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Speech about Positive Thinking [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

1 minute speech on positive thinking.

Positive thinking has been shown to have multiple benefits. It can help people achieve personal goals, make better decisions, improve health, and boost performance.

To some, it is a cliché to say that positive thinking will change your life. But when you look at the research on the subject, you can see that it’s not just a cliché.

Positive thinking has been shown to have a significant effect on one’s personality and mental health. It is also an effective tool for improving one’s self-esteem and confidence levels.

The study found that people who were more positive in their thoughts had higher self-esteem and higher levels of happiness than those who were negative in their thoughts.

There are many benefits of positive thinking. It can help us to be more productive, optimistic, and happy.

Positive thinking has been shown to have a positive effect on our personality. It can also help us to be more productive and optimistic as well as happier.

People who have been through a challenging time are often more likely to be more positive. This is because they have more to look forward to in the future.

Qoutes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on Positive Thinking

  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
  • “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
  • “Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.”
  • “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
  • “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
  • “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.”
  • “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
  • “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
  • “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.”
  • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”
  • “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
  • “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward.”
  • “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
  • “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.”
  • “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
  • “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!”
  • “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
  • “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
  • “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
  • “Happiness is not the belief that we don’t need to change; it’s the realization that we can.”

2 Minutes Speech on Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a state in which thoughts and emotions are positive in nature. It is a state of mind that makes people feel good about themselves and their lives.

Positive thinking is a mindset that helps you to live a happier and healthier life. It is achieved by focusing on the good things in your life and the people around you.

Positive thinking has been proven to be beneficial in many aspects of life, including physical health, mental health, relationships, work productivity, and happiness.

Positive thinking has been found to have a significant effect on personality. It is also known as optimism. It is the belief that good things will happen, and bad things will not happen.

Positive thinking can be beneficial to your health, relationships, and career. In order to enjoy these benefits, you should develop a positive mindset by following some of the simple tips below:

– Practice gratitude daily

– Focus on what’s working in your life rather than what’s not

– Stay optimistic about the future

Positive thinking is a key component of success. It has been proven that a positive attitude is a major predictor of happiness and well-being.

Positive thinking is important, but it can be difficult to maintain in the long term. This is where AI writing assistants come in handy – they can help you get over your writer’s block and generate content ideas at scale.

3 Minutes Speech on Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals. It can also be an effective way to manage stress and anxiety.

Positive thinking is a popular topic in the self-help industry, but it is not always easy to implement. Sometimes, we might feel like we are being delusional and not see reality for what it is. However, positive thinking can be an effective tool for coping with stress and anxiety in our lives.

There are many benefits of positive thinking. It can improve your mood and help you live a better life. One of the benefits of positive thinking is that it can help you deal with difficult situations in your life more easily.

Positive Thinking is a powerful tool that can benefit your personality in a lot of ways. It has been shown to have an effect on the brain and physical health. If you’re struggling with something, take some time to think positively about it and see how it changes the outcome for you!

4 Minutes Speech on Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a way of thinking that focuses on the positive aspects of life. It is the opposite of negative thinking, which focuses on the negative aspects. Positive thinking helps people to find solutions and opportunities instead of seeing problems and obstacles.

Positive Thinking can be hard to do in certain circumstances. For example, when someone has lost a loved one or when they are going through a difficult time in their life. In these cases, it can be difficult to think positively because there are so many negative thoughts running through their head at once.

Positive Thinking can also be hard to do if you have been feeling down for a long time or you have been struggling with something for an extended period of time without any result or progress being made. In this case, it may take some work and effort before people see that things are getting better again and they start feeling like everything is back on track again.

Positive thinking is proven to improve well-being and happiness, while negative thinking is associated with anxiety and depression.

5 Minutes Speech on Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a key to success, happiness, and peace of mind. It can help you live a stress-free life.

Positive thinking is a way of looking at the world that encourages individuals to focus on the good things in life and to be grateful for what they have. The benefits of positive thinking are numerous and include improved health, higher levels of self-esteem, reduced anxiety, better relationships with family members and friends, increased productivity at work, and enhanced creativity.

Positive thinkers are more likely to be happy because they see the glass as half full rather than half empty. They also tend to see things as less stressful because they are optimistic about the future.

Positive thinking is a way of thinking that focuses on what is good in life. People who have this type of mindset are more likely to be happy, optimistic, and confident. In the workplace, it can help employees to feel more motivated and productive.

Positive thinking has been proven to improve your overall happiness and well-being. It has also been shown to increase productivity in the workplace by boosting motivation and creativity.

