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How to Write a “Why X” Essay

There are three basic models for a “why school X” essay.

1. The Narrative Model

In a narrative “why school X” essay, you tell a story about your evolving enthusiasm for a school. You might start by saying what first piqued your interest—a comment from a friend, an interview you saw with a dean—and then explain how your interest grew as you did more research. Describe your visit to the school, if you made one, or your conversation with a student or alumnus, if you spoke to one. Conclude with the strongest possible statement of your interest.

Here’s an outline with example first sentences:

  • I first became interested in school X when I came across a YouTube video with the dean/heard about a friend’s experience/visited campus for a rugby game.
  • As I learned more, I imagined taking professor’s Y’s class/got excited about the specialization in Z.
  • But it was my conversation with student Q that confirmed my belief that school X would be perfect for me/I was blown away by the helpfulness and friendliness of the students I met on my visit.
  • I am beyond excited about the possibility of attending school X.

2. About Me, About You

In an “about me, about you” essay, you’ll begin by talking about an aspect of your background before explaining how the school will complement your experience and help you fulfill your ambition.

It might look something like this:

  • I founded my first company in college. (Describe your history of social entrepreneurship.)
  • Startup@BerkeleyLaw will help me bridge my experience with my new ambition for the future. (Describe how Berkeley Law will prepare you to advise startups or some such.)
  • But Berkeley Law’s incomparable program in law, technology, and business is not the only reason I want to attend. (Describe what else draws you to Berkeley Law.)
  • Given my background in technology and entrepreneurship, I’m convinced that Berkeley Law is the perfect school for me.

You can also put the “about me” me part after the “about you” part.

Note that you’re not writing a second personal statement. You’re just explaining why the school is a good fit for you, and why you’d be a good fit for the school.

3. The Straightforward Essay

The straightforward essay isn’t as sexy as the first two, but it gets the job done. It might look something like this:

  • Paragraph about your interest in Texas Law’s Capital Punishment Clinic
  • Paragraph about your interest in Texas Law’s Entrepreneurship Clinic.
  • Paragraph about your interest in Texas Law’s mentoring program.

Strong Openers

Here are a few examples of openers that work:

When I began to consider studying law, I wrote a list of the qualities that I was seeking in a program.

In this narrative of evolving interest, the author explained how she became more and more convinced that school X had the qualities she most valued.

Four years ago, I found a dog tied to a street sign by a railroad.

In this “about me, about you” essay, the author went on to explain how she developed an interest in animal rights before describing her interest in school X’s animal law program.

In 1995, X Law invited the former president of Taiwan, Lee Teng-Hui, to deliver a public speech.

In this straightforward essay, the author went on to describe how X Law’s decision to invite Lee despite pressure from mainland China demonstrated its commitment to free speech.

Strong Closers

Telling a school you’ll enroll if they accept you is the single strongest move you can make:

X Law is my first choice, and if I’m admitted, I will withdraw my other applications immediately so I can attend.

If you can’t promise to marry them, you can still flirt:

I hope I’m given the opportunity to attend X Law.

Many strong essays close with a very short “about me” line:

In everything from my work with Amnesty to my current position at Xenon, I’ve done my best to support my peers. I hope I get a chance to do the same thing at X Law.

You can also reiterate the reasons you want to go:

I want to go to X Law so I can lie on the law quad and laugh with students like Elle and Vivian. I want to go to X Law so I can work with fellow advocates for asylum seekers. I want to go to X Law so I can learn from Professor Callahan and fight for the next Brooke Windham. Finally, I want to go to X Law so I can become a proud student ambassador, introducing the school to prospective students at home.

As you might have gathered from that last example, enthusiasm really shines through. The best “why school X” essays—the ones that might actually move the needle—feel organic and earnest.

Formatting and Length

If a school doesn’t specify, aim for about one double-spaced page, or roughly 250–350 words.

Format your “why school X” the same way you format your personal statement , but write “Interest in School X” in the header, unless the application refers to the essay differently (e.g. “Supplemental Essay One”).

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How to write a 'why this law school' essay with examples.

why x school essay example law

Reviewed by:

David Merson

Former Head of Pre-Law Office, Northeastern University, & Admissions Officer, Brown University

Reviewed: 2/6/24

Entering law school? Knowing how to approach the “why law” school essay is vital—it's your tool to articulate why their institution is the ideal match for your legal goals. Let's get straight to it.

Getting into law school involves more than just grades—it's about convincing the admissions team why their school is the perfect fit for you. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of crafting a strong "Why This Law School" essay, using clear examples and practical advice to help your application stand out in the competitive pool of applicants. So, let's get down to the essentials that will make your essay a key asset in securing your spot at the law school of your choice.

Writing the "Why This Law School" Essay

When writing your "Why This Law School" essay, it's important to thoughtfully consider key elements to express your connection with clarity and purpose. So, let’s take a look at how to write a “why law” school essay.

Generating Ideas for Impactful Content

When you're getting ready to write your “why law” school essay, start by doing some research. Dig into the school's culture, mission, faculty, and special projects. Learn about their history and what campus life is like.

Next, think about what genuinely interests you about the school. It could be their commitment to diversity, a specific course they offer, or interesting internship opportunities . Write down these things that catch your attention.

Now, connect your own experiences, events, and skills with the things you found interesting about the school. If they're big on diversity, share your own experiences supporting inclusivity. 

If there's a specific course you like, talk about how your past courses and work experiences make you a great fit. Basically, show them why you're not just any applicant but someone who can really add to what makes the school unique.

Stating Academic and Career Goals

A concise statement sets the stage, pinpointing what draws you to the school. Perhaps it's the renowned faculty or the emphasis on practical skills. Illustrate with a personal example—maybe a transformative moment during an internship or a class—that aligns with the school's values. Showcase your connection.

Highlight how your future aspirations intertwine with the school's strengths. Whether it's honing specific legal skills or contributing to a particular aspect of the academic community, paint a vivid picture of what you aim to achieve. Keep it focused, emphasizing the tapestry of alignment between your goals and the school's offerings.

woman typing on laptop

Exploring Unique Opportunities Related to Your Interests

When explaining why a specific law school captures your attention, it's crucial to move beyond generic features and explore the distinctive opportunities the institution offers. For instance, consider the case of the UC Berkeley School of Law .

Dive into specific clinics like the Environmental Law Clinic, renowned professors such as Professor Abhay Aneja , or cutting-edge research projects like the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology. By delving into these unique aspects, you showcase genuine interest in what sets Berkeley Law apart.

Establishing a personal connection to these opportunities is key. It's not just about what Berkeley Law provides; it's about how programs like these align with your personal and professional goals. 

This connection adds depth to your application, demonstrating how you'll not only benefit from these opportunities but also contribute positively to the overall Berkeley Law community. Effectively communicating this alignment enhances your case for being an ideal fit for the institution.

Adding Top Academic and Extracurricular/Social Reasons for Application

Crafting a compelling application involves presenting a balanced approach that seamlessly integrates both academic and extracurricular or social reasons for your choice. Showcase a comprehensive understanding of the law school's offerings, not only in terms of curriculum but also in the broader context of the overall student experience.

To demonstrate fit, articulate how your academic pursuits align harmoniously with the school's curriculum. Illustrate how the courses, faculty expertise, and academic environment resonate with your educational goals. Simultaneously, emphasize how your extracurricular interests contribute meaningfully to the broader community. 

Whether it's involvement in student organizations, community service, or social initiatives, conveying a holistic engagement paints a picture of a candidate who will not only excel academically but also enrich the social fabric of the law school.

Knowing the Right Essay Length

If there are no guidelines, aim for around one double-spaced page, roughly 250–350 words. Format your essay like your personal statement, using "Interest in School X" in the header unless the application specifies otherwise (e.g., "Supplemental Essay One"). This ensures a smooth and organized flow of your thoughts throughout your application.

Thinking about length isn't just a detail; it's a sign of respecting the application process and the committee's time. This consideration makes your response more impactful and shows you get the importance of being concise without losing depth.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Starting your law school journey involves complexities, from crafting a strong application to excelling in standardized tests like the LSAT , GRE, Bar Exam, or MPRE. At Juris Education, our experienced admissions counselors are here to guide you through every step.

Navigating the details of expressing your achievements and overcoming setbacks can be challenging. Our team offers personalized guidance to help you strategically present your unique strengths, ensuring they connect with admissions committees.

Our consulting services are more than just advice; they make a real difference. Specifically designed for applicants dealing with challenges like low GPAs or LSAT scores, we specialize in turning setbacks into strengths, significantly improving your chances of acceptance.

We work closely with you to identify and highlight your standout qualities, tailoring your application to showcase what makes you exceptional. This personal touch sets you apart and boosts your appeal to admissions committees.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your “Why This Law School” Essay

Avoiding common pitfalls in your "Why This Law School" essay is crucial for clarity:

1. Vague Statements

When writing your essay, steer clear of vague language that could apply to any law school. Instead, focus on specific elements that make the institution unique, such as distinctive programs, esteemed faculty, or unparalleled opportunities. 

Get into the details when discussing academic offerings—highlight faculty members aligned with your interests and pinpoint programs resonating with your academic goals. This specificity not only reveals your research depth but also establishes a thoughtful connection to the school.

2. Overemphasis on Reputation

While acknowledging a law school's prestige is vital, avoid fixating solely on reputation without linking it to your personal and professional goals. Admission committees want to understand how the school's reputation aligns with your aspirations and why it's the ideal place for your legal education. 

Connect the school's reputation to your objectives to provide a nuanced perspective. For instance, if a law school is renowned for environmental law , emphasize this alignment if you're passionate about environmental advocacy.

3. Ignoring Extracurricular/Social Aspects

Don't overlook the significance of social and extracurricular factors in your decision-making process. Law school extends beyond academics; it's a comprehensive experience involving a community, networking opportunities, and extracurricular activities . Integrate both academic and extracurricular aspects into your essay. 

Discuss how the law school's social environment, student organizations, and community engagement contribute to a holistic educational experience. This showcases a well-rounded understanding of the institution and its role in your overall legal education.

why x school essay example law

Structuring Your "Why This Law School?" Essay Effectively

Let's dive into how to make your "Why This Law School?" essay stand out by structuring it effectively.

Outlining Key Points and Themes

Making your "Why This Law School?" essay easy to understand involves a strategic approach:

1. Identify School-Specific Elements

Begin by pinpointing specific aspects of the law school that catch your interest—unique programs, esteemed faculty, or notable achievements. This lays the groundwork for a focused and impactful essay.

For instance, if the law school is known for its environmental law program and you're passionate about sustainability, highlight this in your essay. Show a deep understanding of the school's offerings and how they align with your personal and professional goals.

2. Prioritize Impactful Points

Once you've figured out what matters to you, rank them based on how much they affect your decision. What stands out the most to you? What fits well with your career goals? Putting the most impactful points first helps keep your essay clear and persuasive.

For instance, if the law school has a special program where you can work directly with clients, and this lines up with your goal of getting hands-on legal experience, make sure to highlight this. The goal is to show a sincere and careful tie to the institution.

3. Create a Logical Flow

Plan your essay with a clear order, starting with the most important points. Transition smoothly between your academic, extracurricular, and personal experiences to create a cohesive story that highlights your deep understanding of the law school and why it suits you.

For example, if your interest in environmental law relates to your commitment to community service, make sure to emphasize this connection. A well-structured and logically flowing essay enhances readability and strengthens your overall argument for why the law school is an ideal match for you.

Combining Academic and Extracurricular/Social Reasons

Ensuring balance is key when shaping your "Why This Law School?" essay. It's not just about academics; it's about capturing the broader law school experience. Avoid going all-in on one side; try to reflect your appreciation for academic offerings and your potential impact on the law school community.

