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Joint Variation – Formula, Examples | How to Solve Problems Involving Joint Variation?

Joint Variation definition, rules, methods and formulae are here. Check the joint variation problems and solutions to prepare for the exam. Refer to problems of direct and inverse variations and the relationship between the variables. Know the different type of variations like inverse, direct, combined and joint variation. Go through the below sections to check definition, various properties, example problems, value tables, concepts etc.

Joint Variation – Introduction

Joint Variation refers to the scenario where the value of 1 variable depends on 2 or more and other variables that are held constant. For example, if C varies jointly as A and B, then C = ABX for which constant “X”. The joint variation will be useful to represent interactions of multiple variables at one time.

Most of the situations are complicated than the basic inverse or direct variation model. One or the other variables depends on the multiple other variables. Joint Variation is nothing but the variable depending on 2 or more variables quotient or product. To understand clearly with an example, The amount of busing candidates for each of the school trip varies with the no of candidates attending the distance from the school. The variable c (cost) varies jointly with n (number of students) and d (distance).

Joint Variation problems are very easy once you get the perfection of the lingo. These problems involve simple formulae or relationships which involves one variable which is equal to the “one” term which may be linear (with just an “x” axis), a quadratic equation (like “x²) where more than one variable (like “hr²”), and square root (like “\sqrt{4 – r^2\,}4−r2​”) etc.

Functions of 2 or More Variables

It is very uncommon for the output variable to depend on 2 or more inputs. Most of the familiar formulas describe the several variables functions. For suppose, if the rectangle perimeter depends on the length and width. The cylinder volume depends on its height and radius. The travelled distance depends on the time and speed while travelling. The function notation of the formulas can be written as

P = f(l,w) = 2l + 2w where P is the perimeter and is a function of width and length

V = f(r,h) = Πr²h where V is the volume and is a function of radius and height

d = f(r,t) = rt where d is the distance and is a function of time and rate.

Tables of Values

Just for the single variable functions, we use the tables to describe two-variable functions. The heading of the table shows row and column and it shows the value if two input variables and the complete table shows the values of the output variable.

You can easily make graphs in three dimensions for two-variable functions. Instead of representing graphs, we represent functions by holding two or one variable constants.

Also, Read:

  • What is Variation
  • Practice Test on Ratio and Proportion

How to Solve Joint Variation Problems?

Follow the step by step procedure provided below to solve problems involving Joint Variation and arrive at the solution easily. They are along the lines

Step 1: Write the exact equation. The problems of joint variation can be solved using the equation y =kxz. While dealing with the word problems. you should also consider using variables other than x,y and z. Use the variables which are relevant to the problem being solved. Read the problem carefully and determine the changes in the equation of joint variation such as cubes, squares or square roots.

Step 2: With the help of the information in the problem, you have to find the value of k which is called the constant of proportionality and variation.

Step 3: Rewrite the equation starting with 1 substituting the value of k and found in step 2.

Step 4: Use the equation in step 3 and the information in the problem to answer the question. While solving the word problems, remember including the units in the final answer.

Joint Variation Problems with Solutions

The area of a triangle varies jointly as the base and the height. Area = 12m² when base = 6m and height = 4m. Find base when Area = 36m² and height = 8m?

The area of the triangle is represented with A

The base is represented with b

Height is represented with h

As given in the question,

A = 12m² when B = 6m and H = 4m

We know the equation,

A = kbh where k is the constant value

12 = k(6)(4)

Divide by 24 on both sides, we get

12/24 = k(24)/24

The value of k = 1/2

As the equation is

To find the base of the triangle of A = 36m² and H = 8m

36 = 1/2(b)(8)

Dividing both sides by 4, we get

36/4 = 4b/4

The value of base = 9m

Hence, the base of the triangle when A = 36m² and H = 8m is 9m

Wind resistance varies jointly as an object’s surface velocity and area. If the object travels at 80 miles per hour and has a surface area of 30 square feet which experiences 540 newtons wind resistance. How much fast will the car move with 40 square feet of the surface area in order to experience a wind resistance of 495 newtons?

Let w be the wind resistance

Let s be the object’s surface area

Let v be the object velocity

The object’s surface area = 80 newtons

The wind resistance = 540 newtons

The object velocity = 30

w = ksv where k is the constant

(540) = k (80) (30)

540 = k (2400)

540/2400 = k

The value of k is 9/40

To find the velocity of the car with s = 40, w = 495 newtons and k = 9/40

Substitute the values in the equation

495 = (9/40) (40) v

The velocity of a car is 55mph for which the object’s surface area is 40 and wind resistance is 495 newtons

Hence, the final solution is 55mph

For the given interest, SI (simple interest) varies jointly as principal and time. If 2,500 Rs left in an account for 5 years, then the interest of 625 Rs. How much interest would be earned, if you deposit 7,000 Rs for 9 years?

Let i be the interest

Let p be the principal

Let t be the time

The interest is 625 Rs

The principal is 2500

The time is 5 hours

i = kpt where k is the constant

Substituting the values in the equation,

(625) = k(2500)(5)

625 = k(12,500)

Dividing 12,500 on both the sides

625/12,500 = k (12,500)/12,500

The value of k = 1/20

To find the interest where the deposit is 7000Rs for 9 years, use the equation

i = (1/20) (7000) (9)

i = (350) (9)

Therefore, the interest is 3,150 Rs, if you deposit 7,000 Rs for 9 years

Thus, the final solution is Rs. 3,150

The volume of a pyramid varies jointly as its height and the area of the base. A pyramid with a height of 21 feet and a base with an area of 24 square feet has a volume of 168 cubic feet. Find the volume of a pyramid with a height of 18 feet and a base with an area of 42 square feet?

Let v be the volume of a pyramid

Let h be the height of a pyramid

Let a be the area of a pyramid

The volume v = 168 cubic feet

The height h = 21 feet

The area a = 24 square feet

V = Kha where K is the constant,

168 = k(21)(24)

168 = k(504)

Divide 504 on both sides

168/504 = k(504)/504

The value of k = 1/3

To find the volume of a pyramid with a height of 18 feet and a base with an area of 42 square feet

h = 18 feet

a = 42 square feet

V = (1/3) (18) (42)

V = (6) (42)

V = 252 ft³

The volume of the pyramid = 252 ft³ which has a height of 18 feet and a base with an area of 42 square feet

Therefore, the final solution is 252 ft³

The amount of oil used by a ship travelling at a uniform speed varies jointly with the distance and the square of the speed. If the ship uses 200 barrels of oil in travelling 200 miles at 36 miles per hour, determine how many barrels of oil are used when the ship travels 360 miles at 18 miles per hour?

No of barrels of oil = 200

The distance at which the oil is travelling = 200 miles

The distance at which the ship is travelling = 36 miles per hour

A = kds² where k is constant

200 = k.200.(36)²

Dividing both sides by 200

200/200 = k.200.(36)²/200

1 = k.(36)²

The value of k is 1/1296

To find the no of barrels when the ship travels 360 miles at 18 miles per hour

A = 1/1296 * 360 * 18²

Therefore, 90 barrels of oil is used when the ship travels 360 miles at 18 miles per hour

Thus, the final solution is 90 barrels

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  • Joint Variation

If more than two variables are related directly or one variable changes with the change product of two or more variables it is called as joint variation .

If X is in joint variation with Y and Z, it can be symbolically written as X α YZ. If Y is constant also then X is in direct variation with Z. So for joint variation two or more variables are separately in direct variation. So joint variation is similar to direct variation but the variables for joint variation are more than two.

Equation for a joint variation is X = KYZ where K is constant.

One variable quantity is said to vary jointly as a number of other variable quantities, when it varies directly as their product. If the variable A varies directly as the product of the variables B, C and D, i.e., if.A ∝ BCD or A = kBCD (k = constant ), then A varies jointly as B, C and D. 

For solving a problems related to joint variation first we need to build the correct equation by adding a constant and relate the variables. After that we need determine the value of the constant. Then substitute the value of the constant in the equation and by putting the values of variables for required situation we determine the answer.

We know, area of a triangle = ½ × base × altitude. Since ½ is a constant, hence area of a triangle varies jointly as its base and altitude.  A is said to vary directly as B and inversely as C if A ∝ B ∙ \(\frac{1}{C}\)  or A = m ∙ B ∙ \(\frac{1}{C}\)  (m = constant of variation) i.e., if A varies jointly as B and \(\frac{1}{C}\) .

If x men take y days to plough z acres of land, then x varies directly as z and inversely as y.

1.  The variable x is in joint variation with y and z. When the values of y and z are 4 and 6, x is 16. What is the value of x when y = 8 and z =12?

The equation for the given problem of joint variation is

x = Kyz where K is the constant.

For the given data

16 = K  ×  4  ×  6

or, K = \(\frac{4}{6}\) .

So substituting the value of K the equation becomes

x =  \(\frac{4yz}{6}\)

Now for the required condition

x = \(\frac{4 × 8 × 12}{6}\)

   = 64

Hence the value of x will be 64.

2.  A is in joint variation with B and square of C. When A = 144, B = 4 and C = 3. Then what is the value of A when B = 6 and C = 4?

From the given problem equation for the joint variation is

From the given data value of the constant K is

K =   \(\frac{BC^{2}}{A}\)

K = \(\frac{4 × 3^{2}}{144}\)

   =  \(\frac{36}{144}\)

    = \(\frac{1}{4}\) .

Substituting the value of K in the equation

A =  \(\frac{BC^{2}}{4}\)

A = \(\frac{6 × 4^{2}}{4}\)

   = 24

3. The area of a triangle is jointly related to the height and the base of the triangle. If the base is increased 10% and the height is decreased by 10%, what will be the percentage change of the area?

We know the area of triangle is half the product of base and height. So the joint variation equation for area of triangle is A = \(\frac{bh}{2}\)  where A is the area, b is the base and h is the height.

Here \(\frac{1}{2}\)  is the constant for the equation.

Base is increased by 10%, so it will be b x \(\frac{110}{100}\)  = \(\frac{11b}{10}\) .

Height is decreased by 10%, so it will be h x \(\frac{90}{100}\)  = \(\frac{9h}{10}\) .

So the new area after the changes of base and height is

\(\frac{\frac{11b}{10} \times \frac{9h}{10}}{2}\)

= (\(\frac{99}{100}\) )\(\frac{bh}{2}\)  = \(\frac{99}{100}\) A.

So the area of the triangle is decreased by 1%.

4. A rectangle’s length is 6 m and width is 4 m. If length is doubled and width is halved, how much the perimeter will increase or decrease?

