The Art of Questioning: Techniques to Promote Critical Thinking and Inquiry

We can all agree that critical thinking is an essential skill for students to develop.

This article will provide educators with a comprehensive guide on the art of questioning - powerful techniques to promote critical thinking, inquiry, and deep learning in the classroom.

You'll discover the core principles of effective questioning, actionable strategies to engage different types of learners, as well as sample activities and assessments to put these methods into practice. Equipped with these practical tools, you can transform class discussions that foster students' natural curiosity and grow their capacity for critical thought.

Embracing the Importance of Art of Questioning

The art of questioning is a critical skill for educators to develop. Questioning techniques that promote critical thinking and inquiry-based learning lead to increased student engagement and deeper understanding. By mastering various strategic questioning approaches, teachers can stimulate complex thinking in their students.

Defining the Art of Questioning

The art of questioning refers to the teacher's ability to craft and ask meaningful questions that push students to think more critically. It goes beyond surface-level, fact-based questioning and instead focuses on stimulating analysis, evaluation, creation, connection-making, and reflection. Well-designed questions require students to tap into higher-order cognitive skills and prior knowledge to construct responses. This process mirrors real-world critical thinking and problem-solving.

Benefits of Mastering Questioning Techniques

Teachers skilled in questioning techniques reap many rewards, including:

  • Increased student participation and engagement during lessons
  • Development of students' critical thinking capacities
  • Ability to check students' understanding and identify knowledge gaps
  • Scaffolding learning to meet students at their zone of proximal development
  • Encouragement of inquiry, sparking student curiosity and motivation to learn

By honing their questioning approach, teachers gain an invaluable tool for promoting deep learning.

The Role of Questioning in Early Childhood Education

Questioning plays a pivotal role in early childhood education by fostering mental activity and communities of practice. Crafting developmentally-appropriate questions allows teachers to gauge children's baseline understanding and then scaffold new concepts. This questioning facilitates theory of mind growth, as children learn to articulate their thought processes. An inquiry-based classroom also encourages participation, inclusive learning, and problem-solving. Ultimately, strategic questioning lays the foundation for critical thinking that will benefit students throughout their education.

What is the art of questioning critical thinking?

The art of questioning refers to the skill of asking thoughtful, open-ended questions that promote critical thinking , inquiry, and deeper learning. As an educator, mastering this art is key to creating an engaging classroom environment where students actively participate.

Here are some best practices around the art of questioning:

Use Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allow students to explain their thought process and help teachers identify gaps in understanding. For example, asking "Why do you think the character made that decision?" lets students share their unique perspectives. Closed-ended questions that just require yes/no answers should be used sparingly.

Ask Follow-Up Questions

Asking follow-up questions based on students' responses shows you are listening and encourages them to expand upon their ideas. Phrases like "Tell me more about..." or "What makes you think that?" stimulate further discussion.

Pause After Posing Questions

Providing wait time of 3-5 seconds after asking a question gives students time to reflect and articulate a thoughtful response, rather than feeling put on the spot.

Scaffold Complex Questions

Break down multi-layered questions into smaller parts to make them more manageable. You can also give students a framework to help organize their thoughts before answering.

Encourage Multiple Perspectives

Prompt students to consider other vantage points by asking, "How might this look from X's perspective?" This builds empathy, critical analysis skills, and more inclusive thinking.

Mastering the art questioning leads to richer class discussions and unlocks students' intellectual curiosity. With practice, you'll be able to stimulate vibrant student-centered dialogue.

What questioning techniques promote critical thinking?

Asking effective questions is a skill that takes practice to develop. Here are some techniques to promote critical thinking through questioning:

Ask questions that require more than a one-word response. This encourages students to explain their reasoning and make connections. For example:

  • Why do you think that?
  • What evidence supports your conclusion?
  • How does this relate to what we learned before?

Dig deeper into student responses by asking them to expand upon their ideas. This helps clarify understanding and uncover misconceptions. Some follow up questions include:

  • Can you explain what you mean by that?
  • What makes you think that?
  • How does that apply to this situation?

Pause After Questions

Provide wait time of 3-5 seconds after posing a question. This gives students time to think and construct an answer, promoting deeper reflection. Resist the urge to rephrase the question or provide the answer yourself.

Scaffold Questions

Break down complex questions into smaller parts to guide student thinking while still encouraging them to do the intellectual work.

Asking thoughtful, open-ended questions takes practice but is essential for developing critical thinking skills . Start by planning 2-3 higher-order questions for each lesson and focus on truly listening to student responses. Over time, a questioning approach focused on explanation, evidence, and exploration will become second nature.

What is the art of questioning method?

