World’s #1 Research Paper Generator

Over 5,000 research papers generated daily

Have an AI Research and write your Paper in just 5 words

See it for yourself: get your free research paper started with just 5 words, how smodin makes research paper writing easy, instantly find sources for any sentence.

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Our AI research tool in the research paper editor interface makes it easy to find a source or fact check any piece of text on the web. It will find you the most relevant or related piece of information and the source it came from. You can quickly add that reference to your document references with just a click of a button. We also provide other modes for research such as “find support statistics”, “find supporting arguments”, “find useful information”, and other research methods to make finding the information you need a breeze. Make research paper writing and research easy with our AI research assistant.

Easily Cite References

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Our research paper generator makes citing references in MLA and APA styles for web sources and references an easy task. The research paper writer works by first identifying the primary elements in each source, such as the author, title, publication date, and URL, and then organizing them in the correct format required by the chosen citation style. This ensures that the references are accurate, complete, and consistent. The product provides helpful tools to generate citations and bibliographies in the appropriate style, making it easier for you to document your sources and avoid plagiarism. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, our research paper generator saves you time and effort in the citation process, allowing you to focus on the content of your work.

Free AI Research Paper Generator & Writer - Say Goodbye to Writer's Block!

Are you struggling with writer's block? Even more so when it comes to your research papers. Do you want to write a paper that excels, but can't seem to find the inspiration to do so? Say goodbye to writer's block with Smodin’s Free AI Research Paper Generator & Writer!

Smodin’s AI-powered tool generates high-quality research papers by analyzing millions of papers and using advanced algorithms to create unique content. All you need to do is input your topic, and Smodin’s Research Paper generator will provide you with a well-written paper in no time.

Why Use Smodin Free AI Research Paper Generator & Writer?

Writing a research paper can be a complicated task, even more so when you have limited time and resources. A research paper generator can help you streamline the process, by quickly finding and organizing relevant sources. With Smodin's research paper generator, you can produce high-quality papers in minutes, giving you more time to focus on analysis and writing

Benefits of Smodin’s Free Research Paper Generator

  • Save Time: Smodin AI-powered generator saves you time by providing you with a well-written paper that you can edit and submit.
  • Quality Content: Smodin uses advanced algorithms to analyze millions of papers to ensure that the content is of the highest quality.
  • Easy to Use: Smodin is easy to use, even if you're not familiar with the topic. It is perfect for students, researchers, and professionals who want to create high-quality content.

How to Write a Research Paper?

All you need is an abstract or a title, and Smodin’s AI-powered software will quickly find sources for any topic or subject you need. With Smodin, you can easily produce multiple sections, including the introduction, discussion, and conclusion, saving you valuable time and effort.

Who can write a Research Paper?

Everyone can! Smodin's research paper generator is perfect for students, researchers, and anyone else who needs to produce high-quality research papers quickly and efficiently. Whether you're struggling with writer's block or simply don't have the time to conduct extensive research, Smodin can help you achieve your goals.

Tips for Using Smodin's Research Paper Generator

With our user-friendly interface and advanced AI algorithms, you can trust Smodin's paper writer to deliver accurate and reliable results every time. While Smodin's research paper generator is designed to be easy to use, there are a few tips you can follow to get the most out of Smodinl. First, be sure to input a clear and concise abstract or title to ensure accurate results. Second, review and edit the generated paper to ensure it meets your specific requirements and style. And finally, use the generated paper as a starting point for your research and writing, or to continue generating text.

The Future of Research Paper Writing

As technology continues to advance, the future of research paper writing is likely to become increasingly automated. With tools like Smodin's research paper generator, researchers and students can save time and effort while producing high-quality work. Whether you're looking to streamline your research process or simply need a starting point for your next paper, Smodin's paper generator is a valuable resource for anyone interested in academic writing.

So why wait? Try Smodin's free AI research paper generator and paper writer today and experience the power of cutting-edge technology for yourself. With Smodin, you can produce high-quality research papers in minutes, saving you time and effort while ensuring your work is of the highest caliber.

© 2024 Smodin LLC

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Research Paper Generator by AcademicHelp

Sybil Low

Key Features of Our AI Research Paper Generator

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Free ai research paper generator.

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Research Paper Generator for Finishing Your Papers

Writing a research paper is going to be the peak of your academic path. This work will show the knowledge and skills you gained throughout your studies. Undoubtedly, this will be one of the most serious steps you will take towards your future development and career goals. 

All of this puts a lot of pressure on you as a student. You might feel lost and therefore scared of starting to write this work. If this is you, then you are going to like the idea of using our Free Research Paper Writer.

Get Instant Help With Research Paper Title Generator

Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start your research paper. We have all been there – sitting in front of a blank document unable to even come up with the proper topic for our work. Fortunately, now you don’t have to struggle for days to come up with ideas. Just open the AI Research Paper Writer and jump-start the work process with its assistance. 

All you have to do is just state the subject of your writing and at least an approximate topic you may be interested in researching. In the special field for instructions, you can ask the tool to help you create the title and introduction to your paper. And just after 2 minutes, you will have the beginning on which you can build your article further. 

When You Can Turn to AI Research Paper Generator

Our Research paper Generator will prove beneficial to those who haven’t yet started their research. Yet, this is not the only case when you can use this service.

It can be a helpful addition to your academic toolkit even if you have already begun your writing. With its assistance, students can research new aspects of their topic and, as such, make their work more thorough. You can also use it to add new or organize the already existing parts of your paper. Just give it the paragraphs you already have and you will get an example of how they can be properly structured and edited with more details. 

In any case, you can use this Research Paper Generator for any part of your paper. No matter whether it is an introduction, the main body of the text, or the conclusion to all the research you’ve done – you will be able to get some valuable insight into how you can improve your writing for the better.

Prompt Ideas for Research Paper Thesis Generator

The key to effective work with AI text generators lies in prompting. Proper prompt structuring, however, takes time and practice, which we think, you don’t have much time for. And even if you do, giving you a few ideas on how good prompts would sound wouldn’t hurt, would it? 

So, we present to you our collection of possible prompts you can use to make our AI Research Paper Writer give you the best thesis statements:

  • “Research Topic: The effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in the Midwest.
  • Research Question: How does climate change impact agricultural productivity in the Midwest region?
  • Key Concepts: Climate change, agricultural productivity, Midwest region.
  • Relationship: Investigate the impact of climate change variables on crop yields.
  • Research Method: Analyzing historical climate data and crop yield records.
  • Significance: Understanding the implications of climate change for food security in the region.

Analyze the following details for my research paper and based on the information you learned provide a thesis statement for the said research paper”

“Examine the relationship between regular physical exercise and stress reduction in working adults. Focus on how different exercise routines impact stress levels. Use a comparative analysis of various exercise programs among a sample of working adults aged 25-45. Highlight the importance of this research for promoting workplace wellness programs.”

You should put in the relevant details regarding your paper in the said prompts. Note though, that these are just our suggestions. You are free to experiment and create your own prompts based on these recommendations. 

Where can I get a research paper written?

It’s a better idea to write your research paper yourself. However, you can use some outside help, for example, from online writing services, hiring a freelance writer, or seeking assistance from academic writing centers at universities. You can also use AI-powered platforms such as Academichelp Research Paper Generator, to help you gain and organize ideas in your chosen topic.

Who writes a research paper?

A research paper is typically written by students, researchers, or academics who want to present their findings or arguments on a specific topic. Professional writers or academic writing services can also be hired to write research papers, especially if the person who initially needs the paper lacks the time or skills to write it themselves. However, now, we also have various AI tools that can quickly help with that problem as well.

How much does it cost to have someone write a paper for you?

The cost for a research paper depends on the service you use to write it as well as the complexity of the topic, length, deadline, and the expertise of the writer. Prices can range from $10 to $50 per page for undergraduate-level writing. For more specialized or advanced writing, such as graduate-level or technical research papers, the cost can be higher. We advise you to get quotes from multiple services or writers to find a price that fits your budget.

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Research Paper Writer

Ai-powered research paper writing tool.

  • Academic Research: Write a research paper for your coursework, thesis, or dissertation.
  • Professional Research: Create a well-structured report for your professional work, including market research, policy papers, or white papers.
  • Personal Research: Draft a detailed essay on a topic of personal interest.
  • Content Creation: Develop a long-form blog post or article based on in-depth research.

New & Trending Tools

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Research Paper

Free AI Research Paper Generator - Save Hours On Research Every Week

Revolutionize research. Explore the AI research paper generator. Effortlessly create insightful content and stay ahead in the academic game.

Mar 7, 2024

undergraduate student using AI Research Paper Generator

Explore the transformative landscape of research paper writing with the revolutionary Ai research paper generator. This cutting-edge tool leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the research process, providing users with an efficient and innovative way to generate high-quality content. Dive into a world where research paper structure is effortlessly crafted, empowering scholars and academics to produce insightful papers with ease. Unleash the power of technology to enhance your research endeavors and unlock new possibilities in the realm of academic writing.

Table of Contents

What is an ai research paper generator, otio's free ai research paper generator - save hours on research every week.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What AI can write a thesis?

Supercharge your researching ability with otio — try otio for free today.

student desk with mobile app - AI Research Paper Generator

AI research paper generators are innovative tools designed to assist knowledge workers, researchers, and students in managing the overwhelming amount of information they encounter daily. These generators, like Otio , streamline the process of collecting data from various sources, extracting key insights, and creating draft outputs, ultimately aiding in the faster generation of research papers and essays.

Collecting Data Efficiently with Otio

One of the core functionalities of an AI research paper generator like Otio is its ability to collect data from a wide range of sources. From bookmarks and tweets to extensive books and YouTube videos, Otio simplifies the process of gathering pertinent information for research projects. By consolidating these diverse sources into a single workspace, Otio eliminates the need for researchers to juggle multiple tools and platforms, enhancing overall efficiency.

Extracting Key Takeaways with AI-Generated Notes

Otio leverages artificial intelligence to generate detailed notes on all bookmarks, including various types of content such as YouTube videos, PDFs, and articles. These AI-generated notes serve as a valuable resource for researchers, providing concise summaries and key insights from the collected sources. Otio offers source-grounded Q&A chat functionality, enabling users to engage with their content in a conversational manner, similar to interacting with a knowledgeable peer.

Creating Draft Outputs Faster with Otio

With Otio's AI assistance, researchers can transition seamlessly from compiling a reading list to generating a first draft of their research paper or essay. By leveraging the sources collected within the platform, Otio facilitates the creation of structured and coherent draft outputs. This streamlined workflow not only accelerates the writing process but also ensures that the final output is well-informed and supported by relevant sources.

Embracing the Future of Research and Writing with Otio

Otio stands out as a comprehensive AI-native workspace tailored to meet the needs of modern researchers and knowledge workers. By integrating advanced AI capabilities such as AI-generated notes, source-grounded chat, and AI-assisted writing, Otio empowers users to navigate the complexities of information overload with ease. For researchers seeking a reliable and efficient research paper generator, Otio serves as a valuable ally throughout the research and writing process.

Related Reading

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Otio emerges as a game-changer in the realm of research tools, specifically designed to cater to the needs of knowledge workers, researchers, and students grappling with content overload. By offering a seamless and AI-native workspace, Otio streamlines the process of information management and synthesis, eliminating the need for cumbersome and disjointed applications.

Seamless Data Collection from Diverse Sources

One of Otio's standout features is its ability to collect data from a wide array of sources, ranging from traditional bookmarks and extensive books to dynamic platforms like Twitter and YouTube. By consolidating these sources into one centralized platform, Otio simplifies the data aggregation process , saving users valuable time and effort.

AI-Generated Notes for Enhanced Understanding

Otio leverages advanced AI technology to extract key takeaways from the collected sources, providing users with detailed notes that encapsulate the core insights. This feature not only enhances comprehension but also facilitates the creation of source-grounded Q&A interactions, enabling users to delve deeper into the material and extract valuable insights.

Efficient Drafting Capabilities for Accelerated Writing

With Otio, the transition from reading and research to drafting outputs is seamless and efficient. By leveraging the sources collected within the platform, users can expedite the creation of drafts for research papers and essays. This feature empowers users to transform their reading lists into tangible written content with unparalleled speed and ease.

AI-Assisted Writing for Enhanced Productivity

Otio goes a step further by offering AI-assisted writing capabilities, allowing users to harness the power of artificial intelligence to enhance their writing process. By generating AI-driven notes on various types of content, including YouTube videos, PDFs, and articles, Otio ensures that users have access to comprehensive insights and information to enrich their writing endeavors.