Formula for the perimeter of rectangle is P = 2(l + w) where P is perimeter, l is length and w is width.

This is joint variation equation where 2 is constant.

So P = 2(6 + 4) = 20 m

If length is doubled, it will become 2l.

And width is halved, so it will become \(\frac{w}{2}\) .

So the new perimeter will be P = 2(2l +  \(\frac{w}{2}\) ) = 2(2 x 6 +  \(\frac{4}{2}\) ) = 28 m.

So the perimeter will increase by (28 - 20) = 8 m.

●   Variation

  • What is Variation?
  • Direct Variation
  • Inverse or Indirect Variation
  • Theorem of Joint Variation
  • Worked out Examples on Variation
  • Problems on Variation

11 and 12 Grade Math  

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Joint or Combined Variation

These lessons help Algebra students learn about joint or combined variation.

Related Pages: Proportions Joint Variation Word Problems Direct Variation Inverse Variation More Algebra Lessons

The following figure shows Joint Variation. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions of Joint and Combine Variations.

Joint Variation

What is Joint Variation or Combined Variation?

Joint Variation or Combined Variation is when one quantity varies directly as the product of at least two other quantities.

For example: y = kxz y varies jointly as x and z, when there is some nonzero constant k

Joint Variation Examples

Example: Suppose y varies jointly as x and z. What is y when x = 2 and z = 3, if y = 20 when x = 4 and z = 3?

Example: z varies jointly with x and y. When x = 3, y = 8, z = 6. Find z, when x = 6 and y = 4.

Joint Variation Application

Example: The energy that an item possesses due to its motion is called kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of an object (which is measured in joules) varies jointly with the mass of the object and the square of its velocity. If the kinetic energy of a 3 kg ball traveling 12 m/s is 216 Joules, how is the mass of a ball that generates 250 Joules of energy when traveling at 10 m/s?

Distinguish between Direct, Inverse and Joint Variation

Example: Determine whether the data in the table is an example of direct, inverse or joint variation. Then, identify the equation that represents the relationship.

Combined Variation

In Algebra, sometimes we have functions that vary in more than one element. When this happens, we say that the functions have joint variation or combined variation. Joint variation is direct variation to more than one variable (for example, d = (r)(t)). With combined variation, we have both direct variation and indirect variation.

How to set up and solve combined variation problems?

Example: Suppose y varies jointly with x and z. When y = 20, x = 6 and z = 10. Find y when x = 8 and z =15.

Lesson on combining direct and inverse or joint and inverse variation

Example: y varies directly as x and inversely as the square of z, and when x = 32, y = 6 and z = 4. Find x when y = 10 and z = 3.

How to solve problems involving joint and combined variation?

If t varies jointly with u and the square of v, and t is 1152 when u is 8 and v is 4, find t when v is 5 and u is 5.

The amount of oil used by a ship traveling at a uniform speed varies jointly with the distance and the square of the speed. If the ship uses 200 barrels of oil in traveling 200 miles at 36 miles per hour, determine how many barrels of oil are used when the ship travels 360 miles at 18 miles per hour.

Designer Dolls found that its number of Dress-Up Dolls sold, N, varies directly with their advertising budget, A, and inversely proportional with the price of each doll, P. When $54,00 was spent on advertising and the price of the doll is $90, then 9,600 units are sold. Determine the number of dolls sold if the amount of advertising budget is increased to $144,000.

Example: y varies jointly as x and z and inversely as w, and y = 3/2, when x = 2, z =3 and w = 4. Find the equation of variation.

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5.8 Modeling Using Variation

Learning objectives.

In this section, you will:

  • Solve direct variation problems.
  • Solve inverse variation problems.
  • Solve problems involving joint variation.

A pre-owned car dealer has just offered their best candidate, Nicole, a position in sales. The position offers 16% commission on her sales. Her earnings depend on the amount of her sales. For instance, if she sells a vehicle for $4,600, she will earn $736. As she considers the offer, she takes into account the typical price of the dealer's cars, the overall market, and how many she can reasonably expect to sell. In this section, we will look at relationships, such as this one, between earnings, sales, and commission rate.

Solving Direct Variation Problems

In the example above, Nicole’s earnings can be found by multiplying her sales by her commission. The formula e = 0.16 s e = 0.16 s tells us her earnings, e , e , come from the product of 0.16, her commission, and the sale price of the vehicle. If we create a table, we observe that as the sales price increases, the earnings increase as well, which should be intuitive. See Table 1 .

Notice that earnings are a multiple of sales. As sales increase, earnings increase in a predictable way. Double the sales of the vehicle from $4,600 to $9,200, and we double the earnings from $736 to $1,472. As the input increases, the output increases as a multiple of the input. A relationship in which one quantity is a constant multiplied by another quantity is called direct variation . Each variable in this type of relationship varies directly with the other.

Figure 1 represents the data for Nicole’s potential earnings. We say that earnings vary directly with the sales price of the car. The formula y = k x n y = k x n is used for direct variation. The value k k is a nonzero constant greater than zero and is called the constant of variation . In this case, k = 0.16 k = 0.16 and n = 1. n = 1. We saw functions like this one when we discussed power functions.

  • Direct Variation

If x and y x and y are related by an equation of the form

then we say that the relationship is direct variation and y y varies directly with, or is proportional to, the n n th power of x . x . In direct variation relationships, there is a nonzero constant ratio k = y x n , k = y x n , where k k is called the constant of variation , which help defines the relationship between the variables.

Given a description of a direct variation problem, solve for an unknown.

  • Identify the input, x , x , and the output, y . y .
  • Determine the constant of variation. You may need to divide y y by the specified power of x x to determine the constant of variation.
  • Use the constant of variation to write an equation for the relationship.
  • Substitute known values into the equation to find the unknown.

Solving a Direct Variation Problem

The quantity y y varies directly with the cube of x . x . If y = 25 y = 25 when x = 2 , x = 2 , find y y when x x is 6.

The general formula for direct variation with a cube is y = k x 3 . y = k x 3 . The constant can be found by dividing y y by the cube of x . x .

Now use the constant to write an equation that represents this relationship.

Substitute x = 6 x = 6 and solve for y . y .

The graph of this equation is a simple cubic, as shown in Figure 2 .

Do the graphs of all direct variation equations look like Example 1 ?

No. Direct variation equations are power functions—they may be linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, radical, etc. But all of the graphs pass through ( 0,0 ) . ( 0,0 ) .

The quantity y y varies directly with the square of x . x . If y = 24 y = 24 when x = 3 , x = 3 , find y y when x x is 4.

Solving Inverse Variation Problems

Water temperature in an ocean varies inversely to the water’s depth. The formula T = 14,000 d T = 14,000 d gives us the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at a depth in feet below Earth’s surface. Consider the Atlantic Ocean, which covers 22% of Earth’s surface. At a certain location, at the depth of 500 feet, the temperature may be 28°F.

If we create Table 2 , we observe that, as the depth increases, the water temperature decreases.

We notice in the relationship between these variables that, as one quantity increases, the other decreases. The two quantities are said to be inversely proportional and each term varies inversely with the other. Inversely proportional relationships are also called inverse variations .

For our example, Figure 3 depicts the inverse variation . We say the water temperature varies inversely with the depth of the water because, as the depth increases, the temperature decreases. The formula y = k x y = k x for inverse variation in this case uses k = 14,000. k = 14,000.

  • Inverse Variation

If x x and y y are related by an equation of the form

where k k is a nonzero constant, then we say that y y varies inversely with the n th n th power of x . x . In inversely proportional relationships, or inverse variations , there is a constant multiple k = x n y . k = x n y .

Writing a Formula for an Inversely Proportional Relationship

A tourist plans to drive 100 miles. Find a formula for the time the trip will take as a function of the speed the tourist drives.

Recall that multiplying speed by time gives distance. If we let t t represent the drive time in hours, and v v represent the velocity (speed or rate) at which the tourist drives, then v t = distance . v t = distance . Because the distance is fixed at 100 miles, v t = 100 v t = 100 so t = 100/ v . t = 100/ v . Because time is a function of velocity, we can write t ( v ) . t ( v ) .

We can see that the constant of variation is 100 and, although we can write the relationship using the negative exponent, it is more common to see it written as a fraction. We say that time varies inversely with velocity.

Given a description of an indirect variation problem, solve for an unknown.

  • Determine the constant of variation. You may need to multiply y y by the specified power of x x to determine the constant of variation.

Solving an Inverse Variation Problem

A quantity y y varies inversely with the cube of x . x . If y = 25 y = 25 when x = 2 , x = 2 , find y y when x x is 6.

The general formula for inverse variation with a cube is y = k x 3 . y = k x 3 . The constant can be found by multiplying y y by the cube of x . x .

Now we use the constant to write an equation that represents this relationship.

The graph of this equation is a rational function, as shown in Figure 4 .

A quantity y y varies inversely with the square of x . x . If y = 8 y = 8 when x = 3 , x = 3 , find y y when x x is 4.

Solving Problems Involving Joint Variation

Many situations are more complicated than a basic direct variation or inverse variation model. One variable often depends on multiple other variables. When a variable is dependent on the product or quotient of two or more variables, this is called joint variation . For example, the cost of busing students for each school trip varies with the number of students attending and the distance from the school. The variable c , c , cost, varies jointly with the number of students, n , n , and the distance, d . d .

Joint Variation

Joint variation occurs when a variable varies directly or inversely with multiple variables.

For instance, if x x varies directly with both y y and z , z , we have x = k y z . x = k y z . If x x varies directly with y y and inversely with z , z , we have x = k y z . x = k y z . Notice that we only use one constant in a joint variation equation.

A quantity x x varies directly with the square of y y and inversely with the cube root of z . z . If x = 6 x = 6 when y = 2 y = 2 and z = 8 , z = 8 , find x x when y = 1 y = 1 and z = 27. z = 27.

Begin by writing an equation to show the relationship between the variables.

Substitute x = 6 , x = 6 , y = 2 , y = 2 , and z = 8 z = 8 to find the value of the constant k . k .

Now we can substitute the value of the constant into the equation for the relationship.

To find x x when y = 1 y = 1 and z = 27 , z = 27 , we will substitute values for y y and z z into our equation.

A quantity x x varies directly with the square of y y and inversely with z . z . If x = 40 x = 40 when y = 4 y = 4 and z = 2 , z = 2 , find x x when y = 10 y = 10 and z = 25. z = 25.

Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with direct and inverse variation.

  • Direct and Inverse Variation

5.8 Section Exercises

What is true of the appearance of graphs that reflect a direct variation between two variables?

