30 Examples: How to Conclude a Presentation (Effective Closing Techniques)

By Editorial Team on March 4, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

Ending a presentation on a high note is a skill that can set you apart from the rest. It’s the final chance to leave an impact on your audience, ensuring they walk away with the key messages embedded in their minds. This moment is about driving your points home and making sure they resonate. Crafting a memorable closing isn’t just about summarizing key points, though that’s part of it, but also about providing value that sticks with your listeners long after they’ve left the room.

Crafting Your Core Message

To leave a lasting impression, your presentation’s conclusion should clearly reflect your core message. This is your chance to reinforce the takeaways and leave the audience thinking about your presentation long after it ends.

Identifying Key Points

Start by recognizing what you want your audience to remember. Think about the main ideas that shaped your talk. Make a list like this:

  • The problem your presentation addresses.
  • The evidence that supports your argument.
  • The solution you propose or the action you want the audience to take.

These key points become the pillars of your core message.

Contextualizing the Presentation

Provide context by briefly relating back to the content of the whole presentation. For example:

  • Reference a statistic you shared in the opening, and how it ties into the conclusion.
  • Mention a case study that underlines the importance of your message.

Connecting these elements gives your message cohesion and makes your conclusion resonate with the framework of your presentation.

30 Example Phrases: How to Conclude a Presentation

  • 1. “In summary, let’s revisit the key takeaways from today’s presentation.”
  • 2. “Thank you for your attention. Let’s move forward together.”
  • 3. “That brings us to the end. I’m open to any questions you may have.”
  • 4. “I’ll leave you with this final thought to ponder as we conclude.”
  • 5. “Let’s recap the main points before we wrap up.”
  • 6. “I appreciate your engagement. Now, let’s turn these ideas into action.”
  • 7. “We’ve covered a lot today. To conclude, remember these crucial points.”
  • 8. “As we reach the end, I’d like to emphasize our call to action.”
  • 9. “Before we close, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned.”
  • 10. “Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to our next steps.”
  • 11. “In closing, I’d like to thank everyone for their participation.”
  • 12. “Let’s conclude with a reminder of the impact we can make together.”
  • 13. “To wrap up our session, here’s a brief summary of our discussion.”
  • 14. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to present to you. Any final thoughts?”
  • 15. “And that’s a wrap. I welcome any final questions or comments.”
  • 16. “As we conclude, let’s remember the objectives we’ve set today.”
  • 17. “Thank you for your time. Let’s apply these insights to achieve success.”
  • 18. “In conclusion, your feedback is valuable, and I’m here to listen.”
  • 19. “Before we part, let’s take a moment to reflect on our key messages.”
  • 20. “I’ll end with an invitation for all of us to take the next step.”
  • 21. “As we close, let’s commit to the goals we’ve outlined today.”
  • 22. “Thank you for your attention. Let’s keep the conversation going.”
  • 23. “In conclusion, let’s make a difference, starting now.”
  • 24. “I’ll leave you with these final words to consider as we end our time together.”
  • 25. “Before we conclude, remember that change starts with our actions today.”
  • 26. “Thank you for the lively discussion. Let’s continue to build on these ideas.”
  • 27. “As we wrap up, I encourage you to reach out with any further questions.”
  • 28. “In closing, I’d like to express my gratitude for your valuable input.”
  • 29. “Let’s conclude on a high note and take these learnings forward.”
  • 30. “Thank you for your time today. Let’s end with a commitment to progress.”

Summarizing the Main Points

When you reach the end of your presentation, summarizing the main points helps your audience retain the important information you’ve shared. Crafting a memorable summary enables your listeners to walk away with a clear understanding of your message.

Effective Methods of Summarization

To effectively summarize your presentation, you need to distill complex information into concise, digestible pieces. Start by revisiting the overarching theme of your talk and then narrow down to the core messages. Use plain language and imagery to make the enduring ideas stick. Here are some examples of how to do this:

  • Use analogies that relate to common experiences to recap complex concepts.
  • Incorporate visuals or gestures that reinforce your main arguments.

The Rule of Three

The Rule of Three is a classic writing and communication principle. It means presenting ideas in a trio, which is a pattern that’s easy for people to understand and remember. For instance, you might say, “Our plan will save time, cut costs, and improve quality.” This structure has a pleasing rhythm and makes the content more memorable. Some examples include:

  • “This software is fast, user-friendly, and secure.”
  • Pointing out a product’s “durability, affordability, and eco-friendliness.”

Reiterating the Main Points

Finally, you want to circle back to the key takeaways of your presentation. Rephrase your main points without introducing new information. This reinforcement supports your audience’s memory and understanding of the material. You might summarize key takeaways like this:

  • Mention the problem you addressed, the solution you propose, and the benefits of this solution.
  • Highlighting the outcomes of adopting your strategy: higher efficiency, greater satisfaction, and increased revenue.

Creating a Strong Conclusion

The final moments of your presentation are your chance to leave your audience with a powerful lasting impression. A strong conclusion is more than just summarizing—it’s your opportunity to invoke thought, inspire action, and make your message memorable.

Incorporating a Call to Action

A call to action is your parting request to your audience. You want to inspire them to take a specific action or think differently as a result of what they’ve heard. To do this effectively:

  • Be clear about what you’re asking.
  • Explain why their action is needed.
  • Make it as simple as possible for them to take the next steps.

Example Phrases:

  • “Start making a difference today by…”
  • “Join us in this effort by…”
  • “Take the leap and commit to…”

Leaving a Lasting Impression

End your presentation with something memorable. This can be a powerful quote, an inspirational statement, or a compelling story that underscores your main points. The goal here is to resonate with your audience on an emotional level so that your message sticks with them long after they leave.

  • “In the words of [Influential Person], ‘…'”
  • “Imagine a world where…”
  • “This is more than just [Topic]; it’s about…”

Enhancing Audience Engagement

To hold your audience’s attention and ensure they leave with a lasting impression of your presentation, fostering interaction is key.

Q&A Sessions

It’s important to integrate a Q&A session because it allows for direct communication between you and your audience. This interactive segment helps clarify any uncertainties and encourages active participation. Plan for this by designating a time slot towards the end of your presentation and invite questions that promote discussion.

  • “I’d love to hear your thoughts; what questions do you have?”
  • “Let’s dive into any questions you might have. Who would like to start?”
  • “Feel free to ask any questions, whether they’re clarifications or deeper inquiries about the topic.”

Encouraging Audience Participation

Getting your audience involved can transform a good presentation into a great one. Use open-ended questions that provoke thought and allow audience members to reflect on how your content relates to them. Additionally, inviting volunteers to participate in a demonstration or share their experiences keeps everyone engaged and adds a personal touch to your talk.

  • “Could someone give me an example of how you’ve encountered this in your work?”
  • “I’d appreciate a volunteer to help demonstrate this concept. Who’s interested?”
  • “How do you see this information impacting your daily tasks? Let’s discuss!”

Delivering a Persuasive Ending

At the end of your presentation, you have the power to leave a lasting impact on your audience. A persuasive ending can drive home your key message and encourage action.

Sales and Persuasion Tactics

When you’re concluding a presentation with the goal of selling a product or idea, employ carefully chosen sales and persuasion tactics. One method is to summarize the key benefits of your offering, reminding your audience why it’s important to act. For example, if you’ve just presented a new software tool, recap how it will save time and increase productivity. Another tactic is the ‘call to action’, which should be clear and direct, such as “Start your free trial today to experience the benefits first-hand!” Furthermore, using a touch of urgency, like “Offer expires soon!”, can nudge your audience to act promptly.

Final Impressions and Professionalism

Your closing statement is a chance to solidify your professional image and leave a positive impression. It’s important to display confidence and poise. Consider thanking your audience for their time and offering to answer any questions. Make sure to end on a high note by summarizing your message in a concise and memorable way. If your topic was on renewable energy, you might conclude by saying, “Let’s take a leap towards a greener future by adopting these solutions today.” This reinforces your main points and encourages your listeners to think or act differently when they leave.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative strategies for ending a presentation memorably.

To end your presentation in a memorable way, consider incorporating a call to action that engages your audience to take the next step. Another strategy is to finish with a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact that resonates with your listeners.

Can you suggest some powerful quotes suitable for concluding a presentation?

Yes, using a quote can be very effective. For example, Maya Angelou’s “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” can reinforce the emotional impact of your presentation.

What is an effective way to write a conclusion that summarizes a presentation?

An effective conclusion should recap the main points succinctly, highlighting what you want your audience to remember. A good way to conclude is by restating your thesis and then briefly summarizing the supporting points you made.

As a student, how can I leave a strong impression with my presentation’s closing remarks?

To leave a strong impression, consider sharing a personal anecdote related to your topic that demonstrates passion and conviction. This helps humanize your content and makes the message more relatable to your audience.

How can I appropriately thank my audience at the close of my presentation?

A simple and sincere expression of gratitude is always appropriate. You might say, “Thank you for your attention and engagement today,” to convey appreciation while also acknowledging their participation.

What are some examples of a compelling closing sentence in a presentation?

A compelling closing sentence could be something like, “Together, let’s take the leap towards a greener future,” if you’re presenting on sustainability. This sentence is impactful, calls for united action, and leaves your audience with a clear message.

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How to End Your Presentation with a Bang

how to finish a presentation in one day

So you’ve spent days (maybe weeks) putting together a killer presentation. Now, you stand up with confidence, present every bullet point with poise, and then you get all the way to the end… and the presentation just fizzles.

It’s like a marathon runner who trains for months (maybe years), then just a half mile before the finish line, starts to cramps and can’t finish the race.

The last thing that you tell your audience will most likely be what they remember. So, you want to end your presentation with a bang!

In this post, we will cover three things that you should absolutely avoid when you close your presentation. In addition, we will also cover 6 killer ways to end on a positive note.

By the way, for more details about how to organize a good speech, see the following. 7 Foolproof Ways to Start a Presentation . | How to Design a Presentation Quickly .

Eliminate these “Show Stoppers” from Your Presentation Conclusion

Avoid these Presentation Ending Showstoppers

Avoid Ending Your Presentation with a Question & Answer Period.

One of the things that drives me up the wall is ending a fantastic presentation with a Q & A session that has a high propensity to just flop.

It reminds me of some sage advice from my jr high school football coach. He was an old-school running game type of coach. He’d say,

“In football, when you pass the ball, only three things can happen and two of them are bad.”

I kind of feel the same way about Question & Answer periods. There are only three ways that Q & A sessions can end, and two of them are bad .

Yes, If your audience asks you great questions, you can end your presentation on a high note. However, if your audience asks you odd questions or uninteresting questions, you can end on a low note. Even worse than getting crappy questions, though is getting no questions. Now, the ending will just seem odd.

When I present, I encourage people to ask questions DURING my presentation . That way, I can use a more dynamic way to end my presentation with a bang.

Don’t End by Thanking the Audience for Their Time.

When you stand up to speak, you should have the attitude that your audience is there to hear from you because you have important information that they need. When you thank your audience for their time, you are conceding that their time is more important than your time.

Also Avoid an Abrupt Ending with No Conclusion.

This happened to me early in my career. The first time that I really bombed a speech, I made two really big mistakes. The first was that I sped through the information so quickly that I finished in less than half of the allotted time. Then, I just ran out of things to say, so I sat down. The people in the audience were confused. I had more time and the ending was so abrupt, that they weren’t sure if I was finished.

So, spend time preparing your conclusion. Practice it a few times, and you will end on a high note.

Bonus Tip: Warn Your Audience Ahead of Time that Your Speech is Coming to a Close.

Our brains are wired to look for structure in things. That’s why people get frustrated with cliffhangers in movies. Only in movies, there’s a sequel. In speeches and presentations, the end is the end.

Give a hint that you are nearing a close a couple of slides or paragraphs before you actually do. Saying something like, “So let’s review what we’ve discussed so far”, “As I wrap up this presentation” or “In conclusion”.

Signaling the close prepares your audience for the ending. Ironically, it also makes the ending more memorable.

Secrets to a Powerful Presentation Ending – 6 Ways to End Your Presentation with a Bang

Not that we have covered what NOT to do, let’s focus on a few, turnkey ways to end your presentation with a bang.

(1) End Your Presentation with a Brief Summary You Key Points.

End Your Presentation with a Brief Summary You Key Points

This technique works really well because it allows you to repeat your key points a few times. This repetition helps your audience remember the content better.

