• Survey paper
  • Open access
  • Published: 03 May 2022

A systematic review and research perspective on recommender systems

  • Deepjyoti Roy   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8020-7145 1 &
  • Mala Dutta 1  

Journal of Big Data volume  9 , Article number:  59 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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Recommender systems are efficient tools for filtering online information, which is widespread owing to the changing habits of computer users, personalization trends, and emerging access to the internet. Even though the recent recommender systems are eminent in giving precise recommendations, they suffer from various limitations and challenges like scalability, cold-start, sparsity, etc. Due to the existence of various techniques, the selection of techniques becomes a complex work while building application-focused recommender systems. In addition, each technique comes with its own set of features, advantages and disadvantages which raises even more questions, which should be addressed. This paper aims to undergo a systematic review on various recent contributions in the domain of recommender systems, focusing on diverse applications like books, movies, products, etc. Initially, the various applications of each recommender system are analysed. Then, the algorithmic analysis on various recommender systems is performed and a taxonomy is framed that accounts for various components required for developing an effective recommender system. In addition, the datasets gathered, simulation platform, and performance metrics focused on each contribution are evaluated and noted. Finally, this review provides a much-needed overview of the current state of research in this field and points out the existing gaps and challenges to help posterity in developing an efficient recommender system.


The recent advancements in technology along with the prevalence of online services has offered more abilities for accessing a huge amount of online information in a faster manner. Users can post reviews, comments, and ratings for various types of services and products available online. However, the recent advancements in pervasive computing have resulted in an online data overload problem. This data overload complicates the process of finding relevant and useful content over the internet. The recent establishment of several procedures having lower computational requirements can however guide users to the relevant content in a much easy and fast manner. Because of this, the development of recommender systems has recently gained significant attention. In general, recommender systems act as information filtering tools, offering users suitable and personalized content or information. Recommender systems primarily aim to reduce the user’s effort and time required for searching relevant information over the internet.

Nowadays, recommender systems are being increasingly used for a large number of applications such as web [ 1 , 67 , 70 ], books [ 2 ], e-learning [ 4 , 16 , 61 ], tourism [ 5 , 8 , 78 ], movies [ 66 ], music [ 79 ], e-commerce, news, specialized research resources [ 65 ], television programs [ 72 , 81 ], etc. It is therefore important to build high-quality and exclusive recommender systems for providing personalized recommendations to the users in various applications. Despite the various advances in recommender systems, the present generation of recommender systems requires further improvements to provide more efficient recommendations applicable to a broader range of applications. More investigation of the existing latest works on recommender systems is required which focus on diverse applications.

There is hardly any review paper that has categorically synthesized and reviewed the literature of all the classification fields and application domains of recommender systems. The few existing literature reviews in the field cover just a fraction of the articles or focus only on selected aspects such as system evaluation. Thus, they do not provide an overview of the application field, algorithmic categorization, or identify the most promising approaches. Also, review papers often neglect to analyze the dataset description and the simulation platforms used. This paper aims to fulfil this significant gap by reviewing and comparing existing articles on recommender systems based on a defined classification framework, their algorithmic categorization, simulation platforms used, applications focused, their features and challenges, dataset description and system performance. Finally, we provide researchers and practitioners with insight into the most promising directions for further investigation in the field of recommender systems under various applications.

In essence, recommender systems deal with two entities—users and items, where each user gives a rating (or preference value) to an item (or product). User ratings are generally collected by using implicit or explicit methods. Implicit ratings are collected indirectly from the user through the user’s interaction with the items. Explicit ratings, on the other hand, are given directly by the user by picking a value on some finite scale of points or labelled interval values. For example, a website may obtain implicit ratings for different items based on clickstream data or from the amount of time a user spends on a webpage and so on. Most recommender systems gather user ratings through both explicit and implicit methods. These feedbacks or ratings provided by the user are arranged in a user-item matrix called the utility matrix as presented in Table 1 .

The utility matrix often contains many missing values. The problem of recommender systems is mainly focused on finding the values which are missing in the utility matrix. This task is often difficult as the initial matrix is usually very sparse because users generally tend to rate only a small number of items. It may also be noted that we are interested in only the high user ratings because only such items would be suggested back to the users. The efficiency of a recommender system greatly depends on the type of algorithm used and the nature of the data source—which may be contextual, textual, visual etc.

Types of recommender systems

Recommender systems are broadly categorized into three different types viz. content-based recommender systems, collaborative recommender systems and hybrid recommender systems. A diagrammatic representation of the different types of recommender systems is given in Fig.  1 .

figure 1

Content-based recommender system

In content-based recommender systems, all the data items are collected into different item profiles based on their description or features. For example, in the case of a book, the features will be author, publisher, etc. In the case of a movie, the features will be the movie director, actor, etc. When a user gives a positive rating to an item, then the other items present in that item profile are aggregated together to build a user profile. This user profile combines all the item profiles, whose items are rated positively by the user. Items present in this user profile are then recommended to the user, as shown in Fig.  2 .

figure 2

One drawback of this approach is that it demands in-depth knowledge of the item features for an accurate recommendation. This knowledge or information may not be always available for all items. Also, this approach has limited capacity to expand on the users' existing choices or interests. However, this approach has many advantages. As user preferences tend to change with time, this approach has the quick capability of dynamically adapting itself to the changing user preferences. Since one user profile is specific only to that user, this algorithm does not require the profile details of any other users because they provide no influence in the recommendation process. This ensures the security and privacy of user data. If new items have sufficient description, content-based techniques can overcome the cold-start problem i.e., this technique can recommend an item even when that item has not been previously rated by any user. Content-based filtering approaches are more common in systems like personalized news recommender systems, publications, web pages recommender systems, etc.

Collaborative filtering-based recommender system

Collaborative approaches make use of the measure of similarity between users. This technique starts with finding a group or collection of user X whose preferences, likes, and dislikes are similar to that of user A. X is called the neighbourhood of A. The new items which are liked by most of the users in X are then recommended to user A. The efficiency of a collaborative algorithm depends on how accurately the algorithm can find the neighbourhood of the target user. Traditionally collaborative filtering-based systems suffer from the cold-start problem and privacy concerns as there is a need to share user data. However, collaborative filtering approaches do not require any knowledge of item features for generating a recommendation. Also, this approach can help to expand on the user’s existing interests by discovering new items. Collaborative approaches are again divided into two types: memory-based approaches and model-based approaches.

Memory-based collaborative approaches recommend new items by taking into consideration the preferences of its neighbourhood. They make use of the utility matrix directly for prediction. In this approach, the first step is to build a model. The model is equal to a function that takes the utility matrix as input.

Model = f (utility matrix)

Then recommendations are made based on a function that takes the model and user profile as input. Here we can make recommendations only to users whose user profile belongs to the utility matrix. Therefore, to make recommendations for a new user, the user profile must be added to the utility matrix, and the similarity matrix should be recomputed, which makes this technique computation heavy.

Recommendation = f (defined model, user profile) where user profile  ∈  utility matrix

Memory-based collaborative approaches are again sub-divided into two types: user-based collaborative filtering and item-based collaborative filtering. In the user-based approach, the user rating of a new item is calculated by finding other users from the user neighbourhood who has previously rated that same item. If a new item receives positive ratings from the user neighbourhood, the new item is recommended to the user. Figure  3 depicts the user-based filtering approach.

figure 3

User-based collaborative filtering

In the item-based approach, an item-neighbourhood is built consisting of all similar items which the user has rated previously. Then that user’s rating for a different new item is predicted by calculating the weighted average of all ratings present in a similar item-neighbourhood as shown in Fig.  4 .

figure 4

Item-based collaborative filtering

Model-based systems use various data mining and machine learning algorithms to develop a model for predicting the user’s rating for an unrated item. They do not rely on the complete dataset when recommendations are computed but extract features from the dataset to compute a model. Hence the name, model-based technique. These techniques also need two steps for prediction—the first step is to build the model, and the second step is to predict ratings using a function (f) which takes the model defined in the first step and the user profile as input.

Recommendation = f (defined model, user profile) where user profile  ∉  utility matrix

Model-based techniques do not require adding the user profile of a new user into the utility matrix before making predictions. We can make recommendations even to users that are not present in the model. Model-based systems are more efficient for group recommendations. They can quickly recommend a group of items by using the pre-trained model. The accuracy of this technique largely relies on the efficiency of the underlying learning algorithm used to create the model. Model-based techniques are capable of solving some traditional problems of recommender systems such as sparsity and scalability by employing dimensionality reduction techniques [ 86 ] and model learning techniques.

Hybrid filtering

A hybrid technique is an aggregation of two or more techniques employed together for addressing the limitations of individual recommender techniques. The incorporation of different techniques can be performed in various ways. A hybrid algorithm may incorporate the results achieved from separate techniques, or it can use content-based filtering in a collaborative method or use a collaborative filtering technique in a content-based method. This hybrid incorporation of different techniques generally results in increased performance and increased accuracy in many recommender applications. Some of the hybridization approaches are meta-level, feature-augmentation, feature-combination, mixed hybridization, cascade hybridization, switching hybridization and weighted hybridization [ 86 ]. Table 2 describes these approaches.

Recommender system challenges

This section briefly describes the various challenges present in current recommender systems and offers different solutions to overcome these challenges.

Cold start problem

The cold start problem appears when the recommender system cannot draw any inference from the existing data, which is insufficient. Cold start refers to a condition when the system cannot produce efficient recommendations for the cold (or new) users who have not rated any item or have rated a very few items. It generally arises when a new user enters the system or new items (or products) are inserted into the database. Some solutions to this problem are as follows: (a) Ask new users to explicitly mention their item preference. (b) Ask a new user to rate some items at the beginning. (c) Collect demographic information (or meta-data) from the user and recommend items accordingly.

Shilling attack problem

This problem arises when a malicious user fakes his identity and enters the system to give false item ratings [ 87 ]. Such a situation occurs when the malicious user wants to either increase or decrease some item’s popularity by causing a bias on selected target items. Shilling attacks greatly reduce the reliability of the system. One solution to this problem is to detect the attackers quickly and remove the fake ratings and fake user profiles from the system.

Synonymy problem

This problem arises when similar or related items have different entries or names, or when the same item is represented by two or more names in the system [ 78 ]. For example, babywear and baby cloth. Many recommender systems fail to distinguish these differences, hence reducing their recommendation accuracy. To alleviate this problem many methods are used such as demographic filtering, automatic term expansion and Singular Value Decomposition [ 76 ].

Latency problem

The latency problem is specific to collaborative filtering approaches and occurs when new items are frequently inserted into the database. This problem is characterized by the system’s failure to recommend new items. This happens because new items must be reviewed before they can be recommended in a collaborative filtering environment. Using content-based filtering may resolve this issue, but it may introduce overspecialization and decrease the computing time and system performance. To increase performance, the calculations can be done in an offline environment and clustering-based techniques can be used [ 76 ].

Sparsity problem

Data sparsity is a common problem in large scale data analysis, which arises when certain expected values are missing in the dataset. In the case of recommender systems, this situation occurs when the active users rate very few items. This reduces the recommendation accuracy. To alleviate this problem several techniques can be used such as demographic filtering, singular value decomposition and using model-based collaborative techniques.

Grey sheep problem

The grey sheep problem is specific to pure collaborative filtering approaches where the feedback given by one user do not match any user neighbourhood. In this situation, the system fails to accurately predict relevant items for that user. This problem can be resolved by using pure content-based approaches where predictions are made based on the user’s profile and item properties.

Scalability problem

Recommender systems, especially those employing collaborative filtering techniques, require large amounts of training data, which cause scalability problems. The scalability problem arises when the amount of data used as input to a recommender system increases quickly. In this era of big data, more and more items and users are rapidly getting added to the system and this problem is becoming common in recommender systems. Two common approaches used to solve the scalability problem is dimensionality reduction and using clustering-based techniques to find users in tiny clusters instead of the complete database.


The purpose of this study is to understand the research trends in the field of recommender systems. The nature of research in recommender systems is such that it is difficult to confine each paper to a specific discipline. This can be further understood by the fact that research papers on recommender systems are scattered across various journals such as computer science, management, marketing, information technology and information science. Hence, this literature review is conducted over a wide range of electronic journals and research databases such as ACM Portal, IEEE/IEE Library, Google Scholars and Science Direct [ 88 ].

The search process of online research articles was performed based on 6 descriptors: “Recommender systems”, “Recommendation systems”, “Movie Recommend*”, “Music Recommend*”, “Personalized Recommend*”, “Hybrid Recommend*”. The following research papers described below were excluded from our research:

News articles.

Master’s dissertations.

Non-English papers.

Unpublished papers.

Research papers published before 2011.

We have screened a total of 350 articles based on their abstracts and content. However, only research papers that described how recommender systems can be applied were chosen. Finally, 60 papers were selected from top international journals indexed in Scopus or E-SCI in 2021. We now present the PRISMA flowchart of the inclusion and exclusion process in Fig.  5 .

figure 5

PRISMA flowchart of the inclusion and exclusion process. Abstract and content not suitable to the study: * The use or application of the recommender system is not specified: **

Each paper was carefully reviewed and classified into 6 categories in the application fields and 3 categories in the techniques used to develop the system. The classification framework is presented in Fig.  6 .

figure 6

Classification framework

The number of relevant articles come from Expert Systems with Applications (23%), followed by IEEE (17%), Knowledge-Based System (17%) and Others (43%). Table 3 depicts the article distribution by journal title and Table 4 depicts the sector-wise article distribution.

