New Hire Onboarding Template

New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the specific team they’ll be working with. There’s a lot of information to share with new hires on their first day and beyond: what the company is all about, what they can expect to do and who to work with, and so much more. Having all of that information conveyed in a template helps to standardize the onboarding process across the organization.

Our new hire onboarding template keeps everything organized for you and new employees who are starting their journeys. With this template, you can create roadmaps for one month to six months out to ensure your new hires are set on the right path.

Use the new hire onboarding template to:

  • Introduce new hires to the company
  • Help onboarding run more consistently across teams and functions
  • Standardize the knowledge base all new employees will have upon finishing orientation
  • Check in with new employees periodically

Customize your New Hire Onboarding Presentation

Give new hires all the information they need in a thoughtful, comprehensive new hire onboarding presentation. Make it memorable: use images, graphs, timelines, and charts to illustrate the information you’re sharing with new hires. In your new hire onboarding presentation try to include slides such as:


Tips For Designing Your New Hire Onboarding Presentation

Create an effective, memorable new hire onboarding presentation by following the tips below.

What do your new hires need to know most on their first day? Start with the key essentials they’ll need to be successful in their role, and then work down to secondary and tertiary needs from there. Include the most relevant information in your slides.

There’s a lot of information to digest on the first day at a new job, especially for fully remote or hybrid workers who may not be in a physical office every day. Make sure that your remote hires feel included by relaying information about company VPNs, remote team building events, collaboration and chat platforms, and anything else that might be relevant.

Get your new hires excited about joining the company! Include fun facts about the team, talk about company perks, and sprinkle some personality into the presentation.

Picking the right photos and images is essential to the overall success of your presentation. Add photos of team members so new hires know whom to connect with.

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Top 10 Employee Introduction Templates to Create a Solid Onboarding Program

Top 10 Employee Introduction Templates to Create a Solid Onboarding Program

Ashish Singla


A great employee introduction and onboarding process increases the retention rate by 69%. Thus, employee orientation is the golden opportunity for employers to win the hearts and minds of new talent.

So, how do you unlock the vaults of a great onboarding experience? Start from alleviating on-the-job jitters, invariably ranging from orientation to internal protocols. Rather than overwhelming them with boatloads of joining information, HR professionals must use their experience as an opportunity to bond emotionally and build rapport with new hires. 

SlideTeam can help you create an employee introduction process that will assist you in implementing a  cohesive onboarding program that engages key stakeholders and new hires (senior leadership to entry-level), ensuring a holistic experience. The PowerPoint presentation templates offered here will also help in boosting the retention and performance of the new employees. 

So let’s vet a creative employee orientation template to set your new hires for success! 

Template 1:  Employee Introduction Presentation 

If you plan to present a PowerPoint presentation to a group of new employees, let them get to know you better with the Employee Introduction template . It highlights the individual’s career path, skills, experience, language skills, SWOT analysis, achievements, training, etc. So what are you waiting for? Download this complete deck today!

Employee Introduction Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Download this template

Template 2: Employee Acumen Analysis Presentation

This presentation covers the employee's acumen in various domains. It helps you evaluate the candidate based on professional knowledge, behavioral skills, expertise in tools and technologies, previous roles and activities, etc. Be it the growth of technical or soft skills this PowerPoint template has everything that you seek in an ideal design. Download this presentation today!

Employee Acumen Presentation

Template 3: Employee Skill Assessment Presentation

As an HR manager, you have to make decisions that affect the careers and lives of your employees. Make the right decisions by using this PowerPoint presentation template. It allows you to visualize employees' abilities and track their progress in real-time. You can describe various traits, their positive and negative impact, as well as actions to mitigate the negative impact and encourage growth.

Employee Skills Assessment Presentation

Template 4: Employee Skillset Evaluation Presentation

This PowerPoint presentation helps you improve your employees’ competence by evaluating four different skill sets: interpersonal skills, organization skills, analytical skills, and self-management skills. Download this presentation to get an accurate picture of your employee’s overall professional profile.