Discuss how your academic path blends seamlessly with the social dynamics of law school. Share how your classes and extracurricular interests harmonize, illustrating how your involvement in student organizations weaves effortlessly into your coursework.

For instance, if the law school's clinical programs align with your academic groove, delve into how it extends beyond conventional study methods. Emphasize the practical, real-world learning experiences it offers. 

By showcasing this interconnected approach, you demonstrate a well-thought-out perspective on your entire law school journey, adding an authentic and profound dimension to your essay.

students volunteering at food bank

Using Feedback and Editing Wisely

As you fine-tune your "Why This Law School" essay, let's talk about using feedback and editing in a smart and effective way.

1. Reach Out for Help

Before finishing your essay, get input from people you trust. Share your essay with mentors, peers, or advisors to get helpful feedback. Others can offer insights and spot areas for improvement that you might miss.

Choose people who know about the law school application process and can give constructive feedback on what you've written. Their input is essential for polishing both the content and presentation of your essay.

2. Revision Time

Revise your essay based on feedback, focusing on clarity, coherence, and strengthening your argument. Make sure to pay attention to suggestions that take your narrative to the next level. If feedback aligns with your goals, try to incorporate it. But, most importantly, trust your judgment and maintain the integrity of your narrative if a suggestion doesn't make sense with your vision.

3. Final Polishing

Before you submit your essay, focus on a last edit for grammar, style, and overall coherence. Make sure it fits the word or character limit and stays well-organized. Check how ideas flow, transitions between paragraphs, and the general readability.

A refined essay shows your dedication to a thoughtful application. Spend a moment on this final review to catch any remaining errors and guarantee your essay leaves the intended impression.

3 Examples of Successful “Why This Law School” Essays

Explore three successful examples of "Why This Law School" essays to gain practical insights into crafting compelling narratives and building strategic connections. Each “why law” school essay example has something to offer. Let’s get into them.

1. "Why Northwestern" Essay Example

Prompt : While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community. In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond. (300 words max)

Essay Example

“I love Northwestern’s academic flexibility, including the freedom of the curriculum to explore a variety of fields and the emphasis on cross-department study. Also, the quarter system provides a faster pace of learning and the opportunity to take more classes than a semester school.

Specifically, I am excited by the Spanish and Portuguese departments and the classes on Hispanic and Lusophone culture, literature, and phonetics. 

For example, the accelerated Portuguese program is a perfect way to pick up the language at a faster pace using my prior knowledge of Spanish. I intend to supplement my language acquisition through the study abroad programs offered at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro or an affiliate program in Santiago, Chile. 

Additionally, the GESI program in Costa Rica is another intriguing opportunity through its intersectionality. It will allow me to combine a practical application of my language skills with studies in environmental conservation that I find a pressing and interesting issue. As an open-minded learner keen to forge links between academic fields of study, I believe I would be an excellent fit for the program.

I am also interested in Linguistics and pursuing undergraduate research or possibly undertaking the coterminal BA/MA program. The opportunity to link my research to a modern language of choice and investigate, for example, regional variation in Latin American Spanish or how Portuguese loanwords have infiltrated native Amazonian languages sounds fascinating and exciting.

Finally, the unique sense of community at Northwestern captivated me when I visited campus. The residential college system, the school spirit at Wildcat games, and the friendliness of the students I met, one of whom described the school as “the most welcoming place ever”, were all emblematic of this atmosphere for me. I think I will thrive in such a dynamic and inquisitive place.”

Why This Essay Works

This essay does a great job answering the prompt. It's clear and to the point. The applicant talks about why they're excited about Northwestern, like the flexibility of the curriculum and the quarter system. 

They also get specific about their interests, like the Portuguese program and study abroad opportunities. Plus, they mention their enthusiasm for the community at Northwestern, which is a nice touch.

2. "Why Tufts?" Essay Example

Prompt : Which aspects of the Tufts undergraduate experience prompt your application? In short, "Why Tufts?" (150 words max)

“The cross-curricular focus and freedom of study at Tufts would allow me to pursue an interdisciplinary major and draw together my love for Spanish, Portuguese, Linguistics, and the natural sciences. This unique ability to design my own major by combining elements from a variety of academic fields definitely excites me. To support this, I intend to participate in the study abroad program in Chile or a civic semester in Urubamba, Peru that will allow me to practice my language skills while also benefitting the local community and gaining an invaluable cultural understanding through intimate homestay experience. Other than the academics, the vibrant community at Tufts also attracts me, with the warm and compassionate students acting as flattering adverts for the school. One student I spoke with described the average Jumbo as “goofy and loving” which I feel accurately matches my own character and outlook.

(144/150 words)”

This essay works because it clearly shows how Tufts University's cross-curricular approach aligns with the applicant's academic interests in Spanish, Portuguese, Linguistics, and the natural sciences. 

It also conveys the applicant's intention to craft a unique major and engage in enriching experiences like studying abroad and contributing to local communities. Additionally, it portrays Tufts as a welcoming and compassionate community through the description provided by a current student, making a strong case for why the applicant is interested in the university.

3. "Why Tulane?" Essay Example

Prompt : Please describe why you are interested in attending Tulane University (optional). (50-800 words)

“Tulane University has a unique history, deeply established in the city it calls home, New Orleans. After transitioning from a medical school to a full college in in 1847, then undergoing a name change from the University of Louisiana to Tulane in 1884, as the city changed, Tulane changed with it. Tulane is the crossroad of two distinctly different ideals: being rooted in tradition and adapting to the needs of modern society.

When the city was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Tulanians answered the call to serve. Scott S. Cowen, then-President of Tulane, refused to let the hurricane ruin Tulane and the CIty. Tulanians were part of rescue and clean-up teams, devoting time and resources to rebuilding their school and the city it calls home. What was most impressive, however, was their resilience.

It would’ve been easy for the student body and staff to not come back. Being as smart and service-oriented as they are, the students and faculty could’ve found another place to live and learn easily. Yet, they returned. Tulanians have a certain sense of pride and commitment to the school that I admire. 

They could’ve stayed home and not gone back, but they wanted to pick up the pieces of the school they love. It’s clear that Tulanians take ownership in their education. I want to go to a school that my peers want to go to; I want to be immersed in a community as excited about being in it as I am. That’s Tulane.

I could go on and on about Tulane’s teacher education program. I could write about how Tulane-educated teachers are leaders in their fields because they have both a degree in their area of study as well as certification to teach. Maybe I could mention the service learning requirements necessary to graduate and enter the teacher certification program, ensuring that the teachers are prepared to instill morals in the students that walk through their classroom door.

Truthfully, I could go almost anywhere to become a teacher, but only schools like Tulane that synthesize in- and out-of-classroom learning produce great ones. Tulane, like I said before, houses a resilient and altruistic student body. They served New Orleans specifically in 2005, but Tulanians serve their community every single day. Newsweek ranked Tulane 19th for service-minded schools. Likewise, the U.S. News & World Report placed Tulane in the top 25 schools for service learning. It is one of the top schools for producing Peace Corps volunteers, a program that interested me for post-graduate work.

Whether it is through Outreach Tulane, CACTUS, Wave of Green, or another similar program, I will be immersed in service work throughout my four years. Tulane stands alone in its commitment to community. Classroom education is married with service learning, producing empathetic, worldly leaders ready to set the world on fire. In my case, that will be through educating the next generation.

I need a meaningful education to be a meaningful educator. Tulane is unparalleled in its dedication to development of the students, on a personal and intellectual level. From when I touch the Victory Bell after Convocation all the way to when I say farewell at the Wave Goodbye Party at Commencement, I’ll have changed and grown, both in my mind and in my heart.

The Tulane study body is diverse and well-rounded; finding people and groups with shared interests is inevitable. I could see myself writing for the Hullabaloo or being a tutor in the After-School Newcomb Tutoring (which will bridge my learning and my intended career and give practical application to my education classes). But more so, I can just envision myself at Tulane, as a Tulanian. The willowing oak, myrtle, and cypress trees, the world-renowned research facilities, the dedicated faculty, the motivated and inspired student body, and the timeless school spirit all lend itself to a picture I can see myself in.”

This essay does a great job of showing why the applicant wants to attend Tulane University. It talks about the university's history, how it responded to Hurricane Katrina, and why the applicant is interested in their teacher education program. 

It also mentions the strong commitment to service and personal growth at Tulane. Overall, it makes a strong case for why the applicant is excited about being a part of the Tulane community.

To sum it up, writing your “why law” school essay is all about storytelling. From understanding the unique aspects of law school to combining academic and extracurricular reasons, your essay is a chance to show why you're a perfect fit. 

Explore the unique opportunities the school provides, creating a personal connection that enhances your application. Keep it simple: Steer clear of common mistakes, and make sure your essay is well-structured. And don't forget, the right essay length is more than a detail—it shows respect for the application process.

If you find it helpful, consider getting expert advice for a well-guided path to law school. Take inspiration from successful examples as you start your writing journey, creating a narrative that sets you apart in the competitive realm of law school applications.

why x school essay example law

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How to Write a 'Why This Law School' Essay

Here's how to respond when a law school asks about your specific interest in them.

Writing a 'Why This Law School' Essay

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Law schools value applicants who show they have done their research about where they are applying, because the investment of time and energy shows genuine interest and because research is a core legal skill.

Strong law applicants tend to have carefully considered why they are applying to law school , and they understand that their application essays need to express their interest in a legal career.

However, many are stumped when law school applications ask them a narrower question: Why are you applying to this law school?

Most commonly, law schools may ask this question through a supplemental application essay , sometimes called a “Why X School” or “Why This School” essay.

For example, the University of Notre Dame Law School offers applicants an optional statement of no more than two double-spaced pages “to express a specific interest in Notre Dame Law School.” The School of Law at the University of California—Irvine has a mandatory essay of up to 750 words about why you are interested in their school.

Other schools may ask applicants to address this question within their personal statement with a short-answer prompt. It is also a common interview question.

By asking applicants about their specific interest in a school, admissions officers turn the table on applicants. After all, applicants take pains to distinguish themselves by showing that their grades and test scores don’t reveal other factors that set them apart. With a “Why This School” question, law schools say: We’re unique, too. Why are you choosing us?

Ironically, many applicants have given little thought to what separates one law school from another! As you can imagine, admissions offices are not thrilled about this. They certainly don’t see themselves as gatekeepers to a generic, interchangeable institution.  

Answering a “Why This School” essay can be frustrating. How do you articulate your interest without resorting to boilerplate flattery about a school’s prestigious faculty and beautiful campus?

Learn About a Law School Through an Event, Interview or Visit

Since many applicants apply to a wide range of law schools, they may not know much about each one.

One of the best ways to learn about a law school is at a law school forum or information session. Many schools host online events, which can be convenient for applicants unable to visit the law school in person.

Look for these things

If you have a chance to speak with an admissions officer, you can ask good questions to learn more about how the school sets itself apart from others.

You may also learn about a law school by talking to current or former students about their experience on campus. 

Research What a Law School Offers

Use search engines like Google News or LexisNexis to find any mentions of the school in the press. Did the law school recently open a new building or center, or announce a new policy that might affect your interest?

Most importantly, carefully review the law school’s website . Law school websites are one of the best ways to learn about a school: how it sees itself, what it offers and what’s going on. While law school websites might look unremarkable at first, close reading can reveal valuable details.

Compare multiple law school websites and notice the differences between them in style and content. Often, the words and images they use are meticulously crafted to present and promote a distinct identity. Without copying their phrasing word for word, reference these ideas in your essays to reflect an understanding of a school’s unique character while avoiding cliches and generalities. 

Find Areas of Overlap

Law schools differ in their size, geography , culture, curricula, special programs, campus activities and many other ways. These distinctions provide perspectives on how each law school stands out.

