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How to Get Paid to Write (9 Options for 2023)

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Josephine Mariñas is a freelance content writer who worked with B2B and B2C companies in outsourcing, tech, e-scooter, digital marketing, and online education since 2018.

Today, she writes for startups and SMEs and shares her insights on freelancing, writing, and the gig economy on Gigworker.com.

Gigworker articles are reviewed by gig economy experts before getting published to ensure accuracy, thoroughness, and quality. Learn about our editorial standards .

making money online essay

Brett Helling is the founder of Gigworker.com. He has been a rideshare driver since early 2012, having completed hundreds of trips for companies including Uber, Lyft, and Postmates.

Since that time, he has expanded his knowledge into the Gigworker site, as well as writing the book Gigworker: Independent Work and the State of the Gig Economy Paperback,  now available on Amazon .

Although freelance writing is one of the easiest ways to make money online, the low barrier to entry makes it a highly competitive field.

This high competition leaves you wondering where to start and how to get paid to write.

Luckily, it isn’t rocket science.

Whether you want to make some extra money or want to start a writing career, this guide will explain everything you need to know about getting paid to write.

  • How Much Can You Make by Writing
  • What You’ll Need to Get Paid to Write
  • Full List of Ways to Get Paid to Write
  • 1. Upwork (Freelance Marketplace)
  • 2. Fiverr (Freelance Marketplace)
  • 3. TextBroker (Writer Marketplace)
  • 4. PeoplePerHour (Gig Economy Staffing)
  • 5. CopyHackers (Writing Broker)
  • 6. Listverse (Listicle Website)
  • 7. WordAgents (Content Agency)
  • 8. ProBlogger (Content Broker)
  • 9. nDash (Content Broker)
  • Why You Should Consider Writing as a Side Hustle
  • Problems With Writing
  • 1. Choose Your Platform
  • 2. Prepare Writing Samples
  • Things to Consider When Writing
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Similar Ways to Get Paid
  • Wrapping Up

Can You Get Paid to Get Paid to Write?

Yes, you can. The internet is full of sites you can visit to find a decent-paying freelance writer position . Some of the available options include:

  • Online freelance marketplaces
  • Content writing job boards
  • Job networking sites like LinkedIn
  • Social networking sites like Twitter

In addition, you can take one of the following actions to put yourself out there:

  • Create a profile on an online marketplace and sell your freelance writing services
  • Apply for an in-house content writer position on a job board and get hired by a company or content writing agency
  • Pitch guest post ideas to internet companies and get paid on a per-project basis

New writing opportunities pop up every day, so you’re bound to find a paying gig if you look hard enough.

vector graphic showing an illustration of how to get paid to write

The amount of money you can earn as a freelance writer depends on several factors, including your work ethic, experience level, ability to market yourself, and your client base.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, US writers and authors have a median pay wage of $69,510 per year or $33.42 per hour (as of 2021).

Anyone can earn money online as a freelance writer. However, if you’re thinking of becoming a freelance writer , you’ll need the following skills and technologies:

  • Excellent Command of English : You need to be able to write at the same level as a native English speaker to earn money writing on a freelance basis. Your writing should be free of grammatical and spelling errors and communicate clearly and concisely to the audience you’re writing for.
  • A Computer With a Word Processor : A computer with a word processor is necessary because it’s what you’re going to use to produce the content you write for your clients.
  • An Internet Connection : The internet is the glue that’ll hold your freelance writing operation together. You need it to pitch and apply for jobs. It’s necessary to sign up for an account on an online marketplace. Also, many tools you can use to improve your writing (like Grammarly) are web-based applications. 
  • A Means of Receiving Payments : Your options include a local bank account or a fintech service like PayPal, Payoneer, or Wise.

It’s worth mentioning that you need all of the above to succeed as a freelance writer. If even one is missing, you probably won’t be able to get paid to write.

Where to Get Paid to Write

The gig economy platforms and freelance marketplaces discussed below are among the best sites to look for freelance opportunities.

We’ve included an overview of our top picks above. For a full list and detailed information on each pick, scroll down .

  • Upwork  (Freelance Marketplace)
  • Fiverr  (Freelance Marketplace)
  • TextBroker  (Writer Marketplace)
  • PeoplePerHour  (Gig Economy Staffing)
  • CopyHackers  (Writing Broker)
  • Listverse  (Listicle Website)
  • WordAgents  (Content Agency)
  • ProBlogger  (Content Broker)
  • nDash  (Content Broker)

A Screenshot of the upwork homepage

Upwork is a well-known online freelance marketplace where small business owners go to search for an assortment of skills and services. You can find a variety of freelance writing gigs that cover a variety of subjects on Upwork, and the available jobs for writers accommodate all skill levels.

How Much You Can Make

Upwork gigs vary depending on factors like the project’s scope, the client’s budget, and your level of experience. Therefore, it’s challenging to specify an average rate. Some clients prefer to pay a lump sum per project and specify as much in the listing, whereas others may specify an hourly rate.

What Makes This Option Great?

Experienced writers will appreciate this platform because it does away with the need to search for work. If your Upwork profile has impressed prospective clients, they can contact you directly about their projects.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : Before you earn $500 with the platform, Upwork will charge you a 20% commission on all your gigs. The commission rate reduces to 10% when you earn up to $10,000 and 5% when you earn more than $10k.
  • Typical Payment Methods : You can get paid directly into a US bank account, a non-US bank account, via wire transfer, and through Instant Pay. In addition, you can receive payments via your PayPal, Payoneer, or Mpesa (Kenya only) account.

A screenshot of the fiverr homepage screenshot

Fiverr is a platform where gigs start as low as $5. However, don’t count it out as a viable source of income, as you can use this platform to jumpstart a freelance writing career. Unlike other online marketplaces where clients post gigs , Fiverr sellers can create listings that begin with the words “I will” to sell their services (e.g., “I will create original content for your blog”).

Although Fiverr is reputed for its $5 gigs, you won’t be stuck earning that amount forever. You can apply to become a Fiverr Pro freelancer and charge higher fees if your application is successful. Some Fiverr Pro writers earn as high as $378,000 per year .

Fiverr’s model is excellent for writers who find it difficult to make cold pitches to clients. You can create a listing, sit back, and the clients that need your particular services can commission work.

  • Typical Fees/Commission: Fiverr takes a 20% commission on all your gigs.
  • Typical Payment Methods : Fiverr pays writers (and other freelancers) via bank transfer, direct deposit, PayPal, Payoneer, and the Fiverr Revenue Card.

A screenshot of the text broker homepage

Textbroker is an online marketplace with a particular focus on offering writing services. The platform is an excellent place to find freelance writing jobs, and it even provides resources that can help you improve your writing skills.

The platform uses a five-star rating system that determines how much writers can make (the clients do the rating). For example, a four-star writer can earn $0.014 per word, while a two-star writer earns $0.007 per word.

Content volume is where Textbroker shines. Even though this platform has a reputation for being a content mill, it does have plenty of freelance writing opportunities you can tap into.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : Textbroker doesn’t charge any fees in commissions. However, the platform charges a $1 fee if you request two payouts in the same week.
  • Typical Payment Methods : Textbroker only pays writer earnings via PayPal.

A screenshot of the people per hour homepage

PeoplePerHour is an online marketplace where companies go for their gig-worker staffing needs. Some examples of services offered on the platform include graphic design, programming, and writing. Typical writing gigs you can offer on this platform include copywriting , proofreading, content writing, and translation.

Your earning potential on PeoplePerHour depends on how much you list your gig. Typical writing gigs can start at $25 for 500 words.

Like Fiverr, PeoplePerHour lets you price your gig listings. Therefore, if you sell yourself well, you can decide how much your services are worth and get compensated fairly.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : PeoplePerHour charges a fee based on each individual client’s lifetime transactions with a freelancer. For example, if you earn less than or up to $304 with a client, PeoplePerHour will charge a 20% service fee. Earnings between $304 and $6083 attract a 7.5% service fee. And earnings over $6083 attract a 3.5% service fee.
  • Typical Payment Methods : PeoplePerHour supports withdrawals of earnings to a bank account (local or international) or a PayPal or Payoneer account.

A screenshot of the copy hacker homepage

As is suggestive of its name, CopyHackers is an agency with a focus on copy. If you’re skilled at writing informative articles about marketing, email marketing, UX design, and the like, this is the place for you. You can send in a writing pitch after reading CopyHacker’s submission guidelines .

As of February 2020, CopyHackers pays between $300 and $1000 per guest post. The amount you’re paid is at the editor’s discretion.

CopyHackers offers some of the highest pay rates for writers who can craft original articles on topics related to internet marketing, SaaS, and similar.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : CopyHackers doesn’t charge fees or commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods : CopyHackers doesn’t disclose how it pays writers. However, it’s safe to presume that the agency pays via bank transfer (direct deposit).

A screenshot of the list verse homepage

Listverse specializes in top 10 lists that cover different types of content. The platform encourages writers to use a humorous writing style and doesn’t require much besides an excellent command of English.

If Listverse accepts your article, the company will pay you $100 for it.

The arrangement is incredibly straightforward: you come up with a top 10 list, Listverse reviews your article, and either accepts it and pays you or declines and asks you to try again.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : Listverse doesn’t charge its writers any fees or commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods : Listverse only pays writers via PayPal.

A screenshot of the word agents homepage

WordAgents is an agency that specializes in search-engine-optimized content. The company provides services that span SEO-friendly blog posts and articles and website copy. It counts agencies, ecommerce companies, publishers, and local SMEs among its client base and is constantly hiring writers to service their requests.

At the time of writing, WordAgents pays its writers $0.3 per word, which equates to $300 for 1000 words. The company expects its writers to deliver at least 5,000 per week, meaning you can make $1500 per week or $6000 per month.

WordAgents is one of the few websites on this list where you can make a full-time income with your blog writing skills.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : WordAgents doesn’t charge any fees or commissions.
  • Typical Payment Methods : WordAgents pays its writers once a week via PayPal.

A screenshot of the pro blogger homepage

First and foremost, ProBlogger is an internet company that teaches people how to establish and grow blogs. The reason it makes this list is for its job board. Companies from around the world list open freelance writing positions on the ProBlogger job board, making it an excellent place to search for writing gigs.

Typical ProBlogger listings offer rates that start at $0.03 per word and go as high as $500 per article.

ProBlogger is an excellent option because you can find amazing remote job opportunities there. Better yet, many of the companies that use the job board offer attractive compensation.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : ProBlogger doesn’t charge any fees or commissions for jobs gotten through its job board.
  • Typical Payment Methods : The payment methods available to you will depend on the company that hires you.

A screenshot of the ndash homepage

nDash is a content broker that provides a platform for pitching writing gigs. Thousands of businesses and brands use this platform to find and hire writers. You can craft everything from a blog post to a white paper on the platform.

According to nDash, writing assignments on the platform typically range between $175 to $450. In addition, you can earn a lifetime commission for every company you successfully refer to the platform.

If what nDash claims about its writing assignments is to be believed, this platform is the best place for a professional writer to look for high-paying writing gigs.

  • Typical Fees/Commission : Thankfully, nDash doesn’t charge writers a commission on every gig they successfully complete. Instead, the platform passes that cost along to the clients by adding their cut on top of the writer’s final price per article.
  • Typical Payment Methods : You need an approved “non-preview” Stripe account to receive your writer earnings from nDash.

Why should you consider writing as a side hustle? Some of the numerous reasons why this hustle pays off include:

  • Choose Your Hours : Most freelance writing opportunities you’ll find online let you work remotely. As long as you meet the clients’ deadlines, you can decide when you want to work.
  • Choose Your Workload : Working as a freelance writer means you’re not limited to one client or employer. As such, you can choose to take on as much work as you can handle.
  • No Cap on Your Earnings : Expanding on the above point, choosing your workload means your income isn’t limited by a salary cap. You can scale your monthly take-home by getting as many jobs as you can handle.
  • It Improves Your Writing Skills : When you work on multiple articles, your writing and editing skills will improve.

Also, this side hustle will teach you a lot, as writing about a diverse range of topics tends to do.

As with all side hustles, there’s a con for every pro. The problems unique to freelance writing include:

  • It Can Be Time-Consuming : Good quality writing takes time to churn out. For example, you can spend a minimum of three hours perfecting a 1,500-word article. While AI writing software tools can help you reduce the time you spend, many clients and employers prefer you give them original content 100% written by you.
  • Some Gigs Don’t Pay Well : Freelance writing isn’t a get-rich-quick opportunity. When you first start out, clients may offer depressingly low pay for your service.
  • Your Income Can Fluctuate : If you don’t get a full-time writing position, don’t expect income stability.
  • It Can Be Lonely : To be fair, this con isn’t to freelance writing but remote working as a whole.

Freelance writing isn’t a cakewalk. Therefore, expect to put in time and effort if you want to succeed at this side hustle.

How to Get Paid to Write: Step-By-Step Instructions

vector graphic showing an illustration of how to get paid to write

Here’s how to get paid to write in three easy steps.

The platform you use will depend on your goals. If you’re looking for a full-time gig, use a job board to find work.

In contrast, if you’re looking for freelance gigs, an online marketplace like Upwork will suffice.

It’s a good idea to have some writing samples on hand before applying to freelance job postings.

Similarly, potential clients may want to see samples of your work before commissioning one of your gigs.

Once you’ve chosen your platform and have your samples ready, there’s nothing else left to do but apply for jobs.

The process described above may be slow-going at first. However, keep at it, and it won’t be long before you land your first gig.

Freelance writing has such a low barrier to entry that you can embark on your career in a matter of hours.

However, there are a few factors you need to consider when starting out. They include:

  • Copyright Ownership: Unless otherwise agreed with the client, you don’t own the copyright to work you’ve written in exchange for payment. This point is especially true when you work for a company as an independent contractor.
  • Author Credit : Not all freelance writing gigs provide the opportunity to get author credit. Therefore, you’ll have to be selective about the gigs you take if you want to get your name out there.
  • Subcontracting Agreements : If you land a gig that requires you to sign a contract, you might need to draw up a subcontractor agreement . This agreement protects you from liability in the event that you need to hire outside help to complete a task. If the subcontractor doesn’t fulfill their obligation, you’re legally covered.
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence : As mentioned above, many clients prefer human-written content to AI-generated content. If your client or employer expressly forbids the use of AI writing assistants, abide by their policy.
  • Plagiarism : Stealing other people’s content and passing it off as yours is a huge no-no in the content writing world. Tools like Copyscape can expose your stolen content and search engines like Google will penalize your client for your indiscretion. So don’t do it. It can cost you a lucrative contract and damage your reputation.
  • Taxes : Freelance income over $400 is subject to taxes, so keep that in mind when freelancing. You’ll need to file tax returns once you hit the above financial milestone.

When you keep the above considerations in mind, your freelance writing side hustle can operate without any avoidable hiccups.

What is the Best Paid to Write Website?

ProBlogger is probably the best website on the above list to search for high-paying freelance writing gigs.

What Type of Writing Pays the Most?

Technical writing gigs are among the highest-paying writing projects a freelance writer can get. Research writing also pays well.

If content writing isn’t your speed, we discuss similar ways to get paid below.

  • Get Paid to Take Surveys : If you’re looking for a less labor-intensive means of earning extra money, you can try taking paid surveys.
  • Get Paid to Type : This side hustle is similar to content writing, except you’ll be doing things like data entry and transcribing videos.
  • Get Paid to Text : Rather than write full-length articles, you can get paid to have text conversations in a customer service role.

Due to how competitive the freelance side hustle can be, guides like this are important to clarify the process.

When you know what to expect and where to look for work, you can make your writing side hustle soar with a little luck and a lot of determination.

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Write to Six Figures

20 Awesome Ways to Make Money Writing Online [2021 Edition]

Looking for some tools that can help you earn more writing.

  • Try Grammarly , the free proofreading and editing tool for writing cleaner copy!
  • Get your freelance writer website set up with NameHero !
  • And check out FlexJobs and Writers Work for the best high-paying freelance writing jobs!

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Interested in finding ways to make money writing online ?

Of course you are, or you wouldn’t be here, right?

Freelance writing is one of the best ways to make money online. Whether you’re doing it as a side hustle or you’re running a full-time business, it’s possible to make a great income from your writing skills.

I’ve been writing online for money full-time since 2014 and it’s changed my life. Starting a freelance writing side hustle, then turning it into a business has allowed me to create financial freedom and security for myself and my kids.

And maybe that’s one of your goals, too. The great thing about freelance writing is that there are so many ways to make money doing it!

And that’s what this post is going to cover. I’ll walk you through some of the best ways to make money writing online and how to get started!

Related post: 15 Best Freelance Writing Sites That Pay Well

make money writing online

Benefits of Writing Online for Money

What You'll Learn

Before we dig into the “how” of making money writing online, let’s talk about why you’d ever want to try it.

woman freelance writing

There are some great reasons to try freelance writing if you want to earn money online. Here are some of the best reasons to consider a career as a freelance writer:

  • It’s flexible.  Being a freelance writer means you don’t have to follow a 9 to 5 schedule. You can set your hours and decide when you want to work (or don’t).
  • It’s creative.  If you have a creative streak, getting paid to write online is a good way to put it work. If you’re passionate about your niche, you can easily build a six-figure career writing about it.
  • You don’t need a writing degree. One of the biggest myths about becoming a freelance writer is that you need a journalism degree to get paid to write. Not true! My undergrad and graduate degrees are in political science and criminal justice but that hasn’t stopped me from becoming an expert freelance writer.
  • You don’t need experience either.  This is another big freelance writing myth: that you can only get freelance writing jobs if you have experience. And I guarantee you it’s possible to land paid writing gigs even when you’ve never been paid to write before.
  • It can pay really well.  Freelance writing can be one of the most lucrative side hustles or online businesses out there. I make well over six figures writing online and other freelancers are doing the same so if you think you can’t earn a full-time income this way, think again!

Related post: 20 Freelance Writing Niches That Pay The Most Money

How Can I Make Money Writing Online?

If you want to make money writing online, then it helps to have a game plan.

woman typing on a laptop

When I first started freelance writing, I had three things which I think are still essential for anyone who wants to launch a writing career:

  • A laptop (I mean duh, of course you need that so you can write stories, blog posts or whatever your client requests.)
  • Reliable internet (Again, a no-brainer.)
  • A PayPal account or bank account for getting paid.

Wait..is that it?

Yep! I started my freelance writing side hustle with just those three things. And even now that my side hustle has become a full-time business, I still rely on those same three things to get things done.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a few other things I use like QuickBooks for doing my taxes as a freelancer and this freelance writer contract template from Amira at A Self Guru. And I rely on web hosting from Siteground and Converkit to help me run my various blogs.

But otherwise, starting a freelance writing side hustle is something you can do with little or no money!

Aside from the tools of the trade mentioned above, there are a few other things that are good to have if you want to make money writing online:

  • An online portfolio of freelance writing samples
  • A freelance writer website or blog that you can use to market yourself and create samples for your portfolio
  • A killer LinkedIn profile
  • A highly profitable freelance writing niche

Those things can help you build a solid foundation as a beginning freelance writer. For more on how each one of them fits into the six-figure freelance writing formula, be sure to check out this ultimate beginner’s guide to freelancing !

Related post: How to Become a Freelance Writer With No Experience (10 Practical Tips)

20 Legitimate Ways to Make Money Writing Online

woman typing on a laptop

Alright, ready to learn how to make money writing online?

Great! That’s what I want to help you with.

So here are 20 legit ways to make money from your writing skills!

1. Freelance blogging

Freelance blogging is one of the easiest ways to make money writing online.

As a freelance blogger, you create blog posts for businesses, bloggers and brands. You can get paid per post or per word – I make anywhere from $300 to $900 writing blog posts!

You can cold pitch websites to offer freelance blogging services. Or you can check out freelance writing job boards to find paid blogging gigs.

If you want to start freelance blogging, check out this list of 14 ways to find paid freelance blogging jobs online !

2. Start a blog

Starting a blog of your own is another way to make money from your writing skills.

The different ways to make money blogging include:

  • Running ads on your site
  • Selling affiliate products
  • Writing sponsored posts
  • Developing and selling a product
  • Selling your services through your blog

I have three blogs that make money through a combination of ads, affiliates and sponsored posts. Creating a product is next on the list. 🙂

If you want to make money blogging, then it’s super easy to get started. I’ve got a simple-to-follow guide to starting a blog you can check out here!

And if you want the TL;DR version, you can head on over to Siteground to get your new blog up and running!

3. Copywriting

Copywriting is a fancy way of saying sales writing.

As a copywriter, you can make money writing online by creating website copy, email marketing content and other sales content for clients.

Copywriting can be highly profitable; remote copywriters earn as much as $130,000 a year , according to ZipRecruiter.

If you’re looking for online copywriting jobs, check out sites like FlexJobs or Contena .

These are both premium job boards that feature high-paying online writing gigs you won’t find anywhere else!

4. Article writing

Article writing is exactly what it sounds like – you get paid to write articles for websites.

In addition to blog writing, I also write articles for some of my personal finance niche clients. And finding these gigs isn’t that different from finding freelance blogging jobs.

If you want to start making money as an online article writer, check out this list of 50+ places to find paid writing jobs !

5. Write and sell eBooks

Creating and selling ebooks is another genius way to get paid to write online.

You can create an ebook using a tool like Canva and download it as a PDF to sell digitally.

Some of the best places to sell ebooks include:

Also, don’t forget that you can sell ebooks or other digital products through your blog if you have one!

6. Make thousands writing whitepapers

White papers are sort of like really long, detailed blog posts.

I’ve done white paper writing for clients in the past and each one paid $2,000 at a minimum. And that’s a low end; some white paper writers charge $5,000 to $10,000+ for a single project.

White papers pay so well because they can take time to research and create. You have to back up what you write with facts from credible sources and make sure that you’re covering the topic in detail.

If you’re wondering how to get started with writing white papers, I’ll be covering that in a future post. But for now, be sure to check out this guide !

7. Try technical writing

Technical writing might appeal to you if you want to get paid to write and you’re super detail-oriented.

Technical writers create guides and reports that explain complex topics in an easy-to-digest way. Some of the things you might get paid to write as a technical writer include:

  • User manuals
  • Annual reports
  • How-to guides
  • Installation guides
  • Disclaimers

That’s just a short list. For more on what technical writing is and how to make money doing it, give this guide a read!

8. Become a ghostwriter

Ghostwriting is another excellent opportunity to make money writing online and a lot of it!

As a ghostwriter, you’re tasked with creating written content in the voice and style of someone else. For example, I used to ghostwrite thought leadership pieces that were published on high profile websites for the CEO of a real estate crowdfunding platform.

Ghostwriting can pay well for a few reasons.

For one thing, you don’t get a byline. And because you don’t get the credit for what you write you can charge a little more for that.

For another, ghostwriting can be tricky to master since you have to learn how to adapt your writing voice and style to fit that of the person you’re writing for.

Some of the ways you can get paid to write as a ghostwriter include creating:

You can find ghostwriting jobs on job boards like Contena or FlexJobs but it’s also worth scouting out free job boards as well. Here are a few worth trying it you want to make money as a ghostwriter:

  • All Freelance Writing Jobs
  • JournalismJobs.com
  • Problogger Jobs

9. Try resume writing

Resume writing is a great money-making skill to have as a freelance writer.

A solid resume can help job-seekers get hired but writing a winning resume isn’t always a piece of cake. That’s where freelance writers like you can help!

If it’s been a while since you’ve written a resume, snag this book to help you brush up on the basics.

freelance writer

10. Make money proofreading

Proofreading is another way to make money as a freelance writer if you’re a total grammar nerd.

As an online proofreader, you review content from other writers and check for things like:

  • Grammatical errors
  • Punctuation errors
  • Spelling mistakes

You’re doing more reading than writing but it’s worth mentioning here because proofreaders can make a ton of money!

And it’s also really easy to get started with online proofreading jobs. In fact, there’s a free general proofreading course you can sign up for to learn the basics!

The course is lead by Caitlin Pyle who’s a proofreading pro. So if you’re at all interested in learning how to proofread for money, be sure to check it out !

making money online essay

11. Become a grant writer

When nonprofits and other organizations need to raise money, applying for grants is one way to do it. And they can pay professional grant writers to get the job done.

Grant and proposal writing can easily generate a six-figure income if you know what you’re doing.

This book is an excellent resource for learning more about how grant writing works!

12. Write social media content

Businesses and brands rely on social media to drive traffic to their websites and get people to buy their products or services.

If you’re social media savvy, this could be a low-stress way to make money writing online. You can find social media content writer jobs on some of the job boards already mentioned here or check out sites like Indeed and SimplyHired for paying gigs.

13. Offer writing services as a virtual assistant

Before I was a freelance writer I made money online as a virtual assistant.

Virtual assistants essentially help business owners run their businesses. As a VA, I primarily did writing-related tasks like:

  • Writing email marketing copy
  • Creating articles for a small business website
  • Writing property listing descriptions for a real estate company

If you want to start making money as a virtual assistant, you’ll definitely want to check out this guide from Gina at Horkey Handbook.

Gina has built an insanely successful business out of VA work and she coaches other would-be VAs on how to make money online. Her course, Fullly Booked VA , is a comprehensive roadmap to making money as a VA!

14. Write for magazines

Magazines hire freelance writers to create digital content and content for their print editions. And it can pay really well, too.

I’m talking $2 or more per word, which can easily add up to $1,000 or more for a simple 500-word piece.

A simple way to find magazine writing jobs is to check the magazine’s masthead or website to see if they work with freelance contributors.

