
Essay on E Learning

Students are often asked to write an essay on E Learning in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on E Learning

What is e learning.

E Learning is a way of learning using digital tools. It’s like a classroom, but online. You can use a computer, tablet, or phone to learn. It can be done anytime, anywhere. You don’t have to be in a school building.

Benefits of E Learning

E Learning has many benefits. You can learn at your own pace. You don’t have to rush or wait for others. It’s flexible. You can learn when it suits you. It can also be fun. Many online courses use games and videos to make learning more enjoyable.

Challenges of E Learning

E Learning can also be challenging. Not everyone has a computer or internet. Some people find it hard to stay motivated. It can also be lonely without classmates. But there are ways to overcome these challenges.

The Future of E Learning

E Learning is likely to grow in the future. More schools and universities are offering online courses. More people are learning new skills online. It’s a new way of learning that’s here to stay. It’s changing how we learn and teach.

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250 Words Essay on E Learning

E Learning, or electronic learning, is a way of studying using digital resources. It’s like having a classroom on your computer, tablet, or phone! You can learn from anywhere, at any time. It’s a great way to make learning fun and flexible.

E Learning has many benefits. It lets you learn at your own pace, which means you can spend more time on tough topics and breeze through the ones you find easy. It also saves time and money as you don’t need to travel to a school or buy lots of books. Plus, it’s eco-friendly as it reduces the need for paper and other physical resources.

How Does E Learning Work?

E Learning usually involves a mix of videos, readings, quizzes, and interactive activities. You can often talk to your teachers and classmates online, just like you would in a normal school. Some courses even give you a certificate when you finish!

Despite its benefits, E Learning can also be challenging. It requires self-discipline and good time management skills. Sometimes, you might miss the face-to-face interaction you get in a traditional classroom. But with the right mindset and support, these challenges can be overcome.

E Learning is growing fast and is likely to play a big part in the future of education. It can make learning more accessible and personalized. As technology continues to improve, E Learning will only get better!

In conclusion, E Learning is a flexible, cost-effective, and eco-friendly way to learn. It may have some challenges, but its benefits make it a great choice for many students.

500 Words Essay on E Learning

E Learning, or electronic learning, is a type of education where students use computers or other electronic devices to learn. This can happen anywhere and at any time, as long as there is an internet connection. It’s like having a classroom in your pocket! E Learning includes online courses, virtual classrooms, and digital resources.

E Learning has many benefits. First, it is flexible. You can learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. This is great for students who have other responsibilities, like sports or part-time jobs.

Second, E Learning can be personalized. This means that the learning materials can be adjusted to meet your needs. If you find something hard, you can spend more time on it. If you find something easy, you can move on quickly.

Third, E Learning can be interactive. Many online courses use videos, quizzes, and games to make learning fun and engaging. This can help students to remember what they have learned.

Despite its benefits, E Learning also has some challenges. For example, not everyone has access to a computer or the internet. This can make E Learning difficult for some students.

Another challenge is motivation. Without a teacher to encourage you, it can be hard to stay focused and complete your work.

Lastly, E Learning can sometimes feel lonely. Without classmates to talk to, some students may miss the social aspect of learning.

Future of E Learning

The future of E Learning looks bright. More and more schools are using technology in the classroom. There are also more online courses available than ever before.

In the future, we might see more use of virtual reality in E Learning. This could make learning even more interactive and fun.

Despite the challenges, E Learning has the potential to make education more accessible and personalized for all students.

In conclusion, E Learning is a flexible and interactive way to learn. It has many benefits, but also some challenges. As technology continues to improve, E Learning is likely to become an even more important part of education in the future.

Remember, the key to successful E Learning is to stay motivated and make the most of the digital tools available. Happy learning!

(Word count: 500)

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Essay on e-learning: meaning, uses and advantages.

short essay about e learning


After reading this essay you will learn about E-Learning:- 1. Meaning of  E-Learning 2. Soft Skills and Personality Development through E-Learning 3. Advantages.

  • Advantages of E-Learning

Essay # 1. Meaning of  E-Learning:

E-learning refers to all electronic learning through systems that are used as part of the learning system. Let us discuss some examples of e-learning.

Digital Classrooms :

This refers to ‘smart-classrooms’ equipped with several digital learning aids. These aids could include smart-boards, high lumen LED projectors, and interface of educational appliances with physical sensors (to sense physical systems such as motion, pressure, touch, etc.).

Satellite Education :

Here an instructor in one location can impart lessons over an education satellite (such as Edusat) to thousands of students across multiple locations. This can also be done in a bidirectional mode—with students being able to address their questions to the instructor over the satellite system.

Web-based Learning or Internet-based Training (IBT) and Computer-based Training (CBT) :

This is based on course material accessible over the web, or through hundreds of DVDs on a wide variety of subjects. Video conferencing systems, telepresence systems, IP-based video phone: These systems are becoming increasingly popular in the corporate world today.

With full high-definition technology available in advanced telepresence systems (compared to traditional video conferencing systems), one can interact with global experts thousands of miles away with an experience that mimics being co-located.

The latency or time lag in both video and audio is so low, and video/image quality is so superior that one is left to wonder if the person is truly so far across the world! It truly gives the experience of speaking and interacting with a person across the table!

A less-expensive (and naturally less life-like experience) version of such a system can also be achieved through IP-based Video Telephony. While the display here is much smaller than a Telepresence system, it serves the purpose in most companies that require large scale deployment to employees around the world.

Essay # 2. Soft Skills and Personality Development through E-Learning :

Soft skills and personality traits can be enhanced through the language laboratory where one can use self-improvement methods to j observe oneself and improve continuously. E-learning systems can also be used for soft skills and personality j development (in addition to developing one’s hard skills or domain knowledge).

A large number of Internet-/computer-based training material are available today on communication skills, listening skills, body language, job interviews, group discussions, etc.