Based on your research, make a list of strengths for each of your target schools that are relevant to your interests as a candidate. For example, if your personal statement is about your dream of becoming a prosecutor, look for clinics, research centers, programs, professors or distinguished alumni in the criminal law field.

Focus on a Few Specific Points

When elaborating on the reason you are interested in a school, don’t try to “flood the zone.” Broad compliments may sound insincere.

In a “Why This School” essay or interview response, center your answer on a few concrete reasons.

Try to keep the reasons varied. For example, rather than mention three clinics you find interesting, think about other potential points of intersection, like a personal connection or a geographic interest.

Think realistically about your plans for law school and beyond . It would be more effective to thoughtfully explain why a professor’s research interests align with your own than to rattle off every relevant course in the catalog.

Ultimately, “why” questions are about connecting a law school to yourself. Answer with confidence by researching and identifying a few specific ways in which a school’s unique offerings match with what sets you apart.

Tips to Boost a Law School Application

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Tags: law school , graduate schools , education , students

About Law Admissions Lowdown

Law Admissions Lowdown provides advice to prospective students about the law school application process, LSAT prep and potential career paths. Previously authored by contributors from Stratus Admissions Counseling, the blog is currently authored by Gabriel Kuris, founder of Top Law Coach , an admissions consultancy. Kuris is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has helped hundreds of applicants navigate the law school application process since 2003. Got a question? Email [email protected] .

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“Why This Law School?” Essay Example

Plus, an expert “why this law school” interview answer.

Why this law school

“Why this law school?” is a common law school optional essay prompt and law school interview question you must prepare for. This question is particularly intimidating because you need to do a bit of homework before you can compose a strong response to this question. How do you do this? In our article, we go over sample answers to this question, as well as explain the rationale behind it and provide you with the most comprehensive guide on how to compose your answer. Let’s dive in!

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Important note on the “why this law school” prompt.

Firstly, you should know that this law school essay prompt can be worded in many, many ways. It is not guaranteed that your chosen law schools in Canada and the US will present you with the exact prompt “Why are you choosing our school?”. But you must read between the lines. Some schools will ask you questions like:

“How do your goals and values match Penn Carey Law’s core strengths?” (University of Pennsylvania)

“what do you want to experience at stanford” (stanford university).

What are these prompts really asking you? They are asking why you are pursuing UPenn and Stanford specifically – in other words, “why this law school?”.

After you read this blog, you will have a strong strategy for writing this type of essay or answering this law school interview question and therefore will be able to compose a great narrative for any school you pursue. The key is not to miss identifying this common prompt among the prompts you encounter during the application or interview. So, it’s important to be on the lookout for this question even if it is not worded exactly the same way in every school.

Since we already mentioned a prompt from Stanford Law School , let’s review a sample essay for their prompt. And before we jump in, this is what Stanford Law School has to say about its culture:

“At SLS, we are driven by a passion for new ideas and a commitment to transformative solutions. True to our roots in Silicon Valley and our Stanford heritage, we focus on the future — not the past. Experimentation, exploration, the translation of new knowledge into entrepreneurial solutions: All are in our DNA.”

So, how can this inspire your essay? Here’s an example:

Prompt: “What do you want to experience at Stanford?" (100- to 250-word max)

Stanford Law School is always at the frontlines of innovation, and I want to experience and, more importantly, contribute to the transformations that will be taking place in our country's legal and social systems with the help of Stanford Law School, its faculty, and alumni. My background and achievements clearly demonstrate my dedication to innovation and progress. As the president of my college’s Law and Business Society, I have had the privilege of organizing and hosting our annual conference “Innovations in Digital Law” for three consecutive years. These colloquiums were a great chance to collaborate with and learn from my peers all over the United States and Canada. With over 2000 people in attendance, we were able to team up with many other college law societies to publish a small student journal “Law Innovations Today” that included 10 of the brightest works presented at the conference. The success of our conference led to an invitation to the Global Legal Innovations Summit in 20xx, which I attended as a speaker. Not only was I able to showcase my research and findings on global laws regarding terrorism, but I was able to meet with Stanford Law School faculty member Dr. ABC, whose course on Biomedical Innovation Law and Policy I look forward to taking at Stanford. (213 words)

By the way, try not to repeat yourself too much in your application. So if you already shared an experience with the admissions committee via your law school personal statement , then you should avoid telling the same story in your “why this law school?” essay. However, you can try to highlight different aspects of the same story in different application components. For example, your Stanford Law School personal statement can emphasize your leadership and logistical skills demonstrated in the Law and Business Society, but your “why this law school?” essay can emphasize your public speaking skills and dedication to innovation (as per the prompt). But keep in mind that we strongly encourage you to showcase different strengths and experiences in different parts of your application – so using different stories is best.

“Why This Law School?” Interview Answer

The last hurdle before the admissions committee makes its decision is the interview, which has a great effect on law school acceptance rates . This means that every one of your answers will impact your admissions chances.

You should also be expecting the "why our law school?" question in an interview. Along with “tell me about yourself” and “ why do you want to study law ?”, this is one of the most common questions in law school admissions. A verbal answer is a little more difficult to deliver, but a strong strategy and practice in mock law school interviews will lead to strong results. And remember that if you are asked the question “why this law school” both via application and interview, you should not provide the same answer. Use this as an opportunity to express other aspects of your candidacy to showcase further what a perfect candidate you are. To find more inspiration, check out the law school’s mission statement, research projects, faculty, and other academic and social goals. For example, here's a part of Stanford’s mission statement:

“[to] Bring legal services to those groups that would otherwise lack access to adequate legal representation.”

If we stick with Stanford Law School, here's a verbal interview answer you could provide for the question “What do you want to experience at Stanford?”:

Growing up, I did not know what it means to have a right to legal representation. I did not know that every citizen has the right to a lawyer. I might have heard of this in movies or TV shows, but I thought this never applied to me or anyone like me. Attorneys and the rule of law were something from a different life, not the one I was living.

But as our country went through social changes and upheavals like the Ferguson uprising, I became obsessed with learning about our legal system and the rule of law. It was disturbing to realize that while the law was used against certain groups of citizens, these groups could not use the law to defend themselves. I was about to start high school when the Ferguson uprisings began, and when I began grade 9, I formed a small legal club in my high school. There were just 3 of us at first, the other two being my best friends and neighbors since we were 6. But our spirits were not diminished due to our small size – we organized an assembly on racial disparities in criminal justice before a basketball game. While most students were bored and couldn’t wait for the game to start, we did get 2 new members after the assembly. This is how our club grew, and eventually, we started having assemblies before every sports game to educate our peers on their legal rights and opportunities. At Stanford, I want to be a part of the change that promotes awareness and knowledge of every citizen’s legal rights. As an institution that is dedicated to diversity, I hope that it will help me become an educational and helpful voice in my community.

Note that this essay would have also been a wonderful submission for the law school diversity statement , but it works really well here too because the speaker addresses the school’s prompt, as well as its values and goals. This just goes to show that you can speak to a variety of experiences and qualities in your application – use these opportunities to demonstrate your strengths and suitability for your chosen schools!

Best Step-by-Step Strategy for “Why This Law School?” Question

Here's why the "why this law school?" question is tricky: while the question is asking you why a certain school attracted you over others, it’s also asking you why you would be a good fit for it. So, you cannot and should not leave your answer one-sided. In other words, you cannot focus only on what the school can give you – you must also showcase what the school will gain by admitting you. And this is the balance you must keep in your essay or interview answer.

Note the two responses we include above. Why were they strong? Here’s why:

They use the tactic of \u201cshow, don\u2019t tell\u201d and express their suitability with strong and vivid stories of accomplishments that showcase why Stanford should want them to be a part of their upcoming cohort. "}]">

So, your number one strategy for the "why our law school?” question should be to identify which experiences and qualities make you a suitable applicant for the school you’re applying to and to demonstrate this suitability via an example of an experience that reveals that you share values and goals with your school.

Easier said than done, right? Here’re the steps you can take to accomplish just that:

  • Thoroughly research the school you’re applying to/interviewing with. Find out everything you can about its culture, mission, goals, faculty, projects, course curriculum, diversity efforts, history, campus life, and so on.
  • Write down the aspects of the school that most interest you and the ones you resonate with the most. For example, if you are a strong advocate for diversity, you may be drawn by the diversity programs of the school; or maybe there is a course that you are particularly interested in, or maybe there is an internship opportunity only this school provides.
  • Brainstorm which of your experiences, events, and skills align with the most attractive part of the school for you. Essentially, you need to showcase what you can add to this already existing aspect of the school and improve it further. So, if it’s diversity, maybe you are an immigrant with experience advocating diversity in the legal profession. If it’s curriculum, you can demonstrate how you prepared for it via undergrad courses, work experiences, law school extracurriculars , and so on, and how your classmates will benefit from you being there.

Take your time to reflect on this. Your answer may change and morph over time. This is why it is so important to browse and brainstorm law school essay topics and learn how to prepare for a law school interview in advance. Once you narrow down what you want to say, follow this structure to formulate your answer:

  • Give a brief statement about which aspect of the school attracts you most. It can be a couple of things, but stick to 1 or 2 at most.
  • Use an event or experience from your life that demonstrates why you are interested in this aspect of the school and what would make you a valuable member of the law school community.  
  • Finish with what you hope to accomplish at your law school with regard to its most attractive quality.

Follow this structure, and you will be sure to ace any “why this law school?” question variations.

If it’s an essay, make sure to keep it within the required length. Do not go over the word/character limit. However, you can keep it under the maximum length. If you can create a strong narrative under the word limit, that’s wonderful. Strong, succinct answers are always best.

If it’s an interview, try to keep your answer no longer than 2 minutes. Brief, but complete answers will be valued more than long and rambling ones.

Address the prompt

Remember what we said at the beginning: this question can be posed in many different ways. The intent of this prompt stays the same no matter how it is worded, but its wording may affect what qualities and experiences you highlight. For example, we referred to a prompt from the UPenn Law School earlier in the article and here it is again:

“How do your goals and values match Penn Carey Law’s core strengths?”

The prompt is very clear that you have to refer to a specific aspect of Penn Carey Law’s values and mission, so do not dismiss this and write about something else.

Keep it structured

There may be dozens of reasons you want to go to a specific law school, but for the best and most effective answer, you should choose no more than 1 or 2. This will help you keep your answer to the point and make sure you stick to answering the question. If it’s an interview, you do not want to ramble on; if it’s an essay, you do not want to submit an unstructured, confusing answer. Follow the structure we outline above and keep it sweet and short.

Show, don’t tell

We encourage our students to follow this rule for all essays and interview questions. It just makes for a better answer if you paint a picture by sharing an experience or a story that highlights your suitability. No number of claims that you possess a quality will replace a story that truly showcases that you possess it.

Get professional help

If you are struggling with your applications and interview prep, get some professional help. Many law school applicants find it difficult to talk about their accomplishments, their unique qualities, and their suitability. In fact, one of the most challenging aspects of the law school application is the supplemental essays. Most students struggle with the law school diversity statement thinking that they have nothing to write about, or they really want to avoid speaking about their setbacks in prompts that ask for any gaps in their academic background. But all you need is a good strategy and even the setbacks will be seen as strengths! Professionals can help you get into law school with a low GPA , low LSAT, and other common setbacks. If you are not sure about your application or interview strategy, we strongly recommend getting the help of law school admissions consulting experts. 

The law schools want to see whether you are a good candidate for their schools and whether you are being selective or applying to any school. Demonstrating knowledge of the school’s mission and values will showcase that you have done your homework and selected a specific school where you will excel. 

In some way or another, most law schools will ask you this question in the supplemental application or the interview.

Yes, they are different. Whether explicit or not, your law school personal statement should answer a more general question “why do you want to be a lawyer?”. 