If two variables vary inversely, what will an equation representing their relationship look like?

Is there a limit to the number of variables that can vary jointly? Explain.

For the following exercises, write an equation describing the relationship of the given variables.

y y varies directly as x x and when x = 6 , y = 12. x = 6 , y = 12.

y y varies directly as the square of x x and when x = 4 , y = 80 .  x = 4 , y = 80 . 

y y varies directly as the square root of x x and when x = 36 , y = 24. x = 36 , y = 24.

y y varies directly as the cube of x x and when x = 36 , y = 24. x = 36 , y = 24.

y y varies directly as the cube root of x x and when x = 27 , y = 15. x = 27 , y = 15.

y y varies directly as the fourth power of x x and when x = 1 , y = 6. x = 1 , y = 6.

y y varies inversely as x x and when x = 4 , y = 2. x = 4 , y = 2.

y y varies inversely as the square of x x and when x = 3 , y = 2. x = 3 , y = 2.

y y varies inversely as the cube of x x and when x = 2 , y = 5. x = 2 , y = 5.

y y varies inversely as the fourth power of x x and when x = 3 , y = 1. x = 3 , y = 1.

y y varies inversely as the square root of x x and when x = 25 , y = 3. x = 25 , y = 3.

y y varies inversely as the cube root of x x and when x = 64 , y = 5. x = 64 , y = 5.

y y varies jointly with x x and z z and when x = 2 x = 2 and z = 3 , y = 36. z = 3 , y = 36.

y y varies jointly as x , z , x , z , and w w and when x = 1 , z = 2 , w = 5 , x = 1 , z = 2 , w = 5 , then y = 100. y = 100.

y y varies jointly as the square of x x and the square of z z and when x = 3 x = 3 and z = 4 , z = 4 , then y = 72. y = 72.

y y varies jointly as x x and the square root of z z and when x = 2 x = 2 and z = 25 , z = 25 , then y = 100. y = 100.

y y varies jointly as the square of x x the cube of z z and the square root of W . W . When x = 1 , z = 2 , x = 1 , z = 2 , and w = 36 , w = 36 , then y = 48. y = 48.

y y varies jointly as x x and z z and inversely as w w . When x = 3 , z = 5 x = 3 , z = 5 , and w = 6 w = 6 , then y = 10. y = 10.

y y varies jointly as the square of x x and the square root of z z and inversely as the cube of w .  w .  When x = 3 , z = 4 , x = 3 , z = 4 , and w = 3 , w = 3 , then y = 6. y = 6.

y y varies jointly as x x and z z and inversely as the square root of w w and the square of t . t . When x = 3 , z = 1 , w = 25 , x = 3 , z = 1 , w = 25 , and t = 2 , t = 2 , then y = 6. y = 6.

For the following exercises, use the given information to find the unknown value.

y y varies directly as x . x . When x = 3 , x = 3 , then y = 12. y = 12. Find y y wneh x = 20. x = 20.

y y varies directly as the square of x . x . When x = 2 , x = 2 , then y = 16. y = 16. Find y y when x = 8. x = 8.

y y varies directly as the cube of x . x . When x = 3 , x = 3 , then y = 5. y = 5. Find y y when x = 4. x = 4.

y y varies directly as the square root of x . x . When x = 16 , x = 16 , then y = 4. y = 4. Find y y when x = 36. x = 36.

y y varies directly as the cube root of x . x . When x = 125 , x = 125 , then y = 15. y = 15. Find y y when x = 1,000. x = 1,000.

y y varies inversely with x . x . When x = 3 , x = 3 , then y = 2. y = 2. Find y y when x = 1. x = 1.

y y varies inversely with the square of x . x . When x = 4 , x = 4 , then y = 3. y = 3. Find y y when x = 2. x = 2.

y y varies inversely with the cube of x . x . When x = 3 , x = 3 , then y = 1. y = 1. Find y y when x = 1. x = 1.

y y varies inversely with the square root of x . x . When x = 64 , x = 64 , then y = 12. y = 12. Find y y when x = 36. x = 36.

y y varies inversely with the cube root of x . x . When x = 27 , x = 27 , then y = 5. y = 5. Find y y when x = 125. x = 125.

y y varies jointly as x and z . x and z . When x = 4 x = 4 and z = 2 , z = 2 , then y = 16. y = 16. Find y y when x = 3 x = 3 and z = 3. z = 3.

y y varies jointly as x , z , and w . x , z , and w . When x = 2 , x = 2 , z = 1 , z = 1 , and w = 12 , w = 12 , then y = 72. y = 72. Find y y when x = 1 , x = 1 , z = 2 , z = 2 , and w = 3. w = 3.

y y varies jointly as x x and the square of z. z. When x = 2 x = 2 and z = 4 , z = 4 , then y = 144. y = 144. Find y y when x = 4 x = 4 and z = 5. z = 5.

y y varies jointly as the square of x x and the square root of z . z . When x = 2 x = 2 and z = 9 , z = 9 , then y = 24. y = 24. Find y y when x = 3 x = 3 and z = 25. z = 25.

y y varies jointly as x x and z z and inversely as w . w . When x = 5 , x = 5 , z = 2 , z = 2 , and w = 20 , w = 20 , then y = 4. y = 4. Find y y when x = 3 x = 3 and z = 8 , z = 8 , and w = 48. w = 48.

y y varies jointly as the square of x x and the cube of z z and inversely as the square root of w .  w .  When x = 2 , x = 2 , z = 2 , z = 2 , and w = 64 , w = 64 , then y = 12. y = 12. Find y y when x = 1 , x = 1 , z = 3 , z = 3 , and w = 4. w = 4.

y y varies jointly as the square of x x and of z z and inversely as the square root of w w and of t . t . When x = 2 , x = 2 , z = 3 , z = 3 , w = 16 , w = 16 , and t = 3 , t = 3 , then y = 1. y = 1. Find y y when x = 3 , x = 3 , z = 2 , z = 2 , w = 36 , w = 36 , and t = 5. t = 5.

For the following exercises, use a calculator to graph the equation implied by the given variation.

y y varies directly with the square of x x and when x = 2 , y = 3. x = 2 , y = 3.

y y varies directly as the cube of x x and when x = 2 , y = 4. x = 2 , y = 4.

y y varies directly as the square root of x x and when x = 36 , y = 2. x = 36 , y = 2.

y y varies inversely with x x and when x = 6 , y = 2. x = 6 , y = 2.

y y varies inversely as the square of x x and when x = 1 , y = 4. x = 1 , y = 4.

For the following exercises, use Kepler’s Law, which states that the square of the time, T , T , required for a planet to orbit the Sun varies directly with the cube of the mean distance, a , a , that the planet is from the Sun.

Using Earth’s time of 1 year and mean distance of 93 million miles, find the equation relating T T and a . a .

Use the result from the previous exercise to determine the time required for Mars to orbit the Sun if its mean distance is 142 million miles.

Using Earth’s distance of 150 million kilometers, find the equation relating T T and a . a .

Use the result from the previous exercise to determine the time required for Venus to orbit the Sun if its mean distance is 108 million kilometers.

Using Earth’s distance of 1 astronomical unit (A.U.), determine the time for Saturn to orbit the Sun if its mean distance is 9.54 A.U.

Real-World Applications

For the following exercises, use the given information to answer the questions.

The distance s s that an object falls varies directly with the square of the time, t , t , of the fall. If an object falls 16 feet in one se c ond, how long for it to fall 144 feet?

The velocity v v of a falling object varies directly to the time, t t , of the fall. If after 2 seconds, the velocity of the object is 64 feet per second, what is the velocity after 5 seconds?

The rate of vibration of a string under constant tension varies inversely with the length of the string. If a string is 24 inches long and vibrates 128 times per second, what is the length of a string that vibrates 64 times per second?

The volume of a gas held at constant temperature varies indirectly as the pressure of the gas. If the volume of a gas is 1200 cubic centimeters when the pressure is 200 millimeters of mercury, what is the volume when the pressure is 300 millimeters of mercury?

The weight of an object above the surface of Earth varies inversely with the square of the distance from the center of Earth. If a body weighs 50 pounds when it is 3960 miles from Earth’s center, what would it weigh it were 3970 miles from Earth’s center?

The intensity of light measured in foot-candles varies inversely with the square of the distance from the light source. Suppose the intensity of a light bulb is 0.08 foot-candles at a distance of 3 meters. Find the intensity level at 8 meters.

The current in a circuit varies inversely with its resistance measured in ohms. When the current in a circuit is 40 amperes, the resistance is 10 ohms. Find the current if the resistance is 12 ohms.

The force exerted by the wind on a plane surface varies jointly with the square of the velocity of the wind and with the area of the plane surface. If the area of the surface is 40 square feet surface and the wind velocity is 20 miles per hour, the resulting force is 15 pounds. Find the force on a surface of 65 square feet with a velocity of 30 miles per hour.

The horsepower (hp) that a shaft can safely transmit varies jointly with its speed (in revolutions per minute (rpm) and the cube of the diameter. If the shaft of a certain material 3 inches in diameter can transmit 45 hp at 100 rpm, what must the diameter be in order to transmit 60 hp at 150 rpm?

The kinetic energy K K of a moving object varies jointly with its mass m m and the square of its velocity v . v . If an object weighing 40 kilograms with a velocity of 15 meters per second has a kinetic energy of 1000 joules, find the kinetic energy if the velocity is increased to 20 meters per second.

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  • Authors: Jay Abramson
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: College Algebra 2e
  • Publication date: Dec 21, 2021
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  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-algebra-2e/pages/1-introduction-to-prerequisites
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Chapter 2: Linear Equations

2.7 Variation Word Problems

Direct variation problems.

There are many mathematical relations that occur in life. For instance, a flat commission salaried salesperson earns a percentage of their sales, where the more they sell equates to the wage they earn. An example of this would be an employee whose wage is 5% of the sales they make. This is a direct or a linear variation, which, in an equation, would look like:

[latex]\text{Wage }(x)=5\%\text{ Commission }(k)\text{ of Sales Completed }(y)[/latex]


A historical example of direct variation can be found in the changing measurement of pi, which has been symbolized using the Greek letter π since the mid 18th century. Variations of historical π calculations are Babylonian [latex]\left(\dfrac{25}{8}\right),[/latex] Egyptian [latex]\left(\dfrac{16}{9}\right)^2,[/latex] and Indian [latex]\left(\dfrac{339}{108}\text{ and }10^{\frac{1}{2}}\right).[/latex] In the 5th century, Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi calculated the value of π to seven decimal places (3.1415926), representing the most accurate value of π for over 1000 years.