Essay # 3. Advantages of E-Learning :

E-learning has several benefits as follows:

(i) Flexible, On-Demand Learning:

The biggest advantage of e-learning is access to on-demand courses. Many a time one requires access to certain learning material. E-learning provides an abundance of such material (for enhancing both hard domain skills and soft skills) that can be accessed year-long at any time of the day or night.

There is no rigidity of a fixed curriculum, no need to go through multiple sequences to gain access to the point of need. Programmes can also be paced or paused, based on availability.

(ii) Privacy of Learning :

Some people feel intimidated by presence of peers during the learning process. If they do not understand certain sections of a course, they feel awkward to ask these questions in public. E-learning obviates this issue. Learning is a private experience. A section or an entire course can be repeated as many times as needed. Questions to an ‘instructor’ can be asked one-on-one through an on-line query-response system.

(iii) Increased Access :

E-learning brings the world to one’s finger-tips! It is possible to easily access the best global experts through the electronic medium. Similarly an expert can reach thousands of students over the Internet or over a Satellite system. The learning experience is also of higher quality. It is enhanced through the use of audio, video, and graphics and imaging aids. This multimedia experience greatly augments the quality of learning.

(iv) Lower Cost :

Well-architected e-learning systems typically cost lower than traditional systems, if the right scale is achieved. This is because it leads to savings in terms of travel, time and distribution of content, etc.

Acceptance by Employees for Personal Development :

Acceptance of e-learning systems is typically very high in the corporate world for one’s personal development. This is because it allows one to follow- through on their Individual Development Plans in a focussed manner.

Finally it must be noted that while e-learning systems have many advantages, it has the disadvantage of not having an instructor to personally be present to facilitate the learning. Hence it is not the best medium where queries need to be not just answered, but deliberated at length with multiple opinions and pros and cons needing to be discussed.

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Essay: Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning

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  • Subject area(s): Education essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 20 February 2022*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 957 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Online learning essays

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Nowadays, more and more universities use technology as a means to communicate and study efficiently. Many university teachers use technological devices to communicate with their students, give them quizzes, assignments, grade them and so on. With the age of the Corona virus, it has caused schools to be closed all around the world. “Today, with the COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing lockdowns and social distancing, e-learning has become a vital tool to ensure the continuity of learning and education” (Mukherjee, 2020). “Education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms” (Li and Farah, 2020). By that it means that with the unmistakable ascent of e-learning, students now have to study online. “Online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay” (Li and Farah, 2020). With online learning , it is a way faster way to remember information. The purpose of this essay is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning and how we use technology to heighten learning and enrich the student experience?

“Some studies have suggested a positive impact of these devices on student learning, including increased motivation, collaboration, productivity and engagement, among others” (Carcelén and Montserrat, 2019). By that it means that students can feel more at ease to communicate through their phone rather than having face-to face conversation, and productivity can rise up as many students nowadays prefer to write their notes on their laptops/tablets rather than on a notebook. “Students are able to learn faster online; e-learning requires 40-60% less time to learn than in a traditional classroom setting because students can learn at their own pace, going back and re-reading, skipping, or accelerating through concepts as they choose” (Li and Farah, 2020). With e-learning students can record to watch and listen to lessons as many as they want. With online learning , students can study in their own time. Each student has different pace of learning thus increasing their effectiveness. It can help them emotionally if one student is feeling overwhelmed, to develop their relationship with other classmates/professors, and easy access to information online.

“E-learning is cost effective” (Arkorful and Nelly, 35). The reason is because students do not need to pay for transportation cost. And also, it can compensate for the lack of teachers as it enables more students to take part. “Through discussion boards and chats, you are able to interact with everyone online and also clear your doubts if any” (Clover 2017). If students have any problems in understanding they can easily ask questions through the chats. This is a great advantage for people who are shy to ask questions. Students have the ability to participate in their chosen degree from any place, location which facilitates people who have relocated or people which are abroad (Arkoful and Nelly, 35). During covid-19 many students have returned back to their home country.

Although E-learning has many advantages, it also has its disadvantages. “Some students without reliable internet access and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning” (Li and Farah, 2020). This means that not everyone has access to the same resources. One of the biggest challenges about e-leaning is about equity between other students. Some students cannot afford to have a laptop/phone to take their notes online and this can discourage them to study. It might increase a further “inequality between the students with access to more advanced tools with faster speeds and the newest applications and those in lesser situations.” (Technical.ly, 2013). This means that some students may have lower internet bandwidth or no internet access or even do not have access to technology. “E-learning may also be subject to piracy, plagiarism, cheating, inadequate selection skills, and inappropriate use of copy and paste” (Arkoful and Nelly, 36). Students can easily cheat for their exam as all information is available to them online and there is no way to make sure they are not cheating. Students can easily plagiarize their assignment, homework or essays. Added to it, even accidental plagiarism is a major issue in most countries and these students can easily fail their course.

The success of online learning varies among age groups, research has found out that students are more easily distracted (Li and Lalani, 2020). Not only that students can easily distracted they might be addicted to their phone (Carcelén andd Montserrat, 201). Students are unable to multitask for example interacting with their mobile phones while studying, some studies have proved that it has relationship with this behaviour and poor academic grades (Carcelén and Montserrat, 202). By that it means that by using their phone while studying can lower their overall GPA. Felisoni and Godoi stated that “The user’s belief that he or she can efficiently pay attention to other activities such as absorb content from a lecture, complete homework or study while keeping the cell phone on standby and using it from time to time could be misleading, as students are more often tempted to game, check social medias and connect with colleagues” (187). Procrastination is also an issue here. University students tend to spend more hours on social media sites chatting, watching videos instead of doing their assignments, homework or studying. They usually do their homework on the eve or on the same day that the homework is due and therefore they might ask for a request for extensions and late submissions. This affect negatively their academic performances as their homework are either half-done or they might give a shoddy work. Felisoni and Godoi found in their researches that “Every additional 10 min spent [on average per day] using a cell phone device is related to a reduction in that student’s G-MNPS by 0.63 points” (185).