Some schools make supplemental applications a requirement that you must complete. Others make them optional. In the latter case, we advise you to submit optional essays because they are a great way for you to further demonstrate your suitability. 

Start by providing a brief explanation about why this school interested you so much. Then talk about an experience that would contribute to this aspect of the law school you’re pursuing.   

Make sure to follow the word/character limits provided. If they are not indicated in the instructions, try reaching out to the admissions office.

Keep your answer to 1 or 2 minutes long.

Law school supplemental essay prompts can include questions that ask you to discuss gaps and setbacks in your journey to law school, what you can contribute to the incoming class and campus, and what steps prepared you for the study of law. While these are the most common, you should be prepared for quirky and unexpected questions as well.

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Pen and Chisel Q&A: How to Tackle the “Why X School?” Essay

Eileen Conner

If you missed any of her other admissions Q&As, check them out here .

Q: One of my target law schools requires a supplemental essay that discusses why it’s the best school for me. What should I include in this essay?

The “Why X School?” essay is a short piece law schools occasionally ask applicants to submit. Because it isn’t as common as the personal statement, diversity statement, or addendum, many applicants don’t have a solid plan on how to tackle it. So let’s look at the basic elements of a successful “Why X School?” essay.

In this essay, you should argue that a particular law school and its programs are right for you.

And how do you know if it’s right for you? There are as many different reasons as there are applicants.

Your career ambitions

Before you start writing this essay, think about what you hope to achieve with a career in law:

  • What are your goals?
  • What field or branch of law do you see yourself working in?

Narrow down your plans as much as you can.

Instead of just determining what general role you’d like to play, think about who you would like to be working with and the overall effect you’d like to have.

Maybe you want to work in patent law to help scientists preserve their rights to their discoveries. Maybe you want to become a public defender to ensure that those who can’t afford their own representation get fair trials. Whatever your ambition, define it for yourself as clearly as possible.

The law school’s resources

Next, it’s time to think about your target law school’s characteristics and resources.

What about their program could help you achieve these career goals?

Read through the school’s website and any additional information you may have to begin building a picture of the different resources they offer. List out all the resources you find that might help you achieve your career goal. Individual professors you’d love to study under, specialized academic tracks, particular workshops or clinics, part-time programs, or even geographical location — any or all of these could be part of your list.

Again, it’s a good idea to be as specific as possible.

Law schools are looking for students who have done their homework and have a strong understanding of the school’s specialties.

Citing specifics will show the admissions committee that you’ve taken the time to do your research and really get to know the school while also emphasizing the reasons that their program is the right choice for you.

Link them together

To create a successful “Why X School?” essay, you’ll want to show the connection between your career goals and the law school’s resources:

  • What about this school makes it the place for you?
  • How will it help you achieve your goals?
  • Essentially, what are your reasons for targeting this school?

Reasons for picking a particular program can vary quite a bit from person to person. Just as everyone has their own particular ambition and career goal, everyone has their own particular reasons for wanting to attend a given law school.

Maybe you’re targeting a career in environmental law, so you’d love to attend Vermont Law. Maybe you’re interested in intellectual property and its applications in technology, so Santa Clara and Stanford are at the top of your list.

Whatever your situation, use this essay to show how your target school’s programs, specialties, and other resources will help you achieve that career goal.

By showing a clear connection between your ambitions and your chosen law school’s resources, you’ll be able to make a strong argument that this is the right program for you.

— – —

Thanks, Eileen!

More about Eileen: Eileen Conner is the founder of Pen and Chisel LLC, where she specializes in helping law school candidates perfect their application essays. A graduate of the University of Michigan’s prestigious creative writing MFA program, Eileen is the former Senior Editor for Law at Revision Editing.

As you embark on your law school application journey, you might want to bookmark Applying to Law School 101: What You Need to Know to Succeed .

Then check out some of the rest of the Pen and Chisel Q&A:

  • Pen and Chisel Q&A: Is Your Law School Personal Statement Too Vague?
  • Pen and Chisel Q&A: Can I Tell Multiple Stories in My Law School Personal Statement?
  • Pen and Chisel Q&A: How to Pep Up a Boring Law School Admissions Essay
  • Pen and Chisel Q&A: Tackling Subjective Grammar Issues in the Personal Statement
  • Pen and Chisel Q&A: How Can I Shape My Non-Traditional Experience into a Compelling Law School Application?

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Law School Application Essay: Why X?

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One of the law school application essays that many students choose to write about is the one that asks, “Why our law school in particular?”

There are different variations on this question, but they’re all asking the same things:

What is it about this particular school or area of study that you find interesting ? Why? How will this educational setting allow you to thrive, not just during your time here, but also in your career?

There are two important components to answering these questions:

• First, you must describe what makes you unique. Which educational experiences do you have that show why you’re interested in a particular area of study? What will you bring to the law school that’s valuable to them? Why would they want to have you as a student?

• Secondly, you must also describe why the law school is the perfect fit for you. What attracts you to that law school? Is it a specific professor? Does one of their programs have a unique advantage that you’re drawn to?

In the first version of her essay for Stanford Law School, Samantha achieved only one of these components. She told us about only herself, highlighting her interest in patent law.

The problem was, she left out what made Stanford Law so appealing to her.

By leaving out this one essential element, she really only completed half of the essay. Even though it met the word count requirements, her original essay would have been missing a key element, and law school admission officers would have noticed.

Thankfully, Samantha came to me for help and we were able to catch the mistake in time. For her final version, Samantha’s essay had clear examples of why Stanford Law would provide the perfect learning environment for her.

She also cited the Dean’s philosophy and how it relates to her educational and career goals and explains how some of the school’s legal clinics truly excite her.

Could your essay be missing some key details like Samantha’s was? Don’t submit it before finding out. Read about how you can answer the question, “Why do you want to go to this law school?” in my articles here, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any further help.

Until next time,

P.S. There’s a lot more to writing a “Why X Law School” essay than the two bullet points I listed above. While those are the two main components, you must also incorporate the other elements of law school application essay-writing we’ve discussed so far, like “show don’t tell.” I know it’s a lot to remember, but when you have a well-written law school application essay that can help get you into your top-choice school, it will certainly pay off!

Recommended Resources:

1. Law School Admissions Coaching

Get personalized 1-1 help on every aspect of the law school admission process — or just the law school personal statement.

2. Law School Admissions Guide

I’ve written a concise guide to the law school admission process with tips on completing every aspect of your applications from start to finish. It’s a small price to pay for a whole lot of guidance, and it’s short enough that you’ll actually read the whole thing.

3. Law School Admissions Cheat Sheet

Quick-reference guide for the law school personal statement, the “Why X?” essay, and the law school résumé. (You can also get it with the LSAT Cheat Sheets.)

LSAC (Law School Admission Council) does not review or endorse specific test preparation materials or services and inclusion of LSAC content within this work does not imply the endorsement of LSAC. LSAT is a registered trademark of LSAC.

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Why X Law School: Impactful Education

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Words: 561 |

Published: Feb 15, 2024

Words: 561 | Pages: 1 | 3 min read

The pursuit of justice has always driven my intellectual curiosity and passion for social change. It is this unwavering commitment to make a positive impact on society that has led me to consider X Law School as the ideal institution to continue my legal education. Through meticulous research and introspection, I have come to appreciate the unique attributes of X Law School that align with my personal and professional aspirations.

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One of the most compelling factors that attracts me to X Law School is its rigorous academic program. I have read extensively about the institution's renowned faculty members, who are not only experts in their respective fields but also dedicated mentors to their students. The prospect of engaging in intellectually stimulating discussions and debates with these esteemed scholars excites me, as it would challenge me to think critically and refine my legal reasoning skills.

Moreover, X Law School's commitment to experiential learning is particularly appealing to me. The various clinical programs, internships, and externships offered at the school provide students with hands-on opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. By participating in these immersive experiences, I am confident that I will develop practical skills crucial for pursuing a successful legal career.

Another aspect that sets X Law School apart from its peers is its vibrant and diverse community. I firmly believe that exposure to diverse perspectives fosters a more complete understanding of complex issues, equipping me with the necessary tools to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. The commitment of X Law School to fostering an inclusive environment, where individuals from various cultural, socioeconomic, and ideological backgrounds can come together, resonates deeply with me.

Moreover, the emphasis on collaboration rather than competition at X Law School is an ideal fit for my personal values. I firmly believe that meaningful change is best achieved through collective efforts. The opportunity to work alongside fellow students who share a common commitment to social justice and the public good would undoubtedly enrich my learning experience and inspire me to achieve greater heights.

As someone deeply passionate about social justice issues, X Law School's strong commitment to public interest law is of utmost importance to me. The school's extensive range of public interest clinics, pro bono opportunities, and partnerships with local organizations perfectly align with my desire to serve underprivileged communities and advocate for marginalized individuals.

Furthermore, the X Law School's emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches to law and its intersection with other fields, such as public policy and human rights, greatly appeals to me. By embracing these interdisciplinary perspectives, X Law School equips its students with a holistic understanding of the law's role in shaping society. This multifaceted approach aligns with my own belief that effective legal advocacy requires an understanding of the complex social, political, and economic dynamics that underpin legal issues.

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In conclusion, X Law School embodies the values and aspirations that have guided my journey towards pursuing a legal career focused on social impact. Its rigorous academic curriculum, collaborative community, and commitment to public interest law make it an ideal institution for my continued intellectual growth. I am eager to contribute to the vibrant and diverse community at X Law School while actively engaging in initiatives that advance justice and equity. Joining X Law School would not only be an honor but also a transformative opportunity to prepare myself as a legal advocate dedicated to creating positive change in society.

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How to Approach the “Why Our Law School?” Application Essay Prompt

December 2, 2022

Todd Carney

Law school application essays frequently cause writer’s block. It can be difficult to respond to a school’s prompts within the specified parameters. One prompt that often challenges applicants is “Why (insert law school)?” This is where you need to explain why you want to attend that specific law school. A lot of applicants think, “Well, it is a good school, and I clearly would not be spending the time and money to apply if I did not want to go there.” Although this is a reasonable reaction, you ultimately must articulate clearly and in a professional manner why you want to attend the school.

In this blog post, we at Stratus walk you through how to best respond to this prompt.

Research the Law School

A lot of applicants have issues with this essay question because they do not investigate the particulars of the school. Many apply to schools where they have a reasonable chance of gaining admission based on their GPA and test scores. Others apply to all the schools in a particular state if they want to or must live in that state.

Although these are reasonable starting points, it is always a good idea to do more research about the school. Most law schools will have some interesting alumni and offer an abundance of resources, but you should look deeper than that:

  • Research school offerings and organizations in areas of interest. If you have an idea of what kind of law you want to practice, investigate what the school offers in that area. For example, if you want to work in health law, maybe the school has some courses, a clinic, or a center related to that field. There might also be professors who are experts in the area. But rather than simply listing all these things, you should explain how your legal career would benefit from these resources.Similarly, there might be a cultural reason that you want to attend a particular school. You might be interested in being a civil rights attorney, and the school might be known for its activism on campus or have many active student organizations. To demonstrate your interest in the school, you could discuss the student organizations and other activities in which you might participate and discuss how they will help you fulfill your legal aspirations after graduation.
  • Find ways to connect famous alumni with your career goals. The law school might boast some impressive alumni. When discussing famous alumni, it is a good idea to tie them to something of interest to you. For example, if a former US president attended the school, it is best not to say you are interested just because that president was a student. Instead, focus on the fact that the president worked in an area of law of interest to you before they were elected. It can be helpful to mention any famous attorneys, activists, or specialists who attended the school if they are of interest to you and you can tie them into your career goals.
  • Seek informational interviews with alumni. You might have friends or colleagues who are alumni or are currently attending the school, but it’s not a big deal if you do not know anyone. You also can reach out to alumni via LinkedIn to request an informational interview, or sometimes they might post their contact information elsewhere, such as a law firm website. Although alumni will not put in a special word to get you into their alma mater, an informational interview might provide more content for your essay. In addition, being able to mention specific alumni who are related to your legal aspirations can help show that you have done your homework. Doing all this research can help you determine your areas of interest in the law, and thinking about this before you apply can help you later if you must decide between schools.
  • Investigate school resources and events. Finally, you should see if the school has published any blog posts or podcasts that provide advice on application essays or if the school offers information sessions on this topic. Schools will never tell you exactly what to write, but they might share how to best structure the essays, what types of details are of interest, and what not to do in their essays, among other helpful advice. Tips like this can be the difference between writing a good essay and writing a great one.

