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ivy league essay editor

8 Strong Ivy League Essay Examples

What’s covered:.

  • Essay 1: Princeton
  • Essay 2: Cornell
  • Essay 3: Yale
  • Essay 4: Brown
  • Essay 5: UPenn
  • Essay 6: Dartmouth
  • Essay 7: Columbia
  • Essay 8: Harvard
  • Where to Get Your Essay Edited for Free

The Ivy League consists of eight private institutions on the East Coast, known for having extremely competitive admissions rates. The following schools are in the Ivy League: Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, UPenn, Cornell, Brown, and Dartmouth.

These schools all have their own supplemental essays, ranging from typical topics like “ Why This College? ” to more unique topics that change from year to year. Because the Ivies are some of the most competitive schools in the country, your essays are crucial for you to showcase aspects of yourself that might not be apparent from other parts of your application. 

In this post, we’ll provide a strong essay example for each Ivy and explain what each did well and where they could be improved. Read on to learn more about how to craft a compelling narrative!

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Essay #1: Princeton

Prompt: Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay. (250-650 words)

“One of the great challenges of our time is that the disparities we face today have more complex causes and point less straightforwardly to solutions.” 

– Omar Wasow, assistant professor of politics, Princeton University. This quote is taken from Professor Wasow’s January 2014 speech at the Martin Luther King Day celebration at Princeton University . 

The air is crisp and cool, nipping at my ears as I walk under a curtain of darkness that drapes over the sky, starless. It is a Friday night in downtown Corpus Christi, a rare moment of peace in my home city filled with the laughter of strangers and colorful lights of street vendors. But I cannot focus. 

My feet stride quickly down the sidewalk, my hand grasps on to the pepper spray my parents gifted me for my sixteenth birthday. My eyes ignore the surrounding city life, focusing instead on a pair of tall figures walking in my direction. I mentally ask myself if they turned with me on the last street corner. I do not remember, so I pick up the pace again. All the while, my mind runs over stories of young women being assaulted, kidnapped, and raped on the street. I remember my mother’s voice reminding me to keep my chin up, back straight, eyes and ears alert. 

At a young age, I learned that harassment is a part of daily life for women. I fell victim to period-shaming when I was thirteen, received my first catcall when I was fourteen, and was nonconsensually grabbed by a man soliciting on the street when I was fifteen. For women, assault does not just happen to us— its gory details leave an imprint in our lives, infecting the way we perceive the world. And while movements such as the Women’s March and #MeToo have given victims of sexual violence a voice, harassment still manifests itself in the lives of millions of women across the nation. Symbolic gestures are important in spreading awareness but, upon learning that a surprising number of men are oblivious to the frequent harassment that women experience, I now realize that addressing this complex issue requires a deeper level of activism within our local communities. 

Frustrated with incessant cases of harassment against women, I understood at sixteen years old that change necessitates action. During my junior year, I became an intern with a judge whose campaign for office focused on a need for domestic violence reform. This experience enabled me to engage in constructive dialogue with middle and high school students on how to prevent domestic violence. As I listened to young men uneasily admit their ignorance and young women bravely share their experiences in an effort to spread awareness, I learned that breaking down systems of inequity requires changing an entire culture. I once believed that the problem of harassment would dissipate after politicians and celebrities denounce inappropriate behavior to their global audience. But today, I see that effecting large-scale change comes from the “small” lessons we teach at home and in schools. Concerning women’s empowerment, the effects of Hollywood activism do not trickle down enough. Activism must also trickle up and it depends on our willingness to fight complacency. 

Finding the solution to the long-lasting problem of violence against women is a work-in-progress, but it is a process that is persistently moving. In my life, for every uncomfortable conversation that I bridge, I make the world a bit more sensitive to the unspoken struggle that it is to be a woman. I am no longer passively waiting for others to let me live in a world where I can stand alone under the expanse of darkness on a city street, utterly alone and at peace. I, too, deserve the night sky.

What the Essay Did Well

There are many positives to this essay. To begin with, launching into the essay with multi sensory imagery in the anecdote was really effective at drawing the reader in. The audiovisual context (laughter, street vendors) keeps the scene alive and fully immerses the reader, while the internal narration illustrates how this student looks at the world. The contrast between the imagery of the external scene and the internal thoughts and feelings fully immerses the reader in the essay and alludes to the overarching theme of things being more complicated than they seem on the outside.

Another good thing this essay did was provide a personal account of this student’s experiences with harassment. This established their authority to speak on the topic and underscores their essay with authenticity.  They then “zoom out” to provide relevant background information that supplies additional context for readers who might not be that familiar with the extent of the issue at hand. By relating their personal stories to the large-scale issue at hand, they simultaneously develop a personal connection while demonstrating an understanding of a serious global issue.

What really could’ve made or broken this essay was the quote the student chose. Allowing you to choose any quote, this is an extremely open-ended prompt which gives students the opportunity to write about whatever they choose. This student did an excellent job of picking a quote that isn’t well-known or significant, but fit perfectly into the narrative they were trying to express in this essay. The approach the student likely took with this prompt is figuring out what experience they wanted to discuss and finding a quote that fit, rather than picking a quote first. This approach made for an essay that existed independently from the quote and didn’t rely on it as a crutch.

All together, the essay feels cohesive with every part relating back to the overarching theme of diving deeper than the surface level of things. The student’s vulnerability and personal reflection throughout the essay helps carry the theme through each paragraph. Even the conclusion does a great job of circling back to the anecdote at the beginning, bringing the societal problem the student addressed back down to the personal level to remind the reader the student’s personal stake in the issue.

What Could Be Improved

One potential criticism of this essay could stem from the ratio of background to active work. The author spends a lot of time setting up their personal connection and the global context of the issue; however, their essay could stand to gain from more content centered on their actual actions towards fighting harassment against women. They could discuss another small-scale discussion or project they led or elaborate more on their current inclusion. Dedicating two paragraphs to this rather than one gives admissions officers a better idea of their leadership skills and active role in fighting harassment.

Table of Contents

Essay #2: Cornell

Prompt: Tell us about your interest in engineering or what you hope to achieve with a degree in engineering. Describe what appeals to you about Cornell Engineering and how it specifically relates to your engineering interests or aspirations. (650 words) 

Storytime with my grandfather was a terrifying thing. With astounding skill, he would seep blood into our carpet and perforate our walls with bullets from a civil war fought before I was born. But what truly frightened me about storytime was my grandfather, who spoke of massacres gloriously, almost with nostalgia, like the people who had  died were not real.

He told the child I was every story he knew about that war but would not tell me about the battle that took his legs.

This was the reason I sat by his stumps each night and listened to stories I hated—because I wanted to know. But it was also because I understood that his storytelling was a kind of exorcism for him. He had not walked since 1970, would never walk again for a country that had not improved, a country spitting on the bloody sacrifices he and his generation had made of their innocence, their limbs, their lives. How does one live with that? My grandfather does not; he has created a different reality for himself where the war was a beautiful, worthy thing, and he lets me into it. The story of his legs did not belong in this reality, so I lusted after it with the brand of hunger I reserved for things I subconsciously knew I would not get.

My grandfather deserved a reality he could cope with enough to admit. I couldn’t reverse the war, couldn’t raise the friends he had lost, but I thought he should walk, that a man deserved to move his feet upon the land he loved.

Although there were indeed prosthetics in Nigerian hospitals, he had no income source whatsoever and could barely even afford a bag of rice to sustain himself.

Day by day, I searched for answers in my introductory science textbook, but to no avail. I carried on this search in high school and made my biology textbook my companion. I studied the body systems in-depth for clues, but I found nothing. One day, I came across Biomechanics, and seeing that it had my answer made me want to study it  in college.

Then came another mammoth task of deciding my place of study. I kept searching and researching, without seeming to find any place fit for me until I came across Cornell’s novel 3D printed prosthetic limbs in the “Silicon Review.” Light, flexible, and cost-effective –a miracle, just what grandpa needed. I had found my home, the home of this model – Sibley School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering.

I intend to channel the research experience I gained from Pioneer Academics into Cornell’s undergraduate research programs at Sibley – specifically, the research on orthopedic biomechanics currently ongoing at the Van der Meulen lab. I hope to work with intellectual, goal-driven scholars at Cornell and develop better and safer models of the 3D prosthetic. Also, Cornell’s Tech Summer Research Experience gives me an opportunity to work with engineers in different disciplines, thus diversifying my abilities and improving my innovation. I hope to work at the Nikolaos Bouklos faculty, where I would learn about the model’s unpredictability and explore ways to stabilize it while receiving guidance from Cornell’s world-class faculty mentors.

My life as a Cornell engineer would not be about theory alone. I intend to gain hands-on experience for medical school from the Hospital for Special Surgery and work with body systems to understand the physical, electrical and chemical connections between limbs and prosthetics – a fantastic opportunity for an outstanding, well-rounded education! I love to play soccer, and I hope to learn from the Big Red and become better while contributing my skills to give our opponents the claw.

Fearless and brave, grandpa has been more than an inspiration to me. I hope to repay him in the best way possible, and a Cornell education is what I need to actualize my dream.

So often, “Why Major?” and “Why School?” essays like Cornell’s include one anecdote showing a student’s interest in a topic and then spend the majority of the essay listing offerings at the school that don’t necessarily connect back to the anecdote. That can not be said for this essay.

The beauty of this essay is how focused it is around one central idea, yet it still has a captivating and heart-wrenching anecdote, an explanation of the student’s passion, and a variety of opportunities they plan to take advantage of. Everything in this essay stems from this student’s selflessness and compassion for their grandfather. The anecdote is extremely pertinent to the piece as a whole because the end goal of their major is to develop a prosthetic to help their grandfather.

An important part of the essay is to discuss resources and opportunities at Cornell, and this student accomplishes that so effectively because every resource they describe relates back to the idea of building and improving prosthetics. From working with prosthetic models in a lab to learning about implementation and the body in a hospital, this student frames every opportunity in the light of helping their grandfather. The reader knows exactly what this student intends to do, and what is motivating each extracurricular choice.

This essay leaves us with such a strong impression of who this student is and what motivates them. Their selflessness and dedication to their family has been a driving force throughout high school and will continue to be one in college. They are determined to persevere and want to use their education to help those around them. By revealing so much of their character in this essay, it demonstrates to admissions officers that this is the student they want on their campus.

In general, this is a very strong response and there is little to change. However, in such a highly-focused essay where every detail connects, this sentences feels very out of place: “ I love to play soccer, and I hope to learn from the Big Red and become better while contributing my skills to give our opponents the claw. “

While the student was likely trying to demonstrate a non-academic passion they will bring to Cornell, haphazardly throwing in a singular sentence without connecting it to anything else disrupts the momentum they have built throughout the essay. This essay was so strong because everything related to the common thread of helping their grandfather, but playing soccer is irrelevant to the other points being made. Since this sentence doesn’t tie into any other part of the essay, it would be better off without it.

This is a good example of not including details for the sake of including them. Admissions officers will see your accomplishments in other parts of the application, so you don’t need to work it into your essay if it doesn’t relate. Especially when the topic of the essay is so strong and focused, throwing in extraneous details will only confuse your readers and diminish the overall impact of your essay.

Essay #3: Yale

Prompt: Yale students, faculty, and alumni engage issues of local, national, and international importance. Discuss an issue that is significant to you and how your college experience could help you address it. (250 words)

A chaotic sense of sickness and filth unfolds in an overcrowded border station in McAllen, Texas. Through soundproof windows, migrants motion that they have not showered in weeks and children wear clothes caked in mucus and tears. The humanitarian crisis at the southern border exists not only in photographs published by mainstream media, but miles from my home in South Texas.

As a daughter of immigrants, I have heard countless stories of migrants being turned away by a country they desperately seek to love. After seeing the abhorrent conditions migrants face upon arriving in the U.S., I began volunteering with Loaves and Fishes, an organization that shelters and provides necessities to undocumented immigrants. This year, my experiences collecting donations and working at pop-up soup kitchens have made me realize that the communities in South Texas promote true American values of freedom and opportunity. The U.S. government, however, must do better.

During my university career, I aspire to learn how our immigration system can be positively reformed by considering the politics and economics that shape policy-making. Particularly, classes such as Institutional Design and Institutional Change will prepare me to effect change in existing institutions by analyzing various methods to bolster the economy. 

Additionally, I hope to join the Yale Refugee Project that volunteers at the southern border and prepares asylum cases for court. With the numerous opportunities offered by YRP, I will be part of a generation of activists and lawmakers that builds a more empathetic immigration system.

One of the benefits of this essay is how the student establishes the issue in detail prior to explaining her personal connection to it. The hook uses detailed imagery, typically seen in personal anecdotes, to describe the issue. Describing the issue at hand instead of an experience the student had helps the reader grasp the issue so they know exactly what the student is referring to when she explains her personal connection.

Having already established the issue, it then becomes much easier for the reader to understand the significance to the student without being explicitly told what it is. The combined details of her family’s background and the actions she has taken to address the issue help display her dedication to the issue and passion for solving it. The student never gives the reader an explanation as to why she cares so deeply about this issue, but through her writing, that reveals her internal identity and external actions, it becomes evident.

Another positive aspect was that the essay only discussed two resources at Yale that would be beneficial to the student. For “Why This College” essays, it’s all about quality over quantity. Elaborating on what the specific classes and the Yale Refugee Program will offer her in terms of professional development provides much more insight than if she had listed a bunch of Yale opportunities with no explanation of what made them special to her. 

Something this essay was missing was a conclusion to wrap up the essay. It ends by discussing the Yale Refugee Program, but fails to connect back to the student or the larger issue at hand. It’s understandable that she was pressed for space with a limited word count, but the ending felt abrupt. Adding one sentence to the end that shifts focus back to the student or how Yale as a whole would allow her to better the world would make the essay feel complete, leaving the reader satisfied.

There are many ways this student could tie the essay together in the conclusion, but one way would be to connect back to the observation the student made earlier that the “ U.S. government, however, must do better. ” This line isn’t really elaborated on and without a connection to how she plans to fix the mistakes of the current government it feels unnecessary. Saying something along the lines of “ With the tools Yale would give me I could tear down the barriers to immigration and construct new systems to steer federal immigration policy in an inclusive direction ” would provide a satisfying conclusion and an explanation of how this student will use her public policy degree to improve the government. 

Essay #4: Brown

Prompt: Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar. (200-250 words) 

My mother exclaimed in shock as she saw the title American Murder: The Family Next Door as the latest title on our Netflix watch list. “Why on earth would you want to watch that?” It made no sense to her that I spent free time watching documentaries about the psychopathic tendencies of serial killers.

From listening to neuropsychology podcasts on my long runs to reading Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment , I’ve been eager to explore the intersection between neuroscience, society, and the role they play in human nature. Brown’s Open Curriculum would allow me to double concentrate in Neuroscience and Science, Technology, and Society with a theme in Health and Medicine. Classes like Philosophy of Biology and The Moral Brain would begin to answer my questions about the relationship between neuroscience and human ethics. Perhaps I’ll finally understand why Raskolnikov thought he could get away with his crimes.

As an eight-year Latin scholar and five-time Percy Jackson reader, I hope to take classes in the Brown Classics department. I’m also intrigued by Ancient Greek Philosophy, and I plan to explore classic texts such as Plato’s Symposium in Introduction to Greek Literature. Courses like Hippocratic Medicine would allow me to learn about connections between the Classical world and medicine today. 

The brain’s unique composition creates an intricate link between science, history, and modern society that I can only explore at Brown. More importantly, Brown’s diverse environment would introduce me to people with entirely different opinions about Raskolnikov’s motives.

This essay is structured incredibly well. The author uses an anecdote to explain their interests in the opening paragraph. “ My mother exclaimed in shock ,” is the beginning of an opening sentence that draws the reader in, as the reader wants to learn the reason behind the mother’s shock. This opening allows the writer to speak about an interest of theirs, murder documentaries, then tie it to what they’re interested in studying. 

When discussing an academic interest, the author does a great job of providing specific examples connected to Brown. This allows the writer to share how they plan to take advantage of Brown’s unique Open Curriculum. They write, “ Classes like Philosophy of Biology and The Moral Brain would begin to answer my questions about the relationship between neuroscience and human ethics .” By sharing specific classes, it’s clear that the author has done some research about Brown and is truly interested in attending. 

The writer chooses to spend their last paragraph sharing more interests and how they could pursue these interests at Brown. They did a great job sharing a variety of interests, and they made it fun by writing that they’re a “ five-time Percy Jackson reader. ” Sharing details like this about yourself can help make your essays stand out because you come across as relatable, and your essay becomes more engaging and entertaining for the reader!

While it’s nice that the writer mentions various interests, including both neuroscience and classics, there doesn’t seem to be a strong connection between the two topics. The essay would be better if the author improved the transition between the second and third paragraphs. They could say how it’s not common to be able to study both neuroscience and classics because of how different the subjects are but that Brown’s open curriculum lets you pursue both.

More simply, the writer could share why they want to study both topics. Will they both be relevant for their career goals? Are they just curious about exploring a variety of subjects and classes at Brown? No matter the reason, a connection between their interests and a better transition would strengthen this essay.

Additionally, the essay prompt asks students to talk about both topics that interest them and “embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar.” It’s always important to keep the prompt in mind when outlining or writing it. This student wrote a lot about their interests, but it’s a little unclear how they plan to embrace topics with which they’re unfamiliar. Clarifying which topic in this essay the writer hasn’t studied would improve the response and ensure that it directly answers the prompt.

Essay #5: UPenn 

Prompt: How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected. (300-450 words)

There’s a certain energy palpable at protests, each chant a powerful reminder that you are not alone in a seemingly futile fight- it’s why I love organizing. At Penn you will be sure to find me advocating for environmental education in local school districts with Eco Reps (gotta start them young), or even marching through the streets of Philly to demand climate action.

Despite my love for grassroots activism, I often feel frustrated in the weeks following a protest as the buzz dies down; despite overwhelming support for change, be it climate action, BLM, gun control, or Indigenous sovereignty, it often feels like our cries fall upon deaf ears. 

I believe in order for tangible change to occur, our leaders and policymakers need to reflect the diversity and interests of the public. Penn will equip me to be that leader.

Having the tools to understand both the science and history within issues like public health or climate change is something I believe will be invaluable to study in the Environmental Policy and Application program at Penn. Using the knowledge I gain from classes like Natural Disturbances and Human Disasters , which bridges my interest in the environment with the very tangible effects of human-made and natural disasters, I can be a better informed leader, learning from past mistakes to create preventative solutions for future catastrophes through policy. 

Integrated into West Philly, to me, the lack of barriers between campus and the city symbolizes the infinite space for growth and exploration. At Penn, I can study politics while also indulging in the arts at the Arthur Ross Gallery, or how to integrate principles of sustainability in an urban environment. And, of course, being able to admire the beautiful gothic architecture as I sit in class (gotta love that dark academia aesthetic) while also being able to experience the rich culture and diversity of the urban environment of Philadelphia is definitely a plus (I mean, Chinatown and cheesesteaks? Come on!). 

UPenn’s emphasis on global education is especially appealing to me; solving the climate crisis cannot and will not fall upon one country; it must be a collective effort. With that comes the need to understand (and learn from) sustainability in other countries, therefore, having the opportunity to take classes like Politics of the Global Environment in the Political Science program will allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of international policy and approaches to environmental issues in different countries, where they intersect and how they differ. 

I believe as global citizens it is crucial to approach learning from a global perspective as opposed to a nationalistic one; I believe UPenn will help me do just that. 