Employee Skillset Evaluation Presentation

Template 5: Employee Competence Comparision Presentation 

Looking to get a better understanding of how your employees stack up against each other? Our employee competency comparison presentation templates will help you do just that! With a list of all the competencies of your employees, you can present the matrix visually and brief each employee on their progress in relation to other employees. Whether you're looking to identify gaps in skills or simply want to congratulate your top performers, our templates make it easy to get the information you need.

Employee Competence Comparision Presentation

Template 6: Employee Introduction and Leadership Analysis Presentation

Increased business performance is linked to authentic leadership, continuous learning, and deep knowledge performance of your employees. Download this template to analyze the relationship between leadership effectiveness, knowledge sharing behavior, client management, business strategy, and logical analysis of your workforce. 

Employee Introduction Leadership Analysis Presentation

Template 7: Employee Introduction Presentation

Employee introduction PowerPoint template is a perfect choice to introduce new employees to your colleagues and line managers. The presentation includes useful information that can be customized to present the experience, skills, and education of new employees. It also gives you a chance to build workforce expectations from new employees.

Employee Introduction with Profile Details Presentation

Template 8: Employee Introduction With Competence Levels Presentation

Download this PowerPoint template for introducing a new employee to your existing workforce. Inform the current employees about the new coworker and share their competencies and experience. It allows you to shape your employees’ understanding of what the new employee brings to the team. You can share the new employee’s background, work experience, education, and skills. This builds positive expectations that are useful for having an all-hands meeting for growing your company. 

Employee Introduction Competence Levels Presentation

Template 9: Employee Introduction With Personality Values Presentation

Give your new employees a better understanding of your organization with this PowerPoint template. This PowerPoint presentation provides an opportunity to identify the personality traits relevant to organizational behavior. It also defines the values and personality traits of new employees. Invest in this presentation today!

Employee Introduction Personality Values Presentation

Template 10: Employee Introduction Presentation

The employee introduction PowerPoint template provides an easy way to introduce new employees. This template is designed as part of your onboarding initiative for new hires. It provides a strong foundation for the relationship between the new team members, managers, and other key members of the organization.

Employee Introduction Presentation

Over to You

The adage: “ You never get a second chance to make a good first impression .” holds true for employee introduction and onboarding experience. The templates offered in this blog will enable an organization to strategically plan and deploy the tools, processes, training programs, and resources needed to support new recruits. Hence, invest in these templates to effectively prepare the new employees and hit the ground running!

P.S: Tell stories about the organization's history, values, people, and the big-picture with this blog featuring recruitment strategy templates. Click here to read it!

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  • Deliver a Great Experience with Top 10 Onboarding Checklist Templates
  • A Complete Guide on Employee Introduction With Samples and Examples [Free PDF Attached]
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9 Ways to Make a Great New Employee Self Introduction Speech

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Navigating the landscape of a new organization calls for a strategic self-introduction ; it’s the cornerstone of your professional narrative. Your initial address as the new team member serves as a catalyst for occupational rapport and team cohesion. A meticulously articulated new employee speech can function as a bridge, connecting you to your peers and cementing your place within the corporate framework.

Crafting a compelling introduction speech as a new employee is not merely a ritualistic formality—it’s an opportunity to establish your professional ethos and to plant the seeds for future collaborations. Let’s embark on molding your first verbal imprint to be as indelible and impactful as possible.

Key Takeaways

  • First Impressions Are Vital : Your self-introduction is a pivotal moment for setting the tone of your professional relationships in a new environment.
  • Tailor Your Speech : Adapt the content of your introduction to suit the size and culture of your team, ensuring relevancy and connection.
  • Incorporate Key Elements : A balanced self-introduction should include your name, role, professional background, how you’ll contribute to the team’s goals , and a touch of personal interest.
  • Professional and Personal Balance : Strive for a mix that showcases your qualifications while also giving a glimpse of your personality to foster relatability as you introduce yourself to new colleagues .
  • Preparation Reduces Anxiety : Rehearsing your speech can significantly diminish nervousness, allowing you to present with confidence and clarity on your first day of work.

