The Understand Energy Learning Hub is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy .

Understand Energy Learning Hub

Introduction to Renewable Energy

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Orange sunset with wind turbines on the horizon

Fast Facts About Renewable Energy

Principle Energy Uses: Electricity, Heat Forms of Energy: Kinetic, Thermal, Radiant, Chemical

The term “renewable” encompasses a wide diversity of energy resources with varying economics, technologies, end uses, scales, environmental impacts, availability, and depletability. For example, fully “renewable” resources are not depleted by human use, whereas “semi-renewable” resources must be properly managed to ensure long-term availability. The most renewable type of energy is energy efficiency, which reduces overall consumption while providing the same energy service. Most renewable energy resources have significantly lower environmental and climate impacts than their fossil fuel counterparts.

The data in these Fast Facts do not reflect two important renewable energy resources: traditional biomass, which is widespread but difficult to measure; and energy efficiency, a critical strategy for reducing energy consumption while maintaining the same energy services and quality of life. See the Biomass and Energy Efficiency pages to learn more.


14% of world 🌎 9% of US 🇺🇸

Electricity Generation

30% of world 🌎 21% of US 🇺🇸

Global Renewable Energy Uses

Electricity 65% Heat 26% Transportation 9%

Global Consumption of Renewable Electricity Change

Increase: ⬆ 33% (2017 to 2022)

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency measures such as LED light bulbs reduce the need for energy in the first place

Renewable Resources

Wind Solar Ocean

Semi-Renewable Resources

Hydro Geothermal Biomass

Renewable Energy Has Vast Potential to Meet Global Energy Demand

Solar >1,000x global demand Wind ~3x global demand

Share of Global Energy Demand Met by Renewable Resources

Hydropower 7% Wind 3% Solar 2% Biomass <2%  

Share of Global Electricity Generation Met by Renewable Resources

Hydropower 15% Wind 7% Solar 5% Biomass & Geothermal <3%

Global Growth

Hydropower generation increase ⬆6% Wind generation increase ⬆84% Solar generation increase ⬆197% Biofuels consumption increase ⬆23% (2017-2022)

Largest Renewable Energy Producers

China 34% 🇨🇳 US 10% 🇺🇸 of global renewable energy

Highest Penetration of Renewable Energy

Norway 72% 🇳🇴 of the country’s primary energy is renewable

(China is at 16%, the US is at 11%)

Largest Renewable Electricity Producers

China 31% 🇨🇳 US 11% 🇺🇸 of global renewable electricity

Highest Penetration of Renewable Electricity

Albania, Bhutan, CAR, Lesotho, Nepal, & Iceland 100%

Iceland, Ethiopia, Paraguay, DRC, Norway, Costa Rica, Uganda, Namibia, Eswatini, Zambia, Tajikistan, & Sierra Leone > 90% of the country’s primary electricity is renewable

(China is at 31%, the US is at 22%)

Share of US Energy Demand Met by Renewable Resources

Biomass 5% Wind 2% Hydro 1% Solar 1%

Share of US Electricity Generation Met by Renewable Resources

Wind 10% Hydropower 6% Solar 3% Biomass 1%

US States That Produce the Most Renewable Electricity

Texas 21% California 11% of US renewable energy production

US States With Highest Penetration of Renewable Electricity

Vermont >99% South Dakota 84% Washington 76% Idaho 75% of state’s total generation comes from renewable fuels

Renewable Energy Expansion Policies

The Inflation Reduction Act continued tax credits for new renewable energy projects in the US.

Production Tax Credit (PTC)

Tax credit of $0.0275/kWh of electricity produced at qualifying renewable power generation sites

Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Tax credit of 30% of the cost of a new qualifying renewable power generation site

To read more about the credit qualifications, visit this EPA site .

*LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) - price for which a unit of electricity must be sold for system to break even

Important Factors for Renewable Site Selection

  • Resource availability
  • Environmental constraints and sensitivities, including cultural and archeological sites
  • Transmission infrastructure
  • Power plant retirements
  • Transmission congestion and prices
  • Electricity markets
  • Load growth driven by population and industry
  • Policy support
  • Land rights and permitting
  • Competitive and declining costs of wind, solar, and energy storage
  • Lower environmental and climate impacts (social costs) than fossil fuels
  • Expansion of competitive wholesale electricity markets
  • Governmental clean energy and climate targets and policies
  • Corporate clean energy targets and procurement of renewable energy
  • No fuel cost or fuel price volatility
  • Retirements of old and/or expensive coal and nuclear power plants
  • Most renewable resources are abundant, undepletable
  • Permitting hurdles and NIMBY/BANANA* concerns
  • Competition from subsidized fossil fuels and a lack of price for their social cost (e.g., price on carbon)
  • Site-specific resources means greater need to transport energy/electricity to demand
  • High initial capital expenditure requirements required to access fuel cost/operating savings
  • Intermittent resources
  • Inconsistent governmental incentives and subsidies
  • Managing environmental impacts to the extent that they exist

*NIMBY - not in my backyard; BANANA - build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything

Climate Impact: Low to High

alternative energy sources presentation

  • Solar, wind, geothermal, and ocean have low climate impacts with near-zero emissions; hydro and biomass can have medium to high climate impact
  • Hydro: Some locations have greenhouse gas emissions due to decomposing flooded vegetation
  • Biomass: Some crops require significant energy inputs, land use change can release carbon dioxide and methane

Environmental Impact: Low to High

  • Most renewable energy resources have low environmental impacts, particularly relative to fossil fuels; some, like biomass, can have more significant impacts
  • No air pollution with the exception of biomass from certain feedstocks
  • Can have land and habitat disruption for biomass production, solar, and hydro
  • Potential wildlife impacts from wind turbines (birds and bats)
  • Modest environmental impacts during manufacturing, transportation, and end of life

Updated January 2024

Before You Watch Our Lecture on Introduction to Renewable Energy

We assign videos and readings to our Stanford students as pre-work for each lecture to help contextualize the lecture content. We strongly encourage you to review the Essential reading below before watching our lecture on  Introduction to Renewable Energy . Include the Optional and Useful readings based on your interests and available time.

  • The Sustainable Energy in America 2023 Factbook (Executive Summary pp. 5-11) . Bloomberg New Energy Finance. 2023. (7 pages) Provides valuable year-over-year data and insights on the American energy transformation.

Optional and Useful

  • Renewables 2023 Global Status Report (Global Overview pp. 11-40) . REN21. 2023. (30 pages).  Documents the progress made in the renewable energy sector and highlights the opportunities afforded by a renewable-based economy and society.

Our Lecture on Introduction to Renewable Energy

This is our Stanford University Understand Energy course lecture that introduces renewable energy. We strongly encourage you to watch the full lecture to gain foundational knowledge about renewable energy and important context for learning more about specific renewable energy resources. For a complete learning experience, we also encourage you to review the Essential reading we assign to our students before watching the lecture.

Kirsten Stasio

Presented by: Kirsten Stasio , Adjunct Lecturer, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University; CEO, Nevada Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) Recorded on:  November 16, 2022   Duration: 52 minutes

Table of Contents

(Clicking on a timestamp will take you to YouTube.) 00:00 What Does "Renewable" Mean? 12:56 What Role Do Renewables Play In Our Energy Use? 20:29  What Factors Affect Renewable Energy Project Development? 52:13 Conclusion

Lecture slides available upon request .

Additional Resources About Renewable Energy

Stanford university.

