Social Change in the 21st Century

The 21st century has been bringing significant changes to many spheres of people’s lives, both personal and professional. Globalization, the transformation of work processes, and the development of technologies influence the functioning of the world. Ways of communication, education, and working are becoming increasingly flexible, allowing people not to be tied to one place. In this paper, I will discuss several aspects of social change in the 21st century, basing on personal experience.

Some of the most significant social changes are related to the development of technologies, which became more rapid than ever in the 21st century. From my experience, I can see that smartphones, computers, and the Internet influence not only people’s everyday lives but also working and educational environments. With the help of digital devices, I study and perform different tasks remotely. For a long time, I have not been using a pencil and paper, typing all essays on my computer, which is common nowadays. One may agree that today, understanding basic modern technologies is often crucial for completing personal and educational tasks.

As for working processes, they are also transformed significantly due to the development of the digital world. For instance, I am familiar with online platforms, such as Upwork, that allow you to work independently and build your own schedule. Nowadays, one may communicate with employees and employers, never meeting them and being located in a different country. It is also worth noting that, at the time of the pandemic, without technologies, it would not be possible to maintain the functioning of various spheres. Thus, working and educational environments are becoming increasingly flexible, giving new opportunities.

The development of technologies and the promotion of startups attract many investments, which affects the global economy. Many governments and corporations are interested in developing new devices. For instance, I have experience in using VR (Virtual Reality) headset. Although it was just for entertainment, I can see how many opportunities such technologies may give, connecting the digital and real worlds. With the help of VR and AR (Augmented Reality) devices, it is possible to improve various spheres of our life, including such significant ones as medicine.

Returning to a discussion of the economy, it is also worth noting that investing is available even for average users. Through special applications, today, it is possible to buy stocks of different companies, including large ones such as Tesla or Google. In the future, I plan to use investment tools for purchasing stocks. On a personal level, it is a good way to get additional income and improve financial literacy. In this regard, one may agree that modern technologies also expand economic and financial frameworks.

In conclusion, people have been facing significant changes in the 21st century. Online space provides various opportunities, making the market and everyday life more mobile. With the transformation of the work and education spheres, their processes became oriented on globalization, and we are no longer tied to one particular place for getting a job or studying. Thus, it is possible to agree that the digital and real worlds became interconnected, which influences all aspects of our lives.

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  • Secretary-General
  • Statements and Messages

Twenty-first Century Must Be Century of Women’s Equality, Secretary-General Says in Remarks at The New School

Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks on “women and power” at The New School in New York today:

It is a great pleasure to be here today.  Thank you for honouring me with this degree, and, through me, the United Nations and our staff around the world.

The New School is a special place.

I am an engineer by training and physics has been the biggest intellectual passion of my life.  But I reserve my greatest admiration for artists, philosophers, social scientists and those who explain the world and make it more beautiful.  I thank the New School for helping to uplift us and give meaning to our lives.

No place is better than the New School for me to explain our view on women and power, and our very strong commitment to gender equality in everything we do.

As a man born in Western Europe, I have enjoyed many privileges.  But my childhood under a military dictatorship in Portugal opened my eyes to injustice and oppression.

As a student doing volunteer work in the slums of Lisbon, throughout my political career, and as the leader of the United Nations refugee agency, I have always felt compelled to fight against injustice, inequality and the denial of human rights.

Today, as Secretary-General of the United Nations, I see one overwhelming injustice across the globe; an abuse that is crying out for attention.  That is gender inequality and discrimination against women and girls.

Everywhere, women are worse off than men, simply because they are women.  Migrant and refugee women, those with disabilities, and women members of minorities of all kinds face even greater barriers.  This discrimination harms us all.

Just as slavery and colonialism were a stain on previous centuries, women’s inequality should shame us all in the twenty-first.  Because it is not only unacceptable; it is stupid.

Only through the equal participation of women can we benefit from the intelligence, experience and insights of all of humanity.  Women’s equal participation is vital to stability, helps prevent conflict, and promotes sustainable, inclusive development.  Gender equality is the prerequisite for a better world.

This is not a new issue.  Women have been fighting for their rights for centuries.  Five hundred years ago, Queen Nzinga Mbandi of the Mbundu waged war against Portuguese colonial rule in present-day Angola.  Mary Wollstonecraft, who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792, is often seen as the mother of western feminism.  Sixty years later, Sojourner Truth delivered an impassioned plea for women’s rights while she worked to abolish slavery.

The women’s rights movement came of age in the twentieth century.  Women Heads of State dispelled any doubts about women’s ability to lead.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserted the equal rights of men and women, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women outlined a vision of gender equality.

Today, young women like Malala Yousafzai and Nadia Murad are breaking barriers and creating new models of leadership.

But despite these advances, the state of women’s rights remains dire.  Inequality and discrimination are the norm, everywhere.  Progress has slowed to a standstill — and in some cases, been reversed.

There is a strong and relentless pushback against women’s rights.  Violence against women, including femicide, is at epidemic levels.  More than one in three women will experience violence in some form during her lifetime.

Legal protections against rape and domestic violence are being diluted or rolled back in some places.  Rape within marriage continues to be legal in 34 countries. Women’s sexual and reproductive rights are under threat from different sides.

Women leaders and public figures face harassment, threats and abuse, online and off.

The policing of personal freedom and dress are a daily reality for millions of women and girls.

From Governments to corporate boards to awards ceremonies, women are still excluded from the top table.

Policies that penalize women, like austerity and coercive reproduction, are back in fashion.

Peace negotiations still exclude women, 20 years after all countries pledged to include them.

And the digital age could make these inequalities even more entrenched.

Gender equality is fundamentally a question of power.  We live in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture.  We have done so for millennia.

The historian Mary Beard has identified the deep historical roots of patriarchy in Western culture.

In the Odyssey , written 3,000 years ago, Homer describes Telemachus telling his mother, Penelope, to be quiet and to leave the talking to men.  Unfortunately, Telemachus would not be out of place in some of my meetings today.

Patriarchy — a social system founded on inheritance through the male line — continues to affect every area of our lives.  We are all — men and women, girls and boys — suffering the consequences.

Male-dominated power structures underpin our economies, our political systems and our corporations.

Even Hollywood fame does not protect women from men who wield physical, emotional and professional power over them.  I salute those who have courageously spoken up and fought back.

A hidden layer of inequality is built into the institutions and structures that govern all our lives — but are based on the needs of just half the population.

The writer Caroline Criado Perez calls this “default man” thinking:  The unquestioned assumption that men are standard, and women the exception.  This has led to the biggest data gap in the world.  Very often, women are not counted, and their experiences don’t count.

The consequences are everywhere, from toilet facilities to bus routes.  Women are at higher risk of being injured in a car accident, because seats and safety belts fit default man.  Women have a higher fatality rate from heart attacks because diagnostic tools are designed around default man.

Default man thinking even extends into space, which is indeed the final frontier — for women.  More than 150 men have walked in space, but just a handful of women, particularly because spacesuits are designed for default man.  No woman has walked on the moon — although women mathematicians played an essential part in putting men there.

At last, we are finally celebrating the achievements of these women, including Katherine Johnson, who passed away this week.

