How to Write Letters and Emails in French 📨

Author: Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Today, I’m going to tell you about writing letters in French. Everything written in French tends to be more formal than in English; business letters, emails… and there are some quite archaic formulas that are still very much used nowadays.

In this “French letter guide”, I will focus on how to start and end your French letter: we use very precise salutations and closings in French letters, and some archaic expressions are still common for business letters.

French people will be forgiving if you make mistakes in the core of the text, but for example writing “ma chérie” to a friend could send the wrong message.

And choosing an inappropriate letter closing like “je vous embrasse” for a business partner would be a big faux-pas!

So let’s study how to write letters in French.

5 Common French Salutations in Letters

Before you even start writing your French letter, you need to select the correct French salutation or greeting.

When you don’t know who you are writing to

If you don’t know who you are writing to, start your letters by “Messieurs”.

Other French salutations

  • If you are addressing your letter to “le Responsable des livraisons” but you still don’t know his/her name, start your letter with “Monsieur,” (even if you don’t know whether the person is a man or a woman).
  • If you know the name of the person, start your letter by “Monsieur X, or Madame X,”. Note that for a business letter, Mademoiselle is no longer used in writing.
  • If you are writing to someone you know, you met, or if you are answering to someone who wrote you first, then you can start with “Cher Monsieur X,” or “Chère Madame X,” or even “Chère Mademoiselle X”. Use this French salutation you feel like being a bit more friendly, not if you are writing to complain!
  • When writing to a friend, start with “Cher Pierre,” ” Chère Anne,” – it’s common, but still a bit formal.
  • You can also drop the formal salutation altogether and just say hello in French : “salut Pierre”, “Coucou Anne”…

About “cher” in French

In the context of a salutation to start a French letter, “cher” means dear.

  • cher + masculine singular noun = cher Pierre
  • chère + feminine masculine noun = chère Anne
  • chers + plural = chers Anne et Pierre
  • chères + plural feminine only = chères Anne et Marie

“Cher” can be followed by “Monsieur/ Madame / Mademoiselle” Cher Monsieur, or with “Monsieur/ Madame / Mademoiselle ” + a last name Cher Monsieur Dupont

However, I suggest you don’t write “Cher Monsieur Pierre”. This would be frowned upon in higher social classes.

Be careful with “Chéri” ❤️

“Chéri(e)” (do say the final “i”), is a common French love nickname for sweetie.

So, if you write “Pierre chéri”, or “mon chéri”, Pierre is going to think you are in love with him.

It’s rare nowadays to use “chéri(e)” with friends, although it was common about 50 years ago. But it has changed.

write letter in French

How to Close Your French Letter

A typical way to close a french business letter is “dans l’attente de vous lire, je vous….” and then you add the French closing expression.

French Business Letters Closing Expressions

These common closings will work for French business letters or very formal letters.

  • For a very formal letter “Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the salutation), l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.” Je vous prie d’agréer, chère Madame Dupont, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.
  • VERY formal, but you are the one providing the service or the good, write: “Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the salutation), l’expression de mes salutations dévouées.”
  • A bit less formal: “Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the salutation), l’expression de mes meilleures salutations.”
  • Still formal but you know the person – not a friend, but it’s a personal relationship, not business:  “Je vous prie d’agréer, (repeat the salutation), l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.”  For example, you are writing to the oncle of your friend, to thank him for giving you the name of a plumber. And they’re a very formal family: “Je vous prie d’agréer, Cher Monsieur Dupont (or even Cher Frank if you are on a first name basis), l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.”

Best regards in French?

To translate ‘best regards’ in French, write:

  • “Meilleures salutations,”
  • “Salutations distinguées,”

note these expressions end with a comma.

Warm regards in French?

To say warm regards in French, write “Cordialement”. I use this one all the time.

Yours truly in French?

Yours truly is “Bien à vous” or “bien à toi” if you are saying “tu” to the person.

Check out French Today’s audiobook about French greetings and politeness .

letter of assignment en francais

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Personal Letters

When you are writing a pesonnal letter in French to acquaintances, or friends who are quite formal – or maybe older friends – write:  “Amicalement,” or “Je vous adresse toute mon amitié,” both closings meaning kind of like “warmest regards”.

What is Bisous at the end of a French letter ?

Many foreigners have been confused with a French friend ending a letter or email with bisous… Did you miss a romantic signal?

No you didn’t. Ending a French letter to a friend with “bisou” or “je t’embrasse” is very common, and not necessarily romantic!

With closer friends and family you may close your letter with:

  • More formal : “Affectueusement”, “affectueuses pensées” kind of like “Fondly”, or “Je vous embrasse” which is “hug and kisses” but using the formal “vous”.
  • Less formal: “Je t’embrasse (bien fort),” or “Gros bisous,” “Grosses bises,” or “Bisous,” , the equivalent of “hugs and kisses”in French
  • Absolutely not formal: “Bizoux”, “bizoudou”… like 😘

Note that for all these expressions, the “vous” can also be used as a plural, and in this case may, or may not be as formal.

Don’t use XOXO in French

In American English, it’s very common to end a text with XOXO – meaning hugs and kisses.

The French don’t hug, and don’t know this symbol nor would they understand it.

How to Write the Name on the French Envelop?

You’ll write the address in the front of the envelop, pretty much the same way you’d do anywhere in the US or Europe.

