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Essays About Personal Growth: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

If you’re writing essays about personal growth, our guide’s article examples and prompts will help stimulate your creative thinking.

Personal growth is looking at ways to improve yourself mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally or physically. It is a process where we envision a better version of ourselves and strive to realize that ideal self. Personal growth demands the setting of personal goals and ensuring routine progress. The work toward personal development involves a great deal of hard work and discipline as we push our existing skills and strengths to a higher boundary while reducing our underlying weaknesses.  

Read our essay examples and prompts below to help you produce a rich and creative essay about personal growth.

5 Essay Examples About Personal Growth

1. is it really too late to learn new skills by margaret talbot, 2. i’ve completed hundreds of 30-day challenges. here’s what i’ve learned by tara nicholle-nelson, 3. i was a self-help guru. here’s why you shouldn’t listen to people like me by michelle goodman, 4. how to craft a personal development plan that inspires meaningful results by scott jeffrey, 5. personal development and the power of feedback by emily marsh, 10 prompts on essays about personal growth, 1. why is personal growth important, 2. take up a personal growth challenge, 3. your personal growth journey, 4. personal growth among successful people, 5. personal growth for leaders , 6. personal growth at work, 7. best personal growth books, 8. strong motivation for achieving personal growth.

“… [H]e decides to throw himself into acquiring five new skills. (That’s his term, though I started to think of these skills as “accomplishments” in the way that marriageable Jane Austen heroines have them, talents that make a long evening pass more agreeably, that can turn a person into more engaging company, for herself as much as for others.)

Learning new things may not be a cup of tea for those in their middle ages. To get out of established expertise, be looked down on as a novice, and push the brain to work double time may even be a dreary and intimidating process. , But Journalist Tom Vanderbilt, award-winning writers, and Nobel Prize recipients prove that satisfaction is worth it for personal growth and fulfillment. 

“I think of Challenges as self-directed projects to change my behavior or spark some personal growth or development I’m clear that I’d like to have. Sometimes I want a mindset shift or want to make (or break) a habit, or I just have a sort of big project I want to sprint to finish…”

Why are we so drawn to self-imposed challenges? For one, it’s a competition only between you and yourself, giving room for flexibility in the rules you set. It provides structure to your goals, chunks your bigger long-term self-growth goals into gradual and doable daily tasks, provokes a sense of self-accountability, and helps you focus your energy on what matters most. 

“Apparently, I learned, gurus are people too, even gurus lining the self-help shelves of friendly neighborhood bookstores. They aren’t infallible, all-knowing oracles above worrying about their generous muffin top or widening backside. They are businesspeople — businesspeople with books, keynotes, and openings in their consulting practice to peddle”

From abhorring gurus to becoming one and then hating the industry much more — this is the story of a self-help book author who realizes it was herself who needed the most advice for personal growth. But, as she creates a facade of a well-balanced life to establish her credibility, things turn dark, almost costing her life. 

“When entertainment, distraction, and workaholism consume our attention, something doesn’t feel right within us… To have a full and meaningful life requires us to open to more dimensions of ourselves. And a Personal Development Plan can help us do just that.”

Everyone strives for personal growth. But once we jump at it, some wrong ingredients may spoil the sense of fulfillment we expect. The right process involves navigating your potential, creating a larger vision, selecting areas to focus on, setting your schedule, and monitoring your progress. You might also be interested in these essays about motivation .

“Without feedback, we would learn very little about ourselves, in or out of work. The feedback process is like holding a mirror up to yourself; that’s why it can be uncomfortable at times. You have to be prepared to listen to and acknowledge whatever reveals itself.”

Hearing feedback is critical to personal growth. Negative feedback is constructive in losing our bad habits. However, purely positive feedback is non-progressive and dangerous if we only seek to affirm how we regard ourselves.

We can never be perfect. But we can always progress. In your essay, explain why nurturing a growth mindset in life is essential. What long-term benefits can you reap daily from wanting to be a better person? How does it affect the mind, body, and overall wellness? Answer these while citing studies that outline the essence of personal growth.

Essays About Personal Growth: Take up a personal growth challenge

Take up any challenge you find exciting and feel up to. Then, write about your experience. If successful, offer tips to your readers on how one can prepare their body, mind, and discipline to stick to the goals. If you did not complete the challenge, don’t worry! Your failure can still be a learning experience that contributes to personal growth and is worth writing about. In addition, you can add what areas of yourself you would like to improve on if you ever take up the challenge again. 

Talk about your goals and your daily efforts to reach this goal. It could relate to acing a test, your sports team winning or professional success. Of course, there will be a handful of challenges in any journey toward a goal. What were the obstacles and distractions that tried to keep you off track? Share these with your readers and how you strived or are striving to conquer them.

When you see people already at the height of their careers, you’ll find some continuing to walk out of their comfort zones and reach for the next higher mountain. For this essay, explain the connection between striving for personal growth and success. Then, provide a list of everyday habits among successful people that others could consider adopting.

Leaders must adapt and address problems efficiently and decisively as they move through a fast-changing landscape. Elaborate on how the pursuit of personal growth helps leaders deliver in their enormous role in organizations, companies, and communities.

If you firmly believe that growth at work translates to personal growth, it would be less hard for you to get by at work. But this gets a bit more complex if your feel that your work is no longer satisfying your self-actualization needs and even limiting you. For this prompt, help your readers determine if it’s time to quit their job and continue their journey for personal growth elsewhere. If you want to address companies, offer recommendations enabling their employees to grow and have a vision for themselves. You may also suggest how managers can keep an open line of communication so that personnel can relay their self-development needs.

Essays About Personal Growth: Best personal growth books

We all have that book that has given us a new kind of energy that made us feel and believe we can do anything if we put our heart into it. We keep these books close to our hearts, serving as a reminder of other bigger goals ahead of us when the going gets tough. Create a numbered list of the books that have captivated you and helped you realize your potential. Talk about the best quotes that struck the chord and the thought racing in your mind while reading them.

When you tap onto your inherent and external motivation for a much-needed push, it may be easier to turn bad moments into something that helps advance personal development plans. For your essay, explain how motivation can be a bridge to get you to your growth goals.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing ?

essays on personal growth

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Top Self Improvement Essay Topics for Personal Growth

  • October 7, 2023 October 8, 2023

Self-improvement is a lifelong journey that allows individuals to evolve, grow, and become the best version of themselves. It involves actively working on personal development and striving for continuous progress in various aspects of life. One way to explore and delve deeper into the realm of self-improvement is through self-improvement essay topics. These topics serve as a platform for introspection, reflection, and exploration of personal growth. Choosing the right self improvement essay topics is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire writing process. It provides a direction and focus, allowing individuals to express their thoughts and insights on specific areas of self-improvement. Whether it is overcoming fears, developing effective communication skills, or embracing mindfulness, the chosen topic should resonate with the writer’s personal experiences and aspirations. By selecting a topic that sparks curiosity and passion, individuals are more likely to engage with the writing process and present their ideas in a compelling manner.

Table of Contents

The Importance of Self-Improvement

Top Self Improvement Essay Topics for Personal Growth

Self-improvement is a concept that holds immense value in our lives. It is an ongoing process of enhancing oneself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The importance of self-improvement lies in its ability to help us become the best version of ourselves, unlocking our true potential and achieving personal growth. Engaging in self-improvement activities allows us to identify our weaknesses and work towards overcoming them. By undertaking self-reflection and actively seeking ways to enhance our skills, knowledge, and mindset, we can strive for self-improvement. This journey enables us to become more resilient, adaptable, and capable individuals, equipped to face the challenges that life presents. With self-improvement, we can continuously learn, develop new skills, and evolve into better versions of ourselves, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

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Choosing the Right Self Improvement Essay Topics

Choosing the right self-improvement essay topic is crucial in ensuring that you are able to effectively convey your thoughts and ideas. With a vast array of self-improvement topics to choose from, it can sometimes be overwhelming to narrow down your options. However, by considering your personal interests, areas of growth, and current challenges, you can select a topic that resonates with you and allows for meaningful reflection and exploration. When selecting a self-improvement essay topic, it is important to choose something that genuinely interests you. This will help you stay motivated and engaged throughout the writing process. Think about the aspects of your life that you are most passionate about and consider how you can incorporate them into your essay. Whether it’s personal relationships, health, and wellness, career advancement, or personal finance, choosing a self-improvement topic that aligns with your interests will make the writing process more enjoyable and authentic.

Personal Development and Growth in Essays

In the realm of personal development and growth, essays serve as powerful tools for self-reflection and exploration. These written pieces provide individuals with an opportunity to delve into their own experiences, beliefs, and values, fostering personal growth and transformation. By putting pen to paper and examining their thoughts and feelings, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Through the process of crafting an essay, individuals engage in a form of self-discovery. They are encouraged to examine their thoughts and emotions, explore their strengths and weaknesses, and reflect on their personal experiences. This introspective journey leads to personal development, as individuals gain a clearer sense of their values, goals, and aspirations. By articulating their thoughts and feelings through the written word, individuals are able to make sense of their experiences and make meaning out of their lives.

Self-Reflection and Self-Improvement Essays

Self-reflection and Self-Improvement Essays allow individuals to delve deep into their thoughts and experiences, providing an opportunity for personal growth and development. Through introspection and self-analysis, these essays encourage individuals to examine their beliefs, values, and behaviors, ultimately leading to self-awareness and improvement. In Self-Reflection and Self-Improvement Essays, individuals have the chance to explore their strengths and weaknesses and gain a better understanding of themselves. By reflecting on past experiences and analyzing their impact, individuals can identify areas where they have excelled and areas where they have room for growth. This self-reflection allows individuals to set realistic goals and develop strategies to enhance their personal development and overall well-being. Whether it’s examining their interpersonal skills, exploring their emotional intelligence, or evaluating their decision-making abilities, self-reflection serves as a catalyst for self-improvement. Writing a Self-Reflection and Self-Improvement Essay also enables individuals to assess their progress and track their growth over time. The process of documenting personal experiences and lessons learned enhances self-awareness and provides a roadmap for future development. By articulating their thoughts and feelings in written form, individuals can gain clarity and perspective, allowing them to make intentional choices and take deliberate actions toward their self-improvement journey.

How to Write an Effective Self-Improvement Essay

Writing an effective self-improvement essay can be a rewarding experience that allows you to reflect on your personal growth and inspire others to embark on their own journeys of self-improvement. However, it requires careful planning and execution to effectively convey your message and engage your readers. Firstly, it is important to choose a relevant and compelling topic for your self-improvement essay. Consider areas of your life where you have experienced significant growth or where you have overcome challenges. This will not only make your essay more relatable but also allow you to share valuable insights that can inspire and resonate with your readers. To make your self-improvement essay more impactful, incorporate personal anecdotes and real-life examples. By sharing your own experiences, you can create a connection with your audience and make your essay more relatable. Additionally, including specific details and examples will make your essay more interesting and persuasive, as it will demonstrate the practical application of your self-improvement journey.

Real-Life Examples of Self-Improvement Essays

When it comes to writing self-improvement essays, real-life examples can serve as powerful tools to inspire and guide readers on their own personal growth journeys. These examples can come from various areas of life, such as relationships, careers, health, and even spirituality. For instance, one could write an essay about their journey towards improving their communication skills, sharing specific experiences where they faced challenges in expressing themselves effectively and how they overcame those obstacles. 

By showcasing tangible examples, readers can relate to the writer’s struggles and successes, drawing valuable insights and motivation for their own self-improvement endeavors. Another example could be an essay on health and fitness, where the writer shares their personal transformation journey. They could reflect on their initial struggles with unhealthy habits, the turning point that prompted them to prioritize their well-being, and the steps they took to adopt a healthier lifestyle. By narrating their experiences in a relatable manner, the writer can inspire readers who may be facing similar struggles to take action and make positive changes in their own lives. 

Real-life examples not only make self-improvement essays more engaging and authentic but also highlight that personal growth is a continuous process that everyone can embark on.

Self-Improvement Essay Topics for Different Areas of Life

Self-Improvement Essay Topics for Different Areas of Life

Self-improvement is a lifelong journey that encompasses various aspects of our lives. Whether it’s in our personal relationships, career, physical health, or emotional well-being, there are numerous essay topics that can help us delve into the different areas of life and explore ways to enhance and grow.

Self-Improvement Through Personal Relationships

One of the most common areas for self-improvement is personal relationships. Topics revolving around communication skills, conflict resolution, and building trust can be great starting points. For instance, you could write an essay exploring effective communication techniques for couples, discussing strategies to improve listening skills or empathetic responses. Another topic could focus on enhancing empathy in friendships and the impact it can have on our overall well-being.

Self-Improvement Through Careers

Another key area for self-improvement is our careers. Here, essay topics can revolve around professional development, goal setting, and strategies for success. For example, you could write an essay on setting achievable career goals, outlining steps to create a clear roadmap for professional growth. Alternatively, you could explore strategies for work-life balance and the importance of avoiding burnout in the workplace.