Otio: Your Ultimate AI Research and Writing Partner

In essence, Otio serves as a comprehensive solution for researchers seeking to streamline their workflow, enhance their productivity, and elevate the quality of their work. By combining cutting-edge AI technology with intuitive design and user-friendly features, Otio empowers users to unlock their full research potential and achieve unparalleled success in their academic and professional pursuits.  Embrace the future of research with Otio – try it for free today!

Frequently Asked Questions  

student waiting patiently - AI Research Paper Generator

Is there an AI that can write research papers?

Otio's Free AI research paper Generator is a powerful tool designed to assist knowledge workers, researchers, and students in tackling content overload by providing a seamless AI-native workspace for research. With features like collecting data from various sources, extracting key takeaways with AI-generated notes, and creating draft outputs, Otio streamlines the research process and accelerates the journey from reading list to first draft.

Benefits of Using an AI Research Paper Generator

Otio's AI capabilities allow users to generate detailed AI-generated notes on various types of content, including Youtube videos, PDFs, and articles. Researchers can leverage Otio to chat with individual links or entire knowledge bases, similar to interacting with ChatGPT, enhancing collaboration and information sharing. The AI-assisted writing feature empowers users to write research papers and essays more efficiently, speeding up the overall writing process.

Enhancing Research Efficiency with Otio

Otio serves as a valuable AI research and writing partner , offering researchers a comprehensive solution to streamline their workflows and boost productivity. By leveraging AI technology to automate tasks such as data collection, note generation, and drafting, Otio enables researchers to focus more on analysis and critical thinking, ultimately enhancing the quality and efficiency of their research papers.

What is the best AI paper generator?

Otio's Free AI paper Generator is the best AI paper generator. Knowledge workers, researchers, and students today struggle with content overload , but Otio provides a solution by offering an AI-native workspace that streamlines the research process. Here's how Otio transforms research paper generation:

Collecting Diverse Data Sources

Otio allows users to gather information from a wide range of sources, including bookmarks, tweets, books, and videos. By consolidating all these sources in one place, Otio simplifies the data collection process.

Extracting Key Takeaways with AI

Otio leverages AI technology to generate detailed notes and source-grounded Q&A chat, making it easier for researchers to extract essential information from their collected sources. This feature saves time and enhances productivity.

Streamlining the Creation Process

From reading lists to first drafts, Otio accelerates the creation of research papers and essays. By enabling AI-assisted writing and facilitating draft outputs based on collected sources, Otio empowers users to write more efficiently.

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication

Otio allows users to engage with their collected knowledge through AI-generated notes, chat functionalities, and collaborative features. Researchers can interact with their sources just like they would with a research partner, improving communication and understanding.

Empowering Researchers with AI

Otio serves as an invaluable research and writing partner for users, offering a seamless experience that integrates AI technology into every step of the research paper generation process. With Otio, researchers can harness the power of AI to enhance their productivity and output quality.

woman waiting for AI Research Paper Generator

Otio's Free AI research paper Generator can write eloquent and well thought through thesis' for you. Knowledge workers, researchers and students today suffer from content overload and are left to deal with it using fragmented, complex and manual tooling. Too many of them settle for stitching together complicated bookmarking, read-it-later and note-taking apps to get through their workflows. Now that anyone can create content with the click of a button - this problem is only going to get worse. Otio solves this problem by providing one AI-native workspace for researchers. It helps them:

A wide range of data sources, from bookmarks, tweets, and extensive books to YouTube videos.

2. Extract key takeaways

With detailed AI-generated notes and source-grounded Q&A chat.

Draft outputs using the sources you’ve collected. Otio helps you to go from reading list to first draft faster. Along with this, Otio also helps you write research papers/essays faster. Here are our top features that are loved by researchers: AI-generated notes on all bookmarks (Youtube videos, PDFs, articles, etc.), Otio enables you to chat with individual links or entire knowledge bases, just like you chat with ChatGPT, as well as AI assisted writing.  Let Otio be your AI research and writing partner — try Otio for free today!

• Research Paper Outline Template • Research Paper Introduction Example • Research Paper Conclusion Example • How Long Should A Research Paper Be • How To Quickly Write A Research Paper • Tips For Writing Research Papers • 7 Steps In Writing A Research Paper

Otio revolutionizes the way knowledge workers, researchers, and students collect information by offering a seamless experience across various data sources. From bookmarks, tweets, and extensive books to YouTube videos, Otio enables users to aggregate information effortlessly. This AI-native workspace eliminates the need for juggling multiple tools, streamlining the data collection process for enhanced productivity.

AI-Generated Notes and Q&A Chat

One of Otio's standout features is its ability to extract key takeaways from collected sources through AI-generated notes and source-grounded Q&A chat. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Otio empowers users to delve deeper into their research materials and extract valuable insights efficiently. This innovative approach not only saves time but also enhances the overall research experience.

Streamlined Content Creation

Otio goes beyond traditional note-taking apps by offering a seamless transition from collecting information to creating draft outputs. With Otio, users can transform their reading lists into polished drafts faster than ever before. By providing AI-assisted writing capabilities, Otio ensures that researchers can focus on generating impactful content without being bogged down by manual tasks.

AI-Assisted Writing

Otio's AI-powered writing assistance feature is a game-changer for researchers looking to streamline their writing process. By offering AI-generated notes on various types of content, including YouTube videos, PDFs, and articles, Otio empowers users to craft well-informed research papers and essays with ease. The ability to chat with individual links or knowledge bases further enhances the collaborative aspect of the research process.

Take Your Research to the Next Level with Otio

Otio is more than just an AI research and writing partner —it's a comprehensive solution designed to elevate the research experience for knowledge workers, researchers, and students. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, Otio enables users to collect, analyze, and create content seamlessly, ultimately leading to faster and more impactful research outcomes.  Embrace the future of research with Otio —try it for free today and experience the difference firsthand.

• Ai Generated Research Paper • Ai Research Tools

man working with Consensus AI

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person on phone - How To Search For Research Articles

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Academia Insider

The best AI tools for research papers and academic research (Literature review, grants, PDFs and more)

As our collective understanding and application of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, so too does the realm of academic research. Some people are scared by it while others are openly embracing the change. 

Make no mistake, AI is here to stay!

Instead of tirelessly scrolling through hundreds of PDFs, a powerful AI tool comes to your rescue, summarizing key information in your research papers. Instead of manually combing through citations and conducting literature reviews, an AI research assistant proficiently handles these tasks.

These aren’t futuristic dreams, but today’s reality. Welcome to the transformative world of AI-powered research tools!

The influence of AI in scientific and academic research is an exciting development, opening the doors to more efficient, comprehensive, and rigorous exploration.

This blog post will dive deeper into these tools, providing a detailed review of how AI is revolutionizing academic research. We’ll look at the tools that can make your literature review process less tedious, your search for relevant papers more precise, and your overall research process more efficient and fruitful.

I know that I wish these were around during my time in academia. It can be quite confronting when trying to work out what ones you should and shouldn’t use. A new one seems to be coming out every day!

Here is everything you need to know about AI for academic research and the ones I have personally trialed on my Youtube channel.

Best ChatGPT interface – Chat with PDFs/websites and more

I get more out of ChatGPT with HeyGPT . It can do things that ChatGPT cannot which makes it really valuable for researchers.

Use your own OpenAI API key ( h e re ). No login required. Access ChatGPT anytime, including peak periods. Faster response time. Unlock advanced functionalities with HeyGPT Ultra for a one-time lifetime subscription

AI literature search and mapping – best AI tools for a literature review – elicit and more

Harnessing AI tools for literature reviews and mapping brings a new level of efficiency and precision to academic research. No longer do you have to spend hours looking in obscure research databases to find what you need!

AI-powered tools like Semantic Scholar and use sophisticated search engines to quickly identify relevant papers.

They can mine key information from countless PDFs, drastically reducing research time. You can even search with semantic questions, rather than having to deal with key words etc.

With AI as your research assistant, you can navigate the vast sea of scientific research with ease, uncovering citations and focusing on academic writing. It’s a revolutionary way to take on literature reviews.

  • Elicit –
  • Semantic Scholar:
  • Connected Papers –
  • Research rabbit –
  • Laser AI –
  • Litmaps –
  • Inciteful –
  • Scite –
  • System –

If you like AI tools you may want to check out this article:

  • How to get ChatGPT to write an essay [The prompts you need]

AI-powered research tools and AI for academic research

AI research tools, like Concensus, offer immense benefits in scientific research. Here are the general AI-powered tools for academic research. 

These AI-powered tools can efficiently summarize PDFs, extract key information, and perform AI-powered searches, and much more. Some are even working towards adding your own data base of files to ask questions from. 

Tools like scite even analyze citations in depth, while AI models like ChatGPT elicit new perspectives.

The result? The research process, previously a grueling endeavor, becomes significantly streamlined, offering you time for deeper exploration and understanding. Say goodbye to traditional struggles, and hello to your new AI research assistant!

  • Bit AI –
  • Consensus –
  • Exper AI –
  • Hey Science (in development) –
  • Iris AI –
  • PapersGPT (currently in development) –
  • Research Buddy –
  • Mirror Think –

AI for reading peer-reviewed papers easily

Using AI tools like Explain paper and Humata can significantly enhance your engagement with peer-reviewed papers. I always used to skip over the details of the papers because I had reached saturation point with the information coming in. 

These AI-powered research tools provide succinct summaries, saving you from sifting through extensive PDFs – no more boring nights trying to figure out which papers are the most important ones for you to read!

They not only facilitate efficient literature reviews by presenting key information, but also find overlooked insights.

With AI, deciphering complex citations and accelerating research has never been easier.

  • Open Read –
  • Chat PDF –
  • Explain Paper –
  • Humata –
  • Lateral AI –
  • Paper Brain –
  • Scholarcy –
  • SciSpace Copilot –
  • Unriddle –
  • –

AI for scientific writing and research papers

In the ever-evolving realm of academic research, AI tools are increasingly taking center stage.

Enter Paper Wizard, Jenny.AI, and Wisio – these groundbreaking platforms are set to revolutionize the way we approach scientific writing.

Together, these AI tools are pioneering a new era of efficient, streamlined scientific writing.

  • Paper Wizard –
  • Jenny.AI (20% off with code ANDY20)
  • Wisio –

AI academic editing tools

In the realm of scientific writing and editing, artificial intelligence (AI) tools are making a world of difference, offering precision and efficiency like never before. Consider tools such as Paper Pal, Writefull, and Trinka.

Together, these tools usher in a new era of scientific writing, where AI is your dedicated partner in the quest for impeccable composition.

  • Paper Pal –
  • Writefull –
  • Trinka –

AI tools for grant writing

In the challenging realm of science grant writing, two innovative AI tools are making waves: Granted AI and Grantable.

These platforms are game-changers, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to streamline and enhance the grant application process.

Granted AI, an intelligent tool, uses AI algorithms to simplify the process of finding, applying, and managing grants. Meanwhile, Grantable offers a platform that automates and organizes grant application processes, making it easier than ever to secure funding.

Together, these tools are transforming the way we approach grant writing, using the power of AI to turn a complex, often arduous task into a more manageable, efficient, and successful endeavor.

  • Granted AI –
  • Grantable –

Free AI research tools

There are many different tools online that are emerging for researchers to be able to streamline their research processes. There’s no need for convience to come at a massive cost and break the bank.

The best free ones at time of writing are:

  • Elicit –
  • Connected Papers –
  • Litmaps – ( 10% off Pro subscription using the code “STAPLETON” )
  • Consensus –

Wrapping up

The integration of artificial intelligence in the world of academic research is nothing short of revolutionary.

With the array of AI tools we’ve explored today – from research and mapping, literature review, peer-reviewed papers reading, scientific writing, to academic editing and grant writing – the landscape of research is significantly transformed.

The advantages that AI-powered research tools bring to the table – efficiency, precision, time saving, and a more streamlined process – cannot be overstated.

These AI research tools aren’t just about convenience; they are transforming the way we conduct and comprehend research.

They liberate researchers from the clutches of tedium and overwhelm, allowing for more space for deep exploration, innovative thinking, and in-depth comprehension.

Whether you’re an experienced academic researcher or a student just starting out, these tools provide indispensable aid in your research journey.

