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Continuum hypothesis

The hypothesis, due to G. Cantor (1878), stating that every infinite subset of the continuum $\mathbf{R}$ is either equivalent to the set of natural numbers or to $\mathbf{R}$ itself. An equivalent formulation (in the presence of the axiom of choice ) is: $$ 2^{\aleph_0} = \aleph_1 $$ (see Aleph ). The generalization of this equality to arbitrary cardinal numbers is called the generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH): For every ordinal number $\alpha$, \begin{equation} \label{eq:1} 2^{\aleph_\alpha} = \aleph_{\alpha+1} \ . \end{equation}

In the absence of the axiom of choice, the generalized continuum hypothesis is stated in the form \begin{equation} \label{eq:2} \forall \mathfrak{k} \,\,\neg \exists \mathfrak{m}\ (\,\mathfrak{k} < \mathfrak{m} < 2^{\mathfrak{k}}\,) \end{equation} where $\mathfrak{k}$,$\mathfrak{m}$ stand for infinite cardinal numbers. The axiom of choice and (1) follow from (2), while (1) and the axiom of choice together imply (2).

D. Hilbert posed, in his celebrated list of problems, as Problem 1 that of proving Cantor's continuum hypothesis (the problem of the continuum). This problem did not yield a solution within the framework of traditional set-theoretical methods of solution. Among mathematicians the conviction grew that the problem of the continuum was in principle unsolvable. It was only after a way had been found of reducing mathematical concepts to set-theoretical ones, axioms had been stated in set-theoretical language which could be placed at the foundations of mathematical proofs actually encountered in real life and logical derivation methods had been formalized, that it became possible to give a precise statement, and then to solve the question, of the formal unsolvability of the continuum hypothesis. Formal unsolvability is understood in the sense that there does not exist a formal derivation in the Zermelo–Fraenkel system ZF either for the continuum hypothesis or for its negation.

In 1939 K. Gödel established the unprovability of the negation of the generalized continuum hypothesis (and hence the unprovability of the negation of the continuum hypothesis) in the system ZF with the axiom of choice (the system ZFC) under the hypothesis that ZF is consistent (see Gödel constructive set ). In 1963 P. Cohen showed that the continuum hypothesis (and therefore also the generalized continuum hypothesis) cannot be deduced from the axioms of ZFC assuming the consistency of ZF (see Forcing method ).

Are these results concerning the problem of the continuum final? The answer to this question depends on one's relation to the premise concerning the consistency of ZF and, what is more significant, to the experimental fact that every meaningful mathematical proof (of traditional classical mathematics) can, after it has been found, be adequately stated in the system ZFC. This fact cannot be proved nor can it even be precisely stated, since each revision raises a similar question concerning the adequacy of the revision for the revised theorem.

In model-theoretic language, Gödel and Cohen constructed models for ZFC in which $$ 2^{\mathfrak{k}} = \begin{cases} \mathfrak{m} & \text{if}\ \mathfrak{k} < \mathfrak{m}\,; \\ \mathfrak{k}^{+} & \text{if}\ \mathfrak{k} \ge \mathfrak{m} \ . \end{cases} $$

where $\mathfrak{m}$ is an arbitrary uncountable regular cardinal number given in advance, and $\mathfrak{k}^{+}$ is the first cardinal number greater than $\mathfrak{k}$. What is the possible behaviour of the function $2^{\mathfrak{k}}$ in various models of ZFC?

It is known that for regular cardinal numbers $\mathfrak{k}$, this function can take them to arbitrary cardinal numbers subject only to the conditions $$ \mathfrak{k} < \mathfrak{k}' \Rightarrow 2^{\mathfrak{k}} < 2^{\mathfrak{k}'} \,,\ \ \ \mathfrak{k} < \text{cf}(\mathfrak{k}) $$ where $\text{cf}(\mathfrak{a})$ is the smallest cardinal number cofinal with $\mathfrak{a}$ (see Cardinal number ). For singular (that is, non-regular) $\mathfrak{k}$, the value of the function $2^{\mathfrak{k}}$ may depend on its behaviour at smaller cardinal numbers. E.g., if \eqref{eq:1} holds for all $\alpha < \omega_1$, then it also holds for $\alpha = \omega_1$.