Maintaining Physical Health

Physical health is also a crucial aspect of self-improvement. Topics related to exercise, nutrition, and mental well-being can provide valuable insights and guidance. You could write an essay discussing the benefits of regular physical activity on mental health or explore the relationship between nutrition and energy levels. Additionally, topics such as mindfulness and stress management techniques can help readers find effective ways to improve their overall well-being.

Tips for Crafting a Compelling Self-Improvement Essay

Crafting a compelling self-improvement essay can be a challenging task, but with the right tips and techniques, you can create a piece that captivates readers and inspires personal growth. Here are some valuable insights to consider when writing your essay. 1. Start with a captivating introduction: Begin your essay with a compelling hook that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a striking statistic related to self-improvement. By starting on an engaging note, you set the tone for the rest of your essay, making readers eager to explore your ideas further. 2. Reflect on personal experiences: A self-improvement essay is most effective when it discusses genuine personal experiences and the lessons learned from them. Share stories of challenges you faced and how you overcame them, providing insights into the growth and development you experienced. This adds authenticity to your essay and allows readers to connect with your journey. Remember to weave your experiences throughout the essay, relating them to the broader theme of self-improvement.

What is self-improvement?

Self-improvement refers to the process of making positive changes in oneself, both mentally and physically, to achieve personal growth and development.

How can I choose the right self-improvement essay topic?

To choose the right self-improvement essay topic, consider your personal interests, goals, and areas of improvement. Think about what aspects of your life you want to focus on and what message you want to convey through your essay.

How can personal development and growth be reflected in essays?

Personal development and growth can be reflected in essays by sharing personal experiences, discussing lessons learned, and showcasing the progress made toward self-improvement goals.

How can self-reflection be incorporated into self-improvement essays?

Self-reflection can be incorporated into self-improvement essays by analyzing your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Reflect on past experiences, evaluate your progress, and consider future goals.

Can you provide some real-life examples of self-improvement essays?

Real-life examples of self-improvement essays may include stories of overcoming personal challenges, learning new skills, improving relationships, achieving career success, or adopting healthier habits.

What are some self-improvement essay topics for different areas of life?

Self-improvement essay topics for different areas of life may include personal growth, career development, relationships, health and wellness, time management, mindfulness, financial management, and goal setting.

In the pursuit of self-improvement, individuals embark on a transformative journey filled with self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. This journey is not bound by age, circumstance, or limitations; it is a lifelong expedition where each step brings us closer to becoming the best version of ourselves.

Self-improvement essay topics serve as the compass guiding us through the vast landscape of personal development. They encourage introspection, self-reflection, and the sharing of invaluable insights gained along the way. As we navigate the realm of self-improvement, it becomes evident that the importance of this journey lies not only in the destination but in the continuous process of self-discovery and growth.

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Dr. Jennifer B. Bernstein

Dr. Jennifer B. Bernstein

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Here’s one of the most popular Common Application essay topics that’s going to be used again in the 2020-2021 admissions cycle: “Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.”

According to the Common Application, in the 2018-2019 cycle, 23.7% of students opted to write about an experience of personal transformation that changed their perception of themselves and others.

What you’re about to read is a significantly updated version of my original article.

Since publishing this article back in 2017, more and more of my own students have written amazing Common App essays on this topic.

As such, I’ve decided to update this article to share more insights into what does and doesn’t work when crafting narratives about experiences of “personal growth.”

Read the whole article or click on one of the following links to jump ahead to any section that interests you:

What DON’T Admissions Officers Want to See in Your Common App Essay?

What DO Admissions Officers Want to Read About in Your “Sparked a Period of Personal Growth” Essay?

Why Are Colleges Interested in Essays on Personal Growth?

What Are Some Unique Ways of Approaching the “Sparked a Period of Personal Growth” Essay?

Stanford Student’s Common App Essay on an Experience that “Sparked a Period of Personal Growth”

What don’t  admissions officers want to see in your common app essay .

Let’s start by stating the obvious.

Your track record—your record of past accomplishments—plays a significant role in the college admissions process.

Many students fixate on this part of how they’re going to be evaluated. Even the most talented students fall prey to this tendency because they want to emphasize all the amazing things they’ve done.

This urge is understandable.

Rest assured that there are plenty of places in your application to showcase your accomplishments.

However, your Common Application essay ISN’T  the place to  just focus on  what you’ve done .

Admissions officers don’t  just want to read an essay that’s all about the end result or the “high impact” of your project, accomplishment, or whatever event it is that you’ve chosen to write about.

Every year, I have myth-busting conversations with students who are suffering under the mistaken idea that the Common App essay needs to be first and foremost a demonstration of some very significant high-impact thing they’ve done.

Pay close attention to my phrasing.

I’m NOT saying you shouldn’t include significant accomplishments in your Common App essay on a “period of personal growth.”

I AM saying that your essay shouldn’t  just be about the accomplishments.

Click here to a ccess all my tips, techniques, and case studies on writing great Common App essays.

What DO   Admissions Officers Want to Read About in Your “Sparked a Period of Personal Growth” Essay?

The reality is that admissions officers are extremely curious about how  YOU have been  transformed by projects, experiences, and accomplishments .

Want to write a great Common App essay on something that “sparked a period of personal growth”?

Then, you need to share your  process of transformation –your before, during , and after .

Just FYI, the best transformation narratives often feature both internal and external transformation.

Many students leap right over the “process” part of the essay. They want to jump from the “before” to the “after” because they feel the process–the “middle” or “during”–isn’t exciting or dramatic.

I know you want to dazzle the people reading your application essays.

However, mere “before and after” narratives aren’t as compelling to admissions officers as those that feature the “during.”

In addition to including the “during” part of your transformation, your “after” shouldn’t  just focus on the external result (especially in the “sparked a period of personal growth” essay). Your “after” should include some philosophical contemplation of your transformation.

I strongly recommend that you read two articles:

“Two Elements of the Best Common Application Essays”

“Techniques Used in the Best College Application Essays”

These articles feature strategies to help you master the art of structuring your Common App essay and include analysis of actual student application essays.

Why Are Colleges Interested in Essays on Personal Growth? 

The answer is simple and sometimes surprising.

Colleges aren’t  just looking at your track record.

They’re also looking forward, out beyond what you’ve already accomplished. Admissions officers need to make what a former Yale president describes as a “hunchy judgement” about your potential.

When Stanford is reviewing your application, they’re looking for signs of your “intellectual vitality”–your “commitment, dedication and genuine interest in  expanding your intellectual horizons” and “the initiative with which you seek out opportunities and  expand your perspective.”

Harvard is considering some key questions when they’re reviewing your application: “Have you reached your maximum academic and personal potential?” Or “do you have reserve  power to do more ?” “How  open are you to  new ideas and people ?” “Will you be able to stand up to the pressures and freedoms of College life?”

Yale is looking for a “desire and ability to  stretch one’s limits.”


College is a time of massive intellectual and overall personal growth.

Admissions officers at all colleges are looking for students who are open to this process of growth and have the underlying strategies for handling it .

The best, most memorable college experiences are often ones in which your mind is blow and your perspectives expanded in ways you never could have imagined in high school.

But how can you demonstrate your potential?

How can you demonstrate that you’re ready for the challenge?

Writing your Common App essay about an experience that “sparked a period of personal growth,” especially one that transformed your “understanding of yourself or others,” is an excellent way to show colleges you have the kind of qualities and capabilities described above.

Growth, expansion, openness, and transformation sound lovely. They sound positive. But anyone who has undergone a period of massive growth knows that it’s more complex than it sounds, and there are almost always setbacks and challenges along the way.

The “during” part of your essay is a great place to show that you’ve started cultivating the underlying skills that are essential for navigating your way through the growth process.

What Are Some Unique Ways of Approaching the “Sparked a Period of Personal Growth” Essay? 

There are so many juicy possibilities for writing about an experience that “sparked a period of personal growth.”

Here are some things my students have written about. . .

Getting lost in a foreign city

Losing their passport

Changing a deeply held conviction based on the results of a research project or conversation

Getting called out by an employer for insufficient attention to details

Hurting someone’s feelings by acting in an ungrateful manner

Standing up to someone

Doing something way out of their comfort zone (e.g., working on a farm, going on a solo wilderness hike, etc.)

Taking charge of organizing a family holiday gathering due to a parent’s illness

Student Background:  One of my students who is studying engineering at Stanford was originally planning to write her Common App essay on the time she felt like a failure because she couldn’t answer a judge’s question. ( Click here to read “How to Successfully Apply to Engineering Programs.” )

Problem:  We both agreed that the first draft she wrote felt too stiff and formulaic.

She glossed over the experience with the judge. The experience just seemed like a gimmicky hook that led into a essay that was mainly about the impact her organization had on the young people in her community. That is, she was falling into the trap of trying to write a “LOOK AT WHAT I’VE DONE!!” essay that I mentioned earlier. Plus, the draft featured all the cliches guaranteed to make an admissions officer’s eyes glaze over in “I’ve read this same basic narrative a thousand times” boredom.

There wasn’t sufficient introspection. The juiciest parts of her experience–the ones that would probably matter most to college admissions committees–didn’t even make their way into her essay. The most interesting aspects of her experience had to do with the way she contemplated the implications of her inability to answer the judge’s question about how her project “could change children’s lives” and how this contemplation propelled her into a  process of rethinking the nature of her engineering work and led to the development of her organization.

Solution:  In our conversations, she shared how, up until that moment with the judge, she’d only really focused on pursuing her own intellectual interests. This experience of feeling dumfounded by the judge’s question was painful, but it set her off on a new journey that involved finding applications for her work that could benefit others. She started thinking about the needs of others, not just her own. As it turns out, this was an experience that “sparked a period of personal growth.”

As she worked through the details of this transformation in her goals and approach, she also began transitioning from always being the young person getting mentored to becoming a mentor for the next generation of budding scientists and engineers. One element of her “personal growth” had to do with this shift from always “taking” to being someone who does more “giving.” A fruit of this experience that “sparked a period of personal growth” was her development of what eventually became a high-impact and award-winning program for children in her city. This program was originally the narrative star of her essay (in terms of how much attention she gave it), but now it had even more impact because the whole personal backstory was there.

Our conversations focused on mapping out vivid anecdotes that helped admissions officers see her process of inner and outer transformation. She developed super specific “before, during, and after” anecdotes that also shed light on her family background and culture. She took readers on a journey that started with the seemingly simple question from a science fair judge that plunged her into a process of “personal growth” which ultimately resulted in a “new understanding” of herself and others.

Dr. Bernstein’s Commentary: This student’s essay was now far more psychologically and intellectually nuanced.

Her essay wasn’t filled with exaggerated external drama and didn’t have the light, whippy tone that many websites featuring sample application essays love to emphasize.

Once she let go of many of the common misunderstandings about what matters in this kind of essay, she wrote an essays that was true to her experience and style.

Her vivid “before, during, and after” anecdotes made it possible for readers to really see and feel her “aha” moment in action. It’s very satisfying when readers can feel the “aha”–when they can see your mind and heart in action.

Admissions officers aren’t  just interested in the surface level of what your essay is about.

They’re also interested in your habits of mind–the way you make sense of your experiences, your level of self-awareness, and a whole host of other qualities.

Let’s end by connecting the student’s essay back to what I shared earlier about what Stanford, Harvard, and Yale are looking for in applicants.

Now her essay showed how she keeps “questing” and stretching herself. She’s demonstrating how she has “reserve power to do more” because each significant experience she has sparks more personal growth, contemplation, and action. She’s constantly deepening and expanding her perspectives to benefit not only herself but also others. So even though this essay started with what seemed like a moment of failure (not being able to answer the judge’s question), it was really about her own growth.


Click here to learn how to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Bernstein.

Click here to learn more about Dr. Bernstein’s ongoing private college preparation and college admissions support .

Click here to learn about the online Get Yourself Into College® program .

Blog post image used: ©spacex/

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Personal Growth Essay | A Winning Essay Writing Strategy

EssayEdge > Blog > Personal Growth Essay | A Winning Essay Writing Strategy

Personal Growth. Perhaps this topic is the most popular one since it delves into the heart of what the admissions essay is all about: helping the college gain better insight into an applicant’s personality and character. Some schools ask targeted questions — “What was the most challenging event you have ever faced, and how have you grown from it?” — while others leave the topic open: “Describe an event that has had great meaning for you. Explain why and how it has affected you.”

One of the most successful strategies is to use a past event as a lens through which you can assess who you were and the person you became, how you have grown and changed, your transformation. Most children are curious, but were you the one who asked your teacher what caused the change of seasons of the year and then created a solar system model and explained the concept to your classmates? Though you may think that your topic needs to be more grandiose, that is not necessary for an essay to be effective. Instead, success lies in painting an accurate and vivid picture of yourself — one that will show admissions officers that you have much to offer their school.

Anastasia M.

The most important advice we can give is to be honest, refrain from using clichés, and show maturity. College represents a radical change from high school, so you want your reader to realize that you are more than ready to take the next major step in your life.

