compilation of 80+ CV examples for different fields .

  • Administrative Assistant CV
  • Bartender CV
  • DevOps Engineer CV
  • Executive Assistant CV
  • Flight Attendant CV
  • Graphic Designer CV
  • Paralegal CV
  • Pharmacist CV
  • Recruiter CV
  • Supervisor CV

Next Steps After Your CV

After you’ve got your CV ready, it’s time to focus on other parts of your job application.

Your CV is the first step in your job search, but to land the job you want, you need to prepare a matching cover letter and nail the upcoming job interview.

#1. Write a Great Cover Letter

The best way to complement your CV is by writing a cover letter.

Now, you might flinch at the idea of having to write a cover letter. Unless you’re looking for a job as a writer , you’re probably not too confident in your ability to write a great cover letter.

Thankfully, writing a cover letter is very easy.

Cover letters act as a direct message to the hiring manager. They should be no more than a single page and use between 250 and 400 words . This gives you the chance to explain, in your own words, why you’re the best candidate for the job.

There are plenty of cover letter tips that can help point you in the right direction, so you’ll be able to write the perfect cover letter in no time.

Just follow this structure:

structure of a cover letter for CV

  • Include your contact details. Add the same contact information as on your CV, and the contact information of the hiring manager, such as their name, job title, the company’s name, and its general location.
  • Present yourself. Start your cover letter by stating who you are, what your relevant work experience is, and what excites you about the position. Include an impressive achievement or two, your crucial skills, and what you can do for the employer’s company.
  • Build your case. Check the job ad for the candidate requirements and explain how you meet them. Do research on the company so you actually know what you like about it, and make sure to mention it in your cover letter. Convey your genuine excitement for the opportunity and express your confidence that you can contribute to their mission.
  • Conclude it politely. End your cover letter by summarizing how you meet the employer’s needs for a candidate and thanking the hiring manager for their time. Include a call to action, like "Please feel free to contact me at the provided email or phone number so that we may discuss my application in more detail."  
  • Finally, add a polite closing line and sign your full name underneath.

Not too hard, right? Here’s a real-life example to show you how a cover letter looks:

cover letter for cv example

Want to perfect your cover letter? Learn about the most common cover letter mistakes and check out cover letter examples for different professions here.

#2. Ace The Job Interview

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations are in order. But you can’t celebrate just yet.

The final gatekeeper standing between you and your dream job is the interview process.

If you hate job interviews, you’re not the only one. After all, having to convince a stranger to hire you isn’t most people’s idea of fun.

Here’s the silver lining: most interviewers ask the same questions.

All you have to do is research what the common questions are and show up prepared.

Some of these common interview questions include:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

These might sound cliche, but they’re popular questions for a reason.

Interviewers want to get to know you as an employee and determine if you’d fit within their company’s culture.

So, check out our guide to the 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers and learn how to ace your next interview.

Key Takeaways

At this point, you should feel pretty confident about writing your CV.

The whole process might seem a bit intimidating at first, but now that it’s broken down into bite-sized pieces, we’re sure you’ve got it.

Before we let you go and land that dream job, let’s just recap some of our key points:

  • Save time by using a free CV builder to create yours with as few obstacles as possible. There’s no need to mess around with formatting for hours before you even get the chance to write your CV!
  • The essential information on your CV includes contact information, a CV summary or objective, work experience, education, and skills. If you have space, you can optionally include sections like certifications, awards, languages, hobbies, and interests.
  • Responsibilities aren’t as impressive as achievements, so use your CV to focus on those times you went above and beyond at your job instead of just your daily tasks.
  • Always tailor your CV to the specific job you’re applying for. Use the job ad as a reference and emphasize the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for.
  • Don’t forget to prepare for the rest of the job application process by writing an equally well-crafted cover letter and practicing how you’ll answer the most common interview questions.

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How To Write A Resume Essay

Writing a resume essay is a tricky thing to do. It can be  difficult for even experienced writers  to create an interesting, persuasive piece that appeals to employers. That is why it is so common to use templates or generic resumes with tweaks here and there.  

However, this may not work in every situation! If your career has some major changes coming up (or maybe you just don’t like what you are writing at the moment), then it is worth looking into other types of resumes.