Both forward and backward searching techniques were implemented to establish that the review of 60 chosen articles can represent the domain literature. Hence, this paper can demonstrate its validity and reliability as a literature review.

Review on state-of-the-art recommender systems

This section presents a state-of-art literature review followed by a chronological review of the various existing recommender systems.

Literature review

In 2011, Castellano et al. [ 1 ] developed a “NEuro-fuzzy WEb Recommendation (NEWER)” system for exploiting the possibility of combining computational intelligence and user preference for suggesting interesting web pages to the user in a dynamic environment. It considered a set of fuzzy rules to express the correlations between user relevance and categories of pages. Crespo et al. [ 2 ] presented a recommender system for distance education over internet. It aims to recommend e-books to students using data from user interaction. The system was developed using a collaborative approach and focused on solving the data overload problem in big digital content. Lin et al. [ 3 ] have put forward a recommender system for automatic vending machines using Genetic algorithm (GA), k-means, Decision Tree (DT) and Bayesian Network (BN). It aimed at recommending localized products by developing a hybrid model combining statistical methods, classification methods, clustering methods, and meta-heuristic methods. Wang and Wu [ 4 ] have implemented a ubiquitous learning system for providing personalized learning assistance to the learners by combining the recommendation algorithm with a context-aware technique. It employed the Association Rule Mining (ARM) technique and aimed to increase the effectiveness of the learner’s learning. García-Crespo et al. [ 5 ] presented a “semantic hotel” recommender system by considering the experiences of consumers using a fuzzy logic approach. The system considered both hotel and customer characteristics. Dong et al. [ 6 ] proposed a structure for a service-concept recommender system using a semantic similarity model by integrating the techniques from the view of an ontology structure-oriented metric and a concept content-oriented metric. The system was able to deliver optimal performance when compared with similar recommender systems. Li et al. [ 7 ] developed a Fuzzy linguistic modelling-based recommender system for assisting users to find experts in knowledge management systems. The developed system was applied to the aircraft industry where it demonstrated efficient and feasible performance. Lorenzi et al. [ 8 ] presented an “assumption-based multiagent” system to make travel package recommendations using user preferences in the tourism industry. It performed different tasks like discovering, filtering, and integrating specific information for building a travel package following the user requirement. Huang et al. [ 9 ] proposed a context-aware recommender system through the extraction, evaluation and incorporation of contextual information gathered using the collaborative filtering and rough set model.

In 2012, Chen et al. [ 10 ] presented a diabetes medication recommender model by using “Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) and Java Expert System Shell (JESS)” for aggregating suitable prescriptions for the patients. It aimed at selecting the most suitable drugs from the list of specific drugs. Mohanraj et al. [ 11 ] developed the “Ontology-driven bee’s foraging approach (ODBFA)” to accurately predict the online navigations most likely to be visited by a user. The self-adaptive system is intended to capture the various requirements of the online user by using a scoring technique and by performing a similarity comparison. Hsu et al. [ 12 ] proposed a “personalized auxiliary material” recommender system by considering the specific course topics, individual learning styles, complexity of the auxiliary materials using an artificial bee colony algorithm. Gemmell et al. [ 13 ] demonstrated a solution for the problem of resource recommendation in social annotation systems. The model was developed using a linear-weighted hybrid method which was capable of providing recommendations under different constraints. Choi et al. [ 14 ] proposed one “Hybrid Online-Product rEcommendation (HOPE) system” by the integration of collaborative filtering through sequential pattern analysis-based recommendations and implicit ratings. Garibaldi et al. [ 15 ] put forward a technique for incorporating the variability in a fuzzy inference model by using non-stationary fuzzy sets for replicating the variabilities of a human. This model was applied to a decision problem for treatment recommendations of post-operative breast cancer.

In 2013, Salehi and Kmalabadi [ 16 ] proposed an e-learning material recommender system by “modelling of materials in a multidimensional space of material’s attribute”. It employed both content and collaborative filtering. Aher and Lobo [ 17 ] introduced a course recommender system using data mining techniques such as simple K-means clustering and Association Rule Mining (ARM) algorithm. The proposed e-learning system was successfully demonstrated for “MOOC (Massively Open Online Courses)”. Kardan and Ebrahimi [ 18 ] developed a hybrid recommender system for recommending posts in asynchronous discussion groups. The system was built combining both collaborative filtering and content-based filtering. It considered implicit user data to compute the user similarity with various groups, for recommending suitable posts and contents to its users. Chang et al. [ 19 ] adopted a cloud computing technology for building a TV program recommender system. The system designed for digital TV programs was implemented using Hadoop Fair Scheduler (HFC), K-means clustering and k-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithms. It was successful in processing huge amounts of real-time user data. Lucas et al. [ 20 ] implemented a recommender model for assisting a tourism application by using associative classification and fuzzy logic to predict the context. Niu et al. [ 21 ] introduced “Affivir: An Affect-based Internet Video Recommendation System” which was developed by calculating user preferences and by using spectral clustering. This model recommended videos with similar effects, which was processed to get optimal results with dynamic adjustments of recommendation constraints.

In 2014, Liu et al. [ 22 ] implemented a new route recommendation model for offering personalized and real-time route recommendations for self-driven tourists to minimize the queuing time and traffic jams infamous tourist places. Recommendations were carried out by considering the preferences of users. Bakshi et al. [ 23 ] proposed an unsupervised learning-based recommender model for solving the scalability problem of recommender systems. The algorithm used transitive similarities along with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique for discovering the global neighbours. Kim and Shim [ 24 ] proposed a recommender system based on “latent Dirichlet allocation using probabilistic modelling for Twitter” that could recommend the top-K tweets for a user to read, and the top-K users to follow. The model parameters were learned from an inference technique by using the differential Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm. Wang et al. [ 25 ] developed a hybrid-movie recommender model by aggregating a genetic algorithm (GA) with improved K-means and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique. It was able to offer intelligent movie recommendations with personalized suggestions. Kolomvatsos et al. [ 26 ] proposed a recommender system by considering an optimal stopping theory for delivering books or music recommendations to the users. Gottschlich et al. [ 27 ] proposed a decision support system for stock investment recommendations. It computed the output by considering the overall crowd’s recommendations. Torshizi et al. [ 28 ] have introduced a hybrid recommender system to determine the severity level of a medical condition. It could recommend suitable therapies for patients suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

In 2015, Zahálka et al. [ 29 ] proposed a venue recommender: “City Melange”. It was an interactive content-based model which used the convolutional deep-net features of the visual domain and the linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) model to capture the semantic information and extract latent topics. Sankar et al. [ 30 ] have proposed a stock recommender system based on the stock holding portfolio of trusted mutual funds. The system employed the collaborative filtering approach along with social network analysis for offering a decision support system to build a trust-based recommendation model. Chen et al. [ 31 ] have put forward a novel movie recommender system by applying the “artificial immune network to collaborative filtering” technique. It computed the affinity of an antigen and the affinity between an antibody and antigen. Based on this computation a similarity estimation formula was introduced which was used for the movie recommendation process. Wu et al. [ 32 ] have examined the technique of data fusion for increasing the efficiency of item recommender systems. It employed a hybrid linear combination model and used a collaborative tagging system. Yeh and Cheng [ 33 ] have proposed a recommender system for tourist attractions by constructing the “elicitation mechanism using the Delphi panel method and matrix construction mechanism using the repertory grids”, which was developed by considering the user preference and expert knowledge.

In 2016, Liao et al. [ 34 ] proposed a recommender model for online customers using a rough set association rule. The model computed the probable behavioural variations of online consumers and provided product category recommendations for e-commerce platforms. Li et al. [ 35 ] have suggested a movie recommender system based on user feedback collected from microblogs and social networks. It employed the sentiment-aware association rule mining algorithm for recommendations using the prior information of frequent program patterns, program metadata similarity and program view logs. Wu et al. [ 36 ] have developed a recommender system for social media platforms by aggregating the technique of Social Matrix Factorization (SMF) and Collaborative Topic Regression (CTR). The model was able to compute the ratings of users to items for making recommendations. For improving the recommendation quality, it gathered information from multiple sources such as item properties, social networks, feedback, etc. Adeniyi et al. [ 37 ] put forward a study of automated web-usage data mining and developed a recommender system that was tested in both real-time and online for identifying the visitor’s or client’s clickstream data.

In 2017, Rawat and Kankanhalli [ 38 ] have proposed a viewpoint recommender system called “ClickSmart” for assisting mobile users to capture high-quality photographs at famous tourist places. Yang et al. [ 39 ] proposed a gradient boosting-based job recommendation system for satisfying the cost-sensitive requirements of the users. The hybrid algorithm aimed to reduce the rate of unnecessary job recommendations. Lee et al. [ 40 ] proposed a music streaming recommender system based on smartphone activity usage. The proposed system benefitted by using feature selection approaches with machine learning techniques such as Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multi-layer Perception (MLP), Instance-based k -Nearest Neighbour (IBK), and Random Forest (RF) for performing the activity detection from the mobile signals. Wei et al. [ 41 ] have proposed a new stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE) based recommender system for cold items. The algorithm employed deep learning and collaborative filtering method to predict the unknown ratings.

In 2018, Li et al. [ 42 ] have developed a recommendation algorithm using Weighted Linear Regression Models (WLRRS). The proposed system was put to experiment using the MovieLens dataset and it presented better classification and predictive accuracy. Mezei and Nikou [ 43 ] presented a mobile health and wellness recommender system based on fuzzy optimization. It could recommend a collection of actions to be taken by the user to improve the user’s health condition. Recommendations were made considering the user’s physical activities and preferences. Ayata et al. [ 44 ] proposed a music recommendation model based on the user emotions captured through wearable physiological sensors. The emotion detection algorithm employed different machine learning algorithms like SVM, RF, KNN and decision tree (DT) algorithms to predict the emotions from the changing electrical signals gathered from the wearable sensors. Zhao et al. [ 45 ] developed a multimodal learning-based, social-aware movie recommender system. The model was able to successfully resolve the sparsity problem of recommender systems. The algorithm developed a heterogeneous network by exploiting the movie-poster image and textual description of each movie based on the social relationships and user ratings.

In 2019, Hammou et al. [ 46 ] proposed a Big Data recommendation algorithm capable of handling large scale data. The system employed random forest and matrix factorization through a data partitioning scheme. It was then used for generating recommendations based on user rating and preference for each item. The proposed system outperformed existing systems in terms of accuracy and speed. Zhao et al. [ 47 ] have put forward a hybrid initialization method for social network recommender systems. The algorithm employed denoising autoencoder (DAE) neural network-based initialization method (ANNInit) and attribute mapping. Bhaskaran and Santhi [ 48 ] have developed a hybrid, trust-based e-learning recommender system using cloud computing. The proposed algorithm was capable of learning online user activities by using the Firefly Algorithm (FA) and K-means clustering. Afolabi and Toivanen [ 59 ] have suggested an integrated recommender model based on collaborative filtering. The proposed model “Connected Health for Effective Management of Chronic Diseases”, aimed for integrating recommender systems for better decision-making in the process of disease management. He et al. [ 60 ] proposed a movie recommender system called “HI2Rec” which explored the usage of collaborative filtering and heterogeneous information for making movie recommendations. The model used the knowledge representation learning approach to embed movie-related information gathered from different sources.

In 2020, Han et al. [ 49 ] have proposed one Internet of Things (IoT)-based cancer rehabilitation recommendation system using the Beetle Antennae Search (BAS) algorithm. It presented the patients with a solution for the problem of optimal nutrition program by considering the objective function as the recurrence time. Kang et al. [ 50 ] have presented a recommender system for personalized advertisements in Online Broadcasting based on a tree model. Recommendations were generated in real-time by considering the user preferences to minimize the overhead of preference prediction and using a HashMap along with the tree characteristics. Ullah et al. [ 51 ] have implemented an image-based service recommendation model for online shopping based random forest and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The model used JPEG coefficients to achieve an accurate prediction rate. Cai et al. [ 52 ] proposed a new hybrid recommender model using a many-objective evolutionary algorithm (MaOEA). The proposed algorithm was successful in optimizing the novelty, diversity, and accuracy of recommendations. Esteban et al. [ 53 ] have implemented a hybrid multi-criteria recommendation system concerned with students’ academic performance, personal interests, and course selection. The system was developed using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) and aimed at helping university students. It combined both course information and student information for increasing system performance and the reliability of the recommendations. Mondal et al. [ 54 ] have built a multilayer, graph data model-based doctor recommendation system by exploiting the trust concept between a patient-doctor relationship. The proposed system showed good results in practical applications.

In 2021, Dhelim et al. [ 55 ] have developed a personality-based product recommending model using the techniques of meta path discovery and user interest mining. This model showed better results when compared to session-based and deep learning models. Bhalse et al. [ 56 ] proposed a web-based movie recommendation system based on collaborative filtering using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), collaborative filtering and cosine similarity (CS) for addressing the sparsity problem of recommender systems. It suggested a recommendation list by considering the content information of movies. Similarly, to solve both sparsity and cold-start problems Ke et al. [ 57 ] proposed a dynamic goods recommendation system based on reinforcement learning. The proposed system was capable of learning from the reduced entropy loss error on real-time applications. Chen et al. [ 58 ] have presented a movie recommender model combining various techniques like user interest with category-level representation, neighbour-assisted representation, user interest with latent representation and item-level representation using Feed-forward Neural Network (FNN).