Sample Essays And Comments

  • Well Done Personal Growth Essay
  • Poorly Done Personal Growth Essay

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Essay Samples on Personal Growth and Development

Community service: the synthesis of societal progress and personal growth.

The tapestry of society is woven with myriad threads, each representing diverse pursuits, challenges, and endeavors. Among these threads, community service stands out as a beacon of altruism and societal progress. Through various academic studies, personal narratives, and historical references, it becomes evident that community...

  • Community Service
  • Personal Growth and Development

Personal Reflection About How to Find True Passion in Learning

Is there we could learn from others? How can I help others/myself learn? As we all know humans are better than the other animals at learning from each other. We must always take benefit of this power and learn from as many people as we...

Growing A Grit And Growth Mindset

In today's society, there is a belief that intelligence is tied to GPA. There is a stereotype about intelligence. It is the idea that you are either smart or not smart. You either understand it or you do not. What happens if you are between?...

  • Intelligence

Why I Want To Be A Nurse And My Future Plans

A family nurse practitioner is a trained person in the field of nursing that majors in looking at the wellbeing of a patient either a child or adult based on family context. The aim of this research is to focus on seven main key points,...

  • Why I Want To Be A Nurse

The Role of Personal Development Planning Today

The essay deals with the PKSC module experiences that reflect on the academic study. Here, the different lectures are guided regarding the reflection that ensure the personal development. The other skills are mentioned research skills, digital skills, reading skills and MS office skills. Besides, the...

  • Personal Development Planning
  • Personal Goals

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Do What Makes You Believe: Standing Up For What You Believe In

We all know that every person has its own different beliefs as they experience it, specially from the places or culture they have been through that has been past through out the different generation. It may be different from the usual happenings but it still...

Building Capacity: Improving Your Skills

On behalf of Access Community Services Limited, which is one of Australia’s foremost multinational, Non- Governmental Organizations and has more than thirty years of experience in the provision of employment, training, youth support services, opportunities for migrants and refugees, and empowerment of the women as...

Sports And Life Experiences And How They Shape The Person You Are Today

Over time, people have begun to believe sports shape people poorly, they’ll say that it makes the player arrogant, cocky, and even rude, but what if I told you they were completely wrong? What if I told you sports changed your personality for the better?...

  • Competitive Sports
  • Individual Identity

Never Quit Or Give Up: Personal Story Of Not Stopping

It was a bright Saturday morning at the fields I was seven years old and all that was going through my head was “just quit, you’re not good” and I think “just go home and watch tv.” The thoughts just kept continuing and now I...

  • Never Give Up

Benefits Of Being Open Minded And Tolerant To Other People

As we grow up, we are told to keep an open mind, as it is equated with growth and positivity. It helps people find opportunities, take risks, manage uncertainty, and understand other people. However, there are certain events in our lives which make us close-minded....

Fun Hobbies And Interests That Can Enrich Your Life

Summer’s finally here! After all those exams, research papers and group projects, it’s finally time for a well-deserved, long break. I’m sure you’ve already made plans to fill up your time during this vacation. That’s great. Have some sun and fun travelling to interesting places...

  • Positive Psychology

Important Info To Know About Hobbies And Interests

The realm of interests includes some thing for anyone. There is no fascination or expertise so imprecise that we now have no other people to discuss it with. So, think about something that you love to learn about or would love to discover how to...

Growing Up: The Same Person That You Were 5 Years Ago

What causes a person to change? Could it be a person's age, physical appearance, their mindset? Even if these things change does that necessarily mean a person themself is changing? Is it still that same person if everything about them is different from when they...

My Personal Responsibility: Taking Responsibility For Your Actions

First of all, I have a personal responsibility to know who I am, what I can do and what I want in my life. What's going to help me set my goals, know the strategies I'm going to use, and know how to fight for...

  • Personal Beliefs
  • Responsibility

The Significance Of Philosophy In My Personal Philosophy Of Life

Philosophy “love of wisdom”, the study of knowledge an activity some people take part in when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world they live in, and their relationships to the world and to each other. As an academic discipline philosophy is...

  • Personal Philosophy

Being In National Honor Society: What Makes Me A Good Candidate

When my parents placed a for sale sign in what used to be our front yard, I lost the sense of feeling at home. Our dining table was no longer used for sharing a warm, hot meal on ceramic, detailed plates. Instead, it was used...

  • National Honor Society

Du Bois And His Theoretical Contributions As What I Learned In Sociology

Introduction For this paper, I have chosen to write about Du Bois and the historical issues, theoretical contributions, and the contemporary relevance of his sociological work. Du Bois was very influential in the sociological field, he gathered a wide range of theoretical ideas and embedded...

Defining Sociology: What I Learned In Sociology

What is sociology? Sociology defined by the Oxford dictionary states that it is ‘the study of development, structure, and functioning of human society’. Or to make it simple the study of society and social problems. Many things make up sociology. Three major Sociological perspectives are...

Personal Idea Of Real Self And Striving To Be Ideal Self

As the name suggests, the ideal self refers to the characteristics a person wants to have (Przybylski et al. 2012) - this could be in all aspects of self, including appearance, personality, lifestyle, etc. A match between a person’s ideal and actual self-concepts has been...

  • Being Yourself
  • Personality

Incorporating A Growth Against Fixed Mindset In Education

Good morning! I need you guys to shake that feeling of tiredness and give me your undivided attention. Don't worry I will make it worth your while, just stay with me. I would like to start with a couple of statements, I want you to...

  • Growth Mindset

Hard Work Over Talent As The Key To Success

The one vast element of being’s civilization is the conception of the equal opportunity. The notion that some of us are given more capacity than others is a general problem globally, as most of people take that, as human kind, all people are supposed to...

How Hard Work Beats Talent When It Comes To Success

Colin Powell once said “A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” No one has ever achieved their dream through wishing upon it, although many have tried. To ever achieve you’re aspersions you must put your all into it....

Learning Patience And Its Importance In Life

How to learn patience when you don't see what you want to happen materialize in your life. You make an effort, but you would like it to go anyway faster! Here are some ways to allow time for things to build naturally: Everything you learn...

  • Relationship

Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset: What Characteristic Leads To Success 

Remembering an unforgettable quote I have read from a book called “Life, the Truth, and Being Free” by Steve Maraboli, like a miracle, it has played a significant role on changing my mind and the way to choose to face the obstacles. “Once your mindset...

Motivation Letter On Abolishing Mental Slavery And Becoming Open-minded

Imagine that you have to talk about other people's gestures on talk, where you try to reveal the originality that you get a sharp scolding. In such a situation, the mind does not get matured. All his originality is destroyed and corrupted. That mind becomes...

  • Mental Health
  • Mental Slavery

Ultimate Values Of Human Life In The Movie The Ultimate Gift

Have you ever met a spoiled kid with no concept of work or any other type important ethics? In the movie The Ultimate Gift, this happens. The Ultimate Gift is a movie about a spoiled young adult, Jason, whose grandfather passed away. The man expects...

  • Values of Life

Character Journey and Development of Tsitsi from the Novel Nervous Conditions

“The victimisation I saw was universal.” The bildungsroman Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga functions as a feminist novel which aims to unravel the nuances and incongruencies of the traditional Shona culture and the Western colonial modernity in alignment with Tambudzai’s progressive character development. This essay...

  • Nervous Conditions

Goals and Purposes of the Wilderness Programs

To begin, multiple options have been made to provide therapeutic interventions for at risk youth like wilderness experience programs. According to Ruddell and Thomas, wilderness experience programs can include adventure-based therapy, wilderness therapy, outdoor behavioral healthcare, experimental learning, or education and wilderness boot camps (Ruddell...

  • Development

Born to Run: Learning Not to Give Up in a Race

With shaky knees, I hesitantly made my way across the field. The moment of truth was on me. With the back of my hand, I brushed away the remaining salty tears from my face. The official times of the girls who qualified for state were...

  • Personal Strengths
  • Track and Field

Gratitude: Knowledge of Giving Thanks in Life

To take things for granted is a very human attitude. In general, it is difficult for us to appreciate what we are used to. There is a mechanism in us that makes us live, unconsciously, with great greed for novelty. Yes, as soon as this...

The Insights Brought to the Personal Identity in Literature

Reading fiction and poems were not always my favorite activities. In the last couple of months, after reading through various poems and stories, introduced to me a wider and unknown perspective of human character, of the disparity of the social class and various forms of...

  • To His Coy Mistress

Pragmatism’s Take on Education and Learning

Introduction Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that began in the US. Charles Sanders Peirce is often regarded as the Father of Pragmatism. Pragmatism revolves around the concept of accepting practical solutions rather than ideological ones. Pragmatists believe in change, rather than sticking to the idealist...

The Definition Person of Substance

We may be considered a fully-grown adult today. However, we are still in the process of learning how to navigate the world and interact with the places and people within it. And during this interaction we meet with all kinds of people. There are some...

  • Helpful Person

Analysis of Subtext and Characters from the Anime Movie Spirited Away

The subtext of Spirited Away is when Hayao Miyazaki said that the inspiration for the story came from meeting the sullen 10-year-old daughter of a friend and his desire to make a film that would give her some useful lessons. These lessons provide us with...

  • Spirited Away

Overview of the Education Programms at The Hutton House

The Hutton House is a place where people with developmental needs can attend for a variety of programs. They have programs for fitness, adult education, artworks, daybreak and life works. The Hutton House does service a thousand different individuals that have developmental disabilities. These programs...

  • Adult Education Program

Application of the François Truffaut’s Auteur Theory to Mel Gibson's Filmography

Historic overview Mel Gibson was born in January of 1956 to Hutton and Anne Gibson who were“staunch Catholics” (Peter Carrick, 1998, pg.18) which became the main focus of Gibson’s upbringing and then his creative direction as director. As Carrick (1998, pg.19) also said “The children...

Childhood Memory That Shaped Me as a Person

We all have childhood memories that we hold dear to us. These memories are what get us through the dark days and cheer us to keep going. Imagine how it would be if we lost those childhood memories. It would be sad because we would...

  • Childhood Memories

Comparison of Me from My Childhood Memories and How I Changed Through Years

Childhood. We say that this is the happiest time of life. But we begin to appreciate it only when it passes or has already gone away for good. Growing up, we begin to evaluate the world around us and people in a different way. We...

Movies and Screenplays that Influenced My Work on My Own Storyboard

My chosen brief was to establish and develop a single character. The protagonist I used was female and I decided to develop this character. The screenplay and storyboard I created called ‘Apart’ is about the loss of a relationship and the reminiscent aspect people go...

Character Transformation of Dunstan Ramsay in Fifth Business

Experiences are something that can change a person's life for the better or for the worse. In the novel Fifth Business, written by Robertson Davies, the main character Dunstan Ramsay encounters many experiences that shape him into the person the reader knows by the end...

  • Fifth Business

The Personal Growth of Achilles in Iliad

From the begging of The Iliad, the character Achilles is played out to be a very petty, haughty, and vengeful character. Throughout the book Achilles can seem to be a little rude but towards the end he seems to have matured and can be seen...

Integration of Diversity in Social Studies 

One of the most interesting perspectives and theories I have read in this class was proposed to us by Postman(1995), the idea of a “school-god narrative” (p. ). The idea of school is like that of a Church, except not in the traditional religious setting...

Personal Perspective on Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential

I chose to read this book because of the reviews and recommendations I got for it, and because of the author, ms. Carol Dweck, which is a Stanford University’s psychologist. The research behind this book is enormous so the amount of knowledge inside is trusted....

  • Self Awareness

Dancing in the 1920’s Compared to Dancing Now

“Dancers are the athletes of God”. 'Good morning/afternoon honourable judges, teachers, staff, parents, and fellow students'. That quote was made by Albert Einstein. As u know Albert Einstein is scientist but he did love dance. Dancing is considered a sport that allows you to express...

  • Competition

The Question of What It Means to Be a Human

The whole question of what it means to be human can de defined in many different ways. The overall idea of humanity is constantly being bounced around between a variety of perspectives, trying to understand what the life we live in means. To me, I...

  • Human Nature

Personal Growth in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a bildungsroman novel written by Mark Twain that tells us a series of events that happen to a boy from the south of the United States who lives in a town near the Mississippi River. A bildungsroman is a...

How The JROTC Program Helps Me To Put My Leadrship Skills in Use

I have a very tight-knit family, and we believe in giving back to our community and our country. At a very young age, I began to assume leadership and teaming roles. In school, I have or am currently performing as the Team Member/Middle Hitter, Stockbridge...

How the Power of Gratitude Can Change Your Life

To have a healthier heart we must relax and learn to value the little things and value what we have in its rightful measure. Lao Tzu left us a phrase that should make us reflect: 'gratitude is the memory of the heart'. The power of...

  • Personal Qualities

Living with Gratitude: Opening the Door for Self-Improvement

Gratitude Living: More often than not, we find ourselves going through life with a lot of anxiety, stress, sadness and hurt and mostly for things that are beyond our control. In the present world, it seems that we are all in a craze to achieve...