This essay does a very nice job of laying out what led this student to pursue politics and what they hope to get out of each opportunity at UPenn. We can see their strong sense of civic duty in the first paragraph when they discuss the excitement of protests, but telling us they feel “ frustrated in the weeks following a protest as the buzz dies down ” helps us understand their need to take things into their own hands.

When discussing different opportunities at Penn, this student chooses depth over breadth—describing why a small number of offerings are important to them and will be beneficial rather than providing a laundry list of items. For example, when they mention a class they are interested in, they elaborate by saying it “ bridges my interest in the environment with the very tangible effects of human-made and natural disasters .” Similarly, they demonstrate their forward-thinking approach when discussing global opportunities by noting their need to “ gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of international policy and approaches to environmental issues in different countries. “

Another positive aspect is how strong this student’s voice is throughout the essay. We see their passion and love for protesting at the beginning, they clearly express their position on representation in politics, and they inject a lot of humor into the paragraph about Philly. Having conviction and making an essay casual yet impactful is a hard balance to strike, but this student does a nice job of that. 

Although it’s important to not just focus on academic opportunities, students can sometimes make the mistake of writing about a city, rather than a school, when they discuss extracurriculars. The paragraph about the opportunities awaiting this student in Philly was great for including their personal voice, but it isn’t specific to Penn. 

Rather than making art galleries and cheesesteaks the primary focus of the paragraph, the student should have discussed a club or organization that is unique to Penn. Something related to climate justice would fit in nicely with the rest of their essay and would give the author the opportunity to further elaborate on what they hope to accomplish out of the classroom. They can still find a way to work in some humor, but it shouldn’t be the main aspect of the paragraph.

Essay #6: Dartmouth

Prompt: The Hawaiian word mo’olelo is often translated as “story” but it can also refer to history, legend, genealogy, and tradition. Use one of these translations to introduce yourself. (250-300 words)

As a child, darkness meant nightmares, so I would pester my grandmother to tell me stories while the sun was trapped amongst silver hues. My religious grandmother would proceed to tell me about the Supreme Being in Hindu mythology, made of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer). Together, these Gods defined the cyclical nature of mortal existence through creation and destruction – life and death.

Although I found this idea interesting, each year in my life brought on a better understanding of these Gods’ purposes – I only had a certain number of years before I faced my life’s “destruction.”

My only answer to living more in my one life was to stuff my head into pages filled with the journeys of fictional characters. I was a member of a motorcycle club, a terminally-ill teenager, and much more than what I could be in my physical life. Authors let me experience hundreds of lives through literature, therefore, inspiring me to create fictional lives of my own.

So, hello! I’m Navya – named after a star shining the night I was born. For most of my life, I’ve struggled with the idea that we each experience life only once before our own lives are destroyed, but books have helped me find a way to live thousands of lives. I am an aspiring author and want to write historical fiction books that cheat the Gods, who said that everything must be destroyed, because my characters will never fade. And all this happened because of my grandmother and her love of Hindu mythology. Mythology sparked a quest for me to find how I could get the most out of my life but my mo’olelo is nowhere near its ending. I have more lives to experience and more lives to write. 

This essay beautifully combines this student’s life story with their passion for physical stories. Connecting these two types of stories gives extra depth and nuance to the essay, showing this student’s ability to think creatively. The idea that her life story revolves around fictional stories shines through in sentences like: “ My only answer to living more in my one life was to stuff my head into pages filled with the journeys of fictional characters .”

Our stories aren’t just comprised of the past though, and this essay does a great job of transitioning from the past to the future. Telling the reader “ Authors let me experience hundreds of lives through literature, therefore, inspiring me to create fictional lives of my own ” lets us appreciate how deeply engrained literature  is in this student’s personal story. The admissions officers reading this essay walk away knowing exactly what this student hopes to do one day and where the inspiration for that career came from. 

The idea of stories are woven throughout this essay, making it exceptionally well-connected. Although the beginning is meant to introduce a sense of fear at mortality this student encountered, it is done so through a story her grandmother told about her culture. Then the student explains the sanctuary and inspiration she found through famous stories, and finally it concludes with her describing the stories she will tell. Combined, all these pieces of mythology and literature form this student’s personal story.

The only real weakness in this essay is the conclusion. While it is well-written and nicely summarizes everything the author has explained, it doesn’t contribute anything new to the essay. The only new pieces of information the reader gains is that the student wants to “ write historical fiction books ” and that her “ mo’olelo is nowhere near its ending .”

To avoid redundancy, the conclusion could have been made stronger if it was simply focused on the future. Discussing this student’s aspirations to be a historical fiction writer—maybe including possible stories or time periods she dreams about—would have made the finale more focused and also have given the same amount of attention to the future of her story as she did the past and present. Then, the essay would chronologically follow this student’s life story from when she was young, to her current passion, to her future goals, allowing the reader to seamlessly see the progression, rather than having it restated for us. 

Essay #7: Columbia

Prompt: For applicants to Columbia College, please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. If you are currently undecided, please write about any field or fields in which you may have an interest at this time. (300 words)

The flickering LED lights began to form into a face of a man when I focused my eyes. The man spoke a ruthless serial killer of the decade who had been arrested in 2004, and my parents shivered at his reaccounting of the case. I curiously tuned in, wondering who he was to speak of such crimes with concrete composure and knowledge. Later, he introduced himself as a profiler named Pyo Chang Won, and I watched the rest of the program by myself without realizing that my parents had left the couch.

After watching the program, I recited the foreign word until it was no longer unfamiliar—”profiler”. I stayed up all-night searching the meaning; my eyes sparkled with the dim light of the monitor as I read the tales of Pyo Chang Won and his Sherlock-like stories. From predicting the future of criminals and knowing the precise vicinity of a killer on the loose, he had saved countless lives; living in communities riddled with crimes in my youth then and even now, I dreamed of working against crimes. However, the traditional path of a lawyer or a police officer only reinforced the three-step cycle of arrest, trial, and jail which continued with no fundamental changes for years; I wanted to work with the psyche of criminals beyond courts and wondered about the inner workings of the mind. 

Such admiration and interest led me to invest my time in psychology. Combined with working with the likes of the Victim Witness Agency, I decided to pursue psychology as my major for my undergraduate education. Later on, I want to specialize my research and education on behavioral/forensic psychology and eventually branch out to my childhood dream of becoming a criminal profiler. 

A major positive of this essay is how it is focused on one moment in time. This student goes into depth about the night they first fell in love with criminal psychology which allows the reader to feel like they are there watching TV with the student and researching afterwards. Having the essay focus on a snapshot of the student’s life opens the door to include more imagery and delve into the internal monologue of the student, thus creating a more engaging and personable essay. 

The student’s genuine fascination for the topic is evident through what they show the reader. They explain that they stayed to finish the show after their parents left, they stayed up all night researching what they just learned, and their eyes sparkled the more they learned about criminal psychology. Providing all these details shows the student’s fascination and passion for this topic without them ever having to explicitly say they were excited about it. 

This essay also does a good job of expanding past the requirements of the prompt to explain what they hope to accomplish with their degree. Including their goals reinforced their passion to pursue this field to admissions officers. It also demonstrated that they are a goal-oriented person who wants to make a difference in the world.

One thing that could be improved in this essay is the grammar. There were a few sentences where there were either typos or just clunky sentences that could be tightened up. In order to catch grammatical errors, you should always give your essay to at least one other person to read. CollegeVine offers  essay reviews that allows students to receive feedback on the grammar, structure, and content of their essays. It’s always a good idea to have a fresh pair of eyes read your essay to catch mistakes that might go unnoticed by you. Having someone review this essay would have likely helped this student fix their grammatical errors.

Essay #8: Harvard

Prompt:   You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about yourself or your accomplishments. You may write on a topic of your choice, or you may choose from one of the following topics:  Travel, living, or working experiences in your own or other communities.

A scream in the night.

In the town of Montagu, South Africa, the sun had set hours ago, leaving its place to a deep dark sky. Everything was peaceful and quiet. In a little lodge, a family of four people had just finished eating on a dimly lit terrace. The heat was so intense even the black silence seemed to suffocate – only a few crickets dared to break its density. The mother asked something to her daughter, who stood up, and bypassed the table. That’s when she screamed. An intense, long scream, that reverberated in the little town of Montagu.

How do I know that? It was me. 

Me, miserable as I had fallen down the terrace… into a plantation of cacti! I couldn’t move. I felt as if each cactus thorn contained poison that spread through my back, my arms, my entire body. The plants were engulfing me into the darkness. I was suffocating, trying to grasp some of the hot, heavy air. Until I felt her hand. My mom’s. 

She and my father organized this trip to South Africa. Valuing experiences more than material wealth, they liked to organize trips to foreign, far away countries. In addition to South Africa, I visited Cuba, Nepal and China. Four countries where landscapes and cities are dissimilar to France’s. Four countries that allowed me to discover numerous communities, recipes and traditions. Four countries where I met animals, plants and humans I had never seen before.

I am a city girl. As a little girl, I was never really fond of flora or fauna. However, during my trips, I was lucky to see animals in freedom and to interact with nature. A baboon broke into my car in South Africa and walked all over me – literally. I held an iguana in Cuba, did a safari in South Africa and talked with a parrot in Nepal. I saw the sun rising on the Machapuchare. I ultimately understood that all I had experienced was thanks to Nature. I realized its preciousness and its urgency to be saved. I gained proximity to the environment that I had always lacked. My blood turned green thanks to travels. 

In addition to animal discoveries, travels are encounter engines. From little to aged humans, from all genders, from everywhere, travels allowed me to meet incredible people. The uncanny apparition of a mysterious little girl particularly touched me in Ghorepani, Nepal. I had walked for seven hours that day, and was waiting for dinner, sitting on a bench. She slowly advanced towards me.

“What’s your name?” I asked the white figure in the obscurity.

The little girl stopped moving. Dark curly hair, dark deep eyes, white clothes covered in mud among the deep dark night. Our eyes locked in each other’s, the sound of our breathing floating in the dense silence, everything seemed to be suspended. After what felt like dozens of hours, she looked at me and silently walked away, a star in the ink black sky. 

Every person encountered made me grow. Some like the Nepalese little girl simply disrupted me, some opened my eyes on poverty, others opened my eyes on racism. Every person I met had a story to share, a fact to transmit. I visited an orphanage in a township in South Africa. The teacher, a frail and tiny woman, explained that racism was still so profound in the country that black and mixed race people were fighting to death in the neighbourhood. Centuries of abuse towards people of color, for children to pay the price, growing up parentless in the orphanage. The sound of the rain was echoing on the metal houses as the children sang their anthem. Wet furrows appeared as raindrops were racing on every cheek:

‘Let us live and strive for freedom,

In South Africa our land.’

Traveling is ultimately a chance. It is an opportunity to understand the complexity of the world by getting close to it. Traveling allowed me to realize the differences between each country and region. But beyond those dissimilarities, I saw singing, dancing and laughing everywhere in the world. Being away brought me closer to my home and my family and friends, my newspaper team, every community I’m involved in. Traveling represents a learning process. I integrated leadership and diligence in Nepal, watching children and old men transport wood on their back. Speaking foreign languages allowed me to acquire experience and put my theoretical skills to practise. I acquired a lot of adaptability through travels as part of their greatness comes from its unpredictability. Traveling truly enriches the intellect of those who have the chance to do it.

This is overall a delightful, very readable essay. The author starts with a dramatic hook to capture the reader’s attention, and they build on that initial story with vivid imagery like “ I felt as if each cactus thorn contained poison that spread through my back, my arms, my entire body. ” In general, the language is strong throughout the entire essay. Other beautiful gems include, “ The sound of the rain was echoing on the metal houses as the children sang their anthem ” and, “ The uncanny apparition of a mysterious little girl particularly touched me. ” The author has a way with words, and they proudly demonstrate it in their response. 

In addition to strong imagery, the author also does a satisfactory job at answering the prompt. The open-ended question not only means that students could answer in a variety of ways, but also that it might be easy to fall into a trap of answering in an unrelated or uninteresting manner. The author here does a good job of directly answering the prompt by providing clear examples of their travels around the world. Their response also goes beyond merely listing experiences; rather, they tell stories and describe some of the notable people they have met along the way. By telling stories and adopting a whimsical tone that evokes the wanderlust of travel, they elevate the impact of their response. 

We also learn a fair amount about the author through their stories and personal reflections. We see that they are concerned about social justice through their retelling of the interactions in South Africa. We see them reflecting on the universal joys of singing and dancing: “ But beyond those dissimilarities, I saw singing, dancing and laughing everywhere in the world. ” In the closing paragraph, we learn that they are adaptable and willing to undergo lifelong learning. Thus, another reason this essay shines is because it not only tells us what travels/experiences the author has engaged in, but it provides deeper introspection regarding how they have grown from these experiences.

While the essay is beautiful, and the fast-moving pace matches the feeling of seeing unfamiliar places for the first time, the narrative runs the risk of being too wide-ranging. The introductory story of falling onto a bed of cacti could warrant an entire essay unto itself, yet the author does not return to it anywhere else in their response. They missed an opportunity to bring the response full circle by ruminating on that once more in their conclusion. 

Another thing to be careful of is how the privilege inherent in international travel might cause the author to see the life through a certain lens. Although they remark upon how their family prioritizes experiences over material wealth, the fact is that extensive international travel relies on having material wealth to pay for costs like airfare and housing. It is important to demonstrate humility and awareness of privilege when responding to college essay prompts, and this is no exception. 

Where to Get Your Essays Edited 

At top schools like the Ivies, your essays account for around 25% of your admissions decision after you clear the academic thresholds. Why is this? Most students applying to the Ivy League will have stellar academics and extracurriculars. Your essays are your chance to stand out and humanize your application.

After reading your essays over and over, it can be difficult to judge your writing objectively. That’s why we created our Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. Since they don’t know you personally, they can be a more objective judge of whether your personality shines through, and whether you’ve fully answered the prompt. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Access to quality, knowledgeable, and trustworthy guidance is difficult to find. Our proprietary, detail-oriented essay editing approach has helped countless students achieved their educational dreams.

Meet Some of our Essay Mentors

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Elliot | Harvard

Major in english.

When not working on his creative non-fiction thesis, Elliot helps his peers perfect their writing as one of the select few students chosen to work at Harvard College’s Writing Center as a Tutor. In addition to working in media and publishing, Elliot has also served as the Vice President of Harvard's premier long-form improv comedy troupe, The Immediate Gratification Players , and is an active member of the Harvard College Stand-Up Comics Society.

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Hannah | Harvard

Major in social studies.

Hannah has pursued her passions for teaching and education by mentoring students through Harvard's Ed Portal and teaching piano lessons through the Phillips Brooks House Association . She also gives tours of Harvard's campus as an ambassador for Harvard's Admissions Office, and can be found playing the oboe in Harvard’s Bach Society Orchestra .

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Mackenzie | Harvard

Originally from New York, Mackenzie is a member of the Harvard-Radcliffe Women’s Lightweight Crew Team and also works as the team’s Chief Marketing Officer. She has also pursued her interest in business while working with startups out of Harvard’s Innovation Lab and MIT’s DesignXEntrepreneurship Accelerator Program . She is currently a board member of Harvard’s Undergraduate Women in Business Association and a print editor for The Harvard Crimson student newspaper.

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Elizabeth | Harvard

Double major in english & comparative religion.

Elizabeth has kept herself busy with a wide array of on-campus involvement, from working as a research assistant in the Harvard English Department to playing violin in the Harvard College Opera and mentoring local students in music. She also serves as the President of the Harvard College Interfaith Forum, and is both a Student Deacon and member of the Student Advisory Board for Harvard's Memorial Church.

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Evan | Harvard

Major in applied mathematics, focus in economics.

Evan was born in Huntington Beach, California but moved to Hawaiʻi by himself when he was 12 years old to attend a school for students of Native Hawaiian descent. At Harvard, Evan writes for both the Harvard College Law Review and Harvard Economics Review, and he has pursued his interest in economics outside the classroom through activities including writing a research paper on the history of economic diversification in Hawaiʻi for the Hawaiʻi Executive Conference. Outside of academics, Evan enjoys playing the piano, playing water polo, and going to the beach.

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Sylvia | Harvard

Major in computer science, minor in spanish.

In addition to her background in STEM, Sylvia is interested in the intersection of technology and social/environmental issues. She is currently a member of Women in Computer Science and serves as a Product Manager for the TAMID Consulting technology team. Outside of class, Sylvia competes on Harvard's cross-country and track team.

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Maliya | Harvard

Major in english, minor in environmental science and public policy.

Maliya is originally from New Haven, Connecticut, and is extremely passionate about writing and its power to inform and inspire. She is an Associate Editor at Harvard's student newspaper, The Crimson , and has also used her writing skills to fight for climate justice at the Yale Center for the Environment and while serving as the Newsletter Managing Editor for the Global Center for Climate Justice. Outside of the classroom, she enjoys long-distance running, choral singing, crafting, and baking.

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Lani | Harvard

Lani has a long history of mentoring high school students, primarily through the Harvard Summer School Programs. She is passsionate about politics and law, serving as a Case Team Leader for Harvard's Undergraduate Political Consulting Club, as well as being a founding board member of Harvard's Women in Law Association , with plans to attend law school post-graduation. When not listening to true crime podcasts or cooking, Lani can be found planning performances while serving as a Director of the Expressions Dance Company.

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Marc | Harvard

Major in art, film, and visual studies; minor in government.

When not working on his film production assignments, Marc can be found serving as a Senior Editor, Executive Content Editor, and Contributing Writer to the Harvard International Review. He has extensive tutoring experience through Harvard Student Agencies , and has also interned for ReVista , a Harvard publication that reviews Latin American culture and current events.

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Essay development services.

We specialize in editing college and graduate school application essays.

All of our experienced team members have been in your shoes, and know what it takes to succeed.

Whether you just started brainstorming or already drafted your essays, our unparalleled mentorship and guidance can help you strengthen your writing and make your application stand out from the pack.

1-on-1 video sessions

Perfect for... students who want 1-on-1 guidance on writing their essays from scratch, from brainstorming to drafting to polishing up a final draft.

Work with an Ivy League mentor to develop your entire application from scratch through a series of live 1-on-1 video sessions.

  • 30-min to 1-hour live video sessions to discuss your essays, scheduled at your convenience
  • Brainstorm ideas, discuss your writing, workshop drafts, and edit your essays with an experienced mentor to achieve the best results
  • Start your writing process with an emotionally compelling, thoughtful, and already-vetted story idea -- don't waste time pursuing ideas that won't make a great essay
  • Brainstorm essay topics and get inspired to discover interesting, unique stories about yourself that you might otherwise overlook
  • Write and edit several essay drafts over the span of multiple sessions with an experienced Ivy League writer
  • Polish up a final draft of your application essays, ready for submission
  • Receive holistic advice on the college admissions process and your overall application
  • Get guidance on how to approach being waitlisted to your dream college, and what information you should send to the admissions office to bolster your chances

Expert essay reviews

Perfect for... students who want detailed, honest, and comprehensive feedback on essays they've already written.

Simply submit your essays to our online submission form to get in-depth, personalized feedback from an Ivy League editor within 48 hours.

  • Review and revise the content and grammar of your writing, as well as the style and strength of your central thesis/story/narrative
  • Grade essay across 12+ dimensions using our proprietary evaluation rubrics
  • Rush delivery of 12 or 24 hours
  • Our Ivy League student editors can help you achieve the results you desire through your writing
  • Revise the content, style, and strength of your central thesis/story/narrative
  • Receive customized feedback based on the specific guiding prompt and topic of your essay, as well as your personal background
  • Validate your bibliographic citations and sourcing
  • Proofreading and grammar
  • Improve the structure, narrative, and organization of your writing

Areas of Expertise

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Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority .

We pride ourselves on delivering industry-leading editing and mentorship services for students around the world. We're honored to have consistently received excellent reviews from our students, and to have helped our students earn admission to the top colleges in the world.

Kyle, High School Student

Top acceptances:.

I am so, so grateful for finding Veritas. I talked to a ton of college counseling services and felt that Veritas was the most affordable and authentic. I don’t think I would have gotten into the schools I did without my mentor. She was available 24/7 and seemed to care about my essays like they were her own. I have this weird way I open college results, where I lower my laptop so I can just see the “view results” option...I did that with Yale and I remember it jumping to a video with the bull dog and I realized I was accepted. I cried for so long. My mentor encouraged me to apply to more selective schools, and I am really glad I did so -- I was accepted by Yale, Duke, and Stanford !

PJ, High School Student

From college application essays to cover letters, Veritas Essays has helped me in almost every step of my academic journey. The fantastic editors really invest their time into improving your writing by suggesting new ways of thinking. Thanks to Veritas Essays, I have received acceptances to multiple Ivy Leagues, as well as other top schools, and I continue to see success whenever I use their services. On a side note, I always notice an improvement in my own writing skills thanks to the feedback I get on my essays. Thank you again for all your help.

Tarun, High School Student

I’m not the strongest essay writer, and Veritas really helped me get my message out onto the page and convey that to the admissions officer more effectively. The...day that Ivy League results came out I really did not know how any of them would go...it all happened so fast and I was suprised when I got some really exciting results, and the same with Stanford. It was just a crazy moment with my family around me!

Aravind, High School Student

Thank you very much to the entire Veritas Essays team for your support throughout the process. Both my mentors were exceptional in their mentorship and guidance on writing my essays, as well as other things like helping me prepare for interviews. I'm sure the revisions helped me stand out in admissions committees, especially for very selective programs like LSM at UPenn, which only accepts 25 students out of more than 1500 that apply. I will definitely recommend Veritas Essays to students at my school entering the college admissions process this year!

Madison, High School Student

While I feel like a strong writer on my own, getting my essays edited by someone with knowledge of the college application system was invaluable and my essays were exponentially better for it.

Don, Parent of High School Student

We are ecstatic that my daughter got accepted to MIT. Your essay editor was instrumental. The turnaround time was quick as promised and the work was top notch. We can tell how much time was spent on it and we couldn't be happier with the result. I was not disappointed in any way. The comments were honest and straightforward. The editor helped clean up the essay in ways that I completely missed. This editor was extremely thorough and dissected every idea. Took out all the irrelevant verbiage and had my essays stay on point. I would absolutely recommend!

Emory, High School Student

Veritas’s services helped a lot - I got into my 2 dream schools: Harvard and Yale. Thank you!

Anaya, High School Student

Thank you all so much! I truly believe my essays were a large part of my admission to my dream schools !!

Sam, High School Student

English is not my strong suit, so there were a lot of roadblocks in the way of writing my essays. But I got into quite a few colleges, and I’m very fortunate to have had such a good experience with college admissions. I ended up committing to Rice University last week. Veritas helped me a lot by telling me what I needed to do and giving me harsh but realistic criticism. It was very straightforward and easy to understand, and Veritas really helped with both direct edits and broader recommendations on where I should be taking my essay and how I should portray myself.

David, High School Student

My mentor was great. I really appreciate that he was willing to spend time giving feedback even on short notice.

Akshaya, High School Student

The essay fee options are a very good deal compared to most other essay-editing websites for college admissions. I greatly appreciate that they have their own rubric they use to grade common application essays/personal statement. They scan every line for suggestions on how to create the perfect college essay, from what to write about to grammatical and stylistic changes.

See how Veritas helped one student perfect her essays for Harvard , Brown , and Northeastern .

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Hear how Veritas Essays helped one student have an Ivy Day experience he'll never forget.

Learn how Veritas Essays helped one student get into his dream reach schools, including Yale, Stanford, Duke, and UCLA.

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Learn how one student gained admission to her top-choice colleges -- including Rice, UCLA, UVA, and Tufts -- with Veritas Essays.

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New College Essay Dashboard

Conquer your college essays this fall with our newly improved College Essay Dashboard. This technology platform is free , intuitive, and easy-to-use.

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Benefit from our editing and essay coaching services. Win the admission committee's attention with the help of our editors from the Ivy League.

Top editors from the Ivy League will help you to complete your flawless, mistake-free essay

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  • Email communication with the editor

One-on-one college, graduate, MBA, medical and law admissions essay coaching

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  • Online consultations
  • Brainstorming
  • Refine and revise

Expert recommendation to craft a brilliant, neat, and professional essay.

  • Useful blog articles
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Essay Editing and Proofreading Helps Craft the Best Papers

Very often, getting a high GPA and test results is not enough to get into your dream university. The admission committee is searching for the best-fitting candidates who understand the importance of the chosen program for their future. Also, potential students should know how to present themselves and make a good impression. Therefore, admission papers are the best option to reach these goals and stand out from the crowd.

Crafting an essay is a perfect chance to show your unique personality and highlight your strong motivation to study the desired program. Undoubtedly, with the help of a professional essay editor, it will be easier to make everything look perfect.

Many students come across some problems while writing an essay. And in this case, they need essay help from the best experts to be more confident in their application chances. Even if an applicant has perfect writing skills, such nuances as formatting or the paper’s structure can become a big deal. After thoroughly researching all instructions and basic requirements, a future student realizes how serious the task is.

The significance of the papers for application is not overrated. Future students should remember that they aim to impress the committee, persuade them that they found the best candidate, and make the essay look professional. A perfectly-written text is the best working tool for these purposes.

Our essay editing service for editing and proofreading works to provide expert assistance in crafting a real admission masterpiece. We understand the significance of the admission paper for your future success. With our essay help, your documents will look brilliant, and you will be ready to open the door to prosperous perspectives at the prestigious institution of your dream

How Can Our Essay Editing Service Improve Your Essay?

Various factors affect the quality of the admission paper. Our essay editors are the best experts in this field, and they consider every nuance to make your essay perfectly polished. Here is a list of the main improvements provided by our experts after a thorough review of the text:

  • No mistakes Very often, students are in the process of writing, which can result in word misuse, typos, and so on. Just one word can change the meaning of the whole sentence. Our essay review service will make your papers free of any mistakes. The editor will read the text and eliminate all grammar, stylistic, and punctuation errors. Apart from assistance, you will get professional comments to improve the text without harming your unique style.
  • Appropriate tone of voice Application papers require you to stick to a particular tone of voice. It’s crucial to sound formal and professional in your personal statement or other admission paper. Familiar words, an informal tone of voice, and too official lexis can spoil the whole impression. The essay reviewer will help avoid such situations and make the paper correspond to the required style.
  • Reviewed Content Unnecessary data and repetitions are among the most common mistakes. Even if you write a persuasive personal statement clearly defining your motivation, such language inconsistencies can reduce the quality of the text. An online essay editor will ensure that your text sounds logical and that all sentences and paragraphs are coherent.
  • Unique Paper that Highlights Your Personality It’s vital to underline your uniqueness to stand out from the crowd of competitors. Some applicants believe that borrowing someone’s content, using a lot of quotes, or just copying samples are the best ways to meet the expectations of the officers. But instead, such an approach will lead to great failure. Our editing and proofreading experts know how to craft perfect Ivy League essays and other admission papers worthy of prestigious universities.
  • Intriguing narrative Your paper should be persuasive, as the committee comes across hundreds of essays. So, the potential student has only one chance to interest the officers right from the beginning. Making your narrative engaging is half the success. Every word and phrase has a huge meaning, and you should be very careful not to miss this opportunity. Our essay check service unites top editors and proofreaders. Most of them are graduates of the Ivy League . They are ready to share their unique experiences on how to make an impression from the first lines of your paper.

When Does Proofread Your Essay Matter the Most?

Professional essay assistance will be useful in many cases. Apart from essay correction online, we prepared free guides , podcasts , and various articles where the best editors from the Ivy League share their expertise and tell how to succeed during the admission cycle.

Our experts work on a wide range of subjects and types of documents. You may need professional essay help in such cases:

  • You need to submit an essay as a part of the application process. During the last admission cycle, the competition was really high. And it continues to rise from year to year. As a result, an admission essay became a tool for getting into the desired universities. It means that the better your essay, the higher your chance of making your dream of getting into the desired university come true. With the help of our essay service and top editors, you will be confident that you did your best.
  • You want to get a scholarship. Applying for a scholarship also requires a strong essay. The quality of your text may affect your chances of receiving the allowance or spoil everything. In this case, essay editing and proofreading will be helpful to eliminate all language inconsistencies and ensure that the paper will work for your success. Apart from essay improvement, our essay editors can provide effective tips for crafting a perfect scholarship essay .
  • You are required to submit any other type of document. EssayEdge essay proofreaders work with not only essays. Different types of documents can be corrected by our specialists, including personal statements , statements of purpose , supplemental essays , cover letters , recommendation letters , and so on. Look through the full list of papers EssayEdge is ready to assist and choose the best fitting offer .

Why Do You Need Professional Editing and Proofreading?

Our essay service is not about editing itself. We work to transform your admission paper into a masterpiece. EssayEdge experts know everything about perfect application documents. They consider all the requirements, including the style, tone of voice, word count, grammar accuracy, formatting issues, and structure. Our essay revisors will not only check and proofread but also recommend better ways to improve the content and quality of your text.

Here are the Main Reasons Why You Need Professional Essay Editing and Proofreading Services:

Increasing competition from year to year.

Because of rising competition, the committee pays more attention to personal statements and other papers. So, your essay for admission should be brilliant. With a professional essay proofreader, you will make the final touches and ensure that your documents correspond to all requirements.

High-Quality Text

Editing essay service is a chance to improve the quality of your text. EssayEdge provides a wide range of services, from expert proofreading to professional mentoring. For instance, the Premier Package includes the assistance of the chosen top essay reviewer at all stages of crafting your essay (from brainstorming to final submission).

Ability to Stand Out From the Rest

We highly value our clients’ unique personalities, and we aim to help them shine bright in the crowd of applicants. An EssayEdge editing specialist will tell you how to highlight your experiences, background, achievements, and skills. With our essay editing service, you will learn the most effective writing techniques for presenting yourself.

Benefits of Using EssayEdge Expert Editing and Proofreading Services

Using our essay service for editing has a lot of advantages. Since 1997, we have been helping our customers get into top universities worldwide. During these years, we checked more than 65,000 personal statements and other papers. Our clients got accepted to 700+ educational institutions, including highly selective ones like Harvard, MIT, Princeton University, and Yale. We are proud that our satisfaction rate is 9.8 out of 10, and our dear customers recommend our services.

What are the other benefits of cooperating with our top essay editors? Let’s check together:

  • EssayEdge is a Legal Service Do not worry that you may violate academic integrity policies. Our services are legal worldwide. Editing and proofreading do NOT refer to plagiarism or other kinds of academic violations. We also adhere to privacy policies, so all data related to our cooperation will stay confidential.
  • We Help to Get Into Top Universities Our proofreading service unites essay editors who know every nuance of the admission process. We consider the specific requirements depending on the educational institution you are applying to. Furthermore, you can include specific instructions related to your major subjects, as our revisors are specialists in various fields.
  • Our Team Unites the Best Editing and Proofreading Specialists Most EssayEdge editors graduated from Ivy League schools, such as Columbia University, Harvard University, Yale University, Cornell University, Brown University, Dartmouth College, University of Pennsylvania, and Princeton University. They know the procedure and can share hints and prompts to make your papers worthy of the most prestigious universities .
  • Editing Without Damaging Your Personality EssayEdge is an online editor service working to highlight your uniqueness. Be sure that we won’t harm your personal writing style. Our job is to eliminate all mistakes and make the final touches. Apart from corrections, the chosen essay proofreader will provide you with expert recommendations on how you can improve your essay.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about our service and the ways we can help with your school application.

Does EssayEdge provide only comprehensive editing or the editors can just proofread my essay?

Can you edit my essay within one day, does essayedge provide essay proofread only for admission essays, can professional essay editor write an essay for me.

Check our FAQ for more detailed information


Meet Our Editors

Our experts are ready to help you with brainstorming, proofreading, and editing to make your writing concise, persuasive, and original.

Editor's Team from the Ivy League

Why Choose Us

Learn why the new york times calls essayedge the “world’s premier essay editing service.”.

Since 1997, EssayEdge helps students get into their dream colleges and universities by preparing an impressive package of documents for admission. If you want to enroll in the school of your choice, your writing should be clear, persuasive and impeccable. With our essay editing service, you’ll craft an admission essay that will get you noticed as an applicant. 90% of our customers enter the top 10 universities in the United States. Would you like to be one of them?

Make Sure You Read It Before Submitting Your Application


increase your admission chances with professional editing from EssayEdge

Types of documents, types of documents we can help with.

Each document has its features, and our editors know what to focus on to keep it individual and increase your chances of being admitted. We can help with academic papers as well.

EssayEdge makes sure your application explains what you've accomplished to prepare for the program.

Write this essay to introduce yourself and show your potential contribution to the community. Graduate school personal statement brainstorming can help communicate your thoughts effectively.

This essay describes why you want to participate in a particular program or enter a specific school. Professional brainstorming with our experts may help you define your goals and write them down.

Always submit additional essays if you have a chance to do so, focusing on your personality or the diversity that you will bring to the school. A well-written admission essay is your chance to stand out.

Some graduate schools ask for a resume. It shows who you are and what you’ve accomplished. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t transform a resume into your personal statement.

Every graduate school requests letters of recommendation. You can submit either professional or academic LOR. We can help you find out what letters will work best for you.

This is an essential part of your application package, so make sure to invest enough time in writing it. Our editors will ensure that your letter covers all the information related to the graduate school of your choice.

How it works

Getting started is easy.

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The college essay is one of the most critical parts of your application. It goes beyond your grades and test scores to give schools a sense of your personality and potential—qualities that numbers alone cannot show. A compelling piece that exudes intellectual vitality, vulnerability, and humor can tip the admissions odds in your favor. We'll review your college essay to ensure it's one that admissions officers won't forget.

I Replace adverbs with strong verbs when possible. love really like throwing out the garbage. Most teens dread the exhausting, two-minute trek to the curb, but I find solace "Solace in" is more idiomatic. in on my daily dumpster walk. Every night at 10 PM Every day , I hear my mother lock the entrance, cueing entrance. She cues me to empty out the garbage cans on the main floor. As I lug carry pounds of many losing lotto tickets, candy wrappers, and crushed coffee cups Use stronger imagery to paint a picture of your duties. drinks on my back, I take took a sigh of relief knowing that we’ve survived This is wordy. managed to make it through yet another night shift See extended comment. at the family business.

I’ve worked The tone here is a bit formal compared to the rest of your writing. laboured at the family business since I was being ten years old. Of course, Focus on what you did, not on what you didn't do. I wasn’t a fifth-grade student ringing up customers or reciting the day’s winning lotto numbers like my parents were. I spent Here, the simple past works best. The modal verb is unnecessary. I would've spent most of my time either restocking or eating from the candy aisle—to my parents’ parent's pride and disappointment, respectively. Not until my freshman year did they give me permission to man the cash register, which had mesmerized me for years.


Hi John! This essay does a great job showcasing not only your knack for software development, but also how your family’s business allowed you to mature a bit quicker than others. However, I'd consider reconstructing the first two paragraphs. The opening of your essay leads me to believe that you'll go on to discuss your experiences at the family business, but from the third paragraph on, you mostly focus on software development. By the end of the essay, the introduction feels distant and irrelevant.

We'll check for errors like dangling modifiers, comma splices, and ambiguous pronouns.

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At Harvard, Hana is involved with the Institute of Politics, Model Congress, and Women in Business. In high school, Hana spent her time getting involved in education policy work, winning a seat on her Board of Education.

  • Scholastic Writing Gold Key
  • Director at Harvard IOP


At Harvard, Julia served as the President of the Undergraduate Women in Law Association and provides mentorship to students as a Peer Concentration Advisor. In high school, Julia spent much of her time engaging in community service.

  • Harvard Crimson Writer
  • Rhodes Scholarship Finalist


At Princeton, Mikaylah is a Visiting Scholar at the Nation's Service Initiative Fellow, where she is obtaining her master's degree in Public Affairs and specializing in Domestic Politics. She is a former Visiting Scholar at the U.S. Department of State.

  • Writer at U.S. Department of State
  • Visiting Scholar at the USIP

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Lauren gave very insightful advice on how to improve the communication of my ideas and tweak the structure of my essay to focus on depth rather than breadth. Her comments were extremely detailed and thorough as well. She also returned her feedback on my essay a few days before the one-week deadline which was great!

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How To Write Great Ivy League Essays (With Examples)

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College admissions are a tiresome process. The decision-making processes of hyper-selective Ivy League schools can seem mostly cloudy to applicants. 

You may have heard about the Common App Essay, and supplemental college application essays provide the opportunity for students to display some of the harder-to-summarize, technical aspects of their application. Through such essays, students give a chance to admissions officers to display a sense of their personality, likings that fall outside the scope of their resume, or moments that matter to them.

When nearing the personal statement and supplemental essays for hyper-selective schools, parents and students often wonder what Ivy League schools are be looking for. 

This article will discuss successful Ivy League essays’  qualities and offer step-by-step guidance to help you produce such work.

Let’s start by identifying what makes Ivy League applications and expectations qualitatively different from the others. There’s a type of trickle-down effect that we can see from Ivy League schools to liberal arts schools, so preparing your child for top schools’ applications can train them to apply to mid-tier schools as well.

But, mainly, we notice that the most selective colleges ask for students to demonstrate strong passion, leadership, competence, initiative, and memorability.

Admissions committees evaluate these essays as part of a holistic narrative of a student—a good essay doesn’t guarantee admission. Admissions—especially at Ivy League schools—is a complicated, multi-faceted, and ever-changing process. What might make one essay perfect in any given year might not apply to essays in upcoming years.

Keeping that in mind, we’ve collected successful Ivy League essays from applicants who were accepted into one or more Ivy League or Ivy+ institutions (such as Stanford, MIT, UChicago). By properly going through these essays, we’ve compiled a list of strategies for writing essay competition in a highly selective applicant pool.

Ivy League essay prompts

Supplemental prompts change a little bit every year. But we’ve systemized a list of the prompts from Ivy League schools from the 2018-2019 Common App. Between all of these questions and the Personal Statement, you will easily find several routes into demonstrating your best qualities. 

Keeping that in mind, we’ve first listed all of the prompts for the Ivy League schools. 

( Note: Cornell University is excluded from this list because their prompts vary by program. )

Princeton University essay prompt

In addition to the essay you have written for the Common Application, please write an essay of about 500 words (no more than 650 words and no fewer than 250 words). Using one of the themes below as a starting point, write about a person, event, or experience that helped you define one of your values or in some way changed how you approach the world. Please do not repeat the essay you wrote for the Common Application in whole or in part.

1. Tell us about a person who has influenced you in a significant way.

2.“One of the great challenges of our time is that the disparities we face today have more complex causes and point less straightforwardly to solutions.” Omar Wasow, assistant professor of politics, Princeton University. This quote is taken from Professor Wasow’s January 2014 speech at the Martin Luther King Day celebration at Princeton University.

3. “Culture is what presents us with the kinds of valuable things that can fill a life. And insofar as we can recognize the value in those things and make them part of our lives, our lives are meaningful.” Gideon Rosen, Stuart Professor of Philosophy and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University.

4. Using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. Please write the quotation, title, and author at the beginning of your essay.

