The Janmat Times

How to Start Mehendi Business | महंदी के बिजनेस की कैसे करें शुरुआत

How to Start Mehendi Business

Mehendi Business आज के दौर में महिलाएं अपने मेकअप में कई तरह के प्रोडक्ट (How to start a henna Cone Business) को इस्तेमाल करती हैं। ये महिलाएं काफी समय से लिप्सटिक, नेलपोलिश औऱ पाउडर का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। महिलाओं को बाल से लेकर फेस तक मेकअप करने के बाद रहना काफी पसंद आता है। क्योंकि महिला को सजकर रहना ही अच्छा लगता है। वेसे मेकअप करने का भी कई तरह से इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

आज के दौर में हर किसी को मेहंदी का इस्तेमाल करना पसंद आता है। वहीं प्राकृति की चीजों का इस्तेमाल करने के बाद महंदी तैयार करते हैं। ये मेंहंदी हमको पेड़ पर आराम से मिलती है। पेड़ के पत्तों को पीसने के बाद हम मेहंदी का आसानी से इस्तेमाल करते हैं।

हम बहुत अच्छे ( Mehendi Business) अच्छे डिजाइन करने के बाद इसको हाथों पर लगाकर सजावट करते हैं। ये देखने में भी काफी बेहतर लगता है। इसके अलावा हम इसका इस्तेमाल देखा जाए तो कई तरह की चीजों में कर सकते हैं। हम इसको बालों पर लगाकर बालों को पोषण से भर सकते हैं। ये हमारे बालों के लिए काफी फायदेमंद हो जाता है।

Table of Contents

मेहंदी लगाकर बढ़ती है हाथों की शोभा

अगर हम मेहंदी लगाते हैं तो इसकी मदद से हम हाथों को बढ़ाकर ( How much time it takes to learn Mehendi) काफी फायदा ले सकते हैं। ये हमारे हाथों के लिए कफी बेहतर विकल्प माना जाता है। शाहीम में लड़कियों को मेहंदी लगाना पसंद आता है। इन मेहंदी का इस्तेमाल 12 महीने करते हैं। इस महंदी का इस्तेमाल को भारत की संस्कृति से भी जोड़ा गया है। हमारे यहाँ मेहंदी लगाने का रिवाज होता है। हर दुल्हन अपने हाथों में मेहंदी जरुर लगाकर अपनी खूबसूरती में चकाचौंद बढ़ाना शुरु करती है।

mehndi business plan in hindi

हमारे यहाँ तरह तरह के फंक्शन होते हैं ( Mehendi Business ) जैसे पार्टी, शादी, बर्थडे पार्टी, पूडा और मेला आदि का फंक्शन का आयोजन होता है। हम अपने हाथों में मेहंदी लगाकर खुशी का इजहार होता है। कुछ लोगों को इसका करने का अवसर मिल जाता है।

ऐसे कई लोग होते हैं जिनको बिजनेस करने का शौक होता है और कम पैसों में अधिक मुनाफा कमाने की योजना बना रहे हैं तो ये जानकारी उनके लिए काफी फायदेमंद होता है। आज हमको देखना होगा कि बिजनेस को शुरु करने के बाद कई तरह से मालामाल हो सकते हैं।

मेहंदी का बिजनेस की शुरुआत में इतनी किया जाता है निवेश

मेहंदी का एक बिजनेस होता है जो आप आसानी (How much time it takes to learn Mehendi) के साथ करने के बाद लाखों की कमाई कर सकते हैं। 15 से 20,000 रुपये तक लगाने के बाद बिजनेस को शुरु किया जा सकता है। ये मेेहंदी के बिजनेस को कोई भी शुरु करने के बाद फायदा उठा सकता है।

इस बिजनेस को छोटे से कमरे के साथ शुरु किया जा सकता है। वहीं इसमें निवेश भी कोई अधिक नहीं करना होता है। ये काफी हद तक आप लघु व्यवसाय के नाम से भी जानते हैं। जिसका उपयोग घर पर रहकर ही किया जाता है।

मेहंदी के बिजनेस में किन चीजों की होती है जरुरत (How to Start Mehendi Business)

मेहंदी के बिजनेस को शुरुआत काफी आसान हो जाता है। इसको शुरु करना है हो आपको एक मशीन की जरुरत पड़ जाती है। वहीं मेहंदी को पेस्ट करने के बाद पेस्ट की पैकिंग भी करने में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। ये मशीन की साइज काफी कम होता है जिसको आपको घर में रखकर ही इस्तेमाल करना काफी सुविधाजनक हो जाता है।