The art of questioning is a teaching technique that focuses on asking strategic questions to promote critical thinking, inquiry, and meaningful learning experiences for students. It is an essential skill for educators to master in order to elicit student understanding and uncover gaps in knowledge.

Some key things to know about the art of questioning:

It checks for understanding and gets insight into students' thought processes. By asking probing questions, teachers can determine if students have truly grasped key concepts.

It activates higher-order thinking skills. Well-designed questions require students to analyze, evaluate, and create, moving beyond basic recall.

It sparks student curiosity and engagement. Thought-provoking questions pique interest in lesson topics.

It facilitates rich class discussions. Using quality questioning techniques lays the foundation for impactful dialogue.

It informs teaching strategies and adaptations. Based on student responses, teachers can clarify misconceptions or adjust the pace/complexity of lessons.

Mastering the art of questioning takes practice but is worth the effort. It transforms passive learning into an active, student-centered experience that sticks. Equipped with this vital skill, teachers can maximize critical thinking and inquiry-based learning in their classrooms.

What are the 4 main questioning techniques?

Teachers can utilize four key questioning techniques to promote critical thinking and inquiry in the classroom:

Closed Questions

Closed questions typically require short or one-word answers. They are useful for:

  • Checking for understanding
  • Getting students to state facts
  • Reviewing material

For example, "What year did World War 2 begin?"

Open Questions

Open questions require more elaborate responses. They are effective for:

  • Encouraging discussion
  • Extracting deeper thinking
  • Allowing students to explain concepts

For instance, "How did the Great Depression impact American society?"

Funnel Questions

Funnel questions start broad and become increasingly specific. This technique:

  • Prompts recall of contextual details
  • Guides students step-by-step
  • Focuses thinking

An example is, "What do you know about World War 2? What were the key events leading up to it? What specific decisions by world leaders contributed to its outbreak?"

Probing Questions

Probing questions request clarification or more information. They help to:

  • Draw out additional details
  • Test the strength of an argument
  • Determine accuracy and depth of understanding

For example, "You mentioned the Great Depression caused widespread poverty. Can you expand on the ways it impacted day-to-day life?"

Using a mix of these four questioning techniques can elicit thoughtful participation and allow teachers to effectively gauge comprehension.


Exploring types of art of questioning.

Art of questioning refers to the teacher's ability to ask thoughtful, open-ended questions that promote critical thinking, inquiry, and engagement among students. Here we explore some key categories of questions that go beyond basic fact recall to stimulate deeper learning.

Open-Ended Questions to Foster Inquiry

Open-ended questions have no single right answer, allowing students to respond creatively within their current knowledge and experiences. Some examples:

  • What do you think would happen if...?
  • How might we go about solving this problem?
  • What are some possible explanations for...?

Guidelines for open-ended questions:

  • Ask about hypothetical situations or predictions
  • Inquire about students' thought processes or reasoning
  • Seek multiple diverse responses to broad issues

Probing Questions to Assess Prior Knowledge

Probing questions aim to uncover and expand upon students' existing knowledge. For instance:

  • What do you already know about this topic?
  • Can you explain your solution further?

Tips for probing questions:

  • Ask students to elaborate or clarify their responses
  • Dig deeper into the reasons behind their ideas
  • Gauge their current level of understanding on a topic

Hypothetical & Speculative Questions for Mental Activity

Hypothetical and speculative questions require students to mentally engage with imaginative or puzzling scenarios. Examples:

  • What do you imagine this character is thinking/feeling?
  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
  • What might the world look like 100 years from now?

Strategies using speculative questions:

  • Present imaginary situations
  • Ask about unlikely or fantastical events
  • Inquire about hopes, wonders, or puzzles

Synthesis & Evaluation Questions to Enhance Critical Thinking

Higher-order questions push students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. For example:

  • How would you compare and contrast these two stories?
  • What evidence supports or contradicts this conclusion?
  • What changes would you suggest to improve this process?

Techniques for using synthesis questions:

  • Ask students to make connections between ideas
  • Require them to assess credibility and logical consistency
  • Prompt them to create novel solutions based on analysis

Thoughtful questioning is invaluable for engaging students, inspiring deeper thinking, assessing understanding, and taking learning to the next level. Match question types to desired educational outcomes.

Effective Timing and Application of Questioning Techniques

Utilizing zones of proximal development at the beginning of lesson.

At the start of a lesson, it's important to assess students' prior knowledge and understanding within their zones of proximal development. Open-ended questions that require some thought and analysis work well here, such as "What do you already know about this topic?" or "How might this connect to what we learned previously?". Allowing some think time and using gentle probing follow-ups can uncover gaps and misconceptions to address.