All too often, alongside violence, control, male-dominated power structures and hidden discrimination, women and girls contend with centuries of misogyny and the erasure of their achievements.

From the ridiculing of women as hysterical or hormonal, to the routine judgement of women based on their looks; from the myths and taboos that surround women’s natural body functions, to mansplaining and victim-blaming — misogyny has been everywhere.

Conversely, across centuries and cultures, words like “genius” and “brilliant” are used far more often to describe men than women.

Which is less surprising when men have made the rules and banned women from participating in it.  The damage done by patriarchy and inequality goes far beyond women and girls.

Men have a gender too.  It is defined so rigidly that it can trap men and boys into stereotypes that involve risky behaviour, physical aggression and an unwillingness to seek advice or support.

As the writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie puts it:  “Masculinity is a hard, small cage, and we put boys inside this cage.”

Around the world, men have shorter life spans than women; they are more likely to be in prison and to use and experience violence; and they are less likely to seek help.  We have defined men’s power in ways that come at great cost — to men themselves.

Gender equality has enormous benefits for men’s personal relationships.  Men who share caregiving and spend more time with their families are happier and have happier children.

On a larger scale, transforming the balance of power is essential, not only as a question of human rights, personal development, health and well-being.

It is critical to solving some of the most damaging and intractable problems of our age, from deepening inequality and polarization to the climate crisis.

I see five areas in which achieving gender equality can transform our world.

First, conflict and violence.

There is a straight line between violence against women, civil oppression and conflict.

Trillions of dollars are spent every year on peace and security.  But we should be asking:  Whose peace?  Whose security?

Inter-State conflict makes headlines, but in some of the most violent parts of the world, levels of femicide — the killing of women — are comparable to a war zone. 137 women around the world are killed by a member of their own family every day. Impunity rates are above 95 per cent in some countries.

In other words, we have men waging war on women — but no one is calling for a ceasefire or imposing sanctions.

And how a society treats the female half of its population is a significant indicator of how it will treat others.

Rape and sexual slavery are routinely used as a tactic of war, and misogyny is part of the ideology of almost all violent extremist groups.

Conversely, involving women leaders and decision-makers in mediation and peace processes leads to more lasting and sustainable peace.

The United Nations is committed to putting women at the centre of our conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacebuilding and mediation efforts — and to increasing the numbers of our women peacekeepers.

Second, the climate crisis.

The existential emergency we are facing is the result of decisions that were taken mainly by men but have a disproportionate impact on women and girls.

Drought and famine mean women work harder to find food and water, while heatwaves, storms and floods kill more women and girls than men and boys.

Women and girls have long been leaders and activists on the environment, from Wangari Maathai and Jane Goodall to the Fridays for Future movement.

But the impact of gender inequality on climate action goes deeper.

Initiatives to reduce and recycle are overwhelmingly marketed at women, while men are more likely to put their faith in untested technological fixes.

There is plenty of evidence that women are more open than men to reducing their personal environmental impact.

And recent studies show that women economists and parliamentarians are more likely to support sustainable, inclusive policies.

There is a risk that safeguarding our planet is seen as “women’s work” — just another domestic chore.

I am grateful to young people, Generation Z, including many of you here in this room, who are working for climate action and gender equality, while recognizing the reality of non-binary identities and solutions.

Macho posturing will not save our planet.

Gender equality, including men stepping up and taking responsibility, is essential if we are to beat the climate emergency.

The third area in which women’s rights and equal opportunities can create a breakthrough is in building inclusive economies.

Worldwide, women still earn just 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.  The latest research by the World Economic Forum says it will take until 2255 to close the gender pay gap.

How can I tell my granddaughters that their granddaughters’ granddaughters will still be paid less than a man for the same work?

The gender pay gap is one reason why 70 per cent of the world’s poor are women and girls.

Another is that women and girls do some 12 billion hours of unpaid care work around the world every day — three times more than men.

In some communities, women can spend 14 hours a day cooking, cleaning, fetching wood and water and caring for children and the elderly.

Economic models classify these hours as “leisure time”.

Gross domestic product puts zero value on anything that happens in the home.  But this flawed metric is the baseline for economic decision-making, distorting policies and denying women opportunities.

Women who do have an income are more likely than men to invest in their families and communities, strengthening economies and making them more resilient.

Women also tend to take a longer view.  Corporate boards that include them are more stable and profitable.

The recent decision by one of the world’s biggest investment banks not to take a company public unless it has a woman board member was not made on moral grounds.  It was financial good sense.

Women’s equal economic rights and opportunities are a global imperative if we are to build a fair globalization that works for all.

Fourth, the digital divide.

When a couple complained last year that the man’s credit limit was 20 times higher than his wife’s, despite her higher credit score, the discrepancy was blamed on an algorithm.

But with women occupying just 26 per cent of jobs in artificial intelligence, it is no surprise that many algorithms are biased towards men.

Digital technology can be an enormous force for good.  But I am deeply concerned by the male domination of technological professions in the universities, start-ups and Silicon Valleys of this world.

These tech hubs are already shaping the economies and societies of the future, with a huge impact on the evolution of power relations.

Unless women play an equal role in designing digital technologies, progress on women’s rights could be reversed.

Lack of diversity will not only expand gender inequality.  It will limit the innovation and scope of new technologies, making them less useful for everyone.

Fifth and finally, political representation.

Women’s participation in parliaments around the world has doubled in the last 25 years — to one quarter.  Fewer than one tenth of States are led by a woman.

But women’s representation in government is not about stereotypical “women’s issues” like opposing sexual harassment or promoting childcare.  Women in government drive social progress and meaningful changes to people’s lives.

Women are more likely to advocate for investment in education and health and to seek cross-party consensus and common ground.

When the numbers of women reach a critical mass, Governments are more likely to innovate and to challenge established orthodoxies.

In other words, women in politics are redefining and redistributing power.

It is no coincidence that the Governments that are redefining GDP to include well-being and sustainability are led by women.

It is simple math.  Women’s participation improves institutions.

Doubling the resources, capacity and expertise we put into decision-making benefits everyone.

One of my first priorities as Secretary-General of the United Nations was to bring more women into leadership positions.  On 1 January this year, we achieved gender parity — 90 women and 90 men — in the ranks of full-time senior leadership, two years ahead of the target date I set at the start of my tenure.  We have a road map in place to achieve parity at all levels in the years ahead.

This long-overdue change is an essential recognition of the equal rights and abilities of women staff.  It is also about improving our efficiency and effectiveness for the people we serve.

The opportunity of man-made problems — and I choose these words deliberately — is that they have human-led solutions.

Thriving matriarchal societies throughout history and around the world show that patriarchy is not inevitable.

We have recently seen women, many of them young, demanding transformational change.

From Sudan to Chile to Lebanon, they are calling for freedom from violence, greater representation and urgent climate action, and questioning economic systems that fail to deliver opportunities and fulfilment for many.

We owe these young leaders our voices and our support.

Gender equality is part of the DNA of the United Nations.  The equal rights of women and men are included in the Charter — our founding document.  As we mark our seventy-fifth anniversary this year, along with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Beijing Conference on Women, we are redoubling our efforts to support women’s rights across the board.

