Writing Prompt Generator: AI-Powered Writing Prompts

Every writer knows the struggle of staring at a blank page, waiting for inspiration to strike. It’s that familiar tug of wanting to write but not knowing where to start. Enter the modern solution: AI-powered writing prompts generators. These tools are not just about spitting out ideas; they’re about sparking creativity and offering a starting point that can lead to your next great story. Whether you’re looking to break through writer’s block or add some variety to your writing sessions, leveraging these generators can provide an endless stream of prompts tailored to ignite your imagination. Let’s discover how to harness the power of these tools to continuously inspire your writing journey.

Table of Contents

Understanding Writing Prompts

To truly release your creative potential, understanding what writing prompts are and how they can ignite your imagination is important. Writing prompts are specific suggestions or sparks designed to help you engage in creative exercises. They’re not just about putting words on a page; they’re about opening your mind to the vast possibilities of storytelling and expression. Whether it’s a single word, a complex scenario, or even visual aids, these prompts serve as a starting point for your creativity.

Effective writing prompts are clear, thought-provoking, and tailored to you, the writer. They push you to explore new ideas, characters, and worlds. With open-ended questions, you’re encouraged to think deeply and critically, allowing your creativity to flow in unexpected directions. Additionally, incorporating feedback on your writing into these exercises can improve your skills and insights.

Types of Prompts

Understanding the purpose of prompts sets the stage for exploring the various types they come in, each designed to spark creativity in distinct ways. Whether you’re using a writing prompts generator, acting as a prompt writer yourself, or exploring types of writing prompt like descriptive prompts and narrative prompts, each plays a crucial role in guiding the flow of ideas and enhancing storytelling or analytical skills.

Creative Writing Prompts:

  • Story Prompts:   Plot ideas , character descriptions, settings, opening lines, objects, first lines, etc.
  • Genre Prompts:  Specify a genre (fantasy, mystery, romance) to guide the writer’s style and tropes.
  • Character Prompts:  Focus on character development, prompting descriptions of personality, motivations, flaws, secrets, desires, etc.
  • Setting Prompts:  Provide details about the world the story takes place in, sparking ideas about atmosphere, tone, culture, history, etc.

Educational Prompts:

  • Open-Ended Questions:  Encourage critical thinking and exploration by asking broad questions without a single answer (e.g., What if history had taken a different turn?)
  • Problem-Solving Prompts:  Present a scenario or challenge that requires analysis and creative solutions (e.g., How would you design a society on Mars?)
  • Discussion Prompts:  Spark debate or analysis by posing a thought-provoking question about a particular topic (e.g., Should artificial intelligence have rights?)
  • Journaling Prompts:  Guide self-reflection and exploration of emotions and experiences (e.g., Write a letter to your younger self)

Instructional Prompts:

  • Task Prompts:  Clearly outline what needs to be done, providing specific instructions for completing an activity (e.g., Write a persuasive essay on why recycling is important)
  • Essay Prompts:  Provide a topic or question for an essay, often with specific guidelines for structure and content (e.g., Analyze the themes of power and corruption in Shakespeare’s Macbeth)
  • Coding Prompts:  Provide a problem or challenge that requires coding skills and knowledge of specific programming languages (e.g., Develop a program that can sort a list of numbers)

User Interface Prompts:

  • Form Prompts:  Guide users through filling out forms by providing clear labels and instructions for each input field (e.g., Enter your name, email address, and phone number)
  • Dialogue Prompts:  Appear in chatbots or virtual assistants, prompting users for specific information to complete a task (e.g., “How can I help you today?”)
  • Menu Prompts:  Offer options for users to choose from within a program or interface (e.g., Select “Print” to create a hard copy)

Additional Prompts:

  • Creative brainstorming prompts:  Can involve random word generators, image prompts, or even unusual questions to spark ideas.
  • Personal prompts: Used for self-discovery, goal setting, or reflection (e.g., What is your biggest fear? What does your ideal future look like?

Techniques for Coming Up Writing Prompts

You’ve explored the basics, now let’s focus on specific techniques to generate writing prompts. Look around you; everyday life, different genres and themes, and even random visual aids can spark your creativity. Don’t hesitate to tap into writing communities or use a writing prompt generator for fresh ideas.

Drawing Inspiration from Daily Life

Drawing inspiration from daily life can greatly enrich your writing prompts, as everyday experiences offer a wealth of ideas and perspectives. Whether you’re observing your surroundings, reflecting on conversations, or tuning into your emotions, these moments serve as a fertile ground for creative writing. Consider using a journal to capture these sparks of daily inspiration, turning them into fuel for your creative spontaneity. This practice not only hones your observational skills but also transforms ordinary experiences into extraordinary stories. Engaging in activities that stimulate creativity, like nature walks or exploring new places, can act as a natural writing prompt generator. Experiment with different perspectives and scenarios based on your daily life, and you’ll find an endless stream of ideas for your creative writing endeavors.

Exploring Different Genres and Themes

Venturing into different genres, such as fantasy and mystery, and exploring themes like love and betrayal can greatly enhance your creativity in generating writing prompts. By diving into the territories of sci-fi prompts, you can craft stories that push the boundaries of imagination. Fantasy prompts allow you to explore magical worlds and mythical creatures, while mystery prompts challenge you to weave intricate plots of suspense and intrigue. Don’t overlook non-fiction prompts; they encourage you to explore reality, bringing forward compelling narratives based on true events or personal experiences. Combining genres and themes, like mixing romance with historical fiction or adding a twist of adventure to a redemption story, can generate unique and engaging prompts that captivate both writers and readers alike.

Using Visual Aids as Creative Catalysts

Often, visual aids like photographs and art pieces can serve as powerful sparks for your writing creativity, helping you craft vivid settings and complex characters. By turning to visual aids as creative catalysts, you’re unleashing a treasure trove for your imagination. These tools not only enhance your descriptive skills but also encourage a deeper exploration into the nuances of storytelling.

Incorporating Prompts from Writing Communities

Building on the inspiration that visual aids provide, consider tapping into the resources of writing communities to further enrich your prompt collection. These communities are bustling hubs where creative minds converge, offering a goldmine for anyone seeking specific writing prompts. Here’s how you can immerse yourself :

  • Join online writing platforms where members regularly share and critique prompts.
  • Participate in writing workshops to engage in collaborative brainstorming sessions, exploring a wellspring of ideas.
  • Enter prompt challenges or contests hosted by these communities to spur your imagination.

Using a Writing Prompt Generator

You might wonder why you’d use a writing prompt generator in the first place. It’s simple: these tools can quickly offer you a variety of themes and ideas, breaking through any creative blocks you’re facing. Next, we’ll look at the steps to effectively use one, ensuring you get the most out of this resource.

What is a Writing Prompts Generator?

A writing prompts generator is a tool designed to help writers generate ideas for stories, essays, or other creative writing projects. Powered by artificial intelligence, it efficiently facilitates the creative process by providing fresh and engaging prompts based on user inputs.

How a Writing Prompts Generator Works:

The operation of a writing prompts generator involves a few clear steps that turn user specifications into actionable writing ideas:

User Inputs :

  • Type of Prompt : Users specify the genre or nature of the writing prompt they need, such as story, dialogue, or essay.
  • Details to Include : Users can further refine the prompt by adding specific elements they want to incorporate in their writing. This could include characters, a setting, a particular conflict, or even a unique object.

AI Analysis :

  • Data Processing : The generator’s AI analyzes the input using advanced algorithms that interpret the user’s requirements. It draws on a comprehensive database that includes narrative structures, genre-specific tropes, and thematic elements.
  • Creativity Algorithms : Beyond mere analysis, the AI applies creative algorithms designed to mimic human creativity. This means combining elements in novel ways that might not be immediately obvious even to experienced writers.

Generating the Prompt :

  • Synthesis : The AI synthesizes the information from its analysis to create a cohesive and engaging prompt. This involves crafting scenarios that align with the specified genre and include the requested elements.
  • Presentation : Finally, the prompt is presented to the user. This prompt is not only tailored to fit the initial specifications but is also designed to be open-ended enough to inspire further development and personalization by the writer.

Benefits of Using a Writing Prompt Generator

Exploring the benefits of using a prompt generator can significantly enhance your creative writing process, offering a treasure trove of ideas that counteract writer’s block and ignite your imagination.

Steps to Use the Writing Prompt Generator

Harnessing a prompt generator effectively requires understanding its features and how to apply them to your creative needs. Here’s how you can make the most out of it:

Select the Type of Prompt : Choose the type of writing prompt you need. Options typically include different genres such as mystery, romance, or science fiction; types of writing like stories, essays, or poems; and even specific focuses such as character development, setting, or plot twists.

Add Any Details (Optional) : You have the option to add specific elements to tailor the prompt more closely to your needs or interests. This could include character traits, a particular setting, a historical period, or a unique conflict. Adding details helps refine the generator’s output to better match your creative vision.