An Example of Using a Summary to End Your Presentation with a Bang!

A couple of months ago, I had a class member that used this technique really well. She worked for a local TV station that was trying to attract new viewers. Here is the presentation outline that she created:

We Can Increase the Number of Young Viewers by Focusing More on Our Social Media Platforms Teens get most news from social media. Increase coverage w/ teens increases interest in station. Making social media selective will make us stand out against competition.

[Introduction] “My topic today is about how we can increase the number of young viewers by focusing more on social media. The things that we are going to cover are, how teens get most of their news from social media, that if we increase our coverage with teens there will also be a corresponding increase in interest in our TV station, and how making our social media selective will allow us to stand out from the competition.”

After the introduction, the speaker would then cover the “meat” of the presentation by going through each point with specific examples and evidence about how each of those points is true.

At the conclusion, the speaker could just recap by saying, “So in conclusion, since teens get most of their news via social media, if we increase our coverage with teens, we will also increase interest in our station, and if we make our social media selective we will stand out from the crowd, I believe that we can increase the number of young viewers by focusing more on social media.”

The summary technique is a very easy way to conclude your speech, and it will also increase the retention of your audience.

For additional examples, see How to Write a Speech in Just a few Steps .

(2) End with an Example, Story, or Anecdote.

End with a Story or Anecdote

I spoke for another 45 minutes, and then I finished the presentation by describing the success story of one of my class members. He had implemented the very content that I had just delivered to that breakout session group. However, he was delivering a very data-intense presentation for the Center for Disease Control. (So his content was even more boring than the type of content the audience had to deliver.) The story showed the group how a speaker can take even boring, data-filled material and deliver it well.

Those contrasting stories — the one at the start of my presentation, and the one at the end, work really well together. They bookend the entire presentation.

An Easy Way to Find a Funny Anecdote to End Your Presentation.

Sometimes a good anecdote or funny story can be a good way to end on a positive as well. A good place to get funny anecdotes is from Reader’s Digest . (RD has a great book published that has just funny work-related stories. You can purchase it here: Laughter the Best Medicine @ Work: America’s Funniest Jokes, Quotes, and Cartoons )

This is kind of an embarrassing incident, but it shows that if you get a little creative, any type of story can be a great ending.

I was training an instructor years ago, and I had her just pick a random funny anecdote from Reader’s Digest. I told her that, no matter what the story was about, I’d find some way to insert the funny story into our class. Here is the story that she picked…

A woman went to her boss saying that she was going to go home early because she was feeling sick. The boss, having just gotten over a cold said that he hoped it wasn’t something that he had given to her. A coworker overhearing the conversation said, ‘I hope not. She has morning sickness.'”

(Obviously, this instructor-in-training also had a sense of humor, as well.) I thought about it a while, and I just ended the session with, “So, in summary, one of the most important parts of the presentation design process is knowing your audience. In fact, that reminds me of a story…” I then just added the anecdote word-for-word, and I got a big laugh.

I created a whole series of posts on storytelling starting with Storytelling in Public Speaking .

(3) Finish Your Speech by Telling the End of an Earlier Story.

Tell the End of an Earlier Story

Then, I finished the presentation by telling how, just a year later, after a little outside training, I had to stand in front of over 400 people to give an acceptance speech for an award. This time, I was calm, and I used my humor to win over the audience, and I killed it. By continuing the story and providing a positive result at the end, it makes for a pretty nice presentation ending.

So start with a story where you had a challenge and end with a success story about how you overcame that challenge.

(4) End Your Presentation with an Open-Ended Question.

Ask an Open Ended Question

That’s why people are drawn to thought-provoking questions. So a great way to end your speech is with a well-designed, thought-provoking question.

When I teach a class, I use this technique before almost every break. For instance, if I teach an hour-long session, it will be easy for the audience to forget a lot of the content if it isn’t reinforced right away. So, by asking a thought-provoking question about the content, it stimulates the content in the minds of the audience.

When you ask questions, though, avoid easy questions where the answer is an obvious “yes” or “no.” Instead, ask open-ended questions. The easiest way to do this is to ask for the audience members’ opinions.

For instance, if my title is “Starting with a 3-Point Outline Will Help You Save Time When You Design Presentations,” I could end the speech with a question like, “Based on what we’ve talked about today, how can you see starting with a three-point outline helping you save time?”

Any answers that the audience provides will help me prove my point. The more the better.

(5) Give the Audience a Call-to-Action at the End of Your Speech.

End Your Speech with a Call to Action

Just as an FYI, here, though, if you ask them to do a single thing, they are more likely to do it. If you ask them to do a second thing, they are more likely to do neither. Sp, to prevent that and to inspire your audience, challenge them to do one specific thing from your speech.

If your presentation is about why your company should invest in advertising, make your call to action very specific. “So, my suggestion is that we increase our advertising budget by 10% and use that budget for additional re-targeting ads.”

The thing to keep in mind here is that the more calls to action that you have, the less likely they will do anything. So, make your call to action just a single item. And make the item easy to implement.

(6) The Echo Close Is an Inspirational Way to End Your Speech with a Bang.

The Echo Close for a Presentation

A wise man once said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” So, when you present, kindle the fire of knowledge. Kindle the fire of enthusiasm. Kindle the fire of humor. Kindle the fire of empathy. And you will kindle the fire of learning from your audience.

Another example might be.

So, in conclusion, brevity in public speaking is pretty important. In fact, George Orwell once said, “If it is possible to cut a word out of your speech, always cut it out.” So, when you create a presentation, cut the fluff. Cut the repetitive bullets. Cut the platitudes. And when you do, you will cut the confusion from your audience.

It is an easy technique if you prepare the ending and practice it a few times.

So that concludes the six ways that you can end your presentation with a bang. However… There is…

“One More Thing”

Steve Jobs was famous for concluding his keynotes with “One more thing…” then following it up with a surprising fact, feature, or innovation.

Why is this effective? Because it leaves people talking.

One More Thing

Regardless of how you choose to end your presentation, spend a little time on the ending. Make it flawless, and you will leave your audience wanting more! If you do, you will end your presentation with a bang!

Choose the Best Presentation Ending for Your Presentation Purpose

With all of the great choices, how do we know which presentation ending to use? Luckily, we have created a free handout to help you pick the best presentation ending. Although many of the tips above will work in many different types of speeches, the handout will help you identify which ending will accomplish specific purposes for your specific presentation.

For instance, if your goal is to help your audience retain the content, then summarizing your key points is a great choice. If your purpose is to inspire the audience, you might try the Call to Action or Echo technique instead. Just complete the form below for instant access!

Download the Free “How to End Your Presentation” Handout!

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How to End a Presentation with Punch (17 Techniques)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Presentation Design
  • March 5, 2019

In this post you’ll learn 17 different ways for how to end a presentation that you can test out.

Why worry about the ending?

Because how you end your presentation is just as important as how you start your presentation ( details here ).

If you start strong but flounder at the end of your presentation, what feeling are people going to be walking away with?

Not a good one, that’s for sure! That’s why the ending your presentation is so important.

1. Call to action

how to finish a presentation in one day

2. Skip the Q&A at the end your presentation

how to finish a presentation in one day

3. End your presentation with a rhetorical Question

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4. Conclude your speech with a story

how to finish a presentation in one day

As you can learn in our post on the best ways to start a presentation ( details here ), emotional listeners retain more information. An emotional story, whether it’s funny, sad, or thought-provoking, is a sure fire way to engage your audience.

If you can, try to tie the beginning and end together with your stories, like Heather Lanier does here:

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5. The power of 3 for your conclusion

how to finish a presentation in one day

6. Come full circle at the end of your presentation

how to finish a presentation in one day

  • Pose a question which you answer at the end
  • Tell a story and either refer to it or finish it at the end
  • Repeat the first slide, this work especially well with powerful images or quotes

7. Demonstrate your product

how to finish a presentation in one day

8. End with an either / or scenario

how to finish a presentation in one day

9. End your presentation on a high note

how to finish a presentation in one day

10. A sound bite

how to finish a presentation in one day

11. End with a provocative question

how to finish a presentation in one day

12. Use the title close technique

how to finish a presentation in one day

13. A quick presentation recap

how to finish a presentation in one day

14. End with a powerful quote

how to finish a presentation in one day

15. End with a strong visual image

how to finish a presentation in one day

16. Close with a clear cut ending

how to finish a presentation in one day

17. End your presentation on time

how to finish a presentation in one day

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How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

This blog provides creative ideas on how to end a presentation with a punch. Studies show that when people try recalling information, they usually recall the beginning and the end. Therefore, you must leave an impact on the audience with a strong closing statement. A weak ending can leave the audience unenthused and uninspired, they may even forget your message within a few hours. But a strong ending motivates and empowers. It encourages people to take action.

So how to end a presentation well? Here are a few techniques you can try – 

End your presentation on time

Close with a clear cut ending

Conclude your speech with a story

Come full circle at the end of your presentation

Use the title close technique

…Always a high note, always the high road

A sound bite

A quick presentation recap

End with a strong visual image

Sounds like a no brainer? You will be surprised how many people struggle with this seemingly basic idea. At the root of it lies a tendency to cram too much content and then hurrying through to the end, often straying beyond the allotted time slot.

Being on time communicates to the audience that you respect their time and also leaves an impression about you being organized and well planned.

Some tactical tips

Remember, the ending time of the professional presentation includes any Q&A and discussion time so the audience has the space for interactivity.

You should state at the beginning of the meeting your intention to end on time and ask for audience cooperation. This includes agreeing to put side topics/conversations into a parking lot; recognizing when the deviations from the core topic take place, etc.

In the end, when you do successfully end on time, be sure to remind the audience of the fact that you ended on time and thank them for their cooperation.

It is indeed a weird moment when the audience is unsure whether you have ended the presentation and transitioned into a general drift of conversations or worse, an awkward silence. Be sure to include a definitive statement to let the audience know that your presentation has arrived at its final destination. This can be a clear cut, ‘thank you!’,’ With this, my presentation comes to a close’, a wave, a bow, but let it be a clear-cut indication that this is the end and the audience is free to leave the discussion.

Storytelling is often underutilized as a tool to leave an impact towards the end of PowerPoint presentations . While there is a lot of literature out there on the art of storytelling (See our own post here), clever use of stories to conclude the presentation can powerfully and in emotional ways reinforce your core messages and make these memorable.

Towards the end, you do want the story to be relatively brief and can start with a statement like “Let me end my presentation on a personal note….”

Give the audience a sense of closure by referencing your opening message at the end. It gives the audience a feeling of coherence and consistency.

You will need to plan for this ahead of time though. Some tips and ideas:

  • Pose a question which you answer at the end
  • Tell a story in the beginning but leave it unfinished until the end
  • Repeat the first slide, this work especially well with powerful images or quotes
  • Reference a comment, someone, in the audience made and connect it to the closure

Some presenters bring back the title slide to close their presentation. It is a subtle yet effective technique to keep the audience grounded and connected to the core topic and the content

This creates a sense of bookend to your entire presentation and can be used to bring your audience full circle as referenced above.

Your presentation is a great platform to uplift the spirits of the audience. While some topics easily lend themselves to positive messages, there is always light at the end of the tunnel even if you are delivering bad news

There is almost never a situation when you cannot inspire people. And you must never leave an opportunity to. There are many ways this can be achieved

  • Use vibrant, visual language
  • Appeal to the broader sensibilities of the audience
  • Think long term, not immediate fall outs
  • Most of all stay optimistic, positive, and energetic

A sound bite is like a slogan, a catch-phrase that attracts attention. It challenges you to condense your presentation into a pithy phrase?

If you can find a core message of your business presentation that is catchy and short, you can expect the audience to have a higher recall of your presentation. Some examples, inspired by famous quotes.

  • Stay hungry but stay balanced
  • With this project, we didn’t fail, we just found 35 ways that don’t work
  • 100% of the shots you don’t take don’t succeed

One common approach that never fails to impress is the “tell them” method.

It goes like this:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell them what you just told them

Studies state that people only absorb 30% of what you say. So this seeming repetition helps. But the real reason this method has stayed in vogue is that it plays on our innate need to see the information multiple times to understand patterns and start to believe in it

One pitfall to avoid here is to avoid staleness by saying boring phrases such as “In conclusion” or “To sum up”

Instead, spur the audience with phrases like “Where is this all leading?” or “What does this all mean?”

