Programming Visual Basic .NET, Second Edition by

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An operator is a symbol (e.g., = , + , > , & ) that causes VB.NET to take an action. That action might be an assignment of a value to a variable, the addition of two values, a comparison of two values, concatenation of strings, etc.

In the previous sections, you’ve seen a number of operators at work. For example, the assignment operator ( = ) has been used to assign a value to a variable:

In the code shown above, the value 15 is assigned to the Integer variable myVariable. In the section on branching you saw more sophisticated operators, such as the greater-than comparison operator ( > ) used to compare two values:

The preceding If statement compares valueOne with valueTwo; if the former is larger than the latter, the test evaluates true, and the If statement executes.

The following sections will consider many of the operators used in VB.NET in some detail.

Mathematical Operators

VB.NET uses seven mathematical operators: five for standard calculations ( + , - , * , / , and \ ), a sixth to return the remainder when dividing integers ( Mod ), and a seventh for exponential operations ( ^ ). The following sections consider the use of these operators.

Simple arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, \)

VB.NET offers five operators for simple arithmetic: the addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ), and multiplication ( * ) operators work as you might expect. Adding two numbers returns their sum, subtracting returns their difference, and ...

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assignment operator example in


VB.NET Operators

This article covers the use of VB.NET operators.

Along with VB.NET Data types , Operators form the very base of the VB.NET language. These two topics are the first things anyone coming into this language should learn. Operators are used widely in numerous applications, along with numerous other statements such as loops. The most commonly used operators or Arithmetic, Assignment and comparison.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators in VB.NET are used to perform numerical calculations. Below are all the Arithmetic operations supported by VB.NET.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used between two values or statements to determine a result. Below is the list of all the supported Comparison operations in VB.NET

Assignment Operators

Arguably the most common, Assignment Operators are used to assign values to variables. See the full list of Assignment operations below.

Logical Operators

Used to carry out logical operations on and between values in VB.NET such as and and or . Below is a full list of logical operators in VB.NET.

AndAlso and OrElse are almost identical to And and Or respectively. The difference is that And and Or can also be used as Bit-wise operators, whereas AndAlso and OrElse can only be used on Boolean Data. This distinction helps to avoid confusion in some cases.

Bit-wise Operators

Bit-Wise operations occur between binary numbers. The operators operate on each bit in the numbers individually, producing a single bit as output until all the bits have been acted upon.

Operators that act on a single number/value are called unary operators.

This marks the end of the VB.NET operators Article. Any suggestions or contributions for our site CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Any relevant questions can be asked below in the comments section.


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+= Operator (Visual Basic)

  • 11 contributors

Adds the value of a numeric expression to the value of a numeric variable or property and assigns the result to the variable or property. Can also be used to concatenate a String expression to a String variable or property and assign the result to the variable or property.

variableorproperty Required. Any numeric or String variable or property.

expression Required. Any numeric or String expression.

The element on the left side of the += operator can be a simple scalar variable, a property, or an element of an array. The variable or property cannot be ReadOnly .

The += operator adds the value on its right to the variable or property on its left, and assigns the result to the variable or property on its left. The += operator can also be used to concatenate the String expression on its right to the String variable or property on its left, and assign the result to the variable or property on its left.

When you use the += operator, you might not be able to determine whether addition or string concatenation will occur. Use the &= operator for concatenation to eliminate ambiguity and to provide self-documenting code.

This assignment operator implicitly performs widening but not narrowing conversions if the compilation environment enforces strict semantics. For more information on these conversions, see Widening and Narrowing Conversions . For more information on strict and permissive semantics, see Option Strict Statement .

If permissive semantics are allowed, the += operator implicitly performs a variety of string and numeric conversions identical to those performed by the + operator. For details on these conversions, see + Operator .


The + operator can be overloaded , which means that a class or structure can redefine its behavior when an operand has the type of that class or structure. Overloading the + operator affects the behavior of the += operator. If your code uses += on a class or structure that overloads + , be sure you understand its redefined behavior. For more information, see Operator Procedures .

The following example uses the += operator to combine the value of one variable with another. The first part uses += with numeric variables to add one value to another. The second part uses += with String variables to concatenate one value with another. In both cases, the result is assigned to the first variable.

The value of num1 is now 13, and the value of str1 is now "103".

  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Concatenation Operators
  • Operator Precedence in Visual Basic
  • Operators Listed by Functionality

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Additional resources Operators – How Many Types of Operators Used in

What are operators.

The Operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to carry out particular logical or mathematical operations.

The Operator symbol is used in programming to execute various operations on variables.