Comparative chronological review

A comparative chronological review to compare the total contributions on various recommender systems in the past 10 years is given in Fig.  7 .

figure 7

Comparative chronological review of recommender systems under diverse applications

This review puts forward a comparison of the number of research works proposed in the domain of recommender systems from the year 2011 to 2021 using various deep learning and machine learning-based approaches. Research articles are categorized based on the recommender system classification framework as shown in Table 5 . The articles are ordered according to their year of publication. There are two key concepts: Application fields and techniques used. The application fields of recommender systems are divided into six different fields, viz. entertainment, health, tourism, web/e-commerce, education and social media/others.

Algorithmic categorization, simulation platforms and applications considered for various recommender systems

This section analyses different methods like deep learning, machine learning, clustering and meta-heuristic-based-approaches used in the development of recommender systems. The algorithmic categorization of different recommender systems is given in Fig.  8 .

figure 8

Algorithmic categorization of different recommender systems

Categorization is done based on content-based, collaborative filtering-based, and optimization-based approaches. In [ 8 ], a content-based filtering technique was employed for increasing the ability to trust other agents and for improving the exchange of information by trust degree. In [ 16 ], it was applied to enhance the quality of recommendations using the account attributes of the material. It achieved better performance concerning with F1-score, recall and precision. In [ 18 ], this technique was able to capture the implicit user feedback, increasing the overall accuracy of the proposed model. The content-based filtering in [ 30 ] was able to increase the accuracy and performance of a stock recommender system by using the “trust factor” for making decisions.

Different collaborative filtering approaches are utilized in recent studies, which are categorized as follows:

Model-based techniques

Neuro-Fuzzy [ 1 ] based technique helps in discovering the association between user categories and item relevance. It is also simple to understand. K-Means Clustering [ 2 , 19 , 25 , 48 ] is efficient for large scale datasets. It is simple to implement and gives a fast convergence rate. It also offers automatic recovery from failures. The decision tree [ 2 , 44 ] technique is easy to interpret. It can be used for solving the classic regression and classification problems in recommender systems. Bayesian Network [ 3 ] is a probabilistic technique used to solve classification challenges. It is based on the theory of Bayes theorem and conditional probability. Association Rule Mining (ARM) techniques [ 4 , 17 , 35 ] extract rules for projecting the occurrence of an item by considering the existence of other items in a transaction. This method uses the association rules to create a more suitable representation of data and helps in increasing the model performance and storage efficiency. Fuzzy Logic [ 5 , 7 , 15 , 20 , 28 , 43 ] techniques use a set of flexible rules. It focuses on solving complex real-time problems having an inaccurate spectrum of data. This technique provides scalability and helps in increasing the overall model performance for recommender systems. The semantic similarity [ 6 ] technique is used for describing a topological similarity to define the distance among the concepts and terms through ontologies. It measures the similarity information for increasing the efficiency of recommender systems. Rough set [ 9 , 34 ] techniques use probability distributions for solving the challenges of existing recommender models. Semantic web rule language [ 10 ] can efficiently extract the dataset features and increase the model efficiency. Linear programming-based approaches [ 13 , 42 ] are employed for achieving quality decision making in recommender models. Sequential pattern analysis [ 14 ] is applied to find suitable patterns among data items. This helps in increasing model efficiency. The probabilistic model [ 24 ] is a famous tool to handle uncertainty in risk computations and performance assessment. It offers better decision-making capabilities. K-nearest neighbours (KNN) [ 19 , 37 , 44 ] technique provides faster computation time, simplicity and ease of interpretation. They are good for classification and regression-based problems and offers more accuracy. Spectral clustering [ 21 ] is also called graph clustering or similarity-based clustering, which mainly focuses on reducing the space dimensionality in identifying the dataset items. Stochastic learning algorithm [ 26 ] solves the real-time challenges of recommender systems. Linear SVM [ 29 , 44 ] efficiently solves the high dimensional problems related to recommender systems. It is a memory-efficient method and works well with a large number of samples having relative separation among the classes. This method has been shown to perform well even when new or unfamiliar data is added. Relational Functional Gradient Boosting [ 39 ] technique efficiently works on the relational dependency of data, which is useful for statical relational learning for collaborative-based recommender systems. Ensemble learning [ 40 ] combines the forecast of two or more models and aims to achieve better performance than any of the single contributing models. It also helps in reducing overfitting problems, which are common in recommender systems.

SDAE [ 41 ] is used for learning the non-linear transformations with different filters for finding suitable data. This aids in increasing the performance of recommender models. Multimodal network learning [ 45 ] is efficient for multi-modal data, representing a combined representation of diverse modalities. Random forest [ 46 , 51 ] is a commonly used approach in comparison with other classifiers. It has been shown to increase accuracy when handling big data. This technique is a collection of decision trees to minimize variance through training on diverse data samples. ANNInit [ 47 ] is a type of artificial neural network-based technique that has the capability of self-learning and generating efficient results. It is independent of the data type and can learn data patterns automatically. HashMap [ 50 ] gives faster access to elements owing to the hashing methodology, which decreases the data processing time and increases the performance of the system. CNN [ 51 ] technique can automatically fetch the significant features of a dataset without any supervision. It is a computationally efficient method and provides accurate recommendations. This technique is also simple and fast for implementation. Multilayer graph data model [ 54 ] is efficient for real-time applications and minimizes the access time through mapping the correlation as edges among nodes and provides superior performance. Singular Value Decomposition [ 56 ] can simplify the input data and increase the efficiency of recommendations by eliminating the noise present in data. Reinforcement learning [ 57 ] is efficient for practical scenarios of recommender systems having large data sizes. It is capable of boosting the model performance by increasing the model accuracy even for large scale datasets. FNN [ 58 ] is one of the artificial neural network techniques which can learn non-linear and complex relationships between items. It has demonstrated a good performance increase when employed in different recommender systems. Knowledge representation learning [ 60 ] systems aim to simplify the model development process by increasing the acquisition efficiency, inferential efficiency, inferential adequacy and representation adequacy. User-based approaches [ 2 , 55 , 59 ] specialize in detecting user-related meta-data which is employed to increase the overall model performance. This technique is more suitable for real-time applications where it can capture user feedback and use it to increase the user experience.

Optimization-based techniques

The Foraging Bees [ 11 ] technique enables both functional and combinational optimization for random searching in recommender models. Artificial bee colony [ 12 ] is a swarm-based meta-heuristic technique that provides features like faster convergence rate, the ability to handle the objective with stochastic nature, ease for incorporating with other algorithms, usage of fewer control parameters, strong robustness, high flexibility and simplicity. Particle Swarm Optimization [ 23 ] is a computation optimization technique that offers better computational efficiency, robustness in control parameters, and is easy and simple to implement in recommender systems. Portfolio optimization algorithm [ 27 ] is a subclass of optimization algorithms that find its application in stock investment recommender systems. It works well in real-time and helps in the diversification of the portfolio for maximum profit. The artificial immune system [ 31 ]a is computationally intelligent machine learning technique. This technique can learn new patterns in the data and optimize the overall system parameters. Expectation maximization (EM) [ 32 , 36 , 38 ] is an iterative algorithm that guarantees the likelihood of finding the maximum parameters when the input variables are unknown. Delphi panel and repertory grid [ 33 ] offers efficient decision making by solving the dimensionality problem and data sparsity issues of recommender systems. The Firefly algorithm (FA) [ 48 ] provides fast results and increases recommendation efficiency. It is capable of reducing the number of iterations required to solve specific recommender problems. It also provides both local and global sets of solutions. Beetle Antennae Search (BAS) [ 49 ] offers superior search accuracy and maintains less time complexity that promotes the performance of recommendations. Many-objective evolutionary algorithm (MaOEA) [ 52 ] is applicable for real-time, multi-objective, search-related recommender systems. The introduction of a local search operator increases the convergence rate and gets suitable results. Genetic Algorithm (GA) [ 2 , 22 , 25 , 53 ] based techniques are used to solve the multi-objective optimization problems of recommender systems. They employ probabilistic transition rules and have a simpler operation that provides better recommender performance.

Features and challenges

The features and challenges of the existing recommender models are given in Table 6 .

Simulation platforms

The various simulation platforms used for developing different recommender systems with different applications are given in Fig.  9 .

figure 9

Simulation platforms used for developing different recommender systems

Here, the Java platform is used in 20% of the contributions, MATLAB is implemented in 7% of the contributions, different fold cross-validation are used in 8% of the contributions, 7% of the contributions are utilized by the python platform, 3% of the contributions employ R-programming and 1% of the contributions are developed by Tensorflow, Weka and Android environments respectively. Other simulation platforms like Facebook, web UI (User Interface), real-time environments, etc. are used in 50% of the contributions. Table 7 describes some simulation platforms commonly used for developing recommender systems.

Application focused and dataset description

This section provides an analysis of the different applications focused on a set of recent recommender systems and their dataset details.

Recent recommender systems were analysed and found that 11% of the contributions are focused on the domain of healthcare, 10% of the contributions are on movie recommender systems, 5% of the contributions come from music recommender systems, 6% of the contributions are focused on e-learning recommender systems, 8% of the contributions are used for online product recommender systems, 3% of the contributions are focused on book recommendations and 1% of the contributions are focused on Job and knowledge management recommender systems. 5% of the contributions concentrated on social network recommender systems, 10% of the contributions are focused on tourist and hotels recommender systems, 6% of the contributions are employed for stock recommender systems, and 3% of the contributions contributed for video recommender systems. The remaining 12% of contributions are miscellaneous recommender systems like Twitter, venue-based recommender systems, etc. Similarly, different datasets are gathered for recommender systems based on their application types. A detailed description is provided in Table 8 .

Performance analysis of state-of-art recommender systems

The performance evaluation metrics used for the analysis of different recommender systems is depicted in Table 9 . From the set of research works, 35% of the works use recall measure, 16% of the works employ Mean Absolute Error (MAE), 11% of the works take Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), 41% of the papers consider precision, 30% of the contributions analyse F1-measure, 31% of the works apply accuracy and 6% of the works employ coverage measure to validate the performance of the recommender systems. Moreover, some additional measures are also considered for validating the performance in a few applications.

Research gaps and challenges

In the recent decade, recommender systems have performed well in solving the problem of information overload and has become the more appropriate tool for multiple areas such as psychology, mathematics, computer science, etc. [ 80 ]. However, current recommender systems face a variety of challenges which are stated as follows, and discussed below:

Deployment challenges such as cold start, scalability, sparsity, etc. are already discussed in Sect. 3.

Challenges faced when employing different recommender algorithms for different applications.

Challenges in collecting implicit user data

Challenges in handling real-time user feedback.

Challenges faced in choosing the correct implementation techniques.

Challenges faced in measuring system performance.

Challenges in implementing recommender system for diverse applications.

Numerous recommender algorithms have been proposed on novel emerging dimensions which focus on addressing the existing limitations of recommender systems. A good recommender system must increase the recommendation quality based on user preferences. However, a specific recommender algorithm is not always guaranteed to perform equally for different applications. This encourages the possibility of employing different recommender algorithms for different applications, which brings along a lot of challenges. There is a need for more research to alleviate these challenges. Also, there is a large scope of research in recommender applications that incorporate information from different interactive online sites like Facebook, Twitter, shopping sites, etc. Some other areas for emerging research may be in the fields of knowledge-based recommender systems, methods for seamlessly processing implicit user data and handling real-time user feedback to recommend items in a dynamic environment.

Some of the other research areas like deep learning-based recommender systems, demographic filtering, group recommenders, cross-domain techniques for recommender systems, and dimensionality reduction techniques are also further required to be studied [ 83 ]. Deep learning-based recommender systems have recently gained much popularity. Future research areas in this field can integrate the well-performing deep learning models with new variants of hybrid meta-heuristic approaches.

During this review, it was observed that even though recent recommender systems have demonstrated good performance, there is no single standardized criteria or method which could be used to evaluate the performance of all recommender systems. System performance is generally measured by different evaluation matrices which makes it difficult to compare. The application of recommender systems in real-time applications is growing. User satisfaction and personalization play a very important role in the success of such recommender systems. There is a need for some new evaluation criteria which can evaluate the level of user satisfaction in real-time. New research should focus on capturing real-time user feedback and use the information to change the recommendation process accordingly. This will aid in increasing the quality of recommendations.

Conclusion and future scope

Recommender systems have attracted the attention of researchers and academicians. In this paper, we have identified and prudently reviewed research papers on recommender systems focusing on diverse applications, which were published between 2011 and 2021. This review has gathered diverse details like different application fields, techniques used, simulation tools used, diverse applications focused, performance metrics, datasets used, system features, and challenges of different recommender systems. Further, the research gaps and challenges were put forward to explore the future research perspective on recommender systems. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the trend of recommender systems-related research and to provides researchers with insight and future direction on recommender systems. The results of this study have several practical and significant implications:

Based on the recent-past publication rates, we feel that the research of recommender systems will significantly grow in the future.

A large number of research papers were identified in movie recommendations, whereas health, tourism and education-related recommender systems were identified in very few numbers. This is due to the availability of movie datasets in the public domain. Therefore, it is necessary to develop datasets in other fields also.

There is no standard measure to compute the performance of recommender systems. Among 60 papers, 21 used recall, 10 used MAE, 25 used precision, 18 used F1-measure, 19 used accuracy and only 7 used RMSE to calculate system performance. Very few systems were found to excel in two or more matrices.

Java and Python (with a combined contribution of 27%) are the most common programming languages used to develop recommender systems. This is due to the availability of a large number of standard java and python libraries which aid in the development process.