  • Precourt Institute for Energy Renewable Energy , Energy Efficiency
  • Stanford Energy Club
  • Energy Modeling Forum
  • Sustainable Stanford
  • Sustainable Finance Initiative
  • Mark Jacobson - Renewable energy
  • Michael Lepech - Life-cycle analysis
  • Leonard Ortolano - Environmental and water resource planning
  • Chris Field - Climate change, land use, bioenergy, solar energy
  • David Lobell - Climate change, agriculture, biofuels, land use
  • Sally Benson - Climate change, energy, carbon capture and storage

Government and International Organizations

  • International Energy Agency (IEA) Renewables Renewables 2022 Repor .
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
  • US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE)
  • US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Renewable Energy Explained
  • US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy Kids Renewable Energy
  • US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Today in Energy Renewables

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

  • Carnegie Institution for Science  Biosphere Sciences and Engineering
  • The Solutions Project

Other Resources

  • REN21: Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century
  • REN21 Renewables 2023 Global Status Report Renewables in Energy Supply
  • BloombergNEF (BNEF)
  • Renewable Energy World
  • World of Renewables
  • Energy Upgrade California
  • Windustry Community Wind Toolbox

Next Topic: Energy Efficiency Other Energy Topics to Explore

Fast Facts Sources

  • Energy Mix (World 2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Energy Mix (US 2022): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Total Energy: Energy Overview, Table 1.3 . 
  • Electricity Mix (World 2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Electricity Mix (US 2022): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Total Energy: Electricity, Table 7.2a.  
  • Global Solar Use (2022): REN21. Renewables 2023 Global Status Report: Renewables in Energy Supply , page 42. 2023
  • Global Consumption of Renewable Electricity Change (2017-2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Renewable Energy Potential: Perez & Perez. A Fundamental Look at Energy Reserves for the Planet . 2009
  • Share of Global Energy Demand (2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Share of Global Electricity Demand (2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Global Growth (2017-2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Largest Renewable Energy Producers (World 2022): International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable Capacity Statistics 2023 . 2023.
  • Highest Penetration Renewable Energy (World 2022): Our World in Data. Renewable Energy . 2023.
  • Largest Renewable Electricity Producers (World 2022):   Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Highest Penetration Renewable Electricity (World 2022): Our World in Data. Renewable Energy . 2023.
  • Share of US Energy Demand (2022): Energy Information Administration (EIA). Electric Power Monthly. 2023.
  • Share of Electricity Generation (2022): Energy Information Administration (EIA). Electric Power Monthly. 2023.
  • States with Highest Generation (2022): Energy Information Administration (EIA). Electric Power Monthly. 2023.
  • States with Highest Penetration (2021): Energy Information Administration (EIA). State Profile and Energy Estimates. 2023.
  • LCOE of US Renewable Resources: Lazard. LCOE. April 2023.
  • LCOE of US Non Renewable Resources: Lazard. LCOE. April 2023.

More details available on request . Back to Fast Facts

Alternative Energy Use

Use the MapMaker Interactive to explore alternative energy use by countries across the globe.

Earth Science, Geography, Human Geography

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Alternative energy is energy that does not come from fossil fuels , and thus produces little to no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). This means that energy produced from alternative sources does not contribute to the greenhouse effect that causes climate change . You can explore CO 2 emissions using the MapMaker Interactive here. These energy sources are referred to as “alternative” because they represent the alternative to coal , oil , and natural gas , which have been the most common sources of energy since the Industrial Revolution . These fossil fuels emit high levels of CO 2 when burned to produce energy and electricity. Alternative energy, however, should not be confused with renewable energy , although many renewable energy sources can also be considered alternative. Solar power , for example, is both renewable and alternative because it will always be abundant and it emits no greenhouse gases. Nuclear power, however, is alternative but not renewable, since it uses uranium , a finite resource. Learn more about renewable energy using the MapMaker Interactive here . This map shows the average percentage of a country’s total energy use that came from alternative sources between the years 2006-2010. Alternative energy here includes hydroelectric energy , solar energy, geothermal energy , wind energy , nuclear energy , and biomass energy . The data come from the World Bank . It is important to note that while the World Bank considers nuclear energy an alternative energy source, not all energy policy experts agree on how to categorize nuclear energy.

In 1980, only three countries—Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland—got more than 30 percent of their energy from alternative sources, including nuclear energy. In 2009, an additional seven countries got more than 30 percent of their energy from alternative sources. These were Paraguay, Tajikistan, France, Sweden, Costa Rica, Lithuania, and Armenia.

