भाषण मराठी - निबंध, भाषणे, उपयुक्त माहिती आणि बरेच काही

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[निबंध] माझी आजी निबंध मराठी | My grandmother essay in Marathi

मित्रांनो आजी आजोबा म्हटले म्हणजे अनुभवाची खाणच असतात. लहान मुलांना तर आजी आजोबा खूप आवडतात. म्हणून आजच्या या निबंधाचा विषय आहे माझी आजी निबंध मराठी mazi aaji essay in marathi. ज्याप्रमाणे मुलांना आजी प्रिय असते त्याच पद्धतीने आजीलाही आपली नातवंडे खूप आवडतात. आजी मुलांना छान छान गोष्टी सांगून चांगले संस्कार देते. तर चला सुरुवात करूया अश्याच एका आजी वर लिहिलेल्या निबंधाला.

essay on my grandmother in marathi

माझी आजी निबंध- majhi aaji nibandh in marathi

माझ्या वडिलांची आई म्हणजेच माझ्या आजीचे नाव पंकजा बाई आहे. माझी आजी खूपच प्रेमळ आहे. तीने लहानपणापासून माझी खूप चांगल्या पद्धतीने काळजी घेतली आहे. मला चांगल्या गोष्टी आणि चांगले संस्कार देण्यामागे माझ्या आजीची मोठी भूमिका आहे. मला माझ्या आजी सोबत राहायला खूप आवडते. माझी आजी सकाळी लवकर उठते. सर्वांच्या उठण्याआधी अंघोळ करून तयार होते. व रोज सकाळी घराजवळ असणाऱ्या मंदिरात जाते. लहान असताना आजी मलाही मंदिरात न्यायची. तेथे दर्शन घेतल्यावर आम्ही सकाळच्या कोवळ्या उन्हात बसायचो. माझ्या या आजीला आयुर्वेदाचे चांगले ज्ञान आहे. शारीरिक रोगांपासून दूर राहण्यासाठी कोवळ्या उन्हाचे महत्व तिने मला सांगितले आहे. 

लहान असतांना आजी मला तिच्या हाताने अन्न भरवत असे. मला जेवत असताना तिच्याशी बोलायला आवडायचे, परंतु ती मला जेवताना अजिबात बोलू द्यायची नाही. आजीचे म्हणणे होते की जेवतांना बडबड केल्याने जेवण व्यवस्थित होत नाही म्हणून जेवताना बोलू नये. माझी आजी घरात नेहमी ताज्या आणि हिरव्या पालेभाज्या बनवायला सांगते. तिने मला हिरव्या भाज्यांचे महत्त्व समजावून सांगितले आहे.

मी जेव्हा लहान होतो तेव्हा मला आजी जवळ झोपायला आवडायचे. कारण आजी मला रामायण महाभारतातील गोष्टी सांगत असे. या शिवाय अनेक छान छान, राजा राणी, अकबर बिरबल आणि पऱ्यांच्या गोष्टी ती मला सांगायची. गोष्ट सांगितल्यानंतर ती गोष्टी मधील बोध सांगायला विसरत नसे. बऱ्याचदा आजीची गोष्ट ऐकता ऐकता मला झोप लागून जायची. जेव्हा मी आजारी राहायचो तेव्हा रात्र रात्र जागून आजी माझी काळजी करायची. 

आज माझ्या आजीचे वय जवळपास 70 वर्षे आहे. परंतु अजूनही ती मला चांगले वाईट समजावीत असते. आजीच्या चेहऱ्यावर अनेक सुरकुत्या पडल्या आहेत, तिचे केस पांढरे झाले आहेत, डोळ्यांना चष्मा लागलेला आहे. थोडे फार चालल्यानेही आजी थकून जाते. मी नेहमी माझ्या आजीची काळजी घेतो. तिची तब्येत खराब झाली तर मी सुद्धा त्याच पद्धती नाही काळजी घेतो ज्या पद्धतीने ती माझी काळजी करायची. माझ्या आजीचे समजदारपणा मुळे आमचे कुटुंब एकजुटलेले आहे. आजी आमच्या घराच्या जीव की प्राण आहे. व मला सुद्धा माझी आजी खूप आवडते.

माझी आई मराठी निबंध वाचा येथे 

माझे वडील निबंध वाचा येथे 

तर मित्रांनो हा होता माझी आजी या विषयावरील निबंध. या  majhi aaji marathi nibandh  ला आपण आपल्या शाळेत वापरू शकतात. हा निबंध २ री, ३ री, ४ थी, ५ वी, ६ वी, ७ वी, ८ वी, ९ वी, १० वी, ११ वी व १२ वीच्या विद्यार्थ्याना उपयुक्त आहे. तुम्हाला हा निबंध कसा वाटला मला कमेन्ट करून नक्की कळवा. धन्यवाद... 

1 टिप्पण्या

thanks bruh

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माझी आजी मराठी निबंध | My Grandmother Essay In Marathi

मित्र आणि मैत्रणींनो आज आपण माझी आजी निबंध | Mazi Aaji Nibandh In Marathi लेखन 100 शब्दांमध्ये करणार आहोत.

Majhi Aaji Marathi Nibandh / माझी आजी मराठी निबंध

My Grandmother Essay In Marathi

वर्णनात्मक निबंध – माझी आजी

माझी आजी आता साठ वर्षांची झाली आहे. ती नेहमी उत्साहात असते; हसतमुख असते. ती कधीही थकलेली दिसत नाही. ती आजारी पडलेली मी कधीही पाहिली नाही. आजी घरात असली की, आमचे घर प्रसन्न असते.

माझी आजी सकाळी लवकर उठते. सगळ्यांच्या आधी आंघोळ करते. मग मला उठवते. मला रोज सूर्यनमस्कार घालायला लावते. ती मला अभ्यास वेळेवर करायला लावते. जेवणही वेळेवर घेतले पाहिजे, असा तिचा आग्रह असतो.

मी वक्तशीरपणे वागलो नाही, तर ती माझा कान धरते. तीच मला अभ्यासात मदत करते. तिच्यामुळे माझा निबंध वर्गात सर्वोत्कृष्ट ठरतो.आजीला घर नीटनेटके आवडते. ती आईला स्वयंपाकात मदत करते. आईबाबा नेहमी तिचा सल्ला घेतात. मला माझी आजी खूप आवडते.

वरील निबंध हा खालील विषयांनवर देखील लिहू शकता

  •  माझी आजी निबंध मराठी / mazi aaji nibandh marathi
  • आजी निबंध मराठी /  aaji nibandh marathi
  • आमची आजी वर  निबंध / my grandma essay in marathi

मित्र-मैत्रिणीनो तुम्हाला हा माझी आजी मराठी निबंध | Essay On Majhi Aaji In Marathi कसा वाटला ते कमेन्ट मध्ये नक्की कळवा , धन्यवाद


माझी आजी मराठी निबंध , mazi aaji essay in marathi , my grandmother essay in marathi , माझी आजी निबंध, majhi aaji nibandh in marathi

माझी आजी मराठी निबंध | my grandmother essay in marathi

नमस्कार मित्रांनो, आम्ही या लेखामध्ये आजी विषयी माहिती दिली आहे. ही माहिती तुम्ही माझी आजी मराठी निबंध , mazi aaji essay in marathi , my grandmother essay in marathi , माझी आजी निबंध, majhi aaji nibandh in marathi याविषयी निबंध लिहिण्यासाठी वापरू शकता.

 माझी आजी मराठी निबंध | my grandmother essay in marathi

आई नंतरची घरातील दुसरी स्त्री म्हणजे आजी.

जेव्हा मी खूप लहान होतो तेव्हा ती माझी रोज तेलाने मालिश करत असे आणि आंघोळ ही घालत असे. मी लहान असताना ती कधी कधी स्वतःच्या हाताने मला जेवण भरवत असे. तिचा स्वभाव खूपच प्रेमळ आणि मनमिळावू आहे. तिचं वय जास्त असले तरीही ती माझ्या आईला घरकामात मदत करते.

आजीचे बालपण

माझ्या आजीचे वय 70 वर्षे आहे. तिचा जन्म कोकणातील (मोरवण, चिपळूण) या छोट्या खेडेगावात झाला आहे. ती लहान असतानाच तिचे आई  ,  बाबा वारले. म्हणून माझ्या आजीचा सर्व सांभाळ तिच्या काकांनी केला. तिच्या लग्नानंतर ती  पहिल्यादा मुंबई मध्ये आमच्या जुन्या घरी पहिल्यांदा राहायला आली.

