Reflective Essay on Risk-Taking

Risk-taking is the essence of human nature. From the beginning of our lives we learn to be adventurous. We learn to walk despite the many falls we undergo. We learn to ride a bike even after earning scars from losing our balance. But as people grow older, many try to abandon the scary, yet thrilling reality of risk-taking. If we avoid risk-taking altogether, society would be stuck in an endless loop of when it was first founded. Imagine a world without space exploration or medical discoveries, one that is dull without the advancements of risk-takers who escaped the loop. 

I come from a long line of risk-takers. The unique mindset of my family has made me who I am today — a young adventurer who sees the world full of endless possibilities waiting to be conquered. My mother and her three siblings grew up in a small town outside Yerevan, once part of the Soviet Union. Now part of the thirty year old country, Armenia. They enjoyed life as they knew it, speaking fluent Armenian in a neighborhood that felt more like a family. However, my grandparents knew that their children were destined for more than their country had to offer them. They were children of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, with parents who could hardly smile due to the constant discrimination and traumatizing events they endured. They wanted to give my mother, and her siblings, a different childhood than the one they had. The United States provided them this opportunity, but they would have to abandon everything they knew to get there. 

My far-reaching family soon became my support system, who encouraged me to be the most adventurous and curious version of myself. They signed me up for every opportunity available — dance classes, tae kwon do, piano lessons, soccer, clubs, art classes, and anything you could ever dream of. As a child, I unknowingly sucked up their ability to be a risk-taker and adopted it for myself. The timorous child I once was would be unable to recognize the person I am today. I was a young girl who daydreamed of being a leader, but was terrified to be one. That young girl soon met programs that made speaking out worth the fear, and soon deserted that fear for a passion: government and politics. 

Freshman year, I reluctantly joined YMCA Youth and Government, a club designed to model the New York State government, with youth taking over the capitol building to debate bills, argue cases, and keep up with the press. I knew signing up meant that I would have to speak in front of hundreds of people. I didn’t think I could do it, and I couldn’t the first year. I crashed and burned at every conference we had. But, I fell in love with writing my own legislation that I felt passionate about. I was determined to be a successful bill author, and create awareness and justice for those underlooked. So, I signed up again. My new bill protected those in domestic violence situations through removing firearms from perpetrators upon arraignment. It was soon passed and signed by the governor, voted as the best bill, and earned me a winning election for Speaker in my chamber. 

I hope one day to use my ambition in a career. For now, I strive to bring back my knowledge to my school and help those who strive to be risk-takers too.

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Essay on Taking Risks In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Taking Risks In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Taking Risks In Life

What is risk-taking.

Risk-taking is a part of life. It involves doing something that is uncertain or has a chance of leading to a negative outcome. Taking risks can be scary, but it can also lead to great rewards.

Why Take Risks?

There are many reasons why people take risks. Sometimes, we take risks to achieve something that we want, such as a new job or a better education. Other times, we take risks to avoid something that we don’t want, such as a bad grade or a broken relationship.

Benefits of Risk-Taking

Taking risks can have many benefits. It can help us to learn new things, grow as people, and achieve our goals. Taking risks can also make life more exciting and adventurous.

Risks of Risk-Taking

Of course, taking risks also has some risks. We might not achieve what we want, or we might even experience negative consequences. However, the potential rewards of risk-taking often outweigh the risks.

How to Take Risks Safely

If you’re thinking about taking a risk, there are a few things you can do to make sure you do it as safely as possible. First, you should learn as much as you can about the risk you’re taking. Second, you should make a plan for how you’re going to deal with any negative outcomes. Finally, you should take small steps and gradually increase the level of risk you’re taking.

250 Words Essay on Taking Risks In Life

Taking risks in life.

Taking risks is a part of life. There are few things worth doing that don’t involve some risk. Also, the bigger the risk, the bigger the potential reward. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of any risk before you take it. As there are times when it’s better to play it safe.

Calculated Risks vs Uncalculated Risks

Risk can be calculated or uncalculated. Calculated risks are those where you take the time to assess the situation and make an informed decision. Uncalculated risks are those where you jump in without thinking. In general, it is wise to take calculated risks rather than uncalculated risks. Of course, there are some cases where it is necessary to take uncalculated risks, but these should be the exception rather than the rule.