Harvard University essay prompt

You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about yourself or your accomplishments. You may write on a topic of your choice, or you may choose from one of the following topics:

  • Unusual circumstances in your life
  • Travel, living, or working experiences in your own or other communities
  • What you would want your future college roommate to know about you
  • An intellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper, poetry, or research topic in engineering, mathematics, science, or other modes of inquiry) that has meant the most to you
  • How you hope to use your college education
  • A list of books you have read during the past twelve months
  • The Harvard College Honor code declares that we “hold honesty as the foundation of our community.” As you consider entering this community committed to honesty, please reflect on a time when you or someone you observed had to choose whether to act with integrity and honesty. 
  • The mission of Harvard College is to educate our students to be citizens and citizen-leaders for society. What would you do to contribute to the lives of your classmates in advancing this mission? 
  • Each year, many students admitted to Harvard defer their admission for one year or take time off during college. If you decided in the future to choose either option, what would you like to do? 
  • Harvard has long recognized the importance of student body diversity of all kinds. We welcome you to write about distinctive aspects of your background, personal development, or the intellectual interests you might bring to your Harvard classmates. 

Columbia University essay prompt

List a few words or phrases that describe your ideal college community. (150 words or less)

List the titles of the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less)

List the titles of the books you read for pleasure that you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less)

List the titles of the print, electronic publications, and websites you read regularly. (150 words or less)

List the titles of the films, concerts, shows, exhibits, lectures, and other entertainments you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less)

Please tell us what you value most about Columbia and why. (300 words or less)

MIT essay prompt

We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer)

Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100 words or fewer)

At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities differently, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being good friends. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words)

Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words)

Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words)

University of Chicago essay prompt

Choose one of the six extended essay options and upload a one- or two-page response. 

1. In 2015, the city of Melbourne, Australia, created a ''tree-mail'' service, in which all of the trees in the city received an email address so that residents could report any tree-related issues. As an unexpected result, people began to email their favorite trees sweet and occasionally humorous letters. Imagine this has been expanded to any object (tree or otherwise) in the world, and share with us the letter you'd send to your favorite. 

Inspired by Hannah Lu, Class of 2020

2. You're on a voyage in the thirteenth century, sailing across the stormy seas. What if, suddenly, you fell off the edge of the Earth?

Inspired by Chandani Latey, AB'93

3. The word floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant or of having no value. It originated in the mid-18th century from the Latin words ''floccu,'' ''naucum,'' ''nihilum,'' and ''pilus'' - all words meaning ''of little use.'' Coin your word using parts from any language you choose, tell us its meaning, and describe the plausible (if only to you) scenarios in which it would be most appropriately used.

Inspired by Ben Zhang, Class of 2022

4. Lost your keys? Alohomora. Noisy roommate? Quietus. Feel the need to shatter windows for some reason? Finestra. Create your spell, charm, jinx, or other means for magical mayhem. How is it enacted? Is there an incantation? Does it involve a potion or other magical object? If so, what's in it, or what is it? What does it do?

Inspired by Emma Sorkin, Class of 2021

5. Imagine you’ve struck a deal with the Dean of Admissions himself, Dean Nondorf. It goes as follows: you’re guaranteed admission to the University of Chicago regardless of any circumstances that arise. This bond is grounded on the condition that you’ll obtain a blank, 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, and draw, write, sketch, shade, stencil, paint, etc., anything and everything you want on it; your only limitations will be the boundaries of both sides on the single page. Now the catch… your submission will always be the first thing anyone you meet for the first time will see for the rest of your life. Whether it’s at a job interview, a blind date, arrival at your first Humanities class, before you even say, “Hey,” they’ll already have seen your page and formulated that first impression. Show us your page. What’s on it, and why? If your piece is essentially or exclusively visual, please make sure to share a creator's accompanying statement of at least 300 words, which we will happily allow to be on its own, separate page. PS: This is a creative thought experiment, so please note: selecting this essay prompt does not guarantee your admission to UChicago or forgive poor grades, criminal mischief, or any other “circumstances” that “may” “arise.” 

Inspired by Amandeep Singh Ahluwalia, Class of 2022

6. In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose your question or choose one of our past prompts. Be original, creative, thought-provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, a citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun. You can find our past prompts here.

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

Yale University essay prompt

What is it about Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)

Please respond in no more than 200 characters (approximately 35 words) to each of the following questions: 

1. What inspires you?

2. Yale’s residential colleges regularly host conversations with guests representing a wide range of experiences and accomplishments. What person, past or present, would you invite to speak? What question would you ask?

3. You are teaching a Yale course. What is it called?

4. Most first-year Yale students live in suites of four to six people. What do you hope to add to your suitemates' experience? What do you wish they will add to yours?

Please choose two of the following topics and respond to each in 250 words or fewer. 

1. Think about an idea or topic that has been intellectually exciting for you. Why are you drawn to it? 

2. Reflect on your engagement with the community to which you belong. How do you feel you have contributed to this community?

3. Yale students, faculty, and alumni engage local, national, and international issues. Discuss an issue that is significant to you and how your college experience might help you address it. 

Stanford University essay prompt

  • What is the most significant challenge that society faces today? (50-word limit)
  • How did you spend your last two summers? (50-word limit)
  • What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed? (50-word limit)
  • What five words best describe you?
  • When the choice is yours, what do you read, listen to, or watch? (50-word limit)
  • Name one thing you are looking forward to experiencing at Stanford. (50-word limit)
  • Imagine you had an extra hour in the day — how would you spend that time? (50-word limit).
  • The Stanford community is curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (100 to 250 words)
  • Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate – and us – know you better. (100 to 250 words)
  • Tell us about something meaningful to you and why. (100 to 250 words)

University of Pennsylvania essay prompt

How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying. (400-650 words) 

Dartmouth University essay prompt

While arguing a Dartmouth-related case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1818, Daniel Webster, Class of 1801, delivered this memorable line: “It is, Sir…a small college. And yet, some love it!” As you seek admission to the Class of 2023, what aspects of the College’s program, community, or campus environment attract your interest?

Choose one of the following prompts and respond in 250-300 words:

  • “I have no special talent,” Albert Einstein once observed. “I am only passionately curious.” Celebrate your curiosity.
  • The Hawaiian word mo’olelo is often translated as “story,” but it can also refer to history, legend, genealogy, and tradition. Use one of these translations to introduce yourself.
  • “You can’t use up creativity,” Maya Angelou mused. “The more you use, the more you have.” Share a creative moment or impulse—in any form—that inspired creativity in your life.
  • In the aftermath of World War II, Dartmouth President John Sloane Dickey, Class of 1929, proclaimed, “The world’s troubles are your troubles…and there is nothing wrong with the world that better human beings cannot fix.” Which of the world’s “troubles” inspires you to act? How might your course of study at Dartmouth prepare you to address it?
  • In The Bingo Palace, author Louise Erdrich, Class of 1976, writes, “…no one gets wise enough to understand the heart of another, though it is the task of our life to try.” Discuss.
  • Emmy and Grammy winner Donald Glover is a 21st century Renaissance man—an actor, comedian, writer, director, producer, singer, songwriter, rapper, and DJ. And yet, the versatile storyteller and performer recently told an interviewer, “The thing I imagine myself being in the future doesn’t exist yet.” Can you relate?

Brown University essay prompt

Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated earlier in this application? (You may share with us a skill or concept that you found challenging and rewarding to learn or any experiences beyond course work that may have broadened your interest.) (250-word limit)

What do you hope to experience at Brown through the Open Curriculum, and what do you wish to contribute to the Brown community? (250-word limit)

What do all of the prompts mentioned above have in common? 

Remember the qualities we talked about above? Intense passion, leadership, competence, initiative, and memorability! Every one of these prompts is, in some way, planned to get you reflecting on something original and enthusiastic manner. 

After doing the close-reading of the Ivy+ prompts, we can notice a few key things.

Whether it’s Yale asking about something you are “intellectually excited” about, or Brown speaking about something to reflect on the particularities of the Open Curriculum, or Stanford extracting a note to a roommate, these schools want you to detail their most particular obsessions, and to be able to speak about them in a way that shows intelligence and unique way of thinking. 

They want to be sure that you will share your passions with your classmates, roommates, etc.

Yet again, these are the things any university school would love to see in your Common App PS. But the Ivy+ colleges’ questions are mainly to test such qualities.

What follows is advice that can apply to both the PS and the supplementals, given the wide range of topics one can address across each type of essay.

How to pick an Ivy League essay topic

Successful students write about what interests them. The topic shouldn’t be something weird or reflects the student’s central academic and extracurricular activities. It should be about something the student can write about with belief, excitement, and specificity.

We’ve four examples of students who pulled off successful admissions cycles to Ivy+ schools. Let’s see how they chose their subject matter.

Our first example student is Angela. Angela is passionate about the environment, though she’s also involved in activities like playing basketball, and she is also part of the French club. When choosing a topic for supplemental essays, one might expect Angela to select something related to her interest or that in some way reflects on her academic prowess in the humanities. 

Instead, in one of her supplemental essays, Angela chooses to write about a topic that may at first seem unrelated to her application. She decided to write about one of her favorite teachers, who significantly impacted her life.

Our second example student is Jenna. She’s interested in politics and history.  For her supplemental essays, she decided to write about her love for the musical. Hamilton .

In each essay, the students’ genuine interest in the subject shines through. By way of their interests, we learn, indirectly, more about each student herself.

In other words, it’s not so much the topic but the voice and tone in which these students write about their chosen subject that will give an admissions committee insight into their personalities and characters. In the next section of this post, we’ll break down how Angela and Jenna use tone, voice, and detail to communicate something about themselves while writing about Hamilton or a favorite teacher.

Our third student, Simon, his grades and test scores are high in math, science, and history. In extracurricular he has achieved in a mock trial but has also succeeded in art competitions. One of his supplemental essays for Princeton asked that he respond to a quotation of his choosing.

Like Angela and Maria, Simon didn’t pick anything they used to do regularly: he introspected and chose something that had genuinely piqued his curiosity in the things he’d studied in the past few years. In response to the quotation, the resulting essay is associative and spontaneous rather than a rehash of Simon’s impressive resume.

Let’s look at another example of a student name Rhea, who is the opposite of Simon. Rather than being “well-rounded,” Rhea is what the Harvard Admissions website might call “well-lopsided.” She loves writing and reading and has shown interest through her involvement with her school’s slam poetry team and national writing competitions. Besides that, she struggles in subjects like math. Rhea’s supplemental essay for Yale underlines the quality that makes her “well-lopsided”—she writes about it with pure intensity. 

In short, you should try to choose a topic you’re excited to talk about. What could you talk about with your friends endlessly for hours? How you spend your free time? Who’s the person in your life in your everyday life that has influenced or changed you? Are there moments in your life that have made you feel part of something larger?

How to decide on an essay structure

Once you have chosen a topic that you’re interested in, the next step is to decide the proper structure for the essay. An Ivy League-quality essay is not just about five paragraphs. An Ivy+ quality essay takes narrative and storytelling thoughtfully. It must read like beautiful fiction.

If you are genuinely passionate about your subject matter, an organic design can emerge—indicating that they weren’t just following a static set of building blocks. While we can’t backpedal engineer passion, we can give you some advice regarding storytelling brain rather than their resume-summary brain.

Let’s start with Jenna’s Hamilton essay and her supplemental essay about her favorite teacher. The first design element that makes these essays successful is the opening.

Strategy 1: A “Hook”

Jenna starts her essay with a hook that 1) draws the reader in and 2) forms her voice and enthusiasm instantly. Here’s the opening to her Hamilton essay:

A coal scuttle. A woman on stage, crying, singing, and burning a series of old-looking papers the tea color. All this: a way to tell the audience about someone history has forgotten. This is what happens at one of the emotional climaxes of my favorite musical: Eliza Hamilton, spurned by her husband, removes herself from the historical narrative by burning their letters. I saw Hamilton when my father won a lottery for tickets on a visit to New York City. A drama nerd, I was thrilled to get a chance to see the Pulitzer- and Tony-winning production. I didn’t know how much it would affect how I thought about the past and the present.

For comparison, let’s look at Angela’s opening to the essay about her favorite teacher:

“ Uncertainty could be my guiding light .” – U2

“ Do or do not. There is no try .” – Yoda.

“ Life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock. ” – Hannah Montana.

A broad group of unconnected aphorisms? Not at all. More like drops of inspirational “Zachary-isms” splashing the drab cinderblock walls with colorful insights.

Observe that these essays open with a focus on something beyond the student: they start by stealing the reader’s attention. They also start small. Rather than declaring what the essay is “about,” Angela and Jenna focus on the specific images to draw the reader in.

It can be unsettling to sit in front of a blank page, trying to convey a big idea. The subject of Jenna’s essay is Hamilton. The idea she communicates in the rest of the essay is that she’s into drama. As a way to take the spotlight and settle for your best self, this musical showed her how through entertainment, she could communicate big ideas about history and politics while inspiring present-day audiences to remember that they’re living through history all the time. She put an essay that subtly links back to her favorite interests while not always keep talking about them too directly.

Observe, that she initiates the essay not by instantly making her love for Hamilton into a metaphor. Instead, she starts with a concrete detail—the climax of the show.

If you are stuck—say you’re trying to write an essay about how your desire for antique shopping taught you to listen to different people, brainstorm specific details about the things they like and are enthusiastic about. What do they know, particularly, about this thing? Jenna knows about the type of prop used onstage because she geeked out and asked around when she dreamt of putting on her version of the show at her high school.

Starting small and going big is a great idea. Also, a successful essay opening can also begin to big. Simon’s essay, which is written in response to a Machiavelli quotation he chose, begins with the following. 

The cosmos call to me. Whether in a city, where only the brightest stars break through the noise, or away from all distractions, where their number can overwhelm, I welcome the perspective the heavens bestow. Even though I try to tame the sky with books or a telescope, it never ceases to make me feel powerless. 

Establishing your essay with the cosmos is about as big as you can get. But a critical similarity between Simon’s opening and Angela’s is that he still uses a particular image, provided with curiosity and joy. It communicates to admissions committees: this guy knows what they’re talking about, and they’re talking about it from a place of intellectual vitality.

Strategy 2: Establish Larger Significance

So, you started your essay. You finally settled on a topic that excites you. You’ve written an attention-grabbing hook that uses specific knowledge, a sensory image, or fs the essay’s perspective. What next? 

Yes, the essay is about the student’s selected topic, but it’s about the student. The next section of the essay, after the hook, should fulfill two things. First, it should exhibit the student’s voice. Second, it should show that the student has thought about why this thing might grab their interest.

Let’s begin with that first goal, establishing voice.

Jenna’s voice comes even in her hook, but her voice becomes even more vital as the essay goes ahead past the hook into the second paragraph. 

What defines a unique student voice in an admissions essay? It’s things like word choice, word repetition, and when the student writes more formally vs. more informally. 

Sometimes students writes using a formal SAT-word-strewn language in order to impress an admissions committee. On the contrary, ideally, using informal language can humanize the candidate and give the essay a voice. Here’s an example, from Jenna’s Hamilton essay:

Okay, okay. Musical theater can be hammy and campy. I should have learned to love history in school, right? But every year, my class began with the same old recitations about documents that seemed ancient. It wasn’t until I watched Eliza Hamilton rendered with such humanity onstage that I connected to what I later learned was called “historiography,” or how we write history .

Jenna’s voice easily blends the informal—phrases like “Okay, okay” and “right?”—with specific formal language—words like “rendered” and “historiography.” She displays a grasp of vocabulary without coming across as stiff or like a know-it-all.

Repetition can also be a good idea in structuring an essay and establishing voice. Let’s return to Rhea, our “well-lopsided” aspiring writer. One of her supplemental essays for Yale takes as its subject the realization that she uses the written word to understand herself and learn about her family history. The essay begins on a broad, personal note, with an organizing topic sentence in the second paragraph:

When I reflect on my life, everything ties back into the power of the written word.     

As the essay goes ahead, it opens up—Rhea links the personal importance of writing to something larger. Thi happens through repetition:

Words make me who I am. The terms of my grandparents told me how lucky I am to be growing up in America, instead of Nazi-occupied Poland or Stalinist Russia, like they did.

In both Jenna and Rhea’s essays, repetition and “opening up” to a larger topic are vital in establishing voice and great significance—both of which will help admissions committees gain a better sense of the students.

How to write Ivy League essay

Now that we’ve done a deep dive into structure—hook, voice, more considerable significance, takeaway—we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of what makes successful Ivy League essays not only structurally compelling but also fascinating and richly textured.

Tip 1: Mention lots of detail

Essays that are successful in the Ivy League stock often use very precise details to impress the essay. You should avoid cliché and generalizations as you write essay.

Let’s look back at Angela’s essay about her favorite teacher. Here’s how she presents him:

The rays beating onto his back seem to infuse him with an enthusiastic energy which he passes on to his drowsy students. The well-worn spine of The Brothers Karamazov is plopped in one open hand, complete with the ubiquitous highlighted passages and illegible margin notes. The other madly gesticulates.

Observe that Angela sets the scene here. We can see the teacher she’s describing: the sun rays, the tired high school students. Instead of saying “a book” she mentions a a specific title. She zooms in to show not just details, but telling details. 

We know that this is an lively and dedicated teacher from the description of his gesticulation and the description of the marginalia. Not only do these details tell us something about the teacher: by saying us what Angela see and admires about the teacher, we learn more about Angela. She’s the kind of  person who admires devotion to one’s work. 

Tip 2: Go with the a humble tone

Essays are not the place to brag. You are in the Ivy League pool, and the non-qualitative parts of the application—the Common App, the resume, etc.—will give the admissions committee idea about your accomplishments.

On the contrary, the essay is a good place to acknowledge faults, contradictions, and uncertainty.

Take Rhea. She writes: 

Words are the thread that ties me to the people and events around me. Words help me understand a universe that is at once united and divided. Words remind me that I am at once minusculeseesThese. Insignificant, and at the same time, an essential link in the chain of history.

In the last paragraph of the essay, Rhea ends by introspecting on her own insignificance, which can be a counterpart to an application geared to show an admissions committee how she stands out from the crowd. This ending suggests modesty, humility and perspective, as well as a contradiction. Writing is essential to her in part because she’s good at it, but also because it reminds her that the world is much bigger than herself.

Tip 3: Switch up your word choice

Simon and Jenna’s essays seldom repeat keywords—unless, as in Jenna’s, the repetition is helpful to establish voice. Don’t reach for formal words, but do try to use language that’s firm and particular.

Remember that, as former Princeton Dean of Admissions Janet Lavin Rapelye writes, your essay not only communicates something about you, but also should showcase your writing skills: “Your ability to write well is critical to our decision because your writing reflects your thinking. No matter what question is asked on a college application, admission officers see how well you convey your ideas and express yourself in writing. It is our window to your world .”

Tip 4: make your message simple and clear

You have to avoid bragging in these essays, but it’s essential that you are clear and confident in the subject matter and the message you’re conveying. We’ve touched on the “takeaways” as a practical structural element of a successful essay. It can also be helpful to pepper these “takeaways” throughout the essay.

Here’s an example line from Rhea’s essay: “ Words have whispered to me my whole life. They have been my comfort, my refuge, my outlet, my joy. ”

At first glance, this might seem like an generalization. But this clarity and communicates vital information to an admissions committee: this person is serious about their interests.

Tip 5: Add a title

In the full-length essays mentioned below, some successful essays have a title. This suggests that you have put extra effort into highlighting the essay’s central idea, and you consider it a complete, polished piece of writing.