During Instruction: Encouraging Active Participation

While teaching new material, questions should regularly check comprehension and spur examination of ideas. "Why" and "how" questions prompt students to articulate concepts in their own words, while think-pair-share structures promote participation. Allow just enough wait time for students to gather thoughts before cold-calling. Ask students to summarize key points or apply them in novel contexts. Maintain an encouraging tone and affirm effort.

End-of-Lesson Evaluations and Inquiry

Conclude by synthesizing main points and addressing lingering questions. Open-ended questions like "What are you still wondering about?" give quieter students a chance to share. Exit tickets, short reflective writing assignments, also stimulate additional inquiry. Follow-up questions based on student responses facilitate rich discussion. Affirm participation and remind students that lingering questions present opportunities for future investigation.

Art of Questioning Activities and Games

Think-pair-share and other participatory activities.

The think-pair-share approach provides an excellent framework for questioning techniques. Students are first asked to independently think about a question or problem. They then discuss their ideas in pairs, encouraging participation from every student before ideas are shared with the whole class. Variations like think-write-pair-share add a writing component for reflection. These participatory structures promote critical thinking and inquiry through peer discussion.

Question Cycles for Continuous Learning Experience

Using a series of interrelated questions on a topic creates continuity in the learning experience. Starting with simpler questions then building up to more complex, higher-order questions logically develops student understanding. Question cycles enable connecting new information to prior knowledge, unpacking ideas, applying concepts, making evaluations, and synthesizing learning. This technique ensures questioning sequentially builds up rather than occurring in isolation.

Socratic Questioning to Challenge Theory of Mind

The Socratic method uses questioning to draw out ideas and uncover assumptions. Teachers can play "devil's advocate" to challenge students' thought processes. This develops theory of mind as students learn to see other perspectives. Socratic questioning teaches the value of intellectual humility and deep thinking. Example questions include "What do you mean when you say...?", "What evidence supports that?", "How does this tie into our earlier discussion?"

Interactive Questioning Games to Engage Students

Games put questioning techniques into action while engaging students. Examples include Quiz-Quiz-Trade with student-created questions, Question Rally with teams answering on whiteboards, Question Cards with written responses, and Question Dice promoting discussion. These games leverage friendly competition and peer involvement to motivate learning through questioning. The interactive format promotes enjoyment, attention, and participation.

Assessing the Objectives and Impact of Questioning Techniques

Developing questioning rubrics aligned with objectives.

Rubrics can be a useful tool for assessing questioning techniques and alignment with learning objectives. When developing a rubric, key aspects to consider include:

  • Types of questions asked - Factual, convergent, divergent, evaluative, etc.
  • Cognitive level of questions - Remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create
  • Scaffolding and sequencing of questions
  • Linkage to lesson objectives and goals
  • Student engagement and participation

The rubric can include rating scales or descriptors across these dimensions to evaluate the art of questioning. Teachers can use the rubric for self-assessment or be observed and evaluated by others.

Gathering Insights Through Student Feedback Surveys

Conducting periodic student surveys can provide valuable perceptions into questioning approaches. Useful survey questions may cover:

  • Comfort and willingness to respond to questions
  • Perceived relevance of questions to learning goals
  • Role of questions in promoting thinking and understanding
  • Suggestions for improvement

Analyzing survey results over time can indicate whether shifts in questioning techniques have positively influenced the learning experience.

Measuring Growth in Critical Thinking with Assessments

Assessments focused on critical thinking skills can gauge the impact of improved questioning. These may include:

  • Essay prompts and open-ended questions
  • Scenarios to analyze that require evaluation, synthesis and creative solutions
  • Individual or group projects necessitating inquiry and investigation
  • Presentations demonstrating deep understanding

Comparing baseline to post-intervention assessments can quantify if questioning strategies have successfully developed critical thinking capacities.

Participatory Action Research for Professional Development

Teachers can engage in participatory action research by:

  • Recording lessons and categorizing types/cognitive levels of questions asked
  • Soliciting peer or mentor feedback on questioning approaches
  • Setting goals for improvement and tracking progress
  • Iteratively refining techniques based on evidence and collaboration

This process facilitates continuous growth and allows networking with a community of practice.

Building a Community of Practice Through Questioning

Fostering collaborative environments where educators can share best practices in questioning techniques is key to building a strong community of practice focused on the art of questioning. By creating opportunities for continuous learning and adaptation, educators can work together to advance their skills.