If yours need revamping, there are many ways to go about doing it. The best way depends on your personal style, what messages you want to send, and how you feel about yourself as a person.

Create a good outline for your resume essay


Now that you have done some research, gathered some samples, and organized all of your materials, it is time to start writing!

When writing a resume essay, there are several components that must be established first. These include an introduction, body, and a conclusion.

The introduction should tell who you are and what you want to achieve with your career.  This is followed by the body, which is typically where you describe past experiences. The body can also be used to emphasize why you are qualified for a position and how well you performed during previous jobs. Your conclusion reiterates your goal and describes how you will contribute to the employer’s company as a member of the staff.

With this structure in place, now you can begin writing about yourself and your achievements. Stay focused and try to use examples that relate to the job opening they represent.

Use an eye-catching title


Now that you have addressed the overall structure of your resume essay, it is time to think about what to include in your resume. While some employers may not read beyond the first few lines of your application, they will probably spend several minutes reading through your career highlights and achievements.

As such, it is important to make sure that these things can be seen easily by potential employers. The trick is to pick a strong theme or focus each body paragraph on, then use this focused content as supporting examples.

Your goal should be to create a powerful overall message which inspires action. If possible, refer back to the initial body paragraph or bullet point to reinforce this. Make sure to organize your thoughts and writing process to flow naturally without too much interruption.

General rules apply when proofreading and editing your work, so be careful to stick to them! Avoid using short forms or slang words. Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary to convey messages clearly.

Begin writing


Now that you have done some research, gathered your thoughts, and picked your career goal or career field, it is time to start writing!

Your resume should be a concise document that leaves no room for interpretation. It should grab their attention within the first few lines and show off your skills and achievements clearly.

Do not underestimate how much content matters in a successful resume, so make sure to keep that tip in mind as you write. Make sure to include enough details about yourself and your career goals.

Make sure to proofread your essay several times to ensure that there are no mistakes.

Ideas about what to write on the main body


Now that you have addressed how to begin, you will want to know what to include in the body of your essay. You should devote at least two paragraphs to this step!

In the first paragraph, you can discuss why you are qualified for a position. It is important to emphasize your strengths, but also note any weaknesses or areas where you feel you do not possess enough knowledge.

You may also mention some experiences or achievements that are related to the job posting. For example, if the advertisement asked whether you had supervised employees before, then you could talk about a project as an intern or assistant manager.

Your second paragraph should be dedicated to discussing how well you fit into the organization’s culture. This includes things such as whether you would be able to handle their current projects, and if there are any opportunities available to you.

If possible, add testimonials and references from past employers or colleagues. These proofs help bolster your confidence and message, while also supporting your case.


Even if you use templates, it is not the same as writing yourself! Your career will depend on how well you represent yourself, so make sure yours says good things about you.

Include examples of achievements that show who you are as a person. Tell stories that emphasize your strengths. Include testimonials and proof of success.

Remember, this essay does not have to be longer than one page, but it should be full of information. Take your time and edit out anything that you do not feel fits.

Good luck with all of your applications! May God bless you richly.

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Resume Writing Tips

The least you need to know about writing a resume.

This page is designed for undergraduate students from all kinds of majors and provides introductory advice on how to write a resume. The word “resume” comes from the French for “to summarize,” which is the purpose of a resume: to summarize your education and experience for your potential employer in a way that positions you as a good candidate for the job.

Prospective employers may receive hundreds of resumes for any one job, and their time is limited. Therefore, you want to make sure that your resume will help you stand out among all the other applicants as a good fit for the position by tailoring the information you include to your audience and to the position description. Your integrity is important, so make sure that anything you include on your resume is accurate and will stand up to questioning in an interview.

Everyone wonders about how long a resume should be. The usual advice is that, for a current undergraduate student or someone just finishing an undergraduate degree, usually one page is enough. As you accumulate more experience your resume will get longer. We recommend asking a career advisor, professor, or professional in your field about the appropriate resume length.

In fact, you should consult with faculty and career advisors in your field no matter what, but here are some basic principles designed to help you get started. Click on the links below to be taken directly to a certain section of the page, or scroll down to read about all of our tips.

Types of resumes

There are three different kinds of resumes: chronological, skills-based, and a combination of the two. Each type serves its own purpose as explained below.