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Essays About Online Learning: Top 6 Examples And Prompts

If you are writing essays about online learning, you can start by reading some essay examples and prompts in this article. 

People often regard online learning as kids stuck at home, glued to their devices. However, there is so much more to it than this simplistic concept. Many parents may see it as an “easy way out” for students to slack off on their studies while still passing their classes, but online learning has not reached its full potential yet. 

It has dramatically impacted how education is handled globally, for better or worse. It has forced teachers to take on extra work , while students say it has helped reduce their stress levels. It is undoubtedly a contentious topic. 

If you need help writing an essay about online learning, here are some essay examples you can use for inspiration.

1. Disabled Students Urge Universities To Make Online Learning More Accessible by Lucia Posteraro

2. why are more and more students taking online classes by perry mullins, 3. the benefits of online learning: 7 advantages of online degrees by kelsey miller, 4. why is online learning important by clare scott, 5. is online learning as effective as face-to-face learning by kelli wilkins, 6. i’m a high school student. i don’t want online learning to end. by rory selinger, prompts on essays about online learning, 1. how has online learning affected you, 2. compare and contrast online and in-person classes., 3. what can you learn from an online setup, 4. what is the future of online learning, 5. which is better- online or face-to-face learning, 6. can online learning be sustained long-term.

“Autism may hinder the ability to follow complex conversations, especially with background noise – but Charli’s lectures did not have subtitles. Moreover, extensions for group projects were too short for her extenuating circumstances.’

Posteraro tells the stories of students who want online learning to be more accessible. For example, Charli, a student with autism, was greatly affected by the transition from in-person to online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, online learning has not catered to her special needs, so she urges schools to take action to make online education more inclusive. You might also be interested in these essays about knowledge .

“The result of taking online classes is that students who take them become more proficient and comfortable with using computers. Students can learn to connect with one another online and with information in meaningful and useful ways. With that said more and more students are taking online classes because it’s the best way to save money work at your own pace and not have to be stressed about going to class.”

In his essay, Mullins discusses why more students prefer online learning. First, it lessens expenses, as students learn from the comfort of their rooms. Second, it helps students avert the fear of talking to strangers face-to-face, helping them communicate better. 

“It’s clear, then, that learning online helps prepare professionals for this shift toward online work. Below, explore what online courses entail, explore seven key benefits, and get the advice you need to determine if online courses are right for you.”

Miller briefly explains what online learning is, then proceeds to discuss its advantages. These include a self-paced schedule, improved communication, and new technical skills. However, he reminds readers that everyone is different; regardless of the benefits, they should only choose online learning if they believe it will work for them.

“Boil it right down and the answer is simple: change is constant. You must move with it. The true beauty of online learning is that it lends itself perfectly to your lifestyle. By its very nature, it can fit around you. Also, no longer are we taught how to do a job, it’s usually a case of figuring it out for yourself—and that’s where online learning can amplify your skills.”

Scott presents the importance of online learning. Similar to Miller, she mentions self-paced, giving students new skills. However, the most important lesson is that change is constant. Online learning exemplifies this precept, and these skills help us move along.

“While both ways of learning have advantages and disadvantages, what is more effective is based off of the student themselves. Students can weigh the costs and benefits between online learning and face-to-face learning. They can decide for themselves what would be best for them. Online learning can be as effective as face-to-face learning if the student is committed to putting their time and effort to study alone.”

Wilkins questions the notion that online learning is inferior to a face-to-face classes. She begins by listing the benefits of online classes, including comfort and easier schedules, as with Miller and Scott. However, she also mentions its disadvantages, such as the possibility of students being distracted and a lack of bonding between classmates. But, of course, it’s all up to the student in the end: they should decide which type of education they prefer.

“One thing I hope people now realize is that education is not a one-size-fits-all model. While the self-disciplined nature of remote learning is not for everyone, it has allowed students like me to flourish unimpeded by the challenges presented by typical classroom settings.”

A 14-year-old student, Selinger wishes to continue her education online as schools return to physical classes amid the pandemic. She discusses the relief she feels from the lack of peer pressure, judgment, and a rigorous schedule. Controlling your study schedule relieves students of pressure, and Selinger believes this is optimal for success. She believes online learning opens a path to be better rather than to “return to normal.”

Essays about Online Learning: How has online learning affected you?

In this essay, you can write about your experience of online learning. Whether you have had online coursework from school or college or taken an online course for your own interests, we’ve all had some experience learning online. Discuss how you benefited from online learning and the challenges you faced. For a compelling essay, conduct interviews to back up your experience by showing others who felt the same way.

Create an exciting comparative essay between online and in-person learning. You can compare and contrast the experiences and show the positives and negatives of each. Start by making a list or Venn diagram, and organize your essay. Include the structure, advantages, and disadvantages of each method of learning. 

Online learning can teach you some skills to succeed in the real world. In this essay, write about the unique skills you can gain from online learning. Perhaps you learn valuable IT skills, virtual note-taking, and basic administrative skills. Then, look into how these skills can benefit you in future studies or when trying to step into a new career path. 

We have barely scratched the surface of technology. In this essay, look to the future and imagine how online education will look. Then, research up-and-coming online learning technologies and see what will come next. Will the development of more online learning technology benefit students? Look into this exciting topic for an engaging discussion.

For this topic, writing an excellent argumentative essay is easy. First, from research and your own experience, list the benefits and downsides of each type of learning and determine which is more effective. Then, you can use Google and the essay examples above to support your argument.  

Online learning is most commonly used for students who are ill or during situations such as a global pandemic. It is meant to be temporary; however, can schools stick to a completely-online method of instruction? Include some advantages and disadvantages of online learning in your essay.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

short essay about e learning

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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short essay about e learning

Essay on E Learning in English For Students & Children

We are Sharing an Essay on e learning in English for Students & Children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay on e-learning for Classes 8,9,10,11,12, and graduation in 100, 300, 400, 500 words.