New Employee Self Introduction Speech

What Is a New Employee Self Introduction Speech?

A new employee needs to give a self-introduction speech because it allows them to introduce themselves to their colleagues, and also allows them to articulate what their goals and ambitions are for their role at the company.

A self-introduction speech should be short and concise and include information about the new employee’s background, education, and experience. The new employee should also outline their goals for their role at the company and explain how they plan on contributing to the team.

Why It’s Important to Introduce Yourself to a New Team

In the mosaic of workplace dynamics, a new joinee speech is akin to a personal press release, broadcasting your unique value proposition. It’s an unveiling that transforms you from a résumé into a colleague, providing a narrative that goes beyond your LinkedIn profile or CV .

Launching your tenure with a well-composed new employee self-introduction speech can propel you beyond the generic ‘newbie’ status and embed you firmly within the company culture. It’s your initial step towards weaving your personal brand into the fabric of the company’s culture, which can catalyze your transition from outsider to insider.

What Should You Include in Your New Employee Self Introduction Speech?

When introducing yourself to a new company, it’s important to put your best foot forward and make a good first impression. In your speech, you should highlight your strengths and accomplishments and explain why you’re excited to be a part of the team.

You should also mention any unique skills or experience you bring to the table and express your enthusiasm for working with your new colleagues. Finish by thanking the company for giving you this opportunity, and let them know that you’re looking forward to contributing to their success.

The key things to include in your new employee self introduction speech are:

  • State your name and position.
  • Briefly describe your education and work experience .
  • Outline your skills and strengths.
  • Share a little about your personal life (family, hobbies, interests).
  • Thank the audience for their time and say you’re looking forward to getting to know them better.

New employee self introduction speech example :

“Hello everyone, My name is John Smith, and I’m the new marketing manager. I have a degree in marketing from XYZ University, and I’ve worked as a marketing consultant for the past 5 years. In my previous role, I was responsible for developing and implementing marketing campaigns for my clients. Some of my key strengths include strategic planning, creative thinking, and project management. Outside work, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, and playing tennis. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I look forward to working with you and contributing to the company’s success.”

new employee self introduction speech

9 Ways to Make a Great Introduction

Here are nine tips for how to introduce yourself :

1. Describe your environment in your introduction

When you’re new to a company, making a good first impression is important. One way to do this is by basing your introduction on your environment. By observing your surroundings and taking note of your colleagues’ behavior, you’ll be able to adjust your behavior accordingly. 

For example

If you’re new to a team, you could say something like:

“I’m excited to be here and can’t wait to learn more about what you do.”

If you’re new to a company, you could say,

“I’m excited to join the team and can’t wait to contribute to the company’s success.”

2. Be genuine

When you introduce yourself, it is essential to remember to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not—it will be obvious, and people will respond more positively to the genuine you.

Instead, be to the point and authentic, and people will appreciate your straightforwardness. The most important thing is to be comfortable in your skin; the rest will follow naturally. 

“Hi, my name is Adam, and I’m new here. I’m excited to learn about the company and contribute to its success. Thanks!”

3. Utilize the orientation program

A new job is always an exciting time. It’s a chance to learn new things, meet new people, and build new skills. The new employee orientation program is one of the first things you’ll likely encounter at your new job.

This program is designed to help new employees learn more about the company and its culture. It’s also a great opportunity to meet other new employees and begin building relationships.

So be sure to take advantage of this program and use it as an opportunity to network. Attend all the events, introduce yourself to other new employees, and ask questions. 

“My name is John, and I just joined the company last week. The orientation program was a great way for me to learn more about the company and meet other new employees. I’m looking forward to contributing to the team’s success.”

4. Ask for a team introduction

One way to formally introduce yourself to a new team is by asking for a team introduction from your manager or team leader.

It’s a good opportunity to learn more about your teammates and what they do. Doing this will give you a feel for the team dynamic and see how you fit into it.

