Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: A Village Fair

A village fair is a vibrant and joyous celebration that encapsulates the essence of rural life. It is a gathering that brings together people from different walks of life to revel in the festivities, immerse themselves in cultural traditions, and foster a sense of community. In this article, we will explore the art of writing an essay on a village fair, capturing its unique charm and the experiences it offers. From setting the stage with vivid descriptions to highlighting the various attractions and activities, we will delve into the key elements that can bring your essay to life. So, let us embark on this literary journey to portray the colors, culture, and camaraderie of a village fair.

Table of Contents

Setting the Stage: Painting a Vivid Picture

To begin your essay on a village fair, it is essential to set the stage by painting a vivid picture for your readers. Describe the physical setting of the fair, the location, and the time of year when it takes place. Transport your readers to the heart of the village, capturing the sights, sounds, and smells that fill the air. Use descriptive language to evoke a sense of anticipation and excitement. For example, you can describe the bustling marketplace, adorned with vibrant stalls, colorful decorations, and the aroma of freshly cooked delicacies. Paint a picture of the fairground, with its lively atmosphere, traditional music, and the laughter of children. By immersing your readers in the sensory experience, you create a strong foundation for the rest of your essay.

Showcasing Cultural Traditions and Attractions

A village fair is a celebration of culture, and it offers a plethora of attractions and activities that showcase the traditions and heritage of the community. In this section, focus on highlighting these elements to provide a comprehensive view of the fair.

Cultural Performances: Describe the cultural performances that take place during the fair. Whether it be folk dances, music, or theater, these performances are an integral part of the event. Discuss the traditional costumes, the rhythmic movements, and the passion of the performers. Emphasize the role of these performances in preserving and passing down cultural traditions from one generation to another.

Art and Craft Exhibitions: A village fair often features art and craft exhibitions where local artisans display their skills and creations. Discuss the variety of handicrafts, such as pottery, weaving, and woodwork, that are showcased. Highlight the intricate designs, the craftsmanship, and the stories behind these creations. By doing so, you not only bring attention to the talent of the artisans but also shed light on the cultural significance of their work.

Local Cuisine and Delicacies: Food is an integral part of any fair, and a village fair is no exception. Explore the culinary delights that visitors can indulge in during the event. Describe the traditional dishes, street food, and local specialties that are available. Discuss the ingredients, the flavors, and the unique culinary techniques that make these dishes stand out. Additionally, highlight the communal aspect of sharing meals and how it fosters a sense of togetherness and celebration.

Rural Sports and Games: Rural sports and games add an element of excitement and competition to the fair. Discuss the various activities that take place, such as traditional sports like kabaddi, tug-of-war, or regional games that are unique to the village. Emphasize the enthusiasm and camaraderie that these events generate among participants and spectators alike.

Community Engagement and Social Impact

A village fair serves as a platform for community engagement and has a significant social impact. In this section, explore the role of the fair in bringing people together and fostering a sense of belonging.

Community Participation: Highlight the active participation of villagers in organizing and contributing to the fair. Discuss how everyone, from the young to the elderly, plays a role in making the event a success. Explore the sense of pride and ownership that villagers feel in showcasing their traditions and welcoming visitors.

Economic Significance: Examine the economic impact of the fair on the local community. Discuss how it provides a platform for local artisans, vendors, and businesses to showcase and sell their products. Highlight the opportunities it creates for income generation and economic growth within the village.

Social Cohesion: Emphasize how a village fair promotes social cohesion and strengthens community bonds. Discuss how the fair brings together people from various backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity. Explore the interactions and connections that form during the event, and how they contribute to the fabric of village life beyond the fair.

A Village Fair Essay Example #1

A village fair is a vibrant and enchanting event that brings together the essence of rural life. It is a celebration that showcases the rich cultural heritage, unity, and the spirit of togetherness within a community. In this essay, we will explore the captivating world of a village fair, delving into its sights, sounds, and the unique experiences it offers. From the bustling marketplace filled with colorful stalls to the lively performances and the aroma of delectable treats, we will embark on a journey to understand the magic and significance of this cherished tradition.

A village fair is a joyous occasion that creates an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. As the day of the fair approaches, the entire village buzzes with energy and preparations. The fairground comes alive with the setting up of vibrant stalls, adorned with colorful decorations and alluring merchandise. The air is filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional tune of traditional music that sets the tone for the festivities to come.

Stepping into a village fair is like entering a mesmerizing world of colors, sounds, and vibrant activities. Describe the visual feast that awaits visitors, with rows of stalls displaying a wide array of goods, ranging from handmade crafts and traditional clothing to local produce and artwork. The stalls are adorned with bright fabrics, intricate designs, and captivating displays that catch the eye and invite exploration.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, the fairground becomes a stage for cultural performances. Folk dancers in vibrant attire captivate the audience with their graceful movements, while musicians skillfully play traditional instruments, creating a melodic symphony that fills the air. The rhythmic beats and infectious tunes inspire spontaneous dancing and create an atmosphere of merriment and celebration.

No village fair is complete without the tantalizing aromas wafting from the food stalls. Describe the mouthwatering delicacies that tempt the senses, from sizzling street food like pakoras and samosas to traditional dishes cooked with locally sourced ingredients. Explore the diverse flavors and regional specialties that highlight the culinary heritage of the village. The fair becomes a gastronomic adventure, where visitors can savor the authentic tastes of the region and indulge in the shared joy of delicious food.

A village fair serves as a platform for community bonding and the preservation of cultural traditions. Discuss the role of the fair in fostering a sense of togetherness and unity among the villagers. It becomes a time when neighbors, friends, and family come together to celebrate and strengthen their connections.

Highlight the cultural significance of the fair, as it allows the community to showcase and preserve their traditional practices. From folk dances and music performances to traditional attire and handicrafts, the fair becomes a living museum of the village’s cultural heritage. It offers a space for the passing down of traditions from one generation to the next, ensuring their survival and promoting cultural pride.

In conclusion, a village fair is a magical experience that captures the spirit of rural life and the essence of community. From the atmosphere of excitement and anticipation to the enchanting sights, sounds, and aromas, the fair offers a glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of a village’s traditions and celebrations. It serves as a vehicle for community bonding, cultural preservation, and a celebration of unity. A village fair is a testament to the richness of rural life and the power of shared experiences that create lasting memories.

A Village Fair Essay Example #2

A village fair is a delightful occasion that encapsulates the charm and essence of rural life. It is a celebration that brings together the local community, showcasing their traditions, fostering unity, and spreading joy. In this essay, we will explore the captivating world of a village fair, delving into its unique attractions, the cultural significance it holds, and the sense of togetherness it cultivates. From the bustling marketplace to the lively performances and engaging activities, we will unravel the magic and allure of this cherished event.

The heart of a village fair lies in its bustling marketplace, filled with a myriad of colorful stalls and enthusiastic vendors. Paint a vivid picture of the vibrant atmosphere, describing the stalls adorned with bunting, flags, and eye-catching decorations. Highlight the diverse range of goods available, such as traditional handicrafts, locally produced goods, and tantalizing food offerings. Explore the lively interactions between vendors and visitors, the haggling over prices, and the sense of excitement that permeates the air.

A village fair is a treasure trove of cultural experiences, showcasing the traditions and artistic expressions of the local community. Discuss the various cultural performances that grace the fairground, including folk dances, music recitals, and theatrical shows. Describe the vibrant costumes, the rhythmic movements, and the infectious energy that emanate from the performers, captivating the audience and immersing them in the rich cultural tapestry of the village.

In addition to performances, emphasize the significance of art and craft exhibitions in preserving cultural heritage. Detail the intricate craftsmanship displayed in pottery, embroidery, painting, and other traditional art forms. Show how these exhibitions provide a platform for local artisans to showcase their talents, pass down ancestral skills, and generate economic opportunities.

Food plays an integral role in any village fair, offering a delectable array of local delicacies and traditional recipes. Describe the mouthwatering aromas that waft through the fairground, enticing visitors to sample the culinary delights. Discuss the regional specialties prepared with locally sourced ingredients, such as savory snacks, sweets, and refreshing beverages. Highlight the communal aspect of enjoying these culinary treats, as people gather around food stalls, sharing laughter, stories, and the joy of good food.

A village fair serves as a powerful catalyst for community bonding and fostering a sense of unity. Explore the active participation of villagers in organizing and volunteering for the fair, as it brings them together towards a common purpose. Describe how the fair becomes a platform for social interactions, where people from different backgrounds and age groups come together to celebrate their shared heritage.

Emphasize the role of the fair in promoting cultural exchange and understanding. Discuss how visitors from outside the village are welcomed with warmth and hospitality, providing them with an opportunity to learn about local traditions and customs. Show how the fair becomes a melting pot of diverse cultures, facilitating connections and breaking down barriers.