Essay about e-learning

An E-education program consolidates virtual classroom, virtual laboratory and integrates with other enterprise applications. They are now most often used to supplement the face-2-face classroom, commonly known as Blended Learning. It is a real learning experience from online information sources. It helps students know, how to do research faster and better. It enables teachers to search for various topics efficiently. Also, it helps them preserve their online resources for posterity. There is a facility of folders available to them where they can store their searched matter.

It normally works over the Internet and provides a collection of tools such as those for assessment (particularly of types that can be marked automatically, such as multiple choice), communication, uploading of content, return of students’ work, peer assessment, administration of student groups, collecting and organizing student grades, questionnaires, tracking tools, etc. It connects people with each other and with information of all kinds drive new ways of communicating and collaborating. Its goal is to enable learning without limits — anytime, in any place, and at any pace. It provides an environment where students and parents are connected, administrators are empowered and teachers are inspired.

Web collaboration technology permits the best of both delivery options: real-time access to a live instructor or subject matter expert right from the user’s PC. Key communication/participation tools include E-mail, Announcement, and Discussion board, File, and notes. transfers and file management, chat rooms, Whiteboards, journals It is technology to simulate experiments and foster the dimensions of interest, involvement, imagination, and interactivity by virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, and concepts tests which can be incorporated into a variety of teaching approaches as pre-labs, alternatives to textbook homework, and in-class activities for individuals or teams.

It helps manage fee structure creation, fee submission in school, timetable generation and management, library management, examination management, and other reports. Web-These Web-based software is designed for better interaction between students, teachers, parents & management. Customization of the system to one’s respective needs can be achieved at a reasonable cost.

# e-learning essay 300 words # e learning essay # essay on e learning in education

# e learning advantages and disadvantages

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Best topics on E-Learning

1. Revolutionizing Education: Benefits and Drawbacks of E-Learning

2. Why Tablets Should not Replace Textbooks in Schools

3. The Advantages of eTextbooks over Classic Textbooks

4. E-Learning: Way To Improve Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students’ Education Quality

5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

6. Comparison of Online Versus On-Ground Education

7. Different Types of Online Education and Its Combinations

8. Online Learning vs. In-Class Learning

9. Advantages and Challenges of E-Learning

10. The Undertones of E-learning: E-learning Strategies and Issues

11. Basic Tasks, Priorities and Challenges of E-Learning

12. What E-learning Is and Its Role in the Modern Education Process

13. Proposal On Drop Out Prediction

14. Mobile Learning In Education System

15. The Significance Of Education Framework And Late Market Of E-Learning Methodology

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Essays on E-Learning

Technology-enabled online learning in higher education Technology-enabled online learning has risen to prominence in higher education during the past ten years. It is clear that the majority of students enrolling in online courses are adults with families and full-time jobs as more higher education institutions continue to offer these courses and...

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A new paradigm: E-Learning A new paradigm that moves away from the conventional face-to-face classroom and toward online learning is referred to as "e-learning" (Li & Irby, 2008). It covers educational courses and programs that are offered online, on computers, or through other forms of technology rather than in a traditional...

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The Future of E-Learning Analytical Essay

Introduction, changes in learning models, widely used tools in e-learning, changing role of the instructor and learner, ways of judging the effectiveness of e-learning, reference list.

E-learning is a learning process that is developed through interaction with content that is conveyed in a digital form based on network services under the guidance of a tutor. Computer technology mediates this kind of learning. Computers may be set to receive digital information from far places, or may be set up in a classroom.

According to Wenchieh Wu (2010, p. 312), e-learning has shifted the modalities of teaching from the traditional one-on-one teaching in classrooms to information technology-guided coaching. E-learning is flexible, self-organized, personalized, and student-centered. It has few interruptions from peers and tutors.

It can be community-based. Teachers, facilitators, and learners can interact online thus saving time, energy, and space. As technology advances, e-learning is expected to take a very different path. This paper therefore discusses the future of e-learning in the world.

With the wide acceptance of information technology and digital migration in the world, learning models are bound to change from their traditional approach to a modern ICT-based approach. The learning environment will completely change, with learners acquiring some necessary skills that will enable them adapt to the e-learning environment. Learning model will shift to learners being independent rather than having a teacher whenever they are learning.

Students will be required to work individually with little or no direct supervision of the teacher. Koohang and Paliszkiewicz (2013, p. 109) argue that content delivery in e-learning will change the one-on-one delivery from a teacher-to-learner in a classroom situation to computerized information conveyance. This shift will be so especially in the courses that are electronic in nature, with learners obtaining all the required guidelines online.

The modalities of examining learners will also shift from classroom examinations that are directly supervised by tutors to online examinations with little or no regulation by instructors. Learners will be supplied with online examinations that they will be required to tackle and submit online. Mechanisms to check plagiarism are already in place in most of institutions that offer the e-learning option to their students.

However, there is a need for self-control, motivation, and commitment on the side of the learner. Social interaction that was much present in the traditional method is also highly reduced. This situation is contrary to the previous situation where learners would sit in classrooms to socialize directly with both teachers and fellow students. This model is time saving, efficient, and learner-centered. It also offers the learner and the supervisor time to carry out other activities.

Various tools will be crucial for the success of the e-learning process. E-learning is computer-dependent. It is therefore impossible for learners and instructors to carryout e-learning without enough computers at their disposal. Koohang and Paliszkiewicz (2013, p. 109) confirm that learning materials and content in e-learning are prepared on computers. In fact, e-learning is also referred to as computer-based learning due to its heavy reliance on computers.

Teodora, Mioara, and Magdalena (2013, p. 150) reveal that e-learning is also regarded as CPU-based training since the whole process of preparation of teaching materials, teaching resources, conveyance of learning materials, instructions, examinations, and even evaluation is done using computers and computer technology.

Various multimedia packages are also required in e-learning, for example graphic design software, video packages, audio packages, and text packages. Multimedia technology enables tutors and learners to access information. Computers cannot access some information without installation of some operating software. Different contents require different software to access.