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8.5: The Continuum Hypothesis and The Generalized Continuum Hypothesis

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  • Joseph Fields
  • Southern Connecticut State University

The word “continuum” in the title of this section is used to indicate sets of points that have a certain continuity property. For example, in a real interval it is possible to move from one point to another, in a smooth fashion, without ever leaving the interval. In a range of rational numbers this is not possible, because there are irrational values in between every pair of rationals. There are many sets that behave as a continuum – the intervals \((a, b)\) or \([a, b]\), the entire real line \(\mathbb{R}\), the \(x\)-\(y\) plane \(\mathbb{R} × \mathbb{R}\), a volume in \(3\)-dimensional space (or for that matter the entire space \(\mathbb{R}^3\)). It turns out that all of these sets have the same size.

The cardinality of the continuum, denoted c , is the cardinality of all of the sets above.

In the previous section, we mentioned the continuum hypothesis and how angry Cantor became when someone (König) tried to prove it was false. In this section, we’ll delve a little deeper into what the continuum hypothesis says and even take a look at CH’s big brother, GCH. Before doing so, it seems like a good idea to look into the equivalences we’ve asserted about all those sets above which (if you trust us) have the cardinality c .

We’ve already seen that an interval is equivalent to the entire real line but the notion that the entire infinite Cartesian plane has no more points in it than an interval one inch long defies our intuition. Our conception of dimensionality leads us to think that things of higher dimension must be larger than those of lower dimension. This preconception is false as we can see by demonstrating that a \(1×1\) square can be put in one-to-one correspondence with the unit interval. Let \(S = \{(x, y) 0 < x < 1 ∧ 0 < y < 1\}\) and let \(I\) be the open unit interval \((0, 1)\). We can use the Cantor-Bernstein-Schroeder theorem to show that \(S\) and \(I\) are equinumerous – we just need to find injections from \(I\) to \(S\) and vice versa. Given an element \(r\) in \(I\) we can map it injectively to the point \((r, r)\) in \(S\). To go in the other direction, consider a point \((a, b)\) in \(S\) and write out the decimal expansions of \(a\) and \(b\):

\(a = 0.a_1a_2a_3a_4a_5 . . .\)

\(b = 0.b_1b_2b_3b_4b_5 . . .\)

as usual, if there are two decimal expansions for \(a\) and/or \(b\) we will make a consistent choice – say the infinite one.

From these decimal expansions, we can create the decimal expansion of a number in \(I\) by interleaving the digits of \(a\) and \(b\). Let

\(s = 0.a_1b_1a_2b_2a_3b_3 . . \).

be the image of \((a, b)\). If two different points get mapped to the same value s then both points have \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates that agree in every position of their decimal expansion (so they must really be equal). It is a little bit harder to create a bijective function from \(S\) to \(I\) (and thus to show the equivalence directly, without appealing to C-B-S). The problem is that, once again, we need to deal with the non-uniqueness of decimal representations of real numbers. If we make the choice that, whenever there is a choice to be made, we will use the non-terminating decimal expansions for our real numbers there will be elements of \(I\) not in the image of the map determined by interleaving digits (for example \(0.15401050902060503\) is the interleaving of the digits after the decimal point in \(π = 3.141592653\). . . and \(\dfrac{1}{2} = 0.5\), this is clearly an element of \(I\) but it can’t be in the image of our map since \(\dfrac{1}{2}\) should be represented by \(0.49\) according to our convention. If we try other conventions for dealing with the non-uniqueness it is possible to find other examples that show simple interleaving will not be surjective. A slightly more subtle approach is required.