Share Insight About You

Law school essays want to know about you—who you are beyond your test scores, grades, and resume. Consequently, you do not need to jump straight into explaining why you want to attend the school. You could start by sharing what made you interested in becoming a lawyer. This introduction could cover the areas of law that appeal to you and why, and it is a good opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and life experiences. You could also touch on your career ambitions in this section and then provide more in-depth details later in the essay about how the law school will help you realize those ambitions.

Consider the Essay Structure

In terms of structure, many applicants organize their essays chronologically, but you do not necessarily need to start at the beginning of your life. The important thing is to share some experiences from your life and tie them together in terms of why you are interested in the law. Given that the essay is asking why you are interested in the law school, such details should be the focus, but you can find ways to expand on your experiences along the way. For example, if you are interested in international human rights, you could share details on this topic when you discuss how one of the law school’s offerings would complement your goals.

Although this essay prompt can seem daunting and open ended, like the other prompts, it is an opportunity for the law school to get to know you better. Therefore, do your best to demonstrate how the school is the best fit to help you achieve your career ambitions!

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Writing an Effective “Why X” Addendum

Published June 2010

There are "necessary" parts of the law school application that are obviously the most important. The actual application form, the personal statement, and any required addendums should always take first priority as they need to be polished and flawless. However, sometimes people have put in the work, prepared their applications, and are looking for any other way they can possibly get a little more edge on the competition. This is especially important for "reach" schools where you'll need all the help you can get in order to get admitted. Written effectively, a solid “Why X” addendum can potentially set you apart and help you get into the schools you're most interested in.

When to Write a “Why X” Addendum

For some schools, the answer to this is simple. Penn actually asks you to write at least one addendum to demonstrate writing and persuasive abilities, and offers a "Why Penn" option as one of the available choices. Cornell asks on their app why you want to attend their school in particular. While I haven't read through the applications of all 200 law schools nationwide, I wouldn't be surprised if there are several others that also bluntly ask you why you want to go there in particular.

Even if schools don't ask, that doesn't mean they don't accept them. Dean Trujillo of UVA Law had the following to say about such addendums in his TLS interview:

“We do have many applicants who draft very generic personal statements, and that can be fine. But we do have people stating they want to be at Virginia Law for a particular reason, and that can be persuasive. It need not be in the personal statement though, and can instead be part of an addendum…Applicants can and do submit “why UVA” essays all the time. We just do not specifically ask for them. I also get a number of “why X Law School” essays all the time, where X is (accidentally) not Virginia Law. That is a sure way to get yourself wait-listed or rejected.”

Besides making the obvious point that you shouldn't submit a "Why Michigan" essay to UVA Law, what this makes clear is that schools accept--and consider--such addendums even if they don't ask for them. It also raises an additional point, which is that many applicants want or are encouraged to mention their desire to go to a particular law school in their PS. If they do this, though, it takes away from the limited amount of space they have to talk about themselves. Moving these arguments to an addendum gives an applicant the full length of their PS to what is most important, showing their uniqueness and strengths.

The national norm seems to be that you are free to submit an addendum with your application for any matter you consider important or that you feel needs explained, and a Why X addendum qualifies. Unless the school specifically tells you otherwise--and so far I have never personally seen this--you can write an addendum explaining why you want to attend their particular law school if you desire to do so.

Why to Write a “Why X” Addendum

There is no guarantee that an addendum will get read even if you take the time write it. The admissions committee may not get past your PS, or they may not even get past your GPA/LSAT score, before deciding to place your application in the reject pile. Such is life, and life is sad sometimes, but there's nothing you can do to change that outcome. You could have the greatest reason for attending X Law School in the world, and your addendum may never get read.

However, most people applying for a particular school are doing so because they have at least some chance of being admitted there. If you have numbers even within a certain range of what it takes to enroll at X Law, they will start digging deeper into your application and trying to get a greater picture of how to weigh it as a whole. Every positive aspect gives you more help in eventually getting in, and every negative aspect holds you back a little more; obviously you want to have as many positives as possible.

If you plan on submitting your application to X Law, and you believe (or at least hope) that they will get all the way to the end, wouldn't you want to have something that could give you even a little extra help once they get that far? Of course you would. If your application is good enough to be admitted once they're done reading it, but they have a lot of other good applicants similar to you, then you want whatever tiebreaker they use to go in your favor. That tiebreaker could be your Why X addendum because it could show that unlike those other guys and gals, you really do want to go to their particular school.

This is true for more than just people whose numbers are low or just at the median and are looking for an edge to claw their way in. It also applies to people with really absurdly high numbers too, because of what's called yield protection . YP is a system where schools reject applicants because their application is so good that the applicant can obviously go to a better school. Why should X Law waste an acceptance on this person when they are obviously going to get into Harvard and go there?

(This also is done because it affects USNWR rankings. Schools want a high number of applicants and a low number of acceptances, because a low acceptance ratio makes them look good. This and the policy reasons behind it are beyond why I'm writing today, so I'm not going to go any further on it, I'm just making you aware that it exists.)

A Why X addendum can help here too. If someone can articulate specific reasons why they want to go to X Law instead of Harvard, X Law then has reason to believe they'll actually attend, and more incentive to admit them instead of yield protecting them to protect their admissions numbers. Thus if your numbers are really high for a school, it may make sense to let them know why you want to go there to reduce your odds of becoming a victim of the larger admissions numbers game.

Why Not to Write a “Why X” Addeundum

There are valid arguments for why you shouldn't write a Why X addendum for a school. First of all, if you're just applying to a school because it's a safety or you got a fee waiver, and you cannot bring yourself to research specific things to write about in a Why X addendum, do not write one. A bad essay is going to be worse than no essay, because it will probably make clear how much you don't care whether or not you get accepted there. You are better off not saying anything in that case.

Second, if you're applying Early Decision, a Why X addendum is redundant. Applying ED tells them you are certain to go there if accepted, and with that already true, they probably do not care about your reason. In a sense, applying ED is the ultimate Why X essay, with an action that says more than a 500 word addendum ever could. If it's early enough, you're sure it's the school of your dreams, and your numbers aren't good enough to get scholarship money (early decision applicants rarely receive scholarships on admittance because they are bound to that specific school and don’t need extra incentives), you're better off applying ED than trying to write a Why X addendum.

Lastly, there are a few schools that are so prestigious that they already know why you want to attend. Harvard Law is not a good place to send an addendum like this. Everyone and their dog wants to go to HLS; it doesn't need explanation. The reasons for wanting to go are so obvious to everyone, there is no point in writing an addendum about it. Practically everyone who applies would actually go there if accepted, so there's no advantage to spending an extra sheet of paper trying to tell them you would too. The "Top 6" schools are so prestigious they are in a class by themselves, and they know it.

Really, the Why X addendum is mainly worth it when you want to avoid YP or for schools you consider "reach" schools that you do have a chance to get into but need what help you can get. Every applicant should have at least a couple realistic "reach" schools, the ones they are most hoping and praying to get into, and the ones they are likely to feel the most eager to attend. That feeling is what you want to convey in your Why X addendum. If they like your numbers enough to read that far, you want them to see your enthusiasm in the hopes it will make them like you that much more.

The more they like you, the more likely they are to accept you. But what can you say to make them like you more as an applicant?

What to Say in a “Why X” Addendum

The first thing you need to do is show them that you have a specific interest in their law school. There is one really strong way to do this, and that is to actually visit X Law, do a self-guided tour (or a guided one if the school offers them), and meet and talk with students or professors (if allowed). You will then have some pretty clear things you can write about, and saying something positive about the school, while including something that shows you took time to give them a real look, tells them your interest is probably genuine.

For example:

I visited the X Law campus on October 13, 2009, and was impressed by what I saw. Having an interest in public interest law, I stopped in the Hoover Public Interest Center to ask a couple questions, and ended up having a 20-minute conversation with Director Skinner. He was very helpful and encouraging, and we spoke in particular about volunteer opportunities with local organizations such as the X Domestic Violence Project. I am excited about the opportunities the Hoover Center will offer me as a student.

Obviously, the more you get out of your visit, the more you can write about, but if you had a good experience visiting, it only takes a few short lines to show just how much you really want to go there. Naming specific people you spoke with and things you learned helps cement in the minds of the admissions committee that you took time out of your own life to learn something about the school.

But what if you cannot visit? X Law may be across the country, and if you're a poor loan-burdened undergrad you might not be able to afford that trip. That's where the power of the internet comes in. While you don't want to write something cheap and ripped off their website's welcome page, hopefully you have done some research into the school before applying and you have some idea what kind of strengths it has. You can go dig more into those strengths and then write about them.

I am especially eager to attend X Law because of its accomplishment in placing graduates in federal clerkships. I see that X Law placed 18% of its graduates last year into clerkships, far higher than numbers at peer schools, and that they recently appointed a separate Clerkships Director to assist students who want a clerking experience when they graduate. I know a few lawyers and they have all strongly recommended I seek a clerkship when I graduate for the experience it will bring me and its value on my resume. I would love attending X Law not only for the great education it will provide, but for the special assistance it will be able to provide in finding a clerkship when I graduate.

This is very specific and talks about why the school fits the student's specific goal, and all it took to write was some research. Specifically, the writer would have to know 1) that they are interested in a specific thing like clerkships, 2) X Law's clerkship placement numbers, 3) clerkship placement numbers at peer schools, and 4) that X Law recently created a Clerkships Director position. Number 1 comes from the writer's own interest, 2 and 3 come from readily available online statistics, and number 4 is the kind of news or fact that would be advertised on the law school's own website.

All it takes is some interest in a specific area of law and a little time to dig into what that school offers. This doesn't even have to be about post-graduation numbers; most people who go to law school end up going in wanting to do one thing and graduate with a job doing something else entirely. However, people still have interests going in that they'll want to explore, and ways the law school offers to explore it are good things to show interest in.

If you find yourself interested in criminal law, you can talk about how you want to try out the school's Prosecution Clinic or Indigent Defense Clinic. If you might have interest in business law, you can talk about how you hope to take a class with the esteemed business law expert Professor Y who happens to teach at X Law. If this school is a reach school for you, and you are really eager to go there, hopefully there are some reasons you want to go there so badly. Dig into it, get more details on the stuff you're interested in, and write about that.

Put as much as you have to say (in a single page) about the things in the school that interest you, and about how eager you are to go there. Be careful, though, not to say something as strong as "I will attend if accepted" if you're not sure you mean it. Eagerness is one thing, but making a commitment on paper could bite you. If you make a commitment to a school and then withdraw after they offer you a seat, that represents a bad ethical choice and something that could look very bad to another school or the bar if they found out. Besides, if you are that committed to attending, apply ED instead. Otherwise, you want to convey your eagerness as much as possible without making promises you are not sure you can keep.