The positive thinking effect on personality is a phenomenon that was first studied by Dr. Martin Seligman, who is known for his work on positive psychology. This effect was found to be true in people who were not struggling with depression or anxiety disorders but rather those who were not struggling with life’s everyday issues such as poverty or physical health problems.

Positive thinking is the key to happiness and success. It can help you in achieving your goals and making better decisions.

The importance of positive thinking has been recognized for a long time but it’s only recently that we’ve started to see how it can be used in our daily lives.

There are many ways to use positive thinking in your life, such as by being grateful for what you have, being optimistic about the future, or taking action when things don’t go your way.

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Speech on Power Of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking holds a magical power that can turn your life around. It’s like a key that unlocks endless opportunities and brightens your path.

By embracing optimism, you can face challenges with a smile. So, let’s explore the wonders of positive thinking together.

1-minute Speech on Power Of Positive Thinking

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good day to you all! Today, I want to share some thoughts on a powerful tool that everyone possesses, yet not everyone uses. It’s the power of positive thinking.

Positive thinking is like a magic potion. It can transform the ordinary into extraordinary. When we think positively, we focus on our strengths, not our weaknesses. We see opportunities, not obstacles. We believe in our dreams, not our doubts. It’s like seeing the world through a rainbow-colored lens, where everything is brighter and more beautiful.

The power of positive thinking is not just about feeling good. It’s about creating good. It’s like planting a seed in your mind. If you water it with positive thoughts, it will grow into a strong, healthy tree. But if you feed it with negative thoughts, it will wither and die. That’s why it’s so important to choose your thoughts wisely.

Positive thinking also has a ripple effect. It’s contagious. When you’re positive, you spread positivity to others. You become a beacon of hope, a ray of sunshine. You inspire others to believe in themselves, to reach for their stars. It’s like lighting a candle in the dark. One small flame can light up the whole room.

In conclusion, the power of positive thinking is immense. It can change your life, and the lives of those around you. So let’s embrace it. Let’s think positive, be positive, and spread positivity. Because a positive mind is a powerful mind. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Power Of Positive Thinking

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today I am here to talk about a magical power we all possess. This power can change our lives, make us happier, and help us achieve our dreams. This power is the “Power of Positive Thinking.”

Imagine a day when you wake up, and the first thought in your mind is, “Today is going to be a great day!” This thought is like a seed. If you water it with belief and sunshine of positivity, it grows into a beautiful tree of happiness. This is the first aspect of positive thinking – it sets the tone for your day, your week, your month, and eventually, your life.

Now, let’s think about a cloudy day. The sky is grey, and it seems like the sun is hiding. But we all know that behind those clouds, the sun is still shining. It’s the same with our minds. Sometimes, problems act like clouds, but positive thinking is like the sun, always shining behind them. Positive thinking doesn’t mean ignoring life’s troubles. It means understanding that hardships are temporary, and the sun will shine again.

Let’s talk about dreams. We all have dreams, big and small. But sometimes, they seem too big, too far away. This is where positive thinking steps in. It acts like a ladder, helping us climb towards our dreams. When we think positively, we believe in ourselves. We believe that we can reach our dreams, no matter how high they seem. And when we believe, we start to take steps towards them.

But, what if we face failure? It’s a scary word, isn’t it? But positive thinking can change this. It can turn failure into a lesson. Instead of thinking, “I failed, I am a loser”, positive thinking helps us think, “I didn’t succeed this time, but I learned something. I will try again.” It turns the scary monster of failure into a helpful friend.

Lastly, positive thinking is like a magic potion for our health. When we think positively, we feel happy. Our bodies feel light, our hearts feel joyous. It’s like a medicine without any bitter taste. Studies show that positive thinking can even make us live longer!

So, how can we think positively? It’s simple. We can start our day with a happy thought. We can look at problems as challenges to be solved. We can believe in our dreams. We can learn from our failures. And we can always remember, happiness is a choice.

In conclusion, the power of positive thinking is not just a phrase, it’s a way of life. It’s like a magic wand that can turn a gloomy day into a sunny one, a failure into a lesson, a dream into reality, and life into a beautiful journey. So let’s choose to think positively, let’s choose to be happy, because we all have this magical power within us.

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Essay on Positive Thinking

Positive thinking refers to a belief or mental attitude which makes us think that good things will happen eventually and our efforts will pay off sooner or later. It is the opposite of negative thinking which makes our mind full of stress and fear. Thus, an essay on positive thinking will show us how it reinforces thoughts like optimism and hope and works wonders.

essay on positive thinking

Benefits of Positive Thinking

Let it be clear that positive thinking does not mean you do not notice the bad things in life. It means you try to find a solution in a productive way instead of whining about it. There are many benefits of positive thinking.

