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Education in Russia - statistics & facts

General education in russia, higher education in russia, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Expected average length of education in Russia 2000-2021

Government spending on education as a GDP share in Russia 2010-2021

PISA ranking of Russia 2015-2018, by category

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Current statistics on this topic.

Government spending on education in Russia 2022, by level

Number of higher education students in Russia 2010-2022

Educational Institutions & Market

Highest earning EdTech platforms in Russia 2023

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Education consumer spending in Europe 2020, by country

Ranking of the total consumer spending on education in Europe by country 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)

Number of universities worldwide in 2023, by country

Estimated number of universities worldwide as of July 2023, by country

Trust in teachers worldwide 2022, by country

Trust in teachers as of 2022, by country

PISA results in Russia 2006-2018, by category

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results in Russia from 2006 to 2018, by category (in points)

Education spending

  • Basic Statistic Government spending on education as a GDP share in Russia 2010-2021
  • Basic Statistic Government spending on education in Russia 2022, by level
  • Basic Statistic Public education spending per student in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Basic Statistic Average consumer prices on education services in Russia 2022
  • Premium Statistic Average university tuition in selected regions of Russia 2020
  • Basic Statistic Estimated education costs in Russia 2020, by city

Share of government expenditure on education in gross domestic product (GDP) in Russia from 2010 to 2021

Government expenditure on education in Russia in 2022, by segment (in billion Russian rubles)

Public education spending per student in Russia 2022, by segment

Government expenditure on education per student in Russia in 2022, by stage (in 1,000 Russian rubles)

Average consumer prices on education services in Russia 2022

Average consumer prices on selected types of education services in Russia in 2022 (in Russian rubles)

Average university tuition in selected regions of Russia 2020

Average annual tuition fee at higher education institutions in Russia in 2020, by selected federal subject (in 1,000 Russian rubles)

Estimated education costs in Russia 2020, by city

Estimated cost of the entire educational cycle from early childhood to completion of higher education in Russia in 2020, by city (in million Russian rubles)

Preschool & general education

  • Premium Statistic Children enrolled in preschool education in Russia 2015-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of school students in Russia 2021, by educational stage
  • Basic Statistic Number of school students in Russia 2015-2021, by type of area
  • Basic Statistic Unified State Exam average score in Russia 2022, by subject

Children enrolled in preschool education in Russia 2015-2022

Number of children enrolled in preschool institutions in Russia from 2015 to 2022 (in millions)

Number of school students in Russia 2021, by educational stage

Number of students enrolled in general education institutions in Russia as of the beginning of school year 2021/2022, by stage (in 1,000s)

Number of school students in Russia 2015-2021, by type of area

Number of students in state (municipal) schools in Russia from school year 2015/2016 to 2021/2022, by type of area (in millions)

Unified State Exam average score in Russia 2022, by subject

Average score in the Unified State Exam achieved by high school graduates in Russia in 2022, by subject (in points)

Vocational & higher education

  • Basic Statistic Professional education admission in Russia 2016-2020, by level
  • Basic Statistic Vocational education student count in Russia 2016-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of higher education students in Russia 2010-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of university students in Russia 2014-2021, by degree
  • Basic Statistic Number of university students in Russia 2021/2022, by gender and age
  • Premium Statistic Number of doctoral students in Russia 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic University admission share in Russia 2017-2020, by funding type
  • Basic Statistic Leading Russian universities by QS ranking 2023

Professional education admission in Russia 2016-2020, by level

Admission to professional education institutions in Russia from 2016 to 2020, by type (in 1,000s)

Vocational education student count in Russia 2016-2021

Number of students enrolled in vocational education programs in Russia from school year 2016/2017 to 2021/2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of students enrolled in higher education in Russia from 2010 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of university students in Russia 2014-2021, by degree

Number of students enrolled in higher education institutions in Russia from academic year 2014/2015 to 2021/2022, by degree (in 1,000s)

Number of university students in Russia 2021/2022, by gender and age

Number of higher education students in Russia in academic year 2021/2022, by age and gender (in 1,000s)

Number of doctoral students in Russia 2010-2021

Number of doctoral students in Russia from 2010 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

University admission share in Russia 2017-2020, by funding type

Distribution of admissions into higher education institutions in Russia from 2017 to 2020, by tuition funding type