There are many types of operators in that assist with applying logical and mathematical operations to data values.

In the programming language, the Operator precedence is used to specify the order in which several Operators are executed.

Operator is a specialized symbol in that instructs the compiler to apply a particular logical or mathematical operation to the data values.

An operand is the data value itself, which can be either a variable or a constant. The operator applies different operations on the operand .

How Many Types of Operators Used in

The following are the types of operators that are used in extensive built-in operator library.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical/Bitwise Operators
  • Bit Shift Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Miscellaneous Operators Arithmetic Operators

The Arithmetic Operators in , are used to perform mathematical operations such as subtraction , addition , multiplication , division , etc. on the operands in .

The following table shows all the arithmetic operators supported by

Example Program of Arithmetic Operators :

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Sum of a + b is 21 Subtraction of a – b is 13 Multiplication of a * b is 68 Division of a / b is 4.25 Similar to division Operator (return only integer value) of a – b is 4 Modulus of a Mod b is 1 Power of a ^ b is 83521 Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡ Online Compiler

Comparison Operator in

The Comparison Operator in compares the values of two variables or operands for a variety of conditions , including greater , less than , or equal , etc., and depending on the condition, it produces a Boolean value of true or false .

The following table shows all the Comparison Operators in .

Example Program of Comparison Operator :

Program of Comparison Operator Output of x > y is False Output of x < y is True Output of x = y is False Output of x <> y is True Output of x >= y is False Output of x <= y is True Output of obj Is obj2 is False Output of obj IsNot obj2 is True Output of str Like str2 is True Press any key to exit…

Logical/Bitwise Operators in

The logical and bitwise Operators in work with Boolean (true or false) conditions, and if the conditions become true , it returns a Boolean value.

The following are the logical and bitwise Operators used to perform the various logical operations such as And , Or , Not , etc. on the operands (variables).

Suppose there are two operands A and B , where A is True , and B is False .

The following table shows all the Logical/Bitwise Operators in .

Example Program of Logical/Bitwise Operators :

Operands A Or B are True Operands A Xor B is True Operands c Or d is True Operand A OrElse B is True Output of Not (A And B) is True Press any key to exit?

Bit Shift Operators in

The Bit Shift Operators in are used to perform the bit shift operations on binary values either to the right or to the left.

The following table shows all the Bit Shift Operators in .

Example Program of Bit Shift Operators in :

BitShift Operator x And y is 8 BitShift Operator x Or y is 29 BitShift Operator x Xor y is 21 BitShift Operator Not y is -26 Bitwise Left Shift Operator – a<<1 = 10 Bitwise Left Shift Operator – b<<1 = 18 Bitwise Right Shift Operator – a>>1 = 10 Bitwise Right Shift Operator – b>>1 = 10 Press any key to exit…

Assignment Operators in

The Assignment Operators in are used to assign the value to variables.

The following table shows all the Assignment Operators in .

Example Program of Assignment Operators :

Assign value A to B is 5 Output of B += A is 10 Output of B -= A is 5 Output of B *= A is 25 Output of B /= A is 5 Output of B = A is 1 Output of B ^= A is 1 Output of Str &= name is Welcome Press any key to exit…

Miscellaneous Operators in

Miscellaneous Operators in It is applied to an operand in an asynchronous method or lambda expression to suspend execution of the method until the awaited task is completed.

The following table shows all the Miscellaneous Operators in .

Example Program of Miscellaneous Operators :

System.Double System.Int32 System.String System.Single System.Decimal 100 Negative Press any key to exit…

  • An Operators in VB.Net refers to a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform a specific logical or mathematical manipulation.
  • VB.Net supports the use of operators to perform arithmetic , logical , and comparison operations .
  • Operators are divided into various categories.
  • Operators operate on operands.
  • We can use arithmetic operators to perform various mathematical operations in VB.NET .
  • Comparison operators in are used for making comparisons between variables.
  • Logical operators in help us in making logical decisions.

VB NET Directives

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assignment operator example in

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VB.NET Tutorial


Example of Arithmetic Operators in VB.NET:


Now compile and execute the above program, by pressing the F5 button or Start button from the Visual Studio; then it shows the following result:

VB.NET Operators

Comparison Operators

As the name suggests, the Comparison Operator is used to compare the value of two variables or operands for the various condition such as greater, less than or equal, etc. and returns a Boolean value either true or false based on the condition.