And with a suite of free AI tools also available, there is no reason to not explore and embrace this AI revolution in academic research.

We are on the precipice of a new era of academic research, one where AI and human ingenuity work in tandem for richer, more profound scientific exploration. The future of research is here, and it is smart, efficient, and AI-powered.

Before we get too excited however, let us remember that AI tools are meant to be our assistants, not our masters. As we engage with these advanced technologies, let’s not lose sight of the human intellect, intuition, and imagination that form the heart of all meaningful research. Happy researching!

Thank you to Ivan Aguilar – Ph.D. Student at SFU (Simon Fraser University), for starting this list for me!

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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ChatGPT prompting 101

ChatGPT prompting 101

ChatGPT can be a great study assistant, but the responses you get are only as good as the input you provide. Keep these four tips in mind to craft great ChatGPT prompts :

  • Give ChatGPT a role to play
  • Be precise and provide context
  • Test and improve your prompts

ChatGPT prompts

100% ethical ChatGPT prompts

Write a research question

  • Generate three possible research questions for an argumentative high school essay on the following topic: “The long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Brainstorm topic ideas

  • Generate 10 questions to help me brainstorm topics for my college admission essay.

Quiz yourself

  • I’m learning about [ insert topic here ]. Please create a practice test with 4 multiple-choice questions, each with 4 possible answers and solutions (show the solutions separately under the multiple-choice test).

Learn by metaphors and stories

  • I ‘m learning about [ insert topic here ]. Convert the key lessons from this topic into engaging stories and metaphors to aid my memorization.

Find limitations

  • What are some common limitations or critiques of research in the field of [ insert topic here ]?

Learn about a topic

  • I want to learn about [ insert topic here ]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it. Explain [ insert topic here ] to me without jargon and buzzwords, in the most simplified way possible.

Source recommendations

  • What types of sources can I use to write an essay on the following research question? “ [insert research question here] ?”

Overview of arguments

  • What are the main arguments or debates in the literature on [ insert topic here ]?

Develop an outline

  • Develop an outline for an argumentative high school essay with the following research question: “ [insert research question here] ?”The essay will be about 4 pages long.

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Best AI Detectors

AI detectors detect text generated by AI tools like ChatGPT. We tested various example texts, including ChatGPT-generated, mixed AI–human, and fully human, as well as text generated by paraphrasing tools. Check out the best AI detectors

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Best Paraphrasing Tools

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Universities’ policies on AI

Universities’ policies on AI

Based on our analysis of the top 100 US universities, it appears that the majority haven’t established clear-cut regulations concerning AI tools at this time. As a result, it is up to individual professors to determine what is permissible in their respective courses.

Check out policies in detail

Scribbr's stance on AI

Scribbr's stance on AI

We think educators should be open to the possibilities presented by AI-powered tools. Students should employ these tools in an honest and responsible way, using them to facilitate learning rather than to skip steps in the learning process.

You can use such tools in a responsible way that benefits your education during the research and writing process by relying on them for the following:

  • Brainstorming and explore topics in an interactive way
  • Assisting with programming and coding
  • Developing research questions and paper outlines
  • Asking for feedback on your own writing

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Exploring the Role of Neural Networks in Natural Language Processing: A Comprehensive Survey

Bahr LS, Bock M, Liebscher D, Bellmann-Strobl J, Franz L, Prüß A et al.

Nature Science

Interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the nascent peptide can affect translation elongation rates. While previous studies have already demonstrated the feasibility of such interactions, little is known about the nature ... See more

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A Multiclassifier-based Near-Real-Time Face Detection System

H. Wu and J. Zelek

International Journal of Robotics and Automation,

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Research Paper Outline Generator

🤖 research outline generator 101.

  • 📝 Template & Format
  • 🤩 Outline Tips

🔗 References

Outlining an academic assignment serves several purposes:

  • It lets students establish connections between the thesis and their ideas.
  • A template also allows them to structure papers and identify gaps in their knowledge.
  • An outline makes their writing more substantial and lets them know if they understand the topic well enough.

Our outline generator for research papers speeds up this process in several ways:

📝 Outline Generator for Research Paper: Template and Format

Our tool can help you cope with the first step in any academic work, whether it's a high school or college tasks. But what should you do next? This part of the article details the components of the research paper format. It will give you a better understanding of how your work should look.

Popular Academic Formats

The format of your research paper largely depends on the style your school uses. Three main styles are widely used in the academic setting: APA, Chicago, and MLA. Each has its features we’ll discuss briefly.

Good Example of a Template

In this section, we have detailed all the components of a comprehensive research paper. Knowing these elements will make it easy for you to structure your work.

🤩 Best Outline Tips: Research Papers & Academic Essays

We want to wrap things up by offering helpful tips for an effective outline. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing an academic essay, a research work, or a personal statement. These pieces of advice can be helpful in all types of assignments.

  • Plan and brainstorm . Make a list of ideas that can become good topics for your essay. By the way, having study buddies is also a fantastic idea! Try to brainstorm topics with fellow students. This way, you can better plan and find impactful research subjects.
  • Organize your ideas . Next, organize the ideas into separate categories. Discard bad ones and incorporate good ones in your writing. Narrow them down until you choose the main one to write a good thesis statement.
  • Use bullet points . Utilize a list format to keep your outline organized. Use headings to easily navigate the template and structure the paper logically.
  • Use online tools . If you need help, turn to online platforms for assistance. For example, our research paper outline generator can make this process faster.
  • Write in your mother tongue . If you struggle writing in English , make notes in your native language. It’s also better to research this topic in your mother tongue. You can translate your findings later.
  • Remove redundant points . Revise all the paragraphs of your finished essay template. Make sure that all the sections match the purpose of your paper and reveal the main idea. If you find too many inappropriate points, try rephrasing them to fit the topic.

We hope that our outline generator for research papers helped in your work. If you have any questions left, check out the FAQ section below. Besides we also recommend you take a look at our research guide .

❓ Research Outline Generator – FAQ

Updated: Dec 14th, 2023

  • Writing a Research Paper. – Arrendale Library, Piedmont University
  • How to Write an APA Research Paper – Hamilton College
  • How To Write a Research Paper Outline (With Examples and Tips) – Indeed
  • Chicago Style Guide – Menlo School
  • MLA General Format – The On-Campus Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University
  • Formatting an Academic Paper – Augsburg University
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Learn everything there is to know about our awesome research paper outline generator. This instrument is guaranteed to save you lots of time and energy by creating the perfect plan for your assignment in seconds. Simply set the parameters and get to writing!

Tech AI Explorer

ai research paper generator

10 Best AI Research Paper Generator For Free

If you are wondering if there are AI research paper generator, and how effective they are. Then, you have come to the right place.  Let’s answer the popular question, “ Is there an AI that can write research papers?”.

Is there an AI that can write research papers?

Yes, there are AI tools that can write research papers. However, it is important to note that these tools are not perfect and should not be used as a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking.

How to Use AI Research Paper Generator

To use an AI research paper generator, you typically follow these steps:

1. Choose a platform or tool: There are several AI research paper generators available online. Some popular options include OpenAI’s GPT-3, SciGen, and AI Writer. Select the one that suits your needs.

2. Define your research topic: Decide on the specific area or topic you want to generate a research paper on. It could be anything from computer science to biology or social sciences.

3. Input the necessary information: Provide the AI generator with the required input, such as the research topic, keywords, or any specific instructions you have. Some platforms may also ask for the desired length or format of the paper.

4. Generate the research paper: Once you’ve provided the necessary information, the AI generator will use its algorithms and language models to generate a research paper for you. The length of time it takes to generate the paper may vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the capabilities of the AI model.

5. Review and refine: After the paper is generated, carefully review the content. While AI generators can produce coherent text, they may not always provide accurate or high-quality information. Make sure to fact-check and refine the generated paper to ensure its accuracy and relevance.

6. Edit and format: Once you have reviewed the generated paper, you may need to edit and format it according to the specific requirements of your research or academic institution. Pay attention to citations, references, and overall structure.

7. Proofread and finalize: Before submitting the research paper, proofread it thoroughly for grammar, spelling, and coherence. Make any necessary revisions and ensure that the paper meets the standards of academic integrity.

Remember, while AI research paper generators can be helpful in generating initial drafts or providing inspiration, it is essential to use them responsibly and supplement the generated content with your own knowledge and expertise.

List of AI Research Paper Generator Free

List of AI Research Paper Generator 

Here is a list of AI research paper generators:

  • AI Essay Writer
  • Paraphrase Online
  • Paraphrase Tool
  • WordSpinner
  • Article Forge

These tools vary in terms of features, pricing, and quality of output. It is important to choose a tool that is right for your needs and budget.

Here are some tips for choosing an AI research paper generator:

  • Consider the features that are important to you. Do you need a tool that can generate ideas, structure papers, write text, cite sources, and format papers?
  • Read reviews of different tools to see what other users have to say.
  • Try out a few different tools to see which one works best for you.

Please note that AI research paper generators should not be used as a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking. They can be helpful for getting started on a paper, but it is important to always carefully review and edit their output before submitting it.

What is the best free AI Research Paper Generator?

The best free AI research paper generator is a matter of opinion, but some popular options include:

  • Smodin: Smodin is a free AI research paper generator that can help you with all aspects of writing a research paper, from generating ideas to citing sources. It is easy to use and produces high-quality output.
  • Textero AI: Textero AI is another free AI research paper generator that offers a variety of features, including the ability to generate ideas, structure papers, write text, and cite sources. It is known for its ability to produce accurate and well-written text.
  • Quilbot: Quilbot is a free AI writing tool that can be used to generate, paraphrase, and summarize text. It can also be used to check grammar and spelling. Quilbot is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of writing tasks, including writing research papers.

Please note that all free AI research paper generators have their limitations. They may not be able to produce perfect text, and they should not be used as a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking. However, they can be helpful for getting started on a paper and for generating ideas.

What are AI Research Paper Generator

These are tools that use artificial intelligence to help users write research papers. They can be used to generate ideas, structure papers, and write text. Some AI research paper generators can even help users to cite sources and format their papers according to academic style guides.

There are a number of different AI research paper generators available, both free and paid. Some popular options include:

These tools can be helpful for students, researchers, and professionals who need to write research papers. However, it is important to note that they should not be used as a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking. AI research paper generators can help you to get started on a paper, but you should always carefully review and edit their output before submitting it.

Here are some tips for using AI research paper generators effectively:

  • Choose a tool that is designed for research paper writing. Some AI writing tools are better suited for other types of writing, such as blog posts or marketing materials.
  • Provide the tool with as much information as possible about your topic, including the research question, methodology, and findings.
  • Review the tool’s output carefully and edit it as needed. AI research paper generators can make mistakes, so it is important to check their work before submitting it.
  • Use the tool to generate ideas and inspiration, but don’t rely on it to write the entire paper for you. AI research paper generators are a tool, not a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking.

I hope this information is helpful.

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AI Paper Writer

Write smarter, not harder, with the power of ai paper writer tools at your fingertips., what do you want to write about.

Example: The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers

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Related Tools

Welcome to, where we offer a free AI paper writer that can help you generate high-quality written content in just a few clicks. Our AI-powered tool uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing to produce well-written and well-structured papers on a wide range of topics.

Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional writer, our tool can help you save time and effort by providing you with a fast and reliable way to create written content. With our AI paper writer, you can generate text for research papers, essays , articles, and more, without the need for manual writing or editing.

How to Write Perfect Paper Using AI?

If you would like me to write a paper for you, please provide me with a clear and specific topic, as well as any additional instructions or requirements you may have. Additionally, please note that I am not a substitute for the critical thinking and research skills required to produce a high-quality academic paper.

To write a perfect paper, I would require the following:

Clear and specific topic: Please provide me with a clear and specific topic for the paper. The more specific the topic, the better I can understand your requirements and deliver a paper that meets your needs.

Instructions and requirements: Please provide any additional instructions or requirements you may have for the paper, such as formatting guidelines, length requirements, citation style, and specific sources that need to be used.

Background information: It would be helpful if you could provide me with some background information on the topic, such as previous research or studies, current trends, or any relevant data that can help me to create a more informed and comprehensive paper.

Here are some examples of requirements that you might provide when requesting a paper:

The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers Instructions: Use APA citation style, include at least five academic sources. Background information: Provide an overview of current research on the topic, including any relevant statistics or studies. Highlight the key arguments and evidence on both sides of the issue.