Putting it all Together: A Sample “Why X” Addendum

The ideal addendum should spend up to a full page connecting your own interests with specific programs or opportunities available at the school you're attending. While it should not be copied or relied on too strongly, the following is an example of what a full-length Why X addendum may look like:

Addendum: Why I Want To Attend X School of Law

Since my childhood in an impoverished neighborhood and witnessing the struggles of families that can't afford legal representation, it has long been my desire to become a Public Interest lawyer so I can have the opportunity to bring legal aid to those who need it most and afford it least. It is this strong desire that makes me want to attend X School of Law.

I am impressed by the strength of the clinics that X Law offers and the way those clinics allow students to help the community even before graduating. I am particularly interested in the school's Juvenile Justice and Outreach Clinic, which provides legal education to area high school students and pro bono legal services to arrested juveniles. Having personally witnessed friends caught up in the criminal justice system with no one to show them a way out, I am eager to participate in this clinic and try to make a positive difference in helping troubled teens become productive and law-abiding adults.

I am also impressed by the strength of X Law's student organizations. The presence of organizations such as Law Students for Racial Equality convinces me that I will be surrounded by peers sharing my commitment to improving society through the law. I am especially impressed by the range of guest speakers such as Governor Marla Singer and US Supreme Court Justice Tyler Durden that LSRE has brought to the X Law campus in recent years.

Lastly, I am impressed by X Law's commitment to helping students find Public Interest careers when they graduate. With 38% of X Law graduates going into PI work and a dedicated Public Interest Career Center available to students, it is clear that X Law has a commitment to helping students like me find rewarding public interest work upon graduation.

In closing, I believe that not only is X Law a good fit for me, but that I am also a good fit for X School of Law. If accepted, I would be eager to join the ranks of X Law students and graduates who have given back to the surrounding community through pro bono and public interest work.

There are times you shouldn't worry about a Why X addendum. If the school is "just a safety" to you, if you're sure you'll get in with your numbers anyway, do not waste your time writing a Why X addendum.

The Why X addendum is a way to set yourself apart at schools you are really eager to attend. It could be the tiebreaker between you and someone who did not say anything about why they want to attend the school. Showing that you have taken an actual interest in the school and what it offers could help you win an admissions committee over which is important in a world where 6,000 applicants may be competing for 300 seats at your dream school, and you may need every advantage you can get.

There are many steps the admissions committee will take before getting to your Why X addendum. Your grades, LSAT score, and PS are all going to be looked at first, and if they are not solid, it won't matter what an addendum says. However, if those are solid, a really well-written and enthusiastic Why X addendum might just be the thing that makes you stand out when they make the final cut between you or some other applicant.

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How to Answer the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

Are you struggling with the "Why Law School?" essay question? This article provides expert tips and strategies to help you craft a compelling answer that showcases your passion for the law and your unique qualifications.

Posted May 12, 2023

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Featuring Cian S.

Law School: Crafting a Compelling Personal Statement

Friday, april 19.

8:00 PM UTC · 45 minutes

If you are considering applying to law school, you will need to write a "Why Law School?" essay. This essay is an opportunity for you to explain why you want to pursue a legal education and why you are a strong candidate for admission to a particular law school. The essay is an important part of the application process and can ultimately make or break your chances of being accepted. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to answer the "Why Law School?" essay question.

The Importance of Addressing the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

The "Why Law School?" essay question is an opportunity for you to showcase your motivation, passion, and qualifications for pursuing a legal education. The essay allows admissions officers to understand your goals and aspirations, as well as your fit with a particular law school. It is important to address the essay question explicitly and thoughtfully as it can significantly impact your application's success.

One way to approach the "Why Law School?" essay question is to research the law school and its programs thoroughly. This will allow you to tailor your essay to the specific school and demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the institution. Additionally, you can use the essay to highlight any unique experiences or skills that make you a strong candidate for law school. Remember, the essay is not just about explaining why you want to go to law school, but also about showcasing why you are a good fit for the school and the legal profession.

Understanding the Purpose of the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

The "Why Law School?" essay question is designed to help admissions officers understand your motivations, goals, and fit with a particular law school. The question is intended to be open-ended, allowing you to provide a unique and personal response. Your essay should demonstrate your understanding of the legal field and showcase your qualifications and interests.

It is important to note that the "Why Law School?" essay question is not just about explaining why you want to attend law school, but also why you want to attend that specific law school. Admissions officers want to see that you have done your research and have a genuine interest in their institution. This can include discussing specific programs, clinics, or professors that align with your career goals. Additionally, your essay should highlight how you can contribute to the law school community and what unique perspectives or experiences you can bring to the table.

Researching Law Schools Before Writing the Essay

Before writing the "Why Law School?" essay, you should research the law schools you are interested in attending. This research will help you understand the school's academic programs, faculty, resources, and culture. It is important to identify how the school aligns with your personal and professional goals, and emphasize this connection in your essay.

One important aspect to consider when researching law schools is their location. Some law schools are located in urban areas, while others are in more rural settings. This can impact your overall experience as a student, as well as your opportunities for internships and networking. Additionally, you should research the school's alumni network and job placement rates to get a sense of the career opportunities available to graduates.

Another factor to consider is the school's approach to teaching and learning. Some law schools emphasize a more theoretical approach, while others focus on practical skills and experiential learning. Understanding the school's teaching philosophy can help you determine if it is a good fit for your learning style and career goals.

Highlighting Your Personal Motivations for Attending Law School

Your "Why Law School?" essay should highlight your personal motivations for attending law school. This can include your interests in law, social justice, advocacy, or any other relevant experiences. Your essay should showcase your passion and enthusiasm for the legal field.

Additionally, it is important to explain how attending law school aligns with your long-term career goals. This can include specific legal fields you are interested in pursuing, such as environmental law or intellectual property law. You can also discuss how a law degree will help you achieve your career aspirations, whether it be working in a law firm, government agency, or non-profit organization. By demonstrating a clear understanding of your career goals and how law school fits into them, you can further emphasize your commitment to pursuing a legal education.

Demonstrating Your Knowledge of the Legal Field

Your "Why Law School?" essay should demonstrate your knowledge of the legal field. This knowledge can come from previous experiences, such as internships or work experience, or through academic coursework. A deep understanding of the legal field will show admissions officers that you are prepared for the rigors of law school and committed to pursuing a legal education.

Additionally, you can also demonstrate your knowledge of the legal field by discussing current events and issues within the industry. This shows that you are not only knowledgeable about the past and present of the legal field, but also aware of its future direction and potential challenges. Including examples of how you have stayed up-to-date with legal news and developments can further strengthen your essay and showcase your passion for the field.

Showcasing Your Career Goals and Aspirations

Your "Why Law School?" essay should showcase your career goals and aspirations. This can include identifying the type of law you want to practice or explaining how a legal education will contribute to your long-term career aspirations. It is important to be specific in your goals and demonstrate how attending law school aligns with your overall career plan.

Additionally, you may want to consider discussing any relevant experiences or skills that have prepared you for a career in law. This could include internships, volunteer work, or previous jobs that have given you exposure to the legal field. By highlighting these experiences, you can demonstrate your commitment to pursuing a career in law and show admissions committees that you have a strong foundation to build upon in law school.

Incorporating Your Background and Life Experiences into the Essay

Your "Why Law School?" essay should incorporate your background and life experiences into your response. This can include explaining how your personal or professional experiences have led you to pursue a legal education. It is important to showcase how your unique perspective and experiences will enrich the law school community.

For example, if you have worked in a non-profit organization, you can discuss how this experience has given you a deeper understanding of the legal system and how it affects marginalized communities. Alternatively, if you have a background in science or engineering, you can explain how this has given you a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and the law.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Writing the "Why Law School?" Essay

When writing the "Why Law School?" essay, it is important to avoid common mistakes. These can include being too generic in your response, not demonstrating your fit with a particular school, or not being specific enough in your career goals or motivations. It is important to carefully read and follow the essay prompt and align your response with the law school's mission and values.

Another common mistake to avoid when writing the "Why Law School?" essay is focusing too much on your academic achievements and not enough on your personal experiences and qualities. Admissions committees want to see that you have a genuine passion for the law and a clear understanding of how pursuing a legal education will help you achieve your goals. Therefore, it is important to showcase your unique perspective and experiences, and how they have shaped your desire to attend law school.

Emphasizing Your Fit with the Law School's Culture and Curriculum

Your "Why Law School?" essay should emphasize your fit with the law school's culture and curriculum. This can include highlighting the school's unique academic programs, extracurricular activities, or faculty. Your essay should showcase why the law school is the best fit for you and how you will contribute to the school's community.

Additionally, it is important to research the law school's mission statement and values to ensure that your essay aligns with their goals. You can also mention any relevant experiences or skills that make you a strong candidate for the school. Remember to be specific and provide examples to support your claims. By demonstrating your fit with the law school's culture and curriculum, you increase your chances of being accepted and thriving in the program.

Using Specific Examples to Support Your Arguments

Your "Why Law School?" essay should use specific examples to support your arguments. This can include citing specific academic programs or faculty at the law school or discussing particular experiences or achievements that demonstrate your fit with the school. It is important to provide evidence to support your claims and demonstrate your unique qualifications.

Crafting a Convincing and Cohesive Narrative in Your Essay

Your "Why Law School?" essay should tell a convincing and cohesive narrative. This means that you should create a clear and logical structure for your essay, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Your essay should have a strong, central theme that ties together your arguments and demonstrates your overall fit with a particular law school.

Polishing and Editing Your "Why Law School?" Essay to Perfection

Before submitting your "Why Law School?" essay, it is important to polish and edit your writing to perfection. This means carefully proofreading your essay for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It also means ensuring that your essay follows the correct word count and formatting guidelines. A polished and well-written essay will make a strong impression on admissions officers.

Tips from Admissions Officers on Writing an Effective "Why Law School?" Essay

Admissions officers recommend that you take the time to carefully read and follow the essay prompt, research the law school thoroughly, and write a unique and personal response. It is important to showcase your passion for the legal field and align your response with the law school's values and mission. A strong and effective essay will make a memorable and positive impression on admissions officers.

Conclusion: Key Takeaways for Writing a Compelling "Why Law School?" Essay

The "Why Law School?" essay question is an important part of the law school application process. To write a compelling essay, it is important to research the law school, demonstrate your knowledge and passion for the legal field, identify your personal motivations and career goals, and showcase your fit with a particular law school. By following these key steps and tips, you can write a successful "Why Law School?" essay that will help you stand out from other applicants and secure your place in your dream law school.

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Explaining Why You’re Applying to Their Law School (The "Why X" Essay)

Among the many optional essays law schools may ask you to write, one of the most common is the "Why X" essay—essentially, an essay in which you describe to the law school why you are interested in attending that school in particular.

On a cursory level, it may seem very easy to write this type of essay. You write one template, drop in the proper nouns related to the specific institutions, and you’re ready to submit. This method can produce a very generic essay, though, and one that likely won't help your chances of admission. If it feels like fluff, it most likely is a bit superficial, and admissions committees will quickly make the same determination—they have seen this all before.

What’s the best approach, then, to craft a “Why X” essay that truly makes a positive impact on your application and is distinct for each school?

The University of Pennsylvania Law School, for example, asks the “Why Penn” question in a unique manner that is designed to get you to a deeper level. Essentially, Penn asks you to identify how your interests, goals, and values connect to Penn Law’s core values. This concept is a great direction for any Why X Law School essay. Figure out what motivates you, find those opportunities at each law school that requires a “Why X” essay, and then highlight those activities in your essay. Don’t just list them—instead, connect them to what motivates you.

“I’m an EMT and a Health Science major, and I’ve seen America’s health crisis from both the academic and practical level on the ground. I want to get involved in Princeton Law School’s Rural Health Clinic because too many people do not know how to navigate the system.”

“I’m an engineer, and Dartmouth Law’s Journal of Science and Technology would be an ideal way for me to take a leadership role in researching and recommending federal and state regulations that are necessary for the safe and orderly institution of artificial intelligence technology.”