For the name, you have plenty of options: so let’s take my name for example.

  • My first name is Camille.
  • My maiden name is Chevalier.
  • My married name is Chevalier-Karfis (hyphenated names are not common for French people: most wives would just take their husband’s last name).
  • My husband’s first name is Olivier.
  • His last name is Karfis.

So you could write:

  • Camille Chevalier-Karfis – straight and to the point – that’s the one I would use for a business kind of letter
  • Madame Camille Chevalier-Karfis – pretty common in standard automated business letters
  • Madame Chevalier-Karfis – that’s the one I would use if I wrote a personal letter
  • Madame Olivier Karfis – very very old-fashioned and a tad snob. Using my husband’s first name and last name to define me… That’s the one my Mom would use…

How to Label the Envelop to France?

Once you’ve taken care of the name on the envelop, write the info from the smallest to the biggest entity:

  • start with the name (if it’s the business letter, then maybe the salutation, department, certainly the name of the company),
  • Apartment number, po box,
  • street number and address,
  • town (sometimes followed by Cedex + a number in French).

Camille Chevalier-Karfis French Today 63 rue de Goas Plat 22500 Paimpol France

It’s my actual address: feel free to write me a letter, a postcard, or lavish me with gifts 🤣

Where to Write Your Return Address?

In France, the return address is written in the back of the letter, at the very top, across the width of the letter.

However that can be confusing for your home country.

So, as a precaution, when sending a letter internationally, I always write “from” and then cross the return address, just in case (as shown on the picture of the envelope featured above)

This “from” in French would be – “de: X”, or “de la part de: X”, – or “expéditeur: X”

💌 How to Write a French Love Letter

If you are writing to your loved one, you may start with a French love nickname . “Ma chérie” when writing to a woman, “mon chéri” for a man are the norm.

At the end, you’ll probably say I love you in French : “je t’aime”, “je t’aime de tout mon coeur”. Click on the link to see variations.

Then you’ll probably end with some kind of kiss: here again, there are many ways to send kisses in French . “Je t’embrasse amoureusement” is a safe one on the formal side. “Mille bisous d’amour” is a cuter way to send kisses to your loved one.

How to Write a Condoleance Letter in French

I hope you won’t have to write a condoleance letter in French.

To express your sympathy in French, the most used phrase would be:

Je vous adresse mes (sincères) condoléances Please receive my (sincere) condolences/my sympathy.

Here are other typical examples – I won’t translate them : the words don’t translate well literally but I’m sure you’ll get the idea.

Be careful to choose the appropriate politeness formula: choosing vous or tu, and conjugating the French verbs accordingly. To start and finish your letter, you’d use the regular French letter writing expressions.

  • En ces moments difficiles, je suis désolé de ne pas pouvoir être avec toi, mais je tenais à te faire part de mes sincères condoléances.
  • Prenant part à votre douleur, je vous présente mes sincères condoléances, à vous et à votre famille.
  • C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de… nous partageons votre peine et vous faisons part de nos sincères condoléances.
  • Nous sommes profondément émus par ce deuil qui vous affecte. Dans cette difficile épreuve, nous vous assurons de notre amitié et vous envoyons toute notre affection.
  • Nous vous offrons toute notre affection et notre soutien pendant ces moments difficiles. Nous pensons bien fort à vous et à votre famille et vous adressons nos condoléances les plus sincères.
  • Je tiens à m’associer à votre peine et à vous apporter tout mon soutien en ces durs moments que la vie nous impose.

Expressing your sympathy in a little bit less formal way:

  • C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris la mort de…. Je te présente mes condoléances les plus sincères et si tu as besoin de parler, je suis là. Tu peux toujours compter sur moi, n’hésite pas. Bien affectueusement.
  • Un petit mot pour dire que nous pensons bien à toi et à toute ta famille dans ces moments difficiles. Je garderai un excellent souvenir de… et de sa gentillesse. Si tu veux te changer les idées et venir nous voir, ça serait avec plaisir. Gros bisous.

How to Write a Thank you Note in French

Since I lived both in France and in the US, I can tell you that writing thank you notes is less frequent in France than it is in the US.

We also have a much smaller market for greeting/special occasion cards and don’t send out these too often.

In very posh families, it’s not uncommon to have a special pad made out with your name at the top, and you use that to answer invitations or send thank you notes. But it’s disappearing nowadays.

The norm would be to start your thank you note with “merci pour”… or “j’écris pour te/vous remercier pour….”. More ways of saying Thank you in French .

⚠️ Punctuation When Typing a French Letter

Some rules of punctuation used when typing out a text are different in French than in English.

  • Un point d’exclamation ! Un point d’interrogation ? Space BEFORE and after
  • Les deux points : un point virgule ; space BEFORE and after
  • Une virgule,  a comma – no space before, space after
  • Un point. A period – no space before, space after
  • Trois petits points (also called les points de suspension)… – no space before, space after
  • ” les guillemets ”  ouvrez les guillemets – fermez les guillemets – space after/before
  • (les parenthèses) no space

French Letter Vocabulary

Let me just list the common French letter vocabulary

  • une enveloppe – envelop
  • un timbre – stamp
  • affranchir – to stamp
  • l’expéditeur – expeditor
  • le destinataire – recipient
  • la poste – post office
  • le courrier – mail
  • la boîte aux lettres – letterbox

Voilà, I hope this article will help you next time you write a letter in French. 

