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When it comes to launching a successful printing press business in Nigeria , it’s crucial to have a well-structured printing business plan in Nigeria in place. Over the years, the printing press industry in Nigeria has evolved from a Cyber cafe business to the stage at which it is at now. As the digital era continues to advance, the demand for printed materials remains steady, underscoring the enduring relevance of the printing press business in Nigeria’s economic landscape.

Understanding the Nigerian Printing Press Landscape

The printing press business in Nigeria presents a unique blend of tradition and innovation. Modern printing technologies have streamlined processes and introduced cutting-edge capabilities, but there’s an undeniable charm in the age-old techniques passed down through generations. For aspiring printing press entrepreneurs, it’s essential to craft a well-written Printing business plan in Nigeria that acknowledges these nuances and aligns with the market’s demands.

The Significance of a Well-Crafted Printing Press Business Plan

A well-crafted printing press business plan in Nigeria serves as a comprehensive document that covers the essence of the business. It details core offerings, target markets, the competitive landscape, financial projections, and growth strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur diversifying your portfolio or a newcomer eager to make your mark, a thoughtfully developed printing business plan can provide a solid foundation for your journey.

Navigating the Nigerian Market

Throughout this article, we’ll guide you through the essential components of a printing press business plan in Nigeria and highlight key factors that can make your venture stand out in the competitive market. We’ll also demonstrate how our professional business plan consulting services can assist you in this journey. As experienced business consultants with a deep understanding of the printing press industry and the Nigerian business ecosystem, we’re committed to empowering entrepreneurs like you with insights, expertise, and guidance.

Creating a Comprehensive Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria

In the following sections, we’ll delve into various aspects of creating a comprehensive printing press business plan in Nigeria , covering market analysis, services, and products, marketing strategies, operational considerations, financial projections, risk assessment, and plans for sustainable growth. With each step, we aim to provide you with actionable insights and valuable information to ease your path toward establishing a printing press business that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of the Nigerian market.

Join Us on Your Printing Press Business in Nigeria Journey

Our aim is to equip you with the tools and knowledge to forge ahead with confidence. Whether you’re embarking on this venture as an independent entrepreneur or seeking guidance from seasoned experts, our goal is to empower you with the resources needed to make informed decisions and create a printing press business plan in Nigeria that reflects your vision and aspirations.

Detailed Below is a List of Sections that should be included in your Printing press business plan in Nigeria

Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria Executive Summary

At the heart of every successful printing press business plan lies the executive summary – a concise yet compelling overview of your business concept, goals, and strategies. This section serves as a snapshot of your entire printing business plan in Nigeria, offering readers a glimpse into the essence of your printing press venture and enticing them to delve deeper into the document.

Description of the Printing Press Business

Your executive summary should also provide a clear and succinct description of your printing press business. This description should encapsulate the core nature of your business, the types of printing services you offer, and any unique selling points that set you apart from competitors. Consider highlighting your commitment to quality, innovative techniques, and exceptional customer service.

Mission and Vision Statement

Articulating a compelling mission and vision statement is vital to convey the purpose and long-term aspirations of your printing press business in Nigeria. Your mission statement should succinctly define the fundamental reason your business exists – what it aims to achieve for its customers and the broader community. The vision statement, on the other hand, should paint a picture of your desired future, outlining where you envision your printing press business in the years to come.

Printing Business Plan in Nigeria Key Objectives and Goals

printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

Outline the specific objectives and goals you intend to achieve through your printing press business in Nigeria. These could include targets for revenue growth, market share, customer satisfaction, expansion into new markets, or adoption of sustainable practices. By setting clear goals, you provide a roadmap for your business’s growth and development, demonstrating your commitment to achieving tangible results.

In crafting the executive summary, it’s important to strike a balance between brevity and depth. While it needs to be concise enough to grab the reader’s attention, it should also offer enough substance to convey the uniqueness and potential of your printing press business. Remember that the executive summary often serves as the first impression of your business plan, so crafting it meticulously is essential.

As you move forward with your printing press business plan in Nigeria, keep in mind that the executive summary can be revisited and refined as your plan takes shape. As new insights emerge and details are fleshed out, your executive summary should accurately reflect the evolving nature of your business while maintaining its engaging and informative essence. This section, while appearing at the beginning of your business plan, is a dynamic aspect that should align seamlessly with the rest of the document.

Printing Business Plan in Nigeria Market Analysis

Understanding the nuances of the printing industry landscape in Nigeria is a critical step in crafting a comprehensive printing press business plan in Nigeria. A thorough market analysis provides insights into the current state of the industry, identifies potential opportunities, and helps you anticipate challenges that your printing press business might face.

Overview of the Printing Industry in Nigeria

Begin your market analysis by providing an overview of the printing industry in Nigeria. Highlight the historical significance of printing in the country and its role in communication, education, and business. Discuss the evolution of printing technologies, from traditional methods to modern digital printing, and how these advancements have shaped the industry’s trajectory.

Target Market Segmentation and Size

Identify and segment your target market to gain a clear understanding of the specific customer groups you intend to serve. Are you focusing on small businesses, educational institutions, corporate clients, or individuals? Define the characteristics, needs, and preferences of each segment. Additionally, estimate the size of these segments to gauge the potential demand for your printing services.

Printing Business Plan in Nigeria Competitor Analysis and Market Trends

Conduct a thorough competitor analysis to identify existing players in the Nigerian printing industry. Assess their strengths, weaknesses, offerings, and market positioning. This analysis will help you identify gaps in the market that your printing press business can fill. Furthermore, explore current market trends, such as the demand for sustainable printing practices, customized products, and rapid turnaround times.

By delving into the printing industry landscape in Nigeria, you gain valuable insights that inform your business strategies and decisions. The market analysis section of your business plan serves as the foundation upon which you’ll build your marketing, sales, and operational strategies. As the printing industry continues to evolve, staying attuned to market trends and customer preferences will position your printing press business for success.

Services and Products

In the competitive landscape of the printing press industry, the services and products you offer play a pivotal role in differentiating your business and attracting customers. This section of your business plan provides a detailed overview of the range of services and products your printing press business will provide, highlighting their unique features and benefits.

Description of Printing Services Offered

Begin by outlining the various printing services your business will offer. This could encompass a wide array of options, including offset printing, digital printing, large format printing, speciality printing, and more. Explain the capabilities of each service and how they cater to different customer needs.

Range of Products Produced

Detail the range of products that your printing press business in Nigeria will produce. This could include items such as business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, banners, invitations, stationery, and promotional materials. For each product category, highlight the customization options available, quality standards, and any innovative techniques or materials used.

Differentiating Factors

Emphasize the aspects that set your printing press business in Nigeria apart from competitors. This could be your commitment to using eco-friendly materials, your ability to offer quick turnaround times, exceptional print quality, or a unique design service. Communicating your unique selling points helps potential customers understand why they should choose your services over others.

By providing a comprehensive overview of your printing services and products, you give potential investors and partners a clear understanding of what your business brings to the market. Your offerings should align with market demand while showcasing your strengths and expertise. As you move forward, keep in mind that adaptability and continuous improvement in your offerings will be key to staying competitive and relevant in the dynamic printing press industry.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

In the ever-evolving business landscape, effective marketing and sales strategies are essential for attracting customers, building brand awareness, and driving revenue growth. This section of your printing press business plan in Nigeria outlines how you intend to promote your services, reach your target audience, and convert leads into loyal clients.

Marketing Methods

Describe the various marketing channels and methods you’ll employ to reach your target audience. This could include a combination of online strategies such as social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email campaigns. Additionally, outline any offline strategies like participating in trade shows, networking events, and collaborating with local businesses.

Branding and Positioning

Discuss your branding strategy and how you plan to position your printing press business in Nigeria in the market. Define your brand identity, including your logo, colour palette, and brand messaging. Emphasize the value proposition that resonates with your target audience, showcasing what makes your business unique and trustworthy.

Pricing Strategy and Packages

Detail your pricing strategy for the various printing services and products you offer. Consider factors such as production costs, market demand, and competitor pricing. Additionally, outline any special pricing packages or discounts you plan to offer to attract new clients or encourage repeat business.

Sales Projections and Growth Plans

Provide sales projections for the first year of your printing press business’s operations. These projections should be realistic and based on market research, competitor analysis, and your marketing efforts. Additionally, discuss your plans for growth beyond the first year, outlining how you intend to expand your customer base, increase revenue, and potentially enter new markets.

The marketing and sales strategy section of your business plan demonstrates your proactive approach to customer acquisition and revenue generation. A well-thought-out strategy showcases your understanding of your target audience’s needs and preferences while highlighting your ability to adapt to changing market dynamics. As you execute your marketing and sales efforts, be prepared to refine your strategies based on feedback and real-world results to achieve optimal outcomes.

Operations and Management

Efficient and well-organized operations are the backbone of a successful printing press business. This section of your business plan provides an in-depth look at the operational aspects of your venture, including location, equipment, staffing, and organizational structure.

Location and Facilities

Discuss the location where your printing press business will operate. Whether it’s a physical storefront, an industrial space, or a combination of both, highlight the advantages of your chosen location. Consider factors such as accessibility, proximity to target customers, and any unique features that enhance your business’s visibility and convenience.

Equipment and Technology

Detail the equipment and technology required to run your printing press business smoothly. This could include printing presses, digital printers, cutting machines, binding equipment, and design software. Highlight how your choice of equipment aligns with the services and products you offer, ensuring efficient production and high-quality output.

Staffing and Organizational Structure

Outline the key roles and positions within your printing press business. This could range from graphic designers and printing operators to customer service representatives and administrative staff. Define the responsibilities and qualifications for each role and explain how the organizational structure supports effective communication and collaboration.

Processes and Workflow

Describe the workflow and processes involved in delivering your printing services. From receiving orders and design approval to production, quality control, and delivery, provide a step-by-step overview of how your operations function. Emphasize how you prioritize efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction at every stage.

By detailing the operations and management aspects of your printing press business, you demonstrate your preparedness to handle the day-to-day activities and challenges that arise. A well-structured operational plan ensures that your business can consistently deliver high-quality services and products while maintaining a seamless customer experience. As you grow, remain open to refining your operational processes to enhance efficiency and adapt to changes in customer demands and industry trends.

Printing Business Plan in Nigeria Financial Projections

The financial projections section of your printing press business plan in Nigeria provides a comprehensive outlook on the financial aspects of your venture. This section outlines the anticipated startup costs, revenue projections, and profitability forecast, giving stakeholders a clear understanding of the financial viability of your business.

Startup Costs and Funding Sources

Detail the initial investment required to launch your printing press business. This includes costs such as equipment purchase or lease, facility setup, technology integration, initial inventory, marketing expenses, and any legal or licensing fees. Identify the funding sources you plan to utilize, whether it’s personal savings, loans, investments from partners, or other forms of financing.

Revenue Projections for the First Year

Provide a detailed breakdown of your projected revenue for the first year of operation. Estimate revenue based on your pricing strategy, the size of your target market, and industry trends. Consider different scenarios and factors that could impact revenue, such as seasonal fluctuations and changes in demand.

Break-even Analysis and Profitability Forecast

Perform a break-even analysis to determine the point at which your total revenue covers your total expenses. This analysis helps you understand how much you need to sell to cover costs and start generating profits. Additionally, offer a profitability forecast that outlines the expected net income for the first year and subsequent years.

Financial Assumptions

Explain the assumptions underlying your financial projections. These assumptions could include factors like customer acquisition rates, average transaction values, production efficiency, and cost fluctuations. Transparently outlining these assumptions adds credibility to your financial projections and demonstrates that you’ve considered a range of variables.

The financial projections section demonstrates your business acumen and ability to forecast the financial performance of your printing press business. Thorough and well-supported projections provide potential investors and lenders with the confidence that you’ve conducted a thorough analysis of the financial aspects of your venture. As your business progresses, regularly review and update your financial projections to ensure they remain aligned with your actual performance and changing market conditions.