Both of these statements specifically connect the applicant's background and experience to one of the school’s opportunities, rather than just saying "I'm very interested in X clinic" or "Y Journal really appeals to me." By personalizing why the school’s opportunities have motivated you to apply, you will help the school better understand how you fit with their institution, and it may also convince them that you are more likely to enroll than the next applicant (the core goal of submitting a Why X).

"Why X" Essay Dos and Don'ts

  • DO check to see if the school has any specific formatting or length requirements or guidelines in their instructions, before you start drafting. If not, we generally advise applicants keep their "Why X" essay to about one page, at 1’’ margins and 11- or 12-point font.
  • DON'T write a "Why X" essay for every school you apply to. Some schools don’t want them. Some schools ask for them specifically, which is a clear indication that you should write one. Alternatively, at other schools, a “Why” essay is not requested but has still been shown to be strategically advantageous to submit. So, read the application instructions and do your research to figure out for which schools you should be writing this type of essay, and which schools do not welcome them.
  • DO lead with the personal . Start with a personal connection if you can. Have you ever visited the school? Do you know someone who attends and have you heard good things from that perspective? What was your introduction to the school? These are often the strongest and most differentiating components of a “Why X” essay, if they apply to you.
  • DON'T rely on templates. Some templating is natural for "Why X" essays, but spend time personalizing the essay to the school beyond just dropping in relevant info. And be incredibly careful to avoid leaving in references that do not apply to a specific school (e.g. “I like the feel of a college town” when the school is in a big city).
  • DO research. The ideal "Why X" essay doesn't start and end with information that can be found on the law school's website, but you should still spend some time there. In addition to learning about the school's areas of strength, clinics, professors, journals, etc., check out the news/updates sections of the website or watch a student video; perhaps there will be something that resonates and relates to your interests and goals, and you can comment on it in your statement. Outside of the law school's substantive offerings, you can also mention things like class size, location, and atmosphere (but make sure that you give a reason “why” that also tells the reader about yourself).
  • DON'T make it all about them. The "Why X" essay should tell the school more about you than it does about themselves. They already know about their programs and the information provided on their website, so it's not about listing the programs or courses and saying that you would be interested in them—it's more about why you are interested in them and how that relates to your goals, interests, learning styles, and preferences.
  • DO incorporate the law school's "brand" into your essay, if applicable. Reviewing the law school's website, if it is well-executed, will teach you how the law school likes to talk about itself. Do they focus on “breadth and depth” or “an intimate seminar-style environment” or “close attention from faculty”? These can be useful concepts to use in a "Why X" essay, especially if you can connect them to your personal background, values, and goals.
  • DON'T write anything that conflicts with your other application components. Your "Why X" essay, like every other component of your application, will not be read or evaluated in a vacuum. If you write your whole personal statement about your background working in public service and how you want to be a public interest lawyer, your "Why X" essay shouldn't center on the school's corporate law offerings. The more cohesive your "Why X" essay is with the rest of your application, the more authentic it will read. For example, talking about your focus on health law and how you are interested in a school’s Health Law Clinic is more powerful if you can back it up with extracurriculars, jobs, and/or other experiences in the healthcare system that show up in other components of your application.
  • DO visit the law school, attend a recruiting event, or otherwise personally engage with the admissions office if you can. A well-written "Why X" essay can pack even more of a punch if it's backed up by records of real engagement with that law school, whether through a visit to campus, stopping by their table at an LSAC forum, or even attending a webinar from the admissions office. Then talk about your experience and what you learned in your "Why X" essay! Be sure to give specifics.

These are just a few suggestions that can help you write a strong "Why X" essay, but we also recommend having someone else read your essay before you submit. It is essential to make sure that the essay comes across as well-written and sincere (and the more personal connections you can make to the school, the more genuine you will seem).

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Law School Applications: How To Approach the “Why” Essay

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why x school essay example law

The “why” essay question is commonly found in nearly all law school applications. Law schools include the question to understand why applicants want to pursue law and why they want to attend said law school. Schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law typically include some variation of the “why” question in the essay component of the application and ask applicants to articulate on how they would contribute to the law school community.

Gabriel Kuris, founder of Top Law Coach and contributor at US News , recently discussed how applicants can best align their traits and values to a law school’s in the “why” essay.


While each “why” essay should be personalized to a specific law school, experts say the “why” essay should be more about you than the law school where you’re applying.

“They already know about their programs and the information provided on their website, so it’s not about listing the programs or courses and saying that you would be interested in them—it’s more about why you are interested in them and how that relates to your goals, interests, learning styles, and preferences,” according to Mikey Spivey, of Spivey Consulting .

That being said, it’s still critical to research a law school thoroughly and be sure that each essay is personalized to a specific law school.

“Compare multiple law school websites and notice the differences between them in style and content,” Kuris writes. “Often, the words and images they use are meticulously crafted to present and promote a distinct identity. Without copying their phrasing word for word, reuse some of these terms in your essays to reflect an understanding of a school’s unique character while avoiding cliches and generalities.”


Most law schools ask applicants to keep their “why” essay under 350 words, or one page. Thus, it’s important to focus on a few strong points rather than a variety.

“If someone asks what you like about him or her and you answer ‘everything,’ you better be able to back that up with a few specifics,” Kuris writes. “Otherwise, your broad compliment may sound insincere. Likewise, in a ‘why’ essay or interview response, center your answer on a few concrete reasons.”

Spivey says applicants can highlight aspects of a law school such as size, location, or atmosphere as long as they have a strong reason behind the “why” that ties back to their own traits or goals. Leading with the personal, Spivey says, can make for a strong “why” essay.

“Start with a personal connection if you can—have you ever visited the school? Do you know someone who attends and have you heard good things from that perspective? What was your introduction to the school? These are often the strongest and most differentiating components of a ‘Why X’ essay, if they apply to you,” Spivey writes.

Sources: US News , Spivey Consulting

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How to Write a ‘Why This Law School’ Essay

U.S. News & World Report

October 15, 2023, 8:00 PM

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Strong law applicants tend to have carefully considered why they are applying to law school , and they understand that their application essays need to express their interest in a legal career.

However, many are stumped when law school applications ask them a narrower question: Why are you applying to this law school?

Most commonly, law schools may ask this question through a supplemental application essay , sometimes called a “Why X School” or “Why This School” essay.

For example, the University of Notre Dame Law School offers applicants an optional statement of no more than two double-spaced pages “to express a specific interest in Notre Dame Law School.” The School of Law at the University of California–Irvine has a mandatory essay of up to 750 words about why you are interested in their school.

Other schools may ask applicants to address this question within their personal statement with a short-answer prompt. It is also a common interview question. By asking applicants about their specific interest in a school, admissions officers turn the table on applicants. After all, applicants take pains to distinguish themselves by showing that their grades and test scores don’t reveal other factors that set them apart. With a “Why This School” question, law schools say: We’re unique, too. Why are you choosing us?

Ironically, many applicants have given little thought to what separates one law school from another! As you can imagine, admissions offices are not thrilled about this. They certainly don’t see themselves as gatekeepers to a generic, interchangeable institution.

Answering a “Why This School” essay can be frustrating. How do you articulate your interest without resorting to boilerplate flattery about a school’s prestigious faculty and beautiful campus?

Learn About a Law School Through an Event, Interview or Visit

Since many applicants apply to a wide range of law schools, they may not know much about each one.

One of the best ways to learn about a law school is at a law school forum or information session. Many schools host online events, which can be convenient for applicants unable to visit the law school in person.

[ Look for these things Law School Visits: When to Go, What to Look for ]

If you have a chance to speak with an admissions officer, you can ask good questions to learn more about how the school sets itself apart from others.

You may also learn about a law school by talking to current or former students about their experience on campus.

Research What a Law School Offers

Law schools value applicants who show they have done their research about where they are applying, because the investment of time and energy shows genuine interest and because research is a core legal skill.

Use search engines like Google News or LexisNexis to find any mentions of the school in the press. Did the law school recently open a new building or center, or announce a new policy that might affect your interest?

Most importantly, carefully review the law school’s website . Law school websites are one of the best ways to learn about a school: how it sees itself, what it offers and what’s going on. While law school websites might look unremarkable at first, close reading can reveal valuable details.

Compare multiple law school websites and notice the differences between them in style and content. Often, the words and images they use are meticulously crafted to present and promote a distinct identity. Without copying their phrasing word for word, reference these ideas in your essays to reflect an understanding of a school’s unique character while avoiding cliches and generalities.

Find Areas of Overlap

Law schools differ in their size, geography , culture, curricula, special programs, campus activities and many other ways. These distinctions provide perspectives on how each law school stands out.

Based on your research, make a list of strengths for each of your target schools that are relevant to your interests as a candidate. For example, if your personal statement is about your dream of becoming a prosecutor, look for clinics, research centers, programs, professors or distinguished alumni in the criminal law field.

[ READ: How to Gauge the Strength of Law School Clinics. ]

Focus on a Few Specific Points

When elaborating on the reason you are interested in a school, don’t try to “flood the zone.” Broad compliments may sound insincere.

In a “Why This School” essay or interview response, center your answer on a few concrete reasons.

Try to keep the reasons varied. For example, rather than mention three clinics you find interesting, think about other potential points of intersection, like a personal connection or a geographic interest.

Think realistically about your plans for law school and beyond . It would be more effective to thoughtfully explain why a professor’s research interests align with your own than to rattle off every relevant course in the catalog.

Ultimately, “why” questions are about connecting a law school to yourself. Answer with confidence by researching and identifying a few specific ways in which a school’s unique offerings match with what sets you apart.

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How to Write a ‘Why This Law School’ Essay originally appeared on usnews.com

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Law School Personal Statement with Examples

April 3, 2024

law school personal statement examples

So you’re applying to law school? You’ve researched the LSAT , you’ve researched law schools , and now you’re preparing to write your personal statement. I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your plate so I won’t waste your time. In this blog, we’ll answer your questions, examine some law school personal statement examples, and discuss the law school personal statement format. Let’s dive right in.

What’s the purpose of a law school personal statement?

Here are the key objectives and functions of a law school personal statement:

1) Showcase your personal narrative

You can provide admissions committees with insight into who you are beyond your academic achievements and test scores. This essay allows you to share your personal narrative, experiences, values, and aspirations. Those details will help the admissions committee understand what motivates you and shapes your perspective.

2) Demonstrate your writing ability

Law schools place a high value on strong writing skills, because legal education and the legal profession require clear, concise, and persuasive communication. Your personal statement serves as a writing sample. The admissions committee will analyze your ability to articulate ideas effectively, organize thoughts coherently, and convey your message with clarity and precision.

3) Highlight your fit for the program

Your personal statement should also demonstrate why you are a good fit for the specific law school you’re applying to. So research the institution and tailor your statement accordingly. Then you can articulate how your interests, goals, and values align with the school’s mission, programs, and culture.

Law School Personal Statement with Examples (Continued)

4) Provide context for your application

Additionally, your personal statement offers context for the rest of your application. It allows you to address any inconsistencies or gaps in your application, explain unique circumstances, and showcase your growth and resilience.

5) Differentiate yourself from other applicants

In a competitive admissions process, a well-crafted personal statement can help you stand out from other applicants. By sharing authentic and compelling experiences and perspectives, you can distinguish yourself as a unique and valuable candidate.

6) Demonstrate your commitment to the legal profession

Admissions committees seek candidates who are passionate about pursuing a legal education and making a positive impact in the profession. So your personal statement should convey your sincere interest in law, your understanding of its challenges and responsibilities, and your readiness to contribute to the legal community.