In conclusion, a village fair is a captivating celebration that celebrates tradition, unity, and joy. From the vibrant marketplace to the cultural extravaganza and the flavorsome cuisine, it offers a sensory feast and a glimpse into the soul of a community. Moreover, it serves as a catalyst for community bonding, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering a sense of unity among villagers. A village fair is a testament to the richness of rural traditions and the enduring spirit of togetherness that transcends boundaries.

A Village Fair Essay Example #3

A village fair is a timeless and enchanting event that weaves together the threads of heritage, celebration, and community spirit. It is a cherished tradition that brings life and vibrancy to the heart of rural communities. In this essay, we will embark on a journey to explore the captivating allure of a village fair, delving into its cultural significance, the amalgamation of traditions, and the joy it brings to both locals and visitors. From the lively ambiance of the fairground to the array of attractions and festivities, we will uncover the enduring charm of this beloved gathering.

A village fair is a tapestry of traditions, where the customs and rituals of the community are on full display. Describe the diverse range of traditional practices that take center stage during the fair. From religious ceremonies and processions to folk performances and ancient games, each element adds a layer to the vibrant fabric of the event. Elaborate on the significance of these traditions, highlighting their roots in the local history and their role in preserving cultural heritage.

The fairground is a mosaic of attractions that captivate the senses and ignite the imagination. Paint a vivid picture of the bustling marketplace, with its colorful stalls adorned with locally crafted goods, handmade artifacts, and fresh produce. Describe the bustling crowd, the cheerful banter of vendors, and the excitement of visitors as they explore the unique offerings.

Highlight the diverse array of entertainment options available at the fair, including music and dance performances, theatrical shows, and storytelling sessions. Discuss how these performances showcase the talents of local artists, providing a platform for them to shine and preserving traditional art forms. Emphasize the interactive nature of these attractions, where visitors can actively participate and engage with the performers, immersing themselves in the cultural experience.

Food holds a special place in the heart of a village fair, tantalizing the taste buds and bringing people together. Describe the mouthwatering aromas that fill the air, as vendors prepare an array of culinary delights. From regional specialties to traditional recipes passed down through generations, the fair offers a gastronomic journey that reflects the local flavors and culinary heritage. Discuss the communal aspect of dining at the fair, where people gather around food stalls, sharing meals, and forging connections over shared appreciation for good food.

A village fair is a celebration of community spirit, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among the villagers. Discuss how the fair brings people from all walks of life together, transcending social boundaries and creating a shared experience. Explore the collaborative efforts of the community in organizing and volunteering for the fair, showcasing their collective strength and pride.

Highlight the role of the fair in promoting social cohesion and strengthening bonds. Discuss how it acts as a platform for villagers to reconnect with old friends, meet new acquaintances, and forge new friendships. Explore the sense of camaraderie that permeates the fairground, as people come together to celebrate their shared traditions and values.

In conclusion, a village fair is a timeless celebration that embodies the essence of community, heritage, and joy. It serves as a vibrant tapestry of traditions, attracting locals and visitors alike. From the diverse attractions and cultural performances to the mouthwatering cuisine and the spirit of togetherness, a village fair is a testament to the enduring charm of rural life and the power of collective celebration.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, writing an essay on a village fair allows you to capture the essence of this vibrant celebration. By setting the stage with vivid descriptions, showcasing the cultural traditions and attractions, and highlighting the community engagement and social impact, you can create a compellingnarrative that transports your readers to the heart of the fair. Remember to use descriptive language, engage the senses, and convey the unique experiences and emotions associated with the event. By effectively portraying the colors, culture, and camaraderie of a village fair, your essay can leave a lasting impression and provide your readers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of this cherished tradition. So, pick up your pen and embark on the journey of writing an essay that brings the village fair to life on the pages of your readers’ imaginations.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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my village fair essay

Paragraph on Village Fair | 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 + Words

Paragraph on Village Fair

Following is the collection of paragraph on village fairs , designed for students of all age groups and all classes. This topic is a fascinating aspect of village tourism and village life in India . You’ll find short and long paragraphs ranging from 100 to 400+ words. We touch on various elements like village food, village business, and the natural beauty of village forests and homes.”

Paragraph on Village Fair 100 Words

A village fair is a special event. It’s a form of village tourism . People gather every year to celebrate. They support local businesses and nature. They can be religious, cultural, or simply social events. Fairs usually include attractions such as rides, games, and food stalls, as well as live entertainment. Village fairs have been a part of human society for thousands of years and are still held in many parts of the world today.

They provide a chance for people to come together and enjoy themselves, while also promoting their local community. If you’ve never been to a village fair, then you’re missing out on a great experience. They’re a lot of fun and offer something for everyone. So next time one is happening near you, make sure to check it out!

Paragraph on Village Fair 150 Words

A village fair is a popular event in many rural communities. It is celebrated from 1 day to 1 week or more , with food, games, and entertainment. A village fair is a great opportunity for the community to come together and have some fun. “The village food at a village fair is usually traditional, offering a taste of authentic village cuisine like grilled meats, fresh fruits, and vegetables.”. There are also usually several game booths set up, with prizes to be won.

The entertainment at a village fair can vary, but often includes live music and dancing. A village fair is a great way to spend a day or two. It is a chance to relax and enjoy the company of your neighbors. A village fair is a great way to experience the traditional culture of a region. They are typically held once a year and feature a variety of local food, music, and entertainment. If you ever have the chance to attend one, I highly recommend it!

Description of the village fair

Paragraph on Village Fair 400 + Words


A village fair is a very common sight in India. It is held once a year, usually on the occasion of some religious festival. The fair comes to the village and stays for two or three days. A village fair is a great source of entertainment for the villagers.

They get to see different kinds of games and rides, and they can also buy things that they need from the shops that are set up at the fair. The village fair is also an important social event. It is a time for the villagers to meet and greet each other, and to catch up on all the latest news.

Description of the village fair

The village fair is a fun and festive event, a cornerstone of village tourism that takes place in many villages across the country. It is usually held once a year and lasts for several days. During the fair, there are many stalls and games set up for villagers to enjoy.

The most popular attractions are the rides, which include everything from carousels to Ferris wheels. There are also plenty of food stalls selling traditional fair foods like candy floss and hot dogs. The village fair is a great way for villagers to come together and have some fun.

Village Nature and Village Forest:

The village fair is not just about fun and games; it’s also an opportunity to explore the village nature and village forest. Many fairs are located near natural attractions, offering a chance for visitors to connect with the environment.

Village Business:

Village fairs are also a hub for village business. Local artisans and farmers get a platform to showcase and sell their products, from handmade crafts to organic produce.

Village Home and Village of India

For tourists, a village fair offers a glimpse into the village home and the diverse cultures that make up the village of India. It’s an experience that goes beyond the usual tourist spots, offering a deeper understanding of local life.

The Different Attractions at the Village Fair

The village fair is a great place to take the family for a day out. There are different attractions at the village fair that will keep everyone entertained. The main attraction at the fair is the rides. There are plenty of rides for all ages, from the gentle carousel to the more extreme roller coasters.

Other attractions at the fair include sideshows, food stalls, and games. The sideshows usually have a variety of novelty acts such as fire eating or sword swallowing. The food stalls sell traditional fair foods such as hot dogs, candy floss, and ice cream. The games give you the chance to win prizes such as stuffed animals or goldfish.

Village Fairs

The People who Visit the Village Fair

Visitors to the village fair come from all walks of life. Some are there to enjoy the rides and games, while others are there to purchase goods from the many stalls that line the streets. Regardless of their reason for being there, all visitors contribute to the festive atmosphere of the fair.

The majority of visitors are locals who take advantage of the opportunity to catch up with friends and family members they haven’t seen in a while. Walking around the fairgrounds, one can hear laughter and conversations in many different languages as people catch up on each other’s news.

There are also quite a few tourists who come to experience a traditional village fair. They often take pictures of the colorful stalls and interesting items for sale, as well as of the people themselves. The friendly atmosphere and welcoming nature of the villagers makes everyone feel at home, regardless of where they come from.

The Importance of Village Fairs

In every village the people have one or more fairs in a year. The dates of these fairs are fixed and generally coincide with some religious festivals. They are very popular among the villagers and provide them with an opportunity for social intercourse.

Majority of the villagers are poor. They cannot afford to go to town and mingle with the people there. The village fairs, therefore, play an important role in their social life. It is at the fairs that they get an opportunity to buy and sell things and also to enjoy themselves.

The village fairs are occasions for merriment and entertainment. There is music and dancing. The young men and women sing and dance together. They also exchange gossip with each other. In short, the village fairs serve as forums where the villagers can meet and enjoy themselves.

Types of Village Fairs

There are different types of village fairs held in India. The two most common ones are the agricultural fair and the cattle fair. The agricultural fair is held to coincide with the harvest season. Farmers from all over the gather to sell their produce. There is also a lot of buying and selling of livestock at these fairs.

Cattle fairs are held twice a year, once before Diwali and again around Holi. These are large gatherings where people buy and sell cows, bulls, buffaloes and other livestock. There is also a lot of trading of farm equipment and inputs like seeds and fertilizers.