Tip 6:  Try to read interesting people’s college essays

The students we’re highlighting in this post are great writers in part because they’ve been genuinely occupied with the narrative for many years. Check out a few essays by genuinely great writers. Not writers of college essays, but the great ones 

Try James Baldwin’s ‘ Letter from A Region in My Mind ’ or ‘Notes of a Native Son,’ Joan Didion’s ‘Goodbye to All That ’ or ‘ Notes from a Native Daughter ,’ Nora Ephron’s ‘ A Few Words About Breasts ,’  Annie Dillard’s ‘Total Eclipse,’ or any number of essays by David Foster Wallace, Zadie Smith, John McPhee, David Sedaris, Meghan Daum, Maggie Nelson, or Anne Fadiman.

Ivy League essay example

Check out successful college essay examples on our site.

Here’s Jenna’s essay on her favorite teacher:

Mr. Zachary’s Opus

“Uncertainty could be my guiding light.” – U2

“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda.

“Life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock.” – Hannah Montana.

An eclectic group of unrelated aphorisms? Not at all. I like to think of them as drops of inspirational “Zachary-isms” splashing the drab cinderblock walls with colorful insights. To call room 134 a “classroom” is an understatement. I prefer to think of it as a sanctuary where students are free to disagree, take risks, and derive their own sense of meaning.

Room 134? Hardly. It’s an extension of Mr. Zachary himself.

Each English class with “Zac Attack” is a unique experience. He sits on the windowsill digging his elbows into his knees, a panorama of hazy trees stretched behind him in the early morning sunlight. The rays beating onto his back seem to infuse him with an enthusiastic energy which he passes on to his drowsy students. The well-worn spine of Great Expectations is plopped in one open hand, complete with the ubiquitous highlighted passages and illegible margin notes. The other madly gesticulates through the air as he conveys the literary beauty of the passage he’s reading aloud to his awakening audience. He reads faster and faster, gradually increasing the intensity in his voice until suddenly he stops—catching us all by surprise with his silence. A smile spreads across his face as he watches the words he’s just spoken permeate our thawing brains. That is Mr. Zachary in his pure, unadulterated genius.

He finds subtle ways to sneak in references to his proud Irish-Catholic roots. One day, he recited all of Yeats’ “Second Coming” from memory. I could almost see the “widening gyre” behind his dancing eyes. Remarkably, he never intimidates with his boundless knowledge. To be honest, most of the ti, I forget he’s my teacher. I’m genuinely convinced Mr. Zachary is a kid stuck in an adult’s body. He’s the only teacher I know who will walk you to the cafeteria if a conversation spills over into the lunch period. He’s the only teacher I know who conducts class from a beach chair on Fridays. He the only teacher I know who has snappier wisecracks than the class clown. Mr. Zachary is half-Yeats, half-Bono—the perfect Irish combination of intellect with that classic “cool dude” persona.

His passion is contagious. Never before have I felt so liberated sitting in front of a blank computer screen. One of Mr. Zachary’s “inviolate rules” is to write for yourself, not for a grade. He’s taught me to catch the thoughts in my head and crystallize them on paper. He’s taught me to harness the therapeutic power of words flying across the page. He’s taught me to be unafraid of words—to love words. He’s helped me find the writer in myself. He’s a sage, a muse, a bard, a mentor, and a savant. More importantly, he’s my friend. 

No one totally figures how you out what the Ivy League wants. 

But here’s a summary of the strategies we’ve learned based on over a decade of working with successful Ivy League applicants. We’ve also mentioned the ways your begin outlining and prewriting for an Ivy League essay that impresses the admissions committee.

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A global boutique college consulting firm that works with a limited number of students each year, guiding them through the entire application process.

  • Ivy League Consultant
  • Admissions consulting for students looking to attend Ivy League and highly selective schools.
  • Essay Editing
  • We meticulously edit your essays to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness, aligning them with the expectations of the admissions process.
  • International Student Consultant
  • Leading college admissions firm providing unmatched guidance for international students wanting to study at top tier US colleges.
  • Athletic Recruitment
  • We help students-athletes through the recruiting process at Ivy League, D-1, and D-III levels.
  • Transfer Admissions
  • Looking to transfer to a more selective school? We can help provide guidance through this challenging process

We provide a variety of options for our clients as they work through the pre-application process and admissions cycle.

  • School Packages
  • We offer 8-school and 15-school packages for students applying to US colleges.
  • Hourly Consulting
  • Our consultants are available on an hourly basis with discounts provided for 10 and 20 hour blocks.
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • We provide individualized assistance for all of our clients in regard to what activities to focus on throughout the pre-application process and admissions cycle.
  • IvySummit Research Institute
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  • VIP: College Concierge
  • We travel with a limited number of our international clients every year to visit 40-50 boarding schools and colleges.
  • VIP: Application and Essay Intensive
  • We will meet with a client over a 7–10 day period at an agreed upon location and produce a finished common app personal statement and extracurricular activities section
  • VIP: Unlimited
  • We work with a limited number of our clients to guide them through applications to an unlimited number of schools.
  • Boarding Schools
  • We provide help with boarding school selections, essay editing, and interview preparation.

With record-low acceptance rates and record-high applications, students must produce a world-class application that separates them from the thousands of talented applicants.

  • We guide students through MIT's distinctive application process, focusing on course selection, project development, and essay refinement.
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  • We tailor your application to resonate with Yale’s commitment to excellence and innovation.
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  • Integrating your leadership qualities and academic strengths, we tailor your application to meet Duke's diverse and dynamic environment.
  • Through your intellectual curiosity and rigorous inquiry, we shape your application to connect with UChicago's academic ethos.
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Essay Evaluation / Editing

Transforming your experiences and aspirations into compelling narratives.

In the competitive realm of college applications, essays aren’t just words on paper – they’re your voice, your narrative, and quite often, the deciding factor. They offer a window into your passions, your stories, and your  aspirations, painting a vivid picture beyond grades and scores.

At IvySummit, we recognize this pivotal role and have curated an essay editing approach that not only polishes your writing but ensures it resonates  authentically with your unique journey. Our mission? To make your essays not just stand out, but to echo in the minds of admissions officers.

Why Essay Editing Matters:

Essays are the canvas on which you paint a vivid portrait of who you are beyond the numbers. They’re the platform where you can showcase not just your achievements, but your character, values, and the unique perspective you’d bring to the college’s community. However, the path to crafting that perfect essay is riddled with common missteps. Many students often fall prey to clichés, sounding generic or insincere. Others may grapple with striking the right balance between being confident and boastful. And then, there’s the challenge of condensing years of experiences and dreams into just a few hundred words without losing essence.

At IvySummit, we recognize these challenges. Our goal is to ensure your essay not only avoids these pitfalls but truly shines, resonating deeply with the admissions officers’ expectations and the institution’s ethos.

Our Approach

1. Personalized Consultations: Your journey, experiences, and aspirations are distinctly yours, and we believe your essay should reflect that unique narrative. At IvySummit, we kickstart the process with in-depth personalized consultations. By diving deep into your story, background, and future goals, we ensure that your essay is an authentic reflection of who you are and where you aim to go.

2. Multiple Rounds of Edits: A stellar essay isn’t crafted overnight. It’s the product of dedication, refinement, and insight. Our iterative editing process involves multiple rounds of reviews, each time honing the content, sharpening the narrative, and ensuring your voice remains front and center. We’re in this together, refining until every word, every sentence hits the mark.

3. Quality Assurance: Accuracy and coherence are crucial when presenting your story to the admissions committee. At IvySummit, after our detailed editing, every essay undergoes a rigorous quality assurance check. This process ensures clarity in expression, flawless coherence in the narrative flow, and impeccable grammar. We ensure that your essay doesn’t just tell a story, but tells it exceptionally well.

4. Final Polish: Like a diamond that shines brightest after the final polish, your essay deserves that finishing touch. Once the content is solidified, we focus on the nuances – the tone, the choice of words, and the rhythm of the narrative. This final step ensures your essay isn’t just read, but remembered, setting you apart in the sea of applications.

The IvySummit Difference

  • Dedicated Team of Experts: Our team comprises seasoned professionals who have been on both sides of the application process. They bring a wealth of expertise to every essay, making sure it aligns with what elite institutions are looking for.
  • Holistic Development: Beyond grammar and structure, we focus on storytelling, helping you craft a narrative that not only answers the prompt but captivates the reader.
  • Feedback Loop: Our process is interactive. We believe in collaboration, ensuring you’re involved in every step, from brainstorming to the final draft.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Our track record speaks volumes. With countless success stories, we’re not just editing essays; we’re helping shape futures.

IvySummit is a premier college consulting firm with a proven track record in expertly guiding students from across the globe through the complex and nuanced college application process. Our specialized focus lies in helping students achieve their aspirations of gaining admission to Ivy League institutions and other esteemed universities in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. With our persistent commitment to excellence, we provide tailored guidance and support to ensure our clients stand out and thrive in the highly competitive world of college admissions.

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As a CollegePass student, your CollegePass Admissions Advisor will team with you to craft a winning application. Your advisors will guide you through the process, mentoring you across all aspects of the college application process.

  • Your advisor will review your current grades/test scores and set targets that you can get behind.
  • Your advisor will learn about your interests and review your extracurriculars and supercurriculars.
  • Your advisor will learn about your preferences and create your college shortlist of reach and target universities.
  • Post shortlisting, your advisor will work with you to set audacious academic and extracurricular/super curricular goals.
  • Your advisors will also help you decide on art supplements, how to select recommenders, and design a waitlist strategy (if needed)
  • The advisors and editors will provide comprehensive Essay Brainstorming and Editing support.
  • Interview Preparation for the Ivys, Ivy Plus Schools, and Oxbridge is part of the comprehensive college admissions support available to CollegePass Students.

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Timeline Management

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Supercurricular Strategy: Selection & Goal Setting

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Recommender Selection

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Essay Brainstorming & Editing

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University Research & Alumni Connection

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Waitlist Strategy

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June 15, 2022

Dhruwan S Shah

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June 14, 2022

Kushal Jayakumar

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June 9, 2022

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Nivedha Chandramouli

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Rutwik Nanal

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June 22, 2022

It’s been a great journey with CollegePass for my older daughter who is now at UC Berkeley… there were unknowns , so many unexpected(s) which we do /did not anticipate or do /did not have the bandwidth or knowledge/experience to handle or work around … As much as the child was doing and giving her best was on the top of things there is always some space that needs support beyond school acads achievements and parenting.. , CollegePass was a more than personified entity that held hands and walked us through, with support in every possible way for the child and parents.. CollegePass does more than guide , they also show students & make them believe that they can do much more.It doesn’t stop there ,… they see the student through and make it happen ! Thank you CollegePass .. look forward to continuing this journey with my younger one… thank you always ..

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June 4, 2022

I'd like to thank the CollegePass team, particularly Ms. Bushnin and Ms. Shaurya, for assisting my son Arnav Jha in constructing his profile. Their advice and encouragement were quite beneficial. My son will apply to many elite universities for the fall 2023 session. Collegepass assists with the essay writing process and also gives thorough information on how to prepare for internships, research, and international contests. Unless they recommend it, these insights are not available to parents. Thank you once more for your prompt assistance and direction. Regards, Aparna Jha

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May 28, 2022

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Ivy League Essay Examples

Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are notoriously competitive. By reading Ivy League essay examples, students can prepare for the application process.

The best sample Ivy League essays highlight their writers’ strengths, allowing them to stand out in a highly qualified applicant pool. After all, Harvard’s acceptance rate is just 4% , and thousands of applicants have the same grades and scores. In order to ace your Ivy League application, you’ll need to write nuanced, exploratory, introspective essays. 

In this article, we’ll go over some Ivy League essay examples. We’ll show you some sample Ivy League essays and explain the strengths of Ivy League essays that worked. After reading this guide to Ivy League essay examples, you should feel more confident about writing essays like these college essay examples for Ivy League schools. 

Read on in our Ivy League essay examples guide to discover:

What is the ivy league, what do ivy league schools look for in essays.

  • How to use these Ivy League essay examples
  • Specific Ivy League essay examples for Harvard, Brown, Cornell, Yale, Dartmouth, and Princeton
  • The importance of college essays to Ivy League admissions
  • What Ivy League schools look for in essays
  • How Ivy League schools evaluate essays
  • More Ivy League resources from CollegeAdvisor
  • Our top five tips for standout essays

Before we dive into our Ivy League essay examples, let’s zoom out: what is the Ivy League?

Before digging into Ivy League essay examples, let’s review what the “Ivy League” actually is.

The Ivy League is a collection of prestigious northeastern colleges: Princeton, Harvard, Yale, UPenn, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, and Columbia. Originally grouped based on an athletic conference, the prestige of the Ivy League has overtaken its athletic reputation. 

Many students wish to attend Ivy League schools based on the name recognition they will get in the job market. Of course, a world-class education from stellar faculty and lifelong alumni connections is another draw. 

Since Ivy League schools receive thousands of incredible applications, it’s crucial to do everything you can to differentiate yourself. One of the best ways to do that is through your college essays.

To understand how our Ivy League essay examples became Ivy League essays that worked, let’s learn what Ivy League schools look for. 

Through these Ivy League essay examples, you’ll better understand how to write essays that impress Ivy League admissions officers. But what exactly do Ivy League schools look for in these essays?

Like any good college essay, your Ivy League essays should tell your story . Unlike test scores, GPA, or even recommendations, essays allow you to talk directly to the admissions committee and tell them who you are. In these Ivy League essay examples, you’ll notice that the authors highlight their personal lives, experiences, fears, and perspectives. 

You’ll also notice that these Ivy League essay examples are written beautifully. They employ structurally sound storytelling, perfect grammar and spelling, and rhetorical devices like imagery, metaphor, and simile. We hope you’ve been paying attention in English class!

No school will give you direct guidance on what you should write, because only you can answer that question. But some schools like Harvard often release essays that worked to help inspire your own writing.  

Before we share some college essay examples for Ivy League schools, let’s briefly talk about how you should use these Ivy League essay examples in your own admissions journey. 

Using these Ivy Leagues Essay Examples

How can you best use these Ivy League essay examples in order to write stellar essays? Though you can’t copy these ideas verbatim, these college essay examples for Ivy League schools should help inspire your own writing process . 

In these Ivy League essay examples, real students have put the big ideas of storytelling and personal voice into practice. You’ll be able to see the difference in writing styles between the Common App essay and supplemental essays. In other words, a “personal statement” that you’ll submit to every school,  versus short-answer questions that ask you to reflect on school-specific prompts. 

As you read these Ivy League essay examples, keep in mind that these examples are from past application cycles. This means these college essay examples for Ivy League schools won’t necessarily line up with this year’s prompts. After reading our Ivy League essay examples, check the schools’ websites for updated prompts before you start brainstorming.  

Harvard Essay Examples

For the first of our Ivy League essay examples, let’s take a look at some Harvard essay examples. The Harvard application historically includes an optional supplemental essay that is almost completely open-ended. You can find past Harvard essay examples here , and you’ll notice that there are some specified prompts. As stated above, make sure to check Harvard’s website for the updated Harvard application questions. 

Now, let’s kick off our Ivy League college essay examples with one of many successful Harvard essay examples. 

Harvard Extended Essay Example

At about eight o’ clock in the evening, our family steps outside. The cold air brushes our faces as I push myself up to a standing position from my wheelchair. Before standing, I have already turned on my best K-pop playlist on my phone, consisting of songs from my favorite group, BTS. 

As I try to maintain my balance with my hands on the black, metal walker, I sing along to the rapping of Rap Monster, BTS’s leader, having memorized all the lyrics. Finally, when I feel ready, I take my first step, using my hip to pull my right leg forward. My bright green shoes that have been with me for the past four years drag along the dark asphalt, causing the forming holes in the front of the shoes to grow even bigger. 

Asked about my day, I tell my parents about the idea that my Physics teacher presented to us in class comparing the spine to an electrical cord. Excitedly, I start to talk about the nervous system and the developments that are being made in relation to the field of neuro-regeneration, especially the potentials of regenerating neural connections by electrically stimulating the spine. 

Talking and laughing, we finally reach the bottom of the neighborhood and turn to go back up to the house. The upward incline proves to be difficult to overcome, stealing my breath. But holding a competition with my sister to see who can remember the most lyrics to our favorite songs, I forget that I’m even tired. 

While walking, my mom gets a call from my grandmother. Asking to talk to me, I can hear the excitement overflowing in her voice when I tell her that I will be applying to colleges this year. She says, “So finally, you’re going to Harvard.” My ninety-year old grandmother living in Korea believes that Harvard is the only college in the United States. 

Finally, we arrive back at our house, with sweat running down my body. As I sit down, I feel relief quickly rush down my arms. 

I exercise approximately two hours daily, riding a stationary bike, standing, or walking with my walker. In the few months after my injury, I despised exercising, seeing it only as a mere grasp towards empty goals. However, discovering research about new developments in neuroregeneration, and new growing ideas such as neuroplasticity, my therapy started to become not a continuous reach at impossible goals but a way to keep my legs healthy for possible ones.

While continuing to exercise, I aspire to contribute to the research being done in the field of neuroregeneration and to reach a deeper understanding of the functions of the nervous system so that one day, everyone can hold hope despite neurological damage. Through my therapy and experiences, I have learned that even a small amount of knowledge has the potential to drastically alter one’s view of their surroundings, and the amazing possibilities for future exploration offers abounding excitement.

Why this essay worked

Like other Harvard essay examples, this essay provides the Harvard admissions committee with a deeper look into the writer’s perspective and personality. This author chose a theme not uncommon among Harvard essay examples: overcoming adversity. Many colleges provide an opportunity in their supplements for students to reflect on instances where they have overcome adversity. Harvard essay examples like these provide a unique view into a student’s values and accomplishments.

From other parts of this student’s Harvard application, you might not know that they are recovering from an injury. Through their essay, this author shows the Harvard admissions committee a part of themselves that heavily influences their daily life. Additionally, they highlight how it has shaped them into the person they are today.

Structurally, this essay follows a tried and true outline for strong essays: start with an anecdote to draw the reader into your world. Then as you continue, zoom out to reflect on how the anecdote represents your values or goals. This student concluded by tying their personal experiences to their future academic goals. Finally, they emphasize the power of learning to inspire hope. You’ll encounter this structure in other Harvard essay examples, and other Ivy League essay examples in general. 

Next in our collection of college essay examples for Ivy League schools, we’ll move to some Brown essay examples.

Brown Essay Examples

For our Brown essay example, we’ll cover another common supplemental prompt: Why are you pursuing your intended major? If you want to read more Brown essay examples to prepare for your Brown application, check out our Brown-specific guide. 

Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated in our Member Section, earlier in this application? If you are “undecided” or not sure which Brown concentrations match your interests, consider describing more generally the academic topics or modes of thought that engage you currently. (150 word limit)

To many, mathematics is little more than calculating how much flour Mrs. Smith needs to bake her famous apple pie. I felt this same way until I got to calculus. There, I was examining the fundamentals of change, infinity, and nothingness daily.

During one discussion with my teacher, he expressed his belief that the Fibonacci sequence was a proportion of divine handiwork. I’d never considered any application of mathematics outside of hard sciences. As I sat at my kitchen table that night calculating the instantaneous velocity at time t, I understood that mathematics, despite a well-defined set of laws, contains the philosophical ambiguity I find so stimulating. 

Though finding the volume of a sphere may not fit the traditional idea of aesthetics, it serves the same purpose — as a study of structure and order. This intersection between mathematics and philosophy is one I hope to continue to explore.

In other Brown essay examples and other college essay examples for Ivy League schools, word count can enormously influence an essay. In just 150 words, the author had to explain not one but two intended areas of study and make an impact. 