I post new articles every week, so make sure you subscribe to the French Today newsletter – or follow me on  Facebook , Twitter  and  Pinterest .

Good luck with your French studies.

Camille Chevalier-Karfis

Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 25+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Come to Paimpol and enjoy an exclusive French immersion homestay with me in Brittany .

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Can You Understand Today’s Spoken French?

It’s not just slang. The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners.


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How To Write A Formal Letter In French

write formal letter french

Ok, let’s be honest here: who likes receiving formal letters – even in their native language?!

I certainly don’t and whenever I move to another country and receive one of those, even if I speak the language fluently, I’m usually like, “Huh?!” and need to read it slowly at least two or three times before I’m sure I really understand what it is they want from me.

(While living in Germany, I once got a letter that informed me that my visa had expired and I was staying in the country illegally and I’d better get my pretty face to the office soon or they’ll deport me – whoops! Better understand these letters, if you ask me!).

The thing is, administrative language is often different enough from the normal spoken language that it would almost deserve a course of its own! And writing a formal letter is often no easier than reading one.

SO! In this post, I will try to make formal letter writing in French a little more accessible to you.

Unfortunately, this post does not include the main body of the text, since I cannot provide a template that will match every situation. But just getting the frame right will be a good starter and hopefully give you some courage and confidence – so let’s get started!

letter of assignment en francais


How to write the date

Paris, le 3 mars 2017

Remember to always write “le” at the beginning of the date and to always write the month in letters (lowercase!) and not in numbers.

How to write the subject of the letter

Objet: xxxxxxxxx

This section consists of a very short sentence describing what the letter is about.

Always start with a noun (without an article at the front!)

  • Réclamation
  • Demande d’extension de visa
  • Inscription au cours de français

How to write “enclosed” for an attached file

Pièce jointe: xxxxxxxxx

Most official documents have a title, so look for the title to insert the appropriate name of the document here.

How to address the recipient of the letter

When you are unsure who will be reading your letter or whether the recipient is male or female, just start with “ Monsieur, Madame “, this is perfectly acceptable.

If you do know who will receive your letter, it is still custom not to add the surname after “ Monsieur ” or “ Madame “.

How to say you will gladly provide further information on request

Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire.

How to end your letter

There are various ways of ending a formal letter. It depends on the overall tone, what you said before and how you expect the recipient of the letter to take action.

Here are a few examples.

  • Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de ma considération distinguée.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.
  • En vous remerciant par avance , je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de ma considération distinguée.
  • En attendant votre réponse , je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de mes sentiments les plus sincères.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs.
  • Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, Madame, l’expression de mes meilleures salutations.

The first two sentences are those most commonly used to end a formal letter. It does not really matter whether you start with “ Veuillez agréer ” or “ Je vous prie d’agréer “. However, if you are writing a letter as a group, make sure to end your formal letter with “ Nous vous prions d’agréer ” and “ nos salutations “.

Again, in lieu of “ Monsieur, Madame ” you can use either or if you know to whom the letter is sent. Do not add the person’s surname.

Finally, be sure to always write “ Monsieur ” and “ Madame ” with a capital letter throughout the letter.

What about Emails?

So glad you asked!

Well, the same rules apply for emails with the exception of:

  • the date: no need to write that in the body of the email
  • objet: that obviously goes in the “subject” bar of your email and you don’t have to add “objet” before stating why you are writing
  • pièce jointe: no need to write it (although you can mention your attached file in the body of the email if you wish), just attach your file like you normally would.

I hope that was helpful and if you have any other questions, let me know!

I have made a cheat sheet with ready-for-use phrases for your formal letter.


Have a great day,

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July 22, 2021 at 6:34 am

I like reading French novels and I want to become a very good writer as the native French man.

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November 2, 2021 at 1:28 pm

Wow, that’s very ambitious! Wishing you all the best and congrats on your ability to read French novels, it’s no easy feat!

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Bonjour a toute la communauté WR je suis en train de remplir une demande d'accréditation pour un festival et je voudrais être sûr de bien comprendre. On me demande de fournir ceci: A LETTER OF ASSIGNMENT from the editor on the media outlets letterhead with the media outlet´s circulation/distribution/frequency and the purpose of your attendance  