In 2010, Iceland used the equivalent of 16,842 kilograms (37,130.3 pounds) of oil per person, the highest per capita energy consumption of any country in the world. However, most of that energy is not coming from oil, because Iceland gets 85 percent of its energy from alternative sources, including hydroelectric and geothermal.

In 2009, Paraguay got 99.45 percent of its energy from hydroelectricity. The source of this enormous hydroelectric capacity is the Itaipu Dam, once the largest hydroelectric facility in the world. The dam is built on the Parana River on the Brazil-Paraguay border.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the G-20 group of major economies that gets less than 1 percent of its energy from alternative sources. A major oil exporter, Saudi Arabia gets 100 percent of its energy from fossil fuels.

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Last updated.

March 18, 2024

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Renewable Energy Resources PPT Presentation

Profile image of Rahuldev Bera

2023, Haldia Institute of Technology

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Electricity Basics

Photo of a plug-in hybrid vehicle fueling.

Electricity is considered an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Electricity can be produced from a variety of energy sources, including natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, wind energy, hydropower, and solar energy. This electricity can be stored in batteries or used to produce hydrogen. Electric vehicles (EVs)—the collective term for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and all-electric vehicles—are capable of drawing electricity from off-board electrical power sources (generally the electricity grid) and storing the energy in batteries. Though not yet widely available, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) generate electricity from hydrogen onboard the vehicle.

Powering Vehicles with Electricity

In EVs , onboard batteries store energy to power one or more electric motors. These batteries are charged using electricity from the grid and energy recaptured during braking, known as regenerative braking. Vehicles that run only on electricity produce no tailpipe emissions, but there might be upstream emissions associated with the production of electricity .

Powering EVs with electricity is currently cost effective compared to using gasoline, but EVs typically cost more to purchase. However, initial vehicle costs can be offset by energy cost savings, a federal tax credit , and state incentives. Electricity for charging vehicles is especially cost effective if drivers can take advantage of off-peak residential rates and other incentives offered by utilities. The cost is dependent on the price of electricity, which can vary by region, type of generation, time of use, and access point. However, due to the energy efficiency of EV powertrains, additional cost savings over conventional vehicles come from vehicle operation, even when electricity rates are relatively high (i.e., during peak rates or at public fast-charging stations). Learn about factors affecting electricity prices from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Electric Charging Stations

Many EV owners choose to do the majority of their charging at home (or at fleet facilities, in the case of commercially owned fleets) where the cost to charge will typically be lower than at public chargers. Some employers offer access to workplace charging. EV drivers also have access to public charging stations in a variety of places, such as shopping centers, public parking garages and lots, hotels, restaurants, and other businesses. Public charging infrastructure is rapidly expanding , providing drivers with the convenience, range, and confidence to meet their transportation needs.

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Alternative Energy Sources

Published by Dennis Price Modified over 8 years ago

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Hedge Funds Risk Management With Alternative Return Sources Analysis Of Hedge Fund Performance

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Hedge Funds Risk Management With Alternative Return Sources Hedge Fund Risk And Return Analysis

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Alternative Funding Sources In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

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Alternative data sources

Presenting this set of slides with name - Alternative Data Sources. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Alternative, Different, Other.

Alternative lending sources

Presenting this set of slides with name - Alternative Lending Sources. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Alternative, Different, Other.

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Presenting Alternative Funding Sources Examples Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Show Pictures Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Alternative Funding Sources Examples. This well-structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

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Presenting our Alternatives Sourcing Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Graphics Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Alternatives Sourcing This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

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Portugal ran only on renewable energy for over 6 days

This video is part of: Centre for Energy and Materials

Portugal has achieved a remarkable milestone in its renewable energy journey, running entirely on renewable sources for over six days. This groundbreaking feat sets a new national record of 149 hours, surpassing the previous record of 131 hours set in 2019.