Additionally, it shows that you are eager to get to know your teammates and are invested in the team’s success.

“I’m Mike, the new engineer, and I’m excited to join the team. As an engineer, I bring a variety of skills and knowledge to the table that can be of benefit to the team. In addition, I have experience in design and implementation, and my goal is always to create efficient, effective solutions that meet the customer’s needs. I look forward to collaborating with everyone on the team and contributing my skills to our shared goal of success. Thanks for having me aboard!”

5. Introduce yourself to other teams.

Being new to a company can be intimidating. You don’t know the lay of the land or who does what. But, it’s important to introduce yourself to your team and other teams in the same department to get a feel for your new workplace’s environment .

This is a great way to network and build relationships with people in the department. To do this, find the leaders of other teams and reach out to them for an introduction. 

“Hi, I’m the new account manager of this company, and I was wondering if you could introduce me to your team. I’d love to learn more about what they do.”

6. Find more opportunities for introductions

There are many opportunities for introductions. You could also introduce yourself to people you see in the hallways or the cafeteria. If your workstation is in a shared space, you might start a conversation with someone at the next desk.

Whether through formal or informal channels, getting to know as many colleagues as possible can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your work environment. 

Before the meeting begins, you can amiably introduce yourself to others nearby.

“Hello, I’m John, the new account manager. Can you tell me what we’ll be talking about at this meeting?”

You might get a formal introduction from your manager to the participants during the meeting. In this situation, make things quick so the discussion may continue.

“Hello, my name is John. I am a new copywriter, and it’s a pleasure to collaborate with you.”

7. Ask questions

Asking work-related questions is a great way to learn about your new company and build relationships with coworkers. This shows that you’re curious and want to learn more about the company.

In addition, it’s a good way to get to know your colleagues and build relationships . So next time you’re meeting someone new, don’t be afraid to ask some questions!

“Hi, I’m new here. What is your role at the company?” or “What team do you work on?”

8. Get the company’s organizational chart

When starting a new company, getting to know the different departments and teams is important.

One way to do this is by getting the new company’s organizational chart. This will give you an overview of the different departments and teams and who the leaders are. This is a great resource to have when you’re introducing yourself to people in other departments.

By getting the organizational chart, you can familiarize yourself with your new company and learn about the different people and departments.

“I’m new to the company and was wondering if you could tell me more about your team. I’ve heard great things about the work you’re doing.”

9. Send follow-up emails

When you meet someone new, it’s always a good idea to follow up with an email. This helps to solidify the relationship and shows that you’re interested in staying in touch.

In your email, you could include a brief recap of what you talked about and other relevant information, such as your contact information or links to your website or blog. 

“Hey John,  It was delightful to make your acquaintance on my first day in the office. Thank you so much for being detail-oriented and providing such helpful information. I truly appreciate it! If there is ever anything I can do to return the favor, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I am always there to help you out.  Wishing you all the best,  Adam”

Crafting Your New Employee Self-Introduction Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on a new professional journey is a pivotal moment. Crafting a self-introduction speech is your opportunity to present yourself as a confident and valuable addition to the team. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you deliver a memorable and effective speech.

Step 1: Greet Your Audience

Start with a warm and friendly greeting to establish a connection with your new colleagues.

  • Example: “Good morning, team! It’s wonderful to meet everyone.”

Step 2: State Your Name and Role

Clarity is key. State your full name and job title so everyone knows who you are and what you’ll be doing.

  • Example: “I am [Your Name], your new [Your Job Title].”

Step 3: Provide Your Background

Briefly summarize your professional background to build credibility.

  • Example: “I’ve spent the past [number] years working in [your previous job/industry], where I honed my skills in [your specialty].”

Step 4: Express Your Enthusiasm

Share your enthusiasm for both your role and the opportunity to work with your new team.

  • Example: “I’m thrilled to start this new chapter as [Your Job Title] and am looking forward to contributing to our collective success.”