Fostering Collaborative Environments

  • Establish routines for educators to observe each other's classrooms and provide feedback on questioning strategies
  • Organize professional learning groups for educators to collaborate on developing effective questions
  • Create shared online spaces for educators to exchange ideas on the art of questioning
  • Promote a growth mindset culture that values inquiry and critical feedback

Sharing Best Practices in Questioning

  • Host workshops for educators to demonstrate questioning techniques and activities
  • Publish videos/documents highlighting examples of impactful questioning strategies in action
  • Maintain forums for educators to post questions and get input from colleagues
  • Enable educators to share lesson plans centered around critical thinking questions
  • Encourage educators to exchange ideas on adapting questioning for different subjects

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

  • Survey educators regularly on evolving needs related to questioning techniques
  • Provide ongoing professional development on emerging best practices in questioning
  • Establish mentoring programs for new educators to get support in questioning skills
  • Promote reflection techniques for educators to assess their questioning methods
  • Foster a culture of critical inquiry where questioning practices continuously improve

By taking a collaborative, growth-focused approach to the art of questioning, educators can work together in communities of practice to advance their skills and create vibrant cultures of learning in their classrooms.

Conclusion: Synthesizing the Art of Questioning for Educational Excellence

The art of questioning is a critical skill that all educators should develop. By mastering various techniques that promote critical thinking and inquiry, teachers can stimulate rich discussion, facilitate deeper learning, and empower students to analyze information.

Here are some key takeaways:

Asking open-ended questions is key to sparking curiosity and prompting students to think more critically. Closed-ended questions that have yes/no answers should be used sparingly.

Mix lower and higher-order questions. Lower-order questions assess basic understanding while higher-order questions require evaluation, synthesis and analysis.

Allow adequate wait time between questions. Give students sufficient time to process the question and develop thoughtful responses.

Scaffold complex questions by building on students' prior knowledge. Connect new ideas to concepts already familiar to them.

Encourage participation from all students with inclusive questioning strategies. Consider think-pair-share methods.

Use prompting and probing techniques to extend dialogue. Ask follow-up questions to clarify, provide evidence or expand on initial responses.

By honing expertise in thoughtful inquiry-based questioning, educators can unlock their students' potential for critical thought while creating engaging, student-centered learning environments. Continual development through communities of practice, action research and other forms of professional development can help perfect this invaluable teaching skill.

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Critical Thinking Is About Asking Better Questions

  • John Coleman

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Six practices to sharpen your inquiry.

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and effectively break down an issue in order to make a decision or find a solution. At the heart of critical thinking is the ability to formulate deep, different, and effective questions. For effective questioning, start by holding your hypotheses loosely. Be willing to fundamentally reconsider your initial conclusions — and do so without defensiveness. Second, listen more than you talk through active listening. Third, leave your queries open-ended, and avoid yes-or-no questions. Fourth, consider the counterintuitive to avoid falling into groupthink. Fifth, take the time to stew in a problem, rather than making decisions unnecessarily quickly. Last, ask thoughtful, even difficult, follow-ups.

Are you tackling a new and difficult problem at work? Recently promoted and trying to both understand your new role and bring a fresh perspective? Or are you new to the workforce and seeking ways to meaningfully contribute alongside your more experienced colleagues? If so, critical thinking — the ability to analyze and effectively break down an issue in order to make a decision or find a solution — will be core to your success. And at the heart of critical thinking is the ability to formulate deep, different, and effective questions.

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  • JC John Coleman is the author of the HBR Guide to Crafting Your Purpose . Subscribe to his free newsletter, On Purpose , follow him on Twitter @johnwcoleman, or contact him at

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The Art of Questioning: How Asking the Right Questions Boosts Your Learning

Posted by Heather Lander on January 16, 2024

Asking the right questions can significantly enhance your learning experience, transforming the passive absorption of information into an active, engaging process.

In this article, we will explore the importance of effective questioning, how it can positively impact your academic, professional, and personal journey, and how you can use VARK to focus your questioning efforts.

person with a questioning look

Critical thinking development

Asking questions is at the heart of critical thinking. When you pose thoughtful queries, you prompt your mind to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. This process goes beyond rote memorization, encouraging a deeper understanding of the subject matter. By cultivating critical thinking skills, you empower yourself to approach challenges with a more analytical and discerning mindset.

Active engagement in learning

The act of questioning transforms you from a passive recipient of information into an active participant in your learning. Rather than simply absorbing what is presented, questioning encourages you to seek clarification, delve into related concepts, and make connections between different ideas. This active engagement fosters a sense of ownership over your learning journey, leading to a more profound and lasting comprehension of the material.