Example of Comparison Operators in VB.NET


Now compile and execute the above code by pressing the F5 button or Start button in Visual studio, it returns the following output:

VB.NET Operators

Logical and Bitwise Operators

The logical and bitwise Operators work with Boolean (true or false) conditions, and if the conditions become true, it returns a Boolean value. The following are the logical and bitwise Operators used to perform the various logical operations such as And, Or, Not, etc. on the operands (variables). Suppose there are two operand A and B, where A is True, and B is False.

Example of Logical and Bitwise Operator:


VB.NET Operators

Bit Shift Operators

The Bit Shit Operators are used to perform the bit shift operations on binary values either to the right or to the left.

Bit Shift operations in VB.NET

Example of Bit Shift Operator in VB.NET:


VB.NET Operators

Assignment Operators

The Assignment Operators are used to assign the value to variables in VB.NET.

Assignment Operators in VB.NET

Example of Assignment Operator in VB.NET:


VB.NET Operators

Concatenation Operators

In VB.NET, there are two concatenation Operators to bind the operands:

Example of Concatenation Operators in VB.NET.


VB.NET Operators

Miscellaneous Operators

There are some important Operator in VB.NET

Example of Miscellaneous Operator s in VB.NET.


VB.NET Operators

Operator Precedence in VB.NET

Operator precedence is used to determine the order in which different Operators in a complex expression are evaluated. There are distinct levels of precedence, and an Operator may belong to one of the levels. The Operators at a higher level of precedence are evaluated first. Operators of similar precedents are evaluated at either the left-to-right or the right-to-left level.

The Following table shows the operations, Operators and their precedence -

Example of Operator Precedence in VB.NET.


VB.NET Operators

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  • VB.Net Basics
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  • VB.Net Strings
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Concatenation Operators in VB.Net

In VB.NET, there are several ways to concatenate strings, allowing you to combine multiple strings into one.

Using the & Operator

The & operator is the most common way to concatenate strings in VB.NET. To concatenate strings using the & operator, simply place the strings next to each other with the & operator, in between. For example, the following code concatenates the strings "Hello" and "World" to create the new string "Hello World":

Using the + Operator

The + operator can also be used for string concatenation.

Using String.Concat Method

The String.Concat() method is another way to concatenate strings in VB.NET. The String.Concat() method takes one or more strings as arguments and returns a new string that is the concatenation of the input strings.

The String.Concat() method is generally less common than using the & operator, but it can be useful in some cases, such as when you need to concatenate strings from a variable number of sources.

Using String.Format

You can use String.Format to concatenate and format strings.

Using Interpolation (VB.NET 14 and later)

String interpolation allows you to embed expressions inside string literals.

Using StringBuilder (for multiple concatenations in a loop)

When concatenating multiple strings in a loop, it's more efficient to use a StringBuilder to avoid creating new string instances repeatedly.

The & and + operators for simple concatenation. The String.Concat method for combining strings. String.Format for string formatting and concatenation. String interpolation (VB.NET 14 and later) for embedding expressions within strings. StringBuilder for efficient concatenation, especially when working with multiple concatenations in loops. Each of these methods has its own use cases, and you can choose the one that best suits your specific scenario for string concatenation in VB.NET.

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  • VB.Net - Select Case Statement
  • VB.Net DateOnly and TimeOnly
  • VB.Net - Get the byte size of type
  • Ternary operator in VB.NET
  • Difference between And and AndAlso in VB.Net
  • Difference between + and & for joining strings in VB.Net
  • Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference


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  2. VB.NET Tutorial Part 4: Assignment Operators

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  1. VB.Net

    Try the following example to understand all the assignment operators available in VB.Net −. Module assignment. Sub Main() Dim a As Integer = 21 Dim pow As Integer = 2 Dim str1 As String = "Hello! " Dim str2 As String = "VB Programmers" Dim c As Integer. c = a. Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - = Operator Example, _.

  2. Assignment Operators

    The following are the assignment operators defined in Visual Basic. = Operator ^= Operator *= Operator /= Operator \= Operator += Operator-= Operator <<= Operator >>= Operator &= Operator. See also. Operator Precedence in Visual Basic; Operators Listed by Functionality; Statements

  3. = Operator

    The element on the left side of the equal sign ( =) can be a simple scalar variable, a property, or an element of an array. The variable or property cannot be ReadOnly. The = operator assigns the value on its right to the variable or property on its left. The = operator is also used as a comparison operator. For details, see Comparison Operators.

  4. &= Operator

    Overloading the & operator affects the behavior of the &= operator. If your code uses &= on a class or structure that overloads &, be sure you understand its redefined behavior. For more information, see Operator Procedures. Example. The following example uses the &= operator to concatenate two String variables and assign the result to the ...