But if you’re serious about making money writing online for magazines, then purchasing the latest edition of Writer’s Market is a must! It’s an ultimate resource for finding high-paying magazine writing gigs.

15. Become a product review writer

Have you ever been set on buying something but wanted to read a few reviews first to make sure it’s worth the money?

If you’re reading reviews on a site like Tom’s Guide or CNET, chances are those reviews were written by a freelance writer.

Product review writing means you have to dig into the details of the product and cover all the pros and cons – basically everything someone would need to know to decide whether to buy it.

But if you’re detail-oriented, this is another excellent way to get paid to write!

16. Try real estate writing

Real estate companies hire freelance writers all the time to create content.

For example, you might get paid to write:

  • Blog posts for a real estate firm’s blog
  • Sales or marketing copy for brochures or email campaigns
  • Property descriptions for real estate listing sites

If you want to make money writing online for real estate companies, cold pitching is a great strategy to try.

When you cold pitch, you’re essentially putting yourself on a real estate agent or broker’s radar and offering your services as a writer.

If you’ve never cold pitched before, you’ll want to read this detailed guide on how to create a winning pitch !

17. Write press releases

Press release writing is something else I’ve dabbled in as a freelance writer.

woman using a laptop

Companies hire freelancers to craft press releases highlighting things like the launch of a new product, the announcement of an acquisition or merger and other major milestones.

Press release writing can take some skill to master since you have to be concise and it’s a lot like copywriting.

But if you can hit it out of the park, it’s another way to make $100,000 or more a year writing!

18. Sell your notes

If you’re great at taking notes for college courses, then you could make money selling them to other students.

Sites like Nexus Notes and Stuvia make it easy to sell your study materials, including:

  • Class notes
  • Study guides
  • Textbook summaries

It’s possible to make $75 or more selling notes, depending on the website you use and the number of pages.

Just be sure to check your school’s policy on note-selling first, as some schools frown upon it.

19. Get paid $100 to write lists

Do you love writing lists?

I’m a big fan of list-making, including to-do lists and goal lists.

If you like writing lists, you could make money writing online for Listverse .

This website pays writers $100 for each top 10 list they publish. This site is a fun way to make money writing online since lists can cover virtually any topic.

Check out Listverse and submit your first top 10 list.

20. Get paid to write fiction

Do you like writing short stories, poetry, novellas or novels?

If so, you could make money writing online for outlets that publish works of fiction.

Some of the sites that pay writers for fiction include:

  • Asimov’s Science Fiction
  • Reader’s Digest

When submitting stories, poetry or creative nonfiction be sure to read the guidelines first. And remember to follow up on your submissions as it can sometimes take a while to hear back.

Final thoughts on how to make money writing online

All the ideas here can help you get on the fast track to getting paid to write.

You can try these methods to make money writing online whether you’re a new freelance writer or you’ve got some experience under your belt.

What are your favorite ways to get paid to write? Head to the comments and let me know.

And don’t forget to share this post!

7 thoughts on “20 Awesome Ways to Make Money Writing Online [2021 Edition]”

Love this Rebecca! I make money writing blog articles too and can’t believe I get to make money doing something that I love every day. This is a legit list of ways to make money writing online and totally avoid content mills like so many of us started off at. Avoid places like Upwork and Fiverr at all cost.

I would love to become a pro in writing. Do you assess beginners article and content writing?

Writing is one of the best way to make money online an educated person easily be a wirter if he want however thanks to Rebecca for this valuable information

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I truly appreciate your efforts.

you website is very nice thank you so much

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29 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023

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Good news: there are a LOT of different options when it comes to paid online writing. No matter your interests or areas of expertise, if you’re ready to bring in some extra cash, opportunities are waiting for you.

Whether you want to write an occasional article for extra spending money or dedicate your free time to running a blog so you can one day quit your day job and become a freelance writer for hire , we’ll show you 30 easy ways to make money writing online in 2023 and everything you need to know to get paid for your writing skills.

1. Start a blog

Blogging is a tried-and-true method for writers to make money online. You may be wondering if it’s still possible for new bloggers to make money with all the established blogs already online, and the answer is YES.

Blogging requires dedication and consistency, and it will also take some time for your blog to gain momentum before you see much income, but it is absolutely possible.

The first step to starting a blog is picking your niche. This is the topic you’ll write about. It’s good to get specific here; there are many blogs on the internet, so if you can provide a unique perspective, your readers are more likely to stick around.

Next, you’ll need to pick your domain, design your blog, and get it all set up. There are a ton of great resources out there to help you with this (just remember you get what you pay for: while there are free blog hosting sites and free templates, top bloggers agree that you’ll need to spend a little money upfront if you want to make money writing in the long run).

Once you’ve got your blog established, remember to post regularly, promote your posts on social media, and engage with your readers. No blog has ever been an overnight success, but you can make good money from blogging with a little time and consistency.

2. Create blog posts (for others)

If you’re not quite ready to start your own blog, you can always dip your toes in the water by guest blogging. Many bloggers hire other bloggers to create content, and a lot of companies will hire freelance writers to contribute to the blog section of their website.

If you decide to go this route, make sure to do your research beforehand. Familiarize yourself with the blog you’re writing for, so you can match the tone and blend in with the existing content.

Bloggers who publish daily get 57% better results than those who publish multiple times per week. - Semrush

3. Establish a niche website

If you have an interest or expertise in a particular niche, you can start a website dedicated to it. This gives you all the creative control of running your own blog without the pressure of regular posting. (Although you will need to update your website regularly to keep it fresh and make sure it reaches full potential.)

4. Self-Publish a book

There are self-publishing options for every type of book, from short instructional guides to romance novels to nonfiction tomes. If you’ve written a book and you’re unsure what your next step should be, why not consider self-publishing?

Publishing your own book is an incredibly rewarding experience, as you have control over every step of the process. This can be a double-edged sword, however. After starting down the path to self-publication, many authors realize that while they love writing, they don’t love obsessing over font and margin options or negotiating with cover artists.

And even if you use a free service, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing , you’ll need to spend money on editing, cover design, marketing, and advertising.

The hope is that you would make that money back from your book sales, but there are no guarantees. But if you play your cards right, it’s possible to turn a profit from your self-published book.

5. Create affiliate content

Ever notice how almost every food blogger includes Amazon links to their favorite ingredients and cookware? Or maybe you found an article on Pinterest listing an outdoor enthusiast’s essential camping gear.

These are both examples of affiliate content, where you (the affiliate) partner with a company to drive traffic to their website and earn commissions on any resulting sales. Affiliate marketing content is an excellent way to generate passive income on your blog or website.

It takes a little strategizing, but once you develop a plan and implement your affiliate content, you can make money while you sleep .

6. Write scripts for video creators

If you understand scriptwriting’s technicalities, you can bring in money by partnering with a video creator. It’s pretty common for video creators to have great screen presence—but not-so-great writing skills, so there are plenty of gigs to be had in this field.

Video content is exploding in popularity, so now is a great time to get your foot in the door and add some script-writing experience to your resume. These gigs are often posted on job boards , and you can also take the initiative and reach out to some content creators whose work you enjoy to see if they could use a hand with scriptwriting.

"60% of businesses use video as a marketing tool." - Biteable

7. Write show notes for podcasts

Show notes are a written online resource for podcast listeners that accompany each episode of a podcast. Every podcast approaches show notes a little differently, but typically, they are brief, easy-to-scan episode summaries that often include additional relevant resources. You can find work writing show notes on job boards, or send cold pitches out to podcasters you would like to work with as a freelance writer.

8. Create written content for social media

making money online essay

Large companies typically have a marketer (or a team of them) dedicated to keeping their social media running smoothly. But smaller businesses often can’t hire a full-time employee to manage their social media presence. Freelancers are the ideal solution, and are a win-win for everyone.

Think about your favorite local ice cream parlor, gift shop, or espresso stand, and do a little digging into their social media presence. If you notice that they haven’t posted anything in months or that they struggle with creating high-quality, engaging content, then you just found an excellent opportunity to pitch your writing services.

There’s no need to bash them or focus too much on their social media mistakes , but you can start a polite and friendly conversation where you mention that you noticed room for improvement. Try to emphasize what they stand to gain from working with you and how much potential you see in their social media presence.

Before you pitch your social media writing services, make sure you do your research on fair pricing and know which services you want to offer at what rates. If a business owner shows interest in working with you, the last thing you want to do is keep them waiting while you iron out details you could already have had in place.

9. Produce content for local businesses

While you’re talking to small, local business owners about their social media content, don’t forget the other services you can provide as well.

Maybe a local business could use your help with the occasional blog post, copy for their website, or informational materials like brochures and pamphlets. If you need a list of local businesses, consider joining your local chamber of commerce. Their events can be an effective way to network with other local business owners.

10. Submit magazine articles

Do you have a juicy story from your personal life that your friends love hearing over and over again, or a political perspective that incites the “mind-blown” emoji from every person you share it with? Write it down and turn it into a magazine article to make money.

The magazine industry may not be as prominent as it once was, but it is still going strong , and plenty of freelance writers are getting paid to write magazine articles. Some magazines pay upwards of $500 per article.

Do a little research to find the magazines that would be the best fit for your article, and make sure they haven’t published anything too similar in the recent past.

This is also a good time to find the magazine’s submission guidelines—make sure you follow their instructions carefully, so you have a better chance of getting accepted.

11. Create an information product

If you’re an expert at something, you can monetize that knowledge by creating and selling informational products. This can be an ebook, a video, a short PDF, or any electronic format sharing your insights. Don’t be afraid to get creative here!

Online information products are an excellent way to generate revenue because there are little to no overhead costs involved. You don’t need to worry about packing and shipping a physical product, nor do you need to be involved in the transactions once you handle the initial logistics of making your product available.

The most important thing is to make sure you’re providing a high-quality product with valuable tips and tricks that your customers won’t be able to find elsewhere. If your customers love what they learn from you, they’re much more likely to pay for other products you offer and recommend your business to their friends.

12. Ghostwrite online content

Want to know a secret?

When you see a byline on an online article or blog post, there’s a pretty good chance that the named author didn’t actually write that content. Ghostwriting is not just for celebrity autobiographies; a lot of blogs and websites hire ghostwriters, too.

If you’re okay with taking home the paycheck but not seeing your name on the byline, seek out ghostwriting gigs. These jobs often command rates of 30% to 50% more than bylined work because they aren’t pieces you can add to your portfolio or claim responsibility for.

13. Write video game guidebooks

Streaming your gameplay isn’t the only way for gamers to make money online. If you know a video game inside and out, consider writing a guidebook for it and selling it as a PDF.

If you don’t want to handle the logistics of selling your own product, you can always write freelance articles and guides for video game websites and magazines.

"In 2019, the gaming industry has generated total revenue of $151.9 billion." - Review42

14. Create destination guides

Whether you love to travel or are the go-to person for the best spots to visit in your hometown, you can turn your knowledge into a profitable destination guide. This can be an extensive information product that you sell on your blog or website, or you can pitch it to a travel magazine or blog accepting these types of publications.

15. Write poetry

Poetry may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about making money writing online, but it’s possible to turn a profit off of your poems. There are several places you can submit your poetry online for publication, and if your piece is selected, you’ll get a paycheck on top of bragging rights. Here are some of the top-paying online poetry publishers:

  • The Sun Magazine : Pays $100-$250
  • Poetry Foundation : Pays $300+
  • Boulevard Magazine : Pays $50-$250
  • Crazyhorse : Pays $20-$200
  • EPOCH : Pays a minimum of $50 per poem

16. Transcribe documents

Transcribing is flexible work that can pay very well once you have some quality pieces in your portfolio. High-paying transcription jobs often require experience, special equipment, and specialized medical or legal knowledge.

But don’t let that discourage you if you think you’d enjoy the work. You can quickly get your foot in the door by taking on a few simple, lower-paying gigs. Check out these reputable transcribing sites to learn more:

  • TranscribeMe

17. Write personal essays

making money online essay

If you have interesting life stories, the world wants to hear them. Lots of websites pay you for the right to publish your personal essays. Further below, you’ll find some publications to pitch.

You could also turn your essays into a blog or website, although you should be very strategic if you decide to go this route; blogs dedicated to niches tend to perform exceptionally well, while personal perspective blogs do not.

18. Create greeting card sayings

Someone has to write the sayings and poems on greeting cards. Frequently, that someone is a freelance writer. If you think you have what it takes to create a best-selling greeting card, these companies that pay for greeting card verse submissions:

  • Oatmeal Studios
  • Blue Mountain Arts

19. Write product descriptions

Some companies pay quite well to ensure that the product descriptions on their websites are clear and informative. Look for these gigs on job boards or pitch the company yourself. There are even websites you can join, such as Crowd Content , that pay you to write product descriptions for their clients. You can also find possible clients for this on sites like Upwork .

20. Start copywriting

Copywriting can refer to any writing that is specifically used for promotion and marketing. This can include content on websites, video scripts, blog posts, emails—you name it.

Businesses use copy to promote a product or service and drive the reader to action. Some companies hire freelance copywriters, some hire copywriters from marketing agencies that work with multiple companies, and some have staff copywriters. You can find copywriting work on job boards of all kinds, including Indeed and Zip Recruiter.

21. Create email sequences

An email sequence is a series of automated emails sent from a business to its clients at different sales cycle stages. Companies also send out email sequences when someone takes a specific action (or lack of action), such as clicking a link in an email or leaving an e-commerce site with items still in the shopping cart.

If you have a strong understanding of email marketing tactics, you can work with any company to create or improve their email sequences. Since more companies are getting into email marketing , there is plenty of opportunities to make money writing here.

Nearly 90% of marketers use email marketing to distribute content organically. - Content Marketing Institute

22. Write technical manuals

Technical writing is a lucrative field because it requires extensive knowledge of the industry you’re writing for. Technical writers need to know how to take complex information and break it down into simple, easy-to-understand messages.

23. Post on a revenue sharing site

Revenue sharing sites host your content and give you a percentage of the ad revenue generated from the page in exchange. This can be a great way to gain experience writing online , since you don’t have to worry about setting up your own website or driving traffic—although you should do everything you can to market your work and encourage people to read your work on revenue sharing sites.

Here are some examples of revenue sharing sites where you can get paid to write articles:

24. Enter a writing contest

Keep an eye out for writing contests, and throw your hat in the ring when you can. This one is a bit of a gamble because only the winners get paid, but it could well be worthwhile.

Some contests pay their winners surprisingly well, and winning can also be a great way to gain exposure as a writer. So if you have the time, why not give it a shot?

Here are a few reputable contests to get you started:

  • Reedsy lists over 100 writing contests
  • Biopage’s Storytelling Contest pays $100 to $300 for winning short stories.

25. Write resumes

If you have a knack for creating effective resumes, you can find freelance work writing resumes for job hunters. Check job boards for resume writing gigs, and spread the word through social media that you are accepting clients for resume makeovers.

As a similar way to get paid to write, you can also specialize in LinkedIn profiles. Many professionals are willing to pay for an optimized profile that can help them land work.

26. Write and sell songs

Do you love writing music? You can sell your songwriting services online with the help of these websites:

  • Nashville Songwriters Association

27. Review books

Calling all readers! Did you know you can get paid to review books? If you can read quickly and write engaging, objective reviews, this could be an excellent way to earn some extra money.

Here are some companies that accept applications for book reviewers:

  • Reedsy Discovery
  • Online Book Club

28. Do SEO writing

SEO writers are some of the best-paid freelance writers because they provide the most value to their clients. These specialized writers know plenty of SEO tips, including researching keywords and integrating them into websites to make them rank higher in search results.

Semrush lists seven SEO Certification courses that you can take if you want to learn more about SEO, some of which are free.

29. Write sponsored content

If you have a blog, writing sponsored content is a no-brainer. Simply put, sponsored content is anything that a company pays you to write and publish on your blog.

There are tons of options for companies you can work with, and some creative ways to write sponsored content that doesn’t feel like advertising. Check out these trusted sponsored post networks you can join to find paid blogging opportunities:

  • Blog Meets Brand

How can you find paid writing opportunities online?

making money online essay

There are several ways to find legitimate opportunities to make money writing online. The links provided in the above examples are an excellent start, and we have even more ideas for you below.

Cold pitching companies you want to work for

As a freelance writer, one of the most critical skills for you to develop is learning how to cold pitch your services. This is where you send unsolicited emails to companies or individuals to offer your writing services.

Since the people you’re approaching didn’t ask for your help, it’s normal to get many nos. But there’s also a chance that the business does need your services, and you’ll never know unless you ask.

Searching online job boards

Online job boards are a great resource for finding any work, freelance writing gigs included. Here are a few of our favorite reputable job boards. You’ll find some free ones and others that you’ll need to pay to access:

  • Freelancing Females
  • Freelance Writers Den
  • Blogging Pro

Pitching bloggers who accept guest posts

When you’re looking at blogs, take note of the ones that include guest blogging articles. Use your cold pitching skills and email the author to offer your guest writing services.

Bloggers are typically very busy people, and they’re often grateful for the opportunity to outsource some of their work. Not all bloggers can afford to pay their guest bloggers, so it’s up to you if you want to accept free work or not.

Sometimes the new connection and link to a published article that you can add to your portfolio are worth it, but only you can decide.

Searching on social media

It’s becoming more common for companies to turn to social media to find writers to hire. The next time you’re scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, take a moment to check out these hashtags:

  • #needwriters
  • #hiringwriters
  • #writerswanted
  • #writersneeded
  • #bloggerswanted

Then read through the listings and see what catches your interest. You can often find opportunities in a variety of niches this way.

Submitting queries to publications

If there’s a magazine or website you love, check and see if they accept submissions from freelance writers. See further below for tips on finding a publication to pitch.

Networking with other freelance writers

Keeping in touch with your writer acquaintances is always a good idea. Don’t be afraid to mention that you’re always looking for new writing jobs—the next time they get an offer that they’re too busy for, they may just pass your name along.

You can connect with other writers on social media or at in-person events. Work on keeping your working relationship positive, and you never know when you’ll see a referral coming your way.

Pro tip:Search for freelance writer groups on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social platforms.

Posting on social media

If you don’t already have social media accounts strictly dedicated to your writing business, don’t waste any time in getting them established. Social media is a fantastic resource to find paid writing opportunities; the occasional post announcing that you’re accepting new clients can do wonders for your business. Don’t forget to encourage your followers to share your posts. Someone in your network may know someone who is searching for a writer.

Creating a website to share your services

Setting up a website to help advertise your writing services is a great way to appear more professional to prospective clients. You can share a link to your website whenever you apply for a gig or cold pitch your services.

Here are some essential elements to include:

  • Your resume
  • A professional photo of yourself
  • Links to any published writings of your own
  • Sample articles
  • A list of services you provide
  • Testimonials from past clients
  • Your contact information or even a contact form so potential clients can email you directly from your site

Searching on Craigslist in major cities

Craigslist often has paid writing opportunities, so don’t overlook this resource. Remember to search other locations outside of your own city, too. Check the listings for major metropolitan areas, where people post the majority of jobs. Here are five cities you should check regularly:

  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco

Another tip to help you find assignments on this website - writing jobs on Craigslist are sometimes posted under “Gigs” and sometimes under “Jobs,” so be sure to check both sections.

Asking past freelance writing clients if they have more work for you

As mentioned earlier, networking is essential. Keeping in touch with your past clients is equally important. There’s no need to hound them, but don’t be afraid to check in periodically and see if there’s anything else they need help with.

Where can you submit your writing online for money?

making money online essay

When deciding where to submit your writing, you want to make sure that the publication will pay its authors and that it fits well with your preferred writing style. Here are a few possibilities for you to check out, organized by niche.

If you prefer writing personal essays, you’re in luck. Here are five sites that might pay you for your essays:

The Bold Italic

Can you write a personal essay about the spirit of San Francisco that will make readers laugh or cry? If yes, submit it to The Bold Italic . The editors will review it and make a decision. If it’s published, you’ll get $50.

Buzzfeed Reader

If you want your personal essay to be read by the masses, you’ve got to pitch the editors over at Buzzfeed Reader . It pays competitive rates for essays about nearly any fresh idea.

The LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired in San Francisco pays for dynamic personal essays written by blind or visually impaired writers. It will occasionally publish pieces written by writers outside of this category. The editors enjoy working collaboratively with you on the piece, and pay $100 upon publication.

If you can write a unique personal essay with a strong voice, the editors at Dame want you to send a pitch. A published essay will earn you about $150, though you’ll finalize payment details throughout the submission process.

Business, career, and finance

The penny hoarder.

This popular website is a great place to pitch if you have a laid-back writing style and unique tips about earning or saving money. The Penny Hoarder gives detailed pitch directions and provides a form you can fill out, making the whole process as simple as possible. If your pitch is accepted, an editor will discuss payment with you at that time.

Doctor of Credit

Do you have a strong understanding of consumer credit law? Have you found a unique credit card from a small issuer? Doctor of Credit is a great blog that may publish a guest post if you have niche financial knowledge to share. They pay $50 per post.

Income Diary

This website is all about making money online, from blog design to content creation to entrepreneurship and a success mindset. Income Diary pays up to $200 for an article on these topics.

Freelance Mom

If you know how to balance being your own boss and being an awesome mom, Freelance Mom wants to hear from you. You can earn between $75 and $100 on articles between 900 to 1,500 words.

Family and parenting

Pregnant chicken.

This fun and informative website features pregnancy tips and stories about pregnancy, childbirth, and being a new parent. Pregnant Chicken pays $100 per post.

Zift publishes articles relating to parenting in a technology-driven world. If you have an evergreen, original article about managing kids and screen time, you could earn $100 for it.

Your Teen Media

If you’ve raised teenagers and seen it all, you can get paid to write by Teen Media , a trusted editorial source for readers seeking information about raising teenagers. Payment rates are not listed on their websites, but you can discuss this with the editor if your pitch gets accepted.

Go World Travel

This is a great place to pitch if you’re a new writer. Go World Travel publishes contributions from first-time writers and experts alike. If you can tell a captivating, descriptive story about your travels, you can earn $30 to $40 per article.

Matador Network

You’ll need to set up a profile with Matador Network to respond to their calls for submissions. Once you do, you can earn $40 or more for short commissioned travel articles.

GoNOMAD is a resource for “honest, accurate, well-written and detailed articles and destination guides that speak to an educated, curious, and well-traveled audience.” They pay $25 for stories between 1700 to 2200 words long.

Extra Crispy

Extra Crispy is all about breakfast, and they are looking for opinion pieces, stories, essays, recipes, etc. This is the perfect place to pitch if the most important meal of the day also happens to be your favorite. It doesn’t list payment terms on its website, so you’ll need to work that out with the editor if your pitch is accepted.

Taste of Home

This family-favorite publication publishes recipes from home cooks. You can sign into their website to see what types of recipes they are currently looking for. Taste of Home discusses payment rates upon acceptance.

If you have a unique perspective on food culture, try pitching Eater . They cover a wide range of food-related topics, so take a look and see if you can come up with an idea they might love! Payment terms are not listed on their website.

Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean is looking for talented authors to create technical tutorials and articles about software development. In addition to a personal payout (typically $300), you’ll also get to select a tech-focused charity to receive a donation from DigitalOcean.

If you can create original content to add to Linode’s library of technical guides and tutorials, you can earn $300. They currently are focusing on adding articles about Kubernetes, Linux essentials, and databases, so if you send a pitch about one of those topics, you’re more likely to be accepted.

Do you consider yourself a WordPress expert? If yes, consider pitching WPHUB . Depending on your article’s topic and length, they pay between $10 to $200 for content about web design trends, exploring useful plugins for developers, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics.

How to send a pitch for an online writing gig

making money online essay

Whether you're trying to send a submission to a specific blog or applying for a gig you found on a job board, you’ll need to send a pitch if you want to get paid to write.

If you’re wondering what a pitch is, it’s a written correspondence in which you explain to an editor or publisher an idea you have for an article, blog post, story, etc., and ask them to consider hiring you to execute your idea.

While you want your pitch to have your voice and not sound like you copied and pasted it, there are a few essential pieces to include. Here’s what every pitch needs:

  • The editor’s name. Addressing your pitch to the right person will show that you did your homework. On this note, also make sure you send it to the correct email address.
  • Details about your idea. No need to send the entire finished piece (unless it’s asked for). However, you need to make it clear what your story is about and why you’re the best person for the job.
  • A brief bio. The editor doesn’t have time to read your life story, but you should introduce them to you and share any relevant experience you may have.
  • A link to your portfolio. This gives the editor the chance to get a feel for your writing abilities and style. If you write in a wide range of styles, it’s a good idea to only link to the ones that best match the publication you’re pitching to.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous when submitting a pitch, especially for new writers. Whatever you do, don’t let your fear of rejection or imposter syndrome stop you from sending a pitch. Manage your expectations, and know going into it that you will receive a lot more nos than yeses.

That’s true for even the most talented writers, though, so don’t take it personally. Keep at it, and eventually, your pitch will reach the person who’s ready to work with you.

5 tips for successful pitching as a freelance writer

To improve your acceptance rate, here are five tips to help you send a better pitch:

1. Follow directions

If you are replying to a job listing or submitting to an established publication, make sure you carefully follow any guidelines they provide. If the publisher thinks that you can’t follow simple instructions such as giving your email the proper subject line or saving your resume in the specified format, they probably won’t be very eager to work with you.

2. Pitch for topics you’re comfortable writing about

When you’re first getting started, It’s tempting to pitch for any and all gigs you can find. But it’s highly encouraged that you pitch selectively.

You don’t need to stick to just one niche, but if you pitch topics you’re genuinely excited about, your passion and expertise will show, it’ll take you less time, and your finished work will be stronger.