तिचा हजरजबाबीपणा तिच्या बोलण्यातून जाणवत असे. जुन्या काळातील एकत्र कुटुंब पद्धती मुळे तिच्या लग्नानंतर तिच्यावर पूर्ण कुटुंबाची जबाबदारी होती. ती तिने लीलया पेलली. तसेच ५ वर्षे अंथरूणाला खेळून पडलेल्या तिच्या सासूची निपक्षपातपणे सेवा तिने केली होती.

जेव्हा मी लहान होतो तेव्हा मला ती रोज रात्री झोपताना एक गोष्ट सांगत असे. त्या गोष्टीतून काय बोध घ्यायचा यावर ती मार्गदर्शन करीत असे. तिचा चष्मा खूप जाड भिंगाचा आहे. तिचे दात कमकुवत झाल्यामुळे तिला काही पदार्थ खाताना त्रास होतो. ती आम्हा भावंडांना बागेत फिरायला घेऊन जाते. पण वयोमानानुसार तिला हळू चालावे लागते.

कधी माझं भांडण माझ्या मित्रांसोबत झालं तर ती माझ्या पाठीमागे खंबीरपणे उभी राहते. टीव्हीवर एखादे भजन लागले तर त्याचे शब्द ती सहजपणे गुणगुणत असते. कारण तिला भजन आणि जुनी गाणी म्हणायला खूप आवडतात. आजीचा चे बालपण गावी गेल्यामुळे गावासारखे सुख तिला शहरात तितकेसे लाभले नाही. म्हणून ती अधूनमधून गणपतीमधून , होळी , दिवाळी अशा सणासुदीला  गावी फेरफटका मारून येत असे.

तिला जेवण बनवायला आवडते. म्हणूनच ती अतिशय रुचकर पदार्थ बनवते. तिचे आवडते पदार्थ म्हणजे आंब्याचे लोणचे आणि टोमॅटोची भाजी होय. तिचे शिक्षण चौथी पर्यंत झाले होते पण तिला मराठी लिहिता आणि वाचता येते. तसेच तिला मराठीमध्ये सही सुद्धा करायला येते. तिचा ७५ वा वाढदिवस आम्ही मोठ्या थाटामाटात साजरा करणार आहोत.

त्याग म्हणजे काय हे माझ्या आजीकडूनच शिकायला पाहिजे. तिला माहेरकडून तिच्या लग्नामध्ये ५ तोळ्याचा सोन्याचा हार भेट म्हणून मिळाला होता. जेव्हा माझे आजोबा गंभीर रित्या आजारी होते, तेव्हा क्षणाचाही विलंब न लावता तिने हा सोन्याचा हार विकला. अश्याप्रकारे आजोबांच्या आजारपणासाठी पैसे उभे केले. 

आजीचा वृद्धापकाळ

वृद्धापकाळामुळे तिचे गुडघे दुखतात. त्यामुळे तिच्या रोज चार ते पाच गोळ्या खाव्या लागतात. तिला ब्लड प्रेशर तसेच डायबिटीस ने ही जखडले आहे. स्नायू व हाडे कमकुवत झाल्यामुळे कधी कधी ती व्यायामाचा कंटाळा करीते. तिचे मोतीबिंदूचे ऑपरेशन सुद्धा झाले आहे. मी एक दिवस आड तिच्या गुडघ्यांचे मालीश करतो. तेवढेच तिच्या गुडघ्यांना आराम मिळतो. वृद्धापकाळामुळे तिला दर तीन-चार महिन्याला डॉक्टर कडे चेकिंग साठी जावे लागते.

मागील वर्षी जेव्हा तिचा ब्लडप्रेशरचा त्रास वाढला होता, तेव्हा तिला पंधरा दिवसांसाठी हॉस्पिटलमध्ये दाखल करण्यात आले होते. त्या पंधरा दिवसांमध्ये दररोज रात्री मी तिला बाबां बरोबर जेवणाचा डब्बा द्यायला जात होतो. त्या पंधरा दिवसांमध्ये मला तिची खुप आठवण आली होती.

आजी म्हणजे घरचा वैद्य

तिला झोपेत चाचपडण्याची सवय आहे. पण सध्याच्या तिच्या वयोमानानुसार तिची झोप सुद्धा कमी झाली आहे. मला जरा कुठे लागलं किंवा खरचटलं तर ती लगेच हळद घेऊन उभी असते. तिला अनेक आजार किंवा व्याधींवर चे घरगुती व आयुर्वेदिक उपाय माहिती आहेत. म्हणून आम्ही तिला घरचा वैद्य असे म्हणतो.

तिला देवाची भक्ती तसेच पूजा करायला सुद्धा आवडते. फावल्या वेळेत ती देवाचे नामस्मरण करीत असते. तिला आपल्या देशातील धार्मिक स्थळे तसेच देवदर्शन करण्याची खूप इच्छा आहे. ती तरुण असताना घरासाठी आर्थिक हातभार लागावा म्हणून ती घरच्या घरी शिवणकाम सुद्धा करत असे. 

म्हणूनच मी देवाकडे रोज प्रार्थना करतो की माझ्या आजीच्या सर्व दुःख यातना तसेच आजार पळून दूर जावेत आणि तिला सुखी व समृद्ध पूर्ण आयुष्य लाभो. 

धन्यवाद मित्रांनो. जर आपल्याला  माझी आजी मराठी निबंध , mazi aaji essay in marathi , my grandmother essay in marathi , माझी आजी निबंध, majhi aaji nibandh in marathi  हा लेख आवडला असेल , तर आपल्या मित्रांना आमच्या ब्लॉग बद्दल नक्की सांगा आणि share करायला विसरू नका.

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Majhi Aaji Essay in Marathi Language || Maji Aji, Mazi Aaji Nibandh

  • by Pratiksha More
  • Mar 20, 2024 Mar 20, 2024

mazi aaji marathi essay

My GrandMother Essay in Marathi

माझी आजी निबंध.

शुभम करोति कल्याणं आरोग्यं धनसंपदा | शत्रूबुद्धी विनाशाय दिपोज्योती नमोस्तुते|

संध्याकाळी देवापुढे दिवा लावून माझी आजी आपली सुरेल आवाजात सांज आरती करते. उदबत्तीचा सुवास घरभर पसरतो आणि तुपाच्या दिव्यातील वात मंद प्रकाशात फडफडत असते. सगळ्या देवांच्या मुखावर तो मंद प्रकाश पसरतो आणि देवांच्या सात्विक मूर्तींबरोबर माझी आजी पण इतकी सात्विक दिसते की तिच्या कडे बघतच राहावे असे वाटते. माझी आजी म्हणजे माझ्या बाबांची आई माझ्या मनातला एक सुंदर ठेवा आहे. ती माझी हक्काची दौलत आहे ज्याच्यावर माझा आणि फक्त माझा हक्क आहे. माझी आजी माझे सर्वस्व आहे. ती माझी मैत्रीण आहे, माझी शिक्षक आहे, माझी मोठी आई आहे आणि माझे बाबा पण आहे. तिचे आणि माझे एक सुंदर विश्व आहे.

करारी व्यक्तिमत्व :

माझी आजी खूप रुबाबदार दिसते. ती उंच, गोरीपान आणि धारदार नाकाची आहे. ह्या वयात पण तिला एकही सुरकुती नाही आहे. साधी स्वच्छ सुती किंवा रेशमी साडी आणि ब्लाऊज, केसांची वेणी किंवा अंबाडा आणि डोळ्याला चष्मा असे तिचे रूप आहे. त्यामुळे ती खूप करारी वाटते. ती ठाम मतांची आहे. तिला नीटनेटके रहायला आवडते आणि आम्हालाही ती तसेच रहायला लावते. ती मोजकेच दागिने घालते. पण त्यात तिचा चोखंदळपणा दिसून येतो. ती कधी मोत्याचे तर कधी सोन्याचे दागिने घालते. पण उगाच भरपूर दागिने घालून त्यांचे प्रदर्शन करायला तिला आवडत नाही. “साधी राहणी आणि उच्च विचारसरणी” असे तिचे आयुष्याबद्दलचे तत्व आहे. तिने सर्व मुलांना वाढवून आणि चांगले शिक्षण देऊन मोठे केले आहे. ती स्वत: पण चांगली शिकलेली आहे. त्यामुळे आम्हीपण शिकून खूप मोठे व्हावे असे तिला वाटते. ती जे काही सांगते ते आमच्या भल्यासाठीच असते हे आम्हाला नक्की माहित आहे म्हणून आम्ही कोणीही तिचा शब्द मोडीत नाही.