महंदी लगाने वाले बिजनेस के इतनी हो सकती है कमाई

अगर आप महंदी का बिजनेस शुरु कर रहे हैं तो कुछ बातों का ध्यान रखना अहम होता है। इस बिजनेस को शुरु करने से पहले अपना बजट चेक करना होता है। आज के दौर में शादी या किसी भी फंक्शन में मेहंदी लगाना का दौर जरुर हमेशा से रहा है। हर तरह की महिलाएं मेहंदी लगाकर स्वंय को तैयार करती में विश्वास रखती हैं। मेहंदी का ट्रेंड काफी तेजी से बढ़ना शुरु हो गया है। इस बिजनेस को शुरु करने के बाद काफी कमाई करना भी आसान हो जाता है।

महंदी लगाने के बिजनेस में इन बातों का रखें ध्यान

  • महंदी लगाने का काम काफी मुश्किल होता है। केवल कला में माहिल लोग की इसका इस्तेमाल करने के बाद फायदा उठा सकते हैं।
  • आपको कस्टमर के घर जाने के बाद भी मेहंदी लगाने का आर्डर मिल जाता है। कस्टरम से संपर्क बनाने के लिए उनके घर भी जाते रहे।
  • कस्टमर को अधिक मेहंदी डिजाइन के विकल्प से फायदा मिल जाता है।
  • मेहंदी के चार्ज के बारे में ग्राहक को लगाने के पहले बता दें ताकि बाद में कोई दिक्कत ना खड़ी हो।
  • अगर कही जा रहे हैं तो सबसे अलग-अलग चार्ज नहीं करना चाहिए। जिसका मतलब है कि एक की चार्ज को सबसे वसूल सकते हैं।
  • अगर आप किसी के घर मेहंदी के लिए पहुंचते हैं तो उसको एडवांस जमा करने का विकल्प दे सकते हैं।
  • ग्राहक से अच्छे रिलेशन बनाने के लिए काफी उचित रेट पर महंदी लगाएं।
  • महंदी लगाने का काम कभी भी जल्दबाजी में नहीं करना चाहिए।

मेहंदी के बिजनेस में पार्लर का करें इस्तेमाल (Mehendi Business)

आपको महंदी लगाने वाला बिजनेस शुरु करने के बाद पार्लर की जरुरत होती है। बिना इसके आप बिजनेस को बढ़ा नहीं सकते हैं। इसके लिए आपको सभी लोगों से संपर्क बनाना जरुरी हो जाता है। सबसे पहले आपको पार्लर जाना होगा जिसके बाद आपके लिंक बनना शुरु हो जाते हैं। जब आपकोे लोग जानने लगते हैं तो आपका बिजनेस भी आसानी के साथ सुधरने लगता है।

ये बिजनेस कम लागत में करने वाला एक शानदार काम है जिसको कम लागत में करने के बाद काफी मुनाफा कमाकर लाखों में कमाई करना आसान हो जाता है।

मेहंदी बिजनेस के लिए शुरु करें वेबसाइट

अगर आपको महंदी (Mehendi Business) का बिजनेस सुधार करना है तो इसके लिए आपको वेबसाइट ( How to get Mehendi Orders online ) बनाना भी अहम माना जाता है। ये वेबसाइट पर आपके आर्डर बुक करने का विकल्प करने के बाद आप काफी लोगों के पास आनलाइन तौर पर पहुंच सकते हैं। ये बिजनेस के लिए आपकी पहचान होना काफी अहम हो जाता है।

इन सब बातों का ध्यान देने के बाद महंदी के बिजनेस की शुरुआत काफी फायदेमंद हो सकती है। ये आपके काफी सहायक हो जाती है। आपको कई अधिक गुना कमाई में भी सहायता करती हैं।