3. Send a great idea

If you’re pitching an idea you came up with for a magazine article or a guest blog post, take some time to research the existing content and see what’s missing, so you don’t suggest topics they’ve already published.

Try to come up with a unique angle or provide a different perspective. That way, you send a great idea instead of a topic the site has already covered.

4. Explain why it’s a great fit

Make it clear to the publisher that you’re familiar with the publication and that you know what they’re looking for. Don’t make it about you; emphasize what they and their readers stand to gain from a partnership with you.

Do your research beforehand and know who their target audience is, what types of content they typically publish, the tone they usually write in, etc. The more you understand their style, the more you can blend in and convince them that it’s a natural partnership.

5. Keep it short

Editors are busy and don’t have time to read a novel in their inbox. Your pitch is the perfect place to show that not only are you a great writer, but you have an excellent understanding of clear and concise communication. Stick to the point, and don’t run off on unrelated rabbit trails.

How to get paid to write online

When you write content online, you’re typically considered a contract writer instead of an employee. This means you’ll need to send an invoice if you want to get paid.

An invoice is a simple document that sums up the work you did for your client, so they can see what they owe you. Basically, it’s a bill for services rendered.

It’s essential to make your invoice look professional. If you have branding elements or a logo, you’ll want to include those.

Your freelance writing invoice should include the following elements:

  • The word “Invoice” at the top. You want to make it clear to your client that this is an official billing document so that they’re more likely to pay you promptly.
  • Date you sent the invoice.
  • Your client’s name.
  • Your contact information.
  • An itemized list of services provided, with short, clear descriptions of each, and individual rates for each service.
  • Dates services were provided.
  • Payment rate.
  • Total amount due.
  • Any payment terms previously agreed upon.
  • A unique invoice ID number for your records.

There are invoice templates available online that can help you quickly set up invoices to send to your clients. The downside to using templates is that you can't easily track the payment status of all the different invoices you've sent to your clients.

Wave's invoicing software lets you do everything above (and more!) for free, no strings attached. You can create unlimited invoices with your logo and keep tabs on whether clients have seen your invoices. There are also options to set up recurring invoices for regular clients, which can save you a lot of time and headaches. If you turn on the payments option, there’s a small per-transaction fee when a client makes a payment.

Wave Money , a new service we’re launching, lets you deposit client payments and manage funds in an FDIC-insured account. We’re transforming the business banking industry with small business owners in mind. It’s the perfect online business banking option for freelance writers and other entrepreneurs.

How to create a portfolio to help you make money writing online

Having a solid portfolio is a crucial tool for any writer. Follow the below tips to make your portfolio as strong as possible.

Keep your portfolio up-to-date with your best new work

It doesn’t matter how much amazing content you created three, five, or ten years ago. Your potential clients want to see that you have recent publications under your belt.

Don’t include everything

Think of your portfolio as your highlights reel. Only include the writing you’re most proud of and that aligns with the type of work you hope to get more of. There’s no need to have articles from your stint as a sports reporter if you’re trying to break into beauty blogging.

Break it into categories

If you do more than one type of writing, keep your portfolio well organized so that your potential clients can easily find the work that is most similar to what they want to hire you for.

Host it in an effective location

Your personal business website is the best place to keep your portfolio. However, if you don’t have a website yet, you can always use a portfolio-hosting website such as Contently or ClearVoice .

7 Red flags to watch for with online writing jobs

While you can legitimately get paid to write, there are scams out there. Knowing what to look for can help you avoid getting scammed, so keep an eye out for these red flags.

  • Anything that sounds too good to be true.
  • Any online gig requiring you to send money before you make money (except for some legitimate publications that charge a nominal submission fee).
  • A potential client asking for too much personal information.
  • Job postings that list unprofessional email addresses that look like a jumbled mess of letters and numbers.
  • Vague job descriptions.
  • Meager pay for the amount of work. (And on the other end, payment that seems way too high for the demands of the job.)
  • A company requesting that you do trial work for free to evaluate or sample your services.

While these red flags don’t necessarily mean you’ve stumbled upon a freelance writing scam, seeing one does mean you need to proceed with caution. You don’t want to get your identity stolen or complete work you never get paid for.

Time to take action

Now that you’ve learned about the best options available for you to get paid to write online, it’s time to get out there and give it a shot. Remember, there’s nothing you can gain from doubting yourself, so show a little faith, pick a path to get started with, and begin to make some money. With the right attitude and enough determination, anyone can make a living writing online.

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29 Great Ways to Make Money Writing Online in 2024

Lauren McManus

  • Updated: 04/30/24
  • Comments: 0

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Are you looking for a way to get paid to write? Do you want to make money by writing articles, blog posts, stories, or maybe something else entirely?

There are so many different ways to make money from writing, depending on your skill set and desires.

Whether you want to write for magazines, blogs, or other outlets, you can get paid to write from the comfort of your own home.

It’s often a very flexible job with flexible rates and hours.

Writing can be a great side business to start or even a full-time gig, depending on what you’re looking for.

With the right approach and some tips from this guide on how to make money writing, you’ll be able to turn your passion into a lucrative career!

We’ll cover everything from finding clients to understanding different payment methods, and more.

What Skills Do You Need to Get Paid to Write?

The good news is that you don’t need much at all to start a writing career – just a few basics.

  • Writing Skills: Of course, you should have some experience with writing. But the cool thing is that you can be a self-taught writer. You don’t need any special credentials or qualifications to get started.
  • Grammar Skills: Of course, you’ll need to have a good understanding of grammar and punctuation. Your work shouldn’t need any additional proofreading.
  • Research Skills: Being able to research topics quickly and accurately is essential for any kind of writing job. You may be required to cite your sources.
  • Time Management Skills: As with any job, managing your time well will help ensure that you meet deadlines and keep clients happy.
  • Marketing Skills: Promoting yourself as a writer is key in order to get new clients and maintain existing ones. You don’t have to be an expert in marketing but it helps! It also helps to have marketing experience to include in your writing to help your clients reach their audiences better.
  • Communication Skills: This is important to communicate submission deadlines and negotiate your rates.

29 Ways to Get Paid to Write Online

Making money online is the ultimate dream for many people and why wouldn’t it be? Work when you want and often for how much you want.

The world of writing can open up your career to so many different opportunities.

Let’s explore those opportunities in more depth below.

1. Blogging

blogger working late at her computer

Why rely on others to pay you money for writing when you can be your own boss? One of the best ways to make money writing is to start blogging .

There are a lot of ways to monetize blog content , including affiliate programs , sponsored posts, display ads, or selling your own products and services.

It takes time and effort to build an audience for your blog but it can be a much more rewarding way to get paid for writing.

Once your own blog becomes successful, you can also accept guest posts from other writers to help you save time and focus on other areas of your business.

It’s also very common for many bloggers to also have freelance writing gigs on the side while they are working on building their blogging business.

2. Freelance Writing

If you don’t have the time or desire to maintain a blog, freelance writing may be a better option for you. Freelance writers are hired by individuals, companies, websites, and publications to produce content on their behalf.

You’ll need to market yourself in order to land jobs as a freelance writer but once you do, you can start making money from home while writing about topics that interest you.

Plus, there are so many options for where to find freelance work — from job boards to social media groups—so it’s easy to find gigs that fit your skillset.

There are freelance writing opportunities in almost every area that we will discuss on this list.

3. Content Writing

man writing blog content in WordPress on a laptop

A lot of companies, websites, and publications hire content writers to produce blog posts for them.

As a content writer, you are responsible for researching topics, creating engaging content, and optimizing it for SEO.

This is an excellent way to get paid to write because you can find jobs in almost any industry.

Consider your writing niche and whether you want to be known for one particular niche or a variety of niches.

It’s also helpful to have experience with content marketing.

Many companies also offer regular updates so you won’t have to worry about finding new work once the first assignment is complete.

This type of online writing can be either a freelance or a full-time writing career, depending on the needs of the client.

4. Copywriting

Copywriters write persuasive messages that aim to convince readers into taking action (e.g., making a purchase).

They typically specialize in marketing copy for sales pages, emails, and more.

Copywriters need strong research skills, creativity, and an understanding of consumer psychology in order to craft effective copy that will resonate with their target audience.

Because copywriting is a more specialized form of writing, you can often get paid more in this industry.

5. SEO Writing

graphic showing SEO optimization concept

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key if you want people to find your content online.

SEO writers write articles that follow SEO best practices to ensure their content can easily found by search engines like Google or Bing.

In order to be an SEO writer, you should have an understanding of how blogs use SEO to drive traffic.

SEO writers typically get paid more than other types of writers because it’s considered a specialized skill.

If you’re familiar with keyword research and SEO, this is a great way to get paid to write.

Related: 17 Best SEO Content Writing Services

6. Technical Writing

Technical writers create documents such as instructions, manuals, and tutorials for products or services.

You need to be able to explain complex information in an accessible, concise way.

It can be a lucrative and stable career since it often requires long-term contracts with clients. Plus, you don’t have to worry about finding new work as often as freelance writers do.

That said, technical writers must have strong writing skills as well as an understanding of the subject matter they’re writing about.

7. eBook Writing

woman reading an eBook

Writing eBooks is another popular way to make money from writing online. You’ll need to come up with a unique concept and construct compelling sales copy in order to attract readers — but if done right, it can be a great source of income.

The best eBooks are usually around 20,000 words and will cost you anywhere from $2-$10 per eBook.

Plus, once your book is published, it’ll be available for sale indefinitely — so you can continue to make money even after the initial launch!

8. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriters write content for other people without taking credit for it.

This type of writing requires discretion as you will often be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before your start the project.

It’s a great option if you’re looking for regular work, but just keep in mind that you won’t get any recognition or public acknowledgement for your efforts.

Ghostwriting is usually done for celebrities or high-profile clients who want to write books but don’t have the time or expertise to do so themselves.

The ghostwriter does all the work and then hands over the finished product to the client.

9. Proofreader or Editor

person sitting at a table with a computer proofreading a document

If you’re an experienced writer or editor, you may be able to make money by proofreading or editing documents for other people.

You’ll need a sharp eye for detail and the ability to catch any errors that may have been missed.

Proofreading is usually paid on a per-hour basis but it’s also possible to negotiate flat rate fees with clients as well.

Plus, if you become known as a reliable and accurate proofreader, you can start charging more for your services over time.

10. Essay Writing

If you have a background in academia or research, you may be able to get paid to write essays.

There are websites that provide essay-writing services to others that hire talented writers.

They usually charge per word or page so it’s important to be aware of how much you’ll get paid before committing to any project.

You’ll need some research skills as well as the ability to create an engaging story in order to succeed in this area — but if you have both, it can be a great way to make money online.

11. Resume Writing

woman waiting in a chair with a resume in her hand

If you have an eye for detail and a knack for distilling complex information into easily digestible chunks, resume writing may be the perfect job for you.

People often hire resume writers to help them create compelling resumes that will help them stand out among other applicants.

Resume writers typically charge by the project rather than hourly so it’s important to price your services accordingly.

Plus, once you establish yourself as a reliable service provider, you can start charging more over time.

12. Journalism

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a professional journalist, there are plenty of opportunities available.

Journalists write news stories for magazines, newspapers, and websites.

You’ll need to have strong research skills and the ability to write compelling stories in an engaging way.

Many publications also require their journalists to have some experience with photography or video production.

Journalism can be a rewarding career — but it’s important to understand that writing for a living can be quite demanding at times.

13. Social Media Copywriting

woman typing on her phone as a social media manager

Social media copywriting involves writing copy for social media posts.

Bloggers and other online publications pay writers to write social media copy for ads and organic posts.

This type of writing requires a unique blend of creativity, knowledge of the platform used, and an understanding of how to craft compelling messages that engage the target audience.

You should have at least a basic understanding of copywriting and know how to produce high-quality copy that resonates with the client’s audience.

14. Sales Page Copywriting

Sales page copywriting is one of the most lucrative areas of copywriting.

This type of writing requires you to craft persuasive sales messages that will entice potential customers to purchase a product or service.

You’ll need to understand how to structure an effective sales page and create copy that engages readers and convinces them to take action.

Sales page copywriters are often paid well for their services — but they also have a significant responsibility in terms of helping businesses meet their revenue goals.

So make sure you have the necessary skills before taking on this type of work!

This is a great job for a freelance writer because people don’t necessarily need sales page work on an ongoing basis.

15. Email Marketing Copywriting

course sale email example

As a copywriter that focuses on emails, you generally need to write emails and newsletters that build relationships with customers and keep them engaged.

Because email marketing is also often geared towards sales, you generally also should have experience with persuasive writing that drives conversions.

You should be familiar with email marketing best practices such as using personalization, segmentation, automated workflows, and A/B testing.

These skills will help you create content that resonates with your audience and drives desired action.

16. Grant Writing

Grant writing involves researching and applying for grants from governments, foundations, corporations, trusts, and other organizations.

As a grant writer, you’ll need to be able to research and identify potential funding sources, write compelling applications that demonstrate a clear need for the requested funds, and develop a thorough budget outlining how the money will be used.

Grant writing is an important part of many businesses — but it can also be very lucrative if you’re successful in securing grants for your clients.

Plus, once you become established as a reliable grant writer, you can start charging more for your services over time.

17. Teach Others to Write

Course recording and setup example

If you have a lot of experience in professional writing, you may be able to make money by teaching others how to write.

You could set up courses on Skillshare , Udemy , other online learning platforms and help people learn the basics of copywriting, blogging, SEO, and more.

You’ll need to do some research into your target audience before creating any course content — but once you get started, it can be a great way to make money while helping others become better writers!

18. White Papers

White papers are in-depth research documents that provide detailed information about a specific topic.

They are often used as promotional materials by companies and organizations to inform potential customers and attract new business.

As a white paper writer, your job will be to write compelling content that is both informative and persuasive — so you’ll need excellent writing skills as well as some knowledge of the industry or topic you’re writing about.

It’s not an easy task but it can be very rewarding if done correctly — both in terms of money and recognition!

19. Start a YouTube Channel About Writing

recording audio

Another great way to write for money is to create a YouTube channel to teach others how to do what you do!

You could create videos about copywriting, blogging, SEO, and other topics related to writing and then monetize your channel with ads.

You’ll need to have an engaging personality as well as the ability to produce high-quality content in order to draw in viewers — but if you put in the effort, it can be a great source of income.

So if you’re passionate about writing and want to share your knowledge with others, why not give it a try?

20. Short Stories

Writing short stories can be a great way to flex your creative muscles and make some money in the process.

You can submit your stories to literary journals and magazines, or even self-publish them on platforms like Amazon Kindle.

It takes an immense amount of work to create a compelling short story, but if you have the skills it can be a great way to make some extra income while doing something you love.

And who knows — maybe one day you’ll become the next JK Rowling!

21. Podcast Show Notes


If you’re an experienced writer who enjoys listening to podcasts, you may be able to make money as a podcast show notes writer.

This involves writing up summaries of the content discussed in each episode of a podcast and posting them on the show’s website or blog.

Most podcasters require this type of service and it’s a great way to network and build relationships in your industry.

You’ll need excellent summarizing skills as well as the ability to write concisely and accurately — but if you have both, this can be a great way to make some extra money from home.

22. Fiction Writing

For those who prefer longer works of fiction, writing novels can be a great way to make money from your writing.

You can self-publish your book or try to find an agent and traditional publisher — but either way, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication in order to get your novel out there.

If you have the willingness and ability to put in the time and effort required, though, it’s a great way to create something that will last forever!

So if you’re passionate about storytelling and believe that you have what it takes, why not try your skills as a fiction writer?

23. Transcribe Audio Files

Woman listening to headphones to provide transcription services

Another great way to earn money for writing is by transcribing audio files.

Transcriptionists listen to audio recordings and type out what is said in the form of a written document.

You can find transcription jobs on freelance websites like Upwork and Fiverr, or you can reach out directly to podcasts and other audio-related services that are looking for transcribers. Transcribing audio files may not be as glamorous as other typing jobs , but it’s a great way to put your writing skills to use while making some extra cash!

24. YouTube Scripts

If you have a knack for writing engaging scripts, you may be able to get paid to write YouTube scripts.

Many YouTubers hire writers to create scripts for their videos that include the words they will say on camera and any other text they need to appear on the screen.

You’ll need to have an understanding of video production as well as some experience with scripting — but if you do, this can be a great way to get paid for writing while helping others get their messages across!

25. Copywriting Consultant

woman doing online coaching on her computer at home

If you’re an experienced writer with a strong understanding of copywriting principles, you may want to consider becoming a copywriting consultant.

Copywriting consultants provide advice and guidance to clients who are looking for help improving their copywriting.

You’ll need to have a thorough understanding of marketing principles, web design trends, and SEO techniques in order to be successful in this role.

Plus, you’ll need strong communication skills in order to effectively consult with clients and provide them with useful feedback.

It can be an incredibly rewarding job — but it’s important to be prepared for the challenges that come along with it.

26. Writing Contests

Writing contests are a great way for experienced writers to showcase their skills and make some money at the same time.

You can find writing contests in various genres such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, personal essays, and more — and you can often win cash prizes that can range from $50-$1000 or more.

By participating in these types of contests, you can also gain recognition from other writers who may be able to help open doors for new opportunities down the line.

A writing contest a great way to get your writing out there while also earning some extra cash — so be sure to keep an eye out for any upcoming writing competitions you may be interested in entering!

27. Product Review Writer

girl showing products to camera

If you have an interest in technology or other consumer products, you may be able to make money writing product reviews.

Product review writers are responsible for researching and testing products, then writing detailed reviews of them that can help inform potential customers about the pros and cons of various models.

When writing reviews, you should have knowledge and experience with the products you’re reviewing.

This type of writing may be better as a side hustle because you may find it hard to earn enough income to do this full-time.

28. Paid Writing Internships

If you’re just getting started in the world of writing, a paid internship can be a great way to gain valuable experience and make some money at the same time.

Many companies, organizations, media outlets, and other businesses offer internships for writers who are interested in learning more about the industry.

These internships usually involve working closely with experienced writers and editors on various projects — so it’s a great opportunity to learn from the best!

Plus, many internships are paid — so you can also make some cash while gaining valuable experience.

29. Press Releases

press release meeting in an office

Writing press releases is another great way to get paid for writing if you have a background in marketing.

Press releases are statements sent out to news outlets in an attempt to draw attention to a certain event, product, or business.

A good press release should be concise, clear, and informative — so you’ll need excellent writing abilities as well as some knowledge of how the media works in order to craft effective press releases that get noticed.

10 Best Websites to Find Writing Jobs

Now that you know the many ways you can write for money, let’s look at some of the best places to find writing jobs.

Many of the following websites have job boards that will help you find work as a freelance writer or part-time or full-time positions with companies.

You’ll also find many remote work opportunities with the job boards below.

  • Upwork – Upwork is a great resource for finding freelance writing jobs of all kinds. You can find one-time projects, long-term contracts, and even full-time positions.
  • Freelancer.com – Freelancer.com is another popular job board for finding freelance writing gigs, website designers, and other remote work.
  • Fl exJobs – FlexJobs is a great site with for finding legitimate remote writing jobs with job boards in every industry you can think of.
  • ProBlogger Job Board – ProBlogger is a great place to find freelance writing opportunities with a job board related to blogging and content creation.
  • Guru – Guru is a platform designed specifically for connecting freelancers with remote job opportunities in a variety of industries, including writing.
  • Indeed – Indeed is an online job board with millions of listings from all over the world. You can find a variety of writing jobs in different industries and locations.
  • LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a great place to network with potential clients and search for freelance writing opportunities on their online job boards.
  • Fiverr – Fiverr is a popular platform for finding one-time writing gigs and short-term projects.
  • PeoplePerHour – PeoplePerHour is an online job board for finding short-term and long-term freelance writing gigs.
  • WriterAccess – WriterAccess is a great platform for finding freelance writing jobs with companies that need content written on a regular basis.

How to Get Started Writing for Money

Let’s talk about some steps to consider when you’re getting started.

woman typing on a computer at her desk

1. Explore Opportunities

The first thing you need to do if you want to get paid for your writing is to figure out what kind of writing you’d like to do.

The purpose of this article is to help you understand what opportunities exist, so take another look at the list above and do some additional research into any opportunities that interest you.

Explore some of the job boards to get a better idea of how much individual gigs pay and what is expected of you for each type of work.

2. Develop Your Writing Style and Process

Developing a consistent writing process is key when it comes to becoming a successful freelance writer.

Having a clear plan for how you create your content will help you stay organized and keep track of deadlines.

It’s also important to know your strengths and weaknesses so you can focus your time on what works best for you, whether it’s planning, researching, or writing itself.

Having a routine that works for you and sticking to it will help increase your productivity and efficiency as a writer.

Remember that every writing niche is different. Do some research into whatever niche(s) you choose to get ideas of what successful writing looks like.

3. Create a High-Quality Portfolio

Creating a portfolio of your work is essential if you want to make money online with writing.

The best place to showcase your portfolio is on your own website or blog.

High-quality examples of your work are always helpful because they provide potential clients with an idea of what you can do for them.

Make sure to include samples from different topics and genres, as this will show potential clients that you’re capable of writing on a variety of subjects.

4. Network with Other Writers

Building relationships with other writers is a great way to increase your chances of finding more and better writing opportunities.

You can network with other writers in person or online through social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

You can also join online writer communities such as the Writer’s Guild or Freelance Writers Network.

There are also a lot of Facebook groups specifically for freelance writers that are great places to find leads as well as tips and advice from experienced professionals.

Networking with other writers is one of the best ways to learn more about the industry, find new opportunities, and get your work seen by more people.

5. Negotiate and Know Your Worth

When you’re looking to get paid to write, you want to make sure that you know your worth and negotiate for it.

This may be a little harder when you start writing because you may lack the experience or the credentials to charge premium rates.

It may make sense to start out with competitive rates and work your way up.

If you’re a professional writer and know that your work is worth a premium rate, never be afraid to ask for it or negotiate better terms.

It’s important that you value your own work and stand firm on what you think it’s worth.

6. Have a Contract in Place

freelance contract featured image

Before you start any writing gig, it’s important to have a contract in place.

A good freelance contract will include the payment terms, communication expectations, submission guidelines, and other elements of the job.

You should have some kind of contract even if you’re not freelancing, but companies will often write this for you if you’re looking into a regular part-time or full-time position.

If you’re a freelancer, it may be up to you to create the contract.

Understanding the legalities behind the writing job is essential if you want to stay safe and avoid any potential issues down the road.

7. Consider Starting as a Freelancer

If you’re just starting out as a writer, it may be best to start as a freelancer.

This way, you can explore different types of writing and get experience without the commitments that come with a full-time position.

Freelance writing also gives you the flexibility to work on your own schedule and establish yourself as an expert in whatever topic or genre interests you the most.

Overall, freelance writing is one of the best ways to get started making money online through your writing.

7. Promote Your Services

Once you have some writing samples, it’s time to start promoting your writing services online.

The best way to do this is by creating a website where potential clients can view your portfolio of writing samples, read testimonials from previous clients, and contact you directly for freelance work.

You should also create social media accounts for your writing business and start building an online following by sharing useful content related to the topics you write about.

Having a presence on multiple platforms makes it easier for potential clients to find you online.

If you’re interested in longer-form writing, pitching stories to magazines is a great way to make money. Magazines are always looking for new content, so approach them with an interesting idea that you think they’d be interested in.

5 Tips on How to Make Money Writing Online

Whether you’re a freelance writer or someone looking for a full-time gig, these tips are going to be really important before you start writing or promoting your writing services.

1. Use AI Writing Tools

screenshot of Jasper AI templates

AI writing tools are an absolute must in the world of writing. What many people don’t understand is that they aren’t a complete replacement for professional writing.

The best way to use AI with your writing is a supplemental tool to help you generate ideas and improve your writing speed.

You will still need to add your own unique writing style and personal stories to your content to set it aside from the rest.

Jasper is our favorite AI tool for writing and what we use in our own business.

2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

In the world of writing, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to write as much content for as many people as possible.

While this may seem like a good idea in theory, it could actually be damaging your reputation and hurting your income potential.

Instead of focusing on churning out massive amounts of content, focus on creating high-quality pieces that will impress clients and help you build a name for yourself as a professional writer.

High-quality work is more likely to be seen by more people, which can lead to better rates and increase your chances of landing bigger projects.

You’ll also find that clients are willing to pay more for top-notch work because they value quality over quantity.

This will also help you build better relationships and get repeat clients.

3. Stay Informed on Industry Trends

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the writing industry, as this can help you determine what type of content is popular and what opportunities that are available.

Reading industry publications and newsletters, attending writing conferences, joining webinars, or taking online courses will give you insight into what’s trending in the field.

Knowing what types of topics and content formats are popular right now can also help you come up with ideas for articles, blog posts, and other pieces that clients may be interested in.

5. Invest in Learning SEO and Marketing

surfer seo user interface

As a content writer, you can usually earn a lot more with a background in SEO and/or marketing.

This will make your skills more valuable and marketable and help you land more gigs with better rates.

You can use SEO tools like Surfer SEO to optimize your content so it can be seen by more people, as well as how to create compelling copy that will drive conversions.

Investing in courses about digital marketing and SEO is a great way to learn the basics of these topics and start applying them to your work.

Google is always updating its algorithms, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in SEO.

5. Offer Additional Services

One way to stand out from others is by offering additional services such as editing, proofreading, SEO, or content strategy advice.

This can help you make more money as a writer and give clients another reason to hire you.

Adding extra services like this also shows clients that you’re an expert in the field and have a lot of experience.