Last month, the United Nations launched a Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals — the blueprint for our partnership with Governments to build peaceful, prosperous and inclusive societies on a healthy planet.

Gender equality is a goal in itself, and key to achieving the other 16 goals.

The Decade of Action is aimed at transforming institutions and structures, broadening inclusion and driving sustainability.

Repealing laws that discriminate against women and girls; increasing protection against violence; closing the gap in girls’ education and digital technology; guaranteeing full access to sexual and reproductive health services and rights; and ending the gender pay gap are just some of the areas we are targeting.

Women’s equal leadership and participation are fundamental.

That is why in the past, I always supported quotas — the most effective way to achieve a radical shift in the balance of power.  Now is the time for gender parity in Governments, parliaments, corporate boards and institutions everywhere.

Over the next two years, I intend to deepen my personal commitment to highlighting and supporting gender equality in all areas of our work.

I will contact Governments that have discriminatory laws on their books to advocate for change and offer our support; and urge each new Government to achieve gender parity in senior leadership.

I will explore ways to maximize the influence of the United Nations to make sure women have equal representation in peace processes and strengthen our work on the links between violence against women and international peace and security.

I will continue to meet women whose lives have been affected by violence.

I will also advocate for GDP to include measures of well-being and sustainability and for unpaid domestic work to be given its true value.

I am committed to ending “default male” thinking across the United Nations.  We are a data-driven organization; it is essential that our data does not make the ridiculous assumption that men are the norm and women are the exception.

We need women’s voices and contributions at the forefront in peace negotiations and trade talks; at the Oscars and the G20 (Group of 20); in board rooms and classrooms; and at the United Nations General Assembly.

Gender equality is a question of power; power that has been jealously guarded by men for millennia.  It is about an abuse of power that is damaging our communities, our economies, our environment, our relationships and our health.

We must urgently transform and redistribute power, if we are to safeguard our future and our planet.  That is why all men should support women’s rights and gender equality.  And why I am a proud feminist.

Women have equalled and outperformed men in almost every sphere.  It is time to stop trying to change women and start changing the systems that prevent them from achieving their potential.

Our power structures have evolved gradually over thousands of years.  One further evolution is long overdue.  The twenty-first century must be the century of women’s equality.

Let us all play our part in making it so.

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Essay on Cultural Transformation in 21st Century

June 4, 2019 by Sandeep

We are living in a highly privileged society where families have transformed from joint set-up to single, individual or nuclear families. Cultural know-hows of one generation usually gets passed on to the next generation through word-of-mouth and continuous practice.

Institutionalisation of science in society

The term ‘institutionalisation’ refers to the standardisation or making/building a standardised pattern over the years. People living in a society begin to accept these norms or set patterns as part of their living and think that they have to live by these norms each and everyday of their lives.

This is where the concept of ‘institutionalisation’ sets in. Our society relies on education for their fundamental living, for finding jobs and getting better plans in society. It is education that culturally guides them to extend cordial behaviour and live in co-operation and harmony with others.

From our forefathers, we have inherited the spirit of scientific thinking. Science is the abstract knowledge or the core institution that we fundamentally received from our ancestors. The turning point or the application of this knowledge in user specific ways has created more modern society for us.

But the scientific institution from where we received and are passing on the basic fundamentals remain unchallenged. People have moved beyond this institution and not challenged scientific ethics after a certain point. The challengers lie in effective utilization of resources for meaningful and purposeful services to mankind.

Adaptive changes in religious values and beliefs

With time and technological advancement, reasoning and scientific temper replace age-old traditions, customs, religious beliefs and orthodox values. The aspect of ‘questioning’ our customs is not a very healthy motion though. Many traditional practices that were followed still have a connection with the world of science, only if we dug deeper into the subject matter.

The relation or inter-connection would be lost or forgotten in the course of time leading to selective changes and adaptive transformations in the way we see and understand religion and traditions as a whole. Religion should be a part of cultural upliftment and not a barrier in itself.

Indian society at crossroads

The older generations are now opening up to accept good and collective points of other cross cultures as well. We can broadly say that Indian culture to some extent has had a shadow of British influence in the past. Nevertheless our ancestors made sure to pull it back and behold the cultural enigma in a nutshell and preserved if for years. The grandeur of this lost tradition was somehow protected and put in its place.

With time, our people have got falsely attracted to pseudo western values and cultures making them think twice about embracing their own culture. For example, yoga practices are part and parcel of our own Indian culture, slowly making big business in the west. The Indian community embraced yoga to greater levels after the western community gave it recognition. Definitely, Indian society is at crossroads.

Process of social restructuration

They say, father is the head of the family and it’s good to have the whole family for dinner. This was a thing of the past. Now, our lives are ruled by gadgets, people work in flexible hours and the cultural togetherness has become more of a matter of social re-union.

Earlier, joint families played a very vital role in our society. The older and younger generations interacted with each other and perceived, understood and imbibed our cultural values. When this set-up got slowly replaced by a nuclear family setup, cultural value transfer took a backseat. Time for daily chores, the need for one’s independence, career boost and gained more and more importance leading to severe social restructuration.

Paradigm shift in Indian philanthropy

India is a country with a lot of social issues. Some have been addressed, others are yet to gain a platform. ‘Giving’ has been a part of our greater culture since years. Apart from the common man who ‘gave’ to society-in-need in the form of charity, rulers, beings and their counterparts donated for the welfare of society and people.

In today’s world ‘giving’ is no more a fancy word found in cultural textbooks, it is part of a greater form of ‘contribution’. NGOs make name and fame by being part of this ‘philanthropy’! People do not necessarily refer to their culture to be part of philanthropy.

They seek relief from their taxable income, so as a means to their financial upliftment too, things have taken a dramatic change. For good reasons and on value based moral grounds, philanthropy has more outreach with advanced technology, people contribute in modern ways and has become a synonymous task with politicians too.

Emergence of new classes

When India was created an economic grounds, the backward classes or peeres classes took the lowest stream in society, followed by the middle class and then the upper class. The cultural values travelled in the other way, the upper class believed to be culturally more significant too.

The situation today is different. We have the modern class which is believed to be flying high with modern waves, yet has a touch of cultural roots attached to it. The ultra-modern classes that are believed to be taken off the cultural radar and living in a liberal society.

The gates-buffet model

People of the younger generation discard their cultural connection, way ahead to see a path of money making. Today, their role models are based on the likes of Gates and Waren Buffet. What makes this model interesting is the five fold theory it is composed of. The first working principle is the glory built with the vision they sought in their minds. People get attracted to the beauty of this glory.

The second principle is ruling out distractions on the way and focusing on the path to success. The third principle exemplifies efficiency, perseverance in our tasks. The fourth principal talks about is social status and well being arising out of his work. The fifth principle exudes inspiration to others on account of our well being.

These words are seen in role models like Gates and Buffet as per the choices of the present generations. In reality, these words can be found way back in our Bhagavad Gitta and has been treasured for long in our cultural values.