Another example:

The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare Instructions: Use MLA citation style, include at least three academic sources and one industry source Background information: Provide an overview of current uses of AI in healthcare and the benefits and risks associated with its use. Highlight the ethical and legal considerations surrounding AI in healthcare.

How does it Work?

AI paper writing tool is a software application that uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically generate written content. These tools work by analyzing large amounts of text data, such as academic journals, research papers, and online articles, to identify patterns in language and structure.

When a user inputs a topic or subject into an AI paper writing tool, the tool uses this data to generate new text that is relevant to the topic. The tool may also suggest additional sources or data to include in the paper to improve its quality and accuracy.

To achieve this, the AI paper writing tool uses a variety of techniques, including statistical analysis, machine learning, and natural language processing. The tool can analyze data such as the frequency of words and phrases in a particular field, the structure of sentences and paragraphs, and the context in which words are used.

User-Friendly & Free to Use:

Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a simple interface that makes it easy to input your topic and generate content. Plus, our tool is completely free to use, with no hidden fees or charges.

At, we believe that AI technology can help to democratize access to quality written content, making it easier for anyone to create high-quality papers, regardless of their writing ability or experience. Try our free AI paper writer today and experience the benefits of advanced technology for yourself.

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Paperpal for Researchers Join the academic and scientific writing revolution

Create impactful manuscripts and fast-track journal submissions with our smart writing tools for researchers

Showcase your research with high-quality academic writing

The academic writing revolution is here; with the emergence of new research paper writing tools, content creation has never been easier. Whether your objective is tenure, a research grant, a book deal, or just an improved reputation in your department, a string of high-profile journal articles are the building blocks you need to fast-track your academic career. As a researcher, what better way of communicating your research than by showcasing it in a well-written article that is published in a top journal? However, the process of journal submission and multiple research paper grammar checks to ensure the language is of the highest quality isn’t without its challenges. A global Editage study in 2018 found that nearly half of the authors surveyed faced challenges in preparing a manuscript for journal submission and found peer review to be a daunting process. Paperpal, with its AI-powered tools for researchers, is the key to making this process a simpler, faster one for authors everywhere.

Enhance your academic writing skills from the first draft itself.

Paperpal is the perfect tool for researchers at every writing stage

Enhances and speeds up the academic writing process.

There’s more to academic writing than simply knowing what to write. But delivering a strong, well-written manuscript is not easy and even ground-breaking research papers risk desk rejection because they are hard to follow or because of avoidable errors like poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation. By the time you finish the first draft, you would have already invested a significant amount of time and effort in communicating your findings accurately. This is then followed by multiple rounds of editing and research paper grammar checks to refine your work for submission, which can delay the publication of possibly time-sensitive results. Although academic writing isn’t easy, scientific writing tools for researchers powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming the experience. Paperpal for Word for instance provides real-time suggestions to improve your grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity and structure, empowering you to enhance and speed up the writing process from the first draft itself.

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

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It’s not just academic writing, but high-quality English language editing plays a key role in improving your writing style and ensuring clarity. Finding an online tool that acts as a basic spelling, grammar, and sentence corrector is straightforward, but finding thesis writing and scientific editing tools that are tailored for researchers and academic writing is not so easy. There is a need for precise scientific editing, which includes accurate research paper grammar checks, using the right language, understanding and applying the necessary academic writing conventions, and getting the style and structure right. This is where Paperpal can help. In a 2022 University of Cambridge study of seven English editing tools for researchers, Paperpal stood out as the preferred English editing and scientific writing tool for researchers. It suggested a high number of accepted edits, providing alternative words and phrases that were in line with those made by human editors to enhance the language and readability of text. Paperpal was also the simpler tool for researchers to use for editing and research paper grammar checks.

Streamlines journal submissions with comprehensive checks

Imagine if after all the work you put in preparing your manuscript for submission, you’re rejected because it fails the basic technical checks. Being rejected for avoidable snags like a missing conflict of interest statement or ethics statement is not only disappointing, it further delays research publication. Most journals have a core set of submission requirements that need to be followed in order for a manuscript to be considered. But with so many things to check and do, researchers often stumble at this stage. This is where Paperpal for Manuscript, which checks your research paper across key language and technical parameters, is the perfect tool for researchers to check their submission readiness. Upload your ready manuscript and for just $29 you can download a Word file with all the suggestions included in mark-ups or comments. Accept or reject suggestions with a few clicks, and recheck your work unlimited times to create the best version of your manuscript. Premium editing has never been simpler.

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Ready to create powerful manuscripts that will impress journal editors?

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Paperpal for Word

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Paperpal for Web

Use Paperpal both online and offline

Paperpal for Word is a thesis writing and scientific editing tool for researchers who want to polish their academic writing as they work. The plugin is easy to install and use, making it a great tool for researchers to consistently deliver high-quality academic writing. If you don’t want to commit to the Word add-in, you can explore Paperpal for Web, a robust research paper writing tool that has an in-built grammar checker for scientific writing. All you need to do is write, paste or even upload your academic text into your web browser to get instant suggestions on how to fix your language and grammar. Once you’re ready to submit, take this up a notch with Paperpal for Manuscript. With instant checks for disclosures, figures and/or tables, word counts, references, language, structure, and much more, this secure and trusted academic research tool should be part of every researcher’s pre-submission kit.

Get the premium editing your paper needs and deserves.

Paperpal uses cutting-edge machine learning trained on millions of editorial corrections performed

Levelling the playing field for researchers

English has long been established as the language of academic publications. And even then, different journals prefer a specific variation, such as British or American English. While this can trip up even native English-speaking researchers, it makes the task of creating a compelling high-quality manuscript for publication even more challenging for those with English as a second language. Paperpal’s AI-powered research paper grammar check and scientific writing tools were built with a vision to democratize scholarly publishing by ensuring your academic writing meets the highest publication standards. Where you are in the world doesn’t matter. We’re part of an academic writing revolution that empowers anyone, anywhere to polish their academic writing skills with access to our precise research paper writing tools for researchers. Paperpal differentiates between British and American English and offers appropriate suggestions in terms of spellings, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Moreover, our AI is trained on millions of corrections made by professional editors across 1,300 subject areas, which means you get tailored suggestions to enhance your research writing and boost your chance of publication success.

Amplify your reach, impact, and researcher reputation by delivering high-quality manuscripts.

Trusted by top global publishers and academic societies.

Paperpal is the preferred AI writing assistant for more than 20,000 academics and endorsed by 13 leading publishers with over 400 journals across the globe. Journals are now offering the Paperpal Preflight tool for researchers on their websites, which allows you to upload your manuscript and check it against the journal’s house style before submission, reducing the risk of desk rejection. Our partners include Wolters Kluwer, Cambridge University Press, and The American Association for Cancer Research, among others and this list is only set to grow as we partner with the best. See our full list of publisher partners below

Want practical strategies and expert advice on writing, editing, and submission?

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Over 2 million researchers have used Elicit. Researchers commonly use Elicit to:

  • Speed up literature review
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Elicit tends to work best for empirical domains that involve experiments and concrete results. This type of research is common in biomedicine and machine learning.

What is Elicit not a good fit for?

Elicit does not currently answer questions or surface information that is not written about in an academic paper. It tends to work less well for identifying facts (e.g. “How many cars were sold in Malaysia last year?”) and theoretical or non-empirical domains.

What types of data can Elicit search over?

Elicit searches across 125 million academic papers from the Semantic Scholar corpus, which covers all academic disciplines. When you extract data from papers in Elicit, Elicit will use the full text if available or the abstract if not.

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How to Write a Research Paper (+ Free AI Research Paper Writer)

How to Write a Research Paper (+ Free AI Research Paper Writer)

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Meredith Sell

Over the years, I've managed to vastly improve how I write research papers.

The three major game-changers for me, in terms of quality of the finished piece, have been:

  • Following the research paper checklist (see below)
  • Developing the thesis before starting to write
  • And, more recently, using AI to improve my research paper draft

Let's break down each of these elements and produce the kind of research papers that get cited in magazines.

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Write your research paper with the help of AI

What is a research paper, and how is it written differently?

Research papers are longer and more in-depth than essays. They require extensive research and evidence-based arguments. Research papers also typically have a more formal structure and require citations and references.When academics want to find a balanced and comprehensive view on a given topic, they usually seek a research paper.

Like most writing assignments, a research paper can be broken down into simple steps. Research papers follow the same basic writing process as explanatory or persuasive essays — but instead of making an argument or drawing greater meaning from the topic, the research paper is primarily concerned with concrete facts that may be analyzed, examined, or interpreted to better understand the paper’s central topic.

This is good news if you enjoy research: you’ll be doing a lot of it. The ultimate quality of your paper depends on you conducting thorough, complete research — and relying on reputable sources.

How to Properly Write a Research Paper Using AI

1. make a checklist based on the assignment description, and fill it out with ai.

Your professor has likely specified some criteria for your research paper:

  • Length (in pages or words)
  • Type of topic (the War of 1812, ancient Greece, agriculture, etc.)
  • Elements that must be included, such as analysis, discussion, and comparison.
  • Types of sources you must draw from (academic papers, encyclopedias, etc.)
  • Source attribution style
  • Formatting style

Go through the assignment description and create a checklist of those criteria. You can use this checklist throughout the research and writing process as well:

research paper checklist

AI can really help you get some traction with your research paper in the preperation stage. This includes two main steps:

  • Brainstorming paper topic idea
  • Outlining based on your topic, basing the prompt on the assignment

2. Choose a topic you’re curious about, or use AI to help you with that

A sure way to write a boring research paper is to pick a topic you have no interest in, like summer temperatures in the desert or the life cycle of a flea. (Though someone’s probably interested in those things.)

Instead, follow your curiosity.

If your paper is for a writing class, you may have a lot of freedom to choose what you write about, so tap into your interests. Are you intrigued by the history of roller skating or the invention of the soccer cleat? Or how teen social dynamics have changed with evolving technology (think: home phones → online instant messaging → flip phones → smartphones)?

If you’re writing for a class in a subject like history, art, or science, you’ll probably have more restrictions on what you can write about — like a time period or type of art or science — but you can still use your curiosity to pick an interesting topic.

If you’re having a tough time, try brainstorming a list of things you’ve wondered about. Ask “ what’s up with… ” and see what comes to mind.

For example:

What’s up with traffic circles and why are they supposedly better for traffic patterns than a light or four-way stop?

What’s up with country music sounding more and more like hip-hop?

What’s up with people who have gluten allergies being able to eat bread in Europe but not the US?

Once you have a list, choose the topic you find most interesting (and appropriate for the assignment).

If your mind draws a blank, you can utilize AI to help you choose a topic. Let's say your course is about mid century art. You can go to a tool like Wotdtune and ask it to give you ideas for creative mid century art essays. See example below.

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3. Develop your thesis (and guide your research) by asking a research question

Even though a research paper may not necessarily take a side on a topic, it still needs a thesis, aka a central idea or focus that drives the piece from beginning to end. 

We wrote a whole guide on writing thesis statements , so here we’ll just give you this tip:

Use a research question to develop your thesis

A research question is a variation on the “What’s up with…” questions from the last tip — but it will zoom in more specifically on the aspect of your topic that you’re investigating.

Why were the Irish so dependent on potatoes?

Did any women in ancient Greece enjoy relative freedom and autonomy?

You may already know the answer to these questions, or you may not. Either way, they give you a place to start in your research. Once you have your question, set out to:

  • Find the initial answer.
  • Gather more context (the who, what, when, where, why, how) around that answer.
  • Revise your research question and turn it into your thesis.

This process helps tighten your focus from a broad topic that could fill books to a specific angle that can be meaningfully explored in the few pages of your paper.

Instead of the potato famine , write about why England was to blame for the potato famine’s devastating effects on the Irish.

Instead of ancient Greece or women in ancient Greece , write about how Spartan women’s lives differed from the lives of women in Athens.

4. Skim sources and use AI to perform research for your paper

Your research question can help you quickly determine whether information is relevant to your paper. As you gather initial sources, skim them — and then use your research question to decide whether to keep or discard the source. 

Does the source cover information relevant to my research question?

Yes: Keep to read later.

No: Discard and move on to the next source.

This approach will save you precious research time. You won’t waste limited hours reading sources that don’t have a single helpful fact.