Presume that all decimal expansions are non-terminating (as we can, WLOG) and use the following approach: Write out the decimal expansion of the coordinates of a point \((a, b)\) in \(S\). Form the digits into blocks with as many \(0\)’s as possible followed by a non-zero digit. Finally, interleave these blocks.

For example if

\(a = 0.124520047019902 . . .\)

\(b = 0.004015648000031 . . .\)

we would separate the digits into blocks as follows:

\(a = 0.1 \;\;\;\;2 \;\;\;\;4 \;\;\;\;5 \;\;\;\;2\;\;\;\; 004\;\;\;\; 7\;\;\;\; 01 \;\;\;\;9 \;\;\;\;9 \;\;\;\;02 . . .\)

\(b = 0.004\;\;\;\; 01\;\;\;\; 5 \;\;\;\;6\;\;\;\; 4\;\;\;\; 8 \;\;\;\;00003 \;\;\;\;1 . . .\)

and the number formed by interleaving them would be

\(s = 0.10042014556240048 . . .\)

We’ve shown that the unit square, \(S\), and the unit interval, \(I\), have the same cardinality. These arguments can be extended to show that all of R×R also has this cardinality ( c ).

So now let’s turn to the continuum hypothesis.

We mentioned earlier in this chapter that the cardinality of \(\mathbb{N}\) is denoted \(ℵ_0\). The fact that that capital letter aleph is wearing a subscript ought to make you wonder what other aleph-sub-something-or-others there are out there. What is \(ℵ_1\)? What about \(ℵ_2\)? Cantor presumed that there was a sequence of cardinal numbers (which is itself, of course, infinite) that give all of the possible infinities. The smallest infinite set that anyone seems to be able to imagine is \(\mathbb{N}\), so Cantor called that cardinality \(ℵ_0\). What ever the “next” infinite cardinal is, is called \(ℵ_1\). It’s conceivable that there actually isn’t a “next” infinite cardinal after \(ℵ_0\) — it might be the case that the collection of infinite cardinal numbers isn’t well-ordered! In any case, if there is a “next” infinite cardinal, what is it? Cantor’s theorem shows that there is a way to build some infinite cardinal bigger than \(ℵ_0\) — just apply the power set construction. The continuum hypothesis just says that this bigger cardinality that we get by applying the power set construction is that “next” cardinality we’ve been talking about.

To re-iterate, we’ve shown that the power set of \(\mathbb{N}\) is equivalent to the interval \((0, 1)\) which is one of the sets whose cardinality is \(\text{c}\) . So the continuum hypothesis, the thing that got Georg Cantor so very heated up, comes down to asserting that

\(ℵ_1 =\) c .

There really should be a big question mark over that. A really big question mark. It turns out that the continuum hypothesis lives in a really weird world. . . To this day, no one has the least notion of whether it is true or false. But wait! That’s not all! The real weirdness is that it would appear to be impossible to decide. Well, that’s not so bad – after all, we talked about undecidable sentences way back in the beginning of Chapter 2 . Okay, so here’s the ultimate weirdness. It has been proved that one can’t prove the continuum hypothesis. It has also been proved that one can’t disprove the continuum hypothesis.

Having reached this stage in a book about proving things I hope that the last two sentences in the previous paragraph caused some thought along the lines of “well, ok, with respect to what axioms?” to run through your head. So, if you did think something along those lines pat yourself on the back. And if you didn’t then recognize that you need to start thinking that way — things are proved or disproved only in a relative way, it depends what axioms you allow yourself to work with. The usual axioms for mathematics are called ZFC; the Zermelo-Frankel set theory axioms together with the axiom of choice. The “ultimate weirdness” we’ve been describing about the continuum hypothesis is a result due to a gentleman named Paul Cohen that says “CH is independent of ZFC.” More pedantically – it is impossible to either prove or disprove the continuum hypothesis within the framework of the ZFC axiom system.