Activities at Village Fairs

A village fair is a gathering of people from the surrounding area, usually held once a year. It is a time for socializing, and for buying and selling goods. There are often rides and games at village fairs, as well as food stalls. The main attraction at village fairs is usually the shopping. Vendors set up stands to sell their wares, and shoppers browse the offerings. Sometimes bargaining occurs, but generally prices are fixed. There is a wide variety of goods on sale, from produce to handmade crafts.

In addition to shopping, there are often other activities available at village fairs. Rides and games are common, as are food stalls. These provide a break from browsing the stands, and give fair-goers an opportunity to rest and refuel before continuing on their way.

A village fair is more than just a social event; it’s a celebration of village life, from village food to village business, and from village nature to the unique cultures in the village of India.There are usually a variety of stalls and activities, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. It’s also a great opportunity to support local businesses and try out new products. If you’ve never been to a village fair before, make sure to check one out next time you have the chance!

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Village Fair Essay & Paragraph

A village fair is a traditional celebration of rural life. Although the practice of rural fairs has gradually declined due to the influence of modern civilization and technology, it has historical significance. So, a common topic of paragraph writing in school is A Village Fair . Here we have shared a bunch of essays and paragraphs about village fair for students, such as A Village Fair Essay in 300 Words, A Village Fair Essay for Class 9-10, A Village Fair Essay in 350 words, A Village Fair Essay in 200 Words, A Village Fair Paragraph for Class 6-8, and A Village Fair Paragraph for Class 9-10.

A Village Fair Paragraph

Table of Contents

A Village Fair Essay for Class 9-10

By: Haque | Words: 300 | 22-07-’22

Hints: (i) Introduction, (ii) Occasion, (iii) Description, (iv) Usefulness or importance, (v) Disadvantage or demerits, (vi) Conclusion.

Introduction: A village fair is an annual gathering of the people. In a village fair, the people gather to sell and buy local products. It brings excitement and amusement to the village people.

Occasion: A village fair sits once a year. It is generally held on Bengali New Year’s Day. It is also held on the occasion of religious festivals. It is generally held in the months of Baishakh, Poush, and Chaitra. It lasts for a day, a week, or a fortnight. Men, women, and children gather here in large numbers.

Description: A village fair is held in some open place. In the village fair, there are no permanent sheds. Temporary sheds are built for the sale and display of the goods. The dolls, woodworks, earthen pots and jars, bamboo-made baskets, fancy goods, and sweetmeats are sold in a village fair. They sell cheaply.

There are many attractions of a village fair. Jatra, circus, kite-flying, merry-go-round, magic show, and puppet show are the chief attractions of a village fair. Circus parties often bring tigers, bears, monkeys, and elephants. They show funny games. Flutes, kites, and toys are also attractions to the children. Young girls buy Churhis and cosmetics.

Usefulness or Importance: A village fair is of great use to the villagers. It provides for the amusement of the village people. It helps small-scale trade and business. It encourages the local industry and agriculture. It is like an exhibition. The weavers, artisans, blacksmiths, and carpenters earn money by selling their products.

Demerits: A village fair has some defects. It lacks proper sanitation. This increases the risk of spreading epidemics and diseases.

Conclusion: A village fair is useful to the people in many ways. For the people of the village, a village fair is a source of enjoyment. It is closely related to our life and culture.

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A Village Fair Essay, 350 Words

By: Haque | For class 9-10/SSC | 08-06-’22

Introduction: The village fair is a great attraction for the people of the village. It is part of the long tradition of rural life. The villagers eagerly await and prepare long before the village fair begins.

When Sits: A village fair sits on some special occasion such as Bengali New Year’s Day, National Victory Day, the death anniversary of a famous saint, etc. Some fairs last for one day, some for three to seven days, and some for a month. People buy fancy things at a village fair. Children buy kites, flutes, toys, etc.

Where Sits: Usually a village fair sits in an open space where a large number of people can easily gather. It sits under a large tree, on a large playground, or by a river.

Attractions: In a village fair there are many attractions for people of all ages. Children especially like a village fair for things like toy stores, merry-go-round, the circus party, doll dancing, monkey dancing, and magic party. Different types of toys made of earth, plastic, paper , iron, and tin are available at a village fair. Some of the toys are produced in village cottage industries and some of them in big industries. At a circus party, many animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, goats, monkeys, etc. can be found. All the animals are well trained and can show various funny feats and tricks. Many agricultural products are brought to a fair for show and sale. Things from the cottage industry, wooden furniture, tools of agriculture, etc. are also brought in a village fair and they attract the grown-up people very much. People buy those items at a village fair for their household use and consumption.

Demerits: As a huge number of people visit the fair day and night it is often in need of proper sanitation. Gambling parties, cheats, charlatans, and pickpockets also gather at the fair. They can cause much harm to the people.

Conclusion: A village fair is a great source of entertainment and enjoyment for the rural people. So, it should be organized and managed properly.

Check also: My Village Essay & Paragraph

Village Fair Essay & Paragraph -

Essay on a Village Fair, 300 Words

By: Haque , For class 7-8/JSC

A village fair is a gathering of people held annually or periodically. It is usually held on the occasion of the Bangla new year’s day or religious festivals. It lasts for a day or two. It is generally held in an open space to which communication is good and easy.

It is generally held in some open place, on the bank of a river, or in the yard of a temple. It is one of the chief attractions of the village. It is held once or twice a year on a special occasion. It may be a religious day or birth anniversary of a holy man. The Baishakhi Mela is a famous village fair of our country held in Bangla new month Baishakh every year throughout the country.

Various handmade fancy goods, sweetmeats, toys, and wooden things are mostly sold in a village fair. Besides, all these various readymade garments, utensils, and other useful things are brought for sale here. Children buy fancy goods, toys, and flutes. Boys buy kites and young girls buy cosmetics and so on.

Circus, Jatra, and magic shows are the other attractions of the village fair. Circus parties often bring tigers, elephants, monkeys, horses, and bears.

The village fair is an exhibition of traditional cottage industries. The farmers make many useful things at home when they have no work at hand during the rainy season. These things are brought to the fair by them.

The village fair is not free from problems. It is wanting in proper sanitation. So, it sometimes leads to the outbreak of epidemics. Yet a village fair is a good recreation for the village people.

A village fair is a part of our culture. It presents a glimpse of our rural life. Both children and elderly people enjoy it most. To all classes of villages, it is a matter of great joy although it has some evils. We should be more careful of removing the evils of the village fair.

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A Village Fair Essay, 200 Words

By: Haque | For class 6-7 | 08-06-’22

[ 1. Occasion and place; 2. Purpose; 3. Description—shops, crowds, etc; 4. Amusements; 5. Impressions.]

It was the last day of Poush. The harvesting was over, the granaries were full. Huge fields greet our eyes. There the fair was organized.

A village fair needs no advertisement. Everyone knows when and where it will be held. The purpose is to buy and sell things and to celebrate a holiday with joy. The artisans, the weavers, the farmers would come with their goods. They would display their skill and craftsmanship.

Preparations start a month before the festival. The ground is cleared. Bamboo posts with the thatched roofs are put up in rows. Each stall is nicely decorated. There is one row of agricultural goods and tools; in another row, agricultural and horticultural products, vegetables, and flower plants and saplings are on display.

A portion of the field is set aside for recreation. There are merry-go-rounds. In a huge pandal, cinema films, theatres, magic shows, and folk songs follow one after another, night after night.

A fair is held chiefly for trade. The amusements make business pleasant. But it has also an educational side. We learn much from it.

I like to visit such a fair with interest. Fairs are generally held in places of worship or birthplaces of great poets. Poush-Mela of Santiniketan has now an India-wide attraction.

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A Village Fair Paragraph for Class 6-8

By: Haque | Words: 130 | 22-07-’22

  • Where does the village fair sit?
  • What is the occasion of a village fair?
  • What are the things bought and sold at a village fair?
  • What are the attractions of a village fair?

A village fair is held once a year. At a village fair, people gather to sell and buy local products. A village fair is held on the open field or on the bank of a river. It is held on the Pahela Baishakh or on the occasion of some religious festivals. It generally sits in the months of Baishakh, Poush, and Chaitra. It lasts for a day or a week. In a village fair dolls, utensils, furniture, earthen pots, woodworks, bamboo-made baskets, and sweetmeats are sold. Jatra, circus, merry-go-round and magic show, and puppet show are the attractions of a village fair. A village fair is useful to the people. They can buy and sell things there. It is a kind of recreation for the village people.

Paragraph on a Village Fair I Visited

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A Village Fair Paragraph for Class 9-10

By: Haque | Words: 200 | 07-07-’22

  • What is a village fair?
  • Have you ever visited a fair?
  • Where was it held?
  • With whom did you go there?
  • What did you see there?
  • What did you do there?
  • When and how did you come back home?