Printing Business Plan in Nigeria Risk Analysis

Every business venture comes with its share of risks and challenges. In this section of your printing press business plan, you’ll outline potential risks and provide strategies to mitigate them. Identifying and addressing these risks demonstrates your proactive approach to managing uncertainties and protecting your business’s long-term success.

Potential Risks and Challenges

Identify and categorize the various risks that your printing press business might face. These could include operational risks (equipment breakdowns, supply chain disruptions), market risks (changing customer preferences, increased competition), financial risks (fluctuations in material costs, cash flow issues), and regulatory risks (changes in industry regulations or compliance requirements).

Mitigation Strategies

For each identified risk, provide a detailed plan for how you intend to mitigate its impact. Outline preventive measures and contingency plans that will enable your business to navigate challenges effectively. Whether it’s establishing backup suppliers, implementing quality control measures, or maintaining a robust cash reserve, your mitigation strategies should be actionable and well-researched.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Highlight your business’s capacity to adapt and pivot in the face of unforeseen challenges. Emphasize your commitment to staying informed about industry trends and staying attuned to shifts in customer preferences. A willingness to adapt and evolve will help your printing press business thrive in the face of uncertainty.

Insurance and Risk Management

Discuss any insurance coverage you plan to put in place to protect your printing press business from potential liabilities. This could include general liability insurance, equipment breakdown insurance, and business interruption insurance. Outlining your risk management approach demonstrates your commitment to safeguarding your business and its stakeholders.

By addressing potential risks and providing strategies for their mitigation, you demonstrate your awareness of the complexities inherent in the printing press industry. A thorough risk analysis signals to investors and partners that you’ve considered the broader business landscape and have a plan in place to navigate challenges. As your business evolves, periodically revisit your risk assessment to ensure its relevance and make adjustments as needed.

Sustainability and Growth

A sustainable and growth-focused approach is essential for the long-term success of your printing press business. In this section of your business plan, you’ll outline your strategies for achieving sustainable growth, expanding your market presence, and continuously improving your offerings.

Plans for Sustainability

Detail your commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. Discuss how you plan to minimize your environmental footprint through initiatives such as using eco-friendly materials, adopting energy-efficient technologies, and implementing recycling and waste reduction measures. Highlighting your dedication to sustainability can resonate with environmentally conscious customers.

Expansion Opportunities and Future Developments

Outline your plans for expanding your printing press business beyond its initial phase. Discuss potential opportunities to enter new markets, introduce new products or services, or establish partnerships that can drive growth. Consider factors such as market research, customer feedback, and industry trends when exploring expansion possibilities.

Long-Term Vision

Share your long-term vision for your printing press business. Describe where you see your business in five or ten years, outlining your aspirations for market share, revenue growth, and community impact. Your long-term vision provides a sense of direction and purpose, guiding your decisions and actions as you work toward your goals.

Innovation and Adaptation

Emphasize your commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. Discuss how you plan to stay updated with emerging printing technologies, design trends, and customer preferences. Demonstrating a proactive approach to staying relevant in a dynamic industry showcases your business’s ability to evolve with the changing times.

The sustainability and growth section of your business plan paints a picture of your printing press business’s trajectory beyond its initial launch. By highlighting your dedication to responsible practices and future expansion, you convey to stakeholders that you have a holistic view of your business’s role in the industry and its potential for long-term success. As you navigate the journey of growth, remain open to refining your strategies based on evolving market dynamics and customer feedback.

Printing Business Plan in Nigeria Conclusion

In crafting a comprehensive printing press business plan tailored to the Nigerian market, you’ve embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship that combines innovation, strategy, and dedication. Through each section of your plan, you’ve articulated your vision, strategies, and aspirations for your printing press venture.

As you wrap up your Printing business plan, it’s essential to recap the key points and provide a final call to action. In the dynamic landscape of business, having a reliable partner to guide you through the complexities of creating a successful printing press business plan is invaluable. At NaijaCEO , we are committed to being a partner for aspiring entrepreneurs in Nigeria’s printing press industry.

With our deep industry knowledge, strategic insights, and dedication to your success, we offer a range of professional consulting services designed to transform your vision into a thriving reality. Reach out to us now and get a cutting-edge printing business plan, that is crafted to suit your needs of acquiring loans and attracting investors. Remember as you run your printing press business in Nigeria a business plan is a must and the quality of that plan would determine the success or failure of that business. As a professional service we provide business plan that has been the bedrock of many well-known Nigerian business, Reach out to us now and get more from your investment.

Good luck with your business endeavour.


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Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka

About Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka is the Founder of LiaonCEM solutions which owns NaijaCEO. He is an Internet Entrepreneur and a content creator. After the failure of his first company at age 18 he started NaijaCEO to help entrepreneurs with the information they need in operating a successful business in Africa

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printing press business plan in nigeria pdf


Looking for a printing press business plan for your new or existing enterprise in Nigeria or anywhere globally?

Download this printing press business plan, which you can download to present to NIRSAL, BOI, BOA, and other investors.


1.0. Company Summary:

InkWonder is a printing press company that provides quality printing and also affordable services to that will not burden its customer’s pockets. Situated in a strategic location around Ejigbo, Isolo LGA, Lagos Nigeria, the business will satisfy the print needs of companies and startups around the area and the location being close to the metropolis of the city; it makes it easily accessible for whoever seeks it services.

Services we offer;

  • Printing of writing materials
  • Printing publicity materials
  • Printing educational materials
  • Printing official documents

The business satisfies a public demand for the need of getting ink on paper for many purposes it could be creating awareness, branding, official purposes which include maybe invitation cards, handbills, posters, calendars, notepads, brochures, booklets, and catalogs just to mention a few among others.

Ensuring success in this business will require edge cutting and uniqueness in some areas like graphics design, quality printing machines,s and quality printing paper.

2.0. Goals and Objectives

The goal of this business aside from yielding profits is to make sure it is the go-to print shop for all businesses in the area and also providing fast and reliable services to its customer which will bolster trust and help in garnering more customers. The business hopes to win over its customers by promising to provide the best print services at an affordable price. The objectives set for the business to ensure its steady rise to it being a steady income earning business are;

  • Noticeable growth in sales at the end of every year
  • Generate customer satisfaction to ensure customers come back to us whenever they need print job done
  • To provide quality and exceptional services and products at reasonable prices

3.0. Material and Equipment

To get going in this business, here is a list of materials expected to be acquired;

  • Design Software
  • Printing Press Machine
  • Stationeries

4.0. Competitive Advantage

Our Competitive Advantage

As in other industries, there are others that offer the services we offer but in order to garner trust and rally consumers to our side we have taken into consideration a few points which we will work on so as to ensure uniqueness and make sure our services are sought amongst others;

  • Procure impeccable and crisp design
  • Seek the usage of quality materials to ensure the consistency of quality all through the production process
  • Fair and best prices
  • Swift delivery
  • Excellent customer service and handling

How To Download Printing Press Business Plan Sample

Above is a part of the printing press business plan template in Nigeria. If you want the complete printing press business plan sample with the full financial plan, calculations, and more, follow the procedures to download it. 

Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only)   to the account detail below: Bank: GTBank Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us) Ac/No: 0238933625 Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to  +234 701 754 2853 .  The text must contain the title of  the business plan  you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the printing press business plan template in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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Peak Of Information

How to start a printing press business in nigeria.

February 5, 2024 kelechi Business Ideas 0

Starting a printing press business in Nigeria is a good way to leverage the rapid advancement of technology in Nigeria.

Virtually every day, people are always in dire need of the services of the printing press for several purposes such as typing of works, lamination, and printing of handbills, posters, and banners, among other services.

A printing press is one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria but it requires huge capital to start because of the heavy and expensive machines needed to run the printing press business.

This article discusses in detail the step-by-step guide on how to start a printing press business in Nigeria, the types of equipment needed to start a printing press business in Nigeria, and how profitable the printing press business is in Nigeria, among other relevant information on how to start a printing press business in Nigeria.

Here is the step by step guide on how to start a printing press business in Nigeria.

1. Get Practical Experience

Getting real-time practical experience in how the printing press business works is a very important step if you must start a successful printing press business in Nigeria.

You can get real-time experience by attaching yourself to an already existing printing press within your area for a couple of months so as to get conversant with how the business model works.

This would help you to make informed decisions when starting up your own printing press business.

2. Write A Good Business Plan

A good business plan serves as the livewire of every business and also serves as a blueprint for the business which could be used to access the progress of the business from time to time.

Ultimately, a business plan should contain the structure of your business, how to raise the required capital for the business, your SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, and your scaling plan, among other vital information about the business.

3. Raise Capital For Your Business

Raising capital for your business is the most vital part of every business.

You could raise capital from your savings, group contributions, loans from family, and friends, or loans from microfinance banks.

However, starting a business with a load is not advisable unless you’ve already started the business and want to scale up.

4. Register Your Business

Registering your printing press business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) is very essential as it makes your business a legal entity and also helps to build customers’ confidence in your brand.

After you’ve registered your business with the CAC, you should proceed to also register your business with any other association related to your business.

5. Rent A Shop

You should ensure that you rent a shop in a strategic location where there’s a high concentration of people and also an easily accessible area.

Your shop should be spacious enough to accommodate all your machines, equipment, staff, and customers simultaneously.

6. Procure Equipment and Machinery For Your Business

Ensure to do your due diligence before buying equipment and machinery for your printing press business.

The goal should be to buy the best quality equipment that would serve you for a very long period of time.

You’d only know the best quality equipment and machinery to buy only if you’ve worked in a printing press and had a real-time experience in the business which is why we recommend you go for practical experience in number one of this section.

7. Employ Skilled Labour

You cannot run a printing press business all by yourself.

You’d need to employ the services of skilled personnel who would help you in different sections of your printing press business.

If you could not find an already skilled person in the printing press business to hire, you can easily train your intended employees within a few days or weeks and guide them until they gain full mastery of handling the equipment and machinery.

8. Promote Your Business

Remember, you’re not the only one running a printing press business in your chosen location.

In fact, there’re people who already have an established and flourishing printing press business already in the location and they also have a good customer base.

Therefore, since you’re just starting out, you’d need to invest time, energy, and resources to create awareness for your business if you must have a fair share of customers within that location.

You can promote your business through the word of mouth, the printing of banners, posters, handbills, radio gingles, or even through social media.

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Printing Press Business In Nigeria

Starting a printing press business in Nigeria is quite expensive due to the heavy and costly equipment and machinery required to start.

The cost of starting a printing press business in Nigeria could range from N1,000,000 to N5,000,000 or even more depending on your location, niche, cost of equipment and machinery, etc.

Is Printing Press Business Profitable In Nigeria?

Yes. The printing press business is a very profitable business model in Nigeria.

As discussed earlier, starting a printing press business in Nigeria is capital intensive but has a very high-profit return if you have a large customer base and your shop is located in a strategic location.

Equipment Needed To Start A Printing Press Business In Nigeria

Here are some of the equipment needed to start a printing press business in Nigeria;

  • Binding machine
  • Printing machine
  • Cutting machine
  • Laminating machine
  • Generator, etc.

A printing press business is a very capital-intensive business to start but gives very high-profit returns.

This article discusses in detail how to start a printing press business in Nigeria, the cost of starting a printing press business in Nigeria, and how profitable a printing press business in Nigeria is, among other vital information about starting a printing press business.

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Printing Press Business Plan

printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

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  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
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How to Write A Printing Press Business Plan?

Writing a printing press business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and summarizes each section of your plan.

Here are a few key components to include in your executive summary:

Introduce your Business:

Start your executive summary by briefly introducing your business to your readers.

Market Opportunity:

Products and services:.

Highlight the products and services you offer in your printing press business. Highlight the USPs and differentiators to establish a competitive edge.

Marketing & Sales Strategies:

Financial highlights:, call to action:.

Ensure your executive summary is clear, concise, easy to understand, and jargon-free.