A leading force in renewable energy

Portugal stands as a European frontrunner in clean energy initiatives. In 2016, the country established its ambitious "net zero by 2050" target, three years ahead of most other EU nations. Portugal also closed down its last coal plant in 2021, nine years ahead of its own 2030 target. With the commitment to phasing out gas plants by 2040, Portugal is paving the way for carbon neutrality as early as 2045.

Global recognition for Portugal's efforts

Portugal's dedication to clean energy has not gone unnoticed. The country ranks among the top 20 nations best prepared for the energy transition, as recognized by the World Economic Forum's Centre for Energy and Materials.

The country's success demonstrates the feasibility of a clean energy future and paves the way for a sustainable, secure, and equitable energy landscape for all.

Have you read?

Portugal to ban outdoor smoking for a healthier future, will the united states run solely on renewable energy in ten years, in north america, renewables are steadily gaining ground on oil, .chakra .wef-1dtnjt5{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-flex-wrap:wrap;-ms-flex-wrap:wrap;flex-wrap:wrap;} .chakra .wef-n7bacu{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-weight:400;} more on energy transition .chakra .wef-17xejub{-webkit-flex:1;-ms-flex:1;flex:1;justify-self:stretch;-webkit-align-self:stretch;-ms-flex-item-align:stretch;align-self:stretch;} .chakra .wef-nr1rr4{display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;white-space:normal;vertical-align:middle;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:0.75rem;border-radius:0.25rem;font-weight:700;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;line-height:1.2;-webkit-letter-spacing:1.25px;-moz-letter-spacing:1.25px;-ms-letter-spacing:1.25px;letter-spacing:1.25px;background:none;padding:0px;color:#b3b3b3;-webkit-box-decoration-break:clone;box-decoration-break:clone;-webkit-box-decoration-break:clone;}@media screen and (min-width:37.5rem){.chakra .wef-nr1rr4{font-size:0.875rem;}}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-nr1rr4{font-size:1rem;}} see all.

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340 likes | 575 Views

Alternative Energy Sources. Nuclear Energy. Nuclear Fission. The source of nuclear energy. 1. Artificial Transmutation 2. Decay The neutron is the key!. Transmutation. Radioactive Decay. U-236 is very unstable.

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  • nuclear power programs
  • nuclear energy
  • heavy water
  • daughter nuclei
  • uncontrolled nuclear fission
  • sankey diagram


Presentation Transcript

Alternative Energy Sources Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Fission • The source of nuclear energy. 1. Artificial Transmutation 2. Decay The neutron is the key!


Radioactive Decay • U-236 is very unstable. • The attraction between the new neutron and the nucleus throws off the balance between the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force. • The nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei, releasing about 200MeV in the form of neutrons and gamma rays.

U-235 U-236 γ Kr Ba γ

The Products • The two daughter nuclei (usually Kr and Ba). • Neutrinos. • β particles. • γ rays. • Fast neutrons.

Sustaining a Chain Reaction • Neutrons • The fast neutrons ( v = 2x107 ms-1 ) produced by the reaction can start a chain reaction. • Mass • Critical Mass: The minimum amount of fissionable material required to sustain a chain reaction. • Shape • Uranium pellets in zirconium fuel rods.

Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Nuclear Fission • Two or three neutrons are produced in each fission reaction. • The neutrons usually have too much kinetic energy to start another reaction. • The neutrons must be slowed down by a moderator (usually water).

Uncontrolled Fission • All or most of the neutrons produced start their own reaction. • The chain reaction quickly goes out of control, causing an explosion. A NUCLEAR WEAPON

Controlled Fission • In nuclear reactors. • Only one of the neutrons produced by each reaction can go on to start another reaction. • The extra neutrons are absorbed by control rods:

If… • less than one neutron (on average) moves on, the chain reaction stops and the reactor shuts down. • more than one neutron moves on, the fuel melts, setting fire to the reactor (a meltdown).

Fuel Enrichment • Naturally occurring Uranium: 99.3% U-238, 0.7% U-235, 0.006 % U-234 • Only U-235 is fissionable. • Enrichment: U-235 concentration is increased to about 4% using a centrifuge.