The Role of Volunteering in Community and Personal Development

Introduction The objective of this literature review is to attempt to discuss on the topic of “Volunteering”. In the early years to the present day, there are many studies that are related to this area. This dissertation will go through a much more comprehensive literature...

  • Helping Others
  • Volunteering

Properly Dealing with Adversity to Meet Challenges Life Throws at You with Resilience

“I never lose. I either win or learn.'' These words that Nelson Mandela said should be true for everyone. He suggests that we shouldn’t view adversity as a bad thing but instead view it as an opportunity. If we view adversity as an opportunity then...

Adversity, a Harsh Path Towards Personal Development

While adversity is never longed for by anyone, perseverance during pain or a trial will result in personal development. The famous Roman poet Horace phrased this idea as, “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” Examples of...

The Importance of Facing Adversity and Using It as an Opportunity to Grow

There is adversity and challenge in life. The question isn’t whether you are faced with adversity or not. You’re going to meet adversity but how are you going to face it? Take all the energy you want to use towards giving up and divert it...

Neo Confucianism: Ethical and Personal Growth

Confucianism seems to have been one of the major thoughts and ideas for 2000 years in conventional Chinese culture, and has been leaving a great effect on Chinese culture, economy, politics, and social psychology. However, with communist took over in 1949, Marxism ideology has replaced...

  • Confucianism

How To Develop Your Skills

Everyone wants to have a fulfilling career. But, why do you think you need to have it? and why always the successful people want to develop themselves and their skills more. Developing skills is great thing to do, it will help in our life, in...

Re-thinking My Personal Development Theory

The study of this article that I found that caught my attention is Re-thinking Youth Suicide: culture, and Power, by Jennifer White and Michael, Summer 2014. In this article it examines, the resource for re-thinking youth suicide is Sociocultural and a political issue. Social and...

Maturity And Myself: Key Aspects That Affects Me

There are three critical perspectives that play a noteworthy run in my life. They can be arranged as scholarly, social, and profound. My scholarly self is intriguing in light of the fact that I am predominantly right-brained which implies that I tend to utilize my...

  • Self Reflection

Computer Science – An Area To Realise My Potential

The catalyst for my my interest in computer science was found back in year nine, when I discovered Apple’s Swift programming language and the iOS development frameworks. Armed with these, I devoured hours upon hours of lectures and programming talks and undertook multiple personal projects....

  • Computer Science

Self-Assessment Of The Principals And Practices Of Personal Effectiveness

Introduction The aim of this assignment is to submit a piece of written work that demonstrates my understanding of the principals and practices of personal effectiveness which include: Self-awareness Time management Goal setting Stress management Positive management Reflection and evaluation of learning. For all of...

The Place of Culture In Personal Development

Culture, religion, and gender in my opinion play a big role in who we are as people. They shape our morals and why we act and do the things we do. If any of these three things were different, it could drastically change someone’s life....

  • Sociological Imagination

Identifying Personality by Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and Using Adlerian Techniques for Treatment

Part 1 The results of my MBTI assessment are: Extravert: I was at nine percent which means I have a slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion. Sensing: I was at forty four percent which means I have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition. Thinking: I...

Challenges Are Opportunities Or Obstacle

Difficulties are a piece of regular day to day existence. They make us more grounded and without them life turns out to be to some degree unimportant in light of the fact that we don't have anything to contrast the great circumstances with. These difficulties...

Creating Personal Evolution Through Mindfulness And Self Love

What is keeping you from achieving your goals or overcoming a situation or obstacle? Is it the fear of taking yourself out of your comfort zone to make a drastic change; even if you know it is for the better? A lot of us may...

  • Human Evolution
  • Personal Life

Dealing With Failures & Mistakes

How to deal with failures and mistakes We all fail sometimes. Failure is an integral part of a human being’s reality. Whenever I fail at something, I go through these basic sequences. Accept the fault. The hardest thing about failing is learning to fully and...

  • Personal Experience

How I Reached The Perfection I Had Always Wanted

“Good afternoon class! Please clear off your desk and get out a pen or pencil. ” It was only after I had run across the building that I heard this phrase, feared by so many. It is this phrase that is so often used to...

How I See Myself Engaging In And Contributing To Team Fuqua

Growing up, my parents taught me that in order to go far in life, I needed to learn from the people around me - from my bosses and colleagues to my classmates. Inadvertently, these people became my extended family, still are, and we have learned,...

Liberal Self Improvement Vs. Fascist Self Mastery

As the decayed edifice of modernity moves along on to its natural conclusion, more and more young men are finding their souls hollowed out inside. Thus they are seeking something more, therefore it's no surprise that apparent inspirational figures like Jordan B Peterson are becoming...

Main Steps Towards Sharpening Your Talents

"To ignore your talent, is to ignore God in your life. To attempt to succeed apart from your talent, is to insult the wisdom of God. He made things that way. Every person on this planet is talented and you are not exempted, believe me...

The Main Drivers of My Fascination of Mathematics

One of the most striking aspects of mathematics for me is how something so seemingly abstract can have such a major purpose in the inner mechanisms of the universe. For example, which number, when multiplied by itself, is -1? By inspection, you can see that...

  • Mathematics in Everyday Life

My Interest In The Internal Medicine Residency Program

I am writing this letter to express my genuine interest in the Internal Medicine Residency program at the Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC). Upon researching thoroughly, it’s clear that you’re looking for a candidate that is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with this role and...

The Impact Produced By Ml Techniques In Practice During The Past Decade

The reviewed article makes a thorough analysis of the impact produced by ML techniques in practice during the past decade. One of the central directions of the work is the classification of the present jobs or skills as “SML” or “not (yet) SML”. At the...

The Importance Of Living On Purpose

By world standard, Jesus should be regarded a failure. No material possession, no wife, and died at 33, an age most people would term too early to die. Guess what? For living his purpose, more than two thousand years after his death, the world has...

The Principles Of Self-Discipline

Being a self-directed person means following autonomous methods of learning to be successful, following our own terms or preferred ways. One of these methods, which I believe to be of great importance, is taking initiative in wanting to do and learn something new, and continue...

The Use Of Essay Writing Skills In Real Life

Subsequently, um, we Hate to confess it, nonetheless, newspaper writing is equally very important. Nearly all of the second we urge the standpoint as analysis papers and books, along with the best way to writing them have a number of pitfalls. However, admit that school...

  • Writing Experience

Applying the Benefit of the Doubt in Order to Live a Happier Life

Walk outside on a clear night and look up at the sky. There are thousands of stars piercing through a blanket of darkness. Due to human nature, we are full of assumptions. One of them being that the stars we see are actually there. But...

Analysis Of My Growth Through The Lens Of Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory And Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory

A theory is an interrelated, coherent set of ideas that help to explain phenomena and facilitate predictions. As Santrock rightly explained, it is difficult, if not impossible for any child to grow strictly through the lens of just one kind of theory. The eclectic theoretical...

  • Erik Erikson

Best topics on Personal Growth and Development

1. Community Service: The Synthesis of Societal Progress and Personal Growth

2. Personal Reflection About How to Find True Passion in Learning

3. Growing A Grit And Growth Mindset

4. Why I Want To Be A Nurse And My Future Plans

5. The Role of Personal Development Planning Today

6. Do What Makes You Believe: Standing Up For What You Believe In

7. Building Capacity: Improving Your Skills

8. Sports And Life Experiences And How They Shape The Person You Are Today

9. Never Quit Or Give Up: Personal Story Of Not Stopping

10. Benefits Of Being Open Minded And Tolerant To Other People

11. Fun Hobbies And Interests That Can Enrich Your Life

12. Important Info To Know About Hobbies And Interests

13. Growing Up: The Same Person That You Were 5 Years Ago

14. My Personal Responsibility: Taking Responsibility For Your Actions

15. The Significance Of Philosophy In My Personal Philosophy Of Life

  • Perseverance
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  • Chinese New Year

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Tips for Writing an Essay on an Event That Led to Personal Growth

Tips and Strategies for an Essay on an Event that Led to Personal Growth

Jay Reilly/Getty Images

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  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania
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For the 2019-20 admissions cycle, the fifth essay option on the Common Application  focuses on "personal growth":

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

We all have all had experiences that bring about growth and maturity, so essay option five will be a viable choice for all applicants. The big challenges with this essay prompt will be identifying the correct "accomplishment, event, or realization" and then making sure the discussion of your growth has enough depth and self-analysis to show that you are a strong and thoughtful college applicant. The tips below can help guide you as you tackle essay option five:

What Defines a "Period of Personal Growth"?

The heart of this essay prompt is the idea of "personal growth." It's a remarkably broad concept, and as a result this essay prompt gives you the freedom to talk about almost anything meaningful that has ever happened to you. Your job with this essay prompt is to identify a moment that is meaningful and that provides the admissions folks with a window into your interests and personality.

As you work to define an appropriate "period of personal growth," reflect on the last several years of your life. You shouldn't go back more than a few years since the admissions folks are trying to learn about who you are now and how you process and grow from the experiences in your life. A story from your early childhood won't accomplish this goal as well as a more recent event. As you reflect, try to identify moments that made you rethink your assumptions and worldview. Identify an event that has made you a more mature person who is now better prepared for the responsibilities and independence of college. These are the moments that can lead to an effective essay.

What Type of "Accomplishment, Event, or Realization" Is Best?

As you brainstorm ideas for this essay prompt, think broadly as you try to come up with a good choice for the "accomplishment, event, or realization." The best choices, of course, will be significant moments in your life. You want to introduce the admissions folks to something you value highly. Also keep in mind that these three words—accomplishment, event, realization—are interconnected. Both accomplishments and realizations stem from something that happened in your life; in other words, without some kind of event, you're unlikely to accomplish something meaningful or have a realization that leads to personal growth. 

We can still break down the three terms as we explore options for the essay, but keep in mind that your options include, but are not limited to:

  • You reach a goal that you have set for yourself such as earning a certain GPA or performing a difficult piece of music.
  • You do something independently for the first time such as preparing a meal for the family, flying across the country, or house-sitting for a neighbor.
  • You overcome or learn to appreciate a disability or handicap.
  • Working alone or with a team, you win an award or recognition (a gold medal in a music competition, a strong showing in Odyssey of the Mind, a successful fundraising campaign, etc.)
  • You successfully launch your own business (a lawn-mowing service, babysitting business, web company, etc.)
  • You successfully navigate or extricate yourself from a dangerous or challenging situation (an abusive family, a problematic peer group, etc.)
  • You do something challenging like winter camping, white-water kayaking, or running a marathon.
  • You complete a meaningful service project such as creating a public garden or helping build a house with Habitat for Humanity.
  • You pass a milestone in your life such as the first day of high school or your first time driving by yourself.
  • You have an interaction with someone (whether that be a friend, family member or stranger) that opens your awareness in a profound way.
  • You perform at an event such as a concert or competition in which your hard work and perseverance finally pay off.
  • You experience a traumatic event such as an accident or sudden loss that makes you reevaluate your behavior or beliefs.
  • You experience a moment of failure (much like option #2 ) that causes you to grapple with and grow from the experience.
  • You are moved by a world event that makes you reflect upon what you most value and what your role in the world might be.
  • You realize that you can accomplish something you hadn't thought possible.
  • You realize your limitations.
  • You realize that failure is as valuable as success.
  • You realize that your understanding of people who are different than you had been limited or faulty.
  • You experience something that makes you realize that you need to redefine your priorities.
  • You realize that relying on the help of others isn't a failure.
  • You come to understand how much a parent or mentor has to teach you.

Personal Growth Can Stem From Failure

Keep in mind that the "accomplishment, event, or realization" doesn't have to be a triumphant moment in your life. An accomplishment can be learning to deal with setbacks or failure, and the event could be a losing game or an embarrassing solo in which you missed that high C. Part of maturing is learning to accept our own shortcomings, and recognizing that failure is both inevitable and an opportunity to learn.

Most Important of All: "Discuss"

When you "discuss" your event or accomplishment, make sure you push yourself to think analytically. Don't spend too much time merely describing and summarizing the event or accomplishment. A strong essay needs to show off your ability to explore the significance of the event you have chosen. You need to look inward and analyze how and why the event caused you to grow and mature. When the prompt mentions "a new understanding," it is telling you that this is an exercise in self-reflection. If the essay doesn't reveal some solid self-analysis, then you haven't fully succeeded in responding to the prompt.

A Final Note for Common Application Option #5

Try to step back from your essay and ask yourself exactly what information it conveys to your reader. What will your reader learn about you? Does the essay succeed in revealing something that you care about deeply? Does it get at a central aspect of your personality? Remember, the application is asking for an essay because the college has holistic admissions —the school is evaluating you as a whole person, not as a bunch of test scores and grades. They essay, then, needs to paint a portrait of an applicant the school will want to invite to join the campus community. In your essay, do you come across as an intelligent, thoughtful person who will contribute to the community in a meaningful and positive way?