Pi is found by taking any circle and dividing the circumference of the circle by the diameter, which will always give the same value: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716… (42 decimal places). Using an infinite-series exact equation has allowed computers to calculate π to 10 13 decimals.

[latex]\begin{array}{c} \text{Circumference }(c)=\pi \text{ times the diameter }(d) \\ \\ \text{or} \\ \\ c=\pi d \end{array}[/latex]

All direct variation relationships are verbalized in written problems as a direct variation or as directly proportional and take the form of straight line relationships. Examples of direct variation or directly proportional equations are:

  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as [latex]y[/latex] squared
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as [latex]y[/latex] cubed
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies directly as the square root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as the root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is proportional to the square root of [latex]y[/latex]

Example 2.7.1

Find the variation equation described as follows:

The surface area of a square surface [latex](A)[/latex] is directly proportional to the square of either side [latex](x).[/latex]

[latex]\begin{array}{c} \text{Area }(A) =\text{ constant }(k)\text{ times side}^2\text{ } (x^2) \\ \\ \text{or} \\ \\ A=kx^2 \end{array}[/latex]

Example 2.7.2

When looking at two buildings at the same time, the length of the buildings’ shadows [latex](s)[/latex] varies directly as their height [latex](h).[/latex] If a 5-story building has a 20 m long shadow, how many stories high would a building that has a 32 m long shadow be?

The equation that describes this variation is:


Breaking the data up into the first and second parts gives:

[latex]\begin{array}{ll} \begin{array}{rrl} \\ &&\textbf{1st Data} \\ s&=&20\text{ m} \\ h&=&5\text{ stories} \\ k&=&\text{find 1st} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }k\text{:} \\ h&=&kx \\ 5\text{ stories}&=&k\text{ (20 m)} \\ k&=&5\text{ stories/20 m}\\ k&=&0.25\text{ story/m} \end{array} & \hspace{0.5in} \begin{array}{rrl} &&\textbf{2nd Data} \\ s&=&\text{32 m} \\ h&=&\text{find 2nd} \\ k&=&0.25\text{ story/m} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }h\text{:} \\ h&=&kx \\ h&=&(0.25\text{ story/m})(32\text{ m}) \\ h&=&8\text{ stories} \end{array} \end{array}[/latex]

Inverse Variation Problems

Inverse variation problems are reciprocal relationships. In these types of problems, the product of two or more variables is equal to a constant. An example of this comes from the relationship of the pressure [latex](P)[/latex] and the volume [latex](V)[/latex] of a gas, called Boyle’s Law (1662). This law is written as:

[latex]\begin{array}{c} \text{Pressure }(P)\text{ times Volume }(V)=\text{ constant} \\ \\ \text{ or } \\ \\ PV=k \end{array}[/latex]

Written as an inverse variation problem, it can be said that the pressure of an ideal gas varies as the inverse of the volume or varies inversely as the volume. Expressed this way, the equation can be written as:


Another example is the historically famous inverse square laws. Examples of this are the force of gravity [latex](F_{\text{g}}),[/latex] electrostatic force [latex](F_{\text{el}}),[/latex] and the intensity of light [latex](I).[/latex] In all of these measures of force and light intensity, as you move away from the source, the intensity or strength decreases as the square of the distance.

In equation form, these look like:

[latex]F_{\text{g}}=\dfrac{k}{d^2}\hspace{0.25in} F_{\text{el}}=\dfrac{k}{d^2}\hspace{0.25in} I=\dfrac{k}{d^2}[/latex]

These equations would be verbalized as:

  • The force of gravity [latex](F_{\text{g}})[/latex] varies inversely as the square of the distance.
  • Electrostatic force [latex](F_{\text{el}})[/latex] varies inversely as the square of the distance.
  • The intensity of a light source [latex](I)[/latex] varies inversely as the square of the distance.

All inverse variation relationship are verbalized in written problems as inverse variations or as inversely proportional. Examples of inverse variation or inversely proportional equations are:

  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as the inverse of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]y[/latex] squared
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the square of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]y[/latex] cubed
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies inversely as the square root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies as the inverse root of [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the square root of [latex]y[/latex]

Example 2.7.3

The force experienced by a magnetic field [latex](F_{\text{b}})[/latex] is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source [latex](d_{\text{s}}).[/latex]

[latex]F_{\text{b}} = \dfrac{k}{{d_{\text{s}}}^2}[/latex]

Example 2.7.4

The time [latex](t)[/latex] it takes to travel from North Vancouver to Hope varies inversely as the speed [latex](v)[/latex] at which one travels. If it takes 1.5 hours to travel this distance at an average speed of 120 km/h, find the constant [latex]k[/latex] and the amount of time it would take to drive back if you were only able to travel at 60 km/h due to an engine problem.


[latex]\begin{array}{ll} \begin{array}{rrl} &&\textbf{1st Data} \\ v&=&120\text{ km/h} \\ t&=&1.5\text{ h} \\ k&=&\text{find 1st} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }k\text{:} \\ k&=&tv \\ k&=&(1.5\text{ h})(120\text{ km/h}) \\ k&=&180\text{ km} \end{array} & \hspace{0.5in} \begin{array}{rrl} \\ \\ \\ &&\textbf{2nd Data} \\ v&=&60\text{ km/h} \\ t&=&\text{find 2nd} \\ k&=&180\text{ km} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }t\text{:} \\ t&=&\dfrac{k}{v} \\ \\ t&=&\dfrac{180\text{ km}}{60\text{ km/h}} \\ \\ t&=&3\text{ h} \end{array} \end{array}[/latex]

Joint or Combined Variation Problems

In real life, variation problems are not restricted to single variables. Instead, functions are generally a combination of multiple factors. For instance, the physics equation quantifying the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies is:


  • [latex]F_{\text{g}}[/latex] stands for the gravitational force of attraction
  • [latex]G[/latex] is Newton’s constant, which would be represented by [latex]k[/latex] in a standard variation problem
  • [latex]m_1[/latex] and [latex]m_2[/latex] are the masses of the two bodies
  • [latex]d^2[/latex] is the distance between the centres of both bodies

To write this out as a variation problem, first state that the force of gravitational attraction [latex](F_{\text{g}})[/latex] between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the two masses [latex](m_1, m_2)[/latex] and inversely proportional to the square of the distance [latex](d)[/latex] separating the two masses. From this information, the necessary equation can be derived. All joint variation relationships are verbalized in written problems as a combination of direct and inverse variation relationships, and care must be taken to correctly identify which variables are related in what relationship.

Example 2.7.5

The force of electrical attraction [latex](F_{\text{el}})[/latex] between two statically charged bodies is directly proportional to the product of the charges on each of the two objects [latex](q_1, q_2)[/latex] and inversely proportional to the square of the distance [latex](d)[/latex] separating these two charged bodies.


Solving these combined or joint variation problems is the same as solving simpler variation problems.

First, decide what equation the variation represents. Second, break up the data into the first data given—which is used to find [latex]k[/latex]—and then the second data, which is used to solve the problem given. Consider the following joint variation problem.

Example 2.7.6

[latex]y[/latex] varies jointly with [latex]m[/latex] and [latex]n[/latex] and inversely with the square of [latex]d[/latex]. If [latex]y = 12[/latex] when [latex]m = 3[/latex], [latex]n = 8[/latex], and [latex]d = 2,[/latex] find the constant [latex]k[/latex], then use [latex]k[/latex] to find [latex]y[/latex] when [latex]m=-3[/latex], [latex]n = 18[/latex], and [latex]d = 3[/latex].


[latex]\begin{array}{ll} \begin{array}{rrl} \\ \\ \\ && \textbf{1st Data} \\ y&=&12 \\ m&=&3 \\ n&=&8 \\ d&=&2 \\ k&=&\text{find 1st} \\ \\ &&\text{Find }k\text{:} \\ y&=&\dfrac{kmn}{d^2} \\ \\ 12&=&\dfrac{k(3)(8)}{(2)^2} \\ \\ k&=&\dfrac{12(2)^2}{(3)(8)} \\ \\ k&=& 2 \end{array} & \hspace{0.5in} \begin{array}{rrl} &&\textbf{2nd Data} \\ y&=&\text{find 2nd} \\ m&=&-3 \\ n&=&18 \\ d&=&3 \\ k&=&2 \\ \\ &&\text{Find }y\text{:} \\ y&=&\dfrac{kmn}{d^2} \\ \\ y&=&\dfrac{(2)(-3)(18)}{(3)^2} \\ \\ y&=&12 \end{array} \end{array}[/latex]

For questions 1 to 12, write the formula defining the variation, including the constant of variation [latex](k).[/latex]

  • [latex]x[/latex] is jointly proportional to [latex]y[/latex] and [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies jointly as [latex]z[/latex] and [latex]y[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is jointly proportional with the square of [latex]y[/latex] and the square root of [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to [latex]y[/latex] to the sixth power
  • [latex]x[/latex] is jointly proportional with the cube of [latex]y[/latex] and inversely to the square root of [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional with the square of [latex]y[/latex] and the square root of [latex]z[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] varies jointly as [latex]z[/latex] and [latex]y[/latex] and is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]p[/latex]
  • [latex]x[/latex] is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]y[/latex] and square of [latex]z[/latex]

For questions 13 to 22, find the formula defining the variation and the constant of variation [latex](k).[/latex]

  • If [latex]A[/latex] varies directly as [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=15[/latex] and [latex]B=5.[/latex]
  • If [latex]P[/latex] is jointly proportional to [latex]Q[/latex] and [latex]R,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]P=12, Q=8[/latex] and [latex]R=3.[/latex]
  • If [latex]A[/latex] varies inversely as [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=7[/latex] and [latex]B=4.[/latex]
  • If [latex]A[/latex] varies directly as the square of [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=6[/latex] and [latex]B=3.[/latex]
  • If [latex]C[/latex] varies jointly as [latex]A[/latex] and [latex]B,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]C=24, A=3,[/latex] and [latex]B=2.[/latex]
  • If [latex]Y[/latex] is inversely proportional to the cube of [latex]X,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]Y=54[/latex] and [latex]X=3.[/latex]
  • If [latex]X[/latex] is directly proportional to [latex]Y,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]X=12[/latex] and [latex]Y=8.[/latex]
  • If [latex]A[/latex] is jointly proportional with the square of [latex]B[/latex] and the square root of [latex]C,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]A=25, B=5[/latex] and [latex]C=9.[/latex]
  • If [latex]y[/latex] varies jointly with [latex]m[/latex] and the square of [latex]n[/latex] and inversely with [latex]d,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]y=10, m=4, n=5,[/latex] and [latex]d=6.[/latex]
  • If [latex]P[/latex] varies directly as [latex]T[/latex] and inversely as [latex]V,[/latex] find [latex]k[/latex] when [latex]P=10, T=250,[/latex] and [latex]V=400.[/latex]

For questions 23 to 37, solve each variation word problem.