A village fair is an occasional event. It is usually held in an open space where people can easily come from all directions. People from far and wide come to the fair, most of them are young children. They buy kinds of toys and beautiful things. Usually, it is held on occasions like Bengali New Year Day, the 21st of February, Eid Day, and on the birth or death day of a holy saint. A village fair is a gay affair. I have been to such fair several times in my life . It was held in the circuit house Maidan, Mymensingh town. On the occasion of 1st Baishakh, I visited the fair. I went there with two of my friends . There were different types of stalls in separate rows such as bookstalls, stalls for dolls and toys, electronic goods, handmade goods, sweetmeats, junk food, and other things. All stalls were almost crowded. We toured the fair for a long time and enjoyed it very much. I bought some toys for my younger sister. Having eaten some sweets and junk food we came back home. In fact, it was very much enjoyable for us. The memory of traveling to the fair is one of my happy memories.

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A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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A village fair is a traditional celebration of rural life. A village fair is on annual gathering of the people.In a village fair,the people gather to sell and buy local products.It is generally held in the months of Baishakh,Poush and Chaitra.It lasts for a day,a week,or a fornight. Men,woman,children gather here in large numbers.It is held in some open place. In the village fair,there are no permanent sheds. temporary sheds are built for the sale and display of the goods. It is generally held in an open space to which communication is good and easy. On the occasion I visited fair. It was held on the bank of the river.The fair ground was not so far from our home. So I went there on foot with some of my friends. We reched there at about 3:30 pm. In the fair the people of different professions brought their own handmade article for sale. It helps small – scales trade and business. A village fair has some defeats.In fact, it was very much enjoyable for us. The memory of traveling to the fair is one of my happy memories. Athough the practice of rural fairs has gradually declined due to the influence of modern civilization and technology.

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English Compositions

My Village Essay in English [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on the topic ‘My Village.’ Here I will write three sets of sample essays on the same topic covering different word limits. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on my village in 100 words, short essay on my village in 200 words, short essay on my village in 400 words.

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In origin, I’m from Bangladesh. But after the partition, my family came and settled in a remote village in Murshidabad. Presently, I stay in Kolkata with my parents, but several times I have heard my father remember his childhood days in the village.

During the vacations, I often visit the village. People are so innocent there and all of them love us so much. They care for their nature and do not harm it like the urban people. Also, they have still kept their tribal festivals intact. I love to enjoy their traditional food and this bonding between my people in the village. Whenever I visit my village, it has always been so ni experience.

Since my childhood days, I used to fantasize about spending my life in our ancestral village. Staying in a village has never been an opportunity for me because I am born and brought up in the city. We hardly get a chance to meet my ancestral people in the village of Murshidabad. The story goes back to the partition of India when my great grandparents migrated from Bangladesh and settled in Murshidabad to protect their families. At that time they were extremely poor and had a humble income to spend their days. They were followed by many others.

The village is now much more developed than it was when first inhabited. When I visit the village with my parents, during the vacation, it gets quite enjoyable to meet them after a long time. The clean air and water are beautiful with pure fruits and vegetables to eat. The reads are of red soil and soft to walk over. The humble neighbour of that village is the main reason I love my village. 

Some of our relatives still live in the village. Their primary profession is agriculture. During my visit, my cousins took me to show the agricultural fields. It was totally a mesmerizing experience. The entire horizon was green and such a peaceful life that I could never experience in the city.

Life in a village is much different from what we experience in the city. The urban lifestyle does not provide us with all views of the Earth. The world has much more greenery and beauty than it seems to us. The city definitely gives a modern life, better infrastructure, more communication, and quick connections. But it also takes away the natural goodness from us.

I find myself extremely lucky to think that I am from a village. I stay in a distant village in the suburbs of Darjeeling. The best part of living in a village is that I can stay far away from the daily crowd of the city. The city is too confusing and suffocating for me. I cannot bear staying there even for a week. I always crave the peace I get in my own village. The village called Kasaimara is extremely beautiful in its flora and fauna. The air is clean and pure like the innocent people of my village.

We do not have many modern amenities like the city. We often face problems with network and communication, we do not have good schools or hospitals. But still, the peace of nature allows us to live a long and healthy life. I love to take long walks up the hill slopes in the morning or often cycle all the way. It saves the cost of taking any gym practice and is also helpful in maintaining a healthy body and peaceful mind. 

Due to no pollution, we always have a majestic view of the mountains from our village. Around 50-50 families live in our village. For weekend and holiday picnics, all our villagers come together and celebrate with our ethnic music and dance. It is not like the mechanical life of the city. Everything we do here has a spontaneous charm and is full of life.

The environment of my village is so beautiful. The people work hard to preserve ethnic integrity. We have a rich history o folktales and myths. As a child, I often heard my grandparents tell me stories about them. They are precious and innocent like the people. They easily befriend other members, even from a different community. My village celebrates our own tribal festivals with great enjoyment and pomp. I am extremely lucky that I am a proud villager of India. We do not have many facilities, but at the end of the day, we are at peace with ourselves and others.

 I have tried to write these essays in very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If anyone still has any doubts regarding this topic, kindly let me know through some quick comments. To read more such lessons, keep browsing our website.

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Essay on “A village fair” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A village fair, 6 best essays on ” a village fair”.

Essay No. 01

          India is a land of villages though urbanization is taking place at a fast pace. Still, most of the people in India live in villages. They do not have many means of entertainment and shopping in the village and have to go to the nearby towns for this purpose. But fairs, which are held frequently in villages, provide them a welcome relief.

          A fair is also held in my village every year on the day of Baisakhi. The Baisakhi always falls on the 13 days of April every year. It is on this day that the farmers start harvesting their wheat crops in northern India. Hence the day is celebrated with great joy with only little variations from village to village.

          I went to see the Baisakhi fair held in my village last year. It covered quite a vast area outside the village. A very large number of people from nearby villages were making a beeline to the fair. There was a large number of stalls. At many stalls, sweets and men and women with their heads covered were sitting on be niches and were eating colorful barfi, rasgullas and gulab . Some of them were taking saltish dishes like samosas and pakoras.

          Some stalls were selling colorful toys, balloons, and balls; there was a great rush at the stall selling ladies items like glass bangles, bracelets, necklaces, and several other items of artificial jewelry. Some religious-minded old ladies preferred to buy clay images of gods and goddesses.

          In one corner a juggler was showing his tricks. And in another corner, a snake charmer was singing with his pipe in front of a Cobra who had its hood raised while a large crowd of people stood around.

          However, one great attraction of the fair was the fold dance of Punjab, which was being performed most enthusiastically by young boys for the sheer joy of doing it. And similar was the case with giddha performed by young girls. The fair was like a paradise.

Essay No. 2

A Village Fair

Every year, in the first week of May, soon after Holi, a big fair is held near our village. It is held in memory of a Hindu saint, who had worked hard for the uplift of the nearby villages. His Samadhi is just outside our village at a distance of about half a mile.

The preparations for the fair began a week or two earlier, under the guidance of Village Panchayat members. The whole place was swept clean and shrubs and bushes were removed. A temporary bazaar was set up and stalls were allotted to traders who displayed their wares for sale. These wares included items of public interest. On the appointed day villagers from far and near, flocked to the place to see the fair called “Sadhu Mela”.     

There were much dancing and merry-making. Drums were beaten and rustic songs were sung. People passed singly or in groups through the bazaar and enjoyed themselves. There were huge crowds in front of the toy shops and the confectioner’s shop. At some places, acrobats and rope dances were showing their feats. At another place merry go- rounds were crowded with boys and girls, men and women. The jugglers and snake charmers had also a busy time. The snake charmer played on his flute pipe which was giving a melodious tune. Before his flute was dancing serpents. They seemed to be completely hypnotized by the sweet sound of the flute.    

Village games like Kabhadi, tug of war, wrestling were specially arranged. In wrestling, the renowned wrestlers from the adjoining villages came here to participate. It was each other. The winner was awarded a prize of one thousand rupees. The most interesting event of the fair was the oxen race through a flooded rice field. The winner was awarded a brass shield and cash prize of two thousand rupees. This year, it was won by our “ Mahesh”.

In the evening the fair broke up and people were seen hurrying back to their homes with arms full of toys and sweets. Many people who had come to buy or sell cattle were found joyful either with reins of good breed of cattle with them or the bags full of money. This fair which is held every year reminds people of the happy memories of the saint. It also brings the people of the far villages together to bring harmony and unity among the villagers.

Essay No. 03

Fairs are commonly held in villages. These fairs are of various kinds. Some fairs concern some specific fields. Such fairs are animal fairs, Agricultural tool fairs, village industry fairs, vegetable fairs, bee-keeping or dairy product fairs, etc. Fairs of specific kinds are not so common as general fairs. The largest number of people visit only the general fairs. So in common parlance when we talk of a village fair, it means a general fair.

Ours is a big village. It is surrounded by a number of small villages on all sides. It is situated at a long distance from any main city. So, the villagers of this area are very eager to buy common household and other products and to have some fun and amusement.

It is for this reason that a fair is held every month in our village on the last Sunday. It is held in the vast open ground outside our village. The people from the adjoining villages all converge on the fair in large numbers.