No matter which essay prompt you choose, pay attention to style , tone, and mechanics. The essay is first and foremost about you, but it also needs to demonstrate a strong writing ability. These 5 tips for a winning essay can also help guide you.

Finally, realize that many topics fit under multiple options on the Common Application. For example, option #3 asks about questioning or challenging a belief or idea. This can certainly connect with the idea of a "realization" in option #5. Also, option #2 on encountering obstacles could also overlap with some of the possibilities for option #5. Don't worry too much about which option is best if your topic fits in multiple places. Most important is that you write an effective and engaging essay. Be sure to check out this article for tips and samples for each of the Common Application essay options .

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  • 2020-21 Common Application Essay Option 4—Solving a Problem
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  • Common Application Essay, Option 1: Share Your Story
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  • Tips for Writing a Winning College Application Essay
  • Addressing Diversity in a College Application Essay
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6 ways to writing an empowering personal growth essay

Did you know that personal growth essays are a common and popular prompt during college applications? 

Like other essay prompts such as “ learning from obstacles ”, college admission essays are meant to help the college gain better insight into your character and personality. 

A winning essay should be personal — one which showcases your uniqueness.

Some schools ask targeted questions like “What was the most challenging event you have ever faced, and how have you grown from it?”.

Or a more open-ended one like “Describe an event that has had great meaning for you. Explain why and how it has affected you.”

Knowing how to craft a strong essay can increase your admissions chances by ten times, according to a  case study  done on Harvard’s admission rates. 

What’s more, college essays play a significant role in determining whether or not your  application receives a second look  or gets tossed aside. 

Hence, knowing how to craft an impactful essay can make a world of a difference: 

Here’s how to write a winning personal growth essay:

Elements of a good personal growth essay.

College admission essays are meant to help the college gain better insight into your character and personality. Source: Ina Fassbender/AFP

There are four main components of an excellent personal growth essay. 

Apart from having zero spelling and grammar mistakes, it’s also essential to have an engaging narrative, convincing argumentation, a well-organised structure and relevant information.

Your essay should also emphasise your motivations, strengths, and accomplishments that make you the ideal candidate.

If you are confused as to what you just read, remember the following when writing your essay:

  • Craft a compelling narrative that highlights your experience and capabilities. A successful introduction usually begins with a story, anecdote, or personal experience.
  • A well-organised structure consists of at least three to four paragraphs, excluding the introduction and conclusion.
  • Place relevant information regarding your accomplishments and strengths.
  • Like any other essay, conclude with an “answer” that is direct to the question posed and avoid adding new information.

6 steps to writing the best personal growth essay

Craft the best personal growth essay with these six steps. Source: Ethan Miller/Getty Images North America/Getty Images via AFP

The standard format for these types of essays consists of three primary components: an introduction paragraph, a primary body composed of two to four paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

1. Create an outline 

Creating an outline helps you determine the overall tone of the piece. A framework lets you lay out the main points you want to include.

These points can include a valuable lesson that had a personal impact on how you live your life.

2. Write a strong introduction

Think of your introduction as a “hook” to reel your readers in to make a solid first impression. A weak hook gives the impression that your content is dull.

Immediately give the reader an idea of what they can expect from the rest of the piece by explaining the topic from the get-go. This will encourage them to continue reading.

3. Crafting an impactful story with emotions

In the body paragraph, you flesh out what you’ve mentioned in the introduction.

When developing the body of your essay, keep your thesis statement in mind and build around it.

To keep your readers interested throughout your personal growth essay, you have to gradually take them on a visual journey across your essential points.

4. Be direct 

One of the most important points when writing your essay is being concise and direct. It can be tempting to input extra information to hit the word count, but we don’t recommend that.

Remember, the essay’s purpose is to talk about a significant moment in your life. So, it’s essential that you get to the point quickly with ample details.

5. Conclude 

Your conclusion should summarise and highlight the key takeaway from your essay.

6. Double-, triple-check for errors

Even the most famous writers proofread their work.

Since this personal growth essay is for your college application, paying attention to detail when reading your piece before submitting it can go a long way.

An excellent way to do this is by reading out loud; this helps highlight any errors you may have missed.

Apart from checking for grammar and spelling, check if your main message is conveyed accurately. Proofreading helps ensure that the narrative flows in the manner that you desire.

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Essay on Personal Growth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Personal Growth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Personal Growth

What is personal growth.

Personal growth means improving yourself, learning new things, and becoming a better person. It’s like when you play a video game and your character gets stronger and smarter. In real life, you grow by gaining new skills, being kind, and understanding others better.

Learning from Mistakes

Imagine you’re building a tower with blocks and it falls. You try again, but this time you use what you learned to make it stronger. That’s what happens when we make mistakes. We learn, and next time, we do better.

Setting Goals

Goals are like treasure maps for your life. They guide you to where you want to go. If you want to be good at math, you make a plan, study, and keep trying. Your goal helps you stay focused.

Being Brave

Growing often means trying things that scare you. It’s like the first time you ride a bike without training wheels. You might fall, but you get up and keep going. Being brave helps you grow a lot.

Helping Others

When you help friends, you grow too. You learn to be caring and to work with others. It’s like playing on a seesaw; it’s more fun when you’re both helping each other have a good time.

250 Words Essay on Personal Growth

Personal growth means getting better over time. It is like a plant that starts from a tiny seed and grows into a big tree. For people, it means learning new things, becoming stronger, and being a better person. It is not just about being smart in school, but also being kind, brave, and good at solving problems.

Why Personal Growth Matters

Growing as a person is important because it helps us face new challenges. Like when you learn to ride a bike, at first you fall, but you keep trying. Then one day, you can ride without help. This is personal growth. It helps you do things you couldn’t do before, like making friends or helping others.

How to Grow Personally

To grow, you need to try new things. It can be scary, but it’s like going on an adventure. When you read a new book, join a club, or play a new sport, you learn and become better. Also, when you make mistakes, don’t be sad. Mistakes are like clues that show you how to improve.

Personal Growth is a Journey

Remember, personal growth doesn’t happen in one day. It is a journey that takes time. Just like going on a long trip, you need to keep going even if it gets tough. Every day, try to be a little kinder, work a bit harder, and learn something new. This way, you will keep growing and one day, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

500 Words Essay on Personal Growth

Personal growth is like a journey where you learn more about who you are and what you can do. It’s about becoming a better person, not just in one way, but in many parts of your life, such as your emotions, your mind, your skills, and how you get along with other people.

Learning New Things

One part of personal growth is learning new things. This could mean going to school and doing well in your classes, but it’s not just about books and homework. It’s also about learning from the world around you. You might learn how to play a sport, cook a meal, or even how to be a good friend. When you learn something new, your brain grows stronger, just like your muscles do when you exercise.

Overcoming Challenges

Another important part of growing as a person is facing challenges. Think of a video game where each level gets a bit harder. In life, when you face a problem, it’s like you’re on a tough level in the game. But when you find a way to solve that problem, you move up to the next level in your own life. You become braver and smarter each time you overcome a challenge.

Setting goals is like drawing a map for your journey. You decide where you want to go, and then you figure out how to get there. Your goals could be small, like finishing a book, or big, like becoming a doctor. When you set a goal and reach it, you feel proud and happy, and you’re ready to set a new goal.

Building Good Habits

Good habits are actions you do regularly that are good for you. Brushing your teeth, going to bed on time, and saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are all good habits. When you practice good habits, they help you grow without you even thinking about it. It’s like having a helper inside you that makes sure you’re always moving forward.

Being Kind to Yourself and Others

Personal growth isn’t just about what you can do; it’s also about how you treat yourself and others. Being kind means being friendly, caring, and helpful. When you’re kind to yourself, you feel good inside. When you’re kind to others, you make friends and spread happiness. Being kind helps everyone grow together.

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone learns from them. When something goes wrong, it’s easy to feel sad or mad. But if you look at your mistakes and try to understand what went wrong, you can learn. This helps you do better next time. Learning from mistakes is a big part of growing up.

Personal growth is an adventure that never ends. As long as you keep learning, facing challenges, setting goals, building good habits, being kind, and learning from your mistakes, you’ll continue to grow. And the best part is, you can start right now, no matter how old you are or where you are in life. It’s never too late to grow!

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Personal Goals
  • Essay on Personal Experience In Art
  • Essay on Personal Culture

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Personal development is the process of growing as a person. The phrase can refer to a person’s growth in various aspects, such as their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. The ultimate goal of every personal growth goal is to improve all facets of your life, and these areas are frequently interconnected.

Self Growth Essay: Look Deep Inside of You

Self-growth is a natural process that helps you improve and broaden your capabilities. But what self-development helps you to achieve?

  • Increases one’s manners and consideration.
  • Teaches to control resentment.
  • Helps get rid of procrastination and idleness.
  • Enhances personal responsibility.
  • Helps to be more optimistic and shift your perspective.

Self-improvement can benefit your professional and personal life by enabling you to reach your best potential. Motivation, the desire to enhance and the willingness to work hard to achieve changes are necessary for successful personal growth.

Problems and challenges can sometimes catalyze a person’s desire to change for the better.

Other times, reading a motivating book, watching a motivating movie, or reading about successful people inspires people to take action toward personal progress. You may be allocated to write an essay on any of these traits for a teacher to know you as a person and see your goals and experiences.

Personal Development Essay Sample: A Tool for Self-reflection

We are all aware of how challenging essay writing can be. It becomes even more difficult when you require assistance finding a credible academic topic example. We created a resource with more than 100,000 free academic essays for this same reason, authored by accomplished authors. Psychology issues, particularly regarding self-development, are written about regularly.

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  • College Experience
  • Helping Others
  • High School Experience
  • Life Changing Experience
  • Life Lesson
  • Personal Challenges
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essays on personal growth

Personal Growth and Development Essay

Plan-do-study-act model for my growth, benefits of diversity and development of personal and leadership strategies, individual and group decision-making performance, pdsa model displaying my goals and how i measure my progress.

Personal growth and development are very critical in the workplace environment. I understand that the external environment keeps changing, and the only way of achieving success is to master this change and respond to it effectively by redefining the internal environment. Within an organizational context, I understand that it is my responsibility to adapt to the changes in the external environment. Using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model, I am capable of defining and assessing my own growth and identifying the determinant of organizational structure and drivers of change. To develop my own PDSA model, a number of steps will have to be followed, as shown in the figure below.

Personal PDSA.

As shown in the figure above, the first step is to come up with a plan. The plan must focus on my current organizational structure. I have to identify my position within the firm and how that position relates to other positions held by my colleagues. I must then determine drivers of change in the external environment with regard to my position. This will help me determine areas where change is needed in my current or future position. The second step is to do something about the plan. It involves implementing the set plan. In this case, the second stage will involve addressing the issues identified in the plan to determine if I can change my skills, capabilities, and attitude to reflect the changes in the external environment. The aim is to ensure that current skills match with the existing and emerging expectations in the workplace. It is at this evaluation stage that I will be keen to identify the weaknesses that need to be addressed to help improve my efficiency. The final step is to act upon the issues identified in the assessment in order to align my skills and attitude with workplace expectations.

Diversity in the workplace is very important because it helps employees to address one another’s weaknesses in an organizational setting. It is common to find that the weaknesses of one individual are perfectly addressed by the strengths of another employee. In such an environment, achieving success may not be a big challenge because of the diversity in skills, experience, and social background. However, it is sometimes worrying that the differences caused by such a diversified workplace environment are the genesis of misunderstandings. From a personal perspective, the strategy I intend to use to address the issue of diversity in the workplace is to be open-minded and willing to listen to others before making judgments. I intend to avoid stereotyping and promise to treat every colleague as a unique person with unique strengths, weaknesses, skills, and experience. I also intend to engage other colleagues, especially those from different social backgrounds, to help me understand them better and to learn from them. Although I value my culture, I believe that when one is in a diversified environment, learning about another culture is the best way of embracing a diversified workplace.

Leaders must come up with strategies of dealing with the issue of diversity that may arise in the workplace. One of the best ways of addressing such problems from a leadership perspective is to organize regular get-together parties where employees get to interact and understand one another. When assigning tasks to employees or forming a team to address a given project, a deliberate attempt should be made to ensure that diversity is reflected in such a group. The more people get to interact and understand each other, the more the social gap between them is narrowed. They get to appreciate that although there might be some personal or socio-cultural differences, they share a common vision of making their organization a success. That should be a strong motivation to make them forget about their differences. Sometimes the differences in cultural practices are often abused in the workplace, making it difficult to achieve success in creating harmony needed to make an organization move forward. The leaders may be forced to come up with policies that prohibit discriminatory activities in the workplace. Gender, race, religion, skin color, or any other demographic factor should never be used to set differences within an organization. Instead, it should be considered a positive force that makes people encourage one another to achieve a common goal.

