Canal do Consultor

JBP (Joint Business Plan): o que é e como usá-lo para fazer um planejamento eficiente

mar 23, 2023 | Sem categoria | 0 Comentários

joint business plan em portugues

No artigo de hoje, descubra o que é um Joint Business Plan , conhecido também como JBP , uma abordagem estratégica que está se disseminando cada vez mais no Brasil.

Confira ainda as melhores dicas para que esse tipo de planejamento de parceria entre duas empresas siga da melhor maneira possível, com o alinhamento de expectativas e ações.

O que é um Joint Business Plan?

Afinal, o que é um Joint Business Plan (JBP) ? Você já ouviu falar esse nome?

Primeiramente, vamos entender o significado desse termo. Em inglês, quer dizer “Plano de Negócios Conjunto” . Ou seja, é um planejamento feito em parceria com duas empresas, geralmente indústria e varejo. Elas alinham, entre si, ações que serão executadas a médio e longo prazo. 

Em outras palavras, o Joint Business Plan é uma forma de fazer com que ambas as empresas andem juntas em busca de resultados positivos para todos , inclusive o cliente final.

Para que serve?

Antes de mais nada, é importante lembrar que varejo e indústria são segmentos que se complementam e que têm objetivos comuns de alcançar faturamento.

Sendo assim, por que não trabalhar juntos para chegar aos resultados desejados? É para isso que serve o Joint Business Plan (JBP) .

Essa estratégia não é exatamente nova, porém vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço no mercado, principalmente nos últimos anos. 

Como já mencionei anteriormente, essa ferramenta é utilizada com o objetivo de trazer benefícios para ambas as partes e também para os consumidores finais. Forma-se, então, uma parceria, facilitando o alcance dos resultados. 

Quais são as vantagens do Joint Business Plan?

Essa estratégia possui diversos benefícios , como você verá abaixo:

1) Aumento do faturamento:

Em primeiro lugar, o aumento do faturamento. Muitos negócios apenas seguem o fluxo para aumentar vendas. Porém, muitas vezes, as estratégias não são bem-sucedidas. 

Por isso, com o plano de negócios , a indústria e varejo podem fazer estudos aprofundados e se ajudar mutuamente para chegar ao objetivo desejado.

Sendo assim, esse é o principal benefício do JBP . 

2) Ganho de produtividade:

Do mesmo modo, uma vantagem que podemos notar é o ganho de produtividade, já que as empresas trabalham em conjunto, compartilhando conhecimento, inovação e tecnologia.

Como resultados, as duas empresas ganham tempo e vantagem em relação a outros concorrentes. 

3) Relacionamento próximo:

Na grande maioria das vezes, as conversas entre indústria e varejo se resumem apenas a discussões sobre preços de produtos. 

Contudo, com um plano de negócios bem estruturado, é possível aprofundar esse relacionamento, criando uma aliança mais fortalecida.

Aqui, a ideia é ter uma visão de longo prazo, que vá além das conversas cotidianas e que possa gerar muitos frutos positivos para ambas as partes. 

4) Eficiência logística:

Outro benefício é a maior eficiência logística, já que os problemas envolvendo essa parte são bastante comuns em toda a cadeia (desde a indústria, passando pelo varejo, até o consumidor final).

A boa notícia é que a criação de um JBP que alinhe os diferentes grupos envolvidos pode reduzir essas dificuldades, resultando assim, em entregas mais rápidas aos consumidores.

Resumindo, os benefícios do Joint Business Plan são muitos:

  • Aumento de faturamento;
  • Fortalecimento da marca;
  • Criação de novos produtos;
  • Desenvolvimento tecnológico;
  • Expansão de canais de vendas;
  • Criação de novos canais de vendas ;
  • Aumento do ticket médio dos produtos.

Agora que você já conhece todos os diferenciais do JBP , veja a seguir como montar um bom plano de negócios e aplicá-lo de forma eficiente. 

Como aplicar o JBP para fazer um planejamento eficiente?

É fato que elaborar um Joint Business Plan de sucesso pode ser desafiador.

Por isso, separei aqui algumas dicas incríveis para você aplicar essa ferramenta de forma eficiente e, assim, ter mais sucesso no planejamento.

1) Escolha uma empresa parceira:

Em primeiro lugar, é preciso escolher a empresa parceira que trabalhará em conjunto na construção do JBP .

Para isso, é essencial criar uma relação de confiança e comprometimento, afinal, serão compartilhadas informações confidenciais, pesquisas comportamentais, planos de crescimento, enfim, inúmeros dados estratégicos.

Sem confiança e colaboração de ambas as partes, o plano de negócios não terá sucesso.

2) Forme equipes multidisciplinares:

Em seguida, será necessário criar equipes multidisciplinares, que atuaram na criação e execução de um bom plano de negócios. 

Essas equipes devem incluir profissionais de planejamento, vendas, atendimento, logística, entre outros. 