The chronological resume lists past and present experiences in reverse chronological order. Present experience is usually listed first, using present tense verbs, then all other experience is listed in reverse chronological order using past tense verbs. This is by far the most common type of resume.


Skills-based resumes base resume sections around specific skills related to the job. For instance, if you are applying for a teaching job and you have relevant teaching experience, plus other work experience unrelated to teaching that would make you a good fit for the job, you might include a section on “Teaching Experience” and a section on “Other Work Experience.” This method helps clearly highlight relevant experience using section titles in addition to job descriptions, and is a great way to pull out keywords.

Skills-based resumes can also allow you to combine related work and other experience through the skills-based headings. In the above example involving a resume for teaching, you might list your extracurricular tutoring experience in the “Teaching Experience” section instead of in the “Other Experience” section of a skills-based resume.

Skills-based resumes prioritize experience description order based on relevance to the job, rather than chronology. Use a skills-based resume if your previous job experience does not necessarily fit with the job you are applying for. The sections labeled with skills will help show your employer how your past experience is relevant to the job.

The combination resume is the type of resume we most commonly see in the Writing Center. Combination resumes might include some skills-based headings, but list experience in each section in reverse chronological order. Combination resumes allow you to show your audience your recent relevant experience, while also taking advantage of keywords, which is good for online resumes that might be found via search engines.

Sections to include

Your resume should be divided into clearly labeled sections that allow your prospective employer to skim through and learn about your relevant experience. The tables below explain the required and possible sections you can have in your resume. These are just some of the possible sections. There may be others specific to your field, or others that reflect your strengths and that are relevant for a particular job, so make sure to get advice from advisors, faculty and professionals about what sections to include.

Required Sections

Optional sections, aim for breadth, not depth.

You want to demonstrate to your prospective employer within the limited space you have that you have a variety of skills. So, if you have had similar jobs, choose different skills to highlight under each job heading. For example, if you have two food service jobs on your resume and are applying to a non-food related customer service job, instead of casting your job as

“Managed orders from 15-20 tables”

under each heading, you could highlight your managing under one job and highlight a different aspect of food service—say, collaborating with other staff members—under the other job heading. Make your choice based on which job involved more managing (perhaps you managed only 10 tables at your other food service job) and which involved more collaboration.

An exception to this rule is if you are applying for a field-specific job in which you have much experience. Then, you use the repetition of the field-specific verb to emphasize the amount of experience you have in that field.

Use active verbs

Use active verbs in a telegraphic (verb first) style to describe the responsibilities you had in a particular job. It’s important that you never exaggerate or overclaim your role, but you want to describe the work you’ve done in a way that demonstrates that you have taken responsibility and been a leader in the past. So, when you can, try to use an active verb that shows you taking an action.

For example, “helped” and “assisted” are both active verbs, but they frequently fail to portray the applicant as an actor.

Instead of “Helped my advisor research…” consider “Researched…” or “Collaborated with my advisor to research…”

The revised verbs “researched” and “collaborated” portray you as an actor.

However, make your active verb choices based on the skills required for your job or keywords in the job description. If the word assist has a specific technical meaning in your field, then you would want to use that verb on your resume.

Use keywords drawn from the job description

One important strategy for attracting the interest of an employer is to try to include in your resume, whenever possible, some of the keywords from the job description you are applying for. Many employers use search engines to find candidates with resumes containing certain keywords. Even if you submit a resume directly to a prospective employer, your audience will likely glance over the document, scanning it for certain keywords from the job description.

When you are tailoring your resume to fit a specific job, make sure you spend some time identifying the keywords in the job description, which include specific skills or tasks the job requires. We also recommend consulting with someone in your field about keywords in your specific area. Then, when possible, make sure to include those keywords in your resume.

Quantify, when appropriate

It’s common advice to include quantitative measures or information on resumes, but, as with all other information included on your resume, you have to make a choice based on whether quantifying will help you stand out as a better candidate for the job than you would have seemed had you not quantified. If you had leadership or management responsibilities, how many employees or volunteers did you supervise? If you handled investments, how many assets did you manage?

For example, if you are applying to work as a lab assistant and managed a cash register at the local movie theatre, you don’t need to include that the cash register contained $200, because your job at the movie theatre would not have changed depending on the amount of money in the cash register, and you likely won’t be managing money as a lab assistant.