Leading Russian universities by QS ranking 2023

Leading universities in Russia by rank in the QS World University Rankings 2023

International students

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  • Premium Statistic International student share of higher-ed population worldwide in 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Field of study of international students worldwide 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Share of foreign university students in Russia 2021/2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Foreign doctoral student count in Russia 2014-2021
  • Basic Statistic Best cities for studying abroad in Russia 2022

Top host destination of international students worldwide 2022

Top host destination of international students worldwide in 2022, by number of students

International student share of higher-ed population worldwide in 2022, by country

Countries with the largest amount of international students as a share of the total higher education population in 2022

Field of study of international students worldwide 2022, by country

Field of study of international students worldwide in 2022, by country

Share of foreign university students in Russia 2021/2022, by country

Share of international students enrolled in bachelor's, specialist's, and master's programs in higher education institutions in Russia in school year 2021/2022, by country of origin

Foreign doctoral student count in Russia 2014-2021

Number of foreign doctoral students in Russia from 2014 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Best cities for studying abroad in Russia 2022

Leading cities for studying abroad in Russia by score in the QS Best Student Cities ranking 2022 (in points)

Institutions & infrastructure

  • Basic Statistic Capacity of preschool organizations in Russia 2015-2021
  • Basic Statistic General education institution count in Russia 2014-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of village schools in Russia 2010-2021, by ownership
  • Premium Statistic University count in selected regions of Russia 2020

Capacity of preschool organizations in Russia 2015-2021

Number of places at preschool education, supervision, and childcare institutions per 1,000 children aged 1-6 years in Russia from 2015 to 2021

General education institution count in Russia 2014-2022

Number of primary, basic general, and general secondary education institutions in Russia from school year 2014/2015 to 2021/2022 (in 1,000s)

Number of village schools in Russia 2010-2021, by ownership

Number of state (municipal) and private schools in rural areas in Russia from school year 2010/2011 to 2021/2022

University count in selected regions of Russia 2020

Number of higher education institutions in Russia in 2020, by selected federal subject

Teaching personnel

  • Basic Statistic Number of teachers in Russia 2022, by educational stage
  • Basic Statistic School teacher count in Russia 2021, by specialization
  • Basic Statistic University employee age distribution in Russia 2021, by position
  • Basic Statistic Monthly salary of teachers in Russia 2022, by education segment

Number of teachers in Russia 2022, by educational stage

Number of teaching personnel in education system in Russia in 2022, by segment (n 1,000s)

School teacher count in Russia 2021, by specialization

Number of school teachers in schools in Russia in school year 2021/2022, by specialization (in 1,000s)

University employee age distribution in Russia 2021, by position

Distribution of higher education employees in Russia in school year 2021/2022, by age group and position

Monthly salary of teachers in Russia 2022, by education segment

Average monthly salary of teaching personnel in Russia in 2022, by educational stage (In Russian rubles)

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B2C online education market size in Russia 2019-2023

Market volume of B2C online education in Russia from 2019 with a forecast until 2023 (in billion Russian rubles)

Online education market value in Russia 2021, by stage

Estimated revenue of online education in Russia in 2021, by stage (in billion Russian rubles)

Online education market share in Russia 2021, by segment

Estimated share of online in the education market revenue in Russia in 2021, by segment

Leading EdTech platforms in Russia in 3rd quarter 2023, by revenue (in billion Russian rubles)

Public opinion

  • Basic Statistic Public assessment of education system in Russia 2021
  • Basic Statistic Attitude toward the Unified State Exam in Russia 2009-2023
  • Basic Statistic Most popular university major choices in Russia 2020, by gender
  • Basic Statistic Factors influencing university major choice in Russia 2020/2021
  • Basic Statistic Factors affecting university choice in Russia 2020/2021

Public assessment of education system in Russia 2021

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Attitude toward the Unified State Exam in Russia 2009-2023

What is your opinion on the modern schoolchildren's certification system, the Unified State Exam?

Most popular university major choices in Russia 2020, by gender

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Factors influencing university major choice in Russia 2020/2021

Factors considered by students when choosing a university major in Russia in the academic year 2020/2021

Factors affecting university choice in Russia 2020/2021

Main factors taken into account by students when selecting a university in Russia in the academic year 2020/2021

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Study in Russia: Education in Russia

Higher education in Russia is similar in structure to the central European system, with a few key differences. The system is divided into four main sections – primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate education. 776 higher education institutions across 82 regions in Russia accept international students.

education in russia

International Student in Russia?