A picture is worth knowing how many words. This adage is equally true when you are making a presentation.

Find an image that evokes the emotion that characterizes your presentation and the feeling you would like to leave the audience with. This can be a humorous, inspirational, or descriptive image that caps up/sums up your message. For example, in a message to the executives, a brand manager in a pharma company very effectively used the image of a child’s facial expression in vivid detail post receiving the painful therapy that the brand was trying to replace.

Here are a few slides examples of how to end a presentation effectively:

How to End a Presentation

Thank You Slide

View Thank you Slide 

Explore our extensive library of Thank You Slides to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Lessons Learnt Template

Lessons Learnt Template

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How to End a Presentation

Questions Template

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Explore our Questions Slides to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Quotes template - How to End a Presentation

Quotes Template

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Quotes template - How to End a Presentation

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How To Start A Presentation? 10 Winning Opening Slides

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  • 5 Effective Strategies To End A Presentation

By Paola Pascual on Feb 7, 2022 5:15:00 AM

You just gave a great presentation in English… And it’s time to conclude.

If you think all the work is done –watch out! Did you know that the beginning of your presentation , together with the end of it, are the most important parts of your speech? This is what your audience will remember best, so it’s important to make the introduction and the conclusion as memorable as possible.

The last few minutes of your presentation are your best opportunity to make a long-lasting impression on your audience. This last part will help your audience remember the key points and help you get across the main idea .

In this article, you will learn 5 strategies to end your presentation in a powerful way. You’ll also learn useful expressions you can use to transition from one point to the next.  One great tip is to prepare both the beginning and the end of your presentation:

Prepare your presentation - Quote by Sonya Hamlin

5 Effective Strategies to Close Your Presentation

Choosing the right strategies to conclude your presentation will help you bring your audience back to the main point. We all get distracted sometimes, and our attention span keeps getting shorter. 

The goal is for you to connect with your audience and make them feel connected to your topic. Your presentation should always be about them –not you. Make it easy for them to remember key points and bring their attention back to them.

Download this great effective presentation checklist and check the strategies below. Pick the ones you feel most comfortable with and dare to combine them –some of them work great together!

How to end a presentation - Talaera Blog

1. Restate your main idea 🔁

The most effective way to make your key points stick? Repeat them. Once again. And again. 

You may feel that restating your key message throughout the presentation can be repetitive. However, adding recaps after each section and summarizing your main points in your conclusion will really make it stick in the minds of your audience members.

When you restate your main idea, make sure you paraphrase the points in a slightly new and refined way. You can change the word category, use synonyms, or use a simpler version.

Use these closing words and useful phrases to summarize your key points:

  • In other words, today we went over ...
  • To put it simply, this presentation examined ...
  • What I mean to say is, throughout this presentation, we explored ...
  • As we/I understand it, 
  • By and large, we discussed ...
  • Overall, today's presentation covered ...
  • To recap, we examined ...
  • In conclusion, 
  • To conclude,
  • In short, I’d like to highlight…
  • To quickly recap,
  • In a nutshell, 
  • In summary,
  • To sum up,  I’d like you to remember…
  • To summarize, 
  • All things considered, 
  • All in all, 
  • To put it briefly, 

2. Include a Call To Action or next steps ➡️

Your presentation has a goal and some next steps. When you give a speech, you expect something else to happen. Whether that may be for your audience to provide feedback, for them to buy your product, for you to send them a brochure…

What are your future actions? It’s what we call our “ Next ” in our WHAT-WHY-NEXT framework . This should be one of the first things should consider when preparing your presentation. What do you want your audience to do after your speech? Do they need to take action or will you follow up with them? 

Clearly tell your audience what they need to do after your presentation –or what they can expect.

Introduce your Call To Action and present how your findings will impact the future:

  • To wrap this up, I’d love to ask you to…
  • After today’s session, please take a minute to…
  • I’m counting on you to…
  • Looking forward,
  • To this end, it would be great to…
  • As a consequence, we must …
  • If you would like more information, please…
  • Please reach out to me if you have any questions…
  • I will send you a list of great resources that will help you…
  • So, next time you…, remember to…

3. Close the loop ⏺️

The "Loop Technique" is a popular technique in which you return to the subject you opened with at the start of your presentation. It’s especially effective because it creates a perfect circle and a satisfying sense of completion. Skillful speakers often build up audience anticipation at the beginning of their talk and then keep them in suspense until the end when they finally finish their story, give the punchline to their joke, or answer the question they posed right at the start.

Closing a presentation referring back to your opening message is a very common speech structure in many TED Talks . It is a great way to round off your story and remind your audience why they were there in the first place. It is also commonly used in comedy and marketing.

To approach this technique, you can finish a story or an anecdote you started or set up a question at the beginning of your talk and wait until the end to answer it. 

4. End with an inspirational quote or surprising statistic 📊

I must be honest with you –quotes are not my favorite way of ending a presentation, but I see how it can work in some contexts.

If you want to make your audience feel in a particular way or there is something you want your audience to remember, a quote or a surprising fact can be your best ally. It is an effective way to reengage your audience and help them remember your main point.

Always remember to add a quote or statistic that is related to your topic.

Oh, an impactful image could work just as well!

Use these phrases to introduce great quotes or statistics:

  • I’d like to finish with this inspiring quote from…
  • This reminds me of a wonderful quote from…
  • Let me leave you with this surprising statistic…
  • Let’s finish this session with an interesting quote…
  • Did you know that…?
  • It reminds me of the words of…
  • In the end, this is what matters...

5. Thank your audience 💙

Before you go, remember to always thank your audience. After all, they’ve stayed until the end, right? A simple sentence will suffice, and it will make a difference by making you more likable.

Phrases to thank your audience:

  • Thank you so much for your attention today.
  • I’d like to thank you for your interest today.
  • I truly appreciate your interest and attention this morning.

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More resources on presentation skills:

  • Presentation Skills for Non-Native English Speakers
  • 101 Must-Know Transition Phrases for Engaging Presentations Online
  • 21 Helpful Tips For Remarkable and Outstanding Presentation Skills
  • How To Start a Presentation: Follow These 4 Easy Steps
  • How To Bring Across Your Main Idea In A Presentation Effectively
  • 6 Public Speaking Tricks To Captivate Your Audience
  • How To Do Effective Business Storytelling According To Former Prosecutor
  • 8 Little Changes That'll Make A Big Difference With Your Presentations
  • 3 Quick Public Speaking Tips For Your Next Presentation
  • Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are [TED Talk Lesson]

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Because First Impressions Aren’t Everything: 20 Tips and Ideas to End Your Presentation in Style

“After a while I went out and left the hospital and went back to the hotel in the rain.”

If you are a big literature lover, you might recognize this sentence. If not, that’s okay too. In this article, however, we’re not talking about literary expertise but rather about a successful conclusion to a presentation.

How these two are related will be revealed in the final tip. However, you can truly benefit from it only if you have internalized the other tips as well.

Why the end of your presentation should be more than an afterthought

A great dessert is the perfect finish to a dinner. It has the power to elevate even the most mediocre of starters. A surprising, powerful ending to a film often stays with us longer than the rest of the story. Musicians close their concerts with something special to send their audiences off in high spirits. In a commercial, we always hear the key slogan at the end .

So why do so many presentations end with a terse, “Well, I guess that’s it. Thanks for your attention”, or some other lackluster phrase?

It could be due to that time-honored truth; most people just don’t like presenting. For many, it’s an annoying but necessary duty. For some, it’s an extremely unpleasant challenge. Add to that an audience that isn’t always filled with interested listeners and it’s no wonder most presenters rush through their conclusion.

Which is a shame. Because when you put a lot of effort into a presentation to convince and stand out, you deserve to end the presentation appropriately. Do justice to your efforts and don’t waste valuable points at the last moment! Attention is particularly high at the end, and what is said last remains in memory the longest. Of course, the focus of information is in the middle, but often it is not the information that makes the difference, but rather the emotion.

And at the end, you can trigger emotion effectively. A particularly compelling ending can even make the decisive difference. To assist you in creating such a presentation ending, we have listed 20 helpful tips for you below.

So here are 20 useful tips and tricks that will help you finish your presentation in style:

tips for presentation end

1. Have the courage to do it differently!

Look back on presentations you’ve sat through; you probably can’t remember much about their conclusions. There’s usually a slide thanking the audience for their attention and that’s it. Finding memorable, surprising, exciting or stirring ways to close a presentation is a challenge. But maybe that’s the key: Step out of your comfort zone and do it differently . Be creative. This is the best start for a memorable finish.

2. Continuity: Avoid a random ending to your presentation

Many speakers don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how to wrap up their presentations. As long as the content is there, the rest will follow. Remember, a non-committal, “So, I think that’s it from me” will be the last thing an audience remembers. And no one wants that kind of anticlimactic finish to a compelling presentation. 

In short, it pays to spend time on your conclusion. Even the most eloquent and experienced presenters need to plan this last, decisive section of a presentation as carefully as the rest.

3. Put the cart before the horse : The goal remains the focus

This tip may sound a bit strange at first: When preparing presentations, it’s sometimes a good idea to take the last step first. Most people prepare their presentations like this: beginning, middle, end.  It’s a logical approach but all too often, it leads to a conclusion that just fizzles out.  So why not start there?

Ask yourself: Where am I going with this? Which core message should run through the entire presentation and be highlighted at the end? Once you’ve figured that out, you can start structuring the rest of your presentation.

Tip: In our blog, we have published a post that provides you with further valuable tips for the perfect preparation for your next presentation. You can directly access the blog post here .

4. Bookend your presentation

You think the beginning of your presentation has nothing to do with the end? Think again. One good way to bring your presentation full circle is to close the rhetorical circle and return to your key statement.

Bookending is the technique of starting and finishing a presentation with similar or related content. For example, you can start your presentation with a question, come back to it at the end of and answer it with your closing statement.  This frames your presentation and brings your audience full circle.

5. Don’t announce the end

When a presentation is drawing to a close, an audience often hears, “As I slowly wrap things up,” or, “We’re almost at the end now.” or even, “You’re almost free of me now.” Phrases like these are used a lot, but are they really necessary? Truth is, t hey give the feeling that presenters and audience alike can’t wait for a presentation to be over. It sounds as if the presenter find his or her own presentation boring and way too long. It’s also an invitation for the audience to tune out, gather their things and plan the rest of their day.

But there are ways to announce the end without losing your audience. Phrases like, “Now for one final, key point.”, can help lead your audience and refocus their attention. But announcing the end of a presentation is, in general, not necessary. Your final summary or call to action is usually enough.

6. Compelling Storytelling: Building a Climactic Tension Curve

Just like a good book, your presentation needs a narrative arc that builds anticipation. Paint an exciting image of your company’s future or catch them by surprise with a contradictory or unexpected statement. Or build your presentation so that your strongest argument is at the end .

With this little trick, you can make sure that your key statement is the last impression you make on your audience. It’s a great way to refocus your audience and generate excitement.

Tip: There is already a separate post on our blog about storytelling as an approach for a more convincing presentation. You can find the post here .

7. To summarize or not

It depends! Not every presentation requires a traditional summary of what has been learned. Especially presentations that are structured using the storytelling method often have a different closing.

Skilled presenters allow their audience to experience an “aha” moment in their presentation by closing the rhetorical circle. For example, in this method, a guiding question that was raised at the beginning of the presentation could be answered at the end.

However, this is not the only way to structure a presentation. In particular, in speeches that explore many different aspects and bring together various lines of argumentation, a conclusion is still a popular tool.

A good conclusion summarizes all the important arguments and key points of your presentation and establishes the connections. At the end of your presentation , bring together all the information and highlight the bigger picture on a slide . This provides your audience with something concrete to remember as a conclusion.

8. Make it memorable

Be memorable with your presentation end

Just like advertising, effective presentations are often about anchoring something in people’s memory. The way to do this is through repetition. The more often we hear, experience or do something, the more likely we are to remember it for a long time.

The end of a presentation is a good time to repeat and emphasize important content. You can also try to introduce a few prompts that will help your audience remember your presentation later on. For instance, you could do this with a small suggestion: “When you’re on your way home, think back on my traffic lights metaphor.”

Or provide a helpful tip: “By the way, the little technique I just told you about can also help you with your kids.” This kind of connection to everyday life makes the presentation more interesting and relatable to the audience and helps keep the mood light.

Tip: Read here how to incorporate humour into your presentations in good doses.