Clarification of concepts

One of the primary functions of asking questions is to seek clarification. If there’s a concept you find confusing or a term that eludes your understanding, don’t hesitate to ask. By doing so, you not only clear up any immediate confusion but also pave the way for a more comprehensive grasp of the topic. Remember, there’s no shame in seeking clarification – it’s a crucial step toward mastery.

Enhanced communication skills

Effective questioning is a two-way street. Not only does it help you better understand the subject matter, but it also sharpens your communication skills. When you articulate your questions clearly and concisely, you develop the ability to express complex ideas in a way that others can comprehend. This skill is invaluable not only in academic settings but also in future professional and personal endeavors.

Deeper exploration of topics

Questions serve as gateways to a deeper exploration of topics. They invite you to go beyond the surface and venture into the nuances of a subject. Encourage yourself to ask open-ended questions that prompt discussions and invite diverse perspectives. This not only broadens your understanding but also contributes to a more enriching learning environment for your peers.

Improved problem-solving skills

The art of questioning is closely tied to problem-solving. When faced with a challenge, framing the right questions can guide you toward viable solutions. As you practice this skill, you develop a proactive approach to problem-solving, a quality that is highly sought after in various academic and professional settings.

Fostering curiosity and lifelong learning

Curiosity is the engine that drives continuous learning. By asking questions, you nurture and fuel your curiosity. This curiosity, in turn, propels you to explore subjects beyond the confines of your coursework, instilling a sense of lifelong learning. The habit of questioning ensures that your intellectual curiosity remains alive and vibrant throughout your academic and professional journey.

Use your VARK preference to get started on your questioning!

You can integrate questioning into all aspects of your active learning process:

  • When you first encounter a new topic, think about questions you expect to find answers to.
  • When getting information from other people, ask questions to clarify anything you are unsure of and to find out more about areas of interest. Be sure to listen closely to the answers!
  • When making notes, think about questions that might be asked about a topic, to help you identify the main points.
  • When studying for an exam, think about possible exam questions and practice answering them.

Recognizing your preferred VARK learning style can guide the types of questions you ask. For Visual learners, questions may focus on looking for patterns or links and involve creating mental images or diagrams. Aural learners might ask questions that encourage verbal explanations or discussions. Reading/Writing learners may engage with questions that require written analysis, while Kinesthetic learners benefit from questions that involve hands-on experiences or real-world applications.

Some examples:

  • What are the key milestones and how can I illustrate them on a timeline? (Visual)
  • What are the social implications for this? (Aural)
  • How would I interpret the main character’s motives in this story? (Read/Write)
  • How can I demonstrate this principle using a hands-on experiment? (Kinesthetic).

The art of questioning is a fundamental aspect of effective learning. It promotes critical thinking, active engagement, and a deeper understanding of complex concepts. By cultivating this skill, you not only enhance your academic performance but also lay the groundwork for a lifetime of curiosity and continuous learning. VARK can help you in your questioning by guiding you in the types of questions you ask, and by helping you integrate questioning into various stages of the learning process.

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Thoughts on The Art of Questioning: How Asking the Right Questions Boosts Your Learnings :

Grace knowles said:.

I can truly say this was really helpful for me. Most respectfully the part with ‘Questions.” One fact about me or I should say a habit that I have is that if I am in a study group with people, so many questions tend to pop up in my mind and I would sit there and don’t ask the questions because of the ‘Pride’ ex: what others may think about me or the fact that I am shy. And so the questions would be kept to myself.

Heather Lander said:

Not having the confidence to speak in a group can definitely be a problem. I have found that if I make myself speak in the first class, it is easier after that – the more classes I go to without speaking, the more difficult it is. But having said that, even if you don’t speak up, there is also a benefit to noting your questions down and researching and thinking about the answers yourself later.

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The Art of Questioning: An Introduction to Critical Thinking

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Daniel E. Flage

The Art of Questioning: An Introduction to Critical Thinking 1st Edition

With a systematic approach to critical thinking, this volume begins with issues concerning words, examines techniques for evaluating explanations and arguments, and concludes by applying all the skills to reading essays and writing argumentative essays. With examples and exercises that show the scope to which critical thinking skills can and should be applied, this volume recognizes the difference in learning styles with a reader friendly approach. The volume addresses the use of language arguments, checking the evidence through observations, testimony and values and obligations, categorical syllogisms, propositional arguments, inductive arguments, fallacies and large-scale applications. For individuals interested in an exhaustive treatment of critical thinking and writing.

  • ISBN-10 0130936995
  • ISBN-13 978-0130936998
  • Edition 1st
  • Publisher Pearson
  • Publication date June 27, 2003
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 7 x 1.1 x 9 inches
  • Print length 528 pages
  • See all details

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Editorial Reviews

From the back cover.