यह भी पढ़ें-मास्क का बिजनेस इस तरह करें शुरु

mehndi business plan in hindi

अंज़र हाशमी ने जामिया मिल्लिया इस्लामिया से पत्रकारिता में पीजी डिप्लोमा किया है। इनको बिजनेस, स्पोर्टस, लाइफस्टाइल पर लिखने के साथ इंटरटेंमेन्ट पर लिखना पसंद है जिसका पत्रकारिता में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान रहता है। इनको हमेशा से सच्चाई के साथ स्टोरी को प्रस्तुत करना उचित लगता है। इनका मानना है कि मैहनत, लगन और पढ़ाई लिखाई से मनुष्य बेहतर होता है और स्वंय को बेहतर पत्रकार बना सकते हैं। इनके अनुसार जीवन में मुश्किलों को झेलकर ही जीवन समझने का अवसर मिलता है। इन्होंने ब्रीफ्ली न्यूज़, गोया न्यूज़, टाइम्स बुल और आवाज़ न्यूज ऐप में कार्य करने के अलावा ज़ी न्यूज़ में इंटर्नशिप की है। अभी ये जनमत टाइम्स में संपादक के रुप में कार्यरत हैं।

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10 Steps to Creating a Successful Mehndi Business Plan

Creating a successful business plan is essential for any business, and a Mehndi business is no exception. A well-thought-out and comprehensive business plan will not only help you to secure funding and investment, but it will also help guide your business in the right direction and set a clear path for your future success. In this article, we will explore 10 steps to creating a successful Mehndi business plan.

Step 1: Executive Summary The first step in creating a successful Mehndi business plan is to write a compelling executive summary. This is a summary of the entire plan, including your business idea, target market, unique selling proposition, and financial projections. The executive summary should be concise and clearly outline the key points of your business plan.

Step 2: Company Description In this section, you will provide a detailed description of your Mehndi business. This includes the name of your business, its legal structure, location, and the services it will offer. You should also outline your target market and your unique selling proposition. This section of the business plan should give the reader a clear understanding of what your Mehndi business is all about.

Step 3: Market Analysis The market analysis section of your business plan is crucial for understanding the demand for Mehndi services in your target market. You will need to conduct thorough research on the Mehndi industry, including potential competitors, target demographics, and market trends. This will help you to identify potential opportunities and challenges that your Mehndi business may face.

Step 4: Organization and Management In this section, you will outline the organizational structure of your Mehndi business, including the roles and responsibilities of key team members. You should also include information about any key partners or suppliers that your business will rely on. This section is important for demonstrating to potential investors or lenders that your Mehndi business has a strong and capable team in place.

Step 5: Marketing and Sales Strategy The marketing and sales strategy section of your business plan is where you will outline how you plan to attract and retain customers for your Mehndi business. This may include details on your pricing strategy, promotional activities, and advertising channels. You should also outline your sales targets and how you plan to achieve them.

Step 6: Product Line This section is where you will provide detailed information about the products and services that your Mehndi business will offer. This may include information about the different types of Mehndi designs you will offer, as well as any additional services such as bridal Mehndi or Mehndi parties. You should also include information about your pricing strategy and any potential future product developments.

Step 7: Funding Request If you are seeking funding or investment for your Mehndi business, this section of your business plan is where you will outline your funding requirements. You should include details on how much funding you require, the purpose of the funding, and how you plan to use the funds. This section should also include detailed financial projections for your Mehndi business, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

Step 8: Financial Projections The financial projections section of your business plan is where you will outline your projected financial performance for your Mehndi business. This should include detailed income projections, cash flow forecasts, and balance sheet projections. You should also include any assumptions that you have made in creating your financial projections.

Step 9: Appendix The appendix is an optional section of your business plan where you can include any additional information that is relevant to your Mehndi business. This may include resumes of key team members, market research data, or any other supporting documents.

Step 10: Review and Revise The final step in creating a successful Mehndi business plan is to review and revise it thoroughly. It is important to have someone else, such as a mentor or business advisor, review your business plan before finalizing it. This will help to ensure that your business plan is comprehensive, accurate, and well-written.

Q: How long should my Mehndi business plan be?

A: The length of your business plan will depend on the complexity of your Mehndi business and your specific needs. Typically, a business plan can range from 15 to 30 pages, but it’s important to focus on quality over quantity.

Q: Do I need a business plan if I’m not seeking funding?

A: Yes, having a business plan is important even if you are not seeking funding. A business plan will help you to clarify your business goals and strategies, as well as provide a roadmap for the future growth of your Mehndi business.

Q: Can I use a template to create my Mehndi business plan?

A: While using a template can be a good starting point, it’s important to customize your business plan to fit the specific needs and goals of your Mehndi business. A generic template may not accurately represent your business and its unique selling proposition.

Q: How often should I update my business plan?