9. Focus on the final phrase

The last sentence of a presentation is more significant than you might think. Even if some of your audience have mentally drifted off, they’re usually back at full attention by the end. So, make the most of this and pay close attention to your closing words.

Your final phrase should reflect your core message. Also, ask yourself what thought or feeling you want to leave your audience with.

Here are a few ideas to help you formulate your closing statement:

  • Always align your final message to the rest of the presentation.
  • Keep it short.
  • Address your audience on an emotional level . Try to create positive feelings, powerful calls to action, make thoughtful or humorous comments.
  • A slogan or a message that you already established as a core statement in the presentation can be brought back at the end.
  • Using stylistic devices, such as alliterations, can be an effective way to get the message across.
  • Frequent presenters can also create a closing statement that they use as a catchphrase for each presentation. TV presenters and news anchors do this often. (A well-known example: Walter Cronkite would close news broadcasts with, “And that’s the way it is,” followed by the date.)
  • The final phrase doesn’t have to be yours. A quote from a well-known person can underline your statements wonderfully. Even a famous, perhaps slightly modified proverb can provide a meaningful and memorable close.
  • The final sentence doesn’t even have to be a sentence. An image or perhaps a short video can also be an effective, atmospheric conclusion.

10. Create a feeling of community

We humans are social beings and feel comfortable when we form a harmonious community. Therefore, it is particularly appropriate to focus on creating harmony and unity at the end in order to evoke positive emotions.

Be mindful of not creating a barrier between yourself and the audience with your final words. This can be easily achieved by using inclusive language.

Instead of saying, “I conclude that…” or “You have now learned that…,” say “We can now see that…” or “It is clear to us now that…”. This creates a sense of unity and agreement, and reinforces the idea that you are on the same side as the audience.

11. Keep calm and carry on – right to the very end

It’s important to maintain poise and confidence throughout a presentation. That means the conclusion, too. Avoid the tendency to seek approval and don’t over-apologize for any fumbles you may have made. Mistakes and faux pas happen and when they do, simply acknowledge them, correct them and keep going. And whatever you do, don’t bring them up again at the end of your presentation. You audience will have already forgotten them and moved on. And so should you.

This sounds easier than it is, because negative phrases such as “Sorry I couldn’t explain topic xy in more detail” or “I hope I didn’t bore you too much” come really naturally to most of us. You’ll need to practice a little self-control to leave your inner critic where it belongs: inside.

12. End of presentation = end of topic

An end can also be a new beginning – but not in this case. Don’t end your presentation with a new idea. This can just confuse your audience and dilute your core message.  If you remember something you forgot, leave it out or add it to any follow-up material you may send by email.

An exception to this tip is when the presentation is followed by a discussion or Q&A session . This is when new ideas can be brought up and explored.

13. Call your audience to action

Give your audience a clear and direct call to action at the end of your presentation. Now’s the time to plug your product, services, your new website or podcast. When done right, these “plugs” will sound less like self-promotion and more like a friendly offer: “If you’d like to learn more, feel free to check out my book.”

14. Transition smoothly to a discussion or Q&A session

Let your audience know at the beginning of your presentation whether questions can be asked during or saved for after. If you’re planning a Q&A session or discussion at the end of the presentation, make sure you create a smooth and confident transition. 

Anyone who starts with a simple, “Are there any questions?” or even just a brief, “Questions?” can expect to be met with awkward silence. Get the conversation started by referencing a point you made in your presentation (“What are your thoughts on…”). This also allows you to steer the conversation and revisit some important points from the presentation.

15. The final slide

When all has been said, most presentations still have a slide that, in a way, announces the end. Sometimes it just says End , or Questions? or the infamous, Thank you for your attention in large letters. You can do it that way, but you can also do it better.

The last slide can be a picture, a meme or a comic, which can loosen things up and arouse emotions. You can also choose no concluding slide at all or a completely black slide. This can provide the space for a transition to the Q&A session or a discussion: “As you can see, I’ve reached the end of my presentation. Now it’s your turn.”.

Tip: If you want to speed things up, you can also use our “Closing Slides / Thank You Slides” templates for PowerPoint for your last slide. Click here to go directly to the product.

Summary Slides Shop

16. Thank you?

Do you thank the audience for their attention at the end of a presentation or not? Opinions differ a little on this. For many, it’s common practice and, well, simply good manners. For others, it’s a mundane, overused phrase that brings little value at the end of a presentation . So, what to do?

You can of course leave a final “thank you” out. No one will think less of your presentation if you do. But, if you’re like me and can’t imagine not thanking an audience for their time, forgo the thank you slide, use one of the other tips to give your presentation a strong finish, then say give a simple and sincere “thank you”.

17. Add a personal touch

Personal words create a sense of familiarity and communicate appreciation. A friendly farewell can help ensure you and your presentation won’t be quickly forgotten. A quick goodbye doesn’t cut it. Instead, try something like, “I hope you get home safe and sound in this weather.”

You can also connect your personal message to your presentation topic: “I hope you enjoy implementing my method as much as I did. Send me an email to let me know how it goes.” Of course, your content should score points, but don’t underestimate the power of likeability.

18. Take your time

It’s natural to feel relieved after a successful presentation. Unfortunately, this often leads to speakers fleeing the scene. No sooner have the last words been spoken, than the laptop is shut down, the projector switched off and the presenter is dashing out the door before the applause has ended. Nobody gains from this. The presenters doesn’t allow him or herself to enjoy audience recognition and the audience has the feeling that the presenter has lost interest and just wants to go home.

Take your time. Enjoy the applause, maintain eye contact with the audience, acknowledge them and smile. There will be time to pack up later.

By the way: Also pay attention to the speed of your speech. Many presenters, without realizing it, tend to speak more quickly as they approach the end of a presentation.

 19. Manage your time

Anyone else remember that awkward moment at the end of almost every university lecture? The professor is still talking, yet the majority of fellow students are already loudly packing up and leaving the room. Pretty rude behavior. However, there may be a valid excuse for it.

Students have other classes to get to, papers to write and exams to study for. In other words, their time is precious. Among your audience will often be clients, managers and colleagues who have back-to-back meetings that day. For them, time is truly of the essence; they’ve planned their day to the last minute.

This same kind of careful planning and thorough time management should be applied to your presentation. Timeboxing allocates a certain amount of time to an activity in advance to complete it within that time frame. Practice your presentation in advance with friends or relatives and time yourself. Allocate enough time for each part of your presentation and plan some buffer time so you don’t have to rush through your closing statement. Timeboxing your presentation will give it an easy, comfortable pace. Your audience will thank you for it.

20. No pain, no gain!

Let’s return to our quote from the beginning: “After a while I went out and left the hospital and went back to the hotel in the rain.” This is the last sentence from Ernest Hemingway’s novel, In Another Country . So, what does this have to do with a presentation or its conclusion for that matter? Actually, nothing at all. But Hemingway is said to have changed and rewritten this one last sentence 39 times before finally settling on it. He was obviously aware of the importance of a good ending and was willing to invest time and effort to make it unique and memorable. Be like Hemingway. It’s worth it!

If you need assistance with your presentation ending, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are a nationally and internationally successful PowerPoint agency with years of practical expertise in the business sector. We would be happy to help. Please contact us via email at [email protected] .

On that note, thanks for reading. ;-)

These articles might be interesting for you:

  • Kick start your presentation: 16 ideas
  • Preparing PowerPoint presentations
  • 10 types of PowerPoint slides

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Best Ways to Conclude a Presentation

Last Updated: October 4, 2023 Fact Checked

Strategies for Wrapping up a Presentation

Other best practice presentation tips, public speaking advice, how should you end a presentation.

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,716 times.

You’ve just spent the last hour or so preparing a super thorough and detailed presentation. Now it’s time to add the finishing touches and come up with an attention-grabbing and memorable closer. What strategies can you use to make sure that people really remember what you've said? Keep reading to learn all the most effective methods you can use to conclude your presentation in a way that’ll really stick with your audience. We'll cover different strategies you can mix and match to end your presentation with a bang, then follow up with public speaking tips. Let's dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Bring your presentation to a close by first giving a clear indication that you’ll be wrapping up, followed by a short summary of your main ideas.
  • Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action and an explanation of what good things will happen when they listen to your message.
  • Make your presentation memorable by embellishing it with a powerful quote, a story, or a surprising statistic or fact.
  • Get your audience involved by running a poll or survey at the end of your presentation.

Step 1 Give a clear indication that the presentation is coming to an end.

  • “In conclusion…”
  • “In summary…”
  • “As I conclude my presentation, let me ask you a question.”
  • “This brings me to the end of my presentation today.”
  • “In respect of time, allow me to wrap up my last comments.”

Step 2 Provide a quick and concise summary of the presentation’s key points.

  • “That brings me to the conclusion of my presentation. If you’re to take anything away from my presentation today, let it be the three Cs of credit that we talked about: character, capacity, and capital.”
  • "Above all else, remember the acronym RAM: redesign, application, and management."

Step 3 Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action.

  • “When you volunteer for this program, you will build your skills and gain valuable experiences.”
  • “You will participate in the increased profitability of our company by joining this new program.”
  • “Make this company a more inclusive and healthy place to work by taking just a few minutes out of your day to do these small actions.”

Step 4 End your presentation with a powerful statement or quote.

  • “As the Greek historian Plutarch once said, ‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.’ Let’s kindle the fire within our minds and make the changes we want to see.”
  • “I’ll leave you today with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: ‘Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.’”
  • “Work hard to inspire not only those around you, but yourself as well.”

Step 5 Present one last surprising statistic to grab people’s attention.

  • Pair this statistic or fact with a memorable visual, such as an illustrated graph, a video, or a picture. The more visual your presentation is, the more memorable it will be to your audience.

Step 6 Conclude by telling a story that encompasses your main ideas.

  • Another way to go about telling a story is to start it in your presentation’s intro and end it during the conclusion. Your audience will be curious to know how the story ends.

Step 7 Ask a rhetorical question that’ll make your audience think.

  • “What do you think the word ‘success’ means?”
  • “How can we make an impact every day through the work we do?”
  • “Why do you think people are so afraid of change and questioning the way things have always been done?”
  • Asking a question at the beginning of your presentation and answering it during the conclusion is another strategy to consider. Just be sure that you don’t forget to answer this question and accidentally leave your audience hanging.

Step 1 Put your Q&A section in the middle of your presentation instead of at the end.

  • “What’s your usual mood during the workday?”
  • “Have you ever presented your supervisor with a new idea or suggestion?”
  • “Do you see yourself participating in this new program?”

Step 4 Conduct a final...

  • What they liked and disliked about the presentation
  • What improvements could be made
  • One memorable thing they took away from your presentation

Step 1 Make your presentation about your audience and not solely about you.

  • Before your presentation, go and talk with some of the audience members. This will give them a chance to warm up to you and can help you feel more relaxed once you get up and start presenting.

Step 2 Use hand gestures to create an inviting atmosphere.

  • Using hand gestures also shows the audience that you’re in control of the space around you, and makes you appear much more confident and at ease.

Step 3 Maintain your professional stage presence before and after the presentation.

Expert Q&A

  • Keep in mind that your presentation gives you the chance to be a messenger. Give your audience something meaningful to walk with at the end of your speech. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to finish a presentation in one day

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How to Start and End a Presentation: 10 Practical Tips to Grab Attention and Make an Impact

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By Al Boicheva

in Insights

2 years ago

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How to Start and End a Presentation

No matter how well-crafted and planned the body of your presentation, its impact depends on its opening and ending.  On one hand, you have 30 seconds to grab your audience’s attention so people would be interested in hearing what you have to say. On the other, your ending is what your audience will be left with and will shape how they feel about your presentation and how they’ll remember it. This might be like a lot of pressure but the truth is, it’s easier than it sounds. This is why, in this article, we will help you achieve this and more with 10 practical tips on how to start and end a presentation effectively .

Article overview: The Opening: 5 Tips To Get Your Audience Invested  1. The Hook 2. Transition 3. Personal Story 4. Build Tension with Silence 5. Use Startling Statistics The Ending: 5 Tips To Make an Impact 1. The Rule of Three 2. Come Full Circle 3. Food for Thought Question Ending 4. Inspire with Personal Involvement 5. Make Your Audience Laugh

5 Practical Tips on How to Start a Presentation

Imagine you spent weeks preparing an amazing presentation with lots of valuable insight that you just can’t wait to share with your audience. Unfortunately, only a few minutes in, you notice that most of your viewers are on their phones scrolling and barely paying any attention to what you have to say. What happened?