It can be a great way to boost your income without having to take on more writing clients.

FAQs About How to Make Money Writing

There are many ways to make money writing. You can do freelance work, write for blogs or magazines, create content for websites and companies, write books, and even teach writing classes. Depending on the project, you can get paid per word or per hour. With a bit of research and dedication, anyone can start making money through writing!

Yes, it’s entirely possible to make up to $1000 a month or more with freelance writing. There are plenty of ways you can get paid for writing. You could look for remote jobs on job boards, write articles and content for websites, or start your own blog and use it as a platform to find clients. You’ll need to create a portfolio of your work and promote yourself as much as possible to gain more clients and increase your earnings. With the right skill set and dedication, you can make money writing in no time!

If you’re looking to make some money from your writing skills, there are lots of different ways to write for money. From blogging and content creation to freelance gigs and even full-time jobs – there’s no shortage of options when it comes to getting paid for writing. To get started, check out websites like Upwork , Fiverr , and Freelancer – they all offer opportunities to connect with businesses that are looking for writers to help create content.

Absolutely! Writing can be a great career option if you have the creative flair for it. Freelance writing, copywriting, and blogging are just some of the ways you can get paid to write online. You can also find traditional jobs that require writing skills in fields like journalism, marketing, and public relations. So don’t worry – there’s plenty of opportunity to earn a living from writing.

Writing is a profession like any other, and with the right skills and determination, anyone can get paid to write. In fact, while you need to have sufficient grammar skills, writing is also often a self-taught skill. From content marketers to copywriters, from freelance bloggers to ghostwriters – there are a wide variety of writing gigs that pay well if you’re willing to put in the hard work. Plus, the work is often remote and very flexible.

Yes, it is possible to make a six-figure salary as a writer. You’ll need to have the right combination of skills, connections, and determination to achieve this kind of success. You may also want to specialize in an area such as copywriting, content marketing, or SEO writing so you can charge higher rates. Having repeat clients can help you achieve this goal so that you don’t have to search for new work on a month-to-month basis.

Key Takeaways for How to Make Money Writing

No matter which type of online writing job you’re considering, there are plenty of ways to get paid to write from the comfort of your own home.

Whether it’s blogging, copywriting, SEO writing, or something else entirely, you’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to earn a living writing.

One of the best ways for new writers to get started is to try freelancing to get some experience and build up a portfolio of samples.

As an experienced writer, you can easily earn a full-time income online.

Check job boards regularly for openings and network whenever possible.

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Writing Essays for Money: A Guide for Aspiring Freelance Writers

Are you looking to make money from your writing skills? One of the most popular—and increasingly in-demand—ways to do so is by writing essays for money. With online writing services on the rise and more students and professionals turning to them for help with their work, there has never been a better time to become a freelance essay writer.

Table of Contents

Are you looking to make money from your writing skills? One of the most popular—and increasingly in-demand—ways to do so is by writing essays for money. With online writing services on the rise and more students and professionals turning to them for help with their work, there has never been a better time to become a freelance essay writer. But before you jump into this career path, it’s important to understand what it entails—including the challenges and ethical considerations. 

The Essay Writing Market: An Overview 

The essay writing market is a unique and ever-growing sector. As students, professors, and professionals alike become increasingly aware of the range of online services, so does the demand for these services.

In this section, we’ll look at the different types of online writing services, discuss the demand for academic writing services, outline the demographics of people who use these services, and explain the factors that drive the demand for essay writing services. 

Types of Writing Services Available Online 

There are many different varieties of online essay-writing services available today. These include custom essay writing services (where a customer can provide specific instructions and have a paper written specifically to their needs), editing/proofreading services (for those who need help with formatting or spelling/grammatical errors in an existing document), research paper writing services (which provide essays based on individual research topics), copywriting or rewriting services (where customers can submit existing documents which will then be rewritten for them), and resume/CV writing service (which provide job seekers with tailored resumes or CVs). 

Demand for Academic Writing Services 

The demand for academic writing has grown considerably over the past decade as students have become more aware of the availability of such services. This is especially true among college students seeking assistance with their coursework.

In addition to students, there is also growing demand from professionals looking to outsource their written assignments due to lack of time or expertise. As a result, this market has seen exponential growth over recent years. 

Demographics of People Who Use These Services 

The demographic makeup of those using essay writing services is quite varied. On one hand, you have college and university students who turn to these companies when they need help with their coursework; on the other hand, there are also professionals from all walks of life who are looking to outsource their written assignments due to a lack of time or expertise.

Most customers tend to be from countries where English is not their first language; however, there has been an increasing number of US-based customers over recent years. 

Factors that Drive Demand for Essay Writing Services 

One major factor driving demand for these types of essay-writing services is convenience – customers can easily find what they need without having to do all the work themselves.

Additionally, many customers feel more comfortable entrusting their assignment with a company than tackling it alone due to a lack of knowledge or experience in certain subject areas. Finally, affordability plays an important role in this market – customers want quality work but at affordable prices, which many companies are able to offer them through competitive pricing models and discounts. 

With so many different types available, ranging from custom essay writing to resume/CV service providers, it’s easy to see why this industry continues to expand each year as more people realize just how convenient it can be when they need help with written assignments!

Writing Essays for Money: A Path to Both Flexibility and Financial Security 

Are you looking for a way to make money that provides you with both flexibility and financial security? Writing essays for money may be the perfect job opportunity for you. This blog post will explore the pros of writing essays for money and how it can help you reach your career goals. 

Flexibility in Work Schedule 

One of the biggest advantages of writing essays for money is that it allows you to work when and where it’s convenient. Since you’re working remotely, there’s no need to worry about commuting or taking time off from a traditional job.

You can write essays whenever it suits your schedule, whether early in the morning, late at night, or even on weekends. Plus, being able to work from anywhere means that you don’t have to be tied down to one location; if you want to take a vacation or travel for any other reason, all you have to do is pack up your laptop and go! 

Ability to Earn a High Income 

Another great advantage of writing essays for money is that it allows you to earn a very good income. Depending on how much experience and expertise you bring to the table and how much demand there is in your chosen field, you can significantly increase your earning potential.

Plus, since most projects are paid per word or page written (or sometimes both), it is easy to track your income and ensure that you’re getting paid what you deserve. 

Opportunities for Professional Growth 

Finally, writing essays for money can also provide great professional growth opportunities. As an essay writer, you will be expanding your knowledge base through research and practice and working with new clients from various backgrounds who might have different perspectives on certain topics.

You’ll also get exposure to different writing styles, which can help improve the quality of your own work over time. And if the client has requested revisions on their project, this is another chance for you to hone your skills while still getting paid!  

By taking advantage of this unique job opportunity now, you will be able to open up new doors professionally and financially secure yourself in the process. Thanks so much for reading!

Making Money Writing Essays: The Pros and Cons 

Making money by writing essays sounds like a great way to earn an income. It can be an enjoyable, flexible job with the potential for a good return on your investment. But is it really worth it? Let’s look at the pros and cons of writing essays for money so that you can decide whether this type of work is right for you. 

Unclear Ethical Considerations 

When you write essays for money, you must consider whether this type of work is ethically sound. It can be difficult to decide whether or not you are doing something wrong by helping someone else cheat their way through school.

At the same time, some argue that if students are willing to pay for essays, why should they be prevented from doing so? Ultimately, it’s up to each writer to decide if they are comfortable writing essays for money. 

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty 

One of the most serious issues associated with writing essays for money is the potential for plagiarism and academic dishonesty. When students turn in work that isn’t their own, they lie about their capabilities and cheat themselves out of learning experiences.

This can lead to serious consequences such as expulsion or loss of scholarship opportunities. As a writer, it’s important to ensure that all papers are written from scratch to avoid potential plagiarism or dishonesty problems. 

Pressure To Meet Tight Deadlines & Produce High-Quality Work 

Another drawback of writing essays for money is the pressure writers face when it comes to meeting tight deadlines and producing high-quality work on short notice. While some writers may thrive under such intense conditions, others may find them overwhelming and stressful.

If deadlines and high-pressure situations aren’t something you feel you can handle consistently, then this type of work may not be right for you. 

Possibility Of Dealing With Difficult Clients

Although there are many benefits associated with working as an essay writer, there is also the possibility that some clients may be difficult or unresponsive when it comes time to pay up or provide feedback on a project.

In these cases, it pays to take proactive measures such as setting clear expectations upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, having a strong contract in place can help protect both parties in case something goes wrong during the course of a project.                  

Ultimately, only you can decide if this type of work suits your lifestyle; however, understanding both sides will help inform your decision-making process before committing one way or another!

How to Write Essays for Money with Confidence 

Writing essays for money can be a rewarding and lucrative way to make a living. When you take on the challenge of writing essays for money, you take on the responsibility of delivering quality work that will satisfy your client’s needs. You should keep certain best practices in mind to ensure success in this endeavor. Let’s explore four key areas for success in writing essays for money. 

Ethical Considerations and Avoiding Plagiarism 

As a writer being paid to write essays, you must understand how important ethics are in any professional venture. As a paid writer, your job is to write words and create original ideas and content that reflects your client’s unique perspective.

You must avoid plagiarizing other people’s work at all costs, even if it means taking extra time or research to gather the information needed to complete an essay assignment. Not only is plagiarism illegal and unethical, but it can also ruin your reputation as a writer if discovered by your clients! 

Time Management and Staying Organized 

Time management skills are essential when writing essays for money because oftentimes, deadlines must be met quickly and efficiently.

That said, good time management skills should never come at the expense of quality work. So you must have systems that help you stay organized and plan ahead for any potential roadblocks or problems you may face while completing projects on time.

One great way to do this is by creating lists of tasks that need completing and breaking them down into smaller chunks so they can be completed quickly without sacrificing quality or accuracy. 

Maintaining Quality While Meeting Tight Deadlines 

When writing essays for money, meeting tight deadlines while still creating quality work can seem daunting; however, there are ways around this problem!

By researching topics thoroughly before beginning an essay assignment – such as gathering facts, relevant quotes, or statistics –you will save time during the actual writing process since much of the material will already be gathered beforehand.

Additionally, having someone else proofread your work before submitting it can also help catch errors or typos before they become issues with your client! Lastly, always make sure to double-check all sources cited within the essay against the original source material (if available), so accuracy remains paramount throughout the entire project from start to finish.  

Building a Positive Relationship With Clients 

Writing essays for money requires more than technical know-how; it also requires maintaining positive relationships with clients over time so they can trust your abilities as a reliable writer who consistently produces high-quality work.

To build strong working relationships with clients over time, stay communicative throughout each project—from initial contact through completion—and provide regular updates whenever necessary so everyone stays on track toward meeting deadlines without sacrificing the quality of output in the process.

Additionally, having open lines of communication allows both parties involved in an essay assignment to discuss any revisions or changes needed before submitting final drafts, which helps ensure total satisfaction with each project! 

Where to Write Essays to Make Money

Writing essays for money is a great way to make extra income. Many websites offer freelance writing services where you can write essays and other types of content for clients who need them. You can also find opportunities to write essays for money on job boards and freelance marketplaces. Before taking on any project, it is important to research the client and make sure they are legitimate.

Are you looking for places to sell essays?

Here are 10 great options:

  • Fiverr : Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to offer their services, including essay writing.
  • Upwork : Upwork is another popular freelance platform where you can find clients who need essays written.
  • Guru : Guru is a freelance marketplace that connects businesses with professionals, including those who write essays.
  • Freelancer : Freelancer is an online job board that allows freelancers to bid on jobs, including essay writing projects.
  • PeoplePerHour : PeoplePerHour is a website where freelancers can find work, including essay writing jobs.
  • iWriter : iWriter is a content creation platform that allows writers to create and sell essays online.
  • Textbroker : Textbroker is an online marketplace for writers to create and sell content, including essays and other academic papers
  • EssayShark : EssayShark is an online platform where students can get help with their essays from professional writers
  • StudySolver : StudySolver offers students the opportunity to get help with their essays from experienced writers
  • WritersDepartment : WritersDepartment provides freelance writers with the opportunity to write and sell essays online

Finding legitimate freelance essay writing jobs can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a number of websites that offer opportunities for writers to find work and make money.

The future of the market for online writing services is looking bright. With more businesses and individuals turning to the internet for their content needs, the demand for quality writers will only increase. As technology continues to advance, so will the opportunities available to freelance writers willing to put in the time and effort necessary to create high-quality essays for money.

Therefore, if you want to make some extra cash with your writing skills, consider joining the growing market of freelance essay writers who are seeing success and making money through their work!

What Does It Mean To Take Inspired Action?

Is writing for a living possible exploring the reality.

Willow Tenny

When it comes to writing, Willow Tenny is a true pro. She has a wealth of experience in SEO copywriting and creative writing, and she knows exactly what it takes to produce quality content. On her blog, Willow Writes, Willow shares top writing strategies with both beginners and experienced writers.

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  • Write for Money: 80+ Websites that Pay Freelance Writers $50+

Write for money: 80+ websites that pay freelance writers $50+

What’s included in this write for money roundup (and what’s not included), business, career and finance, family and parenting, lifestyle and general interest, travel and food, tips for successful pitching, need help learning how to pitch a paying guest post.

Tired of earning pennies (or peanuts or whichever cliche for crappy pay you prefer) and ready to learn how to write for money online for real?

We’re tired of it, too. That’s why Make a Living Writing pays for posts, and why our rates start at $150 depending on the type of article we commission (but please note we are not currently open to submission). And it’s why we update our list of sites that pay on a regular basis.

Below is an updated version of the Make a Living Writing list of websites that pay at least $50 per post.

Rather than updating our Monster List of 161 Markets for Freelance Writers , we decided to release an updated and comprehensive list with newer markets and made our bottom line $50 for posts. That’s our minimum for this post. If you want to explore sites that pay $30-$50, check out these 21 niche markets .

In some cases, these sites keep it on the down low exactly what they pay. We’re including markets where freelance writers in our network report they pay more than $50, in order to bring you the widest variety of paying markets possible.

We also removed sites that are not currently accepting pitches, which knocked a good portion of the writing-focused sites off. Sites where you only have a shot at earning $50 writing on spec, or based on traffic or ad clicks, are NOT included. This is a list of markets offering guaranteed pay only!

The list runs the gamut of topics, from parenting and knitting to business and writing, so there should be something here for everyone, no matter what type of writing job you’re looking for.

And don’t forget, if you’re ready to supercharge your freelance writing career, the Freelance Writers Den has over 300 hours of on-demand bootcamp trainings you can access 24/7 plus an exclusive community of 1,500+ members sharing valuable advice day in and day out. There’s also a direct referral program with new opportunities to make money writing posted regularly. Get on the waiting list now so you can take your career to the next level.

Get your writing questions answered. Banner ad for freelancewritersden.com

As always, we appreciate any corrections or additions. Here’s the list.

  • B. Michelle Pippin pays $50-$150 for business-related articles
  • Coaches Training Blog is looking for articles about coaching—business, life, career, and other kinds. Pay based on assignment
  • Copyhackers pays $300-$1,000 for articles about copywriting, branding, running a business, and more. Read the submission guidelines carefully to pitch
  • CEO Hangout  will pay $50 if you pre-arrange it with the editor—send a pitch and negotiate payment before writing the article. They run posts about the CEO lifestyle, success stories, interviews, and other reported features of interest to business leaders
  • HerMoney pays $150 for articles about women and money. They list a blackhole editorial@ email address, so take time to research which editor is best-suited for your topic. Start with Kathryn Tuggle , chief content officer
  • Doctor of Credit pays $50 for personal finance articles that focus specifically on credit
  • eCommerce Insiders pays $75-$150 for articles about online retailing
  • FreelanceMom pays $75-$100 for posts about running a business as a busy parent
  • FreshBooks (yup, that same freelancer invoicing site we recommend) pays $200 a post and up. They’ve removed their contributors page since we first published this article, but they still reportedly accept pitches from time to time for their blog
  • Acorns has an online pub called Grow Magazine that pays $50+ for finance writing geared toward millennials. They don’t have guidelines posted, but they told me to submit to [email protected] with the word STORY in your subject line. We don’t normally recommend those generic emails, but because the pub is still new, it might not be a huge black hole yet
  • IncomeDiary pays $150-$300 for articles about making money online, including SEO, affiliate sales, and traffic generation
  • Mirasee  pays $200 for 1,000- to 2,000-word posts on marketing, business productivity, and growth topics. NOTE: Mirasee publishes guest articles by invitation only
  • Modern Farmer reportedly pays around $350 for articles
  • Priceonomics pays $250-$1,000 for articles on data and economics. The catch? Articles must be submitted on spec. They occasionally post requests for articles on specific topics , which might get you closer to that big paycheck
  • RankPay pays $50 for articles about SEO, content marketing, and social media
  • LiisBeth is all about feminist entrepreneurs. Study the guidelines, read past articles, and look at the About page and LiisBeth manifesto to get a feel for the audience. Pay depends on assignment
  • Smart Blogger regularly invites writers to craft posts on content marketing and freelancing through its job board. Assignments typically pay $150 to $350. BONUS: Even when there aren’t current assignments available to write for Smart Blogger’s blog, the job board offers numerous paid writing opportunities from other sites
  • Aish accepts first-person accounts on the positive influence of Orthodox Jewish beliefs on everyday life—and they reportedly pay $200 on publication. Know the frum life to succeed here, and email [email protected]
  • Hearst owns more than 200 magazines worldwide and many of them accept pitches and pay writers a minimum of $100. You can write for money about a wide variety of topics, but in order to pitch you must track down the individual magazine editors and review their calls for pitches
  • Dame reportedly pays $350-$750 for essays. They do accept reported features and other article types, and pay rates may vary for those
  • Brain Child Magazine publishes long-form essays on a wide range of topics. Pay is reported as $300 for 1,500 to 4,500-word essays
  • The Establishment pays $125 and up for reported stories and essays
  • Eureka Street is an Australian site that pays $200 for analysis or commentary on politics, religion, popular culture or current events in Australia and the world. They also pay $50 for poetry (check out our full guide to poetry jobs ), which seems to be a rarity these days
  • Guideposts reportedly pays $250 for Christian faith-based essays
  • LightHouse pays $100 for uplifting essays by blind or visually-impaired writers
  • Narratively reportedly pays $200-300 for 2,000- to 2,500-word essays on specific topics. Check their guidelines for a list of current needs
  • The New York Times Modern Love column reportedly pays as much as $300 for essays on any topic that could be classified as modern love
  • Skirt reportedly pays $200 for 300- to 800-word essays about women’s issues
  • The Bold Italic might be a great fit if you’re from San Francisco or have a connection to the city. Past essay topics have included the gig economy, online dating, mental illness, and more. Pay is $50 per essay
  • Vox reportedly pays in the $400 range for personal essays of about 1,500 words. Pitch  marina.bolotnikova @vox.com
  • Buzzfeed has an estimated 168 million unique visitors every month, and they publish a wide variety of topics to keep those visitors entertained and informed. Pay is reported to be between $0.13 and $0.27 per word

Vertical illustration that says write for money: 80+ websites that pay writers. There's a graphic of a bag of money and some green bills.

  • Just Parents is a UK-based site that focuses on pregnancy and parenting. They reportedly pay $60 per post
  • Parent.co posts non-snarky articles about parenting and family issues. Pay reportedly starts at $50
  • Fatherly is looking for parenting advice and funny experiences with kids from a dad’s perspective. Pay based on assignment
  • Well Family  (the New York Times’ parenting blog) pays $100. Pitch the editor

36. The Anxiety Foundation  pays $50 for mental health articles

37. The Atlantic’s  online health section reportedly pays $200

38. PsychCentral covers mental health. They don’t list a pay rate on their site, and they didn’t respond to our query about pay, but a reader on last year’s list reported they are a paying market. TIP: The website says they don’t pay, but exceptions are made if you discuss payment BEFORE submitting

39. BBC Britain doesn’t publish their pay rate, but I’ve seen reports of $350-$1,000 for various BBC sites. Pitch stories with a British slant for an international audience

40. Bitch Magazine’s website pays for pop culture features. Pay is variable, so negotiate to get your desired rate

41. BookBrowse pays for book reviews! Writers accepted into their stable of reviewers will earn a reported $50 for a 600-word review

42. Adoptive Family accepts pitches on all aspects of the adoption process. Pay based on assignment

43. The Daily Beast reportedly pays $250 and up. Their submission guidelines have a black-hole editorial@ email address, so you’ll want to do a little digging to find the right person to pitch

44. Backpacker is all about wilderness hiking. Pay based on assignment

45. getAbstract reportedly pays $300 for longer (2,000-4,000 word) book summaries

46. Gothamist pays $50-$150 for reported pieces about New York when the publication is open for submissions

47. Backstage is a resource for performing artists. Pay is reported at $0.14/word – pitch Briana Rodriguez, Editor-in-Chief, on LinkedIn

48. The International Wine Accessories blog pays $20 and up for articles

49. The Conversation doesn’t publish their rates, but it’s reported by our community that they pay well

50. Knitty  raised their rates to $300 for articles about knitting and knitting patterns. They also have a sister site— Knittyspin —for knitters who like to use handspun yarn

51. Lifezette reportedly pays $100-$200 for articles on parenting, politics, faith, health, and pop culture. Contact the appropriate editor with your idea. NOTE: Lifezette has removed their editorial contact page so you’ll have to do some digging

52. Listverse pays $100 for long (1,500 word) lists on various topics

53. New York Observer pays $100 on posts about politics and culture for “sophisticated readership of metropolitan professionals”

54. OZY does allow freelancers to write for money, but rates vary

55. Paste reportedly pays $50+ for submissions in many different areas

56. Playboy reportedly pays up to $350, depending on the topic. NOTE: Playboy has removed their editorial contact page so you’ll have to do some digging

57. Pretty Designs covers fashion and beauty. You’ll need to negotiate per-post pay

58. Refinery29 reportedly pays $75 and up for slideshows, articles, and essays on various topics. They also post their needs for specific columns on their guidelines page

59. Salon pays $100-$200 for essays and reported features, even very long ones

60. Smithsonian Magazine Online reportedly pays established freelancers up to $600 for reported articles

61. The Tablet pays for articles on Jewish news, ideas, and culture. Pay varies, so be prepared to negotiate. I saw a report of $1,000 for a heavily reported 2,000+ word feature

62. Upworthy reportedly pays $150-$200 for 500-word posts

63. Vice ‘s pay rate varies, so you will need to negotiate if you’d like to write about food, technology, music, fashion, and other lifestyle topics

64. YourTango reportedly pays $50 for posts on love, sex, travel, mental health, and just about anything else that affects your relationships

65. A List Apart covers web design. They reportedly pay $200 per article

66. The Graphic Design School blog pays $100-$200 for articles and tutorials about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and open source design tools. NOTE: This site has removed its submission guidelines page, and it’s not clear whether they still take guest posts

67. Linode reportedly pays $250 for articles about Linux, Socket.io, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC

68. SitePoint reportedly pays $100-$150 for articles on HTML, CSS, Ruby, PHP, web development and more

69. SlickWP reportedly pays $100 for posts about WordPress and the Genesis Theme framework

70. Tuts+ pays $100 and up for tutorials on various technologies, including web design and Flash. Tuts once ran a network of 16 different blogs, including Freelance Switch, but now it’s all together on a single site that encompasses design, gaming, photography, writing, and more

71. WordCandy reportedly pays $0.06 to $0.10 cents per word for ghostwritten pieces about WordPress—these will appear on some of the larger WordPress blogs, such as wpmudev

72. WPHub reportedly pays $100-$200 for posts on web design trends, coding best practices, and other WordPress-related topics

73. Expatics serves U.S. expatriates. This is another site where you’ll need to negotiate pay before you write your article

74. Fund Your Life Overseas reportedly pays $75 for articles about business ideas that provide enough income for U.S. ex-pats

75. Saveur reportedly starts at $150 for “amazing stories about food and travel”

76. The Salt (NPR’s food blog) reportedly pays $200+

77. ClearVoice is a platform to connect bloggers with brands in various niches, as well as commissioning posts for its own blog. Pay is variable but ranges as high as $250-$400 from what we’ve seen so far. When you apply, you set the rates you’re willing to accept; then, the platform emails you when appropriate opportunities arise. It’s not a bid site—fees are preset. But gigs are presented to multiple writers, and then the client chooses who they’ll work with. Luckily, there’s no elaborate application process, once your profile is set, you simply reply that you’re interested, and they let you know if you win the job

78. Contently pays about 35 cents a word for their freelancer-focused online magazine

79. Freedom with Writing pays $50-$150 for lists of paying publishers. They also pay for short ebooks, so there is an option for longer-form content too

80. Make a Living Writing . That’s right, this blog pays for guest articles, starting at $150, depending on complexity and research needed. Be sure to read our guidelines thoroughly, especially our list of the topics we’re actively looking for guest posts on right now. Pitching one of those will seriously improve your odds!

81. WOW! Women on Writing pays $50-$150

82. The Write Life pays for some posts, starting at $150

Before you pitch any of these sites, read the guidelines carefully and study the posts they’ve already run. Make sure you either have a fresh topic or a new way of exploring an issue they’ve covered before.

Paying markets are more competitive than posting on free sites. And the more bad pitches a site receives, the likelier they will reconsider whether they even accept guest posts, let alone pay for them. (Believe me, this happens, and it is the reason some sites we’ve listed before are no longer accepting pitches.)

  • See this post on Guest Post Pitches That Got the Gig
  • See this post on what not to do when pitching
  • Make sure to check out our tips for effective freelancer invoicing so you get paid for your work

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Jennifer Roland is a freelance education, financial institution, and technology writer—and keeps things running at the Freelance Writers Den. Her latest book, 10 Takes: Pacific Northwest Writers , was published by Gladeye Press.