However, if you are applying for a teaching job, you want to include the number of students in each class you have taught in the past, because teaching three students is very different from teaching twenty students. While the amount of money in the cash drawer at the movies doesn’t emphasize your skill at the job, the number of students in your class highlights your teaching ability.

With a resume, formatting is part of what makes it easy for a potential employer to scan the document. Therefore, ensure your formatting makes your resume easy to read, rather than trying to make it stand out by calling attention to the formatting. Here are some good rules of thumb for resume formatting:

  • Include 2-3 descriptions of relevant experience in single line bullet points after each job title using your active verbs and keywords . The more concisely you state your experience, the more impact that experience will have on your audience. Limiting yourself to two or three single line (or at most two line) bullet points under each job also makes it easy for your audience to scan down the bullets to see what you’ve done in the past.
  • Choose an easy-to-read font like Times New Roman or Arial, rather than a font with odd flourishes. You want your resume to stand out because of its content, not because of you’ve chosen a strange font.
  • Font size should be at least 11 and no larger than 12. Any smaller, and your audience will have a difficult time reading the text.
  • Use space wisely. If you have a lot of experience relevant to the job you are applying for, do what you can to fit it in. Consider decreasing the font size in the white spaces between sections or thinning some other sections of your resume. No matter what, do not try to jam too much onto a page by using smaller margins.If you don’t have much work experience yet, rather than increasing the size of the font or including more white space, consider adding an additional section on non-work experience or skills that might be relevant to the job, such as your experience leading an extracurricular club or a section on your technical skills. See our advice on sections to include for more information on optional sections.
  • Standard margins are 1 inch all around . Make sure there is enough white space and that you don’t fill the page so fully that your document becomes difficult to read or unappealing.

Get feedback

As with all writing, a resume will benefit from revision based on feedback from multiple audiences. If you are a UW-Madison student, you have many great resources available to you. Letters and Sciences students have the L&S Career Center , Engineers have Engineering Career Services , Nursing students have the School of Nursing Career Services , students in Education have EPCS, Pharmacy students have Career Development Services , and Business students have access to the Business Career Center . For individual feedback on a draft resume, these offices are a great resource, but we also recommend you consult with professors who know your field.

Additionally, if you are a student at UW-Madison, the Writing Center would be happy to give you a writing teacher’s feedback on a resume draft. We see many resumes from all kinds of students in the Writing Center, and our instructors will help you fit your resume to your particular audience based on the job description you provide. To make an appointment, call 6082631992 or create an appointment via WCOnline and hear from an instructor either via Written Feedback or over a Virtual Meeting.

Sample resumes

Click on the examples below to view sample resumes in PDF format.

  • Sample Resume 1 (PDF) (Economics major applying for a job at a medical software company)
  • Sample Resume 2 (PDF) (Kineseology major applying for a graduate assistantship in the field)
  • Sample Resume 3 (PDF) (Engineering major applying for an internship in nuclear engineering)

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  • Resume and Essays

In This Section

  • Degree Program Prerequisites
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  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Standardized Test Scores
  • Reapplying to HKS

All of our master’s degree programs require that you submit your résumé and at least four essays, which vary by program.

A résumé is required of all applicants. This document should highlight the following information: employment, including titles and dates (months and years) for each position, job responsibilities, reason for any gaps in employment history; academic degrees, achievements, and honors; volunteer, public service, and political work; recent leadership experiences; extracurricular activities (months and years) and interests.   


The Harvard Kennedy School motto, echoing the President for whom the School is named, is “Ask what you can do.” Please share with the Admissions Committee your plans to create positive change through your public leadership and service. (500 word limit)  

The MPP curriculum is designed to broaden students’ perspective and sharpen skills necessary for a successful career in public service through a rigorous set of courses that draw on the social sciences but are adapted for action. Please describe how the MPP curriculum at HKS would leverage your distinctive abilities and/or fill gaps in your skill set as you equip yourself to achieve your career goals. (500 word limit) 

Personal History Essay  

Harvard Kennedy School believes that academic excellence and personal growth rely on engaging with varied perspectives, embracing our unique differences, and relishing healthy debate. Please share how you would contribute to the vibrant and diverse learning environment that is HKS. (250 word limit) 

adversity Essay 

Describe a time when you faced adversity or a significant challenge to achieving your goals, and how navigating through this shaped your educational or career trajectory. (250 word limit) 

Perspectives Essay 

Describe a time when interactions with others and/or an experience caused you to change your mind or expanded your point of view. (250 word limit)  

Optional Statement 

If you have any concerns about your prior academic, professional, or personal background that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee, please provide an explanation. (250 word limit) 


International development essay.