Presenters and speakers often start with a long introduction. They introduce themselves, share how excited they are, thank the audience for attending, explain what they’re going to speak about in a minute, why the topic is important, etc. This might take only one or two minutes, however, when it comes to presentation,  two minutes without telling anything interesting might result in losing your audience. In fact, you only have 30 seconds to grab your audience’s attention .

This is why, no matter the topic and goal of your presentation, you must always captivate your audience’s attention first. Leave the introductions and summaries for later .

In this section, we’ll talk about ways to hook your audience in the first 30 seconds and get them invested in what you have to say in your presentation.

1. The Hook

Anything unpredictable that catches you off-guard, will get your attention.

This tactic, masterfully named as a metaphor for attracting fish with a juicy worm on a hook, refers to a few-second short story, metaphor, shocking fact, statistics, analogy, controversial statement, or anything unconventional and unexpected that will capture your viewer’s imagination. We’ll have a look at three examples for hooks.

1.1 Bold Claim

“Here’s all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid.” This opening line by stand-up comedy legend George Carlin is a great example of a hook in the form of a bold claim. If you’re confident enough with your presentation and you have a bold claim up to your sleeve, don’t save it for the end. Instead, shoot that bullet confidently the second you start your presentation. It will immediately catch your audience off-guard and you will have it paying attention to your every word after that.

Here are some examples for bold claim starters in presentations and public speaking.

  • “What you’re doing right now at this very moment is killing you.” ( Nilofer Merchant )
  • “Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead through the food that they eat.” ( Jamie Oliver )
  • “I’m going to try to increase the lifespan of every single person in this room by seven and a half minutes. Literally, you will live seven and a half minutes longer than you would have otherwise just because you watched this talk.” ( Jane McGonagall )
  • “I don’t want to alarm anybody in this room. However, it’s just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar.” ( Pamela Meyer )

1.2 Imagine

One of the greatest ways to get attention and start strong is through storytelling. People love stories and are always interested in hearing one. In fact, many presentations may revolve around a story or just use small anecdotes to enhance their message. With this being said, amongst the best methods to create a compelling story is to get your audience involved. To do so, make them imagine themselves in the shoes of the main character. This attention-grabber invites your viewers to create a mental image and get emotionally invested.

Here are examples of speeches starting with the Imagine play:

  • “I want you, guys, to imagine that you’re a soldier, running through the battlefield. Now, you’re shot in the leg with a bullet that severs your femoral artery. This bleed is extremely traumatic and can kill you in less than 3 minutes. Unfortunately, by the time a medic actually gets to you, what the medic has on his or her belt can take 5 minutes or more with the application of pressure to stop that type of bleed.” ( Joe Landolina )
  • “Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3000 feet. Imagine a plane full of smoke, imagine an engine going clack-clack-clack-clack-clack. Well, I had a unique seat that day.”( Ric Elias )

1.3. Humourous Twists

Great stories have unexpected plot twists. The best stories, however, have a funny plot twist. Depending on your topic, you can start by telling your story, get your audience in the mood for a serious talk, and then contradict all expectations with a hilarious spin.

  • “I need to make a confession at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago I did something that I regret. Something that I’m not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wish no one would ever know. But here I feel kind of obliged to reveal. In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.” ( Daniel Pink )

2. Transition

Your next step would be to make an organic transition between your hook and the main point of your presentation. You can do this seamlessly or by linking directly with “I tell you this, because”, “This brings us to…”. Mohammed Qahtani, for example, does this transition so smoothly, that you’ll never even catch it.

First, as a hook, he chooses to use a prop. He literally goes on stage and lights a cigarette, capitalizing on unpredictability, originality, bold statement, humor, and immediately uses the second hook in the form of a provocative question, asking the audience “You think smoking kills?”. The third thing he does is strike with shocking data that he immediately admits to being fake. He already has the audience on the tip of his fingers. Having accomplished that, Mohammed Qahtani is ready to finally move to the body of the presentation and reveal his actual message.

3. Personal Story

Another storytelling technique besides making people from your audience imagine themselves in a particular situation, is to start with your own personal story. One that is relevant to the topic of your presentation. Your personal involvement and experience give you credibility in the eyes of the viewers, and, as we mentioned, everyone loves to hear an interesting story. This is because stories are relatable, easy to identify with communicating honesty, openness, and connection.

4. Build Tension with Silence

Interestingly enough, saying nothing is also a very powerful option. In fact, standing in front of an audience and confidently keeping silent is as powerful as making a bold statement. Silence will definitely build tension and pique your audience’s curiosity about what you have to say. Be careful, however, as this technique requires knowing your timing.

5. Use Startling Statistics

Sometimes you just can’t think of a story, a joke, or a specific statement that is bold enough. And that’s okay. As a last resort, but also a pretty effective one, you can always rely on curious shocking statistics, related to your topic, to instantly gain people’s attention. Take your time researching curious statistics that will emphasize the seriousness of your topic or as a tool to start over the top.

To sum it up, your presentation opening follows 5 steps:

  • Hook: You immediately strike your audience instantly with something interesting and unconventional they wouldn’t expect.
  • Transition: You link your hook to your main point.
  • Introduction: Once you already have your audience’s attention, you can finally make a very brief introduction with something relevant to your topic.
  • Preview: Give your audience a brief preview of what you’re going to talk about.
  • Benefits: Tell your audience how will they benefit from listening to your presentation. (ex. “By the end, you will already know how to…”)

Keep in mind, that your opening, consisting of these 5 steps, should be brief and ideally not exceed 2 minutes . If you manage to make a great hook, transition, introduction, review and list the benefits in 2 minutes, you already have your audience’s full attention and they will be listening to your every word throughout the body of your presentation.

5 Practical Tips on How to End a Presentation

Let’s consider this situation. You start watching a movie that instantly opens with a jaw-dropping suspenseful scene that raises questions and makes you want to unravel the mystery. This scene will certainly make your stay through the movie. You are very invested, you love the story, the build-up keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end when the reveal is so underwhelming, you feel disappointed. The ending doesn’t fit the intensity of the story and feels incomplete and rushed. How does this relate to your presentation?

Having a great start for your presentation is what will keep your audience interested in what you have to say. However, the end is what your audience will be left with and will shape how they feel about your presentation and how they’ll remember it.  In short, if you fail your opening, you will still be able to catch up with your presentation and capitalize with a great closing line. But an underwhelming conclusion can kill the velocity of a good presentation and ruin the overall experience.

Let’s look at some practical tips and examples by great presenters to get inspired and never let that happen.

1. The Rule of Three

This powerful technique in speech writing refers to the collection of three words, phrases, sentences, or lines. In photography, there’s a similar rule, known as the Rule of Thirds, that serves to divide an image into three. In writing, the Rule of Three combines a collection of thoughts into three entities with combined brevity and rhythm to create a pattern.

Information presented in a group of three sticks in our heads better than in other groups. This is why this principle presents your ideas in more enjoyable and memorable ways for your audience.  It also serves to divide up a speech or emphasize a certain message. Let’s see a couple of examples where the rule is applied in different forms.

Examples of the Rule of three in Speeches

  • “ I came, I saw, I conquered .” (Veni, Vidi, Vici. ) by Julius Caesar in a letter to the Roman Senate
  • “…this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people , shall not perish from the earth.” from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
  • “ It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. lt means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.” from Steve Job’s Stanford Commencement Speech

In Veni Vidi Vici, the rule serves to divide the concept of Caesar’s victory into three parts to prolong the conclusion in order to give it more power. The “came” and “ saw” parts are technically obvious and unnecessary in terms of context. However, they serve to build up the conclusion of conquering, creating a story, rhythm, and, ultimately, a memorable and powerful line. A single “I conquered” wouldn’t impress the Senate that much, let alone become such a legendary phrase preserved in history.

Lincoln’s famous speech ending shows an excellent practice of the Rule of Three in the form of repetition to emphasize the new role of the Government.  “That Government of the people shaw not perish from the earth.” would still be a good line, however, the repetition makes it way more powerful and memorable.

And last, Steve Job uses the Rule of Three in the form of repetition to accomplish building up the conclusion and emphasizing what “it means”.  This repetition gives rhythm and helps the audience to be more receptive, stay focused, and follow the speaker to the final conclusion.

You can also use the Rule of Three to close your presentation by giving your audience two negatives and ending with a positive . Typical structures would be “This is not… this is not… but it is”; “You wouldn’t… you wouldn’t… but you would..”, etc.

For example, you can conclude a speech about self-growth with something similar to “Your future isn’t a matter of chance, it isn’t a matter of circumstances, it’s a matter of choice.”

2. Come Full Circle

In short, this means capitalizing  on your message by ending your presentation the exact way you started it . If done right, this is a powerful tool to make an impact. Usually, you begin your presentation with a statement that piques your audience’s curiosity. You use it to set the topic and start building on it. You take your audience on a journey, you make them start at one point, follow them through the entire journey, and make them end at the same point. By repeating the opening line as an ending, now the message makes more sense, it’s way more personal and makes a satisfying logical conclusion .

A good example of this comes from Yubing Zang in her speech “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone.” The speaker opens her TED talk with that same line to take you on a journey. You experience her story, you learn how fear is the biggest thief of dreams while comfort is a drug that keeps you from following them. After that strong message, she finishes with that same phrase. In the end, this phrase isn’t just an abstract quote, now it makes more sense and feels more real and personal.

You can also use the full circle method to start and finish your presentation with the same question. As an opening line, your question will make your audience think. It will compel them to listen to your presentation and learn the answers. As an ending, however, this same question will become rhetorical .

And speaking of questions…

3. Food for Thought Question Ending

The easiest way to end a speech on a good note is to leave your audience with a question. The kind of open-ended question that will inspire your audience to reflect on . Such questions can be so inviting, they will give your audience something exciting to think about and even think of throughout the day.

Examples of open-ended questions, depending on your topic, could sound like this.

  • What if it doesn’t work out that way?
  • What does this look like for you?
  • If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?

Unlike close-ended questions that the viewers can answer immediately on the spot and forget about your speech later, interesting open-ended questions that give them food for thought will inevitably surface on occasion.

For example, Lera Boroditski closes her topic on “How Language Shapes the Way We Think” with ” And that gives you the opportunity to ask: why do I think the way that I do? How could I think differently? And also, what thoughts do I wish to create?”

In order for your open-ended question to become food for thought, make sure your presentation raises it organically . It should sound like a relevant and logical conclusion to what you’ve built during your speech. Otherwise, the question would be forced and would seem like coming from nowhere. The best way to think of such an open-ended question is to reflect on what is the question you wished to answer during your presentation but couldn’t. Something that doesn’t have a solution yet.

  • Why do people fear losing things that they do not even have yet?
  • Why do we strive for perfection if it is not attainable?
  • How much control do you have over your life?
  • When will we reach a point where terraforming Mars will be our only chance at human survival? How can you influence this deadline?

This will give a great puzzle for your audience to solve and something to remember your presentation with, for a long time.

4. Inspire with Personal Involvement

If you have a story to share, don’t hesitate to inspire your audience with it during your own presentations.

This method is most powerful when we share a personal story or experience . Our vulnerability and personal touch are what will help you inspire your audience without sounding insincere or forcing them a piece of advice out of nowhere. The key here is to have credibility and personal involvement . It might come from your degree, accomplishments, or from your life’s story. Also, make sure the story is relatable and encourages empathy from your audience.

Steve Jobs gave a commencement speech at Stanford University sharing his personal experiences in order to inspire change in his audience’s mindset. He uses his authority and credibility to shape the spirit of leadership and entrepreneurship in young people. He aims to inspire people that they should learn to color outside the lines instead of following the patterns and structure of society. And he serves as a great example with his own life story and accomplishments .

Which makes the ending memorable and impactful: “ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Stay hungry. Stay foolish. ”

In conclusion, the entire speech builds up to this conclusion making it powerful as the personal involvement and experience make it sincere and inspirational.

5. Make Your Audience Laugh

If your topic allows it, one of the best ways to make your presentation memorable and a great experience for your audience is to end with a joke. Just make sure to craft a joke that relates to the main point of your presentation.

As an example for this tip, we chose the TED talk of webcartoonist Randall Munroe where he answers simple what-if questions using math, physics, logic, and -you guessed it- humor.