In case of synchronous learning, various tools are used such as video cameras and audio devices. Such devices are used to communicate directly from tutors to learners. Teodora, Mioara, and Magdalena (2013, p. 150) point out that learners in e-learning use e-mails, newsgroups, weblogs, and online bulletin boards to respond to the tutors. It is therefore important to have hardware tools such as personal computers or desktop computers and their accessories.

It is also necessary for one to have internet connectivity especially with high bandwidth, the necessary software, a reliable source of power, and teachers. Information storage hardware such as compact disks, flash discs, and digital versatile disks are also important to both students and tutors. Furniture is also necessary for placing personal computers and desktops.

Wenchieh Wu (2010, 312) observes that the learner is the most important component of e-learning. The role of the learner in the traditional learning methods was somewhat passive compared to e-learning. Teachers were also very active in preparing, processing, and explaining information to learners. With e-learning, the learners are expected to understand the expectation of the e-learning course for which they register.

Such understanding includes understanding of the content, the structure, and the format of the training. The learner is charged with the responsibility of personally understanding the requirement of the learning process. This situation is unlike the traditional learning where the teacher was in charge of the learning process and requirements. Responsibility shifts from teachers to learners with the inception of e-learning.

Kok (2013, p. 20) affirms that it is also the role of the learner to acquire the necessary skills for operating the computers in order to communicate with tutors and even to access information online. This case is unlike the traditional models where information was delivered in print form or written on the blackboard by teachers as the students copy it. Teachers will only prepare the content and send it to the learners online.

The role of the learner will also shift because he or she will be supposed to have some technical skills and hardware to access information on computers, process it, and use it for the right purpose. The teacher changes from an information processer to an instructor. Contrary to the traditional teaching methods, students would only be required to have books, pens, and other reading materials. With e-learning, it is the role of the learner to have or to access the hardware.

Aasen (2013, p. 11) observes that the traditional learning environment involved the constant control and supervision of the learner by supervisors. With the inception of e-learning, the learner is charged with the role of self-supervision and management. He or she should time him or herself besides having other personal initiatives to learn.

For e-learning to be effective and feasible, there is a need to invest in it in terms of money, time, faculty, and leadership. The effectiveness of e-learning can be evaluated through process appraisal and outcome assessment. Process assessment will involve examining the limitations and vigor of the curriculum. It is possible to appraise the process through peer reviews of the program’s content. One can also evaluate the ability and speed of navigation through online documents for e-learning.

The learning materials can also be checked for compliance with the standards for learning. Use of multimedia in sending and receiving information should also be evaluated. According to Kok (2013, p. 20), the ability of the learner to open, navigate and use the materials should indicate understanding of the process. It is worth noting whether the learner has the required hardware for e-learning.

The ability of him or her to use various software/tools that are required for e-learning should also be evaluated. Tsai (2011, p. 146) affirms that the outcome evaluation method uses parameters such as change of behavior after learning and satisfaction. Aasen (2013, p. 11) asserts that one can evaluate whether the learners were satisfied with the content, the method of delivery, and the impact through the level of knowledge that the learner seems to have gained.

Tsai (2011, p. 145) asserts that learning is said to have taken place when there is a change of behavior. It is therefore possible to know whether the learner learnt through e-learning by behavior observation. Learners can also be evaluated through examinations. Good performance is an indication of learning and understanding.

E-learning is a fast developing educational model that is likely to replace the traditional learning. This model will change the methods of instructions, as it is more learner-centered relative to the traditional model. Learners will access information via computers, interact via computers, and be evaluated via computers.

Various tools such as computer software and hardware will be required in e-learning. The role of the learner will change from a passive receiver of processed information to an active processer and manager of self and information. The tutor changes from an all-time supervisor and processor to an instructor. Finally, effectiveness of e-learning can be evaluated through process appraisal or result assessment.

Aasen, M. (2013). E-Learning as an Important Component in “Blended Learning” in School Development Projects in Norway. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 6 (1), 11-15.

Kok, A. (2013). How to Manage the Inclusion of E-Learning in Learning Strategy . International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 6 (1), 20-27.

Koohang, A., & Paliszkiewicz, J. (2013). Knowledge Construction in E-Learning: An Empirical Validation of an Active Learning Model . Journal of Computer Information Systems, 53 (3), 109-114.

Teodora, V., Mioara, U., & Magdalena, N. (2013). Quality through E-Learning and Quality for E-Learning. Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics & Information Technology, 3 (1), 150-160.

Tsai, A. (2011). A Hybrid E-Learning Model Incorporating Some of The Principal Learning Theories. Social Behavior & Personality. An International Journal, 39 (2), 145-152.

Wenchieh Wu, L. (2010). The Effectiveness of E-Learning for Blended Courses In Colleges: A Multi-Level Empirical Study. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 8 (4), 312-322.

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IvyPanda. (2019, October 1). The Future of E-Learning. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-future-of-e-learning/

"The Future of E-Learning." IvyPanda , 1 Oct. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-future-of-e-learning/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Future of E-Learning'. 1 October.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Future of E-Learning." October 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-future-of-e-learning/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Future of E-Learning." October 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-future-of-e-learning/.


IvyPanda . "The Future of E-Learning." October 1, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-future-of-e-learning/.

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Essay on Pros and Cons of E-Learning


Education is an important asset to the eradication of poverty and the achievement of better standards of living. In the recent past, most governments have considered education a fundamental pre-requisite for social and economic development. Due to digital advancements in almost every sector, education has been made available online remotely. The discussion as to whether it is beneficial to the society has emanated, and the study needs to compare and contrast the pros and cons associated with e-learning and on-campus learning (Bornstein, 2012). For many years now, anybody who has an interest in learning had to visit an institution physically for enrollment and attending lessons. The use of the internet globally has increased rampantly for decades, making it possible for e-learning to work. Today, anyone who wishes to learn without physically attending lessons at the campus can have access to education. The introduction of e-learning as an alternative to on-campus education is transforming the face of the sector. Many learning institutions in the world have embraced the advancement, and have put in place the right infrastructure to support e-learning. The paper aims to compare and contrast e-learning versus on-campus education in the 21 st  century, reviewing their merits and demerits, and importantly, what is expected in the future of the two (Chai & Kong, 2017).