Click on ‘Generate’ : Once you’ve made your selections and added any desired details, simply click the ‘Generate’ button. The generator will then process your inputs using AI technology to produce a customized writing prompt based on the criteria you’ve set.

Tips for Using Writing Prompts

Using writing prompts effectively can transform them from simple sentences into gateways of endless creativity. Here are some additional tips to maximize their potential and enrich your writing practice:

Set a Timer: Begin with a short, focused writing session. Setting a timer for 15 to 20 minutes forces you to write without overthinking, encouraging spontaneous creativity that can lead to surprising discoveries.

Don’t Edit as You Go: Resist the urge to edit while writing your initial response to a prompt. The goal is to let ideas flow freely without the interruption of critical self-assessment.

Explore Multiple Angles: If a prompt catches your interest, try tackling it from different perspectives or genres. Writing multiple short pieces on the same prompt can reveal its various dimensions and enrich your creative exploration.

Combine Prompts: Mix and match prompts to create a new, more complex challenge. This can lead to innovative stories or ideas you might not have explored otherwise.

Use Prompts for Character Development: Apply prompts to your existing characters. How would they react in the scenarios proposed by the prompts? This can add depth to your characters and provide new insights into their personalities and motivations.

Create a Prompt Journal: Keep a dedicated journal or digital document for writing prompts and your responses to them. This not only tracks your progress over time but also serves as a personal idea bank for future projects.

Reflect and Revise: After writing, take time to reflect on what the prompt helped you uncover about your writing style, preferences, or recurring themes. Use this insight to revise your piece with a more focused intention.

Share Your Work: If you’re comfortable, share your responses to prompts with a writing group or on social media. Feedback can offer new perspectives and encouragement, enriching your writing journey.

Transform Prompts into Projects: Don’t hesitate to expand a prompt-driven story that feels particularly compelling into a full-blown project. Many novels, plays, and scripts have begun as simple exercises in response to a prompt.

Let Prompts Guide Research: Use prompts as a starting point for research, exploring the historical, scientific, or cultural contexts they evoke. This deep dive can add authenticity and richness to your writing.

Customize Prompts: Adjust and personalize prompts to better fit your current project or interests. Tailoring a prompt can make it more relevant and stimulating to you.

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generatestory.io is a hub of AI-powered story and content generators. We provide innovative tools for writers, educators, and creatives seeking to enhance their storytelling and content creation. Our platform offers diverse prompts and resources tailored to various genres and needs, supporting your journey from idea to execution. Explore our range of generators and find the perfect aid for your next creative project.

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Prompt Generators

Writing prompt generator.

Overcome writer's block! Get inspired with our AI-powered writing prompt generator for all genres and styles.

Example of Writing Prompt

Open-Ended Generation: Begin a story/piece with a broad theme or idea.

Example: "Write a story about the concept of time."

Specific Generation: Request a piece on a precise topic.

Example: "Describe the process of photosynthesis."

Visual Generation: Describe an image or scene.

Example: "Write a paragraph about a serene sunset by the ocean."

Dialogue Generation: Create a conversation between characters.

Example: "Write a dialogue between a detective and a suspect."

Scenario or What-If Generation: Pose a hypothetical situation.

Example: "What if humans could breathe underwater?"

First Line Generation: Provide an opening sentence.

Example: "Start a story with the sentence: 'The old mansion had secrets.'

Character Generation: Describe a character's attributes.

Example: "Create a character who is a brilliant but socially awkward scientist."

Fantasy or Sci-Fi World-Building Generation: Develop a fictional world.

Example: "Design a futuristic city on a distant planet."

Character Development Generation: Explore character growth.

Example: "Show how a timid child becomes a courageous hero."

Sentence Expansion Generation: Expand a given sentence.

Example: "Expand on the sentence: 'She walked through the forest, listening to the whispering trees.'

Genre-Specific Generation: Specify a literary genre.

Example: "Write a mystery story set in a small, isolated village."

Reflective or Personal Generation: Encourage personal reflection.

Example: "Share a meaningful life lesson you've learned."

Historical or Research-Based Generation: Request a historical or research-based piece.

Example: "Write an essay on the impact of the Industrial Revolution."

Question Generation: Generate thought-provoking questions.

Example: "Pose five questions about the effects of climate change."

Comparative Generation: Compare two or more subjects.

Example: "Compare and contrast the advantages of city life and rural life."

Persuasive or Argumentative Generation: Write a persuasive argument.

Example: "Argue for or against the use of renewable energy sources."

Poetry Generation: Encourage poetic composition.

Example: "Compose a haiku about a blooming cherry blossom."

Daily or Journaling Generation: Prompt daily journaling.

Example: "Write about your most memorable moment from today."

Flash Fiction Generation: Create a very short story.

Example: "Write a 100-word story about a lost key."

Random Word or Object Generation: Include a random word or object.

Example: "Incorporate the word 'umbrella' into your story."

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AI Prompt Writer & ChatGPT Prompt Generator

Create or improve prompts that AI will understand effortlessly. Use them in ChatGPT, DALL·E, MidJourney, or any other AI models.

AI-Powered Prompt Writer

Looking for a tool for content creation? Try out our Blog Post Generator to create SEO-rich content effortlessly.

Cat sitting on a rocket

Your generated prompt will appear here.

AI Prompt Generator | ChatGPT Prompt Writer

A holographic brain emitting vibrant colors, surrounded by binary codes, an antique quill, and spinning gears.


An AI prompt generator is an innovative tool that uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate prompts for ChatGPT. These prompts serve as instructions for guiding artificial intelligence in various tasks, such as writing text , creating images , or generating ideas .

Introducing Junia's AI Prompt Generator—an adaptable tool designed to enhance the quality of prompts for a wide range of uses. Whether you're using it with ChatGPT for conversations, finding ideas for blog posts and essays, creating visual art, or working on academic projects, this tool represents a new level of interaction with AI.

By harnessing the power of Junia's AI Prompt Generator, you can:

  • Improve your efficiency in AI-related tasks
  • Unlock new possibilities for creative expression

Understanding AI Prompt Generation

When you interact with an AI system, like when you ask it to write a message or generate an image, the words or instructions you give it are called a prompt . AI prompt generators, such as Junia's AI Prompt Generator, are specialized tools powered by OpenAI's large Language models that help you come up with these prompts. They utilize sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand your intentions and create the most effective input for the AI.

How Junia's AI Prompt Generator Works

Junia 's AI Prompt Generator is designed to provide contextual details in ChatGPT prompts. It follows a series of steps to ensure optimal prompt generation:

  • Data Processing : Using NLP techniques, the tool comprehends human language, including the meaning of words, their usage in sentences, and the overall goal of your prompt.
  • Algorithmic Learning : By leveraging machine learning algorithms, Junia's tool learns from examples and identifies patterns in data. This knowledge is then utilized to generate prompts that align with your specific requirements.
  • Customization : The generator allows for personalized prompts based on factors like style, subject, tone , and desired keywords. By incorporating specialized instructions or guidelines, you can tailor the prompts to your needs.
  • Interactivity Optimization : An important focus of this tool is optimizing prompt quality to elicit the best response from the AI. Whether generating text or images, a well-crafted prompt significantly impacts the output.

Junia AI's AI Prompt Writer also functions as a generator for ChatGPT prompts , Dalle prompts , Midjourney prompts , and various other AI models. It is a versatile tool that can be utilized across different platforms and applications, offering valuable assistance in generating prompts for a wide array of tasks.

It goes beyond simply expediting tasks; it enables clear expression of ideas while ensuring AI technology comprehends and supports them.

Benefits of Using Junia's AI Prompt Generator

Junia's AI Prompt Generator serves as an effective tool for prompt engineering , offering solutions to overcome obstacles to creativity and boost productivity in multiple disciplines. By delivering customized prompts, this tool simplifies the process of generating content, be it for social media, educational resources or entertainment.

1. Image Generation

The rise of AI that can turn text into images has completely changed the world of digital art and content creation. Junia's AI Prompt Generator is a key player in this creative transformation, providing a variety of prompts that make generating images easier. Artists and content creators sometimes hit a wall creatively, but the right prompt can spark loads of inspiration. Here's how Junia's tool boosts productivity and encourages new ideas:

How Junia's Tool Enhances Productivity and Fosters Innovation

1. overcoming creative blocks.

Even the most talented artists sometimes hit a wall. The AI prompt generator acts as a digital muse, offering fresh perspectives and ideas that can ignite the spark of creativity.

2. Productivity Boost

Time is precious, especially when meeting tight deadlines for social media campaigns or educational materials. The generator provides a variety of prompts quickly, streamlining the brainstorming phase and accelerating project timelines.

3. Diverse Content Creation

Whether for social media content, educational purposes, or entertainment, the prompts from Junia's tool are crafted to cater to a wide audience. With prompts tailored to different themes and styles, creators can easily produce visuals that resonate with their target demographic.

4. Synergy with Text-to-Image AI Generators

By integrating prompts from Junia's AI Prompt Generator with advanced text-to-image platforms like MidJourney, Dalle or Stable Diffusion , creators can manifest complex ideas into tangible visuals. These generators interpret the nuanced language of the prompts to produce images ranging from hyper-realistic to stylistically abstract.