In a highly diversified environment, one of the biggest problems is often the decision-making process. As an individual, it is easy to make decisions. I often weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. It may not take long as my conscience often guides me in such processes. As long as the intent is positive, making a decision as an individual is easy. However, when one is part of a team, decision-making is often complex because views of people often differ. Not everyone within an organization will have noble intent. It is also possible that in a diversified environment, people will have a varying angle of viewing nobility, making it difficult to choose the best approach. When it becomes challenging to make a quick and effective decision as a group, achieving good performance is almost impossible.

Communication becomes a critical tool when trying to make decisions within a group. Every member of the group must be ready to listen to the opinion of others. They must also be ready to share their own opinions with others so that common ground can be found. Leaders must offer guidance during such decision-making processes. In most of the cases where people have contradicting opinion, then a compromise must be found. This is common in cases where employees are demanding for pay increase against the wish of the top management or owners of a company. The parties must agree to communicate amongst themselves and to come up with a solution that is acceptable to everyone. Making decisions as a group also requires a sense of trust amongst group members. One of the leading causes of breakdown in communication is suspicion. If a section of the group lacks trust towards another group or an individual, then it may not be possible to reach a common position. The mistrust may force parties involved to opt to engage third parties to help them find a solution. In an organizational setting, such decisions may be time-consuming. It may limit the capacity of such a group to achieve the desired success.

It is clear to me that in modern society, change is a force that cannot be ignored. As such, I intend to embrace it and align my skills with the changing demands. I have to develop goals and come up with a method I can use to measure my progress towards these goals. The PDSA model below will be critical in enabling me to set periodical goals and measure my performance towards achieving these goals.

Personal PDSA Model.

As shown in the figure above, the first step is the planning stage. At this stage, it is stated that I want to learn how to embrace change and be able to adapt to emerging technologies. To achieve the above set goals, I intend to further my education and focus more on managing change in the workplace. I will need to learn about new approaches to change management and how to determine when an organization should adapt to a new strategy in its operations. To measure my performance, I will determine my personal willingness to embrace change.

Currently, I am relatively slow when it comes to embracing new methods. I prefer using approaches that are known to me. The approach I will use is to test my skills in new technologies. For instance, I want to know more about how I can use Facebook and Twitter to communicate with colleagues and clients. Finally, I will identify personal weaknesses based on the expectations in the workplace. The last stage is to act upon the identified weaknesses. I intend to ensure that in every cycle of this continuous personal growth and development, I come up with something new that will transform my performance in the workplace.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 1). Personal Growth and Development.

"Personal Growth and Development." IvyPanda , 1 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Personal Growth and Development'. 1 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Personal Growth and Development." February 1, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Personal Growth and Development." February 1, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Personal Growth and Development." February 1, 2024.

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Common App Essay Prompt 5 About a Period of Personal Growth

Mark montgomery.

  • June 30, 2023

common app essay prompts a comprehensive guide

Write a Great Common App Essay on Personal Growth

Common App Essay Prompt 5 asks you to “discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.” If you’re looking to highlight your transformative journey, consider crafting a Common App essay on personal growth.

The best Common Application essays show how you have grown as a person over time and how you reflect on that personal growth. Great news: Common App essay prompt 5 makes it easy for you to do just that!

On its surface, this prompt seems to be asking about a specific moment in your life, and telling a story about a specific time will definitely help your essay come together. But really, this prompt wants a before-and-after. Tell the reader about one way you’ve grown as a person, and demonstrate that you are aware of that period of personal growth and able to reflect on it in a mature way. If you can do all that, you’re well on your way to writing a strong Common App essay!

Defining “Event, Accomplishment, or Realization,” “Period of Personal Growth,” and Other Keywords from Prompt 5

Period of Personal Growth and Understanding 

As we grow older, we find that in some situations we feel—or are treated—as children, while in other situations we feel more like adults. Sometimes this transition is subtle, as in how other adults begin to treat you with greater seriousness in restaurants, at the post office, and in other public  places. Sometimes, however, this transition can seem more abrupt, as in the day you get your driver’s license or register to vote for the first time. Religion often marks this transition (first communions, bar mitzvahs), as do particular cultures (quinceañeras, debutante balls). This prompt asks you to examine more closely  your own transition from childhood to adulthood. Granted, for all of us, this transition is slow and gradual (and frankly, sometimes even we are not sure we have completely transitioned to adulthood!). But no matter our age, religion, or culture, this transition is  punctuated by some memorable stories—stories that you are being asked to share with your  readers.  

Accomplishment or Event 

The transition to adulthood is marked by both accomplishments and events. An accomplishment  is something that you achieved through hard work. An event, on the other hand, is a happening in which you may have been more passive, but nonetheless marks a very important milestone in your life. Some of these accomplishments and events are formal (e.g., learning Hebrew and reciting the Torah before your congregation in a ceremony before your friends and family). Some of these  accomplishments and events are informal (e.g., you finally looked old enough that when you entered a restaurant with your parents, the hostess no longer gave you the kiddie menu). College admissions folks do not care so much about the exact nature of these accomplishments or events;  rather they care about how you tell an interesting story about your transition to adulthood. 


Unlike an accomplishment or event, a realization can have no outward manifestation that others can see or experience. You may, instead, experience some sort of internal “Aha!” moment. Your  understanding changes. You see yourself—or others—in a completely new light. Perhaps you shared this realization with others, or perhaps it is one that is intensely private. But the change or transition is real, because it leads to a new and different understanding of yourself and the world  around you. 

At first glance, this prompt doesn’t seem to have a story at the heart of it. However, the focus is on a transition, which implies a description of “before” and “after” this event, accomplishment, or  realization. So you should retell the story briefly to help your reader understand the transition. As with the other prompts, you should then go on to put this event, accomplishment, or realization into a larger context. You need to interpret this story for your reader through analysis and synthesis. By focusing your “discussion” of what happened after this event, accomplishment, or realization, you can give your reader a sense of your increasing maturity and your priorities, values, and personality.  

Examples of Essays That Worked for Common App Essay on Personal Growth

We have worked with hundreds of students over the years, and many of them have written excellent essays about experiences that sparked a period of personal growth. Here are just a couple examples of students who successfully wrote about accomplishments, events, or realizations that sparked periods of growth.

Example One:

→The writer is a volunteer tutor in a Saturday program for refugee students. One day, one of the younger students asks the writer why he is helping them, and the writer explains that he is part of the Refugee Outreach Club at his school (a club the writer founded). The younger student bristles, saying that he is not a refugee since he was born in the US. The writer realizes that the younger student doesn’t want to be seen as a refugee, and that by using that term, the writer is alienating the younger student. The writer then thinks about how people in the US often view refugees as poor people in need of charity, rather than as respected peers and neighbors. The writer acts on these thoughts and begins making changes to his club and his approach, including using the phrase ‘new Americans’ rather than ‘refugees’ and coordinating social events like playing basketball between his classmates and the new Americans in order to foster genuine relationships.

→The event the writer highlights is quite simple: a three-line conversation between himself and another student. What makes this essay so successful is that the writer shows that he can think deeply about the connections between his personal life and the wider social and political landscape around him. He understands that the relationship he has with the younger student he tutors is a tiny example of the broader patterns experienced by refugees in the United States. Not only is the student able to articulate this realization,   but he pushes himself to grow and change his thoughts and his behavior accordingly.

Example Two:

→ As a freshman in high school, the writer tries to pursue both volleyball and modeling, two activities that speak to her values and interests in different ways. Her volleyball coach tells her to gain fifteen pounds of muscle to be a better player, while her modeling agency tells her to lose fifteen pounds in order to conform to the look they want. The student realizes that she can’t possibly meet both of those expectations at the same time. She chooses to quit modeling and pursue volleyball. Her team is quite successful throughout her high school career. More importantly, volleyball helps her solidify values like hard work, collaboration, and teamwork.

→In this essay, the writer successfully recounts a fairly narrow event (being given opposing demands by different activities and subsequently choosing one activity over the other). The writer then articulates a couple realizations she experiences as a result of this event. For one, you can’t please everyone and fit into all molds. Sometimes tradeoffs are required to find success. Secondly, while some change is necessary to grow, not all change is good or healthy. People should be intentional about the types of change they want to pursue. The writer is able to show how she parlays her new understanding into a period of growth in which she becomes more focused on her chosen activity and finds success, all while strengthening her values and her connection to those around her.

Avoiding Traps: Topics That Don’t Tend to Work for Common App Essay on Personal Growth

Like many of the Common App prompts, this one is quite broad, so many topics could work well for it. However, there are some pitfalls to be aware of. 

Avoid Writing About Other People

For this topic, you might be tempted to write about an interaction you had with a significant person in your life, such as a parent, grandparent, or teacher. There is nothing wrong with writing about such an interaction. However, writing about a relative or other mentor figure can quickly verge into an essay about someone else. If you find yourself filling your reader in on all the details of someone else’s life, that’s a strong sign that you are not actually writing about yourself. Of course it is okay to mention other people in your essay. However, make sure that you and your journey are at the heart of the essay. 

Avoid Topics That Are Very Commonly Done – Unless You Have a Unique Spin

Certain growing experiences are common to many American teenagers. For example, we have seen countless essays about students who get their driver’s license and then experience a period of increased independence. This topic fits the prompt and could be meaningful to you personally. However, because this is such a common experience, it will be very challenging to write about it in a way that allows you as an applicant to stand out…unless there was something unusual about your experience! Perhaps, for example, you are a student with a physical disability, and you were only able to get your license after a significant amount of work and help from others. Or maybe you are an undocumented student, and your driver’s license is the first piece of government ID that anyone in your family has had access to. In a unique case like that, writing about getting your driver’s license might actually allow you to showcase what makes you unique.

A similar case could be made for topics such as an impactful conversation with a grandparent, getting your first job, or winning (or losing) a big sporting event. Nothing is strictly off limits, but make sure that if you are relating a common experience, you have a very unique spin on it.

Stop Reading and Start Writing Your Common App Essay on Personal Growth

Essay prompt 5 will work best if you can focus on one moment in your life and use it as a jumping-off point to explore some sort of before-and-after. Tell a story about how you grew as a person, and reflect on how you think about that growth now and how that growth has helped you navigate your life or think about your future. Now get writing!

Need More Help Writing Your Common App Essay?

At Great College Advice, we offer a wide range of services designed to help students with every aspect of the college application process, including writing and revising their Common App essay. Our team of experienced counselors and writing coaches can provide personalized feedback, guidance, and support to help you craft an essay that is compelling, authentic, and effective.

Whether you need help generating ideas, organizing your thoughts, or polishing your final draft, we are here to help. We offer a variety of service packages to fit your specific needs and budget, including comprehensive application counseling, essay coaching, and hourly consultations.

Great College Advice has helped hundreds of students just like you write their Common Application Essays and submit college applications that they’re proud of. Learn more about how we can help you with your essays . We can help with the rest of your application , too! 

Additional Resources for Common App Essay Prompt 5

  • In this informative video, Dr. Mark Montgomery dives into Common Application essay prompt 5 which focuses on discussing an accomplishment, event, or realization. With his expertise in college admissions and essay writing, he provides expert guidance on how to effectively approach this prompt and craft a compelling essay.

For additional writing help, check out our Common App Essay Series for in-depth guidance on various topics. Our expert tips and insights will help you showcase your unique experiences and perspectives in a compelling way. Whether you’re just starting your essay or simply refining it, our series is designed to help you every step of the writing process. Make your Common App Essay stand out!

  • Common Application Essays: What are they?
  • Writing about Background Story
  • Writing About Failure
  • Writing about Questioning Beliefs and Ideas
  • Writing about a Period of Personal Growth
  • Supplemental Essays
  • Why Our College? – Supplemental Essay Question

Mark Montgomery

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101 Personal Growth Examples

personal growth examples and definition, explained below

Personal growth is the process in which an individual recognizes and maximizes their own potential.

For instance, a person may seek to improve their communication skills (a facet of personal growth) by participating in public speaking workshops over a period of time.

Personal growth is a continuous and lifelong process, often marked by periods of rapid personal development followed by periods of slower growth, much like the physical growth from infancy to adulthood (Johnson & Swanson, 2016).

The personal growth process entails the development and enhancement of various aspects of life, including but not limited to:

  • Career Growth: Career growth pertains to the progression and advancement in one’s professional life. It entails acquiring new skills, achieving high performance in current roles, and moving upward in professional responsibilities (Ng, Eby, Sorensen, & Feldman, 2010). An example of career growth could be a junior software developer who hones their coding expertise over time, eventually leading a team of developers. Career growth is not just about upward mobility; it’s about doing work that is fulfilling, challenging, and aligned with personal interests and values.
  • Intellectual Growth: Intellectual growth involves the expansion of knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and cognitive skills . It can occur formally through education or informally through self-directed learning and reasoned experience (Ramsden, 2015). For example, you might take online courses on philosophy, triggering deeper questioning and critical examination of life’s profound questions.
  • Emotional Growth: Emotional growth refers to the maturation of emotional responses and the strengthening of emotional intelligence (Brackett, Rivers, & Salovey, 2011). A person growing emotionally might learn how to manage anger more effectively or become better at expressing feelings in a healthy manner. Emotional growth fosters better interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, and psychological resilience.
  • Moral Growth : Moral growth signifies the development of your ethical understanding, values, and behavior (Nucci, 2014). It includes the cultivation of virtues such as honesty, integrity, and empathy. For instance, an individual might reflect on an unfair action they have taken and decide to apologize and rectify the mistake, demonstrating moral growth. By refining our moral compass, you may enhance your sense of justice, empathy, and social responsibility.