A: It’s important to review and update your business plan regularly, especially if your Mehndi business experiences any significant changes or developments. Some experts recommend reviewing your business plan at least once a year to ensure that it remains relevant and accurate.

Q: Can I create a successful Mehndi business without a business plan?

A: While it is possible to start a Mehndi business without a formal business plan, having a well-thought-out and comprehensive plan is essential for long-term success. A business plan will help you to clarify your goals, identify potential challenges, and set a clear path for the future growth of your Mehndi business.

In conclusion, creating a successful Mehndi business plan is essential for any entrepreneur looking to start a Mehndi business. By following these 10 steps and including a comprehensive business plan in your Mehndi business, you will have a clear roadmap for success and be better positioned to secure funding or investment.

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henna powder making business

How to Start a Profitable Henna Powder (Mehndi) Manufacturing Business

Do you want to initiate a henna powder-making business or simply a henna plant? If YES, find here a comprehensive business plan checklist of Mehendi manufacturing. Also, the article includes market potential, industrial analysis, raw materials machinery requirement, and production process.

Generally, henna comes under the beauty and cosmetics industry. Also, the product has diversified usage. Basically, women in almost all age groups use henna or Mehendi for beautifying their hands, and legs. Also, the henna powder is a great hair conditioner. And it helps to color the hair too. So, it is also a herbal hair dye.

If you live in the henna leaves-producing area, then only you can consider initiating this business. In India, northwestern states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Punjab hold a major share in producing henna leaves.

Depending on your investment capacity and intended production output, you can initiate a henna powder-producing business on a small and medium scale basis.

Table of Contents

Henna Powder Manufacturing Project Plan Guide

Here are the 8 Steps to Start a Henna/mehndi manufacturing plant business with cost, licenses, profit, and manufacturing process:

1. Henna Powder Market Potential

First of all, henna powder has both domestic and international market demand. Henna or Mehendi is a well-known product in Asia Pacific countries. In addition to that, some of the major Henna importing countries are the USA, Australia, Canada, UAE, Russia, and European countries.

In earlier days, women use henna only on an occasional basis. Nowadays, the product has growing demand throughout the year. Apart from henna body art, it is an essential item in hair care. Basically, it helps to nourish the hair. Hence, initiating a henna plant is a highly lucrative small-scale manufacturing business in the herbal industry.

2. Business Registration & License Needed for Setting up Henna Manufacturing  Plant

As henna comes under herbal cosmetics , the manufacturing needs different licenses and permits. However, the specific requirements vary highly depending on the location where you are initiating the plant.

Also, it varies depending on the end-use of your product. So, you must consult with a local small business consultant about the necessity of the specific permissions.

In general, you must register your business first. And only after that, you can apply for MSME Udyog Aadhaar registration and Trade License. Also, obtain a NOC from the state Pollution Control Department.

Presently GST registration is a must to run a manufacturing business in India. If you want to sell the product in the international market, then you must apply for an IEC number.

3. Cost of Starting a Henna Powder Manufacturing Business

The cost of starting a Henna or Mehendi manufacturing plant will largely depend on the scale of production and the features of the machine you are looking forward to. For example, a pulverized machine which is a must in this business will cost in the range of Rs25,000 to 2lacs.

To start a henna-making plant on small scale with a floor area of 500sq.ft – 800 sq. ft, roughly an initial investment of Rs 5 Lacs to 10 Lacs will be necessary. The factory land cost will be extra.

4. Arrange Finance for Henna Plant

Basically, it is a working capital-intensive business. And also, it needs fixed capital investment in procuring machinery and securing the space. Before getting into the business, you must have clear financial planning. Also, you will need to put a considerable amount of funds into logistics, distribution, and marketing.

Broadly, the working capital cost involves procuring raw materials, hiring manpower, utility bills, and other administrative expenses.

Check:   Best Business Loans for Small Businesses

5. Henna Powder Making Plant Setup & Machinery

For setting up the unit, you will need to secure the space. Generally, the actual area required depends on the intended production output. Also, this type of production unit demands a lot of space for storing raw materials.

However, you can open a small-scale henna plant with a covered space of 1000 Sq Ft in whole. Additionally, you need water resources for general use and an electricity connection.