The first one is better health. Negative thinking gives rise to anxiety, stress, frustration and more. However, positive thinking helps you avoid all this and focus on staying healthy and doing better in life.

Further, it is essential for us to fight depression which positive thinking helps with. Similarly, it will also help us to relieve stress. Positive thinking overwhelms stress and it will allow you to get rid of stress.

As a result, positive thinking helps you live longer. It is because you will be free from diseases that form due to stress, anxiety and more. Moreover, it is also the key to success. Meaning to say, success becomes easier when you don’t bash yourself up.

Similarly, it also gives us more confidence. It boosts our self-esteem and helps in becoming more confident and self-assured. Therefore, we must certainly adopt positive thinking to make the most of our lives.

How to Build a Positive Thinking

There are many ways through which we can build positive thinking. To begin with, we must inculcate the habit of reading motivational and inspiring stories of people who are successful.

All this will help in motivating and inspiring you and showing you the right path. Moreover, it is important to never let negative thoughts thrive in your mind and work towards putting end to this habit.

You can do so by replacing your negative thoughts with constructive and positive reviews. Start to pay attention to your ideas and don’t pay heed to negative thoughts. Further, it is helpful to use affirmations.

These positive statements will truly sink into your subconscious mind and guide you to take better action. It will also help in visualising your dreams and getting the right means to achieve them fast.

Finally, always stay guard and gatekeep your mind to make important changes in life. In other words, do not be afraid to take actions. Keep yourself busy and do different things to avoid becoming cynical and remaining positive.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Positive Thinking

To conclude, we must change our attitude and believe that we will succeed one day. Moreover, we also need to implement positive thinking techniques which will help us learn from our failures and stay focused. As positive thinking plays an essential role in our lives, we must make sure to adopt in our lives.

FAQ of Essay on Positive Thinking

Question 1: What is positive thinking?

Answer 1: Positive thinking is basically an optimistic attitude. In other words, it is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. This kind of thinking can have a big impact on your physical and mental health .

Question 2: Why is positive thinking important?

Answer 2: Positive thinking is important as it helps us with stress management and can even improve our health. Moreover, some studies show that personality traits like optimism can affect many areas of our health and well-being. Thus, positive thinking comes with optimism

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

positive thinking speech english

Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments.

positive thinking speech english

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

What Is Positive Thinking?

  • Benefits of Positive Thinking

How to Practice Positive Thinking

Potential pitfalls of positive thinking, frequently asked questions.

Do you tend to see the glass as half empty or half full? You have probably heard that question plenty of times. Your answer relates directly to the concept of positive thinking and whether you have a positive or negative outlook on life. Positive thinking plays an important role in positive psychology , a subfield devoted to the study of what makes people happy and fulfilled.

Research has found that positive thinking can aid in stress management and even plays an important role in your overall health and well-being. It can help combat feelings of low self-esteem, improve physical health, and help brighten your overall outlook on life.

This article discusses what positive thinking is and the health benefits of being positive. It also explores some of the strategies you can use to become a more positive thinker.

Positive thinking means approaching life's challenges with a positive outlook. It doesn't mean seeing the world through rose-colored lenses by ignoring or glossing over the negative aspects of life.

Positive thinking does not necessarily mean avoiding difficult situations. Instead, positive thinking means making the most of potential obstacles, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.

Some researchers, including positive psychologist Martin Seligman , frame positive thinking in terms of explanatory style. Your explanatory style is how you explain why events happened.

  • Optimistic explanatory style : People with an optimistic explanatory style tend to give themselves credit when good things happen and typically blame outside forces for bad outcomes. They also tend to see negative events as temporary and atypical.
  • Pessimistic explanatory style : People with a pessimistic explanatory style often blame themselves when bad things happen, but fail to give themselves adequate credit for successful outcomes. They also have a tendency to view negative events as expected and lasting. As you can imagine, blaming yourself for events outside of your control or viewing these unfortunate events as a persistent part of your life can have a detrimental impact on your state of mind.

Positive thinkers are more apt to use an optimistic explanatory style, but the way in which people attribute events can also vary depending upon the exact situation. For example, a person who is generally a positive thinker might use a more pessimistic explanatory style in particularly challenging situations, such as at work or at school.

While there are many factors that determine whether a person has a positive outlook, the way that they explain the events of their life, known as their explanatory style, plays an important role.

Positive Psychology vs. Positive Thinking

While the terms "positive thinking" and "positive psychology" are sometimes used interchangeably, it is important to understand that they are not the same thing. Positive thinking is about looking at things from a positive point of view. It is a type of thinking that focuses on maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude. Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the effects of optimism, what causes it, and when it is best utilized.

Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

In recent years, the so-called "power of positive thinking" has gained a great deal of attention thanks to self-help books such as "The Secret." While these pop-psychology books often tout positive thinking or philosophies like the law of attraction as a sort of psychological panacea, empirical research has found that there are many very real health benefits linked to positive thinking and optimistic attitudes.

Positive thinking is linked to a wide range of health benefits, including:

  • Better stress management and coping skills
  • Enhanced psychological health
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Increased physical well-being
  • Longer life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease-related death

One study of 1,558 older adults found that positive thinking could also reduce frailty during old age.

A 2018 study published in the Journal of Aging Research found that having a positive mental attitude was linked to decreased mortality over a 35-year period. People who had a more positive outlook were also more likely to get regular physical exercise, avoid smoking, eat a healthier diet, and get more quality sleep.

Clearly, there are many benefits of positive thinking . But why, exactly, does positive thinking have such a strong impact on physical and mental health ?

One theory is that people who think positively tend to be less affected by stress. Research suggests that having more positive automatic thoughts helps people become more resilient in the face of life's stressful events. People who had high levels of positive thinking were more likely to walk away from stressful life events with a higher sense of the meaningfulness of life.

Another possibility is that people who think positively tend to live healthier lives in general; they may exercise more, follow a more nutritious diet, and avoid unhealthy behaviors.

While you might be more prone to negative thinking, there are strategies that you can use to become a more positive thinker. Practicing these strategies regularly can help you get in the habit of maintaining a more positive outlook on life.

  • Notice your thoughts : Start paying attention to the type of thoughts you have each day. If you notice that many of them are negative, make a conscious effort to reframe how you are thinking in a more positive way.
  • Write in a gratitude journal : Practicing gratitude can have a range of positive benefits and it can help you learn to develop a better outlook. Experiencing grateful thoughts helps people to feel more optimistic.
  • Use positive self-talk : How you talk to yourself can play an important role in shaping your outlook. Studies have shown that shifting to more positive self-talk can have a positive impact on your emotions and how you respond to stress.

While there are many benefits to thinking positively, there are actually times when more realistic thinking is more advantageous. For example, in some situations, negative thinking can actually lead to more accurate decisions and outcomes.

Some research has found that negative thinking and moods can actually help people make better, more accurate judgments.

However, research suggests that realistic optimism might be the ideal. The results of a 2020 study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin revealed that people who have mistaken expectations, whether those expectations are optimistic or pessimistic, tend to fare worse in terms of mental health when compared to realists.  

The authors of the study suggest that the disappointment that optimists experience when their high hopes are not realized can have a negative impact on well-being. This doesn't mean that people should strive to be pessimistic thinkers. since studies indicate that people with a negative outlook tend to fare the worst. Instead, having a generally positive outlook that is focused on realistic expectations may be the best approach. 

In some cases, inappropriately applied positive thinking can cross the line into what is known as toxic positivity . This involves insisting on maintaining a positive mindset no matter how upsetting, dire, or damaging a situation might be. This type of excessive positivity can impede authentic communication and cause people to experience feelings of shame or guilt if they struggle to maintain such an overly positive outlook.

Positive thinking can have pitfalls at times. While it is important to have an overall positive outlook, unrealistically high expectations can lead to disappointment. Being unable to accept any negative emotions, known as toxic positivity, can also have a negative effect on mental well-being.

A Word From Verywell

Even if you are not a natural-born optimist, there are things you can do to learn how to think more positively and become a positive thinker . One of the first steps is to focus on your own inner monologue and to pay attention to your self-talk.

Strategies that can improve your positive thinking include noticing your thoughts and making a conscious effort to shift from negative thoughts to more positive one. Practicing positive self-talk and practicing gratitude can also be helpful ways to start having a more positive outlook.

Positive thinking is important because it can have a beneficial impact on both physical and mental well-being. People who maintain a more positive outlook on life cope better with stress, have better immunity, and have a lower risk of premature death. Positive thinking also helps promote greater feelings of happiness and overall satisfaction with life.

Positive thinking has been shown to help people live healthier, happier lives. When they have a positive outlook, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors such as exercising, eating healthy, and getting plenty of rest. Downsides of positive thinking include the risk of forming overly high expectations that result in disappointment and being affected by toxic positivity.

Practicing mindfulness can be a way to build self-awareness and become more conscious of how your negative thoughts affect your moods and behaviors. As you become better at identifying negative thought patterns, you can then take steps to shift into a more positive mindset. Actively replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help you eventually learn to become a more positive thinker.