Online Learning

E-learning has been made possible by the high spread of internet use globally. The first merit that is associated with e-learning is the flexibility of online programs. People with jobs and other family responsibilities can be able to create time to attend to lessons online and take exams. Research indicates that most of those who have enrolled for online degrees are people with families, jobs, and other responsibilities to handle. Second, online education is relatively affordable as compared to on-campus learning. There are no expenses that are attached to commuting, food, shelter, and clothing. For instance, when one enrolls for on-campus education, they incur traveling expenses, food expenses, and other related expenses, making e-learning way much affordable (Garrison, 2016).

Third, e-learning has no judgment as it does not feature the age, ability, or needs of any student enrolling. This fact makes it suitable for those with special needs and capabilities. Fourth, e-leaning allows students to access a wide range of materials, which makes it easier for one to conduct their research. Notably, online education uses the internet to provide the necessary materials to students. With the internet, one can be able to access any resource available remotely. On-campus education is limited to resources that one can be able to access physically within a given period (Garrison, 2016). Lastly, individuals with impairments such as vision, hearing, and others can conveniently learn through online programs. As such, e-learning is perceived to be an essential introduction to the education sector (Chai & Kong, 2017).

On the other hand, e-learning has associated demerits that make it inconvenient for others. First, it requires the learner to have different levels of computer knowledge depending on the course one enrolls. This might be difficult for some who do not have the necessary skills, making it less convenient for them. Second, there is no personal contact with classmates, making learners lack a sense of belonging. This makes it seem more of one-way education as one does not engage with the rest of the class (Edmundson, 2012). Third, a person with credentials acquired through e-learning has fewer chances of being hired than one who attends classes on campus. Fourth, e-learning requires self-discipline of the highest order since there are many distractions, especially when one is studying from home. Equally, one has to develop the ability to multitask, work in isolation from others, and be stress-tolerant. Lastly, e-learning provides fewer options for degrees that students can be able to choose online. For instance, if one is interested in learning a science-related course that requires them to visit the lab, e-learning cannot offer such programs online, making it less effective.

Time is an essential value in the world, and accessing of classrooms and other services online saves time a lot. In the 21 st  century, many are finding it easy to adopt the digital way of learning due to its convenience. With more advancement in technology, the future of e-learning is changing and becoming more popular. Institutions are also working hard to ensure that all those courses, which can be offered online, are rolled out for those interested (Edmundson, 2012). Studies indicate that many have embarked on using digital means to study as they can access more resources online. With time, there is a likelihood that those taking degrees available online need not to physically attend lessons or visit the campus premises totally. Through e-learning, institutions can integrate learning systems online that allows them to share crucial information on various matters that relate to education.

On-Campus Learning

On-campus education has faced reputable competition from the emerging e-learning programs. It is essential to examine what advantages and disadvantages that are associated with on-campus learning in the 21 st  century. First, on-campus learning enables students to bond with others and develop a sense of belonging with others. Moreover, with online campus, one can share and form a networking bond with the rest through group discussions and other programs that are only possible at campus premises. Second, on-campus learning allows a student to choose a variety of available degrees, unlike e-learning, that has specific courses that one should choose from. Technical courses that require one’s presence cannot be offered through e-learning. Third, students who enroll for on-campus education can access a variety of learning styles, including lectures, discussion groups, and study groups, audio, and visual methods, among others. Lastly, access to college amenities is a boost for those who enroll in on-campus training. Students can access laboratories, computers, libraries, the gym, and student’s social events, among others.

On-campus learning has disadvantages that make it less convenient over e-learning programs. Attending classes at the campus is often associated with rigid structures, which are mandatory, time-consuming, and obliging. Second, it attracts additional expenses of commuting, food, books, dormitories, and higher tuition fee due to administration overhead costs. High costs associated might prove unaffordable to some hence the need for them to enroll for e-learning. Third, the campus environment might not be suitable for individuals with special needs and those who are socially inept. Also, people with obligations and other responsibilities might find it hard enrolling in on-campus education. Lastly, on-campus education requires one to physically look for employment after graduation, which has proved challenging for many.

On-campus education has experienced tremendous changes over the last few decades. However, with the increased use of the internet and the emergence of e-learning, most institutions are finding it easy to adopt new developments, which have reduced the popularity of on-campus education. Currently, there is a close competition between e-learning and on-campus learning. Those students with obligations, jobs, and family responsibilities are enrolling for e-learning, while those who are less engaged tend to register for on-campus education (Bornstein, 2012). The choice of approach one uses depends on some factors, including financial implications associated, obligations that one has, and the availability of programs that they need online, among others. For instance, the fact that some courses cannot be studied online due to their technicality makes on-campus education remain relevant in the 21 st  century. There is a need for institutions to improve services in a bid to lure many to enroll for on-campus learning.

To sum it up, online learning seems to be the real deal in the 21 st  century as many people and institutions are shifting interest. An institution without the infrastructure to support e-learning might not have much to show off in the education sector. Notably, thirty years ago, education had a different face than what it seems now. This is due to changes that have been experienced in the IT sector, which have made it possible for institutions to come up with e-learning programs for students. Instant innovation in the education sector has also contributed to dynamic changes in the education sector, necessitating adjustment from institutions. Information sharing for learning purposes is on the rise as made possible by internet use. Many are considering education as a significant incentive towards poverty reduction and development within the society.

Bornstein, D. (2012). Open education for a global economy.  The New York Times .

Chai, C. S., & Kong, S. C. (2017). Professional learning for 21st century education.  Journal of Computers in Education ,  4 (1), 1-4.

Edmundson, M. (2012). The trouble with online education.  The New York Times ,  19 .

Garrison, D. R. (2016).  E-learning in the 21st century: A community of inquiry framework for research and practice . Routledge.

