Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

Or search by topic

Number and algebra

  • The Number System and Place Value
  • Calculations and Numerical Methods
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Patterns, Sequences and Structure
  • Algebraic expressions, equations and formulae
  • Coordinates, Functions and Graphs

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, Polygons, and Geometrical Proof
  • 3D Geometry, Shape and Space
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Transformations and constructions
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Vectors and Matrices

Probability and statistics

  • Handling, Processing and Representing Data
  • Probability

Working mathematically

  • Thinking mathematically
  • Mathematical mindsets
  • Cross-curricular contexts
  • Physical and digital manipulatives

For younger learners

  • Early Years Foundation Stage

Advanced mathematics

  • Decision Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • Advanced Probability and Statistics

Working Backwards at KS1

Starting from the end sounds rather strange, but in fact can be a very useful problem-solving skill.  These activities lend themselves to being tackled in this way.

This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.

problem solving activities for ks1

Tables Teaser

How will you work out which numbers have been used to create this multiplication square?

problem solving activities for ks1

What Was in the Box?

This big box adds something to any number that goes into it. If you know the numbers that come out, what addition might be going on in the box?

problem solving activities for ks1

Number Lines

A resource to try once children are familiar with number lines, and they have begun to use them for addition. It could be a good way to talk about subtraction. Leah and Tom each have a number line. Can you work out where their counters will land?

problem solving activities for ks1

Secret Number

Annie and Ben are playing a game with a calculator. What was Annie's secret number?

problem solving activities for ks1

Starfish Spotting

How many starfish could there be on the beach, and how many children, if I can see 28 arms?

problem solving activities for ks1

The Tall Tower

As you come down the ladders of the Tall Tower you collect useful spells. Which way should you go to collect the most spells?

problem solving activities for ks1

Stop the Clock

This is a game for two players. Can you find out how to be the first to get to 12 o'clock?

problem solving activities for ks1

Growing Garlic

Ben and his mum are planting garlic. Can you find out how many cloves of garlic they might have had?

problem solving activities for ks1

Can you work out how to win this game of Nim? Does it matter if you go first or second?

problem solving activities for ks1

Doing and Undoing

An investigation looking at doing and undoing mathematical operations focusing on doubling, halving, adding and subtracting.

problem solving activities for ks1

Junior Frogs

Have a go at this well-known challenge. Can you swap the frogs and toads in as few slides and jumps as possible?

Homepage > Maths curriculum > KS1 maths

Learn all about the topics covered in KS1 maths, explore our free resources and have a go at some practice questions!

• What do children learn in the KS1 maths curriculum?

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• KS1 maths resources and activities

•   KS1 maths SATs: guides and resources

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Explore the topics covered in KS1 maths and have a go at some fun, interactive practice questions!

Number and place value

number and place value icon

Learn how to count, read and write numbers up to 100

Find out more

Addition and subtraction

addition and subtraction icon

Explore strategies for mental and written problem solving

Multiplication and division

multiplication and division icon

Discover key multiplication and division facts

statistics icon

Find out about data and how to read bar charts and graphs


measurement icon

Explore time, volume and length and quantities

shapes icon

Learn how to identify 2D and 3D shapes

Position and direction

position and direction icon

Discover how to arrange objects into patterns

Fractions, decimals and percentages

fractions decimals and percentages icon

Learn what a fraction is and how to order them

Choose a year group

Select a year group.

Take a look at the skills children learn in each year group and have a go at some questions

What do children learn in KS1 maths?

problem solving activities for ks1

In Key Stage 1 (KS1), kids explore a wide breath of content to help develop their knowledge of core concepts and gain an understanding of how maths is used in everyday life. From fractions to shapes, they learn lots of key skills that’ll place them in great stead for KS2!  The main topics they learn about are…    

1. Number and place value: In the KS1 maths curriculum, children learn to count, read, write and represent numbers up to 100. They also learn how to compare numbers and use the place value system.  

2. Addition and subtraction: Children learn various strategies for mental and written addition and subtraction. They also explore number bonds, counting techniques and inverse operations.  

3. Multiplication and division: Kids develop their understanding of multiplication and division and learn how to solve problems using multiplication and division facts, arrays and pictorial representations.  

4. Fractions : Learners discover how to recognise, name, find and write fractions in relation to length, shapes and quantity.

  5. Measurement: In KS1 maths, children learn how to use appropriate units, estimate measurements and read scales, including length, capacity and time.  

6. Properties of shapes: Learners explore the fundamentals of shapes, including how to recognise and name different types of 2D and 3D shapes.  

7. Position and direction: Children  learn how to describe position, direction and movement, as well as how to organise objects into patterns and sequences. 

8. Statistics: In the KS1 curriculum, kids explore how to collect and organise data. They also learn how to create graphs and interpret data using a variety of graphs.

Meet Doodle, the personalised maths app that explores the whole KS1 curriculum!

Created by our team of teachers, DoodleMaths is an award-winning maths app that’s filled with interactive questions and games covering the whole KS1 curriculum.    

Designed to be used for just 10 minutes a day, it creates every child a unique learning experience tailored to their needs, boosting their confidence and ability in maths.  And best of all, you can  try it for free !  

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Frequently asked questions about KS1 maths

DoodleMaths is an award-winning app that’s filled with fantastic maths games for KS1!

From working in a messy bakery to helping a monkey collect coconuts, all of its games are specifically designed to develop instant recall and mental maths skills, transforming learning into a fun adventure.

Best of all, all of its questions feel like a game, with every exercise using interactive activities and explanations to help bring the subject to life!

Create an account today to enjoy a free 7-day trial .

There are lots of ways that you can help your child or pupils to learn KS1 maths:

  • Rather than explaining concepts, use visual representations to explore them, such as number lines and grids.
  • Nothing beats doodling! Encourage your child or pupils to draw pictures to help them understand concepts or have a go at working out the answer to a question. 
  • Use real-life items to explore number, such as Smarties or pebbles. Encourage your child to sort the items into different amounts; doing this will help them understand concepts such as addition and fractions!
  • Boosting their instant recall skills will help them with their mental maths and speed answering questions. Learning times tables in a specific order and using fun activities is a great way to help with this!

An array is an arrangement of items (such as pictures or numbers) in columns or rows.

They let children visualise what happens when they multiply or divide numbers together, helping them master times tables and division!

Reasoning is basically detective work: it’s when learners use what they already know to work out the answer to a question.

For example, if a child knows what 12 – 5 is, they can use this knowledge to work out what 12 – 6 is.

“I know that 12 – 5 is 7. As 6 is 1 higher than 5, the answer must be 1 higher than 7.”

problem solving activities for ks1

KS1 maths resources and activities

Looking for even more ways to support your child or pupils’ learning? We’ve got you covered!

How to improve at mental maths

how to improve at ks1 mental maths

Discover our top tips to help any child master mental maths! 