Recently a large number of hybrid and optimizations techniques are being proposed for recommender systems. The performance of a recommender system can be greatly improved by applying optimization techniques.

There is a large scope of research in using neural networks and deep learning-based methods for developing recommender systems. Systems developed using these methods are found to achieve high-performance accuracy.

This research will provide a guideline for future research in the domain of recommender systems. However, this research has some limitations. Firstly, due to the limited amount of manpower and time, we have only reviewed papers published in journals focusing on computer science, management and medicine. Secondly, we have reviewed only English papers. New research may extend this study to cover other journals and non-English papers. Finally, this review was conducted based on a search on only six descriptors: “Recommender systems”, “Recommendation systems”, “Movie Recommend*”, “Music Recommend*”, “Personalized Recommend*” and “Hybrid Recommend*”. Research papers that did not include these keywords were not considered. Future research can include adding some additional descriptors and keywords for searching. This will allow extending the research to cover more diverse articles on recommender systems.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

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Deepjyoti Roy & Mala Dutta

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Roy, D., Dutta, M. A systematic review and research perspective on recommender systems. J Big Data 9 , 59 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-022-00592-5

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Received : 04 October 2021

Accepted : 28 March 2022

Published : 03 May 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-022-00592-5

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  • Recommender system
  • Machine learning
  • Content-based filtering
  • Collaborative filtering
  • Deep learning

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Title: scientific paper recommendation systems: a literature review of recent publications.

Abstract: Scientific writing builds upon already published papers. Manual identification of publications to read, cite or consider as related papers relies on a researcher's ability to identify fitting keywords or initial papers from which a literature search can be started. The rapidly increasing amount of papers has called for automatic measures to find the desired relevant publications, so-called paper recommendation systems. As the number of publications increases so does the amount of paper recommendation systems. Former literature reviews focused on discussing the general landscape of approaches throughout the years and highlight the main directions. We refrain from this perspective, instead we only consider a comparatively small time frame but analyse it fully. In this literature review we discuss used methods, datasets, evaluations and open challenges encountered in all works first released between January 2019 and October 2021. The goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensive and complete overview of current paper recommendation systems.

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A Literature Review of Recommendation Systems

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Scientific paper recommendation systems: a literature review of recent publications


  • 1 Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany.
  • 2 Trier University, Trier, Germany.
  • PMID: 36212019
  • PMCID: PMC9533296
  • DOI: 10.1007/s00799-022-00339-w

Scientific writing builds upon already published papers. Manual identification of publications to read, cite or consider as related papers relies on a researcher's ability to identify fitting keywords or initial papers from which a literature search can be started. The rapidly increasing amount of papers has called for automatic measures to find the desired relevant publications, so-called paper recommendation systems. As the number of publications increases so does the amount of paper recommendation systems. Former literature reviews focused on discussing the general landscape of approaches throughout the years and highlight the main directions. We refrain from this perspective, instead we only consider a comparatively small time frame but analyse it fully. In this literature review we discuss used methods, datasets, evaluations and open challenges encountered in all works first released between January 2019 and October 2021. The goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensive and complete overview of current paper recommendation systems.

Keywords: Literature review; Paper recommendation system; Publication suggestion.

© The Author(s) 2022.

Scholarly recommendation systems: a literature survey

  • Open access
  • Published: 04 June 2023
  • Volume 65 , pages 4433–4478, ( 2023 )

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  • Zitong Zhang 1   na1 ,
  • Braja Gopal Patra 2   na1 ,
  • Ashraf Yaseen 1 ,
  • Jie Zhu 1 ,
  • Rachit Sabharwal 1 ,
  • Kirk Roberts 3 ,
  • Tru Cao 1 &
  • Hulin Wu 1  

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A scholarly recommendation system is an important tool for identifying prior and related resources such as literature, datasets, grants, and collaborators. A well-designed scholarly recommender significantly saves the time of researchers and can provide information that would not otherwise be considered. The usefulness of scholarly recommendations, especially literature recommendations, has been established by the widespread acceptance of web search engines such as CiteSeerX, Google Scholar, and Semantic Scholar. This article discusses different aspects and developments of scholarly recommendation systems. We searched the ACM Digital Library, DBLP, IEEE Explorer, and Scopus for publications in the domain of scholarly recommendations for literature, collaborators, reviewers, conferences and journals, datasets, and grant funding. In total, 225 publications were identified in these areas. We discuss methodologies used to develop scholarly recommender systems. Content-based filtering is the most commonly applied technique, whereas collaborative filtering is more popular among conference recommenders. The implementation of deep learning algorithms in scholarly recommendation systems is rare among the screened publications. We found fewer publications in the areas of the dataset and grant funding recommenders than in other areas. Furthermore, studies analyzing users’ feedback to improve scholarly recommendation systems are rare for recommenders. This survey provides background knowledge regarding existing research on scholarly recommenders and aids in developing future recommendation systems in this domain.

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1 Introduction

A recommendation or recommender system is a type of information filtering system that employs data mining and analytics of user behaviors, including preferences and activities, to filter required information from a large information source. In the era of big data, recommendation systems have become important applications in our daily lives by recommending music, videos, movies, books, news, etc. In academia, there has been a substantial increase in the extent of information (literature, collaborators, conferences, datasets, and many more) available online and it has become increasingly taxing for researchers to stay up to date with relevant information. Several recommendation tools and search engines in academia (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Semantic Scholar, and others) are available for researchers to recommend relevant publications, collaborators, funding opportunities, etc. Recommendation systems are evolving rapidly. The initial scholarly recommender system was intended for literature by recommending publications using content-based similarity methods [ 1 ]. Currently, there are several recommendation systems available for researchers and these are widely used in different scholarly areas.

1.1 Motivation and research questions

In this article, we focus on different scholarly recommenders used to improve the quality of research. To the best of our knowledge, no article currently focusing on all scholarly recommendation systems together is available right now. Previous surveys on recommendation systems were conducted separately for each recommendation system. Most of these studies were based on literature or collaborator recommendation systems [ 2 ]. Currently, there is no comprehensive review that contains a description of different types of scholarly recommendation systems, particularly for academic use.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide a survey as a guide and reference to researchers interested in this area; a systematic review of scholarly recommendation system would serve this purpose. It helps to explore research achievements in scholarly recommendation, provide researchers with an overall presentation of systems for allocating academic resources, and identify improvement opportunities.

This article describes the different scholarly recommendation systems that researchers use in their daily activities. We are taking a closer look at the methodologies used for developing such systems. The research questions of our study are as follows:

RQ1 What different problems are addressed by scholarly recommendation systems?

RQ2 What datasets or repositories were used for developing these recommendation systems?

RQ3 What types of methodologies were implemented in these recommendation systems?

RQ4 What further research can be performed to overcome the drawbacks of the current research and develop new recommenders to enhance the field of scholarly recommendation?

To answer our first research question, we collected over 500 publications on scholarly recommenders from the ACM Digital Library, DBLP, IEEE Explorer, and Scopus. Literature and collaborator recommendation systems are the most studied recommenders in the literature, with many publications in each. Websites for searching publications host literature recommendations as a key function, almost all of which are free for researchers. However, a few collaborator recommendation systems have been implemented online; and are not free for all users. One of the reasons can be attributed to the large amount of personal information and preferences required by these recommenders.

Furthermore, we studied journal and conference recommendation systems for publishing papers and articles. Although many publishing houses have implemented their own online journal recommender systems, conference recommender systems are not available online. Next, we studied reviewer recommendation problems, in which reviewers are recommended for conferences, journals, and grants. Finally, we identified datasets and grant recommendation systems, which are the least studied scholarly recommendation systems. Figure  1 shows all currently available scholarly recommendations.

figure 1

Scholarly recommenders studied in this article

1.2 Materials and methods

An initial literature survey was conducted to identify keywords related to individual recommendation systems that can be used to search for relevant publications. A total of 26 keywords were identified to search for relevant publications (see Supplementary  17 ).

At the end of the full-text review process, 225 publications were included in this study. The number of publications on individual recommendation systems is shown in Fig.  2 . To be eligible for the review, we focused on the description, evaluation, and use of natural language processing algorithms. During the full-text review process, we excluded studies that were not peer-reviewed, such as abstracts and commentary, perspective, or opinion pieces. Finally, we performed data extraction and analysis on 225 articles and summarized their data, methodology, evaluation metrics, and detailed categorization in the following sections. The PRISMA flowchart for our publication collection is shown in Fig.  3 ; with example search keywords.

figure 2

Number of papers/articles collected for studying different recommenders

figure 3

PRISMA flowchart for including publications in scholarly recommendation

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section  2 describes different literature recommendation systems based on their methodologies and corresponding datasets. Section  3 describes different approaches for developing collaborator recommendation systems. Section  4 reviews the journal and conference venue recommendation systems. Section  5 describes the reviewer’s recommendation system. In Sect.  6 , we review all other scholarly recommendation systems available in the literature such as datasets and grant recommendation systems. Finally, Sect.  7 discusses future work and concludes the article.

2 Literature recommendation

Literature recommendation is one of the most well-studied scholarly recommendation problems with several research articles published in the past decade. Recommender systems for scholarly literature have been widely used by researchers to locate papers, keep up with their research fields, and find relevant citations for drafts. To summarize the literature recommendation systems, we collected 82 publications for scholarly papers and citations.

The first research paper recommendation system was introduced as a part of the CiteSeer project [ 1 ]. In total, 11 out of 82 publications (approximately 13%) used applications or methodologies based on a citation recommendation system. As one of the widest subsets of scholarly literature recommendation, citation recommendation aims to recommend citations to researchers while authoring a paper and finding work related to their ideas. It recommends citations based on the content of the researchers’ work. Among the 11 citation recommender papers, content-based filtering (CBF) methodologies have been widely used on the fragments of the citations for the recommendation, and some of them applied collaborative filtering (CF) to develop a potential citation recommendation system based on users’ research interests and citation networks [ 3 ].

In this section, we describe the datasets used to develop literature recommendation systems. A total of 75 reviewed publications evaluated the methodologies using different datasets. The authors of 45 publications chose to construct their own datasets based on manually collected information or paid datasets that were rarely used. Several open-source published datasets are commonly used to develop literature recommendations.

Owing to the rapid development of modern websites for literature search, datasets for literature recommendation are readily available. There were 28 publications that used public databases for the testing and evaluation of the methods. The sources of these datasets are listed in Table  1 . These websites collected publications from several scientific publishers and indexed them with their references and keywords. Using the information extracted from these public resources, researchers created datasets to perform recommendation methodologies and obtain the ground truth for offline evaluation.

DBLP was used in 12 reviewed publications and ACM was used in 11 reviewed publications to construct datasets for evaluation. DBLP hosts more than 5.2 million publications, Footnote 1 and obtains its database entries by using a limited number of volunteers who manually enter tables of contents of journals and conference proceedings. The CiteSeer dataset was used in 9 reviewed publications to conduct an offline evaluation. It currently contains over 6 million publications; and is continuously crawling the web to find new content using user submissions, conferences, and journals as data entries. Petricek et al. [ 4 ] proved that the application of autonomous acquisition through web crawling in CiteSeer introduces a significant bias against papers with a low number of authors. Among the reviewed papers, we can say that most of researchers constructed their own datasets for evaluation by combining the information from multiple databases. These self-constructed evaluation datasets based on different resources were used to avoid bias resulting from using information from only one source.

The CiteULike dataset was used in 7 reviewed publications. CiteULike is a web service that contains social tags added to research articles by users. The dataset was not originally intended for literature recommendation system research, but is still frequently used for this purpose.

2.2 Methods

Three main approaches were used to develop literature recommenders; CBF ( N = 37 papers), CF ( N = 16 papers), and hybrid ( N = 29 papers). Next, we introduce the promising and popular approaches used in each recommendation class. We also provide an overview of the most important aspects and techniques used for literature recommendation.

2.2.1 Content-based filtering (CBF)

CBF is one of the most popular methods for recommending literature and is used in 37 of 82 publications. Based on the user-item model that treats textual contents as ‘items,’ CBF usually uses topic-based methods to measure the similarity of the publication’s topic that users are interested in and the topic of target publications. These methods performed well in terms of topic and content matching. A summary of CBF approaches used for literature recommendation can be found in Table  2 .

CBF recommenders use keywords or topics as key features because they are used to describe a publication. The creation of a content-based profile of users usually concentrates on the user’s preference model, and the user’s interaction log with the recommendation system converted by a weighted vector of item features. For example, Hong et al. [ 9 ] constructed a paper recommendation methodology based on a user profile built with extracted keywords, and calculated the similarity between a given topic and collected papers by using cosine similarity to recommend initial publications for each topic.

Most of the reviewed publications used the term frequency and inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) representation to evaluate the similarities between text objects. TF-IDF negates the effect of high-frequency words while determining the importance of an item. Magara et al. [ 38 ] constructed methodologies for recommending serendipitous research papers from two large normally mismatched information spaces or domains using Bisociative Information Networks (BisoNets) and TF-IDF measures as weighting and filtering terms. Lofty et al. [ 11 ] combined TF-IDF with a cosine similarity measure to construct a methodology for paper recommendation using ontology. To address higher relevancy and serendipity, Sugiyama and Kan [ 25 ] also constructed feature vectors using the TF-IDF measure and user profiles utilizing the Co-Author Network (CAN), computed cosine similarity and recommended papers with higher similarity.

In summary, researchers claim that content-based recommender systems are independent for each user to build their own profiles so that the most suitable recommendation can be made for different users. Also, based on automatically generated user models, recommendation systems using CBF would spend less time and calculation on up-front classification.

