1. Table 11.1 from Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences

    comparative analysis case oriented versus variable oriented research

  2. 2 variable-oriented versus case-oriented approach

    comparative analysis case oriented versus variable oriented research

  3. Della Porta

    comparative analysis case oriented versus variable oriented research

  4. 3: Visual representation of the process of comparative cross case

    comparative analysis case oriented versus variable oriented research

  5. Comparative Analysis: What It Is & How to Conduct It

    comparative analysis case oriented versus variable oriented research

  6. 2 variable-oriented versus case-oriented approach

    comparative analysis case oriented versus variable oriented research


  1. Comparative Law & Nepalese Legal System LLB 1st Year Year Exam Oriented Class

  2. Ignou MA |MSO-002


  4. Difference between observational studies and randomized experiments?

  5. LEC04| OOPS

  6. LEC06| Object Oriented Programming Using Java


  1. 11 Comparative analysis: case-oriented versus variable

    Comparative analysis holds a central place in social science research. There is a well-established view in the social sciences that it should be based on variables (see Héritier, ch. 4, and Schmitter, ch. 14). Yet much research – especially in political science, but also in some branches of sociology – is case-oriented: that is, it aims at rich descriptions of a few instances of a certain ...