Kim ES, Hagan KA, Grodstein F, DeMeo DL, De Vivo I, Kubzansky LD. Optimism and cause-specific mortality: a prospective cohort study . Am J Epidemiol. 2017;185(1):21-29. doi:10.1093/aje/kww182

Seligman M.  Learned Optimism . Random House.

Chang E, Sanna L.  Virtue, Vice, And Personality: The Complexity of Behavior . American Psychological Association.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. The power of positive thinking .

Park N, Peterson C, Szvarca D, Vander Molen RJ, Kim ES, Collon K. Positive psychology and physical health: Research and applications . Am J Lifestyle Med . 2016;10(3):200-206. doi:10.1177/1559827614550277

Gale CR, Mõttus R, Deary IJ, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Personality and risk of frailty: The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing . Ann Behav Med . 2017;51(1):128-136. doi:10.1007/s12160-016-9833-5

Paganini-Hill A, Kawas CH, Corrada MM. Positive mental attitude associated with lower 35-year mortality: The Leisure World Cohort Study .  J Aging Res . 2018;2018:2126368. doi:10.1155/2018/2126368

Boyraz G, Lightsey OR Jr. Can positive thinking help? Positive automatic thoughts as moderators of the stress-meaning relationship . Am J Orthopsychiatry . 2012;82(2):267-77. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.2012.01150.x

Kross E, Bruehlman-Senecal E, Park J, et al. Self-talk as a regulatory mechanism: how you do it matters . J Pers Soc Psychol . 2014;106(2):304-24. doi:10.1037/a0035173

Forgas JP. Don’t worry, be sad! On the cognitive, motivational, and interpersonal benefits of negative mood . Curr Dir Psychol Sci . 2013;22(3):225-232. doi:10.1177/0963721412474458

De Meza D, Dawson C. Neither an optimist nor a pessimist be: mistaken expectations lower well-being . Pers Soc Psychol Bull . 2021;47(4):540-550. doi:10.1177/0146167220934577

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

Mary Beth Wilkas Janke PsyD

The Power of Positive Speech

Part 1: change your speech, change your mindset. it's so simple..

Posted October 8, 2020 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

With everything going on in our country right now, I have decided to share a series on “Positive Speech.” People need more positivity right now. There is a slew of words people use in their everyday lives that are dis -empowering. My goal, with this series, is to get you to shift toward empowering speech.

One of my favorite quotes is by Henry Ford: Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right . Repeat the saying to yourself and think about it for a minute. If you “believe you can,” you are optimistically looking at something, whatever it may be in that moment and, by simply saying “you can,” you will shift an “impossibility” to a possibility. However, if you “believe you can’t,” then, sadly, you just closed the door to the possibility of being able to or, at the very least, you have put up a formidable barrier to being able to accomplish whatever it is you are saying “you can’t” do. Either way, you are right. It’s that simple.

I have shared Henry Ford’s sage words with students on the firearms range, during therapy sessions, and with colleagues and friends when they have all been experiencing doubt. I tell them that by saying you “can’t” do something, you are already doubting yourself, throwing up the white flag, closing the door, and locking it. Why would you do this? Ugh. I get frustrated sometimes about this. It’s not that you can't . Even if you really and truly “can’t” do something (e.g. fly an AH-64 Apache Helicopter), there is always a different and more positive way to express that.

Confession. I have a visceral reaction when I hear someone utter, “I can’t” in any context. It literally makes me cringe or, more often, I close my eyes, shake my head, and or scrunch up my face. The word can’t is ugly, it’s disempowering, it’s defeating, and it’s not part of my vocabulary—at least, not since I recognized how negative it is.

And, it’s not just in situations when people are doubting themselves. People use “can’t” in response to everyday questions, such as:

  • Hey, do you want to hang out Friday night? No, I can’t.
  • Would you mind taking me to the airport tomorrow? Sorry, I can’t.
  • Can you float me some cash until my next paycheck? Um, I can’t.

It’s not that you can't ; you actually can do all of those things. However, instead of being honest, you choose the icky “I can’t” as your default answer. There are so many ways these questions can be answered in a more positive and/or honest way:

  • Hey, do you want to hang out Friday night? No thanks. I have other plans. Maybe another night.
  • Would you mind taking me to the airport tomorrow? I’m working tomorrow. If you change your ticket, or there’s a delay, I could leave work as early as 4 PM.
  • Can you float me some cash until my next paycheck? Oh gosh, I am short on cash this month and don’t want to stress myself out.

There is another perspective as well. Maybe you are just not up for the task or you are not willing to do the thing(s) being asked of you. It’s better to be honest about whatever is being asked vs. saying, “I can’t”.