Last Sunday which fell on 31st March, I went to see the said village fair. I saw a large number of people including men, women, and children moving towards the venue of the fair. They were wearing gorgeous, gaudy clothes and were beaming with joy.

As I reached the open ground, I found the place humming with people. All over the ground stalls and kiosks had been set up. All kinds of things were being sold there. These included cosmetics, artificial jewelry, cassettes, utensils, mats, blankets, and even TV sets, bicycles sewing machines, agricultural implements, etc.

The greatest rush of children was at the toy shops. It was followed by sweets shops. Some people were watching the tricks of a juggler and some of a magician. In one comer a wrestling match was being held and in another lucky games were going on.

I took an ice cream and a cold drink and watched the tricks of the snake charmer and returned home in a happy mood.

Essay No. 04

I decided to see the village fair with-my parents. We reached the fair at 12 A.M. It was held two miles away from Delhi.

A number of people had come to see the fair. There are many shops at the fair. Some sold ice-creams and some sold fruits chat.

There was a rush of children in the shop of toys and dolls. Many children were enjoyed the elephant-ride. Bangle-sellers were having a brisk business.

A magician was showing his magic. It attracted a large crowd. My father bought some toys for us and my mother bought some bangles. We enjoyed the fair very much.

Essay No. 05

India is a land of fairs and festivals. They provide us a lot of fun and amusement. The urban people have many sources of attraction and recreation. They can visit the dazzling bazaars, big restaurants and cinema halls. The weekly bazaars provide them the facilities of marketing. The poor villagers lack all such facilities. The bazaars are far off from the villages. The villagers’ life is very hard and lacks all charm. They have no means of recreation. Their secluded life is cut off from the urban modernization.

Many fairs are held every year in the villages. These fairs generally, take place on the occasion of some festival. The Holi fair, the Rakhi-Badhan fair, the Basant fair, and the Baisakhi fairs are the chief and common ones. The Baba Haridas Mela is the most prominent one in our area. It is held at village Jharauda Kalan, twice a year.

This year, I had a chance to see the fair. It was held in the interior of the village. There is a big open space all around Baba’s Samadhi. Thousands of people visited the fair from far and near with their near and dear ones. I saw a great hustle and bustle there. The people had parked their bullock carts, scooters, motorcycles, trucks, tempos, and trollies in the exterior of the village. Most of the people had stayed there during the previous night. It was the 6th lunar day of the bright fortnight of the ‘Chaitra’ month. Many temporary shops had been set up there. The fair was in full swing since early morning. All the people took a bath in the ‘Mallah’ (tank). Some ladies got their children’s hair trimmed and floated them in the holy water of the Mallah. After the dip, the people bowed their heads before the samadhi and lit the lamps there. Everyone offered and distributed prasad there. The people took different vows and prayed for the fulfillment of their desires.

I saw a huge crowd heading towards the shops. Everyone was in fine clothes and in a cheerful mood. The sweet shops attracted the largest crowd. The people were buying packets of sweets. Some customers were trying to cheat the shopkeepers. They were caught and insulted. The young children were busy buying toys, toffees, and balloons. The rope dancers, jugglers, and magicians attracted a huge crowd. The people stood to spell bound and enjoyed their feats. The policemen, scouts, and volunteers were controlling the crowd and directing the people. The pick-pockets were busy in their own affairs. A pick-pocket snatched a woman’s necklace and ran away. He was caught red-handed. He was severely beaten and was handed over to the police. Everyone got alert. Young boys and girls and the newly wedded couples were enjoying a joy ride in the merry-go-round and whirling in the air. The snake charmers were blowing their pipes and were showing the snakes of different colors and sizes to the spectators. There were many water huts in the fair. The bangles and toilet-articles sellers were attracting the maximum number of women. The ladies were buying face

The village fairs prove very useful for the rural folk. They amuse, relax and refresh them. They remove their boredom and make them fit for further work. We can meet our friends and relatives there and know about them.

Essay No. 06

A Visit to a Village Fair

Teej is a popular festival. It falls during the monsoon months every year. It is a day of joy and merriment for everyone, especially the girls and newlywed ladies. People in the northern parts of the country like Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh look forward to this festival

In our town, a fair is held every year on this day. It is held by the holy shrine outside the town. Almost everyone goes to visit the fair.

Last year, my Aunt took us to visit the fair. We all went on foot. On the way, we met many people who were also going to the fair. They were dressed in their best clothes. Women wore beautiful saris and ghagra-cholis. They were carrying a prayer, plate with them. Some of the people were returning from the fair. They were carrying toys and balloons in their hands. Children were running ahead of them. They looked happy and gay.

We reached the fair in about thirty minutes. First of all, we went and offered prayers at the shrine. There were many devotees at the shrine. We then went down to the fairground. There were hustle and bustle everywhere. The fair was in full swing. There were many stalls. They were tastefully decorated. The shop-keepers were very busy. There was a big crowd in front of the halwai shop, Puries and Jelebies were in great demand. At a nearby stall, people were enjoying cold drinks and ice-creams. There were many girls in front of the chat shop. Toy shops were doing a roaring business. Terracotta, wooden and plastic toys were on display. There was a balloon seller standing in front of the shop. Children bought toys and colorful balloons from them. Women and girls were busy buying bangles at the bangle shop. There was merriment all around.

There were many other things to amuse the visitors. Large swings had been installed at the large banyan tree in the middle of the fairground. Many women and children were enjoying the swings by pushing themselves higher and higher. A juggler was showing his tricks in one corner of the fairground. There was a big crowd around him. In the other corner, a snake charmer was making a cobra dance to his tunes. Fortune tellers and palmists were attracting a large crowd. Children were enjoying rides on merry-go-rounds and the giant wheel. We also took our turns in going up and down in the giant wheel

In another part of the fairground, there was a large stage. Various cultural programs were going on there. Farmers were singing rural folk songs. Many women presented the folk dance. The sounds of drums made the people in the audience dance and sing. All these things were worth seeing.

The policemen were actively involved in maintaining law and order. They controlled the traffic. They kept a strict watch on the pick-pockets.

We had great fun at the fair. We returned home in the evening very tired

About evirtualguru_ajaygour

my village fair essay


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In Bangladesh, there are many traditional fairs is one of the most popular festivals in our country.

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Nice Bro….

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Thankx… by this only I can complete my assignments.

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nice paragraph i like it

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In our place there is a fair held every December. But the thing is that I never went so I needed help for writing this lmao-😂

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um lol me too

LOL ME TOO. I live in dubai and i go to is the “Global Village” every new year. its big and all but its not the same as a village fair.

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Nice essay I like

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Really it is very nice essay. Thanks for your post it’s really very nice

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Such a use Full essay for students

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South Korea

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  • Essay on Fair


The Concept of Fair

Even though the world of entertainment and recreation has changed to a greater extent, and it kept on changing at a greater speed, “Fair” is still, and will always be close to our hearts. Because it is not just a place of recreation and entertainment, rather it is a traditional event that takes us to the roots of our culture in a fun and loving manner. You may be in any part of the world, but once in a year, you will be hyped about the word ‘fair’. Fair is a place where you can find all sorts of entertainment, food as well as business talk. In a fair, the mass of people gathers together, some for entertainment while some for business talk. Below is a presentation of both long and short-type essays where we will relive the moments of fair.

Essay on Fair in English

Writing an Essay on the fair is just as fun as attending the fair because it takes you on a walk-in memory lane so that you can write about it from your experience. But it is also a good idea to have some guidance while writing the essay in English, and hence Vedantu provides that Guidance to all the students for completely free.

Some information about the Fair

Fair can be considered as one of the oldest recreation activities, at least in India, in which hundreds of people gather at a time. We can trace the beginnings of the fair in 1000 AD. And the reason behind it was to boost the businesses and hence in return, it helps in boosting the overall economic condition of the country. Interestingly, the same thing can still be seen in modern times in events like that of “Book-Fairs” where the writers and readers all come together. 

In modern times the fairs have taken a place of an annual break, where everyone from the city can go for recreation, and to be relaxed. Fairs are generally set for a few days or a week. More often than not, the supply of the seller’s stock comes directly from the manufacturer, and hence the things can be brought at the fair at a relatively low price. In this way both the seller and the buyer get benefits.

Things that Happen at Fair

It is important for the students to learn about the things that happen at the fair in order to write an essay on it. The first thing, one may notice in the fair is the rides, there are many rides at the fair, such as Giant wheels that takes the riders to the sky, merry go round horse ride which can be considered as an unofficial trademark of Indian Fair, stalls of Magic Tricks, many toy shops, interestingly the toys that are available in these shops are, for the most part, not available in the shops of the city. Along with these rides the store of many fun activities, such as Balloon shooting can be found in the Fair as well. Also, if you ever had visited the fair, you must refresh your memory for writing the essay on fair.