  Law school personal statement format

Formatting a personal statement for law school is crucial as it helps convey your message clearly and professionally. So before we look at some law school personal statement examples, here are the key components of the law school personal statement format:

Most law schools have specific guidelines regarding the length of personal statements, typically ranging from one to two pages. So it’s essential to adhere to these guidelines to ensure your statement is concise and focused.

Font and size

Use a professional font like Times New Roman and adjust the size to 12 points. This ensures readability and maintains a formal appearance.


Begin with a strong and engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention. This section should set the tone for the rest of your statement and provide context for your motivations.

Body paragraphs

Organize your statement into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific theme or aspect of your background, experiences, and motivations for pursuing law school.


Use transitional phrases and sentences to smoothly transition between different ideas and paragraphs. This helps maintain coherence and flow throughout your statement, ensuring that each section builds upon the previous one.

End your statement with a compelling conclusion that reinforces your motivations for pursuing a legal education. Focus on leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Stick to the guidelines

Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by the law school, such as file format requirements or word count limitations. Adhering to these guidelines demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.

Two law school personal statement examples

With the law school personal statement format fresh in our minds, let’s take a look at some examples.

Here’s the first of our law school personal statement examples:

As I gaze into the innocent eyes of my two young daughters, I’m filled with boundless love. In their laughter and curiosity, I see the promise of a bright future—but intertwined with that hope is a profound fear and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. I can never forget the sobering reality of climate change, a crisis that threatens to reshape the world they will inherit.

My journey towards law school is not merely a pursuit of personal ambition but a solemn commitment to safeguarding the future of my children and generations to come. Growing up amidst the rolling hills of California, I witnessed the devastating effects of wildfires and droughts. Yet, it was the birth of my daughters that catalyzed my transformation from concerned bystander to impassioned advocate.

Driven by this newfound purpose, I immersed myself in climate advocacy, from grassroots campaigns to policy research. I rallied alongside fellow parents and concerned citizens, demanding accountability from policymakers and corporations alike. Each petition signed, each protest attended, was fueled by the determination to leave behind a world worthy of my daughters.

I want to leverage the power of the law as a force for environmental justice and sustainability. The University of Oregon is where my passion for climate advocacy meets the rigors of legal education. Its esteemed faculty and commitment to social responsibility offer the ideal platform to amplify my voice and effect meaningful change.

At the University of Oregon, I aspire to become not only a skilled attorney but also a champion for the planet. With each legal brief penned and each precedent set, I’ll strive to leave behind a legacy of hope and resilience. And I’ll ensure that my children inherit a world teeming with possibility, not plagued by relentless climate catastrophes.

Why the first of our law school personal statement examples works:

Compelling narrative

First, the statement begins with the applicant reflecting on their young daughters and their concern for the future amidst the looming threat of climate change . This narrative immediately grabs the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the applicant’s personal journey.

Personal connection

The applicant demonstrates a deep personal connection to the issue of climate change. This personal connection adds authenticity and depth to their motivations for pursuing law school.

Commitment to advocacy

The statement showcases the applicant’s proactive approach to addressing climate change through advocacy work, including grassroots campaigns and policy research. This demonstrates their dedication and initiative in confronting pressing societal issues.

Alignment with law school

The applicant articulates why they’re drawn to the specific law school they’re applying to. They emphasize how the University of Oregon’s commitment to social responsibility and environmental justice aligns with their own values and aspirations. This shows that the applicant has researched the law school and understands how its resources can support their goals.

Vision for the future

Finally, it concludes with a vision of the applicant’s future role as an attorney dedicated to environmental justice and sustainability. This, coupled with their commitment to leaving behind a positive legacy for future generations, highlights their long-term goals and ambition.

Overall, this personal statement effectively combines personal narrative, passion, and commitment to showcase the applicant’s readiness for law school and their potential to make a meaningful impact in the field of environmental law.

Here’s the second of our law school personal statement examples:

Nestled amidst the golden fields of rural America, I learned from an early age that community is not just a place. It’s a commitment to looking out for one another in times of need. Growing up in a tight-knit community, I was instilled with values of empathy, compassion, and service.

On an autumn morning several years ago, there was a knock at my door. On my porch was my neighbor Sarah, a single mother. She told me about the looming eviction notice that threatened to upend her family’s life. As she looked at me with desperate eyes, I felt a surge of empathy and determination.

I sprang into action and rallied the support of our neighbors. Together, we organized to challenge the unjust eviction and provide Sarah with the assistance she needed. This experience ignited my passion for social justice and set me on a path towards law school.

Throughout my undergraduate journey, I dove into political science and community development. I immersed myself in research projects that shed light on the lived experiences of marginalized communities. One particularly impactful project involved collaborating with local activists to advocate for the expansion of affordable housing programs. This culminated in a successful city council vote that brought tangible relief to countless families in need.

The allure of UC Davis lies not only in its esteemed faculty and rigorous curriculum but also in its dedication to fostering a culture of advocacy and social change. Its renowned clinics and externship opportunities offer a unique platform to translate classroom knowledge into real-world impact. I’m eager to contribute my firsthand experiences and passion for justice to the vibrant community of UC Davis, where every voice is heard, and every action is a step towards a more equitable future.

Why the second of our law school personal statement examples works:

Compelling introduction

The statement begins with vivid imagery and a nostalgic portrayal of the applicant’s upbringing in rural America. This sets the stage for the narrative and establishes the values that have shaped the applicant’s worldview.

Personal anecdote

The story of Sarah, the single mother facing eviction , demonstrates the applicant’s empathy, compassion, and commitment to social justice. Additionally, it showcases their ability to take initiative and mobilize their community in times of need.

Connection to law school

The statement effectively connects the applicant’s personal experiences to their decision to pursue law school. It highlights how their passion for social justice was ignited by their experiences. Then it also emphasizes their determination to use the law as a tool for positive change.

Academic and experiential background

The applicant provides specific examples of their academic and experiential background. They include involvement in political science and community development research projects. This demonstrates their commitment to understanding systemic injustices and their ability to engage in meaningful advocacy work.

Fit for the law school

The statement concludes by articulating why the applicant is drawn to the specific law school they are applying to. It mentions UC Davis’s dedication to advocacy and social change, aligning with the applicant’s values and aspirations. This shows that the applicant has done their research. Additionally, it shows their clear vision for how the law school’s resources align with their goals.

Overall, this personal statement effectively showcases the applicant’s passion, commitment, and readiness for law school, making them a compelling candidate for admission.

How to brainstorm for your law school personal statement

Here are some strategies to help you brainstorm effectively:

1) Reflect on personal experiences

First, think about significant events, challenges, or accomplishments in your life that have shaped your identity and aspirations. Also, consider how these experiences have influenced your interest in law and your commitment to social justice or advocacy.

2) Identify core values and beliefs

Reflect on your core values, beliefs, and principles that guide your decision-making and actions. Then consider how these values align with the mission and values of the law schools you’re interested in. Also, consider how they inform your interest in pursuing a legal education.

3) Evaluate unique experiences and perspectives

Consider any unique experiences, perspectives, or backgrounds you bring to the table that may set you apart from other applicants. Reflect on how these experiences have shaped your perspective and how they contribute to your readiness for law school.

4) Seek inspiration from others

Talk to family members, friends, mentors, or advisors who know you well. They may offer valuable perspectives and help you uncover ideas you hadn’t considered.

5) Freewriting and mind mapping

Finally, set aside time for freewriting or mind mapping exercises. This is where you jot down ideas, memories, thoughts, and associations related to your interest in law school. Allow yourself to explore different angles and connections without judgment.

By engaging in these brainstorming strategies, you can generate a wealth of ideas and insights to inform your law school personal statement.

Final Thoughts – Law School Personal Statement with Examples

Well, you’ve analyzed the law school personal statement examples and the law school personal statement format. You understand the purpose of the personal statement and all the nuances it brings to your application. You know how to brainstorm. Now you’re ready to find your inspiration, choose your topic, and craft your story. Happy writing!

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Mariya holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the Pratt Institute and is currently pursuing an MFA in writing at the University of California Davis. Mariya serves as a teaching assistant in the English department at UC Davis. She previously served as an associate editor at Carve Magazine for two years, where she managed 60 fiction writers. She is the winner of the 2015 Stony Brook Fiction Prize, and her short stories have been published in Mid-American Review , Cutbank , Sonora Review , New Orleans Review , and The Collagist , among other magazines.

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    Given that the essay is asking why you are interested in the law school, such details should be the focus, but you can find ways to expand on your experiences along the way. For example, if you are interested in international human rights, you could share details on this topic when you discuss how one of the law school's offerings would ...

  13. Writing an Effective "Why X" Addendum

    When to Write a "Why X" Addendum. For some schools, the answer to this is simple. Penn actually asks you to write at least one addendum to demonstrate writing and persuasive abilities, and offers a "Why Penn" option as one of the available choices. Cornell asks on their app why you want to attend their school in particular.

  14. How to Answer the "Why Law School?" Essay Question

    essay question is designed to help admissions officers understand your motivations, goals, and fit with a particular law school. The question is intended to be open-ended, allowing you to provide a unique and personal response. Your essay should demonstrate your understanding of the legal field and showcase your qualifications and interests.

  15. Explaining Why You're Applying to Their Law School (The "Why X" Essay

    Penn Law, for example, asks the "Why Them?" question in a unique manner that is designed to get you to a deeper level. Essentially, Penn asks you to identify how your interests, goals, and values connect to Penn Law's core values. This concept is a great direction for any Why X Law School essay. Figure out what motivates you, find those ...

  16. Law School Applications: How To Approach the "Why" Essay

    Most law schools ask applicants to keep their "why" essay under 350 words, or one page. Thus, it's important to focus on a few strong points rather than a variety. "If someone asks what you like about him or her and you answer 'everything,' you better be able to back that up with a few specifics," Kuris writes.

  17. Application Documents

    The most common two types of optional essays are: (1) a diversity statement and (2) a "Why 'X Law School'?" essay. Some law schools may provide additional prompts to which you are permitted to respond. For example, Georgetown Law offers applicants the choice among four prompts for an optional 250-word essay (e.g., "How would your ...

  18. How to Begin Why X Law School Essay : r/lawschooladmissions

    As long as you're sincere and write well, your Why X essay will be well received. Straight forward, honest essays will always be welcomed in professional/grad school admissions. Gone are the days where we need flowery, verbose narrative focused essays, like we did for undergrad. Unless you are truly ground breaking with your reasoning, you ...

  19. "Why Law School X" Essays

    There are also other, rather baroque ways of asking "Why School X." Penn Law School's optional prompt is an example: These are the core strengths that make Penn Carey Law the best place to receive a rigorous and engaging legal education: genuine integration with associated disciplines; transformative, forward-looking faculty scholarship ...

  20. Sample why X Essay? : r/lawschooladmissions

    Because I attended a small liberal arts college, sports were not a large part of my undergraduate career. I would treasure the opportunity to scream "Go Blue!' alongside one hundred thousand of my closest friends. For all of these reasons, Michigan Law is my top choice for law school.

  21. How to Write a 'Why This Law School' Essay

    The School of Law at the University of California-Irvine has a mandatory essay of up to 750 words about why you are interested in their school. Other schools may ask applicants to address this ...

  22. 'Why Law School X?' Essay Strategy : r/lawschooladmissions

    Yes, it may help your application to show that you have a genuine interest in the school and have done some research. I think even just a few sentences showing a particular aspect of the school that attracts you goes a long way. It doesn't need to be a real essay. And don't take for granted the schools which aren't your top schools.

  23. Law School Personal Statement with Examples

    She is the winner of the 2015 Stony Brook Fiction Prize, and her short stories have been published in Mid-American Review, Cutbank, Sonora Review, New Orleans Review, and The Collagist, among other magazines. Law School Personal Statement Examples - We review the law school personal statement format and analyze why two sample essays worked.