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printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

2. Business Overview

The business overview section of your business plan offers detailed information about your company. The details you add will depend on how important they are to your business. Yet, business name, location, business history, and future goals are some of the foundational elements you must consider adding to this section:

Business Description:

Describe your business in this section by providing all the basic information:

Describe what kind of printing press company you run and the name of it. You may specialize in one of the following printing press businesses:

Offset printing press

Digital printing press, online printing press, specialty printing press.

  • Describe the legal structure of your printing press company, whether it is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or others.
  • Explain where your business is located and why you selected the place.

Mission Statement:

Business history:.

If you’re an established printing press service provider, briefly describe your business history, like—when it was founded, how it evolved over time, etc.

Future Goals:

This section should provide a thorough understanding of your business, its history, and its future plans. Keep this section engaging, precise, and to the point.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section of your business plan should offer a thorough understanding of the industry with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. You should include the following components in this section.

Target market:

Start this section by describing your target market. Define your ideal customer and explain what types of services they prefer. Creating a buyer persona will help you easily define your target market to your readers.

Market size and growth potential:

Describe your market size and growth potential and whether you will target a niche or a much broader market.

Competitive Analysis:

Market trends:.

Analyze emerging trends in the printing press market like advanced technologies and equipment, emerging demand for novelty printing solutions, etc. Explain how your business will cope with all the trends.

Regulatory Environment:

Here are a few tips for writing the market analysis section of your digital printing business plan:

  • Conduct market research, industry reports, and surveys to gather data.
  • Provide specific and detailed information whenever possible.
  • Illustrate your points with charts and graphs.
  • Write your business plan keeping your target audience in mind.

4. Products And Services

The product and services section should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

Describe your offerings:

Mention the printing press products and services your business will offer. This list may include products and services like,

  • Printing services like digital printing, offset printing, 3D printing, wide format printing, etc.
  • Graphic services
  • Print Finishing solutions like binding, lamination, cover, etc.
  • Stationery products
  • Packaging and label solutions

Describe each service:

Provide a detailed description of each service you provide.

Graphic designing and printing services include:

  • Getting clients’ requirements and getting creative designed by graphic designers.
  • Getting approval from the client.
  • Choosing appropriate printing techniques and beginning printing.
  • Giving final touches to printed materials.
  • Packing it appropriately and getting it delivered.

Quality measures:

This section should explain how you maintain quality standards and consistently provide the highest quality service.

Additional Services:

In short, this section of your printing press plan must be informative, precise, and client-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Define your business’s USPs depending on the market you serve, the equipment you use, and the unique services you provide. Identifying USPs will help you plan your marketing strategies.

Pricing Strategy:

Marketing strategies:, sales strategies:, customer retention:.

Overall, this section of your printing press business plan should focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Have a specific, realistic, and data-driven approach while planning sales and marketing strategies for your printing press business, and be prepared to adapt or make strategic changes in your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan should outline the processes and procedures involved in your business operations, such as staffing requirements and operational processes. Here are a few components to add to your operations plan:

Staffing & Training:

Mention your printing business’s staffing requirement, including the number of employees needed. Include desired qualifications, skill sets and training requirements, familiarity level with advanced technologies, and their duties.

Operational Process:

Equipment & machinery:.

Include the list of equipment and machinery required for a printing press, such as printing machines, inkjet technologies, finishing tools and equipment, etc.

Adding these components to your operations plan will help you lay out your business operations, which will eventually help you manage your business effectively.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of your printing press business’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.


Key managers:, organizational structure:, compensation plan:, advisors/consultants:.

Mentioning advisors or consultants in your business plans adds credibility to your business idea.

This section should describe the key personnel for your printing press services, highlighting how you have the perfect team to succeed.

8. Financial Plan

Your financial plan section should provide a summary of your business’s financial projections for the first few years. Here are some key elements to include in your financial plan:

Profit & loss statement:

Cash flow statement:, balance sheet:, break-even point:.

Determine and mention your business’s break-even point—the point at which your business costs and revenue will be equal.

Financing Needs:

Be realistic with your financial projections, and make sure you offer relevant information and evidence to support your estimates.

9. Appendix

The appendix section of your plan should include any additional information supporting your business plan’s main content, such as market research, legal documentation, financial statements, and other relevant information.

  • Add a table of contents for the appendix section to help readers easily find specific information or sections.
  • In addition to your financial statements, provide additional financial documents like tax returns, a list of assets within the business, credit history, and more. These statements must be the latest and offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.
  • Provide data derived from market research, including stats about the printing press industry, user demographics, and industry trends.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Include any additional documentation related to your business plan, such as product brochures, marketing materials, operational procedures, etc.

Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your printing shop business plan should only include relevant and important information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This sample printing services business plan will provide an idea for writing a successful printing press plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready business plan to impress your audience, download our printing press business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a printing press business plan.

A business plan is an essential tool for anyone looking to start or run a successful printing press business. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your business.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your printing press company.

What is the easiest way to write your printing press business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any printing press business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software .

How do I write a good market analysis in a printing press business plan?

Market analysis is one of the key components of your business plan that requires deep research and a thorough understanding of your industry. We can categorize the process of writing a good market analysis section into the following steps:

  • Stating the objective of your market analysis—e.g., investor funding.
  • Industry study—market size, growth potential, market trends, etc.
  • Identifying target market—based on user behavior and demographics.
  • Analyzing direct and indirect competitors.
  • Calculating market share—understanding TAM, SAM, and SOM.
  • Knowing regulations and restrictions
  • Organizing data and writing the first draft.

Writing a marketing analysis section can be overwhelming, but using ChatGPT for market research can make things easier.

How detailed should the financial projections be in my printing press business plan?

The level of detail of the financial projections of your printing press business may vary considering various business aspects like direct and indirect competition, pricing, and operational efficiency. However, your financial projections must be comprehensive enough to demonstrate a comprehensive view of your financial performance.

Generally, the statements included in a business plan offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.

What key components should a printing press business plan include?

The following are the key components your printing press business plan must include:

  • Executive summary
  • Business Overview
  • Market Analysis
  • Products and services
  • Sales and marketing strategies
  • Operations plan
  • Management team
  • Financial plan

Can a good printing press business plan help me secure funding?

Indeed. A well-crafted printing press business will help your investors better understand your business domain, market trends, strategies, business financials, and growth potential—helping them make better financial decisions.

So, if you have a profitable and investable business, a comprehensive business plan can certainly help you secure your business funding.

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printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

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Printing Press

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Printing Press Business is one of the very lucrative businesses in Nigeria. However, it is a business that one shouldn’t dabble into unless there has been proper planning. There is also need for someone who is experienced in that area for practical assistance.

The Printing Press Business Plan Is Updated And Can Also Be Used For Bank Loans etc.



Executive Summary Introduction Business Description Products and services Competitive Advantage Market Research Competitor Analysis Sales and Marketing Plan Operational Plan Business Risk Management and Structure Financial Plan and Projections


Your printing press can produce a lot and render much services if you want it to. Your press can involve in the printing of Souvenirs such as Jotter, calendars , Writing pads etc. Printing of Publicity materials like Handbills, Posters, etc. Printing of Educational materials such as Exercise Books, Textbooks etc. Printing of Office document Receipts, Invoice, Files, Letterheads, business cards, business forms etc Your press can equally be involved in Large format Printing such as Flex Banners, Sticker for adverts, etc.

As often said, integrity is the soul of business. The rate at which your customers are satisfied determines the rate at which your press would become successful. Therefore, you have to make sure that your customers get the quality of printing that they required and at the agreed time of delivery. Yes, time should not be joked with. Always endeavour to finish your work and deliver to your clients, on or before the agreed time. Customer satisfaction is paramount. All in all, you need to be reliable, as that would greatly increase patronage.


Your work has to show quality. It equally has to be neat, and attractive. So pay adequate attention to the details of the work. To achieve this, you’ll need to take note of the following. 1)You need to be a good graphics designer. Endeavor to have the required skills to be one . It greatly contributes to the success of your business.

2)Make sure to use quality printing paper and materials for your work. It makes your work durable and attracts customers.

3)Have a quality printing output. These days, digital separation machine saves a lot of time and allows you to finish faster. As well as making your work to be as good as possible.


printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

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How to Start a Printing and Publishing Business in Nigeria

How to Start a Printing and Publishing Business in Nigeria

A Printing and Publishing Business in Nigeria involves the production and distribution of printed materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, brochures, flyers, posters, and other promotional materials.

This industry plays a vital role in disseminating information, preserving literature, and supporting marketing and advertising efforts.

In this article, we won’t only focus on how to start a Printing and Publishing business in Nigeria. We will also touch on the intricacies of starting one that is profitable.

Table of Contents

Difference between printing services and publishing services.

Difference between Printing services and Publishing services

Printing Services:

Printing services refer to the processes involved in reproducing text, images, and designs onto physical materials such as paper, fabric, or other substrates(such as the ones used for banners).

Printing services focus on producing the physical copies of materials as requested by clients.

These services include various printing techniques and processes, such as digital printing, offset printing, screen printing, and more.

The primary goal of printing services is to accurately replicate the content and design onto the chosen medium. Printing services typically involve:

  • Producing tangible copies of documents, marketing materials, promotional items, and other printed matter.
  • Utilizing different printing methods based on the client’s requirements and the desired quality and quantity.
  • Offering options for paper types, finishes, and sizes.
  • Providing services like color calibration, proofreading, and quality control to ensure accurate reproduction.

Examples of printing services: Business cards, brochures and flyers, production of books and magazines, posters and banners, calendars, invitations and greeting cards, and labels and stickers

Publishing Services:

Publishing services, on the other hand, encompass a broader set of activities that involve bringing written content from authors, writers, or content creators to a wider audience.

Publishing involves the entire process of creating, producing, and distributing content in various forms, including print and digital formats.

It goes beyond just producing physical copies and includes tasks like editing, design, layout, and distribution.

Publishing services typically include:

  • Managing the entire lifecycle of content, from manuscript editing to final production.
  • Collaborating with authors and content creators to refine their work.
  • Designing layouts, covers, and illustrations to enhance the visual appeal of the content.
  • Typesetting the text to ensure proper formatting and readability.
  • Choosing the appropriate printing method or digital platform for distribution.
  • Handling the logistics of printing, binding, and distributing physical copies.
  • Managing digital distribution channels such as ebooks, online articles, and digital platforms.
  • Preserving and archiving content for historical and educational purposes.

Examples of publishing services: Editing and proofreading, book design and layout, ISBN assignment, ebook conversion, distribution services, marketing and promotion of books, content licensing, copyright registration, editorial services, and print-on-demand services for authors.

In essence, printing services primarily focus on the accurate reproduction of existing content onto physical materials, while publishing services involve a more comprehensive process of curating, producing, enhancing, and distributing content to a wider audience, often involving multiple stages beyond just printing.

The Printing and Publishing business falls under the category of “Manufacturing” and “Media and Communication” industries

How to Start a Printing and Publishing Business in Nigeria

Here are the steps to starting your own printing and publishing business in Nigeria:

1. Defined Your Services to be Offered:

Your printing business can offer a range of printing and publishing services to customers. However, it’s smart to concentrate on a select few instead of trying to cover everything. The benefit of this focused approach is to achieve a higher level of efficiency.

Here are some types (Niches) in the printing and publishing business to consider;

  • Book Printing: This involves printing books of different genres, sizes, and formats. It can include novels, textbooks, cookbooks, and more.
  • Magazine Printing: Printing magazines, journals, and periodicals for various industries or interest groups. This service might involve working with publishers to create appealing layouts and designs.
  • Business Card Printing: Designing and printing professional business cards for individuals and businesses. Business cards are essential for networking and making a good first impression.
  • Brochure Printing: Creating and printing marketing brochures that provide information about a company, product, or service. Brochures are often used for promotional purposes.
  • Flyer Printing: Similar to brochures, flyers are single-page promotional materials that are usually distributed in public places or through mail.
  • Poster Printing: Printing posters for events, advertising, promotions, or decorative purposes. Posters can vary in size and design.
  • Label and Packaging Printing: Providing labels for products and packaging materials. This is crucial for branding and ensuring product information is communicated effectively.
  • Catalog Printing: Printing product catalogs showcasing a company’s offerings. These are commonly used by businesses in the retail and wholesale sectors.
  • Customized Printing: Offering customization options for various products, allowing customers to personalize items like t-shirts, mugs, stationery, etc.
  • Design Services: In addition to printing, offering design services for customers who need help creating print-ready files. This could include graphic design for book covers, brochures, logos, and more.
  • Print Consulting: Providing advice and expertise to clients on the best printing methods, paper choices, and design elements for their specific projects.
  • Binding and Finishing: Offering different binding options such as saddle stitching, perfect binding, coil binding, and more, along with finishing services like lamination and embossing.
  • Large Format Printing: Catering to printing large-scale materials such as banners, posters, signage, and other visual displays.
  • Digital Printing: Using digital printing technology to provide quick and cost-effective solutions for smaller print runs and variable data printing.
  • Offset Printing: Offering high-quality and cost-effective printing for larger quantities, suitable for projects like book printing or magazine production.