If skimming is hard for you (as a deep reader, I get it), Wordtune can help. Paste the link to your online source, upload a scanned PDF, or copy the text, and the tool will scan and summarize for you. You can always come back later and closely read the most useful sources.

Wordtune Read reading an argument about dangerous fungus

5. Make note of the most interesting facts you find

Along with taking detailed notes of your research (complete with all the source info you need to make proper citations), highlight the most interesting facts you come across. You could stick these in a section together or mark them in a way that makes them stand out.

Why should you do this?

Because later on, one of these fascinating factoids could have a direct connection to your thesis — and make a great hook for the start of your paper. Instead of digging through all of your notes to try to remember what that interesting tidbit was, you’ll be able to find it easily.

6. Organize your research

There are plenty of ways to organize your notes, but I suggest breaking them up into subtopics and categories.

  • Subtopic: A topic related to your main topic or thesis that needs to be explained and understood by readers in order to understand your main topic or thesis. For example: Land ownership in Ireland under British rule.
  • Category: An overarching concept that several subtopics fall under. For example: British restrictions on the Irish.

To start, I would focus on the subtopics and then group them into categories.

As you organize, use the formatting tools in your word processor to tag headings and subheadings. For example, all categories would be an H2 (Heading 2), while all subtopics would be an H3 (Heading 3). 

Screenshot of Google Docs style tagging.

Tagging your categories and subtopics this way will help you develop your outline. Just organize your categories and subtopics in a logical order, and you’ll have a skeleton of an outline ready to go.

7. Write with your research document open

No one can remember everything they found while researching — you’ll need to reference your research document throughout the writing process. No question there.

But you can make this easier (and keep your writing process efficient) by:

Keeping your research document open and in clear view.

I like to put my draft document and my research document side by side on my screen, so I can see them both at the same time. 

Another approach would be to paste the information you need directly into your draft document — in the order you’ll need it. (Your outline will help you know what you need.)

8. Steal the TK trick from journalists

In the middle of drafting your paper, you find that you’re missing a fact. 

You neglected to write down how many Irish people starved due to the potato famine.

You don’t know what age Spartan women were able to own property.

Instead of derailing your writing and searching for that information, write the sentence you want to write and stick a “TK” where the missing fact should go.

“TK” stands for “to come” (don't ask us why) and is a placeholder used by journalists to mark missing information they’ll fill in later. Using TK allows you to keep writing without getting off track every time you discover your research didn’t cover everything.

A whopping TK Irish people starved, thanks to the combination of famine and British oppression.

At age TK , Spartan girls became women who were able to own property, a right that their sisters in Athens did not enjoy.

9. Revise, explain, paraphrase with AI as your research/writing assistant

Using the right researching tools can get you a lot way.

If you’re ever at a loss for words — writing clunky, clumsy sentences, struggling to explain a concept, or having a hard time paraphrasing a source — Wordtune can serve as your AI sidekick.  

Simply highlight the sentence in question and browse Wordtune’s suggestion for a better wording.

Using Wordtune for research papers

You can also use Wordtune Spices to come up with examples and counter arguments for whatever you're writing about or even find stats and facts, complete with source citations

A great feature for academics

Wordtune doesn’t do all of the writing for you, but it can help you sharpen your ideas on the sentence level, so you can hand in a research paper with good writing that’s still very much your own.

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AI Research Tools

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Consensus is an AI-powered search engine that helps you find evidence-based answers to your research questions. It intelligently searches through over 200 million scientific papers

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ResearchRabbit is an AI-powered research app that makes discovering and organizing academic papers incredibly easy. It allows you to view interactive visualizations and create collections

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Kahubi is an AI assistant that helps researchers write, read, and analyze more effectively. It enables you to draft parts of papers, summarize text, do

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Samwell AI is an AI writing assistant that’s specifically designed to help students and academics effortlessly write essays, research papers, and other academic content. Its

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Ai Summary Generator

Ai Summary Generator is a text summarization tool that can instantly summarize lengthy texts or turn them into bullet point lists. It uses AI to

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Instabooks AI

Instabooks AI instantly generates customized textbooks on any topic you want to explore in depth. Simply type a detailed description of the information you want

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Otio is an AI-powered research and writing assistant designed to help students, researchers, analysts and professionals alike. It can easily summarize your documents and web

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SciSpace is an AI research assistant that simplifies researching papers through AI-generated explanations and a network showing connections between relevant papers. It aims to automate

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ChatDOC lets you chat with PDFs and tables to quickly extract information and insights. Sources are cited for fact-checking, this is a ChatGPT based file-reading

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Qonqur is an innovative software that allows you to control your computer and digital content using hand gestures, without the need for expensive virtual reality

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Lumina Chat

Lumina Chat is an AI-powered search engine that lets you instantly get detailed answers from over 1 million journal articles and research papers. It allows

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BRAiN Assistant

Brain Assistant is an AI-powered tool that offers real-time internet searching along with the ability to create a personalized knowledge base from various sources such

Discover the latest AI research tools to accelerate your studies and academic research. Search through millions of research papers, summarize articles, view citations, and more.

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10 Great AI Tools for Researchers

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: April 8, 2024

AI Tools for Researchers

Today, I want to talk about some really cool AI tools that are changing the way we do research. This is just a small preview of what I’m putting together in an eBook full of AI tools for researchers like us. If you don’t want to miss out on the full thing, be sure to sign up for our email updates.

There’s a lot of talk about AI in universities, and not everyone agrees about using it. But, like it or not, AI is becoming a big part of research, and it’s here to stay. I believe we should use AI the right way. It’s not about just copying and pasting stuff; that’s not real research. You still have to do the hard work of reading and writing yourself. But, AI can be a huge help, kind of like having an extra assistant who’s always there when you need it. I’m all for using AI to make our research better, as long as we keep doing the important parts ourselves.

AI Tools for Researchers

Here are are some good AI Tools I recommend for student researchers and academics:

Litmaps is a tool for research students that makes finding papers and authors on a topic easy and quick. Instead of spending lots of time reading through hundreds of papers, you can use Litmaps to find the important ones in seconds. It helps you find papers you might miss otherwise and keeps you updated on new research without getting overwhelmed. You can see which papers are connected and important for your work through visual maps, making it simple to keep track of your literature review.

Jenni is an AI-powered writing tool that helps you write, edit, and reference your work easily. It’s like having a helpful friend who’s always there to get you past writer’s block, suggest ways to say things differently, and make sure your citations are in order. More specifically, Jenni can:

  • Suggest words and sentences as you write to help you keep going.
  • Help you cite sources correctly in styles like APA, MLA, and others, using your own PDFs or research.
  • Let you change the wording of any text to match the tone you need.
  • Turn your research papers into written content by analyzing and summarizing them.
  • Chat with your PDFs to quickly understand and summarize them.
  • Import a bunch of sources at once if you have them saved.
  • Export your work to LaTeX, Word, or HTML without messing up your formatting.
  • Create an outline for your paper just from a prompt you provide.
  • Work in multiple languages, including English (US and British), Spanish, German, French, and Chinese.
  • Keep all your research organized in one place for easy citing in any document.
  • Offer suggestions and help expand notes into full paragraphs, so you’re never stuck staring at a blank page.

3. Paperpa l

Paperpal is a handy tool for anyone who writes academic texts like essays, theses, dissertations, or research papers. It checks your writing for grammar mistakes and makes sure you’re using the right language for academic work. With the help of generative AI, Paperpal can also create outlines, abstracts, and titles for your papers. This tool makes it easy to paraphrase your work for clarity .You can also check your work for plagiarism with detailed reports, get help generating various parts of your academic text, and even translate text from over 25 languages to English.

Related: 6 Best Text to Video AI Tools

4. Unriddle

Unriddle is a cool tool that changes how students and researchers work with documents. It gives you an AI helper for any document you’re looking at, making it super quick to find info, sum up tricky topics, and take notes easily. Unriddle is all about making your research easier and faster, so you don’t have to read every single word to find what you need.

Unriddle also helps you write and reference sources the right way. It can point out the most important sources when you highlight text, so your references are spot-on. It works in over 90 languages and has some cool extra features like a Chrome extension to summarize online articles, settings you can change to fit your needs, and the ability to work with many documents at once.

AI Tools for Researchers

5. Connected Papers

Connected Papers helps you discover recent important works without needing to maintain extensive lists. It is a visual tool for research students and academics who are diving into a new field or ensuring their research is comprehensive. It starts with a paper you’re interested in and creates a graph showing similar papers in that field. This visual approach helps you understand the trends and main contributors quickly. It’s especially useful in fast-moving fields where new studies are constantly published.

With Connected Papers, you can also build a bibliography for your thesis more efficiently. By starting with a few key references, it finds additional relevant papers, helping you to fill in the gaps. It offers views for finding significant prior works or the latest reviews and state-of-the-art papers following your chosen study.

6. Scite Assistant

Scite Assistant is like a research companion powered by large language models (LLMs), designed to make your research process smoother and more insightful. You can ask scite Assistant any research-related question and you will get insights and explanations for its responses, helping you understand the reasoning behind its conclusions.

scite Assistant offers customizable settings to tailor the tool to your specific research needs. You can control whether you want references included, filter your searches by year, topics, or journals, and even specify the sources the Assistant should use, like your own dashboard collection or preferred journals. This level of customization ensures that the responses and sources are relevant to your specific research questions and preferences, making it an invaluable tool for academics and researchers seeking detailed and reliable information.

7. DocAnalyzer makes talking to your documents easy and smart. You can upload one or many documents and start chatting right away, getting answers to your questions in real time. This tool is great because it understands the context of your documents, making it super helpful for finding exactly what you need without any confusion. What makes special is how simple and smart it is to use. You can ask your PDFs questions and get back clear, detailed answers quickly. You can even share your document chats with others, making teamwork easier.

8. SciSummary

SciSummary is all about making it easier to get the gist of scientific articles fast. You can email or upload a document, and in minutes, you’ll get a summary sent right back to you. This is perfect for scientists, students, and anyone who’s busy but needs to stay on top of the latest research without reading long articles.

SciSummary uses advanced AI, like a super smart robot that can summarize any scientific article. The AI gets better over time, learning from summaries that experts check. This means you can quickly understand new discoveries and research without spending hours reading. SciSummary offers a free option for summarizing articles, and if you need more, there are affordable plans with more features.

9. Explainpaper

Explainpaper is like having a smart friend that helps you understand research papers quickly. You just upload a paper, highlight the parts you find confusing, and get an explanation. This tool is perfect for diving into complex topics and for speeding up your review process. With Explainpaper, you’re not alone when facing intimidating jargon or complex concepts.

10. SciSpace

SciSpace aims to make finding and understanding research papers a breeze. It’s an all-in-one platform where you can read papers, get straightforward explanations from AI, and explore related research. SciSpace is designed to cut down on the time researchers spend looking for information and dealing with the hassle of formatting papers. With access to metadata for over 200 million papers and more than 50 million full-text PDFs, SciSpace provides tools like a citation generator, AI detector, and paraphraser to make your research process smoother and more productive. It’s a dedicated workspace for researchers, publishers, and institutions to collaborate and discover information effortlessly.

Final thoughts

As I mentioned, these tools are just a part of the bigger picture I’m assembling in the upcoming eBook. The AI tools we explored today are stepping stones towards a more efficient, insightful, and innovative research process. But remember, they’re tools to aid us, not to replace the foundational skills of rigorous research. Embracing AI in our work, when used ethically and wisely, opens up new horizons for discovery and understanding. Stay tuned for the full eBook release, and let’s navigate this promising future of research together.

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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Planning research with generative ai.

Portrait of Maria Rosala

April 5, 2024 2024-04-05

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AI chatbots (like ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot) can support UX researchers of all experience levels in planning their research.

In This Article:

What is a research plan, using ai chatbots to write a research plan.

Good research always starts with a plan.

A research plan is a document that outlines the research objectives and how the research will be executed.

Research plans should include:

  • The research goals or questions that the research is hoping to achieve or answer
  • The method to be used and a description of how it will be carried out
  • The tasks or questions that will be given to study participants
  • The profile of the target participants
  • The screener questionnaire used to recruit participants

Creating a research plan can be time-consuming. Even with a good template, a researcher must generate research questions, select the appropriate method(s), decide how to run sessions, and often create study collateral (like screeners and tasks) from scratch. The good news is that AI can help with many, if not all, of these tasks!

It can be tempting to just ask an AI tool to give you a research plan for a project. Don’t do that.