Dan Flage provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to critical thinking in his text The Art of Questioning. It begins with simple issues at the level of words and concludes with large-scale applications, applying all the skills discussed in this book to reading and writing essays. Throughout, there is a commitment to intellectual rigor and student-friendliness. Each topic begins with relatively simple and straightforward cases and moves systematically to the kinds of messy cases found in ordinary language.

  • Contains over 1,200 exercises and discussion questions drawn from diverse sources and covering numerous distinct topics
  • Draws examples and exercises from a wide range of fields- both timeless classic and contemporary issues, such as the events of September 11.
  • Includes solutions to the odd-numbered exercises, which gives students immediate feedback on their work.
  • Contains unique chapters on evaluation of essays (Chapter 32) and writing argumentative essays (Chapter 33) that pull together all the individual skills honed in the earlier chapters.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Pearson; 1st edition (June 27, 2003)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 528 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0130936995
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0130936998
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.2 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7 x 1.1 x 9 inches
  • #654 in Cognitive Psychology (Books)
  • #3,697 in Medical Cognitive Psychology

About the author

Daniel e. flage.

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The art of questioning: enhancing critical thinking in students.

Discover how effective questioning can elevate critical thinking skills in students and revolutionize classroom dynamics.

Unlocking Minds: The Power of Questioning in Education

Questioning lies at the heart of effective teaching. It is through thoughtful and purposeful questions that educators can ignite curiosity, foster deep thinking, and stimulate intellectual growth in their students. In the realm of education, questions serve as the gateway to knowledge, encouraging learners to explore, analyze, and evaluate information critically.

Crafting questions that prompt critical thinking requires a delicate balance of challenge and support. By posing open-ended questions that encourage students to think beyond rote memorization, teachers can cultivate a culture of inquiry and exploration in the classroom. These thought-provoking questions not only engage students actively in the learning process but also empower them to develop analytical skills and construct well-reasoned arguments.

Inquiry-based learning, a pedagogical approach centered around questioning, offers a dynamic framework for student-centered instruction. By structuring lessons around compelling questions that spark curiosity and investigation, educators can nurture a spirit of inquiry and discovery among learners. This method not only enhances students' problem-solving abilities but also fosters a deep understanding of complex concepts through hands-on exploration and collaborative learning experiences.

The integration of AI Teaching Assistant Platforms like Planit Teachers into educational settings presents exciting opportunities to enhance the art of questioning. With features such as Lesson Plan Generators and AI Marking Assistants, teachers can streamline administrative tasks and allocate more time to crafting thought-provoking questions that challenge students' critical thinking skills. By leveraging technology to support inquiry-based approaches, educators can create engaging learning environments that inspire creativity and intellectual curiosity.

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Jeff Wetzler Ed.D.

The Art of Asking

Five steps for unlocking learning and connection..

Posted April 25, 2024 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

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  • Too often, we fail to find out what the people around us really think, feel, and know.
  • Tapping into these unspoken insights can improve relationships and unlock learning and connection.
  • To discover what others think and feel, we have to learn how to ask the right questions, in the right ways.

Far more often than we realize, the people around us don’t tell us what would be most helpful for us to know, including their unique insights and original ideas—and we don’t ask. When we stay in the dark about what those around us really think, feel, and know, we make worse decisions, stay stuck in frustrating dynamics, and miss out on opportunities for learning and connection.

On the other hand, when we do tap into this goldmine of hidden insights, we can create deeper, more meaningful relationships and unlock new levels of learning and growth. This post outlines a five-step approach for discovering what those around you really think and feel.

Step 1: Choose Curiosity

Each of us is constantly telling ourselves stories about our own lives and the people in them. We get wrapped up in judgment and resentment and anxiety , so certain about our own perspective that we don’t get curious about what we might not be seeing.

Choosing curiosity is all about breaking out of these certainty loops. We tend to default to certainty instead of curiosity due to a combination of psychological biases and cultural conditioning. It’s a survival strategy: We can’t possibly process all the data we are exposed to every day, so our minds instinctively filter and select a small range of that information in order to make decisions and take action.

So the next time you catch yourself feeling certain, try injecting more curiosity into your thinking. What information about this person or situation might you be overlooking? What challenges might the other person be up against that you can’t see?

Step 2: Make It Safe

Decades of research by Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson and others has demonstrated that in order for people to speak up, they need to feel psychologically safe doing so. In other words, they need to really believe that you will not judge, shame , or punish them for sharing openly with you. This is all the more important if you are interacting across lines of difference, such as age, race, or gender , all of which can intensify the risks (real or perceived) of speaking candidly.