5. Enhanced Visual Storytelling

For those looking to tell a story through imagery, the right prompt can set the tone for a compelling narrative. Junia's tool helps conceptualize scenes that can later be transformed into stunning visual stories by text-to-image AI generators.

Through these benefits, Junia's AI Prompt Generator not only simplifies the task of coming up with original ideas but also empowers creators to explore new artistic horizons. By leveraging such innovative tools, one can seamlessly translate abstract thoughts into striking visual representations.

2. Blog Generation

Bloggers often need to consistently create new and interesting content that connects with their audience and performs well in search engine rankings. This is where Junia's AI Prompt Generator can be incredibly helpful.

Key Advantages:

  • SEO-Friendly Ideas: By entering relevant keywords, bloggers can get custom prompts that follow SEO best practices, increasing their chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Structure and Flow: The prompts act as a framework for blog posts , giving ideas a clear structure and making it easier to organize thoughts, which is important for keeping readers engaged.
  • Overcoming Writer's Block: When creativity is lacking, Junia's tool provides a starting point with thought-provoking prompts that can inspire fresh perspectives on topics or uncover hidden subtopics.

Expanding Reach in Various Areas:

  • Social Media Content: Create prompts specifically for the fast-paced world of social media, where attention-grabbing headlines and interesting topics drive traffic and interactions.
  • Education: Educators can use the generator to come up with informative blog posts that resonate with students or colleagues, encouraging a love for learning and discussion.
  • Entertainment: Entertainment bloggers can explore popular themes and genres to create content that captures readers' attention and keeps them coming back for more.

Enhancing Productivity:

The AI prompt generator isn't just about generating ideas; it's about boosting productivity by:

  • Providing instant suggestions to save time on brainstorming.
  • Offering different perspectives that may not have been considered otherwise.
  • Allowing writers to focus more on the quality of content rather than the initial topic selection process.

By incorporating Junia's AI Prompt Generator into their blogging routine, writers unlock a smooth flow of ideas that result in high-quality blog posts tailored to their audience's interests while also meeting search engine requirements. This tool not only makes the content creation process easier but also improves the blogging landscape with innovative and optimized content.

3. Creative Writing for AI Tools (e.g., ChatGPT)

Writers and artists often struggle with creative blocks, unable to come up with fresh ideas. Junia's AI Prompt Generator is here to help! It serves as a source of inspiration, helping you overcome these obstacles and boost your productivity. This tool is especially useful for creative writers who are using advanced AI ChatBots like ChatGPT, as it can generate one-of-a-kind writing prompts that will get your creativity flowing.

Benefits for Creative Minds:

  • Overcoming Creative Blocks: By providing an array of thought-provoking stimuli, Junia's AI Prompt Generator helps disrupt stagnant creative phases.
  • Boosting Productivity: Time otherwise spent in pursuit of the initial spark can be redirected toward actual content creation, thanks to the generator’s rapid prompt delivery.
  • Diverse Content Creation: Whether the aim is to craft narratives for social media content, educational materials, or entertainment pieces, Junia's tool caters to a broad spectrum.

Pushing Boundaries with ChatGPT:

AI prompts from Junia's toolkit enrich the interaction between human creativity and machine intelligence. Such prompts elevate the capabilities of AI tools like ChatGPT by:

  • Sparking New Ideas: Each prompt serves as a catalyst, igniting fresh ideas that lead to unprecedented storytelling avenues.
  • Encouraging Dynamic Responses: Unique prompts elicit more nuanced and unexpected responses from AI models, adding depth to the conversation.
  • Tailoring Content: Writers can tailor prompts to specific genres or themes, ensuring relevance and appeal for their target audience.

Junia's AI Prompt Generator thus acts not only as a creative ally but also as a strategic partner in content generation across various platforms. By integrating this tool into the creative process, writers and artists harness the synergy between human ingenuity and artificial intelligence—leading to a richer, more vibrant tapestry of digital expression.

4. Essay Writing and Research

For students and researchers, it can be difficult to go from a vague idea to a well-structured essay or research paper. One of the biggest challenges is choosing the right topic and formulating the right questions. That's where Junia's AI Prompt Generator comes in handy! It's a powerful tool that offers many advantages, making it easier and faster to come up with ideas

Criteria for an Effective Prompt for AI

Crafting a powerful and effective prompt can mean the difference between a valuable output and a confusing one. But what exactly makes a good prompt?

Understanding Different AI Models

Different AI models are designed to handle specific types of tasks. Therefore, it's essential to understand their unique capabilities when creating prompts. For instance:

  • Language models like GPT-4 often respond better to clear directives within their prompts.
  • Recommendation systems , on the other hand, may prefer user-specific data incorporated into their prompts to generate tailored recommendations.
  • Image recognition models require distinctly different inputs, often in the form of visual data.

Developing Prompts for Content Generation

Prompts for content generation need to be more nuanced and detailed because they need to guide the AI in producing complex outputs such as essays, reports or blog posts.

To create an efficient content generation prompt:

  • Clearly specify your desired style and tone: If you want a professional report, mention this explicitly in your prompt.
  • Include keywords or phrases: Highlighting important concepts or themes helps guide the AI's output.
  • Give examples: When possible, provide an example of the kind of content you want.

Formulating Prompts for Image Generation

Image generation is a unique field within AI, requiring a different approach towards prompt creation. Here are some tips:

  • Use descriptive language: The more detailed your description, the better the AI can generate an image that matches your vision.
  • Specify colors and shapes: These details can greatly enhance the accuracy of the generated image.
  • Request specific styles or themes: If you want an image in a particular artistic style (e.g., impressionist, abstract), be sure to include this in your prompt.

When using Junia's AI Prompt Generator, keep the following tips in mind to maximize your creative potential and enhance your AI interactions:

  • Be Clear and Specific : Write prompts that clearly communicate what you want the AI to generate. Use concise and specific language to avoid ambiguity and get the desired results.
  • Experiment with Different Approaches : Don't be afraid to try different styles and formats for your prompts. You can experiment with open-ended questions, descriptive scenarios, or even provide partial sentences for the AI to complete. This will help you explore various creative possibilities.
  • Provide Context and Constraints : Give the AI some context or constraints to work within. For example, if you're looking for a specific genre or tone, mention it in your prompt. This will guide the AI in generating more relevant and tailored responses.
  • Use Interesting Triggers : Incorporate intriguing keywords or phrases into your prompts to spark the AI's imagination. Unusual or unexpected triggers can lead to unique and innovative outputs.
  • Utilize Industry-Specific Terms : If you're working on a project in a particular field or industry, use relevant terminology in your prompts. This will ensure that the generated content is aligned with the subject matter and adds credibility to your work.
  • Break Down Complex Concepts : If you need the AI to explain a complex concept or provide step-by-step instructions, break it down into smaller parts in your prompt. This will help the AI understand and generate more accurate responses.
  • Encourage Creativity : Prompt the AI with prompts that encourage creative thinking and exploration of new ideas. Push boundaries by asking thought-provoking questions or requesting alternative perspectives on a topic.
  • Iterate and Refine : Don't settle for the first prompt you write. Experiment with different variations, iterate, and refine your prompts based on the outputs you receive. This will help you fine-tune the AI's responses to better suit your needs.

Remember, Junia's AI Prompt Generator is a tool designed to amplify your creativity and productivity. By following these prompt writing tips, you can unlock the full potential of AI in your creative projects, research endeavors, and content creation.

By understanding these criteria and tailoring your prompts accordingly, you can optimize your interactions with diverse AI models and maximize their potential output.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is an AI prompt generator? An AI prompt generator is an innovative tool at the forefront of AI technology, designed to provide contextual prompts for various purposes such as content generation, social media content, education, entertainment, and more.
  • How does Junia's AI Prompt Generator work? Junia's AI Prompt Generator is designed to provide contextual prompts based on specific needs. It enhances productivity and fosters innovation by overcoming creative blocks, expanding reach in various areas, and enhancing productivity for tasks such as blog generation, creative writing, essay writing, image generation and research.
  • What are the benefits of using Junia's AI Prompt Generator? Junia's AI Prompt Generator stands as a powerful ally in content generation, social media content creation, education, entertainment, and more. It helps in overcoming creative blocks, enhancing productivity, fostering innovation, and expanding reach in various areas such as SEO-friendly ideas and social media content.
  • How can Junia's AI Prompt Generator help you overcome challenges? Junia's tool can assist you in overcoming challenges by providing contextual prompts for various purposes such as creative writing, essay writing and research. It also helps in developing effective prompts for content generation and image generation while enriching the interaction between writers and artists with tools like ChatGPT.
  • What are the key advantages of using an AI prompt generator? An AI prompt generator offers key advantages such as providing SEO-friendly ideas for bloggers by entering relevant keywords, creating prompts specifically for social media content to expand reach in various areas, and enhancing productivity by generating a wide array of thought-provoking prompts.
  • What are the criteria for an effective prompt for AI? Crafting a powerful and effective prompt can mean the difference between success and failure. Effective prompts need to be more nuanced and detailed to cater to different AI models designed to handle specific types of tasks such as content generation or image generation.