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9 Aging Well and Seniors Magazines and Websites that Pay Freelancers

Seniors magazines and websites abound in the niche of aging well, although they don’t all pay writers. We found ones that both pay writers and have circulation rates in the millions.

Where to Sell Short Stories: 7 Places That Pay

Where to Sell Short Stories: 7 Places That Pay

If you are a writer trying to grow your career or start to make money from your craft, you most likely have wondered where to sell short stories.

Get Paid to Write: 23 Sites That Pay Freelancers $100+

Get Paid to Write: 23 Sites That Pay Freelancers $100+

In this list of sites that pay freelance writers, we’ve identified new markets we haven’t featured before. And even though these sites represent a variety of different niches, they all have one thing in common.

These are sites that pay $100 or more for blog posts, articles, essays, tutorials, and other types of writing assignments.

how to make money online

How to To Make Money Online: 35 Reliable Ways (2024)

From online surveys to envelope stuffing, there are lots of popular get-rich-quick money-making ideas. But do these methods really work? Usually, they don’t. You might earn a little bit, but the real issue with these gigs is their lack of stability and potential for long-term success.

Fortunately, there are legitimate ways to make money online. Unlike quick-fix schemes that promise much but deliver little, these reliable methods can lead to sustainable earnings and even career growth. And the best part? You only need a laptop and a stable internet connection to pursue them.

making money online essay

Start selling online now with Shopify

making money online essay

How to make money online: 35 real ways

1. start a dropshipping business.

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell a product to a customer, but the supplier handles the storage, packaging, and shipping on your behalf. You can dropship through your own ecommerce store —just install a dropshipping app and you’ll gain access to dozens of suppliers across various product categories.

Ready to start a dropshipping business? Shopify is the platform most online entrepreneurs use to sell products without inventory. With Shopify dropshipping apps, you can source a variety of products and have them shipped to your customers.

→ Click Here to Launch Your Online Business with Shopify

2. try print on demand.

Print on demand (POD) is another popular way to earn money online. Many entrepreneurs are drawn to it because it allows for low initial investment and easy setup. You create designs for products such as t-shirts, mugs, and tote bags, and then a POD service prints and ships the items directly to your customers.

How does it differ from dropshipping? First, you can make your own custom products, which is great for brand recognition. Second, you can choose from specific items rather than a vast range of categories. Most print-on-demand companies offer products that are easy to print on, like t-shirts, mugs, and tote bags.

make money with print on demand

3. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to be an effective way to earn passive income. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you choose from a vast range of companies to partner with, including Shopify , Amazon , and Uber.

This business model allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. Once you’ve signed up for an affiliate marketing program, you’ll start earning commissions from sales of retail products, software, apps, and more. While the commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and promote a variety of products across different platforms.

4. Start a YouTube channel

If others are profiting from YouTube , you can too. Your YouTube channel should focus on a single niche so you can build a strong, loyal audience. For example, you can create makeup tutorials, stream video games, review products, teach skills, create prank videos, or do anything else you think there’s an audience for.

The key to earning money on YouTube is creating content people want to watch. Enticing headlines and keyword-optimized descriptions can draw viewers to your videos. Once you hit the 1,000-subscriber mark, you become eligible to earn advertising revenue through running ads on your content.

make money with youtube

5. Become an influencer

Building a personal brand can also help you make money online. Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo charges more than $2 million for a sponsored Instagram post, for example. While it may seem like reality stars, singers, and athletes are the biggest influencers, keep in mind that even smaller-scale influencers can make more money today than they did a few years back.

To become an influencer, you need to build a healthy following. The best platforms to get started on? Instagram and TikTok. Some of the biggest non-celebrity influencers often gained their first taste of exposure on these platforms. You might want to check out how to get more Instagram followers if you want to build a big audience on the platform.

6. Create an online course

Selling courses ranks as one of the top strategies for earning money online. If you’re an expert in a particular subject, you can capitalize on your knowledge by creating online courses. You can sell these courses on online platforms like Udemy or through your own website if you have a dedicated audience. Some entrepreneurs earn as much as $5,000 per month from their online courses .

The platform you choose to sell your course on will shape your online money-making strategy. Selling on Udemy means you won’t have to focus much on promotion—it practically takes care of itself. You may want to enhance its visibility through blogs or social media networks. On the other hand, if your course is on your own website, consider using ads for promotion.

7. Publish an ebook

With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing , it’s never been easier to publish an ebook. All you need to do is write the ebook, format it, create an ebook cover, publish it, and promote it. You can choose to hire a writer for your ebook, a graphic designer to design the cover, and a manuscript editor to eliminate errors from the content.

When researching the topic, focus on keywords based on popular searches on Amazon. The Keyword Tool is a great choice for finding the words people use while searching, so you can craft your title around them.

make money online blogging

8. Start a blog

Blogging is one of the oldest methods for making money online. People who love writing tend to start blogs with a niche focus. For example, a blog about procrastination, cars, dropshipping, toys, etc., is often a narrow enough focus to build a loyal following and big enough that you can cover a lot of ground. For those looking to make money online fast, this method can be a rewarding venture.

You can start a blog on various platforms, such as Shopify (remove the checkout feature so you don’t have to pay a subscription as you build it out) or WordPress. When you start your blog, focus on very specific keywords with a tight focus and continue to expand into additional but still relevant categories as you grow and dominate new spaces.

9. Consider freelancing

The easiest way to make money online is to take your current 9-to-5 job and do it online instead. For example, if you’re a writer, data entry specialist, graphic designer, teacher, or developer, you can market these skills and find clients online who are willing to pay you to apply them.

There’s a never-ending list of job platforms for each type of freelancer too. For example, freelance writers can apply for jobs on specific online writing job boards, but also on general freelance websites like Fiverr , Freelancer , Upwork , and all the others. Remember, freelancing is a numbers game: the more applications you fill out and submit, the more likely you’ll be to get a response back.

10. Create an app

If you’re not a developer, you’re probably looking at this money-making idea and feeling a bit stuck. Fortunately, you can hire someone with programming skills to build an app for you. Sites like Toptal will connect you with plenty of app developers who are open to working with entrepreneurs to turn their vision into reality.

All you have to do is come up with a unique app idea, identify the audience you want to target, and create a brand image for your product. The programmer you hire will take care of things on the development front.

make money with apps

11. Become a writer

With a  growing interest in content marketing , more and more companies are looking for writers who can fill their web properties with great content. The secret to succeeding as a writer is to focus on a specific niche. Many writers try to be generalists, covering everything from food to tech. However, a niche focus sets you apart.

What about AI replacing human writers? While AI can generate content, it lacks the human touch. As a writer, your experience in a niche adds value. You can offer thoughts, experiences, and insider perspectives. That’s what brands want. That’s what they pay for.

Sites for finding freelance writing jobs include:

  • BloggingPro
  • Be a Freelance Blogger

12. Do side gigs

Side gigs can help you make money online while you keep your full-time job. If you’re looking to make an extra couple of hundred dollars per month, this is a great idea. The work doesn’t always last long term, but it can.

Use platforms like Fiverr to find part-time gigs you can do online. As a new entrant in the gig economy, you’ll want to focus on offering a low price so you can get your first review. Ask a friend to buy your gig and leave your first review so you can get started faster. Treat the friend like a client and actually deliver a finished product that you can feature in your portfolio. 

13. Do translation work

Translation is a fairly underserved niche, meaning there’s less competition in this field than in other niche markets. To capitalize on the opportunity, you need to be fluent in at least two languages. If you’re bilingual or majored in a popular language in school, this may be a great money-making idea for you to try out.

You will need to show proof of your ability to translate without using machine translation tools. If you have a language degree or experience translating text, make sure to highlight that in your portfolio or résumé. Most companies will require a translation test, and you can’t use translation tools at any time to help you pass the test.

Sites where you can find translation jobs to make money online include:

  • People Per Hour
  • Protranslating

14. Sell your stuff

Do you have a closet full of items you no longer use? Consider turning that clutter into cash by selling your unwanted goods online. You can list your items on online marketplaces like eBay or Etsy, or even set up your own online store for direct selling.

To maximize your sales, focus on high-demand items such as electronics, furniture, toys, and handcrafted goods. Plus, take clear, bright photos of your products—strong visuals help to attract customers and speed up sales.

15. Become an online tutor

If you’re looking to earn money on your own schedule, consider becoming an online tutor. Companies that hire tutors often provide the flexibility to set your own hours, allowing you to work when it’s convenient for you.

You’ll need a strong understanding of the subject you plan to tutor, as well as effective communication skills to explain concepts clearly to students. Additionally, having a teaching degree or relevant experience in the field can increase your chances of landing a tutoring position.

You can find online tutoring jobs on platforms such as:

16. Drive your car

If you own a car, you can make some spare cash as an Uber driver or delivery person. Even without a car, you can deliver food and other essentials using a bicycle or moped. Uber drivers looking to make even more money can turn their vehicle into a moving billboard with Free Car Media , which wraps your car in a removable vinyl advert.

Interested in making money fast with Uber? If you legally run a side business, you could showcase your products to passengers—though not all will be interested. With prior consent, passengers may sift through products you have for sale under the driver’s seat. If they wish to buy but don’t have cash, you can utilize Uber’s tip function for payment. Always ensure that this approach complies with local laws and regulations.

17. Become a virtual assistant

As entrepreneurs build more businesses, the demand for virtual assistants grows. A virtual assistant is a self-employed individual providing various services remotely, such as writing, bookkeeping, social media management, and customer support.

Find virtual assistant gigs on sites like Virtual Assistant Jobs , Indeed , or Upwork . Many have also succeeded by directly reaching out to brands and entrepreneurs. Combining job postings and proactive outreach could land your first client sooner than expected.

18. Become a Twitch streamer

While Twitch started as a gaming platform, it’s quickly evolving to include other types of content. Nowadays, Twitch streaming is an increasingly popular way to make money online.

You’ll need to find a popular game or channel that isn’t overly competitive so people can easily find your content. In order to get people to notice your streams, you’ll need to have a consistent style for your channel: Is it going to be funny, educational, or entertaining? Choose your path and stick to it.

There are five ways to monetize your Twitch channel:

  • Sell products
  • Offer brand sponsorships
  • Accept fan donations
  • Offer subscriptions
  • Run Twitch ads

19. Invest in stocks

Investing in stocks can be a way to make money quickly, but it’s not without risk, especially if you’re inexperienced. While the rewards can be high, you might also face losses.

If you have a 9-to-5 job, consider exploring your company’s financial programs. Does it allow investment in company stocks? If so, this could be an option. With company stock programs, your role as an employee may influence the organization’s success. Additionally, if your company offers an RRSP matching program, consider this as a way to save for retirement or a down payment on a home.

20. Sell photography

Whether you’re a professional photographer or just love snapping great pictures, you can make money online by selling your images. Sites like Shutterstock and Alamy are great places to showcase your work. These websites pay royalties to photographers when someone downloads a copy of their image.

If you’re looking to monetize your photography quickly, you can create a listing on Foap , a smartphone app that lets you upload your works and earn cash. When an agency, brand, or anyone else buys a photo or video from your digital Foap portfolio, the app creator shares the profit with you 50-50. 

21. Sell clothes online

Have clothes you don’t wear anymore? Rather than letting them sit in your closet, sell them online. There are quite a few websites that let you sell apparel for cash, such as Poshmark , Refashioner , and ThredUp .

You can also explore Facebook buy and sell groups in your community to find people online and sell the items in person. Just be careful of scams and follow the recommended safety precautions.

22. Become an extreme couponer

If you’re looking to save and make a bit of money, couponing can be a viable option. Coupon Chief’s Pays-2-Share program , for example, lets you share coupons and earn a 2% to 3% commission on sales. The key is to share coupons that haven’t been used before.

This method resembles affiliate marketing, where you earn commissions through referral links. Many coupon companies pay their affiliates consistently, making this a legitimate way to earn online. For instance, Coupon Chief has paid more than $1.3 million in commissions to date.

23. Buy and sell domain names

If you regularly buy domain names but fail to use them, you can always try to sell them for a profit. Selling domains is ultra-competitive, though. If you own a one-word .com domain, you’ll have a better chance of selling. Words that have a high search volume sell well too. You can search for domain names and buy a custom domain through the Shopify domain registration platform.

Once you purchase a domain, list it for sale on GoDaddy’s Domain Auction . You can look through the domains with the highest bids to see what type of domains sell well. This research will help you evaluate the potential sale value of your domains and estimate how much profit you could make by selling them.

24. Sell your designs online

Graphic design is an amazing skill that you can monetize in several ways. You can go the print-on-demand route and sell your designs on your own custom products. Alternatively, you can pitch your designs on a crowdsource platform like 99designs .

There’s also the option to create your own graphics and templates to sell on marketplaces like Envato or Creative Market . Or how about picking up some clients and working as a freelance graphic designer? According to PayScale , this role will net you $29.90 per hour, on average.

25. Test websites

If you’re passionate about user experience, UserTesting pays reviewers $10 to give other entrepreneurs feedback on their websites and apps. You’ll be given a set of questions to answer as you browse through a site. That’s one fast way to make money online. 

You’ll communicate your ideas and feedback to the entrepreneur through a video while navigating their website or app. Your video is only 20 minutes long, so if you do three videos per hour, you’ll make $30. Other reviewers can take projects quickly, so you have to act fast when a new website or app needs to be reviewed.

26. Create and publish newsletters

Creating and publishing email newsletters is one of the most profitable online business ideas. Here’s why: People crave personalized content they can read at their leisure, and newsletters hit the spot. 

Starting is simpler than you think. First, identify your niche—what you’re passionate about and what can benefit your readers. Then, choose a reliable email hosting service that offers customizable templates, robust security, and tools for building a strong subscriber relationship.

27. Get a part-time job

When you’ve done whatever it takes to make money fast but struggle to make an impact, sometimes you’re left with no choice but to get a part-time job. You can browse part-time jobs on Indeed or a niche job board that caters to your field. 

Some job websites require an upfront fee to register, so read the fine print carefully. Most sites let you filter for part-time and contract-based jobs, so you should have no problem finding relevant positions to apply for. With many companies hiring part time, it’s easier than ever to make extra money without working a full week.

28. Become a TikTok consultant

One of the trendiest ways to make money online is to become a TikTok consultant. Brands will contact you for brainstorming video ideas, developing engaging bios, and more. It’s the perfect money-making opportunity for digital nomads —you can run the entire business from your smartphone.

However, you need to have a few talents before you begin offering TikTok consultancy to businesses. The most important is knowing how to create viral videos that get people to engage with brands. If you don’t have the expertise to drive sales through this platform, you can still learn how to attract customers by taking this TikTok course .

29. Sell greeting cards online

If you have a knack for picking out the perfect greeting card for different occasions, this might be an easy way to make money online. However, it’s not recommended that you market your services to everyone and anyone—it’s not a smart way to do business. Instead, design or source greeting cards that appeal to a certain segment of the population. 

For example, you can make greeting cards that cater to C-level executives wanting to thank their senior vice presidents for making profitable decisions last year. Or you can target health care professionals who want to thank their patients for choosing their clinic. For designing the cards, you can use an online graphic tool like Photoshop or Canva .

30. Offer virtual local tours

Do you know your town or city well? Share it with people by offering virtual tours. This can be a way for tourists and others to explore new places without leaving home.

You can use video calls to show historical sites, cultural spots, and local favorites. Share local stories and facts. Allow people to ask questions and see things up close. Offer different tours, like ones for food lovers or history buffs. Work with local shops so tour guests can buy local products.

31. Become a reseller

Reselling products is a way to make money without creating items. You can buy vintage or collectible items and then sell them. If you want to focus on specific products, you can become a certified distributor of a brand in your area.

Start by finding brands to resell on wholesale directories and platforms like AliExpress. Then, set up an online platform to sell your chosen products. Remember, you will need to manage inventory. This takes effort, but it doesn’t require making products.

32. Sell advertising space

If you own a website, you can make money by selling ad space on it. The more people click or look at these ads, the more cash you make. Make sure your website is a place where advertisers want to be. This means good content that shows up in search results. Also, check where ads work best on your site to keep your readers happy.

You could start with a network like Google’s to get ads up and running fast. If you’re using a site builder like WordPress, there are easy guides to follow. Or, explore other ad networks that offer different kinds of ads and special features to boost your earnings and reach more people worldwide.

making money online essay

33. Narrate audiobooks

Do you have a great speaking voice? Consider using it to make money online by narrating audiobooks. Being organized, professional, and punctual are key to building a reputable profile in the industry. You can find opportunities on platforms such as Bunny Studio , Voices , or ACX .

Enhance your visibility by creating a personal website where you can upload samples of your narration. You can also network by joining audiobook narration groups on social media and attending industry events. This will help you connect with authors and publishers looking for narrators.

34. Become an Airbnb host

If you’ve got a spare bedroom or a quaint guest house sitting empty, consider turning it into a source of income by hosting on Airbnb. It’s an effective way to use your property to cover your mortgage or save for future goals. You can even increase your earnings by selling items directly to guests, such as handmade décor or local products.

To get started, sign up for a free Airbnb account and set up your listing with attractive descriptions and photos. To add a personal touch, use QR codes in your space that guests can scan to purchase featured items

35. Do micro jobs

Looking to earn extra money? Consider micro jobs—small online tasks like transcribing audio or organizing data. Websites like TaskRabbit for various odd jobs, Upwork for freelance work, and PeoplePerHour for creative and technical tasks offer plenty of opportunities.

Just ensure you have a stable internet connection and a functional computer. For design or tech roles, showcasing your previous work could help you secure the job.

Start your online earning journey today

Making money online can help you stay afloat during these troubled times, but it can also help you escape your 9-to-5 job so you can become a full-time entrepreneur. By brainstorming online business ideas and choosing to start an online business, you gain more financial freedom , improve your financial security, and inch closer to living life on your terms .

It really is possible to earn a living online if you work hard and stick with it. So, which money-making idea will you pursue first?

Make money online FAQ

How can i make money online fast.

  • Build a Shopify store and dropship products online.
  • Sell used stuff on eBay, Amazon, or Facebook Marketplace.
  • Find and share coupons on websites like Coupon Chief.
  • Buy and sell domain names.
  • Rent your spare room on Airbnb.
  • Provide TikTok consultancy to startups and businesses.
  • Sell information products.
  • Tutor people online in high-demand subjects.
  • Create online courses.
  • Review apps and websites.

How can I make $100 a day on the web?

  • Complete surveys.
  • Sell products on Amazon.
  • Teach English online.
  • Watch videos for money.
  • Get cash back on your shopping.
  • Proofread for websites.
  • Review music online.

How can I make money online in 2024?

  • Launch a print-on-demand store.
  • Sell your clothes online.
  • Create handmade goods.
  • Offer freelance services.
  • Curate subscription boxes.
  • Build online courses.
  • Launch a podcast.
  • Create digital products.
  • Become an influencer.
  • Start a blog. 

Want to learn more?

  • How to Work from Home: 11 Tips to Stay Productive and Focused
  • The 33 Best To Do List apps For Every Entrepreneur
  • 16 Reasons to Start a Business
  • How to Work Remotely : 9 Tips & Tools to Master Remote Life

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56 Legit Ways to Make Money Online

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The content on DollarSprout includes links to our advertising partners. When you read our content and click on one of our partners’ links, and then decide to complete an offer — whether it’s downloading an app, opening an account, or some other action — we may earn a commission from that advertiser, at no extra cost to you.

Our ultimate goal is to educate and inform, not lure you into signing up for certain offers. Compensation from our partners may impact what products we cover and where they appear on the site, but does not have any impact on the objectivity of our reviews or advice.

In the past twenty years, we've seen a complete transformation in the way people choose to earn a living. If you want to start making money online, here are dozens of great ideas for getting you started.

Megan Robinson

  • Side Hustles

Our mission at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. If a purchase or signup is made through one of our Partners’ links, we may receive compensation for the referral. Learn more here .

Embarking on the journey to make money online can be as exciting as it is lucrative.

With the digital world at your fingertips, countless opportunities await to turn your skills, hobbies, or even your unused internet connection into a steady income stream.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, a student, or just looking to supplement your income, this guide is your starting point. Get ready to explore over 50 legitimate and diverse ways to earn money online, all from the comfort of your home.

How to Make Money Online

Most digital side hustles have a realistic income ceiling and expected time commitment. Choose the ones that best align with your lifestyle needs.

1. Participate in market research

branded surveys is a leading market research companies that offers paid online surveys

Online surveys won’t net you a hefty income, but you can earn a few dollars here and there. Many survey sites pay in gift cards, but some, like Branded Surveys , allow you to cash out your earnings via PayPal or direct deposit. By consistently taking surveys and earning points, you’ll become a Branded Elite member and qualify for additional bonus points and rewards.

We’ve ranked dozens of paid survey sites , many of which are scams purporting to represent legitimate entities, so be careful when handing out personal information to a brand you haven’t heard much about.

2. Sell old phones or technology

I used to have a habit of holding on to all my old laptops and cell phones, even after I upgraded to a newer model. That changed when I discovered Decluttr and sites like it where you can sell your old electronics.

I recently got $24 for trading in an old Samsung Galaxy S7 that I had previously bought from the company. Decluttr gives you an instant quote and offers a highest-price guarantee. If you find a better deal on another site, send in your quote and they’ll match it, no questions asked.

Related: 11 Best Places to Sell Your Phone for Cash

3. Complete affiliate offers

It’s no secret that companies will often pay big bucks to acquire new customers. Usually, they’ll pay it to a third party who then advertises on behalf of the target company. Now, you can intercept a portion of that kickback because these third parties will actually give you a portion of their affiliate earnings as a reward. 

One such “get paid to” site is Freecash.com . The site offers 4,000+ ways users can earn kickbacks by completing a variety of tasks. Testing apps, playing games, signing up for free (or paid) offers, or taking quizzes are but a few of the many ways you can earn money online using their site.

According to their website:

  • 0h 17m 16s was the average time until a user made their first cashout.
  • $24.72 was the average figure earned by users yesterday.
  • $54,906,593 is the total figure they’ve paid out to date. 

To boot, they have a daily bonus ladder, a daily leaderboard in which they give away $500 to top earners, a robust friend referral system, and a $1 bonus for signing up and creating an account . 

Related: Freecash Review 2024

4. Start investing 

If you struggle with saving but are great  at spending, there are a few cool ways to help you invest that leverage your inability to keep your wallet closed.

Apps like Acorns have a “Round-Up” feature that operates just like it sounds: it rounds up [to the nearest whole dollar] each purchase you make at the store, and sweeps it into an investment account. 

For example, if you spend $56.34 on gas, they’ll round it up to $57.00 and place $0.64 into your investment account. It’s an easy, affordable way to start saving for retirement that just makes sense. You can read more about Acorns in our in-depth review . 

5. Earn cashback and rewards online

Cashback apps and browser extensions help you save money on everything from groceries to books. You won’t earn a fortune, but if you do a good bit of online shopping, the savings can really add up.

For example, I’m able to automatically claw back an easy $10 to $20 each month with the free DollarSprout Rewards browser extension. It gets me cash back at my favorite stores like Overstock, Walgreens, and Walmart, and it also scours the web for promo codes and coupons for additional savings at checkout.

dollarsprout rewards cash back notification

Once you have the browser extension installed, DollarSprout Rewards lets you know if there’s a deal available for any one of 15,000+ different retailer websites. One simple click activates the cash back offer and there’s no “catch” for using it. If your earnings balance exceeds $5 at any point during a particular month, you’ll automatically receive a cash payout to PayPal the following month.

Just simple, completely free cash back in your pocket.

Related: 15 Best Cash Back Apps to Earn Max Rewards

6. Sell your unused internet connection

It sounds weird, but hear me out: companies like Honeygain will literally buy your bits of unused data and internet resources so they can power their Content Delivery services for the partner Fortune 500 companies they work with. Your computer becomes part of a larger “hive” of computers and internet connections that help power the network. 

By installing the app on two devices and sharing about 5 GB per day, Honeygain estimates the average user will earn $45 per month in passive income .

estimated monthly earnings by using honeygain to make money online

If you have an unlimited data mobile plan, cable, fiber, or DSL, odds are you’ll have some extra bandwidth to donate. Better yet, new users also get a free $3 gift when they register online. Check out their website to learn more.  

7. Start a blog

examples of how much bloggers make

Making money by starting a blog is more realistic than you may think. Bloggers make money by advertising for companies they’re affiliated with. When users click an affiliate link and make a purchase, the website owner earns a commission. There are other ways to make money blogging such as by displaying advertising, selling your own products, or writing sponsored content.

Blogging platforms such as HostGator provide a simple, affordable way to start your own digital business from home for less than the cost of a cup of coffee each month. (It’s the same way we built DollarSprout into a seven-figure brand.) 

Related : How We Made $347,675 Blogging in 2 Months

8. Invest in real estate

In the past, the only way to get exposure to the real estate market was to plunk thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars into direct buy deals.

Then REITs came around and the burden was lightening, allowing more affluent Americans the opportunity to invest with just a few thousand dollars in today’s economic environment. 

But with the advancement of technology and a little innovation, for as little as $10, the average Joe can now get started with real estate investing. This is because companies like Fundrise allow everyday investors the opportunity to buy fractional shares in large real estate projects. 

If your appetite for risk doesn’t include buying and selling stocks, or you’d like to diversify your holdings further, a modest position in the real estate market may be up your alley. 