For some students, a low word count can actually be a blessing. It forces you to pick out only the most important and evocative sentences. In this essay, the student tells us a full story with only a few sentences. Short word counts are an exercise in clarity.

With some prompts, you have a bit more wiggle room, but a straightforward question like this requires a straightforward answer . This can be tricky to do without sacrificing detail and structure. The authors of successful  Brown example essays answer the question clearly without compromising on form.

In this essay, the author explains why they want to study math and philosophy, and their interest in their intersection. The student also uses good storytelling tactics, like putting the reader into their shoes by using anecdotes to communicate. Phrases like “ During one discussion with my teacher ,” and “ As I sat at my kitchen table that night” pull us into these scenes alongside the writer. 

In strong Brown essay examples, the author sets forth a strong example answer to the “why major” question. For a breakdown of the other prompts on the Brown application, read our guide to Brown’s supplemental essays . 

Now, let’s move on to the next of our college essay examples for Ivy League schools: Cornell essay examples. 

Cornell Arts and Sciences: Why us essay examples

Continuing with college essay examples for Ivy Leagues, we’ll go over some Cornell essay examples– specifically some “why Cornell” essay examples. “Why school” questions are very common, and these “why Cornell” essay examples can provide guidance when you’re writing your own. While reading these Cornell essay examples, ask yourself: why is Cornell the best fit for this student to pursue their interests?

Why Cornell Essay Example

Describe two or three of your current intellectual interests and why they are exciting to you. why will cornell’s college of arts and sciences be the right environment in which to pursue your interests (please limit your response to 650 words.).

My happiness can be graphed on quadrants with two axes of biology and psychology. The closer to the origin in the center, the happier I am. 

The day before winter break, my AP Biology teacher wrote me the most adorable greeting card; as a dual-enrolled student completing a special curriculum and serving as her assistant grading piles of paperwork, it wasn’t special treatment at all! But what made my day was the bacteriophage. The top of the card included a little cartoon, “a dreidle with spider legs” one friend dryly commented. I ran around showing it to all who cared to listen. I was tickled by my teacher’s representation of a dangerous virus that hijacks a bacteria’s ability to reproduce itself. 

Moreover, I loved the card because it shows that my biology teacher understands my joy in learning about unusual diseases. My current personal fascination is kuru — caused by prions, mysterious misfolded proteins that produce degenerating nervous tissue and end in certain death. Scary, I know. Kuru folds into its realm fascinating symptoms, crazy laughter and slowing movement. It is also anthropologically significant: given that it was historically respectful to consume one’s relatives in parts of Papua New Guinea, the gender practices of this ritual adversely affected women and children. It is that nexus of biology and culture that fascinates me.

Magazine subscriptions became my gateway to my eventual academic study of psychology.  Reader’s Digest, with its articles on happiness (diminishing marginal utility!) and the dangers of energy drinks (poor teenage brains!), evolved into an obsession: hours at the library flipping through Psychology Today. Between those glossy covers were hours of entertainment: stories of narcissists and psychopaths, of test-taking mindsets between pessimism and optimism, giving me a view beyond the you-like-pink-so-you-must-be-bubbly world of American Girl. That interest survives in my free time reading and my choice of an eventual major.  

Taking AP Psychology allowed me to bring my private reading into classroom discussion. I loved talking about the ethics and design of psychological studies. I had read about the Asch conformity tests, had seen the videos of the experiment. When my teacher set up the experiment with three classmates as subjects and the rest of us as confederates, two subjects did not conform; I still wonder why our ratio of nonconformity was lower than Asch had found. Could it be a trait of the magnet population and experience or the fact that we weren’t great liars? 

Cornell’s Biology and Society major combines interdisciplinary studies from the sciences and humanities. In viewing biological concerns from a sociocultural perspective, it connects my love of disease and psychology and addresses a subset I find to be necessary – the ethical aspects. 

In particular, neuroethics appeals to me in speaking to child abuse; having encountered situations of reportable child abuse multiple times during my work with Teen Line, a crisis hotline at which I volunteer, I am particularly interested to learn more about the aftermath. What happens after I’ve called Child Protective Services? Those of us at Teen Line never know the end result.  Would the child be placed in foster care or with a relative? Would the child, whose life began in endangerment, thrive in a loving environment? We never know. 

But what I can learn is how abuse has affected the child neurologically, how it may manifest in adulthood, and perhaps even what can be done to counter it. The idea that abnormal reactions derive from social contexts can be expanded by studying biochemistry; research about the lack of a neurotransmitter uptake or the presence of potential genetic markers may explain the seeming irrationality behind mental disorders and may, hopefully, lessen the social stigma.

In this example of our ”why Cornell” essay examples, the student illustrates why a niche major at Cornell is a perfect fit for them. Although many colleges would have Psychology or Biology majors, “Biology and Society” is a specific major unique to Cornell. This essay makes clear that the student’s passions lie at the intersection of biology and society. In doing so, they show that Cornell is the only college that could allow them to pursue their passion. 

Out of other “why Cornell” essay examples you might explore, this essay in particular showcases a more conversational and casual writing style. The fun parentheticals and quirky turns of phrase like “ you-like-pink-so-you-must-be-bubbly” better convey this author’s personality than a more formal style. Reading various “why Cornell” essay examples will show that strong essays don’t require a particular style. On the contrary, what’s most important is that you represent who you are. 

Word limit and content

Since this essay has a 650-word limit, the writer had a lot of room to go into the specifics of their passion. This works well for this student, letting them show not only their personal interest in these topics, but also their specific knowledge of psychological and biological concepts. 

Now that you’ve read two college essay examples for Ivy League schools that focus on similar topics, let’s think. How do the Cornell essay examples and the Brown essay examples show different ways of talking about the same topic? If you were the writer of this Cornell essay, how would you adapt it to the 150-word limit for Brown? When you’re working on your own Brown application or Cornell application, these are some of the essay-writing challenges you’ll face. 

For our next college essay examples for Ivy League schools, we’ll cover some Yale essay examples. 

Yale Essay Examples

Yale essay example, please reflect on something you would like us to know about you that we might not learn from the rest of your application, or on something about which you would like to say more. you may write about anything—from personal experiences or goals to interests or intellectual pursuits. (please answer in 500 words or fewer)..

“She’s in the hospital.”

I sputtered into the receiver, speechless at my grandmother’s words. The previous week, she explained that my mother had been acting strangely. At first, I wasn’t concerned. I didn’t consider putting plasticware in the toaster oven or raving about hackers online a cause for alarm. But her behavior only escalated from there.

One night, at the height of Florida summer, my grandmother awoke covered in sweat to find the air conditioning had been turned off. When asked, my mother confessed, insisting that the circulated air had been poisoned by some spiteful coworkers. The following day, she was found slumped over the edge of a balcony, seconds from taking the leap.

Despite all of this, I couldn’t believe that there could be anything wrong with my mother. I couldn’t believe it when I got a call shortly afterward informing me of her diagnosis: schizoaffective disorder. 

In the days following the news, I felt a growing darkness within me. While my mother endured emergency evaluations at the local hospital, I was consumed by self-pity and anger. I couldn’t decide who to blame — the doctors who diagnosed her or the heavens who allowed the woman that raised me to disappear. I was shaken at the loss of the woman who tangoed with me in the kitchen and cheered me on at recitals. 

My world had lost any semblance of sense within a few weeks; the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. But I began to see that this event wasn’t the terror that it seemed to be. I had to accept change. Fate hadn’t wronged me. My mother’s diagnosis, though painful, was just another happening, another day, and another moment, not something I could expect the earth to atone for. 

My mother reading to me every night as a young child is a miracle. All of those days spent swaddled in a comforter watching television together are a miracle. And while these things didn’t last forever, they also will never fade. No matter what my mother’s mental state is, my memories with her will remain timeless. I can tenderly recall her patience as she cleaned the spilled milk off of the kitchen floor, or the gentle humming in my ear as she rocked me to sleep. It is these memories that will live on forever, not the illness befalling her. 

One loss doesn’t destroy all of the beauty that’s been had, and I know that I’ll never lose the tenderness of my life’s small miracles. I refuse to believe that the radiance of my world will ever be lost because one aspect of it doesn’t go as planned. I will never escape change or circumstance, but I know that they are nothing to fear.

As we’ve noted for other college essay examples for Ivy League schools, essays can tell something new in your story. This essay focuses on sharing a part of the student’s identity that the admissions committee wouldn’t otherwise know. In this one of our Yale essay examples, the student recounts struggling with their mother’s diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. 

The above example of our Yale essay examples is a very moving and well-written piece. We are dropped into the moment the writer gets a call from their grandmother about their mother’s hospitalization. From there, the student backtracks to give the reader more detail. 

Many strong Yale essay examples, and college essay examples for Ivy Leagues in general, involve self-reflection and vulnerability. This essay is a beautiful example of this. The second half of this essay is spent reflecting on the myriad ways this diagnosis affected the author’s perspective. While it first inspired hurt and anger, it then changed the way they view the world. 

Writing about personal growth or change is a common topic for college applications. Though this is a beautiful story showing the student’s gratitude and maturity, remember that not all Ivy League essays that worked are like this. Indeed, many applicants may not wish to write about personally traumatic events—you are not obligated to write your trauma. Any story that tells the admissions committee more about you, especially one that demonstrates change growth, is a great start. 

Next, we’re going to look at some Dartmouth essay examples and key points of “why Dartmouth” essays that worked. If you want more example essays for Dartmouth, read our complete guide . 

Dartmouth Essay Examples

Why dartmouth essay that worked, what attracts you to dartmouth (100 words).

I always had a keen interest in numbers, probability, and finance. Early on, I  could quickly calculate sales tax, analyze probabilities, and visualize complex mathematical models. After taking AP classes in economics and statistics, I became intrigued with mathematical representations for economic markets and statistical models.

This sparked my desire to pursue an actuarial career to utilize my talents in quantitative reasoning. The Major in Mathematical Data Science will provide me the skills to apply abstract mathematical and statistical theories to the concrete world. I will also have the opportunity to stimulate my academic intrigue through an intensive research project. 

This one of our Dartmouth essay examples is one of the “why Dartmouth” essays that worked. A key feature of “why school” essays is mentioning specific facts about the school in question. In this case, this writer shows the Dartmouth admissions committee that they have done their research and care about Dartmouth.

Like many “why Dartmouth” essays that worked, this essay focuses mostly on academic goals—sensible, given the very low word limit. We learn a lot about the writer’s academic interests quickly and concisely. Then, we see what they would do at Dartmouth specifically to pursue these goals. 

The next of our Dartmouth essay examples is more broad, and gives the writer more room to get creative–pun intended!

Dartmouth Essay Example

Talk about a creative moment in your life. (300 words) .

Music has always been a big part of my life. Early on, my musical inclination was engendered in me through my family. My father was an accomplished “Timbalero” in his high school salsa band. While my mother still plays her extensive library of 80’s arena rock albums during long car rides.

My family’s love for music is even more pronounced during family gatherings; salsa music rumbles the floor and vibrant dancing fills the living room. Surrounded by various types of music made it second nature for me to learn an instrument. Ever since I picked up the guitar in the second grade, I have been surrounded by creative impulses that have driven me to write my own songs. Melodies constantly play in my head and are not silenced until I release them through the strings of my guitar. However, my greatest piece of music drew inspiration from the children’s TV show Adventure Time, a light-hearted show about a boy and his dog seeking adventure.

One silent episode where two characters trek a post-apocalyptic landscape prompted me to pick up my guitar and play what came to my head. In sixth grade, this story was the most tragic and complex that I was ever exposed to. Naturally, I had to create something that mimicked its artistry. My efforts would materialize into my song titled, “Remains.” It begins with an exchange of ominous chords that mirrors the depravity of the scenery depicted in that episode. Then, the guitars lift out of their sluggish state and usher in a series of chords that float between tones of desolation and hope.

Finally, the song culminates with an epic power-rock portion before returning to the desolate chords that started the song. Hence, my most intricate piece of music would be inspired by a children’s TV show.

In the second of our Dartmouth essay examples, the student uses descriptive imagery to walk us through one of their creative passions: music. The “creative moment in their life” was being inspired by a children’s TV show to create their “most intricate piece of music.” Ivy League essays that worked directly answer the prompt while highlighting unique traits of the writer.

But first, we learn about why the student loves music in the first place. Music is in their blood and is a big part of their upbringing and culture. Remember, other components of your Dartmouth application can only show so much. Essays give the Dartmouth admissions committee a window into your personality and values that the Dartmouth application wouldn’t otherwise show. This student weaves in scenes from their upbringing into an essay about creativity, and uses vivid images to do so. 

Moving from the  Dartmouth admissions committee to Princeton admissions, let’s continue with our college essay examples for Ivy League schools. Namely, let’s read Princeton essay examples. 

Princeton Essay Examples

In the next group of Ivy League essays that worked, we’ll feature more college essay examples for Ivy League schools. These Princeton essay examples are varied, including a classic “why major” prompt, as well as an extracurricular activities essay example. For more sample Ivy League essays from Princeton, check out this guide .

Princeton Essay Example

If you are interested in pursuing a b.s.e. (bachelor of science in engineering) degree, please write a 300-500 word essay describing why you are interested in studying engineering, any experiences in or exposure to engineering you have had, and how you think the programs in engineering offered at princeton suit your particular interests. (independent work, community, junior papers, senior thesis, incredibly easy to change course of study).

“Some of you may wonder ‘When will I ever use derivatives in real life?’ Welcome to when.” My physics teacher described engineering as the “when” math and physics were applied to real problems. That is what is so attractive about engineering; it gives me the ability to apply intriguing concepts to fascinating projects

During the Chain Reaction Contraption competition, my team and I created a Rube Goldberg machine to complete a certain task. I found a love for the hands-on, creative portion of mechanical engineering. The ability to step away from the calculator and notebook and get my hands dirty is the most enjoyable aspect of this profession. I also enjoyed how engineering combines creative freedom and mathematical certainty. In creation of each step, I could design whatever I desired and had a large degree of flexibility. Afterwards, I would complete the calculations and see how math and physics concepts applied to a real-life problem. Finally, I would build the step, getting to experience a “hands-on” area of engineering. While I participated in other engineering activities in high school, this experience solidified my passion for engineering.

However, other engineering activities also provided important experiences that contributed to my desire to pursue engineering. In my engineering design class, I enjoyed using computer programs like Autodesk Inventor and AutoCAD to create my designs. In FTC Robotics, I discovered that in addition to building the robot, I also loved the programming aspect. 

Reflecting on these experiences with engineering, particularly mechanical engineering, I am certain engineering is the best path for me. As sure as I am about pursuing engineering, I am even more certain Princeton Engineering is the best fit for me.

One thing I appreciate about Princeton is the emphasis placed on independent work. I learn best through independent learning, and Princeton already has this area built into its curriculum. Through Junior papers and the Senior thesis, I will be able to conduct original research or undertake a significant engineering project. My favorite classes in high school are those that culminated in independent final projects. The process of thinking through ideas and finding the best solution provides an outlet for my curiosity and allows me to immerse myself in a subject.

However, while I am an independent worker and learner, I also enjoy working in groups and being part of a strong community. Every undergraduate student at Princeton I have spoke to, mentions how supportive and tight-knot the Princeton community is. Students consistently bring out the best in one another and push those around them to reach their goals. Coming from a hometown with this kind of atmosphere, Princeton’s community would feel comfortable.

Lastly, Princeton’s strong Hispanic community would also provide another source of support and social connection for me. In my school, I do not have a large Hispanic base. As a result, this ethnic community attracts me to Princeton because I would love to be apart of a group with individuals like myself.

The first of our Princeton essay examples is for a specialized program, the Bachelor of Science in Engineering. With 500 words to work with, this writer was able to go into detail. In addition to their interest in engineering, they outlined the engineering experience they already have and how it motivates them to keep learning. 

Remember, especially for schools without a “why school?” essay, you should explain both your interest in the subject and in the institution. The Princeton admissions team will be looking to make sure that you have done your research on the school’s offerings.

Like other sample Ivy League essays, this essay mentions aspects of Princeton’s learning environment that the writer would benefit from. Typical of successful Ivy League essay examples, the writer doesn’t just praise Princeton’s engineering program—they highlight specifics of the program, like independent research opportunities and community values. 

For the next one of our college essays that worked, you’ll read a brief essay on a student’s summer vacations.

Another Princeton Essay Example

Please tell us how you have spent the last two summers (or vacations between school years), including any jobs you have held. (about 150 words).

Cross-country and marching band dominated my daily schedule. Cross-country practices were six days weekly, all summer. Marching Band consisted of two band camp weeks with six to ten hours daily.

For work, I worked about 15 hours weekly at Scally’s Driving Range one summer and Panda Express the next.

Prior to Junior year, I went to programs to explore possible career interests: Medical Career Seminar, where I learned about the medical field, shadowed doctors, and volunteered at hospitals, and Washington Week, where I met with congressmen, FBI agents, and visited sites in D.C. 

Before Senior year, I was accepted to University of Michigan’s Summer College Engineering Exposure Program (SCEEP) and MIT Online Science, Technology, Engineering Community (MOSTEC). In SCEEP, my team solved a design challenge and presented the solution to university staff. In MOSTEC, I took Neuroscience and Science Writing and presented my Neuroscience project during conference week at MIT.

As with some of our other Ivy League college essay examples, this student used very few words to great effect. They answered the question thoroughly and with detail while getting all of their main points across. It’s easy to see that they were very busy with a wide range of activities.

With such a small space for answers and so much information to convey, it’s okay not to include anecdotes or flowery language. However, for applicants who did the same thing for both summers, this space could include more descriptions and anecdotes about that experience. This way, they could tell more of a story rather than just listing information. Use the space according to your experiences and the story you wish to tell.

Our next example of college essays that worked is also quite short and is about a popular topic: extracurriculars . 

Princeton Extracurricular Activity Essay Example

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences that was particularly meaningful to you. (about 150 words).

Gasping for air, I do not dare to move as the last chord resonates through the parking lot where the marching band rehearses. Check and adjust. Did I make my final spot, or am I off, possibly costing the band points if I’m off in a show? Standby. Bringing my flute down, I relax and glance around me, ensuring my section had adjusted as well.

Reflecting on my last four years in the organization, I am grateful for the experience. Marching band combined two favorite pastimes, athleticism and music, and introduced me to my closest friends and role models. 

Ten hour rehearsals at band camp and returning home from a band competition in Canton, Ohio at 3 a.m. after a 6 a.m. departure the previous day seemed more like pleasure than work. In marching band, exhaustion is nonexistent and passion is enduring. 

In Ivy League college essay examples about only one extracurricular or activity, you have space to go into more detail. This student used an anecdote in the first paragraph to show the reader how much marching band means to them. 

In the third of our Princeton college essays that worked, this student did a lot of “showing, not telling.” Instead of simply saying they are nervous when they finish a piece, they describe how it feels. Gasping for air, hearing the chord resonate, questioning whether they had gotten it right—these vivid details are crucial. This puts the members of the Princeton admissions team in the place of the student as they read the essay.

For our next Ivy League essay example, we’ll read another long-form, Common App-style essay. 

This Princeton essay example comes from the prompts listed below: 

Princeton Essay Prompts

In addition to the essay you have written for the common application, please write an essay of about 500 words (no more than 650 words and no fewer than 250 words). using one of the themes below as a starting point, write about a person, event, or experience that helped you define one of your values or in some way changed how you approach the world. please do not repeat, in full or in part, the essay you wrote for the common application., 1. tell us about a person who has influenced you in a significant way., 2.“one of the great challenges of our time is that the disparities we face today have more complex causes and point less straightforwardly to solutions.” omar wasow, assistant professor of politics, princeton university. this quote is taken from professor wasow’s january 2014 speech at the martin luther king day celebration at princeton university., 3. “culture is what presents us with the kinds of valuable things that can fill a life. and insofar as we can recognize the value in those things and make them part of our lives, our lives are meaningful.” gideon rosen, stuart professor of philosophy and chair, department of philosophy, princeton university. , 4. using a favorite quotation from an essay or book you have read in the last three years as a starting point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world. please write the quotation, title and author at the beginning of your essay..