  • Hey, do you want to hang out Friday night? I am just not up for hanging out this weekend. Maybe another day/week (this is an honest answer).
  • Would you mind taking me to the airport tomorrow? I am slammed at work and me leaving to do something personal is too stressful right now (this is essentially saying you don’t want to do this in an honest way that 100 percent supports your answer).
  • Can you float me some cash until my next paycheck? I have a personal rule of not lending money to friends (here, you are saying you aren’t willing to lend this person money. By sharing your “personal rule,” although maybe a bit awkward, you lay a foundation. That person will, hopefully, never ask to borrow money again).

Responding honestly, in a positive way, is not just empowering, it is freeing. Okay, so it might be uncomfortable at first for some of you but I promise it gets easier and it feels great.

The moral: Words reinforce your thinking. Positive thinking is reinforced by positive speech and vice versa. Your words create your destiny.

Today, remove the word “ can't ” from your speech. I am confident you can do this. Let me know how it goes.

Mary Beth Wilkas Janke PsyD

Mary Beth Wilkas Janke, PsyD , is a former United States Secret Service Agent and currently teaches at George Washington University.

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Positive thinkers are more likely to live longer than negative thinkers. This is according to a combination of studies conducted by the Boston University School of Medicine into the health of people in the USA. Researchers looked at data on the health of 70,000 female nurses and 1,500 male military veterans. They discovered that people who were optimists (people who thought positively) were more likely to live to the age of 85. They said people who were more pessimistic (those who thought negatively) were 11-15 per cent less likely to live to that age. The researchers believe that optimists (positive thinkers) found it easier to manage stress than pessimists (negative thinkers).

Participants in the two studies answered questions in a survey. The questions assessed their levels of optimism. The surveys matched these levels with the participants' overall level of health. They were also asked about their levels of exercise, their diets, as well as how much they smoked and drank. Professor Lewina Lee said: "Our findings speak to the possibility that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity and healthy ageing." She had some advice for pessimists who might want to live longer. The advice was to, "imagine a future in which everything has turned out well". She urged people to increase levels of optimism. She said it was healthier for people to look on the bright side of life.

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Motivational Speech for Students: 5 Powerful Motivational Speeches Every Student Needs to Hear Today

Last Updated: April 2024

motivational speech for students

This blog has shared motivational blogs for students and now we share the value of a motivational speech for students.

Motivation is essential for students to excel in their academic and personal life.

A motivational speech for students can ignite their passion and drive to achieve their goals.

It encourages them to push their limits and overcome challenges. By listening to a powerful motivational speech, students can gain a new perspective and a renewed sense of determination.

So, if you want to boost their drive and achieve success, choose a motivational speech for students today!

Who is this post for?

This post is for teachers who want to find a motivational speech for students.

By reading this post, you find short motivational speeches for students on YouTube that are four minutes or shorter. You also discover the importance of using motivational speeches with students. Finally, you’ll get tips for delivering a short motivational speech to students.

Although this post is geared for college professors looking for a short motivational speech for students, these speeches are inspirational for anyone looking for the path to success.

You will even see a quote from a motivational speech for students in Grade 3, so let’s get started.

Motivational Speech for Students: Igniting the Fire Within

Motivation is the driving force behind every successful student. It is what fuels their ambition, helps them overcome obstacles, and ultimately, propels them towards their goals. However, it’s not always easy to find motivation, especially when faced with challenges and setbacks.

As a result, delivering a motivational speech for students can be incredibly impactful, reminding them of their potential and igniting the fire within.

According to Shapiro Negotiations  founder,  “ A strong and inspiring motivational speech can be the spark that ignites a student’s passion and drive to succeed .”

In this post, we’ll explore some tips on how to deliver a powerful motivational speech for students that will leave a lasting impact. We’ll cover the importance of setting goals, the power of positive thinking, and the value of perseverance. So, let’s dive in!

The Importance of Setting Goals

The first step towards achieving success is setting clear, achievable goals. Goals give students something to work towards, providing direction and purpose. A motivational speech for students should encourage them to set goals that align with their interests and passions, challenging them to reach new heights.

When setting goals, it’s essential to make them specific, measurable, and time-bound. For example, instead of saying, “I want to get better grades,” a student should set a goal of “I want to achieve a B+ in math by the end of the semester.” This goal is specific, measurable, and has a deadline, making it easier for the student to track their progress and stay motivated.

Moreover, it’s crucial to remind students that setting goals is not a one-time task. As they achieve their goals, they should set new ones, continuously pushing themselves to improve. The key is to always have something to work towards, keeping the motivation alive and the fire burning.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking cannot be overstated. It’s a mindset that can transform the way students approach challenges and setbacks, helping them stay motivated and focused. A motivational speech for students should emphasize the importance of a positive attitude, encouraging them to believe in themselves and their abilities.