Decline of traditional cultural institutions

Religion is different from culture. Religion lays down certain principles that have to be followed in order to practice and preach specific belief. Culture on the other hand teaches a humane way of leading life. No religious text book will go far without the periphery of culture. Religion is the inner stuff and culture is like the extend contact periphery that helps follow religion in the righteous way.

For long, India has been a place of cultural extravaganza and is rich in its value-system. But slowly, due to the mindset prevailing and a bid to take people off their cultural roots, things like corruption and other social evils are thriving.

Traditional cultural institutions in the form of Gurukuls imparted knowledge and education to children in earlier days. The British invasion in India brought along formal education system and also imposed syllabi and rote learning methods.

So, to a great extent, christian missionaries had a very huge impact on our education system. To a certain known perimeter, our culture and values still found a place in these textbooks but with modernity, that started deciling.

India still has its huge share of institutions concerned with the likes of cultural roots of India. Things look bleak when we see the number of patrons and the general public associated with these institutions. Though they impart cultural knowledge in their medium, the number of takers are scanty. There is demand for knowledge in the cultural sphere, but people prefer going the western way.

Social Mobility

Travelling to foreign shores in olden days was considered a taboo. Such practices had no base and were precariously removed. Many such upliftment were a welcome move. Along with this, population shift towards the European and American countries began with a steady rise.

So, we could see cross culture exchanges happening at a fast rate. This mixed with other cultures and gave rise to a new concepts of multi-lingual, multi-ethical culture. These days our cultural system is more accessible, acceptable and mobile too.

Composite culture of India

India is not just about Indians. We have people across nations, finding homes here. That is an external bird view. Internally within our own country, we have people from diverse cultures, of various beliefs and values coming together, tying themselves up on the common ground of being an Indian.

The composite cultural makeup of India has led to the concept of unity in diversity. We are one nation but we follow different religions, speak different languages, have cultural difference, yet accept each other on the sole grounds of being on Indian first.

With cross cultural interactions and multi ethnic cultures making in roads and affecting our values in small and big ways, there sure is a long way ahead to be travelled.

Cultural migration in India

Be it festivals, food practices, important days, ceremonies or events, there is a natural cultural affiliation attached to each one of them. Overtime, things change, get more updated with the time and that is when we see apart of our practices seeking a migration.

We can definitely see our cultural systems seeking more modern ways and approaches that suits different mindsets. It is about opening up to allow fresh cease of air. While letting out those threads that seems outdated and irrelevant at present times.

Modernism & traditional socio-ethical values

When we see modernisation of our culture, it does not mean leaving behind what was there and bringing in something that was non-existent. The concept of modernism in cultural contexts simply mean that we move ahead with our times. In a traditional social set-up, the families refrained from staying differently in individual houses. A joint set up with a primary head of the family was the norm.

Today we have small units living happily in cities. It is a necessity today. We no longer see large, joint family systems everywhere. It has become a rarity now. This concept does not mean that people have forgotten their ethics or customs or traditions. They still follow them. Festivals are still celebrated at homes. Only the way in which it is celebrated must have changed, owing to changing times and traditions.

Occupational diversification

Earlier a son used to carry on his father’s business and this continued for many more generations in the future. Today, if the father is in a particular city, his son may be working on an offshore unit. Times have changed occupations and opportunities have diversified mindsets have also changed accordingly. The bonding and cultural roots remain the same. But that does not inhibit a person to explore out of his boundary.

Cultural values impart good ethics in humans. Indians have always been enriched culturally. Indians are known for their good culture and mannerisms. No matter where we are employed or where we study, we should leave behind our negative traits. We should not forget our cultural setups and values that we are made of.

Transformations happen in the world at every sphere and every aspect of life. With improved science and technology, lives are more modernised. Thinking and reasoning has changed. People go back to their cultures as a reference point.


IELTS Writing Task 2: Speculative essay; The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? (Sample answer with bonus tips)

In IELTS Writing Task 2 , speculative essays are quite common nowadays. So, it needs proper attention and care. We need to have a clear idea and a setting to write this kind of essays. So, in this post, I’m going to show you how to write any speculative essay easily.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Speculative essay; The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? (Sample answer with bonus tips)

First, look at the title below.

The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.

Instruction for this task:

As you can see, the question is pretty straightforward with a very short scenario or stem. Now, if you follow closely, you will find that the question sentence has a future tense structure. So, the task required for you is to provide your answer in future tense mostly and this is called speculation.

As usual, you have to do a short mind-mapping for this writing. Without it, the writing will be scattered. So, make sure you do a mind map before you start to write.

Think of some future prospects that the 21st century will bring for us. For example, fast work, fast communication, space travel, the supercomputer taking charge, upgraded computers etc. Remember, you cannot write too much. So, just think of 4/5 major developments that may happen in the future. Here, you need not be accurate. Only put your ideas in a logical order.

Include an introductory paragraph and a closing paragraph with two body/explanatory paragraphs. Try to make the introductory paragraph and closing paragraph catchy and smart. This will do the trick.

The structure will look like this:

Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic with some background information.

Paragraph 2: Include two major improvements that you think will be dominant  (with examples) like fastest communication, development in work speed, etc.

Paragraph 3: Include one more development that may become the talk of the time like space exploration

Paragraph 4: Conclude the essay with a positive tone, you can compare the improvements between the past century and the present century

Here is an example answer that I’ve made for you. It’s a band  8.0 writing. If you face problems regarding the unknown or difficult words I used in this answer, you will find explanations of the words below the sample answer.

Model answer:

Since the dawn of human civilization, the process of gathering knowledge has been taught to us by nature through various changes. There is ample evidence of changes in the lifestyle of primitive people which have been discovered in ancient caves and grottos by modern scientists. Yet, up until the 19th century, the progress made was quite slow. With the opening of the 20th century, our progress has been so swift that the 21st century will surely take us where none have ever ventured before.

First and foremost, our lifestyle will definitely become faster than ever. I believe firmly that we shall be using some of the fastest ways of communication and warp speed will be available in space. Additionally, our speed of work will increase dramatically as swift machines will save our important time more and more. Supercomputers will take the place of important personnel in imperative places. Computers will work just like a magic wand as the signal through sound and eye contact will be further upgraded.

The breakthrough in the field of cosmology will happen in the 21st century which, I assume, will change the way we think about space. We shall be able to travel from our planet to other planets and the moon at a reasonable price. Moreover, the space journey will not be very nerve-racking as medical science will radically improve the quality of medications.

In conclusion, the world will be a completely different place in the coming century. Though it might sound a bit fanatical to many, we can easily take an example from the past century and compare it with the present one. Therefore, the 21st century will be true as we have watched in sci-fi movies and the progress of human civilization will be incomparable.

(286 words)

This is the end of the answer.

Explanations of important vocabulary:

Dawn= start, the beginning Ample= sufficient Lifestyle= way of life Primitive= ancient Venture= going somewhere risky Warp speed= a lightning speed which can only be gained in space Personnel= important human resource Imperative= very crucial Magic wand= a stick from which magical power flows (as in the film series Harry Potter) Assume= to guess Breakthrough= a significant development Cosmology= the study of the origin and nature of the universe Reasonable= cheap; not costly Nerve-racking= extremely tensed or worried Fanatical= Crazy; wild; mad Incomparable= without equal

Bonus tips:

Add as much unknown vocabulary as you can. It will not only make your writing look different from others but also increase your band score radically.