Always Have a Backup Plan

You should always have a backup plan in place before you take a risk. This means having a plan for what you will do if things don’t go as planned. Having a backup plan will help you to feel more confident about taking risks, knowing that you have a safety net to fall back on.

Learn from Your Mistakes

It is important to learn from your mistakes when you take risks. This means taking the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistake in the future. Learning from your mistakes will help you to become a more effective risk-taker.

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Taking risks means that you are going to fail sometimes. This is a natural part of the process. Don’t be afraid to fail. Instead, learn from your failures and move on.

Taking risks is an important part of life. It can lead to great rewards, but it also carries the potential for failure. By weighing the pros and cons of any risk before you take it, having a backup plan in place, learning from your mistakes, and not being afraid to fail, you can increase your chances of success.

500 Words Essay on Taking Risks In Life

Why should you take risks in life.

Taking risks is a part of life. It involves stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new. While it can be scary, taking calculated risks can lead to big rewards, such as personal growth, new experiences, and increased self-confidence. It can also help you to overcome your fears and develop resilience.

How to Take Calculated Risks

Taking risks doesn’t mean making impulsive decisions or acting recklessly. Instead, it means carefully weighing the potential pros and cons of a situation and making an informed decision about whether or not to take the risk. Here are a few tips for taking calculated risks:

  • Start small: Don’t try to take a huge risk all at once. Start by taking small, manageable risks that you’re more likely to succeed at. As you gain confidence, you can gradually increase the size of the risks you take.
  • Be informed: Before you take a risk, make sure you have all the information you need to make a sound decision. This means doing your research and talking to people who have experience in the area you’re considering.
  • Trust your gut: Sometimes, you just have to trust your gut instinct and go for it. If something feels right, even if it’s a little bit scary, it’s probably worth taking the risk.

Benefits of Taking Risks

Taking risks can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Personal growth: When you take risks, you learn and grow as a person. You develop new skills, overcome challenges, and build confidence.
  • New experiences: Taking risks can lead to new and exciting experiences. You might travel to new places, meet new people, or try new things.
  • Increased self-confidence: When you successfully take a risk, you feel a sense of accomplishment. This can boost your self-confidence and make you more likely to take risks in the future.
  • Resilience: Taking risks can help you to develop resilience. When you face challenges and setbacks, you learn how to bounce back and keep going.

Taking risks is a part of life. It can be scary, but it’s also essential for personal growth and success. By taking calculated risks, you can open yourself up to new experiences, learn and grow as a person, and build confidence. So don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and take a risk every now and then.

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Risk Taking Essay Examples

The importance of writing an essay on risk taking.

Writing an essay on risk taking is important because it helps individuals understand the significance of taking risks in various aspects of life. Whether it is in personal relationships, career choices, or business ventures, taking risks is a crucial part of growth and success. By exploring this topic through writing, individuals can gain valuable insights into the benefits and potential consequences of risk taking.

When writing an essay on risk taking, it is important to consider the following tips:

  • Define the Concept: Start by defining what risk taking means and its significance in different contexts. This will provide a clear understanding of the topic for the readers.
  • Provide Examples: Incorporate real-life examples of individuals or companies who have taken risks and the outcomes they experienced. This can help illustrate the impact of risk taking.
  • Discuss the Benefits and Drawbacks: Analyze the potential benefits and drawbacks of taking risks. This will provide a balanced perspective on the topic.
  • Offer Personal Insights: Share personal experiences or insights on risk taking to make the essay more relatable and engaging for the readers.
  • Emphasize the Importance of Calculated Risks: Highlight the importance of making informed and calculated decisions when taking risks, rather than acting impulsively.
  • Conclude with Key Takeaways: Summarize the key points and lessons learned from the essay, leaving the readers with valuable insights to ponder.

Overall, writing an essay on risk taking can provide a platform for individuals to explore and understand the significance of taking risks in life. It can also serve as a tool for personal reflection and growth, allowing individuals to assess their own approach to risk taking and make informed decisions in the future.