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  • A nice train journey Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Lucie and her boyfriend Marc went to the countryside by train this weekend.
  • A noisy hotel room Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Bertrand complains to the hotel reception about noises during the night.
  • A romantic trip to Paris Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Anna took her boyfriend on a romantic trip to Paris.
  • A romantic weekend away Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Aline and her boyfriend went away for a relaxing weekend.
  • Afternoon ice cream Free Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Lucie and Greg feel like an ice cream this afternoon.
  • Arriving at the hotel Employment Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Aline checks into her Parisian hotel.
  • At my best friend's wedding Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Patrick gives a toast at Stéphane's wedding.
  • At the Chinese restaurant Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article James is ordering food in a Chinese restaurant.
  • At the allergist's Employment Technology & Science Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Pierre went to the allergist to get a diagnosis.
  • At the bar Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adverbe Au bar Patricia and Samuel discuss what drinks they want to order.
  • At the bureau de change Employment Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Patrick needs to change some dollars upon arriving in Paris.
  • At the grocery store Employment Family & Relationships Food & Drink Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Julie and Frank need some things from the grocery store.
  • At the medieval market in Orléans Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adverbe Flora and Sami enjoy Orléans's medieval market.
  • At the mountain restaurant Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Gérard and Sylvie stop for lunch after their mountain hike.
  • At the post office Family & Relationships Adjectif possessif Adverbe Article Christophe has a few errands to run at the post office.
  • At the shoe store Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Christine is looking for a pair of shoes with the help of a nice sales assistant.
  • Bastille Day in the South of France Celebrations & Important Dates Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adverbe Bernard tells us about celebrating Bastille Day last summer.
  • Bedtime stories Family & Relationships Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Florian remembers the bedtime ritual he had with his daughter.
  • Breakfast in the sun Family & Relationships Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Sabrina surprised Thomas with a nice breakfast on the balcony.
  • Calling the hotel's room service Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Valérie calls room service from her hotel room.
  • Chocolate mousse cooking tips! Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe André gives us some tips to make the perfect chocolate mousse.
  • Conversation on the plane Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Pascal and Julie get acquainted on a flight to Montpellier.
  • Cooking as a family Family & Relationships Food & Drink Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Yesterday, Antoine and his family made tartiflette together.
  • Dividing the restaurant bill Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Adjectif possessif Adverbe Article Isabelle and her friends are splitting the bill at the restaurant.
  • Do you have a favourite male singer? Famous People Music Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Simone and Amélie are talking about their favourite French-speaking male singers.
  • Do you have any dirty clothes? Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Bastien and his mother debate the need for a dirty laundry basket.
  • Driving in France Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Here are a few things to be aware of when driving in France!
  • Fireworks Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Juliette went to watch New Year's fireworks yesterday.
  • Fishing with Dad Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Benjamin went fishing with his father last Sunday.
  • Getting to know each other Employment Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe New colleagues Julien and Olivier get to know each other over a coffee.
  • Giving up tobacco Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Amélie has stopped smoking and she's so happy about it!
  • Holiday [US: Vacation] by the sea Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Édouard remembers his childhood seaside holidays [US: vacations] in the south of France.
  • I love autumn! Family & Relationships Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Jacqueline tells us what she loves to do in the fall.
  • I love my grandmother! Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Lucas tells us about his lovely grandmother.
  • I prefer going skiing Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Pierre tells us why he prefers going skiing rather than beach holidays.
  • In a taxi Family & Relationships Article Article contracté Article partitif Magalie needs her taxi to take her for a few errands.
  • In the changing rooms Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Mélanie is trying on a dress... and testing Pierre's patience!
  • Instagram love Family & Relationships Technology & Science Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Julien and Sandra became famous thanks to their Instagram account.
  • Instructions for a test Language & Education Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Teacher Marc read out the instructions for today's French test.
  • Jojo is such a joker! Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Thomas talks about his school friend Jojo, who loves a joke.
  • Last night's party Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Pauline and Adrien discuss yesterday's party at Thomas's house.
  • Les Sables-d'Olonne Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Julien enjoyed his stay in the seaside town of Les Sables-d'Olonne, in the Pays de la Loire region in France.
  • Lockdown solidarity Free Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Clément and his neighbours organised to help each other.
  • Making Halloween decorations Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif possessif Elsie and her mother are making some spooky Halloween decorations.
  • Movie Date Family & Relationships Film & TV Adjectif Article Article défini Luc was nervous for his first date with Belinda.