वात्सल्यसिंधू आजी:

आजी जरी करारी असली तरी मनातून अत्यंत प्रेमळ आहे. तिचे प्रेम ज्यांना लाभले ते खूप भाग्यवान! आम्ही नातवंड आजीचे खूप लाडके आहोत. आमच्यासाठी ती काहीही करायला तयार असते. ती आमच्याबरोबर पत्ते खेळते, चेस ,साप शिडी, व्यापार इत्यादी खेळ आम्हाला सुट्टी लागली की खेळते. त्या खेळांमध्येही तीच जिंकते. पण मुद्दाम आम्हाला जिंकून देते. त्यामुळे सुट्टी लागली की आम्हाला कुठेही बाहेर जावे लागत नाही. आमच्याबरोबरची मुले पाळणाघरात राहतात पण आजीमुळे आम्हाला घराचे सुख मिळते. आम्हाला शाळेतून आल्याबरोबर गरम खायला देते. आजी खूप छान छान पदार्थ बनवते. त्यामुळे शाळेत आमचा डबा बाकीचेच मुले खातात. मग आजी आम्हाला वेगळा डबा देते. तिच्या लाड करण्यावर आई चिडते आणि म्हणते , तुम्ही लाडावून ठेवले आहे मुलांना तेंव्हा ती हसून म्हणते अग, मुलांना अस एक तरी स्थान असाव की तिथे सगळं त्यांच्या मनासारखे व्हावं. नाहीतर ती मुले बंडखोर होतात.

डॉक्टर आजी :

आजीला जसे मुलांचे मानसशास्त्र माहित आहे, तसेच लहान मुलांच्या आजारावर घरगुती औषधे पण खूप माहित आहेत. घरात लहान मुल आले की त्याचा सगळा ताबा तिच्याकडे असतो. त्याला तेल लावून चांगले चोळून अंघोळ घालणे, सर्दी,पडसे, खोकला यावर काढा देणे, औषधी गुटी देणे अशी सगळी काळजी ती घेते. त्यामुळे आई अगदी निर्धास्त असते. तिच्यामुळे आम्हाला कोणालाच डॉक्टर कडे जावे लागत नाही आणि आमच्या सर्वांच्या तब्येती अगदी मस्त आहेत. आम्हालाच काय, आजूबाजूच्या लोकांना पण तिच्या ज्ञानाचा फायदा होतो. ती हे पोस्टल कोर्स करून शिकली पण आहे पण ती कोणाकडूनही पैसे घेत नाही. आमच्या कामवाली बाईला ती आधी खायला देते आणि बरे नसले तर औषध देतेच पण ताजे गरम खायला देते. ती तिला ओरडते पण कारण ती स्वत:च्या तब्येतीकडे लक्ष देत नाही म्हणून. अशी ती माणुसकी पण जपते.

समाजसेविका : आजीला हा समाज सेवेचा वारसा तिच्या आई वडीलांकडून आला. ते पण डॉक्टर होते आणि त्यांनी गरीबांना फुकट औषधे दिली. तसेच कितीतरी गरीब मुलांना घरी ठेवून शिकविले. आजीने पण खूप गरीब पण हुशार विद्यार्थ्यांना शिकविले. त्यांची फी भरली. त्यापैकी कितीतरी मुले डॉक्टर, इंजिनियर झालेली आहेत. ते अजून आजीला मानतात आणि तिला भेटायला येतात. ती सगळ्यांना आवडते. तिच्या खूप ओळखी आहेत. माणसांची तिला खूप आवड आहे. त्यामुळे आमच्या कडे खूप लोक येतात. ती सगळ्यांना सल्ला देते. मार्गदर्शन करते. ती सुख दु:खाच्या पलीकडे विचार करते. ती म्हणते दु:खाचा विचार करूनच माणूस जास्त दु:खी होतो. म्हणून ती दु:खी माणसाला समजाविते. पण अर्थात विचारले तरच. ती म्हणते कुणाच्याही खाजगी बाबतीत आपण विचारू नये. ती आईला पण कधीही असे कर किंवा तसे कर असे सांगत नाही. जमलच तर मदतच करते. ती सगळ्यांना मदत करते. अडी अडचणीला धावून जाते. श्रमाने पैशाने ती मदत करते. आणि ह्याचा कुठेही बोभाटा करीत नाही.

मला तर माझी आजी ही एक आदर्श व्यक्ती वाटते. ज्या मुलांना आजी नसते त्यांची मला खूप दया येते. माझे मित्र मैत्रिणी तर तिला पळवून नेण्याच्या गोष्टी करतात. मग ती अगदी गोड हसते. आणि त्यांना पण खाऊ देते. अशी आहे माझी गोड गोड आजी!

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Johan Wideroos

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My grandmothers had a 24-year age gap. The difference in our relationships taught me youth and health aren't the same.

  • Jessica Knurick was close with her 70-year-old grandmother.
  • Her 46-year-old grandma was stern and less involved with the grandkids.
  • She says personality and health, not age, play the biggest role in relationships with grandparents.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with astrophotographer Jessica Knurick . It has been edited for length and clarity.

My Grandma Anne, my dad's mom, was 70 years old when I was born . My Grandma Marie, my mom's mom, was 46. When people hear that, they assume that Marie, being young and lively, was much more involved. That couldn't be further from the truth: I was incredibly close with Anne, while my relationship with Marie never felt intimate.

These days there's a lot of debate over the merits of being an older mom or a younger mom. By extension, people think about whether older grandparents will be around through their grandkids' lives, or whether younger grandparents will play a more active role.

I've learned that whether it's parenting or grandparenting, age really is just a number.

My older grandma was energetic and warm

Anne gave birth to my dad when she was 44 . She'd had her first child 17 years earlier, and everyone knew my dad was an accident — or, to use the more polite term, a "surprise."

Despite being an older mom and older grandma, Anne was always energetic and full of life. She was a constant for me throughout my childhood and into my young adult years. As a kid, I loved going to her house for sleepovers or when she'd pick me up for an outing.

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We would play checkers and just talk, or eat gummy bears. She was a gifted storyteller and I loved hearing everything that had changed during her lifetime. It seemed amazing to me that she was born in 1917.

My young grandma was still parenting and working

My maternal grandma, Marie, was just 46 when I was born. Interestingly, her mom was the exact age of my older grandma , Anne. One of my uncles had just turned 20, and Marie was still in the later stages of parenting. She had a full-time job, and it just felt like she had less time and attention to give to her grandkids.

I saw Marie often. She only lived about a mile away and my mom would bring us over to visit often. But the closeness was never there. She was closed off and stern, so I remember being a bit afraid of her as a kid.

My older grandma took care of herself, but my younger grandma didn't

One of the biggest differences between my grandmas is how they took care of themselves . Anne was super active. I don't mean that she went to the gym, but she was always out and about. I often tried to call her and got the answering machine because she was out walking, going to church functions, or visiting friends. She taught me how to take care of myself, from applying face creams to eating nutritiously, and she also inspired my decision to become a registered dietician.

Marie, on the other hand, was always either at work or at home. There was no community around her days. She ate unhealthy foods and smoked for her whole life, even after developing lung issues.

Despite their 24-year age difference, my grandmas died quite close together. Anne was 97, but Marie was only in her 70s.

I've learned that good grandparenting isn't related to age

As a dietician, I've focused my work on caring for pregnant and postpartum people. I see a lot of debate about whether it's better to be an older or younger mom. I shared the story about my grandmas in response to some of that debate.

Anne and Marie show that age isn't all that matters when it comes to nurturing loving relationships with our kids and grandkids. We need to take care of ourselves so we have the energy to match theirs. We need to be open and loving, and make them feel safe. That can happen at any age.

Watch: Here's what descendants of 5 former presidents say about the role age plays in politics

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Scientists Say "Grandma Brain" Isn't Just in Your Head

MRIs reveal that grandmothers may feel more emotional empathy toward their grandkids than they did with their own kids.

grandma brain

My son-in-law recently introduced me to his friend the following way: “This is Kate. She’s an interesting person and a good conversationalist … unless Anne is in the room. In that case, don’t even try.”

Anne is my toddler-aged granddaughter, and I am guilty as charged. Something happens to me when I’m with her. I’m enchanted. Bewitched. Besotted.

It turns out that this isn’t just love, though there’s plenty of that. I’m experiencing “Grandma Brain.” That’s not a technical term, but there is a scientific explanation for what’s going on. Neurological research has shown that something unique happens to our brains when we see our grandchildren — and it may explain our intense devotion and delight.

