How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

You finally found it! The perfect job for you. Now, all you have to do to get the process started is to submit your resume. The problem is that hundreds of your peers are probably thinking exactly the same thing. How do you stand out?

You finally found it! The perfect job for you. Now, all you have to do to get the process started is to submit your resume. The problem is that hundreds or even thousands of your peers are probably thinking exactly the same thing about exactly the same job. So how do you create a one-page document that will make you and your accomplishments stand out from the crowd?

Your resume is a key part of the job application process: it is the first document that an employer reviews to determine whether they will interview and eventually employ you. Remember that employers often have very limited time to perform this duty. Crafting a strong resume really matters!

Resumes communicate who you are and what you have accomplished. They may be the only document an employer sees to evaluate your record before making a decision to move forward with your application, or they may be used in conjunction with resources like LinkedIn or professional networking profiles and/or a cover letter. A resume that “stands out” in a positive way is one that has been written thoughtfully, clearly and concisely, effectively communicating your abilities and strengths in a very brief space.

Six basic tips will help you build an outstanding professional resume. Note that resumes may vary by professional field (e.g. engineering vs. non-engineering), by location or by other factors such as professional degree. These tips are designed around some of the most common sections and most useful points for resumes across different types.

Tip 1: How to Write an Education Section that Stands Out

The education section demonstrates that you have the academic qualifications for the position. The key questions you should ask yourself while writing this section is, “Have I clearly communicated the strongest and most relevant aspects of my educational experience?” The next question is, “Is this section organized in a way that is easily readable by the employer?”

The education section is important for all applicants but may be weighted differently depending on how long it has been since you graduated from a degree program. For instance, an employer may have a different level of interest in the educational history of a college senior, compared to someone who has been professionally working for several years after college. Understanding this fact may influence where you choose to place this section on your resume.

In general, you should include all of the higher education that you may have had, including undergraduate, graduate, or professional schooling.  You may also consider including online courses, certificates, and completed programs through companies like Coursera. Most people list their experiences in an order called reverse chronological, meaning that they list the most recent experience first, and work backwards down the page.

For each listed school, provide the full name of the school or online program, the years of your attendance, your major or majors, if applicable, as well as a minor if applicable. Include the type of degree received (e.g. a Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science) and the year of graduation. If you are graduating soon, include the month and year of graduation so employers know when you will be available to work. If you have studied abroad, include the institution, program of study, and any relevant coursework.

You may want to include which semesters you qualified for special academic recognition, if any.  Other special awards, scholarships, or competitive grants can also be listed in this section. If you have non-academic awards, such as for sports or community service, you may choose to create a separate section of your resume for honors and awards.

Tip 2: How to Make the Experience Section Stand Out

Along with education, your experience is one of the most important ways to show that you are qualified for a position. Use this section to clearly convey your strongest professional experiences, whether paid or unpaid. Be sure to give detailed aspects of your roles and responsibilities for each listed position. Emphasize any relationships or similarities between your past experiences and the job you want. You should also include the start and end dates of your involvement with each organization, and any key accomplishments from the role. Don’t forget to include where the company is located, including city and state/province, or even country if different from your home country.

Ask yourself: while involved with the company, did I win any awards, get any special recognition, make new discoveries, start a new program? If so, what happened and what were the results? Quantify your experiences when you can! As the expression goes, “Show don’t tell.” In other words, you can more effectively convey a point by giving concrete examples, rather than through vague descriptions. Consider the following examples.

Instead of:

Improved worker productivity significantly, leading to recognition from upper management.

(A resume reader may ask: What does ‘improved’ mean? What does recognition mean? How much have you improved it by?)

Improved quarter returns by 25%, exceeding projections and leading to the Top Manager Award, given to only one manager in the company per year.

When it comes to language, be honest about your job functions while thinking of professional ways to present your experiences.

Sometimes people fall into a trap of thinking that their job or internship experience won’t sound impressive enough to list. The job may have felt like “sitting at a desk, answering the phone.” True, but you may have been performing other responsibilities or developing useful job-related skills without realizing that you were!

When you were at a desk, were you at the FRONT desk? Were you the only person or the main person in this position? Were you overseeing anything while you were sitting there? Were you the sole person responsible for any tasks? Did you have to learn how to deal calmly and confidently with any customer issues? Did people occasionally ask you to take on additional responsibilities, even for a short time?

It is fair to say that a person sitting at a front desk, may have been MANAGING the front desk, or even managing the desk when the person’s boss was away. Time during which an individual is placed in charge of a business or an office, even if for a limited time, can convey responsibility to a prospective employer.

Look at your accomplishment bullet and ask yourself:

  • What did I do in the job?
  • Using what?
  • To what extent or impact?

Sometimes you may need to pare down your list in order to avoid making your resume too lengthy. Try to select the accomplishments based partly on how impressive they are and partly on how well they relate to the position you want. To describe your experience, always use more than one sentence or bullet. That said, word economy in your bulleted descriptions is also important. Try to keep each bulleted description or sentence to one or two lines at most. You can often rephrase a description, eliminating words while keeping the meaning. The more information you can present clearly and concisely within the short resume format, the more the employer will understand what you can do for them.

Remember that by providing relevant details in each statement of your experience, you will give the employer enough information to evaluate you and also provide them with ideas of what they might want to discuss with you in an interview.

Tip 3: How to Create a Leadership and Activities Section that Stands Out

For many people, especially students and recent graduates, a Leadership & Activities section can be a fantastic differentiator for your resume. If you have not been in the workforce for long, or if you have only worked summers and part-time, then you may not have much relevant content to add to your Experience section. A strong Leadership & Activities section can help you fill that gap while also telling an employer something about you as a person.

When creating the section, you should first consider what student organizations and activities you would want to include. Then, you should consider what you would want to write about each one. In general, this section is much like the Experience section, except that it is about what you have done in a personal, rather than professional, setting.

Of course, because student organizations and activities are personal, you should be careful about which ones you choose to list; they should be appropriate to a professional setting. For example, you should probably not choose to share that you were chosen “Top Drinker” of your college’s “Beer Keg of the Day” club. On the other hand, if you volunteered at a food bank, wrote for a school publication, or had a membership in an honor society, those accomplishments would be worth sharing.

Most importantly, you should include student organizations and activities where you have made significant contributions or held leadership positions. Just as you did in the Experience section, you should think about what you did in the organization, any responsibilities you had, any skills you used, and any knowledge you gained. If you made improvements to the student organization or activity, definitely include concrete examples. Make sure to consider if any of your experiences with student organizations and activities could be related to the position you are applying for. Could any of the skills you have learned be useful in the job?

Because student organizations and activities can offer students leadership opportunities and experiences that are often limited to experienced professionals in companies, this section is your chance to show not only that you are qualified for the position but that you have even greater potential. Make the most of this opportunity to show the employer what you can do!

Tip 4: How to Highlight Your Skills

Another important component of what defines an attractive candidate in the modern economy is their skill set. Because employers want people who can quickly start being productive, they care about what skills a job prospect has, particularly in certain technical fields. In most cases, skills are incorporated into the Experience section, if you acquired skills as part of your internship or job, and in the Education section, if you obtained the skills through coursework, research, or projects. Sometimes people with additional skills, such as technical skills, foreign language, or certifications obtained outside of university, will place them into a separate section at the end of the resume. Whichever format you choose, you still need to emphasize the skills you have, so that an employer can easily see how you can help them.

You should ask yourself a few important questions. What skills do I have? What skills are my target employers looking for? Are my skills hard skills (i.e. technical, like computer programming) or soft skills, such as the ability to listen?

Make a list! Separate the skills into hard skills and soft skills. What skills are most in demand (on both lists) for the position you are interested in (One good way to decide this is to look at job listings for many similar positions and note how often a particular skill is listed.)? How can you highlight your proficiency in these skills?

Lead with your strongest skills and/or the ones that seem the most marketable. Let’s say you know the programming language Python. How well do you know it? How many years have you used it? Do you have any specialized knowledge and ability that may set you apart from a competing applicant? Do you have demonstrations of your work anywhere for a prospective employer to see?

Here’s an example of a skills entry that might be included into the Experience section:

Programming: 8 years of experience with Python and similar scripting languages, wrote MyFirstPythonProject software available on GitHub

Useful tip: Artists may have portfolios for their artistic work. Examples of appropriate work, such as for coding, may not be a bad idea to have available in addition to a resume!

Even if your field is not technical, you may still have important hard skills. Do you have experience with popular office software, such as Excel, PowerPoint, or Access? Do you know any foreign languages, even at a basic level? Think about not only what might be required in the day-to-day performance of the job, but what other skills could potentially be useful to the employer.

You will want to include all the relevant skills to demonstrate your qualifications, without including too much less-relevant information which could distract from your message. Think carefully about which skills you want to include, and which could be left out. Remember to choose your words economically to maximize content in a minimum of space. With a little effort, your skills details can transform your resume from a simple list of accomplishments to a document that gets an employer thinking about all the great ways you could contribute!

Tip 5: Formatting and Making the Resume Look Professional

Believe it or not, the appearance and organization of a resume can greatly affect the response. The first hurdle for any resume is to get the employer to read it. An attractively presented, concise resume is easy for a recruiter to pick up. On the other hand, if a resume is 5 pages, written in 6-point font, a prospective employer may not think that it is worth the time to find a magnifying glass and read it. In most cases, a resume should not exceed one page (sometimes two pages, mostly for more experienced candidates, or in scientific and technical fields where publication lists can be lengthy), which has a few key sections that are separated from one another or clearly delineated.

Here are some suggestions to make the format stand out positively:

  • Use 10-12-point font or larger. (10 point may even sometimes be too small, and the choice can depend on the chosen font.) Your audience should easily be able to read the size of the writing. Often prospective employers may not have perfect vision, so readability may create problems if the text is too small.
  • Use a clean, professional-looking font. Don’t use fonts that are overly artistic and hinder the ability for the reader to understand them. Some find fonts like Times New Roman most clearly readable; others find competing fonts better. The font is just an aspect of the writing; don’t let it overpower the words themselves.
  • Use respectable margins. Don’t try to deviate too much from 0.5 margins at either side. Also, don’t make the margins too large, beyond 0.75 or 1 unit on either side. Around 1 unit on the top and bottom should be acceptable.
  • Use adequate spacing.
  • Abbreviate months of employment.
  • Include proper contact information. Most people include full name, address, email address and at least one phone number at the top of the document.

Tip 6: Revision and Review 

One of the most important steps to writing a good resume is having others you trust look it over. A small spelling or grammar error on a resume could cause problems by making it seem like you lack attention to detail.

You can start with standard spelling and grammar checking programs. However, while these programs are very helpful, they are not enough by themselves. For example, the programs may not flag errors with homophones (e.g. hair and hare). They also have difficulty with uncommon, technical, or foreign words that may not be in their dictionaries. In addition, they are not looking for formatting inconsistencies or at the overall appearance of the resume. While computer programs can help with many issues, there is still no substitute for the human eye.

Start by printing a copy of your resume and looking for errors and inconsistencies yourself. Then, present copies to others along with a description of the job or educational opportunity that you are applying for. When presenting your resume to others, consider at least two kinds of people: a peer, and an experienced professional or teacher. Each may identify different issues with the resume.

Ask the reviewers to provide two types of notes: technical revisions and feedback on the writing, organization and effectiveness of the resume.

Once you get feedback, discuss it with them for a few minutes. Remember, don’t take constructive criticism personally! They are trying to help you, and their points of view may be similar to that of the employer. Your goal is to create a resume that most people will appreciate.

Once you obtain proper feedback, you can work on improving your resume. Try to incorporate your reviewers’ suggestions. Their ideas may even make you think of other ways to improve your resume! Most importantly, always remember that once you have made your revisions, review your resume again before you send it out!

The stronger your resume, the better your chance of getting an interview and landing a meaningful job. Just by following these simple tips, you will be well on your way to resume success, creating a clear, detailed, and concise document designed to impress employers. So, get writing and get yourself noticed!

A good resume can help you land an interview, but even minor errors can take you out of the running.  Schedule an appointment with a counselor  to ensure it will be effective.