Sitting around the table at Denny’s, the waitress asks my grandfather about our family’s heritage. He smiles, knowing he won’t be giving the simple answer expected. He explains he is a Spaniard and his wife is German. My other grandfather and my parents are Venezuelan. That grandfather’s wife is from Martinique. My brothers and I are American and the only ones who live in their home country.

For the last few generations, my ancestors have rarely resided in the same country into adulthood. As a result, their unique experiences have created open-minded individuals with widespread impact.

In contrast to the mobility of my ancestors, I live in a stagnant town, in which many live in the same place where they grew up. The lack of exposure to different people and experiences means much of my community is afraid of change and resistant to new ideas.

Witnessing two different lifestyles from my family and community, I know I want to live my family’s lifestyle. As an individual, I hope to embrace change and always be growing in my understanding of the world. Rather than confining myself to preconceived notions, I aspire to take part in my family’s culture and allow my experiences to shape my beliefs and perspectives.

My family’s culture of open-mindedness has inspired me to bring the idea of encouraging change and progress to society through technology. Using my talents, I will contribute to the advancement of society and bring a new perspective to the field while respecting other viewpoints. Lack of progress creates an aversion to change and the inability to improve lives. Because I have seen these effects of stagnancy on a community and its individuals, I wish to help create a world that is constantly changing – for the better. 

In some college essays that worked, the writer focuses on culture, its impact on their life, and what it means to them. This writer takes a unique view on “culture”: not just heritage, but an overall attitude of open-mindedness and receptiveness to change.  

Open-mindedness, intellectual curiosity, and diversity are strong essay topics commonly seen in college essays that worked. This is because they enable applicants to provide their own perspective on a core value of the institution. 

Now that we’re finished with the Princeton essays, we’ve reached the end of our analysis of sample Ivy League essays. Before we conclude the guide, we’ll give some final tips on college essays that worked and how to write your own!

How important are college essays in the Ivy League?

Now that we’ve read strong Ivy League college essay examples, you might wonder: how important are college essays in the Ivy League?

College essays are an incredibly important part of your application. Most colleges look at applications “holistically,” which means that they are taking every part of your application into account. In other words, your grades, test scores, extracurriculars, letters of recommendation, and essays are all important. For Ivy League schools, you could argue that essays are even more important than for other universities. Since Ivies get incredibly high numbers of applicants, many of them have the strongest grades and the highest test scores. A stellar essay could distinguish you from other students. 

As seen in these Ivy League essay examples, students who were honest, clear, introspective, and evocative wrote the strongest essays. College essay examples for Ivy League schools cover a wide range of subjects, and for good reason. There are endless topics that could serve as the foundation for Ivy League essay examples that worked. 

What else do Ivy League schools look for in essays?

These Ivy League essay examples should have given you a peek into what Ivy League schools are looking for in essays. From reading these essays, what stands out to you the most? Is it the vulnerability shown by students? The artful language? The nuanced weaving together of anecdotes, personal reflection, and goals for the future? As demonstrated by these Ivy League essay examples, Ivy League schools are looking for a combination of these factors.

How do Ivy League schools evaluate essays?

Sure, these Ivy League essay examples have provided a roadmap for how to write a great essay for your Harvard application. But how can you be sure that the admissions committee will see the merit of your work?

Ivy League schools review applications holistically, so they evaluate essays along with other materials to understand who you are. Just like your grades, the essay shows a part of your personality and your background. Ideally, your essays will have given the admissions committee a deeper look into several aspects of you. If written thoughtfully, essays should enhance your status as an applicant and highlight your potential in and out of the classroom. 

More Ivy League Resources from CollegeAdvisor

If after reading this guide on Ivy League essay examples you’re looking for more resources on how to optimize your chances with Ivy League schools, check out our other guides!

For general advice on acing Ivy League applications, check out this article . If you’re still wondering how Ivy League schools evaluate essays within the application, read this article on Harvard’s rating system . We also have many webinars about Ivy League schools, like this one comparing different Ivies.

Ivy League Essay Examples – 5 Tips for Standout Essays

Before you submit that Yale or Dartmouth application, let’s go over 5 tips for standout essays. The Ivy League college essay examples that we have gone over exemplify these goals. Try and apply these tips from college essays that worked into your own writing!

5 Tips for writing Ivy League essays

1. stay true to your voice.

The admissions committee wants to get to know you. Don’t just write what you think they want to hear or a narrative if it isn’t genuine.

2. Tell us something we don’t know

You should use your essays as a way to show the admissions officers something they can’t see elsewhere in your application. 

3. Show, don’t tell

Work anecdotes and strong imagery into your writing to make the reader feel as if they’re along for the ride with you. Remember, however, that very short essays may not have room for narrative writing.

4. Answer the question

Different questions need different answers, and the word count can drastically change the structure of your essay. Include detail, but be concise—there’s no need to include flowery sentences that don’t add new information. Focus on addressing the prompt.

5. Use correct spelling and grammar

Reading the essay out loud will help you catch any grammar mistakes or typos while editing . Don’t be afraid to ask a parent or counselor to read the essay over for you. 

If you want more tips on essay writing, check out these videos from CollegeBoard, and these brainstorming tips . And if you missed UPenn in this lineup, check out our article going over some UPenn essay examples !

Ivy League Essay Examples – Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve read these sample Ivy League essays, we hope that you feel more prepared to take on writing your own Ivy League application essays. Remember, every one of these Ivy League essay examples began with a student staring at a blank page. 

We believe that you can write an essay that will impress Brown or Harvard admissions. Now, go write!

This essay examples article was written by advisor, Rachel Kahn . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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The Secrets of Writing an Essay to Get to the Ivy League

The Secrets of Writing an Essay to Get to the Ivy League

If you’re reading this, chances are your goal is to get into an elite school such as Stanford, Yale, or Harvard. A quick investigation into these schools reveals that the increasing number of applications leads to stricter admission guidelines and lower acceptance rates.

In fact, acceptance rates have been everything but encouraging in recent years. For example, this year’s admissions cycle had the lowest rates in history at all except one Ivy League school.

Just look at these facts:

The acceptance rate at Harvard — 4.59 percent — was the lowest in several decades.

Yale’s acceptance rates for classes of 2018 and 2020 were just 6.26 and 6.27 percent, respectively.

Stanford was the most selective Ivy League university with the lowest acceptance rate of 4.3 percent.

In fact, here’s a chart showing the trends in Ivy League schools’ admission rates that The Crimson compiled in April.

Analysis of Ivy League schools indicates declining admissions rates.

Since all of the students applying to Ivy League schools have overwhelming academic achievement and impressive scores, it’s easy to come to the startling realization that your academic performance may not be enough to get accepted.

Therefore, the main thing that can help you stand out from the fierce competition is the admission essay. That’s why we’re going to see what it takes to craft a personal statement that beats others by speaking to admission professionals in a unique and personal way.

Let’s begin.

1. Write About Something That is Deeply Personal

Grace Kim, a former Stanford admissions officer, said in a recent interview with CNBC that she has encountered hundreds of essays about a short but rewarding experience. The sheer number of works written about these experiences made them a cliché in the college admissions community.

Instead, Kim advises writing an essay about something personal:

"We always said when I was an admissions officer, we want it to be so personal to the student that you couldn't put anyone’s else name on that essay and have it still be true about that other student.”

These essays are the best for determining personal values and personalities of students, which are critical requirements for universities.

So, avoid writing essays about short experiences and try to come up with a topic that has a profound personal importance to you. Admission officers will appreciate that.

2. Avoid a Detached Style

Many applicants write their admission essays in a detached style — a style that makes the reader feel disconnected from the author of the essay or the person described there. This is not a good way to go about essay writing.

If you go with a topic that doesn't matter to you, it won't matter to those reading it.

Simply explained, writing an essay in a detached style won’t make admissions professionals fall in love with you. On the other hand, if you get personal and show that there’s no other candidate like you applying with the same kind of passion, strengths, and characteristics, your chances of getting accepted will increase dramatically.

How to make admissions professionals fall in love with you? Before you even begin writing an essay, think of a topic that you really want to write about. If you go with a topic that doesn’t matter to you, it won’t matter to those reading it. Don’t be afraid if the topic is complex — a great topic is always complex!

3. Don’t Try to Be Funny

Of course, there are some examples when a humorous essay helped students get into an Ivy League university , but the truth is, not everyone is funny. And it’s totally okay! Just think about this: how would it feel to read an essay where an applicant is trying too hard to be funny?

Right, it would be a cringe-fest.

While experimenting with different styles of essay writing is strongly encouraged, don’t write a humorous essay just because you think that admissions professionals will appreciate it. Humor can make your essay unique, but it can also make it memorable for the uncomfortable experience someone had while reading it.

4. Essays Succeed or Fail in the Details

One surefire way to engage readers and transport them into your story is to give vivid details. For example, tell them about the weather, your feelings, or the look on someone’s face. Make them taste that delicious apple pie you had on the 4th of July this year.

This essay writing technique is called imagery and it allows the readers to see the world through your eyes and cheer for you in situations you faced. In other words, it introduces you as a human being, not just another applicant. So, be descriptive about the situation or the moment you’re addressing in your essay, because the admissions officers will want to smell it, touch it, and see it.

A good example of using imagery to get accepted to an Ivy League university comes from a student from California, referred to as Bobby in a recent review, whose descriptive writing scored him an acceptance to Harvard. In this review of his essay , The Crimson Brand Studio writes that imagery was one of the most prominent facets of his writing:

Use of imagery in the introduction: “It is first utilized to bring the reader into the piece and make the introduction pop, with “Late evening rays [...] casting a gentle glow…”

Use of imagery in the body of the essay: “Bobby’s use of imagery brings his essay to life…” Also, it illustrates “the contrast between his organized, type A persona and the abstract art he eventually creates.”

Read the full review using the link above to get all details on Bobby’s use of imagery that got him into Harvard.

5. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

This one goes without saying: an Ivy League application essay should never be a one-and-done deal. Even a small piece requires a lot of proofreading (checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes).

Remember — only one, simple grammar or spelling mistake will get you in the reject pile immediately.

Don’t rely on your text processor’s spell check function — make sure to proofread it by yourself. When you’re done editing, ask your English teacher or even a friend to proofread some more. Remember — only one, simple grammar or spelling mistake will get you in the reject pile immediately.

Be careful when giving your essay to others, though. Keeping the number of people you ask for proofreading is a great idea because having too many people giving you advice may result in your voice getting lost.

As acceptance rates in Ivy League schools showed, your overwhelming academic performance may not be a deciding factor. To increase your chances of getting accepted, you have to write a superb essay that follows the best practices. Use the ones above to guide you to the success and help to beat stress associated with writing application essays.

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The Crimson's news and opinion teams—including writers, editors, photographers, and designers—were not involved in the production of this article.

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Personal Statement Editing by Stanford Graduates

Stanford University

Why Choose College Essay Editor?

Personalized attention.

Everyone has a passion. Everyone has a unique story. We help you express yours in writing and get accepted to America’s best colleges. Here, every single essay is personally reviewed – from start to finish –  by a Stanford graduate. Not by a part-time editor. Not by a hired tutor.

Our essay editors have been accepted to many of the nation’s most selective colleges, and each graduated from Stanford University. And we’ve helped other applicants achieve the same results. Recent client acceptances include Stanford, Columbia, Berkeley, Harvard, Cornell, Caltech, and the University of Chicago.

We have helped edit thousands of college application essays and graduate school personal statements from the U.S. and abroad. We know what works, what doesn’t, what stands out, and what gets lost in the pile. And we help students recognize – and eliminate – cliches and overused expressions in order to craft a truly compelling and memorable essay.


Our editors were granted temporary access to their own admission records. Complete with admissions officers’ comments, notes, and ratings, these records revealed what admissions committees thought about our applications, and provided us with unparalleled insight into the reality of college admissions.

At College Essay Editor, we specialize in editing college application essays and personal statements. In today’s college admissions landscape, as the emphasis on standardized testing declines, essays have become an increasingly important – if not the most important – factor in both the college and graduate school application process. 

To get into the best colleges in the U.S., top grades and test scores are no longer good enough. Your essay, and the story it tells, is how you can differentiate yourself from the tens of thousands of other applicants. 

Your essays and personal statements will determine not just where you get in, but also how much scholarship money you receive, which majors you are accepted into, whether or not you are accepted to an Honors college, and much more. 

Regardless of how strong your grades, test scores, and resume are, an outstanding college application essay or personal statement can help you meet – and exceed – your admission goals, whether that means being accepted to a prestigious and highly-selective Ivy League university, finding a college that fits you best, or getting into the Honors program at an in-state school.

College Library

College Essay Editor is made up of a team of professional Stanford-educated essay editors that provide individualized, in-depth essay and personal statement editing at all stages of the editing process. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas, providing substantive feedback on your essay’s structure and logic, or just polishing the language and correcting for English and grammar errors, the College Essay Editor team will help ensure that you’re presenting your strongest case for admission.

Includes feedback on: grammar, typos, English proficiency

Includes feedback on: plot, content, narrative, strengths and weaknesses, tone, clarity, style, word choice, sentence structure, introductions and conclusions, transitions

Includes unlimited rounds, until both student and editor are satisfied

Includes feedback on: formatting, content, tone, clarity, style, word choice, sentence structure, organization, action verbs

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How to End a College Application Essay

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Five Things NOT to Do In Your College Application Essay

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Ivy League Prep is passionate about helping students craft outstanding college admissions profiles . In this article, we discuss our approach to an important section of the college application: the personal essay.

Your child’s personal essay is the ideal opportunity to take all the grades, scores, honors, activities, and other elements of their application and weave them together into a cohesive narrative.

The personal essay will show the admissions officer who your child is, how they think, and what they are passionate about. This brief snippet of prose should be the centerpiece of your child’s admissions profile, and all the other parts of the application should point toward it. Your child must effectively communicate their unique narrative through the personal essay.

However strong your child’s application is, they should strive to write a captivating personal essay that, if nothing else, takes a great application and makes it even better.

The Purpose of the Personal Essay

The personal essay is a 650-word written component of the Common Application that offers several diverse prompts. The short length of the essay and the narrow scope of each prompt means that the essay must provide a focused glimpse into who your child is and why they will be valuable to the college.

Most of the essays submitted to top colleges are average and don’t attract much attention. If your child’s essay doesn’t quickly grab the admissions officer’s attention, they might only spend a few minutes reading it.

So, what must your child’s personal essay communicate to the admissions officer to be interesting, effective, and memorable?

Quality Writing

Your child’s essay needs to show that their writing meets a satisfactory standard of quality and maturity. The essay should prove that your child has a firm grasp of English grammar, diction, writing style, form, and logic.

Effective Narrative

Admissions officers are looking for prose that effectively communicates your child’s narrative. If your child’s essay is banal and uninteresting, an admissions officer reading it will likely be bored. Your child’s essay needs to showcase their personality and unique perspective .


The online Common Application essay allows for no more than 650 words. While this may seem like too small a space for everything your child wants to communicate, it isn’t. Admissions officers have piles of applications to go through, so they consider brevity a virtue. Make sure you write concisely .

Narrow Focus

Being concise is not the same thing as having focus. It’s possible to write a short but scatterbrained essay or one that is longer but focused. The key is for your child to keep the essay both concise and focused. To do so, your child should focus on a single experience and use it to communicate their overall narrative.


Admissions officers want to see a unique individual. Your child’s classes, grades, test scores, and activities will likely be common among college applicants. Therefore, your child needs to focus on their unique narrative, showing why they are exceptional . This means that your child must demonstrate authenticity, maturity, a unique perspective, and specialized knowledge or skills.

The personal essay is one more place to show the admissions officer that your child will add value to the campus. Your child should use the essay to show how their unique perspective, skills, and passions will inspire other students and enhance the college’s learning experience.

Top schools want applicants who are mature enough not only to handle the rigors of a challenging academic environment but also to take full advantage of those opportunities. The personal essay is one of the ways an admissions officer will gauge your child’s maturity level.

Passion and Ability

Admissions officers are looking for students with a high level of passion and ability. Passionate students tend to lead and inspire others, and highly skilled students tend to contribute to the success of the college’s programs. Your child’s application will likely already reflect their passions and interests, but the personal essay is an opportunity to breathe life into the facts included in the application.

In the personal essay, your child can use their unique experiences to show why they are so passionate and focused. Clearly, it is a significant part of the college application.

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The importance of college essay writing.

Self-presentation is an essential part of people's life. It starts with college essay, where you need to convince the admission committee in your uniqueness and worthiness. Later there would be even more complicated papers for self-description, like cover letter for an employer. When you send your documents to a college, it's just a first step, a training before the actual work! How to succeed?

It's not a secret that grades in modern world mean have way less meaning and value as it had been before. Study hard and you'll get what you want, they were saying before. Be unique and original, be yourself! - that's a modern motto. It's hard to underestimate the importance of essay.

We meant no pressure and hopefully didn't make you think "Am I capable to write my essay?". Besides, modern problems require modern solutions. Now it's possible to delegate the task to professionals and stop stressing. With the help of essay writing service you can get a winning paper and earn your place in college. It seems a way better option than composing something on your own.

How to choose essay writing service

When you open Google and look for services to help with your essay, it seems that the choice is so enormous! And it actually is. Plenty of applicants are ready to pay for essay and that creates a huge demand. Are you surprised? Now imagine that everyone is ordering their papers on such websites and send to committee. So you think you stand a chance compared to a professional essay writer? Most likely, no.

The opportunities that services offer are infinite. Are you looking from a brand new essay composed from a scratch or do you already have a draft of your own writing to be improved? Name it, and you'll get what you want. The essay rewriter can edit your own thoughts, put the ideas you have in order, and as a result you're getting a brilliant work that you've participated in yourself. Sounds impressive!

How to choose the best essay help? We recommend to pay attention to three factors: price, reviews and time. In the next part we'll discuss them in details.

Useful recommendations

Getting ready to receive a mind blowing essay from the service? First, choose the proper one! Here are our advice on how to do it:

  • Consider the time required for work. Of course, it's possible to complete the whole task in several hours (for a professional writer), but it's better to think about paper beforehand. Thus, you'll get time to read it and to check.
  • What's the price of an essay? It largely depends on time and type of college you want to be admitted to. Of course, a complicated and deep piece of writing worth sending to Ivy League would cost way more than a local college. Think about your goal and ambitions and you will be able to find the balance in pricing.
  • Read the reviews about the service. What do clients say? Is it worth spending money? Has anyone been admitted?

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Princeton Men’s golf falls just short in Ivy League Championships

Image of men's golf player in orange polo and tan slacks swinging his club.

Junior William Huang took second overall in the Ivy League Tournament with a score of 205 (-8).

Photo courtesy of @princetongolf/ x..

In an exciting weekend of golf, the Princeton men’s team attempted to become repeat Ivy League Champions at the Watchung Valley Golf Club in Watching, New Jersey. Yet after a back-and-forth battle, the Tigers fell just short, settling for second place behind the Yale Bulldogs. 

After leading the weekend throughout rounds one and two of competition, harsh weather conditions coupled with a difficult course left the Tigers attempting to come back from behind in round three. Although they showcased their determination and talent, they ended the day with an overall team score of 846 (-6), three shots behind the Bulldogs. 