The limitations of CBF can also be concluded. The improvements made in the papers we collected were mostly to overcome these limitations. CBF requires more calculation and resources to analyze each item for its features and build each user model individually. For example, to mark passages for citation recommendations, users are typically required to provide a representative bibliography. By examining the relevance between segments in a query manuscript and the representative segments extracted from a document corpus, He et al. [ 36 ] formulated a dependency feature model based on language model, contextual similarity, and topic relevance to produce a citation recommendation approach without author supervision. Neethukrishnan et al. [ 8 ] proposed a paper recommender methodology using an SVM classifier to found their users’ personal ontology similarity to specify the conceptualization. Nasciment et al. [ 35 ] also proposed a novel source independent framework for research paper recommendation to reduce the resources required. They designed a framework that required only a single research paper as input, and generated several weighting candidate queries by using terms in that paper, and then applied a cosine similarity metric to rank the candidates to recommend the ones most related to the input paper.

In addition, the traditional CBF methods are not able to consider the popularity and rating of items, that is, it is difficult to differentiate between two research papers if they have similar terms in user model. To overcome this limitation, Ollagnier et.al [ 21 ] formulated a centrality indicator for their software, which was dedicated to the analysis of bibliographical references extracted from scientific collections of papers. This approach determines the impact and inner representativeness of each bibliographical reference according to their occurrences. Pera and Ng [ 30 ] adopted CombMNZ, a linear combination strategy that combines similarity degree and popularity score into a joint ranking, to build up their application, and a paper recommender system recommends papers considering both context similarity and popularity of the paper among users. Liu et.al [ 23 ] constructed a publication ranking approach with PRF (Pseudo Relevance Feedback) by leveraging a number of meta-paths on a heterogeneous bibliographic graph.

2.2.2 Collaborative filtering

We collected 16 studies that used the Collaborative Filtering (CF) method. CF methods find the users that are similar to the target user in their past ratings, and then recommend similar user options to the target user. These methods are suitable for extending the recommended range. A summary of literature recommendation papers using CF methods is presented in Table  3 .

Common methodologies using a collaborative filtering algorithms can be categorized into two groups: model-based and memory-based. The main difference between the two approaches is that the model-based approach uses a matrix factorization-based algorithm, in which the preferences of users can be calculated by embedding factors. The memory-based approach calculates the preferences of users for items based on arithmetic operations (correlation coefficients or cosine similarity). Memory-based CF approaches are widely used in scholarly literature recommendation systems, which includes several different approaches, such as k-nearest neighbors (kNN), Latent Semantic Index (LSI), and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Pan and Li [ 48 ] used the LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) model to construct a paper recommendation system using a thematic similarity measurement to transform a topic-based recommendation into a modified version of the item-based recommendation approach. Ha et al. [ 46 ] proposed a novel method using SVD for matrix factorization and rating prediction to recommende newly published papers that have not been cited by other papers by predicting the interests of the target researchers.

Compared to CBF methods and applications based on CF show the following advantages. First, given that CF approaches is independent of content, resource costs for error-prone item processing are reduced. In addition, popularity and quality assessments are often considered limitations of CBF, but CF can achieve them easily. Sugiyama and Kan [ 43 ] used the PageRank approach to rank the popularity factor and measure the importance of research papers, to enhance the user profile derived directly from the researchers’ past works with information coming from their referenced papers as well as papers that cite the work. CF approaches are also used for serendipitous recommendations; because they are usually based on user similarity and not item similarity. Tang and McCalla [ 44 ] constructed user profiles via a co-author network to build a serendipitous paper recommendation system based on a scholarly social network.

The limitations of CF are also shown in the reviewed papers. To make precise recommendations, a CF system requires a great volume of existing data to start the recommendation. This problem is called Cold Start. Loh et al. [ 55 ] used scientific papers written by users to compose user profiles, representing user interests or expertise in order to alleviate the cold start problem in the recommender system. Data sparsity is another problem, which represents active users only by observing a small subset of the dataset to rate the papers. Keshavarz and Honarvar [ 47 ] presented an approach for paper recommendation based on local sensitive hashing by converting the citations of papers to signatures and comparing these signatures to each other to detect similar papers according to their citations. Sugiyama and Kan [ 3 ] also applied CF to discover potential citation papers that help in representing target papers to recommend, in order to alleviate sparsity. The authors also attempted to improve the scalability of the approaches, to reduce the amount of calculation and resources required for recommendations.

2.2.3 Hybrid

Approaches to the previously introduced recommendation may be combined with hybrid approaches. We reviewed 29 studies that applied hybrid recommendation approaches. Table  4 summarizes the papers that we collected where literature recommendation was developed using hybrid approaches.

As a combination of CBF and CF, hybrid recommendation approaches can be categorized into four main groups. The first group implements CBF and CF methods separately and then combine their recommendation results. Liu et al. [ 70 ] constructed a citation recommendation method that employed an association mining technique to obtain the representation of each citing paper from the citation context. Then, these paper representations were compared pairwise to compute similarities between the cited papers for CF. Zarrinkalam and Kahani [ 62 ] used multiple linked data sources to create a rich background data layer and combine multiple-criteria CF and CBF to develop a citation recommender. Zhang et al. [ 65 ] constructed a paper recommendation method based on the semantic concept similarity computed from collaborative tags.

The second and third groups incorporate CBF characteristics into a CF method or incorporate some CF characteristics into a CBF method. West et al. [ 63 ] formulated a citation-based method for making scholarly recommendations. The method uses a hierarchical structure of scientific knowledge, making possible multiple scales of relevance for different users. Nart et al. [ 82 ] built a method that simplifies CF paper recommendations by extracting concepts from papers to generate and explain the recommendations. Zhou et al. [ 57 ] used the concepts and methods of community partitioning and introduced a model to recommend authoritative papers based on the specific community. Magalhaes et al. [ 67 ] constructed a user paper-based recommendation approach by considering the user’s academic curriculum vitae.

The fourth group is to constructs a general unifying model that incorporates both content-based and collaborative characteristics. Meng et al. [ 58 ] built a unified graph model with multiple types of information (e.g., content, authorship, citation, and collaboration networks) for efficient recommendation. Pohl et al. [ 64 ] treated access data as a bipartite graph of users and documents analogous to item-to-item recommendation systems to build a paper recommender method using digital access records (e.g., http-server logs) as indicators. Gipp et al. [ 41 ] developed a paper recommender system that used keyword-based search by combining it with citation analysis, author analysis, source analysis, implicit ratings, explicit ratings, and, in addition, innovative and yet unused methods like the ‘Distance Similarity Index’ (DSI) and the ‘In-text Impact Factor’ (ItIF).

2.3 Evaluation

The evaluation metrics for different recommendation methods vary, making it difficult to compare them. To objectively compare the performance of these approaches, 75 publications used two main evaluation metrics.

First, accuracy is the most widely used parameter for evaluating a recommendation system, and it is the capability to recommend the most relevant items based on the given information. Among the reviewed papers, many offline evaluation metrics were applied to measure the accuracy. The second factor is the recommendation system’s ability to satisfy users. For example, considering serendipitous factors and user requirements instead of only considering the accuracy of the recommendation system. Some of the reviewed papers designed questionnaires for users to collect their feedback, or applied their methods to real-world systems to evaluate user satisfaction. To quantify and compare the accuracy and user satisfaction of recommendation systems, evaluation methods can be divided into two groups: online and offline.

2.3.1 Online evaluation

A total of 17 publications evaluated their methods with a user study or a real-world system using an online evaluation. They created a rating scheme for users to rate the recommendation results. These manual rating results were then used to analyze and judge an method. In addition, 6 publications out of the 17 applied online evaluations, the methodology of recommendation methods in real-world systems and collected feedback from users for evaluation. Despite analyzing a method based on manually rated the results, online evaluation is typically based on users’ acceptance results. Acceptance is commonly measured by the Click-Through Rate (CTR), that is, the ratio of recommendations clicked by users.

2.3.2 Offline evaluation

A total of 59 publications applied offline evaluations to analyze the recommendation algorithms based on the prepared offline datasets. Offline evaluations typically measure the accuracy of recommendation methods based on the ground truth, normally obtained from the information provided by the database, or obtained by manual tests.

To measure the accuracy, precision at position n (P@n) is often used to express how many items of the ground truth are recommended within the top n recommendations. Other decision support metrics including Recall and F-measure were also commonly used, often together with Precision as a reference. To evaluate the quality of recommendation, rank-aware evaluation metrics including mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and normalized discounted cumulative gain (nDCG) were also widely used to test highly relevant items that were ranked at the top of a recommendation list. The different evaluation metrics used are illustrated in Fig.  4 .

figure 4

Distribution for evaluation metrics used in literature recommendation

3 Collaborator recommendation

Currently, research in any area has expanded exponentially beyond its own fields to other research fields in the form of collaborative research. Collaboration is essential in academia to obtain good publications and grants. Identifying and determining a potential collaborator is challenging. Hence, a recommendation system for collaboration would be very helpful. Fortunately, many publications on recommending collaborators are available.

A total of 59 publications were identified using databases to develop, test and evaluate recommender systems. In 20 publications, the authors constructed their own datasets based on manually collected information, unique social platforms, or paid databases that are rarely used. In 39 out of the 59 publications, the authors used open-source databases. Of these 39 publications, 17 used data from the DBLP library to evaluate the developed collaborator recommendation systems.

The datasets needed for developing collaborator recommendations usually include 2 major subjects: (1) contexts and keywords based on researchers’ information; and (2) information networks based on academic relationships. Owing to the rapid development of online libraries and academic social networks, the extraction of information networks has become available. These datasets extracted relative information from different online sources and collected information to (i) construct profiles for researchers, (ii) retrieve keywords for constructing a structure, for specific domains and concepts, and (iii) extract weighted co-author graphs. In addition, data mining and social network analysis tools may also be used for clustering analysis and for identifying representatives of expert communities. The sources of datasets used in the 59 publications are listed in Table  5 .

Among the reviewed studies, most researchers extracted information from these databases to construct training and evaluation datasets for their recommendations.

The DBLP dataset was used in 17 publications to evaluate the performance of the collaborator recommendation approaches. The DBLP computer science bibliography provides an open bibliographic list of information on major computer science fields and is widely used to construct co-authorship networks. In the co-authorship network graphs of DBLP bibliography, the nodes represent computer scientists and the edges represent a co-authorship incident.

ScholarMate, a social research management tool launched in 2007 was used in 4 publications. It has more than 70,000 research groups created by researchers for their own projects, collaboration, and communication. As a platform for presenting publication research outputs, ScholarMate automatically collects scholarly related information about researchers’ output from multiple online resources. These resources include multiple online databases such as Scopus, one of the largest abstract and citation databases for peer-reviewed literature, including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. ScholarMate uses aggregated data to provide researchers with recommendations on relevant opportunities based on their profiles.

3.2 Methods

Similar to other scholarly recommendation areas, research on methodologies to develop collaborator recommendations can be classified into the following categories: CBF, CF, and hybrid approaches. In this section, we introduce the approaches that are widely used in each recommendation class. In addition, we provide an overview of the most important aspects and techniques used in these fields.

3.2.1 Content-based filtering (CBF)

23 publications presented CBF methods for collaborator recommendation. CBF focuses on the semantic similarity between researchers’ personal features, such as their personal profiles, professional fields, and research interests. Natural language processing techniques (NLP) were used to extract keywords from the associated documents to define researchers’ professional fields and interests. A summary of publications on collaborator recommendation using CBF approaches is presented in Table  6 .

The Vector Space Model (VSM) is widely used in content-based recommendation methodologies. By expressing queries and documents as vectors in a multidimensional space, these vectors can be used to calculate the relevance or similarity. Yukawa et al. [ 84 ] proposed an expert recommendation system employing an extended vector space model that calculates document vectors for every target document for authors or organizations. It provides a list in the order of relevance between academic topics and researchers.

Topic clustering models using VSM have been widely used to profile fields of researchers using a list of keywords with a weighting schema. Using a keyword weighting model, Afzal and Maurer [ 85 ] implemented an automated approach for measuring expertise profiles in academia that incorporates multiple metrics for measuring the overall expertise level. Gollapalli et al. [ 86 ] proposed a scholarly content-based recommendation system by computing the similarity between researchers based on their personal profiles extracted from their publications and academic homepages.

Topic-based models have also been widely applied for document processing. The topic-based model introduces a topic layer between the researchers and extracted documents. For example, in a popular topic modeling approach, based on the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) method, each document is considered as a mixture of topics and each word in a document is considered randomly drawn from the document’s topics. Yang et al. [ 87 ] proposed a complementary collaborator recommendation approach to retrieve experts for research collaboration using an enhanced heuristic greedy algorithm with symmetric Kullback–Leibler divergence based on a probabilistic topic model. Kong et al. [ 88 ] applied a collaborator recommendation system by generating a recommendation list based on scholar vectors learned from researchers’ research interests extracted from documents based on topic modeling.

As mentioned previously in the literature recommendation section, content-based methods usually suffer from a high calculation cost because of the large number of analyzed documents and vector space. To minimize this cost and maximize the preference, Kong et al. [ 100 ] presented a scholarly collaborator recommendation method based on matching theory, which adopts multiple indicators extracted from associated documents to integrate the preference matrix among researchers. Some researchers have also modified weighted features and hybrid topic extraction methods with other factors to obtain higher accuracy. For example, Sun et al. [ 92 ] designed a career age-aware academic collaborator recommendation model consisting of authorship extraction from digital libraries, topic extraction based on published abstractions, and career age-aware random walk for measuring scholar similarity.