Quick Resume Tips:

  • Use the position description to decide what to include.
  • Pick a standard and consistent format.
  • Describe your experiences with specificity and strong action verbs.
  • Record accomplishments and contributions, not just responsibilities.
  • Revise carefully!
  • Don’t include personal information about your age, religion, health or marital status.
  • Photos are generally not preferred for U.S. resumes.
  • Typically, you will not be expected to share past salary information on a resume.
  • Employers assume that “references will be available upon request,” so you don’t need to include them on your resume unless asked.
  • Employers may use keyword scanning on resumes, so know what words are relevant to the industry and position and ensure they appear in your resume.
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HBS Student and Alumni Resume Databases provide companies with a valuable opportunity to search, identify, and connect with candidates seeking opportunities. The Databases allow you to filter resumes by specific criteria, including experience, interests, clubs, and more, to find candidates who would be great for your organization.

Students and alumni can opt in to the Resume Databases and update their profiles at any time throughout the year. View resumes directly in the Database or download resumes to share with your team, then reach out directly to students and alumni. Personalize your outreach to individual students to maximize your effectiveness and establish genuine connections.

Available Resume Databases

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Available on August 29, 2023

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How to Access Resumes

  • Create an account or log in to our recruiting platform.
  • Click "Resume Books" on the left
  • Click on the resume database you want to view
  • Click the "Resumes" tab, then:
  • Click on "Select a filter" Example: Add "Club/Association membership" and select the student club
  • Once you have added filters, click the "Action" button on the right-hand side of the screen and click the drop-down to export names to Excel and/or download PDFs of the resumes

By accessing the resume databases you are agreeing to the HBS Recruiting Policies .

Insights & Advice  

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  • Phillip Andrews

Hiring a Career Switcher: The Value of the MS/MBA

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  • Becca Carnahan

“Business as Usual, In a Different Way” – Creating an Impactful Remote Internship at Actis

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Have questions about the Harvard Business School Online learning model, admissions, payment options, or course platform? Start here! If you have a question about a particular program, you can jump down to our course-specific questions .

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Technical Requirements

Costs, scholarships & financial aid, hbs online for organizations, certificates, how are hbs online courses delivered.

We offer self-paced programs (with weekly deadlines) on the HBS Online course platform .

Our platform features short, highly produced videos of HBS faculty and guest business experts, interactive graphs and exercises, cold calls to keep you engaged, and opportunities to contribute to a vibrant online community.

Do I need to come to campus to participate in HBS Online programs?

No, all of our programs are 100 percent online, and available to participants regardless of their location.

Do I need to log in to an HBS Online course at certain times?

There are no formal class times. All learning happens online, so participants are able to complete the course on their own time at their own pace. That said, there are certain deadlines that must be met on a weekly basis with the goal of keeping the majority of the group focused on the same topics to maximize social interactions.

I'm not sure which course is right for me. How do I choose?

Please take a look at our course catalog which compares details on each of our current course offerings.

What kind of access will I have to faculty?

Our courses have been developed by some of the most renowned Harvard faculty and guest experts. Although professors and guest experts will not have direct, real-time interactions with learners, you will hear from them via short videos that explain key concepts and guide you through cases, exercises, and other interactive learning elements to create a highly engaging educational experience. In addition, we encourage you to collaborate with your peers to find answers to any questions you may have.

We appreciate your understanding that HBS Online faculty and guest experts featured in our courses are not available to communicate with learners directly or participate in learner-organized events. However, you may visit the HBS Online Business Insights Blog and HBS Online Facebook page for information about upcoming conferences and webinars featuring faculty, or join the HBS Online Community to build your network and connect with other business professionals in your area.

Are HBS Online programs available in languages other than English?

We expect to offer our courses in additional languages in the future but, at this time, HBS Online can only be provided in English.

All course content is delivered in written English. Closed captioning in English is available for all videos. There are no live interactions during the course that requires the learner to speak English. Coursework must be completed in English.

Can I work ahead of the course pace?

For all courses on the course platform, new modules will be released on a regular schedule. You will set your own daily or weekly schedule and adjust it as necessary, but you’ll need to complete modules within a pre-set timeframe as there are critical elements that require the cohort to progress at a similar rate.

Can I audit an HBS Online course?

Because HBS Online expects all students to participate fully to help create an active ecosystem of engaged learners, you cannot audit our courses.

Will I need to purchase any additional materials?

Your program fee covers all course materials. All of the materials for our courses are accessed on the course platform.

You will not be required to purchase anything else or pay any additional fees for our programs or any associated final exams. If you request a transcript from HBS Online for the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program, you are required to pay National Student Clearinghouse a small fee (~$5) to receive your transcript.

Will I have access to the materials in a module after I complete it?

In our courses, you will have access to the materials in every prior module as you progress through the rest of the course (and, for CORe, as you prepare for the final exam). Access to course materials and the course platform ends 60 days after the final deadline in the program.

How do I access an HBS Online course?

In our self-paced programs on the course platform , you will receive an email on the first day of your program with a link to log in.

What are the technical requirements and minimum bandwidth needed to participate in HBS Online programs?

Courses on our course platform are designed to work on an internet-connected desktop or notebook computer running either the Chrome or Firefox browser. Tablet computers and smartphones are not supported for programs on the course platform at this time. A broadband internet connection is highly recommended to access the rich media in the program.

The course platform allows you to engage with the content and watch the course videos with bandwidth of at least 750 Kbps download speed. At this speed, you may experience video buffering and some slowness. Videos can be viewed in HD, or "high" quality with a minimum recommended bandwidth of 2 Mbps download speed. Your browser performance will also affect your experience on the platform. To avoid browser-based issues and to ensure the best experience, we recommend that you update your browser to its latest version.

How do I enroll in a course?

All programs require the completion of a brief application. The applications vary slightly from program to program, but all ask for some personal background information. You can apply for and enroll in programs here . If you are new to HBS Online, you will be required to set up an account before starting an application for the program of your choice.

Our easy online application is free, and no special documentation is required. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age, proficient in English, and committed to learning and engaging with fellow participants throughout the program.

Updates to your application and enrollment status will be shown on your Dashboard . We confirm enrollment eligibility within one week of your application. HBS Online does not use race, gender, ethnicity, or any protected class as criterion for admissions for any HBS Online program.

By taking an HBS Online course, will I be enrolled at HBS or have any HBS alumni privileges?

As an HBS Online current or past participant, you join the HBS Online Community but won’t be considered an HBS student or alum. To become an HBS student, you must be enrolled in our MBA, doctoral, or select executive education programs. We offer ongoing learning opportunities and additional benefits for individuals who successfully complete HBS Online programs, including exclusive access to events and the HBS Online Community’s Official Networking Group, which enables you to connect and collaborate with like-minded business professionals worldwide.

If you elect the undergraduate credit option for the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program, you will be enrolled at Harvard Extension School (January or September CORe cohorts) or Harvard Summer School (May CORe cohort) and eligible for student privileges like a Harvard University ID number (to access online library resources), free career and academic webinars, a Harvard Gmail account, and education tax credit and loan deferments.

Does HBS Online restrict enrollment for citizens/residents of countries in geopolitical conflict with the United States or its allies?

Harvard Business School has a mission of educating leaders who make a difference in the world. By executing on this mission, we believe we can help make the world a better place. Our ability to do so though is dependent on reaching learners around the globe who can benefit from business education. With this goal in mind, with very rare exception, we do not restrict individuals from taking a program with HBS Online based on where they happen to live. Therefore, citizens of countries whose governments behave in ways antithetical to our values should still expect to be welcome in our programs. In fact, our desire to change the world through education imposes on us the responsibility to help educate citizens in such countries who can, we hope, be a driving force for positive change in their communities and governments.

Can I earn academic credit for participating in an HBS Online program?

By electing to enroll in the undergraduate credit option of the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program, participants can earn eight undergraduate credits from Harvard Extension School (January or September CORe cohorts) or Harvard Summer School (May CORe cohort).

What are the learning requirements in order to successfully complete a course and how are grades assigned?

What do i receive upon completion of the course.

Upon successful completion of an HBS Online program, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion or, in the case of CORe participants , a Credential of Readiness from Harvard Business School Online.

How should I list my credential or certificate on my resume?

Once you've earned your Certificate of Completion or Credential of Readiness, list it on your resume along with the date of completion like this:

Credential of Readiness (CORe)

Harvard Business School Online CORe: Credential of Readiness, [Grade] [Cohort Start Month and Year]

List your credential on your LinkedIn profile under "Education" with the language from the Credential Verification page:

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [the year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; CORe Credential of Readiness Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Pass," "Pass with Honors," or "Pass with High Honors" as applicable Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Certificate Programs

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in [Course Name] [Cohort Start Month and Year]

List your certificate on your LinkedIn profile under "Education" with the language from the Credential Verification page:

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [the year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in [Course Name] Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: “Complete” Activities and Societies: Leave blank

For program descriptions for LinkedIn, please refer to the course-specific FAQs.

Does Harvard Business School Online offer an online MBA?

No, Harvard Business School Online offers business certificate programs.

What is a Learning Track?

Learning Tracks enable participants to take three courses within a specific subject area to gain deeper insights and expertise. If all three courses are completed successfully, learners will earn a Certificate of Specialization.

HBS Online is currently offering a Learning Track in Leadership and Management , Strategy , Entrepreneurship and Innovation , Business in Society , and Finance and Accounting .

What do I receive by completing a Learning Track?

For each course you successfully finish within a Learning Track, you’ll earn a Certificate of Completion for that course. Once you’ve completed three courses within a Track, you’ll receive a Certificate of Specialization in your selected subject area. The Certificate of Specialization is available both as a digital and printed document.

What kind of time commitment is required to complete a Learning Track?

Learning Tracks consist of three online courses within a specific subject area. Individual courses range anywhere from four to eight weeks and typically require four to nine hours of work per week. Participants can complete the work on their own time while meeting weekly course deadlines.

Do I have to enroll in all three courses or commit to a Learning Track in advance?

No. You have to enroll in each course individually. If you successfully complete all three courses within 18 months, you’ll earn a Certificate of Specialization.

What are the learning requirements to earn a Certificate of Specialization?

To earn a Certificate of Specialization, learners must successfully complete three courses from their selected Learning Track within 18 months.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework for each program in a thoughtful and timely manner. They must meet each week’s course module deadlines and fully answer the questions posed therein. In addition to module and assignment completion, learners should offer feedback on others’ reflections and contribute to conversations on the course platform. Participants who fail to complete each course’s requirements will not receive a Certificate of Completion, or Certificate of Specialization, and will be ineligible to retake the course.

I have already completed a course within one of the Learning Tracks. Can it be counted toward my certificate?

Yes. If you've completed one or two courses within a Learning Track, you have 18 months to complete the remaining courses in the Track from the start of your next course. We encourage you to log into your HBS Online account and look at your dashboard for more information or contact us through our Support Portal .

If you've successfully completed all three courses within a Learning Track and haven't been notified about your Certificate of Specialization within one month of completing your third course, please contact us through our Support Portal .

Is there a discount offered for completing multiple courses?

Yes. If you’re a new HBS Online learner, you’ll pay full price for your first course and then receive a 30-percent past participant discount off your second and third course.

Why do I only have 18 months to complete a Learning Track?

Learning Tracks are restricted to 18 months to provide you with a rigorous learning experience while also offering enough flexibility to take each course when it aligns best with your schedule. Learning Tracks are designed to help you build deep expertise, so the timeframe enables you to keep the course material fresh while you immerse yourself in the Track.

Does CORe count as a Learning Track?

Learning Tracks and CORe are two separate offerings. However, some courses taken as part of CORe may count toward a Certificate of Specialization in a given Learning Track.

How should I list my Certificate of Specialization on my resume?

Once you’ve successfully completed three courses within a Learning Track and have earned your Certificate of Specialization, list it on your resume like this:

Harvard Business School Online Certificate of Specialization in [Subject Area] Successfully completed [List Three Courses Taken] [Completion Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you completed the Learning Track] Degree: Other; Certificate of Specialization in [Subject Area] Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

What is included in the Program Fee?

Your Program Fee represents the tuition for your Harvard Business School Online course. If local taxes apply, they will be added to the Program Fee at time of payment.

What international taxes might be applicable?

The tax added to your invoice is based on your current mailing address. India mailing addresses are considered residents of India for tax purposes. India residents are being charged the current India GST rate (18% as of 1/26/24). The tax collected is passed on to the government of India through Harvard University.