  5. .net

    2. First of all - you can't override assignment operator = ( Why aren't assignment operators overloadable in VB.NET? ). If you assign structure to new structure, you copy just value fields, reference fields will stay the same (thus your new MarbleCollection.marbles will point to same object as original MarbleCollection.marbles).

  6. Assignment Operators

    The assignment operators are: =. The equal operator, which is both an assignment operator and a comparison operator. For example: oVar1 = oVar2. Note that in VB .NET, the equal operator alone is used to assign all data types; in previous versions of VB, the Set statement had to be used along with the equal operator to assign an object reference.

  7. Operators

    Operators. An operator is a symbol (e.g., =, +, > , &) that causes VB.NET to take an action. That action might be an assignment of a value to a variable, the addition of two values, a comparison of two values, concatenation of strings, etc. In the previous sections, you've seen a number of operators at work. For example, the assignment ...

  8. Types of VB.Net Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison & Logical

    Here is an example of VB.Net arithmetic operator: Step 1) Create a new console application. To know this, visit our previous tutorial on Data Types and Variables. Step 2) Add the following code: Module Module1. Sub Main() Dim var_w As Integer = 11. Dim var_x As Integer = 5. Dim var_q As Integer = 2.

  9. VB.Net

    VB.Net - Operators - An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. VB.Net is rich in built-in operators and provides following types of commonly used operators ? ... Example = Simple assignment operator, Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand: C = A + B will ...

  10. PDF Statements in Visual Basic

    The preceding example adds 1 to the value of n, and then stores that new value in n. It is a shorthand equivalent of the following statement: A variety of compound assignment operations can be performed using operators of this type. For a list of these operators and more information about them, see Assignment Operators (Visual Basic).

  11. PDF VB.Net

    Assignment Operators There are following assignment operators supported by VB.Net: Show Examples Operator Description Example = Simple assignment operator, Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand C = A + B will assign value of A + B into C += Add AND assignment operator, It adds right operand to the left operand and assigns ...

  12. VB.NET Operators

    Arithmetic Operators in VB.NET are used to perform numerical calculations. Below are all the Arithmetic operations supported by VB.NET. Sum of two numbers. Difference of two numbers. Product of two numbers. Division of two numbers, returns float value. Division of two numbers, returns integer value. (Decimal part removed)

  13. += Operator

    This assignment operator implicitly performs widening but not narrowing conversions if the compilation environment enforces strict semantics. For more information on these conversions, see Widening and Narrowing Conversions.For more information on strict and permissive semantics, see Option Strict Statement.. If permissive semantics are allowed, the += operator implicitly performs a variety of ...

  14. Operators

    Assignment Operators in Description Example = It is a simple assignment Operator used to assign a right-side operand or value to a left side operand. X = 5, X assign a value 5 X = P + Q, (P + Q) variables or value assign to X. += An Add AND assignment Operator is used to add the value of the right operand to the left operand.

  15. VB.NET Operators

    Miscellaneous Operators; Types of VB.NET Operators. These are some of the types of VB.NET Operators: For example: x = 2 + 3. Here, = and + are the operators and x, 2, 3 are the operands. The operator is working on some things, those things are known as an operand. VB.NET Operators are a rich set of operators that are available for use. 1 ...

  16. VB.NET Operators

    In VB.NET, operator is a special symbol that tells the compiler to perform the specific logical or mathematical operation on the data values. The data value itself (which can be either a variable or a constant) is called an operand, and the Operator performs various operations on the operand. The symbol + and - are the Operators, and the 3, 2 ...

  17. Concatenation Operators in VB.Net

    The & operator is the most common way to concatenate strings in VB.NET. To concatenate strings using the & operator, simply place the strings next to each other with the & operator, in between. For example, the following code concatenates the strings "Hello" and "World" to create the new string "Hello World": Dim str1 As String = "Hello" Dim ...

  18. Why aren't assignment operators overloadable in VB.NET?

    Assignment operators cannot be overloaded, but +=, for example, is evaluated using +, which can be overloaded. These operators cannot be overloaded. With the same conversion operators: ... public static explicit operator MyType1(MyType2 src) //explicit conversion operator. return new MyType1 { guts = src.guts }; Ticket closed as "Won't Fix" in ...

  19. c#

    Here is the closest answer I personally could come up with: <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()>. Public Function Assign(ByRef Operand1 As Object, ByRef Operand2 As Object) As Object. Operand1 = Operand2. Return Operand1. End Function. Even though it allows you do do this, Dim a, b, c As Integer.