  • The psychological impact of risk-taking on individuals

Risk-taking is a behavior that involves engaging in activities with uncertain outcomes, often with the potential for both positive and negative consequences. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature, and individuals engage in risk-taking behavior for a variety of reasons. Some people may seek out risky activities as a way to experience excitement and adrenaline, while others may take risks in pursuit of personal or professional goals.

The psychological impact of risk-taking can be complex and multifaceted. For some individuals, engaging in risky behavior can lead to feelings of exhilaration and a sense of accomplishment. However, for others, it can result in feelings of anxiety, fear, and regret. Additionally, risk-taking behavior can also have long-term consequences for an individual's mental health and well-being.

  • One potential topic for an essay on risk-taking could explore the psychological factors that drive individuals to engage in risky behavior. This could include an examination of the role of personality traits, such as sensation-seeking and impulsivity, in influencing an individual's propensity for risk-taking. Additionally, the essay could also delve into the impact of environmental factors, such as peer influence and societal norms, on an individual's willingness to take risks.
  • Another potential topic for an essay on risk-taking could focus on the relationship between risk-taking behavior and mental health. This could involve an exploration of the ways in which risk-taking can both positively and negatively impact an individual's psychological well-being. For example, the essay could examine how risk-taking behavior can provide a sense of excitement and fulfillment, but also lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Furthermore, an essay on risk-taking could also explore the potential long-term consequences of engaging in risky behavior. This could include an analysis of the ways in which repeated exposure to risk-taking activities can desensitize individuals to potential dangers, leading to a greater likelihood of engaging in even riskier behavior in the future. Additionally, the essay could also examine the ways in which risk-taking can contribute to the development of mental health issues, such as addiction and substance abuse.

The psychological impact of risk-taking on individuals is a complex and multifaceted topic that can be explored in a variety of ways. By examining the factors that drive individuals to engage in risky behavior, the relationship between risk-taking and mental health, and the long-term consequences of risk-taking, it is possible to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological implications of this fundamental aspect of human nature.

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reflective essay on taking risks

Reflection on the Concept of Risk Reflective Essay

According to the internationally accepted definition, risk can be described as “the effect of uncertainty on objectives” (Australian Government 2010, p. 1). It is important to examine the peculiarities of this interpretation and its implications for the work of various practitioners.

Overall, one can argue that this definition can throw light on various factors that can influence the work of organisations. Therefore, this framework can set higher standards for the work of risk managers and business administrators.

Previously, risk could be regarded as the probability of loss; nevertheless, this interpretation does not fully reflect the complexity of this notion. At first, one should mention that the new definition highlights the idea that risks should not be associated only with negative consequences.

According to this approach, one should also explore the opportunities which are available to individuals and organisations. Overall, this change can have significant implications for risk managers who need to know how to derive benefits from uncertainty which does not necessarily lead to financial losses or other adverse effects.

This is one of the details that should be distinguished.

Furthermore, the focus on the objectives is important because in this way, one can better understand the complexity of problems encountered by organisations and separate individuals. It should be noted that companies may pursue a variety of goals that can be related to product development, HR policy, profitability, market positioning, and so forth.

Therefore, business administrators and risk managers should consider a wider range of problems or opportunities to which an organisation can be exposed (Lundqvist 2014, p. 393). This approach is beneficial because it sets higher standards for risk managers.

In particular, they should understand different aspects of organisational performance and the influence of external environment (Goldin 2014, p. 325). In this way, they can get better insight into the uncertainties that can influence enterprises.

This is one of the benefits that should be considered. Additionally, one should remember that objectives can be short-term and long-term. Therefore, one should be able to classify risks in terms of their time horizon. This activity can be important for developing the strategies of a company.

Admittedly, this approach can create several difficulties for risk managers. These problems can manifest themselves at the time when the objectives are not clearly formulated. However, it is vital to identify risks in a specific way (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 2012).

Thus, this definition can be criticised due to the lack of precision. Furthermore, in some cases, it may be difficult to measure the impact of risks. This task can be very challenging at the time when the objectives are not quantifiable. These are some of the difficulties that should be identified.