Are scholarships available?

At this time, tuition assistance is available for the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program , as well as Business Analytics , Economics for Managers , and Financial Accounting certificate programs. To view the financial aid options available for these programs, please refer to the Payment & Financial Aid page .

What are my payment options?

We accept payments via credit card, wire transfer, Western Union, and (when available) bank loan. Some candidates may qualify for scholarships or financial aid, which will be credited against the Program Fee once eligibility is determined. Please refer to the Payment & Financial Aid page for further information.

We also allow you to split your payment across 2 separate credit card transactions or send a payment link email to another person on your behalf. If splitting your payment into 2 transactions, a minimum payment of $350 is required for the first transaction.

In all cases, net Program Fees must be paid in full (in US Dollars) to complete registration.

Is it possible to pay in installments?

While we require payment in full before your course’s enrollment deadline, it is possible to split the payment across 2 separate credit card transactions. If splitting your payment into 2 transactions, a minimum payment of $350 is required for the first transaction. Instructions for doing so are presented at checkout.

Can someone else pay for the course on my behalf?

Yes, at checkout, it is possible to forward your payment to another person via email. Regardless of who submits payment, HBS Online must receive full payment for your course prior to the enrollment deadline.

Can I get credit on my taxes for HBS Online courses?

HBS Online is not an eligible institution for tax credits, so you will not receive a 1098-T form. However, if you elect to enroll in the undergraduate credit option of the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program and apply those credits at an eligible home institution, you may receive a 1098-T form from that institution.

Your program fee covers all course materials. All of the materials for our self-paced programs on the course platform are accessed on the course platform. Preparatory materials for our real-time programs on Live are also shared via the course platform.

You will not be required to purchase anything else or pay any additional fees for our programs or any associated final exams. If you request a transcript from HBS Online, you are required to pay National Student Clearinghouse a small fee (~$5) to receive your transcript.

What are the policies for refunds and deferrals?

After enrolling in a program, you may request a withdrawal with refund (minus a $100 nonrefundable enrollment fee) up until 24 hours after the start of your program. Please review the Program Policies page for more details on refunds and deferrals. If your employer has contracted with HBS Online for participation in a program, or if you elect to enroll in the undergraduate credit option of the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program, note that policies for these options may differ.

Do you offer any discounts?

Effective May 7, 2021, a 30% discount is available for HBS Online participants who have enrolled in at least 1 prior qualifying HBS Online program. Restrictions apply. Please review the Program Policies page for more discount details.

Discounts are automatically applied to the Program Fee upon time of payment. Offer terms are subject to change.

What types of organizations qualify for an Enterprise Agreement?

We work with a variety of companies, from large multinational corporations to small businesses, and universities across the globe.

Can courses be customized or modified?

HBS Online does not offer any customizations or modifications to our course content.

Are there opportunities for team building?

Many of our courses include team discussions and projects to foster social learning and community-building. The courses that include team and partner-based activities are:

Business Strategy

Design thinking and innovation, disruptive strategy, negotiation mastery, organizational leadership, sustainable business strategy, sustainable investing.

All our courses can be offered as a private cohort to encourage team development.

Is the Enterprise Agreement a subscription model?

We do not offer subscription pricing for our courses. Our Enterprise Pricing is based on a Participant Seat Commitment, and we offer volume-based discounts.

Can we host HBS Online courses on our LMS?

HBS Online courses are only available on the HBS Online platform. Our courses cannot be hosted on an external course platform or LMS.

How are the courses delivered?

Our courses are delivered asynchronously through the HBS Online platform. Our courses are cohort-based. Each cohort has a set start date and end date with weekly deadlines throughout to keep the entire cohort moving through the course at the same pace.

Our courses are offered in public and private cohorts. Public cohorts include individuals and participants from other companies, while private cohorts are limited to participants from your organization.

Can a faculty member speak to our participants?

We do not currently offer live virtual or in-person sessions with our faculty members.

How do our participants enroll in the course?

Once the Enterprise Agreement is signed, your participants will be able to self-enroll in their selected course with an organization-specific access code. We will provide detailed instructions for access code enrollment. We offer guaranteed admission for all your participants, so they do not need to apply.

How quickly can our participants start learning?

The contracting process takes at least 2 – 4 weeks. Requests for non-standard terms or modifications will extend this process. The deadline to enroll in our courses is 5 business days prior to the course start date.

Can we use Harvard Business School’s logo on our website?

We provide brand guidelines and suggested language for our corporate and university clients.

I just completed a paid HBS Online course. When will I receive my certificate?

After the final deadline or exam of a course, our team spends several weeks reviewing all participant coursework. Once this is review is complete, you’ll be notified of your final eligibility via email. Certificates and credentials are currently available in digital and printed formats.

Your free copy of your printed certificate will be shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS) First Class Mail and may take eight weeks or more to arrive at its destination. No tracking information is available for certificate shipments.

We can’t provide free printed certificates to participants whose countries don’t receive USPS First Class Mail . If your country can’t receive these shipments, you’ll have the option of purchasing shipment via United Parcel Service (UPS).

How does HBS Online ship printed certificates?

All certificates are shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS) First Class Mail and may take eight weeks or more to arrive at your address once dispatched; shipment tracking is not available.

We can’t provide free printed certificates to participants whose countries don’t receive USPS First Class Mail . Participants in these areas have the option of purchasing shipping for their printed certificates via United Parcel Service (UPS).

Any participant who wishes to purchase tracked shipping via UPS is welcome to. You may purchase this shipping after being contacted by our vendor, the Michael Sutter Company.

Does HBS Online offer digital certificates?

All certificate-eligible participants may download a free PDF copy of their certificate as outlined on our Credential Verification page . These digital certificates will become available in the weeks following the final deadline of your course after eligibility is determined.

Are digital certificates available for all programs?

Yes. For detailed instructions on how to access your digital certificate or add this verification to your resume and LinkedIn profile, follow the steps on the Credential Verification page .

If you earned your certificate prior to 2020, you may purchase a copy of your digital certificate by contacting us

I never received a printed certificate for my program. Can I have my certificate resent?

If your certificate was dispatched more than eight weeks ago, please contact support to request a reshipment. HBS Online will make two attempts to deliver a free copy of your certificate within six months of your course end date if you live in a United States Postal Service (USPS) serviceable country.

If your certificate doesn’t arrive after two attempts, or you contact us six months after receiving your eligibility notice via email, you’ll have the option of purchasing shipment of your certificate via USPS First Class Mail (if your country accepts USPS shipments) or United Parcel Service (UPS).

My employer needs proof I completed the course to reimburse me. Can you send me a digital certificate as soon as the course ends?

If you need proof of participation for employment or reimbursement purposes, you may download a Course Verification Form directly at any time from the course dashboard . We can’t expedite your eligibility determination.

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [the year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Credential of Readiness Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Pass," "Pass with Honors," or "Pass with High Honors" as applicable Activities and Societies: Leave blank

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [the year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in [Course Name] Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: “Complete” Activities and Societies: Leave blank For program descriptions for LinkedIn, please refer to the course-specific FAQs .

Do all HBS Online course certificates look the same?

While all HBS Online certificates have a similar format, you’ll notice certain differences between each certificate, especially for courses run in conjunction with Harvard Online and the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Can I still share my HBS Online achievement without a copy of my certificate?

Your course completion status is not impacted by possessing a physical copy of your certificate. If you’ve successfully completed an HBS Online course, we encourage you to list this accomplishment on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Your completion status can also be verified by downloading the Course Verification Form.

List your Certificate of Completion or Credential of Readiness on your resume along with the date of completion like this:

List your certificate on your LinkedIn profile under "Education" as follows:

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [the year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in [Course Name] Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: “Complete” Activities and Societies: Leave blank For program descriptions for LinkedIn, please refer to the course-specific FAQs.

If I’m unable to receive a free mailed copy of my certificate, can I get a refund?

HBS Online doesn’t provide refunds in the event a participant is unable to receive their free printed certificate shipment via United States Postal Service (USPS), nor do we provide a refund if you don’t receive your printed certificate after two free shipment attempts. Participants who request a free reshipment more than six months from their eligibility notification are likewise not entitled to a refund if they don’t receive their free printed certificate.

I have a certificate from HBX. Is it still valid?

Your HBX certificate is absolutely still valid.

I have a certificate from HBX. Can I receive a new one from Harvard Business School Online?

No. We are not reissuing certificates. The certificate you earned as part of HBX is still valid. That said, your LinkedIn profile will automatically change to Harvard Business School Online, as long you chose the pre-set HBX credential when you originally added it to your profile. If you didn’t choose that option, you may manually update your LinkedIn profile and/or resume to reflect the new Harvard Business School Online name.

If I can't get a new paper certificate, can I get a digital credential or PDF?

No. We are not issuing free PDFs for participants with an HBX certificate.

Course-Specific Questions

Here are answers to common questions about specific courses. Don't see the answer you're looking for? More information is available in the General Questions section or on our Policies page . You can also chat with us if you have a question that hasn't been addressed.

Alternative Investments

Business analytics, business and climate change, digital marketing strategy, economics for managers, entrepreneurship essentials, financial accounting, sample business lessons, global business, harvard online courses, launching tech ventures, leadership, ethics, and corporate accountability, leadership principles, leading with finance, management essentials, power and influence for positive impact, strategy execution, winning with digital platforms, what do i receive by completing climb.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business. In addition, participants will also receive a Certificate of Completion for all four long courses (in leadership, strategy, finance, and an additional elective) they complete as part of their CLIMB requirements.

The credential and the certificates are available as digital and printed documents.

Participants will also be able to add a credential verification link to their digital resumes or LinkedIn profiles.

Will I be in the same cohort all year long?

Participants will complete the required courses (two long and three short courses) with their CLIMB cohort. During their elective terms, learners will select their electives from available HBS Online certificate courses.

What will the cohort experience be like?

An essential part of CLIMB is the peer learning experience. Not only will your section be filled with peers at similar points in their careers, but you’ll be put into peer learning teams that you interact with throughout the program. Peer learning teams will rotate once per term so that you can develop meaningful relationships with several professionals throughout the program.

What are the admissions criteria?

The application includes personal information, educational and professional background, and two short answer questions. We expect participants to have some professional experience, commit to a yearlong program, engage with their peers, and answer the application questions thoughtfully.

This program does not require a GRE or GMAT score to apply. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

What is the difference between CLIMB and an MBA?

The CLIMB curriculum consists of courses that have been developed by HBS faculty and covers similar topics (leadership, strategy, and finance) to what you’d find in an MBA program. CLIMB was designed to provide both breadth and depth, so you learn essential business topics in addition to having the ability to choose electives in the span of the one-year program.

The CLIMB curriculum is not as comprehensive as an MBA program and differs in a few other key dimensions, including price, length, and modality. CLIMB is a lower price point than most full-time MBA programs. CLIMB is approximately one year in duration, online, and asynchronous, whereas most full-time MBA programs are two years and in-person with set schedules. An online program like CLIMB provides flexibility and convenience to take courses and develop business skills within your schedule. Lastly, those who graduate from an MBA program earn an MBA degree whereas CLIMB participants earn the CLIMB credential and four individual certificates of completion for the long courses included in the program.

What’s the difference between the New Leaders and Experienced Leaders paths?

One of the benefits of CLIMB is being able to collaborate and develop a network with peers at similar stages of their careers. To support this, CLIMB is divided into two paths: New Leaders and Experienced Leaders.

The New Leaders path is designed for people with zero to three years of managerial experience and five or more years of overall professional experience. The Experienced Leaders path is designed for people four or more years of managerial experience and seven or more years of overall professional experience.

If you have fewer years of experience but are still interested in the program, please submit an inquiry to our program advising team .

What kind of time commitment is required to complete CLIMB?

CLIMB consists of four long and three short courses and a capstone project. Required long courses range from six to eight weeks and typically require five to eight hours of work per week.

Elective long courses range from three to eight weeks and typically require five to nine hours of work per week.

Short courses are two weeks each and typically require five to seven hours of work per week.

In total, CLIMB will take approximately a year to complete. The program is asynchronous, so participants can complete the work on their own time while meeting weekly course deadlines. There are no live class sessions with faculty. For exact time estimates per course, please refer to the individual course listings in our course catalog .

What is the format of CLIMB?