By defining the range of services you plan to offer, you create a clear understanding of what your printing and publishing business can provide to potential clients. This also helps you allocate resources, set pricing, and market your services effectively.

But as your business grows you can incorporate more printing and publishing services into your own business.

2. Market Research and Business Plan:

The aspect of market research involves gathering information about the publishing and printing industry niche that you’re entering. This market research covers areas such as;

Understanding the market demand for your service Market Trends Knowing your target audience Competitor analysis data

When you are done with the market research, you move to creating your business plan . This business plan document contains vital information that will be a guide to navigating the path of your printing and publishing business to become successful. The information contained in the business plan includes; Your market research findings, business goals, services, pricing strategy, marketing approach, and financial projections.

3. Legal Requirements and Registration:

In terms of meeting the legal requirement in the printing and publishing business, the first and foremost to be met is the Business registration. You will need to register your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

With that first legal demand fulfilled, you can proceed to obtain your Tax Identification Number and other required certifications that may be mandatory based on the type of printing and publishing business you intend to operate in Nigeria.

4. Location and Infrastructure:

Selecting the right location for your printing and publishing business is crucial as it has a significant impact on your success. Your chosen business location should meet these criteria;

  • Accessibility
  • Proximity to Target Customers
  • Not too crowded with competition
  • Meets basic Infrastructure such as electricity, internet connectivity, and water supply
  • On a moderate costs
  • Has a good visibility

When you are done with securing the perfect locations the next thing to do is to get your necessary infrastructures ready. These infrastructures are:

  • Printing Equipment: Depending on the types of printing services you plan to offer, acquire the appropriate printing equipment. This might include digital printers, offset printers, large format printers, and other specialized machines.
  • Computers and Software: Invest in computers with sufficient processing power and memory to run design and editing software effectively. Software like Adobe Creative Suite, CorelDRAW, or specialized printing software will be crucial for creating and editing designs.
  • Workstations and Furniture: Set up workstations for your employees, including comfortable chairs and ergonomic desks. Arrange the furniture in a way that promotes productivity and collaboration if needed.
  • Work Area: Designate specific areas for printing, design, and administrative tasks. Ensure that the workspace is organized, well-lit, and conducive to efficient operations.
  • Storage Space: Consider storage space for raw materials, printed products, and supplies. Organized storage helps prevent clutter and makes inventory management easier.

Securing the perfect location and infrastructure for your printing and publishing business will contribute to your business’s ability to deliver quality products and services to your customers.

5. Human Resources:

Human resources involves hiring employees who play various roles to contribute to the success of the printing and publishing business. These employees should in somewhat be skilled.

Here are the types of employees that are most needed in a printing and publishing business:

  • Graphic Designers
  • Printing Technicians
  • Sales Staff
  • Customer Service Staff
  • Administrative Personnel, and
  • Security Personnel

They collectively work together to ensure the business’s smooth operation, quality output, customer satisfaction, and safety of the business.

6. Marketing and Promotion:

This involves strategies and activities you should employ to create awareness, attract customers, and ultimately drive sales to your printing and publishing business.

In context, effective marketing for your printing and publishing business helps your business reach its potential clients, showcase your capabilities, and differentiate your services in the competitive market.

These marketing and promotional strategies may include; Online marketing, social media (paid and free options), local advertising, and networking.

By employing various marketing and promotional strategies, and showcasing your work through a portfolio, you make your services known, and convince potential clients that you can meet their printing and publishing needs effectively.

The challenges of printing and publishing business in Nigeria

Here are the challenges that besiege printing and publishing businesses in Nigeria:

  • Unstable Power Supply
  • Inadequate Infrastructure
  • Highly Competitive
  • High Importation costs due to high import tariffs
  • There is a rapid evolution of technological advances in the industry
  • Difficulty in ensuring consistent and high-quality printing services due to variations in equipment, materials, and skill levels.
  • Finding skilled and experienced graphic designers, printing technicians, and other specialized personnel can be difficult.
  • Economic fluctuations and currency volatility affect the cost of materials and equipment, as well as the purchasing power of clients.
  • The lack of strict enforcement of intellectual property rights in the country has led to issues related to copyright infringement and piracy of printed materials.
  • Late payments or non-payment by clients can impact cash flow, especially for smaller printing businesses.
  • Changing consumer habits from things like newspapers and magazines to digital media has changed the way people consume information, affecting the demand for printed materials
  • Balancing the costs of materials, labor, and overhead while maintaining competitive pricing and profitability is an ongoing challenge.

Final Thoughts

The printing and publishing business is an exciting business venture to start in Nigeria. But it demands strategic planning, dedication, and a commitment to excellence.

By following the outlined steps, from defining your services and conducting thorough market research to legal registration, infrastructure setup, and effective marketing, you’re setting the stage for a thriving printing and publishing venture.

Your ability to adapt, innovate, and continuously deliver high-quality printing and publishing solutions is the key to standing out in this dynamic and highly competitive business in Nigeria.

How Lucrative is Printing Press Business in Nigeria?

The printing press business in Nigeria is a very lucrative business that you can start in Nigeria as an entrepreneur. The profitability of this business can be attributed to the high market demand for a printing press service, high level of efficiency and cost reduction of production as a result of technological advancements, and the diversification of your offerings.

How big is the printing market in Nigeria?

The printing market in Nigeria is expected to experience steady growth over the period between 2023 and 2028.

According to “ Statista forecasts “, the revenue is projected to increase by a total of $12.1 million U.S. dollars, reflecting a growth rate of approximately 6.94%.

By the year 2028, it is estimated that the revenue in this industry will reach $186.39 million U.S. dollars.

This positive trajectory suggests that there is a significant market demand for the printing business in Nigeria.

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I am Eghosa Kester Igbinigie, the owner of and As a business enthusiast, writer, and speaker, I hold a degree in Business Administration (BSc) and own several successful businesses

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SWOT Analysis for Airline Business Plan in Nigeria


  • Post author: Ane
  • Post published: April 30, 2018
  • Post category: BUSINESS-PLAN-AND-FEASIBILITY-STUDY / Business Tips
  • Post comments: 0 Comments


Table of Contents

  • Your business Articulation –  what to do;
  • Your Start-up processes/standing – e.g. your business legal status.
  • Capital budget;
  • Materials budget;
  • Your personnel budget;

Further Items:

  • Your turnover budget;
  • Service delivery/marketing assessment;
  • Financing plan
  • Your Financial Projections

Additional Items:

  • Financial Feasibilities – Break-even analysis etc
  • Income Statements, Balance Sheet, and cash flow statement projections.
  • Chart your management pathway – as a management road map

Further Steps:

  • Talk to somebody about the business – a friend, family member, partner, investor, collaborator, competition etc.
  • Plan for expansion
  • Get a business coach or consultant to help you;
  • Belong to a trade association;

In addition:

  • Ask for & get government/donor/NGO’s help;
  • Get Bank loan, investors and partners
  • Overall, get Bank of Industry Small Scale Entrepreneurship loan
  • And,  Bank of Industry-Dangoted Sponsored Entrepreneurs’ loan

Categories of Small Printing Business

  • Small shop NO equipment printing business
  • Errand printing business
  • Small shop few equipment printing business
  • Partners/collaborators printing business


This business plan is taking a general approach template. therefore, it’s suitable for adjustments to suite your type of printing business., company business overview:.

  • Souvenirs eg: Jotter, Writing pads, Programme booklets for events etc.
  • Publicity Material: Handbills, Posters, etc
  • Educational Material: Exercise Books, Textbooks etc.
  • In addition, are Office document: Receipts, Invoice, Files, Letterheads, business cards etc
  • Flex Banners and Sticker for adverts
  • Achieve a constant growth in turnover in 12 months.
  • Generate customer satisfaction so that at least 70% of our customer base is repeat business.
  • Provide quality product at reasonable prices with exceptional services.
  • One stop-shop for printing activities in Nigeria.
  • A provider of fast and reliable services to  all our clients

Sample Business Plan For Printing Company In Nigeria – Success Path .

  • Good graphics design – With professional proficiency in design, our customer always come looking for us.
  • Modern tools –  modern tools produce modern desired printing outputs, and that brings a lot of customers to us.
  • Quality printing paper and other materials – No cutting corners – Quality  materials I correlated with quality outputs, and our customers know this.
  • Quality printing output – digital separation machine brings the best out of printing works. Output is end product of all printing efforts. This is what we work for.
  •  Time delivery: Time is money both for us and for our customers. Therefore, Jobs  are timely completed and delivered to customers.

Ask For More @Small Capital Printing Press Business Plan Success Path.

Click these  related topics :. author

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.

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How to Start a Printing Business in Nigeria

printing press business plan in nigeria pdf


By Ayoade Apelegan

A printing/publishing company also known as printing press provides a range of services which includes but not limited to;

Printing of office document, the printing of educational materials, the printing of souvenirs, branding of vehicles and buildings, the printing of stickers and printing on shirts.

To start a printing/publishing company, below are a few points to take into consideration.

Get a business plan for your printing business

The business plan is a document that contains all information required to set up the business. A business plan sets out a business objective and the strategies put in place for achieving them.

Information contained in a business plan are:

  • An overview of your printing business
  • Executive Summary
  • General company description
  • SWOT analysis
  • Market Research
  • Your Strategy
  • A marketing plan
  • An operational plan
  • Financial projection
  • An appendix

Register your business

One of the first things to consider when setting up a business is “Business Registration”. The benefits of registering a business cannot be overemphasized. Some of the benefits are:

Building trust and reputation: Registering a business gives potential customers the confidence that they are dealing with a reputable organization.

Account Opening: In Nigeria, one of the requirements of opening and operating a corporate bank account is the certificate of incorporation. A certificate of incorporation is issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), which is the body authorized to carry out registration of business names.

During a business transaction, people are more comfortable paying into a corporate account than an individual account. Operating a corporate account gives a business more credibility and trust from customers, suppliers and other business associates.

Choosing a business location

For a printing /publishing company, the location you choose to set up your business goes a long way in determining the success of your business. A visible and accessible business premises helps to spread the word about your business . In Lagos-Nigeria, Shomolu is the hub of printers and publishers in Lagos State.

Identifying a niche in printing

The beauty of the business of printing and publishing is that there are different niches that one can venture in to.

Below are some niches worth considering:

Offset Lithography Printing

Offset Lithography printing is a form of printing that makes use of metal plates, water, ink and rubber blanket.

How it works:

The metal plate is first run through water and then ink. The image [graphic file] is transferred to a metal plate and from the metal plate to a rubber blanket. The ink sticks to the spaces where there are texts and images. While the water sticks to the blank spaces on the metal plates.

The inked rubber blanket will be used to run [transfer] the printing on paper.

There are two types of offset printing:

  • Sheet-fed : In sheet-fed, the paper is already cut before printing.
  • Web : In web press, the paper is in a roll first and cut after printing.

Printers who specialize in this type of printing are called lithographers.

Digital Color Separation Printing

Graphic files usually contain a maximum of four colours namely; Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. During printing, the colours need to be separated before sending them to press for printing. This separation when done on a computer, is called computer separation.