“What really jumps out in the data is the activation in areas of the brain associated with emotional empathy,” Rilling says. “That suggests that grandmothers are geared towards feeling what their grandchildren are feeling when they interact with them. If their grandchild is smiling, they’re feeling the child’s joy. And if their grandchild is crying, they’re feeling the child’s pain and distress.”

Retired teacher Janet Meisel, who has three grandsons, wrote an essay on Medium with a title that’s a near-perfect illustration of the heightened emotional empathy that Rilling’s study revealed. Titled “Are Grandparents Supposed To Feel This Much Love?” her subtitle reads, “Sometimes it feels like my heart will burst with joy and sometimes with pain.”

Reflecting on the difference between being a mom and a grandma, Meisel writes, “I had given my children so much of myself, but this feeling was different. It was love on steroids.”

What makes the new research particularly interesting is that the grandmothers’ brains did not light up in the same areas when women looked at pictures of their own children. When photos of their offspring were shown to the same women, a different area was activated, one associated with cognitive empathy. With cognitive empathy, a person can understand what another is feeling and why. But with emotional empathy, a person experiences what someone else is feeling.

That’s no surprise to Nancy Claus, a Connecticut grandmother of two. “It’s like a melting,” she says, sighing. “Isabella’s just at this magical stage where you hold her, she looks into your eyes, locks on you, and just bursts into this smile. She’s just wiggling with happiness all over and then I feel so happy, just flooded with this warm, delightful feeling.”

Grandparents tend to joke, “If I’d known how great it would be to be a grandparent, I’d have done it before I had kids.” This sentiment has less to do with brain activity than it does with the relationship. (“I can enjoy the kid and then hand them back.”) Grandparents, of course, have less responsibility than parents. Combine that with heightened emotional empathy swirling around in their brains and a “don’t sweat the small stuff” sensibility of many older folks, and it makes for a joyful ride.

it was love on steroids

“I could have a terrible day or a wonderful day, but as soon as I walk into the room with my grandson or my granddaughter, anything that happened before just dissipates,” says Melanie Schaffran, a New York grandmother. “I’m in complete rapture. Not to say I’m not aware of the mess being created, but it doesn’t matter.”

For mothers and fathers, mess does matter. Parents are often up to their ears in work stress, financial stress, kid stress, eldercare stress and everything else pulling on them at the stage of life when kids are young.

“I don’t even remember that life,” says Marti Gallardo, a Texas grandmother of three, with two more on the way. “We were just so busy.” Gallardo, now retired from her career in advertising sales, chatted while covered in “green apple peel spit.” She was watching her 14-month-old granddaughter, Clare, who only likes the inside of apples. As a grandma — and a woman who was no longer has to rush to work looking professional nor worry about if the baby is eating the right foods — Gallardo was relaxed.

Rilling’s original research was conducted in 2021. His study included placing 50 grandmothers in MRI machines and observing their reactions to photos of grandchildren who ranged from ages three to 12. The women were also shown photos of their own biological children as adults, as well as pictures of unknown people of all ages.

The data is still being analyzed. Currently, Rilling is studying saliva samples to see whether grandmothers have more oxytocin — nicknamed “the love hormone” for the good feeling it produces — compared to women of the same age who are not grandmothers. His team is also exploring if being a grandmother affects the rate at which the brain ages, with the hypothesis that it slows the process. He also hopes to conduct longitudinal studies by taking brain images and studying hormones before and after women become grandmothers. Rilling also plans to study the brains of grandfathers.

The biology of grandparents is “unexplored territory,” Rilling says. “A lot of research on older people’s brains is in the context of pathology and degeneration. Here we’re looking at healthy older brains and what they may have been designed for.” He believes his is the first study to examine grandmothers’ brain activity.

grandma brain

That said, other non-neurological studies have made the connection between being an active grandparent and better health. AARP conducted a comprehensive survey of grandparents and in its summary refers to grandkids as “the elixir of life.” Benefits include a more physically active lifestyle, more sociability and improved mental well-being.

The Berlin Aging Study , which tracked health outcomes of more than 500 people ages 70 and older, found that grandparents who helped care for their grandchildren had lower mortality rates over a 20-year period than those who did not. Plenty of research has also documented the benefits to grandchildren of having grandparents in their lives.

Why have grandmother’s brains evolved as they have? As an anthropologist as well as a psychologist, Rilling speculates that close grandmaternal bonds make it easier for parents to reproduce and continue the species. Or to put it in everyday terms, if parents have some help with the first baby , they’re more likely to go for number two. Or three.

That may explain another facet of intense grandmother love. The recognition of past, present and future in a grandchild’s face. “I see little bits of my mother in Olivia already,” Claus says of her 2-year-old granddaughter. “I don’t want to burst into singing ‘Circle of Life’ here, but it’s seeing your genes passing on and moving to the future. Seeing the next generation, the continuity, just brings a contentment.”

grandma brain

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  • माझी आजी निबंध | My grandmother essay in Marathi

My grandmother essay in Marathi

माझी आजी निबंध | My grandmother essay in Marathi – माझी आजी माझ्या आयुष्यातील खूप खास व्यक्ती आहे. ती आमच्या कुटुंबाची आई आहे आणि ती नेहमीच माझ्यासाठी आहे.

ती एक दयाळू, प्रेमळ आणि काळजी घेणारी व्यक्ती आहे जी नेहमी इतरांच्या गरजा स्वतःच्या आधी ठेवते. ती माझ्या आयुष्यात आहे हे मी भाग्यवान आहे आणि मला तिच्याबद्दल काही गोष्टी सांगायच्या आहेत ज्या तिला माझ्यासाठी खूप खास बनवतात.

(400 words)

माझी आजी नेहमीच मेहनती राहिली आहे. ती अशा काळात वाढली जेव्हा स्त्रियांनी घरात राहून घराची काळजी घेणे अपेक्षित होते.

पण तिने स्वतःहून काहीतरी बनवण्याचा निर्धार केला आणि ती शिक्षिका होण्यासाठी कॉलेजमध्ये गेली. तिने लहान मुलांना शिकवण्यात बरीच वर्षे घालवली आणि तिला त्यातील प्रत्येक क्षण आवडला.

आताही, तिच्या निवृत्तीच्या काळात, ती स्थानिक शाळेत स्वयंसेवा करण्यात आणि मुलांना त्यांच्या अभ्यासात मदत करण्यात व्यस्त राहते.

माझ्या आजीच्या आवडत्या गोष्टींपैकी एक म्हणजे तिचा स्वयंपाक. ती सर्वात स्वादिष्ट जेवण बनवते आणि मी नेहमी तिच्या घरी जेवायला जाण्यास उत्सुक असतो.

तिच्या प्रसिद्ध ऍपल पाईपासून तिच्या घरी बनवलेल्या स्पॅगेटी सॉसपर्यंत प्रत्येक गोष्टीसाठी तिची खास रेसिपी आहे. जेव्हा कधी माझ्याकडे काही खास प्रसंग असतो तेव्हा मी तिला नेहमी तिची खास डिश बनवायला सांगतो.

तिने मला तिच्या बर्‍याच पाककृती शिकवल्या आहेत आणि मला आशा आहे की ते कधीतरी माझ्या मुलांपर्यंत पोहोचतील.

माझी आजी देखील एक आश्चर्यकारकपणे उदार व्यक्ती आहे. ती नेहमी गरजूंना मदत करण्यास तयार असते, मग तो कुटुंबातील सदस्य असो, मित्र असो किंवा पूर्ण अनोळखी असो.

तिचे हृदय मोठे आहे आणि ती नेहमीच जगाला एक चांगले स्थान बनवण्याचे मार्ग शोधत असते. ती स्थानिक रूग्णालयात स्वयंसेवक आहे, आणि ती नेहमी अशा धर्मादाय संस्थांना देणगी देण्याचे सुनिश्चित करते जी तिला काळजी वाटते.

 माझ्या आजीचे जीवन | My grandmother Life

माझी आजी एक अविश्वसनीय स्त्री आहे जी दीर्घ आणि मनोरंजक जीवन जगली आहे. 1930 च्या दशकात एका छोट्या गावात तिचा जन्म झाला आणि जीवन कठीण असताना ती मोठी झाली.

तिने कितीही आव्हानांचा सामना केला, तरीही तिने आपला आत्मा आणि दृढनिश्चय कधीही गमावला नाही. सहा मुलांमध्ये ती सर्वात मोठी होती आणि लहानपणापासूनच तिला खूप जबाबदारी घ्यावी लागली.

तिचे आई-वडील शेतकरी होते आणि ती अनेकदा त्यांना कामात मदत करायची आणि तिच्या लहान भावंडांची काळजी घेत असे.