❌ Bad Prompt : Generate a research plan for a usability test of a food-delivery app.

This kind of request results in a generic, template-like response, partly because AI lacks the context to propose a complete research plan and partly because of how the model has been trained.

To construct a useful research plan, deconstruct the plan into parts and have the AI chatbot tackle each part individually. You can assemble responses in a final research plan.

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Don’t expect the AI to ask you the right questions in order to get a comprehensive outcome. View the AI tool as a UX assistant , not as a UX mentor. You need to feed into the AI all the steps and details you want it to consider.

Follow the steps below for the best results.

Step 1: Provide Context

Imagine asking an experienced colleague for recommendations on what research study to run without giving them any context on what project you’re working on and what you’re trying to achieve. They would probably say, "It depends on what you’re trying to learn.” Conversing with AI presents no exception.

Start your conversation with enough context , especially if the AI tool does not already have this information stored about you or your current project. ( ChatGPT 4 allows users to store context for each new conversation.)

The contextual information you share should include who you work for, the scope of your project, and what you’re looking to achieve. Remember that some AI tools may use your conversations to train their models, so share only information you would be comfortable with being in the open domain.

 Prompt Template: I work for [type or organization] . My company provides [what kind of product, service, or experience] . I need to run a user-research study to learn [something about users or a problem] .

Step 2: Generate Research Questions

After providing the AI tool with context, ask it to suggest specific research questions for the study. Here’s an example from a recent study on research repositories that I conducted for NN/g.

Prompt Example: I will run a research study and report on how UX practitioners across different organizations set up and use research repositories. Please generate 10 research questions that would be suitable for this sort of study.

It’s a good idea to ask generative AI tools for more options or ideas than you think you’ll need, because some will not be a good fit.

Microsoft Copilot responded to the prompt above with the 10 research questions below.

10 Research questions generated by Microsoft Copilot

Who are the primary users of the research repository within different organizations? What motivates users to engage with the research repository? How do different teams (design, product, sales, marketing) access and benefit from the research repository? What challenges do practitioners face when contributing to or retrieving information from the repository? What types of research artifacts (reports, raw data, templates) are most commonly stored in the repository? How do organizations structure their research repositories? What tools and templates are commonly used to facilitate research repository management? How do practitioners ensure the quality and accuracy of information in the repository? What impact does the research repository have on decision-making and project outcomes? What strategies can organizations implement to encourage widespread adoption and active participation in the research repository?

To broaden your pool of research questions, ask for further research questions or provide the same prompt in a new session. Repeat this process as many times as you need to generate a list that feels exhaustive of what you’d like to learn.

Some of the research questions Copilot generated for me were appropriate, and others were not. As a result, I had AI generate more research questions to choose from.

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Unfortunately, most AI chatbots don’t offer an easy way to dismiss suggestions or combine specific responses and work from only these (a behavior called apple-picking ).

Pulling in generated research questions into an offline document (like a FigJam or Google Doc) allows you to easily group items, remove duplicates, or reword suggested research questions.

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Begin a new chat session with your selected and refined set of research questions, so that the unwanted research questions are removed from the chat history.

Step 3: Request Methods

After sharing the context and your chosen research questions, ask the AI tool to identify suitable research methods.

Example Prompt : What study would you suggest to answer these research questions? Please be specific; cite which research questions would be answered by which research method if you suggest multiple methods.

Generative-AI advice is not always good advice. Often, these tools will suggest various methods and suggest you triangulate data from multiple sources. This approach is not always needed. Also, not all methods will be practical or the best fit for your study. Additionally, AI may suggest interviews and focus groups even for research questions better suited to a behavioral research method .

Ask AI chatbots to tell you which research methods would be suited to which research question and why. We also recommend doing some further reading on your own about any methods that are unfamiliar to you.

In response to the prompt above (and given my chosen research questions), ChatGPT recommended a survey, interviews with select UX practitioners, and case studies. These were all my chosen methods, so AI had done well here!

Step 4: Request Inclusion Criteria

AI can create inclusion criteria — a necessary component of your research plan. Do this step only after generating research questions and methods since these will inform who should participate in the research study.

Inclusion criteria (or recruitment criteria) are specific characteristics of the target population that need to be represented in your sample.

Start with inclusion criteria before asking the AI to help you write a screening questionnaire ; AI can only craft an appropriate screener after it “knows” who you’re looking to recruit.

Example Prompt: So that I recruit the right people for my interviews, help me create some inclusion criteria. What characteristics or behaviors should I recruit for?

Step 5: Request Help with Screeners, Interview Questions, and Tasks

Finally, ask the AI to put together:

  • Interview questions or an interview guide (if conducting interviews)
  • Tasks for a usability test
  • Diary-study prompts (if relevant)
  • Recruitment confirmation emails or other communication messages.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad examples of the above on the web. Conversational AI has been trained on all this data. Therefore, don’t be surprised if it produces poor study collateral on its first attempt! This is a major risk area for new researchers.

One way to mitigate this danger is to give the AI tool advice when crafting any of these outputs . Think of AI as a new research assistant who can learn extremely quickly.

Common mistakes that AI tools make include:

  • Using words that appear in the interface in task instructions (priming)
  • Creating task instructions that ask users to imagine they are someone that they are not
  • Not including a goal or a call to action in the task instruction
  • Not including distractor options in screening questionnaires
  • Using overenthusiastic marketing language in recruitment materials

It’s not surprising that AI makes these mistakes since UX practitioners also make them!

To improve outputs, feed the AI essential tips, such as:

  • When crafting tasks: Do not use the name of words or link labels in the task instruction. Find a natural-language equivalent to explain what the participant should do . (You can ask AI to “read” a website or an image.)
  • When crafting recruitment materials: Use neutral and concise language in the recruitment email. Avoid using overly enthusiastic marketing language.
  • When crafting a screener: Include multiple-choice questions and answer options that might disguise what the study is about and who I am looking to recruit.

Additionally, when possible, feed the AI with good examples of screener questionnaires, tasks, or interview questions, so it can follow their format or style.

Even with this advice, AI can still make mistakes. If you’re doubting its answers, check primary sources or speak with an experienced researcher for old-fashioned human guidance.

If you have ChatGPT’s Plus Plan, you can use our GPT for planning your research.

With the proper context, examples, and advice, AI tools, like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot, can craft helpful research questions, tasks, interview questions, and other study collateral far more quickly than you could if you started from scratch.

Research leads and ResearchOps personnel can support junior researchers and PWDRs (People Who Do Research) by providing examples and advice that can be fed to AI agents. Experienced researchers can benefit from using AI to speed up their research-planning process and obtain further inspiration.

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AI Question Generator: Create Easy + Accurate Tests and Surveys

AI Question Generator

Many educators and organizations find creating adequate surveys and tests that generate actionable feedback time-consuming. As we understand that time is a valuable asset, we’re bringing you to the new age of data in the most comfortable way possible. We can’t deny that AI is already playing a big role in daily life, but it doesn’t have to be an obstacle when we can already take advantage of it. Let us introduce our latest AI question generator and your new best friend: QxBot .

We’re using the power of artificial intelligence to turn the survey creation process into better, more effective, data-driven decision-making.


What is an ai question generator.

An AI question generator is a software that allows machine learning algorithms to automatically generate survey questions based on predefined criteria and goals. These systems analyze existing data, identify patterns, and understand the context of the quiz or survey to create custom questions that collect relevant and insightful responses from respondents.

The process of collecting actionable data through surveys and tests can be not only time-consuming but also resource-intensive and prone to human error. An AI question generator can be a great solution for designing and conducting surveys for companies and organizations with limited time or staff. Algorithms and machine learning techniques are getting more and more reliable, and we’re confident the AI question generator is the most recent hit of survey creation.

A smart and quick survey creation process saves time and resources while ensuring the generation of high-quality, relevant questions. AI question generators can help companies and organizations develop more efficient, effective, and insightful surveying practices. Below, we put together a helpful table to help you identify some of the issues that companies face and how an AI question generator can help solve them:

The Importance of AI Quiz Generators in Survey Creation

The traditional approach to survey creation involves manual brainstorming sessions, trial and error, and extensive peer revisions, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive and may result in inadequate outcomes. AI question generators, on the other hand, offer a more efficient and effective alternative by automating much of the survey design process.

One of the main benefits of the AI quiz generator is its ability to generate high-quality questions quickly and accurately. It uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques. These tools can analyze the semantics and syntax of existing survey questions and identify common themes and topics to generate new questions that align with the survey’s goals.

They can help surveys be whole and well-balanced by suggesting question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, Likert scale, and more. This versatility allows organizations to gather a wide range of participant feedback and insights, allowing them to make informed decisions and lead better development.

AI question generators can also fix the user experience by creating engaging, relevant, easy-to-understand surveys or quizzes. The questions are custom to preferences, demographics, and specifications, which allows organizations and teachers to increase response rates and collect more accurate and actionable information.

We Recommend Reading: Kahoot! Alternatives

Pros and Cons of AI Question Generators:

  • Time-saving: AI question generators automate the survey creation process, saving time and resources for organizations.
  • Accuracy: These tools use advanced algorithms to generate high-quality questions that align with survey objectives.
  • Versatility: AI question generators can create diverse question types to suit various survey scenarios and objectives.
  • Improved user experience: Organizations and teachers can increase response rates and collect more valuable data by creating engaging and relevant surveys and tests.
  • Lack of human intuition: AI question generators may lack human survey designers’ nuanced understanding and creativity, resulting in less personalized questions.
  • Limited customization options: While AI question generators offer flexibility in question types, they may not provide the same level of customization as manual survey design.
  • Reliance on existing data: These tools generate questions using existing data, which may limit their effectiveness in novel or niche survey scenarios.

Insights are vital for teachers and organizations to stay competitive and drive continuous improvement among clients or students. AI question generators offer a great solution to survey and test creation challenges, aiming to facilitate the process and improve quality and decision-making. Start today!



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The best AI image generators to try right now


If you've ever searched Google high and low to find an image you needed to no avail, artificial intelligence (AI) may be able to help. 

With AI image generators, you can type in a prompt as detailed or vague as you'd like to fit an array of purposes and have the image you were thinking of instantly pop up on your screen. These tools can help with branding, social media content creation, and making invitations, flyers, business cards, and more.

Also: ChatGPT no longer requires a login, but you might want one anyway. Here's why

Even if you have no professional use for AI, don't worry -- the process is so fun that anyone can (and should) try it out.

OpenAI's DALL-E 2 made a huge splash because of its advanced capabilities as the first mainstream AI image generator. However, since its initial launch, there have been many developments. Other companies have released models that rival DALL-E 2, and OpenAI even released a more advanced model known as DALL-E 3 , discontinuing its predecessor. 

To help you discover which models are the best for different tasks, I put the image generators to the test by giving each tool the same prompt: "Two Yorkies sitting on a beach that is covered in snow". I also included screenshots to help you decide which is best. 

Also: DALL-E adds new ways to edit and create AI-generated images. Learn how to use it

While I found the best overall AI image generator is Image Creator from Microsoft Designer , due to its free-of-charge, high-quality results, other AI image generators perform better for specific needs. For the full roundup of the best AI image generators, keep reading. 

The best AI image generators of 2024

Image creator from microsoft designer (formerly bing image creator), best ai image generator overall.

  • Powered by DALL-E 3
  • Convenient to access
  • Need a Microsoft account
  • In preview stage

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer is powered by DALL-E 3, OpenAI's most advanced image-generating model. As a result, it produces the same quality results as DALL-E while remaining free to use as opposed to the $20 per month fee to use DALL-E. 

All you need to do to access the image generator is visit the Image Creator website and sign in with a Microsoft account. 

Another major perk about this AI generator is that you can also access it in the same place where you can access Microsoft's AI chatbot, Copilot (formerly Bing Chat) . 

This capability means that in addition to visiting Image Creator on its standalone site, you can ask it to generate images for you in Copilot. To render an image, all you have to do is conversationally ask Copilot to draw you any image you'd like. 

Also:   How to use Image Creator from Microsoft Designer (formerly Bing Image Creator)

This feature is so convenient because you can satisfy all your image-generating and AI-chatting needs in the same place for free. This combination facilitates tasks that could benefit from image and text generation, such as party planning, as you can ask the chatbot to generate themes for your party and then ask it to create images that follow the theme.