Nuclear Power Stations

Sankey Diagram:

The Thermal Fission Reactor • Thermal Fission: Slow neutrons. • Essential features: - The fuel - The coolant - A moderator - Radiation - The control rods shielding

Moderator: • Slows down neutrons to thermal speed. • Placed around core and between fuel rods. • Possible moderator materials: • Water • Heavy water(D2O) • Graphite

Coolant: • Water, which takes the heat from the core and uses it to produce steam. Control Rods: • Absorb the extra neutrons in the core. • Regulating rods moved in and out as needed. • Extra rods used for emergency shut-down.

Heat Exchanger • An engine used to convert the heat from the core into work.

Low T reservoir High T reservoir

High T source: 570K • Low T source: 310K • Efficiency:

Plutonium-239 • Start with U-238, which is not fissionable, but is fertile (can be changed into fissionable elements). • Next, two-step β decay to make Pu-239:

Used in breeder reactors (ones that create more fissionable material than they consume). • On average, 2.4 neutrons are produced in U-235 fission. • Blanket of U-238 absorbs 1.4 neutrons per reaction and produces Pu-239. • Usually, for every 100 U-235 fissions, 110 Pu-239 atoms are produced.

Safety and Risks • Nuclear energy is less efficient than fossil fuel. • U-235 can last for thousands of years. • Creates less pollution. • Mining for Uranium is difficult. • Disposal of nuclear waste. • Risk of thermal meltdown. • Risk of nuclear power programs being used to produce nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Fusion • Could provide a clean energy source. • Could be fueled by Deuterium and Tritium • Deuterium extracted from seawater. • Tritium bred from Lithium. • In the reaction, a very high energy neutron is produced, and the energy is converted to heat. • Requires T = 100 000 oC, which turns the H into a plasma.

Plasma must be confined at 500 trillion atoms per cubic centimeter for one second. • Not a chain reaction, so the density must be maintained: - A magnetic field (“magnetic bottle”) could be used to do this.

Unfortunately… • We still don’t have the technology. • The cost may be very high compared to other energy sources. • Currently, more energy is required to produce the fusion than is produced by the fusion.

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  6. Alternative sources of flexible low-carbon energy to meet global electricity demand


  1. Introduction to Renewable Energy

    The term "renewable" encompasses a wide diversity of energy resources with varying economics, technologies, end uses, scales, environmental impacts, availability, and depletability. For example, fully "renewable" resources are not depleted by human use, whereas "semi-renewable" resources must be properly managed to ensure long-term ...

  2. Alternative Energy Use

    Each nation's average energy use from alternative sources from 2006 to 2010. Alternative energy is energy that does not come from fossil fuels, and thus produces little to no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). This means that energy produced from alternative sources does not contribute to the greenhouse effect that causes climate change.

  3. [Updated 2023] Top 25 Green Renewable Energy PPT Templates

    Template 18: Globe With Green Area Green Energy Production Flat PowerPoint Design. Download Globe With Green Area Green Renewable Energy Production PowerPoint Template. Employ this PowerPoint template to display the vegetation of the world and discuss the positive impacts of afforestation and renewable resources.

  4. 2020 Energy Resources

    2. Glue tabs under oil, wind, and solar to make one long template. 3. Glue the middle two panels (biomass and wind into your notebook). Make a foldable by folding along the solid lines. Coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear will be covered in the non-renewable lesson. . This template covers both renewable and nonrenewable energy resources.

  5. Renewable and Non-renewable Energy

    The sooner we're aware of this, the better! Teach about renewable and non-renewable energy in school, and who's a better ally in education than Slidesgo? We've prepared this template, with real content by educators, some photos and colorful gradients, to make things much easier for you. This template is available in different languages, so enjoy!

  6. Renewable Energy Resources PPT Presentation

    RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES A presentation by, Rahuldev Bera, 3rd year, B.Tech EE WHAT IS RENEWABLE ENERGY? Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, wind, the movement of water, and geothermal heat.