It would be really nice to end this chapter by mentioning Paul Cohen, but there is one last thing we’d like to accomplish — explain what GCH means. So here goes.

The generalized continuum hypothesis says that the power set construction is basically the only way to get from one infinite cardinality to the next. In other words, GCH says that not only does \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N})\) have the cardinality known as \(ℵ_1\), but every other aleph number can be realized by applying the power set construction a bunch of times. Some people would express this symbolically by writing

\[∀n ∈ \mathbb{N}, \;\;\;\;\; ℵ_{n+1} = 2^{ℵ_n} .\]

I’d really rather not bring this chapter to a close with that monstrosity so instead I think I’ll just say

Paul Cohen.

Hah! I did it! I ended the chapter by sayi. . . Hunh? Oh.

continuum hypothesis meaning in english

Continuum Hypothesis

Gödel showed that no contradiction would arise if the continuum hypothesis were added to conventional Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory . However, using a technique called forcing , Paul Cohen (1963, 1964) proved that no contradiction would arise if the negation of the continuum hypothesis was added to set theory . Together, Gödel's and Cohen's results established that the validity of the continuum hypothesis depends on the version of set theory being used, and is therefore undecidable (assuming the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms together with the axiom of choice ).

Woodin (2001ab, 2002) formulated a new plausible "axiom" whose adoption (in addition to the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms and axiom of choice ) would imply that the continuum hypothesis is false. Since set theoreticians have felt for some time that the Continuum Hypothesis should be false, if Woodin's axiom proves to be particularly elegant, useful, or intuitive, it may catch on. It is interesting to compare this to a situation with Euclid's parallel postulate more than 300 years ago, when Wallis proposed an additional axiom that would imply the parallel postulate (Greenberg 1994, pp. 152-153).

Portions of this entry contributed by Matthew Szudzik

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There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun continuum hypothesis . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

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OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

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The earliest known use of the noun continuum hypothesis is in the 1930s.

OED's earliest evidence for continuum hypothesis is from 1938, in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.

continuum hypothesis is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: continuum n. , hypothesis n.

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continuum, n. was first published in 1893; not yet revised.

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Notes to Continuity and Infinitesimals

1. The word “continuous” derives from the Latin continēre meaning “to hang together” or “to cohere”; this same root gives us the nouns “continent”—an expanse of land unbroken by sea—and “continence”—self-restraint in the sense of “holding oneself together”. Synonyms for “continuous” include: connected, entire, unbroken, uninterrupted.

2. The word “discrete” derives from a Latin discernere meaning “to separate”. This same root yields the verb “discern”—to recognize as distinct or separate—and the cognate “discreet”—to show discernment, hence “well-behaved”. It is a curious fact that, while “continuity” and “discreteness” are antonyms, “continence” and “discreetness” are synonyms. Synonyms for “discrete” include separate, distinct, detached, disjunct.

3. Of course, this presupposes that there are no “gaps” between the elements or points, which is implicit in the assumption that the points have been obtained by complete division of a continuum.

4. It should also be mentioned that the German philosopher Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841) introduced the term synechology for the part of his philosophical system concerned with the continuity of the real.

5. According to the Oxford English Dictionary the term infinitesimal was originally

an ordinal, viz. the “infinitieth” in order… but, like other ordinals, also used to name fractions, thus infinitesimal part or infinitesimal came to mean unity divided by infinity \((1/\infty)\), and thus an infinitely small part or quantity.

6. For the doctrines of the presocratic philosophers see Kirk, Raven, & Schofield 1983 and Barnes 1982.

7. That this was the Eleatic position may be inferred from Plato’s Parmenides .

8. For the history of the doctrine of atomism see especially Pyle 1997.

9. In Book VI of the Categories , Quantity (ποσόν is introduced by Aristotle as the category associated with how much . In addition to exhibiting continuity and discreteness, quantities are, according to Aristotle, distinguished by the feature of being equal or unequal.