B1: Intermediate French writing exercises

  • A Horror Story Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe On a dark October night, Emma received a disturbing call...
  • A childhood passion Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Vincent and his brother loved video games growing up.
  • A family day at the park Family & Relationships Food & Drink Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Benoît will spend this Saturday at the park with his daughter Mia.
  • A game of hide and seek Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Article Linda and Christian are watching from afar a game of hide and seek between the children.
  • A greener future Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Julien is seeing a future where people are more eco-conscious.
  • A special Monday Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Anna is looking forward to a lazy Easter Monday!
  • A strange encounter Family & Relationships Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Yoann had the strangest encounter in the Broceliande forest!
  • A trip to the cinema Film & TV Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Antoine and his daughter Emma are planning a trip to the movies.
  • A weather forecast Technology & Science Adjectif Adverbe Article Find out what tomorrow's weather will be like.
  • A weekend in Montpellier Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Élise and Lucas plan their weekend in the southern French city.
  • An amazing New Year's Eve meal Celebrations & Important Dates Food & Drink Accord Adjectif Adjectif possessif Henriette is planning a dazzling meal for New Year!
  • An annoying cat allergy Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Éloïse suffers from an annoying cat allergy.
  • An incredibly caring boy Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Lydia's son, Olivier, is such a caring person.
  • An old scary tradition Celebrations & Important Dates Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Yoann recalls celebrating the old Celtic tradition of Samhain with his Gran.
  • Animal emergency Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Julien's cat is stuck in the tree!
  • Around the world by motorcycle Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Joël would love to travel the world on his motorcycle.
  • Asking about a hotel room Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Catherine has a few questions about the hotel room she's booked.
  • At the amusement park Sports & Leisure Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Thomas will go to the amusement park with his friend Samia for their birthday this year.
  • At the doctor's Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Robert goes to the doctor for a consultation.
  • At the till Employment Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Peter is at the till [US: cash register] of a French supermarket.
  • Birthday makeover Family & Relationships Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini "New year, new me" Julia thought on her 20th birthday.
  • Busy Schedule Family & Relationships Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Isabelle recaps what everyone will have to do on Saturday!
  • Camping at home Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Gabriel and Rose are making plans for the weekend.
  • Cathy's future holiday [US: vacation] in Montpellier Free Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Learn about Cathy's plan to spend her holiday [US: vacation] in Montpellier.
  • Christmas in the mountains Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Antoine will spend Christmas at his dad's house in the Alps, if he can get there!
  • Christmas specialities Celebrations & Important Dates Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Paul tells us about some traditional French Christmas dishes.
  • Conversation between the election's two rounds Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Marc explains the French presidential election process to his friend Alice.
  • Corsican polyphonic singing Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Music Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Do you know about this bewitchingly melodic tradition from Corsica?
  • Cycling in Nantes Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Isabelle agrees with Nantes's status as France's "cycling capital".
  • Dalida Famous People Music Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Learn about Dalida, an iconic French-speaking singer.
  • Dealing with your emotions Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Here's a guide to keeping calm.
  • Discussing a ski weekend Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Laurent and his friend Matt are planning their ski weekend.
  • Dreaming of Paris Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Grégory imagines his ideal Valentine's Day's proposal.
  • Family holiday car trip Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif possessif Adverbe Concordance des Temps Let the squabbles begin!
  • Flying anxiety Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Jean-Luc has a plan to deal with his fear of flying.
  • Following the GPS Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Technology & Science Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Follow this GPS's instructions to reach your destination.
  • Getting ready for autumn Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Article Rosalie won't get caught out by the arrival of autumn this year.
  • Giving up smoking Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe François tells us how he managed to stop smoking.
  • Going back in time Family & Relationships Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adverbe Marine asks Amanda, Bruno and Sébastien what they would do if they could go back in time.
  • Going to the bank Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Flora and her father need to go to the bank.
  • How to share household chores equally Family & Relationships Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Follow Céline's tips to share household chores more equally.
  • I love swimming! Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Thomas tells us about his love for swimming and his hope to one day dive from up high!
  • I miss French food! Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adverbe Hélène tells Betty how she's coping with missing French food abroad.
  • I want to help! Family & Relationships Adjectif possessif Adverbe Article Suzanne wishes she had more time to help others.
  • I've always loved French Family & Relationships Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Emily has always had a fascination for the French language.
  • I, Lucky Luke Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Christophe imagines what he would do if he were the fastest shooter in the West.
  • If I could start over... Employment Language & Education Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Anne wishes she could do things differently.
  • If I were Wonder Woman Film & TV Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Annie imagines what it would be like to be Wonder Woman.
  • If I were a chef Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Benjamin tells us of his dream of being a chef.
  • Interview with a jewellery creator Art & Design Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Hugo is interviewing Marie who creates her own jewellery.

B2: Upper Intermediate French writing exercises

  • "Amélie": my favourite film! Film & TV Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Lisa explains why "Amélie" is her favourite film.
  • A History of French TV Film & TV Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Learn some interesting facts about the beginnings of French TV.
  • A busy weekend ahead Family & Relationships Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Olivier sums up his busy schedule for the weekend.
  • A day in the countryside Free Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Marie spent last weekend in the countryside with her daughters.
  • A great Advent calendar Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Find out how to make a unique Advent calendar.
  • A great passion for reading Literature, Poetry, Theatre Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Florence talks about her grandmother's passion for books.
  • A nice morning surprise Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Lucie will serve a delicious breakfast in bed to her fiancée on their anniversary.
  • A nice table "à la française" Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Jacqueline explains the intricacies of setting the table the French way.
  • A nightmare journey Free Family & Relationships Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Josiane and Robert explain why they're an hour late to their friends' place.
  • A perfect interview Employment Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Léo's just had the best job interview of his life!
  • A slippery drive Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Richard struggled to get to work this morning: everything was frozen!
  • At the football [US: soccer] game Celebrations & Important Dates Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Henri took his dad to a football [US:soccer] game for Father's Day.
  • At the neighbours' house Family & Relationships Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Véronique and Bruno are at their neighbours' house for an aperitif.
  • Bad Movie Review Film & TV Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Bernadette delivers a scathing movie review.
  • Barbara Famous People Music Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Laëtitia talks about her passion for fascinating French singer Barbara.
  • Bayonne, France's chocolate capital Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Learn why Bayonne is considered the French capital of chocolate.
  • Brasserie La Coupole Food & Drink Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Vincent always eats here when he's in Paris.
  • British National Museums Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini National museums are free in the UK, as Paul happily found out.
  • Building a snowman Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Martine and Bastien enjoyed building a snowman.
  • Camping with your dog Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Patrick gives us some advice on taking your dog camping with you.
  • Catherine Ségurane: a local heroine Famous People Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Toni, a tourist guide from Nice talks about local legend Catherine Ségurane.
  • City vs dog poop Family & Relationships Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Alain and Pauline discuss the city's measures to fight against dog waste.
  • Composting is awesome! Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Elsa explains composting to her friend Pierre.
  • Congratulations on your degree! Family & Relationships Language & Education Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Thomas's aunt and uncle send him an email to congratulate him on getting his Master degree.
  • Conversation between friends Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Friends Simon and Isabelle are catching up.
  • Couples' annoying habits Family & Relationships Adjectif indéfini Adverbe Article Olivier gets so annoyed by the way couples behave sometimes!
  • Family Reunion Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini At a family reunion, Lea sees her aunt Patricia for the first time in years.
  • Finding the perfect anniversary gift Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Jean-Paul is listing his gift ideas for his wife on their anniversary.
  • French Easter specialties Celebrations & Important Dates Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Discover some of France's regional Easter specialties.
  • French-style lemon tart recipe Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Follow the recipe to make a delicious lemon tart.
  • Garip Ay's amazing paintings Art & Design Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Jean-Pierre tells us about the work of this fascinating Turkish artist.
  • Getting ready for the holiday [US: vacation] Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Article Article contracté Bastien and Alicia are getting ready for tomorrow's departure.
  • Giving back Celebrations & Important Dates Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Especially during the holiday season, it's good to give back to those less fortunate than us...
  • Going lily-of-the-valley picking Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Jean-Pierre's family goes to pick lily-of-the-valley every year.
  • Heatwave Politics, History & Economics Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini A weather forecast on one of the hottest days of the year.
  • High cost of cigarette packaging change Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Learn about the cost of the new policy on cigarette packaging in France.
  • I can't find my shirt! Family & Relationships Adjectif possessif Adverbe Article Claire and Julien are almost ready to go out...except for Julien's missing shirt!
  • In a clothes store Sports & Leisure Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Patrick complains to the sales assistant about a defective item.
  • In the return taxi Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Aline talks about her trip with the taxi driver on her way back to the airport.
  • Long time no see! Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Marina and her cousin Tom catch up after quite a while.
  • Louise Bourgeois Art & Design Famous People Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Marie-Claire tells us about her favourite French artist.
  • Mice invasion Family & Relationships Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Lisa and Paul are discussing options to get rid of Lisa's mice.
  • Moving house chores Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Sophie had so many chores to do before moving into her new apartment.
  • My car is a real beater! Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Yann's car has so many problems!
  • My chosen family Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Magalie found her own loving family.
  • My dream invention Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Sonia asks Sylvie what invention she'd dream to see becoming a reality.
  • My first Easter memory Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Alexandre remembers the first time he went egg hunting.
  • My grandmother's rosebushes Family & Relationships Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Lucie tells us about her grandmother's beloved and renowned rosebushes.
  • My hot-headed nephew Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Michel talks about how his nephew used to get on his nerves.
  • My kids' back to school day Family & Relationships Language & Education Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Claire is getting ready for the kids' first day back to school.