Outdoor learning activities for KS1

outdoor ks1 maths activities

When the sun is shining, there’s nothing better than taking your learning outside!

How to support your child's home learning

home learning ks1 maths activities

Practising maths ‘little and often’ is the perfect way to help kids develop their skills

Discover our top tips to help any child master mental maths!

When the sun is shining, there’s nothing better than taking your learning outside!

Practising maths ‘little and often’ is the perfect way to help kids develop their skills

KS1 maths SATs: guides and resources

In Year 2, children complete maths and English SATs papers. Explore what’s covered in the exams and how you can help your child or pupils prepare for them!

KS1 SATs papers 2024: what's included?

ks1 sats papers

See what’s covered in KS1 SATs and how you can help your child prepare for them

How Doodle can help kids prepare for SATs

ks1 maths sats prep

Our apps cover the whole KS1 curriculum, making them perfect study buddies

How to help your child prepare for SATs

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SATs may seem worrying, but these tips will help calm your child (and you!)

KS1 SATs papers: what's included?

See what’s covered in KS1 SATs and how you can help your child prepare for them

Our apps cover the whole KS1 curriculum, making them the ultimate study buddies

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Try our KS1 maths app for free!

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Fun Maths Activities and Investigations for KS1 and KS2 in Primary School

Anantha anilkumar.

Over the years, we’ve created lots of different fun maths activities and investigations to add to primary teachers’ toolboxes. Some of these maths activities mirror our online one to one maths tutoring programme, while others are more suitable for whole class teaching. We share here as part of our continual support for KS1 and KS2 teachers working in UK classrooms.

The purpose of these numeracy activities, especially the event-based ones, is three-fold:

1. To support you, the teacher, with problem solving and reasoning questions (with answers) and save you writing your own. 

2. To give learners the opportunity to see more everyday maths in context, and experiences of how maths reasoning really matters in the real world. 3. To add some variety and relevance to the maths lesson slides, questions and worksheets you may be doing with your class every day. We love what the White Rose maths hub resources provide in terms of weekly planning, but sometimes we may be looking for some more exciting, hands-on and fun maths activities, whether for Year 1 or Year 6.

Topical Maths Activities For The Term

Maths investigations linked to key calendar dates this term, designed to develop reasoning and problem solving in your pupils

Some of you may question the place that fun has in a child’s education , and whether fun maths lessons will achieve the long term goal of retention and retrieval. While we’ve all had a class which requires an upbeat tempo of fun games as part of their learning process, many children will experience cognitive overload if important new maths concepts are introduced through a game. You will know your pupils best in this context. 

The majority of maths activities and investigations shared below use a fun concept or relevant idea to develop children’s number sense, fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills in the pursuit of learning maths.

Follow the links below to find out more about the kind of maths activities and maths investigations we’ve got available to you.

Fun maths activities KS2 (with some KS1 in there too)

Fun outdoor maths activities 13 flexible and fun activities to do outside, many of which can be adapted for early years to Year 6; most of these involve some kind of physical activity and fine motor skill development, as well as treasure hunts for angles, ways to incorporate data handling, graphs and measurement into the school fair, and using mathematical skills to make mathematical connections to nature. 

Fun back to school maths activities teaching ideas to help you get back in the groove of maths lessons after a long summer break. These are summer maths activities the whole class can get involved in, some practising quick mental maths skills, others involving more complex reasoning, plus the odd card game maths activity as well.  

Fun end of term maths activities : We all know that by the end of the summer term the atmosphere in class tends to get a bit overexcitable. Here are some ideas to harness that excitement into some fun and lively maths investigations that recap children’s knowledge from across their year’s work from 2d shapes to averages and algebra.

Fun maths games for kids at home : This might almost be our favourite collection – one to hand out to parents for homework and homeschool; it includes home-made board games, fun ways to practise times tables and lost of fun games that help children with their maths skills and require only a pencil, a piece of paper and a pack of playing cards to get going. Essential for anyone undertaking any kind of home learning with their children. 

We’ve also now extended our maths games collections to include KS1 maths games , KS2 maths games , and even KS3 maths games .

Fun maths lessons for KS2 : a collection of our favourite fun maths lessons, suitable for Year 3 to Year 6 (ideal for after SATs) which include human bar charts, sharing 3D shapes, and planning the teacher’s next holiday! 

Fun maths starters KS2 : 15 of the best maths starters to help you introduce a new topic, consolidate previous work, or just to use as part of a maths meeting with your class, improving their mental maths – includes a printable version to use in school. 

Fun SATs revision games : Even 11-year-olds need a break sometimes, so we asked some fantastic teachers on Twitter what their favourite top tips for keeping SATs revision fun were, and here’s your answer – loads of great ideas in here for anyone teaching Year 6 .  Fun maths club activities : Provided you’re armed with some creative, open ended, and ideally practical maths club activities to give children, maths clubs are not nearly as hard to set up and run as you might first imagine. The benefits are manifold; this article has all you need to get started including several really fun group games specially designed for primary school maths clubs.

Fun maths investigations for topical events

KS2 maths investigations : For many years now, Third Space has been creating maths investigations for Year 6. We’ve now adapted them to be suitable across KS2. In the main, these tend to be open ended maths investigations, focused around key events in the primary school calendar. Some of these are also slightly shorter activities but they all require pupils to do extensive problem solving and reasoning based around events in everyday life. Here are some favourite KS2 maths problems solving investigations from each term:

Here’s our complete list of topical maths investigations for year 5 and year 6.

Autumn Term maths investigations year 6 and year 5

  • Autumn maths activities
  • Halloween maths activities
  • Bonfire Night maths activities
  • Christmas maths activities and Christmas maths quiz

Spring Term maths investigations year 6 and year 5

  • Heart Month Months activities
  • Shrove Tuesday Maths activities
  • Pancake Day Maths activities
  • World Book Day Maths activities
  • International Women’s Day Maths activities
  • British Science Week Maths activities
  • Holi Maths activities
  • Easter/Lent Maths activities

Summer term maths investigations year 6 and year 5

  • Share-a-Story Month activities
  • FA Cup Maths activities
  • Walk to School Week activities
  • Ramadan Maths activities
  • Child Safety Week activities

And if that’s not enough we’ve even got  maths activities  for Year 5 and Year 6 for events you’re likely to celebrate in primary school but don’t come round every year… 

  • Red Nose Day Maths activities
  • World Cup Maths activities
  • Election Maths
  • Jubilee Maths activities

Mixed ability maths investigations

We know most of you now teach mixed ability maths classes so something we’re often asked for is year 6 maths activities with a low threshold high ceiling . Take a look at these open ended maths investigations for Year 6 and the rest of Key Stage 2. You’ll also be able to download one of our favourite free teaching resources – 8 low threshold high ceiling activities including the famous fox chicken grain puzzle. 

We’ve also collected the best KS2 maths challenges here for any of your pupils who are working at greater depth in KS2 maths and need further extension in your maths lessons.