Nevertheless, despite these limitations, this definition should not be dismissed because it is useful for identifying and averting different problems that businesses can face.

On the whole, this discussion shows that the new definition of risk prompts managers to look at this concept from various perspectives. In particular, they should not focus only on the possibility of financial losses. More likely, they need to investigate a variety of uncertainties that influence the objectives of companies or separate individuals.

Certainly, it may be difficult to measure the impact of uncertainty on some objectives. This is one of the limitations that should be taken into account. However, this framework encourages risk managers to get a better idea about internal and external factors influencing the work of companies. This is why this definition should be adopted.

Australian Government 2010, Risk Management Principles and Guidelines . Web.

Goldin, I 2014, ‘The Butterfly Defect: Why globalization creates systemic risks and what to do about it’, Journal Of Risk Management In Financial Institutions , vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 325-327.

Lundqvist, S 2014, ‘An Exploratory Study of Enterprise Risk Management: Pillars of ERM’, Journal Of Accounting, Auditing & Finance , vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 393-429.

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 2012, Guide to Integrated Risk Management . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 27). Reflection on the Concept of Risk.

"Reflection on the Concept of Risk." IvyPanda , 27 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Reflection on the Concept of Risk'. 27 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Reflection on the Concept of Risk." December 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Reflection on the Concept of Risk." December 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Reflection on the Concept of Risk." December 27, 2023.

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Taking Chances: reflections on risk

Shoot your shot?  Take a chance?  Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple?

reflective essay on taking risks

Shoot your shot?  Take a chance?  Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple?  We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk.  We’ve shared their responses below.

Andrea Barrera | CEO & Founder

For the majority of my adolescence and adult life, I thought of ‘risk’ as something inherently negative and usually a precursor to loss or carelessness. Within the last few years my perception of the word has taken a completely new meaning. I learned the biggest risks often reap the biggest rewards and if you want to do big things and make your dreams come true you have to be willing to risk it all. In my life and career, taking risks has played a huge role and has become second nature to me. Read more>>

Dale Chung | Music Producer & Filmmaker

No risk, no reward! I believe that absolutely! Eighteen years ago, I quit my job to pursue a career as a musician and a music producer. I was slightly late in life embracing risk and change but once I did, my goal quickly became “To not die thinking What if?”. I try to recognize the small accomplishments as a sign of encouragement. It’s the small rewards that keep me going everyday. So I try not to overlook the. Read more>>

Mathieu Szymkowiak | Actor, Model & Voiceover Artist

Risk has been a major theme in my life. Starting from when I moved to the USA. I moved from a small town in France, not knowing much English, leaving all my friends and loved ones, all for love. I ended up marrying the girl I moved for and we’ve grown our family, so obviously, the risk was worth it. Risk is inherent in my career because it requires you to put yourself in a vulnerable position on a daily basis. Auditioning for limited roles, in front of strangers that ultimately influence your fate. Read more>>

Jameca Lyttle | Founder

If someone was to ask me 10 years ago if I considered myself a risk taker, I would have unequivocally answered no. While not averse to risk, most people tend to associate the word to things like uncertainty, gamble and in some circumstances danger. Practical, calculated, realistic and all the other synonyms that make up my Capricornian nature just didn’t logically seem to align with that of a risk taker. But if I were to stand in the mirror and take a long look at myself, the reflection would tell a different life story. Read more>>

Mishka Clavijo Kimball | Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Life Coach, Speaker & Professor

I think of risks as opportunities to grow, learn and transform. One of my favorite quotes is… “do one thing every day that scares you” by Eleanor Roosevelt. I am a true believer that the best way to overcome your fears is by doing the thing that scares you or the thing you believe you can’t do. This helps you take a step outside of your comfort zone, and while it may feel uncomfortable, it is incredibly valuable because that is when real growth and learning happens. Read more>>