9. Monetize your location data

tapestri app pays you for anonymous location data

Ever received one of those push notifications from Starbucks asking if you want a drink if you’re within a stone’s throw of a physical location? Recall apps on your phone asking for permission if they can use your location data? 

Odds are you have over a dozen apps on your phone currently tracking every step you’ve ever made. Now it’s time to monetize it. 

With Tapestri , users can earn up to $25 per month simply by turning on their location sharing.

Tapestri then partners with massive brands to help them gain insight into consumer behavior and shopping patterns. The location data is completely anonymous, and as we mentioned earlier, you’re already sharing it with a number of other apps — at least with Tapestri, you’ll get paid for it. 

Pro tip : Tapestri has a super neat referral program that pays monthly passive cash for each person you refer to the app (that similarly consents to location sharing). For each month a referral keeps the app installed on their phone, you’ll receive $1.

10. Become a proofreader

Proofreaders help authors, bloggers, and even court reporters ensure that their content is grammatically correct and error-free. A proofreader’s role is to be an extra set of eyes after the author and editor have finished their job. They scour content for any errors that may have previously been missed. With a modest list of clients, a freelance proofreader can reasonably expect to earn several hundred to even several thousand dollars per month working in their spare time.

Tori Gellino, a DollarSprout reader and avid side hustler, earns an average of $1,200 per month moonlighting as a virtual proofreader. She recently shared her best tips for finding a stable of 5 to 10 reliable clients and the training she completed before bringing them on board. 

Ready to start?  Caitlin Pyle offers a free webinar and training course — Proofread Anywhere — for people interested in starting a freelance proofreading business from home.

proofread anywhere is a paid proofreading course that teaches people how to become an online proofreader and find paid clients

11. Start a dropshipping business

Dropshipping businesses have become an extremely popular way to make money online over the last decade. Dropshippers source products from manufacturers, then sell the product through their online store. When a customer places an order, the item is shipped from the manufacturer directly to the customer’s home. You never have to store inventory or manage orders. Shopify, one of the most well-known eCommerce platforms online, offers a free 45-minute workshop on how to start and launch a dropshipping business.

Related: How One Recent Grad Started a $2,000 a Month Shopify Side Gig

12. Manage Facebook Ads for businesses

One of the ways Facebook makes money is by allowing companies to advertise its products and services in users’ news feeds. Most small business owners don’t realize the value of running Facebook ads for their business. By learning to communicate the value of ads in reaching new clientele and building brand awareness, you can earn $1,000 to $2,000 per month for each client you book.

Start by reaching out to small business owners in your area or by taking an online course that teaches you how to manage ads on Facebook and start booking clients .

13. Work as a virtual assistant

A virtual assistant is an all-encompassing title for someone who offers online services for companies and small businesses. Services can range from graphic design, to blog management, to email marketing.

A good friend of mine started working as a virtual assistant once she had her first child. She makes $35 an hour offering copywriting and email management to local companies. Working as a freelancer will increase your hourly rate but comes with the downside of having to find your own work. Another option is to work with well-known virtual assistant companies that have a steady stream of clients, but at a lower hourly rate. 

Related : How One Woman Makes $3,000 per Month as a Virtual Assistant  

14. Transcribe audio files

The most common transcription jobs fall into three categories: legal, medical, and general. Companies in the medical or legal realms may require that you have some knowledge or experience in the respective field. As a transcriptionist, you’ll listen to audio files and transcribe them into written content. Pay varies depending on the industry and your level of experience. If you’re interested in transcription, here’s a free workshop that includes more details about what it takes to work as a transcriptionist and how to get started.

15. Bank hop 

“Bank hopping” is one of the more savvy ways to make money online, but it often requires a little bit of capital to work with. The gist of it is pretty simple: banks offer sizeable deposit bonuses if you open an account — often with a minimum deposit — and hold the money within the institution for a certain period of time, often around 90 days.

For example, Citi Bank is currently offering up to $2000 in bonuses for opening a new Citigold account and keeping your money there for just 60 days (then rinse and repeat at a new institution). A tiered bonus, you’ll earn $200 for deposits between $10,000 and $29,999, and $2000 if you deposit $300,000 or more. 

Not everyone has that kind of cash on hand, but if you do, and it’s earning .06% at your traditional brick-and-mortar, this is an easy way to earn a sizeable chunk of free money .

16. Complete micro tasks

Micro tasks are one of the easiest ways to make money online. But micro jobs come with micro pay. You can earn a few dollars a month with Swagbucks by watching videos, playing games, and using the Swagbucks search engine. Other micro job sites pay users for reviewing content, verifying data, or testing apps and websites.

17. Invest in fine art

masterworks art investing performance vs s&p 500

When people think of investing, they imagine the usual: stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. But you can also invest in physical items, such as fine art. Up until now, it wasn’t possible for most ordinary people to buy famous and original works of art from artists like Picasso, Monet, or Rembrandt.

Masterworks is a company that makes it possible to buy “shares” in a painting, just as you would buy shares of stock. It’s a good way to make money online if you know your art and don’t need the money right away.

Related : 4 Profitable Ways to Invest in Fine Art 

18. Teach English as a second language

Having been a VIPKid teacher myself, I can honestly say it’s a legit way to make money online. VIPKid hires native English speakers to teach English to children, most of whom are based in China. Your pay is based on your level of teaching experience and how well you do in the demo interview. When I worked for the company I had zero experience and regularly made $1,500 to $2,000 per month teaching part-time. 

Related : How One Retiree Makes $2,500 a Month as an English Language Tutor

19. Host a digital course

Digital courses are one of the top ways to make money online today. Outschool is a teacher-recruiting platform specifically designed to help online course creators monetize their knowledge. Its classes range from architecture to yoga to learning about Pokémon characters. According to the site, the average teacher earns $40 per hour, and you don’t need experience teaching to use Outschool . 

20. Sell your unused gift cards

make money online by selling unwanted gift cards for cash

If you have gift cards lying around that you don’t want, you can sell them one of several popular gift card exchanges . When you enter your gift card on a site like Raise , they’ll give you a suggested selling point. You can change this to set the price at whatever you believe is fair. It’s free to list your gift card on Raise, but once it sells, the site will keep 15% of the selling price and you’ll receive the remaining 85%. For example, if you list a gift card with a $50 balance for sale at $45, Raise will keep $6.75 and you’ll receive $38.25.

21. Buy and sell domain names

Ever since I started my own website in 2016, I’ve purchased domain names whenever I think of one that could be worth something. Recently, I sold one of them on GoDaddy for $1,200 — a domain I originally purchased for $12. If you have a penchant for thinking of unique names for websites or businesses, domain flipping could potentially be a lucrative way to make money online. Here’s a great how-to guide by GoDaddy that shares tips for flipping an inexpensive domain for thousands. 

22. Become a private tutor

With the variety of online tutoring sites available, you can earn money online by teaching anything you know. Some sites dictate the amount you can charge while others allow you to set your own rate. You can start booking clients by creating profiles on sites like Wyzant or Tutor.com. Depending on your subject area and whether you prefer to teach in person or online, you could also advertise on Craigslist or at local schools.

23. Get paid to test websites

Website testers give their opinions on a website’s design and user experience. This allows companies to make changes to their websites in order to provide a better experience for their users (and hopefully increase sales). With sites like UserTesting, you can earn $10 for every 15- to 20-minute test you complete. Tests involve recording your screen with feedback and answering follow-up questions. Check out other places you can get paid to test websites .

24. Write for websites and business owners

Writing is one of the fastest and most accessible ways to make money online. You don’t need perfect grammar skills or a padded portfolio to become a freelance writer . You can use personal blog posts, newsletters, or stories you’ve written in the past as samples of your work. Join the ProBlogger and Freelance Writing job boards to start pitching your services to clients. 

25. Pick up freelance work

I’ve earned thousands in extra income over the last three years as a freelance writer, web developer, and, most recently, project manager. The fastest way to sell your services online is to offer what you already know. If your day job involves managing social media, or if you learned to edit podcasts from working on your own personal podcast, those are legitimate services you can offer to clients. Sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.com offer a network of professionals looking for freelancers with your skillset.

26. Flip Facebook Marketplace finds

I love following furniture-flipping accounts on Instagram, like Whitney Hansen’s Unsophisticated DIY. The main thing I’ve learned from these accounts: not all flips require significant work. If you can find good enough deals, you can purchase a piece, then turn around and sell it for profit within a week. Apart from furniture, keep an eye out for other flippable items you can sell like clothing with tags, antiques, and vintage collectible items like baseball cards or gaming systems. Professional flippers like Rob and Melissa of Flea Market Flipper — who make over $100,000 per year flipping yard sale hauls — have a flipping course that teaches people how to extract the most value out of high-margin items they find. 

Related : I Spent $100K Flipping Pokémon Cards During the Pandemic. Here’s How

27. Sell what you make on Etsy

Etsy, one of the more popular money-making websites in the world, is known for its variety of handmade and vintage items. Alternatively, users have seen success selling everything from handmade knitwear and upcycled jewelry to budget printables and home organization binders. Whatever your talent is, there’s a chance that you can sell your crafts digitally and earn some extra income.

28. Create YouTube content

YouTubers primarily earn money through ads, which average $0.01 to $0.03 per view, or $3 to $5 per 1000 video views. If you create consistent, engaging content and build a following, you can make money on YouTube with Google AdSense. It’s free to start a creator account, but you must meet YouTube’s minimum requirements before you can monetize your videos.

29. Sell your gently-used clothing

Average spending on new clothes in US

Another of the easiest ways to make money online is by selling things you no longer use. If your clothes are designer and in high demand, you may earn more by listing them individually on Poshmark or eBay. On the other hand, if your items aren’t in as high demand or you don’t want to deal with the hassle of selling them yourself, you can order a Clean Out Kit from thredUP. Pack the bag, and collect your earnings when they sell. For a local alternative, try Plato’s Closet or Buffalo. (From my experience, however, you won’t earn as much as selling your clothes online .)

30. Work as a matchmaker

make money online by becoming a relationship matchmaker

Tawkify matches online love-seekers based on shared values, interests, and other dating preferences. As a matchmaker, you’ll work one-on-one with clients and line up their next date with handpicked matches based on these factors. You don’t need experience in the field to apply. According to its website, some of the qualities Tawkify looks for in matchmakers include empathy, intuition, and high EQ. 

31. Teach business owners how to use Asana

Many small and large businesses alike have trouble organizing and managing projects and teams, which is where project management software like Asana can help. As an Asana consultant, you’ll help business owners set up their teams, streamline and optimize projects, and train them on Asana best practices. After your first year of consulting with businesses, you can apply to become an Asana Certified Pro. Certification comes with in-depth training, and you’ll be featured on Asana’s Certified Pros page to make it easier for clients in your area to find and work with you.

32. Create an app

You don’t need to be a software engineer or developer to create an app. If you have a great idea, find someone on Freelancer, Upwork, or Fiverr with the technical skills who can help you bring it to life. You can also use a platform like Build Fire or Appy Pie to create your app with no coding skills needed. Once your app is live, you can make money by displaying in-app advertisements, offering a premium version, or selling your app to a larger company.

33. Start a paid membership community

I’m a member of several paid membership communities — some in life coaching and personal development and others related to online business. Membership sites can be a great way to share your knowledge, build a community, and create recurring revenue. A membership typically includes some form of core content, such as a course. The ones I’m a member of also release weekly or monthly content, including live coaching calls where members can volunteer to be coached in front of the community. For more information, check out this in-depth guide on how to create a paid membership site .

34. Sell your personal photos

If you enjoy taking pictures or have images on your camera roll that you’re not using, you can make money by selling them online. You only need a smartphone camera to get started. Some apps will pay you for your selfies while other sites, like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock, pay for stock photography they can sell to business owners. Learn more about how to get paid for your pictures .

Related: How One Photographer’s Side Hustle Became a $330K a Year Business

35. Offer virtual interior design consults

One of my favorite Instagram accounts to follow is Galey Alix. Galey documents her interior design projects — a business she started and runs on the side of her full-time finance job. Her successful business is proof that you don’t need a degree or experience to start a business or offer services in a new area.

            View this post on Instagram                     📸👱🏻‍♀️⚒ Before & after shots from my weekend project: converting my traditional master bedroom fireplace to Modern Coastal. To see the ‘how to’ video & a description of everything I did, check out my previous post. Also, left a little surprise at the end here. Do WHAT you love, LOVE what you do.👌🏻😏. . . . #design #interiordesign #coastal #moderncoastal #fireplace #shiplapfireplace #coastalfireplace #shiplap #boxers #lighting #coastalsconces #diy #coastaldecor #bedroom #masterbedroom #home #cozy #cozyhome #bedroomdecor #homeinspo #potterybarn #crateandbarrel #homegoods #myflor @florsquares @palmbeachwoodwork @crateandbarrel @potterybarn A post shared by 💜GALEY ALiX DESiGN 💜 (@galeyalix) on Jul 29, 2019 at 4:09am PDT

Start by working with friends and family for free. Document your work online and on social media, and collect testimonials. Once you have some experience and a feel for your process, you can create service packages and sell them to new clients.

36. Self-publish an eBook

Self-publishing has become popular among new authors. If you already have a blog or personal website, you can use it to sell your book. The most common method seems to be self-publishing through Amazon with Kindle Direct Publishing. Once you’ve written and formatted your book, you can upload it directly to your Amazon KDP account. Learn more about how to publish and sell an eBook . 

37. Become a voice-over artist

Voice-over artists provide their voice for professional audio work such as games, commercials, and cartoons. If you have a voice for radio, this could be an easy way to make money online. You can find voice-over work on freelance sites like Fiverr or niche sites such as Voices.com.

38. Sell digital products

If you don’t have the time or just don’t prefer to work with clients, selling digital products offers another way to make money online with your know-how. There are many types of digital products you can create and sell, such as planners, templates, or workbooks. You can drive people to your digital products through Pinterest, social media, or creating content such as blog posts that rank in search engine results.

39. Sell your home-grown produce

A friend of mine recently fulfilled a decades-long dream of owning chickens. According to his calculations, his 20 chickens should provide 15 or so eggs per day. When I asked what he planned to do with all the extras, he said, “Hadn’t thought of that. I guess I’ll sell them.” His new hobby became an unexpected side hustle. If you love to garden or grow your own produce, consider selling the excess to friends and family or on sites like Facebook Marketplace. 

40. Work for a call center

A call center agent is one of the best online jobs for people who work in customer service. U-Haul, Apple, and American Express are a few companies that offer remote work in this field. This role can either be full-time or part-time depending on the company, and training is typically provided, which means no previous experience is required.

41. Apply to work as a data entry specialist

Data entry includes inputting hard-copy information into a spreadsheet or scanning documents into an online program. It doesn’t require a specialized degree and pays upwards of $13 per hour depending on your level of experience, which makes data entry an easy way to make money online or from home in your spare time. Sites like FlexJobs and Microworkers offer data entry jobs for all skill levels.

42. Design and sell T-shirts

If you’re creative or can come up with catchy sayings, you can make money online designing and selling your own T-shirts. Sites like Teespring, Bonfire, and Printify allow you to design and sell custom shirts without paying anything upfront or holding inventory. Similar to dropshipping, you create your own storefront that includes your personal designs. When a customer places an order, the site creates the product and ships it on your behalf. You’ll still need to promote your storefront to make money online with this idea, so it’s helpful to have an online following, whether it’s on Instagram, YouTube, or another social media platform.

43. Offer consulting services

Consulting has an inherently corporate connotation. However, anyone with deep knowledge in a particular subject area could make money as a virtual consultant . Unlike freelancers, a consultant’s work is less hands-on. Rather than doing the work yourself, you provide clients with the expertise that allows them to take informed action. If you’re an expert in search engine optimization, for example, you may consult with clients to create an SEO strategy, then teach their employees how to implement the changes.

44. Coach in your area of expertise

Where consultants provide a plan of execution for clients, coaches help clients create a plan for themselves. When I started my financial coaching business, I thought I would mostly tell people what to do with their money and then they would do it. However, I quickly realized that what my clients needed most was help overcoming limiting money beliefs and staying accountable to their own goals and plans. You can become a coach in any area from Instagram marketing to personal finances and business. Tools like Acuity and Zoom can help you book and meet with clients virtually.

Related: How to Become a Personal Trainer

45. Start a new online business

Take notice of the things you hear others complain about or problems you face yourself. Is there a way to turn the solution into an online business? Or if you already offer an in-person service, is there a way you can take your in-person business online ? For example, a massage therapist could host online classes teaching couples how to give each other a massage. A baker could host an online workshop about how to make their most popular recipes. There are thousands of online business ideas outside of the ones listed here.

Real Ways to Make Money from Home Offline

Not all work-from-home jobs are tied to an internet connection. The following guides and resources can help you learn more about these real ways to make money from home for free.

46. Sign up for a food delivery service

While this isn’t technically a way to make money from home, delivering food or packages is an easy way to earn extra income outside of a day job. Instacart shoppers typically earn between $10 and $20 per hour. As long as you have consistent access to a vehicle, you can make deliveries on your own time and start earning as soon as you’re approved. Shoppers also get comped memberships to Costco, BJs, and several other wholesale retailers (in addition to tons of free fuel points)! 

Note: Since average hourly earnings fluctuate based on factors including location and demand, we have not included rates. However, our research suggests average rates tend to fall between $10-$20 per hour.

47. Do bookkeeping for local businesses

As a bookkeeper, you’ll be responsible for things like inputting company transactions, reconciling bank records, invoicing customers, and running financial reports. You don’t need a degree in finance or accounting to make money from home as a bookkeeper. However, you will need to know how to use Quickbooks or other popular accounting software, and you’ll need a basic understanding of accounting principles. Any bookkeeping classes or certifications you complete can justify a bump in your rates.

48. Pet sit at your house

I recently started pet sitting using the Rover app as a way to make money from home. The company allows you to set your own rates, schedule, and choose the services you offer. Since I work remotely, I chose in-house doggy daycare and set my rate at $33 per dog per day. Moose was my first client. For two days of having him over, I earned $52.80. (Rover takes a 20% cut.) I was pleased given that my dog did most of the work entertaining Moose and I got the reward. Other services you can offer on Rover include dog walking, boarding, in-house visits, and house sitting. Learn more about what it’s like to dog sit with Rover .

49. Rent out your space

If you have space in your house that you’re not using, renting it out is one of the best ways to make money from home. There are many ways to rent out your space . Websites like Neighbor.com and StoreAtMyHouse are built for storing items, while ShareMySpace and PeerSpace are geared toward events like meetings, photoshoots, and parties.

50. Offer at-home daycare

At-home daycare offers a fun way to make money at home if you love working with children and have the time to dedicate to caring for several at once. Many parents prefer private daycares to public ones. If you have experience working with kids or a network of parents who trust you, this is one of the great side hustles for moms or dads who work remotely or stay home with their own kids during the day.

51. Work as a mystery shopper

Companies like Secret Shopper, BestMark, and IntelliShop pay workers to provide feedback on a company’s products or services. For example, you might be asked to visit a local electronics store, ask someone in the phone department-specific questions, and complete a survey about your experience. You can complete applications with mystery shopping companies to start booking gigs online or in your area.

52. Sell your favorite recipes

If friends and family rave over your cooking, even a single dish, you can capitalize on your talent to make money at home. That’s what Nikki Girard did. What began as trying to perfect her Haitian patty recipe turned into a part-time side business that brings in $2,000 per month . You can use social media and your personal network to sell your creations. Some states have Cottage Food laws on how much you can sell without requiring a license, so be sure to research this for your area.

53. Fix broken gadgets for neighbors

A few weeks ago my lawnmower broke down and I wasn’t sure where to take it. When I told my next-door neighbor, he offered to fix it for me. It turns out he has a side gig repairing broken lawn mowers for locals. If you have a similar skillset or general handyman knowledge, this may be an easy way to make money from home. Call around to neighbors who might use your services and mention your offering in conversations with friends and family. Word of mouth can be a powerful marketing tool, but apps like TaskRabbit and Amazon Home Services can also help spread the word.

54. Let companies advertise on your phone

Advertisements allow companies a way to reach a new clientele. More brand exposure typically means more revenue, which means you can make money from home by allowing companies to use your belongings as a billboard. Sites like Wrapify and Carvertise pay to place ads on your car while Slidejoy and similar apps pay to rent ad space on your phone’s lock screen. Learn more about how to get paid to advertise for companies and brands .

55. Teach fitness classes

You can teach yoga and fitness classes in your garage gym, spare bedroom, or even your living room. This is an easy way to make money from home if you already have a teaching certification. If you don’t, ACE Fitness offers group fitness certification training starting at $350. Being certified isn’t a requirement, but it can give you a competitive edge in marketing your classes and help your clients feel more confident in your services.

56. Negotiate a remote work agreement with your current employer

If you have a job you love but want the flexibility of working remotely, consider bringing it up with your employer. Depending on your role, you may only be able to work out a part-time remote agreement that leaves you with some days in-office and others at home. Before you initiate the conversation, be prepared to communicate your reasoning and think of any questions or problems your boss may have ahead of time. Having solutions prepared will increase your odds of coming to a mutually beneficial agreement.

Make a Plan for Your Extra Money Ahead of Time

Making extra money online or from home is great. But if your reason for doing so is to get out of a tough financial predicament, you’ll end up in the same place if you don’t create a plan for your money before it comes in. Making a monthly budget or spending plan can help.

Write down your consistent income streams: full-time salary, child support, etc. — any income that stays the same from month to month. Then include your side hustle income as a separate item. Write in less than you think you can make so that you don’t end up going over budget if you make less. Once you have your income, decide how much to save, invest, put toward debt, and then what’s left over to spend until each dollar is accounted for.

They say you manage what you measure. If you’re going to use your spare time to make extra money online, tracking where that money goes will ensure the effort is worth the reward.

Related : 42 Creative Ways to Make Money Fast

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Become a Writer Today

Get Paid To Write Reviews: 14 Top Sites

Get paid to write reviews by reading our guide with all the top sites for you to check out. Earn money and home and increase your skills today!

Before you purchase products or download apps, do you read the reviews? Most consumers do. A study published by Qualtrics showed that 93 percent of customers read online reviews before buying a product. Product reviews are important to people’s purchasing decisions, and review sites are everywhere.

Companies know that they will make more money if their products have positive reviews, so they’re willing to pay people to write product reviews for money. If you are wondering how to get paid to write reviews and blog articles, try applying to these sites for review writing jobs .

1. Writers Work

2. get paid to write reviews for amazon, 3. get reviewed, 4. crowdtap, 6. listverse, 7. capterra, 8. usertesting, 9. gartner peer insights, 10. harris poll online, 11. g2 crowd, 12. review stream, 13. inboxdollars, 14. swagbucks, final word on where to get paid to write reviews, is it illegal to write fake reviews, where can i write music reviews, how do you make money by giving reviews, how to get paid to write reviews.

Writers Work

Writers Work connects writers with companies looking for freelancers. With thousands of jobs available, it’s an ideal place for new and experienced freelancer writers to find work. The site has built great relationships with many established companies requiring writing , from general content to blogging to copywriting and reviews; endless opportunities exist. The average earnings on the freelance site are anything from $20 – $65 per hour, making it a lucrative option for writers to get involved in.

Writers Work contains freelance writing opportunities for writers who want to start their career

Writers Work

Many freelancers earn commissions from Amazon by writing product reviews. Amazon pays reviewers who successfully try a product and refer it to new customers. This process is a type of influencer work called affiliate marketing, which can be used through the Amazon Associates program. Whenever a customer uses your affiliate link, you’ll receive a small commission on the sale.

For example, if you were to try a product and then post about it on your blog or social media with an affiliate link, your viewers might then buy the Amazon product, which means you earn a commission. There are many different niches for bloggers to choose from, like food, fashion, beauty, tech, and entertainment.

Get Reviewed

If you want to write product reviews for money, one of the best places to look is Get Reviewed . The website will pay you cash for sponsored reviews and blog posts. If you want to participate in this program, you need to have a self-hosted website with a strong domain authority of at least 20 or above. To elevate your domain authority, focus on a specific niche.

Then, convince others to provide links that point back to your website. This will position your site as an authority in the field.

If you want to get paid to write a review on this site, submit your blog for consideration. After your blog is accepted, you will display your blog on the marketplace. Then, advertisers can view your blog and order a product review from you. If someone places an order for a review from your website, you will receive an email notification.

Based on the email request, you can either accept or reject their review request. You also negotiate the price of your review with the client. Once you and the client agree on a deadline and rate for the job, you’ll write the review and get paid! Typically, you get paid 14 days after the article has been completed. The site pays a paid reviewer by PayPal.


If you want a fun way to review products from your phone, check out CrowdTap . You can access the program through your smartphone. Then, you can look at their “daily missions,” which products they would like you to review that day. If you review their products, you will be rewarded for leaving a high-quality review.

You get paid in a variety of ways. For example, some companies will reward you with product samples. Other companies will reward you with gift cards. You may also be given merchandise rewards you can redeem at certain brands and establishments.

This is one of the top review apps out there. There are other ways you can earn points as well. For example, you can complete daily polls, fill out surveys, and share your reviews on social media channels. You can get additional points if you share your reviews on your blog.


Another review site you may want to check out is called Ciao . This is a review site based in the UK, but it is open to the international community, including non-English speakers. They have various products listed on the website, some of which are Amazon products.

The website also has a rotating category of focus or high-authority products. These are products that they need reviews for, so they’re willing to pay extra money for writers. The payment for each review varies, but it is directly tied to the amount of traffic that a specific review generates.