CLIMB is a 12-month program consisting of four terms of content (three months each) and a capstone project. During those 12 months, participants complete four long courses (three to eight weeks each) and three short courses (two to three weeks each) in addition to the capstone project and peer learning activities.

How and when do I select my electives?

You’ll select your electives when you enroll and pay for the terms in which you take the electives.

If you need help selecting your electives, you can reach out to a Program Advisor who can provide you with more information based on your needs.

How do I pay for CLIMB?

Payments will be made quarterly (four payments of $3,750 throughout the program). There’s no discount for past participants. Scholarships aren’t currently available for CLIMB, but we are working to expand our financial aid offerings to assist a wider range of participants domestically and abroad. For more information and any updates related to financial aid or scholarships, please visit our Payment and Financial Aid page .

Can I use employer reimbursement to pay for CLIMB?

Many employers support their staff in continuing education opportunities by covering the costs of online business courses. To learn more, please visit our Employer Reimbursement page .

What if I need to drop out of the program?

If you can’t continue the program, you can choose not to enroll for the next quarter of content. Participants can re-join the next time the appropriate quarter of content is offered (three to nine months later).

Participants must complete CLIMB within two years.

What are the learning requirements to earn a Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business?

To earn a Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business, learners must successfully complete all four long courses, all three short courses, a capstone project, and peer learning activities.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework for each program in a thoughtful and timely manner. They must meet each week’s course module deadlines and fully answer the questions posed therein. In addition to module and assignment completion, learners should offer feedback on others’ reflections and contribute to conversations on the course platform. Participants who fail to complete each course’s requirements or the capstone will not receive a Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management.

How is CLIMB different from other offerings from HBS Online?

CLIMB is a selective cohort-based learning experience and HBS Online’s most comprehensive offering. The program enables new and experienced leaders to ignite their careers with a combination of essential and forward-looking business skills, self-reflection, and membership in a diverse global network of peers. Some professional experience is required for admission into the program, and participants will complete seven courses and a capstone project during the year-long program. Upon successful completion, participants will earn a Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business.

CORe is a business fundamentals program that combines Business Analytics, Economics for Managers, and Financial Accounting with a final exam. There is no experience requirement, and upon successful completion participants earn a Credential of Readiness.

Learning Tracks enable participants to take three courses within a specific subject area to gain expertise in that topic. Learning Tracks are a deeper dive into a subject area than a single course but less comprehensive than CLIMB, and participants earn a Certificate of Specialization .

Courses are HBS Online’s most targeted learning experience for those interested in a specific subject and shortest time frame (three to eight weeks). Participants earn a Certificate of Completion .

Will the long courses I take as part of the CLIMB curriculum count toward Learning Track requirements?

Yes, successfully completed long courses will count toward achieving a Certificate of Specialization from a Learning Track .

I’ve already completed a required course in the CLIMB curriculum. Do I have to retake it?

Participants who have already taken one or both of the required long courses (Leadership Principles and Business Strategy for the New Leaders path, and Organizational Leadership and Strategy Execution for the Experienced Leaders path) don’t have to retake the course. However, those participants will have access to the content if they’d like to review or redo any of the course. All participants, regardless of whether they’ve previously taken the course, will be expected to participate in peer learning team activities during that course. Please note that you will not earn an additional Certificate of Completion for a required long course that you completed separately before your CLIMB enrollment. There is no discount for CLIMB participants who have taken one or both of the required long courses listed above – all participants will pay the full CLIMB fee.

I’ve already completed one of the elective finance courses. Can I apply that toward my CLIMB curriculum?

Participants must select a finance elective that they have not already taken. If you’ve already completed all of the finance elective options but would still like to participate in the program, please contact our program advising team .

How should I list my Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business on my resume?

Once you've earned your Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business, list it on your resume like this:

Harvard Business School Online Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business Successfully completed Dynamic Teaming, Leading in the Digital World, Personal Branding, [and List Four Long Courses Taken] [Completion Year]

List your credential on your LinkedIn profile under "Education" as follows:

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you completed CLIMB] Degree: Other; Credential of Leadership, Impact, and Management in Business Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: “Complete” Activities and Societies: Leave blank

What kind of time commitment is required for CORe?

CORe is offered with multiple durations of study—ranging from 10-week cohorts to extended 17-week cohorts. However, the course content and program requirements are identical regardless of the program length. Our goal in offering different program lengths is to give learners different options to balance the program’s rigors with their particular lifestyle and responsibilities.

The median time required to complete the program is approximately 150 hours, though this learning time varies widely. Some participants spend more time on the platform to enhance their understanding of course concepts and share insights with peers. This time includes all coursework on the platform, including written reflections and quizzes, as well as engagement with peers. This does not include review work outside the platform or preparing for and taking the three-hour CORe final exam.

In the standard versions of CORe—10-week and 12-week cohorts—you should be prepared to spend more time per week on the program. Although we have smoothed out the workload as evenly as possible, you should expect that some weeks will require more work than others.

What is the difference between the undergraduate credit and noncredit versions of CORe?

During the January, May, and September CORe cohorts, we offer an undergraduate credit option through the Harvard Extension School. When you start your application, you can select whether you are seeking admission for the for-credit or non-credit option of CORe. The course content, deadlines, and grading process are all the same whether you choose to enroll in the undergraduate credit ($4,080) or credential-only ($2,500) version of CORe.

By enrolling in the undergraduate credit option of CORe, you will be enrolled at Harvard Extension School (January or September CORe cohorts) or Harvard Summer School (May CORe cohort) and eligible for student privileges like a Harvard University ID number (to access online library resources), free career and academic webinars, a Harvard Gmail account, and education tax credit and loan deferments.

Upon successful completion of CORe, undergraduate credit option participants will earn eight undergraduate credits from Harvard Extension School (January or September CORe cohorts) or Harvard Summer School (May CORe cohort). Harvard Extension School and Harvard Summer School are fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges—the same accreditation as all other schools at Harvard. Harvard transfer credit is accepted by institutions around the world, but it is always up to the accepting university to determine transferability. Successful undergraduate credit option participants will also receive a Credential of Readiness certificate from Harvard Business School Online, and an official transcript will be made available to verify your mastery of the program’s content.

The Harvard Extension School graduate program in the field of management or finance offers an accelerated admission pathway for students who pass CORe (in the for-credit or non-credit offering).

Financial aid and financing options available for CORe program participants also vary depending on whether participants have elected the undergraduate credit option or have enrolled in the non-credit version of the program. More information is available on the Payment & Financial Aid page .

Are there scholarships for CORe? How do I qualify?

CORe participants may be eligible for financial aid based on demonstrated financial need. To receive financial aid, you will be asked to provide supporting documentation. Please refer to our Payment & Financial Aid page.

Will my performance in CORe factor in to my admission to HBS?

Successful completion of CORe will help you prepare for an MBA program. While applicants to the MBA Program at HBS will have an opportunity to inform the Admissions Board of non-degree preparatory coursework (including CORe), this is one of many application elements and will be considered in the larger context of a holistic selection process.

Will my participation in CORe factor in to my admission to other graduate programs?

What are the policies for refunds, deferrals, and withdrawals.

Please refer to our Policies page .

What materials will I have access to after completing the Credential of Readiness program?

You will have access to the materials in every prior module as you progress through the program and prepare for the final exam. Access to course materials and the course platform ends 60 days after the final deadline in the program. At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary of the module’s key takeaways. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents.

How should I list my credential on my resume?

Once you've earned your Credential of Readiness, list it on your resume along with the date of completion like this:

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; CORe Credential of Readiness Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Pass," "Pass with Honors" or "Pass with High Honors" as applicable Activities and Societies: Leave blank

For the program description on LinkedIn, please use the following:

Description: CORe (Credential of Readiness) is a 150-hour certificate program on the fundamentals of business from Harvard Business School. CORe is comprised of three courses—Business Analytics, Economics for Managers, and Financial Accounting—developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

How are grades assigned in CORe?

How is course participation evaluated.

Your participation score will be based on the quality of your contributions across four areas:

  • Required in-course elements, such as in-course reflections, cold calls, and shared reflections
  • Peer Help (answering questions, sharing particularly interesting or creative observations, or even asking interesting questions)
  • CORe Connections assignments
  • Comments on others’ in-course responses and CORe Connections

Beyond the participation elements stated above, the quality of your contributions will be the most important determinant to assess how deeply and productively you have engaged with others, and hence will have an impact on your program grade.

Does my performance on "knowledge checks" count toward my course grade?

"Knowledge check" questions and interactive exercises are present throughout each of the courses. They were created to serve as opportunities for you to practice, test, and refine your understanding of the course material and, as such, do not "count" toward your course grade. Of course, we expect you to approach this element of participation with the same degree of care as you do other parts of the course participation. In addition, it is in your own interest to complete these questions thoroughly since some of them are good indicators of the types of questions to expect on module quizzes or the final exam.

Can my CORe final grade be converted into an A-F scale?

HBS Online provides the following grades for CORe: Pass with High Honors, Pass with Honors, Pass, and Fail.

We cannot draw equivalencies between our grading scale and an A-F grading scale. If you are an organization that requires proof of satisfactory completion to process reimbursements, any employee who earns a Pass (or higher) has met our requirements of mastery and should be considered eligible for reimbursement.

Can HBS Online provide an official transcript of my CORe grades?

Upon completion of the course, if you are asked for official verification of your completion of CORe by an employer or institution, you may order an official HBS Online transcript at any time via My Dashboard . This transcript represents your official academic record with HBS Online and is delivered electronically only over secure PDF. If you request a transcript, you are required to pay National Student Clearinghouse a small fee (~$5) to receive your transcript.

How is the final exam administered?

The CORe final exam is a three-hour, multiple-choice, closed book assessment created by HBS faculty and delivered via the HBS Online course platform. The exam is offered to participants after successful completion of the program during defined time periods following the last module deadline.

For more information, visit our CORe Final Exam page .

Where can I take the final exam?

Note: Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the current mode of delivery is subject to change. More details about exam delivery will be shared at the beginning of each cohort.

How long do I have to take the exam after I finish CORe?

The exam window generally opens one to two weeks after the last module deadline. The final exam window for each cohort is open for two weeks. A passing exam score on all three courses (Business Analytics, Economics for Managers, and Financial Accounting) is required in order to earn the CORe credential.

What are the learning requirements in order to successfully complete the course, and how are grades assigned?

Participants in Alternative Investments are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a thoughtful and timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s course module deadlines and fully answering questions posed therein. This helps ensure participants proceed through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. In addition to module and assignment completion, we expect you to offer feedback on others’ reflections and contribute to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Alternative Investments. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Alternative Investments?

You will have access to the materials in every prior module as you progress through the program. Access to course materials and the course platform ends 60 days after the final deadline in the program.

At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary highlighting key concepts and formulas used throughout the course. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents. We hope the module summary documents will serve as a helpful resource after you finish the course.

How should I list my certificate on my resume?

Once you've earned your Certificate of Completion, list it on your resume along with the date of completion:

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Alternative Investments [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Alternative Investments Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Description: Alternative Investments is a 5-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Alternative Investments teaches students how to speak the language of alternative investments, identity the defining elements of private equity, private debt, hedge funds, and real estate, assess potential investment opportunities, and understand the skills and strategies necessary for investing in alternatives. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Are there any prerequisites for Alternative Investments?

Participants should have completed an undergraduate-level introductory finance course or equivalent at some point during their education and possess a basic understanding of capital markets, portfolio theory, and risk and return.

Can I use this course for CFA Institute credit?

CFA Institute (including the Chartered Financial Analyst and Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement programs) allows its members the ability to self-determine and self-report continuing education credits earned from external sources. CFA Institute members are encouraged to self-document such credits in their online Professional Learning tracker.

How does the Business Analytics certificate program relate to the Credential of Readiness program?

In addition to being a standalone certificate program, Business Analytics is also one component course of the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program , which also includes Economics for Managers and Financial Accounting . Designed for those interested in learning business fundamentals more broadly, CORe program participants progress through the three courses in tandem, and the program concludes with a final exam.

What are the learning requirements in order to successfully complete Business Analytics, and how are grades assigned?