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  • Short Essay On Online Classes

Short Essay on Online Classes

500+ words short essay on online classes.

Online classes and learning have emerged as a new method of teaching nowadays, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online classes have gained immense popularity due to the many advantages like time flexibility, affordability etc. The traditional teaching method includes face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the students. However, in online learning, the interaction takes place in a digital platform in the form of videos, audio, graphics etc. Also, there are hybrid means of studying which combine face-to-face meetings with an online component. In this essay on online classes, we will be covering the topic of online classes and online learning. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays on different topics which students can practise to boost their writing skills. It will also help them to participate in different essay writing competitions conducted at the school level.

Online Classes

Online Classes are a type of education system that is delivered via the Internet to students using computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets etc., in the comfort of their homes. During the last decade, online courses and classes have become popular. Especially during the COVID pandemic, most schools have opted for online classes, and the teachers deliver the lectures remotely through digital platforms.

Online classes are not just the use of technology in the education system, but it is a medium to transmit knowledge, values and skills to younger generations. In many fields, online education and e-learning have become the default way to conduct training or provide education. The online classes consist of four basic elements. The first element is to teach what learners need to learn. The second is to define clear learning objectives. The third is to build knowledge on the right objectives, and the final is in the power of delivering the lectures using technology.

Benefits of Online Classes

Online education has brought a positive impact on the lives of students and working professionals. It has given them an opportunity to take up additional courses along with their studies or job at their convenience. Online classes have also helped the faculty in the institutions to ask students to refer to/study some parts of the syllabus online, which do not require much classroom teaching. Thus, faculty can save time and utilise it to interact with the students more. The quality of education has improved through online classes. Students can easily refer to the content at their time and convenience. Online classes liberate students from planning their schedule of attending classes, driving to school, and being physically present. Online classes work as a lifeline to those people who face physical disabilities and geographical distances. In the era of digitalisation, the scope of online classes has increased even more.

The advantages of online classes take over their disadvantages. If students want to learn, then they have immense opportunities to learn from online classes. In conclusion, we can say that a combination of online and traditional learning methods will be the best for students. Because there are few things which are easier to understand by visualisation where online classes will help, and there are some topics which can be explained better in the physical presence of a teacher. So, combining both online and offline together will make the best education system.

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How to Write Stanford’s “Excited About Learning” Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Johnathan Patin-Sauls and Vinay Bhaskara in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

Choosing an idea vs. an experience, learning for the sake of learning, learning as a means to other ends, be specific.

Stanford University’s first essay prompt asks you to respond to the following:

“ The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100-250 words)”

For this short answer question, your response is limited to a maximum of 250 words. In this article, we will discuss considerations for choosing to write about an idea or experience, ways to demonstrate a love or enthusiasm for learning, and why you should be as specific. For more information and guidance on writing the application essays for Stanford University, check out our post on how to write the Stanford University essays .

Regardless of if you choose either an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning as a topic, there are a few considerations for each.  

Most people gravitate towards writing about an idea. One challenge that arises with an idea-focused essay is that applicants who are passionate about an idea often become hyper focused on explaining the idea but neglect to connect this idea to who they are as a person and why this idea excites them. 

When writing about an experience, it is important to strike a balance between describing the experience and analyzing the impact of the experience on you, your goals, and your commitment to learning.

This essay question allows you to expand on your joy for learning and your genuine curiosity. Stanford is searching for students who are naturally curious and enjoy the process of learning and educating themselves. For example, a compelling essay could begin with a riveting story of getting lost while hiking the Appalachian Trail and describing how this experience led to a lifelong passion for studying primitive forms of navigation. 

There is a strong tendency among applicants to write about formal academic coursework, however, the most compelling essays will subvert expectations by taking the concept of learning beyond the classroom and demonstrating how learning manifests itself in unique contexts in your life.

If you’re someone for whom learning is a means to other ends, it is important that you convey a sense of genuine enthusiasm and purpose beyond, “I want to go to X school because it will help me get Y job for Z purpose.” You may be motivated to attend college to obtain a certain position and make a comfortable income, however these answers are not necessarily what admissions officers are looking for. Instead, it can be helpful to relate an idea or experience to something more personal to you.

Academic & Professional Trajectory

Consider relating the idea or experience you choose to a major, degree program, research initiative, or professor that interests you at Stanford. Then go beyond the academic context to explain how the idea or experience ties into your future career. 

For instance, if you are interested in the concept of universal health care, then you might describe your interest in applying to public health programs with faculty that specialize in national health care systems. You might then describe your long term career aspirations to work in the United States Senate on crafting and passing health care policy.

Personal Values & Experiences

Another way to tie the ideas in this essay back to a more personal topic is to discuss how the idea or experience informs who you are, how you treat others, or how you experience the world around you. 

You could also focus on an idea or experience that has challenged, frustrated, or even offended you, thereby reinforcing and further justifying the values you hold and your worldview.

Community Building & Social Connectedness

You may also explore how this idea or experience connects you to a particular community by helping you understand, build, and support members of the community. Stanford is looking to find students who will be engaged members of the student body and carry out the community’s core mission, values, and projects, so this essay can be an opportunity to highlight how you would contribute to Stanford. 

Be specific in your choice of idea or the way in which you describe an experience. For example, a response that focuses on the joys of learning philosophy is too broad to be particularly memorable or impactful. However, the mind-body problem looking at the debate concerning the relationship between thought and consciousness is a specific philosophical idea that lends itself to a rich discussion. 

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Essay on Is Online Learning the Future of Education

Online learning is one of the fastest-growing modes of education and people are widely accepting it. It has become one of the most popular means of education and nowadays and it is also quite easy and convenient to have an online class instead of offline. Get here some essays on this topic to have a more clear view about it.

Short and Long Essays on Is Online Learning the Future of Education in English

Essay on Is Online Learning the Future of Education for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words. Also find short Is Online Learning the Future of Education essay 10 lines.

Is Online Learning the Future of Education Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Online learning is widely accepted by all teachers and students.