You don’t have to make much money to request a payout. As long as you have a balance of five pounds or more, or about $6, you can request to be paid. It might be challenging to generate a lot of traffic with your first review, but you can make significant money online once you get a lot of practice.


If you are more of a long-form paid reviewer, check out ListVerse . This website will pay you money to make a “top 10” list. Often called “listicles,” this is an opportunity to get creative. You have a lot of control over the products you decide to review, and you can make several recommendations in a single article.

You may want to write a paragraph or two on each item before moving forward. After your list has been published, you get paid through PayPal.


Next, you may want to check out Capterra as well. If you have looked for reviews of specific products, including software programs, you have probably come across Capterra. You can also get paid to write reviews for them. Typically, you need to use the product before you write the review, which may require additional work; however, you can also get paid more for each review.

On Capterra, you get paid approximately $10 for each review that is accepted. Because they are one of the largest players in the industry, they vet all of their reviews closely to ensure they meet their requirements. You need to verify your identity using LinkedIn, and you might get asked to send screenshots of the software or product you want to review before they let you write the review. For this reason, they pay more money for each review.


If you are someone who enjoys testing websites and applications, you may want to take a look at a website called UserTesting . During the review process, you need to make a 20-minute video. Then, you’ll be paid $10 for each review you give. Try this website if you would rather talk about a product or service instead of writing about it.

If the platform can download the necessary recording software, you can record it using any device you want. This could include a desktop computer, a laptop, a smartphone, or a tablet. You will also need to record yourself testing the app or website in real-time. Companies will pay a lot for people who record themselves using their products or services.

Therefore, this could be one of the most lucrative ways for you to make money through product reviews.

Gartner Peer Insights

Another website that will pay you a lot of money for each review is called Gartner. Gartner is a leading technology and software review company. The goal is to help users make educated decisions on the products they use. Even though you can only write ten reviews annually, the company pays you approximately $25 for each successful review.

Caveat: Gartner closely vets every review before it is published to ensure it provides customers with real insights into the product. The more details you can give about your experience, the greater the chance your review gets accepted. You need to know a lot before you write your first review on this platform. So, check out Gartner’s FAQ page to figure out how to take advantage of this opportunity.

Harris Poll Online

You might also want to consider Harris Poll Online . They are one of the oldest research firms in the industry, and they have a sterling reputation. Most of the surveys and reviews you complete for Harris will focus on their current marketing campaigns.

For example, you might be asked to watch a series of marketing videos a company produces. Then, you’ll be asked to share your opinion. You might also be asked to recommend improving their marketing videos to better speak to someone like yourself.

Every time you complete a survey for this company, you’ll be given points to redeem for gift cards. You might also be given a bonus award if you win the raffle. You get an entry into the raffle with every survey or review you complete.

G2 Crowd

G2 Crowd is a crowdsourcing platform for reviews. The amount of money you can make on this platform can vary widely depending on what you review. The average review pays between $5 and $15, but you could earn up to $25 per review if you review specific types of software. The website has hundreds of thousands of reviews, so it is one of the most popular review websites on the internet.

Similar to other software review websites, there are strict requirements you need to follow to make sure your review is accepted. You’ll also have to verify your identity by tying your LinkedIn account to your review.

Review Stream

Review Stream will allow you to make money by reviewing just about every product. Furthermore, if a user likes your review, you could get paid a bonus. If you get a vote of confidence from a user, this indicates that the person found your review useful.

Even though you can write a review on just about anything, you can look at what is currently trending on social media. Generally, ReviewStream will pay more money for products and services that have become popular. Furthermore, if you write a review that matches the publishing guidelines of the platform, they might pay you more money. These reviews are also more likely to be deemed useful by users.


InboxDollars has an excellent reputation for paying users to take surveys, shop online, and read email newsletters to assess them for clarity and effectiveness. You can get paid to write product reviews and collect rewards easily on this platform.

InboxDollars partners with top research organizations that are looking for feedback and input from the public. All you need to do is sign up and give your opinions on surveys, and you’ll be paid cash when you’ve completed your task.


Swagbucks is one of the most popular loyalty and consumer rewards platforms online. It’s free to join, and members receive gift cards or cash for the everyday activities they complete online. Tasks include web searching, playing games, watching videos, and shopping online. You can also scan your receipts for cash back, making it easy to earn extra cash without completing hundreds of surveys.

If you’re interested in answering surveys and giving reviews for cash, Swagbucks also pays users to take surveys on topics like personal finance, favorite foods, vacations, and more. Swagbucks has already paid its members over 5 million dollars, solidifying it as one of the most reliable online paid review platforms.

These are some useful review sites to apply to if you want to write product reviews, book reviews, and more. Writing legit reviews is also a great way to get free products, as lots of companies will send you new products and samples to write about on a review website. You can also combine writing reviews with other proven methods that will help you get paid to write .

These sites are a good side-hustle choice before applying to the best affiliate marketing programs and publishing review content on your website.

FAQs About How to Get Paid To Write Reviews

Section 5 of the FTC Act 15 U.S. Code 45 makes fake testimonials illegal in the United States. It can also dent your customer’s trust in your business. It should be noted that a man was jailed after posting fake reviews on TripAdvisor.

Many music writers start their careers by launching their blogs. However, several magazines and websites accept freelance reviews. Two Story Melody gives a list of sites that accept music reviews.

There are several ways to make money by giving reviews, depending on the platform or industry you are involved in. Here are a few methods: 1. Sponsored reviews 2. Affiliate marketing 3. Paid survey sites 4. Blogging or YouTube channels 5. Paid review websites

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Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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How to get paid to write essays as an online essay writer.

How To Get Paid To Write Essays As An Online Essay Writer

One of the best ways to get paid to write online is to become an online essay writer. This article will show you how to make money writing essays from home.

Did you know that one of the best ways to get paid to write online is to become an online essay writer? It’s true! The fastest way to make money writing online is to get an essay writing job and write essays for money.

Few people have thought of introducing themselves to potential employers with the statement, “I write essays for money.” And essay writing may not be the dream job you wanted.

But if you want to find paid writing jobs that allow you to work from home, the easiest way to get started is to get paid to write essays for students who need essay writing help.

Working from home is convenient because you get to plan your schedule and save time and money that you would spend commuting to work.

In this article, I’ll show you how to make money writing essays from home. It’s an easy way to get paid to write online , and as a writer, you’ll find it interesting too. Here’s a primer on how to make money as an online essay writer.

Why become an online essay writer?

Do you have a passion for writing? If you do, it’s the best reason for you to start a writing career and become a professional essay writer. You’ll get to exercise your passion and make money online.

Essay writing is one of the compulsory exercises that school and college students are expected to complete. This is because writing essays is a great way to boost language comprehension, learn new ideas and enhance your thinking capacity.

But, because students are burdened with so much homework nowadays, many of them find it preferable to pay essay paper writing services to write them instead. This gives writers the opportunity to get paid to write papers for students.

As an essay writer, you are likely to write many different essays on a multitude of topics. As you research such topics, you’ll realize that you end up learning new things and absorbing facts and information that you never knew.

All this knowledge will definitely make you a more knowledgeable and interesting person. But the primary reason for becoming an essay writer is that you got all the training you need to write good essay papers in school and college.

All you have to do is brush up on your academic writing skills, and there are many samples of essays online that you can use to perfect your essay writing skills .

If you’re a stay-at-home mum looking for ways to write online and get paid, offering essay writing services to students who need essay help is one of the best options for working from home.

Digital Content Creator

What skills do you need to be an online essay writer?

In your essay writing career, you’ll be required to write different types of papers, such as book reports, dissertations, and lab reports, among others. On your part, you’ll need to acquire and hone the skills to write papers for money.

The most important skill for an online essay writer is the ability to carry out research and brainstorm ideas into constructive writing. Having such a skill will help you write good quality essays, which is an important skill in the field of academic writing.

In addition, it is essential to have excellent time-management skills and stick to deadlines. As an academic or essay writer, you’ll have plenty of deadlines to meet, and if you don’t manage your time well, it will become difficult for you to grow in the business.

You’re not only writing assignments for money but also to ensure that you satisfy your clients.

How to get paid to write essays for money

Academic writers get paid to write essays and writing for money is the main reason why writers look for essay writing jobs. If you’re serious about an essay writing career, you need to know how much essay writers get paid to write essays online.

This will help you get your priorities right and decide whether you want to be in the business or not. Many excellent writers offer essay writing help to make a living, but how much money can you really earn with essay writing?

The good news is that, if you’re good at online research and writing unique content, you should be able to earn money fast, although it’s really up to you to decide on how much you want to earn and set a goal for it.

The average price for online essay writing is $35 for 1000 words , although excellent and experienced writers can earn more. The more essays you write that get accepted, the more money you’re guaranteed to earn.

get paid to write essays for students

How to collaborate with online essay writing services

There are many websites that pay for writing, but if you want to get essay writing jobs, you need to look for the best essay writing services.

In order to identify legitimate essay writing websites and work with them, look for essay writing service reviews and go through them so you can avoid fraudulent websites that claim to pay essay writers for hire.

The last thing you want to do is spend your precious time and effort writing essays for an online essay writing service and not end up getting paid for all your hard work.

There are many cheap essay writing services, but if you decide to work with them, make sure they are cheap and reliable writing services that will pay you on time.

Write articles for other platforms

Once you’ve decided that you want to get paid to write online, you’ll have a range of opportunities to choose from. You don’t have to just write and edit essays for money or stick to academic papers but can also take on other writing jobs like SEO articles and blogs.

The best part of having a writing career is that you can join as many platforms as you wish and do all kinds of writing jobs . Try writing articles for gig platforms and you’ll be amazed by the amount of money you can make online.

Joining multiple platforms is helpful in case one of the platforms does not have many essay-writing jobs to offer. You’ll never lack writing jobs if you use many gig worker platforms .

How to become a professional essay writer

Every essay writer starts out not knowing how to get paid to write online . But with practice, you could end up being one of the best essay writers and in great demand.

Mastery of any skill takes time, so be patient with yourself and always be in learning mode. If you want to make money writing essays, you need to learn how to write professionally.

The first step is to learn how to paraphrase information from your researched sources and remember that it’s illegal to plagiarize another person’s work. Plagiarism will destroy your reputation as a writer, making it much harder for you to get good essay writing jobs.

In addition, you need to learn how to write essays with excellent grammar and without any spelling mistakes. There are many online writing tools that can help you do this.

To check plagiarism online for free without any effort or registration, you can use a plagiarism tool called EduBirdie available for both PC and Smartphone.

The checker will check all available online sources and texts and compare them with your essay to find any analogies in words and sentences. Just copy and paste the text in the box or upload a file and check it.

In just a few minutes, you’ll get a relevant report on plagiarism rate in general and a list of sources online that have the same words, sentences or phrases. They are also accentuated in the text, so you can easily edit them and improve the uniqueness level of your essay.

Once you’ve learned how to write plagiarism-free essays with no grammatical errors, you must focus on quality. When you get really good at writing essays , you’ve become an essay writing expert and are ready to write essays for cash.

The main benefit of an essay writing job is that you can get paid to write essays from home or from anywhere in the world. It’s the perfect job for a work-from-home parent, remote worker or digital nomad looking for ideas to make money online.

All you need to start academic essay writing or college essay writing services is a laptop and internet connection. As long as you work with the best online essay writing services, there’s no doubt you can earn by writing essays for clients and websites willing to pay essay writers for hire.

It’s not only an easy way to earn money for those with good writing skills , but one of the most legitimate ways to make money writing. Did you find this article on how to write essays online for money useful? Are you ready to earn money writing essays? Do let us know in the comments below.

Author bio:

Priya Florence Shah is the Group Editor at SHEROES and author of Devi2Diva, an emotional self-care book for women .

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

making money online essay

Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

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White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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Brand deals

Affiliate marketing, online courses.

  • Ad-revenue share programs

Platform creator funds and bonuses

  • User-generated content

Speaking engagements

Subscriptions, experiences, how to get paid and make money as a content creator.

  • Content creators can earn money in many ways.
  • From partnering with brands to teaching online courses, creators can build multiple income streams.
  • Business Insider spoke with influencers about how to make money as a creator on social media.

Insider Today

In the past few years, earning money as a content creator and building an influencer career have become more accessible.

Many creators on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are now earning six figures or more annually through a variety of income streams.

How much creators earn can depend on factors like follower count, audience engagement, and the type of content they post. But it's now possible for creators with smaller followings to make consistent and lucrative income by building a personal brand on social media. And as the creator economy has matured, the ways influencers can make money have multiplied.

Personal finance YouTuber Reni Odetoyinbo, for example, has built seven income streams with just 19,000 YouTube subscribers and has made up to $34,000 a month. ( Read more about how she built her business .)

Here are 12 common ways influencers earn money, based on conversations with dozens of industry insiders.

Partnering with brands for sponsored content is the most widespread way for creators to make money. 

Depending on the size and engagement of an influencer's following, they can get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars (or even millions) to advertise products or services.

But it's not just influencers with millions of followers who can monetize their content this way.

Micro influencers — those with less than 100,000 followers — can be especially appealing to companies, as they often appear more authentic, have more engaged audiences, and tend to charge less for partnerships. 

And sponsorships are not limited to social-media platforms: creators can also land brand deals on their newsletters or their podcasts. Simran Kaur and Sonya Gupthan, cohosts of the podcast "Girls that Invest," have made podcast ads a cornerstone of their thriving million-dollar financial literacy business .

Here's how much influencers earn from brand partnerships on different platforms:

  • How much 13 TikTokers make from brand partnerships and what they charge per post
  • How much 11 Instagram micro influencers earn from brand deals
  • Tej Patel, a TikTok creator with 55,000 followers, shares how much he makes from three income streams
  • Kirsty Ip, an Instagram influencer with 42,000 followers, breaks down what she earns
  • Nate White, a fashion TikTok creator with 1.8 million followers, reveals how much he's made from brand deals
  • Joel Bervell, a med student and TikTok creator, explains how he makes six figures from brand deals
  • Gabby Beckford, a travel influencer, makes over 85% of her six-figure income from partnerships with brands

With affiliate marketing, creators can earn a cut of the sales of certain products.

When signing up for an affiliate program, the creator generally receives a personalized link. They then get a percentage of each sale that is driven through the link. The percentages vary based on product type and program.

Some of the most popular affiliate programs include Amazon, LTK (formerly known as RewardStyle), and ShareASale. ( Read more about the top affiliate programs for influencers .)

In recent months, creators have been scoring big paydays from TikTok's affiliate program, which pays commission for products sold on the platform's feature Shop. Some creators are earning thousands of dollars a month from it.

Another core affiliate program for creators is the Amazon Influencer Program. Here's a breakdown of how to join the program as a creator and how much it pays.

Here's how much creators have made through affiliate marketing:

  • How influencers use affiliate marketing programs to make money and how much they earn
  • How much money influencers make driving sign-ups for investing apps like Robinhood and Acorns
  • Manny Ortiz, a photographer and YouTuber with 660,000 subscribers, shares how much he earns from affiliates
  • Sal Farzin, who makes videos reviewing tech products, made six figures in a year through affiliate commissions on Amazon
  • Creator Keesh Deesh shares how she made over $200,000 from affiliate marketing on her Facebook group
  • How a laid-off former marketer made over $100,000 from affiliate links and how she got started

Starting a course can be a way for creators to supplement their income by sharing their knowledge of a specific field or industry. 

When pre-recorded, courses can also become a source of passive income.

Some creators also update and strategically time the launches of updated versions of their courses to generate more interest among their audience.

"The idea of doing launches, instead of an evergreen model where it's always available, is that you are creating scarcity," said Catarina Mello, a travel influencer who made over $1 million in course sales. ( Read more about Mello's business . )

Here's how much creators have made through online courses:

  • Alika Bhatt, a painter and YouTuber with 700,000 subscribers
  • Debra and Barry Benton, 2 full-time RVers
  • Rob Lennon, a creator who sells courses about AI 

When it makes sense for their brand and there's interest from their audience, some creators turn to making products.

This can mean merchandise —  personalized branded items , usually apparel that can range from hoodies to plush toys — but also other types of physical or digital products that fit within a creator's personal brand.

For example, Aisha Beau Frisbey, a full-time lifestyle content creator with 36,000 Instagram followers, launched a deck of affirmation cards. 

Apps can also be lucrative digital products. Te ssa Barton, a fashion influencer with over one million Instagram followers, built a photo-editing app that had $32 million in projected revenue in 2023 .

And in recent months, a new avenue has emerged for creators and brands who want to sell products directly on social media — TikTok Shop . The feature allows creators to build a storefront on their own profiles and sell their own products. Writer Adam Beswick, for example, was able to quit his job as a nurse and become a full-time writer after he began selling his novels on TikTok.

Here's how much creators have earned from products:

  • Sooraj Saxena, a TikToker with over 3 million followers, shares how much he made in sales from an apparel line he launched
  • Matilda Djerf, a Swedish fashion influencer, built a clothing brand that made $34 million in yearly sales
  • Bianca Ingrosso, a Swedish influencer, founded a beauty brand that made $50 million in revenue in 2023
  • How much 2 influencers earned in a year selling bucket hats, hoodies, and other merch — including $40,000 in a single day
  • Jack Neel, a true-crime creator with 8.5 million TikTok followers, shares what he's earned from products
  • Aisha Beau Frisbey, a lifestyle creator with 34,000 Instagram followers, reveals what she's earned selling affirmation cards

Ad-revenue-share programs

For the past 16 years, the "gold standard" of ad-revenue-share initiatives on social media has been the YouTube Partner Program. Creators can earn a cut of the revenue from the advertisements that appear before and during their YouTube videos.

Recently, other platforms have started following YouTube's example. Snapchat now shares advertising revenue with creators who are part of its Snap Stars program, and Facebook does the same on Facebook reels . TikTok also offers a cut of its advertising revenue to top-performing creators, with a program called Pulse .

For some creators, Facebook is proving a particularly effective avenue to repurpose content. Some say it's an overlooked "cash cow." Creator Shaniece Brown said she was making an average of $700 a month from the platform's ad-revenue-share program in June 2023. For food creator Wasil Daoud, ad revenue on Facebook is as lucrative as YouTube.

Read more about how six creators are making thousands of dollars a month on Facebook.

Snapchat is also seeing a resurgence is creator interest with its Snap Stars program. Some creators are posting up to 400 times a day to maximize revenue, and making thousands in the process. ( Read more about how some Snap Stars are making millions. ) Smaller creators have also been able to rake in some serious cash. Creators AJ and Grey made six figures in 2023 and even decided to leave behind brand deals on other platforms to focus on posting on Snapchat. Here's how they got into the Snap Stars program.

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On YouTube, the Partner Program has expanded to include creators who reach 10 million views in 90 days on shorts — YouTube's short-form video offering — as well as 1,000 subscribers .

Here's how much YouTubers earn from advertisements on their videos:

  • 8 YouTubers explain how much money they earn per 1,000 views
  • 19 YouTube creators reveal how much they get paid per month for their videos
  • How much money a YouTuber with 1 million subscribers earns, according to 4 creators
  • How much money YouTube pays for 1 million views, according to 3 creators
  • 7 YouTubers explain how much money they earned during the first month of the new shorts monetization program

Some platforms offer bonuses or "creator funds" that pay influencers money for the views they receive on their content, primarily short-form videos.

These types of payout structures have long been a pain point for creators — some expressed frustration with these programs paying very little, being an unreliable income stream, or being unavailable in many countries .

Recently, platforms have also started rethinking the creator fund model.

The funds Meta offered for Instagram reels and reels on Facebook have been put on pause , while YouTube replaced its creator fund for short-form content with a revenue-share program in early 2023.

TikTok rolled out in 2023 a new version of its fund, specifically for longer-form videos over 60 seconds. Some creators reported making tens of thousands of dollars from this fund, called the Creativity Program Beta , now known as the Creator Rewards Program , but it's unclear how long its benefits will last.

Here's how much creators have earned from platform bonuses and funds:

  • 11 influencers reveal how much money Instagram and Facebook paid them for reels
  • How much money the TikTok Creativity Fund pays, according to 7 influencers

As companies and brands recognize the power of having a social-media presence, they are increasingly looking to gain expertise on how to leverage social media from the influencers themselves.

This can become a valuable income stream for creators, who get paid by companies to provide support as consultants or advisors. 

UCLA quarterback and influencer Chase Griffin, for example, has been consulting for companies on how to get involved with athlete creators and name, image, and likeness campaigns after scoring over 30 NIL deals.

Here's how much creators have earned consulting for companies:

  • Jack Neel, a true crime creator with 8.5 million TikTok followers
  • Tejas Hullur, a TikTok creator with over 500,000 TikTok followers
  • Kirsty Ip, a food influencer with 42,000 Instagram followers

'User-generated content' (UGC) ads

In recent months, TikTok's immense growth has led to a newfound interest from brands in acquiring the rights to "user-generated content" that they can repost on their social channels or use for paid advertisements.

UGC can be a lucrative income stream for creators who have expertise in crafting content but don't have the following to land big brand deals or want to avoid flooding their audience with sponsored content. In fact, some brands prefer creators with small followings because their content costs less and feels more authentic. 

Unlike sponsored content that gets posted on a creator's personal page, this UGC is used on brands' channels. 

The boom of this type of content has enticed many creators to try their hand at it. Here's the advice of some seasoned UGC creators on how to set rates as a beginner.

For those who are just starting out with UGC, TikTok offers the Creative Challenge program, which allows creators to participate in UGC campaigns advertised by brands directly on the platform. Creators called it one of the platform's "best-kept secrets." One creator, Joseph Arujo, said the program provided some much-needed income when his film-related sponsorships ground to a halt during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike.

Some creators shared how they got started on the program and made money from it.

Here's how much creators have made creating user-generated content for brands:

  • TikTok has led to surging demand for 'UGC' ads. Here's how creators are cashing in.
  • How much money 6 UGC creators charge brands to make videos and images
  • Erin Confortini, a personal-finance TikTok creator with 180,000 followers, shares what she earns from UGC
  • Salha Aziz, a nano influencer with 5,000 TikTok followers, breaks down her UGC earnings

The messaging app Snapchat announced Lens Studio at the end of 2017, which enables Snapchat creators to make augmented reality lenses for the app for free.

Some creators are building careers by focusing not on posting content, but on making tools others can use to help power virtual experiences. Creators can earn money by creating branded augmented reality lenses that others can use on Snapchat.

TikTok also launched a $6 million fund in May 2023 to help augmented-reality creators earn up to $50,000 a month.

Here's how much creators have earned building AR lenses:

  • Cyrene Quiamco, who earned $750,000 in a year making augmented reality lenses
  • Philip Walton, who created Snapchat's viral potato lens
  • AR studio Paper Triangles, which made $4 million from AR lenses in a year

Some creators receive a payment when they are invited to events or conferences to speak, both virtually and in person.

DIY creator Emma Downer said she has been invited to speak publicly about how DIY can improve people's problem-solving and build a sense of personal autonomy, as well as how to use TikTok effectively, both for paid and unpaid opportunities.

Here's how much creators earn from speaking engagements: 

  • Matt Upham, a software engineer and tech creator with 500,000 TikTok followers
  • Reni Odetoyinbo, a personal finance YouTuber with 19,300 subscribers

One way for creators to generate a consistent income stream is to use subscription models where fans can pay to access exclusive content.

One of the most popular platforms to publish subscription content is Patreon — but there are many other ones like Fanfix, Fanvue, Fourthwall, or OnlyFans. Some creators even build their own websites to host exclusive content.

Subscription platform OnlyFans has become prominent among adult content creators, some of whom have become millionaires thanks to their presence on the platform. ( Read more about how seven OnlyFans creators price their content to earn millions . )

Here's how much creators have made from subscription programs:

  • Anela Malik, a food creator with 38,000 Instagram followers
  • Jake Tilk, a YouTuber with 18,000 subscribers
  • Mrs Robinson, an OnlyFans creator with 1,600 fans
  • Steph Mi, an OnlyFans creator with 50,000 fans

On top of selling digital and physical products, it's become increasingly common for creators to sell experiences.

These can range from online or in-person events to classes or trips. For example, travel influencer Tia Cooper built a lucrative business as a travel agent  and sold $119,000 worth of trips in eight months in 2023.

Podcaster Ariana Nathani hosts in-person events in New York connected with her popular dating podcast. The events were her biggest source of income in 2023.

Here's how creators have made money selling experiences:

  • 5 travel influencers explain how they're building businesses beyond content, from planning group trips to becoming certified advisors

Watch: Logitech's chief marketing officer tells Insider that creators 'take my brand places that I can't go alone'

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Trump Trial Turns to Debate Over Jury Instructions After Defense Rests

The jury has been dismissed until closing arguments next Tuesday, but the judge and lawyers from both sides met to hash out how jurors will be instructed before deliberatioms. Donald J. Trump did not take the stand in his own defense.

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Donald J. Trump glares in a courtroom.

Jesse McKinley and Kate Christobek

A swift defense and a decision ahead: 5 takeaways.

On Tuesday morning, five weeks after the first jurors were seated for the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, the defense rested, with closing arguments and then jury deliberations scheduled for after Memorial Day weekend.

And, despite dangling the possibility, Mr. Trump did not testify.

Testimony started April 22 with a tabloid publisher called by the prosecution, David Pecker, and ended with a lawyer called by the defense, Robert Costello. In between were a porn star, Stormy Daniels; Mr. Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen; an erstwhile aide of Mr. Trump, Hope Hicks; and a bevy of lesser-known witnesses, mostly for the prosecution.