Broadly, you can establish the plant in two ways. Either as a fully-automatic or semi-automatic basis. If you are an absolute beginner in this industry, then it is advisable to initiate the plant on a semi-automatic basis only. Some of the most important henna powder-making machines are

  • Pulverizer \ Grinder with accessories
  • Leaf drying machine
  • Weighing machine
  • Packing machine
  • Paste-making mixer (if required)

6. Henna Powder Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process is so simple. And it starts with procuring the henna leaves from the farmers and growers. After getting the leaves, you will need to eliminate the other impurities. And the leaves need drying. Firstly, dry under the sun. And finally, machine drying provides a better result.

Then you will need to grind and sieve according to the required quality of the finished product. Apart from henna powder, henna paste has also great demand. So, you can also consider producing henna or Mehndi paste. Finally, you will need to pack the product.

The quality of the product must be as per the customer’s demand and the product may not contain any impurity or unwanted elements in it.

7. How Much Profit You Can Make in Henna Making Business

It is obvious that the amount of profit will depend on production output. The more the production, the less becomes the cost of a single unit of henna powder packet production cost.

On average, existing manufacturers keep a 20-30% profit margin while selling the products to wholesalers and distributors.

8. How to Promote Henna Powder-Making Business

Practically, there are several ways you can promote your brand and sell the product. However, you must consider establishing an intensive distribution network in your nearby locations.

Also, you can consider selling from online marketplaces . In any case, you must put hard efforts into creating brand awareness of the product. And for this type of product, electronic media, television channels, and Radios play an effective role.

Finally, you must have your own business website from where you can promote the henna powder-making business online .

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Mehndi Artist › Mehndi Artist Blog › Career as a Mehndi Artist

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Career as a Mehndi Artist

Putting mehndi on the palms of the brides is regarded as one of the most celebrated and auspicious rituals. Not only the brides but women and ladies of India and many other countries love to apply mehndi from time to time. It is why the significance of putting mehndi on the palm is regarded as very special. Apart from festivals and special celebrations, Mehndi is also applied without any reason.


Thus there is always a huge demand for mehndi and mehndi artists. So anyone who is passionate about mehndi and wants to choose a career out of it can certainly do that. With time and dedication, a mehndi artist can flourish and become successful in no time. However, to get the best result, it is necessary to receive proper guidance as mehndi is not just a creative art. So joining mehndi classes is very important. There are many factors related to this art form that a proper mehndi artist requires to know. One of the most important things is to have an appropriate idea about the various types of Mehndi styles.


Having a basic idea about different types of mehndi designs:

According to the mehndi experts, designs are broadly divided into 8 categories.

Indian Mehndi Design-

This design is the most popular one and is extensively used throughout India. The designs of Indian style vary from single trails, covering the front and back of the hands and complete coverage of both the hands, which can extend till the elbows. The bridal mehndi consists of mandap, kalash, leaves and many other patterns like palkis, bride and groom artwork. However, for other ceremonies and festivals, the mehndi designs are chosen a bit simpler. The non-bridal designs are always in high demand, and so a mehndi artist stays busy throughout the year.

one (1)

Pakistani Mehndi Design-

The Pakistani mehndi designs are more associated with the values and traditions of Pakistan. The floral artworks and paisleys are in most demand. However, the Pakistani designs also include various types of domes, mandalas, and sometimes even the doors of mosques.

Arabic Mehndi Design-

Arabic mehndi style is another popular design. This style is mainly known for its bold lines and the empty spaces that are added in between the designs. This particular style was most popular in the Gulf Countries and later on, this flourished to other parts of the world. Although this mehndi design is traditional, it is a lot different from conventional Indian mehndi design.

Indo-Arabic Mehndi Design-

This style is the perfect blend of Indian as well as Arabic mehndi style. The bold lines of Indian mehndi style and the introduction of the empty spaces of Arabic style are the most beautiful combination to consider. This unique fusion is very popular and thus widely used in Marriage ceremonies and in other festivals.

 Moroccan Mehndi Design-

The Moroccan mehndi design is a lot more different from both the styles mentioned before. This style mainly comprises geometric curves and shapes. Besides, there is also extensive use of traditional tribal patterns. Along with that mehndi, artists also include prominent points and diamond shapes in the designs. Because of its unique design, such a style can be easily spotted.

Western or Contemporary Mehndi Design-

In western countries, most people are now taking an interest in various types of ‘Henna tattoo’. This type of mehndi is mostly popular with people who want to try out mehndi for the first time. Again this is also an alternate option for a permanent tattoo. The pattern in this style comprises swirls, modern designs, quirky designs, geometrical figures etc. This particular design is primarily popular with the young generation who wear it to look like an ornament.