C1: Advanced French writing exercises

  • A bad matchmaker Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Sophie tells us about her failed attempt at matchmaking.
  • A couple's ups and downs Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Hélène explains how she and her partner managed to navigate out of a rough patch.
  • A difficult sibling relationship Family & Relationships Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Yvan has always had a fraught relationship with his sister.
  • A dreadful teenager Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Philippe recalls his bad behaviour as a teenage boy.
  • A ghost story Celebrations & Important Dates Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Hugo is visiting his mother on All Saints' Day.
  • A hard time at work Employment Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Érica went through a rough time at work.
  • A horrible storm! Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Julien remembers spending a horrible night due to a violent storm.
  • A last minute request Employment Family & Relationships Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Isabelle's colleague keeps making her miserable...
  • A lovely car Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Find out about Michel's beloved 2CV car.
  • A lovely encounter Family & Relationships Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif On her daily walk, Audrey met a furry little friend in need of help...
  • A special Christmas in Switzerland Celebrations & Important Dates Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Damien recalls a wonderful family Christmas holiday in Switzerland.
  • A sudden reappearance Family & Relationships Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif After years of disappearance, Olivia's friend is back.
  • Advice for new pet owners Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Laurent asks people for their advice on welcoming a new pet at home.
  • Alice and the Caterpillar (Alice in Wonderland) Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Alice meets the mysterious Caterpillar in this adapted excerpt from "Alice in Wonderland"
  • An animal tale Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini By a lovely winter morning, Henri the hare meets poorly Lili the rabbit.
  • An incredible trip on the Canal du Midi Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Patrice recalls his trip along the Canal du Midi.
  • An upcycling tutorial Art & Design Sports & Leisure Technology & Science Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Find out a few ideas for your upcycling projets.
  • Anna's birthday party Family & Relationships Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Clément discusses the organisation of his daughter's birthday party with his friend Charlotte.
  • At Uncle Robert's 70th birthday Family & Relationships Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe Laura catches up with her cousin Charlotte at a family event.
  • At the psychiatrist's Employment Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Mme Dupont is talking to her psychiatrist.
  • At the ski resort Sports & Leisure Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Paul needs to get ski gear for himself and his family.
  • Back to School shopping Family & Relationships Language & Education Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Viviane and Christian try and get everything on their children's school supply list.
  • Bathroom chat Family & Relationships Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Bruno and Sonia are having a chat in the bathroom.
  • Brest during World War II Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Alex is talking about WWII in Brest with his granddad.
  • Californian dream Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adverbe Olivia finally followed her dream to move to California.
  • Camping in the woods Free Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Nathalie enjoys camping in the middle of the woods.
  • Coco Chanel Famous People Politics, History & Economics Adjectif Adjectif possessif Article Learn about this extraordinary woman who became a fashion icon.
  • Complaining about a hotel room Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Gérard complains to the receptionist about the state of his hotel room.
  • Coping with the heatwave Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif possessif Adverbe Emma asks how Simon and his pregnant girlfriend Christelle coped with the extreme heat.
  • Drôme provençale, a little piece of heaven Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Politics, History & Economics Accord Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Vincent tells us about this beautiful region in the South of France.
  • Engagement dinner's speech Family & Relationships Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Adverbe The bride's father thanks the guests for attending and announces the evening programme.
  • Engagement surprise Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Louise enjoys an unexpected visit at her engagement party.
  • Fireside memories Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Manuelle has warm memories of family times by the fireside.
  • First day back to school Family & Relationships Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Sabrina tells us what she'll do on her children's first day back to school.
  • French Mobile Phone Habits Politics, History & Economics Technology & Science Accord Adjectif Adjectif indéfini We're taking a look at the importance of mobile phones in French people's lives.
  • Gardening weekend Sports & Leisure Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Jean-Pierre had a busy weekend taking care of his garden.
  • Gastronomical review Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Discover a mouthwatering review of a French restaurant.
  • Gluten-free living Food & Drink Adjectif Adjectif indéfini Adjectif possessif Alexandre tells us how he dealt with his newly discovered gluten allergy.
  • Gustave Moreau Museum Art & Design Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Claire tells us about her fascination for 19th-century symbolist painter Gustave Moreau.
  • Holidaying in July Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini July is a hard time to organise holiday [US: vacation] for, as Martine and Sam found out!
  • How to show your love? Family & Relationships Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Marianne and her partner Adèle are making some changes to show their appreciation for each other more.
  • In the lives of the writers of French romance novels Employment Literature, Poetry, Theatre Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif possessif Discover what the life of a French writer of romance novels looks like.
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  • La Petite France in Strasbourg Art & Design Monuments, Tourism & Vacations Adjectif Adjectif démonstratif Adjectif indéfini Discover this unique area of Strasbourg, a UNESCO site and tourists' favourite.
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▾ dictionary english-french, assignment noun ( plural: assignments ) —, affectation f, mission f ( plural: missions f ), attribution f, assign ( sb./sth. ) verb ( assigned , assigned ) —, attribuer v, affecter (qqn.) v, assigner qqch./qqn. v, nommer qqn. v, allouer qqch. v, mandater qqch./qqn. v, assign sb./sth. to sb./sth. verb —, assigner qqn./qqch. à qqn./qqch. v, assign sth. to sb. verb —, céder qqch. à qqn. v, assignment agreement n —, international assignment n —, stretch assignment n —, temporary assignment n —, assignment of receivables n —, random assignment n —, special assignment n —, new assignment n —, field assignment n —, group assignment n —, pre-assignment n —, current assignment n —, translation assignment n —, role assignment n —, assignment of personnel n —, assignment of tasks n —, initial assignment n —, priority assignment n —, proposed assignment n —, professional assignment n —, address assignment n —, internal assignment n —, direct assignment n —, product assignment n —, frequency assignment n —, rights assignment n —, core assignment n —, follow-on assignment n —, color assignment ae n —, channel assignment n —, document assignment n —, representation assignment n —, re-assignment n —, operational assignment n —, classic assignment n —, ▸ wikipedia, ▾ external sources (not reviewed).