Holiday maths activities

We all know about the summer brain drain and how easily children forget what we’ve taught them but it can be difficult to know what to do about it. These summer holiday maths activities were created with parents in mind, you can also use these KS1 and KS2 holiday maths activities to give your pupils lots of fun maths challenges to do over the holidays. 

  • Year 3 holiday homework: Don’t Forget Your Maths Pack Year 2 to Year 3
  • Year 4 holiday homework: Don’t Forget Your Maths Pack Year 3 to Year 4
  • Year 5 holiday homework: Don’t Forget Your Maths Pack Year 4  to Year 5
  • Year 6 holiday homework: Don’t Forget Your Maths Pack Year 5 to Year 6

National curriculum maths activities for KS1 and KS2

The final way we’ve organised our KS2 maths activities for you is by national curriculum topic. We’ll continue to add to this section so bookmark this page and check back if it’s useful. Get started:

  • 35 times tables games
  • KS1 and KS2 place value games and activities  
  • 3 minute number facts activity  

Do you have pupils who need extra support in maths? Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of pupils across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1-to-1 lessons and maths interventions designed to address learning gaps and boost progress. Since 2013 we’ve helped over 162,000 primary and secondary school pupils become more confident, able mathematicians. Learn more or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

Primary school tuition targeted to the needs of each child and closely following the National Curriculum.

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FREE 12 Maths Club Activities for Primary Schools (Years 1 to 6)

A collection of games and activities to make maths enjoyable in a primary school maths club!

Minimal resources are needed for each activity.

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Play of the Wild

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. -Oscar Wilde

problem solving activities for ks1

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 -Maths Outdoor Learning

problem solving activities for ks1

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1  -Maths Outdoor Learning

The following is a list of some of my favourite outdoor maths learning activities for KS1 (Key stage 1 – ages approximately 5-7).  Maths in outdoor and outside learning is a fun way for children to use maths in real, hands-on situations. It also promotes making connections between different areas of maths learning.

Younger children, in particular, need the experience of manipulating real-life materials and exploring mathematical thinking.   These experiences help them to develop an understanding of the value of numbers, and later, what happens during arithmetic operations. Children need to have a wide variety of opportunities to practice counting and problem solving using tangible objects.  It allows them to develop a deep understanding of numbers, number facts and the changes that take place during various operations (Anghileri, 2006).  It does take children longer to learn through exploration and hands-on methods rather than learning by rote. However, they will gain a deeper understanding, including how and why they work, rather than just the process (Carruthers & Worthington, 2004).  In the long-term, this will help them to build confidence in maths, as well as allow them to apply their knowledge in problem-solving.

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1

I have grouped theses outdoor maths activities based on different areas of learning for KS1.  They are primarily for children ages 5-7, but they can be adapted for younger and older children. You can also see my post on Outdoor Maths for KS2 or Outdoor Maths for EYFS for more ideas.

*Please note that this post on Outdoor Maths Activities for KS1- Outdoor Learning contains affiliate links to help with the running cost of this website. Thank you for your support so that we can keep writing!

Number & Place Value (including counting)

  • Counting objects from nature   –  This might include doing nature hunts for a certain number of objects and even  counting objects with number frames or numicon for support. Collecting objects provides many opportunities for counting and learning maths in the outdoors.

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 -Maths Outdoor Learning

  • Number rocks  or number logs – Children can practice ordering numbers, and then may go on to practice ordering/counting by 2s, 5s (e.g. skip counting).

number rocks

  • Number games – Children may play number games with rocks – ex.  Swapping numbers  or  missing number games .
  • Nature number line – Hang rope between trees (or along the fence if concerned about children running into the rope) and provide pegs. Children can hang up and order numbers to make a number line. Children might collect things like leaves to pin to correspond with the value. Which number comes first? Which number is bigger (has a larger value)? How do you know?

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Place Value – Place value frame (e.g. tens and ones) with sticks or rocks- Children can practice representing tens and ones using, for example, 1 stick for each 1 and a bundle of 10 sticks for each ten (or children may swap a large rock to replace a bundle of 10 sticks).  Ex. 35 can be shown by 3 bundles of sticks and 5 sticks or 3 large rocks and 5 sticks (or even pebbles). Which is greater? Which is less? Can you prove it?

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 -Maths Outdoor Learning

  • Number bonds – Practice number bonds to tens with sticks or rocks.  Children can find all the ways to add two numbers together to make 10 (and even all numbers 1-10).  For even deeper learning children can explore combining 3 or more values to add up to 10 (or numbers to 10) (see below in arithmetic). Is there a way to check you have found all the number bonds? Can you record them? Show me…
  • Greater or less than – Children can practice representing greater than or less than with sticks.  They can see this visually by fitting in rocks (see example below) to see which is bigger or smaller < >. Which is greater? Which is less? How can you prove it?

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1. Maths Outdoor Learning

  • 100 square – Make a massive 100 square outdoors on the pavement with chalk.  Children can fill in the 100 square using number rocks or number log slices, or even writing numbers onto the square with chalk. Which number comes first? Do you notice anything about the hundred square? What happens when you count up /down 10?
  • Counting picture – Children can work collaboratively to create a picture using 10/20/30 objects they find in nature. Children have to work together to find the objects and make sure they have the exact number of objects.
  • Number hunt  – children can search for numerals, written out words for numbers, and/or dice or other value representations of numbers hidden outside.  They can then match different representations of the same number together (and even order them). How many different ways can you make 5? Children may use things such as a tens frame or numicon to help them represent the numbers.

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1

  • Number writing – Children can practice writing numbers with chalk or tracing over chalk numbers by painting with water.
  • Parachute or Circle games with numbers – Children can be given a number and then children swap (or run in / out of the parachute or swap places in the circle depending on if the statement is true or falls). For example, the teacher might say odd numbers, even numbers, numbers less than 5, numbers greater than 5, numbers for counting by 2 or by 5, etc.  
  • Minibeast Counting – Go on a minibeast hunt and have children count and keep track of what they find with tally marks or tally chart. You may want to discuss why tally marks work well for this (rather than writing down numbers). You could come together as a large group at the end and create a pictograph using their findings.
  • Skip counting – Children can use number rocks to practice skip counting (e.g. practice counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s).  Children may want to pair the numbers with the corresponding numicon . What do you notice about the numbers when counting in 2’s? What about in 5’s or 10’s?
  • Counting in groups – They can use number rocks and natural objects to count out objects in 2’s (or 5’s or whatever they are counting by) and then match with the numeral for each group (e.g. first group of 2 seashells with a number 2, second group of 2 seashells with a number 4, third group of 2 seashells with a number 6, etc.).