 Indo-Western Mehndi Design-

Indo western mehndi is also famous, and it is extensively used in marriages. Many modern women who want to keep their mehndi simple but unique are mostly choosing this special pattern.

African Mehndi Design-

African mehndi design mainly consists of the particular tattoo designs of the tribes, which are already popular among the locals. However, nowadays, the African designs have also gone through various changes, and it is combined with Indian, Moroccan, and Western-style.

Mehndi Course: There are many such mehndi classes available online and offline. People who take an interest in mehndi and want to know all about it in detail should join online mehendi classes. This way, they would properly understand all the important aspects of this art form. However, not every mehndi course is up to mark. It is very important to find a proper class. The online mehendi classes are best considering the present scenario. Then also, one should join only a trusted course.

Published on 2015-06-02T15:21:52+0530 by Sunita Devi . Last Modified on 2021-08-30T19:16:56+0530

Share your thoughts with the community or ask a question

Dimple 25/06/2019

Same here dear.. Also suggested me

Daniya 20/04/2019

I am mehndi artist. I also have experience, I want to set my career mehndi's because mehndi is my hobby so how can? Please suggest.

Navya 29/03/2019

Am a mehndi artist. How can I build my career with this?

Ayisha 28/03/2019

Hello, is that vacancy still there? I am henna artist from India, I have experience at Qatar.

Daniya 05/03/2019

Hi im daniya um intrestd, im also a mehndi artist

Saba 18/01/2019

Hii I m mehndi artist and I have experience also..I want to set my career in mehndi' how can I?plz suggest

Kulsum 25/11/2018

I recently tied up with naturals saloon as a Mehendi artist, and I am a little bit scared because this is my first job. Will there be any other problems??? Please tell me a few things to include in the contract.

Reshma 13/09/2018

Hey I am a mehndi artist but not very perfect but want to work so how can I get orders?

Meenu 21/07/2018

Hi, Iâ??m a freelancing mehndi artist, and I'm doing this for the past 2 years! In Chennai trying to have tie-ups with makeup artists and salons and looking for a team of mehndi artist to collaborate and work in groups! Please, let me know if anyone is interested!!

Ruqaiyaa 28/06/2018

I am a Mehendi artist. I am from Bahadurpura Hyderabad. I want to work at home. Please help me if you can I really need to work and I can't go out for the job because my parents won't permit me for going out. Please help me Please.

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Full Proof Business plan of Mehndi-Know Everything about Mehndi Business

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Do you have knowledge about Mehndi Business and Mehndi’s career? Do you want to know how to start the business of Mehndi? Here I am sharing a full proof plan of Mehndi business.

Want to learn Mehndi but don’t know how to learn, which options available in Mehndi career? How to start a business? All answers to your questions are here.

 Nowadays Mehndi designing is not just a hobby but you can earn handsome money from it. There are lots of earning opportunities in this Mehndi career.

How can you earn with your Mehndi skill??

How to get the client in starting.

  • Qualities of a successful Mehndi artist

How are the possibilities in Mehndi Business?

  • What is the process of Mehndi manufacturing?

mehndi business plan in hindi

If you have the skill of Mehndi designing or you gain or master this Mehndi art, you have lots of earning opportunities.

Here I am sharing some ideas about work

  • You can start putting Mehndi to a client. If you have knowledge about basic Mehndi, you can still start with a simple design. No need bridal Mehndi knowledge. Besides this, you can learn more design and get mastery over the skill.
  • You can open Mehndi classes. It is not compulsory to open a big institute. But you can start from your home.
  • You can prepare a Mehndi book and sell them. But this work takes time.
  • You can also write blogs and share your knowledge.
  • Another idea is to start a YouTube channel, Create your YouTube videos of your designs
  • teach Mehndi online.
  • You can sell your Mehndi design to magazines a
  • Another fresh idea is to make your online course and you can sell it. This idea is in trend.
  • If you know how to make mehndi cone , you can also sell it offline.

Now you think I have a skill but don’t understand how to start. How to tell people about your skill? For this, you can follow these tips.

First, you can start with your family members and your neighbors. Tell them about your skills.

When you are free, You can practice by putting Mehndi on others’ hands. It is advisable to do it free of cost to show your skill. And take a photo of your work for future clients. Make a portfolio of your work to show your client.

You can give a discount too.

Start giving your service at a very nominal price and get some clients.