Stas Orlovski | Visual Artist

When I was young, my family fled the former Soviet Union to Tel Aviv then Paris before settling in Toronto. This was done with no money, while having to learn new languages and change careers multiple times. Growing up, I internalized the idea that taking risks was fundamental to not only achieving success, but also a matter of survival. In my mind, moving to Los Angeles for an MFA, scraping together enough money to buy a house/studio, having a child, and pursuing a career in art are not unusual, but nevertheless require a certain willingness to take risks. Read more>>

Shelley Iocona | Founder & Principal at ON ITS AXIS

Risk-taking didn’t come naturally to me. Sometime during college is when I started to realize that if I didn’t take risks, many of the experiences I wanted in life likely wouldn’t happen and I would remain in the status quo. Naturally, the way I think about risk-taking now versus during my early life/career is quite different. I believe risk-taking is required to achieve anything of great magnitude. This is especially true when it comes to entrepreneurship; starting a business is one of the biggest risks an individual can take. Read more>>

Mengting Hou | MBA; Music Business

Time has value, and I don’t want to risk losing its value. As time goes by, there is a risk of drying out our energy and losing opportunities gradually. To me, that is the biggest risk I cannot afford, which drives me to chase my dreams no matter how unrealistic they look. I’ve done some so-called courageous things around 20 when I was in a Law School back in China, such as working as a waitress and setting up a stall at night to sell bags, starting my businesses while taking two majors and being a part-time teacher, building a commercial brand while exporting products to the US, etc. Doing all those, I did not risk failing my studies. Read more>>

Marisa Bean | Photographer & Brand Manager

I like to consider myself more of a traditional thinker than an innovator. Usually, innovation means more risk, and I generally prefer to take small risks, or no risk at all. However, life has pushed me more to find the courage to take bigger risks. I’ve discussed in the past the “10s of courage” rule that has helped me take bigger risks. Once you start down that path, it gets easier and easier to accept bigger risks. You really have to think, “what’s the worst thing that could happen?” If you have literally nothing to lose, why not go for it? If what you lose is a little bit of comfort, give it a shot. Read more>>

Stacia Hiramine | Photographer & Designer

After a tumultuous childhood of following humanitarian parents across the globe, I stepped into adulthood in a similar fashion: up to my ears in post-grad programs and trips that would plunk me down in no less than 13 countries for purposes related to everything from photojournalism to refugee support to studying theology. In the rare moments I would pause to process what risk meant to me, I’d feel relatively confident, reasoning that I understood risk thoroughly – an idea further amplified by the wild, adventure-packed three year itinerary stretched out before me at the time. Read more>>

Kumiko Yamamoto | Doctor & Wellness Clinic Owner

When we hear the word “Risk Taking,” it may sound like a grandiose concept to us or it may make us want to shy away. I believe the essence of “Risk Taking” is simply being true to ourselves. This can be something as simple as “it feels right” in our gut. Looking back at my life and my career, I have taken what now seem to be “Big Risks.” Those decisions that I made and actions I took have lead me to amazing places that I didn’t imagine possible in my life and in my career. One of my biggest risk taking moments in my personal life was when I went through a divorce. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever gone through in my life. Read more>>

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Risk Taking Essay Examples

Examining the link between adolescent brain development and risk taking from a social-developmental perspective.

Risk-taking is a common behaviour among adolescents, and can be described as participating in potentially harmful or dangerous activities according to Azhar et. al. (2015). Just as the global population is increasing, so are levels of risk-taking behaviour among adolescents. The adolescent stage of life...

Take the Risk Or Lose the Chance: the Road to a Bright Life

“The biggest risk is not taking any risks, In a world that changes very quickly, the only strategy that guarantees failure is not to take risks. ” Mark Zuckerberg Taking risks in life seems very scary, because we face the unknown and many times we...

Risk Taking Behaviour: Smoking, Unprotected Sex and Drunk Driving

Risk taking behaviours are actions and decisions made by individuals that may result in a dangerous or consequential outcome. There are multiple types of behaviours that can be counted as risk taking, some include, the consumption of alcohol under the age of eighteen or drinking...

The Role of Risk Taking and Planning in Achieving Success

The need of achievement plays primary role on today's people in some field such as life of education, business career etc. This attitude forces people to take an action what time is to decide on. If one desires success in whole life, risk taking and...

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