3.2.2 Collaborative filtering

Six publications presented a methodology based merely on collaborative filtering. Traditional CF-based recommendations aim to find the nearest neighbor in a social context similar to that of the targeted user. It selects the nearest neighbors based on the users’ rating similarities. When the users rate a set of items in a manner similar to that of a target user, the recommendation systems would define these nearest neighbors as groups with similar interests and recommend items that are favored by these groups but not discovered by the target user. To apply this method to collaborator recommendation, the system would recommend persons who have worked with a target author’s colleagues but not with the target author himself. Analogously, the system considers each author as an item to be rated and the scholarly activities such as writing a paper together as a rating activity, following the methodology of traditional CF-based recommendations. Researchers’ publication activities are transformed into rating actions, and the frequency of co-authored papers is considered a rating value. Using this criterion, a graph based on a scholarly social network was built. A summary of the collaborator recommendation paper using CF approaches is presented in Table  7 .

Based on this co-authorship network transformed from researchers’ publication activities, several methods for link prediction and edge weighting have been utilized. Benchettara et al. [ 108 ] solved the problem of link prediction in co-authoring networks by using a topological dyadic supervised machine learning approach. Koh and Dobbie [ 110 ] proposed an academic collaborator recommendation approach that uses a co-authorship network with a weighted association rule approach using a weighting mechanism called sociability. Recommendation approaches based on this co-authorship network transformed from publication activities, where all nodes have the same functions, are called homogeneous network-based recommendation approaches.

The random walk model, which can define and measure the confidence of a recommendation, is popular in co-authorship network-based collaborator recommendations. Tong et al. [ 113 ] published Random Walk with Restart (RWR), a famous random walk model, which provides a good way to measure how closely related two nodes are in a graph. Applications and improvements based on RWR model are widely used for link prediction in co-authorship networks. Li et al. [ 109 ] proposed a collaboration recommendation approach based on a random walk model using three academic metrics as the basics through co-authorship relationship in a scholarly social network. Yang et al. [ 112 ] combined the RWR model with the PageRank method to propose a nearest-neighbor-based random walk algorithm for recommending collaborators.

Compared with content-based recommendation approaches, which involve only the published profiles of researchers without considering scholarly social networks, homogeneous network-based approaches apply CF methods based on social network technology to recommend collaborators. Lee et al. [ 111 ] compared ASN-based collaborator recommendations with metadata-based and hybrid recommendation methodologies, and suggested it as the best method. However, homogeneous network-based collaboration recommendations do not consider the contextual features of researchers. As a combination of these two methods, a hybrid collaboration recommendation system based on a heterogeneous network is popular in current collaboration recommendation approaches and applications.

3.2.3 Hybrid

Approaches to previously introduced recommendation classes may be combined with hybrid approaches. 37 of the reviewed papers applied approaches with hybrid characteristics. As an improvement, heterogeneous network-based recommendations overcome these limitations. Table  8 summarizes all collaborator recommendation papers that we collected using hybrid approaches.

Heterogeneous networks are networks in which two or more node classes are categorized by their functions. Based on the co-authorship network used in most homogeneous network-based approaches, heterogeneous network-based approaches incorporate more information into the network, such as the profiles of researchers, the results of topic modeling or clustering, and the citation relationship between researchers and their published papers. Xia et al. [ 52 ] presented MVCWalker, an innovative method based on RWR for recommending collaborators to academic researchers. Based on academic social networks, other factors such as co-author order, latest collaboration time, and times of collaboration were used to define link importance. Kong et al. [ 114 ] proposed a collaboration recommendation model that combines the features extracted from researchers’ publications using a topic clustering model and a scholar collaboration network using the RWR model to improve the recommendation quality. Kong et al. [ 115 ] proposed a collaboration recommendation model that considers scholars’ dynamic research interests and collaborators’ academic levels. By using the LDA model for topic clustering and fitting the dynamic transformation of interest, they combined the similarity and weighting factors in a co-authorship network to recommend collaborators with high prevalence. Xu et al. [ 116 ] designed a recommendation system to provide serendipitous scholarly collaborators that could learn the serendipity-biased vector representation of each node in the co-authorship network.

4 Venue recommendation

In this section, we describe recommendation systems that can help researchers identify scientific research publishing opportunities. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in the number of journals and conferences researchers can select to submit their research. Recommendation systems can alleviate some of the cognitive burden that arises when choosing the right conference or journal for publishing a work. In the following sections, we describe academic venue recommendation systems for conferences and journals.

4.1 Conference recommendation

The dramatic rise in the number of conferences/journals has made it nearly impossible for researchers to keep track of academic conferences. While there is an argument to be made that researchers are familiar with the top conferences in their field, publishing to those conferences is also becoming increasingly difficult due to the increasing number of submissions. A conference recommendation system will be helpful in reducing the time and complexity requirement to find a conference that meets the needs of a given researcher. Thus, conference recommendation is a well-studied problem in the domain of data analysis, with many studies being conducted using a variety of methods such as citation analysis, social networks, and contextual information.

All reviewed publications used databases to test their methodology. Two publications chose to construct a custom dataset based on the manual collection of information and one publication used a rare paid dataset. The remaining 20 studies used published open-source databases to create the datasets used in their testing and evaluation environments. Table  9 provides a summary of the frequencies with which published open-source databases were used.

DBLP was the most used database with 12 occurrences, followed by ACM Digital Library and WikiCFP, both with 5 occurrences. The unique databases utilized in conference recommendation systems are Microsoft Academic Search, CORE Conference Portal, Epinion, IEEE Digital Library, and Scigraph.

Microsoft Academic Search hosts over 27 million publications from over 16 million authors and is primarily used to extract metadata on authors, their publications, and their co-authors. The CORE Conference portal provides rankings for conferences primarily in Computer Science and related disciplines. The CORE Conference provides metadata on conference publishers and rankings. The Epinion is a general review website founded in 1999 and utilized to create networks of ‘trusted’ users. The IEEE Digital Library is a database used to access journal articles, conference proceedings, and other publications in computer science, electrical engineering, and electronics. A scigraph is a knowledge graph aggregating metadata from publications in Springer Nature and other sources. WikiCFP is a website that collates and publishes calls for papers.

4.1.2 Methods

There are three main subtypes of conference recommendation systems: content-based, collaborative, and hybrid systems. The following section provides an overview of the most popular methods used by each sub types.

Content-based filtering (CBF)

Only 1 of the 23 publications in conference recommendations utilized pure CBF. Using data from Microsoft Academic Search, Medvet et al. [ 146 ] created three disparate CBF systems seeking to reduce the input data required for accurate recommendations: (a) utilizing Cavnar-Trenkle text classification, (b) utilizing two-step latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), and (c) utilizing LDA alongside topic clustering.

Cavnar-Trenkle classification is an n-gram-based text classification method. Given a set of conferences \(C = \{c_1, c_2, c_3, \ldots \}\) , it is necessary to define for each conference \(c \in C\) a set of papers \(P = \{p_1, p_2, p_3, \ldots \}\) that were published in conference \(c\) . It creates an n-gram profile for each conference \(c \in C\) , using n-grams generated from each paper in the conference \(p \in P\) . Finally, it computes the distance between the n-gram profiles of each conference \(c \in C\) and a publication of interest \(p_i\) and recommends an \(n\) number of conferences that optimize the minimum distance between \(c\) and \(p_i\) .

Collaborative filtering

Among 18 publications employed collaborative filtering strategies out of the 23 collected publications, the most popular filtering approach was based on around generating and analyzing a variety of networks on different types of metadata including citations, co-authorship, references, social proximity, etc.

Asabere and Acakpovi [ 147 , 148 ] generated a user-based social context aware filter with breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) on a knowledge graph created by computing the Social Ties between users, and added geographical, computing, social, and time contexts. Social Ties were generated by computing the network centrality based on the number of links between users and presenters at a given conference.

Other types of network-based collaborative filters include a co-author-based network that assigns weights with regard to venues where one’s collaborators have published previously [ 149 , 150 ], a broader metadata-based network that utilizes one or more distinct characteristics to assign weights to conferences (i.e., citations, co-authors, co-activity, co-interests, colleagues, interests, location, references, etc.) [ 146 , 151 , 152 , 153 , 154 ], and RWR-based methods [ 155 , 156 ].

Kucuktunc et al. [ 155 ] iterated the traditional RWR model by adding a directionality parameter \((\kappa )\) , which is used to chronologically calibrate the recommendations as either recent or traditional. The list of publications that used CF for conference recommendations is presented in Table  10 .

A total of 6 publications used hybrid filtering strategies out of the total 23 publications. The most common hybrid strategy i to amalgamate standard topic-based content filtering with network-based collaborative filters. Table  11 summarizes publications that used hybrid filtering methods for conference recommendations.

4.2 Journal recommendation

As of April 14, 2020, the Master Journal List of the Web of Science Group contains 24,748 peer-reviewed journals for publishing articles from different publishing houses. The authors may face difficulties in finding suitable journals for their manuscripts. In many cases, a manuscript submitted to a journal is rejected because it is not within the scope of that journal. Finding suitable journals for a manuscript is the most important step in publishing articles. A journal recommendation system may reduce the burden of authors by selecting appropriate journals to publish as well as reducing the burden of editors from rejecting manuscripts that do not align with the scopes of the journals. Many publishing companies have their own journal finders that can help authors find suitable journals for their manuscripts.

In this section, we review all available journal recommendation systems by analyzing the methods used and their journal coverage. There are a total of ten journal recommendation systems, but we found only four papers describing details corresponding to their recommendation procedures. A detailed list of journal recommenders with their methods and datasets is provided in Table  12 . Most journal recommenders were developed for different publishing houses. Most journal recommenders contain journals from multiple domains except eTBLAST, Jane, and SJFinder, where the journals are from the biomedical and life science domains.

TF-IDF, kNN, and BM25 were used to find similar journals using the keywords provided keywords. Kang et al. [ 172 ] used a classification model (using kNN and SVM) to identify the suitable journals. Errami et al. [ 169 ] used the similarity between provided keywords and journal keywords.

Rollins et al. [ 39 ] evaluated a journal recommender by using feedback from real users. Kang et al. [ 172 ] evaluated a system based on previously published articles. If the top three or top ten recommended journals contained the journal in which the input paper was published, then this would be counted as a correct recommendation; otherwise, it would be counted as a false recommendation. Similarly, eTBLAST [ 169 ] and Jane [ 170 ] were evaluated using previously published articles.

Deep learning-based recommenders perform better than traditional matching-based NLP or machine learning algorithms. However, none of the existing systems available for journal recommendations uses deep learning algorithms. One of the future goals may be the implementation of different deep learning algorithms. In addition to these publication houses, developing journal recommenders for different publication repositories (DBLP, arxiv, etc.) may be another future task.

5 Reviewer recommendation

In this section, we describe paper, journal, and grant reviewer recommendation systems that rae available in literature. With the rapid increase in publishable research materials, pressure to find reviewers is overwhelming for conference organizers/journal editors. Similarly, it overwhelms program directors in finding appropriate reviewers for grants.

In the case of conferences, authors normally choose some research fields during the submission. The organizing committee of a conference typically has a set of researchers as reviewers who have been assigned from the same set of fields. Based on the matching of the fields, the reviewers were assigned papers. However, the research fields are broad and may not exactly match those of the reviewer. In the case of journals, authors need to suggest that reviewers or editors need to find reviewers for manuscript reviewing. Whereas, for reviewing grant proposals, program directors are responsible for finding suitable reviewers for reviewing proposals.

The problem of finding reviewers can be solved by a reviewer recommendation system, which the system can recommend reviewers based on the similarity of contents or past experiences. The reviewer recommendation problem is known as the reviewer assignment problem. We searched for publications related to both reviewer recommendations and assignments.

A total of 67 reviewed publications were retrieved using Google searches, and 36 publications were included in the final analysis after title, abstract, and full-text screening. Among these 36 publications, 23 conducted experiments to supplement the theoretical contents, and the sources of the datasets used are listed in Table  13 .

5.2 Methods

Broadly, there are three major categories in terms of techniques used, one is based on information retrieval (IR), another one on optimization where the recommendation is viewed as an enhanced version of the generalized assignment problem (GAP), and the third includes techniques that fall between the first two categories.

5.2.1 Informational retrieval (IR)-based

IR-based studies generally focus on calculating matching degrees between reviewers and submissions.

Hettich and Pazzani [ 178 ] discussed a prototype application in the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) to assist program directors in identifying reviewers for proposals, named Revaid, which uses TF-IDF vectors for calculating proposal topics and reviewer expertise, and defined a measure called the Sum of Residual Term Weight (SRTW) for the assignment of reviewers. Yang et al. [ 179 ] constructed a knowledge base of expert domains extracted from the web and used a probability model for domain classification to compute the relatedness between experts and proposals for ranking expertise. Ferilli et al. [ 180 ] used Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to extract the paper topic and expertise of reviewers from publications available online, followed by Global Review Assignment Processing Engine (GRAPE), a rule-based expert system for the actual assignment of reviewers.