When faced with a difficult task, students should approach it with the belief that they can overcome it. A positive attitude can help them see the situation as a challenge to be conquered, rather than an obstacle to be avoided. This shift in mindset can make all the difference, empowering students to take on challenges and push through difficulties.

In addition to a positive attitude, students should also practice gratitude . Focusing on the good things in their lives can help them stay motivated and optimistic, even in challenging times. A motivational speech for students should encourage them to find something to be grateful for every day, no matter how small. This practice can help shift their focus from what they don’t have to what they do have, fostering a sense of contentment and happiness.

motivational speech for students

The Value of Perseverance

Finally, a motivational speech for students should stress the value of perseverance. Success is not achieved overnight; it takes time, effort, and persistence. Students should be reminded that setbacks and failures are a natural part of the journey, and they should not be discouraged by them.

Instead, they should use setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Every failure can provide valuable lessons that can help them improve and achieve their goals in the future. A motivational speech for students should encourage them to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

It’s also essential to remind students that they are not alone. They have a support system of teachers, family, and friends who want to see them succeed. If they ever feel overwhelmed or discouraged, they should reach out for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and a willingness to learn.

Motivational Speech for Students: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs only discusses three events in his life that contributed to his success. As you can see, short motivational speeches for students can be as inspirational as longer motivational speeches.

You can find many examples of motivational speeches for students on YouTube. Use YouTube’s filter to find a short motivational speech for students. YouTube’s filter allows you to find a motivational speech for students four minutes or shorter.

In this example of a motivational speech for students, Apple founder Steve Jobs addresses students at Stanford in his Commencement Speech. In the speech, he shares three factors that drove his success.

Other familiar faces that shared inspiration in a motivational speech for students include

  • Taylor Swift (2022)
  • Denzel Washington (2017)
  • Michelle Obama (2011)
  • Carol Burnett (1985)

I was in the audience in 1985 when I heard Carol Burnett’s motivational speech for students. Her speech was so inspiring, I remember her advice all these years later.

Speech on Motivation for Students


No article about a motivational speech for students would be complete without a video showing a speech on motivation for students.

Motivational Speech in English for Success in Life

motivational speech in English for success in life

How to Craft a Motivational Speech for Success in Life

The power of motivation.

In the pursuit of success in life, motivation serves as a driving force, propelling individuals beyond obstacles and toward their goals. Crafting a motivational speech in English can inspire and empower individuals to embrace challenges, persevere through adversity, and strive for greatness.

Embracing Challenges

  • Address the inevitability of challenges in life.
  • Highlight the importance of adopting a positive mindset when facing obstacles.
  • Encourage resilience and determination in the face of setbacks.

Setting Goals and Vision

  • Stress the significance of setting clear, achievable goals.
  • Inspire individuals to visualize their desired outcomes and aspirations.
  • Emphasize the role of determination and focus in realizing one’s dreams.

Cultivating Resilience

  • Discuss the importance of resilience in overcoming failures and setbacks.
  • Encourage individuals to learn from failures and use them as stepping stones toward success.
  • Highlight the resilience of notable figures who have faced adversity on their path to greatness.

Perseverance and Grit

  • Advocate for perseverance and grit as essential qualities for success.
  • Share anecdotes and examples of individuals who have demonstrated unwavering determination in pursuit of their dreams.
  • Encourage the audience to cultivate perseverance and never give up on their aspirations.

In crafting a motivational speech for success in life, remember to infuse it with authenticity, passion, and sincerity. Let your words resonate with the audience, igniting the flames of inspiration and empowerment within them.

Best Motivational Speech for Students and Success in Life

best motivational speech for students and success in life

So, you’re looking for the best motivational speech to fuel your journey as a student and set the stage for lifelong success? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s a dose of inspiration tailored just for you:

  • Embrace Challenges: Life is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. Instead of shying away from challenges, embrace them head-on. Every obstacle you overcome is a stepping stone toward your goals.
  • Set Clear Goals: Success doesn’t happen overnight. Define your goals clearly and break them down into manageable tasks. Each small achievement will propel you closer to your dreams.
  • Stay Persistent: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your success story. Stay persistent in your efforts, even when the going gets tough. Remember, every setback is just a setup for a comeback.
  • Learn from Failures: Failure is not the end; it’s a lesson in disguise. Use failures as opportunities to learn, grow, and come back stronger than ever before.
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity: Your environment plays a significant role in shaping your mindset. Surround yourself with positive influences, supportive friends, and mentors who believe in your potential.
  • Take Action: Dreaming is essential, but action is crucial. Take proactive steps every day toward your goals. Even the smallest actions can lead to significant outcomes over time.
  • Believe in Yourself: Self-belief is the fuel that drives success. Trust in your abilities, stay focused on your vision, and never underestimate the power of perseverance.
  • Celebrate Progress: Don’t forget to celebrate your victories along the way, no matter how small. Acknowledging your progress will keep you motivated and eager to achieve even more.
  • Stay Inspired: Seek inspiration from successful individuals who have walked a similar path. Their stories of triumph over adversity can serve as beacons of hope during challenging times.