Outdoor Maths Activities KS1. Counting in 2's

  • Using leaves for multiplication – Children can practice repeating addition as a way to help them understand multiplication. They can count the blades on the leaves to help them do this. For example, maple and horse chestnut leaves have 5 blades each so children can use them to count in 5’s. Buttercup and clover leaves have 3 blades so children can use them to count in 3’s. What do you notice about counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s etc?

problem solving activities for ks1

  • 100 square problem solving – Children can make a large number line or 100 square using rock numbers or chalk (described above in number and place value section). Children can use this to help them solve addition and subtraction problems. As they count up or back along the number line (to add or subtract) they might even step along it (if it is big enough).   *As children become confident with adding, they can practise counting on and even counting up in 10’s when adding and subtracting double-digit numbers. What do you notice when you count up or down in 10?
  • Nim – Nim is a mathematical strategy game where two players take turns removing objects from a pile. Each player must take at least one object per turn. The goal is to either get or avoid taking the last object from the pile. Children can play nim with a pile of sticks or rocks.
  • Number bonds – Children can practice making all the number bonds for numbers 1-10 using sticks or rocks (see above in number and place value). Is there a way to keep track an record your number bonds?

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Counting sets – Children can throw a set number of rocks towards a hula hoop laying on the ground /circle drawn on the ground (this is a way to create number bonds). Then they can count how many rocks land inside and outside of the hoop (as well as count the total). It will help them see that no matter how many different ways they land (e.g. number bonds), the total will stay constant. Similarly, children can explore playing around with a set number of rocks on a number frame to see that it is the same value even when it looks different. Is it still 7? How can you check?

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Skittles & bowling – Children can play games such as skittles , bowling and other target games . They can identify numbers on the games, count the number of skittles or targets that are hit, add up points, take away how many objects have been knocked over, and see how many are left. There are lots of opportunities for counting, adding and subtracting with these types of garden games.

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Garden counting – As children pick tomatoes or other fruits or vegetables from the garden, get them to count how many they picked from each plant. Then how many have they picked altogether?
  • Sharing garden crops – As children pick flowers, strawberries, or other things from the garden help them practice using different types of division (e.g. sharing & grouping). For example – [Sharing] if you’ve picked 12 tomatoes how many will we each get (e.g. you & me)? If another child comes along – now how can we share them between us?  [Grouping] If we are selling baskets with 6 tomatoes in each basket, how many baskets can we make to sell? How many apples do you need to make a pie?… How many pies can you make with the number of apples you have picked? You might also get into remainders if there are some leftover.

finding half of shape. Outdoor Maths Activities KS1

  • Drawing fractions – Children can draw a large square on the pavement (or in the sand) and then find different ways to shade in ½. This is a great way for them to see that ½ can look different, but it always must add up to the same amount. As children advance, they can see how many different ways they can make ¼ or 1/8. How do you know its ½ or ¼? Is there a way you can prove it?
  • Fractions with sticks – Using sticks can be a great way to introduce children to see fractions visually. If you cut sticks so there is one that is whole, 2 that are ½ , and 4 that are ¼ they can see visually how fractions are divided up. It also makes it easy to see how 2(½) = 1 and ½ = 2(¼).


  • Ordering objects by length  – children usually find it easy to compare two objects but may need more practice when comparing 3 or more objects. I have a post –  ordering sticks by length , which reviews common misconceptions, ways to help children to learn this and questions to ask. Which is longer? Which is the longest? How can you prove it?

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Measuring with non-standard units – Children can practice measuring objects with non-standard units (e.g. how many stones long is the stick). This is the next step after comparing lengths, but before measuring with standard units such as cm or inches. How many pinecones long is your toy bus? Which is shorter? How do you know?

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Measuring height – Children can measure their height in rocks, pinecones or sticks (e.g. non-standard units) by laying down on the ground.  Children can then count to see how many pinecones, sticks, or rocks tall they are. Who is taller? How do you know? Is there another way to show this?
  • Measuring natural objects – Children can measure natural objects, such as plants, with a ruler.  They can also go on a ‘meter hunt’ or ‘foot hunt’ to see if they can find things in nature that are a foot or meter.
  • Meter or foot with natural objects – Children can try making a meter or foot using sticks, rocks pinecones or other natural objects. How many sticks/rocks/pinecones did it take to make a meter?
  • They may measure the circumference of a tree.
  • Plant measuring – They may also practice measuring the height of plants (e.g. non-standard to start – e.g. 5 sticks high, then with a ruler for standard units).
  • Measuring growing – Children can use measuring to help them plant seeds or seedlings.  They may use a stick that is 12 inches to help them measure the distance between plants with nonstandard units.  Children may then move on to using a ruler to help them measure the recommended distance between seeds or seedlings. 
  • Chalk clocks – Children may make clocks with sticks and chalk or with rocks, numbers and chalk to practice showing time.

practicing telling time. Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 -Maths Outdoor Learning

  • Counting 1 minute – Children can practice counting how many times you can jump, skip, or hop, or how far you can walk, etc. in one minute. How many did you do? Did you do fewer or more than last time? If you did more/less does that mean you are getting faster or slower? Can you find a way to keep track of how many hops, skips you do in a minute? What else do you think you can do in a minute?
  • Timing – They may also time themselves to see how long it takes to run from one point to another, to bicycle 1 mile, to hop 20 times, etc.  How can you tell if you are getting faster or slower?
  • Potions – Children can make up or follow potion recipes. They can follow instructions to measure (with standard or non-standard units) and combine ‘ingredients.’ Children might also compare relative measurements such as full, half-full, empty, etc. You can challenge children – which container will hold the most potion? How do you know? Can you figure out how to order the containers by which will hold the least to which will hold the most?

Maths Outdoor Learning. Potions to practice measures

  • Weighing – Children can use balance scales to compare the weights of different objects. How many horse chestnuts are equal to the weight of your rock? Can you prove which object is the heaviest?
  • Measuring garden crops – There are lots of opportunities for measuring when picking fruit and vegetables from your garden. What is the volume of the containers you filled with raspberries? How much do the apples or squash weigh? Which is the longest courgette? Can you order them by length? Can you measure them with your ruler? If you sell some of your crops or are, instead, getting your vegetables at a “pick your own farm”, there are opportunities to discuss money as well. If we have 2 pounds of tomatoes, how much will that cost (ex. at £0.50 per £)?  
  • Snail Races – see how far a snail can go in one minute. Children can help you think of ways to best measure the snail’s movement. This is also a way for children to help count 1 minute and get an idea of how lone one minute feels like.
  • Sorting and ordering – Children can sort / order (gradient) natural objects (e.g. leaves, rocks) by a specific feature (ex. Shape, size, colour, or other features).
  • Dam building / Den building  – Children use materials such as sticks and rocks to build a fort/den or to block off or dam a stream. They could also build obstacle courses and use directional language to help each other get through it. This is an excellent opportunity for children to practice estimating length and using spatial rotation to help them construct.

den building. Outdoor Maths Activities KS1.