He ends by sharing an allegedly personal experience about receiving an email from a reader with a single subject line “Urgent”. “And this was the entire email: If people had wheels and could fly, how would we differentiate them from airplanes? Urgent. And I think that there are some questions math just cannot answer. ”

Final Words

In conclusion, the start and end of your presentation are crucial to its success. No matter the topic and goal of your presentation, you must always captivate your audience’s attention first, leaving the introductions and summaries for later. Having a great start for your presentation is what will keep your audience interested in what you have to say. However, the end is what your audience will be left with and will shape how they feel about your presentation and how they’ll remember it.  We hope we managed to inspire your inner public speaker to rock your presentation like a pro.

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Al Boicheva

Al is an illustrator at GraphicMama with out-of-the-box thinking and a passion for anything creative. In her free time, you will see her drooling over tattoo art, Manga, and horror movies.

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10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

  • By Illiya Vjestica
  • - January 23, 2023

10 Powerful Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here are 10 powerful examples of how to end a presentation that does not end with a thank you slide.

How many presentations have you seen that end with “Thank you for listening” or “Any questions?” I bet it’s a lot…

“Thank you for listening.” is the most common example. Unfortunately, when it comes to closing out your slides ending with “thank you” is the norm. We can create a better presentation ending by following these simple examples.

The two most essential slides of your deck are the ending and intro. An excellent presentation ending is critical to helping the audience to the next step or following a specific call to action.

There are many ways you can increase your presentation retention rate . The most critical steps are having a solid call to action at the end of your presentation and a powerful hook that draws your audience in.

What Action do You Want Your Audience to Take?

Before designing your presentation, start with this question – what message or action will you leave your audience with?

Are you looking to persuade, inspire, entertain or inform your audience? You can choose one or multiple words to describe the intent of your presentation.

Think about the action words that best describe your presentation ending – what do you want them to do? Inspire, book, learn, understand, engage, donate, buy, book or schedule. These are a few examples.

If the goal of your presentation is to inspire, why not end with a powerful and inspiring quote ? Let words of wisdom be the spark that ignites an action within your audience.

Here are three ways to end your presentation:

  • Call to Action – getting the audience to take a specific action or next step, for example, booking a call, signing up for an event or donating to your cause.
  • Persuade – persuading your audience to think differently, try something new, undertake a challenge or join your movement or community.
  • Summarise – A summary of the key points and information you want the audience to remember. If you decide to summarise your talk at the end, keep it to no more than three main points.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

1. Asking your audience to take action or make a pledge.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here were asking the audience to take action by using the wording “take action” in our copy. This call to action is a pledge to donate. A clear message like this can be helpful for charities and non-profits looking to raise funding for their campaign or cause.

2. Encourage your audience to take a specific action, e.g. joining your cause or community

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here was are asking the audience to join our community and help solve a problem by becoming part of the solution. It’s a simple call to action. You can pass the touch to your audience and ask them to take the next lead.

3. Highlight the critical points for your audience to remember.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Rember, to summarise your presentation into no more than three key points. This is important because the human brain struggles to remember more than three pieces of information simultaneously. We call this the “Rule of Three”.

4. If you are trying to get more leads or sales end with a call to action to book a demo or schedule a call.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Can you inspire your audience to sign up for a demo or trial of your product? Structure your talk to lead your prospect through a journey of the results you generate for other clients. At the end of your deck, finish with a specific call to action, such as “Want similar results to X?”

Make sure you design a button, or graphic your prospect can click on when you send them the PDF version of the slides.

5. Challenge your audience to think differently or take action, e.g. what impact could they make?

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6. Give your audience actions to help share your message.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

7. Promote your upcoming events or workshops

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

8. Asking your audience to become a volunteer.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

9. Direct your audience to learn more about your website.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

10. If you are a book author, encourage your audience to engage with your book.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6 Questions to Generate an Ending for Your Presentation

You’ve told an engaging story, but why end your presentation without leaving your audience a clear message or call to action?

Here are six great questions you can ask yourself to generate an ending for your presentation or keynote talk.

  • What impression would you want to leave your audience with?
  • What is the big idea you want to leave them with?
  • What action should they take next?
  • What key point should you remember 72 hours after your presentation?
  • What do you want them to feel?
  • What is the key takeaway for them to understand?

What to Say After Ending a Presentation?

When you get to the end of a book, you don’t see the author say, “thank you for reading my last chapter.” Of course, there is no harm in thanking the audience after your presentation ends, but don’t make that the last words you speak.

Think of the ending of the presentation as the final chapter of an epic novel. It’s your chance to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Close with an impactful ending and leave them feeling empowered, invigorated and engaged.

  • Leave a lasting impression.
  • Think of it as the last chapter of a book.
  • Conclude with a thought or question.
  • Leave the audience with a specific action or next step.

How to End a Presentation with Style?

There are many great ways you can end your presentation with style. Are you ready to drop the mic?

Ensure your closing slide is punchy, has a clear headline, or uses a thought-provoking image.

Think about colours. You want to capture the audience’s attention before closing the presentation. Make sure the fonts you choose are clear and easy to read.

Do you need to consider adding a link? If you add links to your social media accounts, use icons and buttons to make them easy to see. Add a link to each button or icon. By doing this, if you send the PDF slides to people, they can follow the links to your various accounts.

What Should you Remember?

💡 If you take one thing away from this post, it’s to lose the traditional ending slides. Let’s move on from the “Thank you for your attention.” or “Any questions.” slides.

These don’t help you or the audience. Respect them and think about what they should do next. You may be interested to learn 3 Tactics to Free Your Presentation Style to help you connect to your audience.

Illiya Vjestica

Illiya Vjestica

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How to end a presentation in english: methods and examples.

  • By Matthew Jones

how to finish a presentation in one day

Naturally, the way you end a presentation will depend on the setting and subject matter. Are you pitching an idea to your boss? Are you participating in a group presentation at school? Or are you presenting a business idea to potential investors? No matter the context, you’ll want to have a stellar ending that satisfies your audience and reinforces your goals.

So, do you want to learn how to end a presentation with style? Wondering how to end an informative speech? Or do you want to know how to conclude a Powerpoint presentation with impact? We’re here to help you learn how to end a presentation and make a great impression!

How to End a Presentation: 3 Effective Methods

Every presentation needs a great beginning, middle, and end. In this guide, we will focus on crafting the perfect conclusion. However, if you’d like to make sure that your presentation sounds good from start to finish, you should also check out our guide on starting a presentation in English .

Though there are many ways to end a presentation, the most effective strategies focus on making a lasting impression on your audience and reinforcing your goals. So, let’s take a look at three effective ways to end a presentation:

1. Summarize the Key Takeaways

Most presenters either make an argument (i.e. they want to convince their audience to adopt their view) or present new or interesting information (i.e. they want to educate their audience). In either case, the presentation will likely consist of important facts and figures. The conclusion gives you the opportunity to reiterate the most important information to your audience.

This doesn’t mean that you should simply restate everything from your presentation a second time. Instead, you should identify the most important parts of your presentation and briefly summarize them.

This is similar to what you might find in the last paragraph of an academic essay. For example, if you’re presenting a business proposal to potential investors, you might conclude with a summary of your business and the reasons why your audience should invest in your idea.

2. End with a CTA (Call-To-Action)

Ending with a Call-To-Action is one of the best ways to increase audience engagement (participation) with your presentation. A CTA is simply a request or invitation to perform a specific action. This technique is frequently used in sales or marketing presentations, though it can be used in many different situations.

For example, let’s say that you’re giving an informational presentation about the importance of hygiene in the workplace. Since your goal is to educate your audience, you may think that there’s no place for a CTA.

On the contrary, informational presentations are perfect for CTA’s. Rather than simply ending your presentation, you can direct your audience to seek out more information on the subject from authorities. In this case, you might encourage listeners to learn more from an authoritative medical organization, like the World Health Organization (WHO).

3. Use a Relevant Quote

It may sound cliche, but using quotes in your closing speech is both memorable and effective. However, not just any quote will do. You should always make sure that your quote is relevant to the topic. If you’re making an argument, you might want to include a quote that either directly or indirectly reinforces your main point.

Let’s say that you’re conducting a presentation about your company’s mission statement. You might present the information with a Powerpoint presentation, in which case your last slide could include an inspirational quote. The quote can either refer to the mission statement or somehow reinforce the ideas covered in the presentation.

Formatting Your Conclusion

While these 3 strategies should give you some inspiration, they won’t help you format your conclusion. You might know that you want to end your presentation with a Call-To-Action, but how should you “start” your conclusion? How long should you make your conclusion? Finally, what are some good phrases to use for ending a presentation?<br>

Examples of a Good Conclusion

In conclusion, I believe that we can increase our annual revenue this year. We can do this with a combination of increased efficiency in our production process and a more dynamic approach to lead generation. If we implement these changes, I estimate that annual revenue will increase by as much as 15%.

The example above shows a good conclusion for a business presentation. However, some people believe that the term in conclusion is overused. Here’s how to end a presentation using transition words similar to in conclusion .

Transition words help your audience know that your presentation is ending. Try starting your conclusion with one of these phrases:

  • To summarize

However, transition words aren’t always necessary. Here are a few good ways to end a presentation using a different approach.

  • Summarize Key Takeaways : There are two things that I’d like you to remember from today’s presentation. First, we are a company that consults startups for a fraction of the cost of other consultation services. And second, we have a perfect record of successfully growing startups in a wide variety of industries. If anything was unclear, I’d be happy to open the floor to questions.
  • Make a Call-To-Action : I am very passionate about climate change. The future of the planet rests on our shoulders and we are quickly running out of time to take action. That said, I do believe that we can effect real change for future generations. I challenge you to take up the fight for our children and our children’s children.
  • Use a Relevant Quote: I’d like to end my presentation with one of my favorite quotes: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

As you can see, your conclusion does not need to be very long. In fact, a conclusion should be short and to the point. This way, you can effectively end your presentation without rambling or adding extraneous (irrelevant) information.

How to End a Presentation in English with Common Phrases

Finally, there are a few generic phrases that people frequently use to wrap up presentations. While we encourage you to think about how to end a presentation using a unique final statement, there’s nothing wrong with using these common closing phrases:

  • Thank you for your time.
  • I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.
  • I’ll now answer any questions you have about (topic).
  • If you need any further information, feel free to contact me at (contact information).

We hope this guide helps you better understand how to end a presentation ! If you’d like to find out more about how to end a presentation in English effectively, visit Magoosh Speaking today!

Matthew Jones

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how to finish a presentation in one day

7 Powerful Ways To End a Presentation

by Janice Tomich

  • Presentation Planning & Public Speaking Skills

Have you ever attended a presentation or speech and didn’t know when it was over? Maybe you were even unsure if it was time to clap or get up and leave?

Your audience not knowing when a presentation has finished is a clear sign that you need to work on your conclusion. If you ending isn’t clear the closing statements sputter. Don’t let your words fizzle out.

People attend your presentation or speech to learn from you. Your passion for what you’ll be sharing started long ago. Keep that passion clear from your personal introduction right through your conclusion if you want the impact of your words to continue well past the time you step off the stage.

It’s crucial you get both the open and close of your speech right.

The conclusion is especially pivotal, because if you’ve thoughtfully structured your presentation at the end you will influence your audience to be inspired to do what you had planned with the information you’ve shared.

There are many different ways to close a presentation effectively.

If you’re lost and unsure about how to make your presentation compelling, I can help.

I’ll start with explaining 7 powerful ways I’ve seen my public speaking coaching clients end their speeches, and then give you my advice about two common ways to close a presentation which you should avoid.

Table of Contents

7 Techniques for Ending Your Presentation Powerfully

1. end with a overt call to action.

The most overt type of close is the Call To Action or CTA. A call to action is a clear, direct statement to your audience of what you want them to do next. Use this type of presentation conclusion when you want to be perfectly clear about your message.

close with a clear call to action, like "go out and protest, make change in the world"

This closing technique transparently encourages your audience to do something as concrete as “buy my book” or “sign my petition” or “take on a challenge.”

I once had the privilege of seeing Dr Hans Rosling deliver a TED Talk . He is an excellent presenter and a master of the close. Based on his research, he clearly challenges his audience to take his data to make decisions about resources needed for population growth. The talk is worth watching if you’re planning out a closing statement, because it’s a brilliant example of a strong close.