Studying / Writing Tools

Essay Topic Generator

book notes

What do you do when you know what type of essay you need to write but can’t think of a proper topic? Answer: Come to our Essay Topic Generator and let us create the kind of topics you need to get started.

Need to write a controversial essay? Select that type from the drop down menu and click on the Generate Topic button!

Need to write an argumentative essay? No problem—we’ve got that covered as well!

Need to write a compare and contrast essay but don’t know what to write it about? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s see how it works!

How to Use Essay Topic Generator

Our essay topic generator is simple to use. You start by selecting the type of essay you will be writing. Options include: controversial essay, persuasive essay, personal narrative, and many more.

Once you’ve selected the type of essay you want, just click on the big blue Generate Topics button. Your first result will give you a topic idea followed by a proposed Essay Title.

For example, let’s say you have to write a controversial essay but can’t think of a topic. Select controversial essay from the drop down bar, and click the blue button. The first result you receive might be a topic on gun control. Gun control is a controversial topic in America, right? See how simple it is?

Well, say you don’t want to write on gun control—no problem. Hit that blue button again. You’ll get another result—maybe abortion as a topic. Abortion is a super controversial topic and would be a great subject for a controversial essay. But maybe you don’t want to write on that either. So smash that button again! We have hundreds of topic ideas and we’re sure you’ll find one that strikes your fancy.

Choose Your Essay Type

Essay topics.

Okay—so what? You’ve got a topic. Now you have to explore that topic. What’s that mean? It means you have to get to know the topic and understand it before you can expect to write about it. The topic is basically just a broad field for you play in. But in order to connect with your reader, you need to narrow the field. Think of your topic as a ballpark and connecting with your reader as a series of bases that have to be tagged before you can make it home. The topic tells you which ballpark you’ll be playing in—but you still need to step up to the plate and put the ball in play for your audience to care.

So how do you put the ball in play? That’s where our suggested Essay Title can help. It might strike you as a bunt or, meh, as a single. Or you make get one that strikes you as a double or a triple—or maybe one that even looks a like a homerun. It doesn’t really matter because a title is about putting the ball in play. You’re narrowing the focus and just trying to reach base in most cases. Once you’re on you can think about how to get from first to second or from second to third. The end goal is to make it to home plate. But the title is where it starts. It gets you thinking in the right direction. That’s why we don’t just stop at generating a topic idea for you. We also give you a great title to think about. So keep hitting that blue button and generating more results for yourself until you find one that fits!

From Essay Topic to Essay Title

The  essay topic  gets you in the right ballpark, the essay title lets you put the ball in play, and now you have to round the bases—i.e., write your essay. What are the steps to doing this? How do you go from topic to title to writing? Think about the bases on the base path. What shape do they make if you trace a line from home to first to second to third and back to home plate? They make a diamond shape. That’s why it’s called the baseball diamond. Now consider the writing process as a similar shape that you need to create. You’re creating a diamond for your reader and it is basically a step by step process just like rounding the bases.

Need help coming up with a title? Try our  essay title generator.

First, you need to touch first base. Let’s say first base is where you brainstorm using the title you’ve been provided. For example, if you like the title, “Should Public Schools Allow Teachers to Carry Weapons?” you can brainstorm the pros and cons of teacher carry schools. What would be the benefits of having armed teachers in public schools? What would be the drawbacks? What would be your preference if you were a student in such a school? Jot down your answers to these questions. There! See? Now you’re on first base.

Let’s get you over to second. Reaching second base is about pulling those ideas together and giving them some shape. This is where you want to start creating an outline for your essay. You bring these ideas together and arrange them in a way that makes sense. Your outline should start with an introduction that tells what you’ll be looking at in the essay. Then create a section for each point you want to cover: a section for the pros, a section for the cons, and a section for your personal view. Then follow that up with a conclusion that reiterates your points. There you go—that’s an outline!

Now you have to get to third base. Easy—start writing! Follow your outline to stay in the base paths and before you know it you’ll be rounding third and heading for home. To get to home plate all you need to do is go back and edit your essay!

Additional Title Information

You’ll notice that once you hit that big blue button we don’t just give you a topic and a title. We also give you Additional Info. This is where we provide with some more tips to think about when you got to make your outline. For example, with an essay on gun control, you might want to give both perspectives by arguing for one side and then writing a rebuttal. So pay attention to the Additional Info that we offer because it will help you round those bases.

Our Essay Topic Generator is a great way for anyone with writer’s block to get ideas on a topic. Click on the type of essay you need to write by selecting it from the drop down bar. Then click on the Generate Topics button. We’ll give you a topic that fits the type of essay you’re writing. We’ll also give you an essay title to help you get started with the brainstorming process. Finally, we’ll hit you up with some helpful additional info that you can use to flesh out your outline and round the bases towards writing your essay. Hey—no need to thank us! That’s why we’re here: we know that when it comes to writing, every little bit helps.

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đŸ€– The Free AI Prompt Generator

Prompting isn't as easy as they make it sound. Writing an AI prompt requires careful thought and consideration, as the tone of your prompts can have a major impact on user experience. But you can always take a help of an AI prompt generator to create perfect prompts for your preferred text-to-text or text-to-image AI.

You'll love these AI Prompts

Don't believe me? Check for yourself

Prompting is an art. An art that requires not only technical know-how but also an understanding of the language, culture and psychology behind it. Writing AI prompts is a different process than writing for humans, in that you must take into consideration not only the content but how the AI should interpret it.

You need to ensure that the AI generator that you're working with understands the intent of your prompts. This means talking in the language of the AI and using keywords that it understands. For example, Midjourney requires you to give it attributes using "--" characters. Similarly, there's a negative prompt box in Stable Diffusion that requires you to enter attributes that you don't want associated with your prompts.

But all this can be made easy using an AI prompt generator that is pre-trained with a list of keywords that the AI can use to interpret your prompts. This allows you to create more effective prompts by ensuring the AI understands and interprets them correctly.

But for those who're new to prompting, here's a guide to help you write AI prompts that are more effective.

What Is AI Prompting?

AI prompting is a process by which you provide generic textual input to an AI generator, which then uses this input to generate a unique output (text, image, sound, video, or other media). Typically, this is done with the use of keywords and phrases that help the AI understand what kind of output it should create.. By using various Natural Language Processing techniques, the AI generator can interpret and reformat your input to create something that is not only unique but also more meaningful.

Steps For Writing Effective AI Prompts

Learning to write AI Prompts is similar to learning any new language. It requires that you understand the syntax, structure, and intent of your input in order for it to be interpreted correctly. To help you out, here are some steps that will ensure your prompts are more effective:

  • Read the AI generator's documentation and familiarise yourself with the interface and terminology.
  • Brainstorm words, phrases, and ideas related to what you want your AI generator to produce.
  • Group these words into themes or topics that are appropriate for the AI generator's output.
  • Use keywords in combination with natural language to create your prompts, making sure they include actions and context that the AI generator can interpret.
  • Test your prompts on the AI generator to see how they are interpreted and adjust accordingly.

Tips For Writing Effective AI Prompts

When it comes to writing effective AI prompts, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind. Here are some of the best practices to help ensure your prompts generate the desired outcome:

  • Be concise and specific with your prompts. The more detailed and precise your input is, the more accurate the output will be. But ensure you do not overcomplicate the prompt, either.
  • Use keywords that the AI generator will recognise. This will help the AI understand the intent behind your prompts and improve its accuracy. For example, text-to-image AI generators like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney prefer when you mention the artist or photographer style you want to use in your output.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment. Try different wording, syntax, and keywords to see how they are interpreted by the AI generator and make adjustments accordingly.
  • Test your prompts before using them in production. Testing helps you identify any issues with your prompts and make necessary changes before deploying them.

Remember, the success of your AI generator depends on the quality of your input. So take your time to craft each prompt carefully and test it thoroughly.

How To Use An AI Prompt Generator?

An AI prompt generator is a pre-trained system that helps you quickly generate effective prompts for AI generators. It uses a list of pre-defined phrases and keywords to generate meaningful prompts that your AI generator can interpret accurately.

For example, if you're looking to generate ChatGPT Prompts, you can use the ChatGPT Prompt Generator to quickly generate prompts that will be understood by the AI generator. Similarly, for Midjourney, you can use the Midjourney Prompt generator to easily generate prompts in its specific language.

And don't just use the AI prompt generator to generate prompts. You can even use these generated prompts to learn more about the syntax and language of the AI generator. This will help you craft better prompts in the future.

Get 3 New Researched Prompts Every Wednesday

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Click the "Generate Prompt(s)" button above to get prompts.