Isso fará toda a diferença para que as empresas não se esqueçam de nenhum aspecto relevante durante a elaboração, e para que o JBP seja bem-sucedido. 

3) Comece priorizando objetivos:

Depois, o processo segue com cada parte envolvida compartilhando seus objetivos, interesses e necessidades, além de concordar que é preciso fazer um trabalho conjunto para ter bons frutos. 

Com isso, o resultado final será um plano que todos desejam seguir, afinal se veem representados nele.

Um erro muito comum é criar planos unilaterais, ou seja, pensados somente pelo varejo ou pela indústria, sem levar em conta a outra parte.

Além disso, é preciso focar no longo prazo, pensando de maneira realmente estratégica e voltada para o futuro. Sendo assim, um plano de negócios desse tipo pode ter duração de um a três anos, envolvendo atividades contínuas.

4) Levante dados:

Em seguida, é o momento de levantar dados, analisando o comportamento dos consumidores e do mercado de atuação. 

Isso é fundamental para que as estratégias criadas sejam bem embasadas.

5) Compartilhe informações e crie o plano:

Nesta fase, as equipes se juntam para apresentar os dados levantados, compartilhando ideias sobre cada questão.  

Essa reunião também pode ser aproveitada para fazer a criação do plano de negócios, com foco colaborativo. Aqui, também deve ser firmado um compromisso entre ambos os negócios.

6) Defina responsáveis:

Por mais que a estratégia seja colaborativa, é importante que cada parte tenha seus responsáveis.

Eles irão fazer o acompanhamento dos objetivos em cada etapa do plano de negócios,  além de análises e ajustes nas definições conforme os resultados que estão sendo obtidos.

7) Registre as definições:

Por fim, crie um documento para registrar as definições, incluindo todas as iniciativas, os membros responsáveis por cada tarefa, os recursos necessários, o cronograma de desenvolvimento e as métricas que serão analisadas.

Dessa forma, com etapas claras a se seguir, ficará muito mais fácil engajar a equipe no cumprimento do JBP e ter resultados positivos.

joint business plan em portugues

Em suma, desenvolver um plano de negócios conjunto é apenas o primeiro passo para que a indústria e o varejo trabalhem de maneira colaborativa para obter melhores resultados.

Espero que você tenha achado essas dicas úteis para o seu negócio. Elas são fundamentais para garantir mais eficiência no planejamento. 

Porém, vale lembrar que a verdadeira chave para o sucesso de um Joint Business Plan é o relacionamento.

Um bom relacionamento entre as partes faz toda a diferença na execução das estratégias, principalmente quando as empresas possuem culturas diferentes. Nesse caso, o papel das lideranças de ambos os lados é imprescindível! 

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Alice Amigo

JBP: Plano de Negócios em Conjunto

por alice | set 14, 2021 | Meu Blog | 0 Comentários

Joint Business Plan

O que é e para que serve o JBP?

JPB significa Joint Business Plan . Em português, “Plano de Negócios em Conjunto”. Esse termo é aplicado aos planos de negócio elaborados pela indústria em parceria com os seus clientes. Ou seja, com os canais de venda e distribuição (varejistas, atacadistas, distribuidores, aracarejos etc).

O JBP é um plano de longo prazo (geralmente um ano). O plano contempla metas e objetivos traçados em comum acordo entre indústria e varejo (ou qualquer outro formato de canal de venda e distribuição). Através de estratégias e iniciativas definidas em parceria, espera-se que as metas sejam alcançadas. O JBP é muito útil para direcionar as ações que devem ser executadas para o alcance das metas de crescimento.

Como estruturar um JBP?

1 – defina os objetivos.

Como qualquer planejamento, o ponto de partida é definir com clareza os objetivos a serem alcançados. Portanto, a indústria e o respectivo canal de venda (não coloco especificamente varejo porque é possível montar um JBP com um distribuidor também, por exemplo) devem definir quais são as ambições esperadas para os negócios.

Do lado do varejista, os objetivos podem ser desenvolver o CRM da rede e fortalecer os canais digitais, por exemplo. Já do lado da indústria, pode ser trazer novos consumidores para determinadas categorias e fortalecer o seu posicionamento de ser uma empresa inovadora. Com a clareza dos objetivos, é importante que se estabeleça o “como chegar lá”. Ou seja, as estratégias.

2 – Compartilhem as estratégias

É importante que a indústria e o canal de venda se reúnam para alinhar os objetivos e buscar a direção em comum. Com isso, devem compartilhar as suas estratégias de crescimento, buscando sinergia de interesses. Aliás, um importante papel do trade marketing é ser um integrador de interesses dos canais de venda e distribuição, do shopper e do fabricante. Se você quiser entender melhor o papel do trade marketing, clique aqui.