2) The advantages of online learning are proved fruitful for both teachers and learners.

3) People find online learning effective and easy.

4) With online learning, education is not restricted to time and place.

5) Online learning allows you to select courses of your choice.

6) Online learning is a new and comfortable mode of gaining an education.

7) In online learning, you can shape the process of learning according to your comfort.

8) Online learning helps you to generate skills like self-discipline.

9) You can save on travel costs by learning online.

10) During the pandemic, online learning showed that it can be the future of education.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Is Online Learning the Future of Education?


The E-learning program is one of the fastest-growing learning platforms. These are available online and every year a large number of students take part in it. The fast-growing online network is definitely going to be the future of education in many ways.

How Online Learning is the Future of Education

It has been not very long when smart classes were introduced and they were marked successful. Promoting the same culture another smart class that has been introduced is an online platform. All of us use the internet and learning through it can really take education to another level. It is one of the best platforms and e-learning is one of the latest mediums of education.

It is getting popular day by day and is also one of the easy and convenient mediums. All of us want the best on the money we spend. When we get quality education on our doorsteps, then why one will prefer an offline course.

Study materials are easily available online and one can easily access any course of their choice. There are many institutions that have started online classes and students find it more convenient. They save their traveling time and can easily focus on their studies.

E-learning is getting more popular than classroom services. They provide everything like lectures, other activities, solving the question and answers, discussion on a topic, etc. This is helpful not only for students but also for parents. They don’t have to take their child everywhere because classes are available at home. And I can say that online learning is going to be the future of education.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Importance of Online Learning

Students go to school and college for their studies. But what about those who want to learn when they are at the office. It is quite not possible to leave a job, so the internet is one of the best media to resolve their issue. Nowadays there are many online learning portals available and they can be availed from any corner of the world.

Importance of Online Learning

There are many benefits of online learning and they are good for everyone;

Easy Access to Experts : If you live in a city where there is no good coaching for a particular subject, then it can bother you. Online learning is something that gives an opportunity to connect with experts through your phone and computer from any part of the world.

Saves your Travelling Charges : Sometimes it costs a lot to attend offline classes and also consumes a lot of time. So, we can say that online classes are helpful in both ways. They consume less money as well as time.

They are Flexible : You can schedule your class at your convenience. Sometimes it’s hectic for people to attend classes, but online classes can be scheduled as per your need and availability. One can also miss his offline class if he doesn’t attend the class, whereas online classes get recorded and you can also save it for the future. It is quite a good deal and really encourages people to develop this platform as a learning booth.

Wide Range of Programmes: Sometimes we cannot get a particular course offline which is easily available online. There are a variety of courses and they can easily be accessed. Nowadays different coaching and schools are proving online study material and other learning modules. So, it is easy to learn anything you need.

Less Crowd : In an offline class generally there are more students whereas most of the online classes are given alone. Depending on the course, teachers are available for each student on their time and this also helps them to interact directly with the teacher. Solo classes are also good because a teacher can easily focus on a child.

Internet is one of the latest mediums of education and we have seen the live demo in the COVID-19 lockdown. All the classes were available online and this also encouraged people to bring education on an online platform. The only thing a student needs is an internet connection and a phone or a laptop.

Essay on Is Online Learning the Future of Education

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – What is Online Learning and How it is Helpful

Learning is a never-ending process of life, either you are a child or a grown-up man, having a learning attitude will always help you. Every day we learn something and if you are a student then it is quite more. Children go to school for education but what about others. Online learning is for everyone.

What is Online Learning

There are different forms of learning like online, offline, distance learning, E-learning, etc. A traditional classroom is something called offline mode of education; whereas a kind of education that can be obtained online through the internet is an online medium of education.

There are some universities that started providing online classes for students who were unable to attend class due to some reason. This concept was appreciated and introduced at the school level as well in other forms of education.

A mode of education in which students are educated online with the help of their phones and laptops is an online mode of learning.

Nowadays there are different courses available online and anyone can easily take admission in them. It does not matter where you are, you can take admission in any course from any part of the world. In this mode of education, teachers connect online and you can easily discuss your problems and solve questions with them.

How Online Learning is Helpful

It is especially beneficial for those who want to save their time from traveling. It also provides flexibility, because teachers and students can have their own time as per their convenience. It is quite easier than an offline one because students can easily record their classes and listen to them as many times as they want.

Sometimes due to other family responsibilities, many of us unable to complete their studies, so online learning is the best option for them. Either you are working or a school student you can have online classes. In the corona pandemic, schools and colleges were closed for more than 6 months, but students were properly provided classes online.

What are the Best Features of Online Classes

Online learning is something related to e-learning (Electronic Learning), a medium of studies which is delivered through an electronic media. During online classes a student can learn many things like;

  • They can learn various tools which are really helpful for all of us. It helps us to explore and learn new features of different tools.
  • You can change the language, fonts, design, etc as per your own convenience and learn easily.
  • Teachers and students are more closely connected as compared to an offline class because there are few students at the same time.
  • Teachers are available to help you, whenever you want.

How Education will Become Online?

Remote teaching got more popular during the corona pandemic. Many top-graded portals are already available online whereas many developed in-between. They are cheap as well as good, so people like them and it is a new style of learning and most of the children like it.

Whatever mode of education you provide, your child should feel connected and it is mostly found in online learning. This sector is totally new and is liked by people all around the world. It is gaining popularity which also shows that it is going to become one of the most popular modes of learning.

Learning is all about acquiring knowledge and it does not matter what is your medium. But the internet is known as an ocean and it contains more knowledge than a book. So, the online medium is better than an offline one.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . The process of learning by using electronic resources and the internet is called online learning.

Ans . Online learning was first started in 1982.

Ans . Sir Isaac Pitman is regarded as the Father of Online Education.

Ans . Online learning is disadvantageous because it inhibits social interaction among students.

Ans . Yes, it helps in saving money wasted in traveling to school, making school buildings, and buying classroom accessories.

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