“The course was playing pretty tricky,” sophomore Riccardo Fantinelli told The Daily Princetonian. 

Former Ivy League Rookie of the Year, Fantinelli paced the Tigers in round three with an impressive score of 68 (-3). His performance on Sunday placed him fifth overall in the tournament. Playing consistently throughout the weekend, Fantinelli maintained position in the top six throughout the entire tournament, and in doing so kept the Tigers in contention for the overall title.

“We definitely played well. We just got beat,” remarked Fantinelli. “It happens though,” he added. 

Junior William Huang was a standout, placing second overall in the tournament. He recorded a score of 205 (-8) and was one shot behind Yale’s Ben Carpenter, who took the individualist honor this weekend. Huang played under par in every round this weekend, and did not waver from the top two throughout the entire tournament.

The other three Princeton golfers all placed within the top 20 this weekend. First-year Tommy Frist placed just out of the top 10 by playing a 217 (+4). Senior Jackson Fretty and first-year Charlie Palmer were not too far behind either, respectively placing 16th and 18th. 

After round one, Princeton held a 4-stroke lead over Yale and Columbia. Huang posted a 68 (-3) and stood in second while Fantinelli continued his hot streak and stood sixth with a score of 70 (-1). Frist was also in the top 10 after round one with a respectable 71 (E). Fretty and Palmer both were tied 16th after round one with a 73 (+2). 

Moving into round two, the Tigers continued their dominant performance maintaining a 5-shot lead over second-place Yale. After being neck-and-neck for much of the afternoon, the Tigers broke the deadlock and posted four birdies in the final two holes. Huang paced the group by posting another 68 (-3) and was one stroke above Yale’s Ben Carpenter. Fantinelli moved into the top five and Fretty and Palmer vaulted into the top ten after both posting a 71 (E). Frist cooled off and scored a 75 (+4) putting him at 15th place.

Looking to seal the deal in round three, the Tigers planned to come out swinging. However, Sunday's round was the worst of the three Princeton played over the entire weekend. Shooting a 283 (-1) as a team, they were not able to overcome a hot streak initiated by Yale. 

The Tigers fell behind early to the Bulldogs in the two-team race that was unfolding. However, a birdie from Huang on the 15th and from Fantinelli on the 17th cut Yale’s lead, and left the score a tie. The score remained a tie until the final hole, when an eagle and a birdie from the Bulldogs coupled with a bogey from the Tigers ended any hopes of being repeat Ivy League Champions. All four of the Yale golfers finished under par as they recorded a 275 (-9) score for round three. 

Despite the unfortunate outcome, the Tigers reflected proudly on a successful season. 


“We had a great year. We had a great team. We’re heading in the right direction for the next couple years.” Palmer told the ‘Prince.’ Palmer will look to continue his success and improve his game as he enters his sophomore year. 

Fantinelli echoed his sentiment, leading the team in round three posting a 68 (-3) while emphasizing his excitement to work hard for next season. 

“We’ll be back,” he assured. 

Despite falling just short in the Championships, Princeton will look to come back even stronger in 2024. Returning four of their five top players, the Tigers will look for vengeance and to hoist the William J. Miller trophy next season.

Matthew Yi is a Sports contributor for the ‘Prince.’

Please direct any corrections requests to corrections[at]dailyprincetonian.com.

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Student protesters in front of stone building holding red banner stating "Reclaim Earth Day" walk in a group. One student protester holds a white sign that says "Cut All Ties."

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A rectangular table displays condoms from several condom brands and stickers. A student looks over the table while a hand behind them reaches for a sticker.

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A Cisco VoIP phone sits on a desk. Cubbies filled with stacks of papers stand in the background.

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Does an ivy league degree matter.

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As May 1, the national college admission deadline for seniors to submit their enrollment deposit approaches, high school students are likely weighing their options and deciding what their next educational steps should be. This year was a record year for many Ivy League colleges, with more students applying to Yale University and Dartmouth College than ever before. The draw of academic excellence, prestigious reputation, robust alumni networks, and diverse activities and opportunities on campus are what draw in so many applicants to these renowned universities.

Does an Ivy League degree matter?

However, as tuition costs continue to escalate, accepted students into top universities might wonder if the prestige of being an Ivy League graduate is worth the high tuition bill. Here are what students should consider before committing to an Ivy League school.

What Is An Ivy League School?

The Ivy Leagues consist of the following eight institutions: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania and Yale University. Except for Cornell, all of these schools predate the founding of the United States. Harvard, the oldest of these universities, was founded back in 1636. These schools have had centuries to build their reputations as academic powerhouses.

While these schools are known for dominating the academic rankings of U.S. News & World Report, they actually got their name from their athletic conference. In 1954, the NCAA Division I athletic conference was created, and "Ivy League" became the conference's official name. These eight institutions were originally known for their athletic abilities, but they have since become much more famous for their academic prowess than their sporting accomplishments.

Benefits Of Attending An Ivy League School

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Ivy Leagues tend to admit a select number of students, with Princeton's average freshman class size hovering around 1370. They also tend to have favorable student-to-faculty ratios, with Brown sporting an average of 6:1. Having a more intimate educational setting often helps students get more individual attention.

Robust Alumni Network

Famously, the Ivy Leagues have a strong alumni network, which extends far beyond the student’s undergraduate years. For example, Yale University's Office of Career Strategy helps students find internships by connecting them with alums, employers, and donors. Similar networking opportunities exist across all the Ivy Leagues.

Diverse Resources

One of the most significant benefits of attending an Ivy League university is the large endowment funds, which means the universities have the ability to provide cutting-edge laboratories, extensive libraries, studio space or extracurricular clubs for their students.

Earning Potential And Employability

Perhaps the most crucial factor for many students and their families as they decide is the earning potential of the graduates from a particular institution. Having the weight of an Ivy League diploma on a resume, as the student applies to their first job, could help them get noticed, especially if they have combined it with other internships and extracurricular activities while they were in undergrad. In the Global University Employability Ranking in 2023-24 , Harvard University, Princeton University and Yale University cracked into the top 10 worldwide, and all Ivies except the University of Pennsylvania ranked in the top 100.

Additionally, the earning potential of Ivy League graduates was often (but not always) higher. Graduates from Princeton University enjoy the highest median mid-career pay at $184,000 , according to Payscale. Despite the high price tag and lack of merit scholarships, the U.S. News & World Report includes Harvard University, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Brown University, University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University in the top 20 “Best Value” Schools .

Disadvantages Of Ivy League Schools

Other schools are of comparable caliber.

While Ivy Leagues are undeniably prestigious, it doesn’t mean that these eight universities are the only places where students have positive outcomes. Other schools like the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt University, and Rice University are also recognized as being “Best Value Schools” by the U.S. World and News Report. Graduates from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvey Mudd College, Babson College, and Santa Clara University are also ranked in the top ten for mid-career earning averages.

After graduation, many private and public universities that aren’t Ivy League boost similar job placement rates. Though having an Ivy League education on a resume might help a student get their first job, its impact diminishes over time as performance in previous roles becomes more significant.

No Merit Scholarships

In the late 1950s, the Ivies collectively agreed not to offer merit-based scholarships. They believe that all their accepted students are worthy of a merit scholarship, so they give it to no student. The agreement also eliminated any bidding wars the colleges might have had in an attempt to recruit top students.

However, all the Ivy Leagues are need-blind, so the student's ability (or lack of ability) to pay for college isn't factored into the admissions decision process. For middle-class families who make too much money to receive need-based financial aid, they might find it difficult to afford the steep tuition costs. However, the higher earning potential of Ivy League grads might help reduce the burden of loans faster.

High Tuition Costs

Coupled with the lack of merit scholarships, the exorbitant costs of Ivy Leagues might be a major turnoff for potential students, depending on the family's income and whether they qualify for financial aid. For example, Dartmouth costs a total of $91,312 per year after estimated fees, tuition, and other associated costs, whereas similarly ranked University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill costs just $27,036 for in-state students and $60,040 for out-of-state students.

Competitive Environment

Ivy leagues are competitive to get into—Harvard University accepted just 3.59% of its applicants in 2023-24. The low acceptance rates mean that these universities are accepting the best of the best: students who ranked highly in the class and excelled at their extracurricular activities. These admitted students might be used to being the brightest at their school, but if they attend an Ivy, that isn't always the case. Once surrounded by students of similar abilities, some students might find themselves struggling for the first time in their lives and suffering from imposter syndrome. They are no longer the big fish in the small pond, and this could take some time to get used to.

Not All Ivy League Schools Are Equal

It likely goes without saying, but each Ivy League school will have its own individual strengths and weaknesses. While many Ivy Leagues have small class sizes, some of the big Ivy Leagues, like Cornell, might have a higher proportion of classes taught by Teaching Assistants (TAs).

Additionally, major selections will vary from school to school. According to U.S. News & World Report , the business program at UPenn is ranked number one, with only Cornell University breaking into the top ten. Other non-Ivy League schools in the top ten included Indiana University-Bloomington, UT Austin, and University of Michigan.

Students and their families should consider the major selection, individual opportunities, and academic opportunities at each Ivy League before they decide if an Ivy League is right for them.

Kristen Moon

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Jewish Yale student journalist stabbed in the eye with Palestinian flag during protest

A Jewish Yale student journalist reporting on an anti-Israeli protest at the Ivy League university Saturday night was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag – with her assailant going unpunished.

Sahar Tartak, the editor-in-chief of the Yale Free Press, was covering the protest – which saw hundreds of students camping at the campus in support of Palestinians – when she was suddenly surrounded by demonstrators.

Tartak said she and a friend were signaled out for wearing Hasidic Jewish attire as the crowd formed a blockade around them to interfere with their filming.

“There’s hundreds of people taunting me and waving the middle finger at me, and then this person waves a Palestinian flag in my face and jabs it in my eye,” Tartak told The Post.

“When I tried to yell and go after him, the protesters got in a line and stopped me,” she added.

Tartak, who was shopping for an eyepatch when speaking with The Post, said she tried to report the assault to campus police, but they told her there was nothing they could do.

Instead, she just got an ambulance ride to the hospital to get her eye checked out.

Tartak also slammed the university for not cracking down on Saturday’s protest, the latest incident at Yale, where demonstrators have blocked entrances to school buildings as they condemn the war in the Gaza Strip.

Stop Antisemitism, a nonprofit watchdog group, has shared an image Tartak took of the demonstrator who jabbed her in the eye, asking the public to help identify him.

Yale did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

Noah Rubin, a University of Pennsylvania student helping document the protest at Yale, also bashed the university for going against its own policies by allowing the demonstrations to continue.

According to the school’s guidelines, protesters are barred from blocking access to building entrances and are considered trespassers if they refuse to leave once instructed.

“The university is not acting on its own rules and it’s only emboldening these protesters,” Rubin said.

Along with Saturday’s violence, students are also holding a hunger strike on campus to push Yale to divest from weapons manufacturers affiliated with Israel, a strike that has been going on for more than six days.

The hunger strike saw drag performer Tifa Wine join students on Friday as she slammed the university for its alleged support of Israel — but failing to mention Hamas’ record as an Islamic fundamentalist organization that opposes rights for LGBTQ people..

The movement in Yale has grown in solidarity with a similar protest at Columbia University in New York City .

Jewish Yale student journalist stabbed in the eye with Palestinian flag during protest

The Dartmouth

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Dartmouth hosts Ivy Native Council Conference

One hundred and fifty native american and indigenous students from the eight ivy league schools, middlebury college and williams college gathered to discuss language revitalization..


From April 19 to 21, Dartmouth’s Native American Program hosted the Ivy Native Council Conference at the College for the first time since 2004, according to conference coordinator Perciliana Moquino ’26. Approximately 150 Native American and Indigenous students — representing all eight Ivy League institutions as well as Middlebury College and Williams College — attended the conference, which focused on language revitalization and its relationship to higher education, according to Moquino. 

The INC was founded in 1995 to encourage conversation and community among Native American and Indigenous students at Ivy League institutions through semi-annual summits and conferences, according to Moquino. Each school has a representative who is responsible for facilitating weekly communication with the schools within the council, Moquino said. 

Moquino’s mother, Keres Children’s Learning Center founder Trisha Moquino, gave the conference’s keynote address.​​

Moquino said she initially considered inviting her mother to be the keynote speaker when the topic of language revitalization came up as a potential theme during the beginning stages of planning. 

Moquino said her mother was inspired to start the Keres Children’s Learning Center — with permission from the leadership of the Cochiti Pueblo — through her own language learning experience and after teaching her children the Keres language as well. Her mother’s work inspired her and now other Native American and Indigenous students who attended the conference, Moquino said. 

“I just thought that all of [her] work was so inspiring … her taking the time and dedication to relearn the [Keres] language for me and my sister, but to also relearn it for our community, and then help other people learn or relearn the language,” Moquino said. “I really wanted to honor that.”

In addition to Trisha Moquino, five other speakers — Cherokee scholar Thomas Belt, Maskoke language revitalizer Marcus Briggs Cloud, Indigenous writer Rosalyn La Pier, Indigenous languages master’s student Ashlyn Lovato and Ojibwe educator Brooke Niiyogaabawiikwe Gonzalez — shared experiences that related to this year’s theme of language revitalization. These experiences ranged from starting language immersion schools to creating cultural living communities that continue to practice ancestral traditions, according to INC vice-chair Wamníomni Afraid Of Hawk ’27. 

“To me, [language revitalization] is very important because a lot of Native American languages are very near extinct with [only] a few thousand fluent speakers,” Afraid of Hawk said. “Language is identity. Language is how we connect with one another, and I think that it is really important to bring these languages back so they can flourish and so that Native communities can regain a sense of identity and connect with each other.”

Other conference activities included workshops with the speakers on language revitalization and a concert featuring Indigenous hip-hop artist Xiuhtezcatl.

Daniel Pruder ’27, a Samoan student from Hawai’i, said the conference offered him an “enlightening glimpse into language revitalization and its essential role in Indigenous cultural preservation.” He said he was “especially intrigued” by Trisha Moquino’s keynote address. 

“It made me think about how my grandparents, when they moved from American Samoa to Hawai’i, decided against teaching Samoan to their children,” Pruder said. “When I asked my mom about this, I learned that it was more about my grandparents wanting to improve their English rather than intentionally trying to neglect the Samoan language altogether.” 

Though he feels it is unfortunate that the pressures of American society can hinder language learning, Pruder said that the conference “resurrected” his interest in learning Samoan because “one can understand so much about their culture” through language.

Perciliana Moquino reflected that the conference brought together Native American and Indigenous students’ cultural identities and academic pursuits, which can often seem unaligned. 

“We come [to college] to get an education and learn Western academics, but oftentimes that is at the expense of … languages we speak at home and what is taught through those languages,” Moquino said. “I think [the conference] is a reminder to bring those two things together, and to understand that just because we are away from our homes doesn’t mean that we have to put things that we do at home —  like our tradition and culture — on the back burner.”


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The Dartmouth

Opinion Columnists | Robbins: Elitism and arrogance could doom…

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Opinion columnists | robbins: elitism and arrogance could doom democrats.

When NPR is called out by one of its own, you know the left has sunk to a new low. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

“Trouble in River City” goes the famous line in The Music Man, one of America’s best-loved musicals, set in the fictional town of River City, Iowa, meant to represent the country’s heartland. It is in America’s heartland – not just geographic, but socio-political – that Democrats risk a backlash this November.

For it’s a heartland that is home to Americans who may be repulsed by Donald Trump for infinite compelling reasons but whose disgust with the elitism and arrogance of institutions they associate with Democrats may make it impossible for them to vote Democratic.

This past week provided two illustrations of the Democrats’ problem.

In an essay published in The Free Press, award-winning National Pubic Radio editor Uri Berliner detailed the pronounced liberal bias that has turned the once uniformly respected NPR into patently progressive-occupied territory. “People at every level of NPR have comfortably coalesced around the progressive worldview,” Berliner wrote. Quite apart from the long list of examples of the political purity test that dictates what stories run and how they are reported, Berliner has the receipts. NPR’s editorial staff consists of 87 Democrats and zero Republicans, Berliner wrote in his essay “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 years; Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.”

And Berliner is no errant, closeted Foxaphile. He voted against Trump in 2016 and 2020. “I’m Sarah Lawrence-educated, was raised by a lesbian peace activist mother, I drive a Subaru, and Spotify says my listening habits are most similar to Berkeley,” he wrote.

The financially troubled NPR plays to its customer base, which tunes in because it knows what it wants and it gets it. Once boasting a broad listenership, NPR’s reliably liberal take now generates listeners two-third of whom identify as either somewhat or very liberal. “There’s an unspoken consensus about the stories we should pursue and how they should be framed,” Berliner wrote. “It’s almost like an assembly line.”

Cue the phony-baloney PR hooey from NPR, which deserved every eye-roll it generated. “We believe that inclusion – among our staff, with our sourcing and in our overall coverage – is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world,” was the slick non-sequitur issued by NPR’s leadership, which plainly was unable to deny a single fact presented by Berliner.

Then NPR suspended Berliner without pay for writing his essay. Not exactly a move designed to encourage the honest journalism NPR professes to stand for. Berliner promptly resigned.

Then there was the President of Columbia University, Dr. Nemat Shafik, who finally deigned to appear last Wednesday before the House Committee investigating the virulent anti-Semitism surging on college campuses. Shafik had cited “scheduling” issues in declining earlier requests that she answer the Committee’s questions. Maybe. Or maybe it was because for Jews, Columbia University has come to resemble Nuremberg University circa 1938, minus only the “Sieg Heils”. After Hamas’ massacre of 1200 Israelis on October 7th in their attempt to slaughter their way to Tel Aviv, Columbia faculty proclaimed Hamas’ gruesome murders of Jews “astonishing,” “astounding” and “awesome.” Columbia has become a hell for Jewish students, who have been insulted, threatened, bullied, assaulted and forced to run gauntlets of taunting students with masks and kaffiyehs calling for their genocide.

But there Shafik was, assuring Congressmen that things at Columbia were copacetic, and that there were no anti-Jewish protests because they were “not labeled” as such. Meanwhile, hundreds of Columbia students thumbed their noses at their own president, making clear that she was dissembling, ramping up the calls for death to Jews to the point that a University rabbi urged Jewish kids to leave Columbia for their own safety.

The NPR debacle and the Columbia riots played out before a heartland already deeply suspicious of the direction the Democratic Party has traveled. And the heartland isn’t stupid. It knows that NPR and the Ivy League function as Democratic Party auxiliaries. Many in that heartland fear that the elitism and the arrogance on display last week are indicative of what an America under Democratic governance will look like. Democrats had better hope that it isn’t too many.

Jeff Robbins, a former assistant United States attorney and United States delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, is a longtime columnist for the Boston Herald.

Demonstrators gather with signs near the Butler Library on the Columbia University campus in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of New York City on Sunday, October 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey, File)

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    What Is An Ivy League School? The Ivy Leagues consist of the following eight institutions: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University ...

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    A Jewish Yale student journalist reporting on an anti-Israeli protest at the Ivy League university Saturday night was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag - with her assailant going ...

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    The INC was founded in 1995 to encourage conversation and community among Native American and Indigenous students at Ivy League institutions through semi-annual summits and conferences, according to Moquino. Each school has a representative who is responsible for facilitating weekly communication with the schools within the council, Moquino said.

  28. Robbins: Elitism and arrogance could doom Democrats

    In an essay published in The Free Press, award-winning National Pubic Radio editor Uri Berliner detailed the pronounced liberal bias that has turned the once uniformly respected NPR into patently ...