About the Writing Prompt Generator

The writing prompt generator is a digital tool that provides unique and inspiring prompts to help writers overcome creative blocks and spark new ideas. With just the click of a button, users can access an endless supply of thought-provoking scenarios, characters, settings, and themes to jumpstart their writing process.

Whether you're looking to start a new story, break out of a rut in your current project, or simply exercise your creativity muscles, this generator offers endless possibilities for writers of all genres and skill levels. From quirky prompts that push boundaries to classic scenarios that evoke nostalgia, the writing prompt generator is a valuable resource for any writer seeking inspiration.

How to Use the Writing Prompt Generator

Creating random writing prompts is easy with our tool. Just select the options you want above and then click "Generate Prompt(s)" to create unique and creative writing prompts.

Story Starters

Below are 20 story starters that you can use if you get stuck.

  • The Last Goodbye: Write about a character who is saying goodbye to their home before it's demolished.
  • Unexpected Inheritance: A character unexpectedly inherits an old mansion, which comes with a mysterious set of instructions.
  • Lost Letter: A lost love letter surfaces 50 years late and lands in the hands of the recipient's grandchild.
  • Secret Society: A character stumbles upon a secret society during their mundane job at the city archives.
  • Alien Arrival: Aliens land on Earth, but their purpose is not what humans expect.
  • Time Capsule: A character finds a time capsule buried by their parent, containing predictions about the future.
  • The Great Heist: Write about a character planning an unusual heist in a high-tech world.
  • Parallel Worlds: A scientist accidentally creates a portal to a parallel world that is slightly off from their own.
  • Waking Up Elsewhere: A character wakes up in a different country, with no memory of how they got there.
  • The Last of Its Kind: A character discovers they are the last person on Earth who can perform a forgotten skill.
  • Undercover Assignment: A character must go undercover in a high-stakes environment, only to discover a personal connection to their assignment.
  • Ghostly Guide: A ghost that only the main character can see insists on helping them solve an old mystery.
  • Unexplained Phenomenon: A small town is plagued by a bizarre, unexplained phenomenon every year at the same time.
  • Forbidden Zone: A character crosses into a zone that’s been off-limits for decades, only to find it untouched by time.
  • Cursed Object: A character receives an artifact that grants wishes, but each wish comes with a high cost.
  • The New Planet: Humanity's first colony on a new planet starts to experience inexplicable events linked to the planet itself.
  • Ancient Prophecy: A character finds an ancient prophecy that seems to be about them—and it’s not good news.
  • Virtual Reality Gone Wrong: A character gets trapped inside a virtual reality game, and the only way out is to win.
  • Historical Mystery: A character in the modern day discovers a mystery hidden in historical documents that could change history.
  • Superpower Surge: On their birthday, a character suddenly develops a superpower, and they must decide how to use it.

Writing Prompts for Kids

Below are lists of various writing prompts you can use for kids.

  • Using these 6 words create a story: apple pie, alligator, train, rabbit, star, hamburger.
  • Imagine what would happen if you woke up with wings one morning. How would you feel? What would you do? What would your day be like?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up, and why? Tell us the story of a regular day in your life when you grow up.
  • If you could have any secret superpower you wanted, which would you choose and why?
  • Write a story about what would it be like to climb the highest mountain in the world.
  • Tell us about your favorite animals. What do you like about them?
  • If you were in charge of running the school menu, what would you serve each day?
  • What is your favorite holiday? Why?
  • You were turned into a frog by an evil witch! Tell us about what you would do if this happened!
  • If you could be any animal you wanted, which would you choose and why?

Writing Prompts for 2nd Grade

  • Tell me about the time that someone did something kind for you. How did it make you feel?
  • Imagine it is a sunny Summer day. What would you do? How would you have fun?
  • Tell us about a time where you were scared. What happened? How was it solved?
  • It is your birthday! You can do whatever you want and eat your favorite things! Tell me what your ideal birthday would be like.
  • What is your favorite game to play?
  • You can turn into any animal you want for a day. Which one do you choose and why?
  • What is your favorite food and why do you like it so much?
  • What is your favorite film and why? When did you watch it for the first time and how did you feel at the time?
  • Tell us about your favorite book and what makes it special.
  • Tell us about your best friend.

Writing Prompts for 3rd Grade

  • If you could only eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
  • Snow day! You don't have to go to school and you get to do whatever you want ! How would you organize your day to have as much fun as possible?
  • If you could make a new school rule, what would it be and how it would change everyday life at school?
  • If you were given 100 dollars, what would you use them for?
  • Imagine what an average day in your life will be like when you grow up.
  • When was a time where you did something kind for someone else? How did you feel?
  • Which animal makes the best pet?
  • Tell us about someone that you look up to. Why do you admire them?
  • What was something you found difficult to do at first, but then you learned?
  • Your best friend is feeling sad. What would you do to make them feel better?

Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

  • Imagine a friend comes to visit you from another country. Which places in your town would you show them and why?
  • If you could stop having 4 seasons and only have your favorite season forever, would you do it? Why?
  • Should kids in 4th grade have social media? Why or why not?
  • Describe your favorite game (or sport)to someone that has never played it before.
  • If you are having a bad day, what do you do to feel better?
  • Tell us about your favorite animal and why it is your favorite.
  • Tell us about your role model. Why do you look up to them?
  • Plan the perfect day. What would you do? What would you eat? Where would you go?
  • Think about a day you will always remember. What happened, why was the day so special?
  • What do you think is the most useful invention of all time? Tell us about it. Why is it so important?

Writing Prompts for 5th Grade

  • Are you excited about starting middle school? How do you think your life will change?
  • Tell us about the worst book you have ever read. What made it so terrible?
  • Do you remember your first day ever of school? How did you feel? Did you like school or did you not?
  • Imagine your school lets you organize a field trip. Where would your class go? What would you do?
  • Have you ever tried food from another country? Tell us about it, and if you liked it. If you haven't, which is a foreign food you would like to try?
  • Should 5th-grade students be allowed to stay at home alone for the entire day? Why?
  • Do you think standardized tests are helpful or not?
  • Write an essay convincing the teacher about a class pet.
  • What are three lessons parents must teach their kids?
  • Write an essay explaining how, in group projects, everybody gets hurt if somebody doesn't do their part.

Writing Prompts for Middle School

  • If you could live inside a videogame, which would you choose and why?
  • Imagine you could know one thing about your future. What would you like to find out and why?
  • What do you think it is the biggest problem people your age face nowadays?
  • If you could send one message to all the people of the world, what would you say?
  • If you could meet any character from a videogame, a book or a movie who would you choose and why?
  • Uniforms in school. Why or why not?
  • Imagine inventing a new holiday. What would it be like, what would be celebrated?
  • Zoos. Are you for or against? Explain the why behind your choice.
  • Should young kids be allowed to have a phone? Why or why not? What about social media?
  • If you could do one thing to change the world, what would it be? How would it change the world?
  • Accessibility

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Latest Writing Prompts

Essence extraction.

Imagine a procedure to extract the essence of a person before they become a zombie, to be reinserted once a cure is found. Explore This Prompt Further →

Cure Conundrum

Research an experimental cure for the zombie virus that reactivates portions of the brain. Explore This Prompt Further →

Phantom Memories

Write a tale about a zombie experiencing “phantom memories”, echoes from their past. Explore This Prompt Further →

Homo Necrosis

Imagine a world where the outbreak never happened, but a virus still transforms the human brain, turning people into “zombies”. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Consciousness

Explore the possibility of a conscious existence within the mind of a zombie. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Hive Mind

Consider a zombie world where there isn’t a singular leader, but a collective zombie consciousness or hive mind. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Matriarch

Envision a zombie apocalypse ruled by a nurturing but potent “Mother” zombie. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Corporation

Consider a more business-structure hierarchy where there is a CEO-like zombie making decisions, with various tiers of zombies beneath them. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Alpha Zombie

Write about a “survival-of-the-fittest” zombie society, driven by an Alpha zombie who leads and dictates the zombies’ actions. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Monarchy

Explore the possibility of a royal monarchy, complete with a king, queen, and court, within a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Solitary Walker

Sketch a monologue from the viewpoint of a zombie, trying to recollect fragments of forgotten human life. Explore This Prompt Further →

Descent into Despair

Write a diary entry of someone who is bitten and is transforming into a zombie. Explore This Prompt Further →

Last Humanity Stand

Create a monologue that captures the moment a leader rouses their jaded group to make a stand against the zombie horde. Explore This Prompt Further →

Chronicles of Survival

Write a series of journal entries from the perspective of a survivalist in a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

Z-Day Confessionals

Craft a monologue spoken by a character who has a harrowing secret connected to the zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

Forgotten Knowledge

Create a character who uses forgotten or overlooked skills to survive after the apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

Last Day on the Job

Imagine a survivor who experienced the breakout on their last day of work. Explore This Prompt Further →

Fractured Bonds

Write about a character whose relationships undergo drastic changes due to the zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

From Comfort to Chaos

Create a backstory for a survivor who had everything before the apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Unlikely Hero

Write about a character that is an unlikely survivor in a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