I sincerely hope that you have found this post interesting enough and learned a few things. Please, post your problems as comments and I’ll further suggest you on how to tackle the problems.


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The 20th to 21st Century History Essay

The 20 th century was the beginning of many social changes across the globe and several worldwide war conflicts that affected both Western and non-Western countries. Many of these are continuing to affect the world in the current 21 st century as well. While it was a relatively short time compared to the rest of human history, its effect cannot be underestimated in terms of importance.

World War I was the most prominent global conflict in the world at the time, and it tied both Western and non-Western nations as it had never happened before. While the conflict took less than a decade to conclude, its effects shattered people’s perception of the world. For the first time in history, countries that came out as victors in the war were restricted from taking over defeated lands. The newly established mandate system declared that annexation was never Allied Forces’ intention (Roberts and David 141). An anti-imperialist trend was growing in the 20 th century, which coincided with a rise of colonial nationalism at the same time.

The dissatisfaction of working and other marginalized social classes led to a growing demand for social and cultural changes across the globe, but especially in Russian Empire, British and French colonies, and the US (Glenda and Patricia 211). The United States became one of the most influential countries globally to the point that when the American stock market experienced the Great Crash, it affected the rest of the world, leading to the Great Depression (Roberts and David 180).

When the USSR became a major powerhouse, the US was the nation that opposed it the most, leading to the long-lasting Cold War. While USSR eventually fell apart, the post-Soviet countries are still affected by its history. The shift from the 20 th to the 21 st century was when globalization grew as a global trend thanks to the booming Internet culture and technological advancements that allow people to interact regardless of distances or political and cultural differences.

The 20 th century can be considered an overall time of social and political change across the globe as it was rife with conflicts, changes, and advancements. Western and non-Western worlds alike took part in the global conflicts and developed closer relations, although often for the latter’s detriment. Even though a new century and new millennia began in 2000, the effects of previous decades still affect cultures, politics, and economies across the globe to this day.

Sluga, Glenda, and Patricia Clavin, eds. Internationalisms: A Twentieth-Century History . Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Roberts, John Morris, and David Case. Twentieth Century: The History of the World, 1901 to 2000 . New York: Viking, 1999.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 27). The 20th to 21st Century History.

"The 20th to 21st Century History." IvyPanda , 27 July 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The 20th to 21st Century History'. 27 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The 20th to 21st Century History." July 27, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "The 20th to 21st Century History." July 27, 2022.


IvyPanda . "The 20th to 21st Century History." July 27, 2022.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Climate Change — Climate Change in the 21st Century: A Global Health Crisis


Climate Change in The 21st Century: a Global Health Crisis

  • Categories: Climate Change

About this sample


Words: 1352 |

Published: Feb 12, 2019

Words: 1352 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, climate change as a global threat, impact of climate change on human health, agricultural vulnerability, escalating extreme weather events, rising sea levels: a looming catastrophe, increased health risks from extreme heat, impact on respiratory health, food security and nutrition, mental health implications, vector-borne diseases and waterborne diseases.

  • United Nations. (2021). Climate Change.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2020). Climate Change and Food Security.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (n.d.). Climate Change: Extreme Weather.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2018). Climate Change and Health.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Climate Change Indicators: Heatwaves.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (2019). Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.
  • United Nations. (n.d.). Climate Change: What You Need to Know.

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changes in 21st century essay

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IELTS Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.

Write at least 250 words.

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🤩 Sample answers

Model essay #1:, the 21st century has begun. what changes do you think this new century will bring.

The 21st century has begun, and it is expected to bring significant changes to our world. One notable change is the rapid advancement of technology. For instance, the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. In the future, we can expect even more sophisticated technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality, to become integral parts of our daily lives.

Another change that the 21st century may bring is a shift towards sustainable living. With increasing awareness of environmental issues, there is a growing emphasis on renewable energy sources and eco-friendly practices. For example, many countries are investing in solar and wind power, and individuals are becoming more conscious of their carbon footprint.

Moreover, the global economy is likely to undergo significant transformations in the new century. The rise of emerging markets, such as China and India, is reshaping the balance of economic power. Additionally, the gig economy and remote work are altering traditional employment structures, allowing for greater flexibility and independence.

Furthermore, the 21st century may witness advancements in healthcare and medicine. With the development of gene editing and personalized medicine, the treatment of diseases could become more precise and effective. Furthermore, the aging population in many countries may drive innovations in elderly care and geriatric medicine.

In conclusion, the 21st century is expected to bring about profound changes in technology, sustainability, the economy, and healthcare. These changes will undoubtedly shape the way we live and interact with the world around us, presenting both opportunities and challenges for societies globally.

Model Essay #2:

The 21st century holds great potential for transformative changes across various aspects of human life. One significant change that this new century may bring is a shift towards a more interconnected global community. With advancements in communication technology, such as social media and online platforms, people from different parts of the world can connect and collaborate more easily than ever before.

Another change that the 21st century could bring is a greater focus on diversity and inclusion. As societies become more interconnected, there is an opportunity for greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This can lead to more inclusive policies and practices in areas such as education, employment, and social welfare.

Moreover, the 21st century may witness a reevaluation of traditional economic models, with an emphasis on sustainable and equitable growth. This could involve a shift towards circular economies, where resources are used more efficiently, and the emphasis is placed on reducing waste and environmental impact. Additionally, there may be a greater focus on addressing income inequality and ensuring fair opportunities for all members of society.

Furthermore, the new century may bring advancements in science and technology that could revolutionize healthcare and environmental sustainability. For example, developments in biotechnology and nanotechnology could lead to breakthroughs in disease treatment and environmental conservation. These advancements have the potential to improve human health and well-being while also addressing pressing environmental challenges.

In conclusion, the 21st century is poised to bring about significant changes in the way we connect, understand diversity, approach economics, and harness technological advancements. Embracing these changes with a forward-looking and inclusive mindset can lead to a more interconnected, sustainable, and equitable global society.

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Essay on India In 21st Century

Students are often asked to write an essay on India In 21st Century in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on India In 21st Century


India, a diverse country, has seen significant changes in the 21st century. It is now a global player in various fields like technology, economy, and space.

India’s technological advancements have been remarkable. With initiatives like Digital India, technology is reaching even remote areas.

India’s economy has grown rapidly, becoming one of the world’s largest. Sectors like IT and manufacturing have seen a major boost.

India’s space missions, like Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan, have gained global recognition, showcasing India’s progress in space technology.

Despite challenges, India’s growth in the 21st century is commendable. It continues to evolve, promising a bright future.

250 Words Essay on India In 21st Century

The dawn of a new era.

India, in the 21st century, is a land of diversity, brimming with potential and teeming with challenges. It stands at the crossroads of tradition and modernity, grappling with rapid socio-economic changes.

Technological Advancements

India has made significant strides in technology. The IT revolution has transformed the global image of India, positioning it as a major player in the world’s digital economy. The success of ISRO’s Mars mission and the proliferation of tech startups underscore India’s technological prowess.