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Translation of "assignment" into French

affectation, tâche, mission are the top translations of "assignment" into French. Sample translated sentence: You've been placed on modified assignment while the claims are looked into. ↔ Vous avez été placé sur une différente affectation pendant que la réclamation est examinée.

the act of assigning, or an assigned task [..]

English-French dictionary


operation that assigns a value to a variable [..]

You've been placed on modified assignment while the claims are looked into.

Vous avez été placé sur une différente affectation pendant que la réclamation est examinée.

Tom has a great talent for the assignment of tasks.

Tom possède un grand talent pour la distribution des tâches .

Travail assigné à quelqu'un.

I have a lot of assignments to do today.

J'ai beaucoup de missions aujourd'hui.

Less frequent translations

  • attribution
  • désignation
  • assignation
  • spécification
  • rationnement
  • tâche assignée
  • un ordre de mission
  • une mission dangereuse
  • acte de cession
  • montrer du doigt
  • dissertation
  • disposition
  • voyage d’affaire
  • cession dans l'intérêt général des créanciers
  • cession de biens au profit des créanciers
  • cession de biens au profit des créanciers en général
  • cession-transport
  • devoir à la maison
  • instruction d'affectation
  • transport-cession
  • tâche; mission
  • unité de 10 pour cent
  • voyage d'affaire

Show algorithmically generated translations

Automatic translations of " assignment " into French

Phrases similar to "assignment" with translations into french.

  • land assignment attribution des superficies · contingentement des superficies · répartition des terrains · superficie allouée
  • formulation of the assignment définition de tâche
  • satisfying assignment problem
  • impending assignment to a post affectation imminente
  • cable assignment record registre d'attribution des câbles · registre des câbles
  • assigned territory zone désignée
  • numerical assignment module
  • challenging assignment affectation plus intéressante · affectation qui exigera plus de (la personne)

Translations of "assignment" into French in sentences, translation memory


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  1. Friendsgiving

  2. Letter Sounds Assignment

  3. English 495 review of research letter assignment

  4. How to Pronounce ''Paul voulait écrire une lettre'' (Paul wanted to write a letter) in French

  5. How to Pronounce ''Paul put écrire une lettre'' (Paul was able to write a letter) in French



  1. letter of assignment

    De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "letter of assignment" - Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises.