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer f eatures:  Powered by:  DALL-E 3 |  Access via:  Copilot, browser, mobile |  Output:  4 images per prompt |  P rice:  Free 

DALL-E 3 by OpenAI

Best ai image generator if you want to experience the inspiration.

  • Not copyrighted
  • Accurate depictions
  • Confusing credits

OpenAI, the AI research company behind ChatGPT, launched DALL-E 2 in November 2022. The tool quickly became the most popular AI image generator on the market. However, after launching its most advanced image generator, DALL-E 3, OpenAI discontinued DALL-E 2. 

DALL-E 3 is even more capable than the original model, but this ability comes at a cost. To access DALL-E 3 you must be a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, and the membership costs $20 per month per user. You can access DALL-E 3 via ChatGPT or the ChatGPT app.

Using DALL-E 3 is very intuitive. Type in whatever prompt you'd like, specifying as much detail as necessary to bring your vision to life, and then DALL-E 3 will generate four images from your prompt. As you can see in the image at the top of the article, the renditions are high quality and very realistic.

OpenAI even recently added new ways to edit an image generated by the chatbot, including easy conversational text prompts and the ability to click on parts of the image you want to edit. 

Like with Copilot, you can chat and render your images on the same platform, making it convenient to work on projects that depend on image and text generation. If you don't want to shell out the money,  Image Creator by Designer  is a great alternative since it's free, uses DALL-E 3, and can be accessed via Copilot.

DALL-E 3 features: Powered by:  DALL-E 3 by OpenAI |  Access via:  ChatGPT website and app |  Output:  4 images per credit |  Price:  ChatGPT Plus subscription, $20 per month

ImageFX by Google

The best ai image generator for beginners.

  • Easy-to-use
  • High-quality results
  • Expressive chips
  • Need a Google account
  • Strict guardrails can be limiting

Google's ImageFX was a dark horse, entering the AI image generator space much later than its competition, over a year after DALL-E 2 launched. However, the generator's performance seems to have been worth the wait. The image generator can produce high-quality, realistic outputs, even objects that are difficult to render, such as hands. 

Also: I just tried Google's ImageFX AI image generator, and I'm shocked at how good it is

The tool boasts a unique feature, expressive chips, that make it easier to refine your prompts or generate new ones via dropdowns, which highlight parts of your prompt and suggest different word changes to modify your output.

ImageFX also includes suggestions for the style you'd like your image rendered in, such as photorealistic, 35mm film, minimal, sketch, handmade, and more. This combination of features makes ImageFX the perfect for beginners who want to experiment. 

ImageFX from Google: Powered by:  Imagen 2  | Access via:  Website |  Output:  4 images |  Price:  free 

DreamStudio by Stability AI

Best ai image generator for customization.

  • Accepts specific instruction
  • Open source
  • More entries for customization
  • Paid credits
  • Need to create an account

Stability AI created the massively popular, open-sourced, text-to-image generator, Stable Diffusion. Users can download the tool and use it at no cost. However, using this tool typically requires technical skill. 

Also :  How to use Stable Diffusion AI to create amazing images

To make the technology readily accessible to everyone (regardless of skill level), Stability AI created DreamStudio, which incorporates Stable Diffusion in a UI that is easy to understand and use. 

One of the standouts of the platform is that it includes many different entries for customization, including a "negative prompt" where you can delineate the specifics of what you'd like to avoid in the final image. You can also easily change the image ratio -- that's a key feature, as most AI image generators automatically deliver 1:1. 

DreamStudio features: Powered by:  SDXL 1.0 by Stability AI  | Access via:  Website |  Output:  1 image per 2 credits |  Price:  $1 per 100 credits |  Credits:  25 free credits when you open an account; buy purchase once you run out

Dream by WOMBO

Best ai image generator for your phone.

  • Remix your own images
  • Multiple templates
  • One image per prompt
  • Subscription cost for full access

This app took the first-place spot for the best overall app in Google Play's 2022 awards , and it has five stars on Apple's App Store with 141.6K ratings. With the app, you can create art and images with the simple input of a quick prompt. 

An added plus is this AI image generator allows you to pick different design styles such as realistic, expressionist, comic, abstract, fanatical, ink, and more. 

Also :  How to use Dream by WOMBO to generate artwork in any style

In addition to the app, the tool has a free desktop mobile version that is simple to use. If you want to take your use of the app to the next level, you can pay $90 per year or $10 per month.

Dream by WOMBO f eatures: Powered by:  WOMBO AI's machine-learning algorithm |  Access via:  Mobile and desktop versions |  Output:  1 image with a free version, 4 with a paid plan |  Price:  Free limited access

Best no-frills AI image generator

  • Unlimited access
  • Simple to use
  • Longer wait
  • Inconsistent images

Despite originally being named DALL-E mini, this AI image generator is NOT affiliated with OpenAI or DALL-E 2. Rather, it is an open-source alternative. However, the name DALL-E 2 mini is somewhat fitting as the tool does everything DALL-E 2 does, just with less precise renditions. 

Also :  How to use Craiyon AI (formerly known as DALL-E mini)

Unlike DALL-E 2, the outputs from Craiyon lack quality and take longer to render (approximately a minute). However, because you have unlimited prompts, you can continue to tweak the prompt until you get your exact vision. The site is also simple to use, making it perfect for someone wanting to experiment with AI image generators. It also generates six images, more than any other chatbot listed. 

Craiyon f eatures: Powered by:  Their model |  Access via :  Craiyon website  |  Output:  6 images per prompt |  Price:  Free, unlimited prompts 

Best AI image generator for highest quality photos

  • Very high-quality outputs
  • Discord community
  • Monthly cost
  • Confusing to set up

I often play around with AI image generators because they make it fun and easy to create digital artwork. Despite all my experiences with different AI generators, nothing could have prepared me for Midjourney -- in the best way. 

The output of the image was so crystal clear that I had a hard time believing it wasn't an actual picture that someone took of my prompt. This software is so good that it has produced award-winning art .

However, I think Midjourney isn't user-friendly and it confuses me. If you also need extra direction, check out our step-by-step how-to here: How to use Midjourney to generate amazing images and art .

Another problem with the tool is that you may not access it for free. When I tried to render images, I got this error message: "Due to extreme demand, we can't provide a free trial right now. Please subscribe to create images with Midjourney."

To show you the quality of renditions, I've included a close-up below from a previous time I tested the generator. The prompt was: "A baby Yorkie sitting on a comfy couch in front of the NYC skyline." 

Midjourney f eatures: Powered by:  Midjourney; utilizes Discord |  Access via:  Discord |  Output:  4 images per prompt |  Price:  Starts at $10/month

Adobe Firefly

Best ai image generator if you have a reference photo.

  • Structure and Style Reference
  • Commercial-safe
  • Longer lag than other generators
  • More specific prompts required

Adobe has been a leader in developing creative tools for creative and working professionals for decades. As a result, it's no surprise that its image generator is impressive. Accessing the generator is easy. Just visit the website and type the prompt of the image you'd like generated. 

Also: This new AI tool from Adobe makes generating the images you need even simpler

As you can see above, the images rendered of the Yorkies are high-quality, realistic, and detailed. Additionally, the biggest standout features of this chatbot are its Structure Reference and Style Reference features. 

Structure Reference lets users input an image they want the AI model to use as a template. The model then uses this structure to create a new image with the same layout and composition. Style Reference uses an image as a reference to generate a new image in the same style. 

These features are useful if you have an image you'd like the new, generated image to resemble, for example, a quick sketch you drew or even a business logo or style you'd like to keep consistent. 

Another perk is that Adobe Firefly was trained on Adobe Stock images, openly licensed content, and public domain content, making all the images generated safe for commercial use and addressing the ethics issue of image generators. 

Adobe Firefly f eatures:  Powered by:  Firefly Image 2 |  Access via:  Website |  Output:  4 images per prompt |  P rice:  Free 

Generative AI by Getty Images

Best ai image generator for businesses.

  • Commercially safe
  • Contributor compensation program
  • Personalized stock photos
  • Not clear about pricing
  • Not individual-friendly

One of the biggest issues with AI image generators is that they typically train their generators on content from the entirety of the internet, which means the generators use aspects of creators' art without compensation. This approach also puts businesses that use generators at risk of copyright infringement. 

Generative AI by Getty Images tackles that issue by generating images with content solely from Getty Images' vast creative library with full indemnification for commercial use. The generated images will have Getty Images' standard royalty-free license, assuring customers that their content is fair to use without fearing legal repercussions.

Another pro is that contributors whose content was used to train the models will be compensated for their inclusion in the training set. This is a great solution for businesses that want stock photos that match their creative vision but do not want to deal with copyright-related issues. 

ZDNET's Tiernan Ray went hands-on with the AI image generator. Although the tool did not generate the most vivid images, especially compared to DALL-E, it did create accurate, reliable, and useable stock images. 

Generative AI by Getty Images f eatures:  Powered by:  NVIDIA Picasso |  Access via:  Website |  Output:  4 images per prompt |  P rice:  Paid (price undisclosed, have to contact the team)

What is the best AI image generator?

Image Creator from Microsoft Designer is the best overall AI image generator. Like DALL-E 3, Image Creator from Microsoft Designer combines accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness, and can generate high-quality images in seconds. However, unlike DALL-E 3, this Microsoft version is entirely free.

Whether you want to generate images of animals, objects, or even abstract concepts, Image Creator from Microsoft Designer can produce accurate depictions that meet your expectations. It is highly efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective.

Note: Prices and features are subject to change.

Which is the right AI image generator for you?

Although I crowned Image Creator from Microsoft Designer the best AI image generator overall, other AI image generators perform better for specific needs. For example, suppose you are a professional using AI image generation for your business. In that case, you may need a tool like Generative AI by Getty Images which renders images safe for commercial use. 

On the other hand, if you want to play with AI art generating for entertainment purposes, Craiyon might be the best option because it's free, unlimited, and easy to use. 

How did I choose these AI image generators?

To find the best AI image generators, I tested each generator listed and compared their performance. The factors that went into testing performance included UI/UX, image results, cost, speed, and availability. Each AI image generator had different strengths and weaknesses, making each one the ideal fit for individuals as listed next to my picks. 

What is an AI image generator?

An AI image generator is software that uses AI to create images from user text inputs, usually within seconds. The images vary in style depending on the capabilities of the software, but can typically render an image in any style you want, including 3D, 2D, cinematic, modern, Renaissance, and more. 

How do AI image generators work?

Like any other AI model, AI image generators work on learned data they are trained with. Typically, these models are trained on billions of images, which they analyze for characteristics. These insights are then used by the models to create new images.

Are there ethical implications with AI image generators?

AI image generators are trained on billions of images found throughout the internet. These images are often artworks that belong to specific artists, which are then reimagined and repurposed by AI to generate your image. Although the output is not the same image, the new image has elements of the artist's original work not credited to them. 

Are there DALL-E 3 alternatives worth considering?

Contrary to what you might think, there are many AI image generators other than DALL-E 3. Some tools produce even better results than OpenAI's software. If you want to try something different, check out one of our alternatives above or the three additional options below. 

Nightcafe is a multi-purpose AI image generator. The tool is worth trying because it allows users to create unique and original artwork using different inputs and styles, including abstract, impressionism, expressionism, and more.

Canva is a versatile and powerful AI image generator that offers a wide range of options within its design platform. It allows users to create professional-looking designs for different marketing channels, including social media posts, ads, flyers, brochures, and more. 

Artificial Intelligence

Google and mit launch a free generative ai course for teachers, google photos users will soon get the best ai editing tools on pixel devices for free, dall-e adds new ways to edit and create ai-generated images. learn how to use it.

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5 of the best free AI image generators

T he use of AI image generators is becoming more and more prevalent as workers and creatives alike seek for more inspiration and a streamlined way of generating high-quality content for a multitude of purposes.

From website images to social media feeds, AI-generated images are becoming a mainstream fixture, and as more generators enter the market, it's also becoming a very cost-effective way for people to assist with their creative tasks, compliment their social media presence and help them boost their businesses' marketing efforts.

As a result, we've taken a look at the five best free AI image generators on the market right now. All of them have different purposes and quirks, but all have free plans that make them accessible to everyone looking to use AI image generation as part of their daily workflow.

To showcase their capability, quality and accuracy, we have created images using the following prompt on all platforms…

A black cat with white paws sitting next to Buckingham Palace in London on a sunny summer's day. There are people walking by in the background. There is red London double-decker bus and traditional black taxi driving by.