  7. Alternative Energy Sources Presentation (Week.3) by Burak Çelik

    Wind energy is an effective alternative source of energy in areas where the velocity of wind flow is high. Advantages of wind energy - Wind energy is a clean form of energy. - The source of ...

  8. Free Renewable Energy PPT Templates And Google Slides

    Free Renewable Energy Presentation Templates. Turn up the eco-volume on your presentations with free renewable energy PowerPoint templates and Google Slides. Explain the benefits of solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power with captivating visuals. Impress your audience with clear diagrams, informative infographics, and inspiring quotes.

  9. Renewable Energy Infographics

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Renewable energies are the future. Clean energies with the potential to give us more than traditional sources of energy and without harming the planet. You may be preparing a presentation on this topic; do you need a set of infographics to express your data in a ...

  10. Electricity Basics

    Electricity Basics. Electricity is considered an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Electricity can be produced from a variety of energy sources, including natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, wind energy, hydropower, and solar energy. This electricity can be stored in batteries or used to produce hydrogen.

  11. Renewable energy powerpoint presentation slides

    Green energy is any energy produced from environmental resources such as sunshine, wind, or water. Check out our competently designed Green Energy template that provides an overview of the green energy power plant service provider firm, its mission, successful projects, and its scope of work. This Green Energy PowerPoint presentation covers the reasons to invest in green energy, introduces ...

  12. PPT

    Biofuel Energy from Organic Material • How It Works • Biofuel energy works by using fuels derived from living or dead biological organisms. • Uses • Replaces gasoline or diesel for vehicles • Renewable • Yes, as long as there is organic material/waste being produced. • Advantages • Reduces waste materials • Fuel tends to be cheap.

  13. Alternative Energy Sources

    Download ppt "Alternative Energy Sources" Similar presentations . Alternate Energy Sources Chapter 4.2 At the present rate of consumption of fossil fuels, we will run out in 170 years. Alternative Energy Sources Chapter 17. Hydroelectric Energy -Electricity that is produced from the energy of moving water.

  14. PPT

    Alternative Energy Sources. Alternative Energy Sources. Chapter 11.4. Alternative Energy. Alternative Energy Energy that is derived from sources that do not deplete the natural resources or harm the environment. Alternative energy sources include solar energy, geothermal energy, water, and wind energy. Solar Energy. 409 views • 9 slides

  15. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Alternative Energy Sources Finz 2012. Renewable Energy • Renewable energyis energy from sources that are constantly being formed. • Types of renewable energy includes: • solar energy • wind energy • the power of moving water • Earth's heat • Remember, all sources of energy, including renewable sources ...

  16. Alternative Sources Energy PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Presenting Alternative Energy Sources Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Gallery Rules Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your ...

  17. Alternative Energy PowerPoint Template-Ribbon Model

    100% customizable slides and easy to download. Slides are available in different nodes & colors. The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats. Easy to change the slide colors quickly. Well-crafted template with an instant download facility. Access on both MS PowerPoint and Google Slides. Three nodes in vertical stance. Vivid hues and clipart given.

  18. Free templates about energy for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Biomass Energy. Download the Biomass Energy presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.

  19. Portugal ran only on renewable energy for over 6 days

    This video is part of: Centre for Energy and Materials. Portugal has achieved a remarkable milestone in its renewable energy journey, running entirely on renewable sources for over six days. This groundbreaking feat sets a new national record of 149 hours, surpassing the previous record of 131 hours set in 2019.

  20. PPT

    Hydroelectric Power Dams have an advantage over other alternative energy sources in that they provide power on demand. This is the Hoover Dam. • Hydroelectric Power • Three problems associated with dams include…. • Dams can gradually fill with silt which reduces the water stored in the reservoir.

  21. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Nuclear Fission • The source of nuclear energy. 1. Artificial Transmutation 2. Decay The neutron is the key! Radioactive Decay • U-236 is very unstable. • The attraction between the new neutron and the nucleus throws off the balance between the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force.