To engage in this type of printing, you will need to get the digital colour separation machine.

Large Format Printing

Large format printing which is sometimes called wide-format printing. Large format printing requires the use of special-purpose equipment that can accommodate bigger-than-normal print dimensions.

When crafted into different shapes or colours, large posters always attracts attention.

Screen Printing

Screen printing is the process of transferring a design onto a surface using a mesh screen, ink and a squeegee or blade.

This works by way of creating a stencil on a fine mesh screen, and then pushing ink or paint through the openings in the mesh to create an imprint of your design on the surface beneath. Areas that are meant to remain blank are covered with a substrate.

Sign Printing

Sign printing is the art of using signs and symbols to pass a message. It includes all visual graphics that are used in displaying information. It can also come in the form of digital display.

Lamination refers to the process of applying a clear plastic film onto a printed material to enhance and protect the printed matter. Lamination is often used for packaging, book covers, brochures, business cards, Identity cards and other printed items. There are different types of laminate: Silk, Matt and Gloss Lamination.

Finishing is a niche in printing that deals with post-press activities.

Examples of finishing are: fixing of ropes on paper bags, binding of printed books and documents, spiral binding

Build a portfolio

To anyone in the printing and publishing business, a portfolio is more like an investment. Your portfolio should contain samples of jobs that have been executed by you. It could also be jobs that you intentionally embark on, so as just to add to your portfolio. It shows your prospects what you are capable of doing.

Identify your target market

Depending on the printing niche you intend to focus on, you need to identify your target market. Possible target markets for printing/publishing company are:


Political parties;

Corporate bodies;

Fast foods businesses,

Students on campuses;

Event planners and organizers;

Read How to Conduct Competitor Analysis for your Business

Getting Funds for Your Printing Business

Starting a printing business is capital intensive. However, there are other ways through which one can secure the required funds for starting a business should you not have enough savings to start the business process. These are:

Savings: This involves funding from personal savings.

Bank of Industry: Bank of Industry provides financial assistance for the establishment of large, medium and small projects as well as the expansion, diversification and modernization of existing enterprises.

Bank loans: Bank loans are one of the most common forms of finance for small and medium-sized enterprises. It can be capital/principal repayment or interest-only and can be structured to meet the business’s needs. Bank loans can be short term or long term depending on the purpose of the loan.

Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF): The Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) was established by the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund Law 2016 to provide financial support to residents of Lagos State.

Venture Capital: Venture Capital is a type of funding for a new or growing business. Equity capital or loan capital provided by private investors.

Angel Investors: Funds for starting a business can be raised through Angel Investors. Angel Investors are individuals that provide capital for a business in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity.

Crowdfunding: This is the process of raising capital through the collective effort of a large number of people mainly through the internet. Examples of crowdfunding sites are: Kickstarter, RocketHub, gofundme, CircleUp

Marketing your Printing Business

Marketing deals with attracting and educating people about a product or service. The printing industry is highly competitive and as such, your business needs to stand out in the market.

Below are some ways to market your printing business;

Social media

A business’ social media presence is also a marketing tool. Social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, can be used to maintain existing relationships with customers, as well as to get leads and gain more customers.

Jumping on trending hashtags and topics is a way to keep your business in the eye of the public.

  • Create a business page;
  • Upload contents that reflect your business’s purposes;
  • Upload images of your products and services using relevant hashtags.

Paid Advert

A paid advert is a form of marketing that is used to drive traffic to a website, with conversions and sales. Paid advert ensures that your contents reach the right influencers.

Sharing of Handbills/Flyers/Posters

Sharing of flyers and handbills is an effective way of promoting your business. Flyers and handbills contain information about your business. To make your potential customer interested in your business and keep your flyer for future reference, the flyer has to be eye-catching. It is a great way to let your prospects know the quality of your work as you are creating the flyer yourself.

Attending exhibitions and trade shows

Attending trade shows and exhibitions will give you the necessary exposure as a printer. You get to meet a lot of industry professionals and learn about latest happenings in the printing world, e.g. latest printing technology, latest equipment.

Work On Brand Building

It is important to have an identity that people can relate to when you run a business. A brand is a company’s public identity. For a printing company to stand out and achieve its business goals, the company must be properly branded. Creation of branded items puts the company in the public eye.  Some items to consider during branding are:

Your company’s logo is the face of your company. A company’s logo is a way of passing information, keeping your brand visible and memorable to customers.

A logo should be easily identifiable and easily linked to your products or services. For a printing company, the logo should be placed in strategic places on products and items printed by the company. So, there are numerous benefits of having a logo design that represents your business.

A tagline is a catchphrase or a slogan used in advertising. It is a phrase that accompanies a brand name.

Popular taglines for some brands are:

Apple – “Think different.”

Nike – “Just do it”

Budweiser – “The king of beers.”

Colours are important in branding as they convey emotions, feelings and experiences.

Popular brands and their colours are:

MTN – Yellow

Glo – Green

Etisalat – Lemon

Build an Online Presence

Studies have shown that people seek information online when they need information about products and services. Online presence covers both website and social media profiles. A printing company must have a good presence online, as the internet has become a marketing tool for businesses.

Anyone who operates or runs a printing a company should ensure that during a search on the internet, their website comes out top in the search results. Among other things, you should ensure that your website is easy to navigate and should be responsive for mobile devices.

Hiring of Staff

Members of staff of a printing company are majorly the graphic designer and the machine operator. Other members of staff are; manager, accountant, front desk officer, typist.

Purchase block of ISBNs

International Standard Book Numbers, also known as ISBNs, are required to publish and distribute books through booksellers. All books have their own unique ISBN (International Standard Book Number). If you plan to sell your book in a bookstore, through an online retailer, or to the library, you’ll need to have a 13-digit ISBN assigned to it. All over the world, ISBNs are used to identify books.

How to get ISBN in Nigeria

ISBN and ISSN can be gotten from any of the National Library’s offices after submitting the following documents:

  • An ISBN or ISSN application letter to the Director of the National Library on your company’s letter-headed paper.
  • ISBN application form
  • A Photocopy of certificate of incorporation of your company (as registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria – CAC)
  • The Printed manuscript or copy of the book you wish to get ISBN for
  • Registration fee

In Lagos, ISBN can be gotten at the national library office located at 227 Herbert Macaulay Way, Yaba, Lagos.

Purchase Equipment

Some equipment needed to start a printing company are:

Cutting Equipment: In printing, the cutters cut out what you design on the cutter program, and is also used in cutting cards, letters and graphics. The hand cutter which is also known as the hydraulic cutter is used to cut cards, e.g. greeting cards, business cards while the vinyl cutting machine is used to cut letters and graphics from adhesive back vinyl.

Binding Machine: this is used to bind sheets of papers together to form magazines and books. There are different types of binding machines namely: comb binders, wire binders, thermal binders.

Printer: The type of printer to be purchased will depend on the kind of printing you are embarking on. Examples of printers are: Laser printer, Inkjet printer, Offset printer, Sublimation printer, Solvent printer, Garment printer and Screen printer.

Computer and Graphic Design Software: A computer with sufficient memory, hard drive space and speed are recommended for a printing business. Other peripherals such as scanners and camera are also needed in a printing business.

Graphic design software is necessary for the modern print shop for basic design and typesetting. Softwares like Adobe Photoshop, Pagemaker, CorelDraw are needed for printing purposes.

You’ll need at least one higher-end computer in your shop for graphic design work. Graphic design work soaks up a lot of your computer’s resources. Look for a computer with a powerful CPU and graphics processing unit, as well as lots of onboard RAM.

The Adobe suite of software is generally considered the standard for graphic design work. The pitfall is that you can only get the newest versions of the software through a subscription. That can get expensive over time.

Other equipments are Photo Copier Machine, Fax Machine, Laminator, paper driller, transfer paper, heat press machine, paper folders, generator set.

Waste Management

The printing industry is a high waste generating industry. Wastes from papers, plastics, nylons, chemicals, inks and solvent-based inks are generated daily. When starting up a printing company, an arrangement should be made with the relevant waste management agency for the prompt evacuation of generated waste daily.

Get Insurance for your business

As a business owner, you must get insurance an insurance cover for your business. Insurance protects your business against unforeseen circumstances and events that might occur during running your business. Insurance for a printing/publishing company covers the following:

Business premises

Equipment breakdown

Breach of copyright

Business interruption

Loss of artwork

Goods in transit

Motor insurance (for delivery vehicles)

Costs associated with a printing/publishing company

Running a printing press comes with some unavoidable costs. Some of these costs are:

Subscription costs for design software

Maintenance and replacement costs for equipment parts

Marketing costs

Click here to read how to start a poultry farming business

Offering Additional Services

For a print/publishing shop, additional services must be added offered alongside the printing and publishing business. These additional services can include one or more of the following: sale of stationery

Delivery of finished jobs

Desktop publishing services

Making of ID cards

Product photography

Delivery Vehicle / Dispatch Bike

To meet the deadline and deliver finished jobs in perfect conditions, it is important to deliver those jobs to the doorstep of the customers. For jobs that aren’t bulky, a dispatch bike will be the best means of making a delivery while for bulky jobs, a bus or truck will be the best option. Delivering finished jobs to the doorstep of customers will always give you an edge over your competitors.

Research your competitors

The printing industry is highly competitive. Therefore to be a force to reckon within the business, it is important to research your competitors. Keeping close tabs on them to know the latest equipment acquired and services being rendered is key to your business survival. You can be a step ahead by offering those services they aren’t offering and finding better and improved ways to offer those services that they do render.

Gain knowledge

Most people venture into a business without having background knowledge of the industry. The printing/publishing is an industry that offers a wide a range of services, therefore it is important to have an idea of the processes involved at different stages of production. Some ways to go about this are:

Interning at a printing /publishing centre;

Following industry leaders on social media;

Subscribing to newsletters and publications.

Tax Registration

Printing is a service-oriented business. Therefore, it is important to hire an Accountant for your printing/publishing business. The Accountant helps put your books in place and advice you on the tax implication of the business to avoid sanctions and disruptions of business processes from government agencies.

At MATOG CONSULTING, we offer business plan services that contain all necessary information about the structure of your company, your expenses, expected investment and anticipated returns on your investment.

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Setting up a printing press company

Business Overview The printing industry has evolved over time resulting in modern printing technologies. The primary aim of the printing is to convey a client’s (businesses, organizations, government, individuals etc.) message to its target audience on some form of published material, whether it is a business card, magazine, book, fliers, brochure, directory, or product packaging. Businesses in the printing industry take the client’s message, design, lay it out, and print the end product. Hence printing products are found virtually in all aspects of our lives.

Market Prospects Nigeria has a population of more than 200 million comprising over 37 million small and medium enterprises (SMEs), numerous corporate businesses, churches and organizations, which spend on printed materials for advertisement, branding etc. This translates into a huge market size for the print industry.

The print marketing has only continued to grow and evolve alongside the upsurge of new technology; over 76% of businesses have recorded success in employing a strategy that encompasses a combination of both print and digital communication.

Raw Materials The major raw materials required in printing are paper and ink for the production of different print materials.

Equipment Needed The HP Indigo 12000 Digital Press machine can print on over 3,000 different substrates. Applications include: Security Packaging, Photobooks, Canvas, metalized paper, Plastics, Corporate Communications e.t.c.

The sequence for the printing is stated below: Graphic design: The graphic design stage includes conception, page layout, typography, illustration, photography selection, colour decisions, and producing final computer files.

Prepress and the proofing process: Prepress refers to all the print production functions that take place from the moment the files are sent to the printer to the actual printing.

Printing (offset/digital): Printing is the mechanical process of applying ink to paper using an offset or digital press.

Bindery/finishing: After a job is printed, the next stage includes one or many steps depending on the end product: cutting/trimming, folding, laminating, scoring, perforating, stitching, and binding. The last step in the bindery stage includes packaging for delivery.

Marketing The use of marketing officers is imperative to reach out to organisations about the printing services. Furthermore advertising will play a major role in creating awareness for the printing press. The printing press will offer pick up services from the factory as well as delivery to the client’s doorstep.