The key here is that it’s up to you to make it as safe, easy, and appealing as possible for them to speak honestly. If in past interactions you have reacted negatively or judgmentally, you have to work extra hard to make it safe going forward. But even if you haven’t, it’s very likely that the other person at some point experienced shame or punishment for speaking honestly and still feels unsafe at some level. While it’s easy to feel like they “should” feel safe with you, it’s far more effective to take extra steps to ensure they actually are. Better safe than sorry, right?

Step 3: Pose Quality Questions

Foundation set, it’s time to start asking questions. Unfortunately, most adults ask far fewer questions than they should, and the ones they do are often motivated by a desire other than learning and understanding. Yes/no questions (“Don’t you agree?”) or those that put people on the defensive (“What were you thinking?”) do not produce any valuable information, and can actually shut down conversations.

By contrast, quality questions help you learn something from the other person. They signal true curiosity, reflecting a genuine intent to learn from and understand the other person—not to prove a point or influence or fix them. They invite honesty by being clear and direct, with no alternate agenda. Quality questions tap into the other person’s story to surface the underlying meanings, reasons, emotions, and experiences.

Step 4: Listen to Learn

How we listen determines how much we learn and how deeply we connect. But while 96% of people think of themselves as good listeners, research shows that we hear (and retain) only a sliver of what people are really telling us. It’s easy to feel like you’re listening, when what you’re really doing is waiting quietly until it’s your turn to respond, or scanning the other person’s words for holes and ammunition you can use to defend yourself or rebuff their argument.

Whenever you catch yourself doing this, ask yourself the question: what could I learn from this person? and then allow that intention to guide your listening. Your only goal is to understand what the other person is trying to share with you. Everything else—yes, even your very best counterpoints—must take a seat in order to free up the attentional resources you need to listen for multiple levels of meaning simultaneously.

critical thinking and art of questioning

Step 5: Reflect and Reconnect

Lastly, you have to process what you heard in a way that really allows you to learn and grow from it. To do this, ask yourself these three questions: (1) How might what I heard revise my story about the situation? (2) Based on what I heard, what action steps can I take? (3) How might what I heard challenge my deeper worldviews, assumptions, or ways of being?

Once you’ve reflected, share what you’ve learned and what you plan to do next. This final step profoundly shapes the future of your relationship with that person. When someone has taken the risk of sharing their honest thoughts or feelings with you, they want to know that it was worthwhile. If you don’t reconnect, it can leave the other person feeling unappreciated or worse, used. But when you take the time to share what you’ve learned, you open the door to deeper connection and ongoing learning that benefits you both.

Used together, these steps are nothing short of a superpower—one that anyone can use to transform their relationships and unlock unprecedented learning and growth in every area of their life. In the coming articles, we’ll delve deeper into the problem what people withhold and why, as well as each step of the Ask Approach.

Jeff Wetzler Ed.D.

Jeff Wetzler, Ed.D. , is the author of Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs in Leadership and Life, and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network and is an Edmund Hillary Fellow.

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Critical thinking definition

critical thinking and art of questioning

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

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Kinesiology students tackle questions and build skills through research

Kinesiology faculty Mariane Bacelar putts a golf ball while wearing an EEG hat, master's student Jet Taylor records the data on a laptop

Critical questions, like how the benefits of physical activity can be observed at the brain level, are the core of Mariane Bacelar’s Skill Acquisition and Psychophysiology Lab . Bacelar, an assistant professor of kinesiology, helps her students get to the bottom of questions such as:

If you say you want to exercise and don’t, why is that? And what would change the situation for you?

How have you acquired a certain motor skill? Has motivation played a part?

How do rewards of various types shape your behavior?

How do you apply feedback to learn a certain skill? How do you translate that information into action?

Bacelar’s lab was built when Bacelar joined Boise State in the fall of 2022 after completing her doctoral program at Auburn University. She serves as the lab’s director. The lab’s physical space opened this spring.

Joined by six undergraduate students and one graduate student, she investigates questions related to motor skill acquisition and physical activity. They mostly focus on young adults, however, and as a result of a new grant, older adults will be the focus of study in the future.

Because the team examines motor learning and physical activity using neuropsychological measures to uncover the neural mechanisms underlying these phenomena, the lab is housed in Department of Kinesiology. But because human movement – and its hows and whys – is universal, the research and findings are important and applicable to most human endeavors.

Engaging student researchers

Kinesiology master's student Jet Taylor attaches electrodes to an EEG hat

Along with groundbreaking research, students who sign up for the lab experience also embark on other meaningful work. They’re learning practical skills and helping to rebuild the credibility of the scientific community at the same time.