Discuss your decision to choose international development as your professional career. Also, explain how developing your analytic skills relates to your career in development. (750 word limit) 

Leadership Experience Essay

Describe an event or experience in which you exercised a significant decision-making, management, or leadership role. (750 word limit) 

Public Policy Essay

Describe a public policy or public management problem related to international development and analyze a range of solutions. (750 word limit) 

Personal History Essay

Harvard Kennedy School believes that academic excellence and personal growth rely on engaging with varied perspectives, embracing our unique differences, and relishing healthy debate. Please share how you would contribute to the vibrant and diverse learning environment that is HKS. (250 word limit)


Two-year mpa essay.

There are many pathways one can pursue in order to make a difference in the world. Why is the MPA Program at HKS an appropriate pathway to achieving your goals? (500 word limit) 


Career goals essay.

Submit a statement that discusses your career goals, as well as the factors that led you to select the Mid-Career MPA program as a means of furthering your personal and professional goals. Be as specific as possible in describing how your expected course of study will enable you to build on your prior professional experience and achieve those goals. (500 word limit)  

Professional Contribution Essay

The Harvard Kennedy School motto, echoing the President for whom the School is named, is “Ask what you can do.” Please share with the Admissions Committee how you have created positive change thus far in your most substantial professional leadership and/or public service role. (500 word limit)   


An essay response in addition to the program essay prompts is required for those submitting a separate admission application to a joint or combined partner program. If an applicant is applying to both a joint degree program partner school (HBS or HLS) and a combined degree partner school, the text of the essay prompt is the same. 

Applicants should note that only MPP and MPA/ID applicants are eligible to apply to the HBS and HLS joint programs. 

If an applicant is applying to varied joint/concurrent professional programs (e.g. law and business) the prompt will only be displayed once and it is up to the applicant to determine how best to respond. For those applying to different programs, for example law and business, it is wise to address both types of programs, but it would not be necessary to address each individual school.  

Joint or concurrent degree program essay  

Harvard Kennedy School’s mission is to improve public policy and leadership across the United States and around the world, so people can lead safer, freer, and more prosperous lives. How will a joint/concurrent degree enhance your pursuit of this mission? (400 word limit)

Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection Essay

Pillars of coaching, mentoring advantages.

Curriculum vitae are commonly known as a CV. CV is a marketing tool that contains your personal information, job history, skills, and achievements. A document that presents a candidate’s history in front of the employer in one or two pages is known as a CV. CV plays an important role in presenting a candidate’s personality in front of others. A CV is an appropriate marketing tool, which helps in promoting a candidate’s skills and capabilities, and a CV is a kind of broacher that lists the benefits of a particular service. Writing a CV is an important issue which a number of candidates do not consider important. Always view CV from employer’s point of view. Before writing a CV a person should ask the following question: Will I be able to stand in competition with other candidates and would the manager like to talk about a possible job? A nice, clear, and concise CV opens the door to a bright future. It’s a first step that helps in impressing an employer. A CV is an initial step with potential employers and opens the door. A CV is an essential tool in a job hunt, whenever a candidate needs to apply, CV is required in order to create a candidate’s first impression in the eyes of the employer. In the United States and Canada CV is considered as a document that includes a comprehensive listing of professional experience, in terms of employment, academic achievements, and other certifications. The following elements should be clearly listed in the CV: Header, Personal information, Contact details, Career Objectives, development of career objectives, Goal, and achievements, education and training, professional training.