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a thoughtful and timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s deadline to complete a module of the course and fully answering questions posed therein, including satisfactory performance on the quizzes at the end of each module (earning an average score of 50% or greater). This helps ensure your cohort proceeds through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. A module is composed of a series of teaching elements (such as faculty videos, simulations, reflections, or quizzes) designed to impart the learnings of the course. In addition to module and assignment completion, we expect participation in the social learning elements of the course by offering feedback on others’ reflections and contributing to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on individual course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Business Analytics–participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

For more information on grading, please refer to the Policies Page .

Are there scholarships for Business Analytics? How do I qualify?

Business Analytics participants may be eligible for financial aid based on demonstrated financial need. To receive financial aid, you will be asked to provide supporting documentation. Please refer to our Payment & Financial Aid page .

What materials will I have access to after completing Business Analytics?

You will have access to the materials in every prior module as you progress through the program. Access to course materials and the course platform ends 60 days after the final deadline in the program. At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary of the module’s key takeaways. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Business Analytics [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Business Analytics Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Business Analytics is an 8-week, 40-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Business Analytics introduces quantitative methods used to analyze data and make better management decisions. Participants hone their understanding of key concepts, managerial judgment, and ability to apply course concepts to real business problems. Business Analytics was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning method.

How does HBS Online Business Analytics relate to the Harvard Business Analytics Program?

HBS Online Business Analytics and the Harvard Business Analytics Program are completely separate programs.

HBS Online Business Analytics consists of approximately 40 hours of material delivered entirely online through the HBS Online course platform over an eight-week period.

The Harvard Business Analytics Program is an online certificate program offered through a collaboration between Harvard Business School, the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The program consists of six core courses, two seminars, and two in-person immersions, and can be completed in as little as nine months.

How does Business Analytics differ from Data Science Principles and Data Science for Business?

These three courses cover different topics related to data and analytics and do so in different ways.

Business Analytics teaches participants to apply basic statistics to real business problems and includes hands-on practice implementing analyses in Excel. The course covers descriptive statistics, sampling and estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. The course is intended for individuals at all stages of their careers who would like to strengthen their analytical skills, including college students and recent graduates without a background in statistics, those considering an MBA or other graduate program, or professionals seeking data literacy.

Data Science Principles introduces key concepts in data science—such as prediction, causality, visualization, data wrangling, privacy, and ethics—but does so without coding or mathematical application. The course is intended for organizational leaders and managers to be prepared to act on data analysis and to decide whether data science applications are appropriate tools for their businesses or organizations. The course is also well suited for business operations specialists to understand the building blocks of basic data visualization.

Data Science for Business moves beyond the spreadsheet and provides a hands-on approach for demystifying the data science ecosystem and making you a more conscientious consumer of information. Starting with the questions you need to ask when using data for decision-making, this course will help you know when to trust your data and how to interpret the results. By the end of the course, you should understand how to create a data-driven framework for your organization or yourself; develop hypotheses and insights from visualization; identify data mistakes or missing components; and, speak the language of data science across themes such as forecasting, linear regressions, and machine learning to better lead your team to long-term success. You will learn how to create a compelling story that uses proven, collected data to make core business decisions, and explore coding environments such as R and visualization software.

Business and Climate Change participants are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a thoughtful and timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s course module deadlines and fully answering questions posed therein. This helps ensure your cohort proceeds through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. In addition to module completion, we expect participation in the social learning elements of the course by offering feedback on others’ reflections and contributing to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Business and Climate Change. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Business and Climate Change?

You will have access to the materials in every prior module as you progress through the program. Access to course materials and the course platform ends 60 days after the final program deadline.

At the end of each course module, you’ll be able to download a PDF summary highlighting key concepts introduced in the course. At the end of the program, you’ll receive a PDF compilation of all the module summary documents. We hope these serve as a helpful resource after you finish the course.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Business and Climate Change [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Certificate in Business and Climate Change Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank


Business and Climate Change is a 5-week, 25-30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. It offers professionals from diverse backgrounds economics- and science-based solutions and strategies to address climate change risks and opportunities through the lens of business.

Participants in Business Strategy are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a thoughtful and timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s course module deadlines and fully answering questions posed therein. This helps ensure your cohort proceeds through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. In addition to module and assignment completion, we expect participation in the social learning elements of the course by offering feedback on others’ reflections and contributing to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Business Strategy. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Business Strategy?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Business Strategy [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Business Strategy Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Description: Business Strategy is a 6-week, 30-35 hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Business Strategy equips professionals with a simplified framework they can immediately apply to create value for customers, employees, and suppliers while maximizing returns and an organization’s competitive edge. Participants learn to evaluate trade-offs and align, prioritize, and formulate strategic initiatives for the greatest business impact.

Participants in Design Thinking and Innovation are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Design Thinking and Innovation. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Design Thinking and Innovation?

At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary highlighting key concepts used throughout the course. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents. We hope the module summary documents will serve as a helpful resource after you finish the course.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Design Thinking and Innovation [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Design Thinking and Innovation Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Description: Design Thinking and Innovation is a 7-week, 40-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Design Thinking and Innovation will teach you how to leverage fundamental design thinking principles and innovative problem-solving tools to address business challenges and build products, strategies, teams, and environments for optimal use and performance.

The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

What is the project?

Beginning in Module 2 of Design Thinking and Innovation, you will apply the tools you learn in the course to an innovation problem that is important or interesting to you, or you can use a provided scenario. In subsequent modules, you will use your earlier responses to build on your innovation project and make each phase of design thinking relevant to your own work.

Do I need to collaborate with others to complete the project?

No, each individual submits their own work in Design Thinking and Innovation, and all project work can be submitted without sharing it with others in the course. You are encouraged to share with others and ask for feedback, but collaboration isn’t necessary to advance through the course.

Participants in Digital Marketing Strategy are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements, including the Adobe Data Driven Operating Model Simulation (one of the assignments), will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Digital Marketing Strategy. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

Can you tell me a little more about the budget allocation simulation?

The budget allocation simulation (Adobe Data Driven Operating Model Simulation) will be part of module 6 of the course. It is similar to a mini capstone experience, in that it encourages participants to draw on their knowledge from the rest of the course to make investment decisions in the simulation. It is the very same simulation included in the MBA program's required curriculum marketing course, and, while designed to be challenging, it is ungraded and assessed based on completion. We recommend budgeting approximately 1.5 hours to complete the simulation. Full instructions for how to complete the simulation will be provided to course registrants.

What materials will I have access to after completing Digital Marketing Strategy?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Digital Marketing Strategy [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Digital Marketing Strategy Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Digital Marketing Strategy is a 6-week, 35-40 hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Digital Marketing Strategy equips professionals with the tools, mindset, and trends to make decisions about digital marketing strategy and tactics, including how to position a product or service for success, acquire and engage customers, and measure both performance of near-term campaigns and longer-term customer value.

Participants in Disruptive Strategy are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Disruptive Strategy. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Disruptive Strategy?

At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary highlighting key concepts introduced in the course. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents. We hope the module summary documents will serve as a helpful resource after you finish the course.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Disruptive Strategy with Clayton Christensen [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Disruptive Strategy with Clayton Christensen Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Description: Disruptive Strategy with Clayton Christensen is a 6-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Disruptive Strategy helps students become fluent in disruption theory and gain confidence in articulating complex viewpoints, apply strategic frameworks to assess new opportunities and potential threats, and acquire techniques for executive-level strategy formulation and team management. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Will HBS Online continue to offer Disruptive Strategy?

Harvard Business School Online is saddened by the loss of acclaimed teacher, scholar, and innovator Clayton Christensen. Professor Christensen’s online Disruptive Strategy course has engaged thousands of learners and will continue to reach individuals worldwide. HBS Online worked closely with Professor Christensen on the development of the course and is honored to deliver Disruptive Strategy as part of his legacy.

How does the Economics for Managers certificate program relate to the Credential of Readiness program?

In addition to being a standalone certificate program, Economics for Managers is also one component course of the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program , which also includes Business Analytics and Financial Accounting . Designed for those interested in learning business fundamentals more broadly, CORe program participants progress through the three courses in tandem, and the program concludes with a final exam.

What are the learning requirements in order to successfully complete Economics for Managers, and how are grades assigned?

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a thoughtful and timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s course module deadlines and fully answering questions posed therein, including satisfactory performance on the quizzes at the end of each module (earning an average score of 50% or greater). This helps ensure your cohort proceeds through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. A module is composed of a series of teaching elements (such as faculty videos, simulations, reflections, or quizzes) designed to impart the learnings of the course. In addition to module and assignment completion, we expect participation in the social learning elements of the course by offering feedback on others’ reflections and contributing to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on individual course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Economics for Managers. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

Are there scholarships for Economics for Managers? How do I qualify?

Economics for Managers participants may be eligible for financial aid based on demonstrated financial need. To receive financial aid, you will be asked to provide supporting documentation. Please refer to our Payment & Financial Aid page .

What materials will I have access to after completing Economics for Managers?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Economics for Managers [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Economics for Managers Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Economics for Managers is an 8-week, 60-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Economics for Managers dives into fundamental economic principles like supply and demand, cost, markets, competition and differentiation. Participants gain the knowledge and skills needed to craft successful business strategy. Economics for Managers was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning method.

Participants in Entrepreneurship Essentials are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Entrepreneurship Essentials. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Entrepreneurship Essentials?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Entrepreneurship Essentials [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Entrepreneurship Essentials Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

For the program description on LinkedIn, please use the following: Entrepreneurship Essentials is a 4-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Entrepreneurship Essentials introduces participants to the entrepreneurial journey from finding an idea to gaining traction in the marketplace to raising capital for a venture. Participants learn an overarching framework—People, Opportunity, Context, Deal—to evaluate opportunities, manage start-ups, and finance ventures.

This course also introduces participants to the idea that entrepreneurs run structured experiments to validate ideas and refine business strategy. Participants work through real-world challenges faced by entrepreneurs across a variety of industries, and come away with tangible tools and techniques that they can apply to their own entrepreneurial journeys.

What is included in these lessons?

While sample business lessons offer a real and valuable learning insight, they are a quick glimpse into what the experience is like in our full certificate courses. We are adding new lessons regularly - check here for what is currently available: .

Will I earn a certificate by taking these sample business lessons?

You will not receive a certificate by taking these sample business lessons. You will instead have the opportunity to preview course content and experience HBS Online’s immersive, real-world learning model .

What is the process for signing up for sample business lessons?

You can sign up for sample business lessons at . Simply click on any lesson or the Sign In button, and you will be prompted to create an account. You can also visit to create your free lessons account.

I have an existing HBS Online account. Can I use those credentials to log in to sample business lessons?

If you already have an existing HBS Online account, you still have to sign up for a separate sample business lessons account. If you make any changes to your sample business lessons account credentials, they will not be carried over to your existing HBS Online account and vice versa.

I have already signed up for sample business lessons. How do I sign in?

If you have already signed up, you can sign in at .

How do I change my password for sample business lessons?

You can change your password at any time at .

If I decide to enroll in a full course after completing a featured lesson, will I need to retake that lesson?

Yes. You will not be able to skip a lesson if you decide to register for the full course.

Why did you choose these specific lessons?

These free, featured lessons teach core business concepts that can help you, your team, or organization achieve success.

Will taking these sample business lessons make me eligible for a past participant discount?

You will not be eligible for a past participant discount by completing one of these sample business lessons.

Why aren’t you offering one of your full courses for free?

We wanted to provide a free, helpful resource for all those who are interested in gaining new skills, while still honoring the hard work, dedication, and cost our 70,000 online learners have put into earning an HBS Online certificate or credential.

How does the Financial Accounting certificate program relate to the Credential of Readiness program?

In addition to being a standalone certificate program, Financial Accounting is also one component course of the Credential of Readiness (CORe) program , which also includes Economics for Managers and Business Analytics . Designed for those interested in learning business fundamentals more broadly, CORe program participants progress through the three courses in tandem, and the program concludes with a final exam.

What are the learning requirements in order to successfully complete Financial Accounting, and how are grades assigned?

More detailed information on individual course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Financial Accounting. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

Are there scholarships for Financial Accounting? How do I qualify?

Financial Accounting participants may be eligible for financial aid based on demonstrated financial need. To receive financial aid, you will be asked to provide supporting documentation. Please refer to our Payment & Financial Aid page .