10. Here it must be noted that for Aristotle, as for ancient Greek thinkers generally, the term “number”— arithmos —means just “plurality”.

11. Aristotle points out that (spoken) words are analyzable into syllables or phonemes, linguistic “atoms” themselves irreducible to simpler linguistic elements.

12. For an account of Epicurus’s doctrines, see Furley 1967.

13. He seems to have refrained, however, from subjecting the continuum to his celebrated “razor”.

14. See, e.g., the papers of Murdoch and Stump in Kretzmann 1982.

15. Hermann Weyl makes a similar suggestion in connection with Galileo’s “bending” procedure:

If a curve consists of infinitely many straight “line elements”, then a tangent can simply be conceived as indicating the direction of the individual line segment; it joins two “consecutive ” points on the curve. (Weyl 1926 [1949: 44])

16. This conception was to prove fruitful in the later development of the calculus and to achieve fully rigorous formulation in the smooth infinitesimal analysis of the later twentieth century. See Section 8 .

17. On Barrow, see Child 1916 and Boyer 1939 [1959].

18. On Newton’s contributions to the calculus see Baron 1969 [1987] and Boyer 1939 [1959].

19. On Leibniz see especially Russell 1900 [1937].

20. On Nieuwentijdt and other critics of Leibniz see Mancosu 1996.

21. But the other properties have resurfaced in the theories of infinitesimals which have emerged over the past several decades. Appropriately defined, the relation \(\approx\), property 1 holds of the differentials in nonstandard analysis, while properties 1, 2 and 3 hold of the differentials in smooth infinitesimal analysis. See section 6 and section 8 .

22. On Euler, see especially Truesdell 1972 [1984].

23. Or, to put it another way, (real) numbers are just the ratios of infinitesimals: this is a reigning principle of smooth infinitesimal analysis, see Section 8 below.

24. Likely the astronomer Edmund Halley (1656–1742).

25. Kant would probably maintain the truth of the Thesis in that event.

26. This had been previously given by Bolzano.

27. Fisher argues that here and there in his work Cauchy did “argue directly with infinitely small quantities treated as actual infinitesimals” (1978:315)

28. According to Hobson,

the term “arithmetization” is used to denote the movement which has resulted in placing analysis on a basis free from the idea of measurable quantity, the fractional, negative, and irrational numbers being so defined that they depend ultimately upon the conception of integral number. (1907: 21)

29. The concept of function had by this time been greatly broadened: in 1837 Dirichlet suggested that a variable y should be regarded as a function of the independent vatiable x if a rule exists according to which, whenever a numerical value of x is given, a unique value of y is determined. (This idea was later to evolve into the set-theoretic definition of function as a set of ordered pairs.) Dirichlet’s definition of function as a correspondence from which all traces of continuity had been purged, made necessary Weirstrass’s independent definition of continuous function.

30. The notion of uniform continuity for functions was later introduced (in 1870) by Heine: a real valued function \(f\) is uniformly continuous if for any \(\varepsilon \gt 0\) there is \(\delta \gt 0\) such that \(|f(x) - f(y)| \lt \varepsilon\) for all \(x\) and \(y\) in the domain of \(f\) such that \(|x - y| \lt \delta\). In 1872 Heine proved the important theorem that any continuous real-valued function defined on a closed bounded interval of real numbers is uniformly continuous.

31. On Cantor, see Dauben 1979 and Hallett 1984.

32. This, Cantor’s continuum hypothesis , is actually stated in terms of the transfinite ordinal numbers introduced in previous sections of the Grundlagen.

33. In the terminology of general topology, a set is perfect if it is closed and has no isolated points.

34. This set later became known as the Cantor ternary set or the Cantor discontinuum.

35. Cantor later turned to the problem of characterizing the linear continuum as an ordered set. His solution was published in 1895 in the Mathematische Annalen (Dauben 1979: Chapter 8.) For a modern presentation, see §3 of Ch. 6 of Kuratowski-Mostowski (1968).