While writing about the Fair these are the things that you must take into consideration. An important thing is that we eat lots of different things at Fair, and many of them are either packet food or the food that comes in the plastic, and plastic is not good for the environment, hence you must try to avoid it.

Essay on Fair for Students

‘Fair’ this particular word takes us into an imaginary world of a big ground full of different kinds of people and different kinds of joy rides. On those rides, where people sit on them screaming with joy and amusement. We also imagine many different types of stalls which are selling dazzling earrings, fancy clothes, tasty food and even selling toys for the kids. In a coinage, fairs are a representation of these different types of people who come to sell and buy and also have fun at a single place. After all, a fair is a place where there is no boundary set for people or for fun.  Also, in another sense, we can perceive fairness as an exchange of the creativity and productivity of different cultures around the globe.

The culture of fair started somewhere between the early 1000s or 1200s. Fairs actually started as an economic activity different from the redundant business processes and activities of the year. Now the fairs are viewed as an annual break to the year when everyone in the city or town is fed up with their routines throughout the year, fair then serves as a refreshment aided with knowledge, creativity, and business. Fair is set for a multiday, this proves to be a huge benefit for all the buyers and for all the sellers, even products are supplied from the foreign merchants.

Fairs in India

The oldest fair in the history of our country, India is the ‘Kumbh Mela’ which is almost more than 2000 years old. When the planet Jupiter, and the sun, and the moon aligns, those dates are considered appropriate for this Kumbh Mela to take place. Kumbh Mela takes place every after 3 years. The Kumbh Mela in 2013 made a world-record gathering of 10 crore people. If someone is looking for beautiful and rich fabrics, shining earrings, and a variety of other things, then he must go to Pushkar Mela in Rajasthan.

A Village Fair Essay

A village fair is a colorful fair held in a small village, the fair is held during festivals, like Dussehra and Diwali. Village fairs are also held annually during the celebration of a local deity or the religious beliefs of the villagers. A village fair is generally much smaller than a city fair in appearance as well as in the activities performed. An Indian local village fair is marked by relatively small shops that are selling mostly toys and sweet items.

The hawkers who sell small toys on the hand-held wooden frames are seen roaming in the fair. Flutes, whistles, and a variety of lightweight toys are also seen in a village fair, this attracts children a lot. The Hawkers in a fair constantly play their flute or whistle in order to attract the children to buy those items from them.

Descriptive Essay About the Fair

Once in the spring season I went to a fair in my village, the fair was set up in honor of a local deity worshipped here. I wish my uncle and aunt visited the fair. As we entered the fair, I felt a different sense of enjoyment in the air, the fair was lit with a lot of hubbubs. We passed the stalls till we came to my favorite stall wherein large kadhai jalebis were being fried, the smell of the sweet made my taste buds active to savor the same. We had jalebis and kachori in the stall and went further to explore the fair. I played a shooting game where I won a beautiful flower vase. Nearby, was a shop selling big and small earrings, my aunt got a pair, the earrings had mirrors shining on them, which dazzled my sight. Walking a distance I saw a big merry-go-round where children rode the ride merrily. I stood there and watch them enjoy wondering why I grew up for now I could never sit on that merry-go-round. Instead, now I can ride the camel my uncle assured me. I enjoyed the ride on the hunch of the camel.

All was a lovely time spent well in that fair. I will carry this memory to my heart. As I proceeded towards home, I decided to share, my experience in my diary so that I can always relive the moment.

Fair, be it a city fair or a village fair, provides a fun activity to the children, as well as serves as a refreshment for the young and elderly. No doubt the fair is a fun event, but this is also a source of livelihood for the vendors who depend on this event. Many small vendors, also the hawkers depend on these fairs for their businesses. Fairs provide a platform for them to gain customers. They serve as a place for having quality time with family and friends. Parents also ensure that safety precautions are required to be properly taken before sending their children to the rides or to the ferry wheels.


FAQs on Essay on Fair

1. Why should I write an Essay on Fairs?

Writing an essay requires good writing skills, as well as creative thinking. Essay writing helps the students in expressing themselves in a better manner. There are various types of essays, and one of those types is “Descriptive Essay” and the Essay on Fair comes into this type of essay. This essay requires the students to write their experience of the fair, and hence students have to remember it well, and working on their ability of imagination they have to describe their experience.

2. Why should I use the Essay that Vedantu provides at the Fair?

At Vedantu we have a team of expert teachers who works very hard to provide the students with the best material, for all the subjects and all the topics, and with the same attitude, Vedantu provides this English Essay on Fair. The essay is composed of those teachers who have years of experience in teaching the students English composition and writing. One more important thing, the essay that Vedantu provides is completely free of cost and hence all the students can have benefited from it.

3. What is Pushkar Mela?

Pushkar Mela is a fair of Rajasthan, that celebrates the beauty of the desert, the camels, and also other cattle that are found in this region. A record of more than 2 lakh people from across the world come here to be a part of this festival, this is being held to facilitate the trading of camels and cattle who are the native animals in the desert.

4. How Businessmen are Facilitated From the Fairs?

The businessmen can meet face-to-face with their potential customers, they can present their work, crafts, and other items which helps them in a great way to start their building relationships.

5. Which Fair Records the Highest Number of People in India?

The Kumbh Mela attracts the highest number of people in India. Kumbh Mela is one of the prior pilgrimages of the Hindus. Kumbh Mela is a religious gathering of the Hindus, the mela is held four times over the course of 12 years, this takes place in 4 different locations which are situated on the bank of the sacred rivers.

English Summary

A Village Fair Essay

Most Indians live in village Village folks are very fond of fair. These fairs reflect the true character of our culture and tradition. Every year a big fair is held in our village on the Baisakhi Day.

It is an important day for villagers. This year I went to see it with my friends. We saw a large crowd in the fair. All roads led to the site of the fair. Villagers in their colourful dresses looked attractive.

A temporary bazaar was set up in the fair. Sweets, fruits and toys were displayed in abundance in shops. There were a large number of hawkers also. Cold drinks, ice-cream, kulfi, faluda and fancy articles were in great demand.

Men, women and children were making purchases. Girls were buying bangles while children-were after ballons. All were making merry. Some people were enjoying sports and games while others were singing and dancing.

It was all fun everywhere In one corner there were a merry-go-round Children and grown-ups were enjoying rides on it. At another place, a jugular was showing tricks and amusing the spectators.

Policemen in large number were standing nearby. They were guiding the people. The lost children were being resorted to their parents After sunset we returned home happy. How I wish to enjoy such events again and again!

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my village fair essay


Essay on My Village

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Village in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Village


My village, nestled in the heart of nature, is a beacon of simplicity and serenity. It’s a place where tranquility intertwines with the joyful chatters of villagers.

Natural Beauty

The village is surrounded by lush green fields. The river flowing nearby adds to its scenic beauty. The chirping of birds is a constant melody.

Village Life

The life in my village is simple yet fulfilling. People engage in farming and other small-scale industries. Everyone lives like a big family, sharing joys and sorrows.

My village, with its simplicity and natural beauty, is a paradise that provides a refreshing contrast to city life.

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250 Words Essay on My Village

My village, a serene haven nestled amidst the verdant landscapes, is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. A place where tradition meets tranquility, it is a sanctuary that embodies the essence of rural life.

The Natural Beauty

The village is a panorama of natural beauty, with lush green fields stretching to the horizon, punctuated by the occasional blooming of wildflowers. The river that meanders through the heart of the village mirrors the azure sky, and the chirping of birds is a constant melody that serenades the inhabitants.

Culture and Tradition

The village is a repository of culture and tradition. The villagers, bound by a sense of community, celebrate festivals with fervor, their folk songs and dances echoing the rich heritage. The village temple, an epitome of architectural grandeur, stands as a symbol of their faith and reverence.

Economy and Livelihood

The village economy is primarily agrarian, with farming being the mainstay. The villagers, skilled in age-old agricultural practices, work relentlessly in the fields, their sweat and toil reflecting their unwavering dedication. The bustling local market, with its array of fresh produce, is a testament to their labor.

My village, with its rustic charm and idyllic setting, is a reminder of the simplicity and tranquility that urban life often lacks. It stands as a beacon of the harmonious blend of culture, tradition, and nature. It is a place where one can experience the rhythm of rural life, a place that truly feels like home.

500 Words Essay on My Village

Nestled in the heart of the countryside, my village is a sanctuary of peace, tranquility, and timeless beauty. Its picturesque landscape, marked by verdant fields and crystal-clear streams, is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

The natural beauty of my village is breathtaking. It is encircled by lush green fields, where golden crops sway gently with the wind. A sparkling stream meanders through the heart of the village, its clear waters reflecting the azure sky. The village is also home to a variety of flora and fauna, making it a vibrant ecosystem. The chirping of birds at dawn, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the rhythmic croaking of frogs at dusk create a symphony that soothes the soul.

Cultural Heritage

The cultural heritage of my village is rich and diverse. The villagers celebrate various festivals with great enthusiasm, each festivity being a vibrant display of local traditions and customs. The village temple, an architectural marvel, is the epicenter of these celebrations. The annual village fair, with its riot of colors, sounds, and aromas, is a spectacle to behold.