Here's what the international sanctions against Russia mean for your studies.

Higher education in Russia is similar in structure to the central European system, with a few key differences. The system is divided into four main sections – primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate education. 776 higher education institutions across 82 regions in Russia accept international students, and choosing Russia as your study abroad destination will give you a wide variety of choices in finding the right higher education for you!

It takes 11 years to complete a secondary education in Russia before students can enter the higher education system. After successfully finishing their ninth year of schooling, students will receive a certificate of Basic General Education with the option of pursuing two more years of secondary education. After finishing the two additional years, a Certificate of Complete Secondary Education will then be awarded. This certificate serves as proof that the student is eligible to pursue their higher education.

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Three kinds of higher education institutions in Russia

  • Universities offer a broad range of programs on all levels.
  • Academies place a larger emphasis on research and practical skills, normally dedicated to specific subject areas such as art, architecture or science.
  • Institutes are independent branches of universities or academies which offer professional educational courses. 

The higher education system in Russia is renowned for its achievements and emphasis in the field of science and technology.  Many of the courses offered at state-funded institutions are focused around the sciences, but a large variety of humanities and social sciences programs are offered as well! 

In recent years, private higher education institutions have emerged to complement these traditional Russian institutions, offering programs in other fields such as economics, business and law.

Degree Structures in the Russian Education System  

While education in Russia is largely based on the Bologna principles, education in Russia structures degrees slightly differently than other countries in Europe.

  • Upon completion of secondary education, students can pursue either a Bachelor’s or Specialist’s degree, both qualifying students to later pursue a master’s degree. Bachelor’s degrees are given after four years of full-time study at a university. Specialist degrees are awarded after a minimum of five years of study and are more focused on practical education in a student’s chosen field. Both qualifications require students to successfully defend a thesis and pass examinations. This degree is conferred in all fields except medicine, where the first stage of education lasts for six years.
  • Master’s degrees are awarded after two years of study with one year dedicated to research which includes practice and preparation for a thesis defense.  
  • Students who possess a master’s degree are eligible to pursue their PhD studies. Postgraduate education is divided into two parts in Russia, and two degrees are required to confirm students’ status as a scientist. Postgraduate studies can only be pursued at a university or scientific institute. After successful completion of the first part of their postgraduate education, students are awarded a Candidate of Sciences degree. 
  • The final Doctoral degree is obtained after an additional 2-4 years of study in postgraduate education. This certification then leads to a Doctorate degree. As there is a 10-year gap between both degrees, the final Doctorate qualifications are often awarded to Candidates of Science after they’re well into their careers in academia. 

Neither Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees existed in the Soviet system and were introduced to conform the Russian education system with international standards in accordance with the Bologna Process.

In addition, an  MBA in Russia  is becoming more and more popular among international students, since Russia is considered a financial superpower in the energy and gas sectors. 

This change has helped Russian higher education qualifications receive recognition and acceptance abroad, which was a previous problem for international alumni, and explains the rising number of international students choosing Russia as their study abroad destination! 

The Russian Academic Year

The academic year in Russia is split into two semesters. The first runs from September until January, and the second from February to June. This schedule is mandatory for all universities.

Overview of Russia

Russia is the biggest country in the world by a significant margin. Take a look at what it's like to study abroad in Russia and more.

Student Visas

Do you need a visa to study in Russia? Student visas in Russia are required for students from most foreign countries. Learn more about the student visa process, and what you need to enter the country.

Housing & Living Costs

Student accommodation and living costs in for international students in Russia can greatly vary, depending on where you're staying. Learn more about different student housing options and how much everything costs.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

For some students, Russian university tuition will seem a lot less expensive than their home countries. Find out more about the range of tuition fees in Russia.

Language & Culture

When you think about the size of Russia, it comes as no surprise that the country has a wide variety of languages and cultures. Take a look.

Application Process

All countries have specific admissions requirements for students to gain acceptance into a university. Learn more about the ins and outs of admission to programs in Russia, and what you need to apply.

Ready to look at programs in Russia? Use our search engine to find and compare top programs in Russia today!