Step 5: Add a Personal Touch

Include a personal tidbit that resonates with your professional persona and makes you relatable.

  • Example: “Outside of work, I enjoy [personal interest], which I believe reflects the creativity and energy I bring to my professional life.”

Step 6: Invite Connections

Encourage your new teammates to engage with you beyond the speech.

  • Example: “I’m eager to learn about your roles and how we might work together, so please feel free to reach out anytime.”

Step 7: Close Graciously

End with a thank you and a positive outlook.

  • Example: “Thank you for the warm welcome. I’m excited about the great work we’ll do together.”

Step 8: Offer an Opening for Interaction

Make yourself approachable and open for future conversations.

  • Example: “My door is always open, and I’m just an email or a quick chat away.”

Here’s a simplified template that encapsulates these steps:

Greeting:  “Good morning/afternoon, everyone. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Introduction:  “I am [Your Name], the new [Your Job Title] in [Your Department].”

Background:  “Coming from a background in [Your Previous Job Industry/Field], I bring experience in [Skills/Expertise].”

Enthusiasm for Role:  “I’m looking forward to leveraging my skills in [Area of Expertise] to contribute to our team’s goals.”

Personal Note:  “On a personal level, I’m a fan of [Hobby/Interest] which I find inspires my professional work.”

Invitation to Connect:  “I’m keen to collaborate and learn from you all. Let’s connect soon!”

Closing:  “Thank you for this opportunity—I am excited to be here and ready to get started.”

Openness for Interaction:  “Feel free to drop by my desk or reach me on [Communication Platform]; I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you.”

By following these steps and using this template, you can ensure your self-introduction speech makes a lasting impact, setting a positive trajectory for your future with the company.

Examples of How to Introduce Yourself to a New Team

An introduction can be the genesis of lasting professional relationships. Here, we dissect various scenarios you might encounter and how to navigate them with eloquence.

Self-Introduction Speech Examples

  • For the formal team meeting : “Hello everyone, I’m [Name], the new [Job Title] in the [Department]. My journey has taken me through [Brief Work Experience], and I’m thrilled to contribute to [Company’s] continued success.”
  • During a casual team lunch : “Hi, I’m [Name], the latest addition to the [Team Name]. When I’m not [Professional Activity], you can find me [Hobby/Interest]. Looking forward to working with all of you!”

Each script serves its purpose— the first establishes your professional credentials , while the second fosters a personal connection .

Self-Introduction Email Examples

  • Announcement-style email to the entire office : “Dear Team, I am [Name], your new [Job Title]. With a rich background in [Industry/Field], I am eager to bring my insights to [Company Name]. I’m excited to collaborate with you all!”
  • A warm, direct email to your department : “Hello [Department] Team, It’s a pleasure to e-meet you! I’m [Name], the new [Job Title]. I’m looking forward to learning from and contributing to our team’s amazing work.”

Email introductions are crucial—they are often your first textual handshake with the new team . Whether it’s the company-wide blast or a department-focused note, tailoring your tone to your audience is key .

Adopting these templates can set a robust foundation for your initial interactions, opening channels for dialogue and establishing a positive first impression .

Making a Good Impression on Your New Colleagues

Effective self-introductions extend beyond words; your non-verbal cues can be equally telling. When preparing your new employee introduction speech, consider that body language often communicates your confidence and approachability before you even speak.

Tips on How to Introduce Yourself

  • Master your non-verbals : Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and offer a firm handshake; these gestures project assurance and set a tone of professionalism.
  • Modulate your voice : Employ a clear, friendly tone to engender warmth and openness; how you say something is as impactful as what you say.
  • Incorporate relevant personal stories : Share anecdotes that reflect your values or work ethic—such narratives can foster connections and make you memorable.

First Meeting with Supervisors: Showcasing Your Professionalism

Meeting your supervisors often involves navigating a blend of formality and personable interaction. A nuanced self-introduction can establish your credibility and demonstrate your readiness to contribute meaningfully.