  • The electrical current [latex]I[/latex] (in amperes, A) varies directly as the voltage [latex](V)[/latex] in a simple circuit. If the current is 5 A when the source voltage is 15 V, what is the current when the source voltage is 25 V?
  • The current [latex]I[/latex] in an electrical conductor varies inversely as the resistance [latex]R[/latex] (in ohms, Ω) of the conductor. If the current is 12 A when the resistance is 240 Ω, what is the current when the resistance is 540 Ω?
  • Hooke’s law states that the distance [latex](d_s)[/latex] that a spring is stretched supporting a suspended object varies directly as the mass of the object [latex](m).[/latex] If the distance stretched is 18 cm when the suspended mass is 3 kg, what is the distance when the suspended mass is 5 kg?
  • The volume [latex](V)[/latex] of an ideal gas at a constant temperature varies inversely as the pressure [latex](P)[/latex] exerted on it. If the volume of a gas is 200 cm 3 under a pressure of 32 kg/cm 2 , what will be its volume under a pressure of 40 kg/cm 2 ?
  • The number of aluminum cans [latex](c)[/latex] used each year varies directly as the number of people [latex](p)[/latex] using the cans. If 250 people use 60,000 cans in one year, how many cans are used each year in a city that has a population of 1,000,000?
  • The time [latex](t)[/latex] required to do a masonry job varies inversely as the number of bricklayers [latex](b).[/latex] If it takes 5 hours for 7 bricklayers to build a park wall, how much time should it take 10 bricklayers to complete the same job?
  • The wavelength of a radio signal (λ) varies inversely as its frequency [latex](f).[/latex] A wave with a frequency of 1200 kilohertz has a length of 250 metres. What is the wavelength of a radio signal having a frequency of 60 kilohertz?
  • The number of kilograms of water [latex](w)[/latex] in a human body is proportional to the mass of the body [latex](m).[/latex] If a 96 kg person contains 64 kg of water, how many kilograms of water are in a 60 kg person?
  • The time [latex](t)[/latex] required to drive a fixed distance [latex](d)[/latex] varies inversely as the speed [latex](v).[/latex] If it takes 5 hours at a speed of 80 km/h to drive a fixed distance, what speed is required to do the same trip in 4.2 hours?
  • The volume [latex](V)[/latex] of a cone varies jointly as its height [latex](h)[/latex] and the square of its radius [latex](r).[/latex] If a cone with a height of 8 centimetres and a radius of 2 centimetres has a volume of 33.5 cm 3 , what is the volume of a cone with a height of 6 centimetres and a radius of 4 centimetres?
  • The centripetal force [latex](F_{\text{c}})[/latex] acting on an object varies as the square of the speed [latex](v)[/latex] and inversely to the radius [latex](r)[/latex] of its path. If the centripetal force is 100 N when the object is travelling at 10 m/s in a path or radius of 0.5 m, what is the centripetal force when the object’s speed increases to 25 m/s and the path is now 1.0 m?
  • The maximum load [latex](L_{\text{max}})[/latex] that a cylindrical column with a circular cross section can hold varies directly as the fourth power of the diameter [latex](d)[/latex] and inversely as the square of the height [latex](h).[/latex] If an 8.0 m column that is 2.0 m in diameter will support 64 tonnes, how many tonnes can be supported by a column 12.0 m high and 3.0 m in diameter?
  • The volume [latex](V)[/latex] of gas varies directly as the temperature [latex](T)[/latex] and inversely as the pressure [latex](P).[/latex] If the volume is 225 cc when the temperature is 300 K and the pressure is 100 N/cm 2 , what is the volume when the temperature drops to 270 K and the pressure is 150 N/cm 2 ?
  • The electrical resistance [latex](R)[/latex] of a wire varies directly as its length [latex](l)[/latex] and inversely as the square of its diameter [latex](d).[/latex] A wire with a length of 5.0 m and a diameter of 0.25 cm has a resistance of 20 Ω. Find the electrical resistance in a 10.0 m long wire having twice the diameter.
  • The volume of wood in a tree [latex](V)[/latex] varies directly as the height [latex](h)[/latex] and the diameter [latex](d).[/latex] If the volume of a tree is 377 m 3 when the height is 30 m and the diameter is 2.0 m, what is the height of a tree having a volume of 225 m 3 and a diameter of 1.75 m?

Answer Key 2.7

Intermediate Algebra Copyright © 2020 by Terrance Berg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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joint variation problem solving examples


Problem 1 :

z varies directly with the sum of squares of x and y. z = 5 when x = 3 and y = 4. Find the value of z when x = 2 and y = 4.

Since z varies directly with the sum of squares of x and y,

z ∝ x 2 +  x 2

z = k(x 2  + y 2 ) ----(1)

Substitute z = 5, x = 3 and y = 4 to find the value k.

5 = k(3 2  + 4 2 )

5 = k(9 + 16)

Divide both sides by 25.

Substitute k = 1/5 in (1).

z = (1/5)(x 2  + y 2 )

Substitute  x = 2, y = 4 and evaluate z.

z = (1/5)( (2 2  + 4 2 )

z = (1/5)( (4   + 16)

z = (1/5)( (20)

Problem 2 :

M varies directly with the square of d and inversely with the square root of x. M = 24 when d = 4 and x = 9. Find the value of M when d = 5 and x = 4.

Since m varies directly with the square of d and inversely with the square root of x

M ∝ d 2 √ x

M = kd 2 √ x ----(1)

Substitute M = 24, d = 4 and x = 9 to find the value k.

24 = k4 2 √9

24 = k(16)(3)

Divide both sides by 48.

Substitute k = 1/2 in (1).

M = (1/2)(d 2 √ x )

Substitute d  = 5, x = 4 and evaluate M.

M = (1/2) (5 2 √4 )

M = (1/2)( (25)(2)

Problem 3 :

Square of T varies directly with the cube of a and inversely with the square of d. T = 2 when a = 2 and d = 4. Find the value of s quare of T when a = 4 and d = 2

Since square of T varies directly with the cube of a and inversely with the square of d

T 2 ∝ a 3 d 2

T 2  = ka 3 d 2  ----(1)

Substitute T = 2, a = 2 and d = 4 to find the value k.

2 2  = k2 3 4 2

4 = k(4)(16)

Divide both sides by 64.

Substitute k = 1/16 in (1).

T 2  = (1/16)a 3 d 2

Substitute a = 4, d = 2 and evaluate T 2 . 

T 2  = (1/16)(4 3 )(2 2 )

T 2  = (1/16)(64)(4)

T 2  = 16

Problem 4 :

The area of a rectangle varies directly with its length and square of its width. When the length is 5 cm and width is 4 cm, the area is 160 cm 2 . Find the area of the rectangle when the length is 7 cm and the width is 3 cm.

Let A represent the area of the rectangle, l represent the length and w represent width.

Since the area of the rectangle varies directly with its length and square of its width,

A ∝ lw 2

A = klw 2  ----(1)

Substitute A = 160, l = 5 and d = 4 to find the value k.

160 = k(5)(4 2 )

160 = k(5)(16 )

160 = 80k

Divide both sides by 80.

Substitute k = 2 in (1).

Substitute l  = 7, w = 3 and evaluate A. 

A = 2(7)(3 2 )

A = 2(7)(9)

Area of the rectangle = 126 cm 2

Problem 5 :

The volume of a cylinder varies jointly as the square of radius and two times of its height. A cylinder with radius 4 cm and height 8 cm has a volume 128 π cm 3 . Find the volume of a cylinder with radius 3 cm and height 10 cm.

Let V represent volume of the cylinder, r represent radius and h represent height.

Since t he volume of a cylinder varies jointly as the radius and the sum of the radius and the height.

V ∝ r 2 (2h)

V = kr 2 (2h)   ----(1)

Substitute V = 128 π , r = 4 and h = 8 to find the value of k.

128π   = k(4 2 )(2 ⋅  8)

128π   = k(16)(16)

128π  = 256k

Divide both sides by 256.

π/2  = k

Substitute k = π/2 in (1).

V = ( π/2) r 2 (2h)

V = π r 2 h

Substitute r = 3, h = 10 and evaluate V.

V = π(3 2 )(10)

V = π(9) (10)

Volume of the cylinder = 90 π cm 3

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Inverse and joint variation, learning outcomes.

  • Solve an Inverse variation problem.
  • Write a formula for an inversely proportional relationship.

Graph of y=(14000)/x where the horizontal axis is labeled,

A General Note: Inverse Variation

Isolating the constant of variation, example: writing a formula for an inversely proportional relationship.

[latex]\begin{align}t\left(v\right)&=\dfrac{100}{v} \\[1mm] &=100{v}^{-1} \end{align}[/latex]

How To: Given a description of an inverse variation problem, solve for an unknown.

  • Identify the input, [latex]x[/latex], and the output, [latex]y[/latex].
  • Determine the constant of variation. You may need to multiply [latex]y[/latex] by the specified power of [latex]x[/latex] to determine the constant of variation.
  • Use the constant of variation to write an equation for the relationship.
  • Substitute known values into the equation to find the unknown.

Example: Solving an Inverse Variation Problem

[latex]\begin{align}k&={x}^{3}y \\[1mm] &={2}^{3}\cdot 25 \\[1mm] &=200 \end{align}[/latex]

[latex]\begin{align}y&=\dfrac{k}{{x}^{3}},\hspace{2mm}k=200 \\[1mm] y&=\dfrac{200}{{x}^{3}} \end{align}[/latex]

[latex]\begin{align}y&=\dfrac{200}{{6}^{3}} \\[1mm] &=\dfrac{25}{27} \end{align}[/latex]

Analysis of the Solution

Graph of y=25/(x^3) with the labeled points (2, 25) and (6, 25/27).

Answer: [latex-display]\dfrac{9}{2}[/latex-display]

Joint Variation

A general note: joint variation, example: solving problems involving joint variation.


[latex]\begin{align}6&=\dfrac{k{2}^{2}}{\sqrt[3]{8}} \\[1mm] 6&=\dfrac{4k}{2} \\[1mm] 3&=k \end{align}[/latex]


[latex]\begin{align}x&=\dfrac{3{\left(1\right)}^{2}}{\sqrt[3]{27}} \\[1mm] &=1 \end{align}[/latex]

Answer: [latex-display]x=20[/latex-display]

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  • Revision and Adaptation. Provided by: Lumen Learning License: CC BY: Attribution .