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What is education in Russia like? A U.S. teacher investigates

education in russia

A truck arrives at your house. A couple you’ve never met before open the back and begin unloading stacks of broken wood, cracked tiles, dried out plaster, bent nails, stripped screws, used electrical wiring, dented sheets of metal, and a hammer made of hopes and dreams. They say, “Build us a house!”

You do your best. For years, you continue in this Kafkaesque nightmare, more people come with more supplies. You fight fires and floods and you build house after house after house. No one thanks you and most of what you build is shipped away unfinished into the scrapyard of life.

This is what it’s like to be a teacher. Except that, lest we forget, you’re also in a grotesque fairy-tale where planks of wood and strips of sheet-metal have mouths that often bite and sometimes tell you to fuck yourself.

If that seems dreary, try to remember what it felt like to be a pile of stripped screws, bent nails, and scrapped lumber.

‘Sometimes they throw puberty at you’

I’ve taught many Russian students over the years, both in and out of a classroom. In this time, I’ve learned one thing: they are just like students all over the world: they are intelligent and funny and hardworking and yes, sometimes they throw puberty at you.

When I reached out to Russians to discuss their education, I found a genuine concern and a great deal of passion. I expected anecdotes, petty complaints, and conflicting ideologies. What I received was a series of very consistent constructive ideas on where the Russian education system has gone wrong that are well worth ruminating over:

Curriculums are focused more on math and science than on humanities

Despite having one of the highest literacy rates in the world, (~100% compared to the U.S. ~86%) Some of the Russians I spoke to criticize their education system for not focusing enough on humanities:

“About the education system itself I think we have more deep learning in exact sciences (physics, biology, and chemistry are separated) so it explains why there are a lot of Russian hackers and mathematicians.” – Zoe, current high school student in Russia.

“Humanities in general are considered to be the despicable fate of those who are incompetent of doing math and physics. Thus, the technical subjects would be superior, while humanities would serve as leftovers.” – Ulia, graduated from high school in 2015.

education in russia

However, not everyone agrees. One highschool biology teacher has found that students are much more likely to excel in history over math and science:

“Most students do not know biology, chemistry, or physics very well. I am preparing some of them for exams, so I know firsthand. Meanwhile, judging by my experiences with Russian students, they're better in history. It's hard to say on what Russian schools focus. School in the USSR were good in math and geography, but now there are too many old teachers who have problems with computers and the internet. On the other hand, there are some really good schools in cities.” – Evgeny, highschool biology teacher in Russia.

There’s a lack of critical thinking and personal expression:

When I was in high school critical thinking was lauded as an essential aspect of education. I was taught to think and be critical of everything; except my teachers, the textbook, my homework, the school, my parents, the principal – it was most important to be critical of authority that was very far away, or dead.

“Compared with my experience with American universities (I know some people who teach students) — on subjects like social studies, history, etc. we almost never wrote papers that were aimed at expressing our thinking, and Americans do it all the time. We were, like, “This scholar wrote that…,” and here you effectively summarize their opus magnum, or “There are two approaches to this problem: first, …, and as opposed to this, there’s another view...” Very rarely it was required that a student actually expresses their own stance and argue it.” – Nadja, studied in Russia in the early 2000s.

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“Russian education does not seem to facilitate personal or professional development of a child, but rather holds an ambition of bluntly transitioning the facts written in a Soviet textbook into a student’s head…The complete absence of critical thinking is probably the most obvious problem in Russian schools. We are taught what to think, not how to think, which is exactly the opposite of what education should be about.” – Ulia, graduated from high school in 2015.

“Trying to teach you how to think critically is a rare thing, even if a teacher is a young enlightened person, he/she cannot do anything with that due to the staff and curriculum. Trying to make some real sense is a straight path to being fired. So, yeah, the educational system is outdated, it doesn't do its work as it did in the USSR, times have changed.” – Denis, taught biology to Russian students in Grades 5 and 9.

There’s a lack of choice for Russian students to explore new subjects

“In Russian high school you generally can’t pick subjects and make up your own schedule. You have a fixed schedule, with different subjects every day, you have a paper school diary where you write that schedule and write down your homework assignments… In the U.S., I could pick any subjects that I like, as long as combined they give you at least the minimum amount of credit required to pass the term. I liked this approach: I picked AP calculus and AP physics because I liked math, and I didn’t have to torture through chemistry or biology or art or any other subject I find excruciatingly boring.” – Ilya, studied in USA and Russia.