Tips for a Self-Introduction Speech with Higher-ups

  • Tailor your content : Highlight aspects of your background that resonate with your new role and align with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Focus on your impact : Convey how your expertise can solve problems or add value, showcasing your commitment to the company’s success.
  • Practice brevity and substance : Leaders appreciate conciseness paired with substance. Articulate your points succinctly, leaving room for further discussion.

By integrating these tips into your new job speech, you’ll not only make a great first impression but also lay a foundation for ongoing professional respect and collaboration.

A compelling self-introduction is more than a formality—it’s the first chapter of your professional story at a new organization. It sets the precedent for how colleagues perceive and interact with you. A memorable introduction fosters an atmosphere of trust and collaboration from the outset.

Embrace this opportunity to weave your personal narrative into the larger tapestry of your new team’s culture. Each interaction is a step on the journey of mutual growth and achievement. Welcome this adventure with openness and enthusiasm, for the relationships you cultivate today can become the cornerstone of your career tomorrow.

How do I introduce myself as a new employee?

How do you introduce yourself professionally at work, how do you introduce yourself in a first team meeting, what is an example of a self-intro speech, what is a proper self-introduction on the first day of work, how do you introduce yourself on the first day of a team, how do you introduce yourself to your boss for the first time, how can i tailor my introduction speech as a new employee for different team sizes, what elements should i include in a self-introduction new employee example, how do i balance professional and personal information in my office introduction speech, what are some tips to help calm nerves before giving a new job speech, related posts:.

  • Craft the Perfect 2 Minute Self Introduction Speech | Guide
  • What is a Self Introduction Speech: The Guide to Making an Impression
  • Master Your Self Introduction for Job Interview Success
  • Self Introduction Email Sample: First Day Work Success!

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New Hire Onboarding Meeting

New hire onboarding meeting presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

A new employee joining your company means a new teammate and a new friend working with you to reach the company’s goals. There’s no better way to introduce them to your company than with this colorful minimal template that we have designed in Slidesgo. It has a simple design, because we know that those first days at a new office can be overwhelming: there’s just so much information to know! Explain your company’s goals, the agenda, the KPIs, the ongoing projects, your history as a company… with the resources we have included, your new teammate will be thrilled!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 33 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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New Employee Speech

new joiner introduction presentation

We all know how important first impressions are in the corporate world, the academe, and life in general. As if introducing yourself in a one-on-one situation isn’t awkward enough, just imagine how awkward and intimidating it would be to introduce yourself in front of a group of strangers in the professional field! So whether you’re introducing a new employee to the entire workforce or introducing yourself to co-workers, knowing how to write and deliver a new employee speech may help you leave a lasting impact on those around you.

Preparation and Practice

Your first day of work as a new employee should be both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Introducing yourself to co-workers and socializing with colleagues are all part of the process of fitting in. If you plan to work for a company for a long time, then you must learn how to get along with others in a professional manner. You may also see how to start a speech .

new joiner introduction presentation

However, composing a new employee or self-introduction speech can be pretty challenging for many individuals. It’s not that we don’t have anything to say about ourselves, but some of us just can’t help that uneasy feeling coming from the pit of our stomach that stops us from saying the right words. This is why it’s always important to practice and prepare your speech before it is delivered.

1. Focus on Yourself

One way to keep your speech simple and brief is by focusing on your own characteristics. Avoid shifting the topic to subjects that your audience may not be interested in. Apart from the basic details about yourself, you may also include personal hobbies, interests, likes, and dislikes, as well as your career goals and personal outlook in life. Concentrate on positive qualities that people will remember you for.

2. Make Notes

If memorization isn’t one of your strengths, then you can always keep a small piece of paper or index card in your pocket. You can have your speech written down, and use the paper for reference whenever needed. Avoid reading the card word-for-word but instead, you can take a few glances every now and then to maintain eye contact with your audience.