ती जसजशी मोठी होत गेली तसतशी माझ्या आजीला शिक्षणाची आवड निर्माण झाली. तिने शाळेत कठोर परिश्रम केले आणि हायस्कूलमधून पदवीधर झालेल्या तिच्या कुटुंबातील पहिल्या लोकांपैकी एक होती.

तिने स्थानिक महाविद्यालयात शिक्षण घेतले आणि शिक्षणात पदवी मिळवली. त्यानंतर तिने शिक्षिका म्हणून तिच्या करिअरला सुरुवात केली आणि तिला तिची नोकरी आवडली.

तिला शिकवण्याची आवड होती आणि तिला विश्वास होता की शिक्षण ही चांगल्या जीवनाची गुरुकिल्ली आहे.

नंतरच्या आयुष्यात, माझ्या आजीचे लग्न झाले आणि तिला स्वतःची मुले झाली. ती शिक्षिका म्हणून काम करत राहिली आणि ती तिच्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी प्रेरणा होती.

ती सहनशील, दयाळू होती आणि तिच्या चेहऱ्यावर नेहमी स्मित होते. तिने आपल्या मुलांमध्ये आणि नातवंडांमध्ये कठोर परिश्रम, दृढनिश्चय आणि दयाळूपणाचे महत्त्व बिंबवले.

आता तिच्या ऐंशीच्या दशकात, माझी आजी अजूनही मजबूत आहे. तिला तिचे कुटुंब आणि मित्रांसोबत वेळ घालवणे, वाचणे आणि चित्रपट पाहणे आवडते.

ती शक्ती आणि शहाणपणाचा आधारस्तंभ आहे आणि तिला माझ्या आयुष्यात मिळाल्याबद्दल मी भाग्यवान समजतो.

माझ्या आजीचे गुण |My grandmother Qualities

माझी आजी एक अद्भुत व्यक्ती आहे जिच्याकडे अनेक अद्भुत गुण आहेत. ती दयाळू, सहनशील आणि समजूतदार आहे.

तिच्याकडे नेहमीच तिच्या कुटुंबासाठी आणि मित्रांसाठी वेळ असतो आणि ती गरजूंना मदत करण्यास तयार असते. ती सुज्ञ देखील आहे आणि तिच्याकडे सामायिक करण्यासाठी भरपूर ज्ञान आणि अनुभव आहे.

माझ्या आजीबद्दल माझ्या आवडत्या गोष्टींपैकी एक म्हणजे तिची विनोदबुद्धी. तिच्याकडे नेहमीच एक विनोद किंवा मजेदार कथा सामायिक करण्यासाठी असते आणि ती मला हसवण्यात कधीही अपयशी ठरत नाही.

जीवनाबद्दलचा तिचा सकारात्मक दृष्टीकोन संसर्गजन्य आहे आणि तिने मला प्रत्येक परिस्थितीत चांगले शोधायला शिकवले आहे.

माझी आजी देखील आश्चर्यकारकपणे उदार आहे. इतरांना मदत करण्यासाठी ती नेहमीच तिचा वेळ आणि संसाधने देत असते. ती स्थानिक रुग्णालयात स्वयंसेवक आहे आणि अनेक समुदाय संस्थांमध्ये सहभागी आहे.

तिला परत देण्याच्या सामर्थ्यावर विश्वास आहे आणि ती माझ्यासाठी आणि तिच्या सभोवतालच्या इतरांसाठी एक प्रेरणा आहे.

शेवटी, माझी आजी एक उत्कृष्ट श्रोता आहे. ती नेहमी कान देणे आणि समर्थन आणि मार्गदर्शन प्रदान करण्यास तयार आहे. ती कधीही न्याय करत नाही किंवा टीका करत नाही, परंतु त्याऐवजी दयाळू आणि समजूतदार दृष्टीकोन देते.

ती माझ्या आयुष्यभर माझ्यासाठी शक्ती आणि सांत्वनाचा स्रोत आहे आणि मला माहित आहे की मी तिच्यावर नेहमीच विश्वास ठेवू शकतो.

हे पण वाचा:

  • महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले निबंध मराठी | Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Nibandh Marathi
  • माझे आवडते लेखक साने गुरुजी मराठी निबंध | Maze Avadte Lekhak Nibandh Marathi
  • माझा आवडता संत निबंध मराठी ।Majha Avadta Sant Nibandh in Marathi
  • माझा आवडता अभिनेता | कलाकार मराठी निबंध | Maza Avadta Abhineta Nibandh Marathi
  • [PDF] हनुमान चालीसा मराठी – Hanuman Chalisa in Marathi

माझ्या आजीसोबतच्या माझ्या आवडत्या आठवणी

माझ्या आजीच्या खूप छान आठवणी आहेत. कुकीज एकत्र बेक करण्यापासून ते उद्यानात लांब फेरफटका मारण्यापर्यंत, ती माझ्या आयुष्यात नेहमीच आनंद आणि आनंदाचा स्रोत राहिली आहे.

माझ्या आवडत्या आठवणींपैकी एक आहे जेव्हा तिने मला शिवणे कसे शिकवले. ती एक उत्कृष्ट शिवणकाम करणारी होती आणि तिच्या घरात एक खोली शिवणकामासाठी होती.

मला आठवतंय की तिच्यासोबत तासनतास घालवायचे, कापड काढायचे आणि शिलाई मशीन कसे वापरायचे ते शिकायचे. ती धीर देणारी आणि प्रोत्साहन देणारी होती आणि शेवटी माझा पहिला प्रोजेक्ट पूर्ण झाल्यावर मला खूप अभिमान वाटला.

आणखी एक आवडती आठवण म्हणजे आम्ही एकत्र रोड ट्रिपला गेलो होतो. आम्ही ग्रामीण भागात फिरलो, छोट्या शहरांमध्ये थांबलो आणि स्थानिक खाद्यपदार्थांचा प्रयत्न केला.

आम्ही संग्रहालयांना भेट दिली, हायकिंगला गेलो आणि घोडेस्वारीही गेलो. हे एक साहस होते जे मी कधीही विसरणार नाही.

शेवटी, आम्ही नुसत्या गोष्टी बोलण्यात आणि शेअर करण्यात घालवलेल्या वेळेची मी कदर करतो. माझ्या आजीकडे ज्ञान आणि अनुभवाचा खजिना आहे आणि मला तिच्या आयुष्याबद्दल आणि अनेक वर्षांपासून शिकलेल्या गोष्टी ऐकायला आवडतात.

निष्कर्ष: माझी आजी निबंध | My grandmother essay in Marathi

माझी आजी निबंध | My grandmother essay in Marathi – शेवटी, माझी आजी माझ्या आयुष्यातील एक अतिशय खास व्यक्ती आहे. ती मेहनती, दयाळू, प्रेमळ आणि उदार आहे. तिने तिच्या आयुष्यात जे काही साध्य केले त्याबद्दल मी तिची प्रशंसा करतो आणि मी तिच्या पावलावर पाऊल ठेवण्याची आशा करतो.

तिने मला अनेक मौल्यवान धडे शिकवले आहेत आणि माझ्या आयुष्यात तिच्या उपस्थितीबद्दल मी कृतज्ञ आहे. आम्ही एकत्र सामायिक केलेल्या आठवणी मी नेहमी जपत राहीन आणि मला आशा आहे की येत्या काही वर्षांत आणखी अनेक आठवणी निर्माण होतील.

[ माझी आजी निबंध | My grandmother essay in Marathi ]

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Should college essays touch on race? Some feel the affirmative action ruling leaves them no choice

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

essay on my grandmother in marathi

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. (AP Video: Noreen Nasir)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa listens to others member of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

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Hillary Amofa, laughs as she participates in a team building game with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa, second from left, practices with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, stands for a portrait outside of the school in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

*Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait outside of the school in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Hillary Amofa, left, practices with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa sits for a portrait after her step team practice at Lincoln Park High School Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. “I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18 year-old senior, “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.” (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

FILE - Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

CHICAGO (AP) — When she started writing her college essay, Hillary Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. About being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana and growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. About hardship and struggle.

Then she deleted it all.

“I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping,” said the 18-year-old senior at Lincoln Park High School in Chicago. “And I’m just like, this doesn’t really say anything about me as a person.”

When the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in higher education, it left the college essay as one of few places where race can play a role in admissions decisions. For many students of color, instantly more was riding on the already high-stakes writing assignment. Some say they felt pressure to exploit their hardships as they competed for a spot on campus.