Nesse sentido, é importante que a indústria compartilhe: informações de mercado, calendário de lançamentos e outras informações relevantes que fomentem a relação de negócio com o cliente. Já o varejo / distribuidor / atacadista deve compartilhar suas estratégias como, por exemplo: abertura de novas lojas (no caso do varejo e atacarejo) ou atendimento a novos CNPJs (no caso do distribuidor / atacadista), calendário promocional e ferramentas de ativação disponíveis para uso da indústria (espaços em loja, ações de CRM, ações promocionais etc).

3 – Definam os pilares de crescimento a partir das ações que serão feitas

Com objetivos e estratégias alinhadas, deve-se definir os pilares que vão trazer o crescimento. Ou seja, quais são as iniciativas que serão realizadas, no decorrer do ano? Quais ações feitas em parceria vão promover o crescimento para ambos? Essas iniciativas podem ser: pontos extras em loja, lançamentos, novas lojas, aumento de packs promocionais etc.

É importante quantificar o incremento que será trazido para ambos a partir de cada iniciativa. Isso implica em ter uma boa visão analítica. Essa é uma habilidade esperada para profissionais de trade marketing. Ter uma base histórica de resultados como ponto de partida para os cálculos, ajuda bastante. A partir disso, pode-se chegar ao building block . O building block é a estruturação em gráfico das iniciativas e dos seus respectivos incrementos. O resultado do ano anterior deve ser o “ponto de partida” e o crescimento projetado o “ponto de chegada”.

joint business plan em portugues

4 – Definam a meta

Com o building block estruturado, é possível saber qual será a meta a ser alcançada com o plano. É muito importante que a meta seja estruturada de maneira embasada. Ou seja, devem ser feitas análises e devem existir premissas para que a meta não seja “ilusória” ou “chutada”. A meta de crescimento deve ser de ambos: indústria e cliente (canal de venda e distribuição). Os dois lados precisam se comprometer com o alcance dos resultados. Lembre-se: JBP é uma Plano de Negócios em Conjunto , que tem como principal objetivo promover ganhos aos negócios da indústria e do varejo / atacarejo / distribuidor / atacadista.

5 – “Planilhe” para facilitar o acompanhamento

Uma vez que os objetivos, estratégias, iniciativas de crescimento e metas estejam estabelecidas, é importante organizar tudo em um só arquivo que deve servir como base para acompanhamento do plano no decorrer do ano. É fundamental que aconteçam reuniões periódicas com os times comerciais (e isso inclui o trade marketing) da indústria e do canal de venda para revisar o plano, validar as iniciativas e acompanhar periodicamente se os objetivos e metas estão sendo alcançados.

Uma planilha que possa servir como base para acompanhamento ajuda bastante. Com isso, é possível compilar todas as informações e ir mensurando os resultados.

Se você acha que precisa de ajuda para elaborar o JBP junto aos seus clientes, conheça a minha consultoria . Entre em contato comigo e terei um enorme prazer em lhe ajudar!

Para aprender mais sobre temas relacionados ao universo do trade marketing e do varejo, siga meu perfil no instagram e curta a minha página no facebook .

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How to Create an Effective Joint Business Plan


For two businesses to form a joint venture, they need a plan that outlines the nature of the business coalition. A joint business plan defines the state of the companies involved, the purpose of the joint business and the partners’ responsibilities.

A joint business plan describes all the activities that these business ventures must carry out to achieve specific goals.

The relationship between the two parties and their goals must be clearly understood. After creating the business plan, it must go through a legal review to test its legitimacy. In your business planning, you work together in a collaborative relationship toward mutually agreed terms.

Business planning for joint ventures helps the parties leverage resources, reduce costs, combine expertise and/or enter foreign markets. A well-defined joint business plan is vital for any agreement and business strategy.

What is a joint business plan?

A joint business plan is a document that defines a merger between two or more companies. It describes the purpose and responsibilities of each partner in the incorporation. You may also see it as a collaborative process of planning where a supplier and retailer agree on both long- and short-term goals, including growth, finances and shared initiatives for profitability.

The purpose of a joint business plan is to design a win-win strategy for increasing consumer sales. This plan allows the partners to build a formidable relationship with retailers for mutual support and benefits. Having agreed upon goals, both parties share insights on a common vision for better support, customer growth, enhanced process and improved sales.

Business planning depends on interested parties sharing their plans with defined mutual growth opportunities. The partners can detail and share strategic planning, growth strategy, tactics and any area of competitive advantage.

The joint business plan is created once a partnership agreement is mutually beneficial and defined. Parties would draw up, approve and sign a formal contract before the execution of the plan. This is followed by a periodic review of joint scorecards based on necessary performance metrics to fine-tune strategies.

The joint business planning process comprises every possible logistic, including human resources planning and how to reach project milestones. Resource accountability is vital to building trust. Your best tool for transparent resource use and accountability is a resource planner .