“In my time, Russian school education had little to no subjects by choice, and you had to complete bare minimum courses in math, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and other stuff that you may or may not need. That seems like a waste of time and effort for vertical education evangelists, but actually this basis provides you a better catch-all foundation for broad horizons, system thinking and teaches you to see connections between things.” – Nadja, studied in Russia in the early 2000s.

What are teachers like in Russia?

“The last but not the least – the attitude. The teacher is always right. They can easily call a student an idiot, an imbecile, an incompetent nobody – that is common practice. The children are shown that they can be treated like shit by the more powerful others and do nothing about it. Of course, there are great teachers with true love for education and children, but they are more likely to be an exception rather than the norm. Education is our past, present, and most importantly, our future. It demands a drastic transition.” – Ulia, graduated from high school in 2015.

education in russia

“Well, it's more about respect as you said, not discipline. Quite often teachers (usually ones from the Soviet era) are really conservative like Putin is the only true leader, women have to care more about the family than the career and stuff, and it’s hard to find the line between respectful disagreement and being a moron.” – Zoe, current highschool student in Russia.

“If we talk about the learning process itself, then in the West the teacher tries to be a friend and person, then in the Russian school teachers are often fenced off from students by the severity and the need to complete tasks.” – Nika, University Student Studying Technology.

Many teachers are underpaid and unmotivated

One of the other most consistent comments I received rings true all over the world: if we continue to pay teachers below-par salaries, future generations will suffer.

“But, the one big ‘but,’ is the salary. Teachers, such important people in people’s lives, still get low salaries. It's just barely possible to stay positive and spread joy in such conditions for a long time, you know. You just must be created for that to carry on like this long-term.” – Denis, taught biology to Russian students in Grades 5 and 9.

“Teaching is not a well-paid job in Russia, so people who really want to earn money don't work in education. Which means those who stay in education, whether they really like it or just want to torture other people. Unfortunately, those who like teaching can't last long at schools or universities and they leave the field, disappointed.” – Daria, graduated high-school in 2007.

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It fascinates me that policy makers allocate funds to make schools more high-tech without understanding a simple truth about education: a great teacher can impart far more with a stick and a pile of sand than a bad teacher with all of the iPads in the world.

I’m one of those foolish people who believe that education is the key to solving the world’s problems, but this means money needs to be better spent.

In America, we have a yearly budget for education that amounts to $68 billion. In Russia, the yearly budget for education is $10 billion. If we stack these numbers up against American and Russian military budgets, we get a good idea of our countries’ priorities: Russia: $69 Billion. America: $600 billion.

So, here is my wild idea:

Why doesn’t the world spend some of the money it uses to kill each other to compensate compassionate, well-educated teachers who are the only ones who stand a chance at raising a new generation of people who might not want to kill each other as much. Perhaps this would grant the world more parents who admire teachers, rather than think they know better; students who are eager to attend classes and learn, rather than wallow in boredom and resentment; and policy makers who understand the value of a mentor and guide in education, rather than our medley of politicians with their thumbs up their asses.

But what do I know, I graduated from public school.

Benjamin Davis , an American writer living in Russia, explores various topics, from the pointless to the profound, through conversations with Russians. Last time he explored what Russians think of guns . If you have something to say or want Benjamin to explore a particular topic, write us in a comment section below or write us on   Facebook .

If using any of Russia Beyond's content, partly or in full, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material.

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Putin's Address to the Nation on Concert Attack

Putin's Address to the Nation on Concert Attack


Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a video address to the nation following a shooting attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue, at an unidentified location in Russia, March 23, 2024. Sputnik/Mikhail Metzel/Pool via REUTERS

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin made the following address to the nation.

The following is an unofficial Reuters translation from the Russian.

"Citizens of Russia!

"I am addressing to you in connection with the bloody, barbaric terrorist act, the victims of which were dozens of peaceful, innocent people – our compatriots, including children, teenagers, and women.

The Latest Photos From Ukraine

TOPSHOT - Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners of the 93rd Separate Mechanized Brigade Kholodny Yar monitor the sky from their positions in the direction of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 20, 2024. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP) (Photo by ANATOLII STEPANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

"Doctors are now fighting for the lives of the victims, those who are in serious condition. I am sure they will do everything possible and even impossible to save the lives and health of all the wounded. Special thanks to the ambulance and air ambulance crews, special forces soldiers, firefighters, rescuers who did everything to save people's lives, get them out from under fire, from the epicenter of fire and smoke, and avoid even greater losses.