Promoter’s qualifications The promoters/Manager should be experienced in business management and have supervisory skills.

Manpower requirement A total of 10 staff is required in the short-term operations of the printing press. They are Skilled Worker – 5, factory workers – 4, and Security Operative – 1

Estimated start-pp cost: N800,000,000 for the machine listed here. Potential Net Profit: N 100,000,000 – N150,000,000 per annum.

Source of Funding: Bank of Industry Loan This profile, or any similar one, can be developed into a bankable proposal for any interested investor. For further clarification, do contact our offices, or, [email protected]

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  • Printing press company

printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

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  • How to Start a Printing Business in Nigeria in 5 Steps
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How to start a printing business in Nigeria

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Starting a printing business can be one of the lucrative business  decision you can make this year if you have the skills and the money to purchase some of the required printing equipment. So many individuals, businesses and students in your area may need your printing business services. This post will show you how to start a printing business in Nigeria with a step by step guide.

For those who have the relevant entrepreneurial knowledge, the Nigerian printing industry  presents a huge business opportunities in different field of printing processes such as digital printing, offset lithography, and now the evolving 3D printing technology . Understanding the industry trends, most innovative printing technologies and studying the potential customers printing needs in your location are some of the best ways to building a successful business.

Printing business may be easy to start if the cost of shop rental is low in your area, but before opening your new print shop , please note that the printing business may require enough initials startup capital. Again, you may have enough existing competitors to deal with; and would need the services of a printing engineer in the case of any machine breakdown.

How to start a printing business in Nigeria may not necessarily be different from the processes of starting other kind of businesses in Nigeria. You can even start it from home or as online business by providing the needed customers services if you don’t have the money to rent a storefront. There are different type of printing services that you may want to specialize on; such as large format banners printing, business sign printing, screen-printing or printing on t-shirts, mugs; business cards printing, direct image printing, brochures printing, flyers printing and documents printing.

Read:  How to Become A Graphic Designer In 5 Steps

Now lets talk about the printers and other tools you need. The biggest mistake in the printing industry is buying the wrong types of commercial printing machines. Here, you may need the services of a printer engineer or printing press specialists to assist you. Printing equipment is expensive, and we know you’ll not want to run into debt while trying to start a business and make profits. If you’re still not sure whether this business idea is the best fit for you, we advised that you find other profitable businesses that can put you on the path of success.

Some of the equipment and supplies needed for a print shop include printers; which are the most important part of your business, You will need printing consumables such as different types of printing papers , inks and toner cartridges. You will need to get a cutting machine, laminating machine, binding and other print finishing tools. You will need a desktop computer or laptop with the relevant software for printing all documents and for graphic designs, logo creation and much more.

To keep track of your sales, expenses and store inventory also, you may need an accounting software program depending on the size of your printing company. Now, below is a comprehensive step guide on how to start a printing business in Nigeria in 5 easy steps. Whether it is a small business, medium or large scale commercial printing company that you want to start, our team is here to hep you with everything from scratch.

How to Start a Printing Business in Nigeria

1. create a printing business plan.

A business plan is a road map to your business journey. It serves as a guide to your business operations such as managements, daily operations, accounting and marketing strategies.

2. Get the Required Equipment

Depending on the type of printing business you want to start today, this may include Printers, Computers, Binders and more.

You May Like:  10 Types of Printing Machines and Their Uses

3. rent a shop at good location.

Your location is very important. You need a commercial or school environment that is safe too. Your startup business will be needing a lots of customers to survive.

4. Register your Printing Business

Register your printing company with the Corporate Affairs Commission ( CAC ) of Nigeria; and with the local government levy office if available in your state of residence.

5. Grow your Printing Business

Create your business logo design and print marketing materials. Go out there and open your shop! Hire the right graphic designers, printers, engineers and customer care service. Promote your new business online and offline.

Wrapping up: How to Start a Printing Business in Nigeria

Now you know how to start your printing press business in Nigeria and make money out of it? We hope this post served your need. As a leading printing company in Lagos, we will continue to support our communities with best business ideas and investment opportunities. You can connect with us for more inquires. Thank you for reading this post!

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Business Plan Hub

Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria

November 27, 2020 by admin 2 Comments

Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria ; Are you interested in Printing Press Business but you don’t know how to start or how to run a standard Printing Press Business the I guess you are in the right place, because we can up with this article just for you.

Many person don’t know how lucrative Printing Press Business is but note Printing Press Business is lucrative but it is highly competitive. There are many ways you can start your own Printing Press Business you can either start as a freelancer or get the necessary equipment and shop either way you will make a lot of profits. If you decide to open your own shop A standard printing press company may cost you N10m plus because some of the equipment is quick expensive. I know once some people get to see the amount of money they will change their mind saying it is too expensive and they don’t have the kind of amount, Yeah it’s true it is expensive that’s why you can start small with one or two equipment and work with other printing presses till you have the maximum amount of money to go big, this is why you should get our business plan on Printing Press Business our business plan will help you will all the information you need and even though you don’t have the capital to start you can use our business plan to apply for Bank Loans, Grants and any written competitions.

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GET YOUR Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria / Feasibility Study. To place an order, pay N10,000 to

Account Name: Oliver Uwadia

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Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria Latest Edition feasibility studies proposal

After payment text your name, your e-mail address and bank teller number or your transfer reference number to 08107015636 and A Copy of our Business plan for Printing Press business plan PDF will be send to your email

If You’ve successfully opened your business and you need customers to start coming to your shop all you need to do is focus on marketing and when you get jobs make sure you do it the very best you know you can because one customer can bring a lot of so many other customers.

Like we said earlier if you are indeed serious about starting a Printing Press Business and you do not have the required capital to start then you are in the right place because we came up with this article to help you source for funds, we have developed a standard Printing Press Business Plan with 3 years financial projections.

After a lot of research we created a standard Printing Press Business Plan with 3 years financial analysis that includes sales projections, income statements, balance sheets, breakeven analysis, cash flow and lots more

We came up with this business plan or the main reason we developed this business plan is to help you save money, time and energy and most importantly, raise fund to kickstart or scale your business up. This business plan will help you so that you will not waste your time, energy to write a business plan that will take you almost a year to complete and yet you will not get it right. So why waste any more time get our business plan with 3 years financial analysis and make some changes to suit your needs?

Once you get our standard printing press business plan with 3 years analysis, all that you need to do is change the details, founders details and other information to suit your need and present it to anyone sure as bank, investor, grant competition etc.

Our standard printing press business plan is in MS words and the financial is in Excel. This was done so that you can easily deliver to your inbox immediately and you can easily change it to suit your needs.

The 3 years financial includes startup cost, fixed monthly expenses, cash flow, income statements, balance sheets, sales projections, breakeven analysis, salaries and wages, the ratio among other analysis.

Table of Contents

2) Executive Summary: The summary includes introduction, products and services description, marketing and sales among others

3) Company Overview: this includes

Mission Statement

History and Current Status

Markets and Products

Keys to success

4) Product or Service description.

5) Industry and Market Analysis


Industry analysis

Market analysis

Customer analysis

Competitor analysis

SWOT Analysis

6) Marketing Strategy

Target Market Strategy

Product/Service Strategy

Pricing Strategy

Distribution Strategy

Advertising and Promotion Strategy

Sales Strategy

Marketing and Sales Forecasts

7) Operations

Operations Strategy

The scope of Operations

Operating Expenses

8) Development

Development Strategy

Development Timeline

Development Expenses

9) Management

Company Organization

Management Team

Administrative Expenses

10) Summary of Financials

Financial Assumptions

Financial Forecasts

Projected Cash Flow

Income Statements

iii. Balance sheet

Profit and loss

Profit Margin, chart etc

Financial Risks

11) Appendices

Support for Product/Service Description (e.g., diagrams, pictures, etc.)

Financial Statements

Income Statement [3 years]

Balance Sheets [3 years]

Cash Flow Statements [3 years]

Ratio Analysis [3 years]

Other supporting financial statements

How to Access This standard printing press business plan with 3 years financial analysis

All you need to do is make a payment

After payment text your name, your e-mail address and bank teller number or your transfer reference number to  08107015636 and A Copy of our Business plan for Printing Press business plan PDF will be send to your email


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Good content. I have used Printivo and their printing quality is okay and they also have a good mug and T-shirts design .

What I just notice is that the platform is also good for designers who are willing to sell their design to earn money legitimately in Nigeria.

Thanks a lot, David. I just bought some customized T-shirt designs through the Printivo Store you recommended above. The T-shirt were clean, neat and well printed. Thanks a lot. Printivo you’re the best. I bought the design titled: Where your focus goes, your energy flows.

Thanks. About to start mine.


Thank you for detailed article, my question is what are the different types of printing beside kord dl, how do one get those other machines? I want you to throw more light on prinitivo

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Free Photocopy and Printing Business Plan PDF Download

Print and copy shop business plan PDF proposal

How to Start a Printing Business; Printing Business Plan PDF

Are you considering starting a Printing Business and are in need of a Printing Business Plan PDF? if yes, you'll find this free book to be extremely helpful.

This is a practical guide that will walk you step by step through all the essentials of starting your business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to apply.

Don’t Start a New Printing Business Unless You Watch This Video First!

Checklist for Starting a Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

Here’s a Valuable Free Gift for You This is a high quality, full blown business plan template complete with detailed instructions and all related spreadsheets. You can download it to your PC and easily prepare a professional business plan for your business. Click Here! To get your free business plan template

The Single Most Important Ingredient for Business Success

The first and most important thing you need to acquire in order to succeed in a small business is... knowledge.

Sounds exaggerated? Listen to this...

According to research conducted by Dun & Bradstreet, 90% of all small business failures can be traced to poor management resulting from lack of knowledge.

This is backed up by my own personal observations. In my 31 years as a business coach and consultant to small businesses, I've seen practically dozens of small business owners go under and lose their businesses -- not because they weren't talented or smart enough -- but because they were trying to re-invent the wheel rather than rely on proven, tested methods that work.

Conclusion: if you are really serious about succeeding in a business... If you want to avoid the common traps and mistakes... it is absolutely imperative that you acquire the right knowledge.

"Why Invent Mediocrity, When You Can Copy Genius?"

That's an excellent quote I picked up from a fellow business owner a few years back. What this means is that you should see what is working and try to duplicate Printing Business. Why go through all the trouble of inventing something new, that you don't even know will ever work, when you can easily learn from and duplicate something that has been a proven success?

[ Note: One of the BIGGEST mistakes almost all new businesses make is that they WASTE tons of valuable time, energy and money on trying to create something "new", that has never been tested or proven... only to find out later that it was a total loss. Don't make the same mistake! ]

Hi! My name is Meir. I'm the founder and president of, a successful internet based information business. I'm also the author of numerous books, mostly in the area of small business management.

I've been involved in small business for the past 31 years of my life, as a business coach, manager of a consulting firm, a seminar leader and as the owner of five successful businesses.

During my career as a business coach and consultant I've helped dozens of business owners start their businesses, market, expand, get out of troubles, sell their businesses and do practically every other small business activity you can think of. You see, I have been there .... done it ... and bought the Small Business t-shirt! -- This free book contains techniques and strategies I've learned during my 31 year small business career.

Here's what you'll discover in the 'How to Start a Printing Business Plan' PDF book:

Success Tip: Setting Goals

Good management is the key to success and good management starts with setting goals. Set goals for yourself for the accomplishment of the many tasks necessary in starting and managing your business successfully. Be specific. Write down the goals in measurable terms of performance. Break major goals down into sub-goals, showing what you expect to achieve in the next two to three months, the next six months, the next year, and the next five years. Beside each goal and sub-goal place a specific date showing when it is to be achieved.

Plan the action you must take to attain the goals. While the effort required to reach each sub-goal should be great enough to challenge you, it should not be so great or unreasonable as to discourage you. Do not plan to reach too many goals all at one time.