The student researchers learn how to apply behavioral and neurophysiological methods, such as electroencephalography (commonly referred to as EEG) to record brain activity and metascience techniques into research. They’re also learning how to collect and analyze data, design experiments, present research findings, think critically and work as part of a research team. Every other week, student teams present on scientific articles with group discussions to follow.

“It has a broader impact,” Bacelar said.

“Some students may not know how important research is. Some people may associate this experience with wanting to become a researcher, but this helps develop a lot of skills. It’s not necessarily ‘for’ research. It’s ‘through’ research.” –Mariane Bacelar, assistant professor of kinesiology

And while it’s early days for the lab and lab findings, the lab is succeeding in the ways its director has envisioned.

“We’re still collecting data, but we have a couple of predictions,” Bacelar said, adding that it has become apparent that a fundamental premise underpinning these parts of science is still, in fact, an open question.

“We often assume that motivation is associated with learning, but we’re learning that it has not been established,” she said.

Faculty Mariane Bacelar and kinesiology master's student Jet Taylor study shuffleboard movement

The lab is built on the concept of “open science,” the idea that science should be transparent, accessible and collaborative. Bacelar and many others are hopeful that these principles roll back some of the criticism and skepticism the sciences have faced in recent years, what she describes as a “replication crisis.”

“Our goal is to enhance reliability in our research findings,” she said. “We need to be able to verify our findings, and we need to be transparent, and we need to have rigor.”

Bacelar encourages students from across the university’s disciplines to get involved – but there’s a catch. Because she wants to ensure a quality experience, she’s able to accept only a handful of student researchers. And this year’s lab team will likely be next year’s as well.

“We welcome all types of researchers,” she said. “I think having research experience as an undergrad is valuable. It should be a meaningful experience.”

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critical thinking and art of questioning

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Why cbse’s new exam format for classes 11, 12 is futuristic, the focus on conceptual and application-based questions aims to discourage rote learning and foster critical thinking.

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critical thinking and art of questioning

The new format will focus on conceptual and application-based questions instead of long-form answers. The change, which aligns with the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, will enable learners to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities in order to meet the future challenges.

“The reason for this type of change is to create an ecosystem that reduces rote learning and focuses on competency-based application of concepts taught in the classroom,” explains Mamta Wadhwa, director-principal, Manav Rachna International School, Faridabad.

The proposed changes in the examination system for classes 11 and 12 seem to be far-reaching, with a deep impact on students and their information-grasping level. There will now be an increased focus on competency-based questions, constituting 50 per cent of the total marks, up from the previous 40 per cent.

“There will be reduced emphasis on long-answer questions, now comprising 30 cent of the total marks,” informs Saurabh Sardana, head of commerce department at Shiv Nadar School, Faridabad. Various question formats will also be introduced, such as multiple-choice with application scenarios, case studies analysing real-life situations, and source-based integrated questions.

In simple terms, the percentage of competency-based questions has been increased from 40 per cent to 50 per cent while the percentage of constructed-response questions, which includes both short and long answers, has been reduced from 40 per cent to 30 per cent.

Such changes, educationists agree, will have a positive effect on learners as they will get a chance to put their practical skills to use and focus on conceptual knowledge rather than rote-memorisation.

“Students can apply these concepts in real-life situations, and this will enable them to think critically and come up with solutions to real-world problems,” says Wadhwa. For example, children may be presented with case studies or other scenarios where they would need to analyse information, identify relevant concepts and propose solutions.

All of this will encourage a deeper understanding and application of concepts. “The proposed changes will improve students’ learning outcomes by promoting a deeper understanding of concepts,” adds Sardana.

Students, on their part, can practise a few dos and don’ts while preparing themselves for the revamped examination system. They can stick to time management and allocate sufficient time to each subject and stay informed about the modifications or additions to the curriculum. They should not depend on rote memorisation of facts or figures. Wadhwa recommends that they definitely not procrastinate and resort to last-minute cramming, should not neglect revision of sample papers and mock tests or ignore feedback from teachers, classmates and parents.

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    Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process ...

  21. Kinesiology students tackle questions and build skills through research

    Kinesiology faculty Mariane Bacelar putts a golf ball while wearing an EEG hat, master's student Jet Taylor records the data on a laptop. Critical questions, like how the benefits of physical activity can be observed at the brain level, are the core of Mariane Bacelar's Skill Acquisition and Psychophysiology Lab.Bacelar, an assistant professor of kinesiology, helps her students get to the ...

  22. Why CBSE's new exam format for classes 11, 12 is futuristic

    The new format will focus on conceptual and application-based questions instead of long-form answers. The change, which aligns with the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, will enable learners to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities in order to meet the future challenges.