Serdyukov et al. [ 181 ] formulated a search for an expert to absorb a random walk in a document-candidate graph. A recommendation was made on reviewer candidate nodes with high probabilities after an infinite number of transitions in the graph, with the assumption that expertise is proportional to probability. Yunhong et al. [ 182 ] used LDA for proposal and expertise topic extraction, and defined a weighted sum of varied index scores for ranking reviewers for each proposal. Peng et al. [ 183 ] built a time-aware reviewer’s personal profile using LDA to represent the expertise of reviewers, then a weighted average of matching degree by topic vectors and TF-IDF of the reviewer and submitted papers were used for recommendation. Medakene et al. [ 184 ] used pedagogical expertise in addition to the research expertise of the reviewers with LDA in building reviewers’ profiles and used a weighted sum of the topic similarity and the reference similarity for assigning reviewers to papers. Rosen-Zvi et al. [ 185 ] proposed an Author-Topic Model (ATM) that extends the LDA to include authorship information. Later, Jin et al. [ 186 ] proposed an Author-Subject-Topic (AST) model, with the addition of a ‘subject’ layer that supervises the generation of hierarchical topics and sharing of subjects among authors for reviewer recommendations. Alkazemi [ 187 ] developed PRATO (Proposals Reviewers Automated Taxonomy-based Organization) that first sorted proposals and reviewers into categorized tracks as defined by a tree of hierarchical research domains, and then assigned the reviewers based on the matching of tracks using Jaccard similarity scores. Cagliero et al. [ 188 ] proposed an association rule-based methodology (Weighted Association Rules, WAR) to recommend additional external reviewers.

Ishag et al. [ 189 ] modeled citation data of published papers as a heterogeneous academic network, integrating authors’ h-index and papers’ citation counts, proposed a quantification to account for author diversity, and formulated two types of target patterns, namely, researcher-general topic patterns (RSP) and researcher-specific topic patterns (RSP) for searching reviewers.

Recently deep learning techniques have been incorporated into feature representations. Zhao et al. [ 190 ] used word embeddings to represent the contents of both the papers and reviewers. Then, the Word Mover’s distance (WMD) method was used to measure the minimum distances between paper and reviewer vectors. Finally, the Constructive Covering Algorithm (CCA) was used to classify reviewer labels for recommending reviewers. Anjum et al. [ 191 ] proposed a common topic model (PaRe) that jointly models topics to a submission and a reviewer profile based on word embedding. Zhang et al. [ 192 ] proposed a two-level bidirectional gated recurrent unit with an attention mechanism (Hiepar-MLC) to represent the semantic information of reviewers and papers and used a simple multilabel-based reviewer assignment strategy (MLBRA) to match the most similar multilabeled reviewer to a particular multilabeled paper.

Co-authorship and reviewer preferences were incorporated into collaborative filtering application. Li and Watanabe [ 193 ] designed a scale-free network combining preferences and a topic-based approach that considers both reviewer preferences and the relevance of reviewers and submitted papers to measure the final matching degrees between reviewers and submitted papers. Xu and Du [ 194 ] designed a three-layer network that combines a social network, semantic concept analysis and citation analysis, and proposed a particle swarm algorithm to recommend reviewers for submissions. Maleszka et al. [ 195 ] used a modular approach to determine a grouping of reviewers that consisted of a keyword-based module, a social graph module and a linguistic module. A summary of all IR-based reviewer recommendations can be found in Table  14 .

5.2.2 Optimization-based

Optimization-based reviewer recommendations focus more on theory, modeling an algorithm of assignments under multiple constraints such as reviewer workload, authority, diversity, and conflict of interest (COI).

Sun et al. [ 196 ] proposed a hybrid of knowledge and decision models to solve the proposal-reviewer assignment problem under constraints. Kolasa and Krol [ 197 ] compared artificial intelligence methods for reviewer-paper assignment problems, namely, genetic algorithms (GA), ant colony optimization (ACO), tabu search (TS), hybrid ACO-GA and GA-TS, in terms of time efficiency and accuracy. Chen et al. [ 198 ] employed a two-stage genetic algorithm to solve the project-reviewer assignment problem. In the first stage, reviewer were assigned by taking into consideration their respective preferences, and then, in the second stage, review venues were arranged in a way that allows the minimum times of change for reviewers.

Das and Gocken [ 199 ] used fuzzy linear programming to solve the reviewer assignment problem by maximizing the matching degree between expert sets and grouped proposals, under crisp constraints. Tayal et al. [ 200 ] used type-2 fuzzy sets to represent reviewers’ expertise in different domains, and proposed using the fuzzy equality operator to calculate equality between the set representing the expertise levels of a reviewer and the set representing the keywords of a submitted proposal, and optimized the assignment under various constraints.

Wang et al. [ 201 ] formulated the problem into a multiobjective mixed integer programming model that considers Direct Matching Score (DMS) between manuscripts and reviewer, Manuscript Diversity (MD), and Reviewer Diversity (RD), and proposed a two-phased stochastic-biased greedy algorithm (TPGA) to solve the problem. Long et al. [ 202 ] studied the paper-reviewer assignment problem from the perspective of goodness and fairness, where they proposed maximizing topic coverage and avoiding the conflict of interest (COI) for the optimization objectives. They also designed an approximation method that provides 1/3 approximation.

Kou et al. [ 203 ] modeled reviewers’ published papers as a set of topics and performed weighted-coverage group-based assignments of reviewers to papers. They also proposed a greedy algorithm that achieves a 1/2 approximation ratio compared with the exact solution. Kou et al. [ 204 ] developed a system that automatically extracts the profiles of reviewers and submissions in the form of topic vectors using the author-topic model (ATM) and assigns reviewers to papers based on the weighted coverage of paper topics.

Stelmakh et al. [ 205 ] designed an algorithm, PeerReview4All, which is based on an incremental max-flow procedure to maximize the review quality of the most disadvantaged papers (fairness objective) and to ensure the correct recovery of the papers that should be accepted (accuracy objective). Yesilcimen and Yildirim [ 206 ] proposed an alternative mixed integer programming formulation for the reviewer assignment problem whose size grows polynomially as a function of the input size. A summary of all the optimization-based reviewer recommendation papers is presented in Table  15 .

5.2.3 Hybrid

Finally, we see hybrid of both methods in other studies. Conry et al. [ 207 ] modeled reviewer-paper preferences using CF of ratings, latent factors, paper-to-paper content similarity, and reviewer-to-reviewer content similarity and optimized the paper assignment under global conference constraints; therefore, the assignment was transformedinto a linear programming problem. Tang et al. [ 208 ] formulated the problem of expertise matching to a convex cost flow problem which turned the recommendation into an optimization problem under constraints, and also used online matching algorithms to support user feedback to the system.

As one of the most popular systems for conference reviewer assignment, Charlin and Zemel [ 209 ] addressed the assignment by first using a language model and LDA for learning reviewer expertise and submission topics, followed by a linear regression for initial predictions of reviewers’ preferences, combined with reviewers’ elicitation scores (reviewers’ disinterest or interests) in specific papers for the final recommendation, and optimized the objective functions under constraints. Liu et al. [ 210 ] constructed a graph network for reviewers and query papers using LDA to establish edge weights, and used the Random Walk with Restart (RWR) model on a graph network with sparsity constraints to recommend reviewers with the highest probabilities incorporating aspects of expertise, authority and diversity. Liu et al. [ 211 ] combined the heuristic knowledge of expert assignment and techniques of operations research, in which different aspects are involved, such as reviewer expertise, title and project experience. A multiobjective optimization problem was formulated to maximize the total expertise level of the recommended experts and avoid conflicts between reviewers and authors. Ogunleye et al. [ 212 ] used a mixture of TF-IDF, LSI, LDA and word2vec to represent the semantic similarity between submissions and reviewers’ publications and then used integer linear programming to match submissions with the most appropriate reviewers. Jin et al. [ 213 ] extracted topic distributions of reviewers’ publications and submissions using the Author-Topic Model (ATM) and Expectation Maximization (EM), then formulated the problem of reviewer assignment into an integer linear programming problem that takes into consideration the topic relevance, interest trend of a reviewer candidate, and authority of candidates. A summary of the reviewer recommendation papers is presented in Table  16 .

6 Other scholarly recommendation

6.1 dataset recommendation.

In the Big Data era, extensive data have been generated for scientific discoveries. However, storing, accessing, analyzing, and sharing a vast amount of data is becoming a major challenge and bottleneck for scientific research. Furthermore, making a large amount of public scientific data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) is challenging. Many repositories and knowledge bases have been established to facilitate data-sharing. Most of these repositories are domain-specific, and none of them recommend datasets to researchers or users. Furthermore, over the past two decades, there has been an exponential increase in the number of datasets added to these dataset repositories. Researchers must visit each repository to find suitable datasets for their research. In this case, a dataset recommender would be helpful to researchers. This can save time and the visibility of the dataset.

A dataset recommender is not commonly used. However, dataset retrieval is a popular information retrieval task. Many dataset retrieval systems exist for general datasets as well as biomedical datasets. Google’s Dataset Search Footnote 2 is a popular search engine for datasets from different domains. DataMed Footnote 3 is another dataset search engine specific to biomedical domain datasets that combines biomedical repositories and enhances query searching using advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques [ 214 , 215 ]. DataMed indexes and provides the functionality to search diverse categories of biomedical datasets [ 215 ]. The research focus of DataMed is to retrieve datasets using a focused query. Search engines such as DataMed or Google Dataset Search are helpful when the user knows the type of dataset to search for, but determining the user intent of web searches is a difficult problem because of the sparse data available concerning the searcher [ 216 ].

A few experiments have been performed on data linking where similar datasets can be clustered together using different semantic features. Data linking or identifying/clustering similar datasets has received relatively less attention in research on recommendation systems. Specifically, only a few papers [ 217 , 218 , 219 ] have been published on this topic. Ellefi et al. [ 218 ] defined dataset recommendation as the problem of computing a rank score for each set of target datasets ( \(D_T\) ) such that the rank score indicates the relatedness of \(D_T\) to a given source dataset ( \(D_S\) ). The rank scores provide information on the likelihood of a \(D_T\) containing linking candidates for \(D_S\) . Similarly, Srivastava [ 219 ] proposed a dataset recommendation system by first creating similarity-based dataset networks, and then recommending connected datasets to users for each searched dataset. This recommendation approach is difficult to implement because of the cold start problem. Here, the cold start problem refers to the user’s initial dataset selection, where the user has no idea what dataset to select/search for. If the user lands on an incorrect dataset, the system will always recommend the wrong dataset to the user.

Patra et al. [ 220 , 221 ] and Zhu et al. [ 222 ] proposed a dataset recommendation system for the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) based on the publications of researchers. This system recommends GEO datasets using classification and similarity-based approaches. Initially, they identified the research areas from the publications of researchers using the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model (DPMM) and recommended datasets for each cluster. The classification-based approach uses several machine and deep learning algorithms, whereas the similarity-based approach uses cosine similarity between publications and datasets. This is the first study on dataset recommendations.

6.2 Grants/funding recommendation

Obtaining grants or funding for research is essential in academic settings. Grants help researchers in many ways during their careers. Finding appropriate funding opportunities is an important step in this process, and there are multiple grant opportunities available that a researcher may not be aware of. No universal repositories available for funding announcements worldwide. However, few repositories are available for funding announcements in the United States of America, such as, grants.gov, NIH, and SPIN. These websites host many funding opportunities in various areas. Furthermore, multiple new opportunities are available daily. Thus, it is difficult to find suitable opportunities for researchers. A recommendation system for funding announcements will help researchers find appropriate research funding opportunities. Recently, Zhu et al. [ 223 ] developed a grant recommendation system for NIH grants based on researchers’ publications. They developed the recommendation as a classification using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) to capture intrinsic, nonlinear relationships between researchers’ publications and grant announcements. Internal and external evaluations were performed to assess the usefulness of the system. Two publications are available on developing a search engine to find Japanese research announcements [ 224 , 225 ]. The titles of these papers suggest recommendation systems; however, the full text reveals that these publications describe the search for funding announcements in Japan. These publications describe a keyword-based search engine using TF-IDF and association rules.

7 Conclusion and future directions

Numerous recommendation systems have been developed since the beginning of the twenty-first century. In this comprehensive survey, we discussed all common types of scholarly recommendation systems outlining the data resources, applied methodologies and evaluation metrics.

Recommendation systems for the literature are still the most focused areas for scholarly recommendations. With the increasing need to collaborate with other researchers and publish research results, recommenders for collaborators and reviewers are becoming popular. Compared with these popular research targets, published recommendation systems for conferences/journals, datasets and grants are relatively less common.

To develop recommendation systems and evaluate their results, researchers commonly construct datasets using information extracted from multiple resources. Published open-source databases, such as DBLP, ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries, are the most commonly used sources for multiple types of recommendation systems. Some web services containing scholarly related information about its users, or social tags added by researchers, such as, ScholarMate and CiteULike, were also used to develop recommendation systems.

Content-based filtering (CBF) is the most commonly used approach for recommendation systems. Owing to the requirement of processing context information, measuring keywords and searching topics of academic resources, most recommendation systems were built based on CBF. It is difficult to consider the popularity and rating of objects in traditional CBF. To overcome these limitations, CF has been used to solve the problem, especially when recommending items based on researchers’ interests and profiles. With the rapid development of recommendation systems and the need to overcome the high calculation costs, hybrid methods combining CBF and CF have been used by several recommenders to achieve better performance.

Based on the information gathered for the survey, we provide the following suggestions for better recommendation developments:

To Improve System Performance And Avoid The Limitations Of Existing Methodologies, A Combination Of Different Methods, Or Incorporating The Characteristics Of One Method Into Another May Be Helpful.