Economic Growth

India’s economy has witnessed remarkable growth, with a shift from agriculture to a services and industry-oriented economy. However, the challenge lies in achieving inclusive growth, addressing income inequalities, and improving living standards.

Social Changes

The 21st century has seen major social changes in India. Increased literacy rates, a growing middle class, and greater gender equality are reshaping societal norms. Yet, issues like caste discrimination and gender violence persist, demanding urgent attention.

Environmental Concerns

India, like the rest of the world, faces serious environmental challenges. Climate change, air pollution, and water scarcity are pressing issues that need sustainable solutions.

India in the 21st century is a dynamic entity, a country in flux. It is a nation that is striving to balance economic growth with social equity, technological advancement with environmental sustainability. The journey is arduous, but the potential is immense. The 21st century could indeed be India’s century if it successfully navigates these challenges.

500 Words Essay on India In 21st Century

India, the world’s largest democracy, has witnessed tremendous growth and development in the 21st century. The nation has made significant strides in various sectors, including technology, education, healthcare, and economy, transforming it into a global player. This essay delves into the various facets of India’s growth in the 21st century.

The advent of the 21st century marked a technological revolution in India. The country has emerged as a global IT hub, with cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad housing some of the world’s leading tech giants. The surge in digitalization, fueled by initiatives like ‘Digital India’, has improved governance, increased transparency, and provided a boost to the digital economy. The Indian Space Research Organisation’s feats, such as the Mars Orbiter Mission, have further showcased India’s technological prowess on the global stage.

Educational Progress

India’s education sector has also seen significant growth. The Right to Education Act, 2009, has made education accessible to all, regardless of their socio-economic background. The Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education has increased substantially, and initiatives like the National Institutional Ranking Framework have enhanced the quality of education. However, the challenge remains to bridge the rural-urban and gender gaps in education.

Healthcare Developments

In healthcare, India has made commendable progress. The country has successfully eradicated polio and has made significant strides in reducing maternal and child mortality rates. The Ayushman Bharat scheme, launched in 2018, aims to provide health insurance to over 500 million people, marking a significant step towards universal health coverage. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of India’s healthcare system, emphasizing the need for further improvements.

Economically, India has become one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world. The liberalization of the economy has attracted foreign investment and boosted entrepreneurship. The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has simplified the tax structure, facilitating ease of doing business. Nevertheless, India still grapples with issues like unemployment and income inequality.

While India’s growth story is impressive, it has been accompanied by environmental challenges. Rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to increased pollution levels and loss of biodiversity. The country is grappling with issues like air pollution, water scarcity, and climate change. To address these, India has committed to ambitious targets under the Paris Agreement and is making strides in renewable energy.

The 21st century has seen India’s transformation from a developing nation to a global power. While the country has made significant strides in various fields, it continues to face challenges. The way India addresses these issues will determine its trajectory in the coming years. The 21st century holds immense potential for India, and with the right policies and initiatives, the country can achieve sustainable and inclusive growth.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 13 - what changes do you think this new century will bring, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, present a written argument to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic:, the 21st century has begun. what changes do you think this new century will bring.

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What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring – IELTS Writing Task 2

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On Dec 19, 2023

changes in 21st century essay

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What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring – IELTS Writing Task 2

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According to the updated sequence for the IELTS exam, the Writing Module is the first to be conducted. As it is important to begin the exam on the right foot, it is necessary to master your essay writing skills for  IELTS Writing Task 2  by practising essay topics, like What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring.

The topic, ‘What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring’ is a Direct Question Essay. Usually, these essays have two questions and are also called Two Part Question essays.

However, unlike the classic type, the essay topic, What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring, asks you one direct question and you need to understand the question and figure out what is being asked. After you have decoded the question correctly, you must answer it clearly and support your argument with appropriate examples.

Now, let’s have a look at the  Direct Question essay  – What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring – with three sample answers. In case you need to practise more essays to master this task, you can check out the  IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice Tests .

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

The 21st century has begun. what changes do you think this new century will bring, give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience., you should write at least 250 words..

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Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring

Human society has experienced a huge shift in the last ten years compared to the previous century in order to adapt to a changing world. In my understanding, there are three primary changes that impact both individuals and society in the 21st century.

Firstly, the globe has seen an important development due to improved communication devices and Internet technologies. One of the most prosperous companies, Apple Inc., has transformed interpersonal connections in families and communities. Now, individuals depend more on new technology, like FaceTime, to share ideas, experiences, and feelings with one another. Also, this increasingly popular technique removes the physical separation between two places, allowing acquaintances and business associates to ignore the distance. Due to this dependency, this century will likely see more improvements in this field.

Secondly, the way of living will change drastically as a result of the numerous online and offline changes that have taken place, preferring a more effective way of getting goods and handling medical and prescription problems. For instance, by automatically processing orders for patients depending on their symptoms, smartphone applications will replace the practice of buying drugs in a hospital. Lastly, every individual in the twenty-first century has a desire for a better life. In an effort to keep their bodies healthy, people will be more focused on trying out low-carb diets and outdoor activities. For example, people will be more interested in moving into a property if it has a gym and is peaceful.

Ultimately, I think progress in technology, communication, and improved lifestyles will be part of human life in the twenty-first century. (263 words)


  • Adapt (Verb)

Meaning: make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify E.g.: Mimi will easily adapt to the new environment when she migrates to London.

  • Prosperous (Adjective)

Meaning: successful, usually by earning a lot of money E.g.: She comes from a prosperous family and so does not value money.

  • Interpersonal (Adjective)

Meaning: involving relations between persons E.g.: Mr. Jash needs to develop interpersonal relations in order to draw in more clients.

  • Acquaintances (Noun)

Meaning: a person whom one knows E.g.: Krish does not like his acquaintances as they are very nosy.

  • Associates (Noun)

Meaning: a partner or companion in business or at work E.g.: Although Mr. Lint and Mr. Ernest are business associates, they have become family.

  • Drastically (Adverb)

Meaning: in a way that is severe and sudden or has very noticeable effects E.g.: His behavior changed drastically as his father entered the room.

  • Carb (Noun)

Meaning: foods such as potatoes, pasta, and bread, that contain a lot of carbohydrate E.g.: The doctor asked him to eat low-carb food to maintain his health.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring

It is predicted that the twenty-first century will bring forth a few distinct developments. This essay will point out the changes in the fields of education, and public health, which are the areas that would see the maximum changes.

To begin with, the government will implement a variety of safeguards in order to control infectious diseases. Before the discovery of antibiotics, bacterial and viral infections were exceedingly common, but they were all but eliminated. Needless to say, after COVID-19, a unique type of viral contamination, it is called for as, within a few months, this pandemic has killed many people and spread around the world. The only preventative measure we now have for this urgent problem is social separation. According to projections, mankind will be able to combat infectious diseases in the coming years by producing vaccinations quickly and effectively using highly effective methods, such as nanotechnology.