If the employees of the venture will need to go to a different location, the venture will likely have difficulty planning their tasks and locations. TimeTrack Auto-Scheduling provides joint ventures with a transparent planning tool that reduces effort and enhances error-free shift planning.


TimeTrack Auto-Scheduling

Types of joint business plans

Standard plan.

This is often referred to as the working plan. It offers an overview of the company, outlines its goals, and details when and how entrepreneurs wish to achieve the goals. Such a plan helps secure funds, investments or loans. Within the plan, you could specify how you will use investor funds and their potential profits.

What-if plan

Sometimes things don’t go as planned in business. The what-if business plan defines the various roadblocks that a company might face as it strives to achieve its business objectives. The venture is largely at the whims of external factors, including the supply chain and stock market. You need to outline a predictable scenario to let business partners know how to recover their funds.

One-page plan

While a detailed plan is vital, there are instances where you will need to provide an abridged version of your plan. This one-page business plan outlines the summary of demand, solution, model, management team and action plan.

Start-up plan

A business plan for entrepreneurs, especially those in the early stages of their business planning, will need a start-up business plan. It is designed to give potential investors the bigger picture and outline how you want to achieve your goals. It often includes an executive summary, background, product and service descriptions, market analysis, costs and financial projections.

Expansion plan

This is a business plan that’s necessary when you need to scale your business and identify the necessary resources for its development. These could be financial investment, an additional workforce, new products or raw materials. This plan will detail the business background, needed resources and how they will contribute to growth and business expansion.

Operational plan

An operational business plan revolves around near-term goals , especially those you will work towards achieving within a year. It defines the activities your venture will focus on and emphasizes the role of the workforce and budgeting in achieving the operational goals. In most situations, the heads of departments are key participants in the operational plans because of the need for approval in achieving the goals.

Strategic business plan

This is different from the others because it focuses on how departments can work together. This venture plan is more comprehensive and requires senior-level approval before implementing goals. This plan answers the questions of how to achieve goals, what resources are needed and the execution plans for achieving the goals.


Joint business planning tips

Companies that benefit from a joint business plan

A joint venture exists mainly as a contract between new cooperating partners. In forming a joint venture, each of the business partners agrees to the assets they will bring to the table and how income and expenses will be shared.

While a joint venture is a corporation between two or more entities, each of the companies, be it an individual, company, corporation or group of individuals, still has its original legal status, though not all joint ventures result in a new business entity. These companies could be sole proprietorships or partnerships, limited partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies or non-profit organizations.

Examples of a joint business plan

Perhaps you have an online venture selling high-quality products at reasonable prices, while needing to increase brand strength. Such an example of a joint business plan outlines a company overview, executive summary, product and service offerings, marketing strategy, market analysis, budget and financial planning.

A joint business plan may be designed for ventures rendering menu services such as lattes, espresso, coffee, cappuccinos, and sandwiches. The business plan outlines an executive summary and studies your competition , target market, marketing plan, ownership structure and operational plan.

A joint venture could be designed around offering services such as shipping, faxing, postal and copying to residents to conduct research , create debate space and generate ideas. This example of a business plan will include an executive summary, a vision and mission statement, goals, objectives, and measures, organizational structure, marketing analysis and a financial plan.

Top strategies for effective joint business plan

In a joint business venture, there are risks which include rising complexity, cultural diversity, high failure rates and language diversity. The strategies detailed below will benefit the venture in navigating the challenges through effective joint business planning.

Strategic plan

Strategic global planning is an effective business practice for entering a new market. It helps to identify opportunities and threats. Before beginning strategic planning, be sure that a joint venture is the right action for you. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the partners to confirm a good match. Your strategic plan should explain why you want to collaborate with that partner and what you hope to achieve, how to monitor trends and collect good data. Some of the reasons you may wish for a new joint partner may be to enter a new market, geographic expansion, financing, etc.

The right partner

The choice of partner is crucial, but what is more important is understanding the effectiveness of partners in delivering on their promises. Do your due diligence on your partner’s attitude toward collaboration, performance and level of commitment. What about sharing the same objectives?

Effective communication for a great relationship

After your investigation, if you deem the partner fit, find mutual ground. Communication is the key to a good relationship. Make sure your partner understands the foundation of the joint venture and agreement. Ensure they agree on human resources, financial contributions and goals. To consolidate the stability of your venture, be upfront, honest and transparent about your objectives.

Clarify how, what, and where

Be clear on the vision, strategic plans and scoreboard to ensure that everyone is energized and united about the goal. Define a common working pattern. This has to include conflict management, decision-making, collaboration, problem-solving and technology strategies. Focus on win-win solutions.

Track performance

Is everyone putting in the hours and making productive headway? One way to gauge this information is by time tracking. One of the challenges for companies whose employees work in shifts and in different locations is tracking attendance. TimeTrack Attendance Tracking helps companies monitor employees’ work hours and leave days, so that managers can stay up to date on potential delays.