36. For du Bois-Reymond’s theory of infinitesimals see Fisher 1981; for Veronese’s, see Fisher 1994. The introduction to Ehrlich 1994a provides an overview of these “non-Cantorian” theories of infinitesimals and the continuum.

37. In a letter to Husserl drafted in 1905, Brentano asserts that “I regard it as absurd to interpret a continuum as a set of points”. (Brentano 1905 [1966: 95])

38. For an account of Peirce’s view of the continuum, see Ketner and Putnam 1992.

39. For Poincare’s philosophy of mathematics see Folina 1992.

40. The failure of these important results of classical analysis caused most mathematicians of the day to shun intuitionistic, and even constructive mathematics. It was not until the 1960s that adequate constructive versions were worked out. See Section 7 .

41. So-called, Robinson says, because his theory

involves and was, in part, inspired by the so-called Non-standard models of Arithmetic whose existence was first pointed out by T. Skolem. (1966: vii [1996: xiii])

42. It follows that \(\hat{\Re}\) is a nonarchimedean ordered field. One might question whether this is compatible with the facts that \(\hat{\Re}\) and \(\Re\) share the same first-order properties, but the latter is archimedean. These data are consistent because the archimedean property is not first-order. However, while \(\hat{\Re}\) is nonarchimedean, it is *- archimedean in the sense that, for any \(a \in \hat{\Re}\) there is \(n \in \hat{\bbN}\) for which \(a \lt n\).

43. Robinson (1966 [1996: Ch. 3]). A number of “nonstandard” proofs of classical theorems may also be found there.

44. Here “nonempty” has the stronger constructive meaning that an element of the set in question can be constructed.

45. This may be seen to be plausible if one considers that the according to Brouwer the construction of a choice sequence is incompletable; at any given moment we can know nothing about it outside the identities of a finite number of its entries. Brouwer’s principle amounts to the assertion that every function from \(\bbN^{\bbN}\) to \(\bbN\) is continuous.

46. For an explicit statement of the principle of Bar Induction, see Ch. 3 of Dummett (1977), or Ch. 5 of Bridges and Richman (1987).

47. See Kock (1981), Lavendhomme (1996), Lawvere (1980, 1998 [ Other Internet Resources ]), McLarty (1992), Moerdijk and Reyes (1991). For an elementary account of smooth infinitesimal analysis see Bell (1998).

48. For any \(f \in(\Delta^{\Delta})_0\), the microaffineness axiom ensures that there is a unique \(b \in \bR\) for which \(f(\varepsilon) = b\varepsilon\) for all \(\varepsilon\), and conversely each \(b \in \bR\) yields the map \(\varepsilon \mapsto b\varepsilon\) in \((\Delta^{\Delta})_0\).

49. A monoid is a multiplicative system (not necessarily commutative) with an identity element.

50. The domain of \(f\) is in fact \((\bR - \{0\}) \cup \{0\}\), which, because of the failure of the law of excluded middle in SIA, is provably unequal to \(\bR\).

Copyright © 2022 by John L. Bell

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Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054

continuum hypothesis meaning in english

Meaning of "continuum hypothesis" in the English dictionary

Pronunciation of continuum hypothesis, grammatical category of continuum hypothesis, what does continuum hypothesis mean in english, continuum hypothesis, definition of continuum hypothesis in the english dictionary.

The definition of continuum hypothesis in the dictionary is the assertion that there is no set whose cardinality is greater than that of the integers and smaller than that of the reals.


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Examples of use in the english literature, quotes and news about continuum hypothesis, 10 english books relating to «continuum hypothesis», 10 news items which include the term «continuum hypothesis».