2. End with a a Soft and Subtle Call To Action

Have you ever left a presentation inspired to do something differently, even if you were not specifically directed to take action? The closing technique you witnessed was probably a subtler version of a CTA.

For a masterful example of this closing technique, watch the end of Tim Urban’s TED Talk on procrastination. Notice that he never specifically tells you to take action – to stop procrastinating. Instead, he gets you onboard in a soft way, slowly building up his argument via a number of examples of his own experience with procrastination.

Tim Urban's TED Talk "Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator" ends with a powerful, but subtle, call to action.

Then, close to the end, he shows a visual which leaves you reassessing your life and what you will do with the remainder of it.

Tim’s masterful presentation conclusion has prompted many people to take action and change their habits, but it’s subtle and leaves you thinking as if the conclusions you come to are you own idea, not his.

3. Use a Quote to End Your Presentation

Using a quote for your final words can be an effective way to end your presentation. Choose your quote carefully, however—the quote needs to align with your message and clearly communicate your key point. Never use an obscure or confusing quotation. Don’t make your audience work too hard to understand the relationship between the quote on your final slide and your overall message.

One of the most touching quotes I heard used to conclude an inspirational speech was the last lines of the Mary Oliver poem “Summer’s Day”: “Tell me, what is it you will do – With your one wild and precious life?”

It kept me thinking about the preciousness of the days, how I had permission to push limits, and what those limits might be.

4. Finish Your Presentation By Closing The Loop

Create intrigue with a story which takes your audience on a journey. Using storytelling in business presentations or in a speech, threading it throughout, is not only a good way to grab the audience’s attention and enhance engagement. It’s also a powerful way to come to a conclusion when you finish your story.

Dr. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk uses the “close the loop” technique brilliantly. She begins her presentation telling us about an accident she had that impacted her ability to thrive in university. She worked hard to make progress. Under the mentorship of a professor she thrived.

Dr. Cuddy goes on to talk about her research into how we can build confidence through body language techniques. She winds her talk up by speaking about a student of hers that she mentored through a lack of confidence…and very craftily closes the loop.

5. End Your Speech Using the Rule of Three

The rule of three will help your audience remember the end of your presentation

A communication technique called the Rule of Three is a powerful way to end your speech. Using this technique to end your presentation will make your key message stick.

An example of the Rule of Three is this Winston Churchill quote, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”.

Using three concepts triggers your brain to recognize a pattern, which humans are wired to do. Pattern recognition is how we make sense of things, it’s how we connect the dots and make meaning from the message.

Use the Rule of Three if you want your closing remarks to be remembered long after your audience leaves their seats.

how to finish a presentation in one day

​​​​Sucheta Misra Associate VP Inclusion & Diversity and Social Impact Leader

6. Finish with a Thought Provoking Question

There is value in having your audience walk away thinking about the questions you asked in your conclusion—and their personal responses to them. We humans are natural problem solvers. A question is a sticky way to create a memorable ending.

In his TED Talk, What Baby Boomers Can Learn From Millennials & Vice-Versa , Chip Conley provides food for thought about how we can all be contributors in the workplace by creating generational bridges. He asks, “Personally, who can you reach out to to create a mutual mentorship relationship? And organizationally, how can you create the conditions to foster an intergenerational flow of wisdom?” It’s not a rhetorical question, it’s a call to action. Chip finishes his presentation by telling us that bridges are the true sharing economy.

7. Deliver a Summary to Close Your Presentation

Delivering a summary of your core message can be an effective way to conclude, but be careful. Using a summary to finish your presentation sometimes risks losing your audience’s attention. If you name the main message(s) by rote, as if you’re rattling off a series of bullet points, the conclusion is likely to flop. Instead, use your summary slide to close your speech inspirationally, reviewing the key message and critically “the why.” Without the why, your summary will be forgotten in minutes.

2 Things to Avoid in Your Conclusion

Preparing, writing, and delivering a powerful speech is difficult, and some speakers are unprepared when they approach their closing remarks. Here are two things to avoid:

1. Running Out of Time

A poorly thought out and only minimally practiced presentation usually results in you having to cram your final remarks into the last few minutes of your allotted time. Your audience won’t be able to digest your final concepts if your words come at double-speed.

When you rush to the finish line not only will you feel stressed, your audience will too. This can seriously mar your reputation as a polished and professional public speaker.

2. Finish with a Question and Answer Session

You’re the speaker. You’ve been invited to take the stage and the audience is there to hear your ideas. The impact of too many otherwise excellent presentations are dulled in the last minutes, when a presenter opens the floor to questions, which are sometimes commandeered by someone in the room whose motivations might not align with your own. Your audience will remember your response to the last question. End with a question and answer session and you’ve essentially let someone else write your conclusion for you.

Question and answer sections aren’t a bad thing, but don’t end with them. Finish up your presentation by having all eyes on you. Close on your own terms.

The final (and best) tip I can give you is no matter the closing technique you choose to end your presentation or keynote address , is to practice it until it is firmly embedded into your memory. You want to know it inside out (and upside down) with absolute full confidence so you won’t have to scramble to come to a full stop.

You don’t have to prepare a presentation alone. If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired by your presentation’s conclusion, I invite you to book a 1-hour presentation strategy session . I’ll help you create a powerful ending that will have your audience leaving inspired.

If you’d like help with the entire presentation, I do that too. We can work together, one on one, to develop and create your next presentation or speech so you can deliver it with confidence and ease -> Prepare For Your Upcoming Presentation, Speech, or Talk .

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how to end your presentation

6 Remarkable Ways to End Your Presentation

Before delving in how to end your presentation tips, let me ask you this: Have you ever experienced a speaker or a presentation which went on for long and the speaker abruptly ends on an awkward note leaving the audience hanging with no thank you or closing remark to cue the audience in that the presentation has come to an end? Such presentations end with awkward silence making the speaker himself or herself feel embarrassed.

Situations like this are sadly common and are mostly found within speakers who do not present for a living but were occasionally asked to speak to the crowd. Sometimes in cases like this, we may not really count them or even forgive them for the oversight.  However, it is essential for every speaker to know the importance of planning how to start and end their presentations well.

No matter how well a speech is introduced and well presented, all efforts will go to waste as soon as the presenter ends it badly.  It is crucial to start a topic or presentation on an excellent note, but it is essential you end well as a speaker. The better you finish,  the more the ovation and recommendation you get from your audience. Your closing statements need to be strong and in some cases, stronger than your introduction.

A good introduction will wow the audience and make them pay attention to what you have to say but when you leave them with a weak conclusion that’s most probably what they are going to remember about you. They won’t remember how good your introduction was or the visuals and the jokes you made, but they will instead remember how you left them hanging at the end while some would even forget your presentation altogether based on the poor way in which you concluded your presentation.

It’s not that hard to end your presentation on a high note and wow your audience with your closing remarks and even leaving them yearning for more. Check below six great tips on how to end your presentation with a bang, and I will elaborate on them as I go.

6 Remarkable ways to end your Presentation

1. a call to action:.

There are two ways you can call them to action. You start by letting them see the negative downfalls and consequences that could arise if they do not do it then you finish by making them see the benefits they would gain from it once they take action towards doing it. This is the best method of motivating your audience at the end. End on a high motivation, and you will maximize your chances of sending the audience into action.

end your presentation by motivating your audience and calling them to action

2. End with a summary:

One of my favorite ways to end a presentation is to summarize the key points of the speech and then add in the call to action. It allows you to go over what you have been saying since you started in a short form.  Seize the opportunity and make it short but memorable.

Most especially when you made a presentation with so many points covered,  a summary helps you caption it all in a few sentences. Some points that the audience skipped will be brought to their memories again.

Be firm on points you want them to note at the end while making your summaries. Try to put in humor while stating your summary to give them a good impression of you. Also, make sure your summary isn’t lengthy else it loses its purpose of being a summary in the first place. Remember, it’s meant to be short and memorable.

Just as your creativity was vital in starting your presentation,  making sure you are as creative as possible with your final remarks at the end of your presentation is also critical.  Most presentations end with “thank you” or “thanks for listening ” at the end of the slide, but a spectacular presenter or speaker strives to be unique. The more creative you are,  the more respected you will become in the eyes of your audience.

3. The Questioning technique :

Starting your presentation with a question and ending it with an answer is a neat way to end your presentation.  When you refer to the beginning of your presentation by saying “I asked a question at the beginning of my presentation which I promised to answer when I am about to round up..” this reminds the audience of how good you are and how creative you were at the beginning for your presentation.  Referring to your opening message is a very good strategy to keep them intrigued. 

It doesn’t have to be a question; it could also be a story.  The point here is that you kept your audience glued from start to finish and impressing them at the same time.

I am not an advocate of ending your presentation with a question. You will only end up making your audience puzzled, making the miss the whole point of your presentation in the first place if they still have unanswered questions lingering on their minds. They came for solutions, not problem compounding. Dee Clayton, a motivational speaker, had something to say on this :

“Never end with the questions, too many people make this mistake, if you get a negative question,  you have dulled the whole presentation, and the audience leave on a negative note.  Always do the questions before the wrap-up.”

4. They must be aware that you have finished :

speech closing

Always make it clear that you have finished.  It is always uncomfortable to the audience when you suddenly go quiet, leaving them puzzled to guess whether you are trying to remember or you are actually done.

Nothing is more awkward than the deafening silence of an audience working out if you have finished. Your closing words should make it evident and clear that you have finished which will make the audience respond hopefully with applause or an ovation. If the applause doesn’t come,  don’t fidget,  stand confidently and look at the crowd like you meant to do it and wrap it up with a confident thank you, a smile and if you intend to humor,  a bow.

5. Inspirational and Motivational endings:

Ending with a catchphrase by Robert W. Service, for instance, “Don’t Quit, Carry on! ” is one which would meet the audience in high spirits. This phrase could be the one single thing they will remember for long from your presentation, and it would serve as a morale booster to most. 

You could end your presentation with something inspirational as well if you had given a motivational talk before you will be familiar with the fact that hope is the main religion of humankind. Dwell on that as a presenter and work on it. Inspire your audience (check our solid tips on how to become a motivational speaker here ), leave them with inspirational quotes.

Remember that everyone is dealing with problems, setbacks, difficulties, and temporary failures in every aspect of their lives and need assurance. For this reason, everyone appreciates a poem, inspirational words, words of advice, quotes, or encouragement that gives them strength or courage to carry on.

6. Proper planning :

To ensure that your closing remark will be a bang as you want it to be,  you must plan for it word for word.  Remember if you fail to plan,  you plan to fail. When you are certain and sure about the kind of ending you desire,  then it will even easier for you to be able to achieve such a result.

The best way you can have a great ending is to plan for the ending before you prepare for the rest of your speech, then go back and design the opening introduction, so it goes Hand in hand with your conclusion. 

Remember, your presentation is the sum of all its part,  from the introduction to the body down to the conclusion. Everything must work seamlessly together to ensure there are no flops. Please make the most of it.


Brian tracy. 9 tips to end a speech with a bang. . accessed on 06/30/2019..

Eric Holtzclaw. The Most Powerful Way to End a Presentation. on.html. Accessed on 06/30/2019.

Paul Petrone. The 6 Best Ways to Close a Presentation. . Accessed on 06/30/2019.

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Speak Confident English

How to Close Your Presentation in English Powerfully [+ FREE Presentation Checklist]

May 9, 2018 | Business Professional English , Free Resource , Public Speaking & Presentations

What to Include in the Conclusion of Your Presentation in English

This lesson has been updated from its original posting in 2016.

You’re giving your presentation in English. You have just two minutes left. And it’s time for the conclusion …

Did you know most people only remember the first and last things you tell them? It’s true.

If you are giving a presentation in English, then you definitely want people to remember what you say at the end. And this means your closing must be powerful!

You’ve worked hard on your presentation. You searched for information online. You couldn’t sleep at night. You felt nervous about making mistakes. You spent hours preparing. You reviewed the grammar and vocabulary. You worried about someone asking a question. You practiced and practiced and practiced.

And now it’s the last two minutes. This is the last opportunity for your audience to hear your key points. It is the last chance you have to help your audience remember your comments.

A closing in a presentation should be short and clear. It should summarize your key points. And, most importantly, it should be powerful.

In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn about 3 ways to make your closing more powerful. Plus you’ll learn useful key expressions you can use in your presentation.

3 steps to a powerful closing in your presentation.