TimeTrack Attendance Tracking

Once you have set out the goals and vision for the new venture, establish key performance indicators, the data you want to track and the process to measure those performance metrics. This involves creating a joint scorecard for each metric against trends and competition. The targets you set must guard against possible problems the partners might encounter.

Build trust

Your best joint business strategy is to build trust and create value, without which your partnership is bound to fail. Trust is the foundation of every partnership. It is an important factor in business planning. Without it, neither partner can succeed. How do you manage diverse cultures, interests and languages if the partners lack trust? Trust builds team strength and encourages creativity while promoting collaboration.

Good leadership

The cost of poor leadership is so high that you must not venture into joint partnership without assurance of good leadership. Focus on building good leadership and not just creating “bosses”. Leadership presents the biggest opportunities to change the performance narrative. Create a strong leadership team, from whom all employees can learn.

A joint business venture is not without its challenges. To ensure a successful collaboration, focus on a clear strategy, excellent communication, transparency and strong leadership.


I am a researcher, writer, and self-published author. Over the last 9 years, I have dedicated my time to delivering unique content to startups and non-governmental organizations and have covered several topics, including wellness, technology, and entrepreneurship. I am now passionate about how time efficiency affects productivity, business performance, and profitability.

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8th & Walton

What Is a Joint Business Plan (JBP)? Benefits & Best Practices

By 8th & Walton | on October 2, 2022

From small businesses to large corporations, the most successful companies begin and stick with a clear business plan. When a company defines its goals, lays out a path to meet objectives, and agrees on financial spending and expectations, it creates a shared vision and accountability to succeed.

Many businesses experience greater growth when partnering with another business. In the supplier and retailer relationship, both parties working independently would be detrimental. To create a mutually beneficial partnership, they must begin by defining each company’s responsibilities, expectations, and needs in a joint business plan.

What Is a Joint Business Plan?

A joint business plan (JBP) is the collaborative process of planning between a retailer and a supplier in which both companies agree on short-term and long-term objectives, financial goals, growth, and shared business initiatives for profitability.

Joint business planning focuses on agreeing on common objectives and aligning on a single goal or set of goals. The companies in the joint business plan must work together to accomplish a shared vision.

What Is the Purpose of a Joint Business Plan?

For retailers and suppliers, having a joint business plan can create a win-win strategy in growing consumer sales. An effective JBP allows suppliers to build stronger relationships with their retailers so both parties can mutually support and benefit from each other.

When a retailer and supplier recognize each others’ needs and agree on common goals, they can share insights to support each other and improve sales, customer growth, and processes.

How Does a Joint Business Plan Work?

Two companies can come together with a joint business plan because they have one thing in common: a shared shopper . Whether it is a supplier partnering with a retailer or a children’s clothing company partnering with a toy manufacturer, having the same target audience is the first element that brings the companies together.

The companies considering a joint business venture should then share their individual business plans and discuss their mutual growth opportunities. This is where the general goals and areas of support can be defined. Specific tactics and category strategies can also be fleshed out in early discussions before moving to the formal process.

Once both companies are in agreement that the partnership will be mutually beneficial, the joint business plan can be created. Formal contracts are drawn up, approved, signed, and the plan is ready to be executed. Periodic reviews and necessary adjustments to the JBP are recommended as needed.

Benefits of Joint Business Planning

Why enter into a joint business plan with another company? The benefits can be not only financial but educational as well:

  • Aligning goals.  For a retailer/supplier joint business plan, being aligned on goals creates clarity on all other areas of the business. Defining expectations on all areas from marketing to supply chain to sales goals leaves minimal area for questions. Agreeing on goals, no matter how and when they are measured, keeps both parties accountable and benefits both to meet expectations.
  • Shared resources and exposure. Partnering with another company can bring a new audience and a new platform. In a simple retailer/supplier joint business plan, the retailer can introduce the supplier’s product to its core shoppers. At the same time, shoppers loyal to the supplier’s product or brand can be introduced to the retailer’s store and website for the first time.
  • Greater return on investment.  By partnering with another company with a shared vision, the benefits above will provide a better ROI when the plan is executed correctly.

Joint Business Planning Best Practices

How can companies ensure their joint business plan is a good fit for both parties? These are some best practices to include in preparation for entering into the partnership:

1. Align Internally First

Before entering into a joint business plan with another company, all members of the business must agree on the benefits of the partnership. Recognizing the advantages and seeing the bigger picture is key. When employees are in alignment within the company, it will be easier to align with the partnering company on the shared vision of the joint business plan.

2. Create the Plan Together

When two businesses enter into a partnership, the joint business plan should not be built by only one. A company sending another a complete plan or just a form to fill out is not collaborative. Both companies need to build the plan from the ground up. Collaborating in the development of the joint business plan is just as important as executing the plan itself.