Ideogram is free to use for up to 25 prompts a day, but with that you are limited to the "slow queue" and every image you generate is viewable by all other Ideogram members. It is essentially a social media network for AI image generation, with the homepage acting as a feed of other images generated by the public, which you can ‘love', similar to Instagram.

A single prompt will generate four different image iterations, and it will also provide a ‘magic' prompt, which is essentially a more detailed prompt example it gives you for one of its images, that might give you inspiration for the wording of future prompts.

In terms of quality, it's hugely impressive, although it can often struggle with human faces, especially if there isn't much detailed information given about looks, etc. But it can accurately generate all types of images, including real-life, 3D, cartoon and CGI.

There are paid features , which essentially give you access to more daily prompts, quicker generation and the ability to make your images private, but if you don't see yourself needing more than 25 prompts a day, the free version works perfectly fine.

NightCafe has an array of free-to-use features that allow users to be as creative and artistic as possible. The free plan uses the SDXL 1.0 model and you also get five free prompts for Dall-E 3 and Stable Video Diffusion.

One of the standout features on NightCafe is the option to train a model to generate your own face, a specific object, or a particular art style, but it's limited to two free fine tunes before you need to purchase credits to keep training.

Before inputting your prompt, you're given a vast list of style presets to choose from, depending on your image needs. We picked ‘Striking' for our prompt, but there are the likes of Anime, Color Painting, CGI, Dark Fantasy, Hyperreal, Epic Origami, Modern Comic, Photo, Oil Painting and many more to choose from.

Users get five free credits a day, with one credit equalling one image generation, as opposed to one prompt. When generating images you can choose how many images it creates, so there is the need to be quite economical with your credits, but the results are accurate, detailed and realistic.

Users can, of course, purchase more credits , with 100 credits costing $5.99 monthly.

Runway AI isn't just a text-to-image generator, but an all-round AI machine that allows users to use its AI creative suite for a multitude of purposes, including text-to-video, video-to-video and generative audio.

The text-to-image tool is perfect for users looking for more control and creativity over their images. You can remix the style and composition of your images, while all images generated are returned in high-resolution.

However, the user interface is quite complex and in some areas requires specific creation methods and coding, which makes it more suited to more advanced or skilled users. It's the ideal generative AI tool for the likes of designers, illustrators and artists.

It is free to use, but the free version is only limited to 510 credits, which gets a little over 100 image generations (each generation costs five credits). You do get the option to edit style, resolution and image ratio with every generation, though.

Beyond that, you have to upgrade , with the cheapest plan coming in at $15 monthly for 625 credits and the use of additional and more advanced features.

DeepAI is a free-to-use AI image generator that allows users to create unlimited images with a wide variety of styles to choose from.

It has a very basic interface and only generates one image per prompt, but it is a great platform for those looking to experiment with AI, such as enthusiasts or creative freelancers looking for a cost-effective way to generate images.

It isn't the fastest generator on the market and as it only generates one image at a time, it might take several prompts before you get the image you're looking for, but the overall quality, accuracy, and capabilities are impressive, especially if you choose to generate your image in HD. That requires you to create an account, whereas the standard image generation doesn't, but the difference in quality between the two is, well, HD.

From there, you can play around with different style presets and image enhancements to help you get the best possible results.

If you're looking for a bit more from DeepAI, their only paid plan is $4.99 a month, or you can pay-as-you-go for $5-per-additional use of a premium feature.

Microsoft Designer

Powered by Dall-E, Microsoft's image generator is completely free to use and can be accessed via Copilot, formerly known as Bing Chat, or directly on the tool's website.

As image generators go, Microsoft Designer is as simple as they come from a user interface and feature point of view (there are no editing options, for example), but it does give you guidance on how to construct the perfect prompt by suggesting you use adjectives, nouns, verbs and styles. The style is particularly important as it will determine the style of your end result.

Overall it's a great free-to-use image generator for creatives, designers, artists, social media professionals, and anyone looking to have a play around with the AI and test its capabilities.

There are no paid plans either, it's completely free to use. All you have to do is login using your Microsoft account.

The bottom line

When it comes to picking a favorite, it’s difficult to look past Microsoft Designer for accuracy and quality. It took my prompt and delivered an image that had all the details I requested.

The others also delivered high-quality images, but most of them omitted key details outlined in the prompt, such as the cat’s white paws, the black taxi or the red double-decker bus. Their accuracy wasn’t quite up to scratch for what it was being asked to do.

Ideogram was the closest to matching Microsoft designer in terms of accuracy but its quality was ever so slightly down and also has daily limitations, which Microsoft’s image generator doesn’t.

The post 5 of the best free AI image generators appeared first on ReadWrite .

5 of the best free AI image generators


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  4. The 13 Best AI Essay Writers For Quality and Speed in 2021

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  5. 6 Best AI Essay Writer Tools to Create 100% Original Content

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  6. AI Tool for Research paper & Academic Writing |

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  1. AI Research Paper Generator

    The EssayGPT AI research paper generator utilizes an advanced AI algorithm to fetch relevant and credible information. It employs sophisticated contextual understanding and keyword analysis to maintain accuracy. However, this tool is designed to augment rather than replace comprehensive manual research. 2.

  2. Free AI Research Research Paper Generator & Paper Writer

    Smodin is a free online tool that uses AI to generate high-quality research papers for any topic or subject. You can input your abstract or title, find sources, cite references, and write your paper in minutes with Smodin's AI research assistant and writer.

  3. Research Paper Generator: Free & AI Research Paper Writer

    Create high-quality research papers with the AcademicHelp AI Research Paper Generator. It adapts to different academic standards, offers smooth writing, and is user-friendly for anyone.

  4. AI Academic Writing Tool for Researchers

    Our Commitment: Academic Honesty. Jenni AI is committed to upholding academic integrity. Our tool is designed to assist, not replace, your effort in research and writing. We strongly discourage any unethical use. We're dedicated to helping you excel in a responsible and ethical manner.

  5. Research Paper Writer

    Generate a well-structured research paper based on a given topic, thesis statement, and key points. HyperWrite's Research Paper Writer is an AI-powered tool that assists you in writing a comprehensive research paper. Using the most advanced AI models, it takes your topic, thesis statement, and key points, and generates a well-structured research paper complete with an introduction, body, and ...

  6. Free AI Research Paper Generator

    Otio's Free AI research paper Generator is a powerful tool designed to assist knowledge workers, researchers, and students in tackling content overload by providing a seamless AI-native workspace for research. With features like collecting data from various sources, extracting key takeaways with AI-generated notes, and creating draft outputs ...

  7. The best AI tools for research papers and academic research (Literature

    AI for scientific writing and research papers. In the ever-evolving realm of academic research, AI tools are increasingly taking center stage. Enter Paper Wizard, Jenny.AI, and Wisio - these groundbreaking platforms are set to revolutionize the way we approach scientific writing.

  8. Free AI Writing Resources

    You can use such tools in a responsible way that benefits your education during the research and writing process by relying on them for the following: Brainstorming and explore topics in an interactive way. Assisting with programming and coding. Developing research questions and paper outlines.

  9. Jenni AI

    Jenni, the AI assistant for academic writing, just got BETTER and SMARTER. This one is a game changer, Doc, especially on that small matter of lacking words or writer's block. I am definitely introducing it to my students asap. I thought ChatGPT was a good writing assistant. But when I found Jenni AI - It blew my mind.

  10. Free Research Paper Outline Generator

    Our outline generator for research papers speeds up this process in several ways: ⭐ High-quality. The tool is smart enough to create an outline on any topic effortlessly. It provides blueprints you can turn into examples of high-quality academic writing. 🎯 Motivating.

  11. 10 Best AI Research Paper Generator For Free

    Textero AI: Textero AI is another free AI research paper generator that offers a variety of features, including the ability to generate ideas, structure papers, write text, and cite sources. It is known for its ability to produce accurate and well-written text. Quilbot: Quilbot is a free AI writing tool that can be used to generate, paraphrase ...

  12. [FREE] AI Paper Writer

    AI paper writing tool is a software application that uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically generate written content. These tools work by analyzing large amounts of text data, such as academic journals, research papers, and online articles, to identify patterns in language and structure.

  13. AI for Research Paper Writing

    Paperpal is a smart writing tool for researchers that offers grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity, structure, and language suggestions to improve your academic writing skills. You can use Paperpal for Word, Paperpal for Web, or Paperpal for Manuscript to create high-quality manuscripts and fast-track journal submissions with AI-powered research paper grammar checks and scientific editing.

  14. Semantic Scholar

    A free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature. Search 217,745,776 papers from all fields of science. Search. Try: David A.D. Evans; Stoichiometry; Cyber Security; New & Improved API for Developers. Our API now includes paper search, better documentation, and increased stability. Join hundreds of other developers and start building ...

  15. Elicit: The AI Research Assistant

    Researchers commonly use Elicit to: Speed up literature review. Find papers they couldn't find elsewhere. Automate systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Learn about a new domain. Elicit tends to work best for empirical domains that involve experiments and concrete results. This type of research is common in biomedicine and machine learning.

  16. How to Write a Research Paper (+ Free AI Research Paper Writer)

    1. Make a checklist based on the assignment description, and fill it out with AI. Your professor has likely specified some criteria for your research paper: Length (in pages or words) Type of topic (the War of 1812, ancient Greece, agriculture, etc.) Elements that must be included, such as analysis, discussion, and comparison.

  17. AI Research Tools

    ResearchRabbit is an AI-powered research app that makes discovering and organizing academic papers incredibly easy. It allows you to view interactive visualizations and create collections. Discover the latest AI research tools to accelerate your studies and academic research. Analyze research papers, summarize articles, citations, and more.

  18. Free Research Proposal Generator

    Features. Advanced AI algorithms to generate impressive essay and research components. Access to 45+ applications powered by thousands of expertly formulated prompts. Ongoing access to the latest Open API technology as and when it is released without a monthly fee. Built-in plagiarism checks and originality assurance to help you maintain full ...

  19. Free AI Paragraph Generator

    Free AI Paragraph Generator. Get your writing process off to a great start by generating fully coherent, compelling paragraphs. ... Students and researchers can benefit from Ahrefs' Paragraph Generator when working on papers, essays, or research articles. By providing the necessary instructions, the tool can generate well-structured ...

  20. ChatGPT

    By AI Research Paper Generator: Effortlessly create academic papers with advanced AI technology - generate a research paper in minutes! Sign up to chat. Requires ChatGPT Plus.

  21. 10 Great AI Tools for Researchers

    Here are are some good AI Tools I recommend for student researchers and academics: 1. Litmaps. Litmaps is a tool for research students that makes finding papers and authors on a topic easy and quick. Instead of spending lots of time reading through hundreds of papers, you can use Litmaps to find the important ones in seconds.

  22. Free AI Outline Generator

    Ahrefs' Outline Generator can be immensely helpful for students, researchers, and academics who need to organize their thoughts and create a well-structured outline for their academic papers. By inputting key points or subtopics, the tool can generate an outline that follows a logical progression and ensures coherence in the paper's structure.

  23. AI Research Generators

    From generating title tags to creating FAQ schema, our AI-powered tools will save you time and boost your website's performance. Boost your research capabilities with AI research generators. Utilize AI-powered solutions designed for research use cases. Enhance analysis, gain insights, and foster innovation through cutting-edge AI technology.

  24. Planning Research with Generative AI

    Planning Research with Generative AI. Maria Rosala. April 5, 2024. Summary: With the proper context, prompts, and scrutiny, AI chatbots can be used to create a successful user-research plan. AI chatbots (like ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot) can support UX researchers of all experience levels in planning their research.

  25. AI Question Generator: Create Easy + Accurate Tests and Surveys

    AI question generators can also fix the user experience by creating engaging, relevant, easy-to-understand surveys or quizzes. The questions are custom to preferences, demographics, and specifications, which allows organizations and teachers to increase response rates and collect more accurate and actionable information.

  26. The best AI image generators of 2024: Tested and reviewed

    DALL-E 3. An upgraded version of the original best AI image generator that combines accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness. It allows users to generate high-quality images quickly and easily ...

  27. 5 of the best free AI image generators

    upgrade. , with the cheapest plan coming in at $15 monthly for 625 credits and the use of additional and more advanced features. DeepAI. is a free-to-use AI image generator that allows users to ...