  1. Continuum Hypothesis

    continuum hypothesis meaning in english

  2. PPT

    continuum hypothesis meaning in english

  3. Continuum hypothesis (Page 1) ·

    continuum hypothesis meaning in english

  4. PPT

    continuum hypothesis meaning in english

  5. Matthew infinitypresentation

    continuum hypothesis meaning in english

  6. PPT

    continuum hypothesis meaning in english


  1. Fluid Mechanics

  2. Continuum Hypothesis

  3. The Wholeness of Sciences: Reflections on Georg Cantor and The Continuum Hypothesis By Ahmed Badr

  4. Continuum Hypothesis

  5. The Continuum Hypothesis Explained

  6. Types of Hypothesis|English| #researchpapers #hypothesis


  1. The Continuum Hypothesis

    The continuum hypothesis (CH) is one of the most central open problems in set theory, one that is important for both mathematical and philosophical reasons. The problem actually arose with the birth of set theory; indeed, in many respects it stimulated the birth of set theory. In 1874 Cantor had shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence ...

  2. Continuum hypothesis

    Continuum hypothesis. In mathematics, specifically set theory, the continuum hypothesis (abbreviated CH) is a hypothesis about the possible sizes of infinite sets. It states that. there is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers, or equivalently, that. any subset of the real numbers is finite, is ...

  3. Continuum hypothesis

    cardinal number. continuum. (Show more) continuum hypothesis, statement of set theory that the set of real number s (the continuum) is in a sense as small as it can be. In 1873 the German mathematician Georg Cantor proved that the continuum is uncountable—that is, the real numbers are a larger infinity than the counting numbers—a key result ...

  4. Continuum hypothesis

    The hypothesis, due to G. Cantor (1878), stating that every infinite subset of the continuum $\mathbf {R}$ is either equivalent to the set of natural numbers or to $\mathbf {R}$ itself. An equivalent formulation (in the presence of the axiom of choice) is: $$ 2^ {\aleph_0} = \aleph_1 $$ (see Aleph ).

  5. Continuum hypothesis

    The continuum hypothesis is a hypothesis on continuum that there is no set that is both bigger than that of the natural numbers and smaller than that of the real numbers. Georg Cantor stated this hypothesis in 1877. There are infinitely many natural numbers, the cardinality of the set of natural numbers is infinite. This is also true for the ...

  6. 8.5: The Continuum Hypothesis and The Generalized Continuum Hypothesis

    The generalized continuum hypothesis says that the power set construction is basically the only way to get from one infinite cardinality to the next. In other words, GCH says that not only does \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N})\) have the cardinality known as \(ℵ_1\), but every other aleph number can be realized by applying the power set construction ...

  7. Notes to The Continuum Hypothesis

    Back to Top. Notes to The Continuum Hypothesis. 1. See Hallett (1984) for further historical information on the role of CH in the early foundations of set theory. 2. We have of necessity presupposed much in the way of set theory. The reader seeking additional detail—for example, the definitions of regular and singular cardinals and other ...

  8. PDF Can we resolve the Continuum Hypothesis?

    Lis the \smallest pos- sible" universe in a precise sense; in particular, it is the minimal class model of ZFC inside Vand it is absolute under its own construction, so it is a model of V = L(an axiom saying that every set is constructible). The continuum hypothesis is always true in L, regardless of its status in V.

  9. Continuum hypothesis

    In mathematics, specifically set theory, the continuum hypothesis is a hypothesis about the possible sizes of infinite sets. It states thatthere is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers, In mathematics, specifically set theory, the continuum hypothesis is a hypothesis about the possible sizes of ...

  10. PDF The Continuum Hypothesis and Forcing

    The continuum hypothesis (also referred to as CH) was rst formulated in 1878 by Georg Cantor following his work on the foundations of set theory. Its for- ... The meaning and notation of the logical connectors and quanti ers is the same as in the previous section, as well as the equal sign and parentheses taking ...