Social Structure

The social structure of the village is rooted in mutual respect and cooperation. The villagers share a deep sense of community, their lives intertwined in a web of shared responsibilities and mutual aid. Despite the lack of modern amenities, the villagers lead contented lives, their happiness rooted in the simplicity of their lifestyle.

The economy of my village is predominantly agrarian. The fertile fields yield bountiful crops, which not only feed the villagers but also contribute to the regional economy. In recent years, the village has also seen a surge in cottage industries, bringing additional income to the villagers and diversifying the local economy.

Challenges and Prospects

Despite its charm, my village faces several challenges. Limited access to quality education and healthcare, and the lack of employment opportunities are some of the key issues. However, the villagers are resilient and are striving to overcome these challenges. The advent of digital technology has opened up new avenues for development. For instance, e-learning initiatives are bridging the educational gap, while telemedicine is improving access to healthcare.

My village, with its natural beauty and cultural richness, is a microcosm of rural life. It encapsulates the charm of simplicity, the strength of community, and the resilience of spirit. While the challenges it faces are significant, the potential for growth and development is immense. It is my belief that with the right interventions, my village can transform these challenges into opportunities, ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for its inhabitants.

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my village fair essay

The Endless

August 31, 2022

A Village Fair Essay: For School Level Students

Picture of A Village Fair

A Village Fair Essay: A fair that is held in the village is called a village fair. It is a traditional occasion of village life. It is a great source of recreation. It sits in an open field or at the marketplace. It also sits at the bank of a river or canal. It is commonly held once a year. It is generally held on the occasion of a religious festival or on the Bengali new year’s day. It lasts for a day or a week. Toys, wooden utensils, earthen pots, baskets, cosmetics, etc. are sold here. There are some special attractions in the village fair. The most attractive items are circus parties, Jatra parties, puppet shows, magic shows, etc. These give amusements to the children and adult people. Children buy toys, kites, flutes and sweetmeats from the village fair. A village fair has some demerits too. Sometimes gamblers play gambling. It harms the youth. Pickpocketers also take the opportunity in the midst of the crowd. In spite of having some demerits, it has some educative and traditional values. It bears the testimony of the tradition.

Source: Collegiate Publication

A Village Fair Essay

Topics Covered: Introduction, Location, Arrangement of shops, Attractions, Its utility, Demerits, Conclusion

A Village Fair Essay: A village fair is a very ancient event in the villages of Bangladesh, Most of the villagers’ work and earns their livelihood in the village. Their life is monotonous. They feel the want of amusement and recreation. The village fair partially helps the villagers meet this want. Here some people come to buy things. Others come to sell things. In a word, a village fair is a mirror for the villagers.

It sits in an open field or on the bank of a river. It lasts for a day, a week or for a fortnight. It is held on the Bengali New Year’s day or the last day of the year and on the occasion of some festivals. All classes in the village people come to a village fair to enjoy their time. They exchange their feelings of the fair.

Temporary stalls are installed on the site of the fair. Things of daily use such as wooden utensils, earthen pots, and jars, bamboo-made or cane made baskets, household goods, baskets, etc. are bought and sold here. Small traders bring various clothes, toys, dolls, balloons, ready-made garments, and other useful things. Some sell sweetmeats. Girls come to buy bath soaps, snow-powder, looking glasses, combs, ribbons, etc. There are different kinds of amusements.

Traveling Jatra parties, circus parties, Nagordola attract the spectators. In a huge pandal, cinema parties show pictures to the people. Snake-charmers and magicians show a different technique. There is a great rush of people there. Sometimes gambling is allowed at the fair. It ruins the simple and innocent people. Moreover, obscene dances are also performed. It encourages the villagers to improve their cottage industries and handicrafts. It brings enjoyment, recreation, and refreshment to the villagers. The life of the villagers is usually dull & monotonous. Once a year the fair breaks the monotony & adds joy to their life. It creates a ripple of joy all around. Therefore, the Government should encourage fairs under careful management.

Don’t Forget to Check: Essay in English

A VILLAGE FAIR Composition

A Village Fair Essay: Introduction: A village fair is an event of great attraction) to the village people. Villagers wait eagerly and take preparation for a village fair long time before the start of a village fair.

When Sits: A village fair sits on some special occasions such as Bengali New Years Day, Durga Puja etc.. Some fairs last for a single day, some last for three to seven days and some fairs last for a month. People buy fancy (77*) goods at the fair. Children buy kites, flutes, toys and so on.

Where Sits: Usually a village fair sits in an open place where a large number of people can gather easily. It also sits under big trees, by the side of a village or on a river.

Attractions: In a village fair there are many attractions for people of all ages. Children especially like a village fair for things like toy stores, merry-go-round, the circus party, doll dancing, monkey dancing and magic party. Different types of toys made of earth, plastic, paper, iron and tin are available in a village fair. Some of the toys are produced in village cottage industries and some of them in big industries. In a circus party many animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, goats and monkeys etc. can be found. All the animals are well trained and can show various funny feats and tricks. Many agricultural products are brought in a fair for show and sale. Things of cottage industry, wooden furniture, tools of agriculture etc. are also brought in a village fair and they attract the grown-up people very much. People buy those items at a village fair for their household use and consumption

Demerits: As a huge number of people visit the fair day and night it is often in need of proper sanitation. Gambling parties, heats, charlatans and pickpockets also gather in the fair. ‘hey can cause much harm to the people.

Conclusion: A village fair is a great source of entertainment and enjoyment to the rural people. So, it should be organized and managed properly.

Check Also: A Village Market Essay

A village fair essay

A Village Fair Essay: Introduction: Fair means mela generally held in the villages on various occasions like Pahela Baishakh. The 21st of February, Chariot driving, the birth, and death anniversary of some saintly persons etc.

Where held: The village fair is a source of enjoyment and pleasure. All classes of people are fond of visiting the village fair. It is generally held in an open square or on the outskirts of the village. It needs no further advertisement. The villagers know when and where the village fair is held. The artisans, the weavers, the carpenters, the farmers come to the fair with their necessary goods. Everyone wants to display his skill and craftsmanship.

Arrangements: Preparations begin a long time before the village fair is held. The ground is cleared. Bamboo posts and thatched roofs are put up in rows. Each stall in nicely decorated to attract, customers, buyers, and visitors. There is one row for agricultural goods and tools; in another row, agricultural and horticultural products vegetables and flower plants are on display.

The other farmers feel charmed at the agricultural products. The products also encourage them to increase production in all respects. The women and children become attracted at the view of craftsmanship of the artisans.

Various shows: A part of the field is kept apart for amusements. There are merry go rounds, puppet show, circus show, theatre, magic show, folk songs, bioscope show etc. Children are fond of each of them. A vast gathering always remains there. Every amusement follows one after another and night after night.

The goods: The villagers buy many fancy goods from the fair. They buy those things which draw their attention and attraction as well. Broom, wooden and earthen vessels, wooden lamp, flower vase, hand fans, garlands of pearls, earthen dolls etc. are bought by children and women. The solvent and moneyed men buy costly goods like furniture, ornaments and other goods.

How visited: The village fair is held for one or two days. It continues from morning up to midnight. Visitors in groups come arid go after visiting it. Many teenagers and young naughty boys come to visit the fair with their ill-motives. Many innocent girls are victimized. To protect and maintain law and order in the fair the police force should be debuted during the fair period. Both physical and mental punishment should be imposed on the culprit.

Strict rules to be followed: The leading heads of the locality should be alert in this regard. A watchful eye needs to be cast over the nuisance acts. The local gamblers come to the fair collectively. They set their gambling pet besides the fair and cheat or deceive the innocent viewers. The young boys should, under no circumstances, be allowed to commit any alloplastic infringement on social values during the fair period.

As a trade fair: The village fair is, in fact, a trade fair. They come to set up temporary shops to gain much profit. It is a one-time business. Man-made and home-made goods are available in the fair but they are a bit costly.

Extra-amusements: The village fair provides an extra amusement to the villagers. Many men and women are generally found deprived of amusements. They cannot visit interesting places. The village fair serves them as a sort of exhibition of village products. Things and goods of many kinds are brought for show and sale. It is an occasion of great joy and excitement. A large crowd gathers in the Jatra pandal.

Importance: The village fair is very useful and important. It removes the monotony of the villagers. They can forget their sorrows and sufferings for a short period. They can find a scope of meeting there with and kin and can come in touch with the variety of people. The villages working in the village can get stimulation of doing further works from the enjoyment they have in the village fair.

There are temporary restaurants for eating food, sweets and other edible things. The local people also eat there, let alone the distant people. The village fair brings about a change into the mind of the people. They can enjoy many unenjoyed things and they have an immense pleasure. It widens their mental horizon and changes their outlook. The village fair removes their evil thoughts and ideas and enlightens their mind.