  • Nature symmetry – Children may explore symmetry in nature. They may use a mirror to help and even make their own creations (see mandalas below).
  • Symmetry transient art – They can make symmetrical pictures or  mandalas with natural objects .

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Making Patterns – Children can make patterns with natural objects. This might mean repeating patterns, or it might mean making more complicated patterns such as (x+1) or 2x or x2 etc.
  • Shapes – Children can make shapes out of sticks, rocks, etc.  They can copy over ones drawn in chalk or create their own freehand. To take this further, if children are using objects that are very similar in size/length (e.g. rocks or leaves) they can use them to do a non-standard unit measure of the perimeter – e.g. the rectangle is 1 leaf wide and 3 leaves long. It’s a great way to see the difference between squares and rectangles visually.

making shapes in sand. shapes for eyfs

  • String shapes – Children can use loops of string or large bands to make shapes (this can be done in partners/groups) and see how manipulating them changes the way the shape looks or may turn it into a different shape. How do you make a triangle or a square? Can you show me different ways to make a triangle?


  • Shape pictures – Children can draw pictures (in chalk) using 2D shapes. What shapes did you use to make a house, car, etc?
  • Shape hunt – Children may go on 2D and 3D shape hunts in nature. Which shape is it? How do you know?

shape hunt

Data Handling

  • Pictographs – Children may organise natural objects such as leaves or flowers by features such as colour, size, type, etc. on a  pictograph.

problem solving activities for ks1

  • Venn Diagrams  – Using hula-hoops to sort objects by two different features (e.g. leaves by colour and size, etc.)

Venn Diagram for children with leaves.

I hope you find this list of outdoor maths activities for KS1 helpful.  They can provide a great way to enhance and complement the learning that children do in class.  If you decide to try out some maths outdoor learning, let me know how you get on!

References – Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 -Maths Outdoor Learning

Carruthers, E. and Worthington, M. (2004).  ‘Young children exploring early calculation’.  Mathematics Teaching , (187), 30-34.

Anghileri, J. (2006).  Teaching number sense , (Ch. 4, pp. 49-70).  London: Continuum.

Arithmetic , Data, Patterns & Sorting , Geometry , Maths , Measurement , Natural , Number & Place Value , Preschooler , Rocks , School Age , Sticks

Dirt , flowers , hands-on learning , Learning Outdoors , Leaves , numerals , numicon , Nuts , outdoor learning , Rocks , Sand , Sticks , Water

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  • Pingback: Outdoor Maths Activities EYFS – Outdoor Maths Ideas – Play of the Wild
  • Pingback: Outdoor Maths Activities KS2 – Teaching Maths Outside – Play of the Wild
  • Pingback: Outdoor Learning Planning Frames – East Ayrshire Numeracy and Mathematics

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Problem Solving

 A selection of resources containing a wide range of open-ended tasks, practical tasks, investigations and real life problems, to support investigative work and problem solving in primary mathematics.

Problem Solving in Primary Maths - the Session

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Teachers TV

In this programme shows a group of four upper Key Stage Two children working on a challenging problem; looking at the interior and exterior angles of polygons and how they relate to the number of sides. The problem requires the children to listen to each other and to work together co-operatively. The two boys and two girls are closely observed as they consider how to tackle the problem, make mistakes, get stuck and arrive at the "eureka" moment. They organise the data they collect and are then able to spot patterns and relate them to the original problem to find a formula to work out the exterior angle of any polygon. At the end of the session the children report back to Mark, explaining how they arrived at the solution, an important part of the problem solving process.

In a  second video  two maths experts discuss some of the challenges of teaching problem solving. This includes how and at what stage to introduce problem solving strategies and the appropriate moment to intervene when children find tasks difficult. They also discuss how problem solving in the curriculum also helps to develop life skills.

Cards for Cubes: Problem Solving Activities for Young Children

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Claire Publications

This book provides a series of problem solving activities involving cubes. The tasks start simply and progress to more complicated activities so could be used for different ages within Key Stages One and Two depending on ability. The first task is a challenge to create a camel with 50 cubes that doesn't fall over. Different characters are introduced throughout the book and challenges set to create various animals, monsters and structures using different numbers of cubes. Problems are set to incorporate different areas of mathematical problem solving they are: using maths, number, algebra and measure.

problem solving activities for ks1

Problem solving with EYFS, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children

Quality Assured Category: Computing Publisher: Department for Education

These three resources, from the National Strategies, focus on solving problems.

  Logic problems and puzzles  identifies the strategies children may use and the learning approaches teachers can plan to teach problem solving. There are two lessons for each age group.

Finding all possibilities focuses on one particular strategy, finding all possibilities. Other resources that would enhance the problem solving process are listed, these include practical apparatus, the use of ICT and in particular Interactive Teaching Programs .

Finding rules and describing patterns focuses on problems that fall into the category 'patterns and relationships'. There are seven activities across the year groups. Each activity includes objectives, learning outcomes, resources, vocabulary and prior knowledge required. Each lesson is structured with a main teaching activity, drawing together and a plenary, including probing questions.

problem solving activities for ks1

Primary mathematics classroom resources

Quality Assured Collection Category: Mathematics Publisher: Association of Teachers of Mathematics

This selection of 5 resources is a mixture of problem-solving tasks, open-ended tasks, games and puzzles designed to develop students' understanding and application of mathematics.

Thinking for Ourselves: These activities, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication 'Thinking for Ourselves’, provide a variety of contexts in which students are encouraged to think for themselves. Activity 1: In the bag – More or less requires students to record how many more or less cubes in total...

8 Days a Week: The resource consists of eight questions, one for each day of the week and one extra. The questions explore odd numbers, sequences, prime numbers, fractions, multiplication and division.

Number Picnic: The problems make ideal starter activities

Matchstick Problems: Contains two activities concentrating upon the process of counting and spotting patterns. Uses id eas about the properties of number and the use of knowledge and reasoning to work out the rules.

Colours: Use logic, thinking skills and organisational skills to decide which information is useful and which is irrelevant in order to find the solution.

problem solving activities for ks1

GAIM Activities: Practical Problems

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Nelson Thornes

Designed for secondary learners, but could also be used to enrich the learning of upper primary children, looking for a challenge. These are open-ended tasks encourage children to apply and develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding and to integrate these in order to make decisions and draw conclusions.

Examples include:

*Every Second Counts - Using transport timetables, maps and knowledge of speeds to plan a route leading as far away from school as possible in one hour.

*Beach Guest House - Booking guests into appropriate rooms in a hotel.

*Cemetery Maths - Collecting relevant data from a visit to a local graveyard or a cemetery for testing a hypothesis.

*Design a Table - Involving diagrams, measurements, scale.

problem solving activities for ks1

Go Further with Investigations

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Collins Educational

A collection of 40 investigations designed for use with the whole class or smaller groups. It is aimed at upper KS2 but some activities may be adapted for use with more able children in lower KS2. It covers different curriculum areas of mathematics.

problem solving activities for ks1

Starting Investigations

The forty student investigations in this book are non-sequential and focus mainly on the mathematical topics of addition, subtraction, number, shape and colour patterns, and money.