Amofa was just starting to think about her essay when the court issued its decision, and it left her with a wave of questions. Could she still write about her race? Could she be penalized for it? She wanted to tell colleges about her heritage but she didn’t want to be defined by it.

In English class, Amofa and her classmates read sample essays that all seemed to focus on some trauma or hardship. It left her with the impression she had to write about her life’s hardest moments to show how far she’d come. But she and some of her classmates wondered if their lives had been hard enough to catch the attention of admissions offices.

“For a lot of students, there’s a feeling of, like, having to go through something so horrible to feel worthy of going to school, which is kind of sad,” said Amofa, the daughter of a hospital technician and an Uber driver.

This year’s senior class is the first in decades to navigate college admissions without affirmative action . The Supreme Court upheld the practice in decisions going back to the 1970s, but this court’s conservative supermajority found it is unconstitutional for colleges to give students extra weight because of their race alone.

Still, the decision left room for race to play an indirect role: Chief Justice John Roberts wrote universities can still consider how an applicant’s life was shaped by their race, “so long as that discussion is concretely tied to a quality of character or unique ability.”

“A benefit to a student who overcame racial discrimination, for example, must be tied to that student’s courage and determination,” he wrote.

Scores of colleges responded with new essay prompts asking about students’ backgrounds. Brown University asked applicants how “an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you.” Rice University asked students how their perspectives were shaped by their “background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity.”

*Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa, reflected right, practices in a mirror with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team after school, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


When Darrian Merritt started writing his essay, he knew the stakes were higher than ever because of the court’s decision. His first instinct was to write about events that led to him going to live with his grandmother as a child.

Those were painful memories, but he thought they might play well at schools like Yale, Stanford and Vanderbilt.

“I feel like the admissions committee might expect a sob story or a tragic story,” said Merritt, a senior in Cleveland. “And if you don’t provide that, then maybe they’re not going to feel like you went through enough to deserve having a spot at the university. I wrestled with that a lot.”

He wrote drafts focusing on his childhood, but it never amounted to more than a collection of memories. Eventually he abandoned the idea and aimed for an essay that would stand out for its positivity.

Merritt wrote about a summer camp where he started to feel more comfortable in his own skin. He described embracing his personality and defying his tendency to please others. The essay had humor — it centered on a water gun fight where he had victory in sight but, in a comedic twist, slipped and fell. But the essay also reflects on his feelings of not being “Black enough” and getting made fun of for listening to “white people music.”

“I was like, ‘OK, I’m going to write this for me, and we’re just going to see how it goes,’” he said. “It just felt real, and it felt like an honest story.”

The essay describes a breakthrough as he learned “to take ownership of myself and my future by sharing my true personality with the people I encounter. ... I realized that the first chapter of my own story had just been written.”

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)

Max Decker, a senior at Lincoln High School, sits for a portrait in the school library where he often worked on writing his college essays, in Portland, Ore., March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Amanda Loman)


Like many students, Max Decker of Portland, Oregon, had drafted a college essay on one topic, only to change direction after the Supreme Court ruling in June.

Decker initially wrote about his love for video games. In a childhood surrounded by constant change, navigating his parents’ divorce, the games he took from place to place on his Nintendo DS were a source of comfort.

But the essay he submitted to colleges focused on the community he found through Word is Bond, a leadership group for young Black men in Portland.

As the only biracial, Jewish kid with divorced parents in a predominantly white, Christian community, Decker wrote he constantly felt like the odd one out. On a trip with Word is Bond to Capitol Hill, he and friends who looked just like him shook hands with lawmakers. The experience, he wrote, changed how he saw himself.

“It’s because I’m different that I provide something precious to the world, not the other way around,” he wrote.

As a first-generation college student, Decker thought about the subtle ways his peers seemed to know more about navigating the admissions process . They made sure to get into advanced classes at the start of high school, and they knew how to secure glowing letters of recommendation.

Max Decker reads his college essay on his experience with a leadership group for young Black men. (AP Video/Noreen Nasir)

If writing about race would give him a slight edge and show admissions officers a fuller picture of his achievements, he wanted to take that small advantage.

His first memory about race, Decker said, was when he went to get a haircut in elementary school and the barber made rude comments about his curly hair. Until recently, the insecurity that moment created led him to keep his hair buzzed short.

Through Word is Bond, Decker said he found a space to explore his identity as a Black man. It was one of the first times he was surrounded by Black peers and saw Black role models. It filled him with a sense of pride in his identity. No more buzzcut.

The pressure to write about race involved a tradeoff with other important things in his life, Decker said. That included his passion for journalism, like the piece he wrote on efforts to revive a once-thriving Black neighborhood in Portland. In the end, he squeezed in 100 characters about his journalism under the application’s activities section.

“My final essay, it felt true to myself. But the difference between that and my other essay was the fact that it wasn’t the truth that I necessarily wanted to share,” said Decker, whose top college choice is Tulane, in New Orleans, because of the region’s diversity. “It felt like I just had to limit the truth I was sharing to what I feel like the world is expecting of me.”

FILE - Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Demonstrators protest outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, in this June 29, 2023 file photo, after the Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, saying race cannot be a factor. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)


Before the Supreme Court ruling, it seemed a given to Imani Laird that colleges would consider the ways that race had touched her life. But now, she felt like she had to spell it out.

As she started her essay, she reflected on how she had faced bias or felt overlooked as a Black student in predominantly white spaces.

There was the year in math class when the teacher kept calling her by the name of another Black student. There were the comments that she’d have an easier time getting into college because she was Black .

“I didn’t have it easier because of my race,” said Laird, a senior at Newton South High School in the Boston suburbs who was accepted at Wellesley and Howard University, and is waiting to hear from several Ivy League colleges. “I had stuff I had to overcome.”

In her final essays, she wrote about her grandfather, who served in the military but was denied access to GI Bill benefits because of his race.

She described how discrimination fueled her ambition to excel and pursue a career in public policy.

“So, I never settled for mediocrity,” she wrote. “Regardless of the subject, my goal in class was not just to participate but to excel. Beyond academics, I wanted to excel while remembering what started this motivation in the first place.”

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. When she started writing her college essay, Amofa told the story she thought admissions offices wanted to hear. She wrote about being the daughter of immigrants from Ghana, about growing up in a small apartment in Chicago. She described hardship and struggle. Then she deleted it all. "I would just find myself kind of trauma-dumping," said the 18 year-old senior, "And I'm just like, this doesn't really say anything about me as a person." (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Hillary Amofa stands for a portrait after practice with members of the Lincoln Park High School step team, March 8, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)


Amofa used to think affirmative action was only a factor at schools like Harvard and Yale. After the court’s ruling, she was surprised to find that race was taken into account even at some public universities she was applying to.

Now, without affirmative action, she wondered if mostly white schools will become even whiter.

It’s been on her mind as she chooses between Indiana University and the University of Dayton, both of which have relatively few Black students. When she was one of the only Black students in her grade school, she could fall back on her family and Ghanaian friends at church. At college, she worries about loneliness.

“That’s what I’m nervous about,” she said. “Going and just feeling so isolated, even though I’m constantly around people.”

Hillary Amofa reads her college essay on embracing her natural hair. (AP Video/Noreen Nasir)

The first drafts of her essay focused on growing up in a low-income family, sharing a bedroom with her brother and grandmother. But it didn’t tell colleges about who she is now, she said.

Her final essay tells how she came to embrace her natural hair . She wrote about going to a mostly white grade school where classmates made jokes about her afro. When her grandmother sent her back with braids or cornrows, they made fun of those too.

Over time, she ignored their insults and found beauty in the styles worn by women in her life. She now runs a business doing braids and other hairstyles in her neighborhood.

“I stopped seeing myself through the lens of the European traditional beauty standards and started seeing myself through the lens that I created,” Amofa wrote.

“Criticism will persist, but it loses its power when you know there’s a crown on your head!”

Ma reported from Portland, Oregon.