Conclusion: The village fair serves the villagers two purposes – one provides them pleasure and happiness and the other provides the businessmen profit.

my village fair essay

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my village fair essay

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my village fair essay

Essay on Fair for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fair.

Fair is usually termed as a gathering of people for certain entertainment or commercial activities. The fairground is an area with hundreds of temporary shops selling various products to the people who have gathered to visit the fair. A village fair is usually marked by hawkers selling toys and sweets. In our states usually, a fair is organized during festivals. Some fairs like a book fair, travel fair, trade fair, etc may occur other than a festival and sell products related to their specific theme. We can divide fair into two types, City fair and village fair. Now we will discuss them.

essay on fair

A city fair is usually held at any specific date throughout the year. In India, many old fairs are held for years, around the same period. Trade fairs are for selling unique artifacts, crafts, jewelry, furniture, etc. It is also for commercial activities with a limited presence of fun and entertainment activities. A festive fair, on the other hand, is held during a festival season.

For example, a Durga puja fair in a city is held during the Durga puja festival and Pongal fair in southern India is held during the Pongal festival. During Holi also many fairs occur in different parts of the country.

Another fair which occurs in the city is Book Fair. A group of publishers and dealers organize Book Fair in order to promote books and improving sales. A book fair displays books belonging to various disciplines, ranging from history to autobiographies, storybooks, science books, books on literature, fictional books, encyclopedias, books on general knowledge, etc.

A city fair is usually held in an open field inside the city. The field for the fair could be small or big, depending on its availability or on the size of the fair. The most significant sign of a city fair is the noise that is heard on the loudspeakers.

Someone outside the fair hears different commercial and entertainment activities through loudspeakers. Vendors selling their products, a magician calling eager children, call for audiences to witness a just to begin stunt performance and other activities could be heard simultaneously.

Village Fair

A village fair is also held during festivals, like Dussehra and Diwali . It could also be held annually during the celebration to a local deity or religious beliefs of the people. A village fair is usually smaller than a city fair in appearance as well as the activities. Indian local village fair is marked by relatively small shops, selling mostly toys and sweets.

Many hawkers selling small toys on hand-held wooden frames could be seen roaming in the fair. Flutes, whistles, and a variety of lightweight toys are seen in a village fair, which attracts children a lot. Hawkers in fair constantly play the flute or whistle in order to lure the children to buy from them.

Apart from these other main attractions of a village fair include sweets and different types of swings and ferry wheels, especially for the children. A typical desi village fair is dominated with the fragrance of different sweets, being freshly made by the vendors. The common attractive delicacy of a village fair is jalebi. Apart from the sweets, toys and other articles, the next attraction of a village fair is ferry wheels of a different kind.

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A Fair whether city fair or village fair, it provides a great fun activity to the children, young as well as the elderly. Apart from being a fun centered event, it is also a source of livelihood for vendors who depend on it. Many small vendors and hawkers depend on the fairs for their businesses. Fairs provide a quality of fun time with family and friends. Parents should also ensure that all safety precautions are properly taken before sending children to rides or ferry wheels.

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Essay on A Visit to a Village Fair

my village fair essay

Fairs and festivals are held in every town and village of India. The people living in villages have no entertainment except the fairs. I went to see a village fair with my friend.

There were many men, women, and children going to see the fair. They were wearing colorful clothes. They came from neighboring villages. First of all, the people worshipped the goddess in the Kali temple.

They placed the offerings of sweets in front of the goddess. There were great hustle and bustle in the markets. There were many shops in a row.

There were shops of bangles, ready-made garments, toys, and sweets. A flute seller was playing on his flute. The children were enjoying rides on the merry-go-round.

There were also rope-dancers and magicians. The snake charmers and jugglers were also there. There were some policemen who were maintaining law and order in the fair.

A small boy had separated from his parents. He was given to his parents by the scouts. When it became dark and we returned to our homes. It was a very happy visit.

Speech on: A Visit to a Village Fair

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My Village Paragraph for All Students [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Village Paragraph in English: India is known as a country of villages because more than 60% of the population live in villages. In this article, you are going to read 4 paragraphs on my village in English (100, 150, 200 and 250 words). If you are looking for an essay on my village this article will also help you with that. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Village Paragraph: 100 Words

The name of my village is Fatepur. It is situated in the district of Nadia, about 50 km away from Kolkata. There are about 1000 people live in my village. All the villagers are very cordial and supportive. Most of the villagers are farmers. They grow paddy, jute and vegetables.

There is a primary school , a health care center and a post office in my village. There is a large playground where we play in the afternoon. A pucca road runs through the middle of our village. We get all the necessary things from the village market. People living here are poor but they are very kind and honest. I love my village very much.

My Village Paragraph in English

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My Village Paragraph: 150 Words

I live at Kusumpur, a small village in Burdwan district. The population of the village is around one thousand. Most of them are farmers, few are small traders. Our village has one primary school, a sub-post office and a primary health center.

Besides, there are a police outpost and a block office which serve greatly to the needs of the villagers. The village has a few kutcha roads, tanks and playgrounds. In our village, we all lead a happy social life with occasional pujas, jatras and melas.

The gram panchayat looks after our welfare. The villagers, though faced with many disadvantages, are on the whole happy and contented. The inhabitants are all simple and decent. They are united by mutual love and fellow feeling and stand by one another in times of need. Our village life is very peaceful and it is free from the din and bustle of a city life.

My Village Paragraph

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Paragraph on My Village: 200 Words

The name of my village is Holipura. It is located in the Agra district of Uttar Pradesh. Holipura is my birthplace. It is completely surrounded by nature. It is a paradise of beauty, freshness and peace. A variety of fruits and flowers grow here throughout the year. There are about 250 houses in my village. About two thousand people live here. People of all religions live here happily and peacefully.

There is one primary school and one High school in my village. There is also a post office and a hospital in my village. My village is very well developed in terms of communication system. The village is connected to the nearby national highway through panchayat road. The main roads of the village are paved and wide.

People of different professions live here. Most of the people are farmers. Some people are involved in fishing, weaving, handicrafts, shopkeeping etc. Besides, some people also work as labourers. Moreover, There is a Village market which is held twice a week. People don’t have to go far to buy and sell their products.

The weather in our village is very pleasant and beautiful. It is possible to get fresh air and oxygen here. The drinking water is clean and pollution free.

My village is progressing day by day. Everyone is moving towards education and many students are going abroad to study. I feel very proud of my village.

my village essay in english

Essay on My Village: 250 Words

I have not yet seen a village like my own. Kanthalpara where I live is a small village, calm and quiet, under the green boughs all around. It is far from the madding city. It is located Just on the border of Nadia in the north and 24 Parganas in the south. The Ganga which flows by gently is to the west of the village and Bangaon is to the east.

It is about 6 sq. km. in area and has a population of over five thousand. About sixty persons out of hundred are farmers and live on agriculture and cottage industry. The rest work in offices and factories. We have a good Health Centre. We are very fortunate that we don’t have to walk elsewhere beyond our village for a school to read in.

There are one High School and two Primary Schools in the village. We have a good supply of water from two big tanks and seven tubewells. The village has a daily market and also a police camp. Traders from different corners crowd here to collect agricultural products. So our village has become a trading center.

We have a Branch of State Bank. There is also a post office in the locality. It has a famous background for Bankim Chandra Chatterjee as he was born here. Our Public Library has been named after the great author. National Highway 34 runs through our village. Kanthalpara is connected with Kolkata by land and water. There’s so much simplicity and peace in my village. In all respects, this is an ideal village.

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I am happy and it’s so useful. Thank you 🥰

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Very usefull

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Looking Back at the Best of the Moscow Biennale (Photo Essay)

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As more than a month full of exhibitions draws to a close, The Moscow Times looks back at some of the most interesting parts of the 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art.

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Andrei Roiter: "Open House"

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Moscow turned into a Cossack village for one day

The “Cossack village” festival was held in “Luzhniki” Olympic complex on the 17th of October 2012. It commemorated 200th anniversary of the Cossacks gathering that set the task of expelling Napoleon forces from Moscow.

“The Cossack corps led by Ataman Matvei Platov completely destroyed my horses, artillery and bags”, Napoleon said remembering his unsuccessful campaign in Russia. In the Great Patriotic war of 1812, Cossacks distinguished themselves by displaying cleverness, decisiveness and bravery. Later, they entered Paris in the vanguard of European forces. Their descendants still honour the traditions, says Cossack Colonel Alexander Gavrin.

“The festival opened with a performance by the army chorus of the Moscow District’s Central Cossack force. Sholokhov Moscow Cossack cadet’s corps march and a performance by Kuban Cossack force’s honorary guard closed the festival. Muscovites and the visitors of the Russian capital got an opportunity to watch master-classes in historical fencing. The festival included a huge children’s programme, competitions, round dances and other entertainment,” the organizer of this festival Olga Ivanova said. The festival also featured a large fair of traditional handicrafts. The hosts of Cossack villages offered visitors “kvass”, honey and other treats and snacks.

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