Additionally, more advanced teaching techniques, including role-playing, games, simulations, etc., will be used to instruct students. With professors incorporating students in education, lectures may need to be updated in the near future. For instance, a teacher can provide a challenging scenario to pupils and ask them to choose. Following this, the instructor and students will discuss the case, which will be more practical than rote learning. In addition, the instructional strategies will be online. Since students will not need to commute to and from university, this strategy will be more flexible and convenient for them.

In conclusion, I believe that the twenty-first century will see two significant developments. People would discover a new tool to fight contagious illnesses. In addition, the world will be exposed to new teaching approaches. (278 words)

  • Implement (Verb)

Meaning: to start using a plan or system E.g.: The committee will implement a strict dress code for all employees.

  • Safeguards (Noun)

Meaning: a measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent something undesirable E.g.: Everyone needs to follow the safeguards to avoid being infected by this virus.

  • Eliminated (Verb)

Meaning: completely remove or get rid of (something) E.g.: Monty was eliminated from the game show due to bad behavior.

  • Preventative (Adjective)

Meaning: devoted to or concerned with preventing something from happening E.g.: The teacher took some preventative steps to stop the fight.

  • Simulations (Noun)

Meaning: a situation or event that seems real but is not real, used especially in order to help people deal with such situations or events E.g.: Using simulations in education will help students as well as teachers.

  • Commute (Verb)

Meaning: to travel regularly a distance between work and home E.g.: Jolly used to commute daily and it affected her health.

  • Contagious (Adjective)

Meaning: capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected person or object E.g.: This disease is contagious and therefore, is dangerous.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring

With the beginning of the 21st century, a new era emerged that will be marked by rapid advancements and revolutionary shifts to shape the course of our world. The forthcoming paragraphs of this essay will discuss these changes with relevant examples.

First and foremost, the 21st century is expected to witness remarkable technological advancements, including artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and quantum computing. For example, the widespread use of smartphones, the rise of social media platforms, and the increasing use of machine learning and automation in various fields will reshape industries, enhance communication, and revolutionize healthcare and other sectors. In addition, with the growing recognition of climate change as a global challenge, the 21st century is anticipated to be marked by increased efforts to address environmental issues, transition to renewable energy sources, and adopt sustainable practices. For instance, The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, brought countries together to commit to limiting global temperature increases and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Moreover, medical research and technology advances are expected to transform healthcare, leading to personalized medicine, improved treatments, and enhanced disease prevention. To exemplify, the development and deployment of mRNA vaccines, such as those for COVID-19, showcased the rapid progress in vaccine technology. Furthermore, the world will become more interconnected through globalization, enabling the movement of goods, information, and people across borders. This interconnectedness, through the growth of multinational corporations, the expansion of e-commerce, and the ease of international travel and communication, is expected to influence cultural exchange, international cooperation, and economic dynamics.

Overall, I think the evolution of the 21st century is subject to various factors, and unforeseen events can significantly influence the course of history. However, constant technical developments, the health sector and the environment will continue to create a better future. (293 words)

  • Emerged (Verb)

Meaning: become apparent or prominent E.g.: He emerged as the winner of the competition.

  • Remarkable (Adjective)

Meaning: unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning E.g.: India has made remarkable progress in the field of defense.

  • Revolutionize (Verb)

Meaning: to produce a very great or complete change in something E.g.: Artificial intelligence has revolutionized work in many fields.

  • Anticipated (Verb)

Meaning: to take action in preparation for something that you think will happen E.g.: We anticipated that India will win the World Cup.

  • Mitigating (Verb)

Meaning: to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad E.g.: The boy discussed all his problems with his best friend, thereby mitigating the stress.

  • E-commerce (Noun)

Meaning: the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet E.g.: E-commerce has become the need of the hour after the pandemic.

  • Unforeseen (Adjective)

Meaning: not expected E.g.: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ravi was unable to attend the parents-teacher meeting.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Connectors Used in the Sample Answers for What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring

Check out the list of  connectors   used in the above-given sample answers that will help you add coherence to your writing and earn points for your IELTS Writing Task 2 – What Changes Do You Think this New Century Will Bring.

  • For instance
  • To begin with
  • Needless to say
  • According to
  • Additionally
  • Following this
  • In conclusion
  • In addition
  • First and foremost
  • To exemplify
  • Furthermore

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The 21st century Changes


  • Word count: 320
  • Category: Change

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The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.

  Man, through the ages, has undergone many changes from the time when he depicted a herd of mammoths on the walls of his cave to these days when he can create beautiful pictures and even make coffee by use of computer technologies without leaving his favorite chair. The 20th century made huge steps in developing computer technologies and reached many goals that made our life much easier. What should we expect in the 21st century?

First of all, I think that the pace of our life will speed up: we will move faster from one place to another, from one continent to another using high speed jet airplanes. Second of all, I believe that we will be able to do many things that take much time now without leaving our house. Computers will be everywhere including out clothes. Many people will have chips and mini computers inserted in their heads to hold huge amount of information and have a quick access to it.

But what will be the most amazing thing in the 21st century is the flights to the outer space and Mars that will be available to all people. Scientists say that Mars has many things similar to the Earth’s. Moreover, they say that with the help of modern technology people can artificially create conditions that will allow people to live there on the constant basis.

To sum up, I am sure that many amazing changes will be brought by the 21st century. Furthermore, I think that with the help of the contemporary technologies people can do many things that were even difficult to imagine a century ago. So, nowadays it is rather difficult and even impossible to imagine all changes that will happen in the next decades.

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McCaul Releases “21st Century Peace through Strength Act”

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul introduced legislation that will serve as the fourth pillar of the House Republican national security supplemental package, the “21st Century Peace through Strength Act.”

“In order to truly confront the generational threat posed by the unholy alliance of Russia, China, and Iran, we need to make substantive policy changes in addition to providing critical security assistance to our partners and investing in our defense industrial base. I’m proud the ’21st Century Peace through Strength Act’ includes the most comprehensive sanctions against Iran Congress has passed in years; the bipartisan, bicameral REPO Act; and protects Americans from the malign influence of the CCP-controlled TikTok. The time to pass this is now – we cannot wait anymore.”

This legislation includes provisions pulled from multiple pieces of legislation sponsored and supported by House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans, including:

  • Empowers the executive branch to transfer frozen Russian sovereign assets to Ukraine to help Ukraine stay in the fight and rebuild. This will ensure that Putin pays for his brutal war of aggression (Chair McCaul)
  • Mandatory s anctions against Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Asqa Martyr’s Brigade, the Lion’s Den, and other Palestinian terrorist groups and their supporters   (Rep. Mast)
  • Sanctions on individuals trafficking illicit captagon benefiting war criminal Bashar al-Assad (Rep. Hill)
  • Sanctions on ports and refineries that receive and process Iranian oil (Rep. Lawler)
  • Further restricts the export or re-export of U.S.-origin goods and technology to Iran, including those used to manufacture missiles and drones attacking our forces across the Middle East and by Vladimir Putin against Ukraine (Rep. Moran)
  • Mandatory sanctions on anyone involved in activity covered under the UN missile embargo on Iran that lapsed in October 2023, on anyone involved in the supply, sale, or transfer of, or support for, Iran’s missiles and drones (Chair McCaul)