What materials will I have access to after completing Financial Accounting?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Financial Accounting [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Financial Accounting Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Financial Accounting is an 8-week, 60-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. This course teaches the fundamentals of financial accounting from the ground up. Participants learn how to prepare and interpret financial statements—the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement—and calculate and interpret critical ratios. The course concludes with an introduction to forecasting and valuation. Financial Accounting was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning method.

What Financial Accounting course content changed with the 2021 updates?

Starting with the October 2021 wave, we have added two new cases to Financial Accounting: Mahindra Finance in Module 4 and Estee Lauder in Module 7. The Mahindra Finance case covers credit risk management, and the Estee Lauder case introduces lease accounting and the impact of recent changes in lease accounting standards. Professor Narayanan discusses the new material in this video . To accommodate the new material, some of the exercises related to forecasting and valuation in Module 7 will be optional starting with the October 2021 wave.

Why are the Harvard Online courses no longer on the HBS Online website?

You can now find all Harvard Online courses on the Harvard Online website . While these programs will still be delivered via HBS Online’s course platform, they’ve been moved to a separate website due to their interdisciplinary nature.

HBS Online will continue to focus on delivering business-focused certificate courses. The Harvard Online website will offer programs that combine faculty and disciplines from across the university—from the faculty of Arts and Sciences to Harvard Medical School and beyond.

Is my certificate from Harvard Online and HBS Online still valid?

Yes, your certificate is absolutely still valid. You don’t need to change how it’s presented on your resume or LinkedIn.

Will I remain a part of the HBS Online Community?

Those who completed a Harvard Online course before March 30, 2022 will remain active members of the HBS Online Community.

I completed Health Care Economics as part of the Strategy Learning Track. Am I still eligible to earn my Certificate of Specialization?

Yes. If you successfully completed Health Care Economics before March 30, 2022, the course will be counted toward earning your Certificate of Specialization in Strategy.

Am I eligible for a discount if I take a Harvard Online program?

Participants who took at least one Harvard Online program prior to March 1, 2022 were eligible to receive a past participant discount on HBS Online courses that started before August 1, 2022. For those interested in taking an HBS Online program on or after August 1, 2022, you will have to pay full price for the program.

What are the learning requirements in order to successfully complete the course and how are grades assigned?

Participants in Launching Tech Ventures are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a thoughtful and timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s course module deadlines and fully answering questions posed therein. This helps ensure your cohort proceeds through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. In addition to module assignment completion, we expect participation in the social learning elements of the course by offering feedback on others’ reflections and contributing to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Launching Tech Ventures. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Launching Tech Ventures?

Once you’ve earned your Certificate of Completion, list it on your resume along with the date of completion:

Harvard Business School Online Certificate of Launching Tech Ventures [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Launching Tech Ventures Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Launching Tech Ventures is a 5-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Launching Tech Ventures helps early-stage startups overcome management challenges across all aspects of their business model. Whether you’re a founder, startup employee, or investor, you’ll learn what’s needed to build a viable, valuable business that can scale and attract venture capital.

What’s the difference between Launching Tech Ventures and Entrepreneurship Essentials?

Entrepreneurship Essentials focuses on entrepreneurship in general and how to identify a startup idea, validate your business model and financially manage your company. Launching Tech Ventures focuses specifically on technology companies and the early strategic decisions that founders, joiners and VCs must make to find a viable business model that has product-market fit. The course covers business model assessment, using experiments to determine product-market fit, VC financing and ethical issues.

What are the learning requirements, and how are grades assigned?

Participants in Global Business are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Global Business. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after the course?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Global Business [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Global Business Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Global Business is a 4-week, 24-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Global Business provides a grounding in the economic, political, and social factors driving global change to help participants assess opportunities, manage risk, and create and capture value for their organization. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Participants in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Leadership, Ethics, and Corporate Accountability is a 6-week, 40-50 hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. It helps current and aspiring managers determine and deliver on their responsibilities to customers, employees, investors, and society, drawing on economic, legal, and ethical considerations.

What is the Leadership Principles prework?

Leadership Principles begins with a two-week prework period in which you’ll be asked to complete a self-assessment and invite colleagues, such as managers, peers, and direct reports, to complete a survey rating you on dimensions of emotional and social intelligence. The prework will take approximately one hour of your time and roughly 30 minutes for each colleague who participates. Your colleagues’ ratings will be kept confidential and anonymous.

The goal of this 360° assessment—and one of Leadership Principles’ primary learning objectives—is to help you gain greater self-awareness and insight into how peers and direct reports experience you along certain dimensions and how to adjust behavior along those dimensions for desired outcomes.

The 360° assessment is called the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI), and it is administered by Korn Ferry. The assessment provides insight into core interpersonal competencies that can be observed and assessed by others, and has been taken by more than 160,000 executives. These competencies can be developed and enhanced with practice, coaching, and feedback. Please note that, in response to recent sanctions, Korn Ferry will no longer provide services to individuals in Russia, starting in July 2022. If you take Leadership Principles from Russia, you won't be able to complete the ESCI or Personal Values Questionnaire. However, you'll still be eligible to complete the course successfully. Please contact the HBS Online Support Team for more information.

Upon successful completion of the prework—which requires obtaining ratings from at least two colleagues in addition to the self-assessment—you’ll receive a detailed report that provides insight into your emotional intelligence and how you’re perceived by others. Emotional intelligence is a central theme of the Leadership Principles course, and successfully completing the prework will greatly enhance your knowledge of both the course materials and your personal leadership.

Upon enrolling in Leadership Principles, we will provide more information on the prework process.

When does the Leadership Principles prework period begin?

The two-week prework period begins on the first day of the course. You don’t need to do anything to prepare prior to then, but you may wish to begin thinking about which colleagues you’ll ask to participate in the assessment. When you log in for the first time, you will be provided with the prework instructions.

How much time should I expect to spend on Leadership Principles?

The course begins with a two-week prework period in which you’ll be asked to complete a self-assessment and invite colleagues to rate you on dimensions of emotional and social intelligence. The prework will take approximately one hour of your time and roughly 30 minutes for each colleague who participates.

The course content is delivered over a four-week period after the prework concludes. You should expect to spend approximately seven to nine hours per week on the course content during the last four weeks of the program.

Participants in Leadership Principles are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Leadership Principles. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What is required for the video upload exercises?

At several points in Leadership Principles, you'll be presented with scenarios and asked to video record yourself reacting to various leadership challenges. These exercises have been developed to let you step into the shoes of decision-makers, gain insight into your leadership style, and practice techniques taught in the course. In these exercises, you'll have an opportunity to watch and reflect on your approach. For some of these exercises, you'll also participate in peer assessment, which will enable you to see how two fellow learners approached the same challenge and how two others viewed your leadership style. You can record yourself on a phone, computer, or other video recording device and will be asked to upload the video to the course.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Leadership Principles [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Leadership Principles Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: Complete Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Leadership Principles is a 6-week, 25-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Leadership Principles is designed to help individuals thrive as leaders, unleash the capabilities of others, and cultivate high-performing teams. This course leverages self-assessments, 360° feedback from colleagues, and the perspectives of fellow learners to enable participants to build greater self-awareness and enhance the versatility of their leadership style and approach. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Participants in Leading with Finance are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Leading with Finance. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Leading with Finance?

At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary highlighting key concepts and accounting and financial formulas used throughout the course. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents. We hope the module summary documents will serve as a helpful resource after you finish the course.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Leading with Finance [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program Degree: Other; Certificate in Leading with Finance Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Description: Leading with Finance is a 6-week, 40-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Leading with Finance helps students understand key financial levers that drive financial performance, examine how the capital markets work, develop a toolkit for making smart financial decisions, and gain the confidence to clearly communicate those decisions to both internal and external stakeholders. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Participants in Management Essentials are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

Participants are expected to fully complete all coursework in a timely manner. This will mean meeting each week’s course module deadlines and fully answering questions. This helps ensure your group proceeds through the course at a similar pace and can take full advantage of social learning opportunities. In addition to module and assignment completion, we expect participation in the social learning elements of the course by offering feedback on others’ reflections and contributing to conversations on the platform. Participants who fail to complete the course requirements will not receive a certificate and will not be eligible to retake the course.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Management Essentials. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Management Essentials?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Management Essentials [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Management Essentials Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank Description: Management Essentials is an 8-week, 35-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Management Essentials takes a distinctive, hands-on approach to management. Participants in this course learn to identify, understand, design, and shape critical organizational and managerial processes as a means of getting the work done.

The course focuses on four of the most essential processes for managers: decision-making, implementation, learning, and change. Participants work through real-world challenges faced by managers across a variety of industries, and come away with tangible tools and techniques that they can readily apply in their organizations to create higher quality, more efficient work.

Participants in Negotiation Mastery are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Negotiation Mastery. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What is the workbook?

Your workbook will be your personalized resource in which you capture key insights as you progress through the course. Your workbook will also be the basis for your Capstone assignment for the course, which includes several short essay questions that will help you reflect on what you’ve learned throughout the course, and consider how you will implement your new skills in future negotiations.

What materials will I have access to after completing Negotiation Mastery?

At the end of each course module, you will be able to download a PDF summary highlighting key concepts and techniques. At the end of the program, you will receive a PDF compilation of all of the module summary documents. In addition, you will also receive a personalized workbook that tracks your own performance, your lessons learned, and the feedback you received from fellow students. Together, we hope the module summary documents and workbook will be powerful resources to support your negotiation success in the months and years after you finish the course.

How do I prepare for each negotiation simulation?

In preparation for each negotiation, participants receive a role assignment, view a video that sets the stage, and confidential instructions on their role. To experience a full simulation, with a partner, participants are required to pass a readiness assessment—a short simple quiz intended to check that they know their role and are all set for the negotiation. Participants have two chances to pass the quiz.

Participants who do not pass the quiz will not be paired and will instead go through a modified standalone experience. They will read transcripts of the negotiation and provide coaching about how they would handle certain key decision points.

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Negotiation Mastery [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Negotiation Mastery Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

For the program description on LinkedIn, please use the following: Negotiation Mastery is an 8-week, 40-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Negotiation Mastery prepares students to close deals that might otherwise be dead-locked, maximize value creation in agreements, and resolve differences before they escalate into costly conflicts. The program provides both an analytical toolkit and interpersonal techniques for dealing effectively with different bargaining styles and tactics. Negotiation Mastery was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Participants in Organizational Leadership are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Organizational Leadership. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What is the Learning Path Tool?

The Learning Path Tool (LPT) is a 360-degree assessment developed at Harvard Business School to provide leaders with insights into key areas of competence essential for effective leadership. At the beginning of Organizational Leadership, you’ll be asked to complete a self-assessment and solicit feedback from colleagues, such as direct reports, clients, or managers, for the assessment. Upon successful completion of the LPT—which requires obtaining ratings from at least two colleagues (and ideally at least six)—you will receive a detailed report that provides insight into your leadership and how others experience you.

What materials will I have access to after completing Organizational Leadership?

Harvard Business School Online

Certificate in Organizational Leadership

[Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Organizational Leadership Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Organizational Leadership is a 7-week, 40-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Organizational Leadership equips experienced team leaders with the skills, strategies, and tools to set and communicate direction, influence through other managers, generate organizational alignment, drive innovation, and engineer change.

Are there scholarships for Power and Influence for Positive Impact? How do I qualify?

A limited number of scholarships are available for the course through the Harvard Kennedy School's Social Innovation + Change Initiative . Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need, current involvement in addressing a social problem(s), and a compelling rationale for how the course will accelerate their capacity for advancing social change. You can learn more about the scholarship and apply for it by visiting the Social Innovation + Change Initiative .

Participants in Power and Influence for Positive Impact are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Power and Influence for Positive Impact. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What is the Influence Style Exercise?

The Influence Style Exercise (ISE) is a 20-30-minute self-assessment designed to help you identify which influence styles and behaviors you use most frequently in various contexts. The ISE questionnaire was compiled by HBS faculty member Lakshmi Ramarajan and researcher Serenity Lee based on published research. The exercise is made available to participants in Module 3 of the course. Upon successful completion of the ISE, you will receive a report that provides insight into your influence style.

What materials will I have access to after completing Power and Influence for Positive Impact?