The former president is charged with falsifying 34 business records to hide Mr. Cohen’s reimbursement for a $130,000 hush-money payment he made to Ms. Daniels, who says she had sex with Mr. Trump in 2006. Mr. Trump, 77, has denied the charges and the encounter. If convicted, he could face prison or probation.

Here are five takeaways from Mr. Trump’s 20th day on trial.

The defense’s big witness may not have been a great idea.

Mr. Costello, once Mr. Cohen’s informal adviser, continued on the stand on Tuesday, after a reprimand Monday from Justice Juan M. Merchan, who said he had been “contemptuous.”

Mr. Costello had been called by the defense to attack Mr. Cohen’s credibility, but during cross-examination, prosecutors sought to portray him as an agent of Mr. Trump, suggesting he was trying to prevent Mr. Cohen from cooperating with federal investigators. That included reading an email from Mr. Costello saying he was trying to “get Cohen on the right page.”

The defense had hoped to damage Mr. Cohen — a key prosecution witness — beyond repair. Mr. Costello’s choppy performance may be remembered, too.

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The Links Between Trump and 3 Hush-Money Deals

Here’s how key figures involved in making hush-money payoffs on behalf of Donald J. Trump are connected.

Trump talked a lot, just not in court.

Mr. Trump’s vociferousness has never been questioned. During the trial, he regularly spoke outside the courtroom, including Tuesday, when he repeated refrains slamming the trial and complaining about the courtroom temperature.

While he called the trial “election interference,” saying it was impeding his campaign, Mr. Trump did squeeze in rallies on weekends and off-days, as well as some golf .

But after teasing an appearance on the stand, he declined to testify. And after violating a gag order 10 times, he carped carefully, particularly after Justice Merchan threatened jail time.

Trump’s entourage exhibited his pull over his party.

Republican politicians might not normally flock to defend a person enmeshed in a trial prompted by a porn star’s story of extramarital sex. But Mr. Trump has a tight hold on his party, and right-wing luminaries came to support their presumptive presidential nominee.

Throughout the trial, visitors included several potential vice-presidential candidates — including Senator J.D. Vance, an Ohio Republican, and Vivek Ramaswamy, who was once Mr. Trump’s primary opponent — and a brood of Republican lawmakers. Mr. Trump’s son, Donald Jr., also attended Tuesday; another son, Eric, was a regular. There was also a former leader of New York’s Hells Angels chapter.

Many visitors then attacked witnesses, something Mr. Trump could not do because of the gag order.

Perhaps the most notable attendee was Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House, who called the trial “corrupt” and a “sham.” It was a remarkable attack on the legal system by a staunch conservative who is second in line to the presidency — and an indication of Mr. Trump’s sway.

Some key figures were never called to the stand.

Notable as some witnesses were, absences were also interesting. One big name: Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who says she had an affair with Mr. Trump in 2006 and 2007. Mr. Trump denies this, and she was not called as a witness, though she indicated she was keeping an eye on the case .

Other unseen characters who were frequently mentioned included Keith Schiller, the former president’s bodyguard, and Dylan Howard, a former editor of The National Enquirer, who had a medical condition that prevented him traveling from Australia.

Both might have told interesting tales: Mr. Howard helped buy up and bury unflattering stories about Mr. Trump, including Ms. McDougal’s. He also participated in discussions about Ms. Daniels’s story.

Mr. Schiller was close to Mr. Trump, and fielded a call from Mr. Cohen in which Mr. Cohen says he discussed Ms. Daniels with the former president. But Mr. Schiller was not called by the prosecution or defense.

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Who Are Key Players in the Trump Manhattan Criminal Trial?

The first criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump is underway. Take a closer look at central figures related to the case.

It will be at least a week before the jury starts to deliberate.

Jurors will return May 28 for closing arguments, which Justice Merchan predicted would last the entire day. On Tuesday afternoon, lawyers argued over jury instructions, an important part of any trial.

After several hours of debate, with both sides seemingly winning some points, Justice Merchan said he would provide a final version of those instructions on Thursday.

Justice Merchan said he hoped deliberations would begin May 29. And after sitting silently through 22 witnesses over 16 days of testimony, the jurors’ verdict will be unprecedented: the first in an American president’s criminal trial.

Jonah Bromwich

Jonah Bromwich

The judge tells the lawyers that he will get them a final version of the jury instructions by the end of the day on Thursday. We won’t know his final rulings until then, but court is adjourned.

Testimony in the case is over. The next time we see the jury will be a week from now, for closing arguments. Thanks for reading.

The week before the trial began, Emil Bove, one of the defense lawyers, worked hard to delay it at an appeals court. He mounted daily arguments that it should be postponed, all of which failed. His work in this conference is similar — he has offered numerous arguments, most of which the judge seems inclined to rule against. Bove is making a valiant effort to affect the jury instructions. But I haven’t heard him make many gains as this crawls to a close.

Justice Merchan finally expressed impatience as Bove continued to argue. But Bove insisted it was important, and Merchan gave him one more chance to speak. Now, though, the judge is describing his past decisions on the matter at hand: Michael Cohen having been Trump’s lawyer when the charged conduct took place.

“My answer hasn’t changed, and honestly I find it disingenuous for you to make the argument at this point,” Merchan says, instructing Bove not to stand up again. “I let you speak,” he says to the defense lawyer. Now, the judge says, it is his turn to speak.

Bove says that he is not being disingenuous, after clarifying that he is making his argument for the record — meaning if the defense appeals and other judges evaluate this case, Bove wants them to see this. Merchan tells him again he’s repeating himself. He appears to have lost his patience, as he says that the defense lawyers continue to try to make this argument to the jury, and that they will be barred from doing so.

Justice Juan M. Merchan

Justice Juan M. Merchan

Presiding Judge

Susan Hoffinger

Susan Hoffinger

Emil Bove

Trump Lawyer

Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen

Former Trump Lawyer and Fixer

Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels

Porn Director, Producer and Actress

Robert Costello

Robert Costello

Former legal adviser to Michael Cohen


Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

Trump and the prosecutors are back after the break. The number of reporters in attendance at the courthouse has dropped off precipitously this afternoon.

Nate Schweber

Nate Schweber

Texas's lieutenant governor was among those who praised Trump outside the courthouse on Tuesday, but there was also an opposing voice from the Lone Star State. Cecy Vazquez Dreher stood in Collect Pond Park across the street with a handwritten sign noting that “Loser Trump” still owed her hometown, El Paso, more than a half million dollars for a 2019 rally.

“The El Paso taxpayers are still waiting for his bill to be paid,” said Vazquez Dreher, 57, a real estate agent. She was in town to see friends she made when she attended the Wharton School of Business, which Trump attended as well. When asked if that is where he learned not to pay bills, Vazquez Dreher said: “I don’t think it was part of the curriculum.”

We're taking a short break. Trump leaves the courtroom, carrying a pile of printouts and what appears to be a copy of The New York Times. His entourage follows.

In order to reach a guilty verdict, the defense wanted to require jurors not only to agree unanimously that Trump had falsified records to conceal a conspiracy to win an election by unlawful means. It also wanted jurors to be unanimous on what those unlawful means were.

The defense’s request would have made reaching a verdict all the more difficult. Trump's lawyers argued that while this sort of unanimity was not required by law, it was within Justice Merchan’s discretion to ask for it, and in effect set this case apart from other cases.

Prosecutors fired back, arguing that Trump should be treated like any other defendant. The unique importance of the case, they argued, was not a reason for “deviating from the law, it’s a reason for applying the law.” Merchan appeared to agree, saying, “There’s no reason to rewrite the law for this case.”

The lawyers are now arguing about whether the evidence at trial supported the idea that Trump entered a conspiracy with David Pecker and Michael Cohen in 2015 to suppress negative stories during his presidential campaign. The defense, echoing an argument it made to jurors, suggests that there was nothing criminal about participating in that meeting, and that meeting with The National Enquirer was simply a standard part of campaigning for president.

But if there’s nothing wrong with Trump having participated in the meeting, Justice Merchan asks, why not suggest to the jury that he did so? He then reserves judgment on the wording addressing Trump’s participation in the conspiracy — it sounded to me as if he were inclined to side with the prosecution on that issue, but we won’t know for some time.

The reporters in the room have bristled at the suggestion that the deal with The National Enquirer, in which the tabloid killed negative stories on Trump’s behalf, was a typical agreement for a publication to strike with a politician.

The defense lawyers just seemed to lose a key argument. They had hoped that jurors would be told that they had to find Trump had some intent to enter the conspiracy prosecutors say involved him, David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer, and Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer and fixer.

But Justice Merchan pointed out that the felony falsifying business records charges that Trump faces include an intent to conceal another crime. The law doesn't require prosecutors to show that Trump intended to orchestrate a conspiracy, but rather that by falsifying business records, he intended to hide one.

Merchan says he will leave that instruction as is, in a win for prosecutors. It would have been far harder for them to show that Trump intended to orchestrate a conspiracy.

Kate Christobek

Members of the public in the overflow room who came back this afternoon appear engaged despite the often dense arguments over jury iinstructions. A few of them have been using binoculars to get a closer look at the screen displaying the feed from the courtroom.

Jesse McKinley

One person has a foot kicked up on a small suitcase. Real Friday energy in here, as the jury has gone home until next week.

Trump has been shuffling and reading papers in front of him. Occasionally, he’s been whispering with his lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, seated at the defense table next to him.

After lengthy and complex discussion, Justice Merchan responds to a request by prosecutors — that language be included in the jury instructions suggesting it was “reasonably forseeable” that false records would be created as a result of Trump’s conduct — by saying that he’s inclined not to include it. But he reserves judgment for now.

It seems like, on the knottiest issues, Merchan is holding back from making decisions, giving himself time to study the issues further.

The judge makes a joke. He says that on a new draft of proposed orders, the conversation in the courtroom will start with “the most challenging issue facing all of us” — how to pronounce a word.

The word, which he eventually spelled, was “eleemosynary,” which means having to do with charity. “Why do we even have it?” the judge asked. The lawyers didn’t seem to know, and it was removed from the draft of the instructions.

This may be one of the few times the judge, prosecutors and the defense all found something funny.

Five minutes' worth of argument results in a word being pluralized — we went from “crime” to “crimes.”

Susanne Craig

Susanne Craig

Trump has been perusing documents that were handed to him by his lawyer Todd Blanche. He is not fully engaged in the proceedings, though, and appears to have nodded off at least once this afternoon — his head slowly dropped before snapping back up.

Emil Bove and Matthew Colangelo are making these arguments for the defense and prosecution respectively.

Michael Gold

Michael Gold

In the hallway before court resumed, Trump suggested he was flirting with again violating the gag order that keeps him from commenting on witnesses, jurors and some others associated with the case. “We do want to defend our Constitution,” he told reporters. “So at some point, maybe, I will take the chance.”

Trump has already been fined $10,000 for violating the gag order, and Justice Merchan earlier this month threatened to imprison him if he violated it again. Such threats have recently been central to Trump’s claims on the trail and in fund-raising emails that the trial is biased against him.

Justice Merchan just rejected a request from the defense outright, about specifying that candidates were not limited, in the years leading up to Trump's election — 2015 and 2016 — from contributing funds to their own campaigns. The prosecution called it a misleading request and the judge determined it was unnecessary for him to explain it to the jury.

He has, however, reserved his final decision on the argument over the word “willfully.”

To begin, if you are seeking to follow this conference, you need to know that the 34 falsifying business records charges against Trump are felony charges because prosecutors say he used the false records to try to conceal a second crime.

That second crime, prosecutors have specified in their proposed jury instructions, is a violation of a state election law that forbids a person from seeking election by “unlawful means.”

So, currently, the defense and prosecution are debating what types of unlawful means apply. The defense is asking for additions that would make it clear that only crimes should count, while the prosecution suggests that civil violations should apply, too.

For the first time there are plenty of open seats in the overflow room, where the media and public can watch the court proceedings on jumbo television screens.

Just to give you a sense of how legally wonky this charge conference will be, we start with the judge asking the defense to argue on behalf of one of its requests: to add the word “willfully” in two places to the instructions that will be given to the jury on a federal election law that is not among the charges.

Charge conferences are often complex, but the knotty charges brought against Trump by the Manhattan district attorney’s office mean we're in for a particularly abstruse affair today.

For this reason, we will strive to give our readers high-level updates that we hope will help them understand what both sides want, and where the judge seems to be leaning.

We’re about to begin the afternoon session in the courtroom, where prosecutors and defense lawyers will make arguments about how the judge should instruct the jury regarding the law. He will deliver those jury instructions next week, after closing arguments.

Trump has returned with members of his entourage, including his oldest son, Donald Trump Jr.; Chuck Zito, the former Hells Angel leader and actor; and the actor Joe Piscopo.

William K. Rashbaum

William K. Rashbaum and Maggie Haberman

Prosecutors and Trump’s lawyers will jockey for an edge with jurors in a charge conference.

The testimony in the trial of Donald J. Trump has been riveting and salacious, focusing on a tryst with a porn star and a hush-money payment that paved the road to the White House.

On Tuesday afternoon, the trial will take a decidedly less dramatic — but critically important — turn, as prosecutors and the defense dig into the dry legalities that will guide the jurors as they deliberate.

During the charge conference, the two sides are expected to lay out their dueling visions for how the judge should instruct the jury as it prepares to weigh the charges against Mr. Trump — 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

Jury instructions are typically meant to translate legal treatises into something intelligible to the 12 laypeople who will decide the case. The instructions provide jurors with a road map to help them apply the law to the facts they have gleaned from the witnesses, documents and other evidence that has been presented to them.

The New York Times has obtained early drafts of each side’s proposed jury instructions, which were filed with the court in recent days and will underpin their arguments to the judge, Juan M. Merchan. That conference will take place outside the presence of the jury.

The prosecutors’ proposed instructions, among other things, ask the judge to give the jury what legal experts said was unusual flexibility in determining whether Mr. Trump had a role in the creation of the false records at the center of the charges.

Prosecutors argue that even if Mr. Trump did not create the records himself, the jury can find him responsible if the creation of the false records was “a reasonably foreseeable consequence of his conduct.”

The defense’s request drilled down on a variety of other issues that they already sought to raise at trial.

One such issue is their suggestion that Michael D. Cohen, the prosecution’s star witness, improperly deleted data from his phone. In their request for jury instructions, they asked the judge to tell the jurors that they can infer that anything Mr. Cohen may have deleted would have been unfavorable to him.

The proposed instructions provided by both sides, and their arguments in the conference in court, give the lawyers the opportunity to have some input. But the judge has broad leeway in how he will instruct the jury on the law. The jurors will not actually receive the instructions until next week, after they hear closing arguments and shortly before they begin deliberations.

Jury instructions are always crucial, but they will be even more important in this case, which focuses on the cover-up of a sex scandal, but hinges on complex and untested legal issues. That means the outcome of the case could very well turn on the substance of the instructions jurors receive.

Here’s more about the proposals from each side.

Prosecutors want to offer jurors options to convict Trump

To convict Mr. Trump of the felonies he is charged with, prosecutors must show that he falsified business records in order to commit or conceal another crime. The prosecution’s proposed instructions say that other crime is the violation of an election law statue that makes it illegal to conspire to promote or prevent a candidate’s election by “unlawful means.”

But what are those unlawful means? Prosecutors want the judge to instruct the jurors that they can choose any of three options: a federal election law violation; the falsification of other business records; or a tax crime.

The jurors must unanimously agree that Mr. Trump conspired to promote his own election by unlawful means. But prosecutors are asking the judge to instruct jurors that they do not need to reach a unanimous conclusion about what the unlawful means were.

The defense is taking aim at Cohen’s work for Trump

Mr. Trump’s lawyers appear to be referencing one possible defense that Justice Merchan has already rejected: the idea that Mr. Trump was simply following the legal advice of his one-time lawyer, Mr. Cohen.

In their proposed instructions, Mr. Trump’s lawyers asked the judge to remind jurors that Mr. Cohen had served as a lawyer for Mr. Trump while he worked at the Trump Organization. That could suggest to jurors that the former fixer’s role as Mr. Trump’s lawyer should affect the way they view the case as a whole.

This appears to be something of an end run around Justice Merchan’s earlier decision that Mr. Trump could not pursue a so-called advice-of-counsel defense, which argues that someone is not guilty of a crime because they acted based on a lawyer’s advice.

Ben Protess

Ben Protess and Wesley Parnell

Costello’s task was to get Cohen on the ‘right page’ for Trump.

Robert J. Costello was the main witness Donald J. Trump’s lawyers called in his criminal trial, and like Mr. Trump, he has great disdain for the prosecution and its case.

During his brief time on the stand Tuesday, Mr. Costello had tense exchanges with Susan Hoffinger, the prosecutor cross-examining him, as they sparred for a second straight day.

Mr. Costello’s testimony centered on his relationship with the prosecution’s star witness, Michael D. Cohen. Mr. Costello, a prosecutor turned defense lawyer, was an informal adviser to Mr. Cohen, the former president’s onetime fixer. Mr. Cohen had made a $130,000 hush-money payment to a porn star on the eve of the 2016 election to silence her account of a sexual encounter with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Cohen testified that Mr. Trump had ordered him to buy the silence of the woman, Stormy Daniels. And he said that he suspected that Mr. Costello was trying to ensure that he would not cooperate with prosecutors after the hush-money deal came to light in 2018. Mr. Costello, Mr. Cohen noted, was close with Mr. Trump’s lawyer at the time, Rudolph W. Giuliani.

On Tuesday, Ms. Hoffinger echoed that claim, suggesting that Mr. Costello was actually an agent of Mr. Trump working to prevent Mr. Cohen from flipping on the then-president.

She produced a litany of emails underscoring her point, including one in which Mr. Costello wrote to his law partner, saying, “Our issue is to get Cohen on the right page without giving him the appearance that we are following instructions from Giuliani or the president.”

And once Mr. Cohen turned on Mr. Trump, pleading guilty to federal crimes for his role in the hush-money, Ms. Hoffinger noted that “you lost control of Michael Cohen for the president.”

Mr. Costello, defiant, declared: “Absolutely not.”

During her questioning, Ms. Hoffinger aimed at Mr. Costello’s credibility, seeking to turn the tables on the defense, which had called Mr. Costello to do the same to Mr. Cohen.

She began by citing Mr. Costello’s first meeting with Mr. Cohen in April 2018, and asked him to confirm that he played up his connection to Mr. Trump’s then lawyer.

“Not true,” Mr. Costello replied, prompting Ms. Hoffinger to show a pair of emails that appeared to contradict his denial.

“I told you my relationship with Rudy which could be very very useful for you,” Mr. Costello wrote Mr. Cohen two days after their meeting.

She also displayed one that Mr. Costello sent to a law partner, saying that Mr. Cohen had good reason to hire him “because of my connection to Rudy Giuliani, which I mentioned to him in our meeting.”

And when Mr. Costello equivocated about when he offered to serve as a back channel to Mr. Trump’s legal team, Ms. Hoffinger showed him an email he sent to Mr. Cohen using that exact phrase. The email recounted a conversation Mr. Costello said he had with Mr. Giuliani, who was “thrilled and said this could not be a better situation for the President or you.”

Mr. Giuliani, he added, “said thank you for opening this back channel of communication and asked me to keep in touch.”

Mr. Costello’s session on Tuesday was more placid than his combustible performance the day before.

Shortly after Mr. Costello took the stand on Monday, prosecutors objected to a series of questions. When the judge sided with them, Mr. Costello muttered “jeez,” registering his dismay and irking the judge, Juan M. Merchan. Mr. Costello tried to retract his remark, mumbling under his breath that he wanted to “strike” it from the record.

The testimony continued, but after more objections, Justice Merchan again grew frustrated. He dismissed the jury, and excoriated the witness: “If you don’t like my ruling, you don’t say, ‘jeez,’ and you don’t say, ‘strike it,’ because I’m the only one who can strike testimony in court,” he said, adding: “Are you staring me down?”

He then cleared the courtroom, dismissing reporters while allowing a group of Mr. Trump’s supporters to remain.

Then, according to a transcript, the judge told Mr. Costello that his conduct was “contemptuous” and said, “If you try to stare me down one more time I will remove you from the stand,” adding, to the defense lawyers, “I will strike his testimony, do you hear me?”

Mr. Costello asked, “Can I say something, please?” And Justice Merchan replied: “No. No. This is not a conversation.”

While a gag order prevents Trump from commenting on witnesses, his supporters and campaign surrogates have freer rein to comment. Outside the courthouse, his oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., attacked Michael Cohen as a liar. He also criticized Stormy Daniels, the prosecution's other star witness, and essentially said that their involvement in the trial made a mockery of jurisprudence.

Matt Whitaker, a former acting attorney general who was a top Trump campaign surrogate in Iowa, said: “We have witnesses who are liars and stealers.”

While this group of close to a dozen people gives a news conference in the streets outside the courthouse, we have dueling chants in the background. As a few people call out “we love Trump,” one woman shouts over them, “lock him up,” a twist on Trump supporters’ rallying cry in 2016.

A man who happened to be walking by this gaggle shouted at Donald Trump Jr., calling him “phony,” adding an expletive, and saying: “We hate you in New York.”

The collision between the courtroom and the campaign trail has long been evident, but of note today: As the Trump campaign has been courting Hispanic voters, Representative Maria Salazar of Florida — in both English and Spanish — is denouncing the Manhattan case as something akin to what takes place in totalitarian Latin American regimes. Trump will hold a campaign event on Thursday in a heavily Latino area in the South Bronx.

Asked why his dad didn’t testify, Donald Trump Jr. did not directly answer the question but repeated his previous description of the trial as a farce. “How do you justify this insanity?” he said. “Look at the clowns” on the stand.


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    Submit completed essays up to 1,200 words for consideration. Rate: Pays $50 for up to 1,200-word essays. 11. Narratively. If you want to get paid to write a personal essay for Narratively, you need to have a story to tell that offers readers a glimpse into whatever makes your life different, interesting, or even abnormal.

  16. Write for Money: Websites that Pay Freelance Writers $50+

    IncomeDiary pays $150-$300 for articles about making money online, including SEO, affiliate sales, and traffic generation; Mirasee pays $200 for 1,000- to 2,000-word posts on marketing, business productivity, ... Past essay topics have included the gig economy, online dating, mental illness, and more. Pay is $50 per essay

  17. 12 ways to make money from writing

    Whether you're writing to make some extra pocket money or you're working towards a long-term career goal, it can take a lot of work and effort. But, it's so, so worth it. Writing is a particularly good way to make money at uni. You'll earn an income while gaining experience that'll come in very handy when you start applying for graduate writing ...

  18. How to To Make Money Online: 35 Reliable Ways (2024)

    12. Do side gigs. Side gigs can help you make money online while you keep your full-time job. If you're looking to make an extra couple of hundred dollars per month, this is a great idea. The work doesn't always last long term, but it can. Use platforms like Fiverr to find part-time gigs you can do online.

  19. 56 Legit Ways to Make Money Online (2024 Edition)

    19. Host a digital course. Digital courses are one of the top ways to make money online today. Outschool is a teacher-recruiting platform specifically designed to help online course creators monetize their knowledge. Its classes range from architecture to yoga to learning about Pokémon characters.

  20. Get Paid To Write Reviews: 14 Top Sites (2024)

    As long as you have a balance of five pounds or more, or about $6, you can request to be paid. It might be challenging to generate a lot of traffic with your first review, but you can make significant money online once you get a lot of practice. 6. ListVerse. ListVerse will pay you money to make a "top 10" list.

  21. How To Get Paid To Write Essays As An Online Essay Writer

    The fastest way to make money writing online is to get an essay writing job and write essays for money. Few people have thought of introducing themselves to potential employers with the statement, "I write essays for money." And essay writing may not be the dream job you wanted.

  22. Making Money Online Essay

    I researched about "making money online" and all I got was the different platforms were trying to advertise their making money online schemes. However, these schemes will not help you in achieving your desired lifestyle. Below is a list of legitimate companies that: -Pay cash, without you earning points or being promised to win money.

  23. Essay on Money for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Money. Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today's world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it.

  24. How to get paid and make money as a content creator

    May 16, 2024, 6:04 AM PDT. Catarina Mello is a travel influencer who made over $1 million teaching an online course. Courtesy Catarina Mello. Content creators can earn money in many ways. From ...

  25. How to Make Money via Online Arbitrage in 2024

    Retail arbitrage is the practice of buying a product at a low price from a retail store and reselling that same item for a higher price on an online marketplace such as Amazon. As the seller, you are taking advantage of the price difference between two markets, and making a profit. An example of this would be purchasing a discounted toy from ...

  26. Why Gen Z College Students Are Seeking Tech and Finance Jobs

    Many of Harvard's Generation Z say "sellout" is not an insult. The meme was an image of a head with "I need to get rich" slapped across it. "Freshmen after spending 0.02 seconds on ...

  27. Your Money: Getting Started With Savings

    So start small, even if it's saving $50 a month — $83 a month will get you to $1,000 in a year — and add more if and when you can afford it. Set up an automated plan that sweeps that amount ...

  28. Creating an income-producing portfolio

    Ways to generate income. Take the income you think you'll need and subtract from that the income you expect. For example, if you need $65,000 a year but will only bring in $40,000, you'll need ...

  29. This Is How Much Money You Can Make With $10K in a CD

    Here's how much you can make with $10,000 in a CD with a 5.00% APY: $500 in interest in one year. $1,025 in interest in two years. $2,762 in interest in five years. If, on the other hand, you ...

  30. Trump Trial Turns to Debate Over Jury Instructions After Defense Rests

    The former president is charged with falsifying 34 business records to hide Mr. Cohen's reimbursement for a $130,000 hush-money payment he made to Ms. Daniels, who says she had sex with Mr ...