You can register your name with just dial also

You can prepare a pamphlet and distribute it in the newspaper.

In this digital era, you can advertise on Facebook and Instagram as well.

Qualities are required to be a successful Mehndi Artist?

mehndi business

What qualities are required to be a successful Mehndi artist? You need to have a steady hand and lots of concentration.

To put neat and clean Mehndi, keep patience. You might be to handle kids too. And most important of all you must be able to come up with innovative and unique designs. 

If you have the talent and willingness to learn and work hard, then nothing will be impossible for you!

Women can start the business of making Mehndi Cones right from home, start this way

If you are thinking of starting a small scale industry, then you can start a Mehndi cone business. So let’s know, the challenges and challenges related to this business…

In our country, it is necessary to apply Mehndi to any functions like engagement, marriage, baby shower/God Bharai, Teej festival, etc, because Mehndi is auspicious.

Mehndi has been used in our country since ancient times and it has become a part of our culture. By the way, the origin of the word Mehndi is believed to be from the Sanskrit word Mendhika.

In earlier times the leaves of the henna plant were broken and ground, then filled with polythene in a cone and applied in hands. Then later the trend of selling Mehndi powder started in the market.

Now people used to bring Mehndi powder, filter it, and then mix it in polythene cone and apply Mehndi in hands. But then the cones made in the market were found and, people who applied Mehndi also started sitting in the market.

In such a situation, every woman who used to apply Mehndi only on a particular occasion, now when it is in her mind, apply or get Mehndi. If you are thinking of starting a small scale industry, then you can start a Mehndi cone business. So let’s know about the challenges and possibilities associated with this business.

mehndi business

The best thing with Mehndi is that It has not fallen victim to any brand name yet. So in the market, consumers do not yet need any brand name to take Mehndi, just go to the shop and ask for Mehndi and get the Mehndi.

From this, you can understand that the dominance of any one brand is not yet in this area. In such a situation, if you want to try hand in the Mehndi business, then you will have less challenge.

In such a situation, if your distributorship is better, then you can take more and more goods to the shops. Also, dry Mehndi does not have a limited shelf life, i.e. we can use it for a long time after being packed. These things also go in favor of the businessman and reduce the risk of a business.

what We need to start a Mehndi manufacturing unit?

The best thing about the Mehndi business is that it does not require much money or things to start the Mehndi business. The most important for Mehndi manufacturing is its raw material, ie Mehndi leaves. Besides packing with Mehndi, some other herbs, sugar, and PCH Mehndi required packing material, etc.

The machinery required for starting Mehndi manufacturing unit

It does not require much machinery to start a Mehndi manufacturing unit. In the Mehndi business, you will need a pulverizer machine and motor .

Also, to separate garbage from Mehndi, a sieve, a weight machine for weighing Mehndi and a pouch sealing machine for packing Mehndi pouches will be needed.

How to start a Mehndi Manufacturing unit?

Mehndi powder making unit is very easy to install. There is no need for too much space to install its unit. But the place where you will put your unit, it is very important to get good sunlight. Also, in the place where the Mehndi leaves are being grinded, there should be no dust and soil at all, because the quality of the Mehndi may deteriorate due to dust and soil falling on the Mehndi.

What is the process of Mehndi Manufacturing?

If you get the raw material i.e. Mehndi leaves from a dealer, then your Mehndi powder manufacturing process will be easier. If there is no dealer near you, then you have to produce Mehndi yourself.

To produce Mehndi, you will first have to pick Mehndi leaves from the fields. There are three types of Mehndi leaves – the lowest quality black spots, the medium quality leaves with some golden luster, and the best quality green leaves.

Separate these three types of leaves according to their colors and dry them well.

After drying, put the leaves in the machine for grinding. Sieve the powdered powder with a sieve and remove impurities. Then pack the henna weight. Now you can sell Mehndi in the market, you can also supply it in the shops.

If You want to start Mehndi Business, you can easily start. There is not much investment needed. You can sell Mehndi Cone from your home too. And If you have an art of putting Mehndi, there are many ways to earn with this skill. So start your career journey with Mehndi. Best of Luck.

A-1 There is no fix price. You can charge according to your skill.

A-2 You can take approx 15 to 20 according to your size.

A-3 Anyone can start this business, There is no set of rule.

A-4 It is totally depends on you. There is no limit to earn.

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  • career in mehndi
  • learn mehndi

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