Certificate in Power and Influence for Positive Impact

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Power and Influence for Positive Impact Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank

Power and Influence for Positive Impact is a 6-week, 35-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Power and Influence for Positive Impact helps individuals at any stage of their career understand how power really works and develop their own power to gain influence and make an impact—within their professional relationships, organizations, and society at large.

Participants in Strategy Execution are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Strategy Execution. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Strategy Execution?

Certificate in Strategy Execution

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Strategy Execution Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank Description:

Strategy Execution is an 8-week, 45-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Strategy Execution equips current and aspiring managers with the tools, skills, and frameworks to allocate resources, measure performance, manage risk, and successfully implement strategy.

Participants in Sustainable Business Strategy are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Sustainable Business Strategy. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Sustainable Business Strategy?

Harvard Business School Online Certificate in Sustainable Business Strategy [Cohort Start Month and Year]

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Sustainable Business Strategy Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank Description: Sustainable Business Strategy is a 3-week, 15-20 hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Sustainable Business Strategy provides participants with the knowledge and tools to become a purpose-driven business leader. This course explores different business models that companies use to drive change and explains why purpose driven businesses are in the best position to tackle the world’s biggest problems. Participants learn how to influence management and other key stakeholders on the competitive advantages of being a purpose-driven firm, and how to make a difference by integrating values into strategy without sacrificing profit.

Will there be any team assignments?

Participants will be organized into small teams at the start of the course. These teams will be called upon throughout the course to participate in more personal discussions around specific topics. Team assignments will not be graded, but they are expected to be completed.

Participants in Sustainable Investing are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Sustainable Investing. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

What materials will I have access to after completing Sustainable Investing?

Certificate in Sustainable Investing

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Sustainable Investing Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank Description:

Sustainable Investing is a 6-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Sustainable Investing equips investment professionals and those in related fields with the insights, frameworks, and skills to evaluate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and measure and manage impact investments.

Are there any prerequisites for Sustainable Investing?

Participants should have completed an introductory finance course or equivalent at some point during their education and possess a basic understanding of investment management, capital markets, and asset classes.

Participants in Winning with Digital Platforms are eligible for a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Business School Online.

More detailed information on course requirements will be communicated at the start of the course. No grades are assigned for Winning with Digital Platforms. Participants will either be evaluated as complete or not complete.

Can you tell me a little more about the capstone?

The capstone activity involves applying the course concepts to a real-life startup platform company, Picabuu. Each module will culminate in a series of questions you’ll be asked to answer as if you were advising Picabuu on its platform strategy and challenges. Note, however, that no coursework you complete will actually be provided to the company.

What materials will I have access to after completing Winning with Digital Platforms?

Certificate in Winning with Digital Platforms

School: Harvard Business School Online Dates Attended: [The year you participated in the program] Degree: Other; Certificate in Winning with Digital Platforms Field of Study: Leave blank Grade: "Complete" Activities and Societies: Leave blank Description:

Winning with Digital Platforms is a 5-week, 30-35 hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Winning with Digital Platforms is designed for those who want to launch, scale, maintain, or work with a successful platform business. Participants explore platforms’ unique properties, opportunities, and risks and learn how to develop scalable strategies that deliver a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Apply for Enrollment Today

Whether you’re a college engineering major hoping to land a job in Silicon Valley, a recent law school grad preparing for your first job at a corporate law firm, or a seasoned business veteran preparing for the next stage of your career, we have the program you need.

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Combined Degrees

Earn two degrees in less time by pursuing a combined degree program

Contact the Combined Degree Program staff

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79 John F. Kennedy Street Littauer Building Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Broaden your insight with a second discipline

Our combined degree programs allow you to explore how to address the world’s most pressing challenges at the intersection of public policy and business, law, medicine, or design.

You will earn two degrees in less time through reduced coursework and residency requirements. For example, it would take four years to complete an MPA and MBA separately—two years for each degree. Combined degree candidates earn both degrees in three years.

Embarking on two degree programs can be rewarding but also challenging. Combined degree students commit to two programs at two institutions and graduate upon fulfilling the requirements for both degrees.

“By spending three years deeply exploring the public and private sectors, you’ll gain a unique agility to operate across sectors. It’s an incredibly holistic education that adds value to nearly any career path.” — Brandon Moore MPP/MBA 2025

About our combined degree programs

Joint degrees (mpp and mpa/id).

MPP  and  MPA/ID  students can pursue a joint degree involving carefully crafted and integrated coursework. You can choose between an MBA at  Harvard Business School  (HBS) or a JD at  Harvard Law School  (HLS).

HKS/HBS Joint Degree Program

As an HKS/HBS student, you spend your first year at HKS, your second at HBS, and split your final year between the two campuses. You must apply to HKS and HBS separately and be admitted to both in the same admissions cycle.

If you are interested in getting a first-hand account of the HKS/HBS joint degree student experience,  complete this brief form  to connect with a current student.

HKS/HLS Joint Degree Program

As an HKS/HLS student, you spend your first two years completing core courses at HKS and HLS—one year at each school. After that, you will be based at HLS and will take courses at HKS to complete your MPP or MPA/ID degree requirements. You can apply to both schools at the same time or apply to one while enrolled in the other. 

Capstone Seminar

Students in both joint degree programs must complete a capstone seminar, involving the  Policy Analysis Exercise  or  Second Year Policy Analysis  for HKS/HBS students and the Integrated Written Project for HKS/HLS students. 

Concurrent Degrees (MPP, MPA/ID, and MPA)

MPP ,  MPA/ID , and  MPA  students can pursue a concurrent degree in business, law, medicine, design, or another field—as long as it is:

  • A professional degree (for example, an MBA, MD, or JD; not a PhD or an academic master’s degree)
  • At least a two-year program
  • Completed at a partner institution (see our list below)

You can apply to HKS and the partner institution simultaneously or apply to one school while enrolled in your first year at the other. If you are already in medical school, you should apply to HKS during the admission cycle before you would like to enroll. 

As a concurrent degree student, you:

  • Weave together the two halves of your learning experience on your own
  • Will study at HKS and your other school throughout your degree program
  • Must complete at least three semesters at HKS
  • Cannot complete the course requirements for one degree before beginning coursework for the other
  • Will have reduced coursework and residency requirements, but the number and type of courses will depend on your degree program

Splitting Your Time

  • MPP and MPA/ID students spend a full academic year at HKS completing the core curriculum during the first or second year of the combined program, then split the final year between the two programs. 
  • MPA students can decide to split either their first or final year at HKS. If you split your first year, you must be in-residence at HKS for the fall semester.

Partner Institutions

Concurrent degree students pursue a second graduate degree at one of our partner institutions.

  • Harvard Divinity School (HDS)
  • Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
  • Harvard Medical School (HMS)
  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM)

If you are an HKS/HDS or HKS/GSD student, you spend a full year at each school in the first two years and one semester at each school for your final year. If you are an HKS/HMS or HKS/HSDM student, you spend a full academic year at HKS; after that, you will be based at HMS or HSDM and will take courses at HKS to complete your MPP, MPA/ID, or MPA degree.

Other Partner Institutions

  • MIT Sloan School of Management
  • Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
  • Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Berkeley Law, University of California
  • Columbia Law School
  • Duke University School of Law
  • Georgetown Law
  • New York University School of Law
  • Northwestern Pritzker School of Law
  • Stanford Law School
  • University of Michigan Law School
  • University of Pennsylvania Law School
  • Yale Law School

United States-based Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accredited schools.  See the school list here . 

Dual Degree (MC/MPA)

MC/MPA students can pursue a dual degree with the Geneva Graduate Institute.

You will spend your first year at the  Geneva Graduate Institute  studying in the  Master in International and Development Studies  Program. Your second and final year is spent at HKS in the  Mid-Career Master in Public Administration  Program, where you are part of an extraordinary cohort of accomplished and forward-looking professionals—all sharing the same commitment to public service.

You may apply to both programs at the same time or apply to HKS while enrolled at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

Featured combined degree stories

Fighting for equitable policies in health care.

LaShyra Nolen MPP/MD 2024 steps into the ring to fight for equitable policies in health care.

Designing the future of cities

Jorge Silva MPA/MUP 2018 focuses on the role of housing policy to create cities that thrive.

Seeking justice

An indefatigable defender of the powerless, Bryan Stevenson MPP/JD 1985 worked for decades to bring justice via the courtroom. 

Applying to a combined degree program

How to apply.

You must apply and be admitted to HKS and the partner institution. Being admitted to one program does not guarantee you admission to the other.

A complete application to HKS includes: 

  • Online application
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • If you are an HKS/HLS applicant, you may submit LSAT scores only if you are a first-year at HLS; however, you must submit a written request to the HLS admissions office to have your LSAT scores sent to HKS.  You must submit GRE or GMAT scores if you are an applicant not enrolled at HLS.
  • If you are an HKS/HMS applicant, you may submit your MCAT score rather than the GRE or GMAT; however, you must submit a written request to the HMS admissions office to have your MCAT scores sent to HKS. Contact the HKS admissions office if you are applying from medical schools other than HMS and do not have valid GRE or GMAT scores.
  • The MPA/ID Program does not accept LSAT or MCAT scores.
  • Academic transcripts
  • $100 application fee or waiver

Read more about how to apply .

The application for the 2025-2026 academic year will be available in September 2024.  There is one admission application deadline and one start date for each degree program per year. You may apply to only one master’s degree program per admissions cycle. 

Tuition & Fees

As a combined degree student, you will be charged HKS tuition and fees for the semesters you are enrolled at HKS. 

The cost of attendance for the 2024-2025 academic year is outlined in  Funding Your Master’s Education  to help you plan financially for our master’s degree programs. Living expense costs are based on residence in Cambridge. The 2025-2026 academic year rates will be published in March 2025. HKS tuition and fees are subject to change without notice. 

Financing your education is a partnership—we are here to help guide you. You are strongly encouraged to explore all  funding opportunities . If you are awarded financial assistance from HKS, this funding can only be applied while you are enrolled at HKS. 

Learn more about the HKS community

Student life, student stories, admissions & financial aid blog.

7-Week SSP & 2-Week Pre-College Program are still accepting applications until April 10, or earlier if all course waitlists are full. 4-Week SSP Application is closed.

Celebrating 150 years of Harvard Summer School. Learn about our history.

How to Jump-start Your Business Career in High School

Get a head start on your journey by exploring summer business programs for high school students.

Valerie Kirk

While it’s always good to take some time to rest and recharge after the end of the busy school year, summer is full of opportunities to stay active and meet new people, learn new skills, and explore new subjects.

This is especially true for rising juniors and seniors who plan to attend college. For students who want to further their education over the summer, many colleges and universities — including highly selective schools — offer summer programs for high school students. 

These programs can range from virtual classes with flexible schedules to full on-campus immersive experiences where high school students live in college dorm rooms, attend classes, and go on field trips.

Summer programs for high school students are offered on a wide range of subjects and disciplines — there is no shortage of options for high school students to find something that interests them. 

Students can take a variety of classes to explore potential career paths, like those in business, while also learning more about college life. This experience can give high school students a head start on selecting a college or university and determining a major.

Benefits of Taking a Summer Business Program for High School Students

If you are a high school student thinking about pursuing a career in business, there are many summer programs that cover a variety of business topics such as economics, marketing, entrepreneurship, and management. There are also many benefits to starting your business career journey in high school by enrolling in a summer business program.

Earn college credit in high school

You could earn college credit by taking college-level business classes in high school over the summer. Depending on the institution, you may have to go through the college admissions process to take these courses or participate in a dual enrollment program with your high school and the college. 

Earning college credit in high school could reduce the number of credits you will be required to take when you get to college, which can also help you earn your degree and start your career faster or open up room in your class schedule to do an internship.

Gain exposure to college-level academics

The jump from high school to college can be challenging. By enrolling in a summer college program while you are still in high school, you can experience the rigors of college academics before you start your first year, making the transition easier. 

At Harvard Summer School, high school students may apply to the for-credit Secondary School Program or non-credit Pre-College Program and, if accepted, take college-level business topic courses over summer.

Select a field of study

There are many career opportunities in business. By enrolling in a college business summer program, you can explore different business roles to see what interests you, which can also help guide which major you declare when you get to college. When you officially start college, you will already know what classes to focus on. 

Discovering what you want to study while in high school could also save you time and tuition expenses later in your education journey.