Lesson by Annemarie

3 Strategies to Close Your Presentation Powerfully

Use these 3 strategies in your conclusion to:

  • recapture your audience’s attention
  • get your audience to focus and remember your key points
  • help your audience connect with you and your topic
  • end your presentation powerfully

One: Include a Call to Action (CTA)

Is there something you want your audience to do or think after your presentation. Do you want them to take action? Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do with a Call to Action.

Here’s my example:

“ After you finish today’s lesson, please take 2 minutes to  leave a comment about your experience with presentations. You can share your thoughts or ask questions in the comments section at the bottom of this lesson – it’s the perfect place to join a discussion on this topic.”

A couple useful expressions to help you introduce your CTA is:

  • To close, I’d like to ask you to do this one thing…
  • And finally, before you leave the conference today, please take two minutes to…

Two: End with a Powerful/Inspirational Quote

Is there one thing you really want your audience to remember? Or is there a specific feeling you want your audience to have after your presentation?

Using a powerful quote can help you do that. You could introduce a great quote or interesting statistic with:

  • I’d like to finish with this powerful/interesting/wonderful/inspiring/ quote from …
  • And finally, let’s finish up today’s discussion with this surprising/useful/shocking/hopeful statistic …

Here are some example quotes that might help people be prepared to take action or to think differently. But remember! Always match the quote or statistic to your topic:

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”  – Martin Luther King, Jr. “Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.”  – Alexander Graham Bell

Three: Add a Surprising Fact or Statistic

Is there something you’d love for your audience to think about after your presentation? Is there a statistic or fact that will help someone remember your key points?

A surprising fact can also help re-engage your audience, it will snap their attention back to you.

For example:

Did you know that the human brain’s capacity is limitless – that’s great new right? BUT … did you also know that a person is likely to remember only 25% of a presentation after 24 hours?

Uh oh. That is why it’s SO important to have a powerful ending! Remember: the key is to find a statistic or fact that connects directly to your topic.

Useful Language to Close Your Presentation

Summarize Your Key Points & Close Your Presentation

  • That brings us to the end of the presentation. I’d like to summarize by saying …
  • That concludes my presentation. However, I’d like to quickly summarize the main points or takeaways.
  • And on that final note, that concludes my presentation.
  • To quickly recap, I’d like you to remember these key points …
  • To summarize …
  • In conclusion …
  • I’d like to bring this presentation to a close with …
  • I’d like to close this talk with …
  • So, this concludes the focus of discussion today. To end, I’d like to highlight …
  • This concludes [name/title of the section] so let’s move on to the final comments.

Thank Your Audience

  • I sincerely appreciate your attention today/this evening/this morning.
  • And that brings us to the end. I’d like to thank you for your time and attention today.
  • Thank you so much for your interest and attention.
  • At this time, I’d like to have my colleague speak so I’ll finish up by saying thank you for your attention.
  • I can see that our time is just about up so to finish I’d like to say thank you.
  • I sincerely appreciate that I’ve had this opportunity to present to you.
  • If there is one thing I would like you to remember from today’s presentation it’s …

Take Questions

  • If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to open up the discussion.
  • If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask now and I’ll do my best to answer.
  • Would anyone like to ask any questions?
  • I would now be interested to hear from you with your thoughts or questions.
  • Now let’s move on to some Q&A. (Q&A = Questions and Answers)

Provide Next Steps or Contact Information

  • If you would like more information, here is a list of useful resources/websites.
  • If anyone who like more information or has questions, please feel free to contact me at: [include contact info]
  • Here is a list for further reading on this topic. (Include the list of books or websites.)

Get the complete Presentations in English Series:

Part 1: How to Prepare for Your Presentation in English

Part 2:  How to Start with a Great Introduction in Your Presentation

Part 3:  How to Organize Your Presentation in English

Part 4: How to End Your Presentation Powerfully

After you’ve watched the video and reviewed the lesson, I’d love to hear from you!

Tell me about the best presentation you ever heard. Who gave the presentation? And why do you remember it? Share what you remember in the comments section below.

And for the bonus question!! Have you given a presentation in English? What tips or advice would you like to share with others? You can add your advice in the comments section.

Thank you so much for joining me!

~ Annemarie

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I’m very glad to know it was helpful!


Hi! I found your page very insightful. Thank you very much!

I’m glad to hear it!


great video series. thank you so much. you mentioned that you had a downloadable checklist in the final video. where could I find this thanks?

Hi Ellie, I’m glad the series was helpful.

When you visit the lesson, there should be an image that pops up with an opportunity to get the download. If you don’t see it, please let me know so I can fix it.


Helped a lot! Thank you very much <33


thank you so much


I love your method


Hello, I have a 5 minute oral presentation of a fictional book, w/the main focus on the leadership traits of the characters. I enjoyed the book, and suspect others might, so to that end, is it OK to NOT share the ending? Thank you


Thanks for your help 🙂


Great website. I found a typo in on the presentation closings page “Useful Langauge to Close Your Presentation”.

Good eyes! Thanks so much for the note. We’ve fixed the typo.

Saba Pervaiz

Dear Annemarie, thank you so much for sharing. 


Dear Annemarie, thank you so much for sharing. I learned so much from your 4 videos and I will work on improving my presentation skills. Love your spirit of excellence. For me as a presenter, its important i am passionate about the topic i share and audience will be able to apply some of the learnings in their life. Thank you Annemarie. I love your voice too. Stay blessed.

Pratibha Yadav

I watch continuously watched ur 4 videos and U r a great teacher.Thanks for making such purposeful videos.

Moise Magloire Waffo Diesse

I am so happy , I have more form you thank you very much

Jasmin muther

You are absolutely wonderful and your website is extremely useful and also quit impressive i habe my english A-levels in December i copied this text i sinisterly appreciate that i have had this opportunity to present to you and i also add something * it was a honor for me so thank you ☺️

Thanks, Jasmin! I’m so glad to know my lessons are helpful to you.


hey Annemarie could you help me in ending my presentation on mental health. it is a school presentation for MUN

If you’d like editing help, please see our options for 1:1 classes .

Anna Ruggeri

You are my favorite speaker. ☺

Hi Anna, that’s so kind of you. Thank you. 🙂


It’s so useful to us…… I’m so happy by this

I’m glad it was helpful to you, Kalpana.

Rawaha Khalid Baig

I was holistically stuck about how to give my first ever presentation, but this gave me an impetus and confidence. Thanks a lot for this exquisite info

Awesome. I’m glad this helped you to move forward.


Thank YOU for tour tips. They are really inspiring. I Will try to put them into practise.

Hi Nancy, Wonderful! I’m glad they’re helpful to you!


It’s so useful to us…… I’m so happy by this

Hammad Mshhour

do you have Presentation course

Hi Hammad, I don’t at this time but it’s definitely something I’m thinking about.

📣 The Confident Women Community in April The CWC is where women learn, practice, speak, and make progress. Coming in April we have speaking partner matching PLUS new study guides on travel. 🗺️

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How to Finish a Huge Assignment or Project Overnight

how to finish a presentation in one day

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The great American writer Mark Twain once said,

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well.”

When we live by that advice, though, we sometimes find ourselves chugging concentrated coffee at 2 a.m. in a valiant effort to stay awake and finish a huge project that’s due in 6 hours.

As productive as I’d like to think I am… I’ve been there.

If you’ve been there as well – or maybe if you’re there right now – this week’s video is for you. I’m not going to waste time lecturing you about the importance of planning, there are other videos for that – let’s just look at the best plan of attack when you find yourself in a time crunch.

Now, we’re going to look at some specific concepts related to planning and willpower in a minute – The Impact Effort Matrix, Ego Depletion – but let’s start with the foundation: location selection .

I think your location is vital when you’re working under pressure, and personally I like to pick my study locations based on their “vibe” – that is, what’s going on around me. I tend to favor coffee shops and libraries – I still go to my university library at times even though I’ve graduated – because I work well when I’m surrounded by other people who are also working. Also, close proximity to caffeine is helpful.

The most important part of location selection, though, is avoiding the “call of the pillow”. When you’re studying in a time crunch, it’s likely you’ll be doing it late into the night. That’s why you want to get as far away from your bed as possible.

The later it gets, the more you’ll start rationalizing how good a nap might be and the more you’ll start deciding that certain parts of your project don’t matter. So pick a place where going to bed would be more effort than finishing the next part of your project.

That piece of business taken care of, it’s now time to plan your efforts . Before you start working, take some time to break down your workload into individual parts. Then, it’s time to figure out which ones should get the bulk of your attention.

Dwight Eisenhower often remarked that,

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”

In the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , Steven Covey popularized the “Eisenhower Decision Matrix”, which is based on this principle. In the matrix, tasks are categorized based on their importance and urgency.

When you’re in a time crunch, though, everything can seem urgent – so importance is the factor you should focus on in this case. To that end, let’s use a similar but more fitting tool – the Impact/Effort matrix .

Impact/Effort Matrix

Here, tasks in a project are given scores based on their impact to the overall success of the project and the effort it will take to implement them. To illustrate how this works, here’s an example from my life.

When I was a senior in college, one of my final projects was building a web app. My idea was called AMPanic, and it was an app that would require you to log in and tell if you’re awake before a certain time – otherwise it would send an embarrassing email to someone. This was actually the precursor to the early wake-up system I use now, which I detailed in this video .

With this project, though, I found myself in a time crunch trying to finish it. So I broke my project down into different parts that I’d have to code and prioritized them using this Impact/Effort matrix.

The core functionality – the code that would let you set an alarm and an email message, the code that would schedule and send the email on time, and the function to cancel the email if the user checked in on time in the morning – those required a lot of effort to build, but they also had the highest impact on the project.

On the other hand, some parts of the site – like the About, FAQ, and Contact pages – didn’t have as high of an impact, but they were low-effort tasks. Since they didn’t take much time to create, I made sure to include them to make the site look more complete.

The main element of the site that I chose NOT to focus on was the user registration and login system. A proper one needs functions for resetting passwords, but I decided that the core alarm setting functionality would be more important to my grade since that was the point of the whole project. So I used a login system I had written for an old project and didn’t bother creating a way to reset passwords.

In the end, it was a worthwhile decision; the alarm system was more advanced than most of the other projects in the class, so I ended up getting an A.

To assign Impact/Effort scores to each component of your project – or each assignment if you’re juggling multiple – consider the following factors:

  • What the core deliverables are
  • The grading criteria for the project, what which components count for the most points
  • What percentage of your grade each assignment counts for
  • How much each component will contribute to the knowledge you need to have for tests, which usually impact your grade the most

Once you’e assigned scores to each component, I think it’s a good idea to tackle the ones with the highest impact and highest effort first. This is due to Ego Depletion – a phenomenon explained in Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow . Citing research from the psychologist Roy Baumeister, he reveals that:

“…an effort of will or self-control is tiring; if you have had to force yourself to do something, you are less willing or less able to exert self-control when the next challenge comes around.”

Use the bulk of your willpower to complete the harder tasks first; that way, you’ll only have to deal with low-effort, high-impact tasks when you’re feeling drained.

That’s where we’re going to close for this week. If you select your location well, plan based on impact and effort, and tackle your tasks in a way that utilizes your willpower effectively, you’ll make if through your time crunch in one piece.

Need help finishing a personal project you’ve been procrastinating on? Read this next .

If you’re unable to see the video above, you can view it on YouTube .

Looking for More Study Tips?

10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades - Thomas Frank

You’ll find more tips on planning, study environments, and maintaining willpower in my free 100+ page book called 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades (While Studying Less) .

The book covers topics like:

  • Defeating procrastination
  • Getting more out of your classes
  • Taking great notes
  • Reading your textbooks more efficiently

…and several more. It also has a lot of recommendations for tools and other resources that can make your studying easier.

If you’d like a free copy of the book, let me know where I should send it:

I’ll also keep you updated about new posts and videos that come out on this blog (they’ll be just as good as this one or better) 🙂

Video Notes

How to Finish a Huge Assignment or Project Overnight

  • Eisenhower Decision Matrix
  • Impact/Effort Matrix
  • Ego Depletion

What other topics related to working under tight deadlines would you like to see covered in the future?

Do you have any additional tips? Share them below 🙂

If you liked this video, subscribe on YouTube to stay updated and get notified when new ones are out!

Images: Eisenhower , Twain , Twain living room , James Cameron , ocean trench , Everest , wall of books , Big Ben , coffee shop


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