Religious Zombies

Envision zombies retaining their religious beliefs, essentially becoming religious zombies. Explore This Prompt Further →

Miraculous Transformation

Write about a character who prayed fervently during the apocalypse and was subsequently immune to the zombie virus. Explore This Prompt Further →

Heavenly Battleground

Consider a world where religious texts predicted the zombie apocalypse and provided ways to combat them. Explore This Prompt Further →

Divine Wrath or Injustice

Suppose that people believe a zombie apocalypse is a divine punishment or a test of their faith. Explore This Prompt Further →

Sacred Survival

Write a piece where a religious leader takes charge to guide and protect their community during a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Old Human vs The New Human

Imagine a world where the surviving humans evolve, giving birth to a new species while the ‘old’ humans struggle to survive without these new abilities. Explore This Prompt Further →

Unexpected Symbiosis

Envision a scenario where the parasite responsible for the zombie outbreak forms a symbiotic relationship with its human host. Explore This Prompt Further →

Apex Predators

Write about humans evolving a new set of skills to hunt and kill the zombies, now that they are the apex predators. Explore This Prompt Further →

Terrifying Evolution

Imagine a world where the zombie virus has evolved to the point where zombies can think, feel, plan and co-operate. Explore This Prompt Further →

Survival Adaptation

Write a story about a group of survivors who develop unique physical mutations to survive a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Diary of a Zombie

Write a diary entry from the perspective of a self-aware zombie. Explore This Prompt Further →

Love Among the Ruins

Detail a romantic relationship that blooms amidst a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

Facing The Horde

Narrate a scenario where you have to confront a group of zombies to save your post-apocalyptic community. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Betrayed Leader

Write about a leader who is a secret zombie sympathizer during a zombie apocalypse. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Utopia

Imagine that the zombie apocalypse led not to a dismal dystopia, but to a surprising utopia. Explore This Prompt Further →

Yearning for the Past

Narrate the sentiment of longing for the lost civilization through the perspective of a character. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Forgotten Arts

Write about the revival of forgotten skills or arts in the face of a collapsed civilization. Explore This Prompt Further →

A Leader Rises

Imagine a new form of leadership that emerges in the chaotic post-apocalypse world. Explore This Prompt Further →

Last Standing Structures

Depict the known landmarks or monuments and how they still stand in your narrated post-apocalypse world. Explore This Prompt Further →

Collapse Chronicles

Illustrate what life is like after the fall of civilization, focusing on day-to-day survival and emotions. Explore This Prompt Further →

Question of Justice

Write about a zombie standing trial for their actions while they were under the influence of zombification. Explore This Prompt Further →

Write a story about a group of enlightened zombies creating their own utopian community post human extinction. Explore This Prompt Further →

Unearthing Forgotten Loves

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, write about a zombie who stumbles upon his/her/their old diary, reviving forgotten feelings and memories. Explore This Prompt Further →

Zombie Savior

Construct a narrative where zombies are not the antagonists, but the heroes who save mankind. Explore This Prompt Further →

Reviving the Heartbeat

Write about a zombie, who, after years of being lifeless is suddenly back with a beating heart. Explore This Prompt Further →

A Day In Toy’s Life

Write a story from your toy’s perspective about a regular day with you. Explore This Prompt Further →

Bond of Love

Write a heartfelt letter to your favorite toy expressing how much it means to you. Explore This Prompt Further →

Toy Interview

Suppose you could interview your favorite toy. What kind of questions would you ask and how would it respond? Explore This Prompt Further →

Magic Transformation

What if your favorite toy magically turned into a real creature or person? Write a story about it. Explore This Prompt Further →

Toy’s Adventure

Imagine your favorite toy going on an epic adventure. Where would they go? What would they do? Explore This Prompt Further →

Winning the Podrace

Write about the thrilling and dangerous experience of Anakin winning the high-speed and adrenaline-packed podracing. Explore This Prompt Further →

Touched by the Force

Narrate about Anakin discovering he has special powers of the Force and how he learned to use them. Explore This Prompt Further →

A Glimpse of Hope

Describe the moment when Anakin first sees Jedi and dreams of becoming one. Explore This Prompt Further →

Friendship with Droids

Imagine being young Anakin and having your best friend as a droid, how would that friendship influence his feelings towards machines. Explore This Prompt Further →

Living the Space Slave Life

Write a story from the perspective of a young Anakin Skywalker, detailing the hardships and occasional joys of living as a space slave. Explore This Prompt Further →

5. From Ordinary to Executive

Overnight, your high school protagonist finds themselves promoted to a high-stakes executive position. Explore This Prompt Further →

4. Creature Chronicles

Your protagonist discovers that they can see and communicate with mythical creatures no one else can. Describe their experiences. Explore This Prompt Further →

3. Reversing the Curse

Your protagonist is living under a curse they desperately want to reverse. What is the curse, and how does it affect their daily life? Explore This Prompt Further →

2. A World Divided

Craft a story around a dystopian world where society has changed drastically. Your protagonist is a teenager trying to navigate this world. Explore This Prompt Further →

1. The Day Everything Changed

Describe a momentous day in your character’s life when the ordinary became extraordinary and everything they thought they knew was turned on its head. Explore This Prompt Further →

Double Identity Crisis

A teenager leads a double life – one as an ordinary student, and another as a talented secret agent. Explore This Prompt Further →

Post-Apocalyptic Survivor

In a world ravaged by an apocalypse, a young adult must use their ingenuity and strength to survive and find other survivors. Explore This Prompt Further →

New Planet Chronicles

A group of teenagers are the first humans to grow up on a newly colonized planet. Explore This Prompt Further →

Haunted Past

A teen discovers that their new home is haunted by a ghost. Rather than being afraid, they become best friends. Explore This Prompt Further →

High School Reimagined

Imagine a high school where all the typical stereotypes are reversed. Explore This Prompt Further →

Redeemed by Friendship

Write about a villain who reforms due to the positive influence of a friend. Explore This Prompt Further →

Unlikely Allies

Imagine a scenario where your villain has to team up with a hero for a common cause. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Betrayed Villain

Write a scene in which your villain is betrayed by their most trusted friend. Explore This Prompt Further →

Bonding in Their Badness

Craft a scenario where two villains find a common ground and form an alliance. Explore This Prompt Further →

Friends in Low Places

Write a backstory for your villain where they form a treasured friendship that influences their nefarious behavior. Explore This Prompt Further →

Friendships’ Album

Reflect on the dynamics and value of your friendships over the past year. Explore This Prompt Further →

Stepping Stone

Reflect on how your experiences this school year have prepared you for your future. Explore This Prompt Further →

Last Year’s Letter

Imagine you found a letter you wrote to yourself at the beginning of this school year. What would it say, and how would you respond now? Explore This Prompt Further →

The Person I’ve Become

Considering the challenges and triumphs of the past year, write a descriptive piece about the person you have evolved into. Explore This Prompt Further →

Year in Review

Write an essay reflecting on the past school year, highlighting achievements, struggles, and self-improvement. Explore This Prompt Further →

Peering Through The Fear

Describe a time when you were terrified, the outcome, and how you dealt with fear afterwards. Explore This Prompt Further →

Unsaid Goodbye

Write a heartfelt goodbye letter to someone you never had the chance to say farewell to. Explore This Prompt Further →

Journal of Gratitude

Write a daily entry listing three things you’re grateful for and why. Explore This Prompt Further →

Empathy Exercise

Choose a person you struggle to understand or get along with, and write a narrative from their perspective. Explore This Prompt Further →

Mapping Emotional Landscapes

Visualize an emotional journey you’ve had in life and write about it as if it were a physical trip. Explore This Prompt Further →

Wolf in Disguise

Construct a fairytale where a friendly wolf is misunderstood because of its appearance. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Magical Object

Write a story about a magical object that grants wishes, but with unexpected consequences. Explore This Prompt Further →

Once Upon A Dream

Craft a fairytale that begins with the main character waking up from an unusual dream. Explore This Prompt Further →

Journey of the Lost Crown

Imagine you are a prince or princess who has lost their crown and embark on a journey to get it back. Explore This Prompt Further →

Enchanted Forest Adventure

Create a story about a day in an enchanted forest filled with magical creatures. Explore This Prompt Further →

First Vigilante Act

Write about your superhero’s first step into crime-fighting, and their emotions during this crucial phase. Explore This Prompt Further →

Costume Designing Day

Tell the story of your superhero’s decision to create a costume, and describe its significance. Explore This Prompt Further →

Superhero Origin Story

Your superhero isn’t born a hero. Write about the pivotal event that transforms them from an ordinary individual to a savior. Explore This Prompt Further →

Unveiling the Power

Describe the moment your superhero first discovers their superpower. Explore This Prompt Further →

Finding the Name

Write about your superhero discovering their superhero name. Explore This Prompt Further →

Leap Year Chronicle

Pen a short story about an extraordinary event that only happens on the 29th of February. Explore This Prompt Further →

Frozen Fantasy

Describe an encounter with a mythical creature in a February snowstorm. Explore This Prompt Further →

Global Celebration Canvas

Explore a global festival celebrated in February and imagine creating an artistic masterpiece inspired by it. Explore This Prompt Further →

February the Optimist

Create a personification of February and narrate a day in its life. Explore This Prompt Further →

Valentines Voyager

Compose an imaginative piece where you are a love letter written by a secret admirer, journeying to your recipient. Explore This Prompt Further →

Unraveling the Benevolent

Craft a narrative where a revered hero slowly transforms into a villain. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Reluctant Evil

Write about a villain who didn’t choose the path of evil, but had it thrust upon them. Explore This Prompt Further →

Malleable Morality

Script a situation where the villain believes they are the hero. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Unseen Nemesis

Dive into the mind of a villain who is an invisible presence, exerting influence from the shadows. Explore This Prompt Further →

The Sympathetic Villain

Create a fantasy villain with a backstory that evokes sympathy. Explore This Prompt Further →

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Writing a DBQ Essay

Dbq essay generator.