3. Set Specific Goals

Expectations for success in the partnership need to be specific. “We need to grow sales” or “production costs will decrease” are good goals, but too general. Keep specifics in your plan that are as specific as they are realistic. If one company wants to grow sales by 40% in the next quarter, this should be spelled out in the joint business plan so get early support or push back from the other company.

4. Assign a Metric to Each Goal

Putting a metric with a goal keeps the company accountable to the mission of the joint business plan. For example, if the goal is to grow sales by 40% in the next quarter, it would be wise to assign a weekly growth metric. If the metric is too low over a few weeks, the plan shows that action needs to be taken immediately in order to meet the 40% sales growth goal for the quarter.

5. Communicate Responsibility and Accountability

The joint business plan is the place to eliminate all guesswork. If Company A is responsible for providing labels to Company B, be very specific about the responsible parties. Clarify that the packaging coordinator of Company A will mail the labels to the warehouse manager of Company B on the first of the month.

6. Include Risks and Solutions

Planning for setbacks is key to planning for success. The joint business plan should include any possible risks or obstacles foreseen by either company. Having solutions in place for multiple scenarios makes the plan easier to execute.

7. Constantly Evaluate the Relationship

Joint business plans work better with trust, mutual respect, and a great working relationship. Keeping the relationship healthy between the companies and individuals relying on each other brings more success to the overall plan. Monitor the relationship periodically and work to resolve conflicts as they arise.

Joint Business Plans at Walmart

Walmart works with its suppliers to create plans for sales and category growth. The company relies on suppliers to bring insights to the table to spot trends and get in front of potential gaps in the business.

Back in 2011, Walmart created a joint business plan with Proctor and Gamble to pick up lost sales in air fresheners. This category was down over 2% across the chain, but P&G brought insights to Walmart on how consumers were purchasing throughout the industry.

Consumers had no problem going to Walmart for aerosol sprays for under a dollar, but would then go to specialty stores to purchase expensive candles in the same scent. Through communicating through the joint business plan, Walmart was able to create excitement around higher price-point items and show the shared shopper they could purchase the extra items in one store.

Positive business collaborations can be extremely beneficial in growing retail sales. Two companies sharing a common vision can build on each other’s best practices and support each other to mutually win at the register.

Suppliers looking for support in their Walmart business have found great collaboration with 8th & Walton. Our team of experts supports suppliers to improve reporting, analytics, supply chain, accounting, and more. To begin a great collaboration with us, request a free 15-minute consultation this week.

About the Author

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8th & Walton consists of retail industry experts with a combined 200+ years of Walmart and Walmart supplier experience. Having helped hundreds of CPG companies in their efforts to be better supplier partners to the world's most influential retailer, the 8th & Walton editorial team prides itself on being a go-to resource for Walmart supplier news and insights.

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What Is Joint Business Planning?

Joint Business Planning (JBP) helps Consumer Goods suppliers and retailers build winning relationships that benefit both parties and improve the commerce experience through clear insights into the other's needs and recognition of mutual interests.

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Charles Redfield

Executive vice president and chief merchandising officer – sam’s club (walmart).

The symbiotic relationship between retailer and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies has, till now, been able to support steady growth based on demand alone. Now, as the Consumer Goods (CG) industry continues to shift away from organic expansion, the need to reach more customers and engage new audiences is more important than ever.

Let's dive in to some of the key shifts our customers are seeing in the retail environment:

Authentic challenger brands are continually entering the market. According to a recent  survey  carried out by McKinsey, 30-40% of consumers have been trying new brands and products during the pandemic. Of these consumers, 12% expect to continue to purchase the new brands after the pandemic. More competition = more difficulty obtaining or retaining market share.

Global supply chain stress has created a multitude of issues for companies seeking to keep costs down. Disruptions in labour markets have seen 15% of companies with insufficient labour for their facilities to keep up with increases in demand, leading to inflation re-emerging as a significant problem for the first time since the 1970s.

Changing consumer needs are not only encouraging the rise of new, healthier alternative brands but also instigating real legislative change. For example, in October 2022, HFSS (High in Fat, Salt & Sugar)  regulations  will see a crackdown on promotions for unhealthy food and drinks, which will have serious repercussions for both suppliers and retailers.

joint business plan em portugues

Evan Sheehan

Retail, wholesale & distribution leader - deloitte global.

These shifts have caused retailers to change the way they do business; the traditional playbook needs to be thrown out and rewritten. The diversification we have seen in channels, models and store formats means that retailers’ expectations for suppliers have changed. And, as increasing numbers of authentic challenger brands come to market, competition has never been higher. 

For both retailers and suppliers, Key Account Management (KAM) needs to be revisited. A culture of test & learn in real time needs to be applied to contend with these new market entrants and, with “key accounts contribut[ing] between 40% to 80% of revenue for a branded supplier” in developed markets as indicated by this article by Bain & Company , the time to reinvent is now.