Personal Growth Examples

1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset : When you cultivate a growth mindset, you’re building the inner belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed over time (Dweck, 2010). Embracing such a mindset provides a pathway for maximum self-improvement . It also promotes lifelong learning , with the recognition that you can always improve and become a better you. This means embracing the thought, “I can’t do it…yet,” rather than “I can’t do it.”

2. Developing Leadership Skills : Leadership skills can include the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others toward achieving a common goal (Van Vugt, Hogan, & Kaiser, 2008). They might be important indicators of personal growth if you’re going for a promotion. These skills include abilities like decision-making, communication, delegating tasks, and fostering team spirit.

3. Engaging in Volunteer Work: Volunteering allows you to contribute to your communities while fostering empathy and understanding (Wilson, 2012).  Doing volunteer work, such as serving food in a soup kitchen, can allow you to connect with diverse backgrounds, widens their perspective, and therefore nourish your empathy and social conscience.

4. Nurtiring Self-Compassion: Self-compassion involves acknowledging your own shortcomings and treating yourself with kindness despite failures (Neff, 2011). Instead of harsh self-criticism, self-compassion offers a balanced approach to dealing with personal flaws and failures. For instance, if you fail at a job interview, self-compassion would entail understanding that failure is part of human experience and does not reflect your overall worth. This, obviously, is good for your mental health.

5. Overcoming Fears: Fear often deters us from exploring our full capabilities (Öhman, 2008). Overcoming fears means confronting what scares us, be it fear of heights, public speaking, or failure. Overcoming fear is a telltale sign of personal growth To overcome fear, you might intentionally and gradually expose yourself to the fearful situation in a process called systematic desensitization . For example, someone afraid of heights might start by climbing a short ladder, then moving to a two-story building, and so forth. Such bravery encourages psychological resilience and enables exploration of unknown territories, hence fostering personal growth.

6. Improving Time Management: If you’re trying to demonstrate personal growth to an employer, this one’s perfect. When done successfully, time management enhances productivity, mitigates stress, and unveils avenues for growth – all things your employer loves to see. An example of improved time management could be an individual employing a systematized daily planner or a digital application. This system aids in organizing tasks, creates reminders for deadlines, and consequently opens up time for self-development, relaxation, and recreation.

7. Adopting Healthy Habits: Healthy habits can totally change your life, leading to huge personal growth (Lippke, Nigg, & Maddock, 2012). They may help you lose weight, sleep better, have more energy, wake earlier, and so on. For instance, an individual might opt to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. By doing this, the individual improves their physical health, enhances their immune system, and acquires necessary energy for undertaking other personal growth initiatives.

8. Cultivating Humility: Humility, a vital attribute of personal growth, involves acknowledging our limitations and displaying a lessened level of arrogance (Exline & Hill, 2012). The development of humility occurs through the getting of wisdom and growing as a person. In real-world terms, a humble person acknowledges errors or mistakes, an act that catalyzes learning and cultivates interpersonal relationships.

9. Pursuing Passions: Passionate engagement in activities increases joy, reduces stress, and augments motivation, thereby contributing to personal growth (Vallerand & Houlfort, 2019). Allocating time to pursue hobbies or other passions can lead to the acquisition of new abilities and experiences. For instance, a person with a zeal for painting can foster creativity, hone focus, and derive deep satisfaction—elements imperative for personal growth.

10. Developing a Sense of Purpose: The possession of a life-purpose instills a sense of direction, and fortifies motivation, resilience, and satisfaction (Steger, 2012). Identifying this purpose—be it nurturing a family, building a career, or serving the community— gives life meaning and direction. An illustration of this can be an individual who discerns their purpose in educating and empowering others. This realized purpose provides both fulfillment and the impetus for continued personal growth.

11. Understanding Personal Values : Personal values are profound beliefs that shape behavior and provide a guide for decision-making (Hitlin & Piliavin, 2019). Having a true understanding of personal values, whether they be honesty, integrity, or kindness, helps an individual align their actions with their beliefs. For example, a person who values honesty might prioritize transparent communication, improving their relationships with others. Thus, by understanding personal values, individuals can lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

12. Understanding Personal Biases: Personal biases, conscious or unconscious, can significantly distort our perspectives (Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009). Developing an understanding of these biases allows us to challenge their influence over our decisions and actions. If someone identifies a bias against a particular group, they might purposefully educate themselves about that group and interact more with its members. Therefore, recognizing and addressing personal biases fertilifies our dealings with others, advancing personal growth.

13. Learning About Mental Health: Mental health awareness is a cornerstone of personal development (Kutcher, Wei, & Coniglio, 2016). By learning about mental health, people can better understand their emotional experiences, recognize signs of mental distress and seek appropriate help, either for themselves or others. For instance, a person studying about the symptoms of depression might realize a friend’s struggles and suggest they seek professional help. In this way, learning about mental health promotes not only self-growth but also the welfare of others.

14. Learning to Deal with Rejection: Life presents instances of rejection in various forms, such as not getting a job or a breakup (Buckley, Winkel, & Leary, 2004). Knowing how to cope with rejection in a healthy way reduces its negative impact and promotes resilience. After a job rejection, one might evaluate their application process for possible improvements, providing a growth opportunity for future applications. This demonstrates how dealing with rejection rather than avoiding it leads to self-improvement.

15. Encouraging a Work-Life Balance : Achieving the right balance between work and personal life positively affects mental health and satisfaction (Michel, Kotrba, Mitchelson, Clark, & Baltes, 2011). Striking a fruitful equilibrium could involve setting boundaries to disconnect from work during personal time, such as turning off work notifications after office hours. Encouraging a work-life balance nurtures personal well-being and enhances productivity, ultimately leading to substantial personal growth.

16. Building Conflict Resolution Skills: Conflict is inherent in all spheres of life. Therefore, developing skills to resolve conflicts amicably is a significant element of personal growth (Deutsch, Coleman, & Marcus, 2011). Conflict resolution skills involve active listening , empathy, problem-solving, and negotiation. For instance, during a heated disagreement, someone might employ active listening, aiming to understand the other party’s perspective, before proposing a solution. This practice encourages a positive outcome, which not only preserves the relationship but also expands an individual’s emotional intelligence and communication skills . 

17. Cultivating the Habit of Reading: Reading is a powerful conduit of personal growth that can stimulate intellect, broaden horizons, and encourage empathy (Mol & Bus, 2011). By inculcating a routine reading habit, an individual can immerse themselves in varied thoughts, cultures, and experiences. An avid reader might dedicate a specific time each day for reading, working through different genres. Over time, this steady commitment to literature can bolster verbal abilities, critical thinking skills, and provide a more profound understanding of the world, thereby driving personal growth.

Full List of 101 Personal Growth and Development Examples

I’ve categorized the following examples into the four categories for you. Although, it’s worth noting that the categorizations overlap a lot, and can span multiple categories simultaneously (Mruk, 2013).

  • The courage to change your mind (Moral, Intellectual)
  • Embracing change (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Becoming self-aware (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Setting personal goals (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Developing emotional intelligence (Career, Emotional)
  • Pursuing lifelong learning (Career, Intellectual)
  • Improving communication skills (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Building resilience (Career, Emotional)
  • Learning new languages (Career, Intellectual)
  • Cultivating a growth mindset (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Taking up meditation (Emotional)
  • Practicing gratitude (Emotional, Moral)
  • Improving physical health (Career, Emotional)
  • Cultivating positive relationships (Career, Emotional)
  • Learning to listen actively (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Becoming financially literate (Career, Intellectual)
  • Developing leadership skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Fostering creativity (Career, Intellectual)
  • Engaging in volunteer work (Career, Moral)
  • Strengthening problem-solving skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Learning stress management (Career, Emotional)
  • Nurturing self-compassion (Emotional, Moral)
  • Pursuing spirituality (Emotional, Moral)
  • Developing a healthy self-image (Career, Emotional)
  • Cultivating mindfulness (Emotional)
  • Overcoming fears (Career, Emotional) (like speaking in public)
  • Honing negotiation skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Seeking therapy (Emotional)
  • Practicing patience (Emotional, Moral)
  • Cultivating optimism (Career, Emotional)
  • Improving time management (Career, Intellectual)
  • Adopting healthy habits (Career, Emotional)
  • Learning to forgive (Emotional, Moral)
  • Building confidence (Career, Emotional)
  • Developing a strong work ethic (Career, Moral)
  • Cultivating discipline (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Establishing boundaries (Career, Emotional)
  • Adopting sustainable living practices (Moral)
  • Cultivating curiosity (Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Strengthening decision-making skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Cultivating humility (Emotional, Moral)
  • Nurturing an appreciation for diversity (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Taking self-defense classes (Career, Emotional)
  • Encouraging self-expression (Career, Emotional)
  • Developing assertiveness (Career, Emotional)
  • Engaging in professional development (Career, Intellectual)
  • Pursuing passions (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Nurturing empathy (Career, Emotional, Moral)
  • Improving body language (Career, Emotional)
  • Learning to say no (Career, Emotional)
  • Gaining cultural competency (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Learning cooking skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Developing a sense of purpose (Career, Emotional, Moral)
  • Understanding personal values (Career, Emotional, Moral)
  • Developing public speaking skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Maintaining a personal journal (Emotional)
  • Improving social skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Developing IT skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Cultivating adaptability (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Understanding personal biases (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Exploring personal identity (Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Encouraging personal reflection (Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Building a personal brand (Career, Emotional)
  • Developing listening skills (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Cultivating self-love (Emotional)
  • Learning about mental health (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Improving networking skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Developing critical thinking skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Learning to deal with rejection (Career, Emotional)
  • Cultivating courage (Career, Emotional)
  • Understanding and respecting differences (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Developing environmental consciousness (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Understanding personal rights and responsibilities (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Taking care of personal grooming (Career, Emotional)
  • Improving personal organization (Career, Intellectual)
  • Encouraging a work-life balance (Career, Emotional)
  • Encouraging diversity in thought (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Engaging in self-care activities (Career, Emotional)
  • Learning personal finance management (Career, Intellectual)
  • Building a supportive network (Career, Emotional)
  • Building conflict resolution skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Practicing active citizenship (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Seeking continuous feedback (Career, Emotional)
  • Enhancing customer service skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Building a personal library (Intellectual)
  • Developing an understanding of politics (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Practicing self-advocacy (Career, Emotional)
  • Improving personal presentation skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Encouraging the love of nature (Emotional, Moral)
  • Developing a hobby (Career, Intellectual, Emotional) (like model trains)
  • Enhancing writing skills (Career, Intellectual)
  • Gaining awareness of global issues (Career, Intellectual, Moral)
  • Cultivating the habit of reading (Intellectual)
  • Encouraging fitness activities (Career, Emotional)
  • Pursuing a healthy diet (Career, Emotional)
  • Taking up music or art (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)
  • Developing etiquette (Career, Emotional)
  • Pursuing self-directed learning (Career, Intellectual)
  • Strengthening emotional regulation skills (Career, Emotional)
  • Encouraging exploration (Career, Intellectual, Emotional)

These myriad examples of personal growth represent not only opportunities for self-improvement but also crucial assets that can enhance our professional lives. Whether preparing for a meeting with a boss, designing a personal development plan, or simply reflecting on one’s journey, each of these areas can significantly contribute to our abilities, resilience, and well-being. They enable us to be more effective leaders, collaborators, and innovators , fostering better relationships and a more fulfilling life. Therefore, it’s vital to continuously strive for growth, leveraging these examples as stepping stones on the path towards our personal and professional objectives.

Brackett, M. A., Rivers, S. E., & Salovey, P. (2011). Emotional intelligence: Implications for personal, social, academic, and workplace success. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5 (1), 88-103. doi:

Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. C. (2011). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice . New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindset: The new psychology of success . United States: Random House Incorporated.

Exline, J. J., & Hill, P. C. (2012). Humility: A consistent and robust predictor of generosity.  The Journal of Positive Psychology ,  7 (3), 208-218. doi:

Greenhaus, J. H., & Allen, T. D. (2011). Work–family balance: A review and extension of the literature. In Handbook of occupational health psychology . American Psychological Association.

Johnson, B., & Swanson, E. (2016). Personal Growth in Adults: A Literature Review. Journal of Adult Development, 33 (4), 274-285.

Leary, M. R. (2001). Interpersonal rejection. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mol, S. E., & Bus, A. G. (2011). To read or not to read: a meta-analysis of print exposure from infancy to early adulthood. Psychological bulletin, 137 (2), 267. doi:

Mruk, C. (2013). Self-Esteem and Positive Psychology: Research, Theory, and Practice . Springer Publishing Company.