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माझी आजी वर मराठी निबंध - my grandmother essay in marathi

आज आपण माझी आजी यावर  मराठी  निबंध लिहीणार आहोत. प्रत्येकाला आजी हवीहवीशी वाटते, त्यामुळे माझी आजी यावर  निबंध  लिहीलाच पाहिजे. असे माझे वैयक्तिक मत तर चला सुरुवात करूया माझी आजी माझी आजी वर मराठी निबंध - my grandmother  essay  in  marathi  हा निबंध लिहायला.   माझी आजी वर मराठी निबंध - my grandmother essay in marathi, माझी आजी निबंध, माझी आजी तिचे नाव लीलावती तांबे, वय 70 वर्षे अजूनही चांगल्या पद्धतीने बोलते, ऐकते, तिला अजूनही दिसायलाही खूप चांगले दिसते, अजून चष्मा वगैरे लागलेला नाही.  तिचे शिक्षण सुद्धा त्यावेळचं मॅट्रिक पर्यंत झालेलं असं माझे आजोबा मला सांगायचे, माझ्या आजीचे लग्न वयाच्या विसाव्या वर्षी झालेले. कारण पूर्वीच्या काळी मुलींचे लग्न हे खूप लवकर होत. माझ्या आजीला पूर्ण गावात लीला आजी म्हणून सर्व लोक ओळखतात. कारण ती जेवण खूप छान बनवते, सर्वांशी प्रेमाने वागते, कोणाच्याही मदतीला लवकर धावून जाते. त्यामुळे ती गाव मध्ये खूप प्रसिद्ध आहे.  माझी आजी अजून ही सकाळी लवकर उठते, आंघोळ वगैरे उरकल्यानंतर, बागेतील फुले गोळा करून देवाला वाहते व देवपूजा करते.  त्यानंतर ती गावातील मंदिरांकडे चालत जाते व तेथील देवाची मनेभावें पूजा करते.  ती खूप धार्मिक व्यक्ती आहे, घरी आल्यानंतर ती आणि माझी आई सोबत स्वयंपाकामध्ये मदत करते.  सकाळी नाश्ता केल्यानंतर सगळ्यात पहिला नाश्ता मला आणून देते व स्वतः हाताने खाऊ घालते. मला खूप खूप बरे वाटते, ज्या वेळेस आजी माझी अशा प्रकारे काळजी घेते.  मी फुलपाखरू झालो तर निबंध मला आजीच्या हातचे केलेले पोहे खूप आवडतात,  त्यामुळे माझी आजी मला आवर्जून पोहे तयार करून मला खायला घालते.  रात्री झोपताना सुद्धा माझी आजी मला वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारच्या छान छान गोष्टी सांगते. तसेच बहिणाबाई चौधरी यांच्या कविता मला गाऊन दाखवते तिचे मनाचे श्लोक हे तोंडपाठ आहेत तसं तिच्या काही प्रार्थना हरिपाठ भजन हे सुद्धा तोंडपाठ आहेत. माझे वडील लहान होते व माझे आजोबा कामावर जायचे, त्यावेळी माझी आजी सर्व घर चालवत होती. ती व्यवहाराला काटेकोर आहे व तसेच शिस्तप्रिय सुद्धा आहे. कोणतीही गोष्ट असो की खोटे बोलत नाही,  ती खरे असेल तेच तोंडावर बोलून दाखवते.  आजी बोलते कोणाला राग आला तरी चालेल, पण खोटं बोलायचं नाही,  कारण जे काही असेल ते तोंडावर बोलून मोकळं व्हायचं, म्हणजे पश्चाताप होत नाही. माझ्या आईला सुद्धा ती स्वतःच्या मुलीप्रमाणे सांभाळते व शिस्ती मध्ये वागवते.   , my grandmother essay marathi , त्यामुळे माझे त्याचे खूप कौतुक वाटते, मला कधी कधी खायला किंवा ice cream घ्यायला पैसे नसतील तर माझी आजी मला स्वतःहून पैसे देऊ करते. तसेच दर आठवड्याला मला ती काही पैसे सुद्धा खर्चायला देते.  कधी माझी आजी तालुक्याच्या ठिकाणी गेली तर माझ्यासाठी खेळणी व गोड गोड खायचे पदार्थ,  वडापाव सुद्धा घेऊन येते, त्यामुळे मला माझी आजी खूप आवडते.   आजी चा हातावर वयामुळे सुरकुत्या पडलेल्या आहेत आणि चेहऱ्यावर सुद्धा सुरकुत्या पडलेल्या आहेत. तिचे दात सुद्धा बऱ्यापैकी पडलेले आहेत. तरीसुद्धा मला माझी आजी खूप आवडते, कारण माझी आजी ही माझी फक्त आजी नसून एक माझी मैत्रीणच आहे असं मला वाटतं. झाडाचे आत्मवृत्त   मराठी निबंध   मी लहान असताना माझी आज्जी मला अंगणवाडीमध्ये सोडायला स्वतः घेऊन यायची, माझे दप्तर स्वतःसोबत घ्यायची तसेच माझी पोलिओ लसीकरण जेव्हा असतील, तेव्हा माझी आजी मला आवर्जून दवाखान्यामध्ये घेऊन पोलिओ लस पाजायची. असं माझी आई मला नेहमी सांगते.  मी पहिली ला जाताना सुद्धा माझी आजी मला  शाळेमध्ये  सोडायला, स्वतःसोबत यायची. आता मात्र मी मोठा झालो हायस्कूलमध्ये जाऊ लागलो, तरी माझी आजी माझं दप्तर सावरून, त्यामध्ये डब्बा पाणी भरून मला जाऊ देते. त्यामुळे मला तिची खूप अप्रूप वाटते मला माझी आजी त्यामुळे खूप खूप आवडते माझे आजोबा सुद्धा मला मित्राप्रमाणे वागवतात व कधी कधी आजोबा सुद्धा आजीची खूप मस्करी करतात. आजीला खूप चिडवतात,  त्यावेळेस आणखी लाजून घराबाहेर निघून जाते.  मला तो क्षण खूप आवडतो. अजून सुद्धा आम्ही जेवण करायला सर्व एकत्रित बसतो,  त्यामुळे घराच घरपण टिकून राहते. मलासुद्धा हे वातावरण खूप आवडते. आजी सांगते माणसाचं मोठेपण हे त्याच्या पैशामध्ये, बंगल्यामध्ये, नोकरीमध्ये नाहीतर त्याच्या मनामध्ये असते. माणसाचे मन हे नेहमी साधे असावी निस्वार्थ असाव. तरच माणूस म्हणून जगायला, ती व्यक्ती चांगली असते. त्यामुळे मला माझ्या आजीचा हा स्वभाव खूप खूप आवडतो. तर चला मित्रांनो माझी आजी माझी वाट बघत असेल, मी आता तिकडे जातो कारण खूप वेळ झाली चला बाय. तर मित्रांनो कसा वाटला माझी आजी - my grandmother essay in marathi यावर मराठी निबंध कमेंट करून नक्की सांगा.  मी शाळेतील शिपाई बोलतोय मराठी निबंध, संपर्क फॉर्म.

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Accused Subway Shover Found Little Help in New York’s Chaotic Shelters

Carlton McPherson had been placed by New York City in a specialized homeless shelter for people with serious mental illness. It was not enough.

An ambulance idles in front of a brick-faced homeless shelter building in the Bronx.

By Amy Julia Harris ,  Jan Ransom ,  Wesley Parnell and Andy Newman

Before Carlton McPherson was accused of fatally shoving a stranger in front of a subway train last week, he was placed by New York City into specialized homeless shelters meant to help people with severe mental illness.

But at one shelter, in Brooklyn, he became erratic and attacked a security guard. At another, he jumped on tables and would cycle between anger and ecstasy. At a third, his fellow residents said it was clear his psychological issues were not being addressed.

“That man needed help,” said Roe Dewayne, who stayed with Mr. McPherson at a mental health shelter in the Bronx. “If they were monitoring him like they were supposed to, this wouldn’t be going on.”

As New York has struggled to provide services for homeless mentally ill people across the city, its mental health shelters were supposed to help fill a crucial need, with on-call psychiatrists and social workers on staff to ensure that the thousands of people like Mr. McPherson were connected to treatment, and did not harm themselves or someone else.

The reality has been different, a New York Times examination of the shelters has found. Based on city records and interviews with shelter workers, residents and their family members, the review showed that mental health services have been offered only sporadically across the 38 specialized facilities, which were operated by city contractors at a cost of about $260 million a year. Episodes of violence, disorder and preventable harm, meanwhile, have become commonplace.

Fifty people died in the mental health shelters during a recent four-year period, records show. About half of those deaths occurred after suspected drug overdoses, when staff members found the bodies of men and women slumped on bathroom floors, next to empty pill bottles or in bed with foam coming out of their mouths. Eight people staying in the shelters killed themselves.

More than 1,400 fights broke out during the same span, with more than half of those resulting in “serious injury.” At a shelter in Queens, a woman threatened her roommate with a Swiss Army knife before hurling a nail-studded two-by-four at a facility glass front door, records show. Another woman at the shelter tried to suffocate her roommate with a plastic bag.