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If you’re a History major or enrolled in a History class, you may be appalled to know that your instructor has assigned your class to write a DBQ essay. You probably haven’t got the faintest idea what’s that supposed to mean. You don’t even know what DBQ stands for. If you’re stuck in a situation like this, you need to familiarize yourself with DBQ before your exams will take place. If your instructor has not taught you what DBQ is all about (and they probably have not since you are here!), here are some ways on how to prepare and write a DBQ essay. You may also see Descriptive Essay Examples .

  • Academic Essay Examples
  • Parts of an Essay

DBQ is known as document-based-question is an unusual type of a formatted timed essay on most AP History Exams; whatever your major is; AP US History, AP European History, and AP World History. This kind of essay is given during exams where students are required to analyze a certain and important event or issues that happened in history with the help of the provided sources or documents as evidence. You may also see Formal Essay Example .

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Preparing for the DBQ essay

1. Familiarize yourself what to do when writing a DBQ essay.

During the exam, students are given 15 minutes to read the given prompt, analyze the documents and make some draft to write your reference essay . When the time is up, you are to start writing your essay. The actual writing process only takes around 15 minutes. The 15-minute mark may depend whether it covers only one prompt or more.

2. Take note of the prompt.

You need to determine what kind of evidence you will need to find in the documents or data that you have, based on the prompt question. Always circle or underline the specific society, organizations, or any groups of people being asked about, the time period, and the key concepts (such as the social, economic, or cultural issues that were prevalent at that time period) that are mentioned in the prompt. Here are some prompt DBQ essays samples that are likely to be asked for you to do the following: You may also see  Evaluation Essay Examples .

The sample prompts are discussions related to the Progressive Era in the United States of America. You are asked to do the following:

  • Prompt 1: Analyze the extent to which a historical stereotype is true for a given period or concept. Example: Analyze the extent to which the Suffragettes were depicted as manly, uncivilized women during the 1890s to the 1920s.
  • Prompt 2: Analyze multiple reasons that cause a particular movement to develop.

Example: Analyze the reasons that the Progressive Movement gained momentum during the 1890s to the 1920s in the United States.

  • Prompt 3: Compare and contrast differing attitudes toward a concept or policy.

Example: Compare and contrast the differing attitudes towards women’s rights in America from 1890 to 1920.

  • Prompt 4: Analyze the degree of truth in particular statement examples . Take a stance on the statement.

Example: Analyze the degree of truth in the statement: Women’s rights were a major part of the Progressive Era in America from the 1890s to the 1920s.

  • Prompt 5: Analyze the impact of an event or concept on some part of American society.

Example: Analyze the impact of the Progressive era on American society in the 1890s to the 1920s.

  • Prompt 6: Analyze the relative importance of a specific factor or factors on an event or concept.

Example: Analyze the importance of women’s roles in WWI to the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

(All sample prompts are from www.wikihow.com)

3. Think up for more information about the societies, time period, or theme related to the given prompt.

This kind of information is what you may have learned in class or read about in your textbook. The additional information that you have will support your answers in your essay writing . You may use the documents provided to support your additional information. Additional information may be events in history, themes you studied about the time period you are writing about, revolutions, prominent people, and more. Take note of this information as they will be relevant to your essay later.

Here is an example from www.wikihow.com:

Think about the major career goals of the Progressive era, such as increased health and safety codes in factories, limiting child labor, more innovations in technology, the rise of the number of immigrants, the WWI, the rise of unions, and the monopoly of major men such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc.

The best thing to remember this for you to study in advance or take notes of this information when your professor discusses them during class.

essay generator with prompt

4. Formulate your own opinion in the given subject. 

Determine what you can say about the given topic. What perspective do you have in mind during the issues in this era? What do you think is the importance of this issue? Is it worth studying it? What lessons did you obtain from these issues? These answers must be based from your own point of view, not others. You may also see  Comparative Essay Samples .

An example from www.wikihow.com:

What stands out about the Progressive era? What do you think about woman’s fight for suffrage?

5. Formulate your own assumption before you look at the documents. 

Of course, the prominent issues in a certain era happened because of a reason. While there is a given theory as an explanation why things happened, you could create your own theory based what are the other possible reasons why these events happened, what may be the hushed controversies during that time period, etc. When you’ve formulated these assumptions, you will be able to determine quickly how the given documents are effective in your essay. You may also see  Argumentative Essay Examples .

Here are some examples of assumptions from www.wikihow.com you could come up with based on the given prompt listed above.

  • Prompt 1: Suffragettes were seen as unpatriotic, unfeminine women by the people who opposed the idea of women having the right to vote during the 1890s-1920s in the United States.
  • Prompt 2: The Progressive movement gained power in the 1890s to 1920s since lots of American citizens were shocked by the poor living conditions and the economic climate in which trusts dominated the major sources of income in America.
  • Prompt 3: In the United States; during the 1890s to the 1920s, some women joined the suffragettes to fight for the right to vote. However other women, particularly the elite class, snubbed at the suffragettes because they believed that women were meant to be housewives.
  • Prompt 4: The Women’s Rights movement was a big part of the Progressive era from the years 1890 to 1920 in the United States.
  • Prompt 5: The Progressive era majorly impacted American society drastically in terms of economics, politics, and culture during the 1890s to the 1920s.
  • Prompt 6: Women were able to gain the right to vote, due to the fact that they made up most of the workforce during WWI.

6. Analyze the given documents

The documents that have been provided can include historical writings or publications like quotations, journal entries, letters, book excerpts, newspaper clippings, charts, maps, tables, photographs, illustrations, artifacts, cartoons, archived videos or as from the time period. Ask the question to yourself: You may also see  Persuasive Essay with Examples .

  • What is the main idea of each document?
  • How does a document relate to the prompt?
  • How does the document will help your assumptions?

Jot down the notes you need from the given documents. This will help you formulate your essay easier instead of repeatedly scanning the documents during the writing examples . Pay some attention to the chronology of the documents. Look for any changes over time. Pay attention also to the contrasting information that was provided in the documents.

Example (from www. wikihow.com):

A letter about the methods used to obtain the right to vote sent from one suffragette to another is in contrast with an article in a newspaper depicting suffragettes as unpatriotic women who hoped to sabotage WWI for the United States.

You may also add additional information such as laws being passed, treaties between nations, letter from past rulers of every country, etc. to support your assumptions and proving your point. You may also see Last Minute Essay Example .

  • The Bill of Rights. The Women’s Rights movement resulted in the establishment of the 19th Amendment.
  •  A list made by suffragettes at a meeting about their strategies for getting the right to vote.

DBQ Sample Essay

DBQ Sample Essay

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DBQ Essay Outline

DBQ Essay Outline

Writing the essay

Your introduction should start about writing a sentence or two of the historical context about the time period you are writing about. You may also see Outline Essay Example .

The Progressive Era, which took place roughly from 1890-1920, was a time of  political, economic, and cultural reform in the United States. The Women’s Rights Movement was one of the movements that gained momentum during this time.

6. Write your assumption statements.

Follow these statements with a brief sentence that focuses on the topic or themes that will be covered in each following paragraph. You may also see Informative Essay Example .

During the 1890s to the 1920s in the United States, some women joined the suffragettes in their fight for the right to vote, while other women, particularly those of the elite class, looked down at the suffragettes because they believed that women were meant to stay in the home. In the following paragraphs, these two different reactions to suffragettes will be compared and contrasted.

7. Write your content paragraphs.

Your content paragraphs should be placed in a logical order. When referring to documents, use the title of the documents that you used. Each paragraph must have a topic sentence. This explains what your paragraphs are going to be about. Put as many paragraphs as this will help make sense for your prompt. You may also see Essay Examples in DOC .

List and analyze the documents you presented in the DBQ essay. Quotations that directly came from your documents must be done in a meaningful way. Remember to use quotes sparingly.

8. Add citations

If you ever mention a document that was the sources from your given documents; add parentheses and the number of the document at the end of the sentence.