The apparatus required for each investigation is given on the student sheets and generally include items such as dice, counters, number cards and rods. The sheets are written using as few words as possible in order to enable students to begin working with the minimum of reading.

NRICH Primary Activities

Explore the NRICH primary tasks which aim to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. Lots of whole class open ended investigations and problem solving tasks. These tasks really get children thinking!

Mathematical reasoning: activities for developing thinking skills

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: SMILE

problem solving activities for ks1

Problem Solving 2

Reasoning about numbers, with challenges and simplifications.

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Department for Education

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  • Volume And Capacity Worksheets And Resources For Ks1 And Ks2 Maths

7 of the best volume and capacity worksheets and resources for KS1 and KS2 maths

problem solving activities for ks1

It doesn't matter whether you're a 'glass half full' or 'glass half empty' kind of person, these primary maths resources will help your students get their fill of capacity and volume…


1 | Introduce, measure and compare capacity

problem solving activities for ks1

These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work, with questions that include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities.

Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking to help them with the curriculum requirements of Year 1 Measurement to “Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: capacity and volume (for example, full/empty, more than, less than, quarter, half full, half).”

There are three separate worksheets for this, so click the links for introducing capacity , measuring capacity and comparing capacity .

2 | George’s Marvellous Medicine KS1 capacity lesson plan

problem solving activities for ks1

Can children estimate, decant and measure their way to discovering the elusive formula for George’s Marvellous Medicine , asks Jonathan Lear?

That’s the subject of this KS1 lesson plan that lets them explore measurements of capacity using standard metric units.

Download it here.

3 | Capacity and volume factsheets and worksheets

problem solving activities for ks1

On the BBC Skillswise page for measuring capacity you’ll find a brief introductory video on the topic, plus a collection of free printable factsheets and worksheets.

These cover everything from labels, instruments for measuring capacity and non-standard measures of capacity to a matching exercise, reading scales and choosing litres or millilitres.

Check this all out here.

4 | Cover volume and capacity without pouring and filling

problem solving activities for ks1

Looking for something a bit different? Mike Askew has ideas for teaching this topic without all the usual tricks.

Check them out here.

5 | Estimating volume for Year 5

problem solving activities for ks1

These volume worksheets provide extra challenge for Year 5 children, with a variety of volume problems spread across three sections, enabling you to use the whole sheet during a lesson or to select specific problems for different teaching sessions.

Plus, a separate answer sheet for all sections is included.

Get this resource here.

6 | Volume of cuboids worksheet

problem solving activities for ks1

This three-page, 12-question worksheet for upper KS2 is a quick and easy way to check pupils’ knowledge on the topic.

Get the worksheet here and the answer sheet here .

7 | Nrich capacity problems

problem solving activities for ks1

What happens when you pour the water from one of these glasses into the other? Obvious right? Or is it? Watch the video from Nrich and explore with your class what you’ve seen.

This one is called Pouring Problem , but there are loads more volume and capacity problems to try. Here are a few of our favourites:

  • Multilink cubes
  • Next size up
  • Cuboid-in-a-box
  • Double Your Popcorn, Double Your Pleasure
  • The Big Cheese

Or check out the full selection here.

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Team Building & Problem Solving

Team Building & Problem Solving

Subject: Physical education

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

8 July 2013

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Free Team Building Activities

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Free Team Building Activities For School

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Team Tic Tac Toe

Group Size: Any Size,  space allowing Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Concentration, Observation, Strategy Communication Equipment: Stools Download Activity PDF Use the link below to subscribe to our U Tube Channel: Subscribe Now There are many ways to play Team Tic Tac Toe. This method

problem solving activities for ks1

Take Action (Numbers & Actions)

Group Size: Any Size,  space allowing Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills:  Concentration, Following instructions, Speed Equipment: No Equipment Download Activity PDF Use the link below to subscribe to our U Tube Channel: Subscribe Now Take action is the perfect activity to energise your group.

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Balloon Towers

Group Size: Multiple groups of 4 – 5   Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5   Team Building Skills: Planning, Strategy, Communication   Equipment: Balloons, Tape, Scissors, Tape Measure Download Activity PDF Use the link below to subscribe to our You Tube Channel: Subscribe Now Balloon Tower requires small

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Dig Dig Dig

Group Size:  10 – 30 Key Stages:  KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Communication, Observations,  Information Sharing Equipment: Chairs Download Activity PDF Use the link below to subscribe to our You Tube Channel: Subscribe Now Dig Dig Dig is the perfect activity for groups that are getting to

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Group Juggle

Group Size: Up to 30 but the larger the number thelonger the ball takes to get to each student. Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Communication, Concentration Equipment: A selection of balls or beanbags. Download Activity PDF Use the link below to subscribe to our You

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Newspaper Fashion Show

Group Size: Multiple groups of 4 – 5 Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Imagination, Planning, Strategy, Communication Equipment: Newspaper, String, Tape Download Activity PDF Newspaper Fashion Show will have your teams in tears of laughter. The participants will need to be arranged in groups of 4

problem solving activities for ks1

Catch The Ball

Group Size: Multiple groups of 4 – 5 Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Co-operation, Competition Equipment: Different balls (Table tennis, Golf, Perforated), Drinking straws, Tape Download Activity PDF Catch The Ball is a fantastic exercise to get your groups thinking. With so many ways to

problem solving activities for ks1

Move The Balloons

Group Size: 30 students plus (Space dependant) Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Coordination, Speed Equipment: Balloons – 1 per participant Move The Balloons is a fun fast paced game that will guarantee to have your students out of breath! The participants will need to be

problem solving activities for ks1

Nosey Parker

Nosey Parker Group Size: Up to 13 players Key Stages: KS1 KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Concentration, Listening,  Communication Equipment: Pack of Playing cards Download Activity PDF This game is for up to 13 players as each player will need 4 cards from a pack of 52. If

problem solving activities for ks1

Blindfolded Robots

Blindfolded Robots Group Size: 2 plus Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Communication, Trust Equipment:  Bean Bags, Screwed up pieces of paper Download Activity PDF Blindfolded Robots is a great team building challenge to help gain trust between two or more participants. The instructor / teacher

problem solving activities for ks1

Caterpillar Tracks

Caterpillar Tracks   Group Size: 5 –unlimited space dependant Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Attention, Playing your role, Communication Equipment:  No Equipment Download Activity PDF Caterpillar Tracks is a fast paced fun team building activity for all ages. There are two ways to play: The

problem solving activities for ks1

The White Brick Road

The White Brick Road Group Size: 5 – 30 space dependant Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Planning, Memory, Cooperation,  Trust Equipment:  A4 pieces of paper Download Activity PDF The White Brick Road is a great team building game that can be played in a few

problem solving activities for ks1

Just A Minute

Just A Minute Group Size: Any Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Decision making, Communication, Planning. Equipment: A means of timing one minute accurately. Download Activity PDF Just A Minute is a very simple game that can be played in a few different ways. The first is

problem solving activities for ks1

Burst The Balloons

Burst The Balloons Group Size: Any, although large groups may get a little hectic. Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Organisation, Trust, Communication Equipment: Balloons (cheap balloons work best) and sellotape Download Activity PDF For Burst The Balloons each Person will need to sellotape a balloon to

problem solving activities for ks1

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror Group Size: Work in group of 2 Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Cooperation, Focus, Attention to detail Equipment: No equipment needed Download Activity PDF Mirror Mirror is a very simple but very effective cooperation game. The students will need to work in groups of two.