Evaluating The Efficiency Of The Recommendation System, Including Both Decision Support Metrics Such As Precision And Recall, And Rank-Aware Evaluation Metrics, Including Mrr And Ndcg, Will Make The Offline Evaluation More Applicable.

For Future Directions Of Scholarly Recommendation Research, We Suggest That Researchers Apply Recommendation Methodologies In Areas Less Studied, Such As Datasets And Grant Recommendations. We Believe That Researchers Would Benefit Significantly From These Areas From A Practical Perspective.

Based on extensive research, our literature review provides a comprehensive summary of scholarly recommendation systems from various perspectives. For researchers interested in developing future recommendation systems, this would be an efficient overview and guide.

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Z. Zhang, B.G. Patra These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Department of Biostatistics and Data Science, School of Public Health, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, 77030, USA

Zitong Zhang, Ashraf Yaseen, Jie Zhu, Rachit Sabharwal, Tru Cao & Hulin Wu

Department of Population Health Sciences, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, New York, NY, 10065, USA

Braja Gopal Patra

School of Biomedical Informatics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, 77030, USA

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Zhang, Z., Patra, B.G., Yaseen, A. et al. Scholarly recommendation systems: a literature survey. Knowl Inf Syst 65 , 4433–4478 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-023-01901-x

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Received : 03 June 2022

Revised : 28 April 2023

Accepted : 09 May 2023

Published : 04 June 2023

Issue Date : November 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-023-01901-x

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Chrisna Haryo Wibisono , Endah Purwanti , Faried Effendy; A systematic literature review of movie recommender systems for movie streaming service. AIP Conf. Proc. 25 January 2023; 2554 (1): 040005. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0104316

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The era of information and communication technology makes the information available on the internet growing rapidly. Recommender Systems are one of the technologies that are widely used to filter information to handle the huge of information. One of the developing information is film. The increasing number of films released every year has led to the development of applications that offer movie streaming services such as Netflix, Yiu, Disney Hotstar, etc. Therefore, movie recommender systems technology is needed to facilitate and provide a good experience when users use these services. The purpose of this study is to conduct a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to analyze methods against the algorithm developed in building a movie recommender system. SLR method consists of three stages, namely, planning, conducting, and reporting processes. Studies published from 2010 to 2020 were considered. There were 21 main studies in which the collaborative filtering method was used in 16 studies, knowledge-based filtering was used in 2 studies, and hybrid filtering method was used in 3 studies. The results of the SLR process can be concluded that there are advantages and disadvantages to each method developed in building the movie recommender system. However, the model-based collaborative filtering method is one method that can minimize cold start, data sparsity, and scalability problems.

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A Systematic Review of Nutrition Recommendation Systems: With Focus on Technical Aspects

1 PhD Candidate, Health Information Management Department, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;

2 PhD, Professor, Health Information Management Department, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;

L. Azadbakht

3 PhD, Professor, Department of Community Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;

K. B. Lankarani

4 MD, Professor, Health Policy Research Center, Institute of Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran;

Sh. R. Niakan Kalhori

5 PhD, Associate Professor, Health Information Management Department, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;

B. Honarvar

6 MD, Associate Professor, Health Policy Research Center, Institute of Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran;

7 PhD, Department of Food Science and Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

S. M. Ayyoubzadeh

S. zakerabasali, y. jalilpiran.

8 PhD student, Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran;


Nutrition informatics has become a novel approach for registered dietitians to practice in this field and make a profit for health care. Recommendation systems considered as an effective technology into aid users to adjust their eating behavior and achieve the goal of healthier food and diet. The purpose of this study is to review nutrition recommendation systems (NRS) and their characteristics for the first time.

Material and Methods:

The systematic review was conducted using a comprehensive selection of scientific databases as reference sources, allowing access to diverse publications in the field. The process of articles selection was based on the PRISMA strategy. We identified keywords from our initial research, MeSH database and expert’s opinion. Databases of PubMed, Web of Sciences, Scopus, Embase, and IEEE were searched. After evaluating, they obtained records from databases by two independent reviewers and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to each retrieved work to select those of interest. Finally, 25 studies were included.

Hybrid recommender systems and knowledge-based recommender systems with 40% and 32%, respectively, were the mostly recommender types used in NRS. In NRS, rule-based and ontology techniques were used frequently. The frequented platform that applied in NRS was a mobile application with 28%.


If NRS was properly designed, implemented and finally evaluated, it could be used as an effective tool to improve nutrition and promote a healthy lifestyle. This study can help to inform specialists in the nutrition informatics domain, which was necessary to design and develop NRS.


Nutrition is the essential basis for health and development of human life from the earliest stage of fetal development into old age. Healthy food and proper nutrition are indubitable requirements for survival, physical development, mental growth, performance and productivity, health, and well-being [ 1 - 5 ].

The combination of information technology (IT), information sciences and nutrition has generated the concept of nutrition informatics. This branch of health informatics has become a novel approach for registered dietitians and dietetic technicians to practice in this field and make a profit for health care. The first scientific use of term ‘nutrition informatics’ referred to 1996; however, the dietitians have been applying the nutrition information and assuming technology for decades. The first paper exhibiting the potential usage of the computer to analyze dietary intake was published in 1962. Health care has included IT to establish patient care by the use of electronic health records, gather population data through the collection of personal health records and support clinical research via the reuse of data. Moreover, dietitians have involved particular electronic tools developed for managing patient tray service, indexing, and evaluation of nutrients [ 6 - 17 ].

Though most people have been informed about the significance of healthy eating habits, they incline to neglect suitable behaviors because of urban lifestyle and/or unwillingness to spend cognitive attempt on food provision. Those barriers prevent people from healthy food intake [ 18 - 20 ]. Nutrition recommendation systems (NRS) are one of the main technologies applyed in nutrition informatics scope. They are explored as an effective tool in order to support users for changing their eating behavior and reaching the goal of healthier food choices. NRS not only recommends users’ preferences for food, but also recommends healthy diet choices; in addition, it can advise appropriate diet and keep pursue of eating behavior, realize health problems, and lead into alteration user behavior [ 21 - 24 ].

Generally, recommendation systems have developed an efficient and effective technology to extract valuable information and then use it in an effectual way. A recommender system can predict the preferences of users for unrated items and recommend new items to users. The capability of these systems depends on technical requirements and proper design based on system types and functionality. Several various techniques have been proposed for developing personalized recommendations; these varieties in applied techniques and design may create various types of recommendation systems, including collaborative filtering recommender systems (CF), content-based recommender systems (CB), knowledge-based recommender systems (KBS) and hybrid recommender systems (HRS) [ 21 , 24 - 28 ].

There has been no detailed investigation to review NRS and their characteristics. The purpose of this study is to review recommendation systems in the nutrition field with focus on characteristics, types and evaluation methods. Moreover, this study uses a systematic review approach based on PRISMA guideline.

This systematic review responds to the following research questions:

  • RQ1: Which types of recommendation systems are mostly used in the field of nutrition?
  • RQ2: Which Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques or intelligent methods are applied in NRS?
  • RQ3: What are the main modules of these NRS?
  • RQ4: Which platforms design NRS?

Material and Methods

This systematic review was conducted based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA). Figure 1 displays the process of PRISMA for data collection and analysis.

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Process of PRISMA for data collection and analysis

Search strategy

The papers from PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and Google Scholar databases were searched without time limitation (up 10 January 2019).

The PICO (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome) criteria were used to define the search string: population (P), intervention (I), comparison (C), and outcome (O). The population was defined based on whom systems were designed for. The intervention was the usage of recommendation systems in the nutrition field. The comparison was excluded and the outcomes were the characteristics and types of developed NRS as well as their methods of evaluation.

We identified keywords from our initial research and matched them with those existing on the database of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), which is managed by the US National Library of Medicine. In addition, we used an expert working in the medical branch libraries to improve the quality of searches. The search strings based on MeSH and title, abstract and keywords were as follows: (nutrition* OR diet OR food* OR meal) and (recommend* system*).

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The inclusion criteria were original articles and proceedings. Moreover, just articles which focus on NRS and have health-promotion goals, and papers up 10 January 2019 were included. Exclusion criteria were Non-English papers, any types of publication other than journal articles and proceedings (review papers, letters, etc.), and non-human study papers. Furthermore, papers focusing on systems other than recommendation systems such as expert, clinical decision support systems and those only working with business and marketing purposes were excluded.

Selection process

In the primary screening, two individual reviewers screened titles and abstracts of the articles based on the research and PICO questions and the papers were classified into three sets completely. The first set (number 1) contained the papers with certainly inclusion criteria. The next set (number 2) contained the papers that their inclusion criteria were not clear for reviewers. Lastly, set (number 0) referred to the papers with no inclusion criteria, which were ineligible and excluded from the screening. The reviewers assessed the papers with different assigned numbers and discussed them. All the papers with similar numbers (one or two) were involved for the next stage. Following, the full text of the involved papers was achieved for the second-stage of screening and then evaluated by two reviewers. Finally, we were certain about 25 papers, then summarized and reported them in tables and charts according to the aims of the study.

Data extraction

In this phase, 6 variables were extracted in order to response to the research questions. These variables contained the name of the system, type of recommendation system, artificial intelligence (AI) or intelligent techniques applied in recommendation system, system modules and type of system’s platform.

Table 1 shows data extracted from the 25 articles reviewed [ 23 , 29 - 52 ]. The sixth variables of the selected papers are presented in Table 1 .

A brief Summary of Evaluated Technical Result for each Unit

Type of recommendation system

As presented in the fourth column of Table 1 , the types of recommendation system were studied. The frequency (%) of recommendation system types is presented in Figure 2 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is JBPE-9-591-g002.jpg

The frequency (%) of recommendation system types

AI or intelligent techniques apply in recommendation systems

As shown in the fifth column of Table 1 , various AI or intelligent techniques have been applied in recommendation systems. The types of these techniques with their frequency in the researches are stated in Figure 3 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is JBPE-9-591-g003.jpg

Frequncy of AI or intelligent techniques applied in recommendation systems

The seventh column of Table 1 illustrates the type of system’s platform. Figure 4 demonstrates the frequency of the type of system’s platform. Based on the chart, the frequented platform applied in NRS was a mobile application with 28%.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is JBPE-9-591-g004.jpg

Frequncy of type of system’s platform

Despite the various application of recommendation systems in many domains, there is not much evidence for using recommendation systems in health informatics or medicine [ 53 ]. According to the Valdez framework [ 53 ], if we want to design or assess the health recommender system, it will be necessary to consider 3 main aspects. First of all, we should understand the health domain. In this aspect, answering these two questions is very important: 1) which one of following items is recommended (nutrition, medicine, sport)? In addition, 2) who is it recommended to (the patient, the doctor, the nurse, policy maker)?

Another aspect that should be considered is the understanding of technical specifications and data analysis methods used in health recommendation system. The third aspect that needs to be addressed in the analysis of health recommendation system is the understanding of the methods and techniques of evaluating recommender systems. Besides, this paper for the first time reviewed the technical specifications of NRS.

The items in the results have been discussed in the following:

Type of recommendation systems

Hybrid recommender systems (HRS) are the mostly used recommender type in nutrition recommendation systems ( Figure 2 ). As these systems use a combination of other systems type, they could compensate disadvantages of one type of recommendation system by another type. Moreover, hybrid types are applied in order to increase the recommender’s performance [ 21 , 25 ].

AI or intelligent techniques applied in recommendation systems

In NRS, rule-based techniques are frequently used ( Figure 3 ). The reason behind that might be the simplicity, transparency, and consistency of rule-based techniques with nutrition knowledge. Ontology techniques also have been used for the same reasons to show the knowledge and concepts of relations in a clear manner.

Cold start, which is one of the classic problems in recommendation systems, happens when a new user uses the system with no preferences [ 54 ]. Although this situation seems to not occur frequently in NRS, recommendation of collaborative filtering, which is content-based, is made by [ 41 ] to overcome this issue.

Type of system’s platform and their structure

Owing to the penetration of smartphones, their processing, connectivity capabilities and their accessibility [ 55 , 56 ], mobile applications had a growth in the medical field [ 56 ]. As it has been shown that mobile apps have potential effects on health behavior change [ 57 ] and chronic disease management [ 58 ], they have been used in the most of reviewed systems for NRS as shown in Figure 4 .

In addition, web technology, due to its cross-platform specificity leading into the use of multiple clients with different hardware and operating system, is popular for these recommendation systems.

This is the first systematically review of the recommendation systems in the nutrition field with focus on characteristics and types. The study offers some important insights into the condition of recommendation systems in the nutrition field with focus on technical aspects. This study can help to inform specialists in the nutrition informatics domain, which was necessary to design and develop NRS.

However, there are many mobile applications in the nutrition field useing “recommendation system” technology which have not been mentioned in the design methodology [ 57 ]. This study concentrates only on research, which explicitly discusses the use of the recommendation system.

In this paper, we systematically reviewed the recommender systems in nutrition scope with a focus on characteristics and types. The results of this investigation show that hybrid recommender systems (HRS) are mostly used recommender type in NRS. Many AI or intelligent techniques applied in recommendation systems, which are one of the most frequented techniques, are systems based on rules. Furthermore, the frequented platform applied in NRS was a mobile application. If NRS is properly designed, implemented, and finally evaluated, it can be used as an effective tool to improve nutrition and promote a healthy lifestyle.


The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution department of health information management and department of community nutrition in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. This paper was developed as part of a Ph.D. thesis that is funded and supported jointly by Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript.


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