Improve your college application

Completing a college business program while in high school may elevate your college application and help you stand out to college admissions officers, especially if you are applying to a highly selective business program or school of business.

Build your network

High school students who attend college programs come from a wide range of backgrounds and geographic locations. By participating in a summer business program, you will meet people and make friends who will become part of your growing network, which could lead to future job opportunities, professional connections, and recommendations .

Our complete guide on college summer school Learn everything you need to know

Grow Your Business Soft Skills Over the Summer

According to the United States Department of Labor , today’s employers view soft skills as more important to work readiness than job-specific hard skills. A recent LinkedIn Global Talent Trends report noted that 89% of recruiters say when a hire doesn’t work out, it comes down to a lack of soft skills.

In addition to gaining valuable business knowledge, college summer programs can help you sharpen these critical soft skills. Students in business summer programs practice:

Communication skills 

Today’s business world is complex, and business professionals must be able to navigate different situations with effective communication skills. 

Summer business programs like the Harvard Summer School’s Pre-College Summer School Program for High School Students offer courses on improving public speaking and persuasion abilities . Other courses include projects where students develop communication skills while working in teams. 

All programs offer multiple opportunities for students to practice different elements of communication to help you grow this critical skill.

Teamwork skills 

High school students who attend summer business programs come from different cultures and backgrounds. Summer business programs often include team activities and the coursework may require you to work with a diverse range of students. 

Time management skills

The work presented in summer programs is often condensed, which may require you to build more study time into your schedule. If you participate in an immersion program, it could be your first time away from home and on a college campus, so you’ll likely want to get out and explore your new environment. 

To balance studying, socializing, and making the most of the summer college program experience, you will need to develop strong time management skills . 

Leadership skills

Every field of business requires strong leadership skills. Whether you aim to become a CEO, a manager, or any other career in business, each role will involve motivation, critical thinking, problem solving, and more. Each of these skills contribute to effective leadership. 

At a summer business program, you will learn how to hone your strengths in leadership and how to apply them.

Personal branding

One major component of business is branding, from marketing to social media. Developing your own personal branding in high school can give you a head start not only in practicing how to apply branding in professional environments, but also in sharing with the world what makes you unique.

Business Courses at Harvard Summer School

Harvard Summer School offers high school students two opportunities to explore subjects that interest them. Harvard Summer School’s Pre-College Program is a non-credit two-week residential program designed to give high school students a glimpse of college life on the Harvard campus.Harvard’s 4- and 7-Week Secondary School Program offers for-credit courses in a residential, online, or commuting format to fully immerse students in the college experience.

Students take college-level courses alongside peers from around the world taught by Harvard faculty and renowned visiting faculty.The majority of classes have less than 25 students. 

Harvard Summer School offers courses in economics , digital media , management and leadership , and effective speech .

Each course involves case studies that address real-world problems or other materials to deepen your understanding of these key business topics.

Who Should Enroll in a Summer Business Program ?

Because college programs are often designed and taught by scholars, summer programs are best suited for highly motivated and mature students who excel academically. 

Some courses offer college credit and others are non-credit classes, but they are still immersive. Students should want to study and engage with classmates and teachers throughout every course they choose to take over the summer. 

Learn more about whether Harvard Summer School is right for you!

Enroll in Harvard Summer School’s Programs for High School Students

Applications open in December for Harvard Summer School’s Pre-College and Secondary School Programs. Both programs are open to rising juniors and seniors; graduating seniors may apply to the Secondary School Program.

Learn more about the business courses and all of the other subjects available during each session along with how to apply . 

Explore summer programs for college students

About the Author

Valerie Kirk is a freelance writer and corporate storyteller specializing in customer and community outreach and topics and trends in education, technology, and healthcare. Based in Maryland near the Chesapeake Bay, she spends her free time exploring nature by bike, paddleboard, or on long hikes with her family.

How High School Students Can Set — and Accomplish — Their Goals

Setting and achieving goals can contribute to developing skills for future success.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at Harvard University is dedicated to bringing rigorous academics and innovative teaching capabilities to those seeking to improve their lives through education. We make Harvard education accessible to lifelong learners from high school to retirement.

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How to Get Your Resume Noticed (And Out of the Trash Bin)

  • Kristi DePaul

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Five ways to catch a recruiter’s attention.

Eye-tracking research has shown that an HR professional will review your resume for a mere seven seconds, and companies are increasingly using automation to screen resumes.

  • The days of sending a generic CV are out. You need to be able to stand out and make the connection that lands an interview.
  • Experts share five fresh and practical ways you can do this: 1) Outsmart the robots; 2) Show off your skills; 3) Don’t restrict your work experience to just “work”; 4) Let the numbers do the talking; and 5) Keep your cover letter personal.

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Where your work meets your life. See more from Ascend here .

How long does it take a recruiter to decide if you’re right for a job? It’s actually around seven seconds, according to eye-tracking research. To put that into perspective, close your eyes and take two deep breaths. That’s the time, on average, hiring managers spend skimming your resume, sizing up your history, hopes, and dreams before either tossing it into the trash or moving you to the next round of the application process.

  • KD Kristi DePaul is a content creator whose writing on career navigation and personal branding has appeared in international outlets and has been cited by prominent think tanks and universities. She is founder and principal at Nuanced, a thought leadership firm for executives, and serves as CEO of Founders , a fully remote content agency focused on the future of learning and the future of work. She earned a master’s degree from the H. John Heinz III College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University.

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    A resume is a concise, informative summary of your abilities, education, and experience. It should highlight your strongest assets and skills, and differentiate you from other candidates seeking si…

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    Learn how to write a resume or CV for different purposes and audiences, with tips and resources from Harvard FAS. Find templates, guides, examples, and videos for Harvard College, Harvard Extension, and Harvard Griffin GSAS students.

  3. How to Use the Harvard Resume Template (Guide and Examples)

    How to format your education section on a Harvard resume. Harvard Business School, Boston, MA Master of Business Administration 20XX. GPA: 4.0; Magna Cum Laude graduate; Thesis: "Analyzing Strategies for Increasing DEI in Business Leadership" Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Bachelor of Arts in Economics 20XX. GPA: 3.9; Summa Cum Laude ...

  4. PDF Harvard College Guide to Resumes & Cover Letters

    Always use your @college email account and check it frequently, even if you have enabled forwarding. Resume Sample. Firstname Lastname. If an employer asks for your SAT/ ACT scores or GPA, include in your Education section. 17 Main Street • Los Angeles, CA 92720 • [email protected] • (714) 558-9857.

  5. How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

    How to Write a Resume That Stands Out. by. Paige Cohen. May 23, 2022. Post. Post. PC. Paige Cohen (they/them) is a senior editor at Ascend. Post.

  6. What Makes a Great Resume?

    Rather, work on converting it into a document that conveys what truly motivates you as a professional. Start by creating a back-office version of your resume. Write down an unedited list detailing ...


    Resume guidelines can vary from country to country. See our . international resources at our website. RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS. ... HARVARD UNDERGRADUATE WOMEN IN BUSINESS (WIB) Cambridge, MA. Executive Committee Member . February 2020 - Present. Organized marketing and advertising campaign to increase membership. ...

  8. Resumes & Cover Letters

    Your resume and cover letter are opportunities to market yourself to potential employers. This page offers resources to help you stand out in a sea of applicants. Resumes: What You Need to Know. The resume is an opportunity to market yourself to a prospective employer. ... Harvard Business School Teele Hall Soldiers Field Boston, MA 02163

  9. How to Write a Résumé That Stands Out

    Post. It can be hard to know how to make your resume stand out. Start by accepting that it's going to take some time and effort. Don't try to sit down and knock it out in an hour - you're ...

  10. PDF Resumes & Cover Letters for Student Master's Students Graduate

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Office of Career Services. 8/21. Office of Career Services Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: (617) 495-2595 Resumes and Cover Letters.

  11. PDF CVs and Cover Letters

    Harvard University • Harvard College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 54 Dunster Street • Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: (617) 495-2595 • ... Unlike a resume, there is no page limit, but most graduate students' CVs are two to five pages in length. Your CV may get no more than thirty seconds of the reader ...

  12. How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Make yours stand out by using a modern (but not too funky) font, layout, color palette, and punchy copy. A unique twist or fresh look and feel on your resume could be what catches the hiring manager's eye. 4. Action Speaks Louder than Words.

  13. How to Write a Resume That Stands Out

    Abbreviate months of employment. Include proper contact information. Most people include full name, address, email address and at least one phone number at the top of the document. Tip 6: Revision and Review . One of the most important steps to writing a good resume is having others you trust look it over.

  14. Harvard Griffin GSAS CV & Cover Letter Guide

    Harvard College Resumes & Cover Letter Guide; Harvard Griffin GSAS PhD Resume & Cover Letter Guide; ... Harvard College Guide to Applying to Business School; Harvard College Guide to the Nonprofit Job Search; Financing a Medical Education; Premedical Information for Harvard Students: Timelines, Courses, & Resources 2023-2024 ...


    ACTION VERBS: ORGANIZED BY SKILL SET. Addressed Advertised Arbitrated Articulated Authored Collaborated Communicated Condensed Conferred Consulted Contacted Conveyed Convinced Corresponded Debated Elicited Enlisted Formulated Furnished Influenced Informed Interacted Interpreted Combined Composed Conceptualized Condensed Created Customized ...

  16. Harvard Resume Examples, Templates & Tips

    For employment — focus on your job-relevant skills, experience and coursework. For postgraduate studies — focus on your academic experiences and coursework. Choose a Harvard resume template. Create a contact section with current information. Build a summary statement to highlight your skills and experiences.

  17. Access Resumes

    View resumes directly in the Database or download resumes to share with your team, then reach out directly to students and alumni. Personalize your outreach to individual students to maximize your effectiveness and establish genuine connections. ... Harvard Business School Wilder House Boston, MA 02163 Phone: 1.617.495.6232 Email: [email protected].


    HARVARD UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SCHOOL . 2014 - 2016 Master of Liberal Arts, Management • Recipient of Dean´s List Academic Achievement Award • Selected for the Venture Incubation Program at Harvard Innovation Lab and winner of Stretch Award 2016. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO . 2001- 2006 Bachelor of Business Administration in ...

  19. Resumes

    The Ethics of Resume Writing. You are an up and coming leader and have just found the perfect stretch job opportunity. How much can you "dress up" your resume to make yourself as strong a ...


    recommended early in your career), while resumes are typically 1-2 pages long. What's the same between a resume and a CV? Both resumes and CVs need to be tailored to your audience. For example, highlight your leadership experiences when applying to a management level position; emphasize your business or consulting

  21. Frequently Asked Questions

    That said, your LinkedIn profile will automatically change to Harvard Business School Online, as long you chose the pre-set HBX credential when you originally added it to your profile. If you didn't choose that option, you may manually update your LinkedIn profile and/or resume to reflect the new Harvard Business School Online name.

  22. Building Your Resume for Industry

    REGISTER Speaker: Lauren Celano, MBA, Founder and CEO, Propel Careers Description: This talk focuses on how to highlight experiences and skills on a resume and the importance of tailoring this document for specific roles.This talk provides examples of skills and experiences that should be emphasized for different types of roles including bench research roles, non-bench research roles, business ...

  23. Combined Degrees

    MPP and MPA/ID students can pursue a joint degree involving carefully crafted and integrated coursework. You can choose between an MBA at Harvard Business School (HBS) or a JD at Harvard Law School (HLS).. HKS/HBS Joint Degree Program. As an HKS/HBS student, you spend your first year at HKS, your second at HBS, and split your final year between the two campuses.

  24. Switching Careers? Here's How to Write a Strong Resume

    Begin the resume with a personal statement. This is a short description about who you are, your reasons for changing your career, your new goals, how your previous experience can be transferred to ...

  25. How to Jump-start Your Business Career in High School

    Business Courses at Harvard Summer School. Harvard Summer School offers high school students two opportunities to explore subjects that interest them. Harvard Summer School's Pre-College Program is a non-credit two-week residential program designed to give high school students a glimpse of college life on the Harvard campus.Harvard's 4- and ...

  26. How to Get Your Resume Noticed (And Out of the Trash Bin)

    Experts share five fresh and practical ways you can do this: 1) Outsmart the robots; 2) Show off your skills; 3) Don't restrict your work experience to just "work"; 4) Let the numbers do the ...