The mental health shelters were also the scene of more than 40 fires — half of which appeared to have been set deliberately. On at least 344 occasions, the facilities lost heat, water or power for four hours or longer, The Times found.

Although the first mental health shelters opened decades ago, the city has dramatically expanded their reach in recent years, steadily adding funding and creating beds for about 5,500 people.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Homeless Services, which oversees the city’s shelters, said the agency is required to provide shelter to all those who need it. She said it does its best to connect people to mental health services but added that it is primarily focused on providing emergency housing, not psychiatric care.

“Ensuring the health and safety of our clients is a top priority,” said the spokeswoman, Neha Sharma.

She said that the psychiatric services at the shelters are strictly voluntary, and that the agency cannot force people in the shelters to attend appointments or take medication. But the city has worked to improve safety at the shelters by training staff on how to reverse overdoses, prevent suicide and link the neediest clients to more intensive psychiatric services.

The city homeless shelter system is just one part of a broader safety net that has often given way in recent years while straining to meet a soaring need. Hospitals across New York have often discharged people in the midst of mental health crises while they were still unstable. Specialized treatment teams, which cater to some of the most volatile and difficult to treat patients, have long waiting lists, and they rely on underpaid, undertrained and overwhelmed workers who have sometimes failed to respond to signs that a person was unraveling.

The shelters have often become a place of last resort for thousands of profoundly ill people. Still, their failures help explain how people like Mr. McPherson can become dangerously unstable despite being flagged for extra care.

In operating the shelters, the city too often “kicks the proverbial can down the road,” said Mary Brosnahan, who spent 30 years leading the Coalition for the Homeless, a New York advocacy and service organization.

“It’s all about just trying to not have these catastrophic incidents,” Ms. Brosnahan said. “They are investing our tax dollars in a model that you just know is not going to give people what they need at the end of that day, and we all pay the price for that.”

On Monday evening, Mr. McPherson was on a subway platform in Manhattan at East 125th Street and Lexington Avenue when he approached another man and shoved him in front of an oncoming train, the police said.

The man, Jason Volz, 54, was crushed to death. Mr. McPherson, 24, was charged with murder.

Afterward, Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city would soon begin hiring clinicians to deploy teams of mental health workers in the subway system in an effort to keep riders safe. Mr. Adams has made addressing the city’s mental health crisis a priority since the second week of his administration, when a mentally ill homeless man shoved Michelle Go, a financial consultant, in front of a subway train in Times Square, killing her.

“People need the help that they deserve, and we are focused on doing that with the entire team that we have in place,” Mr. Adams said on Thursday. “It plays on the psyche of New Yorkers when someone is pushed to the tracks or someone shoots a gun in the subway system.”

Adrift in the system

Mr. McPherson had long struggled with mental illness, said his mother, Octavia Scouras. She tried her best to help him, but once he became an adult, she said, “no one was willing to continue to invest in him.” He spiraled out of control.

He moved in with his grandmother in the Bronx for a time, but a neighbor described seeing him sleeping in a hallway closet in the building after his grandmother began refusing to let him into her apartment. He became homeless and was sent to a mental health shelter in a rundown brick building in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn in 2023, according to court records and interviews with shelter staff members.

At the shelter, Mr. McPherson often greeted staff members with a smile and small talk. But one day in October, he grew agitated in the cafeteria and hurled a drink at the kitchen workers. When a security guard tried to calm him, Mr. McPherson, who had recently suffered a leg injury, used a cane he was walking with to strike the guard several times in the face, bloodying his eye.

Mr. McPherson was arrested and charged with assault and menacing, but the guard, Stephen Olowogboye, said he declined to cooperate with prosecutors because he knew that Mr. McPherson was struggling with mental health issues. He thought the younger man needed support, not jail.

“He wasn’t in his right state of mind,” Mr. Olowogboye said. “I thought, what if that was my younger brother, what would I do? I felt pity for him.”

After the assault, Mr. McPherson was transferred from the Brooklyn shelter and eventually landed at a mental health shelter in the Bronx, according to interviews with residents and his family.

The shelter, housed in an imposing brick building on Jerome Avenue and operated by a nonprofit group called BronxWorks, has been the scene of violence and disorder in recent years, records and interviews show. At least nine residents of the shelter have died since 2018, and there were reports of more than 60 fights and 62 life-threatening injuries and hospitalizations.

One man staying at the shelter followed a staffer onto a nearby subway train and masturbated in the seat across from her, records show. In another instance, a man clutching a large kitchen knife walked into the lobby and tried to lure a shelter officer outside to fight.

“Being in places like here, they really don’t help out,” said Mr. Dewayne, 60, the Jerome Avenue resident who said he met Mr. McPherson there. “Everyone in this building is suffering and hurting.”

At the Jerome Avenue shelter, Mr. McPherson mostly kept to himself and did not act out, but it was clear he was struggling, according to two residents who remembered him. He confided in his mother that he was scared and did not know what to do, she said.

“That shelter was the last place a person like Carlton needed to be,” said Ms. Scouras, who said she had worked at the Jerome Avenue site years before her son was sent there — and had witnessed the rampant drug abuse and violence.

“It’s extremely dangerous and deadly,” she said. “You would be terrified to go to sleep, let alone use the restroom.”

Residents were crammed into communal dormitories — as many as 20 to a room — and often had little privacy, current and former employees said. By midmorning, they were expected to leave the building, with instructions to return at a set time each evening. Those who missed the curfew risked losing their bed for the night and were often transferred to another shelter.

The workers there tried their best to support the residents, but resources were limited, said Andrea Kepler, who joined BronxWorks in 2016 and briefly served as the program director at the Jerome Avenue shelter. Psychiatrists were on call to do telehealth appointments, she said, but often the residents needed more intensive care than the shelter could provide. She described frequently sending people in the throes of crisis to nearby hospitals only to see them be released hours later with few supports.

“It was heartbreaking to see people struggling,” Ms. Kepler said. “It was a very challenging environment.”

Scott Auwarter, the assistant executive director at BronxWorks, said the shelter was doing as best it could to service a population with complex needs.

“We get some of the toughest cases in the system,” he said, adding that staff had connected more than 100 residents to permanent supportive housing. “We try to go above and try to be as sensible as possible. But we are on the record as saying the system really needs lots of thought and change.”

Widespread problems

In many ways, the Jerome Avenue site was typical of mental health shelters across the city.

Every year, the city collects data on how many deaths, injuries, assaults and other so-called “priority 1” incidents occur inside its homeless shelters. The Times obtained and analyzed those records for mental health shelters from 2018 to 2021 and found that more than 7,400 serious incidents were reported during that time.

There were at least 604 accidents “leading to life-threatening injury” among shelter residents, the records show.

More than 40 rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults were reported to have occurred inside the shelters, along with 140 thefts and 283 instances of “criminal activity in or around the facility by residents that threatens the safety of the community as a whole.”

Behind the numbers were searing snapshots of individual suffering.

One man living in a Brooklyn shelter hanged himself with a bedsheet. Another leaped off the Brooklyn Bridge. A woman at a Bronx mental health shelter told staff she was hearing voices in the days before she jumped to her death in front of a subway train in 2020, records show.

At a mental health shelter along Ralph Avenue in Brooklyn in 2022, a man with bipolar disorder made a noose with a bedsheet and tried to hang himself from a toilet stall, declaring that he was “Jesus Christ, and I have to die for y’all.” When the shelter’s workers tried to help him, he ran out of the bathroom, threw a garbage bin at the workers and was eventually taken to a hospital.

At the same facility a few weeks later, a man smashed some windows, took up a piece of broken glass and threatened to use it to slit his throat.

In interviews, five people who have worked at the shelters said the city’s system was ill-equipped to handle the complex needs of the mentally ill. Rather than recognizing the violent outbursts as untreated symptoms of a psychiatric problem, and connecting these people to more intensive care and supportive housing, some officials take an easier path, the people said.

They simply move the sickest patients from one shelter to the next — further destabilizing those who need stability and increasing the likelihood of a breakdown.

Liset Cruz and Hurubie Meko contributed reporting. Susan C. Beachy contributed research.

Amy Julia Harris has been an investigative reporter for more than a decade and joined The Times in 2019. Her coverage focuses on New York. More about Amy Julia Harris

Jan Ransom is an investigative reporter on the Metro desk focusing on criminal justice issues, law enforcement and incarceration in New York. More about Jan Ransom

Andy Newman  writes about New Yorkers facing difficult situations, including homelessness, poverty and mental illness. He has been a journalist for more than three decades. More about Andy Newman


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  4. माझी आजी मराठी निबंध, My Grandmother Essay in Marathi

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