Neff, K. D. (2011). Self‐compassion, self‐esteem, and well‐being. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.

Ng, T. W., Eby, L. T., Sorensen, K. L., & Feldman, D. C. (2010). Predictors of objective and subjective career success: A meta‐analysis. Personnel psychology, 58 (2), 367-408.

Nucci, L. (2014). Handbook of moral and character education . New York: Routledge.

Ramsden, P. (2015). Learning to teach in higher education . London: Routledge.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Personal Growth: Here’s How to (Actually) Embrace It, According to Mindvalley Experts

  • March 27, 2023

Vishen, founder of Mindvalley

If there was ever a time to invest in your personal growth, it’s now. Also known as personal development and self-improvement , it’s one of the most important buzzwords of our time.

This concept has built an entire empire around its name. You could say it’s the Beyoncé of one’s well-being.

Philosophers, theologians, and psychologists are continuously trying to figure out how to live up to our greatest potential.

If personal growth is your thing, here’s everything you need to know about the self-growth game.

Ready to unlock your greatness? Let’s dive in.

What Is Personal Growth?

Personal growth is the improvement of our skills, knowledge, wisdom, habits, behavior, and personal qualities. Personal development allows you to reach your full potential, be your best self, and live your happiest, most successful life.

Personal growth definition

Think of personal growth as any positive mental, physical, and spiritual transformation. It’s not just about learning; it’s about applying whatever you learn so it becomes part of who you are .

Here at Mindvalley, we believe that your growth should always come first. After all, it’s through self-growth that we’re able to show up in the world as the most extraordinary version of ourselves.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs , self-actualization, a.k.a., personal growth, leads to the highest form of human fulfillment.

Sure, we need to breathe, eat, sleep, and have a social network around to keep us sane and safe. But if you want to explore your limitless potential, you’ll need to explore the last step of the pyramid. And once you do, you’ll discover that self-actualization enhances the way you enjoy all other aspects of the triangle too. 

Personal growth can make you a sort of Buddha but a badass at the same time. Peaceful but highly productive. Kind but resilient. Loving but assertive. Healthy, but with the fun-loving nature of a child.

Visual of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Types of personal growth

  • Expanding your mental capacity
  • Improving your social skills
  • Connecting to your spiritual self
  • Increasing emotional intelligence
  • Boosting your overall health and well-being

Personal development can improve your self-love, relationships, career prospects, spirituality, and mental or physical health, just to name a few . It’s homemade. Or self-made. It’s personal to you.

Examples of personal development goals

It can sometimes be difficult to find a place to start. So here are a few examples of personal growth goals to get you inspired:

  • Learning to be more productive at work
  • Developing emotional intelligence or expressing feelings healthily
  • Leading a healthier lifestyle (including food and exercise)
  • Forging better relationships
  • Learning the art of active listening or public speaking
  • Adopting new skills such as learning new languages, instruments, meditation, and other platforms
  • Boosting your self-esteem and confidence
  • Getting wiser with your finances
  • Becoming generally more self-aware
  • Learning to respond with resilience to challenging circumstances 
  • Cultivating more inner peace, love, and joy on a day-to-day basis

The true beauty of self-growth is that the possibilities are infinite. Furthermore, you can grow towards your goals in whichever way you choose, whether you’re 8 or 80. And the more you grow, the happier and more fulfilled you’ll be now and in the future.

Not sure where to start? Complete this quick and fun quiz to identify your key growth areas.

Personal growth at A fest

Why Is Self-Growth So Important?

Personal growth gives you the tools you need to thrive in an ever-changing world. If you want life to get better as you get older, you’ll need to become a better version of yourself.

It goes way beyond polishing your halo. It’s vital if you want to live a happy life. It’s also the key to success in every single area of the human experience.

Personal growth is important if you want to have:

  • Healthy, loving relationships with yourself and others
  • A baseline of happiness, positivity, and wellbeing
  • Greater resilience 
  • Career success
  • Long-term financial success
  • Motivation and productivity
  • A sense of calm in a storm
  • A healthy mind, body, and spirit

There’s nothing more important than your growth as a person. That’s why Mindvalley offers a vast array of personal growth courses that cover all aspects of personal growth. From improving your romantic relationships to clean eating, from entrepreneurship to spirituality, you’ll find everything you need under one roof. 

What’s more, the world needs you to be the best version of yourself. Because it’s only when you’re the strongest, happiest you that you can go out there and help others .

What Are the Main Challenges of Personal Growth?

Your personal growth is caused by change— big life events, struggles, new relationships, and spiritual enlightenment. It can happen by accident through forces outside your control. 

Co-founder of Mindvalley, Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani, shares an interesting approach to personal growth causes. She underlines the fact that growing from pain can happen, but it might be unnecessary. What can drive true transformation is our curiosity to learn the best skills on how to play this amazing game called life.

But with any change, there’s always something there to test you. Here’s a list of challenges that can seem like blockers to your transformation:

  • Getting overwhelmed by information
  • Being resistant to change
  • Forcing yourself to do too much too soon
  • Feeling lonely along your journey
  • Questioning what the next best step is
  • Fearing the unknown
  • Realizing that the more you know, the more you actually don’t know

That said, whether you’ve noticed it or not, you’ve adapted and grown into different versions of yourself your entire life. You developed the resilience to leave your mother’s side to go to school. You then learned to share your toys, then your time, then your money.

Maybe you chose to embrace kindness over selfishness (most of the time). At some point, you probably lost someone you loved along the way, so you found a way to cope with overwhelming emotions. All this causes personal growth.

But once you have built the experience to be self-aware, you’re ready to facilitate transformative learning and personal growth on purpose. It doesn’t just have to come about from pain, suffering, and survival. You can facilitate personal growth through reading, therapy, podcasts, and, best of all, courses.

You can find plenty of best-in-class self-growth resources on Mindvalley. Sign up for FREE and join the world’s most powerful life transformation platform.

Vishen personal growth

How to Achieve Personal Growth

The great news is that you’ve got a variety of options to choose from when it comes to how you want to focus on your self-improvement. The bad news is that it could get difficult to pick one when so many tempting options are available.

Here go a few of the best personal growth resources out there.

1. Personal growth books

If the good old method of reading books goes right up your alley, the sky is the limit, as the saying goes.

Books open up a whole new world of possibilities while comforting you with the process of absorbing wisdom through the pages. Whenever you’re ready, make yourself some tea, sit down in the coziest chair, and grab yourself a self-growth book.

To make it easier for you, here’s a list of 10 Must-Read Personal Development Books by Bestselling Mindvalley Authors .

2. Personal growth podcasts

Podcasts are a fantastic way to add a touch of personal growth to your daily routine. They’re easy to access, packed full of wisdom, and can be listened to whenever you’re running your daily errands and chores.

This way you can sprinkle some personal growth into your daily activities, such as driving your car, cooking dinner, doing the dishes, or eating lunch.

If you need some inspiration for the next podcast to listen to, here are 5 Podcasts to Support Your Personal Growth Journey .

3. Go out of your comfort zone

As you may know already, nothing grows in your comfort zone. The idea isn’t to turn your life outside down and go bungee jumping when you wake up tomorrow morning.

What truly matters is that step by step, you do something small that challenges you. Here are some examples of how to get out of your comfort zone on a daily basis:

  • Take up a new course
  • Go for a walk in the evening
  • Say hi to a stranger today
  • Listen to a podcast on your way to work
  • Enjoy a healthy meal
  • Spend five minutes focusing on your breathing
  • Pay someone a compliment 

True growth lies in the new habits that we slowly create, as they will end up creating a new version of ourselves.

Not sure where to start? Get some inspiration from this article: Use Your Discomfort Zone to Your Advantage—Here’s How .

4. Meet new people

New connections have the power to elevate your consciousness when you’re around people who inspire you. Gently pushing yourself to get to know people outside of your usual social circle will help with improving communication skills and finding a fresh perspective.

Looking for inspiration in your environment might redefine your idea of success. As you are surrounded by people who aid your personal growth, you’ll not only be motivated to work on your development more and more but will also see how possible it is to achieve your goals.

I f you’re looking for a tribe of like-minded people, check out the Connections by Mindvalley app , which you can use to stay in touch with the community wherever you are in the world.

5. Professional help

Why choose to do everything on our own when someone can easily point us in the right direction? It saves time, money, and energy to learn from someone who has already done it.

A 2020 study showed that 80% of clients who hired a life coach have reported an increase in self-confidence and overall well-being. Personal growth is indeed a one-man job, as you can’t pay a fitness trainer to work out for you. But you can hire them to teach you how to do it.

If you want to learn how to help others, life coaching could be the thing for you.

6. Write down your true life goals

Knowing your goals will act as a roadmap for your personal growth journey. And for this task, you only need to ask yourself The 3 Most Important Questions . 

Asking the right questions will not only bring more clarity to what your dream life would look like but will also sketch out the first directions in your self-improvement plan.

7. Find out your personal growth level

Maybe one of the most essential things is to know where to start. What that means is finding out your personal growth starting point.

You can then move on to pick up the best development tools for your specific level.

7 Personal Growth Quotes to Inspire You by Mindvalley Authors

  • “ The swiftest way to triple your success is to double your investment in personal development . ” — Robin Sharma, leadership expert and trainer of Mindvalley’s Hero. Genius. Legend Quest
  • “ In the process of learning to fascinate healing in others, you yourself become healed.” — Deborah King, esoteric healer and trainer of Mindvalley’s Be a Modern Master Quest
  • “ Self-enrichment is that act of creating a thousand micro-wins so you can have one macro win.” — Lisa Nichols, renowned inspirational speaker and trainer of Mindvalley’s Speak and Inspire Quest
  • “ The quest for wholeness can never begin on the external level. It is always an inside job .” — Dr. Shefali Tsabary, psychologist and trainer of Mindvalley’s Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
  • “Your potential expands as you move towards it. You could never know what you are capable of because as you get to it, your potential allows you to go even further.” — Marisa Peer, professional hypnotherapist and trainer of Mindvalley’s Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest
  • “Your soul doesn’t care what you do for a living and when your life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you are being while you are doing whatever you are doing.” — Neale Donald Walsch, worldwide spiritual teacher and trainer of Mindvalley’s Awaken the Species Quest
  • “We need to understand how our minds work, so we can work our minds better.” — Jim Kwik, renowned brain coach and trainer of Mindvalley’s Superbrain Quest

Words can move us so deeply that will trigger action taken immediately. Especially when coming from people whose work is profoundly inspirational.

How to Make a Self-Improvement Plan 

When it comes to personal growth, actions speak louder than words. So grab a journal and pen, and start your plan via the following four steps:

  • Ask the question: “What’s not working?” Identify what area of your life you’d like to improve. It could be your relationship, your career, or your level of health and general well-being. 
  • Now you know what’s not working, ask yourself the question: “ What do I want instead? ” It could be an enhanced romantic life, a fitter, healthier body, more self-love, or self-expression. 
  • Next, ask yourself what qualities you’ll need in order to manifest your dreams . If you want to lose weight, maybe you’ll need motivation and nutrition advice. If you wish to cultivate inner peace, you’ll need to learn how to meditate, etc. That’s where personal growth companies like us come in. We have a vast array of personal growth courses designed to help you grow into the best version of yourself in all areas of your life. 
  • Set milestones. Make a promise to yourself that you’ll achieve certain goals by certain dates. Make sure they’re specific, achievable, and time-bound. For example, you may want to write a book in the next year. Your milestones may be writing the first chapter within six weeks, the second chapter within 12 weeks, the third chapter within 18 weeks, etc. 

How to continue your journey

You can make sure you’re always growing and developing yourself by:

  • Keeping a personal growth journal to record your progress every day
  • Finding a mentor
  • Reading about whichever area you’ve chosen to work on
  • Creating a personal growth-oriented morning routine
  • Getting an accountability partner to keep you on track

Fuel Your Future

Once you start your personal development journey, you may never go back. And not because you can’t, but your life will improve so much that you might not want to.

If you need guidance on how to explore any area of your life and find the answers you’re looking for, here is where to begin. Mindvalley is the place for personal growth expertise. You’ll find everything you need to know about leveling up your mind, relationships, health, career, or spirituality. 

What’s even better is that personal growth doesn’t have to be a lonely ride. Along your journey, you can connect with the Mindvalley tribe, a global community of people aspiring to meet goals similar to yours. So welcome in.

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Amy White

Vishen is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and founder and CEO of Mindvalley: a global education movement with millions of students worldwide.

He is the creator of Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, Mindvalley University, and various other platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation. He has led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, the UN, and millions of people around the world.

Vishen’s work in personal growth also extends to the public sector, as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives—including education, work culture, politics, and well-being.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Growth and Development — Personal Development: Reflection and Growth


Personal Development: Reflection and Growth

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Words: 595 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 595 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Introduction, strengths and weaknesses analysis, goal setting and action planning, feedback and self-reflection.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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