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  • Question ID 91393,91394. Authored by: Jenck,Michael (for Lumen Learning). License: CC BY: Attribution . License terms: IMathAS Community License CC-BY + GPL.
  • College Algebra. Provided by: OpenStax Authored by: Abramson, Jay et al.. Located at: https://openstax.org/books/college-algebra/pages/1-introduction-to-prerequisites. License: CC BY: Attribution . License terms: Download for free at http://cnx.org/contents/ [email protected] .
  • Inverse Variation. Authored by: James Sousa (Mathispower4u.com) for Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution .
  • Joint Variation: Determine the Variation Constant (Volume of a Cone). Provided by: Joint Variation: Determine the Variation Constant (Volume of a Cone) Authored by: James Sousa (Mathispower4u.com) for Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution .

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3.9: Modeling Using Variation

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\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorAt}[1]{\vec{\text{#1}}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorB}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

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\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Learning Objectives

  • Solve direct variation problems.
  • Solve inverse variation problems.
  • Solve problems involving joint variation.

A used-car company has just offered their best candidate, Nicole, a position in sales. The position offers 16% commission on her sales. Her earnings depend on the amount of her sales. For instance, if she sells a vehicle for $4,600, she will earn $736. She wants to evaluate the offer, but she is not sure how. In this section, we will look at relationships, such as this one, between earnings, sales, and commission rate.

Solving Direct Variation Problems

In the example above, Nicole’s earnings can be found by multiplying her sales by her commission. The formula \(e=0.16s\) tells us her earnings, \(e\), come from the product of 0.16, her commission, and the sale price of the vehicle. If we create a table, we observe that as the sales price increases, the earnings increase as well, which should be intuitive. See Table 5.8.1 .

Table 5.8.1

Notice that earnings are a multiple of sales. As sales increase, earnings increase in a predictable way. Double the sales of the vehicle from $4,600 to $9,200, and we double the earnings from $736 to $1,472. As the input increases, the output increases as a multiple of the input. A relationship in which one quantity is a constant multiplied by another quantity is called direct variation . Each variable in this type of relationship varies directly with the other.

Figure 5.8.1 represents the data for Nicole’s potential earnings. We say that earnings vary directly with the sales price of the car. The formula \(y=kx^n\) is used for direct variation. The value \(k\) is a nonzero constant greater than zero and is called the constant of variation . In this case, \(k=0.16\) and \(n=1\). We saw functions like this one when we discussed power functions.

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If \(x\) and \(y\) are related by an equation of the form

then we say that the relationship is direct variation and \(y\) varies directly with, or is proportional to, the \(n\)th power of \(x\). In direct variation relationships, there is a nonzero constant ratio \(k=\dfrac{y}{x^n}\), where \(k\) is called the constant of variation , which help defines the relationship between the variables.

Given a description of a direct variation problem, solve for an unknown.

  • Identify the input, \(x\),and the output, \(y\).
  • Determine the constant of variation. You may need to divide \(y\) by the specified power of \(x\) to determine the constant of variation.
  • Use the constant of variation to write an equation for the relationship.
  • Substitute known values into the equation to find the unknown.

Solving a Direct Variation Problem

The quantity \(y\) varies directly with the cube of \(x\). If \(y=25\) when \(x=2\), find \(y\) when \(x\) is \(6\).

The general formula for direct variation with a cube is \(y=kx^3\). The constant can be found by dividing \(y\) by the cube of \(x\).




Now use the constant to write an equation that represents this relationship.


Substitute \(x=6\) and solve for \(y\).


The graph of this equation is a simple cubic, as shown in Figure 5.8.2 .

Graph of y=25/8(x^3) with the labeled points (2, 25) and (6, 675).

Do the graphs of all direct variation equations look like Example ?

No. Direct variation equations are power functions—they may be linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, radical, etc. But all of the graphs pass through \((0,0)\).

The quantity \(y\) varies directly with the square of \(x\). If \(y=24\) when \(x=3\), find \(y\) when \(x\) is 4.


Solving Inverse Variation Problems

Water temperature in an ocean varies inversely to the water’s depth. The formula \(T=\frac{14,000}{d}\) gives us the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at a depth in feet below Earth’s surface. Consider the Atlantic Ocean, which covers 22% of Earth’s surface. At a certain location, at the depth of 500 feet, the temperature may be 28°F.

If we create Table 5.8.2 , we observe that, as the depth increases, the water temperature decreases.

Table 5.8.2

We notice in the relationship between these variables that, as one quantity increases, the other decreases. The two quantities are said to be inversely proportional and each term varies inversely with the other. Inversely proportional relationships are also called inverse variations .

For our example, Figure 5.8.3 depicts the inverse variation. We say the water temperature varies inversely with the depth of the water because, as the depth increases, the temperature decreases. The formula \(y=\frac{k}{x}\) for inverse variation in this case uses \(k=14,000\).

Graph of y=(14000)/x where the horizontal axis is labeled, “Depth, d (ft)”, and the vertical axis is labeled, “Temperature, T (Degrees Fahrenheit)”.



where \(k\) is a nonzero constant, then we say that \(y\) varies inversely with the \(n\)th power of \(x\). In inversely proportional relationships, or inverse variations , there is a constant multiple \(k=x^ny\).

Writing a Formula for an Inversely Proportional Relationship

A tourist plans to drive 100 miles. Find a formula for the time the trip will take as a function of the speed the tourist drives.

Recall that multiplying speed by time gives distance. If we let \(t\) represent the drive time in hours, and \(v\) represent the velocity (speed or rate) at which the tourist drives, then \(vt=\)distance. Because the distance is fixed at 100 miles, \(vt=100\) so \(t=\frac{100}{v}\). Because time is a function of velocity, we can write \(t(v)\).



We can see that the constant of variation is 100 and, although we can write the relationship using the negative exponent, it is more common to see it written as a fraction. We say that time varies inversely with velocity.

Given a description of an indirect variation problem, solve for an unknown.

  • Identify the input, \(x\), and the output, \(y\).
  • Determine the constant of variation. You may need to multiply \(y\) by the specified power of \(x\) to determine the constant of variation.

Solving an Inverse Variation Problem

A quantity \(y\) varies inversely with the cube of \(x\). If \(y=25\) when \(x=2\), find \(y\) when \(x\) is \(6\).

The general formula for inverse variation with a cube is \(y=\frac{k}{x^3}\). The constant can be found by multiplying \(y\) by the cube of \(x\).


Now we use the constant to write an equation that represents this relationship.

\(y=\dfrac{k}{x^3}\), \( k=200\)




The graph of this equation is a rational function, as shown in Figure 5.8.4 .

Graph of y=25/(x^3) with the labeled points (2, 25) and (6, 25/27).

A quantity \(y\) varies inversely with the square of \(x\). If \(y=8\) when \(x=3\), find \(y\) when \(x\) is \(4\).


Solving Problems Involving Joint Variation

Many situations are more complicated than a basic direct variation or inverse variation model. One variable often depends on multiple other variables. When a variable is dependent on the product or quotient of two or more variables, this is called joint variation . For example, the cost of busing students for each school trip varies with the number of students attending and the distance from the school. The variable \(c\),cost, varies jointly with the number of students, \(n\),and the distance, \(d\).


Joint variation occurs when a variable varies directly or inversely with multiple variables.

For instance, if \(x\) varies directly with both \(y\) and \(z\), we have \(x=kyz\). If \(x\) varies directly with \(y\) and inversely with \(z\),we have \(x=\frac{ky}{z}\). Notice that we only use one constant in a joint variation equation.

A quantity \(x\) varies directly with the square of \(y\) and inversely with the cube root of \(z\). If \(x=6\) when \(y=2\) and \(z=8\), find \(x\) when \(y=1\) and \(z=27\).

Begin by writing an equation to show the relationship between the variables.


Substitute \(x=6\), \(y=2\), and \(z=8\) to find the value of the constant \(k\).



Now we can substitute the value of the constant into the equation for the relationship.


To find \(x\) when \(y=1\) and \(z=27\), we will substitute values for \(y\) and \(z\) into our equation.


A quantity \(x\) varies directly with the square of \(y\) and inversely with \(z\). If \(x=40\) when \(y=4\) and \(z=2\), find \(x\) when \(y=10\) and \(z=25\).

Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with direct and inverse variation.

  • Direct Variation
  • Inverse Variation
  • Direct and Inverse Variation

Visit this website for additional practice questions from Learningpod.

Key Equations

Key concepts.

  • A relationship where one quantity is a constant multiplied by another quantity is called direct variation. See Example .
  • Two variables that are directly proportional to one another will have a constant ratio.
  • A relationship where one quantity is a constant divided by another quantity is called inverse variation. See Example .
  • Two variables that are inversely proportional to one another will have a constant multiple. See Example .
  • In many problems, a variable varies directly or inversely with multiple variables. We call this type of relationship joint variation. See Example .

joint variation problem solving examples

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Variation Word Problems

Equations Word Problems More Prob's

It's one thing to be able to take the words for a variation equation (such as " y varies directly as the square of x and inversely as the cube root of z ") and turn this into an equation that you can solve or use. It's another thing to extract the words from a word problem. But, because the lingo for variation equations is so specific, it's not really that hard. Just look for the keywords, and you're nearly home and dry.

The only other keywords (or "key-phrases", really) you might need to know are "is proportional to" which, in the strictly-mathematical sense, means "varies directly as"; and "is inversely proportional to" which means "varies inversely with".

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Suppose that y is inversely proportional to x , and that y  = 0.4 when x  = 2.5 . Find y when x  = 4 .

Translating the above from the English into algebra, I see the key-phrase "inversely proportional to", which means "varies indirectly as". In practical terms, it means that the variable part that does the varying is going to be in the denominator. So I get the formula:

Plugging in the data point they gave me, I can solve for the value of k :

0.4 = k /(2.5)

(0.4)(2.5) = k = 1

Now that I have found the value of the variation constant, I can plug in the x -value they gave me, and find the value of y when x  = 4 :

Then my answer is:

Most word problems, of course, are not nearly as simple as the above example (or the ones on the previous page). Instead, you have to figure out which values go where, what the equation is, and how to interpret it. Fortunately, the keywords and key-phrases should generally be fairly clear, telling you exactly what format to use.

According to Hooke's Law, the force needed to stretch a spring is proportional to the amount the spring is stretched. If fifty pounds of force stretches a spring five inches, how much will the spring be stretched by a force of 120 pounds?