Major incentives for change can be distilled into these three points:

joint business plan em portugues

In the past, the CPG industry power dynamic has often favoured the supplier, but this is no longer the case. Only 3% of retailers are in an exclusive relationship with just one supplier in a given category, indicating the clout they hold to sway access to consumers is higher than ever before. With a number of Consumer Goods companies falling prey to a one-size-fits-all to their global business models, they have been losing valuable ground to more specialised, relevant competitors.

For CPG companies, visibility at point-of-sale for their products is vital. For retailers, getting the product in-store to sell is their business. Having retailers being ‘on-side’ and aligned is game-changing for suppliers. 

But, as indicated in the name, Joint Business Plans need to be exactly that: Joint. If the manufacturers arrive at the table with a railroad agenda, offering little to no agency to the retailer, it will be too one-sided and off balanced. If retailers have unrealistic expectations, e.g broad assortments or 24-hour delivery, from certain suppliers, the equilibrium of the plan will be thrown off from the outset. This is where the value of insight-sharing cannot be understated; IGD asserts that both sides must 'be prepared to share information with each other' to achieve success.

Both CPG companies and retailers need to be able to influence the plan and offer respective insights to avoid creating a zero-sum atmosphere.

For companies collaborating on Joint Business Plans, certain proactive steps need to be taken to fit the plan to benefit both parties. Bain & Company have set out five key steps that they have seen Consumer Goods companies take to achieve 'more trustful and productive' relationships and provide significant value.

joint business plan em portugues

Entering into a business relationship, such as a JBP, with a full understanding of where a potential partner is in the market is pivotal to a successful collaboration. Being aware of any weaknesses provides the opportunity to address them before they become an issue and impact your business. 

In turn, a complete understanding of your own business’ strengths and weaknesses before embarking on any external partnership is equally important. A Joint Business Plan can only be successful if it truly brings benefit to both the retailers and CPG companies; without this, joint commitment can’t be assured. 

This demands the creation of an environment where retailers and CPG companies can offer total visibility into their data, thereby enabling creation of target audiences and consumer journeys. As indicated by an IGD Industry Survey , ‘Too often trust is the biggest barrier to putting any proposal into action’. Data transparency reduces the possibility of down-the-line surprises and potential derailing of the plan.

While keeping costs down may be advantageous, it is vital not to lose sight of the top priority; understanding the target customer segments. 

Customer data extracted through the collaborative JBP can help maintain product stock levels, illustrate demand and identify trends in product distribution. Without this information, even a theoretically perfect Joint Business Plan will fail. Understanding who the customers are and what they are buying better enables CPG companies and retailers to produce and distribute - keeping the customer’s needs at the crux of their strategy.

It’s important to note that Joint Business plans are not one-size-fits-all; it may take more time to differentiate a plan to make it more tailored to a specific relationship, but the benefits can outweigh the expense.

Research by POI illustrates that 58% of CPG companies are struggling with retailer aligned compliance for store-level promotion execution. Clearly, there is a concerted need to ensure in-real time that assured promotions are being carried out, but 27% of CPG companies do not get any real-time insights into retailer compliance, forcing them to wait until the end of a cycle to make any significant changes.

While promotion compliance isn’t a new issue in the Consumer Goods industry, it can be a major roadblock to a JBP. With teams in the field, far more regular compliance checks can be performed and the information shared much wider, much faster. 

The dialogue between each party needs to continue beyond initial negotiations and agreements. Regular meetings provide opportunities to correct mid-cycle issues, where the retailer and CPG company can align on real-time results and solutions. 

Without clearly defined and tracked performance metrics, the success of the JBP is uncertain. Both parties need to agree on what data sources are going to be reviewed. Expectations must be laid out internally and externally, to establish what each side hopes to get out of the arrangement. This will prevent potential disappointment if or when unaired expectations aren’t met. 

It is also important to have discussed and agreed upon the terms and investment in the JBP. Going into a project aware of the value that each business is adding to the other and being able to quantify the ROI is fundamental to a successful Joint Business Plan.

As shown in the recent Promotion Optimization Institute (POI) State of the Industry Report , 64% of manufacturers have challenges when looking for data from retailers. When data is such a foundational element to gainful retailer partnerships, it needs to be shared. The ideal is to involve teams from across the company including distribution, sales, finance and marketing. Siloed internal communication can negatively impact information sharing and lead to failure of a JBP.

CPG companies need to leverage real-time insights pulled from a range of commercial data sources that allow them to optimize strategies based on their business goals and current supply and promotion constraints. This maximises the value of every dollar invested in trade spend.

Closely aligned with the tenets of Bain's Key Account Management Commercial Excellence framework, Aforza drives Joint Business Planning with an end-to-end platform of core functionalities:

Account 360° View : Gain a complete view of an account's hierarchies and key relationships, as well as visibility into all engagement activity across channels.

Real-time Data & Insights on Account Performance: Get real-time insights, from a range of commercial data sources, across all aspects of your key account performance.