Establish priorities. Plan in advance how to measure results so you can know exactly how well you are doing. This is what is meant by "measurable" goals. If you can’t keep score as you go along you are likely to lose motivation. Re-work your plan of action to allow for obstacles which may stand in your way. Try to foresee obstacles and plan ways to avert or minimize them.

Click here! to download your Printing Business Plan PDF book for free

Management Skills Video: How to Become a Great Manager and Leader

Learn how to improve your leadership skills and become a better manager and leader. Here's how to be the boss people want to give 200 percent for. In the following video you'll discover 120 powerful tips and strategies to motivate and inspire your people to bring out the best in them.

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel .

Here're other free books in the "how to start a business" series that may interest you:

Here's a Sample 'Executive Summary' for a Printing Business plan :

COMPANY NAME  is a 100% woman privately owned and operated S Corporation with well established relationships in the rapidly-growing Tri-Valley region of San Francisco's East Bay.  It was incorporated in 2004.  COMPANY NAME was founded by INSERT NAME and fully operated by INSERT NAMES who is established as Vice President of Sales and Acquisitions. Located in the rapidly-growing Tri-Valley region of San Francisco's East Bay, Dublin is located at the crossroads of I-580 and I-680. Dublin is 14.01 square miles in size and currently has an approximate population of 41,907 (and growing). Dublin has a mild climate and a positive attitude toward commercial, industrial and residential growth.  COMPANY NAME already does well in the area and even nationwide and overseas due to the company's availability and presence online. In the early 1990s, INSERT NAME launched his career in the printing industry with a sales position at a regional auto sales publication. Over the next few years, he made great professional strides, continuing his career with the #1 rated local daily newspaper. In 1995, he took the next step in his career as a sales representative with one of the premier, high-end printers in the country, Lithographix. INSERT NAME spent the next decade working for various high-end commercial printers, learning the industry, increasing his printing knowledge, and building relationships. His growing list of clients learned that his experience and expertise were second to none. In early 2004, these customers began expressing their desire to have Mike manage ALL of their printing needs, not just the high-end projects. There was a need in the marketplace to have a company that could facilitate all levels of printing. And so, in the fall of 2004, in response to these client demands, INSERT NAME, launched COMPANY NAME. INSERT NAME has over 12 years of marketing and sales experience across a broad spectrum of business types. She has worked as a marketing manager for the Clayton, CA office of Better Homes Realty; as a product marketing manager for Premenos, an EDI software developer; as a marketing manager at Net Wireless, where she directed all collateral and direct mail efforts; as an account executive at AT&T's cable accounts division; and most recently as a sales representative at All American Label. Her in-depth understanding of marketing and sales needs across various business platforms leaves her uniquely qualified to help clients strategize and fulfill their own promotional needs.

1.1 Objectives

1. To generate generous annual sales by the third year of this plan. 2. To establish a tiered client hierarchy:

  • 20% long term, established customers
  • 60% customers with ongoing irregular and periodic needs
  • 20% new customers with unestablished needs.

3. To hire permanent employees and eliminate the need for independent contractors, providing more job stability to the area. 4. To establish business and sell services in the greater Northern and Southern California areas. 5. To be a true one-stop operation by being able to accommodate all of a customer's printing needs from consulting and design assistance to printing, binding, and distribution. Our goal is to eliminate the need for our customers to source any printing outside of our scope. 6. To promote an awareness of green technology and eco-friendly product and publication and so as to support sales and income goals through aggressive marketing and telephone contact. This awareness will come from both marketing and word-of-mouth referrals.

1.2 Mission

COMPANY NAME is a printing solutions provider dedicated to offering a single source for all printing needs with a priority on earning and maintaining our customer's trust. COMPANY NAME will maintain a consistent and reasonable margin while providing customers with a fair price and exceptional service in the United States and abroad. The company will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment that respects new ideas and hard work. With the demise of the newspaper industry many advertisers are seeking ways to reach each consumer in the market place without major expenses of direct mail and postage costs.  COMPANY NAME has created a solution, the PRODUCT NAME.  [INSERT PRODUCT FUNCTION].  Customers are able to pick and choose market zone coverage by zip codes and receive a cost effective way to reach consumers in their desired demographic areas. COSTCO Business Value Book, COMPANY NAME and their advertising team has been chosen to produce the quarterly COSTCO BVB book for the Livermore / Pleasanton market.  Many other Costco’s are now considering COMPANY NAME to produce the very same advertising vehicle for their warehouse’s. Both of these vehicles allow our sales force to cross sell into all vehicles and build relationships for our design, print and collateral capabilities.

1.3 Keys to Success

The keys to the success of COMPANY NAME are:

  • Maintaining a reputable and untarnished reputation in the industry. 
  • Quality care of individual and business customers. 
  • Competitive pricing. 
  • Offering eco friendly alternatives to clientele.

COMPANY NAME is a 100% woman privately owned and operated S Corporation with well established relationships in the rapidly-growing Tri-Valley region of San Francisco's East Bay.  It was incorporated in 2004, but was conceived and begun in 1996.  COMPANY NAME was founded by INSERT NAME and fully operated by INSERT NAMES, who is established as Vice President of Sales and Acquisitions. Located in the rapidly-growing Tri-Valley region of San Francisco's East Bay, Dublin is located at the crossroads of I-580 and I-680. Dublin is 14.01 square miles in size and currently has an approximate population of 41,907 (and growing). Dublin has a mild climate and a positive attitude toward commercial, industrial and residential growth.  Touch Plate, Inc. already does well in the area and even nationwide and overseas due to the company's availability and presence availability online.

2.1 Company Ownership

COMPANY NAME is a privately-held California S-Corporation. INSERT NAME the company's founder, is the President and Operations Manager.  INSERT NAME is the Vice President of Sales and Acquisitions. INSERT NAME will be handling the marketing, sales and commercial print volume.   

2.2 Company History

COMPANY NAME was incorporated in February of 2004 by INSERT NAME.  The company has been 100% female owned and operated since the date of incorporation.  As the printing industry's time is waning, COMPANY NAME is already merging into the advertising and publishing industries with the company publication PRODUCT NAME, which focuses on an eco friendly yet modern way of lifestyle and business. Although 92% of the company's sales are Northern California based, COMPANY NAME does have a healthy amount of clientele in other parts of the country and abroad.

Table: Past Performance

3.0 Products

COMPANY NAME provides custom solutions for business printing needs. COMPANY NAME is a service for customers that are looking for a one-stop solution for all of their printing needs. The company provides them with an overall cost savings through strategy of job specific solution sales. COMPANY NAME solutions focus on the needs of the customer, the time frame for the project and the overall scope of work. With well established vendor partners, COMPANY NAME can accommodate any job size with solutions tailored to the specific need and can further reduce costs by aggregating and allocating among the various sources. Products and services include: SERVICES:

  • Consultation
  • Printing needs analysis and recommendations
  • Inventory management and storage
  • Graphic design
  • Corporate image
  • Copy writing
  • Pickup and delivery
  • Electronic communication and file management
  • Bindery, including cutting, folding, stitching, die cutting, foil stamping embossing
  • Identity packages
  • High-end collateral print
  • Grand format
  • Business forms including multi-part and carbonless
  • Door Hangers
  • Labels (wine and soft packaging)
  • Annual reports
  • Specialty and promotional items including silk screening, embroidery and advertising specialties

How to Be a Good Team Leader

Teams have been touted as a way to replace managers, evoke initiative, assist in leadership development and save the Queen. In reality, the synergy that's possible in teamwork usually turns out to be chaos. Here are 10 tips on making the most of your team.

1. Give the team (or have them create) a big enough vision or outcome.

If the goal isn't bigger than the personalities of the team members, the team's effectiveness will be mediocre, due to ego.

2. Train all team members in the standards of behavior of the team's communication, response and interaction.

These ground rules are designed to keep the team's communication clean and make team membership mean something. Bad attitudes, delayed responses, nattering, gossiping, whining or politicking are grounds forexplusion.

3. Have the team vote the Team Leader.

Leadership is still required in a team environment. Not a manager, but a Team Leader. A Team Leader should have the confidence of everyone and not the person with the power to hire and fire, unless the members are OK with that.

4. Install structures to support the team and keep it moving.

Daily or weekly reporting, public display of team goals/results,etc., helps everyone on the team get that they ARE on a team and that the team is accomplishing something.

5. Teams need a member/manager who manages the details and flow of idea sand information.

Have one team member be the person who makes sure that ideas are catalogued, agreements are kept, promises are made and that input from team members "goes" somewhere good and not into the ethers.

6. Include periodic meetings where the agenda is how the team can work better together -- and no other agenda for that meeting.

It's KEY that two things happen, otherwise these "effectiveness"meetings become too personal/venting/gripe sessions. First, make it aground rule that any unresolved/uncommunicated issues among/between team members must be completed resolved PRIOR to the next effectiveness meeting. This will help the meetings be positive and healthy progress/bragging sessions vs hurtful or finger-pointing slugfests. Second, have every team member make one suggestion for team effectiveness improvement prior to the meeting, so they can propose it during the meeting.

7. Know when a team approach is called and know when it's "not enough."

8. Continual, accurate and frequent acknowledgment

A big part of what makes the synergy of a team work is that individual team members are publicly acknowledged for what they've done to help the team and/or forward the outcome/goal. However, keep this praise accurate vs manipulative puffery.

9. Team meetings should be exciting moments of creating, not reporting.

Pose a great question or significant problem for the meeting,don't make it be a boring reporting session -- that's why God invented email and copy machines. If there's any reporting to do, keep it short shares about the wins and progress.

10. Teams work best when people enjoy each other's company.

Copyright © by Bizmove Free Business Guides. All rights reserved.

printing press business plan in nigeria pdf

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How to Start Printing Business in Nigeria (with Detailed Guide)

  • May 18, 2020 July 12, 2021

Printing Business and Equipment

Before the Computer Age, you can hardly find computers in Nigeria the way you see them today. Corporations, businesses, firms and different organisations do not have access to computers the way they have now.

Printing then involves the use of chemicals and the digital printing business was yet to be found in Nigeria. Nevertheless, the case is different today as schools, parastatals now have to print one thing or the other using a digital printing system.

Printing business is one of the profitable business you can start in Nigeria. If you are looking for a business idea to make money in Nigeria, venturing into printing industry is a good option. The process of printing involves the use of printing Machines which may not be affordable to many people. This places a huge demand for printing business in Nigeria.

See Also: 10 Advantages of Digital Printing

In this article, you will learn how to start a printing business in Nigeria, requirements and opportunities in the printing business.

Table of Contents

Printing Business Opportunities in Nigeria

Indeed, there are many opportunities in the printing industry in Nigeria.  Many primary, secondary and tertiary institutions scattered everywhere whose students and their staff need to print one documents or graphics.

Again, there are printing opportunities in printing materials like flex for advert purposes, brochures, textbooks, invitation cards, wedding card, wedding programme, funeral programme, conference programme, ID Cards, business card and many more.

One of the reasons for the high demand for printing services in Nigeria is the decline of the old ways of printing. It is now possible to print PDFs, images, Word documents and different illustrations in photographs, Vinyl sign, fabrics, with other types of materials using digital printers

Digital printers make use of data information, toner or what is known as liquid ink. Customers can customise their products using those printers. These things were not there before this Computer Age. It is now possible to print coupon codes, addresses and names using digital printers. This method of printing is affordable and you don’t have to spend a lot of time to process them or make use of plates for printing. Plating is gradually fading away with the advent of direct image (DI) printing.

Kinds of printing system

There are different kinds of Printers. They include LaserJet, Deskjet, Chord, DI printer, Laser Printers, Solid Ink Printers, LED Printers, Business Inkjet Printers, Home Inkjet Printer, Multifunction Printers, Dot Matrix Printers, 3D Printers and many more

All these kind of printing systems uses the printer and the kind of printing will determine the printer you use. Basic printers include offset, laser screen and inkjet. If you intend to put vinyl signs you may need label inkjet printers.

However, if what you are printing are business cards, choose a laser printer since an offset press will reduce costs for printing larger quantities of documents. You will need a screen printer for fabrics like shirts.