  • Women who were not suffragettes but still supported the movement wrote letters discussing their desire to help (doc 2).

9. Provide your conclusion 

Write your conclusions after you put the important points that support your analysis in your essay. Your conclusion will restate your assumptions and summarizes what you have proved in your essay. This is a crucial part of your essay as this will provide higher points in your analysis essay if your conclusion is adequate states what you have written in your essay.

10.Review your essay

Don’t forget to double check the dates and places you put in your essay by looking at the documents and make sure what you have written down match the information with the documents. The last thing you need is for your essay to be invalid since you put down wrong information just because you misspelled a name or forgot to put down the name of the place where the event took place. You may also see Free Essay Examples .

Now that you are familiar with writing a DBQ essay, it would not be too hard in your part to write a good and strong essay to land yourself a good grade. Not only you get to have a good grade, in the grueling process, you also learned some new knowledge. You may also see Reflective Essay Examples .


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Write a DBQ Essay analyzing the causes of the American Revolution.

Discuss the impacts of industrialization on society in a DBQ Essay.

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OpenAI Unveils New ChatGPT That Listens, Looks and Talks

Chatbots, image generators and voice assistants are gradually merging into a single technology with a conversational voice.

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A photo of a large cement building with expansive glass windows.

By Cade Metz

Reporting from San Francisco

As Apple and Google transform their voice assistants into chatbots, OpenAI is transforming its chatbot into a voice assistant.

On Monday, the San Francisco artificial intelligence start-up unveiled a new version of its ChatGPT chatbot that can receive and respond to voice commands, images and videos.

The company said the new app — based on an A.I. system called GPT-4o — juggles audio, images and video significantly faster than previous versions of the technology. The app will be available starting on Monday, free of charge, for both smartphones and desktop computers.

“We are looking at the future of the interaction between ourselves and machines,” said Mira Murati, the company’s chief technology officer.

The new app is part of a wider effort to combine conversational chatbots like ChatGPT with voice assistants like the Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri. As Google merges its Gemini chatbot with the Google Assistant, Apple is preparing a new version of Siri that is more conversational.

OpenAI said it would gradually share the technology with users “over the coming weeks.” This is the first time it has offered ChatGPT as a desktop application.

The company previously offered similar technologies from inside various free and paid products. Now, it has rolled them into a single system that is available across all its products.

During an event streamed on the internet, Ms. Murati and her colleagues showed off the new app as it responded to conversational voice commands, used a live video feed to analyze math problems written on a sheet of paper and read aloud playful stories that it had written on the fly.

The new app cannot generate video. But it can generate still images that represent frames of a video.

With the debut of ChatGPT in late 2022 , OpenAI showed that machines can handle requests more like people. In response to conversational text prompts, it could answer questions, write term papers and even generate computer code.

ChatGPT was not driven by a set of rules. It learned its skills by analyzing enormous amounts of text culled from across the internet, including Wikipedia articles, books and chat logs. Experts hailed the technology as a possible alterative to search engines like Google and voice assistants like Siri.

Newer versions of the technology have also learned from sounds, images and video. Researchers call this “multimodal A.I.” Essentially, companies like OpenAI began to combine chatbots with A.I. image , audio and video generators.

(The New York Times sued OpenAI and its partner, Microsoft, in December, claiming copyright infringement of news content related to A.I. systems.)

As companies combine chatbots with voice assistants, many hurdles remain. Because chatbots learn their skills from internet data, they are prone to mistakes. Sometimes, they make up information entirely — a phenomenon that A.I. researchers call “ hallucination .” Those flaws are migrating into voice assistants.

While chatbots can generate convincing language, they are less adept at taking actions like scheduling a meeting or booking a plane flight. But companies like OpenAI are working to transform them into “ A.I. agents ” that can reliably handle such tasks.

OpenAI previously offered a version of ChatGPT that could accept voice commands and respond with voice. But it was a patchwork of three different A.I. technologies: one that converted voice to text, one that generated a text response and one that converted this text into a synthetic voice.

The new app is based on a single A.I. technology — GPT-4o — that can accept and generate text, sounds and images. This means that the technology is more efficient, and the company can afford to offer it to users for free, Ms. Murati said.

“Before, you had all this latency that was the result of three models working together,” Ms. Murati said in an interview with The Times. “You want to have the experience we’re having — where we can have this very natural dialogue.”

An earlier version of this article misstated the day when OpenAI introduced its new version of ChatGPT. It was Monday, not Tuesday.

How we handle corrections

Cade Metz writes about artificial intelligence, driverless cars, robotics, virtual reality and other emerging areas of technology. More about Cade Metz

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

News Corp, the Murdoch-owned empire of publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, announced that it had agreed to a deal with OpenAI to share its content  to train and service A.I. chatbots.

The Silicon Valley company Nvidia was again lifted by sales of its A.I. chips , but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

Researchers at the A.I. company Anthropic claim to have found clues about the inner workings  of large language models, possibly helping to prevent their misuse and to curb their potential threats.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.

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5 Reasons to Use OpenAI's ChatGPT App for Mac

On May 13, OpenAI during its Spring Update announced that it would be releasing a desktop ChatGPT app for the Mac in the "coming weeks," and said that ahead of a wider launch it had started rolling out the app to some ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

Access the ChatGPT Launcher

For a while now, it's been possible to use OpenAI's chatbot on iPhone via the official ChatGPT iOS app , but most desktop users have relied on visiting the website in a browser. Thanks to ChatGPT for Mac, things feel a lot more integrated. Using the keyboard shortcut Option + Space, you can instantly invoke the app's Launcher and ask the conversational AI to help you with some task or project, but you also get fast access to several other key features.

6chatgpt mac app

Take a Screenshot

Clicking the paperclip icon also brings up some useful additional options, such as the ability to take a screenshot of any open app window (even if it's off-screen) or your entire desktop, and query it with ChatGPT. For example, we queried a screenshot of a recent MacRumors article covering Apple Music's Top 10 Albums of All Time , and asked ChatGPT to provide a summary of top critics' reviews for each album, which it duly did.

1chatgpt mac app screenshot

Take a Photo

"Take a Photo" is another option that you can access via the paperclip button. Clicking it automatically brings up the current output of your Mac's FaceTime camera or an attached webcam.

chatgpt photo

The only problem right now is that the shutter button remains on the camera feed on your Mac's screen, rather than switching to your ‌iPhone‌. This is probably an oversight that OpenAI will rectify soon.

Customize ChatGPT

In the app's settings (accessed via ChatPGT ➝ Settings
 in the menu bar when the app's main window is active) there are several options that let you customize how ChatGPT works. You can control whether or not OpenAI uses your content to train its models, as well as change the desktop launcher keyboard shortcut and enable/disable GPT capabilities including web browsing, DALL·E image generator, and Code Interpreter.

chatgpt mac customization

The main app window also lets you access your conversation history and switch between any custom GPTs you have parked in your sidebar. Not only that, you can choose which version of ChatGPT you wish to query. For example, the introduction of the new multimodal GPT-4o model enhances response times, improves reasoning capabilities, and offers a better understanding of images and other content types.

When interacting with ChatGPT in the app's main window, there are buttons to dictate your query or alternatively start a two-way voice chat with the bot. In theory it sounds great, but in practice there's a delay between responses, and you have to wait for ChatGPT to stop speaking before you can give it a follow-up query or command. It's also not possible to access other features like taking a photo via voice. Fortunately, there's more to come on this front.

chatgpt voice mac

If you are a regular user of ChatGPT on Mac, using OpenAI's official app should be your go-to method of interacting with the AI chatbot. For a first version, the client is surprisingly polished, and invoking the Launcher via a keyboard shortcut makes using ChatGPT quicker and easier than ever before. It also offers a peek into a possible future where ChatGPT is fully integrated with Apple's operating systems.

4chatgpt mac app

  • Apple Wrapping Up OpenAI Deal to Bring ChatGPT Features to iOS 18

Note that the ChatGPT Mac app is currently only available to Plus subscribers ($20 per month), and only a limited subset of those users have been offered the download so far. We will say that there are download links to the app floating around on social media, and there is a fairly reliable way for any Plus subscriber to bypass the waitlist and get it to work. But if you have the patience to wait in line, OpenAI says that the ChatGPT Mac app will be available to users "more broadly in the coming weeks."

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Top rated comments.

tollickd Avatar

Am i the only one slightly concerned how everything is now going AI?

uptownjimmy Avatar

I know several people that lost their jobs to AI. They were artists. I’m getting quite concerned there will no longer be a need of any pro applications anymore.

Ethosik Avatar

Why exactly?

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    On Monday, the San Francisco artificial intelligence start-up unveiled a new version of its ChatGPT chatbot that can receive and respond to voice commands, images and videos. The company said the ...

  26. 5 Reasons to Use OpenAI's ChatGPT App for Mac

    Thanks to ChatGPT for Mac, things feel a lot more integrated. Using the keyboard shortcut Option + Space, you can instantly invoke the app's Launcher and ask the conversational AI to help you with ...