Integrated Trade Promotions: Optimize trade spend and target key customers by displaying a real-time view into promotion performance, inventory levels, sales order insights, budgets & funds, plans & objectives.

Retail Execution Checks from Field Sales Teams: Leverage your teams in the field to check key account compliance and take promotion-based order capture with penny-perfect pricing on mobile; online or offline .

Digital Asset Management : Ensuring all important business documents are centralised and accessible against the account, such as contracts and Joint Business Plans.

Check out this demo from Aforza's Chief Product Officer, Nick Eales, as he showcases how leading Consumer Goods companies are leveraging Aforza to create productive account collaborations that unlock revenue potential like never before:

With industry-leading innovations and capabilities, the Aforza cloud & mobile solution continues to help consumer goods companies sell more and grow faster. Take the first steps now and create productive account collaborations that unlock revenue potential like never before.

joint business plan em portugues

Joint Business Planning at WOW Tech

WOW Tech Group was founded in 2018 with the coming together of two industry leaders, Womanizer Group Management GmbH from Germany and Standard Innovation Corporation from Canada.

Their stated mission is to be the premier provider of pleasure products that enable people all over the world to increase the satisfaction of their personal and sexual well-being.

With Aforza, WOW Tech enabled Joint Business Planning by allowing Key Account Managers (KAMs) to easily set up and manage account plans and set sales targets across various KPIs. 

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  5. O que um Joint Business Plan?

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  4. JBP: Plano de Negócios em Conjunto › Alice Amigo

    JPB significa Joint Business Plan. Em português, "Plano de Negócios em Conjunto". Esse termo é aplicado aos planos de negócio elaborados pela indústria em parceria com os seus clientes. Ou seja, com os canais de venda e distribuição (varejistas, atacadistas, distribuidores, aracarejos etc). O JBP é um plano de longo prazo ...

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    O Joint Business Plan (JBP) ou Plano de Negócio é um conjunto de estratégias executadas a longo prazo entre indústria e varejo, visando alcançar resultados positivos para todas as partes, incluindo o consumidor final. Diferentemente do que muitos possam pensar, o JBP não é uma estratégia de vendas de um produto ou serviço.

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    Muitos exemplos de traduções com "joint business plan" - Dicionário português-inglês e busca em milhões de traduções. Consultar o Linguee; Propor como tradução para "joint business plan" Copiar; DeepL Tradutor Write Dicionário. PT. Open menu. Tradutor. Traduza qualquer texto graças ao melhor tradutor automático do mundo ...

  8. Será que você precisa de um plano de negócios (JBP)?

    Um termo direto como planejamento de negócios (Joint Business Plan) pode parecer simples de ser estabelecido, mas a complexibilidade está na verdade intrínseca. O plano de negócios sempre estabelece uma conexão entre partes, por exemplo, varejo e indústria, e essa "liga" é diretamente o objetivo, ou seja, o que é comum entre ambas ...

  9. Joint Business Plan (JBP): O que é e como aplicar em vendas, com

    Na 33ª edição do Raise The Bar, vamos falar sobre: "Joint Business Plan (JBP): O que é e como aplicar na área comercial", com Rodolfo Alegre, Diretor Comerci...

  10. Joint Business Plan (JBP): O que é e como aplicar na área ...

    Na 33ª edição do Raise The Bar, vamos falar sobre: "Joint Business Plan (JBP): O que é e como aplicar na área comercial", com Rodolfo Alegre, Diretor Comercial da Farmax, uma das maiores indústrias de... - Listen to Joint Business Plan (JBP): O que é e como aplicar na área comercial, com Rodolfo Alegre, Diretor Comercial da Farmax I Raise The Bar #33 by Raise The Bar, com Rodrigo ...

  11. joint business plan

    Many translated example sentences containing "joint business plan" - Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations.

  12. Joint business plan: Definition and tips

    A joint business plan defines the state of the companies involved, the purpose of the joint business and the partners' responsibilities. A joint business plan describes all the activities that these business ventures must carry out to achieve specific goals. The relationship between the two parties and their goals must be clearly understood.

  13. What Is a Joint Business Plan (JBP)? Benefits & Best Practices

    A joint business plan (JBP) is the collaborative process of planning between a retailer and a supplier in which both companies agree on short-term and long-term objectives, financial goals, growth, and shared business initiatives for profitability. Joint business planning focuses on agreeing on common objectives and aligning on a single goal or ...

  14. business plan

    plano de negócios m. The director presented the new business plan. O diretor apresentou o novo plano de negócios. less common: plano estratégico m. ·. plano de negócio m. ·. plano de empresa m.

  15. What is Joint Business Planning (JBP)?

    A Joint Business Plan can only be successful if it truly brings benefit to both the retailers and CPG companies; without this, joint commitment can't be assured. This demands the creation of an environment where retailers and CPG companies can offer total visibility into their data, thereby enabling creation of target audiences and consumer ...

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