The header contains your name, email, personal information with contact details, Career objectives state the type of work you desire, and some heart-hitting points which will prove that a candidate will be a perfect choice for a particular job. Visit the company website and note down all their product details and services and reflect objectives that are used in a job that the candidate applying for. Education and training include your degree and training, school details where candidate graduated, certification, and awards, candidate should review literature by Smith which states that the education and training section should include educational qualifications. Over 80% of recruiters felt that major grades and information all schools attended should appear on resumes. Area of interest, details of degree and other relevant details, professional training, and courses should be listed in the resume. Following tips would be helpful in writing a cover letter, there could be three to four paragraphs in a cover letter, the first paragraph must contain the reason for applying for a job, the second paragraph should contain complete details of skills, the third paragraph must show interest in the position, and the fourth paragraph must contain closing off letter. There is a number of skills that have worth in eyes of employers, some of them are: communication skills, interpersonal skills, computer skills, work experience, analytical skills, GPA/ academics, career focus, writing skills. Extra circular activities also add life to your resume like leadership, teamwork, creativity, captain of a baseball team. Affiliation with certain professional associations and relevant affiliations to the company make your CV impressive. The achievement section includes what the candidate did, for whom, result, event when the candidate was a successful job description, feedback, think back. A candidate must show excellent verbal and communication skills, good customer service, and proficiency in MS word, good work ethics, and phone skills in order to get a job. Every candidate desire to be employed in an established organization and the organization strength totally depends on leadership and management.

Every employee in an organization should indorse some efforts in organization’s benefits. Complete management of an organization should be united and work for achieving a common goal. Unfortunately, in number of organizations a huge number of employees are not properly trained for jobs, there is a strong need to provide training to number of employees for respective jobs. This need doesn’t only lies for workplaces, but hospitals, learning institutions and correctional centers also require mentors and coaches in order to train their employees. Mentoring and coaching has nevertheless similar to one another. Brock bank (2006) stated that mentoring and coaching should be provided to all employees under managerial control. Mentoring is a relationship between more or less experiences professional as elucidated. In order to establish and increase productivity of an organization mentoring and training should be provided to all employees. The primary goal of mentoring process is to increase employee’s and organization’s productivity. It also helps in decision making and tremendous improvement at organizational level. It has been observed that in number of organizations not all employees are suitable for jobs. If a new student enters in university, new candidate needs guidance and support from his seniors and mentors, the first problem usually student faces is inability in communicating in English. There are some responsibilities of mentor towards it mentee; First of all, mentor must know that which direction should be steer in whole mentoring and coaching process. The first step of mentor is to create healthy relationship with mentee. At the initial stage mentee need to solve some problems on his own. The mentee is on safe side when mentor exactly knows the difficulty area and how to resolve problems. Second step on which mentor needs to work is to make mentee familiar with location and environment. The mentor can provide resources in order to make mentee familiar with locations and environment. A critical aspect in assessment of mentoring and coaching is to evaluate success and failure of both phenomena. Good methods, techniques and problem skills are usually cultivated when the process is successful. The third step of mentoring is totally focused on adoption of mentee into the new system.

There are seven building blocks of mentoring and coaching according to Megnision et al (2006). Numerous steps are involve which are as follows: identifying the need of process, collecting supporting evidence, target setting, setting a plan how to achieve targets, find out the possible opportunities, observing feedback, and setting an optimal support for any observed setbacks. This systematic approach proposes an ideal solution of certain problems,. The GROW (Goal, reality, opportunity and will) model provides ambitions and targets. Willpower and goal orientation helps a lot in achieving targets. The last step of mentoring should pose a will for next course of action. A mentoring program, will involve the mentor and mentee getting know each other and share experiences. There are number of formal and informal programs. Under formal mentoring an organization can hire professionals and experienced personal in order to train individuals at organizational level. A firm can also relate training programs to mentoring under formal mentoring. Informal mentoring is quite different to formal mentoring; under informal mentoring the firm is liberty to provide skills through networking program and awarding experienced staff who offer mentoring services while being on job. Informal mentoring is always beneficial for university students.

Properly conducted mentoring process is always beneficial for individuals as well as for organizations. It reduces diversity issues by enhancing employee’s skills and capabilities and provide them confidence. Mentoring and coaching plays an important role in organization’s benefits. The process when effectively done always brings positive changes in organization’s benefits.