problem solving activities for ks1

The Silent Countdown

The Silent Countdown Group Size: 10 – 30 Key Stages: KS1 KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Concentration, Listening,  Communication Equipment: Blindfolds (possible without)  Download Activity PDF The Silent Countdown is the perfect activity if you want your group to think carefully about what is going on within a team. The

problem solving activities for ks1

The Sitting Circle

The Sitting Circle Group Size: 10 – 30 Key Stages: Upper KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Trust, Communication Equipment: No equipment needed Download Activity PDF The Sitting Circle will require participants to be willing to get close to their team mates. The instructor / teacher will need to organise the team

problem solving activities for ks1

Bridge Build

Group Size: 5 – 30 Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Planning, Communication, Generating Ideas Equipment: Newspaper, Cellotape Download Activity PDF Bridge Build is a great team building activity for generating ideas and putting them into practice. The students will need to be put of groups of approx 4-5.

problem solving activities for ks1

The Steeple Chase

The Steeple Chase Group Size: 10 – 100 (space dependant) Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Group participation, Following a lead, Public speaking – if commentating Equipment: No equipment needed Download Activity PDF The Steeple Chase is certainly not a quiet circle game. The first thing that you

problem solving activities for ks1

The Elephant Race

The Elephant Race Group Size: 10 – 100 (space dependant) Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Taking Part, Personal contact Equipment: No equipment needed Download Activity PDF The Elephant Race is a game that will have the participating teams laughing all the way to the finish line. The instructor

problem solving activities for ks1

Marshmallow And Spaghetti Towers

Group Size: Any size Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Planning, Communication Equipment: Marshmallows and spaghetti Download Activity PDF Firstly you will need to split your cohort into groups of approx 4-5. Each group will need to have exactly the same resources. The same number of marshmallows and

problem solving activities for ks1

Fizz Buzz Group Size: 10 – 30 Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Concentration, Support Equipment: No equipment needed Download Activity PDF Fizz Buzz is a fast paced counting game…..with a twist. The group will need to sit in a circle. Decide where to start the game and that

problem solving activities for ks1

How Are You Doing?, Just Fine Thanks!

Group Size: 10 – 16 Key Stages: KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Trust, Communication Equipment: Blindfolds Download Activity PDF To begin with the group will need to stand in a circle. The instructor / teacher will then to need to tell everyone to turn to the person on their right. They

problem solving activities for ks1

Group Size: 10 – 30   Key Stages: KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5   Team Building Skills : Following instructions, Group participation   Equipment: No equipment Download Activity PDF Grand Prix is an active and often noisy circle game. The idea is that the participants are pretending to be a racing

problem solving activities for ks1

Sleeping Lions

Sleeping Lions Group Size: 5 – 30 Key Stages –  KS1, KS2, KS3 Team Building Skills : Common Goal, Trust Equipment: No equipment Download Activity PDF If you have not discovered Sleeping Lions then you will be amazed. It is a brilliant activity to have up your sleeve. Some might say a life

problem solving activities for ks1

Group Size: 10 – 30 Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Getting to know each other,  communication Equipment: Paper and pens Download Activity PDF This is a great guessing game and a fantastic getting to know you game. Every participant will need to be given a small piece of

problem solving activities for ks1

The River Group Size: Unlimited, although space dependant Key Stages:  KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Following instructions, Individual thinking Equipment: Chalk, tape or rope Download Activity PDF This activity is great for big groups. You will need to mark two parallel lines on the floor. This may be done using

problem solving activities for ks1

The Teddy Chase

Size: 10 – 30 Key stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Co-operation, Team Spirit, public speaking if commentating Equipment: Two teddy bears, blindfolds if you are running a variation. Download Activity PDF This is a great team challenge for all ages. With the participants sat in a

problem solving activities for ks1

Flap The Fish – Fast Paced Team Building Activity

Group Size – Unlimited – although space dependant Key stages –  KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Common aim, competitive Equipment – Newspapers, magazine, thick plastic bag. Download Activity PDF Split your students into the same sized groups of between 3 – 6 This fun fast paced fishy

problem solving activities for ks1

Wizards, Knights and Maidens.

Group Size – 20 Key stages –  KS2, KS3, KS4  Team Building Skills : Working together, Following instructions  Equipment – No Equipment Required Download Activity PDF Students work in groups of 2. If the facilitator shout ‘Wizards’ the pair must assume the following position as fast as possible – both

problem solving activities for ks1

Blindfold Pass – Free Blindfolded Team Building Activity

Group Size: 10 – 100 Key stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5  Team Building Skills : Co-operation, Trust Equipment: Bell or other noisy item Download Activity PDF For this blindfolded team building activity the group stand in a large circle. One member of the group stands in the middle of the circle. They need to wear

problem solving activities for ks1

Battle of the Pen – Free Indoor Team Building Game

Group Size: 6+ Key stages:  KS2, KS3 , KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Communication,  Equipment: Pen, Coin and table and chairs  Download Activity PDF This is an indoor team building game played around a table. Ideally even sized teams sit in lines facing each other across a table. Sitting in chairs is

problem solving activities for ks1

Fruit Salad – Free Team Building Game

For this team building activity everyone is required to stand in a circle. The bigger the group the better – Tricky at the time of print! Go around the circle and give all team members a name – Kiwi, lime, pineapple, banana. These names can be whatever you fancy, although

problem solving activities for ks1

The Sky Is The Limit aka Newspaper Towers – Free Team Building Exercise

Group Size: Multiple Groups of 4 – 6 Key Stage: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills: Creativity; Verbal Communication; Decision Making Equipment: Newspapers; Cellotape Download Activity PDF The Sky is the Limit –  AKA: Newspapers Towers,  This activity is a great team building exercise where the equipment of old newspapers and

problem solving activities for ks1

Free Team Problem Solving Activity – Back To Back aka Sketch It

Back to Back – Sketch it. Students will work in pairs and sit back to back. They will take it in turns to be the describer and the sketcher. The describer will describe a shape without saying the name whilst the sketcher will try to draw the described shape as

problem solving activities for ks1

Free Team Building Activity – Alphabet Hunt

A great fun yet inexpensive team building activity. All that is required is some scissors a newspaper a piece of A4 paper and a glue stick or cellotape per team. We suggest that this activity is run in teams of 2-6. However larger teams will work. The aim of the

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Primary School Maths Workshops

Primary School Team Building Days

Secondary School Maths Workshops

Secondary School Team Building Days

Free Team Building Activities For Schools​

problem solving activities for ks1

The 4 Week Challenge

problem solving activities for ks1

Mobile Laser Tag

Problem solving / team building activities for schools ks1, ks2, ks3, ks4, ks5.