"I cannot ignore the help of ordinary citizens, who in the first minutes after the tragedy did not remain indifferent and, along with doctors and special services, provided first aid and took the victims to hospitals...

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A Maka Indigenous woman puts on make-up before protesting for the recovery of ancestral lands in Asuncion, Paraguay, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024. Leader Mateo Martinez has denounced that the Paraguayan state has built a bridge on their land in El Chaco's Bartolome de las Casas, Presidente Hayes department. (AP Photo/Jorge Saenz)

"I express my deep, sincere condolences to all those who lost their loved ones. The whole country and our entire people are grieving with you. I declare March 24 a day of national mourning.

"Additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced in Moscow and the Moscow region, in all regions of the country. The main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloodbath from committing a new crime.

"As for the investigation of this crime and the results of operational investigative actions, the following can currently be said.

"All four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, all those who shot and killed people, were found and detained. They tried to hide and moved towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border. A total of 11 people were detained.

"The Federal Security Service of Russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire terrorist support base: those who provided them with transport, planned escape routes from the crime scene, prepared caches, caches of weapons and ammunition...

"It is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully and cynically planned terrorist attack, but with the organised mass murder of peaceful defenceless people. The criminals were cold-blooded and purposefully going to kill, shoot our citizens at point-blank range - our children.

"Like the Nazis who once carried out massacres in the occupied territories, they planned to arrange a demonstrative execution, a bloody act of intimidation. All the perpetrators, organisers and those who ordered this crime will be justly and inevitably punished. Whoever they are, whoever is guiding them. I repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands behind the terrorists, who prepared this atrocity, this strike against Russia, against our people.

"We know what the threat of terrorism is. Here we count on cooperation with all states that sincerely share our pain and are ready to really join forces in the fight against a common enemy – international terrorism - in all its manifestations. Terrorists, murderers... who do not and cannot have a nationality, face one unenviable fate – retribution and oblivion. They have no future.

"Our common duty now, our comrades–in-arms at the front, all citizens of the country, is to be together in one formation. I believe it will be so, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will, our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of Russia. No one will be able to sow the poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multinational society. Russia has been through the hardest, sometimes unbearable trials more than once, but it has become even stronger. So it will be now."

(Reporting by Reuters; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Denis Shaw

Denis Shaw obituary

My father, Denis Shaw, who has died aged 76, was an academic at the University of Birmingham who specialised in Russian history and geography.

He retired from teaching in 2010, but retained an honorary position at Birmingham. He often commented that his retirement afforded him greater time to continue his research, which he regarded as his “real job”. His last book, a study of Russia’s contribution to the Age of Exploration, was completed shortly before his death and is due for publication later this year.

Denis was born in Thornton Cleveleys, near Blackpool, the third of four children. His father, also named Denis, was a barber; his mother was Doris (nee Mottershead). He attended Baines grammar school and then University College London, where he obtained both his bachelor’s degree in geography and a PhD. In 1969 he made the first of many trips to Russia, to study for a year at Voronezh State University.

Shortly after receiving his PhD, Denis took up a lecturing position at Birmingham University, where he remained for the rest of his career. He was a careful, diligent scholar who always provided extensive support to his students.

In addition he wrote a number of books, including Planning in the Soviet Union (1981, with Judith Pallot), and Russia in the Modern World (1999). He also co-authored several editions of the textbook Human Geography, popular among undergraduates.

Until the Covid-19 pandemic and what he called “Putin’s unconscionable war in Ukraine”, Denis travelled regularly to Russia, often conducting his research at the National Library in St Petersburg. He made numerous trips to the US and Europe, as well as further afield, and had a particular affinity for the south of France.

Alongside his academic interests Denis had a keen interest in astronomy. As a sixth-form pupil he had joined the British Astronomical Society, and he remained a member for 50 years, eventually being granted honorary life membership.

A hillwalker with a fondness for the Yorkshire Dales, he was also a diligent student of languages and a fan of classic comedy and classical music.

He is survived by his wife, Andrea (nee Peel) whom he married in 1985, and their children, Hannah and me, his grandsons, William and Matthew, and his sisters, Sandra and June. His brother, Ron, died in 2023.

  • University of Birmingham
  • Other lives

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