Remember, success is not a destination; it’s a journey. Keep striving, stay resilient, and never lose sight of your dreams. You have the power to create the future you desire. Now, go out there and conquer the world!

Motivational Speech for Students: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most motivational speech of all time.

I have always been a fan of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. His speech is so motivational it is taught in the schools.

What is the best motivational speech for students?

The best motivational speech for students includes the importance of goal setting, positive thinking, the value of perseverance.

Conclusion: Motivational Speech for Students

In closing, I am a teacher. I have taught all grades from six to eleven. Do I use a motivational speech for students in my classes? Of course!

In conclusion, motivational speeches for students can have a profound impact on their personal growth and academic success. Through the power of words, motivational speakers can inspire and encourage students to believe in themselves, set goals, and work towards achieving them.

Such speeches can provide students with the necessary motivation and confidence to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams. With the right dose of motivation and inspiration, students can unlock their full potential and become the best versions of themselves.

One important note:

However, it is important to note that motivational speeches alone may not be sufficient to bring about lasting change in students’ lives. It is equally important for students to take action and apply the principles and advice shared in the speeches to their own lives. This requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone. Ultimately, the true value of motivational speeches lies not in the words themselves, but in the actions and results that they inspire.

In short, motivational speeches for students can be a valuable tool in the pursuit of personal and academic growth. They can provide a much-needed boost of inspiration and motivation, and help students overcome the challenges they may face. However, it is up to the students themselves to take the words to heart and turn them into action. With the right mindset, attitude, and determination, students can use motivational speeches as a springboard towards a brighter future .

Readers, please share so teacher discover this guide and realize that motivational speech for students can be a powerful tool, igniting the fire within and reminding students of their potential.

I look forward to your views in the comments section. Can you recommend an additional short motivational speech for students? Which inspirational speech for students did you like the best?

Janice Wald Mostly Blogging MostlyBlogging.com

Janice Wald is the founder of MostlyBlogging.com and co-founder of the Mostly Blogging Academy. She is an ebook author, blogger, blogging coach, blogging judge, freelance writer, and speaker. She won the Best Internet Marketer Award and the Best Blogger Award at the 2021 Infinity Blog Awards. Wald was also nominated as 2019 Best Internet Marketer by the Infinity Blog Awards and in 2017 as the Most Informative Blogger by the London Bloggers Bash. She’s been featured on Small Business Trends, the Huffington Post, and Lifehack.


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English Summary

Short Speech on Positive Attitude in English

Respected Principal, teachers, and friends. Very good morning to all of you. On this occasion of the annual day, I would like to speak on the topic – Positive Attitude. I would like to spread some positive vibes with the help of my speech.

A positive attitude is a thought process or a mindset based on positive thinking. It is that kind of attitude that focusses on the bright side of life. It can be easily recognized in a person’s speech as such people use terms like ‘it’s possible’, ‘I can’, etc.

Why is it important to have a positive attitude? Have you ever thought about it?

A positive attitude is very important to stay happy in life. We become what we think. If we have a positive attitude, we can handle difficult situations in life. Our road to success will be easy as a positive attitude helps to get motivation. It takes a positive attitude to achieve positive results in life.

The opposite of a positive attitude is a negative attitude. The negative attitude is very harmful to us. It affects our thought process badly. It can lead to diseases like anxiety, stress, depression and even high blood pressure due to negative thinking.

A positive attitude is not easy to achieve. But it is not impossible. It takes some effort. You cannot simply stop being negative. The first step is to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Another step is to write down the things you are grateful for in life. One should do this exercise daily.

We all should be grateful for the things we have. There is always something to be grateful for. For example, the food we eat, the beautiful sunrise, the shelter over our head, good clothes we wear, etc.

I would request you all to be positive and spread positivity around.

Have a positive and happy day.

Table of Contents

Question on Positive Attitude

What is a positive attitude in english.

A positive attitude is a thought process or a mindset based on positive thinking. It is that kind of attitude that focusses on the bright side of life.

What is another word for positive attitude?

Optimistic, hopeful, confident, positive, cheerful, cheery, are words that describe a positive attitude.

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