"Is proportional to" means "varies directly with", so the formula for Hooke's Law is:

...where " F " is the force and " d " is the distance that the spring is stretched.

Note: In physics, "weight" is a force. These Hooke's Law word problems, among other types, are often stated in terms of weight, and the weight they list is the force they mean.

First I have to solve for the value of k . They've given me the data point ( d , F) = (5, 50) , so I'll plug this in to the formula:

Now I know that the formula for this particular spring is:

(Hooke's Law doesn't change, but each spring is different, so each spring will have its own " k ".)

Once I know the formula, I can answer their question: "How much will the spring be stretched by a force of 120 pounds?" I'll plug the value they've given me for the force into the equation I've found:

Note that they did not ask "What is the value of ' d '?". They asked me for a distance. I need to be sure to answer the question that they actually asked. That final answer is the distance that the spring is stretched, including the units (which are "inches", in this case):

Note: If you give the above answer as being only " 12 ", the grader will be perfectly correct to count your answer as being at least partly wrong. The answer is not a number, but is a number of units.

Kepler's third law of planetary motion states that the square of the time required for a planet to make one revolution about the sun varies directly as the cube of the average distance of the planet from the sun. If you assume that Mars is 1.5 times as far from the sun as is the earth, find the approximate length of a Martian year.

This one is a bit different from the previous exercise. Normally, I've given given a relation in terms of variation with a plain old variable, like y . In this case, though, the variation relationship is between the square of the time and the cube of the distance. This means that the left-hand side of my equation will have a squared variable!


My variation formula is:

t 2 = k d 3

If I take " d  = 1 " to mean "the distance is one AU", an AU being an "astronomical unit" (the distance of earth from the sun), then the distance for Mars is 1.5 AU. Also, I will take " t  = 1 " to stand for "one earth year". Then, in terms of the planet Earth, I get:

(1) 2 = k  (1) 3

Then the formula, in terms of Earth, is:

Now I'll plug in the information for Mars (in comparison to earth):

t 2 = (1.5) 3

This is one of those times when a calculator's decimal approximation is probably going to be a little more useful in answering the question. I'll show the exact answer in my working, but I'll use a sensible approximation in my final answer. The decimal expansion starts as:

In other words, the Martian year is approximately the length of:

1.837 earth years

By the way, you can make the above answer more intuitive by finding the number of (Earth) days, approximately, represented by that " 0.837 " part of the answer above. Since the average Earth year, technically, has about 365.25 days, then the 0.837 of an Earth year is:

0.837 × 365.25 = 305.71425

Letting the "average" month have 365.25 ÷ 12 = 30.4375 days, then the above number of (Earth) days is:

305.71425 ÷ 30.4375 = 10.044

In other words, the Martian year is almost exactly one Earth year and ten Earth months long.

If you were writing for an audience (like a fellow student, as you'll be required to do in some class projects or essay questions), this "one year and ten months" form would probably be the best way to go.

The weight of a body varies inversely as the square of its distance from the center of the earth. If the radius of the earth is 4000 miles, how much would a 200 -pound man weigh 1000 miles above the surface of the earth?

Remembering that "weight" is a force, I'll let the weight be designated by " F ". The distance of a body from the center of the earth is " d   ". Then my variation formula is the following:

(200)(16,000,000) = k

3,200,000,000 = k

(Hey; there's nothing that says that the value of the variation constant k has to be small!)

The distance is always measured from the center of the earth. If the guy is in orbit a thousand miles up (from the surface of the planet), then his distance (from the center of the planet) is the 4000 miles from the center to the surface plus the 1000 miles from the surface to his ship. That is, d = 5000 . I'll plug this in to my equation, and solve for the value of the force (which is here called "weight") F :

Remembering my units, my answer is that, up in his spacecraft, the guy weighs:

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joint variation problem solving examples

Module 10: Rational and Radical Functions

Inverse and joint variation, learning outcomes.

  • Solve an Inverse variation problem.
  • Write a formula for an inversely proportional relationship.

Water temperature in an ocean varies inversely to the water’s depth. Between the depths of 250 feet and 500 feet, the formula [latex]T=\frac{14,000}{d}[/latex] gives us the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at a depth in feet below Earth’s surface. Consider the Atlantic Ocean, which covers 22% of Earth’s surface. At a certain location, at the depth of 500 feet, the temperature may be 28°F.

If we create a table we observe that, as the depth increases, the water temperature decreases.

We notice in the relationship between these variables that, as one quantity increases, the other decreases. The two quantities are said to be inversely proportional and each term varies inversely with the other. Inversely proportional relationships are also called inverse variations .

For our example, the graph depicts the inverse variation . We say the water temperature varies inversely with the depth of the water because, as the depth increases, the temperature decreases. The formula [latex]y=\dfrac{k}{x}[/latex] for inverse variation in this case uses [latex]k=14,000[/latex].

Graph of y=(14000)/x where the horizontal axis is labeled,

A General Note: Inverse Variation

If [latex]x[/latex] and [latex]y[/latex] are related by an equation of the form


where [latex]k[/latex] is a nonzero constant, then we say that [latex]y[/latex]  varies inversely with the [latex]n[/latex]th power of [latex]x[/latex]. In inversely proportional relationships, or inverse variations , there is a constant multiple [latex]k={x}^{n}y[/latex].

Example: Writing a Formula for an Inversely Proportional Relationship

A tourist plans to drive 100 miles. Find a formula for the time the trip will take as a function of the speed the tourist drives.

Recall that multiplying speed by time gives distance. If we let [latex]t[/latex] represent the drive time in hours, and [latex]v[/latex] represent the velocity (speed or rate) at which the tourist drives, then [latex]vt=[/latex] distance. Because the distance is fixed at 100 miles, [latex]vt=100[/latex]. Solving this relationship for the time gives us our function.

[latex]\begin{align}t\left(v\right)&=\dfrac{100}{v} \\[1mm] &=100{v}^{-1} \end{align}[/latex]

We can see that the constant of variation is 100 and, although we can write the relationship using the negative exponent, it is more common to see it written as a fraction.

How To: Given a description of an indirect variation problem, solve for an unknown.

  • Identify the input, [latex]x[/latex], and the output, [latex]y[/latex].
  • Determine the constant of variation. You may need to multiply [latex]y[/latex] by the specified power of [latex]x[/latex] to determine the constant of variation.
  • Use the constant of variation to write an equation for the relationship.
  • Substitute known values into the equation to find the unknown.

Example: Solving an Inverse Variation Problem

A quantity [latex]y[/latex] varies inversely with the cube of [latex]x[/latex]. If [latex]y=25[/latex] when [latex]x=2[/latex], find [latex]y[/latex] when [latex]x[/latex] is 6.

The general formula for inverse variation with a cube is [latex]y=\dfrac{k}{{x}^{3}}[/latex]. The constant can be found by multiplying [latex]y[/latex] by the cube of [latex]x[/latex].

[latex]\begin{align}k&={x}^{3}y \\[1mm] &={2}^{3}\cdot 25 \\[1mm] &=200 \end{align}[/latex]

Now we use the constant to write an equation that represents this relationship.

[latex]\begin{align}y&=\dfrac{k}{{x}^{3}},\hspace{2mm}k=200 \\[1mm] y&=\dfrac{200}{{x}^{3}} \end{align}[/latex]

Substitute [latex]x=6[/latex] and solve for [latex]y[/latex].

[latex]\begin{align}y&=\dfrac{200}{{6}^{3}} \\[1mm] &=\dfrac{25}{27} \end{align}[/latex]

Analysis of the Solution

The graph of this equation is a rational function.

Graph of y=25/(x^3) with the labeled points (2, 25) and (6, 25/27).

A quantity [latex]y[/latex] varies inversely with the square of [latex]x[/latex]. If [latex]y=8[/latex] when [latex]x=3[/latex], find [latex]y[/latex] when [latex]x[/latex] is 4.


The following video presents a short lesson on inverse variation and includes more worked examples.

Joint Variation

Many situations are more complicated than a basic direct variation or inverse variation model. One variable often depends on multiple other variables. When a variable is dependent on the product or quotient of two or more variables, this is called joint variation . For example, the cost of busing students for each school trip varies with the number of students attending and the distance from the school. The variable [latex]c[/latex], cost, varies jointly with the number of students, [latex]n[/latex], and the distance, [latex]d[/latex].

A General Note: Joint Variation

Joint variation occurs when a variable varies directly or inversely with multiple variables.

For instance, if [latex]x[/latex] varies directly with both [latex]y[/latex] and [latex]z[/latex], we have [latex]x=kyz[/latex]. If [latex]x[/latex] varies directly with [latex]y[/latex] and inversely with [latex]z[/latex], we have [latex]x=\dfrac{ky}{z}[/latex]. Notice that we only use one constant in a joint variation equation.

Example: Solving Problems Involving Joint Variation

A quantity [latex]x[/latex] varies directly with the square of [latex]y[/latex] and inversely with the cube root of [latex]z[/latex]. If [latex]x=6[/latex] when [latex]y=2[/latex] and [latex]z=8[/latex], find [latex]x[/latex] when [latex]y=1[/latex] and [latex]z=27[/latex].

Begin by writing an equation to show the relationship between the variables.


Substitute [latex]x=6[/latex], [latex]y=2[/latex], and [latex]z=8[/latex] to find the value of the constant [latex]k[/latex].

[latex]\begin{align}6&=\dfrac{k{2}^{2}}{\sqrt[3]{8}} \\[1mm] 6&=\dfrac{4k}{2} \\[1mm] 3&=k \end{align}[/latex]

Now we can substitute the value of the constant into the equation for the relationship.


To find [latex]x[/latex] when [latex]y=1[/latex] and [latex]z=27[/latex], we will substitute values for [latex]y[/latex] and [latex]z[/latex] into our equation.

[latex]\begin{align}x&=\dfrac{3{\left(1\right)}^{2}}{\sqrt[3]{27}} \\[1mm] &=1 \end{align}[/latex]

[latex]x[/latex] varies directly with the square of [latex]y[/latex] and inversely with [latex]z[/latex]. If [latex]x=40[/latex] when [latex]y=4[/latex] and [latex]z=2[/latex], find [latex]x[/latex] when [latex]y=10[/latex] and [latex]z=25[/latex].


The following video provides another worked example of a joint variation problem.


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Variation Word Problems Worksheets | Direct, Inverse, Joint, Combined Variation

Learn how to apply the concept of variation in real-life situations with these 15 pdf worksheets exclusively focusing on word problems, involving direct variation, inverse variation, joint variation and combined variation. A knowledge in solving direct and inverse variation is a prerequisite to solve these word problems exclusively designed for high school students. Try some of these worksheets for free!