Steps to Start Printing Business in Nigeria

Follow the following steps to start a printing business in Nigeria:

Market survey

The first step is to carry out a market survey. The Market survey will help you in analysing the market opportunities of printing business in your location. You will get to know the basic requirements for starting printing business during the market survey.

You will also discover the cost of each printing equipment, estimated cost of starting the business and daily or monthly profit in the business. All these, you will factor in your business plan and it helps you plan ahead of time.

You need skills to be able to handle printing business. There are many things to learn about in printing business. You need to learn how to use printers and other electronic gadgets which are used in the printing business. You have to be conversant with quality and printing in colours using Dots Per Inch (DPI) or any type of colour printing. You have to study how to operate different types of software and printers. This is why you may opt for our training .

What determines the nature of training you will go for is the area of your interest in printing or niche.

Choosing Printing Niche

A niche refers to a branch of the printing business. There are different niches you can operate. some of the niches are flyers, t-shirts, almanacs/calendars, books, magazines, complimentary and business cards. You may select a series of printing methods that use just one kind of printer depending on your capital.

Get a business plan

Your business plan will tell you what you need for starting the business. It will tell you the equipment, office rent and the costs of starting the business. It is from the business plan that you know the capital required to start the printing business in the country.

Your business plan should include the cost of stationery, bills for electricity and the rest of the miscellaneous expenses. Your business plan will show you your projected annual profits in the business.

If you cannot draft an attractive business plan, you can pay an expert to draft a good business plan for you. This is because how good your business plan is, determines how successful your business will be. With a good business plan, you are close to your success in the business.

Get a Suitable Location

Choose an office location that customers can access. When choosing an office location, choose a place you can stay in long term. A site that is accessible and close to your target market. In this case, it depends on the people you are targeting as your customers.

Since school students and office workers are mostly people that need printing services, it is preferable to have your printing business close to schools and offices close. These are the right locations for printing business in Nigeria. You can also site the business in a concentrated area of printing businesses to leverage on your competitors’ customer base.

Buy printing equipment

Equipment like computers, Printing machines, cutter, tables, chairs, UPS, and generators are necessary for running a printing business. You can buy them from the market after you’ve conducted a market survey. The market survey you conducted will help know you where to buy the equipment from and cost of each equipment.

Printing machines in Nigeria varies. For example, the machine for printing car stickers and billboard is not the same with those used in printing documents like foolscap, A4 and A3 paper. So, there are different varieties of printing machines you need to buy. However, this depends on your capital and your level entry into the business.

Hire relevant staff

You may need to hire a computer operator if you are not the one operating the computer in the printing office. You need receptionist or clerk for receiving clients and in handling other relevant information pertaining to your customers. You also need the services of a good graphic designer. You may need 2 or 3 graphic designers for a start.

The number of staff you will hire will depend on your capital and your printing business capacity. However, no matter the number of staff you may hire make sure they are well trained in your area of printing business.

Executing the job

Modes of printing lets you use different series of papers and custom links. You may use dry inks, metallic ones or white ones for your printing. It takes less time, costs and has high quality.

You can customise your content for different applications, utilities and markets. The methods of printing products consisting of custom envelopes, labels, advertisements, postcards, brochures and flyers, magazines, CD covers, wedding invitations, catalogues, booklets, legs and financial documents.

It is possible to print promotional products, backpacks, and T-shirts.  All this will depend on what printing equipment you have. You can use a proposition that targets your customers.

Print according to the needs of your customer. Trim and cut the papers and pack them accordingly. After delivering the job, the next is to collect the balance of payment.

Advertising and marketing

Advertising helps to let people know about your business. When you advertise or promote your business, it creates awareness that you are into the printing business. You can advertise your business online, offline or with word of mouth.

We live in the Computer Age now and many businesses are beginning to see the need for online presence. You may use platforms like WhatsApp, website, Facebook and other online mechanisms to tell people that you are into the printing business. Satisfying your customers should be the priority of every business and the printing business is not an exception.

Ensure that you print according to the needs of your customers. You may bring in different kinds of printers and printing systems like the use of printing billboards and 3D printers that are larger in size.

The use of sales email can be an efficient way to reach out to new people and organisations. Send sales emails to organisations and parastatals about your printing business.

Read Also: 10 helpful tips in starting a profitable computer business centre

Equipment Needed for Printing Business

The following are basic Equipment needed for printing business:

  • Design and computer software

In order to print for clients, a computer and software are required. The computer and software you choose depend on the printing category. A simple desktop program for documents, business cards, graphics and other programs will serve. Ensure that the computer program you choose operates smoothly. Ensure that it has many fonts for customers to pick from.

  • Printing stock and inventory

Something to print on is a requirement whether it is business cards, document printing, assorted items, vinyl signs and t-shirts printing. Get enough inventory and enough types for customers. Ensure that there is adequate card stock for customers to pick their texture and font.

  • Cutting equipment for vinyl or paper

Get a cutting system for printing business cards, a hand-operated cutter or using a hydraulic cutter that will cut the cards. A cutter that is able to cut out the graphics and letters from vinyl with adhesives.

  • Software for accounting

Track inventory, expenses and sales and this may involve using accounting software. Some of these software are available online.

  • Generator sets

Because of the epileptic power supply in Nigeria, you can not rely on power holder (NEPA) for electricity all the time. If you must succeed in printing business, you need a high voltage generator set. The capacity must be high enough so that it can carry all the high-power consuming printing machines.

6. Photocopiers

You also need a photocopier for your printing business. This machine can also contain a printer and scanner as well.

7. Other printing equipment

Other types of equipment needed to start printing business include printing cords, binding machine, lamination machine, fax machine, plating plates and desks

The printing industry is a profitable business sector in Nigeria anyone can start. However, the business is capital intensive especial if you are venturing into large scale printing business. The cost of purchasing printing equipment – printing Cord, DI printing machines, Blister and many more are dear.

It is always easy to start with a computer business centre and later on move into printing industry. On the other hand, you can start with a small budget and expand later

To save cost , if your home is in a suitable location it can serve as your office pending when you get an office. However, you need to let people know that you are into printing business and types of document or graphic you print.

However, if starting printing business will be much challenging, you can access our business ideas section to discover other businesses you can with little capital and are less challenging.

1. What equipment do I need to start a printing business?

You need the following equipment to start a printing business:

  • Graphic arts software
  • Offset Printing Press code
  • Colour photocopier
  • Standard Copier
  • Fax Machine
  • Bindery Equipment

2. How much is a printing machine?

The price of good printing machines ranges from N250,000 -N5000,000+ in Nigeria. In some cases, production printers can go as high as N10,000 000 or more but this is very rare. It depends on the type of printer you want to buy.

3. Is a printing business profitable?

Yes, the business of printing is a profitable business. I ndustry statistics have shown the average printer’s marginal profit is between 2-5 %. If your firm, make more than this then your lucky; you are ahead of the game. According to our survey, almost 75% of people who buy prints materials believe printers are making over 10% net profit.

4. What is the best machine for printing T-shirts?

  • Brother GTX.
  • Epson F2100.
  • Kornit Breeze
  • Col-Desi (DTG Digital) M2
  • M&R M-Link-X

5. How much does a small printer cost?

With as low as N85,000, you can purchase a good colour printer. On Jiji Nigeria website, you can buy good printers.

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Business Plan

Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria – Setting Up a Printing Press Business

by BusinessPlan 1 Comment

printing press business plan in nigeria

Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria - Setting Up a Printing Press Business Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria - Dear reader, today we would be talking about how to start up a printing press business. You and I would agree that before the advent of technology, the printing press business was seen as a very complicated business because it entailed all sorts of stressful … [Read more...]



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  8. Printing Press Business Plan Example

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  9. Printing Press

    TABLE OF CONTENT OF THE PRINTING PRESS BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA. GET YOUR PRINTING PRESS BUSINESS PLAN / FEASIBILITY REPORT. To place an order, pay N10,000 to. After payment text your name, your e-mail address and bank teller number to 08060565721 and you'll receive your PRINTING PRESS BUSINESS PLAN / FEASIBILITY STUDY PROPOSAL.

  10. How to Start a Printing and Publishing Business in Nigeria

    The printing market in Nigeria is expected to experience steady growth over the period between 2023 and 2028. According to "Statista forecasts", the revenue is projected to increase by a total of $12.1 million U.S. dollars, reflecting a growth rate of approximately 6.94%. By the year 2028, it is estimated that the revenue in this industry will reach $186.39 million U.S. dollars.

  11. Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria PDF

    Our standard printing press business plan is in MS words and the financial is in Excel. This was done so that you can easily deliver to your inbox immediately and you can easily change it to suit ...

  12. How to start a printing business in Nigeria

    Find a strategic location. 4. Brand and register your printing business. 5. Get the required equipment for your printing business. 6. Hire the right staff. There is a high demand for printed work in Nigeria, making it a very lucrative business anyone can start. In this post, you will learn how to start a printing business in Nigeria.

  13. Sample Business Plan for Printing Company in Nigeria/Small Capital

    In addition, are business proposal for a printing press, and printing shop business plan inpdf. Others are, sample business plan for printing company and digital printing business plan in pdf. Overall, setting up a printing press business and how lucrative is printing business in Nigeria.

  14. How to Start a Printing Business in Nigeria

    Offset Lithography printing is a form of printing that makes use of metal plates, water, ink and rubber blanket. How it works: The metal plate is first run through water and then ink. The image [graphic file] is transferred to a metal plate and from the metal plate to a rubber blanket. The ink sticks to the spaces where there are texts and images.

  15. Setting up a printing press company

    A total of 10 staff is required in the short-term operations of the printing press. They are Skilled Worker - 5, factory workers - 4, and Security Operative - 1. Estimated start-pp cost ...

  16. Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria

    Printing press business is a very lucrative business in Nigeria, most especially the commercial capital of the nation. Research shows that Lagos state has a population density of over 17 million people. An estimation of about 55% of people living in Lagos state are working class and about 40% are in school.

  17. How to Start a Printing Business in Nigeria in 5 Steps

    Register your Printing Business. Register your printing company with the Corporate Affairs Commission ( CAC) of Nigeria; and with the local government levy office if available in your state of residence. 5. Grow your Printing Business. Create your business logo design and print marketing materials.

  18. Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria

    All you need to do is make a payment. GET YOUR Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria / Feasibility Study. To place an order, pay N10,000 to. First Bank. Account Name: Oliver Uwadia. Account Number: 3094192129. Printing Press Business Plan In Nigeria Latest Edition feasibility studies proposal. After payment text your name, your e-mail address ...

  19. How to set up a Printing Business in Nigeria, Cost Implications and

    If you're starting up a printing shop in the West for instance, you should spend an average of N7000 to N8000 depending on the particular location. Read also : Printing-press-business-plan-nigeria. Equipment set up. A 201 machine for A4 printing costs between N750,000 - N1000000.

  20. Free Photocopy and Printing Business Plan PDF Download

    This fill-in-the-blanks template includes every section of your business plan, including Executive Summary, Objectives, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Analysis and Strategy, Operations Plan, Financial Projections and more (a similar template is sold elsewhere for $69.95). All this and much much more.

  21. How to Start Printing Business in Nigeria (with Detailed Guide)

    Something to print on is a requirement whether it is business cards, document printing, assorted items, vinyl signs and t-shirts printing. Get enough inventory and enough types for customers. Ensure that there is adequate card stock for customers to pick their texture and font. Cutting equipment for vinyl or paper.

  22. printing press business plan pdf Archives

    by BusinessPlan 1 Comment. Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria - Setting Up a Printing Press Business Printing Press Business Plan in Nigeria - Dear reader, today we would be talking about how to start up a printing press business. You and I would agree that before the advent of technology, the printing press business was seen as a very ...

  23. Larry B. Newman Printing Company: Business Plan 2007

    1.0 Executive Summary. Larry B. Newman Printing Company seeks to offer its customers a set of services that effectively manages their image, focusing on quality and customization. LBNPC strives to gain a competitive advantage by further enforcing its brand image and association with top quality products.