  2. Traduction de "letter of assignment" en français

    Traduction de "letter of assignment" en français. With regard to the structuring of the climate working group, a letter of assignment was adopted. En ce qui concerne la structuration du groupe de travail climat, une lettre de mission a été adoptée. The application should be accompanied by a labor contract, letter of assignment, or a ...

  3. assignment letter

    de l'attribution de leur bourse et de l'établissement d'enseignement assigné. We have obtained an en d-of-assignment letter (let tre de fin. [...] de travaux) from the statutory auditors, in which they mention. [...] that they have performed, according to the applicable French professional standards, the verification ...

  4. letter of assignment from

    Many translated example sentences containing "letter of assignment from" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. ... EN FR. Translate text ... en chef, adressée au Groupe des accréditations et de la liaison avec les médias et accompagnée d'une lettre officielle de la mission permanente concernée dans ...

  5. Translation of "letter of assignment" in French

    Translations in context of "letter of assignment" in English-French from Reverso Context: end-of-assignment letter

  6. Traduction letter of assignment en Français

    faisant partie d'une chaîne. (British) d'accompagnement. (US) d'accompagnement. dead letter n to be a dead letter (=fall into abeyance) [law, treaty] tomber en désuétude → No one does anything about it and the law becomes a dead letter. The Nice treaty will be a dead letter. Le traité de Nice tombera en désuétude. four-letter word gros mot.

  7. Traduction de "assignment letter" en français

    Traduction de "assignment letter" en français. It usually takes the form of an assignment letter. Ce document prend généralement la forme d'une lettre de mission. The assignment letter forms the contract between the organisation and the auditor. La lettre de mission constitue le contrat qui lie l'entreprise et l'auditeur.

  8. How to Write a Letter in French: A Simple Guide

    How to Write a Letter in French: A Simple Guide - Talk in French

  9. letter of assignment

    Many translated example sentences containing "letter of assignment" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  10. How to Write Letters and Emails in French

    In the context of a salutation to start a French letter, "cher" means dear. cher + masculine singular noun = cher Pierre. chère + feminine masculine noun = chère Anne. chers + plural = chers Anne et Pierre. chères + plural feminine only = chères Anne et Marie. "Cher" can be followed by "Monsieur/ Madame / Mademoiselle".

  11. letters of assignment

    Many translated example sentences containing "letters of assignment" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  12. Traduction assignment letter en Français

    The assignment letter forms the contract between the organisation and the auditor. La lettre de mission constitue le contrat qui lie l'entreprise et l'auditeur. The assignment letter be rescinded and removed from my file. Que la lettre d'affectation soit annulée et supprimée de mon dossier. A valid assignment letter from that news ...

  13. How To Write A Formal Letter In French

    However, if you are writing a letter as a group, make sure to end your formal letter with " Nous vous prions d'agréer " and " nos salutations ". Again, in lieu of " Monsieur, Madame " you can use either or if you know to whom the letter is sent. Do not add the person's surname. Finally, be sure to always write " Monsieur ...

  14. Traduction de "Letter Assignment" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "Letter Assignment" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : assignment letter, end-of-assignment letter Traduction Context Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison Conjugaison Documents Dictionnaire Dictionnaire Collaboratif Grammaire Expressio Reverso Corporate

  15. letter of assignment

    Bonjour a toute la communauté WR je suis en train de remplir une demande d'accréditation pour un festival et je voudrais être sûr de bien comprendre. On me demande de fournir ceci: A LETTER OF ASSIGNMENT from the editor on the media outlets letterhead with the media outlet´s...

  16. Free French writing practice

    Practise your French writing skills with our ever-growing collection of interactive French writing exercises for every CEFR level from A0 to C1! If you're unsure about your current proficiency, try our test to get your French level before diving into the exercises. All writing exercises are made by our qualified native French teachers to help ...

  17. assignment

    assignment n. (position, longer term) (poste, travail) affectation nf. The sales manager moved to Chicago after his assignment there by the company. Le responsable des ventes a déménagé à Chicago suite à son affectation là-bas par l'entreprise. assignment n. uncountable (act of assigning) (personne) affectation nf.

  18. Traduction de "Letters of assignment" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "Letters of assignment" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Letters of assignment and copies of press cards are not retained. Traduction Context Correcteur Synonymes Conjugaison

  19. Traduction de "A letter of assignment" en français

    Traductions en contexte de "A letter of assignment" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : With regard to the structuring of the climate working group, a letter of assignment was adopted.

  20. assignment

    They might be on holiday or in the foreign country for a temporary work assignment and due home shortly. Il peut s'agir de personnes en vacances ou à l'étranger pour un détachement temporaire, qui rentreront sous peu dans leur pays. [...] of a rental stream receivable unde r an assignment agre ement.

  21. Traduction assignment en Français

    The numbers of these documents coincide, their assignment is automatic.: Les numéros de ces documents coïncident, leur affectation est automatique.: They're well beyond the scope of your original assignment.: Ils sont bien au-delà de la portée de votre affectation initiale.: The budgetary commitment for this assignment was € 210.000.: L'engagement budgétaire pour cette mission a été ...

  22. assignment in French

    Translation of "assignment" into French. affectation, tâche, mission are the top translations of "assignment" into French. Sample translated sentence: You've been placed on modified assignment while the claims are looked into. ↔ Vous avez été placé sur une différente affectation pendant que la réclamation est examinée.