CV presents candidate’s impression in front of employers. CV writing is one of the most important steep in getting a job. Number of tips is available for guidance in order to get new and good jobs. It has seen that CV’s usually focus on academic qualification and experiences with the combination of achievements but it should more focused on career objectives and challenging aspects. CV’s should be concise and impressive with good language and designing skills. In regard to presentation, there was nothing stated about challenges and turning points in career life. It was unclear as overall purpose of presentation is to teach how to write cover letters and resume, adults are still unknown that why they should learn something before training begins. There should be some research perspective in order to make assessment better. The whole presentations are based on introductory points, there should little more literature support in order to make it effective and impressive. Educating students how to make CV and cover letter for job hunt is an excellent topic but it should be some literature based examples to show how creative CV’s helps in getting a good job. Different writing styles with CV designing should include in this assessment and teachers must choose suitable writing style according to student’s needs. There must be some linkage material with an online advertisement, this assessment should include an objective to educate students how to response on an online add i.e. according to relevant vacancy, how you can alter your CV in order to show interest in relevant area.

There should be one section on changing employer’s demand and how to impress employer in short time in interview. Teachers and professional must include few of their own experiences. Overall, the literature was good and fully supported by literature which facilitated learning process and assessment a lot. There are number of international students who found difficulties in writing resumes and cover letter. Presentation and material was too good but there should be some extra activity at the end of session for students so that students can demonstrate all their learning in hard format. There should be little activity of discussion with audience at the end of session so all can feel a part of session. Meyers and Jones et al, in Auster et al (2006) stated that theory and concepts are strongly emphasized by active learning, and can work effectively by involving students in the learning process through the use of “problem-solving exercises and little debates, informal small groups, simulations, case studies, role-playing, and other related activities. Overall, assessment was superb but there didn’t provide any exercise or debate session in order to get audience feedback and participation. Presentation and other material didn’t provide a feedback or sample resumes cover letter of highly skilled professionals for student’s idea. There must be some properly cited examples, highly skilled professionals’ resumes and cover letter. There must be little section for personal experiences by professionals and seniors. Trainer must have a strong eye contact through out the session so that trainer can get feedback from audience.

CV is a marketing tool which presents you in front of employers. Clear and attractive CV, resumes and cover letters attract employers towards candidate. Every candidate must understand the importance of CV, Resume and cove letter format and content in job hunt. There are some tips which ever candidate must keep in mind while writing a CV. Cover letter and resume are important in order to get good jobs. Mentoring and coaching process train people for their particular job roles. Mentoring and coaching process are really important for organization’s benefit. The overall assessment was tremendous and it will help a lot to new students. Although, there is a wide room for improvement in material which includes: Samples letter of professionals, writing styles, how to respond against an advertisement, some interview guideline etc. Overall, it provides useful tips and techniques and a perfect guideline for CV, resume and cover letter writing. Mentoring and coaching has number of advantages at individual and organizational level. Still, there is an enough space for improvement by which the whole program will work more effectively. Every candidate must memorize it that you are a product in front of employer and a candidate need to advertise himself in a most valid way. Before writing a CV or cover letter one must need to follow all tips and techniques of making attractive and impressive CV. Suggestion, presentations, and guidelines helps lot o university students and provide bridge to all beginners.

Brock bank A., & McGill, I. (2006). Facilitating reflective learning through mentoring & coaching. New York: Kogan Page Publishers.

Megginson, D., Clutter buck, D., Garvey, B. , Stokes, P. & Garrett-Harris R. (2006). Mentoring in action: A practical guide for managers . New York: Kogan Page Publishers.

Meyers, C. & Jones, T.B. (1993). Promoting active learning: Strategies for the college classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 3). Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection.

"Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection." IvyPanda , 3 Oct. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection'. 3 October.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection." October 3, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection." October 3, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Curriculum Vitae: Personal Reflection." October 3, 2021.

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How To Write A Successful Essay About Your CV

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  • Author Sandra W.

cv writing essay

Writing A Successful CV Essay

A CV stands as your own personal ‘brochure’ when introducing yourself to a prospective employer. It needs to highlight your unique selling points in such a way that a prospective employer cannot wait to meet you. It should be concise, accurate, and truthful and tailored to the position you are applying for and importantly should be free from spelling and grammatical errors.

Layout And Format

Make sure that you try to stick to a maximum of two sides of A4 paper. Sometimes this can be difficult, think about the work experience that you have already, and relate it to the role that you are applying for. The key is making sure that the content is informative. Keep it simple and uncluttered. Use headings and bullet points to assist the reader. Do not add a photo or a border. Stick to one font that is clean (Times New Roman, Arial, or Verdana are recommended with a font size of 10 – 12).