Direct Variation Word Problems

Direct Variation Word Problems

The key to solve these word problems is to comprehend the problem, figure out the relationship between two entities and formulate an equation in the form y = kx. Find the constant of variation, substitute the value and solve.

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Inverse Variation Word Problems

Inverse Variation Word Problems

In this set of inverse variation worksheet pdfs, read the word problem and formulate an equation in the form y = k / x. Find the constant of variation, plug in the values and solve the word problems.

Direct and Inverse Variation: Mixed Word Problems

Direct and Inverse Variation: Mixed Word Problems

This collection of printable worksheets is packed with exercises involving a mix of direct and inverse variation word problems. The learner should identify the type of variation and then solves accordingly.

Joint and Combined Variation

Joint and Combined Variation

The self-explanatory word problems here specifically deal with joint and combined variations.

Mixed Word Problems: Direct, Inverse, Joint and Combined

Mixed Word Problems: Direct, Inverse, Joint and Combined

Master the four types of variation with this potpourri of 15 word problems, perfect for high schoolers to recapitulate the concepts learnt.

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A zeroing feedback gradient-based neural dynamics model for solving dynamic quadratic programming problems with linear equation constraints in finite time

  • Original Article
  • Published: 27 May 2024

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joint variation problem solving examples

  • Shangfeng Du 1 ,
  • Dongyang Fu   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0426-4356 1 ,
  • Long Jin 2 ,
  • Yang Si 1 &
  • Yongze Li 1  

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Gradient-based neural dynamics (GND) models are a classical algorithm for solving optimization problems, but it has non-negligible flaws in solving dynamic problems. In this study, a novel GND model, namely the zeroing feedback gradient-based neural dynamics (ZF-GND) models, is proposed based on the original GND model for tracking down the exact solution of dynamic quadratic programming problem (DQP). Further, a nonlinear projection function is designed to accelerate the convergence of the model. An upper bound on the convergence time of the ZF-GND model is rigorously defined through theoretical analysis. The superior effect of the ZF-GND model in terms of convergence is verified through comparison experiments. Finally, an application of robot motion planning is introduced to verify the practicality of the ZF-GND model.

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joint variation problem solving examples

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This research was funded in part by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant No. 2022YFC3103101, Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory under Contract GML2021GD0809, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Contract 42206187, Key projects of the Guangdong Education Department under Grant No. 2023ZDZX4009.

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School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524088, China

Shangfeng Du, Dongyang Fu, Yang Si & Yongze Li

School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, 730000, China

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About this article

Du, S., Fu, D., Jin, L. et al. A zeroing feedback gradient-based neural dynamics model for solving dynamic quadratic programming problems with linear equation constraints in finite time. Neural Comput & Applic (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-09762-3

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Received : 27 July 2023

Accepted : 25 March 2024

Published : 27 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-09762-3

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  1. Solve using Joint Variation

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  2. Joint Variation: Solving Joint Variation Problems in Algebra

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  3. Pre-Calculus

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  4. Joint Variation

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  5. Solving Joint Variation Problems (3 of 3)

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  6. Lesson 9.5

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  3. Joint Variation

  4. Joint Variation

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  6. SP3-3: Solved Example Problem (Module 3


  1. Joint And Combined Variation Word Problems (video lessons, examples and

    Example 1: A quantity varies inversely as two or more other quantities. The figure below shows a rectangular solid with a fixed volume. Express its width, w, as a joint variation in terms of its length, l, and height, h. Solution: w ∝ 1/ (lh) In other words, the longer the length l or the height h, the narrower is the width w.

  2. Solve problems involving joint variation

    Joint variation occurs when a variable varies directly or inversely with multiple variables. ... Notice that we only use one constant in a joint variation equation. Example 4: Solving Problems Involving Joint Variation. A quantity x varies directly with the square of y and inversely with the cube root of z.

  3. Joint Variation: Solving Joint Variation Problems in Algebra

    Below are some examples to solve "joint variation" problems using the joint variation formula. Example 1: Finding an Equation of Joint Variation Find an equation of variation where a varies jointly as b and c, and a = 30 when b = 2 and c =3.

  4. Study Guide

    When a variable is dependent on the product or quotient of two or more variables, this is called joint variation. For example, the cost of busing students for each school trip varies with the number of students attending and the distance from the school. The variable c, cost, varies jointly with the number of students, n, and the distance, d.

  5. Joint Variation

    Go through the below sections to check definition, various properties, example problems, value tables, concepts etc. Joint Variation - Introduction. Joint Variation refers to the scenario where the value of 1 variable depends on 2 or more and other variables that are held constant. For example, if C varies jointly as A and B, then C = ABX for ...

  6. JOINT VARIATION (Definition, Examples, Solving Problems) Made Easy

    This video is about the definition and examples of joint variation and translating statements into the equation of variation. It also includes examples of so...

  7. Joint Variation

    The equation for the given problem of joint variation is. x = Kyz where K is the constant. For the given data. 16 = K × 4 × 6. or, K = 46 4 6. So substituting the value of K the equation becomes. x = 4yz 6 4 y z 6. Now for the required condition. x = 4×8×126 4 × 8 × 12 6.

  8. Lesson 9.5

    The following video goes over two examples on how to apply joint variation to solve problems.

  9. Direct, Inverse, Joint and Combined Variation

    Joint Variation Word Problem: We know the equation for the area of a triangle is $ \displaystyle A=\frac{1}{2}bh$ ($ b=$ base and $ h=$ height), so we can think of the area having a joint variation with $ b$ and $ h$, with $ \displaystyle k=\frac{1}{2}$. Let's do an area problem, where we wouldn't even have to know the value for $ k$:

  10. Joint or Combined Variation (video lessons, examples and solutions)

    Example: Suppose y varies jointly with x and z. When y = 20, x = 6 and z = 10. Find y when x = 8 and z =15. Show Video Lesson. Lesson on combining direct and inverse or joint and inverse variation. Example: y varies directly as x and inversely as the square of z, and when x = 32, y = 6 and z = 4. Find x when y = 10 and z = 3.

  11. Joint Variation Examples and Word Problems

    In joint variation one variable is jointly proportional or jointly varies to two or more va... This is a video about Joint Variation Examples and Word Problems.

  12. 5.8 Modeling Using Variation

    Solving Problems Involving Joint Variation. Many situations are more complicated than a basic direct variation or inverse variation model. One variable often depends on multiple other variables. When a variable is dependent on the product or quotient of two or more variables, this is called joint variation. For example, the cost of busing ...

  13. 2.7 Variation Word Problems

    A historical example of direct variation can be found in the changing measurement of pi, which has been symbolized using the Greek letter π since the mid 18th century. ... Solving these combined or joint variation problems is the same as solving simpler variation problems. First, decide what equation the variation represents. ...

  14. 1.8: Variation

    Solving Problems involving Direct, Inverse, and Joint variation ... Joint variation is a relationship in which one quantity is proportional to the product of two or more quantities. Combined variation exists when combinations of direct and/or inverse variation occurs . Example \(\PageIndex{3}\): Joint Variation. The area of an ellipse varies ...

  15. Joint Variation Word Problems

    JOINT VARIATION WORD PROBLEMS. Problem 1 : z varies directly with the sum of squares of x and y. z = 5 when x = 3 and y = 4. Find the value of z when x = 2 and y = 4. Solution : Since z varies directly with the sum of squares of x and y, z ∝ x2 + x2. z = k (x2 + y2) ---- (1)

  16. Joint Variation

    Joint variation describes a situation where one variable depends on two (or more) other variables, and varies directly as each of them when the others are held constant. We say z varies jointly as x and y if. z = k x y. for some constant k . If z is jointly proportional to x and y and z = 6 , when x = 3 and y = 4 , find z when x = 7 and y = 4 .

  17. Study Guide

    Example: Solving an Inverse Variation Problem. A quantity y y varies inversely with the cube of x x. If y=25 y = 25 when x=2 x = 2, find y y when x x is 6. Answer: The general formula for inverse variation with a cube is y=\dfrac {k} { {x}^ {3}} y = x3k. The constant can be found by multiplying y y by the cube of x x .

  18. Joint Variation

    This type of variation involves three variables, usually x, y and z. For example, in geometry, the volume of a cylinder varies jointly with the square of the radius and the height. In this equation the constant of variation is π, so we have V = π r 2 h. In general, the joint variation equation is z = k x y. Solving for k, we also have k = z x y.

  19. 3.9: Modeling Using Variation

    The general formula for inverse variation with a cube is y = k x3 y = k x 3. The constant can be found by multiplying y y by the cube of x x. k = x3y k = x 3 y. = 23 ⋅ 25 = 2 3 ⋅ 25. = 200 = 200. Now we use the constant to write an equation that represents this relationship. y = k x3 y = k x 3, k = 200 k = 200.

  20. Variation Word Problems

    Purplemath. It's one thing to be able to take the words for a variation equation (such as " y varies directly as the square of x and inversely as the cube root of z ") and turn this into an equation that you can solve or use. It's another thing to extract the words from a word problem. But, because the lingo for variation equations is so ...

  21. Proportion, Direct Variation, Inverse Variation, Joint Variation

    Example 7. If y varies inversely as x, and y = 9 when x = 2, find y when x = 3. Joint variation. If one variable varies as the product of other variables, it is called joint variation. The phrase " y varies jointly as x and z" is translated in two ways. if the constant is desired. if one of the variables is desired. Example 8

  22. Inverse and Joint Variation

    A General Note: Joint Variation. Joint variation occurs when a variable varies directly or inversely with multiple variables. For instance, if x x varies directly with both y y and z z, we have x = kyz x = k y z. If x x varies directly with y y and inversely with z z, we have x= ky z x = k y z. Notice that we only use one constant in a joint ...

  23. Variation Word Problems Worksheets

    The self-explanatory word problems here specifically deal with joint and combined variations. Mixed Word Problems: Direct, Inverse, Joint and Combined. Master the four types of variation with this potpourri of 15 word problems, perfect for high schoolers to recapitulate the concepts learnt. Try our variation word problems worksheets and bolster ...

  24. A zeroing feedback gradient-based neural dynamics model for solving

    Gradient-based neural dynamics (GND) models are a classical algorithm for solving optimization problems, but it has non-negligible flaws in solving dynamic problems. In this study, a novel GND model, namely the zeroing feedback gradient-based neural dynamics (ZF-GND) models, is proposed based on the original GND model for tracking down the exact solution of dynamic quadratic programming ...