  1. EYFS, KS1, Year 1, SEN, numeracy teaching resources, reasoning and

    problem solving activities for ks1

  2. Problem Solving Wheel: Help Kids Solve Their Own Problems

    problem solving activities for ks1

  3. KS1 problem solving: book 1

    problem solving activities for ks1

  4. Problem solving ks1

    problem solving activities for ks1

  5. Problem Solving Wheel: Help Kids Solve Their Own Problems

    problem solving activities for ks1

  6. Free Problem Solving for Kids School Counseling Printable in 2021

    problem solving activities for ks1


  1. Problem-Solving Tasks, KS1, Within 10

  2. class 1 math activity

  3. Maths Tutoring KS3 and GCSE Mathematics!! Solving a 2 Step Linear Question's in just 46 seconds!!

  4. YOUNG TODDLER COLOUR RECOGNITION ACTIVITIES #preschoollearning #finemotor #toddleractivities

  5. KS1 Maths

  6. The Skeleton


  1. 100+ KS1 Maths Problem Solving

    Perfect for KS1 students, our maths problem-solving primary resources test a range of skills, from addition and subtraction to remainders and number order! We've included challenging topics like negative numbers, using inverse numbers, and remainders, to ensure these primary resources on problem-solving test your students' maths knowledge.

  2. PDF Puzzles and Problems for Year 1 and Year 2

    Put the plates in a cross. Use all 15 counters. Put a different number on each plate. Make each line add up to 10. Do it again. This time make each line add up to 8. Solve mathematical problems or puzzles. Know addition and subtraction facts up to 10. Add three small numbers mentally.

  3. Problem Solving

    Problem Solving. This feature is somewhat larger than our usual features, but that is because it is packed with resources to help you develop a problem-solving approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Read Lynne's article which discusses the place of problem solving in the new curriculum and sets the scene.

  4. 24 Fun KS1 Maths Games For School & Home

    Problem solving games KS1 . Problem solving games are a great way for children to deepen their mathematical understanding. These games require children to think strategically and to approach problems in different ways. 23. Addition turnover. This KS1 maths game is great for developing addition skills, whilst encouraging children to think ...

  5. Working Backwards at KS1

    Working Backwards at KS1. Starting from the end sounds rather strange, but in fact can be a very useful problem-solving skill. These activities lend themselves to being tackled in this way. This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.

  6. Problem Solving, Maths, Key Stage 1

    Shape Patterns. Shape Patterns is a sequencing game where children from 3 to 8 years of age need to complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. Three levels of difficulty. A selection of excellent primary resources which work well on interactive whiteboards in the classroom.

  7. KS1 maths

    1. Number and place value: In the KS1 maths curriculum, children learn to count, read, write and represent numbers up to 100. They also learn how to compare numbers and use the place value system. 2.

  8. Reasoning and Problem Solving Questions Collection

    pptx, 2.35 MB. pdf, 3.51 MB. These booklets each contain over 40 reasoning and problem solving questions suitable for KS1, KS2 and KS3 classes. These are the questions that we have been putting out each day in March 2016 on Twitter in the run up to SATS. The answers are provided with some simple notes at the back of the booklet and for some ...

  9. Fun Maths Problems Games for Children

    Number Trains. Make a train by sequencing the numbers on their carriages. The numbers are represented in a range of formats such as words, numerals, dice dots or counting frames. The levels progress in difficulty. Level 5 has sequences of twos, fives and tens. Free maths problems for children. These activities which display well on an IWB aid ...

  10. FREE Fun Maths Activities For KS1 & KS2

    We share here as part of our continual support for KS1 and KS2 teachers working in UK classrooms. The purpose of these numeracy activities, especially the event-based ones, is three-fold: 1. To support you, the teacher, with problem solving and reasoning questions (with answers) and save you writing your own. 2.

  11. Solving Math Problems

    Using a number balance see-saw. This engaging activity is designed for KS1 to enhance students' addition and subtraction skills through a practical and engaging approach! Learners will use a model of a see-saw to balance a range of numbers. They will then decide how many items need to be added or subtracted to bring the see-saw into balance.

  12. Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 -Maths Outdoor Learning

    In the long-term, this will help them to build confidence in maths, as well as allow them to apply their knowledge in problem-solving. Outdoor Maths Activities KS1. I have grouped theses outdoor maths activities based on different areas of learning for KS1. They are primarily for children ages 5-7, but they can be adapted for younger and older ...

  13. Problem Solving

    Problem Solving in Primary Maths - the Session. In this programme shows a group of four upper Key Stage Two children working on a challenging problem; looking at the interior and exterior angles of polygons and how they relate to the number of sides. The problem requires the children to listen to each other and to work together co-operatively.

  14. 7 of the best volume and capacity worksheets and resources for KS1 and

    These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work, with questions that include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities. ... Maths games KS1 - Free interactive offline and online ideas by Teachwire. Primary ...

  15. 17 Fun Problem Solving Activities & Games [for Kids ...

    For this problem solving activity for older kids or teens, you will need four 2×6 boards. Divide your group into two teams with an equal number of children on each team. Place two of the four boards end to end on the ground or floor. Set the other two parallel to the first two about two or three feet apart.

  16. PDF Problem-solving activities: ideas for the classroom

    KS1 / KS2 Introduction 33 schools from the Royal Society Schools Network were chosen to take part in a problem-solving club pilot scheme, with the aim to set up a new mathematics or computing focused problem-solving club for their students. Each club developed its own programme of activities, and teachers were encouraged to explore opportunities

  17. 59 Money Problem-Solving & Counting Games For Kids

    A Collection of Fun Money Learning Games for KS1. Money is an important topic for children to learn about during their primary education, and what better way to deepen their understanding of the subject than with fun money games for key stage 1?Money problem-solving games and activities are great tools for reinforcing pupils' learning.

  18. Team Building & Problem Solving

    Team Building & Problem Solving. Needs a few simple bits of equipment, but very effective to use as a lesson for starting OAA, concentrating on cooperation, communication & trust If you like these, please give some comments! If you don't, please give some feedback! to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.

  19. Free Team Building Activities

    Group Size: Any size Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5 Team Building Skills : Planning, Communication Equipment: Marshmallows and spaghetti Download Activity PDF Firstly you will need to split your cohort into groups of approx 4-5. Each group will need to have exactly the same resources. ... Problem Solving / Team Building Activities for ...