Get someone else to proof read, perhaps a lecturer; and that are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. If the industry you wish to enter is artistic, you may want to be more creative but make sure that it still serves as the ultimate document to market your skills, experience, and overall suitability to a role.

Personal Details

This should be your name, address, email, telephone, mobile number, and nationality. There is no need to add your date of birth and a photograph. This may sound like common sense but ensure that all of your details are up-to-date and correct. Your email address should be appropriate and your application could be ignored if it is not.

You may wish to include information for your website or blog or even LinkedIn profile and this is not a bad idea. Employers will be able to access your work, see what you are capable of, and get a sense of your ideas and creativity. This may not relate to every role that you are applying for; a data entry role does not necessarily need you to demonstrate your writing skills but more your eye for detail.

Personal Statement

A personal statement can encourage an employer to read the rest of your CV. It is a summary of who you are. It should include:

  • The industry you are interested in,
  • What your unique skills and experiences are,
  • Your areas of expertise

Always be original.

Education And Qualifications

Start with your most recent education and work backwards. You should detail your university degree and grade, college and A levels, then school and GCSEs. List key components from your degree such as modules that you have studied projects and the topic of your dissertation, to demonstrate how you fit with the specific requirements listed in the job description.

Work Experience

Start with the most recent and relevant; include the name of the company, location, and date of employment. Provide a brief description of what the role entailed but do not re-write the job description. Do not mention salary, this is something that you can discuss at the interview stage. Give examples of your work successes and achievements even if these were in a voluntary role or working in an area that does not relate to your chosen career path. Think about experience, that shows your work ethic and that you can work in a team. Cut out cliché phrases use verbs and prove your actions.

Interests And Achievements

Make this section as short as possible. Try to show the employer what type of person you are personality wise, but also highlight skills that are relevant to a certain role. Make sure that your interests reflect your personality. Some interests may relate to a job and can show that you are different from other applicants. What makes you stand out or encapsulates your personality or you as a person? Your achievements should be any awards, top classifications, scholarships, or impressive facts that may show leadership and successes.

Employers might not ask for some references at this stage. However, it is not a bad thing to state ‘references available on request’ as long as you make sure that you do have two references available when asked. Your referees should be one academic; this could be a lecturer or tutor and if possible one from your most recent employer.

Use Bullet Points - this helps make your CV look neater and not too bulky.

Use Action Verbs - in order to create an active and interesting document. Action verbs demonstrate something that you did. For instance:

  • Acquired, allocated, arranged,
  • Budgeted, balanced, briefed
  • Coached, collected, clarified

Save More Than One Version - some employers may ask for your CV in a different format.

Address Gaps In Your CV - if you have not been in employment for more than three months then say how you been using that time. Do not mention anything that you consider as a failure, be positive, and say what you have learnt within that time.

Tailor your CV – move sections around and if there are certain requirements for a role that you have, make these more prominent. If you need to show your previous experience in a particular role, then embolden this point. Try to reflect that you have all or most of the skills asked for.

If your CV results in follow-ups and interviews - you will know that the format and content is correct for your profession, if you are not getting any positive response then review and amend.

Be confident, concise and tell the truth - If there is a specific achievement that you are most proud of, for example certain grade, make sure to feature them first. Appear positive, keep your details brief, and make sure that you are not giving altered information to make yourself look more suitable for a role. An employer will reject you based on misleading or inaccurate information.

  Never fold your CV – Most people send CVs online, however if you are handing out a paper copy do not fold it when handing it to a potential employer. It should be neat, crisp and presented in an envelope or plastic folder. Make sure that you never print double sided you may think that you are tricking an employer into only one side of A4, but it looks unprofessional and untidy.

Make sure that you have a covering letter to support your CV

LinkedIn – More and more companies are using LinkedIn to attract students, graduates, and young professionals. Therefore, having your CV on your profile or at least outlining your education, skills, and experience will help you when using social media in your job search.

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Tips for writing an effective college essay.

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  24. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

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    - Write anything: from tweets, email responses, and ad copies to essays, poems, and creative stories - Brainstorm ideas: new recipes, movie and song recommendations, places to go, party ideas, etc. - Check and improve your writing - Simplify your texts by summarizing them - Insert a link to YouTube video and ask your questions based on it