It also includes provisions that:

  • Fully enforce human rights sanctions on the Iranian regime (Rep. Banks)
  • Reauthorize and strengthen the 2018 Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act (Rep. Gallagher)
  • Prevent app store availability or web hosting services in the U.S. for ByteDance-controlled applications, including TikTok, unless the application severs ties to entities like ByteDance that are subject to the control of a foreign adversary (Rep. Gallagher)
  • Declare international fentanyl trafficking a national emergency and direct the Treasury Department to target, sanction, and block the financial assets of transnational criminal organizations and key members of drug cartels involved in international fentanyl trafficking (Chair McCaul)
  • Requires the president to periodically determine whether a Chinese financial institution has engaged in the purchase of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran (Rep. Lawler)
  • Requires the president to brief Congress on the finances of Iranian leadership and require financial institutions to close accounts connected to these individuals. (Rep. Hill)
  • Disrupts the ability of Hamas to fund terrorism, and makes it harder for state sponsors of terrorism to abuse International Monetary Fund resources to finance terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah (Rep. Steil)
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How do you build without over polluting? That's the challenge of new Catan board game

Nathan Rott at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., September 27, 2018. (photo by Allison Shelley)

Nathan Rott

changes in 21st century essay

A new version of the popular board game Catan, which hits shelves this summer, introduces energy production and pollution into the gameplay. Catan GmbH hide caption

A new version of the popular board game Catan, which hits shelves this summer, introduces energy production and pollution into the gameplay.

In the original version of the popular board game Settlers of Catan, players start on an undeveloped island and are encouraged to "fulfill your manifest destiny." To win you have to collect resources and develop, claiming land by building settlements, cities, and roads.

A new version of the board game, Catan: New Energies , introduces a 21st-century twist — pollution. Expand responsibly or lose. In the new version, modern Catan needs energy. To get that energy players have to build power plants, and those plants can run on renewable energy or fossil fuels. Power plants operated on fossil fuels allow you to build faster but also create more pollution. Too much pollution causes catastrophes.

changes in 21st century essay

Building renewable energy-based power plants has benefits in the new game, including minimizing pollution for everyone, but it also makes you grow slower. Catan GmbH hide caption

Building renewable energy-based power plants has benefits in the new game, including minimizing pollution for everyone, but it also makes you grow slower.

"Generally it's tough to depict reality in a game. The reality is always so much more complex," said Benjamin Teuber, managing director of Catan's production company and co-developer of the new game. Games, he adds, need to be fun.

changes in 21st century essay

Catan: New Energies makes players choose between renewable energy or fossil fuel-based power plants. The latter allows you to grow faster but creates more pollution. Catan GmbH hide caption

Catan: New Energies makes players choose between renewable energy or fossil fuel-based power plants. The latter allows you to grow faster but creates more pollution.

The newest iteration of Catan will hit shelves this summer. And it aims to mirror reality in a couple of clear ways: Energy from fossil fuels creates more planet-altering pollution than renewables; too much pollution leads to bad things ; those bad things are felt unequally .

"Sometimes flooding hits everybody, just as we see [in the real world]," said Teuber. "It doesn't matter who created the pollution. It affects everyone."

Teuber, who co-developed New Energies with his late dad, Klaus Teuber, said the game was an old idea they dusted off during the Covid-19 pandemic. It's one that's become increasingly relevant as the real world grapples with the effects of real pollution: a rapidly warming planet that's worsening wildfires, floods, and heatwaves.

The game's developers are aware of the relevancy. "It's a very interesting topic in every culture that we publish in," Teuber said.

Polls show climate change is viewed as a major concern across many parts of the world. But adapting to the changes and addressing its roots have proven difficult . Teuber said he thinks board games can help move the conversation forward. Board games generally require people to sit around a shared table, to read each other, to negotiate and take risks, "without having a severe and bad consequence," he said. "Unless divorce is the result."

Climate change experienced through board games

Catan: New Energies is not the only new board game centered on climate change. Daybreak , the latest game from the creator of Pandemic, a popular cooperative board game, tasks players with working together to cut carbon emissions and limit global warming.

In a blog post on Daybreak's website, the game's co-designer Matteo Menapace wrote that he and co-creator Matt Leacock were inspired to make the game because they were both worried about climate change and weren't sure what to do about it.

"The problem with the question 'what can I do about climate change,' is how it implies climate action is like a single-player game, with you alone fighting against this huge invisible enemy," Menapace wrote . They believe addressing climate change and its causes will require a collective effort. That's why Daybreak requires "total cooperation," Menapace wrote. "It's a big leap from the current state of climate (in)action, but not an unreasonable one... and we aim for this game to play a role in accelerating this shift."

Catan Studio, the developer and publisher of Catan games, isn't as explicit in its intentions with its new game. The phrase "climate change" doesn't show up in any of the Catan: New Energies' promotional materials, packaging, or rulebooks. "Pollution" is the catch-all term for the problem.

Teuber said they talked about adding the term but decided to focus on energy and presenting players with the option of fossil fuels or renewable. "We assume players will draw their own conclusions as they engage with the game," he said. The game's studio does note in its press materials that according to "evidence-based research and expert sources, [the] new game elements will get players thinking and talking about important issues."

A 2019 review of published research on board games and behavior by a team of Japanese researchers showed that "as a tool, board games can be expected to improve the understanding of knowledge, enhance interpersonal interactions among participants, and increase the motivation of participants." Though, it noted, the number of published studies on the topic is limited.

Dialogue from gameplay

"What games are really powerful at is starting dialogues," said Sam Illingworth, an associate professor of science communication at Edinburgh Napier University in the UK.

In the gaming world, there's a concept called the Magic Circle — a theory attributed to Johann Huizinga, a Dutch cultural historian, who in the 1930's posited that play creates a separate world with separate rules.

"It's the idea that we suspend disbelief on the gaming table," Illingworth said. "Like in the game Monopoly, it's perfectly good – strictly advisable – for me to want to bankrupt you, which is behavior that's morally repugnant away from the gaming table, but it means that those social hierarchies can break down and we can have conversations that we wouldn't normally be able to have."

In 2019, Illingworth co-designed a playable expansion to the original Catan that added climate change and sustainability to the gameplay. They called it Catan: Global Warming and posted the rules and instructions on how to adapt a regular Catan game online.

In the add-on, if players add too many greenhouse gasses, the whole island is destroyed and nobody wins. "So that creates a game state where psychologically there's obvious causality between actions and what happens, right?" Illingworth said. "So rather than just having a conversation about what might happen, you're actually experiencing it."

In Catan: New Energies, if pollution reaches too high a level to continue, the win goes to the person who built the most renewable energy power plants.

While workshopping the new game with colleagues, Teuber said they would often play too aggressively, aiming to "grow, grow, grow," they would build out fossil fuel power plants, he said. "We always manage to over pollute."

Test groups did the same. But after those games, the players would often come back and say, "We had heavy discussions afterwards," Teuber said. "We all felt kind of bad, we learned and thing or two, and the next game we played differently."

  • fossil fuel
  • renewable energy
  • air pollution
  • board games
  • climate change


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