  11. PDF The Continuum Hypothesis, Part I, Volume 48, Number 6

    the Continuum Hypothesis concerns the structure of H(ω2), any reasonably complete collection of axioms for H(ω2)will resolve the Continuum Hypothesis. The first of these structures, H(ω), is a familiar one in disguise: N,+,·. In fact, it can be shown that the structures H(ω),∈ and N/∼∞,E∞/∼∞ are isomorphic, where the latter

  12. Continuum Hypothesis -- from Wolfram MathWorld

    The proposal originally made by Georg Cantor that there is no infinite set with a cardinal number between that of the "small" infinite set of integers aleph_0 and the "large" infinite set of real numbers c (the "continuum"). Symbolically, the continuum hypothesis is that aleph_1=c. Problem 1a of Hilbert's problems asks if the continuum hypothesis is true. Gödel showed that no contradiction ...

  13. Continuum Hypothesis

    The first hypothesis made in classical hydrodynamics concerns the concept of fluid continuum, which postulates that the substance of the fluid is distributed evenly and fills completely the space it occupies.The hypothesis abrogates the heterogeneous atomic micro-structure of matter, and allows the approximation of physical properties at the infinitesimal limit.

  14. CONTINUUM HYPOTHESIS definition and meaning

    Mathematics the assertion that there is no set whose cardinality is greater than that of the.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  15. 1.2: What is a fluid? The continuum hypothesis

    A fluid parcel is defined as a collection of molecules occupying a simply connected region of space (i.e., a single, continuous blob) that is much bigger than the mean free path. The fluid parcel can move and change its shape, but it is always composed of the same molecules. Another name for a fluid parcel is a material volume.

  16. PDF The Continuum Hypothesis: how big is in nity?

    the best axioms to compare the continuum hypothesis with are other axioms that say things about di erent sizes of in nity.2 These are the large cardinal axioms. In Dehornoy's words: Several preliminary questions arise: What can be a good axiom? What can mean \solving a problem such as the Continuum Problem from additional axioms. We shall ...

  17. continuum hypothesis noun

    continuum hypothesis, n. meanings, etymology, pronunciation and more in the Oxford English Dictionary ... There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun continuum hypothesis. See 'Meaning & use' for definition, usage, and quotation evidence. Entry status. ... continuum hypothesis is formed within English, by compounding.

  18. Kurt Gödel

    The natural number corresponding to a sequence w = < w 0,…, w k > of symbols is ⌈ w ⌉ = 2 #(w 0) · 3 #(w 1) · … · p k #(w k), where p k is the k+1st prime. It is called its Gödel number and denoted by ⌈ w ⌉.In this way we can assign Gödel numbers to formulas, sequences of formulas (once a method for distinguishing when one formula ends and another begins has been adopted), and ...

  19. Continuum hypothesis

    Define continuum hypothesis. continuum hypothesis synonyms, continuum hypothesis pronunciation, continuum hypothesis translation, English dictionary definition of continuum hypothesis. n maths the assertion that there is no set whose cardinality is greater than that of the integers and smaller than that of the reals Collins English...


    CONTINUUM definition: 1. something that changes in character gradually or in very slight stages without any clear…. Learn more.

  21. CONTINUUM HYPOTHESIS definition in American English

    continuum hypothesis in British English. noun. mathematics. ... Definition of continuum hypothesis from the Collins English Dictionary. Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. New from Collins Quick word challenge. Quiz Review. Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5.

  22. Notes to Continuity and Infinitesimals

    Notes to Continuity and Infinitesimals. 1. The word "continuous" derives from the Latin continēre meaning "to hang together" or "to cohere"; this same root gives us the nouns "continent"—an expanse of land unbroken by sea—and "continence"—self-restraint in the sense of "holding oneself together". Synonyms for ...

  23. Meaning of "continuum hypothesis" in the English dictionary

    «Continuum hypothesis» In mathematics, the continuum hypothesis is a hypothesis, advanced by Georg Cantor in 1878, about the possible sizes of infinite sets. ... continuum hypothesis. Search . Dictionary . Synonyms . Translator . Trends . Examples . Meaning of "continuum hypothesis" in the English dictionary . DICTIONARY . PRONUNCIATION OF ...