3. Be Time-Conscious

A new employee speech is ideally less than a minute short. Fortunately, you don’t have to give listeners a full autobiography of your life. But this would also depend on the delivery of the speech. Keep in mind that talking too slow can get dragging, but talking too fast may cause confusion or misinterpretation as well. It would be best to try timing your speech during practice to determine an appropriate pace. You may also check out presentation speech examples & samples.

How to Make a Self-Introduction Speech at a New Job

introduction speech

To help you compose a good speech, remember the following points:

  • State your Name.  Say it nice and slow. You want to make sure your listeners have heard you clearly so you wouldn’t need to worry about anyone murdering your name. You can state your full name along with your nickname (if you have any) to let people know how you want to be called. You may also see special occasion speech examples & samples.
  • Mention Your Place in the Company.  If you’re going to work alongside other people, then they’d want to know where they can find you in case they need your services. Be sure to include what your job position is and what department you are a part of. You may also like speech examples in doc .
  • Provide a Brief Background.  A new employee speech wouldn’t be complete without adding a few facts about yourself. You can keep this as concise and as to-the-point as possible. It can be about your educational attainment, career achievements, or even past job experiences.
  • Talk About Your Interests, Passion or Goals.  What are your personal goals ? What drives you to pursue your dreams? Go beyond what people would normally say in a speech to grab a listener’s attention.
  • Share Personal Details. To spice up your speech, describe yourself as a person. Talk about your hobbies and pet peeves. Share personal information that you may want others to know about. This will help in keeping listeners engaged with every word that escapes your mouth and let them see you as an actual human being and not just another corporate robot. You may also check out appreciation speech examples & samples.

Examples of a New Employee Speech

To further understand how new employee speeches are constructed, let’s look into the following examples:

Hi everybody!

I’m Masie Wilson, Senior Marketing Executive, from the Big Foot Advertising Center in Missouri. 

It’s great to finally be here. I’ve been dreaming about the opportunity and possibilities of working collectively and directly with each other since I was informed of my relocation and transfer. There’s been hours put in balancing the schedules to make this happen. But with much perseverance and commitment, we made it possible. You may also see leadership speech examples & samples.

Working like this has always been a passion. Even as a kid, I had dreamed of working with a team that is just as enthusiastic as I am, if not more. Years later, I stand before you with the right amount of energy and excitement to conquer every obstacle. You may also like speech examples for students .

I look forward to working alongside each and every one of you. 

Hello everyone.

My name is James Anderson, and I’m a Systems Analyst from the IT Department.

I have worked as a systems analyst for six years now. I started off as a technician, then progressed to my current role as time went by.

When I’m not working, I like to spend time with my wife and son. We do almost everything together. We like to do a lot of fishing and camping during the weekends when we aren’t too busy. My wife isn’t a big fan of the outdoors, but she tags along just for the fun of it. You may also check out how do you write a speech?

It’s good to finally be here and to meet all of you in person. If you have any concerns or wish to have a little chat with me, then you know where I’m at. Don’t hesitate, I’m a friendly guy. I’m looking forward to working with all of you on our upcoming projects. You might be interested in tribute speech examples & samples.

Hi. I’m Jason Dean. I just started here and I’m working for the communications department as the Lead Digital Communications Director. I used to work as a Social Media Analyst for three years in my previous workplace, so taking on a new role felt intimidating at first, but I’m always up for the challenge.

If I don’t have my eyes glued to a computer screen, I usually spend my free time volunteering at the local animal shelter. I aspire to do well in my career to help build a better life for these animals who have been neglected. I may be young, but I know that if you believe in yourself you can accomplish just about anything. You may also see steps in speech composition .

It’s an honor to be granted this opportunity. I’m looking forward to working together.


Speech-giving isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s an essential part of communication that must be delivered during different scenarios. While you may stick to the standard ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’, there’s nothing like making the right impression with a well-crafted new employee speech. With some good wording and practice, you’re sure to leave a positive impact on your new job in no time! You may also see dedication speech examples .


New Employee Speech Generator

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Create a new employee speech for my first day at work

2. Help me write a new employee speech introducing myself to the team


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